THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO – MATRIX OF ACTIVITIES YEAR 9 ENGLISH – MR. BLAZESKI Throughout the course of the next two weeks, you need to complete at least 15 points of activities using the matrix of activities below. It is your choice which activities you complete: you can do three 5-point activities, three 4-point and one 3-point activities, or any other combination you choose, as long as the combination is worth at least 15 points. The objective of the range of activities below is for you to engage with The Knife of Never Letting Go in a more meaningful way, and by completing these tasks you will have a more substantial understanding of the ideas and issues explored in the text, the author’s purposes in producing the text, and the ways it works to engage readers. Each activity below has a corresponding resource on Compass, the title of which is included in italics under each activity’s description. Activities One Point Two Points Three Points Four Points Five Points Map of life: create a character chart, mapping the identity of one of the main characters in the novel. Intensity lever: plot the novel’s events onto a detailed Freytag’s pyramid (plot map). Big ideas: create a concept map exploring one of the themes, issues, ideas explored in the text. Perspective shift: rewrite a section of the novel from the perspective of another character. Voicing Viola: reimagine the novel with Viola’s noise audible to other characters. How would it change things? 001 Map of Life 002 Intensity Lever 003 Big Ideas 004 Perspective Shift 005 Voicing Viola Imaging imaginings: create a storyboard of panels from one of the pivotal chapters in the novel. Wade the depths: think deeply about the novel by exploring deep questions about the author and themes. What if: consider the impact of a number of changes to the events and responses in the novel. Fall in line: would Todd have been better off joining the mayor? Write a short passage about why/why not. In the minority: write a short story (not a section from the novel) from the perspective of a Spackle. 003 What If Template 004 Fall in Line Template 005 In the Minority 001 Imaging Imaginings 002 Wade the Depths More than words: create a vocabulary list of unfamiliar and interesting words, define them, and using them in a sentence. Close considerations: think about important quotes from the novel by brainstorming literal, symbolic, and thematic ideas. Invisible meaning: analyse the figurative language in the novel, finding examples and considering their meaning and effect. Where and why: compare the details of the settings in the text, thinking about how they are presented in the novel. Book review: write a book review of the novel, sharing your thoughts as a critical reader for an imagined audience. 001 More Than Words 002 Close Considerations 003 Invisible Meaning 003 Where and Why 005 Book Review