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NSG 320 Adult Health I Course Guide

Student Course Guide
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the nursing care of adult clients. Students demonstrate competency in
the advancing role of the professional registered nurse and clinical reasoning to improve client outcomes. Students begin to
integrate knowledge of clinical data, pharmacologic concepts, and assessment findings to plan, prioritize, and implement
nursing care. Prerequisites: NSG-300, NSG-300C, NSG-310, NSG-316, and NSG-318. Co-Requisite: NSG-320C
Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D., Hagler, D., Reinisch, C. (2023). Lewis's medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and
management of clinical problems (12th ed.). Elsevier-Mosby. ISBN-13: 9780323551496
LaCharity, L. A., Kumagai, C. K., & Hosler, S. M. (2023). Prioritization, delegation, and assignment: Practice exercises for
the NCLEX examination (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby. ISBN-13: 9780323683166
McCuistion, L. E., DiMaggio, K., Winton, M. B., & Yeager, J. Y. (2023). Pharmacology: A
patient-centered nursing process approach (11th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN-978-0323-79315-5
Pagana, K. D., & Pagana, T. J. (2017). Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO:
Elsevier-Mosby. ISBN-13: 9780323446631bg
Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students Skidmore-Roth, L. (2022). Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 14th
Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. ISBN: 978-0-323-87489-2; vbk://9780323876575
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 1: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, Diabetes, and Thyroid Problems
Calculate dosages for oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, and IV-drip medications for a performance-based assessment.
Utilize person-centered care, including respect for diverse individual differences, while implementing quality, evidence-based, safe,
and equitable care for the achievement of client outcomes.
Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus,
hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism.
Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for adults with diabetes mellitus, and thyroid
Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered nursing management of adults with
diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism which includes ongoing assessment, medication education, self-care
strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism.
Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complication.
A. Endocrine Diseases
1. Diabetes Type 1
2. Diabetes Type 2
3. Hypoglycemia
4. Hyperglycemia
5. Hypothyroidism
6. Hyperthyroidism
B. Endocrine Medications
1. Oral Hypoglycemics
2. Insulins (Rapid, Short,
Intermediate and Long-Acting
3. Glucagon
4. D50
5. Levothyroxine
6. Potassium Iodide
7. Methimazole
8. Propylthiouracil
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 53, Diabetes,
Pp. 1285-1296 (Stop @ Inhaled Insulin).
Pp. 1299-1308 (Stop @ Acute Complications of DM).
• Patient/Caregiver Teaching Table 53.16 pp. 1306
• Patient/Caregiver Teaching Table 53.17 pp. 1307
• Comparison of Hyperglycemia and
Hypoglycemia Table 53.18 pp. 1309
Pp. 1311-1320.
We will not cover DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) and HHS
(Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome).
Chapter 54, Endocrine Problems, pp. 1328- 1337
(Stop @ Thyroid Nodules & Cancer).
We will not cover Myxedema Coma.
Chapter 1, Delegation and Assignment, pp. 10-12
Table 1.5 5 Rights of Delegation
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 49, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal
Thyroid Gland pp. 613-619, Including Nursing Process Chart
(pp. 617)
Levothyroxine Sodium Prototype Drug Chart (pp. 615)
Chapter 50, Antidiabetics
Insulin pp. 626-629
Oral Antidiabetic pp. 630-636
Hyperglycemic Drugs pp. 636-637
Chapter 11, Drug Calculations, pp. 96-133
Performance-Based Assessment (PBA): Medication Math
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Review for Med Math PBA this week
Chapter 13, Diabetes Mellitus 34 Practice Questions (Skip
DKA and HHS questions) pp. 133-140
Introductions: Guidelines for Prioritization pp. 1-10
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete all EAQ (Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing) for full points.
1. Diabetes
2. Management of Diabetes
Lessons (Review):
1. Diabetes & Drug Therapies
2. Other Diabetes Therapies & Nursing Management
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Susan Smith (Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 13, Diabetes Mellitus, pp. 133-148
(36 Questions)
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TOPIC 2: Perioperative, Fluid, and Electrolytes
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to surgery in the preoperative, intraoperative,
postoperative stages or with fluid and electrolyte imbalances which includes fluid volume excess, fluid volume deficit, serum sodium,
serum potassium, serum calcium, serum magnesium, and serum phosphate.
2. Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span
undergoing a surgical procedure or with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing management of
adults undergoing a surgical procedure or with fluid and electrolyte imbalances which includes ongoing assessment, age-related or
diversity considerations, informed consent, central line care, medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any
health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with diabetes, hyper- and hypothyroidism.
5. Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complications.
A. Foundations of Medical-Surgical Nursing
1. Evidence-Based Practice
2. Quality and Safety
B. Fluid and Electrolytes
1. Basic concepts of Fluid and Electrolyte
2. Fluid and Electrolytes Imbalance
and Management
a. Osmolality, Osmolarity
b. Volume Imbalance
c. Sodium Imbalance
d. Chloride Imbalance
e. Potassium Imbalance
f. Calcium Imbalances
g. Magnesium Imbalance
h. Phosphate Imbalances
3. Lab values
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Chloride
d. Calcium
e. Magnesium
f. Phosphate
C. Care of the Pre-Operative and PostOperative Clients
D. Surgical Consent
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Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 17, Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances
pp. 302- 321
• Table 17.18 Assessment Abnormalities Fluid and
Electrolyte Imbalances. Pp. 324
Lab values in Appendix C of Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
pp. 1737
Chapter 18, Preoperative Care, pp. 335-336
• Nursing Management: Preoperative Patients, pp.
Chapter 18, Preoperative Care, Legal Preoperative for Surgery,
pp. 344
• Table 18.10 Preoperative Checklist, pp. 346
Chapter 19, Interoperative Care, pp. 350
• Nursing Management: Patient Before Surgery, pp. 353
• Nursing Management: Patient During Surgery, pp. 253
• Safety Alert: Surgical Time Out, Page 356
• Anesthesia, pp. 357 -362
• Figure 19.6 Location of the needle's point and injected
anesthetic relative to the dura and spinal cord. Pp. 362
Chapter 20, Postoperative Care, pp. 365
• Safety Alert: Reginal Anesthesia, pp. 366
• Figure 20.1 Potential problems in the postoperative
period. Pp. 367
• Respiratory Problems, pp. 367
• Table 20.4 Signs of Inadequate Oxygenation, pp. 368
• Safety Alert: Hypoventilation, pp. 368
• Nursing Management: Respiratory Problems, pp. 369 373
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Nursing Management: Cardiovascular Problems, pp.
