Prefix/Root/Suffix Definition Example/memory tool a- (an-) aden/o ~algia amni/o angi/o anteanter/o arth/o axill/o brady- no, not, without gland amnion blood or lymph vessels before front of body joint armpit slow anemia, asexual adenoma fibromyalgia, neuralgia amniotic fluid, amniocentesis angioplasty antepartum (prenatal) anterior arthritis axilla, axillary temp bradycardia carcin/o carp/o ~centesis cervic/o coccyg/e colp/o cutane/o cyst/o cyt/o (~cyte) dysecto~emia endoencephal/o epiepitheli/o eryt+h r/o ~genic (~gen) glyc/o (gluc/o) gram gynec/o hemat/o (hem/o) hepat/o hyperhypohyster/o inter- cancer carpals/wrist puncture to remove fluid neck tailbone vagina Skin urinary bladder cell bad, abnormal outside blood condition within brain above, on top skin red carcinogen, carcinoma, carpal tunnel syndrome amniocentesis cervical, cervicitis, cervix coccygeal, coccygectomy colposcopy Subcutaneous Fat cystoscopy, cystitis leukocyte dysmenorrhea ectoderm, ectopic pregnancy anemia (an = no, emia = blood) endometriosis, endocytosis encephalitis epidural, epic Epithelium (layers of our skin) erythrocyte (red blood cell) born of/ produced by sugar record AFAB body blood liver More than normal lower than normal uterus between intra~itis labi/o lapar/o later/o ~lysis Inside, within inflammation lips abdomen side loosening, break down pathogenic, carcinogenic; genesis (the beginning) hyperglycemia, glyc sounds sort of like glucose Instagram is a record of our pictures gynecology hematology hepatitis Hyperactive hypotension hysterectomy I always think you have to “Inter a building because you’re outside” (interracial) intervertebral intravenous (inside the vein) appendicitis labial laparoscopy lateral, mediolateral episiotomy paralysis; Lysol painful condition Word.Part.Conference _ Study Guide_ hlth1010.MCU08/ 95Update S2020 malmamm/o (mast/o) mediastin/o ~megaly men/o neonecr/o nephr/o ~oma onc/o oophor/o opthalm/o (opic/o) ~osis oste/o parapartopath/o peri~plasm ~pnea pos\/polyPre- (pro-) retrorhin/o -rhea ~rrhage salpingo~sclerosis ~scopy son/o ~stasis steth/o subtachythorac/o thromb/o ~tomy; ~ectomy trans~trophy ven/o ~y Bad breast between lungs and chest enlarged monthly; menstruation New death Kidney Mass or tumor Cancerous tumor ovary Eye abnormal condition Bone alongside childbirth Disease surrounding living tissue, growth, formation breathing position Many Before Behind or back nose Flow or discharge excessive bleeding Fallopian tubes hardening to look, visual exam sound stop, control, place chest, breast Below Quickly, fast chest clotting cutting INTO/ OUT across nutrition, nourishment, growth vein condition Word.Part.Conference _ Study Guide_ hlth1010.MCU08/ 95Update S2020 Malnutrition, malpractice mammogram / mastitis mediastinum adenomegaly; (MEGA= large) menopause Neoplastic, neonatal necrosis Nephrology Melanoma Oncologist oophorectomy Ophthalmologist psychosis Osteoporosis paraprofessional, paramedic partum Pathogen peritoneum-membrane surrounding the abdomen endoplasm apnea posterior, predispose Polycystic Prenatal Retro “back in the day” rhinoplasty Amenorrhea hemorrhage Hysterosalpingography, “Flamingo” multiple sclerosis laparoscopy sonography hemostasis, stethoscope Submarines (under the water) Tachycardia thoracic spine thrombosis, “throbbing” appendectomy, hysterectomy transfusion; transverse hypertrophy, “Trophy for growth” venoscope, venipuncture pregnancy INSTRUCTIONS: Define the meaning of each prefix/root/suffix. Identify a term that uses the specific word part, or any memory tool that helps you remember the term and its definition. This outline is intended to be a learning tool. Answering the questions of this outline is optional and will not be submitted for a grade. Conference/Discussion Prompt: ● What are ideas you have for remembering some of the terms reviewed in the live session? ● Language is a complex medium of communication. Consider, why do we have medical terminology? As you may notice, there are two or three names for everything; how does that make sense? What are the pros and cons of using a medical language? (Optional- 2 Ted Talks) ● reply to a classmate Word.Part.Conference _ Study Guide_ hlth1010.MCU08/ 95Update S2020