Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Particuology journal homepage: Investigation of grain mass flow in a mixed flow dryer Fabian Weigler ∗ , Jochen Mellmann Department of Post-harvest Technology, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Potsdam 14469, Germany a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 30 November 2012 Received in revised form 22 March 2013 Accepted 10 April 2013 Keywords: Mixed-flow dryer Grain mass flow Discrete element method a b s t r a c t The numerical modeling of grain drying is a topic of great relevance to post-harvest engineering. The required type of drying process depends on the quantity of grain to be dried and the required quality of the grain. The choice of the drying system depends on the operating parameters of the drying process. The granular flow pattern of the material exerts a significant influence on the drying process. Post-harvest drying of grain is essential for better storage, handling, and processing. Therefore, it is important to know the material behavior that controls the particle flow patterns of grain in the drying equipment to guarantee the product quality and to optimize the drying process conditions. The discrete element method (DEM) was applied to investigate the particle flow pattern of wheat through a mixed-flow dryer (MFD) without airflow, and the findings were compared with experimental results in this work. The investigations were performed using dry wheat with 14 wb% moisture content. © 2013 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Drying is widely applied in agriculture to preserve large mass flows of grain, corn, and other coarse granular products. For continuous drying, mixed-flow dryers (MFDs) are widely used. MFDs consist of a vertical drying shaft, inside which duct-shaped elements are arranged homogenously to distribute the drying air. The drying air flow is controlled by the staggered inlet and outlet air ducts. The humidified material is loaded from the top of the dryer and flows vertically downwards by gravity. A discharge device at the bottom of the dryer regulates the product mass flow rate. Design elements that are unfavorably constructed or arranged can cause broad residence time distributions, locally different drying conditions, and inhomogeneous drying. Consequently, a considerable part of the grain is over-dried in practice. This effect was investigated by Mellmann et al. (2011), in which the authors measured the grain moisture content and the temperature distributions at the dryer outlet. The measurements showed that the grain moisture content and the grain temperature distributions significantly fluctuated at the cross-section, which resulted from the effects of the air duct arrangement. This non-essential dehydration caused high specific energy consumption, which led to quality and economic losses. Although the MFD has been studied by many researchers (Bruce, 1984; Cao, Yang, & Liu, 2007; Giner, Bruce, & Mortimore, 1998; ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 331 5699336; fax: +49 331 5699846. E-mail address: (F. Weigler). Klinger, 1977), the granular flow pattern in the vertical dryer shaft has not been sufficiently considered in dryer modeling. In general, relatively few works have studied and mathematically modeled the individual processes. The grain flow through laboratory MFDs with different forms of air ducts was studied by Klinger (1977) using colored grains for visualization. However, only qualitative results were obtained from these experiments. Most research papers published on mixed-flow drying have focused on the methods to increase the dryer performance and to preserve product quality, e.g., by improving the dryer control. Bruce (1984) modeled the MFD as a series of concurrent and countercurrent elements. This model was successfully employed to predict the general dryer behavior and the influence of the operating variables on the dryer performance. More recently, the number of papers related to basic research on MFD has increased. Cao et al. (2007) used a simulation model to investigate the effect of the structural and operating parameters on the performance and the energy consumption of a mixed-flow grain dryer. The conducted simulations were based on a twodimensional dryer model, which was previously developed by Liu (1993). The authors emphasized the effect of the structural parameters such as the size and shape of the air ducts, the spacing between the air ducts, the number of rows of air ducts, and the column height. One of their observations was that the small air ducts were more efficient than the large air ducts. Kocsis et al. (2008) reported on experimental observations concerning the influence of air ducts and side walls on the grain flow. The particle velocity and the mass flow distributions were measured at an MFD test station, which was equipped with a transparent acrylic glass front wall. 1674-2001/$ – see front matter © 2013 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 