Nursing Management: Neurologic and Psychologic
Problems, pp. 374-375
Nursing Management: Pain & Discomfort, pp. 375-376
Safety Alert: PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia), pp.
Nursing Management: Temperature Changes, pp. 376377
Nursing Management: Surgical Wound, pp. 379-380
Table 20.11 Care of Patient on Admission to Clinical
pp. 382
Table 20.12 Patient & Caregiver Teaching, pp. 382
McCuistion (Pharmacology)
Chapter 12, Fluid Volume and Electrolytes, pp. 135-150
• Table 12.4 Intravenous Solutions Crystalloids
Intravenous Solutions, pp. 137
• Table 12.5, Common Colloid Solutions, pp. 138
• Fluid Imbalances (Fluid Volume Deficit & Fluid
Volume Excess), pp. 139-140
• Electrolytes, pp. 140-155
Chapter 18, Depressants, pp. 207-213
• Table 18.1 Common Side Effects &
Adverse Reactions of SedativeHypnotics, pp. 207
• Table 18.3 Sedative-Hypnotics:
Benzodiazepines, Nonbenzodiazepines,
& Opioid Agonists, pp. 209
• Table 18.3 Sedative-Hypnotics: Benzodiazepines,
Nonbenzodiazepines, & Opioid Agonists, pp. 211-212
• Sedatives & Hypnotics in Older Adults, pp. 211-213
• Anesthetics
o Assessment Before Surgery
o Inhalation Anesthetics
o Intravenous Anesthetics
o Topical Anesthetics
o Local Anesthetics (Lidocaine &
• Spinal Anesthesia, pp. 213-217
• Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process) Anesthetics, pp.
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete all EAQ for full points.
1. Electrolyte Balance & Imbalance
2. Fluid Balance & Imbalance
Lessons (Review):
1. Homeostasis
2. Fluid Volume & Electrolyte Imbalances
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a. (Osmosis video)
b. (Electrolytes video)
3. Preparing for Surgery
4. Nursing Management: Preoperative Patient
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Rusty Jackson (Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
PBA: Medication Math Test
10 Questions
Chapter 4, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, pp. 47-53
(34 Practice Questions)
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TOPIC 3: Lower Respiratory Problems and Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystic
fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for persons across the adult life span
with pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
including ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, medication education, self-care strategies, and
follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with pneumonia, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, or chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Respiratory Diagnostic Assessment
1. Review Assessments of respiratory
2. Hypoxia, sputum, and skin cultures
B. Upper Respiratory Problems
1. Influenza
2. Sinusitis
C. Lower Respiratory Problems
1. Pneumonia
2. Tuberculosis (TB)
D. Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
1. Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
2. Asthma
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
E. Diagnostic Studies
1. Arterial blood gas (ABG)
2. Respiratory Acidosis/Alkalosis
3. Metabolic Acidosis/Alkalosis
4. Interpretation of ABG (Arterial Blood
• Antihistamines
• Pseudoephedrine
• Ethambutol
• Isoniazid
• Pyrazinamide
• Rifampin
• Antibiotics in general (penicillin,
cephalosporins, cefoxitin)
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 27 (Review) Respiratory
• Assessment Abnormalities Table 27.6
• Diagnostic Studies: Tables 27.9 & 27.16 pp.
Chapter 28 Support Ventilation-Review Respiratory
• Respiratory Physiotherapy pp.540-541
• O2 Therapy pp. 541-544
• Nursing Management O2 Therapy pp. 544-545
Chapter 29 Upper Respiratory
• Influenza pp. 583-586
• Sinusitis pp. 583-586
Chapter 30 Lower Respiratory:
• Pneumonia pp. 597-604
• Tuberculosis (TB) pp. 604-610
Chapter 31 Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
• Asthma pp. 638-656
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(COPD) pp. 656-671
• Cystic Fibrosis pp. 634-638
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 26 Review: Penicillin and Cephalosporins pp. 315323
Chapter 30 Antitubercular drugs pp. 346-348
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)-Antitubercular Drug p.
Antifungal drugs pp. 350-354
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process) Antifungals p. 353
Antivirals pp. 354-359
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Chapter 34 Vaccines pp. 399-402
Chapter 38 Antihistamines, antitussives, expectorants pp.
Chapter 39 Lower Respiratory Disorders pp. 475-483
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
Atrial Blood Gas (ABG) Worksheet
Download and complete the "ABC Worksheet” by the
assignment due date.
Sherpath Activities:
You must complete all EAQs for full points.
1. Asthma
2. Bronchiectasis & Cystic Fibrosis
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Lessons (Review):
1. Asthma and Asthma Care
2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD &
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Mr. Fenske (Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 6, Respiratory Problems, pages 63-72.
(42 Practice Questions)
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TOPIC 4: Cardiovascular Perfusion Problems, Part I
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1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to hypertension, coronary artery
disease, chronic stable angina, and select dysrhythmias.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for persons across the adult life span
with hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic stable angina, and select dysrhythmias.
3. Interpret normal and select abnormal ECG waveforms, which include normal sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, sinus
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contractions, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and
4. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic stable angina, and select dysrhythmias, which
includes ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, dysrhythmia treatment, post-operative care,
medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
5. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic stable angina, and select
6. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Hypertension (HTN)
1. Etiology and Classification
2. Clinical Manifestations
3. Complications
4. Diagnosis
5. Interprofessional Care
6. Nursing Management
B. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
1. Etiology and Developmental Stages
2. Risk Factors
3. Interprofessional Care
4. Nursing Management
C. Chronic Stable Angina
1. Etiology
2. Clinical Manifestations
3. Interprofessional Care
4. Nursing Management
5. Diagnosis and Intervention Studies
D. Dysrhythmias
a. Sinus Rhythm
b. Sinus Tachycardia
c. Sinus Bradycardia
d. Atrial Fibrillation
e. Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC)
f. Ventricular Tachycardia
g. Ventricular Fibrillation
h. Asystole
1. Interprofessional Care
2. Nursing Management
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 35 Assessment: Cardiovascular System,
Review: Structure and Function of Cardiovascular
System pp. 768-772
• Review: Assessment of
Cardiovascular System pp. 773-778
• Review: Hemodynamic Monitoring p.
• Review: Diagnostic Studies of
Cardiovascular System pp. 786-794
• Review chapter Table 35.4
Assessment Abnormalities pp. 776777
• Review chapter Table 35.9 Serology
Studies p.786
• Review chapter Table 35.10
Diagnostic Studies pp. 788-790
Chapter 36 Hypertension pp. 797-816
• Review chapter Table 36.2 Diagnostic
Criteria p.800
• Review chapter Table 36.5
Interprofessional Care p. 804
• Review chapter Table 36.6, 36.7, &
36.8 Drug Therapy pp. 806-809
Chapter 37 Coronary Artery Disease & Acute
Coronary Syndrome
• Coronary Artery Disease pp. 819-830
• Chronic Stable Angina pp. 830-838
(Stop at Surgical Coronary
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Review Table 37.1 Risk Factors for
Coronary Artery Disease.
