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The prophecies of the bible are not difficult to understand if we follow the rules laid by the bible for interpreting prophecy.
When used in connection with prophetic symbols sea or waters stands for multitudes of people (Rev 17:15, Isa 8:7 ;17:12,
Jer 6:23). Wind stands for war (Jer 4:12-13, 25:31-32. Beast stands for kingdoms (Dan 7:23) and days for years(Eze 4:6).
Daniel saw in a vision four winds of war which strove upon the great sea of people and four great beasts came one after
the other. The first was like a lion and had eagle’s wings Daniel 7:24. In Jeremiah 49:19,22,28 a lion is used to symbolize the
kingdom of Babylon(606-538 BC). The second best was like a bear (Daniel 7:5) and represented Medo-Persia(538-331 BC).
The three ribs in the mouth were three chief country it had conquered, Libia, Babylon and Egypt.
The next was a leopard having four heads and four wings symbolizing the Grecian Empire (331-168 BC). A leopard is very
alert and adding to this symbol four wings would indicate that Grecian Empire would make rapid conquest which was true.
Alexander the great marched his army 51,000 miles(82,059 Km) in eight years and conquered the then known civilized
world. The four heads represented the four divisions or the four generals which the Empire was split after the death of
Alexander :
The fourth empire was Rome 168 BC-395 AD when it split to two Western and Eastern Rome. Western Roman Empire
ended in 476 AD and it split into ten smaller kingdoms. Eastern Rome had its capital city Constantinopol (Istanbul) today
Turkey, it ended in 1453 AD and it was replaced by the Ottoman Empire under Osman I.
The angel tells us that from Western Rome comes the ten kingdoms(vs 24). It was spit to ten kingdoms between the years
351 and 476 AD. The following are their modern and ancient names:
1. Alemanni -Germany
2. Franks -France
3. Anglo-Saxons -England
4. Burgadians -Switzerland
5. Visigoths -Spain
6. Suevi -Portugal
7. Lombards -Italy
8. Heruli
9. Vandals
The prophecy is so plain and the explanation so natural and easy that all commentators agree on it both Protestant and
“I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn” Daniel 7:8. Let us now consider the
characteristics prophecy gives to the little horn and we shall be forced to settle on one power as the fulfilment of these
1. It was to come from the ten kingdoms which Western Rome was split(vs 8).
2. It shall rise to power after them(vs 24)
3. It shall be different from the first ten kingdoms and any secular kingdom(vs 24)
The Papacy is the only power that answers to these specifications, according to history it rose among the kingdoms of
Western Rome after they were established in 476 AD and it was different than the any people’s power. The angel gives us
another mark of identity to the little horn that :
“Before it there were three of the fist horns plucked out by the roots(vs8)”. It pushed three of the former horns by the
roots. Thus three kingdoms were plucked up to give place for the papacy. This prediction found its exact fulfillment in the
distruction of the three Arian kingdoms, Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoth as we shall now see.
In former days crowns of the conquered kings were placed on the head of the conqueror(2 Samuel 12:30). The pope wears
three crowns of the nations he conquered. After Constantine had removed the seat of the empire from Rome to
Constantinople, the Roman people were ruled(at intervals) from the Eastern capital until the Pope had grown into power in
Rome. While the papacy was gaining control over people of the West, the eastern empire was counting the good will of the
popes to hold their Western Subjects.
From the time of Constantine to that of Justinian there was a deadly struggle between the two largest factions of the
church which are the Arians and the Catholics. Often there was a strive and even bloodshed. The streets of Alexandria and
Constantinople were with blood by partisans of rival bishops.
While the emperors counted on the popes for political reasons, the popes wanted the assistance of the emperor to destroy
the Arians. Theodosius who was the emperor of the East had given 15 edicts against heresy(380-395 AD). So he began the
campaign which ended in virtual extinction Arianism in the Roman world. The reign of Theodosius marked out future
relationship between the pope and the emperor.
In 381 AD, Theodosius arranged a general council of the clergy at Constantinople which established the Catholic doctrine.
He established permanent alliance between the Church and State.
It was the religion of Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoth kingdoms of Italy at that time. Arianism presented a challenge to the
papal supremacy leading to the plucking up of the three kingdoms.
Arius was a parish priest in ancient and influential church in Alexandria(Eastern Rome). He had a doctrine which was a
controversy in the Christian church doctrines which were considered and ruled by the council of Nicaea called up be
Emperor Constantine in 325 AD.
What was Arius controversial doctrine?
Arius maintained that the son was totally and essentially different from the father. That he was the first and noblest of the
beast that the father had created from nothing. The instrument by whose operation he had formed the universe.
Therefore he was inferior to the father both in nature and dignity.
This opinion was condemned by the council which decreed that the son was of one substance with the father. He was
banished to Illyria and his followers were forced to deny their belief.