Privilege Menu Below is a list of privileges that are available to buy, each privilege costs $100 and you have only $600 to $1100 (based on your last name) purchase the privileges. $100. You do not fear being hungry or homeless. $100. You can live where you choose and can move when and where you choose and expect that you will be welcomed there. $100. You are able to choose almost any career path that you would like and not have many or any limitations placed upon you. $100. Your intelligence is not questioned due to your accent or the way you speak. $100. You are confident that if you exceed in your job, you will have the opportunity to be promoted. $100. You are given the access to the tools/ systems/ equipment necessary for to succeed in and out of the workplace. $100. You have access to health insurance or coverage that covers the necessary medical treatments you need. $100. You have the freedom to waste. $100. Your first language is spoken in most places you go. $100. You have your own bedroom. $100. You have a reliable vehicle or mode of transportation. $100. You have access to healthy, affordable food. $100. You are believed to be innocent by the criminal justice system at least until proven guilty. $100. You are able to comfortably live off the income of one job. $100. You have 50+ books, or access to 50+ books. $100. You have access to clothing that is deemed “presentable” by employers. Questions and Situations on this “menu” were taken from History Nerds Unite and DEI Summit Presentation Money Amount $_______ Privileges Purchased Questions and Situations on this “menu” were taken from History Nerds Unite and DEI Summit Presentation Questions and Situations on this “menu” were taken from History Nerds Unite and DEI Summit Presentation