Uploaded by Renato “Lukhe” Ceola


**Procedures**: *random encounters* are 1 in 6 per day and 1 in 6 per night if you’re not behind walls. Travel time is 1 hex/day without a trail, 2 hexes/day on a trail. If you’re *looking for something* that isn’t as obvious as a town or village built in plain sight, your chance of finding it is 1 in 6 per day; each search party also has to roll for their own random encounter. Underground encounters are 1 in 6 every two turns, e.g. whenever leaving a room.
**Scrolls, prayers and spells**: a *scroll* can only be read by magic users and elves that know the spell or have access to *read magic*; a *prayer* can be read by anyone. The spells are listed in Appendix A.<table class="sidebar" id="gems"><tr><th>1d20</th><th>Gem Value<th></tr><tr><td>1–3</td><td>10<td></tr><tr><td>4–6</td><td>20<td></tr><tr><td>7–9</td><td>50<td></tr><tr><td>10–12</td><td>75<td></tr><tr><td>13–15</td><td>100<td></tr><tr><td>16–17</td><td>250<td></tr><tr><td>18–19</td><td>750<td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>1000<td></tr></table>
**Treasure**: the value of a *gem* is determined by rolling a d20 and looking it up on the table; the value of *jewelry* is determined by rolling 3d6×100gp.
**History**: *Lord Novalis the Inspector* is once again at odds with *Warlord Ogon the Mighty*. This time, however, *Lord Darci the Final Foreman* has entered into an alliance with *Warlord Ogon the Mighty*.
**0101**: The green valley up here has some mountain goats and a **kid** called *Krishaany* guarding them.
**0102**: The 「Moon Weald」 is cold and dark up here. The ground is soft and covered in the needle-like leaves of conifers. A patch of cleared ground, devoid of grasses and plants, is surrounded by small boulders and bones. Here stands a large, granite slab, draped across and resting precariously on top of three tapered upright boulders. In the old days, they called it *The Dancers*. This place is holy to Odin’s *Wild Hunt*. The druids have found unruly allies in the forest: 4 taciturn **centaurs** led by *Chlodoric* (HD 4 AC 5 1d6/1d6/1d8 F4 MV 18 ML 8 XP 400). A bone-littered game-trail slithers uphill to a clearing dominated by a series of rough bearskin tents. The **druid** *Deian* has freed himself from the shackles of civilisation and lives here like a wild beast (HD 9 AC 7 1d6 F9 MV 12 ML 9 XP 900; heat metal; tree jump; animate tree (3×/day): HD 8 AC 2 2d6/2d6 F8 MV 6; *limited shape change* into a bear: HD 4 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d6 + *hug* F2 MV 12 ML 5 XP 400; when both claws hit, their *bear hug* deals an extra 2d8). 4 **druid acolytes** (HD 3 AC 7 1d6 + 1d6 *crushing staff* F3 MV 12 ML 9 XP 300; heat metal; *crushing staff*) led by *Mael* are scattering offerings of fermented meat for their unkindness of **ravens**. All they desire is the perfect, sublime, and chaotic beauty of nature, where nothing is ever uniform for long and entropy reins supreme. Let there be upheaval and change. High up in the trees a small number of wooden cages hold dead bodies and 5 **prisoners** led by *Levy*, screaming, overcome by madness and fear.
Another leaf-strewn path weaves into a canyon where there one may find several woven baskets, hanging from trees and filled to the brim with ripe and ready to eat Goose Berries. ---
**0103**: On one of the rock faces you can still see the markings of the old dwarf forge *High Grimm*. The ruin is now home to the **white dragon** *White Death the Eternal* (HD 6 AC 3 1d4/1d4/2d8 F6 MV 24 ML 8 XP 600; *ice* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). 「70 jewelry.」 ---
**0104**: Memorializing a crushing defeat, a weathered statue graces a nearby promontory. On one of the Cursed Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Ancient Greed* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「2000 silver coins. 4 jewelry.」 ---
**0105**: The waters of *Cold Dream* seems to stretch forever, mirroring the sky above. A cool breeze blows across the lake leaving shimmering waves and bobbing cattails in its wake.
16 **nixies** led by *Sweet Ice* live here (HD 1 AC 7 1d4 F1 MV 12 ML 6 XP 100; charm person, *water breathing*). A clan of *dwarves* is erecting a waterwheel at the other end of the lake.
Actually, this is going to get worse. The waterwheel is just the beginning: they are trying to start a small forge! 30 **dwarves** work and live here (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100), led by *Íthur Broadgate* (level 6). Unused carpets rolled up and stacked up. 「40000 gold coins. 5 gems. The *headband of karma* allows you to borrow luck from your future self: when rolling a d20, roll 2d20 and take the higher result, but before doing it again you need to pay your debt in a similar situation and roll 2d20 and take the lower result. An *amulet of shape changing*, blessed by Loki (sea lion, allows you to swim). A potion of *healing* (light orange, smelling like vomit, 1d6+1). An elven *long bow* +1 with elven runes naming its maker: *Estelwen*. A dwarven *shield* +2 with dwarven runes naming the owner: *Irena Forgehewer* of *Great Anvil*.」 ---
**0106**: The land here is dead as dead can be.
**0107**: The land here is hot and merciless.
**0108**: Encircled with small boulders is what appears to be an overgrown graveyard for halflings. On one of the Wasteland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by a **warlock** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and his **giant scorpion** mount (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「2000 silver coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Stone Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 4 petrified victims including the famous hero *Göksu* and the bones of countless dead. Silver cutlery and beautiful wine glasses. 「2000 silver coins. 10 gems. A necklace with a big gem set in silver containing the elemental prison of a jinni called *Builder of the Seven Castles* (HD 7+1 AC 5 2d8 F14 MV 24 ML 12 XP 700; *illusion*, *invisibility*, *gaseous form*, *whirlwind* and *creation* at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons). A prayer of *safety* (transports the reader and up to ten targets back to the last temple the reader entered).」 ---
**0109**: On one of the rock faces you can still see the markings of the old dwarf forge *Sky*. The ceilings have collapsed in many places, opening up the halls and tunnels to air and sun above. Trees and bushes have reclaimed the place. The cistern has turned into a pond, the forges have become a sky altar. This is the realm of the beautiful **spectre** of *Deris*, who cares for all the graves up here, the eater of dreams (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). ---
**0110**: These mountains are called the 「Hungry Teeth」. The rough peaks here hide a dungeon. This is *The Foul Fathomage*.
Wandering monsters: 4 **lizard men** led by *Leg Breaker*, laughing (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200).
1. _Latrine:_ The entrance to this dungeon has the overwhelming stench of recently used latrine pits.
1. _Storeroom:_ Barrels, crates, and pots hold their secrets here.
* gouged runes in the wall spelling out *Herolvur Dirgehoarder* * a crate full of rotten tubers → at the bottom: 「480 silver coins」 1. _Vault:_ A giant locked iron safe squats in the middle of the room, its huge iron door attesting to dozens of attempts to break in - it has been beaten, burnt, and subject to toxic magic. But the door is still shut.
* 6 **kobolds** led by *Poison Piercer*, cheering on two who are wrestling (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) * an empty barrel → hidden in the double bottom: 「490 silver coins」 1. _Arena:_ Two leg-thick, heavy chains hang from the ceiling here, stopping a few feet above the ground. They are gouged with sword strikes.
* the remains of a fireplace, cold * a lizard person is singing the *Songs of Remembrance*, a cycle of ballads involving the wars against **Thyia the Cruel* of *Merlen**. * a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the crib → beneath the fake floor: 「471 silver coins」 1. _Temple:_ Rows of stone pillars form a square around a sandstone table, which has bolted into it a giant bronze grotesquerie of a **devil** with the tail of an ape. Fragments of prayers are barely legible on the surrounding walls. * 2 **troglodytes** led by *Silent Slither*, gambling (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min) 1. _Slave Pen:_ Iron rings are set into the walls here linking thick chains and brutal collars.
* 7 **kobolds** led by *Lord Biter*, sleeping (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) * an abandoned backpack: 「559 silver coins」 1. _Great Hall:_ Long stone tables line this room, but all that remains of the chairs and benches is some rotted wood piled in the corner, smelling like termites and swamp.
* the **naga** *Magnificent Terror of Death* (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」 and her ensorcelled **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400)
* 「600 platinum coins. An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Cidinnwen*.」 1. _Natural Cavern:_ Covered in moss.
1. _Torture Chamber:_ 4 cells of iron bars line the far wall here. All the cages are empty. A wooden log set below the ceiling holds a range of ropes, chains, and shackles. A shelf holds various brass implements of torture.