34 F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 As demonstrated, the particle flow through the center of the dryer was faster than at the side walls. A two-dimensional model based on the discrete element method (DEM) was developed to simulate the particle movement in MFDs (Iroba, Weigler, Mellmann, Metzger, & Tsotsas, 2011). The obtained results showed that two flow regions existed in the MFDs: the near-wall region with a low particle velocity and the central region with a high particle velocity. The comparison between the simulated results and the experimental results revealed that the DEM could adequately predict the main features of particle flow. Based on the particle trajectory analysis, Iroba, Mellmann, Weigler, Metzger, and Tsotsas (2011) demonstrated that the half air ducts positioned at the side walls of the dryer created obstructions to the free flow of grains. However, all of these simulations used a spherical particle structure. The present paper aims to study the particle flow of dry wheat through a MFD without airflow using experimental investigation and numerical modeling. Therefore, the model of Iroba, Weigler, et al. (2011) was advanced using a multi-sphere model to imitate the real particle structure. Although the air flow through the bed was not the focus of this work, this issue should be considered in future works. Particle flow experiments were conducted to validate the simulations. Fig. 1. Simulated grain shape: ellipsoidal clump. 2. DEM and simulation conditions In this work, the granular flow behavior of wheat in a conventionally designed MFD was investigated using the DEM. The commercial software Particle Flow Code PFC2D was applied for this purpose (Itasca Consulting Group, 2004). DEM was used to study the mechanical behavior of discretely divided structures, and it observed the bed not as a continuum but as individual particles on both microscopic and macroscopic scales. DEM was introduced by Cundall (1971) and was first applied to soils by Cundall and Strack (1979) to compute the particle flow numerically via an explicit time-stepping integration scheme with suitable boundary and initial conditions. The calculation in PFC2D consisted of repeated application of the law of motion to each particle, of a force–displacement law to each contact, and constant updating of wall positions (Itasca Consulting Group, 2004). The inter-particle force models were also applied to the interaction between a particle and the wall. The corresponding material properties were used to describe the behavior of the wall. The transaction in each time step was determined for each particle. The particle equations of motion for translation and rotation were solved numerically. The equations of motion can be expressed as two vector equations: one equation relates the resultant force to the translational motion; the other equation relates the resultant moment to the rotational motion. The translational motion of the center of mass is described in terms of its position xi , velocity ẋi , and acceleration ẍi . The rotational motion of the particle is described in terms of its angular velocity ωi and angular acceleration ω̇i . The equation for translational motion can be written in the vector form Fi = m(ẍi − gi ), (1) where Fi is the resultant force, m is the total mass of the particle, and gi is the body force acceleration vector (e.g., gravity loading). For either a spherical or a disk-shaped particle of radius R, Euler’s equation of motion can be simplified and referred to in the globalaxis system as M = Iω = ˇmR2 ω̇, (2) for a rotational motion with ˇ = 2/5 for spherical particles, where I is the principal moment of inertia of the particle, and ω̇i is the angular accelerations about the principal axes. The equations of motion, represented by Eqs. (1) and (2), were integrated using a centered finite-difference procedure that involved a time step of t. The quantities ẋi and ωi were computed at the mid-intervals of t ± nt/2, while the quantities xi , ẍi , ω̇i , Fi , and M3 were computed at the primary intervals of t ± nt. Finally, the velocities were used to update the position of the particle center as xi (t + t) = xi (t) + ẋi (t + t/2)t. (3) The values of Fi (t + t) and M3 (t + t), which would be used in the next cycle, were obtained using the force–displacement law. After determining the forces, the moments and the resultant displacements, the new positions of the particles were calculated. The new contacts after the next time step followed from the new positions. Hence, new particle forces and moments could be calculated. To simulate the flow patterns of particles such as grains, the particle bed can be simulated with a simplified particle structure such as a sphere. In the commercial DEM software PFC2D , a sphere is the commonly used geometric shape, but the actual shape of wheat is nearly ellipsoidal. However, an ellipsoid is not possible to generate in PFC2D . The main advantage of using