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Safety Instruction Manual

Bradley Machine Shop
Safety Instruction Manual
Table of Contents Index
Forward, Task, Purpose, Performance Objectives
1. Safety glasses
2. Student Shop Safety Rules
2a Never work alone
2b No loose clothing
2c Open-toed shoes
2d Short pants and Skirts
2e Remove jewelry
2f Long hair
2g Long beards
2h Aisles and exits
2i Cell phones/electronic devices
2k Approval
2l Guards and shields
2m Compressed air
2n Damaged equipment
2o Injuries
2p Supervisors and monitors
3 Guidelines for shop safety and conduct
3a Introduction to shop safety
3b How do accidents happen
3c User responsibilities
3d Operational guidelines
3e Mandatory requirements for operating machinery
4 Machining guidelines
5 Guidelines for Shop Clean-Up
CCET Student access and usage policy
Safety Rules for the CCET Machine Shop
Statement to be signed by Machine Shop Users
This safety manual was created to provide effective and informative Shop
Safety Information to the students of Bradley University Machine Shop. We
recognize the necessity for a practical and applicable safety program for the
protection of our students. The cooperation of each student is required to
make this program a success.
Jeremy Brockhouse, Shop Supervisor, 309-677-2736
Describe required safety procedures and practices.
Specific safety procedures and practices that are required use in the machine
shop, not only because it makes good sense, but because Federal Law
requires it. Most importantly, failure to observe safety rules and regulations
can endanger you and those around you in the machine shops. In short, the
machine shop can be dangerous place. The importance of knowing and
following good safety practices cannot be over-emphasized, because this is
the only way the dangerous situations can be avoided.
Students will develop an understanding of safety procedures and practices
required in the machine shop with the use of this manual. They will be able
to apply these procedures and rules in the operation of all equipment present
in the student machine shop. Access to the student machine shop will be
suspended, when a student fails to abide by these procedures and practices
that have been presented in this safety manual.
Guidelines for Shop Use
1. Safety Glasses:
 Everyone must wear safety glasses in all areas of the shop!
 Safety glasses use in the student machine shop is a requirement of Bradley University and
OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.133
 If a compressed air line is used in the shop, you could be at risk of being hit by flying chips
from another area of the shop.
2. Student Shop Safety Rules:
Never work alone – In the absence of professional staff, a student monitor must be physically
present in the shop for any work to occur. When you arrive, you must legibly sign your name, date and
time you arrived at the notebook just inside the shop door. You must sign out of the shop upon leaving
b) No loose clothing may be worn in the shop, including ties, scarves, and loose or long sleeves.
Tight long sleeves may be worn for religious reasons along with scarves if tucked in appropriately.
c) Open‐ toed shoes are prohibited.
Short pants and skirts are prohibited.
Remove jewelry before beginning work, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches.
Long hair must be pulled back and secured and contained.
Long beards must also be contained.
Aisles, exits, and access to emergency equipment must be kept clear at all times.
Cell phones, mp3 players, and other personal electronic devices must not be used when
working at any machine. Loud music is prohibited.
Food and drinks are not permitted.
Approval to operate power equipment must be obtained prior to use.
All guards and shields must be secured and in place prior to operating equipment.
Compressed air must not be used to clean skin or clothing, or to clean off
large amounts of chips off of equipment.
Do not use damaged equipment, or equipment that does not appear to be
operating normally. Report the issue immediately to the Supervisor.
Immediately report all injuries, problems or concerns to the Supervisor.
Supervisors and Monitors have full authority over the shop and its safe use, including
the responsibility, authority, and obligation to prohibit shop or tool access for the safety of an
individual, others in the shop, or the equipment.
3. Guidelines for Shop Safety and Conduct:
Please read these safety guidelines carefully and follow the rules described. If you have any questions
about the operation of any machine, tool, or process, ask the area supervisor for instructions
BEFORE USE. The first steps in preventing personal injury or machine damage in a shop setting is:
 Make sure that you are familiar with, and know how to correctly and safely operate the
equipment you will be using.
 Be familiar with all processes and associated hazards that a job may entail.
 Understand the properties and hazards of all materials you will be working with, including personal
protective equipment (PPE) needed to complete a job safely.
