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SLSS Stress Eating News Transcript

Anchor 1: Good morning Sablanians! Its me you’re looking for Leodel Luna your
news anchor.
Anchor 2: And I’m Kzeff Wakat your news anchor and your watching PH69.
News Headlines:
Anchor 1: We have some reports that the number of students affected by stress
eating is increasing at SLSS INC.
Anchor 2: According to reports SLSS is having a crisis about their students having
stress eating. For further details we have our reporter Gershwin Dalidig, kindly
update us for more information’s.
Reporter 1: So I’m here live at SLSS, SLSS is a private and catholic school. Their
are reports were cases of stress eating is spreading and students has been affected.
So with the permission of the school principal I have the authority to interview
some of the students. So we are lucky to have one of victim in stress eating.
Reporter 1: Excuse me I’m Gerswhin mabalin ba agdamag questions?
Victim: Yes, mabalin lata
Reporter 1: So name yu Mr.?
Victim: I’m Andrei Gaw-a AKA taraki
Report 1: So we have some reports that your school is having a crisis about stress
eating. May I know what is your opinion about that?
Victim: Para kanyak pinaka reason me nu apay nga ag stress eating kami cause of a
lot a school paper works or requirements to do. Our time is being limited cause of
doing a lot of requirements having a small amount of time in sleeping and time para
iti sarili mi.
Reporter 1: Do you have any suggestions that it will help the students to overcome
stress eating?
Victim: Ti e suggest ko kt e lesser school paper works ken long passing period of
the requirements. Tas bawas bawasan da jay panag ited ti assignments. Intead of
8:00am to 4:00- 5:00pm ti time for schooling kt 8:00am to 2:00-3:00pm puman to
have a more time to rest and time for our family and selves.
Report 1: Thank you for the time nga naited mo kanyami Mr. Andrei. Once again
I’m Gerswhin Dalidig reporting from SLSS, Back to the studio. Yum nagimasen.
Anchor 2: Hahaha! Thank you Gershwin
Anchor 2: And we will comeback later.
Break 1:
Anchor 2: Welcome back!
Anchor 2: 68% of the population of students at SLSS is affected on stress eating.
For further details we have Charmaine Sanchez.
Reporter 2: I am live at SLSS, so we have Ma’am Faith Camhit a schoolteacher
from SLSS. Kt ma’am Faith agpayso ba nga 68% of the population of students are
affected on stress eating?
Teacher: Yes ma’am, we are trying our best to stop this crisis and help our dear
students to overcome this stress eating.
Reporter 2: Ma’am mabalin ba nga maamoan mi nu nya nga move ti aramiden u to
overcome this crisis.
Teacher: We been planning to ask our dear students what are the things that they
are stressing out. We want to know kayat mi maamoan nu apay da nga maisistress
tapnu if we know we may do some changes or do something may help them.
Reporter 2: Can you give any advices to your dear students or do you want to say
Teacher: For my dear students stress eating is not the only option you can talk to us
your teachers and we will help you.
Reporter 2: Ok thank you for the time ma’am and that’s all back to the studio
Anchor 2: Thank you Charmaine
Anchor 1: Lets have Dr. Jyn from DOH of Italy. Dr. Jyn can you tell us more about
stress eating and bad or negative effects of it.
Doctor: Stress eating, also called emotional eating, is typically referred to as
overeating due to feelings of stress or negative emotions. During a stressful event,
the body releases cortisol, a hormone that helps the body protect itself. Stress eating
can also raise your risks for diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart
Anchor 1: How to overcome it or to cure stress eating doc.
Doctor: Take care yourself by monitoring your health through physical and mental.
Take breaks when needed or engage self-relaxation. Maintain having a good health
and always think positive. That’s all!
Anchor 2: We very thankful to have you Dr. Jyn
Anchor 1: That’s is it for today. For more updates kindly go to our Fb page PH69
News Updates. I’m Leodel Luna your news anchor
Anchor 2: And I’m Kzeff Wakat your news anchor
Both anchor: And reporting for Channel PH69.. Good bye see you again