spheres is the lower computation time in comparison with the real structures; in addition, the non-spherical particles require more advanced algorithms and are more difficult to model (Luding, 2008). The main disadvantage of using spheres is that the flow patterns of the real particle shape cannot be described. Therefore, the authors adopted a multi-sphere model to compose ellipsoidal particles. To generate an ellipsoidal structure from the spheres, several spheres must be symmetrically connected in a row. However, with an increasing number of particles, the elliptical shape increases, the mechanical time step of a discrete simulation decreases, and the computational time increases. Therefore, to replicate an ellipsoidal wheat grain and to save computational time, different arrangements and numbers of spheres were checked in the particle flow simulations to find the optimal number of spheres, which were 5 spheres. To describe the real particle behavior in our numerical model, clumps of 5 connected spheres were formed. Each clump was 5.6 mm long and 3.0 mm high (see Fig. 1). The clumps were assumed to have F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 Table 1 Physical parameters of the bed material (wheat). Table 2 Simulation parameters of the bed material used in the simulation. Physical parameters Particle density, p (kg/m ) Bulk density, b (kg/m3 ) Particle friction coefficient, p Modulus of elasticity, E (N/m2 ) 3 Particle size (ellipsoidal particle) Particle moisture content (wb%) 35 l (m) ı (m) Value Simulation parameters 1300 780 0.45 3.31 × 109 0.0056 0.003 14 Particle density, p (kg/m ) Particle friction coefficient, p Wall friction coefficient, w Particle contact stiffness in normal direction, kn (N/m) Particle contact stiffness in shear direction, ks (N/m) Wall contact stiffness in normal direction, kn (N/m) Wall contact stiffness in shear direction, ks (N/m) Viscous damping coefficient in normal direction Viscous damping coefficient in shear direction the same mechanical properties as real wheat grains. The physical parameters of the wheat are shown in Table 1. Calculations were conducted using a computer with an Intel® CoreTM i7-950 Processor, 3.06 GHz and 18 GB RAM. All simulations were performed with 40,000 ellipsoidal particles, which consisted of 200,000 spheres (see Fig. 2). The particle density was set to p = 1300 kg/m3 . Regarding the mechanical behavior, viscous contact damping and frictional slip were used to dissipate the energy. The simulations were conducted for dry wheat with 14 wb% moisture content. Hence, friction coefficients of 0.45 and 0.35 were assumed among the particles and between the particles and the wall, respectively. The elastic response of the particles was assumed to obey a linear contact model, which was represented by a spring with a defined stiffness. The particle contact stiffnesses in the normal direction and the shear direction were approximated from the properties of the grain particles. Value 3 1300 0.45 0.35 1.83 × 105 1.83 × 105 6.8 × 106 5.96 × 106 0.7 0.7 According to Mühlbauer (2009), the mechanical properties of the clumps correspond to those of the grain. The contact stiffnesses of the wall were approximated from the actual mechanical properties of the steel wall (Di Renzo & Di Maio, 2004). The displayed values were: kn = 1.83 × 105 N/m and ks = 1.83 × 105 N/m for the particles, and kn = 6.8 × 106 N/m and ks = 5.96 × 106 N/m for the wall. All parameters of the bed material used in the simulation are shown in Table 2. The program created the bed using gravitational settling in a two-dimensional method (see Fig. 2), which means that a single layer of spheres was fixed in one spatial coordinate without any front and back wall. All simulations were performed with a constant mechanical time step of 2.0 × 10−6 s. To observe the mass flow behavior and the particle velocity in 2D, the particles were colored black and blue alternately after the gravitational settling (see Fig. 2). 3. Experimental investigation The experimental investigation of the particle flow was conducted using a laboratory test station (Mellmann, Richter, & Maltry, 2007). The MFD that formed the subject of this analysis consisted of a vertical drying shaft, in which the inlet and outlet air ducts were arranged horizontally. Although the cross-section of the dryer was scaled down, the ducts were maintained in the industrial scale. Therefore, the number of ducts was reduced. The dryer shaft, which was approximately 2 m high and 0.6 m wide, consisted of 26 inlet and outlet air ducts, which were horizontally aligned across the dryer depth (Fig. 3(a)). In the pilot experiments, wheat with an average moisture content of approximately 14 wb% and a bulk density of 780 kg/m3 was used as the bed material. The material was loaded from the top of the dryer and flowed vertically downwards by gravity. The test dryer was equipped with a pneumatically operated discharge gate (Fig. 3(a)), which provided an even grain flow over the cross-section at the outlet. The discharge device at the bottom of the dryer operated on the principle of a rotary valve to allow a constant product mass flow rate. The front wall of the grain flow study equipment was made of transparent acrylic glass (Fig. 3(b)) to enable visual observation of the particle movement. After the filling process, the bed was smoothed over the cross-section above the last row of air ducts, and the colored wheat grains, which were used as tracer particles, were filled on top. A digital video camera was employed to observe the mass flow behavior and to illustrate the particle velocity profiles. 