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Statics Homework: Centroid Calculations

Statics- Fall 2023- HW#8- Total 140 pt.- Due 11-16-2022
9–7. Locate the centroid x̄ of the shaded area.
9–13. Locate the centroid x̄ of the area.
9–15. Locate the centroid x̄ of the area. Solve the problem by evaluating the integrals using
Simpson’s rule.
9–67. Locate the centroid ȳ of the cross-sectional area of the beam constructed from a channel
and a plate. Assume all corners are square and neglect the size of the weld at A.
9–68. Determine the distance ȳ to the centroid of the area.
9–75. Locate the center of mass of the homogeneous block assembly.
9-82 The assembly is made from a steel hemisphere, ρst=7.80 Mg/m3, and an aluminum
cylinder, ρat= 2.70 Mg/m3. Determine the height h of the cylinder so that the mass center of the
assembly is located at z = 160 mm.