Uploaded by Gabriel Zurita

The Story of an Hour Summary & Analysis

Zurita Socarras 1
Gabriel Zurita Socarras
Prof. Bielecki
ENC 1102
24 Aug 2023
The Story of an Hour
The purpose of this paragraph is to briefly summarize a short story by Kate
Chopin, called "The Story of an Hour." The story contains four total characters,
Mr. Brently Mallard and his friend Richard's, Mrs. Louise Mallard and her sister
Josephine. In the story, Josephine and Mr. Richard's have come to Mrs. Mallard
with the terrible news that her husband Mr. Mallard has died in a train wreak.
Upon hearing the news about her husband's death, Mrs. Mallard went away
weeping and full of grief to her room. While in her room she had a moment where
she becomes very aware of her surroundings and overwhelmed with emotions but
she begins to repeat the word "free". In the midst of her grief and sorrow, Mrs.
Mallard finds a moment of joy once she realizes she can now live for herself.
Josephine tries to comfort Mrs. Mallard and convince her to leave her room so she
doesn't suffer a major medical issues since Mrs. Mallard suffers from a "heart
condition". Mrs. Mallard gets herself together and gathers her strength to join her
sister back downstairs, when they hear someone fumbling with the door. To
everyone's surprise, it was Mr. Mallard. He wasn't on the train as reported, he was
actually far from it and have not even heard of it.
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