* frescoes of *Odin* 1. _Living Quarters:_ A large dressing screen obscures the far wall near a well-built bed and nightstand.
* 8 limpid pools, filled with champagne yellow and heliotrope liquids. 1. _Antechamber:_ Mouldering linen cushions serve only as nests for mice as they sag on gnawed wooden chair legs.
* **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400) * a small pool → muddy bottom → buried: 「648 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Barracks:_ Several sleeping mats and rough lace pillows stuffed with moldy hay line the walls.
* 6 **kobolds** led by *Queen Tooth*, alert (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) * a shelf above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「195 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Bedroom:_ With a headboard depicting an apple tree, a large bed dominates this room.
* **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400) 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Evenly spaced iron warming braziers are bolted into the wall here. Smashed crockery litters the floor.
* the **brutishly huge lizard patriarch** *Bone Breaker* (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 9 ML 10 XP 400), fanatically guarded by **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400)
* 「7000 silver coins. 8000 gold coins. 7 gems. 2 jewelry.」 ---
**0201**: A ten-foot-tall black iron fence blocks the way here. Some of the spikes at the top of the fence are adorned with skulls of humans and other humanoids.
The *gate* is large enough to admit a giant, made of wood and iron and decorated in bronze, held together by spells. The doors show a crowd of demonic faces, teeth, horns, claws, and bulging eyes.
To the right of the gate stands a massive *tower* that had its top blown off. Over the years, this has allowed plants to gain a foothold. Bushes and grass grow from the top like green hair from a huge stone face.
There is an improvised toll booth next to the tower and some tents further back. These people ask 50gp per head “to keep the area safe.” 30 **bandits** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; long bow, dagger). They are led by the **magic user** *Josue* (level 2). The spells known are based on *The Book of Dragons* by Fanthaiel the Hunter: 1. *sleep*, *light foot*. *Josue* also happens to own a book: 「*The Kings and Queens of Rajana*」.
A stair leads up to the top of the tower but nobody ever takes it for up there the air is unnaturally cold and a half-transparent **spectre** is staring at the necropolis below. “Everyone I know has gone away, in the end.” All they are interested in is talking about the great armies they took to the south and to the north, how they fought the armies of *Valach the Powerful*, the manoeuvres they executed, the traps they set, the princes they had assassinated. This is *King Adalger*. Turning the conversation away from their achievements makes them very irate (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person; *summon 1d4 servants* with the same stats). 「500 platinum coins.」 The necropolis turned to dust over the years and now nothing but a few statues and crumbled mausoleums remain. Amidst this decay stand newer huts made of wood and dried mud, covered in grass and decorated with banners of rose and green. 17 **lizard people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) live up here, led by *Creek Haunter* (HD 6). 「A potion of *healing* (light orange, smelling like vomit, 1d6+1).」 The huts are guarded by spiked barriers. 「2000 silver coins. 2 gems.」 At night they gather around a central fire and sing songs of old, of love, of longing and of leaving, of great deeds and the old days.
In the middle of all this is a platform that rises 20ft into the air. Wide stairs lead up to a baldachin and under this canopy rests the **sphinx** *Adalmana* (HD 5 AC 6 1d6/1d6 F10 MV 15 ML 9 XP 500; *cure disease* 3×/day, *raise dead* 1×/day, *summon tengus* (2d6) 1×/day: HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). Tell her a good pun and she’ll be friendly. Answer her riddle to be granted a boon. <blockquote>Emblem of youth and innocence<br>With walls enclosed for my defence,<br>And with no care opprest,<br>I boldly spread my charms around,<br>'Till some rude lover breaks the mound,<br>And takes me to his breast.<br>Here soon I sicken and decay:<br>My beauty lost, I'm turned away,<br>And thrown into the street;<br>Where I despised, neglected lie,<br>See no Samaritans pass by,<br>But numerous insults meet.
(a *rose*)</blockquote>
**0202**: A gigantic burrowing monster has disturbed the dry clay here. On one of the Dryland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 4 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Stone Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 7 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few gobelins cover the walls. 「6 jewelry. A *horn of the barbarians* (summons 3d6 random, battle crazy barbarians: HD 2 AC 7 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 12; when they are all killed in the same fight they are released from their bond to the horn). The ancient war hammer *Earth Hammer* +3, made by *Grishmeg* in the *War of the Landgrab*: it can smash any structure built by man in three blows.」 ---
**0203**: Among the trees of 「Cloudy Wood」 lies a dungeon. This is *The Dank Grotto of Tragedy*.
Wandering monsters: recently arrived 5 **giant centipedes** (HD ½ 1d4 hp AC 9 *poison* NM MV 6 ML 7 XP 50; when hit, save vs. paralysis or move at half speed for the rest of the day).
1. _Latrine:_ The entrance to this dungeon has the overwhelming stench of recently used latrine pits.
1. _Temple:_ Rows of stone pillars form a square around a brick table, which has bolted into it a giant iron grotesquerie of a **devil** with the legs of a lion. Three frescoes each display a hellscape ruled by a devil: a **devil** with the legs of a boar, a **devil** with dragonfly wings and a human head on the body of a horsefly, and a **devil** with the head of a locust. * the remains of a fireplace, cold 1. _Debris Room:_ Broken and useless furnishings have been piled here, out of the way.
* a concealed entrance/exit to the surface, a narrow fit for a halfling 1. _Cistern:_ Corroded tin barrels line the walls, some gouged and dented. Each once probably had a spigot of some sort.
* 4 crumbling terracotta statues 1. _Banquet Hall:_ The rusting mechanism of a turning spit graces a sooty alcove here. A series of overturned tables line the walls.
* The infamous **magic user** *Amiya* (level 2) leading 10 **bandits** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; club). The spells known are based on *The Book of Darkness* by Beryl the Sorceress: 1. *darkness*, *charm person*. *Amiya* also happens to own a book: 「*Identifying Members of the Fellowship of the Reborn Choice*」.
* 「600 platinum coins.」 1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Storeroom:_ Rows upon rows of plain clay vases, each with disintegrated cork stoppers and empty now of any liquid.
* a heap of bird bones 1. _Dining Room:_ Evenly spaced iron warming braziers are bolted into the wall here. Smashed crockery litters the floor.
* gouged runes in the wall spelling out *Ingrún Ironaxe* * a blood smeared *Freya* statue → on a stone pedestal → hidden inside: 「440 silver coins」 1. _Living Quarters:_ There are 2 sagging silk hammocks hanging from wall hooks here.
* decorations featuring a wolf 1. _Dining Room:_ Stained and gouged crude wooden tables and a clay brick oven can be found here. Several burlap sacks of asparagus are piled haphazardly in the center of the room.
* a pile of rags 1. _Cistern:_ The floor here is slightly sloped downward with shallow grooves radiating out of a small hole in the center.
* 3 mangy **war dogs** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) 1. _Temple:_ A circle of inlaid sandstone is divided into twelve equal segments, at the end of each of which is a stone pedestal. Rust circles on each pedestal mark where statues once stood.
* The recently escaped **knight** *Bethanien* (level 5) leading 6 **bandits** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; club). 「An elven *shield* +1 with elven runes commemorating the slaying of the green dragon *Green Tooth of the Fumes*.」 * a brick wall → a fake brick → behind it is a small hollow: a crate full of rotten apples → at the bottom: 「435 silver coins 10 gold coins.」
**0204**: Gentle slopes reveal an orchard of wild Yoke Fig trees. The Blood Country hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Solitary Rooms*.
Wandering monsters: 7 **hobgoblins** led by *Voice of Longing*, sleeping (HD 1+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 9 ML 8 XP 100).
1. _Latrine:_ The entrance to this dungeon has the overwhelming stench of recently used latrine pits.
1. _Slave Pen:_ Iron rings are set into the walls here linking thick chains and brutal collars.
* 2 **trolls** led by *Famine*, eating (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid) * a shelf above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「685 silver coins」 1. _Guardroom:_ Human heads on pikes here warn about what happens to intruders.
* filled waist-high with linen white fog * high-pitched whimpering 1. _Crypt:_ 4 old bone sarcophagi line the wall here. The lid of each has been removed and cast into a pile.
* rat tunnels * little stick figures made of twigs and chestnuts 1. _Great Hall:_ Long stone tables line this room, but all that remains of the chairs and benches is some rotted wood piled in the corner, smelling like termites and swamp.
* a **goblin shaman** called **Wolf Basher** (level 4). The spells known are based on *The Book of Songs* by Xoralfona the Wordsmith: 1. *empathy*, *lies*, 2. *entrapment*, *mind reading*. and 8 **goblins** cheering on two who are wrestling (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100)
* 「5 gems.」 ---
**0205**: The land here is hot and merciless.
**0206**: These white salt flats are reflecting the sun in a blinding haze.
**0207**: The Stone Barrow hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. The sandy slopes are heavily eroded by recent flooding.