4. Numerical investigation Fig. 2. Part of the simulated dryer geometry after gravitational settling. To compare the experimental and numerical results, the numerical models were calibrated using two independent experimental methods. First, the static angle of repose ˛s of the bed-material wheat was measured and compared with the numerical results. The experimental values were determined according to DIN ISO 4324 and DIN 36 F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 Fig. 5. Bed angle ˚, the static (˛s ) and the dynamic () angles of repose formed under the air ducts. Fig. 3. Pilot-scale mixed-flow dryer: (a) schematic diagram, and (b) photograph. Table 3 Comparison of the measured static angle of repose of wheat with numerical results for different moisture contents. Moisture content (%) Static angle of repose (◦ ) (measured) Static angle of repose (◦ ) (simulated) 13.4 15.1 19.5 ± 1.3 27.6 ± 1.7 19 28 EN 12047. In this method, wheat was piled up from a hopper onto a plate, and the static angles of repose were measured for different moisture contents (Table 3). The static angle of repose depended on the humidity and the shape of the particles. Each measurement was repeated ten times for statistical security. Table 3 shows ade- quate agreements between the simulated angles of repose (Fig. 4) and the measured values. Hence, the numerical model can predict the real particle behavior of wheat. In the second independent method, we measured the bed angle ˚, which was formed under the air ducts at the steady state during the real particle flow experiments (see Fig. 5). These experiments were performed at the MFD test station with the same portion of wheat used in the static repose angle experiment. The physical parameters of the wheat are shown in Table 1. The particle flow experiments were conducted in both the continuous and the interrupted flow regimes (Mellmann & Teodorov, 2011). The continuous flow regime is the theoretical mode of the dryer operation where the discharge device is constantly open, and the grain flows out unrestricted and continuously. This flow mode is of high theoretical value for particle flow investigations. Under continuous flow conditions, the bed surface under the air ducts is inclined by the dynamic angle of repose (Fig. 5). Industrial MFDs are operated in the interrupted flow regime. In this case, the grain bed is at rest almost throughout the entire drying time, and it only moves vertically during ticks of time when the discharge device is opened. Under interrupted flow conditions, the static angle of repose ˛s is formed under the air ducts. Fig. 4. Simulation of the static angle of repose for different moisture contents according to DIN ISO 4324 and DIN EN 12047. F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 37 Fig. 6. Superimposed pictures of the experimental and simulated particle flow pattern in MFD for (a) continuous flow, and (b) interrupted flow: comparison of the bed angle ˚ (wheat, 14 wb% moisture content). To compare the measured and the simulated values of the bed angles, the pictures from the respective DEM simulations were superimposed over those taken from the particle flow experiments at the steady state. Fig. 6 illustrates an example of the superimposed images of wheat with 14 wb% moisture content. The measurements were performed in the conventionally designed test dryer. For the continuous flow, the pictures were produced after the steady state of grain flow was attained. Using the experimental photo, a bed angle ˚ of approximately 105◦ was measured, which resulted in a dynamic angle of repose of = (2 − 105◦ )/2 = 37.5◦ . In the practically relevant interrupted flow mode, the grain bed was at repose most of the time (the holding time) and moved only during ticks of time when the discharge device was opened – the ‘discharge time’ (Mellmann & Teodorov, 2011). Therefore, the bed inclination angle was measured at rest after the discharge device was closed and the particle motion stopped (Fig. 5). This static angle of repose was measured as ˛s = (2 − 120◦ )/2 = 30.0◦ . As expected, the dynamic angle of repose was higher than the static angle of repose. All measured angles are shown in Table 4. The comparison showed that the DEM model, which used ellipsoidal clumps, could effectively predict the real particle flow pattern for both continuous flow and interrupted flow (Fig. 6). The calibrated model was used to study Fig. 7. Granular flow patterns in MFD: (a) DEM with spheres, (b) DEM with clumps, and (c) experimental result. 