NRC FORM 464 Part I U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (6-1998) I-UI/I'A RESPONSE NUMBER 2002-0343 Cs RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) / PRIVACY ACT (PA) REQUEST RESPONSE TYPE Rod Buckles REQUESTER DATE FINAL PARTIAL SEP 1 9 2002 PART I. - INFORMATION RELEASED Eli D• No additional agency records subject to the request have been located Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section. APPENDICES Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are already available for publi j inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room. 1 I I Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are being made available for A public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC PubliC Document Room, 2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC. APPENDICES F- A -- I Agency records subject to the request are enclosed Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you D D We are continuing to process your request See Comments. PART I.A - FEES You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed AMOUNT $ 276.81 You will receive a refund for the amount listed. El E None Minimum fee threshold not met Fees waived See comments for details PART L.B - INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE -]i No agency records subject to the request have been located. LF] l Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II. E] This determination may be appealed within 30 days by wnting to the FOIA/PA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is a "FOIA/PA Appeal." PART I.C COMMENTS (Use attached Comments continuation page if required) Fee Breakdown: Advance Payment = $2,067.72 - (minus) $1,790.91 cost = $276.81 refund due. $ 128.82 $ 164.89 $ 1,497.20 $1,790.91 [SEARCH: 3 hrs. professional @ $42.94/hr.] [REVIEW: 20 mins. SES @ $76.82/hr; 3 hirs. professional @ $42.94/hr.; 30 mins. clerical @ S20.94/hr.] [DUPLICATION: 7,486 pages @ $0.20/page] TOTAL COST SIGNATURE - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT AND PRIVACY ACT OFFICER Carol Ann Reed "I az -, (6-1998) Part 11 (6-1998) 464 Part FORM 464 NRC FORM NRC 7 RECYCLED PAPER PRINTED PRINTED ON ON RECYCLED PAPER This farm was designed using inForms This form was designed using InForms % FOIA-2002-0343 APPENDIX A RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY NO. € DATE DESCRIPTIONI(PAGE COUNT) -"1. 7/2/02 R904B Instructor Outline, (5 pages) .72. 4/01 Westinghouse Technology Advanced Manual Lesson Plan, Title: ATWS (69 pages) ,-3. 2/99 Westinghouse Technology Advanced Manual Lesson Plan, Lesson R504P-56,61(Ch.2.1), Title: Operator's Logs, (4 pages) A4. 3/99 Westinghouse Technology Advanced Manual Lesson Plan, Title: Analysis of T/S, (185 pages) 1-5. 10/15/98 Babcox & Wilcox Cross Training Course Lesson Plan, Lesson No. 326-1, Title: General Plant Description, (3 pages) -16. 10/15/98 Babcox & Wilcox Cross Training Course Lesson Plan, Lesson No.326 6.1, Title: Control Rod Drive Mechanism - Construction, (11 pages) -7. 10/15/98 Babcox & Wilcox Cross Training Course Lesson Plan, Lesson No.326-21, Title: Advanced Control System, (5 pages) -8. 11/97 USNRC Site Access Training Manual and Lesson Outline, (250 pages) --9. 10/22/97 Lesson Title: Integrated Control System, Lesson Number 326-9, (22 pages) --10. 9/1992 Power Plant Engineering Course Lesson Plan, (156 pages) 11. ,-11/15/91 B&W Advanced Technology Lesson Plan, Lesson No. 506-42, Title: Oconee-2 Tube Leak Event, (2 pages) 12. 11/14/91 B&W Advanced Technology Lesson Plan, Lesson No. 506-40,Title: ANO1 Partial Loss of Flow, (5 pages) 11/6/91 B&W Advanced Technology Lesson Plan, Lesson No. 506-4,Title: Transient Introduction with 3.1,3.2,3.3 & 3.4, (40 pages) 5/5/92 Babcock and Wilcox Technology Lesson Plan, Lesson No. 306-13, Title: Essential Controls & Instrumentation, (2 pages) 2/28/90 ECCS Systems, Author T.L. Bell, (10 pages) 3/9189 Lesson Title: ANO Seal Failure Program: 326\506, (5 pages) - 13. '- 14. , 1( 15. 16. / r FOIA-2002-0343 continued A APPENDIX RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY DATE NO. -' 3/8/89 17. 04/87 18.r 19.,-- 3/9/86 ,-Undated 20. 21. ,'KUndated -3 DESCRIPTIONI(PAGE COUNT) Lesson Title: OTSG Tube Cleaning, Author T.L. Bell, ( 23 pages) Lesson Plan: Davis-Besse Loss of Feedwater, (6 pages) Instructor Lesson Plan, Lesson Title: Incore Neutron Monitoring System, (3 pages) AFW document, (3 pages) Babcox & Wilcox Crosstraining Course (R-326C), (2 pages) 22.- Undated Babcox & Wilcox Crosstraining Course Manual, USNRC Technical Training Center, (387 pages) 23" '2- Undated BWRJ4 Technology Manual (R-104B), (410 pages) 24."* Undated Combustion Engineering Crosstraining Course (R-325C), Course Outline and Systems Manual, (500 pages) 25. ', Undated Course Outline for R-304-B and BWR Systems Lesson Plans, (415 pages) Undated 26."• 27. Z Undated 28. -Undated 29. - ESFAS document, (9 pages) Expectations for Inspectors Seminar Course Manual, (119 pages) GE BWR/4 Series Simulator Course R-624B, (1 page) Undated GE Technology Advanced Course, R-504B, (625 pages) Undated GE Technology R624B Simulator Course Lesson Plan, (24 pages) 30. , 31. /'Undated 32. - Undated GE Technology R704B Simulator Course Lesson Plan, (31 pages) GE Technology Systems Manual (R-304B), (924 pages) 33. 7 Undated NNI document, (6 pages) 34. t Power Distribution Limits document, (5 pages) Undated -2- FOIA-2002-0343 APPENDIX A - continued RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY NO. DATE 35. - 36. - Undated Undated 37. ,- Undated DESCRIPTIONI(PAGE COUNTI PRA Basics for Regulatory Applications P-105, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, (140 pages) PWR Simulator Course, Westinghouse Design, R-624P Outline and Course Materials, (76 pages) Rancho Seco Loss of ICS Power document, (7 pages) 38. r.Undated RPS document, (15 pages) 39. .- Undated Significance Determination Process Lesson Plan, (16 pages) 40. .- Undated USNRC Nuclear Reactor Concepts Course, (227 pages) Undated USNRCTTC Power Plant Engineering Course Manual, (420 pages) ,42. Undated Westinghouse Advanced Course, R-504P, (600 pages) ,,,43. Undated Westinghouse Systems Course R-304P, (1009 pages) Undated Westinghouse Technology Manual, Course Outline for R-104P and course manual, (566 pages) Undated Westinghouse Technology Manual, Introduction to Pressurized Water Reactor Generating Systems, (143 pages) 41. /44. /45. - -3-