**0208**: Atop a very rotund mound is a arrangement of granite boulders. Narrow creeks have dug deep ravines into the Blood Mound hills. One of these ravines is home to the **wight** *Telaid* the Heartless who surfaces from his watery grave every night and searches the gorge for fools to drown (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. 「2000 silver coins. 6000 gold coins.」 ---
**0209**: The pebble-strewn slopes are heavily eroded by wind and rain. On one of the Blood Country hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 5 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「4 gems.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Cold Sister* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 7 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「9 gems. An elven *shield* +1 with elven runes in memory of *Moss Man*. A potion of *fire resistance* (deep yellow, 1h).」 ---
**0210**: The 「Singing Weald」 reaches these highlands and slowly thins out. A few firs are the last ones to brave the snow at these altitudes. Within this wood is a dungeon. This is *The Noisome Maze*.
Wandering monsters: 8 **satyrs** chanting (HD 5 AC 7 1d6 F5 MV 9 ML 7 XP 500; *party tunes*: when playing the flute, anybody listening must save vs. spells or join the party; *chill-out tunes*: when playing the flute, anybody listening must save vs. spells fall into a magical slumber; only harmed by magic, magic weapons or silver weapons).
1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Kitchen:_ Rusting and stained iron pots and pans hang from the ceiling and walls. Hanging from the ceiling from a massive hook and surrounded by biting fleas is the festering carcass of a ox.
* **walls closing in**: once every player has wedged a weapon between the wall and floor, the wall stops closing in, but the weapons are ruined, otherwise roll d20 under your dexterity or be crushed * a dingy curtain → hiding a small alcove: 「25 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Barracks:_ Carved directly into the walls are bunks that could easily be mistaken for funerary niches.
* a **chimera** starving (HD 6 AC 5 1d6/1d6/1d10/2d10 or *fire* F6 MV 9 ML 10 XP 600; *fire* (3×/day): as much as the chimera has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half; 「*chimera blood* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」) * a lose flagstone → gravel → buried beneath it: 「117 silver coins」 1. _Larder:_ Several burlap sacks of cauliflower are piled haphazardly in the center of the room.
* partial cave-in and a half buried human skeleton 1. _Banquet Hall:_ The rusting mechanism of a turning spit graces a sooty alcove here. A series of overturned tables line the walls.
* a **medusa** named *Snake Sister* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」)
* 「7 gems. 3 jewelry. A dwarven *shield* +2 with dwarven runes naming its maker: *Arnóra Silverpot* of *Old Sky*. A *ring of invisibility* which turns you invisible until you attempt to harm somebody.」 ---
**0301**: Up here in the mountains lies lake *Cold Pond*. 21 **nixies** led by *Lily* live here (HD 1 AC 7 1d4 F1 MV 12 ML 6 XP 100; charm person, *water breathing*). A clan of *dwarves* is erecting a waterwheel at the other end of the lake.
Actually, this is going to get worse. The waterwheel is just the beginning: they are trying to start a small forge! 19 **dwarves** work and live here (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100), led by *Arnina Dirgekeep* (level 4). Silver cutlery and beautiful wine glasses. 「30000 silver coins. 40000 gold coins. 15 gems. The orcish spear *Dog Impaler* +1/+3 vs. elves, created by *Shaggol* in *The War of the Blood Tide*. A *necklace of the lion* width 10 teeth left; each one allows the wearer to turn into a lion and back (HD 5 AC 6 1d6/1d6/1d10 F3 MV 15 ML 9 XP 500; surprise on 1–4 in 6). A potion of *flooding* (deep charcoal black, smelling like cut grass, 1h, makes you vomit forth water at an extremely painful rate, filling a 20ft cube; move at half speed and no other actions possible). A potion of *snake bite* (foamy white, 1h, gives you three venomous bites, victims must save vs. poison or die). A scroll of *fire ball* (6d6, save vs. spells for half).」 ---
**0302**: These mountains are called the 「Dead Domes」. Towering black rocks and snow capped peaks are all around you. A forgotten civilisation dug short tunnels through the most terrible cliffs, making these passes navigable. There is a dwarven forge called *Skylight* up here. This is a small forge. 30 **dwarves** live and work here (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100) led by *Rathsin Braveshield* (level 8). A few nice carpets cover the floor. 「10000 silver coins. 60000 gold coins. 300 platinum coins. 8 gems. The orcish spear *Dog Impaler* +1/+3 vs. elves, created by *Gornákh* in *The War of the Blood Tide*.」 ---
**0303**: The valley up here is hard to find. This is where the orcs of the *Vile Fist Spitting* tribe raise yaks and make their well-known floral and velvety cheese containing bits of mushrooms. 30 **orcs** led by *Ugduf* (HD 3) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「7000 silver coins. 6 gems.」 *Ugduf* is a famous sword smith in the *Long Back Killer* tradition.
The orcs live in an old stone tower from the old days, patched up with planks and shingled. Beneath some covers are tents and tent poles for the entire clan. It is guarded by 5 **boars** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300). There are two big skull pyramids near the entrance with about 200 skulls each.
**0304**: Rising slopes reveal an orchard of carefully pruned Cask Lemon trees. On one of the Cursed Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Bastard of Envy* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「7000 silver coins.」 ---
**0305**: The land here is flat and featureless.
**0306**: Wherever you look, the bare stones here are dead as dead can be.
**0307**: The Rolling Barrow hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Atop a large slope is a arrangement of granite stones.
**0308**: Blossoming cyan flowers coat the tors here like thick, wet paint. On one of the Bloodland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 6 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「6000 silver coins. 6 jewelry.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Cold Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 6 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few nice carpets cover the floor. ---
**0309**: These mountains are called the 「Dead Mounts」. Between these cruel stone peaks lies a sea of ice: a glacier, slowly inching towards the warmer lowlands. Up here, passage is difficult. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all end up dead in a crevasse. 4 **frost giants** led by *Ice* live here (HD 10+1 AC 4 4d6 or 3d6 *ranged* F10 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1000; *stone shape* and *control weather* at will) with a **cryohydra** (12 heads, HD 12 (8hp per head) AC 5 1d10 per head F12 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1200; whenever a head is lost, *two heads regrow* the next round (up to 12) unless the wound is cauterised using ice or fire (a melee attack with a torch will do); *ice* (as much as the hydra has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half); *poisonous blood* (cutting off a head with a melee weapon exposes the attacker to it: save vs. poison or die; 「*hydra’s blood* is worth 5000gp each to an alchemist」)) in a a glorious ice blue cave. 「10000 gold coins. 200 platinum coins. 8 jewelry.」 ---
**0310**: The sun-bleached bones of a dozen antelope fill the basin here. Narrow creeks have dug deep gorges into the Oldland hills. One of these gorges is home to the **wight** *Cei* the Master of the Dark Arts who surfaces from his watery grave every night and searches the canyon for fools to drown (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. ---
**0401**: On a spur further up there is a hill fort, protected by an earthen wall. Here lives the **goat herder** *Pajtim* (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; staff, sling) from **Grainland** (0804) while the place is not used.
**0403**: The water has dug a deep chasm through the mountain. A grey **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (1807).
**0404**: Someone has nailed a wooden holy symbol to a ancient Bishopblister tree. On one of the Oldland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 5 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 7 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Unused carpets rolled up and stacked up. 「7000 gold coins. 13 gems. An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes naming its maker: *Aril*.」 ---
**0405**: High up on on a ridge is an old elven tower made of green glass. Leaves and vines of green and brown glass cover the tower, giving the appearance of life where there is none. In *The Tale of Falcon Lake*, they call it *Orchallien’s Ruin*. An ornate archway stands open at the base of the tower allowing any to pass within. In the archway, however, lie two soldiers wearing chain. Those who do are struck by a *rune of protection* unless copper or iron wiring is used to short-circuit the trap: *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half) Further up, in a beautiful room with a terrace encircling the entire tower, is the roost of 12 **tengu**, led by the master swordsman **Blade of Truth** (HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). 「3000 gold coins. A black *plate armour of the dark lord* + 2, giving your voice a magical force, if you are not attacking: the person addressed must save vs. spells or obey a one-word command, if they understand.」 For the price of 500gp **Blade of Truth** will tell you how to open the secret door to the top of the tower. The walls of this room near the top are cracked and all the windows are broken. This is the lair of 12 very protective **griffons** (HD 4+1 AC 6 1d6/1d6/1d8 F4 MV 24 ML 10 XP 400). They are often seen hunting the land around this tower. 「The 2 *griffon eggs* are worth 5000gp each to an alchemist」. The topmost chamber has an excellent view of the mountains from the tall windows that reach nearly to the floor. One window is decorated with depictions of the moon and corpses. When the light of the waxing gibbous moon (🌔) falls on it, it turns to a magical portal to *Vanaheim*.