38 F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 Table 4 Comparison between measured and simulated angles of repose under the air ducts for continuous flow and interrupted flow. Flow regime Bulk angle (◦ ) Experimental Simulation Continuous flow Interrupted flow 115 ± 2 125 ± 2 110 ± 5 120 ± 5 the effect of different design elements with respect to the particle flow behavior. 5. Results The experimental investigation confirmed the results obtained by Kocsis et al. (2008), which showed that the particles flowed faster through the center of the dryer than at the side walls. Fig. 7 shows that the colored grain layer formed a cone-shaped profile over the dryer width. It was also observed that the colored grain layer at the acrylic glass wall deviated from that inside the dryer. There was also a cone-shaped profile over the dryer cross-sectional area. At the outlet, experimental investigations showed that this velocity gradient resulted in a funnel flow that was comparable to the funnel flow behavior in a silo. To measure the distribution of tracer particles at the outlet, a set of sampling boxes was placed at the discharge end. To demonstrate the achieved progress in the DEM model development, the simulated results obtained for both particle structures – ellipsoidal and spherical – are illustrated in Fig. 7. The simulations were conducted for the continuous flow regimes. The comparison between the numerical simulation and the experimental result (Fig. 7) shows that the DEM model based on the ellipsoidal particle structure (Fig. 1) can effectively predict the real grain flow pattern. The colored grain layer in the experiment showed the same profile as that in the numerical simulation. In contrast, when spherical particles were used, the bed angle that was typically formed under the air ducts did not occur (see Fig. 7). By applying a discrete model, it is possible to track each individual particle trajectory in the dryer. The calculation of some particle trajectories in the dryer (Fig. 8) illustrated that streaks of particles existed between the ducts without any cross-mixing over the dryer height. 6. Conclusions The comparison between simulated and experimental results showed that the DEM can adequately predict the main features of a particle flow. Using the calibrated model, the general particle flow patterns in MFDs with a conventional design (the horizontal arrangement) were studied. As expected, the simulations confirmed the known flow behavior: the particles that flow through the center of the dryer have higher velocities and lower friction effects than those flowing through the regions near the dryer walls. The tails at the side walls revealed the influence of the wall and the half air ducts, which were positioned directly at the walls, on the grain flow. These particles traveled with lower vertical velocities due to the higher frictional effects. Consequently, the grains had different residence times in the dryer (Iroba, Weigler, et al., 2011). The particle channeling and the different residence times for the actual air flow conditions between the center region and the wall regions resulted in a non-uniform moisture distribution at the dryer outlet (Mellmann et al., 2011). Hence, the dryer apparatus should still be optimized with respect to the particle flow. In general, the analysis shows that the present MFD design does not provide any amount of cross-mixing. Therefore, the future goal is to develop a design that can properly capture all important flow patterns and velocity profiles for the product quality. However, a 2D model does not accurately predict the absolute values of the solid mass flow pattern and the particle velocity. Therefore, 3D simulations should be conducted for the dryer design studies mentioned. Based on the results, the drying process in MFD can be modeled on a realistic industrial scale. Nomenclature Symbols F g I k m R t t ẋ ẍi force, N gravity, m/s2 moment of inertia, kg m2 stiffness, N/m mass, kg radius of a spherical particle, m time, s time step, s velocity, m/s acceleration, m/s2 Greek symbols ˇ rotational motion coefficient dynamic angle of repose, rad angular velocity, s−1 ω ω̇ angular acceleration, s−2 Indices n i s normal particle number shear Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for funding this work. References Fig. 8. Simulated particle trajectories. Bruce, D. M. (1984). Simulation of multiple-bed concurrent-, counter-, and mixedflow grain driers. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 30, 361–372. F. Weigler, J. Mellmann / Particuology 12 (2014) 33–39 Cao, C. W., Yang, D. Y., & Liu, Q. (2007). Research on modeling and simulation of mixed-flow grain dryer. Drying Technology, 25, 681–687. Cundall, P. A. (1971). 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