NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: Time Frame Unit Topic Content Standards Performanc e Standards Learning Competencies SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Assessment Activities/ Strategies Resources Institutional Core Values FIRST QUARTER PATTERNS AND ALGEBRA WEEK 1 The learners…. demonstrates understanding of key Module No. concepts of 1: Quadratic quadratic Equations equations, and inequalities Inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic Lesson 1 equations. Illustrations of Quadratic Equations The learners…. is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve The learners…. Pre-Assessment: Written Diagnostic test (Teacher-Prepared Test) Grade 9 Learning Materials PDF pp.11-18 Formative Assessment: 1. Illustrates quadratic equations. Graphing 1.Creating and analyzing graphs representing quadratic equations MAKATAO ( It helps the students to be able to be careful on their actions through evaluation on their performanc e.Be able to discern what is good and what is right.) NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: Lesson 2A Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots Lesson 2B Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Lesson 2C Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing The Square Lesson 2D Solving Quadratic Equations By Using The Quadratic Formula them using a variety of strategies. 2. solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b) factoring; (c) completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula. SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Seat work and Board work (problem solving) Oral recitation (defending and explaining answers) 2.A. Find my Roots 2.B. What made me? Quiz Group Activity (Presentation) Seat work (Solving exercises) Brainstorming and reporting by group 2.C. Make it perfect! (Problem-Solving) Grade 9 Learning Materials PDF pp.19-53 NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Group Quiz (Solving problems) 2.D. Is the Formula Effective? (Problem Solving Exercises) Peer-teaching WEEK 2-3 Lesson 3 The Nature of the Roots 3. characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant. Frayer Model of Equation Individual Activity Seatwork and board work (by pair) By pair, collaborative approach MAKATAO and MAKABAY AN( with these NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: of a Quadratic Equation SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Oral recitation (defending and explaining anwers) Inductive Approach Quiz (Lesson 2C- 3) Lesson 4 The Sum and the Product of Roots of Quadratic Equations Lesson 5 Equations Transformable to Quadratic Equations 4. describes the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic equation. Group activity (3 members) ✓ Problem solving ✓ Presentation Problem-based learning lessons, it needs the collaboratio n and help of peers, a modern bayanihan in education.) Reporting Inductive approach Seat work and board work (Problem solving) 5. solves equations Seat work and board work transformable to quadratic equations Oral recitation (including rational algebraic equations). Quiz (lesson 4 and 5) Proble Solving Problem solving Strategy Explaining answers MAKATAO (Promote reliability with regards to their mathemati cal skills. Helps other learners to learn NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: WEEK 4 Lesson 6 Solving Problems Involving Quadratic Equations 6. solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations. SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Seat work (Problem Solving , exercises) Group Activity (problem solving) Individual Problem Solving and presentation of answers (Collaborative approach) through collaboratio n, enhance critical thinking skills and discernmen t that allow the learners to be responsible in every step they took while solving and can apply it to real-life situations.) NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: WEEK 5 Lesson 7 Quadratic Inequalities SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS 7. illustrates quadratic inequalities 7. Graphing 7. Illustrating inequalities 8. solves quadratic inequalities. 8. Seatwork and Board work (problem solving) 8. Answering and sharing how to solve the problem 9. solves problems involving quadratic inequalities. 9. Written exercises (solve problems) with explanation/presentation 9. By pair activity, learners will answer the given problems. Justify their answers through reasoning. Quiz (lesson 6 and 7) Individual Grade 9 Learning Materials PDF pp.104-113 . MODULE 2: Quadratic Functions Pre-assessment: Pre-test Formative assessment: Grade 9 Learning Materials PDF pp.114- 134 MAKADIYOS ( It makes us realize that life is not fair, however, i is up to us how to overcome our fears as well as problems with the help of our Lord. Our Lord is like the formula and the equation we used to determine the inequalities and equation, all we need to do is to NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: WEEK 6 Lesson 1 Introduction to Quadratic Functions 10. models reallife situations using quadratic functio SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS 10. Group Activity take actions. “Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa” ) 10. Recreational Activities 11. represents a 11.1. Remembering? quadratic function Recalling using: (a) table of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation. 