**0406**: The land here is exhausting to travel by day.
**0407**: Remnants of a recent bonfire and religious sacrifice dot the hilltops. The Dry Country hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Noisome Hole*.
Wandering monsters: 7 foppish **ghouls** (HD 2 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d4 + *paralysis* F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 200; aura of fear (save vs. spells or flee for two rounds); when bitten, save vs. paralysis or be *paralysed* for 1h; *limited shape shift* into a hyena).
1. _Natural Cavern:_ Draped with cobwebs.
1. _Common Room:_ The messy area holds sleeping mats and wooden trays, piled around all the walls.
* 5 vandalized stone statues 1. _Dining Room:_ A large cast iron cauldron embossed with a grinning face squats defiantly in the center of the room. Several burlap sacks of celery are piled haphazardly in the center of the room.
* a midden 1. _Storeroom:_ Barrels, crates, and pots hold their secrets here.
* a **cave fisher** lurking on the ceiling (HD 3 AC 4 2d4/2d4 or *sticky filament* F2 MV 3 ML 9 XP 300; 60ft sticky filament vs. AC 9: reels in victim at 15ft/rd) 1. _Throne Room:_ Two unadorned stone thrones sit here, side by side, one larger than the other.
* the **wight** *Thyia* (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person) and 3 **skeletons** starving (HD 1 AC 7 2d10 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100; immune to sleep and charm person)
* a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the crib → beneath the fake floor: a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the doll, tightly wrapped: 「647 silver coins」 1. _Catacombs:_ In one wall of the entrance are many deep niches, each containing an elf skeleton.
1. _Cistern:_ The floor here is slightly sloped downward with shallow grooves radiating out of a small hole in the center.
* a slaughtered pig, hanging from a hook 1. _Workshop:_ Old wood tables hold scratches, burns, and dents, but no tools.
* 15 watchful **zombies** (HD 2 AC 8 1d8 F1 MV 12 ML 12 XP 200; immune to sleep and charm person) * a rafter above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「520 silver coins」 1. _Barracks:_ Smashed footlockers are heaped in one corner, while bedding and broken bed frames grace another.
* a midden 1. _Common Room:_ Several mold-infested wool pillows sag in the center of this room.
* 8 **werewolves** in human disguise, welcoming, but rough (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 18 ML 8 XP 400; only harmed by magic, magic weapons or silver weapons; call 2d6 wolves which arrive within 10min: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) * a dingy curtain → hiding a small alcove: 「373 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Chapel:_ Rows and rows of long brick benches are here. A miniature bell tower holds a large brass bell. (Ringing it will set every monster on alert.) Fragments of prayers are barely legible on the surrounding walls.
* a heap of rotten rags 1. _Throne Room:_ Rusted iron braziers line the walls around the throne room, while a stone throne sits to one side. Once bejeweled, the throne now has empty sockets, as every gem has been looted from it.
* **an insane ghost** who thinks she is queen of loyal vermin subjects: a **creeper** (HD 2 AC 7 8×*paralysis* F1 MV 6 XP 200; when hit, save vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 2h – and eventually eaten alive unless rescued)
* a mutilated wooden statue of *Set* → hidden inside: 「189 silver coins 10 gold coins.」
**0408**: Steep slopes reveal an orchard of carefully pruned Blood Lemon trees. On one of the Stone Barrow hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 2 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「3000 silver coins. 5000 gold coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Snake Mistress* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 7 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few nice carpets cover the floor. 「The *shield of the lion* +2: when you hit your opponent, it bites for an extra 1d6 damage.」 ---
**0409**: The rocky slopes are heavily eroded by recent flooding. On one of the Wind Barrow hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 5 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「5000 silver coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 6 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silver cutlery and beautiful wine glasses. 「8000 silver coins. 5 gems.」 ---
**0410**: These mountains are called the 「Desert Teeth」. The mountains are steep and the passes dangerous. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all be swept away by a mud avalanche. 2 **winter wolves** live up here (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes a *cloud of ice* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*winter wolf icicles* growing inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」)
**0501**: The Coinpip trees of 「Singing Weald」 are full of spider webs here. They say that the trees here will try to lead you astray. Without a guide, you will get lost on 1–2 in 6. Anybody climbing the trees or travelling on their own will get attacked by 7 **giant spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*). ---
**0502**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Bastion of Agariel*.
The entrance is protected by a chasm 100ft wide. A thin bridge without rails crosses the chasm. If you climb along the walls, this alerts the 4 **giant spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*) living in the chasm itself.
The elves are served by 33 spider-like **goblins**, led by **The Impaler** (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100). 「3 jewelry.」 Every ceiling, every dead end, every empty room has spider webs, bat bones, and worse. In fact, they keep a prisoner in their central storage room, hanging helplessly in a cocoon, barely alive. This is Constantine who was captured a few days ago. The elves know nothing of it and wouldn’t care if they knew.
24 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *rope command* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Alwedhwi* (level 6). The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *rope command*, *silk*, 2. *liquefy*, *spider senses*, 3. *web*, *observation*. 「A scroll of *unlocking doors* (unlocks and unbars a door up to 2m wide). A *living black tattoo* +1 dedicating its wearer to *Nergal*.」 ---
**0503**: These mountains are called the 「Giant Mounts」. The rocky peaks here hide a dungeon. This is *The Frightful Caverns of Calamity*.
Wandering monsters: **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400).
1. _Latrine:_ The entrance to this dungeon has the overwhelming stench of recently used latrine pits.
1. _Cistern:_ A deep granite well stands in the center of this room, a dented bucket on a very short length of rope nearby.
* flecked with strange inclusions 1. _Torture Chamber:_ Assorted implements of the trade lie on the ground, covered in mildew and filth. Fresh blood pools around an iron drain.
* **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400) * a rafter above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「225 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Temple:_ Within an ornate alcove rests a small votive sculpture of *Pazuzu*. Faded, damp tapestries along the walls show a heroine hunting a deer, leading a elvish army, and battling a **devil** with vestigial wings and the legs of a horsefly.
* decorations featuring a man with a hammer 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Tattered and faded linen wall hangings are covered in cobwebs. A large round table dominates the center of the room.
* the **troglodyte stench-mage** *Starry Night* (level 7) who currently smells of chicken grilling, teaching the aromatic arts to 8 **troglodytes** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* 「4000 silver coins.」 1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Altar:_ A low granite plinth crowns a squat dais covered in dried blood. Crouching within a recess is a large brackish-water filled font, surrounded by carvings of snakes.
* narrow path along a charnel pit with four corpses 1. _Kiln:_ Soot-blackened niches line the walls, and the floor is littered with broken, malformed pottery.
* 5 **lizard men** led by *Silver Eyes*, starving (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) 1. _Firewood Room:_ An axehead missing a handle and a mat of sawdust bear mute witness to the time this room was used for firewood. There is an aroma of Yellowmantle tree and perhaps turmeric and teak.
* **oil**: a small coal fire up above is heating a cauldron suspended on a metal rod just below the ceiling; a pressure plate turns the cauldron over → dousing everybody in boiling oil for 1d8 damage; a 2 in 6 chance for the fire falling into the oil and igniting it, causing another 1d8/rd for the next two rounds * a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the crib → beneath the fake floor: 「185 silver coins 30 gold coins.」
1. _Workshop:_ A large dusty anvil dominates the center of the room. Half a pair of tongs rests in a corner.
* **protective spear trap**: a hole in the wall at chest level; a pressure plate further back → on 1–2 in 6 it triggers a spear attack +0 for 1d6 on the person standing in front of the hole; can be triggered on purpose * a pile of rags → gravel → buried beneath it: 「481 silver coins」 1. _Kiln:_ Sawdust and old Whitegrove branches on the floor attest to a former pile of firewood.
* 6 **troglodytes** led by *Swamp Layer*, arguing (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min) 1. _Temple:_ A small chamber, roofed and enclosed on all four sides, occupies the center of this room; it’s only door is locked.
* the **brutishly huge lizard matriarch** *Mound Builder* (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 9 ML 10 XP 400), fanatically guarded by 7 **troglodytes** led by *Swamp Layer*, sleeping (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the doll, tightly wrapped: 「559 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
**0504**: The green valley up here has some llamas and a **kid** called *Aswin* guarding them.
**0505**: Crumbling with disrepair, the ruins of an ancient aqueduct snake over hillsides. The Cold Barrow hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Dark Mines*.
