The Three Activation States of Affect-Emotion The 3 Activation States of Affect-Emotion framework provides a clear, highly practical approach to understanding how the various affect-emotion states can manifest in us - both in a given situation or moment, and within our more conditioned, automatic response-patterns, over time. By incorporating and building on insights from Polyvagal Theory and the Window of Tolerance concept, it elucidates how our nervous system's reaction to affect-emotion states can lead to to either minimize and avoid, over-amplify and impulsively act on, or process, integrate and be more skillfully informed by any given affect-emotion state that arises. This framework can serve as an invaluable tool for recognizing our emotional patterns, increasing self-awareness, and crafting effective strategies for improved emotional regulation and expression. Under-Activation: Balanced-Activation: Over-Activation: Avoidant-Repressive Integrated-Adaptive Reactive-Impulsive Unsafe Intolerant-Unfelt Aversive-Avoidant Disconnecting-Unresponsive Demotivating-Disempowering Suppressive-Repressive Counter-Reactive Safe Tolerant-Felt Well-Regulated Connected-Responsive Integrated-Adaptive Mature Development Constructive-Wise Highly Sensitive Reactive-Impulsive Exaggerated-Disproportional ‘Irrational’-Unintegrated Over-Compensating Uncontrolled-Damaging Addictive-Compulsive In the Integrated-Adaptive activation state, there is a harmonious balance between feeling, understanding, and constructively responding to our emotions. This state fosters emotional resilience, allowing us to navigate challenges, opportunities, and disappointments with insight and flexibility. By integrating and adapting our emotional experiences, we enhance decision-making, foster deeper connections, and promote personal growth, leading to more fulfilling and authentic interactions with the world around us. In the Reactive-Impulsive activation state, we find ourselves automatically reacting to emotional triggers, leading to increasingly exaggerated emotionality and uncontrolled responses. This impulsivity stems from an overwhelmed capacity to regulate the affect-emotion state, pushing us into increasingly irrational, often regrettable decisions and actions. This escalating cycle of knee-jerk reactivity amplifies our stress, disrupts our ability to engage wisely, and undermines our relationships and self-esteem over time. In the Avoidant-Repressive activation state, we feel compelled to distance ourselves from and minimize the emotions that feel uncomfortable, unsettling, or unsafe. Our increasing difficulty to feel, process, and respond to certain emotions often typically to us automatically minimize, avoid, or repress these emotions. This recurring avoidance builds up patterns of emotion repression that hinders our ability to make well-informed decisions, respond to situations effectively, and maintain healthy, authentic relationships. © Dylan Newcomb 2024 UZAZU v2.4.2 Updated: February 5, 2024