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Education Module: Culture, Society, and Politics

Module in Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
Grade & Strand:________________
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
# 82 Military Cut –off ,Baguio City
Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System
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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
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No work may be derived from this material for commercial purposes and profit.
This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly
the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of CAR which is in response to the implementation of
the K to 12 Curriculum.
This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education, Schools
Division of Baguio City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in the
Social Sciences.
Date of Development
: September 2020
Resource Location
: DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Learning Area
: Social Science
Grade Level
: 12
Learning Resource Type
: Module
: English
: Q2/W10
Learning Competency/Code
: Examine the functions and importance
of education in the society (MELC)
The developer wishes to express her gratitude to those who helped in the
development of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material would
not be possible without these people who gave their support in many different ways
and cooperation.
To my colleagues in the Social Sciences, whom I share a common passion
and love for teaching;to Kristine B. Dela Cruz of the Department of Social Sciences,
College of Arts and Sciences of Benguet State University, to the school’s staff who
unselfishly extended their support for the immediate accomplishment of this
endeavor; and to my family whom I gained daily inspiration.
Bringing back all the glory to God Almighty- the source of all wisdom.
Development Team
Developer: Ruby O. Kidlo
Illustrator: Jerielle N. Acop
School Learning Resources Management Committee
Maria Joan D. Andayan
School Head / Principal
Pia P. Duligas
MT - Assistant School Head
Genevieve Tudlong
LRMDS Coordinator
Quality Assurance Team
Marina Tabangcura
Leticia Hidalgo
EPS – Araling Panlipunan
PSDS – District
Learning Resource Management Section Staff
Education Program Specialist II - LRMDS
CHRISTOPHER DAVID G. OLIVA Project Development Officer II – LRMDS
Librarian II
Librarian I
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Superintendent
COPYRIGHT NOTICE....................................................................................................................... ii
PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................................iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... v
What I Need to Know ....................................................................................................................... 2
What’s In ............................................................................................................................................ 5
What’s New ........................................................................................................................................ 5
What Is It ............................................................................................................................................ 6
What’s More ...................................................................................................................................... 8
What I Can Do ................................................................................................................................. 11
POST-ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................... 12
ANSWER KEY ................................................................................................................................. 17
REFERENCES ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Module in Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
What I Need to Know
Hola learners! This module contains information and suggested learning activities
concerning education as a social institution. This material helps you deepen your
understanding of it, principally on formal education and alternative learning system (ALS),
functions of education, and its importance to society.
The following are your guidelines in using this module:
1. Before answering the activities, you have to read, analyze, and understand the
2. Follow the instruction/s given in every activity.
3. If you have questions, inform your teacher so she can help/guide you accordingly.
Learning objectives:
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. identify the classifications and functions of education;
2. examine the importance of education in the society; and
3. explain how the functions of education affect the lives of people in the society.
Here is a guide on the parts of the learning modules which you need to understand as
you progress in reading and analyzing its content.
What I need to know
This contains the learning objectives which
you need to accomplish.
What I know
This evaluates what you know about the
lesson you are to learn.
What’s In
This connects the current lesson with a topic
necessary in your understanding.
What’s New
This introduces the lesson through an
What Is It
This contains a brief discussion of the
learning module lesson.
What’s More
These are activities to
understanding of the lesson.
What I Have Learned
This summarizes the
presented in the lesson.
What I Can Do
This is a real-life application of what you
have learned.
This is a post-assessment of what you have
Additional Activities
This is an activity that will strengthen your
knowledge about the lesson.
What I Know
Pretest: Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before the number.
_____1. Which of the following is a characteristic of formal education?
a. hierarchically structured
c. outside traditional classroom
b. community-based
d. happens at the community learning centers
_____2. Non-formal education happens on the following except
a. community libraries
c. barangay multi-purpose hall
b. home
d. school
_____3. Which of the following is NOT true about education?
a. It leads to social acceptance since someone is considered as having
economic potential.
b. It leads everyone to become successful in life.
c. It provides stability in life, since no one can take it from you.
d. It serves as a tool needed to foster global equality.