Wandering monsters: 5 **giant beetles** (HD 4 AC 3 2d6 F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 400).
1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Altar:_ An enormous stone table, brimming with vile magic, dominates this room. Ceremonial stone knives line the edges. A tall wooden table here is draped in a cloth whose imagery has been lost to mold and mildew.
* **turning trap door**: clean floor ahead; hollow sound if tapped → 1–2 in 6: 10ft deep pit, take 1d6 damage, floor plate is mounted on a rotating axis and turns over, locking in place again (requires similar weight to release), contains **sapphire blue pudding** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; destroys fabrics: cloaks, gloves, girdle, shirt, pants are lost on a hit; immune to sleep and charm person) 1. _Arena:_ There are 3 tiers of benches are carved into the walls. In the middle of the room is a crater like depression about a spear length deep.
* **open spiked pit**: a narrow wooden beam leads across a pit 10ft wide and 10ft deep, spiked; wet and slippery → unless you’re an elf or a halfling: on 1–2 in 6 you slip and fall take 2d6 * a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: 「137 silver coins」 1. _Antechamber:_ Years of grime have stained the walls, and you can clearly see the pale ghostly squares from where paintings were once hung.
* rat tunnels * a painted wooden statue of *Thor* → hidden inside: 「635 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Kitchen:_ A large cast iron cauldron embossed with a grinning face squats defiantly in the center of the room. A series of cupboards and cubbies contain jars of ingredients now infested with spiders.
* covered in moss * scratching noise somewhere 1. _Living Quarters:_ The room shows signs of habitation: A hammock sways on pegs, and a half-eaten meal sits on a small table. Shabby clothing is strewn about the floor.
* 3 **giant beetles** (HD 4 AC 3 2d6 F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 400) 1. _Temple:_ A small chamber, roofed and enclosed on all four sides, occupies the center of this room; it’s only door is locked.
* a *wererat* (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 18 ML 8 XP 400; only harmed by magic, magic weapons or silver weapons; call 2d6 wolves which arrive within 10min: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200)
* 「5 gems. 4 jewelry.」
**0506**: A ransacked barn lies ahead, eerily foreboding in the soft winds. Narrow creeks have dug deep channels into the Old Country hills. One of these channels is home to the **wight** *Heulyn* the Terrible who surfaces from his watery grave every night and searches the ravine for fools to drown (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. 「1000 silver coins. 9 jewelry.」 ---
**0507**: The 「Shadow Weald」 is full of rustling and bustling sounds as **giant ants** can be seen scurrying back and forth along invisible trails and up and down the giant Highnest trees. Rising from the earth ahead is a dome-shaped mound made out of head-sized stones and baked clay lumps. It is the size of a small hill. The area is brown and bare. Nothing green remains. There are 2 well-worn pathways, about as wide as a deer-trail, that radiate down from the summit in different directions. A giant **giant worker ant** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; *acid spray* 1×/h: anybody within 20ft takes 2d6, save vs. poison for half; *busy*: tries to avoid fights unless alarmed) is dragging a *boar* carcass with its mandibles here.
Sloping sharply downward the entrance leads to a large open area with smoother walls. 2 giant **giant worker ants** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; *acid spray* 1×/h: anybody within 20ft takes 2d6, save vs. poison for half; *busy*: tries to avoid fights unless alarmed) are standing guard against intruders. From this cavern, there are three options: a wide passage sloping downward to the northwest, a bone-littered passage sloping northeast, and a fire-baked passage sloping west.
The first passageway leads to a narrow and deep pit that smells strongly of death and decay. Stored here for future meals are only a few (4) gnawed *goblin* carcasses and a suit of plate mail armor, the giant ants are probably hungry. The floor is bloodstained. The second main passageway terminates at an abrupt end with 2 **giant worker ants** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; *acid spray* 1×/h: anybody within 20ft takes 2d6, save vs. poison for half; *busy*: tries to avoid fights unless alarmed) digging a new passage.
The third passageway descends for a fair bit and the air gets hot and humid. It leads to a muddy and deep pit dominated by a gargantuan **queen ant** with a pulsating abdomen. 7 **giant worker ants** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; *acid spray* 1×/h: anybody within 20ft takes 2d6, save vs. poison for half; *busy*: tries to avoid fights unless alarmed) and 6 **giant warrior ants** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; *acid spray* 1×/h: anybody within 20ft takes 2d6, save vs. poison for half; *irascible*: attacks anything that’s out of place) scurry to the queen’s defense. 「The queen’s *royal jelly* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」. ---
**0508**: Scorched tree stumps and puddles of poisonous brown bile are everywhere. The icy wind bites mercilessly. Rocks loom overhead as the valley floor reaches a maw, a blackness that leads into the bowels of the earth. This is is **lindwurm** territory (HD 5 AC 4 2d6 F5 MV 24 ML 7 XP 500; *poisonous gas* surrounds it at all times: when within 30ft, save vs. poison or loose 1d6). 「5 jewelry.」 The tunnels *above* the lindwurm caverns are inhabited by 34 **goblins**, led by **Eye Rider** (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100). They will happily defend the lindwurm using their bows and arrows. If pursued, they will try and lure fools into the nets of 2d4 **giant spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*). There is a 2 in 6 chance that running leads people into a web trap. Anybody trapped is *helpless*.
**0509**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Fortress of Osgarwen*.
The iron gates lead into a cavern illuminated by a sickly green light, dominated by a giant statue of *Orcus* about 50ft high surrounded by trees carved out of stone. The sacrificial altar is tended to by 3 **wights** led by *Derwena the Extraordinary* (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person) 「5000 silver coins.」 The elves are protected by 10 **bugbears** led by *Quiet Paws* belonging to the *Lynx Claws* band living like animals in small caves near the gate (HD 3+1 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 9 ML 9 XP 300; surprise on 1–5 in 6). 「4000 gold coins. A potion of *transcendence* (dark black, smelling like passion fruit, 10min, 60ft, *true seeing* past all illusions, transformations, through all matter).」
33 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *sleep* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Suilaor* (level 6). The spells known are based on *The Book of Dragons* by Fanthaiel the Hunter: 1. *sleep*, *water walking*, 2. *invisibility*, *flaming sword*, 3. *flaming arrows*, *breathing*. 「A scroll of *fire ball* (6d6, save vs. spells for half).」 ---
**0510**: The Cursed Mound hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. A charred farmstead lies ahead, eerily peaceful in the whispering winds.
**0601**: Crumbling with erosion, the ruins of an ancient aqueduct snake over hillsides. On one of the Bloodland hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Ancient Avarice* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「5 gems.」 ---
**0602**: The desert is flat and featureless.
**0603**: These mountains are called the 「Mourning Domes」. The rolling peaks here hide a dungeon. This is *The Miserable Catacomb*.
Wandering monsters: 8 **hobgoblins** led by *Arrow of Sorrow*, tormenting a mouse (HD 1+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 9 ML 8 XP 100).
1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Mined Wall:_ The wall has been hacked out and is full of holes that traced the last deposits of some vein of minerals. The blade of a pick, its handle long gone, lies here.
* the remains of a fireplace, cold 1. _Guano Pit:_ The stench of this room hits you before you can see it properly: a pit filled with guano, above which sleep hundreds of small vampire bats.
* an abandoned backpack containing a salvageable dagger * little stick figures made of twigs and chestnuts * a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the crib → beneath the fake floor: 「416 silver coins」 1. _Larder:_ Hanging from the ceiling from a massive hook and surrounded by biting maggots is the festering carcass of a boar.
* 3 **goblins** led by **Death King**, gambling (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100) * a crate full of rotten apples → at the bottom: 「113 silver coins」 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Crumbling with age are several long, wide tables surrounded by broken chairs.
