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Design of Experiments Course Syllabus - Spring 2024

STAT 670-01
Design of Experiments
Spring 2024
Educator: Robert J. Parody
Office Carey 14-2237
475-5288 voice 475-5959 fax
E-Mail: rjpeqa@rit.edu
Course Management Software: mycourses.rit.edu
Text: Design and Analysis of Experiments, D. Montgomery
Introduction and Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Tests – Both 1 and 2 sample
One-way ANOVA
Replicated 2k Factorial Designs
Unreplicated 2k Factorial Designs
Fractional Factorial Designs
Fold-over and Screening Designs
Nuisance Variables (Blocking)
Response Surface Methods – Designs
Response Surface Design – Analysis
Measurement Systems Analysis
Office Hours:
By Appt.
There will be a dropbox folder available for each assignment. You are allowed to work together
on homework, but each person must hand in their own work. Although I will not officially grade
homework, if you do not hand it in, I will drop your grade by one letter. No late assignments will
be accepted.
All homework assignments containing equations or any symbols that is done on the
computer must be done in some sort of equation editor package. I suggest Microsoft
equation editor, or math type. In other words, unless it is text, it should be done in
equation editor! If you do not use some sort of equation editor, your homework will not be
Quizzes will be given during Weeks 4, 9, and 15. Two exams and a final will be given. The final
will be comprehensive and will be due during finals Week. All exams are open everything,
although you may not work together. All other homework rules apply.
Each quiz will be open book and taken in mycourses. You will have 1 week to find a 90 minute
slot to take the quiz. Once the quiz starts, you have to finish it. Quizzes will be multiple choice
so you should be able to get your grade immediately. We will talk more about this later.
Each person is expected to do a project. You can work in groups of 2 if you wish. You will need
to hand-in one project per group. The project should be something pertaining to the material that
we cover in the course. Each person/group needs to submit their idea to the instructor and get it
approved by the end of Week 10 at 5 PM. Any group that does not meet this requirement will
receive a 10% penalty on their project. Projects will be due during finals week. The project format
is available on MyCourses. The project report should follow the defined format. Again I expect
equation editor to be used for any equations or symbols in the report. Once again, no late project
reports will be accepted.
Exams 60%, Quizzes 30%, Project 10%
When handing in homework or projects that contain computer outputs, only provide me with ones
that have relevance. This output should be clearly labeled to tell me where the important material is.
I do not want to see the assignment questions, or the datasets themselves. I only want relevant
information. I will not accept an assignment with the questions or datasets included.
I do not want a 3 problem homework assignment returned with 40 pages. This may seem like an
exaggeration, but trust me it isn’t. Any deviation from this will result in loss of points on that
While you may use any software package you wish, I would suggest that you
yourself with something other than Minitab. There are some things that we
will be doing
that you will not be able to do in Minitab. I suggest you use either SAS or R or both. R can be
downloaded from www.r-project.org and SAS on-demand can be used. More information on SAS
on-demand will available shortly. Programs to do some things will be available in R and SAS from
the instructor. This does not mean that I will be available to troubleshoot your code. As a graduate
student, you should be able to investigate how to use certain software packages to do certain analyses.
That being said, I will not give any credit for questions on homework or exams that have answers
like: I wanted to do this, but I could not get the code to work. Also, I will not accept: I wanted to do
this, but I didn’t know how to do it in package X.