Review Table 37.2 Patient and
Caregiver Teaching: Risk Factors for
Coronary Artery Disease.
Chapter 39 Dysrhythmias
Rhythm Identification and Treatment pp. 884-899
• Normal sinus rhythm
• Sinus bradycardia
• Sinus tachycardia
• Atrial fibrillation
• Premature Ventricular
• Ventricular tachycardia
• Ventricular fibrillation
• Asystole
Interprofessional and Nursing Management:
Dysrhythmias pp. 899-905
Synchronized Cardioversion
Temporary Pacemaker
Review Table 39.6 Emergency Management:
Dysrhythmias p. 890
Review Table 39.7 Characteristics of common
dysrhythmias p. 891
Review Table 39.9 Drug Therapy:
Antidysrhythmic Drugs p. 899
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 40: Cardiac Glycosides, Antianginals,
Antidysrhythmic pp. 486-502
Chapter 41: Diuretics pp. 507-515
Chapter 42: Antihypertensives pp. 518-529
Chapter 43: Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and
Thrombolytics pp. 533-542
Chapter 44: Antihyperlipidemic and drugs to
Improve peripheral blood flow pp. 544-548
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
Sherpath Activities:
You must complete all EAQs for full points.
1. Hypertension
Lessons (Review):
1. Blood Pressure & Hypertension
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2. Primary Hypertension and Hypertensive Crisis
Care (Not Hypertensive Crisis)
3. Coronary Artery Disease
4. Chronic Stable Angina
Heart Failure
5. Nursing Management of Heart Failure and
Heart Transplantation
(Not Heart Transplantation)
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Mr. Erikson
(Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Exam One:
Topics 1-3
50 questions
La Charity:
Chapter 7, Cardiovascular Problems, pages 73-78.
(48 Practice Questions)
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 5: Cardiovascular Perfusion Problems, Part 2
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to chronic heart failure, peripheral
artery diseases, and peripheral venous disorders of the lower extremities.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for persons across the adult life span
with chronic heart failure, peripheral artery diseases, and peripheral venous disorders of the lower extremities.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with chronic heart failure and peripheral artery diseases and peripheral venous disorders of the
lower extremities, which include ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, post-operative care,
medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with chronic heart failure and peripheral artery diseases and peripheral venous
disorders of the lower extremities.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Heart Failure (HF)
1. Etiology and Classification
2. Compensatory Mechanisms
3. Clinical Manifestations
4. Complications
5. Diagnosis
6. Interprofessional Care and Nursing
B. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
1. Etiology
2. Clinical Manifestations
3. Complication
4. Diagnosis
5. Interprofessional Care and Nursing
C. Acute & Chronic Venous Disorders (Only Chronic)
a. Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
1. Etiology
2. Clinical Manifestations
3. Complications
4. Diagnosis
5. Interprofessional Care and Nursing
b. Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and
Venous Leg Ulcers
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 38: Heart Failure pp. 859-877
(Not acute decompensated heart failure)
• Review Table 38.5 Manifestations of Heart
• Review Table 38.7 Drug Therapy
• Review Table 38.10 Patient and Caregiver
Teaching for Heart Failure.
Chapter 41: Vascular Disorders pp.932-958
• Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) pp. 932938
• Acute & Chronic Venous Disorders
o Venous Thrombosis pp. 946-954
§ VTE (preferred
o Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
and Venous Leg Ulcers pp. 956-957
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 15: Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists
pp. 175-185
Chapter 41: Diuretics pp. 486-502
Chapter 42: Antihypertensives pp. 518-529
Chapter 43: Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and
Thrombolytics pp. 533-542
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
NSG-320 ECG Worksheet
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Download and complete the "NSG-320 ECG
Worksheet” by the assignment due date.
Sherpath Activities:
You must complete all EAQs for full points.
1. Chapter 38: Heart Failure
2. Chapter 38: Management of Heart Failure
Lessons (Review)
1. Peripheral Artery Disease
2. Acute and Chronic Venous Disorders
(Only Chronic)
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Mr. Thomas Smith
(Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 7, Cardiovascular Problems, pages 73-78.
(48 Practice Questions)
Note: Same as Topic 4
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TOPIC 6: Hematology: Anemias, Clotting Disorders, & Blood Transfusions
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to cancer prevention, detection and treatments and
hematologic problems.
2. Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span with
cancer and hematologic problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing management of
adults with anemia, iron-deficiency anemia, sickle cell disease, polycythemia, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, neutropenia, and
chronic leukemia which includes ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, medication education, prevention,
detection and treatment of cancer, blood transfusions, blood transfusion reactions, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any
health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with cancer, blood transfusions, blood transfusion reactions, anemia, iron-deficiency anemia, sickle cell disease, polycythemia,
thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, neutropenia, and chronic leukemia.
5. Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complications.
A. Cancer
1. Process of Cancer Development
2. Main Sites of Metastasis
3. Carcinogens
4. Benign vs. Metastasis
5. Prevention
6. Cancer Treatments
a. Surgery
b. Chemotherapy
c. Radiation
7. Nursing Management
8. Complications of Cancer
9. Oncology Emergencies
B. Anemia
1. RBC Production
a. Iron Deficiency
b. Thalassemia
2. Megaloblastic Anemias
a. Cobalamin Deficiency (Vit B12)
b. Folic Acid Deficiency
3. Hemolytic Anemia
a. Sickle Cell Anemia
C. Clotting Disorders
1. Thrombocytopenia
2. Hemophilia Von Willebrand Disease
D. Neutropenia
E. Leukemia
1. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
2. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
F. Blood Transfusion
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 16 Cancer pp. 265 - 301 (36)
• Biology of Cancer pp. 266 – 269
• Table 16. 3 Comparison of Benign &
Malignant Neoplasms pp. 271
• Benign vs Malignant Neoplasm pp. 271
• Classification of Cancer pp. 271
• Table 16.4 Anatomic Classification of
Tumors pp.272
• Clinical Staging p. 271
• Table 16.5 TNM Classification System pp.