_____4. Which of the following is a definition of education according to UNESCO?
a. It is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other
human rights.
b. A social institution that formally socializes members of society.
c. The process through which knowledge and skills are transmitted to the
d. It gives society the potential to be successful.
_____5. The following are the advantages of the Alternative Learning System except:
a. Creates more employment opportunities to the beneficiaries of the
b. Acquisition of technical skills that will generate income.
c. It may pave way to the growth of small and medium industries in the
d. It creates the possibility of more drop outs due to its practical benefits.
_____6. Why is there a need for Alternative Learning System in the Philippines?
a. To provide all Filipinos the chance to have access to and complete
basic education.
b. To give education to the Filipino youth and adults who have failed to finish
their studies.
c. To give a chance to the students who were not able to graduate in
d. To cater the needs of the out-of-school Filipino youth in their studies.
_____7. Why is primary education essential in the early stages of human life?
a. Ensures the development of children.
b. Develops their cognitive and physical skills.
c. Improves the child’s ability to learn.
d. Enhances their speech and language development.
_____8. The following are functions of education except
a. Provides social cohesion to help maintain social solidarity through shared
rituals and beliefs.
b. Inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
c. Develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a
democratic society.
d. Improve community life, perpetuate all that is desirable in our national
heritage and to serve the cause of world peace.
_____9. Which of the following best describes Alternative Learning System?
a. It is hierarchically structured and planned fees are paid regularly.
b. It is planned and intentional and has a chronological grading sytem.
c. It provides a chance to all Filipinos to complete basic education.
d. The child is taught by teachers and is subject-oriented.
_____10. Which of the following refers to the statement “Education endeavors to perpetuate
all that is desirable in our national heritage and to serve the cause of world peace?”
a. To develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a
democratic society.
b. To maintain solidarity and to improve community life.
c. To promote sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the
recognition of the dignity of the human person.
d. To inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
Alternative Response
Directions: Read the following statements sensibly. Write the word TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if otherwise.
11. According to the sociological perspective, education arises out of the
needs of society.
12. Education is not an instrument of social change.
13. Education may lessen inequalities and achieve gender equality.
14. Education is the key to have a healthy living.
15. Education can improve people’s lives.
What’s In
In the previous module, you have learned about non-state institutions which include
the following: banks and corporations, cooperatives and trade unions, transnational
advocacy groups, and development agencies and international organizations. These nonstate institutions are equally capable of influencing policy formation and implementation.
Also, these institutions often bridge the gap between the state and its citizen through active
public engagement. Meanwhile, the focus of this module is on education, particularly on its
classifications, functions, and importance.
In this module, you will learn about the classifications of education, functions and its
importance to the society.
What’s New
Activity 1: Jumbled Words
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form words related to education and write them in
the text box provided.
Jumbled Letters
Correct Word
1. d t n I o e u a c
2. r a l m o f
3. f n o n a m r o l
4. r p e c s l o h o
5. c u m r r I u c l u
6. g e a t n I h c d m o s e t h
7. c o v l o t i a n a l s l k i s
8. r p e t u c v I o d z i n e t i s c
9. f e l s p y n d e n c e d e
10. r e a c h e t
Congratulations on completing the first activity! The words that you formed are
important terms in education. To deepen your understanding of the topic, read
comprehensively the text on the succeeding pages.
What Is It
Classifications of Education
The Philippine educational system generally classifies education as formal and nonformal. Formal education refers to the different levels such as pre-school, elementary,
secondary, and tertiary, which require specific years of formal schooling. Furthermore, the
formal educational system is classroom-based, managed by trained formal school teachers.
Meanwhile, non-formal education consists of sets of definite learning goals and objectives,
generally making use of a more flexible curriculum, less rigid admission procedures, and
more participative teaching methods. It supplements the former through eradicating and
raising the level of functional literacy among those who could hardly afford formal education.
