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Reading Journal: Farmworkers in Yuma's Lettuce Fields

Reading Journal #6
Points 10
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Reading Journal #6 Questions
To complete this Reading Journal, read John Washington's "Life as a Farmworker in Yuma's
Lettuce Fields" (located in the Module titled "Reading PDFs") and answer the following
questions. Answer all questions in your own words (though you may use minimal direct quotes
when necessary for the question) and be sure to submit your work.
1. Where do the lechugueros Washington observes come from? How do they get there?
2. Identify one specific example Washington provides to support his point that the work
the lettuce harvesters do each day is challenging. Paraphrase this example in 1-2
3. In 3-4 sentences, summarize the facts the author provides about the lives of the migrant
farmworkers. In other words, if someone asked you what the life of a migrant
farmworker is like, according to this article, how would you answer?
4. To better illustrate his points, Washington often provides the reader with relevant data.
Point out two examples of data used in the text and explain their effects. (Here's how I
might talk about one example: Washington tells us that the Yuma Valley "grows...as
much as 90 percent of America's leafy greens in the winter months" (2). The use of this
percentage is effective because it demonstrates to the reader that almost all of the
greens Americans eat come from the particular region he's profiling, making it crucial to
this sector of agriculture.)
5. What do you think Washington's purpose is in writing this article? Why does the subject
matter (if not to you, at least to him and his publisher)?
Like previous Journals, this Reading Journal will be scored from 1-10, with each question worth
2 points. Provide a very short, surface-level answer to each question and get 5 points (1 point
for each question). Answer each question thoroughly, showing you engaged with the reading
and thought about it, and get all 10 points.