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Brand YOU Assignment: Setting Objectives & Bucket List

"Setting Objectives for Brand YOU"
If a SWOT (Assignment 1) strategically shows where the brand (YOU) is right now, answering the
question, "What is the current situation facing "Brand YOU" right now?, then OBJECTIVES
strategically asks you (the brand), "Where you want to be in the future?" What connects where you
are (SWOT) to objectives is called strategy. So for this assignment, you will be coming up with a list of
at least 100 things you want to do before you die - your own "Bucket List"!
This assignment helps prepare you for job interviews (and the final exam), for example:
• What do you like to do in your spare time?
• Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
• Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
• Why did YOU apply to this job? At this company/organization? At this time?
INSTRUCTIONS: Provide the following…making sure that this is showing YOUR work, your creativity,
what YOU would like to show an employer, as if they are asking you to do this before they consider
hiring your for your “dream job”. Feel free to add images/photos (your own or those you find – just
make sure you properly label a figure or table when it is not your own work!
COVER PAGE: The title should be "My Bucket List" with your full name on the cover and the
date you turned it in. But by all means feel free to "personalize" it a bit with a graphics or
some image(s)/photos! Remember to include "Source:" for the photo if it is not your own!
INTRODUCTION: You should be able to write 1-2, A4 pages with some paragraphs about:
o What have you been asked to do and why?
o What do you hope to gain by doing this?
o Have you had such a list before? How have you integrated it into this assignment?
o If not, how come you had no "life" or "Bucket List"?
o How have you organized the list(s) and the report? Be specific in your writing. Provide
explanation, examples and detail here and in the discussion/reflection at the end!
THE LIST(s): How you organize your list(s) is up to you...it says something about your
personality to find your own way of doing this:
o Remember that up to 40% can be (if you want to) things you have already
o However, at least 60% (or more) must be NEW things.
o Feel free to organize it into categories:
 Perhaps a "main list for PROFESSIONAL (career) objectives (types of jobs;
roles; perks; salary goals)
 Then PERSONAL (life) list(s): Experiences; travel; family; material
possessions; etc. - but organize and share it your way!!!
o Make sure you find a way to show what has been completed vs. what is still left to
do (best is to "strike-through" the text).
o You could also use a check mark vs. "box" bullet point for showing your "have done"
vs. "still left to do" lists; or even have separate lists for "have done" vs. "still left to
o TIM RECOMMENDS starting with a "Already have done" list, then a "Things still to
do" list...
PLEASE find a way to number the list(s) as well, so Tim does not have to count how
many items you have!
DISCUSSION/REFLECTION: Again use paragraphs to write 1-2, A4 page(s):
o This is where you could add a paragraph about where you see yourself in 5 years (or
5 years after you graduate); another paragraph on where you see yourself in 10
years (or at a specific age – 40; definitely write a paragraph about where you see
yourself when you are close to retirement – let’s say when you are 61 like Tim, and
most of your career is behind you?
o How was it to do this assignment (fun; challenging; interesting; boring)?
o In the beginning you wrote what you hoped to gain - here write about what you did
o Was it more or less (or different) than you thought in the beginning (in your intro)?
o Connect back to what you brought up in your intro regarding what you thought about
having to do this assignment? What you hoped to gain?
LAYOUT: FOR ALL YOU TURN IN: Single or 1.5 spacing; 11 or 12-point font; 2.5 cm on all four margins.
Use a “normal”/readable font like Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial…
TURNING IT IN: Upload as a single PDF in the Canvas Room for “Assignment 2” based on the report
that YOU design and put together for this assignment!
QUESTIONS: E-mail tim.foster@ltu.se