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Biotechnology Reflective Essay Template

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GENSCI 612 (Biotechnology)
General Instruction: Make a Comprehensive Reflective Essay of the Following Topics:
The Nature of Biotechnology
Topic 1:
Biotechnology is concerned with the use of living systems, processes, or
organisms to manufacture products or technologies intended to improve the
quality of human life. It utilizes living cells and cellular materials to create
pharmaceutical, diagnostic, agricultural, environmental, and other products to
benefit society. With that, biotechnology is simply the application of biological
sciences to produce new technologies for the common benefit of all.
Biotechnology as a broad branch of biology has been divided into several
branches, such as: (a) Medical Biotech- diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines;
(b) Agricultural Biotech- plant and animal agriculture, farms, and food
processing; (c) Environmental Biotech- cleaning through bioremediation and
preventing environmental problems; (d) Forensic Biotech- paternity tests and
scientific investigation; and (e) Industrial Biotech- energy production and new
In contrast to a particular scientific field, biotechnology can draw upon a
wide array of relevant fields, such as microbiology, biochemistry, molecular
biology, cell biology, immunology, engineering, enzymology, classified breeding
techniques, and the full range of bioprocess technologies. Indeed, biotechnology
is a multidisciplinary field of study. The increasing use of multidisciplinary
approaches to solve various challenges has been a defining trait of the growth of
multidisciplinary fields of study to arise, which eventually led to the formation of
new disciplines with recognizably distinctive concepts and approaches. With
that, biotechnology plays a huge role in our everyday lives—from the clothes we
wear to how we wash them, the food we eat to how we source it, the medicine we
take to treat our bodies, and even the fuel we use to move our vehicles.
Certainly, biotechnology has to do with using the biological systems
found in organisms or using living organisms to make technological advances
and deploy those technologies in different fields. With that, I would agree with
what Ryan Bethencourt had said: "Our world is built on science (biology), and
once we begin to understand it, it then becomes technology." Indeed, these
technological advancements really help us a lot for sustainable human
Topic 2:
Bioprocesses and Fermentation Technology
Bioprocessing or fermentation technology is an important component of
most biotechnology processes and will normally involve complete living cells
(microbe, mammalian, or plant), organelles, or enzymes as the biocatalyst. It will
aim to bring about specific chemical and physical changes in biochemical
materials derived from the environment. Further, it involves all biochemical
activity of organisms during their growth, development, reproduction, even
senescence, and death in the given environment. Fermentation technology is the
utilization of living organisms to produce foods, pharmaceuticals, alcoholic
beverages, energy sources, and even agricultural products on a large-scale
industrial basis.
The fundamental idea behind industrial fermentation technology is that
by giving organisms raw resources that satisfy all of their requirements,
including carbon, nitrogen, salts, trace elements, and vitamins, they can develop
effectively in the right environment. During the period of their lifespan, they
produce end products that are released into the environment, which are then
collected for human use and have a high commercial value. Wine, beer, cider,
vinegar, ethanol, cheese, hormones, antibiotics, complete proteins, enzymes,
and other important goods are the main products of fermentation technology
produced economically on a large-scale industrial basis.
Thus, fermentation has a wide range of applications in industry,
agriculture, medicine, and human consumption.
Topic 3:
Enzyme Technology
Enzyme Technology is concerned with the applications of enzymes as
tools of industry, agriculture, and medicine. Complex globular proteins known
as enzymes are found in living cells, where they function as biological catalysts
that fulfill their role by binding specific substrates at their active sites. This
specificity is one property of enzymes that makes them useful for industrial
applications. The value of using enzymes over inorganic catalysts in the
technological field is due to their efficiency, selectivity, and specificity. Most
enzymes can operate at room temperature, atmospheric pressure, and within
normal pH ranges (around 7), all of which create energy savings for industry.
Enzymes possess specifically shaped active sites for reacting with one specific
substrate, thereby generating pure products free from unwanted by-products.