It also serves as an opportunity to acquire technical and vocational skills enabling
unemployed youth and adults alike to become more productive citizens. Besides, non-formal
education also occurs outside the formal school system which is used interchangeably with
terms such as community education, adult education, lifelong education, and second-chance
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
asserts that education is a human right as enshrined under the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. It is the belief that the right to education is indispensable for the exercise of
other human rights. Corollary to this is the promotion of quality education as a tool in the
development of fully-rounded human beings. It was proven that education is a powerful tool
in lifting socially excluded children from the bondage of poverty. Proof of this is UNESCO’s
data revealing that “if all adults completed secondary education, globally the number of poor
people could be reduced by more than one-half.” However, the realization of this entails
“equality of opportunity, universal access, and enforceable and monitored quality standards.”
In line with the promotion of education as a basic human right, the Philippine
Educational System adopted the Alternative Learning System (ALS) as a measure to provide
educational opportunities to the less privileged Filipinos who cannot afford formal basic
education. In extreme cases, learners in far-flung communities without schools are given the
chance to be educated. This is also a solution designed to accommodate dropouts who are
willing to finish their studies. Moreover, ALS Non-Formal Education is managed by ALS
learning facilitators, such as mobile teachers, district ALS coordinators, and instructional
managers. Learning is usually done outside the classroom, like in the community learning
centers, barangay multi-purpose hall, libraries, or at home at an agreed schedule and venue
between learners and facilitators.
Traditionally, the ALS under the Department of Education is primarily focused on the
aspects, such as basic literacy, accreditation, and equivalency. However, recent initiatives
are introduced just like the linking of the program to small to medium scale industries. For
instance, dairy buffalo management and agri-aqua skills are taught to out of school youth in
Eastern Visayas and Bohol. This scheme does not only provide an opportunity to finish
schooling but is designed for the eventual development of local industries which in the end
will a source of livelihood among the beneficiaries.
Importance of Education
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” — John Dewey
This educational mantra speaks for itself and more those who believe. Indeed, it
constitutes a purposeful and meaningful existence. Though we need not be formally
educated to live a good life but its benefits are beyond reproach. The great Nelson Mandela
once asserts that “education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the
world.” In the words of Malcolm X, “education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow
belongs to those who prepare for it today.” These quotes among others simply bring the
importance of education to the forefront of a nation’s priority. However, let us look further into
the specific rewards that may offer to both individuals and society.
Education provides stability in life, since no one can take it from us. Acquiring
education to the fullest guarantee opportunities for a better career and a path to financial
security. Indeed, a vibrant education means higher compensation and benefits. Nonetheless,
it also fosters self-dependency for education teaches us to rely on ourselves and make our
own choices.
Consequently, self-confidence is built and strengthened since an educated person
has the capability to express his opinions and his mind. In another angle, education can
protect you not only on a financial aspect, and we can not just be taken advantage by
whimsical and unscrupulous people.
Education also leads to social acceptance since you are considered as an economic
potential. Our human worth is dignified and the contribution we impart is gratifying since an
educated citizenry is crucial for economic growth. Accordingly, “we need people to continue
to learn and research in order to constantly stay innovative. Countries with higher literacy
tend to be in better economic situations. With a more educated population, more
employment opportunities are opened.”
More on a personal basis, it also serves as a tool needed to foster global equality
provided every nation invests in education. In this manner, gaps between social classes will
be eliminated. Moreover, it can also be an instrument of global peace and security since it
endeavors every citizen regardless of stature to discriminate right from wrong, and can help
people stay out of risky situations.
A glimpse of the great historian-scholar Renato Constantino, reminds us of the
significance of a truly Filipino education. The present educational set-up is a relic of
American education. Constantino, asserts the fact that we were influenced by historical
circumstances to embrace a system of education which is not truly reflective of our oriental
identity. Cerebral analysis reveals that only a genuine education based on the stature of race
and culture, in our case, a truly Filipino education is a key a viable and aunthentic
transformation both in the local and national sphere.
Functions of Education
1. To inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
2. To develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a democratic
3. To instill the habits of industry, thrift, and to prepare individuals to contribute to the
economic development and wise conservation of the nation’s natural resources.
4. To maintain solidarity and to improve community life, perpetuate all that is
desirable in our national heritage and to serve the cause of world peace.
5. To promote the sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the
recognition of the dignity of the human person.
