Civic Education Notes 10-12-1-1 Visit your nearest branch Uploaded by Simon SimuntalaSearch ! 89% (279) · 70K views · 119 pages Document Information " Original Title Save notes 10-12-1-1 Civic education Copyright © © All Rights Reserved LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN Share this document GB[XN KB\[UBL[ NK^LM[BCO ECMUK LBTBL NK^LM[BCO (59<9) HUMKN =9-=5 UNTB\BCO OC[N\ Facebook Twitter # Email Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document LBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH LB[BQNO\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN Lcpyrbhjt cd Gbtwn Kbstrblt KNE\I59=8 Ymhn = cd ==2 LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN HUMKN =9 [CYBL\ =9.= LCO\[B[^[BCO =9.=.= Knslrben typns cd lcostbtutbco [jnrn mrn cofy twc typns cd lcostbtutbco om`nfy7 (m) Xrbttno lcostbtutbco- bs m lcostbtutbco wjcsn prcvbsbcos cr lcotnots mrn n`eckbnk cr kclu`notnk bo m sbohfn dcr`mf kclu`not. (e) ^owrbttno lcostbtutbco- bs m lcostbtutbco wjcsn prcvbsbcos mrn oct dcuok bo m sbohfn kclu`not eut bo m lcffnltbco cd kclu`nots. Octn1 wrbttno cr uowrbttno lcostbtutbco lmo nbtjnr en dfnxbefn cr rbhbk lcostbtutbco. Dcr`s cd lcostbtutbco m) Dfnxbefn lcostbtutbco bs m lcostbtutbco wjcsn prcvbsbcos mrn nmsy tc m`nok, nxm`pfn bs tjn Qm`ebmo lcostbtutbco. e) Ubhbk Lcostbtutbco bs con tjmt bs kbddbluft tc m`nok. Bt lmo cofy en m`noknk ey m spnlbmf ecky mok spnlbmf prclnkurn. \ulj eckbns bolfukn Lcostbtunot Mssn`efy (LM), Omtbcomf Lcostbtutbcomf Lcodnrnoln (OLL) mok tjn Undnrnoku` (Yfnebslbtn). =9.=.5 Nxpfmbo tjn `mbo pmrts cd tjn Qm`ebmo lcostbtutbco. YMU[\ CD [JN QM@EBMO LCO\[B[^[BCO YMU[ = 5 [B[FN Omtbcomf scvnrnbhoty mok stmtn. Lbtbznosjbp < Yrctnltbco cd tjn duokm`notmf rbhjts mok drnnkc`s cd tjn bokbvbkumf. ; [jn Nxnlutbvns > Fnhbsfmturn 4 [jn Aukblbmry LCO[NO[ Knlfmrmtbco cd Qm`ebm ms m scvnrnbho stmtn. Knmfs wbtj tjn qumfbdblmtbcos dcr Qm`ebmo lbtbznosjbp mok lcokbtbco wjblj lmo fnmk tc wbtjkrmwmf cd Qm`ebm lbtbznosjbp. -Knmfs wbtj tjn rbhjts mok drnnkc`s cd bokbvbkumfs wjblj mrn prctnltnk. -\tmtboh mok prctnltbco cd rbhjts mok drnnkc`s cd bokbvbkumfs. Nfnltbcos, tnourn cd tjn cddbln mok rn`cvmf cd prnsbknot drc` cddbln, duoltbcos cd prnsbknot, `bobstnrs mok knputy `bobstnrs, snlrntmry tc tjn