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TOEFL Writing: Improve Your Score - Tips & Examples

1. In the TOEFL test, develop your ideas clearly
According to the official TOEFL scoring criteria for this task, you need to have relevant and
clearly developed ideas. You need to make sure your ideas contribute to the discussion and are
well supported with reasons and examples.
Read the sample response below.
Most students have smartphones these days, so it would be very difficult to ban them
completely. Smartphones are very addictive, and I think we are all a bit distracted by
them, not just students. That is a big problem for society. If students have access to their
smartphones in class, they can use them to help them learn. I think that they are good for
learning. If I had had a smartphone when I was at school, I would not have been so bored
during class. Having a smartphone would have made lessons much more interesting. We
just had to listen to the teacher. We could not use any technology like that.
Comment: This writer is writing about the correct topic – whether smartphones should be
allowed in school classrooms – but they haven’t developed their ideas clearly and supported
them with reasons and examples. There’s also some repetition and irrelevant information, such
as the idea that everyone is distracted by their smartphones, not just students. All of this
makes it difficult to follow the writer’s ideas.
Now read this sample response.
It is true that smartphones have the potential to be distracting, but as long as teachers
establish some clear rules and guidelines around their use, I think smartphones should
be allowed in class. In a traditional classroom, the teacher has only a small number of
tools at their disposal, which tends to have a negative impact on student motivation and
engagement. However, when students are given access to smartphones in the
classroom, the number of tools available increases significantly. For instance, to revise
course content, teachers can use apps to create interactive games and quizzes. Rather
than asking students to discuss ideas in small groups, they can have students post short
videos online that other students can watch. Students usually really enjoy these
activities. This makes them more motivated and improves their learning.
Comment: This response would get a higher TOEFL score for the development criterion
because the writer’s ideas are much more clearly developed. They give clear reasons for their
opinion and use examples to help them explain what they’re saying.
Notice that the writer uses linking words and phrases such as as long as, However and For
instance to help connect their sentences. This makes the response easier to read. Also, the
example about interactive games and quizzes helps the reader understand what kind of tools
the writer is referring to in the previous sentence.
2. Use a variety of language for TOEFL Writing
The second scoring criterion is variety in the use of language. In other words, you need to show
the examiner that you can use a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary. To get a high
score in this area, you need to make an effort to use more difficult structures and less common
Look at the sentences below.
Students usually really enjoy these activities. This makes them more motivated and
improves their learning.
There aren’t any errors in these sentences, but we can still make some changes to get a higher
score for this criterion.
Both sentences are simple sentences, which means there’s only one clause in each sentence.
There’s nothing wrong with using simple sentences, but if you want to get a high score, you
should also try to include some compound and complex sentences. For this example, let’s make
a complex sentence by using a relative clause.
Students usually really enjoy these activities, which makes them more motivated and
improves their learning.
TOEFL Vocabulary
We can also improve the vocabulary by using some more advanced words.
Students are typically highly engaged during such activities, which boosts their
motivation and enhances their learning.
We changed:
usually → typically
really enjoy → highly engaged
these activities → such activities
increases → boosts
motivated → motivation
improves → enhances
Note that the words we’ve chosen are still common ones. Students sometimes try to use very
sophisticated words that are actually very uncommon. This can make their writing unclear and
make it sound very unnatural. Don’t do this.
3.Check for language errors for a high TOEFL score
The final scoring criterion is correct use of language. This means it’s important to check your
response for grammatical and vocabulary errors, including issues with spelling, capitalization,
and punctuation. You can make some minor mistakes and still get a high score, but you should
still try to make as few mistakes as possible.
Easy things to check for:
spelling mistakes
subject–verb agreement
mistakes with singular and plural forms
incorrect punctuation
practice: Read the sentences below. There are 5 language errors. Can you find them?
Secondly, they facilitates collaboration between student. If they are working on a
group project for instance students can use shared documents to collaborate in real
time. This is more efficent than working with pen and paper and better reflect what
students will be required to do once they join the workforce.
Professor: Today, we will delve into the influence of social media on mental health. With the
rise of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, our lives have become increasingly
intertwined with virtual connections. Here’s the question for our discussion: Do social media
platforms have a positive impact on mental well-being? Why or why not?
Rachel: Personally, I believe that social media platforms have a detrimental impact on mental
health. The constant exposure to carefully curated highlight reels of others’ lives can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and comparison. Moreover, the addictive nature of these platforms
often leads to excessive screen time, causing a decline in face-to-face interactions and genuine
social connections. To prioritize mental well-being, we need to disconnect from the virtual
world and cultivate meaningful relationships offline.
Mike: While I agree that social media can have negative effects, I also believe it can positively
impact mental well-being. These platforms provide a sense of belonging and community,
allowing individuals to connect with like-minded people and access support networks.
Moreover, social media can be a platform for self-expression, empowering introverted
individuals to share their thoughts and creativity with a wider audience. However, it’s crucial to
strike a balance, practicing mindful and intentional usage to avoid the pitfalls of excessive
comparison and digital dependency.
Sample Answer:
Personally, I believe the effects of social media on human’s mental health are mostly
detrimental. I concur with Rachel that people are using such platforms excessively and that
these platforms have reduced our offline interaction. But I don’t think we can create a
balance in real-life by limiting social media use. That’s because we are dependent on the
good aspects of social media and that we all use them to follow the topic we’re interested
in. I believe the beneficial use of social media should be institutionalized through great
educational and acculturalization programs. This highlights the role of governments and
their plans to rescue us from a rabbit hole of bad use and negative effects.
Word count: 115
Take some time to practice using this template and try to follow the structure presented in the
templates below until you find our own. This is valuable exercise that can help you refine your
writing skills and discover your personal style. Don’t use the exact words provided, but adapt
the structure to suit our needs. Remember, you cannot use this template at the exam. This is
only to give you structure in which you experiment, and ultimately find our own rhythm and
1. In my personal view, I believe smartphones have had a positive impact on our
communication. I agree with [student]’s point that [mention one point made by the
student]. Additionally, I would like to highlight the fact that [expand on the point with
your own idea]. For example, [provide a relevant example or personal experience].
2. Personally, I think smartphones have brought about positive changes in how we
communicate. I share [student]’s perspective that [mention one point made by the
student]. Moreover, it’s important to consider that [expand on the point with your own
idea]. For instance, [provide a real-life scenario or personal anecdote].
3. In my opinion, smartphones have largely improved our communication methods. I agree
with [student]’s idea that [mention one point made by the student]. Additionally, it’s
worth mentioning that [expand on the point with your own idea]. For instance, [provide
a practical example or observation].
4. From my standpoint, I believe smartphones have had a beneficial impact on our
communication practices. I echo [student]’s sentiment that [mention one point made by
the student]. Furthermore, it’s important to recognize that [expand on the point with
your own idea]. For example, [provide a relatable situation or personal viewpoint].
5. Personally, I think smartphones have positively transformed the way we communicate. I
align with [student]’s opinion that [mention one point made by the student].
Additionally, it’s worth noting that [expand on the point with your own idea]. For
instance, [provide a relevant illustration or personal reflection].