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Grade 9 English Literature Exam Paper

Wendy School Junior College - Gwalior
(Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi)
Satyadev Nagar, Gandhi Road, Gwalior – 474002. Ph.0751-2341873
Grade- 9
Final Term Examinations- 2021-22
04 /03/2022
English Literature- Paper-2
Time: 2 ½ hrs.
Attempt five questions in all. You must attempt one question from each of the following sections- A, B,C and
any two other questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets. [ ]
[Total Marking: 11 + 11+ 16 +16 + 16=70]
SECTION: A [DRAMA- Merchant of Venice]
Question 1:
Nay, we will slink away in supper-time,
Disguise us at my lodging, and return
All in an hour.
We have not made good preparation.
We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers.
(i) Where are Lorenzo and Gratiano at this time? Who others are present with them?
(ii) Why, according to Gratiano, have they not made good preparations?
(iii) Do they succeed in the venture they had planned for the night?
(iv) How does Launcelot help them in concerting Lorenzo’s planning?
(v) Why is Lorenzo saying that they would slip away in dinner-time?
Question 2:
I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so.
Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil,
Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.
But fare thee well; there is a ducat for thee
(i) Who has robbed Jessica’s house of tediousness?
(ii) For what purpose had Jessica given a ducat to the listener?
(iii) What impression do you form about the listener from the extract?
(iv) Why did the listener decide to leave the house of Jessica?
(v) How can you say that Jessica was not happy living in her father’s house?
Question 3:
“The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set -Or better still, just don't install
The idiotic thing at all.
Question 1 : What does the poet mean when he says that the most important thing we’ve learned?
Question 2 : Does poet’s use of adverb ‘Never’ three times signify anything?
Question 3 : How does Television control the activities of the children?
Question 4 : What is an idiotic thing?
Question 5 : Whom is the poet addressing in the poem? What is his motive?
Question 4:
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Question 1 : Who wanders like a lonely cloud? What does he come across while wandering?
Question 2 : What does the phrase ‘lonely as a cloud’ suggest here in the above lines?
Question 3 : Where are the daffodils and what are they doing?
Question 4 : Why does the poet call the daffodils golden?
Question 5 : Describe in your own words the poet’s feelings when he saw the host of the golden daffodils.[4]
Question 5:
The Simla Bazaar, with its cinemas and restaurants, was about three miles from the school; and Mr Oliver, a
bachelor, usually strolled into the town in the evening, returning after dark, when he would take a short cut
through the pine forest.
Question 1 : Who was Mr Oliver? What was his profession?
Question 2 : How did Mr Oliver usually spend his evenings?
Question 3 : What route did he take while returning? Why did he take it?
Question 4 : What did Oliver carry with him when he walked through the pine forest?
Question 5 : What did Mr. Oliver see when he was returning back while passing through the pine forest?[3]
Question 6:
“What are you doing out here, boy?” Ask Mr Oliver sharply, moving closer so that he could recognise the
miscreant. But even as he approached the boy, Mr Oliver sensed that something was wrong. The boy appeared to
be crying. His head hung down, he held his face in his hands and his body shook convulsively. It was a strange
soundless weeping and Mr Oliver felt distinctly uneasy.
Question 1 : Why did Mr Oliver tell the boy that he should not be out there at his hour?
Question 2 : What did Mr Oliver sense when he saw the boy crying?
Question 3 : How did the boy’s body shake? Why was it shaking?
Question 4 : Why did Mr Oliver think the boy to be a miscreant? What does the word indicate? [4]
Question 5 : When did Oliver’s anger give away to the concern?