Enzymes are also biodegradable, and unlike many inorganic catalysts, they can
cause less damage to the environment. Moreover, even though enzymes can only
be produced by living cells, many of them can be removed or extracted from the
cells and still function in vitro. The manufacturing of enzymes is referred to as
enzyme technology because of their special ability to carry out their individual
chemical transformations in isolation, which has led to an increase in the usage
of enzymes in industrial and food processing, bioremediation, and medicine.
Thus, enzymes come with various uses and applications. These are
applied in a variety of industries, such as biological detergents, baking, brewing,
dairy products and starch, textiles and leather, and medical and pharmaceutical
Topic 4:
Genetic Engineering and Cloning
Numerous facets of human activity have changed because of technology.
Many people hold the view that technology has resulted in a variety of
remarkable developments that are more relevant and beneficial to humans. One
of the numerous challenges brought on by technology is the development of
cloning and genetic engineering.
Today's world has been enhanced and solved by cloning and genetic
engineering in numerous ways. Cloning finds many of its applications in the
amplification of DNA, the creation of genetic fingerprints, and the alteration of
human genetic makeup. Genetic cloning allows for the introduction of desirable
features and the eradication of unwanted ones in humans. On the other hand,
the use of genetic engineering in food production is enormous. Many people in
developing nations struggle with hunger and malnutrition; therefore, genetic
engineering has emerged to address these issues. Unquestionably, as the world's
population grows, there will be a natural decrease in food availability due to
increasing demand. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) provide a solution to
this human issue. This is due to the ability of genetically modified food to
withstand pesticides and herbicides, which reduces the amount of chemical
pollutants in the environment.
However, cloning disrupts the process of reproduction that occurs
naturally. Human modification would result in the development of superior
humans, which would be problematic for people who aren't cloned. Cloning does
not give room for natural gene diversity to take place; cloning is only there to
produce identical genes, meaning it hinders the process of gene replication, thus
impeding the diversity of genes. Thus, the beauty that emerges from diversity
and adaptability is lost. Human life depends on family structure, yet cloning
destroys family structure. On the other hand, genetic engineering has a harmful
impact on human life. The use of genetically modified foods is thought to have
harmful effects on the human body. However, it has been shown to have a factor
that raises the risk to human health by creating cancer and other human
diseases, even though the side effects are unclear.
In conclusion, technology is a double-edged blade that must be handled
carefully. Technology has both positive and harmful effects on human issues, as
evidenced by cloning and genetic engineering.
Topic 5:
Environmental Biotechnology and Biotechnology Safety
The two most important topics at the threshold of the 21st century are
the environment and biotechnology. The integration of environmental concerns
and biotechnology advancements is known as environmental biotechnology.
Environmental biotechnology is apprehensive about the application of
biotechnology as a promising technology in the context of environmental
protection. Since rapid industrialization, urbanization, and other developments
have resulted in a threatened clean environment and depleted natural
resources, The expansion of numerous human activities in the areas of industry,
transportation, agriculture, and domestic areas has worsened soil, water, and
contaminants can be easily eliminated or destroyed using biotechnological
methods. By using biotechnology in the form of bioremediation, environmental
dangers and hazards brought on by accumulated toxic chemicals or other waste
and pollutants could be diminished or removed. The use of bioremediation
techniques is becoming increasingly commonplace when it comes to removing,
deteriorating, or detoxifying pollution from environmental media like water, air,
soil, and solid waste. Moreover, in doing so, we need to consider the safety of all
areas involved. Biotechnology can be safe, but potential risks exist. The
continued safe use of biotechnology requires constant vigilance on a case-bycase basis.
Indeed, Ms. Earth 2017, Karen Ibasco was very correct in saying that
"The real problem in this world is not pollution. The real problem is us, as humans,
because of our ignorance and apathy. We need to start changing our ways,
recalibrating our minds, and redirecting our steps. Because together as a global
community, our micro efforts will have macro effects in saving our home, our