Turtle Lab #2 General Directions In this lab you will work, once again with Turtle graphics. Your program will utilize text boxes, print statement, loops and decision structures. Your delieverables for this assignment will include your Python file Step 1: Setting up the Screen and the Turtle 1. 2. 3. 4. Open VS Code and navigate to your new folder. Open your new file. Import the turtle library. Establish a color for your turtle and the background screen. Ask the user, using an input box, what shape they want their turtle object to be. The choices are: classic, arrow, turtle, circle, square and triangle. 5. Add turtle.exitonclick() at the end of your file so you can watch your code execute without the window disappearing. 6. Draw a circle somewhere on the screen. You can choose the color and the size and where your circle will go. 7. Make sure that once you draw your circle, you change the color of your turtle back to where it started. Step 2: Adding Movement to Your Program 1. Move your turtle object to an area away from the shape you just drew. 2. Create a loop that will allow your turtle object to move around the screen. Use the demo from class to help. Allow your user 10 moves. The goal is to move the turtle object to somewhere within the circle you just drew. Step 3: Did the User Win? In order to determine if the user’s turtle is within the circle, we need to find out where the turtle is and compare it against where the circle is. To do that we need to understand how circles are drawn with turtle. The following code will draw a circle with the turtle. turtle.circle(100) The number in the parenthesis, dictates how big the circle will be and more specifically refers to the radius. In the example above ‘100’ means the circle will have a diameter of 100 and a radius of 50 pixels. The turtle then draws circle 50 pixels up, 50 pixels down, 50 pixels to the right and 50 pixels to the left. This means that if we locate the turtle at x = 100 and y = -200, the circle will roughly take up the space between 50 and 1150 on the x axis and -150 and -250 on the y axis. Now that we know roughly were the circle will be, we need to determine where the turtle ends up after the user makes their 10 moves. Luckily the turtle has two methods to help us out: xpos and ypos. Therefore to find out the x coordinate of the turtle we could use the following code: xpos = turtle.xcor() To find out where the turtle is on the y axis we can use: ypos = turtle.ycor() The last part of this program entails displaying a message on the screen that will tell the user if they won or not. The turtle has a method for that as well, the write method. The code listed below will print the message “Sorry you Lost”, align the text in the center of where directed the turtle and will print it in Arial font, size 16 and bold. turtle.write("Sorry You Lost", align="center", font=('Arial', '16', 'bold')) Now that we know how to determine where the circle is located, how to determine where the turtle is located and how to write a message to the screen, we can finish this program. Step 4: Finishing up 1. Write the code to determine where the turtle is on the screen. 2. Determine if the location of the turtle is in the circle. If the turtle is in the circle display the message “You Win!”. Otherwise print “Sorry You Lost”. Extra Credit ~ 5 points Add code that will use random numbers for x and y, to determine the starting point of the turtle and where the circle will be drawn. Grading Consult the rubric below to make sure you did not forget anything. Upload your python file to the Turtle Lab #2 assignment on Canvas. Exemplary pts Competent pts Developing pts Did not complete 3 Comments in the code 2 Only one comment in code 2 Declared the necessary variables. 2 Missing one variable. 1 Missing 2 variables. 0 Missing more than 2 variables or no variable declarations. 4 Established a color for the turtle and a background color. Drew a circle. 3 Missing one element. 2 Missing 2 elements. 0 Missing more than 2 elements or did not complete. 3 Utilized an input boxes to ask the user for the shape of the turtle and the direction the turtle traveled. 2 Missing one input box. 2 Did not use input boxes and instead used the terminal to obtain data from the user. 0 8 Utilized a loop with a multialternative decision structure to move the turtle around the screen. 6 A minor error with the code. 5 Two minor errors with the code. 0 7 Determined where the turtle was on the screen and utilized an IF structure to determine if the user won. 6 A minor error with the code. 4 Two minor errors with the code. 0 3 A print statement appeared on the Turtle screen showing if the user won. 2 A minor error with the code. 2 Two minor errors with the code or print statement appeared in terminal window. 0 30 TOTAL POINTS 2 Comments are sparse 0 No comments Too many errors or did not complete. Did not use a multialternative IF structure, too many errors or did not complete. Too many errors or did not complete. Too many errors or did not complete.