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Thank you for purchasing the 12 week power building
This program is designed to both add size and strength. This
is the perfect program for either beginners or seasoned
lifters. If you need specific exercises purchase our workout
prep program through one of the coaches.
Most of the lifts are mapped out for you to follow based off of
your maxes. A good rule of thumb is to take your max and
subtract 5% from it, this is what we call a training max. So if
your max is 500lbs multiply by 95% and you will get 475lbs
for your training max to use.
You will also see some numbers have a set RPE to gauge
off of. RPE is how hard something feels to you at the time. It
is a subjective measure of your strength at a given time. We
rate this on a scale from one to ten. The higher the number,
the harder the set felt. By using an RPE, you can regulate
training more effectively and do so in a way that
automatically takes into account your individual differences.
If you’re curious as to what RPE is by a definition here is a
scale to guide.
10: Maximal, no reps left in the tank
9: Last rep is tough but still one rep left in the tank
8: Weight is too heavy to maintain fast bar speed but isn’t a
struggle; 2–4 reps left
7: Weight moves quickly when maximal force is applied to
the weight; “speed weight”
6: Light speed work; moves quickly with moderate force
5: Most warm-up weights
4: Recovery; usually 20 plus rep sets; not hard but intended
to flush the muscle
An RPE below four isn’t important.
For the accessories that don’t have a set RPE or Percentage
you will want to choose a moderate or sometimes heavier
weight at an RPE range of 7-9. You have the option to add
weight to these if it feels too light, and the more you practice
with it the better you will develop your sense of RPE.Lastly,
you can substitute an accessory if that specific lift or
machine is not available to you. Not everyone will have the
luxury of every machine and we tried to keep it as basic and
full as possible. So if you don’t have a specific machine or
bar, substitute for what you do have. We look forward to
seeing your progress! Tag me on IG documenting your
training using the program.
So lets get to it!
Week 1
Day 1- bench press 6x4 @ 75%
Incline dumbbell bench 2x6 @ rpe 8
Chest supported Dumbbell row 6X6 rpe 8
Incline dumbbell flies 4x10 @ rpe 7
Lat pull down 4x10 @ rpe 7
reverse bicep curl 3x12 @ rpe 7
Day 2- Squat 5x5 @ 75%
Stiff leg deadlift 4x5 @ rpe 7
goblet squat 3x8 @ rpe 8 60 sec rest
hamstring curl 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
Bulgarian split squat 2x10ea @ rpe 7 45 sec rest
Day 3- Bent over row 3x8 @ rpe 8
pull up 10x3 30 sec rest
dumbbell row 3x10ea @ rpe 7
Dumbbell rear delt flies 2x10 @ rpe 8
Day 4Incline bench 3x6 @ rpe 8
chest supported dumbbell row 3x6 @ rpe 8
cable flies 3x12 @ rpe 7
tricep pushdowns 7x15 30 sec rest
cable curls 7x15 30 sec rest
Day 5
Deadlift 4x6 @ 72%
Front squat 6x2 @ rpe 7
pull ups 10x3 45 sec rest
hamstring curls 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
face pulls 3x8 @ rpe 7
Week 2
Day 1- bench press 5x5 @ 77%
Incline dumbbell bench 2x8 @ rpe 8
Chest supported Dumbbell row 4X8 rpe 8
Incline dumbbell flies 4x12 @ rpe 7
Lat pull down 3x8 @ rpe 7
reverse bicep curl 3x12 @ rpe 7
Day 2- Squat 3x6 @ 72%
Stiff leg deadlift 6x3 @ rpe 7
goblet squat 3x8 @ rpe 8 60 sec rest
hamstring curl 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
Bulgarian split squat 2x10ea @ rpe 7 45 sec rest
Day 3- Bent over row 4x6 @ rpe 8
pull up 10x3 30 sec rest
dumbbell row 4x8 ea @ rpe 7
Dumbbell rear delt flies 2x10 @ rpe 8
Day 4Incline bench 4x5 @ rpe 8
chest supported dumbbell row 3x10 @ rpe 8
cable flies 4x10 @ rpe 7
tricep pushdowns 7x15 30 sec rest
cable curls 7x15 30 sec rest
Day 5
Deadlift 6x3 @ 78%
Front squat 5x3 @ rpe 7
pull ups 10x3 45 sec rest
hamstring curls 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
face pulls 3x8 @ rpe 7
Week 3
Day 1- bench press 4x4 @ 80%
Incline dumbbell bench 3x5 @ rpe 8
Chest supported Dumbbell row 4X8 rpe 8
Incline dumbbell flies 4x12 @ rpe 7
Lat pull down 3x10 @ rpe 7
reverse bicep curl 3x12 @ rpe 7
Day 2- Squat 4x5 @ 74%
Stiff leg deadlift 6x5 @ rpe 7
goblet squat 3x8 @ rpe 8 60 sec rest
hamstring curl 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
Bulgarian split squat 2x10ea @ rpe 7 45 sec rest
Day 3- Bent over row 4x6 @ rpe 8
pull up 10x3 30 sec rest
dumbbell row 4x8 ea @ rpe 7
Dumbbell rear delt flies 2x10 @ rpe 8
Day 4Incline bench 4x5 @ rpe 8
chest supported dumbbell row 3x10 @ rpe 8
cable flies 4x10 @ rpe 7
tricep pushdowns 7x15 30 sec rest
cable curls 7x15 30 sec rest
Day 5
Deadlift 4x3 @ 81%
Front squat 5x3 @ rpe 7
pull ups 10x3 45 sec rest
hamstring curls 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
face pulls 3x8 @ rpe 7
Week 4
Day 1- bench press 5x3 @ 70%
Incline dumbbell bench 3x5 @ rpe 8
Chest supported Dumbbell row 4X8 rpe 8
Incline dumbbell flies 4x12 @ rpe 7
Lat pull down 3x10 @ rpe 7
reverse bicep curl 3x12 @ rpe 7
Day 2- Squat 4x5 @ 78%
Stiff leg deadlift 6x5 @ rpe 7
goblet squat 3x8 @ rpe 8 60 sec rest
hamstring curl 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
Bulgarian split squat 2x10ea @ rpe 7 45 sec rest
Day 3- Bent over row 4x6 @ rpe 8
pull up 10x3 30 sec rest