* a **doppelgänger** (impersonating the former goblin chieftain **Man Poker**) (HD 4 AC 5 1d12 F10 MV 9 ML 10 XP 400; *shape change* at will) and 4 **suspicious goblins** gossiping (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100)
* a small pool → muddy bottom → buried: a shelf above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「387 silver coins」 ---
**0604**: The sun-bleached bones of hundreds of horses dot the coulee here. On one of the Blood Barrow hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Hate* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「3000 silver coins. 11000 gold coins.」 ---
**0605**: The rocks up here are covered in grey and orange lichens. Some boulders have been assembled into a crude stone tower inhabited 4 **hill giants** led by *Dwarf Smash* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「10000 silver coins. 6000 gold coins. 400 platinum coins. A black *plate armour of Hel* +3, inscribed with runes of fire spelling doom and despair.」 ---
**0606**: Rising slopes cradle an orchard of sagging Dog Peach trees. On one of the Wind Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Lord Avarice* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「10000 silver coins. 4 jewelry.」 ---
**0607**: These mountains are called the 「Dead Teeth」. Between these cruel stone peaks lies a sea of ice: a glacier, slowly inching towards the warmer lowlands. Up here, passage is difficult. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all end up dead in a crevasse. There is a dwarven forge called *Old Grimm* up here. This is a small forge. 34 **dwarves** live and work here (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100) led by *Arna Oakenhewer* (level 3). Unused carpets rolled up and stacked up. 「30000 silver coins. 10000 gold coins. 400 platinum coins. A map of the dungeon *The Noisome Hole* (0407).」 ---
**0608**: The sunny side of the valley is covered in pink splashes of *roseroot*. Here lie the ruins of one of the old mountain fortresses built during the reign of *Old Kyran* of *Ouria*. The big stone slab above the main entrance still says “Ouria” in flaming letters! A very large stone hall stands amidst the ruins. 8 **hill giants** led by *Dwarf Squisher* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「7000 silver coins. 10000 gold coins. 200 platinum coins. 6 jewelry. The orcish spear *Dog Impaler* +1/+3 vs. elves, created by *Bolgol* in *The Year of Winter*. A suit of dwarven *plate armour* +2 with dwarven runes commemorating the slaying of the red dragon *Searing Agony of the Holy Fire*. A suit of elven *plate armour of fire resistance* +1 made with scales of the red dragon *Burning Bone of the Holy Fire*, forged by *Padorch*.」 ---
**0609**: The sun-bleached bones of thousands of sheep dot the vale here. On one of the Rolling Mound hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 2 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「5000 gold coins. 5 gems.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 10 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「300 platinum coins. 7 gems.」 ---
**0610**: Crumbling with erosion, the stony legs of an ancient aqueduct straddle the valleys over hillsides. Narrow creeks have dug deep gorges into the Dryland hills. One of these gorges is home to the **wight** *Rhoslyn* the Master of the Dark Arts who surfaces from his watery grave every night and searches the ravine for fools to drown (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. ---
**0701**: On the side of a large slope, crushed glimmering pyrite forms the image of sleeping dragon. On one of the Bloodland hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Old Man Spite* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「6000 silver coins. 8000 gold coins.」 ---
**0702**: These mountains are called the 「Dead Domes」. Between these cruel stone peaks lies a sea of ice: a glacier, slowly inching towards the warmer lowlands. Up here, passage is difficult. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all end up dead in a crevasse. 3 **frost giants** led by *Snow* live here (HD 10+1 AC 4 4d6 or 3d6 *ranged* F10 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1000; *stone shape* and *control weather* at will) with a **cryohydra** (6 heads, HD 6 (8hp per head) AC 5 1d10 per head F6 MV 12 ML 9 XP 600; whenever a head is lost, *two heads regrow* the next round (up to 12) unless the wound is cauterised using ice or fire (a melee attack with a torch will do); *ice* (as much as the hydra has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half); *poisonous blood* (cutting off a head with a melee weapon exposes the attacker to it: save vs. poison or die; 「*hydra’s blood* is worth 5000gp each to an alchemist」)) in a a gargantuan palace of ice and darkness. 「6000 gold coins. 200 platinum coins. 7 jewelry. A *diadem of the slaver* (when targeted by a spell, it is redirected to a person within 10ft if you save vs. spells).」 ---
**0703**: These mountains are called the 「Giant Giants」. A great volcano dominates these mountains. A smoke column rises from its top. During the night you can sometimes see red hot material being ejected and rolling down its sides. In the warm chambers below there sleeps the **red dragon** *Searing Death of the End Times* (HD 10 AC -1 1d8/1d8/4d8 F10 MV 24 ML 10 XP 1000; *fire* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). 「10000 gold coins. 1700 platinum coins. 50 gems. A scroll of *crashing gates* (destroy one door up to 20m wide).」 ---
**0704**: On the pass at the end of this valley there is a structure: *seven towers* growing out of the same rock, bending upwards into the sky, each ending in a snake head, maw wide open, each containing a hall with a brazier in which an eternal flame is burning. This is *Tanusa*.
Down below, where the seven snake necks meet the steep trail leading up to the pass there is a *maw of thorns*: a tunnel with a thousand inwards pointing needles several feet long and but a thin path winding its way through it. In front of the maw is a platform, facing south. It is much warmer here than one would expect this far up. The area has been settled by a tribe of 17 **lizard people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) led by *Silent Hunter* (HD 3). The little village of mud huts is guarded by 5 **giant wasps** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d6 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; when stung, save vs. poison or die). 「3000 silver coins. 3000 gold coins. 5 gems.」 These lizard people like to sing the *Songs of Loss and Longing*, a cycle of heroic poems involving the wars against **Thyia the Cruel* of *Merlen**.
Inside, the central temple contains four bronze snake statues oriented towards the cardinal directions. Large red candles at the base of each statute give a flickering and smoky light. Each statute has a different colored gem set in its forehead (500gp each). The north wall contains a giant mural of a seven headed snake and the floor is decorated with a mosaic of snakes.
Under the mural, a passage leads further north, past the quarters of 20 **snake people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; charm person 3×/day) led by *Swamp Layer* (HD 7, *lightning bolt* (7d6) 2×/day). The stables nearby hold 2 **giant lizards** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400). At the end of the hallway, stairs lead upwards.
This is where *Terrible Spirit of Lies*, the **spirit naga** resides. (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」) She has spent centuries contemplating and planning. Her minions operate in secret in towns and villages. Parties bringing tribute or valuable information may survive a parley.
**0705**: It’s colder up here and the 「Moon Grove」 is dominated by firs. There is an abandoned shrine to *Orcus* up here. It is haunted by the **spectre** of *Leri*, the last priest who cared for it (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「9 jewelry.」 ---
**0706**: These mountains are called the 「Sharp Domes」. A great volcano dominates these mountains. A smoke column rises from its top. During the night you can sometimes see red hot material being ejected and rolling down its sides. A narrow stair winds itself into the bowels of the earth. The air reeks of sulphur.
Finally, you arrive at a huge cave with a lava lake at its bottom. The floor descends steeply towards its shores. The air is hot and acrid. Glowing ashes and poisonous gases make breathing difficult.
Behind the gate lies a courtyard guarded by 5 **hell hounds** (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes *fire* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*hell hound embers* burning inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」).
The courtyard itself encloses a lava-filled pit crossed by a bridge made of iron. At the foot of the fortress are some workshops. This is where blackened 12 **dwarves** (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100) slave at the anvils and bellows led by *Ási Haftomb* (level 3). They are chained to their workstations, their bedrolls right next to their tools. The food and water they require is stored inside the fortress, behind locked doors in obsidian coffers.