 Always be aware of your surroundings (be careful not to bump into other students while they are
working on a piece of equipment)
 Listen to the machine you are using. If it doesn’t sound right, turn the machine off, and report the
 Do not attempt to measure a part that is moving.
 Don’t let someone else talk you into doing something dangerous.
 Do not talk to someone while they are operating a machine.
There will be no horse play of any kind in the shop
b) How do accidents happen?
Accidents are caused by inattention, taking chances, horseplay, bad judgment, fatigue,
uncooperativeness, improper clothing, defective tools, etc.
 It is the individual user’s responsibility to not engage in any behavior or activity he or she feels is
unsafe or that could result in injury to themselves or others.
 Do not operate equipment or perform any procedures that you are not familiar with. Ask the area
supervisor (instructor) for training or guidance so that you may complete your duties safely.
 Safety is the individual’s responsibility. All users of the Bradley University Machine Shop have
the right to stop work if they believe they have not been properly trained to operate any piece of
equipment, or to perform a procedure safely. This includes the providing of personal protective
Do not work in the machine shop if tired, sick or in a hurry. No horseplay. Think through the entire
job process before starting. Machines must be shut off when cleaning, repairing, or filling with oil.
e) Mandatory Requirements for operating Machinery:
Prior to operating machine shop equipment all requirements must be met, see requirements below.
 Machine shop Supervisor/Instructor, or Shop Monitor, must be present while operating
machine shop equipment.
 User has received training on the use of specific machines
 User is knowledgeable of machining processes
4. Machining Guidelines:
Know the capabilities of the machine you are using.
Check your part to make sure that it is secure in the vise, 3 jaw chuck, etc.
Never leave a machine running unattended.
Never use a file without a handle. Files have a tapered tang that could be jabbed into, or
through your hand.
When using a Jacobs chuck or a 3 jaw chuck, please be sure to remove the chuck key before
turning the machine on.
Special setups must be approved by the Shop Supervisor before machining will be
Special setups must be broken down after you have finished the machining.
Report all accidents to the Shop Supervisor, TA, or shop monitor.
Return all tools to their proper place when you have finished using them.
If you believe that a machine is not functioning properly, inform the Shop Supervisor, TA,
or monitor, so the problem can be fixed.
If you believe that a piece of material may be hot. Use the back of your hand to check on the
heat coming off of the part, without touching it.
Always clean the machine you have been using at the end of your session.
Never work by yourself in the Machine Shop.
No food or drink is allowed in the Machine Shop.
Emergency phone automatically dials 911.
Before you begin machining, plan out the machining steps before you begin.
Do not rush or take chances. Obey all safety rules.
Do not operate machinery if you are taking prescription or over the counter medicines that
cause drowsiness.
Do not drink any alcoholic beverages before coming to work in the Shop.
Alcohol is prohibited for the shop.
5. Guidelines for Shop Clean-Up
Clean up the machine or area you were using, before you leave the shop.
Remove all tooling that you used from the machine, before you start to clean the machine
Return all tooling to its appropriate place when you are done
Clean the chips from tools and chip pan. Start at the top of the machine working down to the
lowest part of the machine.
Sweep chips on the floor up using a broom and dust pan
Do not use compressed air to clean off machinery
Report any damage, broken tooling, or missing items to the Shop Supervisor, TA, or
Plan 15 minutes into your schedule for general cleaning around the machine area you are using
The Shop Supervisor, TA, and Monitor have full control over the shop. If you are asked
to cleanup, or to do a better job at cleaning, please do so.
1. Access
2. Usage
Names of students who need access should be submitted by a faculty advisor or the Department
Chair or the Dean’s Office through a Google Form.
Students access will be limited to the semester/term they are working on a project or course
Students are NOT permitted in the machine shop without supervision under any
circumstances. The term “supervision” means that a supervisor should be within earshot (on the
same floor of BEC as the equipment being used) of the students working on any piece of
Student hourly workers and teaching assistants are NOT allowed to open the CCET machine shop.