• Box 16.2 Promoting Population Health:
Prevention and Early Detection of Cancer
• Prevention and Detection of Cancer pp. 273
• Table 16.6 Warning Signs of Cancer
• Diagnosis of Cancer: Biopsy pp. 274
• Interprofessional Care pp. 274-281
• Nursing Management: Chemotherapy &
Radiation Therapy pp. 281-288
(Stop at Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy)
• Table 16.2 Patient & Caregiver Teaching:
Radiation Skin Reaction
• Complications of Cancer pp. 283-298
• Table 16.17 & 16.18 Nutrition Therapy
• Table 16.19 Oncologic Emergencies pp.
• Table 16.21 Factors Affecting How Patients
Cope with Cancer pp. 297
Chapter 34 Hematologic Problems pp. 715 - 766 (51)
We will not cover Sickle Cell Crises.
• Anemias pp. 716-718
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G. Labs
1. Hemoglobin
2. Hematocrit
3. WBC (White Blood Cell)
4. Platelets
Table 34.4 Nursing Assessment: Anemias
Anemias Caused by Decreased RBC
pp. 718
o Iron Deficiency pp. 719
o Thalassemia pp. 720
o Megaloblastic Anemias pp. 721
o Table 34.8 pp.721
§ Cobalamin Deficiency pp.
§ Folic Acid Deficiency pp.
o Anemias of Chronic Disease pp.
§ Aplastic Anemia
Anemia Caused by Increased RBC
pp. 724
o Sickle Cell Disease pp. 724 -728
(Stop at Acquired Hemolytic Anemia)
Problems of Hemostasis pp. 731
o Thrombocytopenia pp. 731-735
Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
o Hemophilia and Von Willebrand
Disease pp. 735-738
o Neutropenia pp. 741-743
§ Table 34.23 Nursing
Management pp. 743
§ Table 32.24 Patient &
Caregiver Teaching pp.743
o Leukemia pp. 744 -750
§ Table 34.25 Types of
Leukemia pp. 745
§ Table 34.27 Nursing
Assessment: Leukemia pp.
Blood Component Therapy pp. 757-761
o Table 34.32 Common Blood
Products pp 757
o Table 34.33 Blood Component
Compatibilities for Transfusion pp.
o Table 34.34 Nursing Management:
Blood Transfusions pp. 758
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 25, Anticancer Drugs
Chapter 37, Biologic Response Modifiers
Table 37.2 Adverse Effects and Dosage
Modification for Biologic Response Modifiers
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
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Sherpath Activities:
EAQs (Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing):
Must complete both EAQs for full points.
1. Anemias & Other Blood Disorders
2. Thrombocytopenia, Hemophilia, and Von
Willebrand Disease
Lessons (Review):
1. Biology of Cancer
2. Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy
3. Hematologic Problems Related to Red Blood Cells
Part 1 & Part 2
4. Hematological Problems Related to Coagulation
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Mrs. Byrd (Traditional Students Only)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 5, Cancer, pages 25-32
(43 Practice Questions)
Chapter 8, Hematological Problems, pages 84-91 (36
Practice Questions)
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 7: Upper and Lower GI and Nutrition
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies of upper and lower gastrointestinal and
nutritional problems.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span
with upper and lower gastrointestinal and nutritional problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with malnutrition, enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal
hernia, peptic ulcer disease, esophageal and stomach cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
diverticulitis, intestinal obstruction, colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal surgeries, and ostomies, including ongoing
assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, postoperative care, medication education, self-care strategies, and
follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with malnutrition, enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, gastroesophageal
reflux disease, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer disease, esophageal and stomach cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable
bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, intestinal obstruction, colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal surgeries, and ostomies.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Upper GI
1. Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD)
2. Hiatal Hernia
3. Esophageal Cancer
4. Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
5. Stomach Cancer
6. Gastric Surgery
7. Complications, including Dumping Syndrome
B. Lower GI
1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
a. Crohn’s Disease
b. Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
3. Bowel Obstruction
4. Colorectal Cancer
5. Bowel Resection: Ostomy Surgery
6. Diverticulitis
C. Nutrition Problems
1. Malnutrition
2. Enteral Nutrition (EN)
3. Parenteral Nutrition (PN)
PPI (Proton pump inhibitors)
• Omeprazole,
• Pantoprazole
H2 Blockers
• Ranitidine
• Metoclopramide
• Tums,
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 43 (Review) GI Assessment pp. 987-1008
Chapter 44 Nutritional Problems pp. 1009-1025
(Stop at eating disorders)
• Malnutrition
• Nutritional support:
o Specialized Nutrition Support:
• Enteral (EN) pp. 1020
o Table 44.11 Nursing Management
for EN
o Table 44.12 Nursing Managing for
EN Problems
o Table 44.13 Nursing Management
Decreasing Enteral Feeding
• Parenteral (PN) pp. 1024
o Table 44-15 Nursing Management
PN Infusions
o Table 44.16 Complications of PN
Chapter 46 Upper GI Problems pp. 1057-1085
• GERD pp. 1057
o Table 46.9 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching GERD
• Hiatal Hernia pp. 1061
• Esophageal Cancer pp. 1062
• Peptic Ulcer Disease Gastritis pp. 1067
o Table 46.16 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching PUD
• Stomach Cancer pp. 1074
• Gastric Surgery pp. 1076
Deleted: 18
• Magnesium
Oxide Aluminum & Magnesium
• Maalox, Mylanta Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin
• Magnesium Oxide
• Senna
• Docusate Sodium
• Imodium
5-ASA drug alert
• Corticosteroids
• Antibiotics
• Immunosuppressants
Table 46.18 Nutrition Therapy
Post gastrectomy Dumping
Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems pp. 1094-1097,
• Table 47.9 Nutrition Therapy High-Fiber
Foods pp. 1096
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome pp. 1101
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease pp. 1104
(Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s)
o Table 47.16 Comparison of
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s
o Table 47.20 Nursing Assessment
• Bowel Obstruction pp. 1111
o Table 47.22 Nursing Management
Patient with a Bowel Obstruction
• Colorectal Cancer pp. 1114
o Table 47.23 Risk Factors for
Colorectal Cancer
o Table 47.27 Nursing Assessment
Colorectal Cancer
• Bowel Resection & Ostomy Surgery pp.
o Table 47.31 Nursing Management
Ostomy Care
o Table 47.32 Patient and Caregiver
Teaching Ostomy Self-Care
• Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis pp. 1123
o Table 47.35 Nursing Management
Acute Diverticulitis
• Short Bowel Syndrome pp.1128
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 41 Diuretics pp. 510-516
Loop Diuretics
Prototype Drug Chart-Furosemide
Table 41.3 Physiological & Laboratory
Changes Associated with Loop
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Diuretics: Loop
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
Prototype Drug Chart-Spironolactone
Table 41.5 Diuretics: PotassiumSparing
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Diuretics: Potassium -Sparing
Chapter 46 Antiulcer Drugs, pages 572-580
Table 46.4 Antiulcer: Antacids
Prototype Drug Chart-Aluminum
Hydroxide Prototype Drug ChartFamotidine
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Deleted: 18
Table 46.5 Antiulcer Drugs:
Histamine, Blockers
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Antiulcer: Histamine2 Blocker
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Prototype Drug Chart-Pantoprazole
Table 46.6 Antiulcer Drugs: Proton
Pump Inhibitors, Pepsin Inhibitors, and
Prostaglandin analogues Pepsin
Inhibitors (Mucosal Protective Drugs)
Prototype Drug Chart-Sucralfate
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)-Antiulcer: Pepsin
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete both EAQs for full points.
