Food, Inc Fast Food to All Food 1. The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous ____________.” 2. “The modern American supermarket has on average ___________________________ products.” 3. What were the advantages of the McDonalds restaurant switching to an assembly-line type operation? 4. McDonalds is the largest purchaser of ____________________ & _________________. 5. In the 1970’s the top 5 beef packers controlled only about 25% of the market. Today the top 4 control more than ___________ % of the market. 6. How are the names of brands and labels placed on meat and dairy products in the supermarket misleading? 7. List two ways that chickens are physically different now than in the 1950s, before the green revolution. 8. Vince Edwards, the chicken grower working for Tyson, was not given permission to allow the filmmakers inside his chicken coops. Speculate to the reason for this, after watching the segment with Carole Morison, the Purdue grower. 9. What are some of the health issues faced by the chickens as a result of their accelerated growth and confined living conditions? What does Carole do to try to lessen these health problems? 10. Explain why farmers are economically bound to the large meat companies A CORNucopia of Choices 1. “So much of our industrial food turns out to be clever rearrangements of _______________.” 2. About 30% of the United States land mass is used to grow corn. Government policy allows farmers to produce corn ___________ the cost of production. They are ________ to ___________________ 3. 90% of the food on supermarket shelves contains either a __________ or ______________ ingredient 4. List three products that are partially made of corn. 5. The average person eats 200lbs of meat per year. They say the meat industry is not sustainable if animals do not eat a corn based diet, what is a solution to this problem? 6. What is a CAFO stand for ________________________________________ 7. Cattle and other ruminants are designed to eat ___________. However are fed __________ because it is cheap and makes them________ quickly 8. What bacteria has made its way into the food system because of their corn based diet? 9. Name two ways animals at a slaughterhouse might spread the bacteria