In order to use any equipment, the user must be adequately trained under supervision of the CCET
machine shop supervisor or certified tech. Once the CCET machine shop supervisor determines
that a user is adequately trained on a given piece of equipment, the user may begin to use that
equipment. The CCET Machine Shop Supervisor will maintain records on users that have received
adequate training. All users must record their usage on a log form maintained for each (major)
instrument or equipment.
CCET machine shop usage should be scheduled between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through
Friday, excluding holidays. Otherwise, machine shop usage must be arranged and approved by the
CCET machine shop supervisor and the CCET Dean’s Office.
In case of conflict between two groups needing the same piece of equipment, the assignment
priority shall be (1) course instruction and/or course related activities; (2) Approved Bradley
research contracts; (3) senior or graduate students research projects. Personal projects are not
allowed in the CCET machine shop.
Upon completion of the work, the user must inform the CCET machine shop supervisor that their
work has been completed and they would no longer need the equipment. All users must sign out
the log form they signed in on.
The faculty member in charge of the course of project is responsible for acquiring the needed
materials, tooling, fixtures, etc., and set-up, as well as conducting experiments.
Tools, fixtures, materials, and other accessories needed for a particular project or class shall be
stored in the home department of the relevant faculty.
The two-person rule applies to all users, including faculty and staff, while operating any
equipment or machinery in the machine shop. A second person (e.g., staff or student) should be
available to be present within earshot to support the two-person rule for faculty/staff
The machine shop should be cleaned up and all tools and any items (or materials) that were used
must be returned to their original location after each use. Tools and equipment checked out from
the machine shop must be recorded on a log form at the entrance to the machine shop.
Tools will be locked and unavailable for checkout after the machine shop closes for the day.
3. Attire
4. Reporting
Appropriate footwear shall be worn all times in the laboratory.
Appropriate clothing and gloves must be worn when operating different equipment.
Safety glasses shall be worn at all times in the laboratory.
All accidents, injuries, and/or unsafe conditions in the machine shop must be reported using the
University Reporting Form available with the machine shop supervisor.
5. User Privileges
• User privileges may be suspended or revoked by the Dean’s Office if access, usage, or safety rules
and protocols are violated.
6. Safety Rules
All users are required to follow the safety rules for the CCET Machine Shop, which are
summarized below. No exceptions.
Safety Rules for the CCET Machine Shop
All students, faculty and staff while working, supervising or instructing in this room must follow these safety
rules. Failure to do so will greatly increase the probability of personal injury to you or someone else. Common
sense must be practiced at all times. Safety is everyone’s responsibility! Violations of these rules should be
reported to the CCET machine shop supervisor (phone: 309-677-2736; 309-677-2968).
REQUIRED SUPERVISION: In order for students to work 'after hours' in CCET Machine Shop, they must meet the
following criteria:
For ‘after hours’ access to the shop, students must have permission from their project advisor and
the CCET machine shop supervisor as well as sign in and sign out on the proper log sheet.
Their advisor (or authorized University representative) must agree to supervise the ‘after
hours’ activities while students are in the shop, and must remain in the building and within
earshot during this time.
First Aid Kits, Eyewash Stations, and Fire extinguishers are located at both the main entrance and
the rear entrance to the CCET machine shop. BEC is wired to alert occupants of any emergencies
stemming from fire hazards or other events. Telephone is available by the main entrance into the
In case of EMERGENCY, CALL 911
NEVER WORK ALONE: Working alone while operating power tools or equipment or handling hazardous
fluids or materials is not permitted. Supervision is required while using shop equipment.
SAFETY GLASSES: Safety glasses or goggles must be worn at all times while working in the shop. No
EAR PROTECTION: Wear ear protection when noise exceeds safe levels to safeguard against possible
hearing loss.
DUST PROTECTION: Use a face or dust mask if the operation creates dust. All persons in the area should
also wear face or dust mask.
WEAR PROPER APPAREL: When in the shop, do not wear loose clothing, draw strings, gloves, neckties,
rings, watches and other jewelry. Long sleeves are to be rolled up above the elbow, and confine long hair.
Tight long sleeves for religious reasons are allowed, along with scarves that are tucked in. Closed-toed
shoes and full-length pants are required. Non-slip footwear is recommended. No sandals or flip-flops are
WORK AREA: Keep work area clean. Do not leave equipment or tools on floor in the immediate work
area. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents. Regularly clean chips, scrap, and dust from work
surfaces and the floor. Keep aisles and exits clear.