1. Oral & Esophageal Disorder
2. Peptic Ulcer Disease
Lessons (Review):
1. Oral & Esophageal Disorders
2. Peptic Ulcer Disease & Stomach Cancer
3. Other Stomach and Upper Small Intestine
4. Diarrhea, Fecal Incontinence, Constipation, Acute
Abdominal Pain, and Abdominal Trauma (Not
Acute Abdominal Pain and Abdominal Trauma)
5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Appendicitis,
Peritonitis, Gastroenteritis, Inflammatory Bowel
Disease, and Bowel Obstruction (Not Appendicitis,
Bowel Obstruction)
6. Polyps of Large Intestine, Colorectal Cancer,
Bowel Resections, Ostomy Surgery,
Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis, Fistulas, and Hernias
(Not Fistulas)
HESI Preparation Suite:
Case Study: Peptic Ulcer Disease (Traditional Students
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Exam Two (2)
Topics 4 – 6
50 Questions
Chapter 12, GI & Nutritional Problems, pages 120-132
(47 Practice Questions)
Upper and Lower GI Nutrition Quiz (ABSN Only)
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 8: Liver, Pancreas, Biliary Tract, and Female Reproductive Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to liver, pancreas, biliary tract, and female
reproductive problems.
2. Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span with
liver, pancreas, biliary tract, and female reproductive problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing management of
adults with hepatitis cirrhosis, chronic liver failure, liver cancer, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy,
breast cancer, breast cancer treatment, polycystic ovary syndrome endometriosis, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial
cancer which includes ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, post-operative care, medication education, selfcare strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with hepatitis cirrhosis, chronic liver failure, liver cancer, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy,
breast cancer, breast cancer treatment, polycystic ovary syndrome endometriosis, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial
5. Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complications.
A. Hepatic System
1. Manifestations
2. Diagnostic Studies
3. Liver Biopsy
B. Hepatitis
C. Drug Induced Liver Disorders
D. Cirrhosis
E. Liver Cancer
F. Chronic Pancreatitis
G. Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis
H. Breast Problems and Female Reproductive Problems
1. Breast Cancer
a. Screening
b. Diagnosis
i. FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration)
ii. Core Biopsy
iii. Stereotactic mammography
ix. Vacuum-assisted biopsy
x. Axillary lymph node biopsy
a. Manifestations
b. Treatment
i. Surgical Care
• Post-Op Care
ii. Radiation
iii. Chemo
c. Complications
i. Recurrence/Metastasis
ii. Lymphedema
iii. PCOS (polycystic ovarian
d. Risks
e. Management
2. Endometriosis
a. Diagnosis
b. Management
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 48 Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas
Problems pp. 1135-1174
• Hepatitis pp. 1135
o Table 48.2 Manifestations of
o Table 48.8 Nursing
Assessment Hepatitis
• Drug and Chemical-Induced Liver
Disease pp. 1145
• Cirrhosis pp 1146
o Figure 48.6 Systemic
Manifestation of Cirrhosis
o Table 48.10 Factors Involved
in Ascites
o Table 48.15 Nursing
Assessment Cirrhosis
o Table 48.16 Nursing
Management Care of the
Patient Undergoing
o Table 48.17 Patient &
Caregiver Teaching Cirrhosis
• Liver Cancer pp. 1157
(Stop at liver transplantation)
• Chronic Pancreatitis pp. 1163
• Biliary Tract Problems pp. 1166
o Cholelithiasis
o Cholecystitis
o Table 48.22 Manifestation of
Obstructed Bile Flow
o Table 48.24 Nursing
o Cholecystitis or Cholelithiasis
Deleted: 18
3. Female Cancers
a. Cervical
b. Ovarian
c. Uterine
4. Hysterectomy
Table 48.25 Patient &
Caregiver Teaching
Postoperative Laparoscopic
Chapter 55 Assessment of Reproductive System(Review) pages 1352-1369
Chapter 56. Breast Problems pp. 1371-1393
• Breast Cancer pp. 1375
o Table 56.3 Risk Factors for
Breast Cancer
o Table 56.8 Surgical
Procedures for Breast Cancer
o Table 56.10 Nursing
Assessment Breast Cancer
o Table 56.11 Nursing
Management Managing
Distress in Breast Cancer
Chapter 58 Female Reproductive and Genital
Problems 1412-1433
• Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) pp.
