QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Simple definition Criterion-referencedvs. Norm-referencedAssessment Criterion-referenced assessment Norm-referenced assessment Measuresastudent’sperformancebasedon masteryofaspecificsetofskills.Itmeasures whatthestudentknowsand doesn’tknowat the time of assessment. Thestudent’sperformance is NOT compared to other students’performance on thesameassessment. Measuresa student’s performancein comparison to theperformanceofsame-age studentsonthesameassessment.Normative scoring is based on a bell curve,meaning only half of those tested can score above the 50th percentile. DrivingTests: Driving tests are designed to determineifadriverhasmastered theskillsrequiredtodriveontheroadsafely. Drivingtestsdonotrankdriversagainstother drivers.All drivers can get100%if theymaster the skills required (and we hope they do)! Real-world examples End-of-unitexamsin school: Theseexamsaredesignedtodetermine whether students have mastered the material presented in a specific unit. Each student’sperformanceis measured basedon thematerialpresented(whatthestudentknows andwhatthestudentdoesn’tknow).Again, all studentscan get 100%if theyhave fully mastered the material. PediatricGrowthCharts: Growthcharts are commonly used bypediatriciansto trackachild’s growthascomparedtothegrowthofother childrenofthesameage.Growthcharts compare a child’s height,weight,and bodymass index totheheight,weight, and body mass index of same-age and same-gender children. TheSAT: A classic example of a normreferenced test, the SAT is designed to determine one high school student’s abilities ascomparedtotheabilitiesofotherhigh schoolstudents. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE BRIGANCE® QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE CRITERION-REFERENCED VS. NORM-REFERENCED ASSESSMENT Criterion-referenced assessment Uses in Special Education BRIGANCE IEDIII BRIGANCE CIBSII • Pinpointing a student’s present level of performance (PLOP) • Writing goals and objectivesfor an IEP • Planning individualized instruction • Monitoring incremental progress • Initially identifying students who may be eligible for special services The BRIGANCE® Inventory of EarlyDevelopment III(IEDIII)has more than a 100 assessments that cover a broad sampling of students’ sk skills and behaviors in key academic and developmental domains. The BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development IIIStandardized (IEDIIIStandardized)covers key academic and developmental domains, includes 55 norm-referenced assessments, and has been updated based on the latest standardization and validation research. Age ranges are determined by developmental age,meaning the IED IIIcanbeused withany student—regardless of chronological age— who functions at a level from birth through the developmentalage of seven. The BRIGANCE® Comprehensive Inventory of BasicSkills II(CIBSII) consists of two volumes (Reading/ ELA and Mathematics) that offer nearly 400 criterion-referenced assessments and grade-level placement tests. The CIBS IIcan be used with studentsin grades K–9. Showof growthin students’ skills Norm-referenced assessment Using the criterion-referencedassessmentsfor ongoing assessment throughout the academic year allows a comparison of a student’s current skill mastery to his/her skill mastery at previous pointsin the year. Because the skill sequences are broken down into gradual steps along the skill continuum, progress can be measured in verysmallincrements. • Supporting ongoing eligibility for special services • Benchmarking or pretesting and post testing Agerangesare determined bychronologicalage, meaning theIEDIIIStandardizedcannotgenerate validscoresfor anyoneolder than7years— regardless of his/her developmental level. The BRIGANCE® Comprehensive Inventory of BasicSkills II Standardized(CIBSIIStandardized) consists of 45 valid and reliable readiness, reading/ELA, and mathematics norm-referenced assessments. The CIBS IIStandardized generates valid and reliable scores for students ages 5–12. Using the norm-referenced assessments tobenchmarkor topretest andposttest is useful for seeing gains a student has made over the duration of a full academic year. But because performance is represented in normative scores, gains shown are relative to those of same-agepeers. 14-030-04