First, the inculcation of moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God is a
leading function of education. This is instrumental in fostering international peace and unity
between and among nations of the world. War and other forms of violence are fruits of
whims and caprices of those who are morally and spiritually disabled. Thus, the role of
education is crucial in battling the evils of opportunism and greed. As observed, nations who
value morality and spirituality to the highest degree enjoy the benefit of a blessed and
orderly society.
Second, education molds an enlightened, patriotic, useful, and upright citizenry. The
eradication of ignorance and the enlightenment of every member of the society is always the
top priority of every educational institution. This is because an enlightened and well-informed
citizenry leads to a productive nation. Moreover, patriotism is at the core of every
educational curriculum which centers on the love of one’s own country. Consequently, a
flourishing community ensues as every member becomes an asset in their own chosen field.
Third, it instills the habits of industry, thrift, and prepare individuals to contribute to
economic development as well as the conservation of the nation’s natural resources. Nations
who were able to embrace these economic traits are those with sound educational systems.
Hence, they enjoy a vibrant economy and live in a balanced and healthful ecology in accord
with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
Fourth, it enriches the value of solidarity and the improvement of community life, most
especially to the underprivileged communities. Through the power of education, many
communities were lifted from the bondage of illiteracy and ignorance. Education also
endeavors to perpetuate all that is desirable in our national heritage and to serve the cause
of world peace. It was a break from the traditional notion among them that education is a
threat to their culture.In fact, several Indigenous People are successful in various fields, and
some are even on top positions in both the public and private sectors.
Lastly, education aims to promote the sciences, arts, and letters for the enrichment of life
and the recognition of the dignity of the human person. It is indeed fascinating to note that
education can turn a blank state of mind (tabula rasa) into intellectual giants. It has the
power to bring us closer to a meaningful and purposeful existence- a life that is worth living
for. More importantly, it raises the human worth to the highest pedestal. Education, in the
end, creates men of culture and integrity.
What’s More
Activity 2: Categorize Me!
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Classify the statements whether
they characterize a formal or non-formal education. Write the letter in the
corresponding box.
A. Students learn inside the classroom.
B. Education occurs outside the formal school system.
C. Classroom based
D. Hierarchically structured
E. Managed by trained school teachers.
F. Community based
G. Managed by mobile teachers and instructional managers.
H. Learning is done at home.
Activity 3: Alternative Response
Read and analyze the statements concerning classifications, functions and
importance of education. If the statement is correct, write the word True and False if
otherwise. Write your answers in the third column.
An individual learns his/her society’s values and beliefs through various
Education is viewed in Sociology as a social institution.
With a more educated population, more employment opportunities are
ALS Non-formal education is classroom based.
Education is classified as formal when students are taught by professional
teachers and followed a curriculum.
Humans are empowered to experience and learn their capacities that lead
to self-actualization through education.
Education is needed for a productive society.
Critical thinking is a requirement to become a productive citizen.
Primary education is not really essential in the early stage of human life.
Education can be both empowering and limiting depending on how it is
facilitated in the society.
Improving personal lives of people is not a function of education.
Adult night school is an example of the non-formal education.
Education is both a right and a privilege.
Primary education in the Philippines is not considered as a right of a child.
Education has a function to both the individuals and the community where
they belong.
Activity 4: Analyze Me!
Directions: : Read and analyze the statements sensibly. Choose the correct statements
as proof as to how education affects the lives of people in the society by putting a check
mark on the corresponding number then explain your reasons for choosing these
Promotes a healthy lifestyle and equality.
Helps people to connect across the globe with people from other cultures.
Leads to economic prosperity in the global market.
Gives the people the skills they need to compete in the global market.
People with a better education tend to live longer.
Gives an opportunity to be exposed to a diverse set of people.
Reduces inequalities and achieve gender equality.
Empowers people to live everywhere more healthy and sustainable.
Improve people’s lives.
10. Improves economic status of an individual.
Reasons for choosing:
What I have learned
Activity 5: Exit Pass
Directions: In two to three sentences, write the things that you have learned about the
lesson using the Exit Pass.
What did I learn today?