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome pp. 1419
• Uterine Problems
o Endometriosis pp. 1425
• Female Reproductive System Cancers
pp. 1427
o Cervical Cancer pp. 1427
o Ovarian Cancer pp. 1428
o Uterine Cancer pp. 1429
• Nursing Management: Female
Reproductive System Cancers pp. 1429
• Drug Alert p. 1425 Omit Vaginal and
Vulvar cancer, Prolapse, Fistula, and
Adrenal Masses
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 30
Chapter 34
Chapter 41 Diuretics Pages 506-517
Table 41.1 Diuretics Page 505
Prototype Drug Chart-Hydrochlorothiazide
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Diuretics: Thiazides Page 510
Prototype Drug Chart-Furosemide Page
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Diuretics: Loop Page 512
Prototype Drug Chart-Spironolactone Page
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Chapter 35 Anticancer Drugs
Prototype Drug Chart-Doxorubicin Clinical
Judgment (Nursing Process)-Antitumor
Page 424
Antibiotic: Doxorubicin Page 426
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets:
GI (Enteral & Parenteral)
Sherpath/Elsevier activities:
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Biliary Tract Disorders
2. Pancreas Disorders
3. Liver Disorders
Lessons (Review):
1. Liver Disorder Part 1 & 2
2. Pancreas Disorders
3. Biliary Tract Disorders
HESI Preparation Suite: (Traditional Student Only)
Case Study: Mrs. Bella
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 17, Reproductive Problems, pages 166-175
(41 Practice Questions)
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 9: Urologic, Renal, and Male Reproductive Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to urologic, renal, and male
reproductive problems.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for adults with urologic, renal, and male
reproductive problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with urinary tract infection, chronic pyelonephritis, interstitial cystitis, chronic glomerulonephritis,
bladder cancer, urinary diversions, urinary incontinence, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, benign prostatic hypertrophy,
transurethral resection of the prostate, prostate cancer, testicular torsion, and testicular cancer, including ongoing
assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, postoperative care, medication education, self-care strategies, and
follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with urinary tract infection, chronic pyelonephritis, interstitial cystitis,
chronic glomerulonephritis, bladder cancer, urinary diversions, urinary incontinence, chronic kidney disease, dialysis,
benign prostatic hypertrophy, transurethral resection of the prostate, prostate cancer, testicular torsion, and testicular
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Male Reproductive disorders
1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
2. Transurethral Resection of Prostate
3. Testicular Cancer
4. Testicular Torsion
B. Renal and Urological Problems
1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
2. Chronic Pyelonephritis
3. Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
C. Immunological Disorders of the kidneys
1. Glomerulonephritis
D. Bladder Cancer
E. Bladder Dysfunction
1. Urinary incontinence
2. Urinary retention
F. Surgery of Urinary Tract
1. Urinary Diversion
2. Orthotopic Bladder Reconstruction
G. Renal System Disease
1. Kidney Failure
2. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
3. Dialysis
a. Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)
b. Hemodialysis (HD)
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing:
Chapter 49 Assessment of Urinary System (Review)
pp. 1177-1194
Chapter 50 Renal and Urologic Disorders pp. 1195-1230
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) pp. 1195
• Chronic Pyelonephritis pp. 1201
• Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder
Syndrome pp. 1201
• Glomerulonephritis pp. 1203
o Chronic Glomerulonephritis pp.
• Urinary Tract Tumors
o Bladder Cancer pp. 1216
• Bladder Dysfunction
o Urinary Incontinence pp. 1217
o Urinary Retention pp. 1222
• Urinary Tract surgery
• Renal and Ureteral Surgery pp. 1225
• Urinary Diversion pp. 1226
o Table 50.24 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching Ileal Conduit Appliances
Chapter 51 Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney
Disease pp. 1232-1262
• Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) pp. 1238
o Figure 51.2 Possible Manifestation
of CKD
o Table 51.10 Nutritional Therapy
o Table 51.11 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching CKD
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Disease Dialysis pp. 1247
o Table 51.12 Comparison of
Peritoneal Dialysis and
o Peritoneal Dialysis pp. 1248
o Hemodialysis pp. 1250
Safety Alert: AV Fistula and Grafts
Stop at Continuous Renal Replacement
Chapter 55 Assessment of Reproductive System
(Review) pp. 1352-1369
Chapter 59 Male Reproductive pp.1434-1459
• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) pp.
1434 Surgical Therapy:
o Transurethral Resection of the
Prostate (TURP) pp. 1439
o Table 59.4 Nursing Assessment:
o Table 59.5 Nursing Management
• Prostate Cancer pp. 1443
• Problems of Scrotum & Testes
o Testicular Torsion pp. 1452
• Testicular Cancer pp. 1452
McCuistion (Pharmacology):
Chapter 12 Fluid Volume and Electrolytes p. 145
Box 12.2 Hyperkalemia: Treatments and
Chapter 41 Diuretics pp. 512-514
Prototype Drug Chart-Furosemide
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)-Diuretics:
Antimicrobials Drugs pp. 313-344
Chapter 26 Antibacterial
Chapter 27 Macrolides, Oxazolidinhones, Lincosamides,
Glycopeptides, Ketolides, & Lipopeptides
Chapter 28 Tetracylinces, glycylcyclines,
Aminoglycosides, & Fluoroquinolones
Chapter 29 Sulfonamides & Nitoimidazoles Antibiotics
Chapter 37 Biologic Response Modifiers pp. 453-457
Prototype Drug Chart-Epoetin Alfa
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Chapter 44 Antihyperlipidemics and Drugs to Improve
Peripheral Blood Flow pp. 545-550
Chapter 56 Men’s Health and Reproductive pp. 713-721
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
Sherpath Activities
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Chronic Kidney Disease
2. Dialysis
Lessons (Review):
1. Infectious & Inflammatory Disorders of the Urinary
2. Chronic kidney disease
3. Dialysis
HESI Preparation Suite (Traditional Student Only)
Case Study: Mr. Sumo
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 16, Renal & Urinary Problems, pages 157-165
(39 Practice Questions)
Chapter 17, Reproductive Problems, page 166-175 (41
Practice Questions)
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 10: Musculoskeletal Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to musculoskeletal injury and
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for persons across the adult life span
with musculoskeletal injury and musculoskeletal problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with sprains, strains, fractures, compartment syndrome, arthroplasty, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and connective tissue disorders, including ongoing assessment, age-related or
diversity considerations, postoperative care, medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with sprains, strains, fractures, compartment syndrome, arthroplasty,
osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and connective tissue disorders.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Soft Tissue Injuries
1. Sprains
2. Strains
B. Fractures
1. Fracture reduction
a. Open
b. Closed
c. Traction
2. Fracture immobilization
a. Cast
b. Fixation: external and internal
3. Complications of Fractures
a. Infection
b. Compartment Syndrome
c. Venous Thromboembolism
d. Fat Embolism
e. Rhabdomyolysis
C. Types of Fractures, including hip fractures
1. Arthroplasty
a. Total hip
b. Total knee
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 67 Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic
Surgery pp. 1638 – 1672
• Soft Tissue Injuries pp. 1639
o Table 67.1 Patient & Caregiver
o Box 67.3 Promoting Population
• Fractures pp. 1645
o Table 67.4 Manifestations of
o Fracture Reduction pp. 1646
§ Closed
§ Open
§ Traction
• Skin
• Skeletal
o Fracture immobilization pp. 1647
§ Casts
§ External fixation
§ Internal fixation
• Table 67.8 Nursing Assessment Fracture
• Neurovascular Assessment pp. 1651
• Table 67.9 Nursing Management Caring for
the Patient with a Cast or Traction
• Table 67.10 Patient & Caregiver Teaching
Cast Care
• Table 67.11 Problems Associated with
Musculoskeletal Injuries
o Complications of Fractures pp. 1654
• Types of Fractures
o Hip Fracture pp. 1658
• Table 67.12 Patient & Caregiver Teaching
Posterior Hip Replacement
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Common Joint Surgeries pp. 1667
o Arthroplasty pp. 167
o Total Hip Arthroplasty pp. 1668
o Knee Arthroplasty pp. 1668
Table 67.16 Nursing Management
Chapter 68 Musculoskeletal Problems pp. 1674-1694
• Osteomyelitis pp. 1674
o Table 68.2 Nursing Assessment
o Table 68.3 Nursing Management
Caring for the Patient with
• Osteomalacia pp. 1688
• Osteoporosis pp. 1688
o Table 68.13 Risk Factors for
Chapter 69 Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases pp.
