M. il*e;giri {r:sli-ituee S. P. Mandal's *f Emgineering and Managemen{ Studies Dr,'og,iriCampus,iiaihval'StationR.oad,Chh.Sambhajinagar(Aurangabad)-431005 rclaLn*24 DIEMS/St . See. 12&23-24I 1\OTICE AII studemts ere herehy informed that Institute will re-open for the Second Terrm of the Academic Year 2023-24 on Ivtomd*y, 29th #mxruary 2G24" Attendance from the day-one (i.e. 29th January 2024) is a0mpells*ry. DIRECTGR (I/c) Copy for information and displaying on their department notice board to: Cc: 1. Flead, BSI{ 2. Head, Civil 3" Head, AIML 4. Head, CSE 5. Head, ETC 6. Head, Mech 7. Head, MBA 8. Head, TPO Office 10. Account : tr 1. Purchase / store Section 12. Student Affairs i 4. Security' trn-cliarge a