Common Plant Diseases Practice Teacher Plant Disease Plant disease is an impairment of the normal state of a plant interrupts or modifies its vital functions. All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Many valuable crop and ornamental plants are very susceptible to disease and would have difficulty surviving in nature without human intervention. Common plant diseases example: a bacterial plant disease characterized by spotting of the affected parts or the most destructive leaf disease of capsicum. Bacterial spot is caused by the following: • Warm and Wet environment • Negative bacteria and it looks like: • Small • Dark • Raised spots a fungal infection where you eventually see the offending fungus, not just the symptoms of the underlying disease. Symptoms include: Brown spots on leaves and buds a bacterial disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans. a are very small insects which are really difficult to see with the naked eyes. Spider mites are really harmful to the crop. Mostly, they exist under the leaves and form a web there. As spider mites are really small and invisible to the eyesight so your slight carelessness leads to the extensive damage of the crop. After the attack of spider mites, your crop stops thriving and turned into yellowish color. What you can do to stop the spread of infection? Remove infected plants and apply a fungicide. Some method to control plant disease: • Site Selection • Apply Fertilizer •Crop rotation Continues plantings of vegetables within the same plant family provide opportunities for pathogen buildup. Do not plant the same family of vegetable in the same areas year after year. In general, a plant becomes diseased when it is continuously disturbed by some causal agent that results in an abnormal physiological process that disrupts the plant’s normal structure, growth, function, or other activities. Activity Directions: Make an essay of each picture below of what you have observe. 5 points each (1/2 crosswise) Assessment Direction: Match column A and B. 1. Angular Leaf Spot Bacterial Spot 2. 3. Spider Mite 4. Botrytis Blight Find any kind of plant leaves that has sign and symptoms of disease from your surrounding. Paste the plant leaves on 1 whole sheet of paper and write what you have observed.