1695 - 1730
• Arthritis pp. 1746
• Osteoarthritis (OA) pp. 1746
o Figure 69.2 Joints often involved in
• Rheumatoid Arthritis pp. 1702
o Figure 69.4 Typical deformities of
o Figure 69.5 Extraarticular
manifestations of RA
o Table 69.10 Nursing Assessment of
o Table 69.11 Nursing Management
Caring for the Patient with RA
o Table 69.12 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching Protecting Small Joints
• Gout pp, 1710
o Table 69.13 Causes of High Uric
Acid Levels
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) pp.
o Figure 69.9 Multisystem
Involvement in SLE
o Table 69.18 Nursing Assessment
o Table 69.19 Patient & Caregiver
Teaching SLE
• Fibromyalgia pp. 1725
McCuistion, (Pharmacology)
Chapter 24 Anti-inflammatory p. 279-294
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Table 24.2 Anti-inflammatory Agents:
Prototype Drug Chart-Ibuprofen
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID:
Prototype Drug Chart-Celecoxib Prototype Drug
Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs
Prototype Drug Chart-Imfliximab
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)-Disease-Modifying
Antirheumatic Drug: Infliximab
Table 24.4 Antigout Drugs
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)-Antigout Drug:
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
Sherpath Activities
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Arthritis
Lessons (Review)
1. Soft Tissue Injuries
2. Fractures
3. Amputation & Joint Surgeries
(Only Joint Surgeries)
4. Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
5. Gout, Lyme Disease, Septic Arthritis and
Spondyloarthropathies (Only Gout)
6. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Scleroderma
(Only SLE)
HESI Preparation Suite: (Traditional Student Only)
Case Study: Mr. Morgan
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Exam Three (3)
Topics 7-9
50 Questions
Chapter 11, Musculoskeletal, pages 112-119
(35 Practice Questions)
Musculoskeletal Quiz (ABSN Only)
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 11: Chronic Neurological and Cognitive Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to chronic neurologic problems,
Bell's palsy, dementia, and delirium.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span
with chronic neurologic problems, Bell's palsy, dementia, and delirium.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with headaches, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, myasthenia gravis, Bell's palsy, dementia,
Alzheimer's disease, and delirium, including ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, postoperative
care, medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use,
calculations, nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected
medications used in the treatment of adults with headaches, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, myasthenia gravis,
Bell's palsy, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and delirium.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
A. Headaches
1. Tension
2. Migraine
3. Cluster
B. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
C. Parkinson's Disease (PD)
D. Bell’s Palsy
E. Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
F. Dementia
G. Alzheimer's Disease
H. Delirium
• Acetaminophen
• Sumatriptan
• Topiramate
• Amitriptyline
• Carbidopa/Levodopa
• Pramipexole
• Rivastigmine
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 58, Chronic Neurologic Problems pp. 1538 1571
• Headaches pp. 1538-1544
• Degenerative Neurologic Disorders
o Multiple Sclerosis (MS) pp. 11551560
o Parkinson’s Disease (PD) pp.
o Myasthenia Gravis (MG) pp.
Chapter 59, Dementia and Delirium 1573 - 1592
• Dementia pp. 1573-1588
• Alzheimer Disease (AD) pp. 1575
• Delirium pp. 1588
Chapter 65, Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve
• Bell’s Palsy pp. 1615-1616
McCuistion, (Pharmacology)
Chapter 16 Cholinergic agonists and Antagonists p.
Chapter 20 Drugs for Parkinson's Disease and
Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease:
Carbidopa and Levodopa (Sinemet) pp. 228-237
Ø Table 20.1 Comparison of Drugs Used
to Treat Parkinson's Disease p. 232
Ø Fig. 20.1 p. 230
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Ø Prototype Drug Chart-CarbidopaLevodopa
Ø Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)
Antiparkinson Dopaminergic Agents:
Carbidopa-Levodopa pp. 234-236
Ø Table 20.3 p. 233-236
Ø Dopamine Agonists
• Pramipexole (Mirapex)
Ø Monoamine oxidase B Inhibitors
• Selegiline
Alzheimer’s Disease pp. 235-238
Ø Table 20.4 Acetylcholinesterase
Inhibitors & Other Drugs for
Alzheimer's: Donepezil
Ø Prototype Drug Chart-Rivastigmine
Clinical Judgment (Nursing Process)Drug Treatment for Alzheimer's
Disease: Rivastigmine
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Headaches
Lessons (Review):
1. Headaches
2. Chronic Neurologic Disorders
3. Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Disease
4. Myasthenia Gravis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,
and Huntington's Disease (Only MG)
5. Dementia
6. Interprofessional Care & Nursing Management:
7. Delirium
HESI Preparation Suite: (Traditional Student Only)
Case studies: Parkinson’s Disease
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 9: Neurological Problems Pages 92-101
(43 Practice Questions)
HESI Practice Exam:
Health Assessment
Students are required to complete the practice
exam through the HESI Preparation Suite,
located in the Class Resources. You must
obtain an 80% or higher score to receive the 25
points. You are allowed to take it as many
times as necessary to achieve 80% or above.
Neurological and Cognitive Quiz (ABSN Only)
By completion of the quiz, you earn five (5) of the 10
participation points.
Deleted: 18
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 12: Seizure Disorders and Stroke
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to seizure disorders and stroke.
2. Collaborate with interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive care plan for persons across the adult life span
with seizure disorders and prevent and detect stroke and poststroke care.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing
management of adults with seizure disorders, prevention, and detection of stroke and poststroke care, including the
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, restorative care,
medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to use medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations,
nursing considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of selected medications used in
treating adults with seizure disorders and stroke.
5. Evaluate care outcomes, including medications, self-care effectiveness, and recognition of potential complications.
1. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
2. Types of Strokes: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 62 Stroke (entire chapter) pp. 1515-1537
Chapter 63 Chronic Neurologic Problems
pp. 1538 - 1571
• Chronic Neurological Disorders
o Epilepsy and Seizure Disorder pp.
