Honors Algebra 2 13.4 Sine and Cosine Graphs Worksheet Name ________________________________________ Date________________ Hour _____________ For each function, state the amplitude, if there is a reflection, the phase shift and the vertical shift. Write “none” for transformations that do not exist. Then graph the function. Step #1: Start by graphing the parent function = if there is no period change (b). If there is a period change, find the new intervals first, then graph the parent graph as usual. Step #2: Write the transformations IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY OCCUR Step #3: Graph each transformation – one at a time, use more than one color!!! Step #4: Label your final graph. 1. = sin Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 2. = 4 sin Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 3. = 2sin Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 4. = sin + 3 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 5. = sin −4 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 6. = sin − Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 7. = − sin +3 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 8. = −2 sin( − ) Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 9. = 4 sin − Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 10. = − sin + + 1 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 11. = 3 sin( + ) − 2 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 12. = cos Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 13. = cos Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 14. = 3 cos Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 15. = cos − 5 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 16. = cos − + 2 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 17. = 3 cos 2 − 1 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 18. = − cos −2 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 19. = − cos( − ) − 1 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 20. = 3 cos + − 2 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 21. = −2 cos 2( − ) + 1 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: 22. = cos( + 2 ) + 3 Period: __________ Amplitude:_______ Reflection:_______ Phase Shift:__________ Vertical Shift:__________ Transformations: Directions: Match the graph with its equation by writing the appropriate letter next to the equation. 23. y 4 sin 4 x ________ 24. y cos x ________ D. 25. y 4 cos 4 x ________ 26. y 4 sin 1 x 4 ________ 27. y sin 2 x 2 ________ 28. y cos x 2 ________ 29. 1 y cos x 1 2 E. G. ________ F.