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Comparative Advertising: Discussion & Guidelines

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers)
Comparative Advertising Discussion
Alexander D. Ramsbey
Thomas Edison State University
MKT-2010 - Written Assignment 11
Prof. Dr. Himelstein
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers)
What is Comparative Marketing?
According to Kiara Taylor from Hubspot (2022), comparative advertising is a technique
that involves presenting a product or service from your business as being superior to a
similar product or service from a competitor. When using this marketing method, it is
wise to use factual information about your competitor otherwise you may fall into legal
trouble (Taylor, 2022). The FTC rules that
Comparative advertising, when truthful and nondeceptive, is a source of
important information to consumers and assists them in making rational purchase
decisions. Comparative advertising encourages product improvement and
innovation, and can lead to lower prices in the marketplace.(16 CFR § 14.15 - In
regard to comparative advertising, n.d.)
I’m for comparative advertising as it gives a good argument to prove to consumers why
you exist. However, I don’t listen to many of these statements and assume they’re
always dishonest. Even with the regulations, I don’t trust the average company to be
truthful when they’re just trying to make profit rather than solve a problem I have.
Guidelines and Recommends from Me
Ensure all claims about your product and the competitor's product are accurate and can
be substantiated. Avoid vague statements and focus on specific, verifiable differences.
This way we can shorten this thought into a short memorable phrase, stick to verifiable
facts. Do not misrepresent or exaggerate the features or benefits of your product or the
shortcomings of a competitor's product. Avoid using a competitor's trademarks, logos, or
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers)
other proprietary material in a way that could cause confusion or imply endorsement.
This is a gray-area, so don’t portray another explicit brand identity. Your ad should not
demean or discredit competitors in an unprofessional manner. Personal attacks or
derogatory remarks about competitors can be seen as unethical and may turn
consumers away. Instead of overly focusing on the competitor's weaknesses, highlight
what makes your product unique and beneficial to the consumer. This is probably
number one advice for me. If your product or service is as good as you make it, then it
should naturally succeed without overly focusing on the comparison.
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers)
Taylor, Kiara. What is Comparative Advertising? [+ Examples]. (October 12, 2022).
Retrieved 30 December 2023, from
16 CFR § 14.15 - In regard to comparative advertising. (n.d.). Retrieved 30 December
2023, from https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/16/14.15