1544 - 1553
A. Seizure Disorders
B. Stroke
McCuistion (Pharmacology)
Chapter 19, Antiseizure Drugs pages 217-225
Anticonvulsants Table 19.2 pages 222-224
Seizure Classifications Table 19.1 page 218
Benzodiazepines pages 219-221
Lorazepam, diazepam
Valproate (Valproic acid)
Phenytoin Prototype Drug Chart
Nursing Process
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
NIHSS (NIH Stroke Scale) Stroke Assessment: please
submit your certification under Halo for week 12.
Must score 94% (84/90 score) or better to receive
Sherpath Activities
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Stroke
1. Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical
Manifestations: Stroke
2. Interprofessional Care: Stroke
3. Nursing Management: Stroke
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HESI Preparation Suite: (Traditional Student Only)
Case studies: Seizure Disorder
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Chapter 9, Neurological, pages 92-101
(42 Practice Questions)
Mid Curricular (attempt 1)
HESI Remediation
Remediation will be due @ end of week 13.
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TOPIC 13: Immune Responses and Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to the effect of stress on the immune system, the
inflammatory response, immune responses problems.
2. Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span with
stress, inflammation, and immune response problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing management of
adults with inflammation, allergic disorders, autoimmunity, immunosuppression, and human immunodeficiency virus infection
which includes ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity considerations, post-operative care, medication education, self-care
strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with inflammation, allergic disorders, autoimmunity, immunosuppression, and human immunodeficiency virus infection.
5. Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complications.
Inflammation Response
Types of Inflammation
Healing Process
Pressure Injuries
1. Gerontologic Considerations
2. Hyperactive Reactions
a. Treatment
b. Autoimmune Disorders
1. Manifestations
3. Diagnostics
4. Prevention
5. Treatment
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 7 Stress and Stress Management (Review) pp.
Chapter 12 Inflammation and Healing pp. 179-197
• Inflammatory Response pp. 179a
• Types of Inflammation pp. 181
• Healing Process pp. 185
• Pressure Injuries pp. 192
Chapter 14 Immune Response and Transplantation pp.
• Types of Immunity pp. 213
o Gerontologic considerations
• Altered Immune Response pp. 219
o Hypersensitivity Reactions pp.
o Anaphylaxis
o Atopic Reactions
Stop at Type II Cytotoxic and Cytolytic
Reactions (pp. 222)
• Interprofessional & Nursing Management
pp. 224
Stop at Nursing Management: Immunity
Chapter 15 Infection and HIV Pages 29-263
McCuistion (Pharmacology)
Chapter 32 HIV and AIDS Related Drugs Pages 373-385
Clinical Judgement (Nursing Process)- Antiretroviral
Therapy Page 383
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Infections
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2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Lessons (Review)
1. Stress and Its Effect on the Body
2. Stress Management Strategies & the Nursing
3. Normal and Altered Immune Responses
4. Infectious Diseases
5. Nursing Management: Infection
6. Nursing Management: HIV Infection
HESI Preparation Suite: (Traditional Student Only)
Case studies: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
and Tuberculosis (TB)
Must achieve 80% or better on the case study.
Exam 4
Topic 10-12
50 Questions
Chapter 3, Immunologic Problems, pages 38-46
(31 Practice Questions)
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 14: Integumentary and Sensory Problems
1. Incorporate pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic studies related to visual, auditory, and integumentary problems.
2. Collaborate with the interprofessional partners to develop a comprehensive plan of care for persons across the adult life span with
visual, auditory, and integumentary problems.
3. Apply the nursing process to plan, prioritize, and implement evidence-based, person-centered, quality nursing management of
adults with cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal detachment, external otitis, otitis media, Meniere disease,
skin cancers, skin infections, allergic skin problems, and psoriasis which includes ongoing assessment, age-related or diversity
considerations, post-operative care, medication education, self-care strategies, and follow-up care for any health setting.
4. Build on previous knowledge to make use of medication classification, mechanism of action, indications for use, calculations, nursing
considerations, major adverse effects, and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness, of selected medications used in the treatment of
adults with cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, external otitis, otitis media, Meniere disease, skin cancers, skin
infections, allergic skin problems, and psoriasis.
5. Evaluate outcomes of care including medications, self-care effectiveness and recognition potential complications.
A. Intraocular
1. Cataracts
a. Surgery
b. Post-op Care
c. Evaluation
2. Normal Retina vs. Retinopathy
3. Retinal Detachment
4. Age-Related Macular Degeneration
5. Glaucoma
a. Types
b. Differences in care
c. Ambulatory Care
B. Auditory
Gerontologic Considerations
External Otitis
Otitis Media
Inner Ear
a. Vertigo
b. Tinnitus
c. Meniere’s Disease
C. Integumentary
1. Environmental Hazards and Risks
2. Skin Cancer
a. Nonmelanoma
b. Malignant Melanoma
3. Skin Infections
a. Herpes Zoster
b. Treatments
c. Diagnostic
d. Nurse Management
Revised: 21 Dec 2023
Lewis Medical-Surgical Nursing
Chapter 22: Assessment & Management: Visual
Problems Review Pages 407-433
• Cataract pp. 424 – 426
• Retinopathy pp. 426
• Retinal Detachment pp. 427 – 429
• Age-Related Macular Degeneration pp.
• Glaucoma pp. 429 - 432
Chapter 23: Assessment & Management: Auditory
Problems Review Pages 436-447
• External Otitis pp. 442 – 444
• Otitis Media pp. 444-446
• Meniere Disease pp. 446 - 448
Chapter 24: Assessment: Integumentary System(Review) Chapter pages 456-469
Chapter 25 Integumentary Problems Pages 473-489
(Not Steven Johnson Syndrome)
• Environmental Hazards pp. 471 – 473
• Skin Cancer pp. 473 – 476
o Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer pp.
o Melanoma pp. 474
• Skin Infections and Infestations pp. 477
McCuistion (Pharmacology)
Chapter 47 Eye and Ear Disorders Pages 580-594
Course Learning Activities or Worksheets
Sherpath Activities:
Must complete all the EAQs for full points.
1. Visual Problems
2. Auditory Problems
1. The Normal Visual System
Deleted: 18
2. Assessment of Visual System
3. Vision Problems, Eyes Trauma, & Extraocular
4. Intraocular Disorders
5. Auditory System & Problems
6. Environmental Hazards and Skin Cancers
7. Skin Infections, Infestations, Allergies, and
Benign Problems
8. Skin Problems, Interprofessional Care and
Nursing Management
Chapter 10 Visual and Auditory Problems 34 Questions
Pages 102-111
Chapter 15 Integumentary Problems 33 Questions
Pages 149-156
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Revised: 21 Dec 2023
TOPIC 15: Final
Cumulative Exam, Topics 1-14
New content topics 13 & 14
100 Questions
No lecture afterward
Day/Time Scheduled by Leadership
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