11.2. Collaboration 11.3 . Identify Me! (seatwork) 11.1 Rote Learning 11.2 Relational Approach 11.3 individual Assessment Quiz (lesson 1) WEEK 7-8 Lesson 2 Graphs of Quadratic Functions 12. transforms the quadratic function defined by y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y c = a(x – h)2 + k. 13. graphs a quadratic function: (a) domain; (b) 12. Seatwork 12. Work in pairs 12.1. Matching Type 12.1. Individual Assessment 13. Draw the Graph 13.Collaborative approach (Creating Grade 9 Teachers learning Guide pp. 79-119 MAKABAY AN ( It promotes critical thinking skills especially in analyzing situations that builds a productive citizen in the future. ) MAKATAO (Foster strong peer NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: Lesson 3 Finding the Equation of Quadratic Function SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS range; (c) intercepts; (d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the opening of the parabola. 13.1. Board Work and explanations graphs out of the given functions. ) 14. analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h and k in the equation y = a(x – h)2 + k of a quadratic function on its graph.*** 14. Written Work (Determining the domain, range, intercepts and axis of symmetry) Work in Pair Activity 1: Draw and Describe Me (answer and explain) 14.1. Presentation of answers 14.2. Seat woek Individual Activity Activity 2: Match or Mismatch One or two learners will present their solution relationship especially in helping each other in solving theproblem -solvingg exercises. Strenthen unity and kindness. As well as, practices ourpatienc e in solving. Learners are able to manifest the importance of patience in solving problems not just theoreticall y but also in real-life situations. ) NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: - 2 WEEKS 15. determines the equation of a 15. Oral Recitation quadratic function 15. Rote Learning given: (a) a table 15.1 Recitation/ board work of values; (b) 15.1 Individual graph; (c) zeros. Problem Solving, sharing of insignts and solving WEEK 9 Lesson 4 Applications of Quadratic Functions 16. solves problems involving quadratic functions. 16. Group Activity Reporting and presentation Review for finals TOTAL: 2 months and 1 week SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER Brainstorming, collaboration and presentation of group topics. Oral recitation SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Individual Output GRASPS: Little Book By pair ( learners will ceate a little NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS book or mini book with the summarization of the content of all lessons in the first quarter. NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: Time Frame Unit Topic Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Assessment Activities/Strategie s Resources Institutiona l Core Values SECOND QUARTER PATTERNS AND ALGEBRA MODULE 3: Variations Lesson 1 Direct Variations Lesson 2 Inverse Variations The learners… The learners... demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals. is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving radicals. The learners…. Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle 17.illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined. 18.translates into variation statement a relationship between two Students will encircle the words they found in the puzzle related to the lesson and share their insights. Formative Assessment ✓ 17. Oral recitation ✓ 17.1 Seat work (solving exercises) Lesson 3 Joint Variations Lesson 4 Combined Variations Pre-Assessment: 1. Diagnostic Test (paper and pen test) 17. Individual sharing of insights and experiences 17.1 Problem-Solving Strategy 18. Translates the statements. Grade 9 Teachers Guide pp. 122-153 MAKATAO (helps students to be aware of the consequence s of every action they are going to do in the future. Allow learners to be vigilant and consider other’s feelings. Practice discernment and decisionmaking skills. As well as, to learn independentl y and NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) quantities given by: (a) a table of values; (b) a mathematical equation; (c) a graph, and vice versa. 