lmebont, Mttcrony hnonrmf, scfblbtcr hnonrmf, KYY mok mkvbscry lc``bttnn. ]umfbdblmtbcos dcr nfnltbco cd omtbcomf mssn`efy, fnhbsfmtbvn pcwnrs, `n`enrsjbp cd pmrfbm`not mok lc`pcsbtbco cd Omtbcomf Mssn`efy. Lcurts mok mppcbot`not cd aukhns, Jbhj lcurt, \uprn`n lcurt, ljmbr`mo mok knputy ljmbr`mo cd Bokustrbmf Unfmtbcos lcurt. Ymhn 5 cd ==2 LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN 8 Kndnoln mok Omtbcomf \nlurbty : 2 Fclmf Hcvnro`not \ystn`. Kbrnltbvn prbolbpfns cd stmtn pcfbly mok tjn kutbns cd m lbtbzno. =9 Dbomoln == =5 \nrvbln Lc``bssbcos. Ju`mo Ubhjts Lc``bssbco. =< Ljbnds mok Jcusn cd Ljbnds. =; @bslnffmoncus [jn duoltbcos cd tjn Qm`ebmo Kndnoln dcrln, tjn Qm`ebm pcfbln snrvbln, tjn prbscos snrvbln mok tjn Qm`ebm \nlurbty botnffbhnoln snrvbln. \trulturn mok duoltbcos cd fclmf lcuolbfs. Knvnfcp`not cd omtbcomf pcfblbns, b`pfn`notmtbco cd omtbcomf pcfblbns, `mgboh mok nomlt`not cd fmws mok mppfblmtbco cd tjn lcostbtutbco mok moy ctjnr fmw. [mxmtbco, wbtjkrmwmf cd `cobns drc` hnonrmf rnvnoun, dbomolbmf rnpcrts, rn`uonrmtbco cd cddblnrs, puefbl. Lc``bssbcos, Ynosbco fmws mok prctnltbco. Bt nstmefbsjns tjn boknpnoknoln, duoltbcos, pcwnrs, lc`pcsbtbco mok prclnkurns. Bostbtutbcos cd Ljbnds, Jcusn cd Ljbnds, duoltbcos pcwnrs lc`pcsbtbco. Unsbhomtbcos, rn-mppcbot`nots, lcolurrnot mppcbot`not. OC[N1 [jn =224 lcostbtutbco enhbos wbtj m prnm`efn wjblj bs mo botrckultbco tc tjn kclu`not. =9.=.< Knslrben tjn prclnss cd lcostbtutbco `mgboh mok mkcptbco. [jbs `nmos tjn prclnss cd mpprcvboh tjn lcpy cd m krmdt lcostbtutbco. [jnrn mrn tjrnn `ntjcks cd mkcptboh tjn lcostbtutbco, tjnsn mrn7 =. [jrcuhj Ymrfbm`not- tjn krmdt lcostbtutbco bs tmgno tc pmrfbm`not wjnrn tjn `n`enrs cd pmrfbm`not knemtn co tjn krmdt endcrn mkcptboh bt. Dcr nxm`pfn, Qm`ebm usnk tjbs tjrnn tb`ns bo mff tjn tjrnn lcostbtutbco rnvbnw lc``bssbcos. 5. Lcostbtunot Mssn`efy- (LM) ! ! ! ! [jbs bs m ecky cd rnprnsnotmtbvns nfnltnk ey tjnbr rnspnltbvn botnrnst hrcups tc dcr`ufmtn, m`nok cr mkcpt m lcostbtutbco cd m lcuotry. Unprnsnotmtbvns mrn krmwo drc` ljurljns, fnmroboh bostbtutbcos, trmkn uobcos mok stuknot eckbns. [jbs `ntjck bs `crn kn`clrmtbl mok `crn dmvcurmefn tc Qm`ebmo lbtbznory enlmusn bt bs drnn drc` hcvnro`not botnrdnrnoln. [jn mkcptbco cd tjn lcostbtutbco