Up above, the conical tower of obsidian is covered in long spikes and thorns, each of them as long as a man or longer. This is a formidable defence against the landing of dragons and other air borne enemies. Narrow widows allow the inhabitants to control the surrounding land without exposing themselves. 3 **fire giants** led by *Stórr* live here (HD 11+1 AC 4 5d6 or 3d6 *ranged* F11 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1100). 「6000 gold coins. The *staff of the minotaur*, summons the minotaur *Truth Teller*, always willing to talk and offer advice (HD 6 AC 6 2d6 F6 MV 12; *mesmerize* any listeners at will, i.e. listeners must save vs. spells or cease all hostilities and speak nothing but the truth; immune to sleep and charm person); the staff’s magic is lost when the minotaur is killed.」 ---
**0707**: A few stunted spruces grow in these highlands. This is the edge of the 「Dead Tree Grove」. There is an abandoned shrine to *Thor* up here. It is haunted by the **spectre** of *Heddwyn*, the last priest who cared for it (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). ---
**0708**: These mountains are called the 「Hungry Teeth」. Between these cruel stone peaks lies a sea of ice: a glacier, slowly inching towards the warmer lowlands. Up here, passage is difficult. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all end up dead in a crevasse. 5 **winter wolves** live up here (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes a *cloud of ice* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*winter wolf icicles* growing inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」)
**0709**: These mountains are called the 「Sharp Domes」. An old road winds itself through these mountains. Whenever there is a gorge you find that the locals have laid wooden planks across ancient pillars in order to cross it.. There is a dwarven forge called *Thunder* up here. This is a small forge. 24 **dwarves** live and work here (HD 1 AC 4 1d6 D1 MV 6 ML 8 XP 100) led by *Píl Brassring* (level 8). A few nice carpets cover the floor. 「200 platinum coins. The orcish zweihänder *Wall Cutter* +1/+3 vs. city dwellers, in the *Two Handed Rank Biter* tradition. A potion of *transformation* (deep platinum grey, 1h, *shape change* like a doppelgänger). A potion of *transcendence* (dark black, smelling like passion fruit, 10min, 60ft, *true seeing* past all illusions, transformations, through all matter). A scroll of *live burial* (60ft, the earth opens up underneath a person, save vs. death to avoid getting pulled into the depths to certain death).」 ---
**0801**: The 「Spirit Grove」 is cold and dark up here. The ground is soft and covered in the needle-like leaves of yews. The land up here is the hunting ground of a **manticore** called *Old Ambition* living in the ruins of an old tower overlooking the area (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). ---
**0802**: Someone has nailed a wooden holy symbol to a ancient Dognut tree. Deep canyons cut through the Cursed Mound hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 6 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**0803**: The ruts of recent coach wheels form a muddy path here. On one of the Ancient Barrow hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Old Envy* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「10000 silver coins. 6000 gold coins.」 ---
**0804**: This is *Grainland*, a large town of 3300 **humans** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100). The town is built on an island in the river, protected by water on all sides. 「4000 gold coins. 300 platinum coins. 11 gems. A dwarven *crossbow* +2.」 The **warrior** *Mía* (level 10) lives in a dilapidated castle. 「A potion of *dreaming* (linen white, silvery flakes, 8h, grants you a dream where you can appear elsewhere to do whatever you like; if you die in your dream, or the rays of the sun strike you, the dream body dissolves in smoke and you wake up back in your bed). A scroll of *piercing steel* (sudden growth of a permanent iron spike 5m high, 4d6, save vs. spells for half). An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Angrenwen*. A helmet with the gilded face mask of **Queen Thyia* of *Silah** emanating an aura of fear, reducing enemy morale by 1. The *amulet of the luck stealer* allows you to borrow luck from a willing person near you: when rolling a d20, roll 2d20 and take the higher result, but the next time they need to roll a d20 in a similar situation, they roll 2d20 and take the lower result.」 *Mía* is secretly enthralled by the witch *…*. The servants say, “*Mía* often disappears for many days. And when they’re here, they never eat a thing!”
Their partner is the **magic user** *Feres* (level 8). The spells known are based on *The Book of Liminurgy* by Elam the Recluse: 1. *extra pocket*, *charm person*, *lock*, 2. *visiting the afterlife*, *door*, *extra room*, 3. *passage*, *teleportation trap*, 4. *mirror passage*, *summoning gate*. 「The *staff of the minotaur*, summons the minotaur *Silence*, always willing to talk and offer advice (HD 6 AC 6 2d6 F6 MV 12; *mesmerize* any listeners at will, i.e. listeners must save vs. spells or cease all hostilities and speak nothing but the truth; immune to sleep and charm person); the staff’s magic is lost when the minotaur is killed.」 *Feres* also happens to own a book: 「*Base Ingredients: Blue Purge*」.
*Mía* is willing to pay 500gp to whoever brings back the bandit *Bethanien* (0203), dead or alive.
Luckily, no secret societies have established themselves here.
This town was built around a site of special significance to *Freya*.
The temple has a courtyard with the wooden statue of a wolf mother raising two human babies. The building is run by 8 **midwives** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100). Old *Easana* is their spokeswoman. All the parents in this settlement know how much they owe these midwives, and they know it, too.
There is also a huge gallows with 8 hanged people hanging there as a dire warning.
The dragon hunter **fighter** *Anuthika* (level 9) is trying to hire two score desperate peasants to go and slay *Searing Death of the End Times* (0703). “I’ll be fair: half of the treasure found for me, half to be shared amongst the other survivors.” 「The long sword *Moonfire* +1/+3 vs. lycanthropes, inscribed with silver runes of death and banishment, forged by the high inquisitors of *Abilard*. A *silver diadem* +1 dedicated to *Odin*.」 ---
**0805**: Atop a small tor is a circle of hewn megaliths. Deep channels cut through the Cursed Mound hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 3 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**0806**: A charred wagon lies ahead, eerily foreboding in the growing winds. Deep gorges cut through the Cold Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to a **giant scorpion** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**0807**: The green valley up here has some yaks and a **kid** called *Valdet* guarding them.
**0808**: The *Pass of Gwalchgwyn* on the way to **Grainland** (0804) is guarded by a ruined fortress currently occupied by 6 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 10 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「400 platinum coins. 1 jewelry.」 ---
**0809**: Further up, there are white patches of *edelweiss* growing between the rocks. There is a huge wooden fort up here. They must have cut down an entire forest to build it. It is huge. 8 **hill giants** led by *Neck Flattener* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「9000 silver coins. 9 jewelry.」 ---
**0901**: The green valley up here has some bighorn sheep and a **kid** called *Angathan* guarding them.
**0902**: A long shallow pool covered in a sickly green algae guards a far cliff. The waters occasionally swirl and eddy, hinting at some leviathan underneath. In fact, the waters are unseasonably warm, with bubbling hot springs below. From the blocked cliff rises a squat fortress, grey, with horizontal slits. The entrance is hidden and fortified with many iron gates in narrow tunnels. These days narrow wooden ladders simply lead up to one of the those slits. A human would have to crawl into the opening. At night, wild howling can be heard.
7 **werewolves** live here (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 18 ML 8 XP 400; only harmed by magic, magic weapons or silver weapons; call 2d6 wolves which arrive within 10min: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200). During the day, the place looks like a field lazaret with mauled humans lying on dirty rags. During the night, they succumb to their madness, slipping back into close quarter bunker fighting, never quite managing to kill each other for good. 「500 platinum coins. 5 jewelry.」
**0903**: The rocks up here are covered in grey and orange lichens. A grey **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (0403).
**0904**: Blossoming purple flowers coat the hills here like thick, wet paint. On one of the Fay Mound hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 2 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「2000 silver coins. 2000 gold coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Cold Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 10 petrified victims including the famous hero *Nourane* and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「200 platinum coins. 5 gems. 3 jewelry. A goblin assassin’s *dagger* +1 with grip covered by rats’ teeth and lizard skin.」 ---
**0905**: Remnants of a recent bonfire and ceremony dot the knolls. Deep ravines cut through the Rolling Mound hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 6 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**0906**: Unnervingly uniform, the hillocks here resemble hay-bales. On one of the Oldland hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Bastard of Hate* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「6000 gold coins.」 ---
**0907**: The Rolling Mound hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Recently planted terraces make the most use of fertile land here.
**0908**: A burned wagon lies ahead, eerily peaceful in the soft breeze. On one of the Old Country hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Spite* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「4000 silver coins. 9000 gold coins. A potion of *long fingers* (crimson, silvery flakes, 20min, allows you to stretch your arms and fingers up to 60ft).」
**0909**: There is a crack in the mountain here, a narrow gorge lying in shadows with an icy wind blowing through it and a tumultuous river gnawing itself into the rock. At the far end is a waterfall from the snow fields above and under the water the **vulture demon** *The Tentacled Air of Giants* has been nailed to the rocks with silver spikes (HD 8+1 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6/1d6/1d8 F16 MV 18 ML 11; flying; only harmed by magic or magic weapons). It whispers, “Release me, fellow travellers! Release me now and I will grant you want your heart’s desires!”
The **jinni** called *Lord of the Seven Towers* guards the demon (HD 7+1 AC 5 2d8 F14 MV 24 ML 12 XP 700; *illusion*, *invisibility*, *gaseous form*, *whirlwind* and *creation* at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons). Before turning into a whirlwind, it warns you: “Do not touch this fiend, for I have sworn to keep it here for all eternity.” Apparently, *The Tentacled Air of Giants* is an agent of *Pazuzu*, a plague demon bent on destroying the world. The passage to Vanaheim is sealed by the life blood of *The Tentacled Air of Giants*. If it is killed, the **vulture demons** *The Purple Children of Pestilence* and *The Dying Island of Black Bile* can *planeshift* here from Vanaheim, bent on avenging their sibling. If it is freed, it will try to kill as many of it’s enemies as it can, and then *planeshift* back to Vanaheim. For the trained eye, the foot passage is revealed: traces of red sand lead the way towards a black tunnel in the rock face.
The tunnel leads into a crypt with countless life-like stone warriors, each with a noble face, carrying their polearm. At the centre of this petrified army: 3 **spectres** led by *Blodwedd the Prime* (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person), on a scythed war chariot pulled by 2 **nightmares** (HD 7 AC 4 1d6/1d6 + 1d6 *fire* F7 MV 15 ML 10 XP 700; *nearly weightless* so that it can travel on any still surface but over running water and similar liquids in motion; the *flaming hooves* leave burning prints) wielding a *life stealer bow* +1 (deals and extra 1d6 damage and heals the archer by the same amount). When approached, the chariot charges into its enemies: save vs. death or suffer 3d6 damage from the magic scythes. 「9 gems. 8 jewelry.」 From here, the tunnel leads to Vanaheim.