19.solves problems involving variation. SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS ✓ 18. Board work and oral recitation ✓ 18.1 Graph Analysis collaborative ly.) 18.1 Integration of Technology/Introduci ng Desmos by the teacher Individual ✓ 19. Quiz ✓ Performance task: Creating and Solving Create and solve own real-life problems (political, economic, social and environmental, educational) in relation to variations. MAKABAYA N (In learning this module, he learners will be able to recognize the use of variations in real-life especially in the government and be knowledgea ble on what is happening in our country and provide possible solutions and insights.) NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS MAKAKALI KASAN (after this quarter, the learners will be able to recognize the cause and effects of human behavior in the environment and, uses the knowledge and understandi ng they learned in dealing real life problems they can handle. Learners are also encouraged to use recyclable materials in their NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS performance tasks). MODULE 4: Zero, Negative, Rational Exponents and Radicals PRE-ASSESSMENT: Group Activity- Review on the Laws of Exponents( problem solving and presentation) KWL chart Collaborative Approach and problem-solving. Sharing and presentation of answers. Grade 9Teachers Guide pp. 164-167 NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: WEEK 3 Lesson 1 Zero, Negative Integral and Rational Exponent SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: 20. applies the laws involving positive integral exponents to zero and negative integral exponents. 20. Group activity (information exchange activity) 20. Activity 1: Remember me This Way! Each group will be assigned to a certain topic as well as handouts. One member will roam around to explain their topic to other groups. 21.illustrates expressions with rational exponents. 21. Oral recitation/board work 21. Answering questions of the teachers, solving examples and exercises, activities, individually and by partner. NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: WEEK 4 - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) 22. simplifies expressions with rational exponents. SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS 22. Seatwork by pair and board work (activities and exercises) 22. Activity 2: Agree or disagree 22.1 Activity 3: Play With Negative 22.2 Activity 4: Extend Your Understanding! Problem Solving Strategy Completion of KWL chart Quiz Individual NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS PRE-ASSESSMENT: Individual activity-IRF sheet and sharing. Lesson 2 Radicals Grade 9Teachers Guide pp. 175-189 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: 23. writes expressions with rational exponents as radicals and vice versa. 23. Board work 23. Writing expressions in the board and presentation of answer NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS 23.1 Group activity (Group Quiz Bee) 23.1 Collaborative approach The first group will have a representative to write the answer on the board. The first one to finish writing with correct answer will gain one point. WEEK 5 WEEK 6 24. derives the laws of radicals from the laws of rational exponents. 25.simplifies radical expressions using the laws of radicals. 24. Seatwork and board work (answering exercises and activity, individually and as a class with the guide of the teacher.) 25. Group Activity (Problem solving, presentation) 24. Deductive Approach 25. Problem solving learning 25.01 Collaboarative approach NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS 25.02 Peer-teaching WEEK 7 26.performs operations on radical expressions.*** 26. Problem 26. Problem Solving solving- worksheet learning (by pair) Completion of IRF sheet ✓ Transfer Task (Individual) NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) LEGEND: WEEK 8 Lesson 3 Radical Equations and its Application SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS PRE-ASSESSMENT: Jumbled Letters Activity FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: 27.solves equations involving radical expressions.*** WEEK 9 28. solves problems involving radicals. Class participation: ✓ 27. Seatwork and board work (answering sets of problems or exercises, individually and by pair) 27.1 Problem Solving Learning ✓ 28. Oral Recitation and solving problems on the board 28. Reasoning and justification ✓ 28.1 Concept Map/Graphic organizer 28.1 Summarizing the key concepts of solving equations and problems involving radicals Collaborative Approach NAME OF THE TEACHER: Sabado, Languido, Frondoza, Apostol, Perez, Buscano, Ocay, Ricaborda, Buscano, and Amorin SCHOOL: Ipil National High School LEGEND: - 1 WEEK (5 meetings) SUBJECT AND GRADE LEVEL: MATHEMATICS GRADE 9 QUARTER: 1ST AND 2ND QUARTER - 2 WEEKS Inductive Approach Long Quiz From Lesson 2-3 Review for Finals Group quiz/game TOTAL: SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Individual 2 months and 1 week GRASPS: SCRAPBOOK By Group (scrapbook about real-life applications of variations and radicals)