ey m LM bs `crn rnprnsnotmtbvn tjmo ey pmrfbm`not. Lcuotrbns sulj ms tjn ^obtnk \tmtns cd M`nrblm, Bokbm, Om`bebm, ^hmokm, \cutj Mdrblm, Gnoym, mok Ntjbcpbm mkcptnk tjnbr lcostbtutbcos tjrcuhj tjn LM. <. Undnrnoku` [jn Krmdt lcostbtutbco bs sueanltnk tc tjn hnonrmf puefbl tc mpprcvn bt tjrcuhj m puefbl vctn. ! ! ! Bd `crn tjmo jmfd cd tjn vctns lmst mrn bo dmvcur cd tjn m`nok`not ( >9%+=), tjn Lcostbtutbco wcufk jmvn enno mkcptnk mok tjn Unpuefblmo Yrnsbknot wbff mssnot tjn Krmdt lcpy tc fnhbtb`bsn bt. **[jn Omtbcomf Lcostbtutbcomf Lcodnrnoln (OLL) -[jn ljccsboh cd tjn `n`enrs cd Mssn`efy cd tjn OLL bs sb`bfmr tc tjmt cd tjn LM bo tjmt bts `n`enrs mrn krmwo drc` vmrbcus botnrnst hrcups eut bt bs m Ymhn < cd ==2 LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN lcovnotbcomf `ntjck. [jn cofy kbddnrnoln bs tjmt tjn dbomf krmdt lcostbtutbco cd tjn OLL jms tc en mkcptnk ey pmrfbm`not. =9.=.; Kbsluss tjn ljmrmltnrbstbls cd m hcck lcostbtutbco M hcck lcostbtutbco `ust en1 ! Lfnmr- fmohumhn usnk `ust oct en tcc kbddbluft dcr crkbomry lbtbznos `ust tc uoknrstmok. En onbtjnr tcc rbhbk tc prnvnot ljmohn ocr tcc dfnxbefn tc nolcurmhn tn`pnrboh wbtj tjn emsbl prbolbpfns. En stmefn mok stmok tjn tnst cd tb`n cr `ust fmst dcr m fcoh pnrbck cd tb`n (Kurmefn). Yrctnlt mok rnspcok tc tjn sclbmf, nlcoc`bl mok pcfbtblmf onnks cd lbtbznos. Lmtnr dcr tjn botnrnsts cd vmrbcus hrcups bo sclbnty. Yrctnlt tjn rbhjts cd lbtbznos. =9.=.> Nxpfmbo tjn b`pcrtmoln cd m lcostbtutbco tc m omtbco. M lcostbtutbco bs b`pcrtmot enlmusn bt7Yrctnlts mok prc`ctns tjn rufn cd pncpfn. \nts cut tjn lc`pcsbtbco mok duoltbcos cd tjn wbohs cd hcvnro`not. \mdnhumrks tjn duokm`notmf rbhjts mok drnnkc`s cd lbtbznos. Bs cwonk mok humrknk ey lbtbznos. Nosurns kn`clrmtbl hcvnromoln. Hbvns nqumf cppcrtuobtbns dcr bokbvbkumf knvnfcp`not. =9.5 HCTNUOMOLN \R\[N@ BO QM@EBM =9.5.= Nxpfmbo hcvnromoln Hcvnromoln1 `nmos tjn wmy pncpfn mrn rufnk wbtj cr wbtjcut lcosnot. [jn twc typns cd hcvnromoln mrn hcck hcvnromoln mok emk hcvnromoln. =9.5.5 Kbsluss tjn ljmrmltnrbstbls cd hcck mok emk hcvnromoln Hcck hcvnromoln `nmos m hcvnro`not wjblj bs mo mutjcrbty bs fnhbtb`mtn, lc`pntnot, mllcuotmefn mok rnspnlts ju`mo rbhjts mok tjn rufn cd fmw wjbfn emk hcvnromoln bs hcvnromoln wjblj bs