Greetings, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to come and present to us about what you do. The presentation was interesting and had a lot of insightful information. It really puts into perspective what marketing agencies do and how they do it. I enjoyed how your presentation walked us through multiple projects with a detailed path on the strategies and techniques you used to achieve a finished product. I appreciated how the presentation took ideas and translated them into practices that achieved amazing results. I found it interesting how we were able to see some projects and the thought that went behind the finished product. I learned a lot of interesting things about the presentation that are used in the real world. One of the things I learned was how to work with creativity. Creativity is a process that cannot be forced for the results are eminent in the success or failure of the project. I learned that creativity is a trial-and-error process that has no right or one way to achieve objectives. And learning to use creativity to achieve great results is an ever-changing process. Another idea I found interesting was how marketing agencies connect ideas, emotions, and thoughts into their work. And at its essence that is what marking is, an idea, feeling, or lifestyle that connects with other people in relation to a company, product, or brand. Having meaningful connections with other individuals is what drives the success of a marking project or campaign. Another topic I enjoyed learning about was the idea of people and how people perceive the world around them. It was mentioned that the best marketing research is communicating with other individuals. Talking with others gives one an idea of how interested or invested they are in a brand, product, or idea. Talking with people that are really interested in something allows marking agencies to identify the best marketing strategy to utilize. People perceive things and that connotation gives valuable insight into the details of a marking campaign. I found it interesting how marking is wanting to stand out and be different in order to catch the attention of individuals. But with the Orbit of the Giant Hairball practice marketers aim to orbit around the idea of what is considered acceptable norms. Too far out is chaos and or a liability while orbiting around the standard is just far enough to fulfill objectives without it costing too much. I found that idea interesting and how the presentation exemplified this thought with practices and experiences that make individuals uncomfortable in search the good ideas that set advertising apart from the competition. Overall, I enjoyed the presentation. There were a lot of interesting ideas and thoughts that were explored and opened a dialog for interesting conversations. I enjoyed seeing and hearing about the process that makes advertising campaigns come to life. Thank you for taking the time to present and will look forward to hearing from you and the company in the years to come. Thank You,