dumbbell row 4x8 ea @ rpe 7
Dumbbell rear delt flies 2x10 @ rpe 8
Day 4Incline bench 4x5 @ rpe 8
chest supported dumbbell row 3x10 @ rpe 8
cable flies 4x10 @ rpe 7
tricep pushdowns 7x15 30 sec rest
cable curls 7x15 30 sec rest
Day 5
Deadlift 4x3 @ 83%
Front squat 5x3 @ rpe 7
pull ups 10x3 45 sec rest
hamstring curls 15x3 @ rpe 8 20 sec rest
face pulls 3x8 @ rpe 7
Week 5
Day 1- close grip bench 4x8 @ rpe 8
dips with or without added weight 5x12-15
dumbbell shoulder press 4x8 @ rpe 7
push ups 5x amrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- tempo squats 5-2-0 4x3 73% of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 rpe 8
Leg press 2x12 rpe 9
leg extensions total reps 60 45 sec rest between
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs total reps 100
seated cable row total reps 100
dumbbell rdls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4-paused deadlifts with slow eccentrics 5x3 @ 85%
Rdls 4x6 @ rpe 7
bent over rows 4x8 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls total reps 60 burn em out
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 6
Day 1- close grip bench 4x6 @ rpe 8
dips with or without added weight 5x12-15
dumbell shoulder press 4x8 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- tempo squats 5-2-0 4x3 78 % of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 rpe 8
Leg press 2x12 rpe 9
leg extensions 5x9 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
dumbbell rdls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4-paused deadlifts with slow eccentrics 3x2 @ 87%
Rdls 4x6 @ rpe 7
bent over rows 4x8 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 15x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse god oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 7
Day 1- close grip bench 4x4 @ rpe 8
dips with or without added weight 5x8
dumbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- tempo squats 5-2-0 4x2 83% of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 rpe 8
Leg press 2x12 rpe 9
leg extensions 5x9 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
dumbbell rdls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4- deadlift 2x2 @ 90%
Rdls 4x4 @ rpe 7
bent over rows 4x8 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 15x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 8
Day 1- close grip bench 4x3 @ rpe 8
dips with or without added weight 5x8
dumbbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- squats 1x3 88% of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 @ rpe 7
Leg press 2x12 rpe 7
leg extensions 2x12 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
dumbbell rdls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4- deadlifts 3x1 @ 93%
Rdls 4x6 @ rpe 7
bent over rows 4x8 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 15x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 9
Day 1- comp bench 2x3 @ 85% @ rpe 8
dips with or without added weight 5x8
dumbbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- squats 5x1 @ 76% of raw max
stiff leg deadlift, slow eccentric 4x5 @ rpe 7
Leg press 2x12 rpe 7
leg extensions 2x12 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
Dumbbell rdls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4- Deadlifts 4x1 @ 78%
Rdls 4x6 @ rpe 7
bent over rows 4x8 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 15x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 10
Day 1- comp bench 1x3 @ 92%
dips with or without added weight 5x5
dumbbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- squats 6x1 of 65%raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 @ rpe 7
Leg press 2x12 rpe 7
leg extensions 2x12 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 9
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
Hamstring curls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4- deadlifts 1x1-2 @ 96-98%
Rdls 2x6 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 2x10 20 sec rest @ rpe 5
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 11
Day 1- comp bench 6x1 @ 65%
dumbbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5xamrap
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- squats 1x1-2 @ 95-97% of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 @ rpe 7
Leg press 2x12 rpe 7
leg extensions 2x12 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 7
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
Hamstring curls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 4x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 4- deadlifts 1x1 @ 70%
Rdls 2x6 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 2x10 20 sec rest @ rpe 5
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Week 12
Day 1- comp bench 1x1-2 @95-97%
dumbbell shoulder press 4x6 @ rpe 7
push ups 5x10
reverse ghd sit ups 4x12
Day 2- squats 1x1 @ 70% of raw max
stiff leg deadlft, slow eccentric 4x5 @ rpe 7
leg extensions 2x12 30 sec rest between sets
ghd oblique sit ups 4x12
Day 3- lat pull downs 8x3 20 sec rest @ rpe 7
seated cable low row 3x8 90 sec rest
Hamstring curls 4x10 rpe 7
cable rear delt flies 2x15 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd sit ups 2x15
Day 4- deadlifts 4x1 @ 65%
Rdls 2x6 @ rpe 7
hamstring curls 2x10 20 sec rest @ rpe 5
lat pull downs 4x12 @ rpe 7
reverse ghd oblique sit ups 4x12