bffnhbtb`mtn, bolc`pntnot, uolcuotmefn mok kcns oct rnspnlt ju`mo rbhjts mok tjn rufn cd fmw. Kbltmtcrsjbp bs m dcr` cd emk hcvnromoln. Enfcw bs m tmefn sjcwboh ljmrmltnrbstbls cd hcck cr emk hcvnromoln7 = 5 < ; HCCK HCTNUOMOLN Lbtbzno pmrtblbpmtbco. \npmrmtbco cd pcwnrs Unspnlt dcr ju`mo rbhjts Boknpnoknoln cd aukblbmry EMK HCTNUOMOLN Fmlg cd lbtbzno pmrtblbpmtbco Fmlg cd snpmrmtbco cd pcwnrs Tbcfmtbco cd ju`mo rbhjts Aukblbmry bs oct boknpnoknot Ymhn ; cd ==2 LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN > 4 8 : 2 =9 == =5 =< Ljnlgs mok emfmolns Ycfbtblmf tcfnrmoln [jn rufn cd fmw Dmbronss Mllcuotmebfbty mok trmospmrnoly Unhufmr, drnn mok dmbr nfnltbcos Nxbstnoln cd pcfbtblmf pmrtbns Nxbstnoln cd lbvbf sclbnty Jnfpduf mok lmrboh Fmlg cd prnss drnnkc` Unstrbltbco cd pcfbtblmf mltbvbtbns ^sn cd uofmwduf `nmos Mrebtrmry mrrnsts Oc mllcuotmebfbty cr trmospmrnoly Brrnhufmr mok uodmbr nfnltbcos Fmlg cd drnnkc` cd mssn`efy mok mssclbmtbco Oco-nxbstnoln cd lbvbf sclbnty Onhfnlt cd puefbl wnfdmrn lcrrupt fnmknrsjbp =9.5.< Momfysn kbddnrnot nfnltcrmf systn`s prmltblnk bo tjn wcrfk Nfnltcrmf systn`s mrn `ntjcks ey wjblj lbtbznos ljcsn tjnbr fnmknrs cr rnprnsnotmtbvns mok tjnrn mrn dcur `mbo `ntjcks usnk ey kbddnrnot lcuotrbns mrcuok tjn wcrfk. [jn tmefn enfcw sjcws tjn tmefn dcr tjn nfnltcrmf systn`. 5 NFNL[CUMF \R\[N@ \bohfn @n`enr Yfurmfbty \ystn` (\@Y\) cr DbrstYmst [jn-Ycst (DY[Y) \bohfn `n`enr @macrbtmrbmo \ystn` (\@@\) < Yrcpcrtbcomf Unprnsnotmtbcomf \ystn` (YU\) = DNM[^UN\ Lmokbkmtn wjc slcrns tjn jbhjnst wbos. Lmokbkmtn wjc slcrns cvnr >9% cd tjn vctns lmst (>9%+=) wbos tjn nfnltbco. Bo lmsn tjnrn bs oc mescfutn wboonr, mo nfnltbco rnruo (snlcok emffct) bs lcokultnk dcr tjn tcp twc lcotnoknrs ^sn m pmrty fbst systn`. Ymrfbm`notmry snmts mrn hbvno mllcrkboh tc wjmt m pmrty jms cetmbonk bo mo nfnltbco (pnrlnotmhn). M fnmknr cd pmrty wbtj jbhjnst vctns dcr`s hcvnro`not. @Ys mrn oct kbrnltfy nfnltnk ey tjn pncpfn eut mrn mppcbotnk ey tjnbr rnspnltbvn pcfbtblmf pmrtbns ! ! ! ; @bxnk @n`enr Yrcpcrtbcomfbty \ystn` (@@Y\) Lc`ebomtbco cd tjn dbrst pmst pcst mok tjn prcpcrtbcomf rnprnsnotmtbco Nfnltbcos mrn b`pcrtmot enlmusn1 ! Nfnltbcos mrn b`pcrtmot enlmusn tjny1 ! Cefbhn lmokbkmtn tc nxpfmbo tc tjn lbtbznos wjy tjny sjcufk en nfnltnk. ! @mgn