AVOID DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT: Keep the work area well lighted. Do not use power equipment or
tools in the presence of water, flammable liquids or gasses. Keep flammable liquids in safe and approved
HAND SAFETY: Keep hands away from rotating shafts, spindles, cutters, gears, pulleys and other rotating
parts on machinery and equipment. Never attempt to remove scrap, chips or debris until all moving parts
have come to a complete stop. Never wear gloves while operating power machinery or equipment. Do
wear protective gloves while working with cleaners or strong chemicals that may harm skin.
OBSERVE WARNINGS: Read and obey all warning and information labels, tags, decals and signs on
equipment or machinery before operating.
GUARDS: Keep machine guards in place at all times when a machine is in use. Do not operate any
equipment while guard is not in place. If a guard is missing or broken, notify the Shop Supervisor
MAINTAIN EQUIPMENT: Follow instructions for changing accessories. Inspect power cords before use and
if damaged, alert shop supervisor. Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil and grease.
REMOVE CHUCK KEYS: Form a habit of checking to see that all keys or wrenches are removed before
turning on power to equipment. Always turn off power before removing or replacing tools, bits or blades.
SECURE WORK: Always use appropriate clamps or vise to hold work. For example, NEVER hold a work
piece in your hand while operating drill press or other rotating spindle machines. Securing work enables
both hands to be used to operate equipment safely.
SAFE FOOTING: Maintain a balanced stance and keep your body under control at all times. Do not attempt
to overreach while operating tools or equipment.
DO NOT MISUSE: Do not attempt to use tools or equipment for any purpose other than that which it was
designed, or to use beyond rated capacity.
REPORT ALL ACCIDENTS: In an emergency call 911. All injuries, accidents and near misses must be
reported to the Shop Supervisor. Accident Reports must be completed for all accidents with injuries and
can be obtained from University Police by calling extension 2000.
POWER: Always turn off power when equipment is not in use, before servicing and when changing
accessories, blades or cutters.
AVOID UNINTENTIONAL STARTING: Make sure power switch is in the off position before connecting
power to equipment. Do not carry a plugged-in power tool with finger on or near switch.
GROUNDING: If any equipment or tool is equipped with a three-prong plug it should be plugged into a
three-hole (grounded) electrical receptacle. In cases where an extension cord is used, make sure it also is
grounded. If you find a piece of equipment that is missing the ground plug, STOP, do not use the
equipment and alert the shop supervisor immediately.
VISITORS: All visitors and children should be kept a safe distance from work areas. Any student that has
not been through a shop orientation class is to be considered a visitor and kept away from work areas.
CARELESS ACTS: Pay close attention to the work you are doing. Looking around, carrying on a
conversation and “horseplay” are careless acts that can result in injury. When contacting an operator of
equipment do not touch them physically but rather stand a safe distance where they can see you and wait to
be acknowledged.
BE ALERT: Do not operate tools or equipment while impaired. For example, being overly tired, being
under the influence of alcohol, or while taking any drugs or medication. When doing any physical work,
using hand tools, power tools or other equipment you need to be alert at all times. This will prevent injury
to you and others. NO usage of mobile devices allowed while operating any equipment.
FIRE SAFETY: In case of fire, leave the area. Contact the fire department by either activating a fire alarm
or calling 911. If the fire is relatively small and manageable use a fire extinguisher. Use an extinguisher
designed for the type of fuel in the fire: A-Combustibles, B-Flammable Liquids and C-Electrical. To
operate remember PASS. P. Pull the pin, A. Aim at the base of the fire, S. Squeeze the trigger, and S.
Sweep back and forth.
There will be no smoking, eating, or drinking allowed. You are allowed to bring a water bottle in the
No headphones allowed while in the machine shop. This will enable you the hear the other people in case
of emergency, and to hear the equipment for signs of failure.
Statement to be signed by Machine Shop Users
I have read and agree to follow all the access and usage safety protocols in the machine shop. I realize that I must
obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of other machine shop users. I will also closely follow the oral
and written instructions provided by the instructor and the machine shop supervisor.