What I Can Do
Activity 6: Individual Activity
Directions: With the use of online class or distance learning schemes brought about by the
global pandemic, what important lessons did you learn out of these educational trends?
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of online class/distance learning based on your
experience/s. Also, share your experiences/observations regarding online/distance learning
during the New Normal.
Point to ponder:
In three to five sentences, share your insights as to the impact (positive or negative) of the
global pandemic to the Philippine education.
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before the
number. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
______1. Who among the following asserts that “education is the most powerful
weapon which we can use to change the world?”
a. Nelson Mandela
C. John Dewey
b. Malcolm X
D. Renato Constantino
_____2. Swimming sessions for toddlers, community-based sports programs, and
community adult education courses are examples of_______________learning.
a. Alternative Learning
C. Formal
b. Informal
D. Home-based
_____3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of formal education?
a. Classroom based
c. community based
b. Formal school teachers
d. hierarchically structures
_____4. Why is there a need for Alternative Learning System in the Philippines?
a. To provide all Filipinos the chance to have access to and complete
basic education.
b. To give education to the Filipino youth and adults who have failed to finish
their studies.
c. To give a chance to the students who were not able to graduate.
d. To cater the needs of the out-of-school Filipino youth in their studies.
_____5. Why is primary education essential in the early stages of human life?
a. Ensures the development of children.
b. Develops their cognitive and physical skills.
c. Improves the child’s ability to learn.
d. Enhances their speech and language development.
_____6. Which among the following is reflective of Renato Constantino’s belief of a
functional educational system?
a. Education must be anchored to western learning since they have an
advanced educational system.
b. The system of education must be tailored to fit the national character and
c. Any system of education works depending on national leadership;
d.The relics of colonial education must not be set aside since it set phase of
Philippine eduction.
_____7. Which of the following is NOT true about education?
a. It leads to social acceptance since you are considered as an economic
b. It leads everyone to become successful in life.
c. It provides stability in life, since no one can take it from a person.
d. It serves as a tool needed to foster global equality.
_____8. Which of the following functions of education is instrumental in fostering
international peace and unity between and among nations of the world?
a. To develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a
democratic society.
b. To maintain solidarity and to improve community life.
c. To promote sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the
recognition of the dignity of the human person.
d. To inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
_____9. Which of the following refers to the statement “Education endeavors to perpetuate
all that is desirable in our national heritage and to serve the cause of world peace?”
a. To develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a
democratic society.
b. To maintain solidarity and to improve community life.
c. To promote sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the
recognition of the dignity of the human person.
d. To inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
_____10. Which of the following functions of education has the power to raise the human
worth to the highest pedestal?
a. To develop an enlightened, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a
democratic society.
b. To maintain solidarity and to improve community life.
c. To promote sciences, arts and letters for the enrichment of life and the
recognition of the dignity of the human person.
d. To inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God.
Alternative Response : Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise on the
space provided before the number.
_____11. Education is classified as non-formal when learning is done inside the classroom
and student’s performance is graded.
_____12. Primary education is essential in the early stage of human life.
_____13. Education can be both empowering and limiting depending on how it is facilitated
in the society.
_____14. Education is an instrument of social change.
_____15. According to the sociological perspective, education arises out of the needs of the
society of which the individual is a member.
Additional Activity
Grade & Strand:_______________________
Activity 7
Directions: Using the matrix below, Identify and explain the importance of education in our
lives and to the society.
Importance of Education
Adora et.al. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Philippines: Wise
Ideas Publishing Co.
Mactal et.al. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Quezon Ave.,
Quezon City: Phoenix Public House, Inc.
Hughes and Kroehler (2016). Sociology The Core.
Macionis J. (2002). Sociology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Pearson Education
Asia Pte Ltd.
1. A
Categorize Me!
2. A
What’s More
Post- Test
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. B
Alternative Response
1. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
7. B
6. True
8. D
7. False
9. B
8. True
10. C
9. False
11. F
12. T
11. False
13. T
12. True
What’s More
14. T
15. T
13. True
Analyze Me!
14. False
15. True
3. /
Teaching methods
Vocational skills
Productive citizens
What I Can Do
may vary