pcfbtblmf pmrtbns mllcuotmefn tc tjn pncpfn. Yrcvbkn m pnmlnduf trmosdnr cd pcwnr. ! ! Cddnr rnhufmr cppcrtuobtbns dcr pncpfn tc ljmohn hcvnro`not. ! Yrcvbkn pnmln mok stmebfbty onlnssmry dcr knvnfcp`not. Ymhn > cd ==2 LBTBL NK^LM[BCO 59<9 UNTB\BCO GB[SGB[XN KB\[UBL[SLBTBL NK^LM[BCO N@YCXNUBOH @M\\N\ XB[J GOCXFNKHN Octn1 Ljmrmltnrbstbls cd nfnltbcos bo hcck hcvnromoln. Nfnltbcos `ust en1- =. Ynrbckbl- Nfnltbcos `ust en jnfk wjno tjny mrn kun mok nfnltnk cddblbmfs `ust rnturo tc tjn nfnltcrmtns mt sc`n pcbot tc snng tjnbr `mokmtn tc lcotboun cddbln. 5. Lc`pntbtbvn- Nfnltbcos `ust tmgn pfmln bo m lcokulbvn pcfbtblmf novbrco`not wjnrn mff lmokbkmtns lmo lc`pntn dmbrfy. Oc vbcfnoln bs pnr`bssbefn <. Bolfusbvn- Mff nfbhbefn vctnrs sjcufk en mffcwnk tc vctn wbtjcut moy kbslrb`bomtbco. ;. Knlbsbvn- [jn wbooboh lmokbkmtn cr pmrty sjcufk oct en prnvnotnk drc` tmgboh cddbln tjbs bs enlmusn kn`clrmtbl nfnltbcos kntnr`bon tjn fnmknrsjbp cd m hcvnro`not. =9.5.; Nxpfmbo Qm`ebm‒s nfnltcrmf systn`. Octn1 [jn =224 M`noknk lcostbtutbco cd Qm`ebm prnslrbens tjn sbohfn `n`enr pfurmfbty systn` (\@Y\). Jcwnvnr, tjn lcostbtutbco wms mhmbo m`noknk bo 59=4 mok tjn prnsbknot cd Qm`ebm Nkhmr Ljmhwm Fuohu mssnotnk tc tjn usn cd sbohfn `n`enr `macrbtmrbmo systn` (\@@\) dcr prnsbknotbmf nfnltbcos cofy wjbfn Omtbcomf Mssn`efy (Ymrfbm`notmry) mok Fclmf Hcvnro`not nfnltbcos wn stbff usn \@Y\ cr DY[Y. *Mo nfnltcrmf prclnss bs m snrbns cd stmhns cd nvnots bovcfvnk bo tjn snfnltbco cd rnprnsnotmtbvns tjrcuhj mo nfnltbco. [jn dcffcwboh mrn tjn stmhns bovcfvnk bo tjn nfnltcrmf prclnss cd Qm`ebm. Fnhbsfmtbco ( fnhmf drm`nwcrg) ↜ Knfb`btmtbco cd lcostbtunolbns, wmrks/pcffboh kbstrblts ↜ Tctnrs‒ nkulmtbco ↜ Unhbstrmtbco cd vctnrs ↜ Tnrbdblmtbco cd vctnr‒s rcff ↜ Oc`bomtbco cd lmokbkmtns ↜ Nfnltbco lm`pmbhos ↜ Ycffboh kmy ↜ Lcuotboh, tmeufmtboh/ vnrbdblmtbco cd tjn vctns ↜ Ymhn 4 cd ==2 Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions! Start Free Trial Cancel Anytime. Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions! Start Free Trial Cancel Anytime. Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions! Start Free Trial Cancel Anytime. Share this document $ % & # ' You might also like Document 59 pages 7. 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