Before you stretches a land of red rocks and dust, with green valleys cut into the surface. Down there, water flows and trees grow. Up on the red hillsides stand ancient castle and temple ruins, and countless burial mounds. The sun is about to set and the sky is turning dark purple. At night, wraiths roam the land: a **wraith** (HD 4 AC 3 1d6 + *drain* F4 MV 24 ML 12 XP 400; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). It’s a long way to the safety of the nearest village. Clearing out a tomb is of course also an option. ---
**0910**: The Blood Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Brilliant citrine flowers coat the knolls here like thick, wet paint.
**1001**: A burned barn lies ahead, eerily foreboding in the whispering winds. On one of the Fay Barrow hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Grandfather Avarice* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「3000 silver coins. 10 gems. A dwarven *short sword* +2 with dwarven runes naming the owner: *Rathsvith Copperflame* of *Thunderfather*.」
**1002**: Scorched tree stumps and puddles of poisonous black bile are everywhere. The icy wind bites mercilessly. Rocks loom overhead as the valley floor reaches a maw, a blackness that leads into the bowels of the earth. This is is **lindwurm** territory (HD 5 AC 4 2d6 F5 MV 24 ML 7 XP 500; *poisonous gas* surrounds it at all times: when within 30ft, save vs. poison or loose 1d6). 「500 platinum coins.」 The tunnels *above* the lindwurm caverns are inhabited by 30 **goblins**, led by **Beetle King** (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100). They will happily defend the lindwurm using their bows and arrows. If pursued, they will try and lure fools into the nets of 2d4 **giant spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*). There is a 2 in 6 chance that running leads people into a web trap. Anybody trapped is *helpless*.
**1004**: Remnants of a large bonfire and ceremony dot the hillocks. On one of the Dryland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 3 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「2000 silver coins. 2 jewelry.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Cold Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 4 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「500 platinum coins. A suit of dwarven *plate armour* +2 with dwarven runes naming the owner: *Unnur Stonetapper* of *Grindfather*. A scroll of *crashing gates* (destroy one door up to 20m wide).」 ---
**1005**: A small creek meanders down the hillocks here. The Blood Country hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Lost Mausoleum of Calamity*.
Wandering monsters: 5 **giant beetles** (HD 4 AC 3 2d6 F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 400).
1. _Cave:_ Riddled with small pools and puddles of stagnant water.
1. _Temple:_ A low yellow greenstone plinth crowns a squat dais covered in cobwebs. Faded, damp tapestries along the walls show a heroine hunting a bear, leading a human army, and battling a **devil** with dragonfly wings and the head of an ape.
* an abandoned backpack containing a salvageable hemp rope of 50ft 1. _Dining Room:_ A long, cherry wood table with claw-footed chairs dominates the center of this room.
* small organized mounds of sand 1. _Larder:_ Hanging from the ceiling from a massive hook and surrounded by biting centipedes is the festering carcass of a sheep.
* 3 **orcs** led by *Ughúr*, arguing (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100) * a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: 「651 silver coins 10 gold coins.」
1. _Vestry:_ A wooden chest holds vestments in many sizes, including cottas. (They are worn but still wearable.) Three frescoes each display a hellscape ruled by a devil: a **devil** with vestigial wings and a human head on the body of a lion, a **devil** with angel wings and a human head on the body of a wolf, and a **devil** with bat wings and the head of a hyena.
* a **goblin moss-warper** called **Wolf Poker** (level 7), protected by 9 **myconids** (HD 3 AC 8 – F3 MV 6 ML 7 XP 300; *read mind*, *dominate*, *knockout*, *gravity control* (3d8): save vs. spells to avoid; *silent message*)
* a brick wall → a fake brick → behind it is a small hollow: a painted *Thor* statue → on a stone pedestal → hidden inside: 「331 silver coins 10 gold coins.」
**1006**: The smell of burning wood is in the air and if you go looking for its source, you’ll soon find a burning kiln and a nearby wooden hut. Here lives the charcoal burner *Che*. They lead a lonely life out here in the 「Black Weald」. Out in the back you can find a crude statue of *Orcus* cut from wood. ---
**1007**: As you leave behind the trees, you notice piles of skulls every now and then. A closer look reveals both humanoid skulls and beaked ones. A thin trail leads up the mountain side and ends at a crevasse: hundreds of feet below, a small creek; and a hundred feet across, a tengu fort. 19 **tengu**, led by the master swordsman **Halberd of Relief** (HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). Master **Halberd of Relief** can teach a fighter about the duelling stance: study a target for two rounds and attack on the third round with a +4 bonus for triple damage. “Your skulls will make a suitable addition to the piles our ancestors have collected.”
Overlooking it all is a big vulture head made of stone. A climbing chain leads up to the beak where a tunnel opens. You can hear a low wailing, barely distinguishable from the blowing wind. The tunnel leads to a cavern about 60ft high, illuminated by green fire burning in its centre. There, held in place by iron chains, writhes the **vulture demon** *The Diabolical Dance of Hell*, forever regenerating (HD 8+1 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6/1d6/1d8 F16 MV 18 ML 11; flying; only harmed by magic or magic weapons). It whispers, “Release me, fellow travellers! Release me now and I will grant you want your heart’s desires!” The passage to Vanaheim is sealed by the life blood of *The Diabolical Dance of Hell*. If it is killed, the **vulture demons** *The Incomprehensible Meditation of the Lead Wings* and *The Untamed Eyes of Pestilence* can *planeshift* here from Vanaheim, bent on avenging their sibling. If it is freed, it will try to kill as many of it’s enemies as it can, and then *planeshift* back to Vanaheim. For the trained eye, the foot passage is revealed: traces of red sand lead the way towards a black crevice in the rock face.
The tunnel leads into a crypt with countless life-like stone warriors, each with a noble face, carrying their polearm. At the centre of this petrified army: 2 **spectres** led by *Awsten the Esteemed* (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person), on a scythed war chariot pulled by 2 **nightmares** (HD 7 AC 4 1d6/1d6 + 1d6 *fire* F7 MV 15 ML 10 XP 700; *nearly weightless* so that it can travel on any still surface but over running water and similar liquids in motion; the *flaming hooves* leave burning prints) wielding a *life stealer bow* +1 (deals and extra 1d6 damage and heals the archer by the same amount). When approached, the chariot charges into its enemies: save vs. death or suffer 3d6 damage from the magic scythes. 「11 gems. 7 jewelry.」 From here, the tunnel leads to Vanaheim.
Before you stretches a land of red rocks and sand. The sky is pale pink. It promises to be a hot day. In the distance, on a red mountain surrounded by a forest of thorns, stands an ancient tower. This is *Sandstein*, the hall where *Pazuzu*, the demon lord of pestilence and disease holds court. Countless vultures circle above. On the dusty road ahead you can see a company of 30 **soldiers** (HD 1 AC 5 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; chain, long bow, 20 arrows, short sword). 「3000 gold coins.」 They are led by the **spectre** Jarl *Catrin* (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「4000 silver coins. 7 gems.」 “Join us now for everlasting fame as we attack Jarl *Addfwyn* in his mountain mausoleum.”
**1008**: Further up, there are white patches of *edelweiss* growing between the rocks. Amidst the rocks, there is a hidden entrance to a dungeon. This is *The Miserable Crypts*.
Wandering monsters: 9 hungry **ghouls** (HD 2 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d4 + *paralysis* F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 200; aura of fear (save vs. spells or flee for two rounds); when bitten, save vs. paralysis or be *paralysed* for 1h; *limited shape shift* into a hyena).
1. _Cave:_ Littered with the bones of previous victims, mainly rodents.
1. _Living Quarters:_ The room shows signs of habitation: A hammock sways on pegs, and a half-eaten meal sits on a small table. Shabby clothing is strewn about the floor.
* 12 watchful **zombies** (HD 2 AC 8 1d8 F1 MV 12 ML 12 XP 200; immune to sleep and charm person) * a small pool → muddy bottom → buried: 「391 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Kiln:_ An old kiln has been turned into an oven for cooking. Stained and gouged crude wooden tables and a clay brick oven can be found here.
* paintings of centaurs hunting antelope 1. _Barracks:_ Several sleeping mats and rough linen pillows stuffed with moldy hay line the walls.
* 6 fizzing pools, filled with silver grey and indigo liquids. 1. _Great Hall:_ Long stone tables line this room, but all that remains of the chairs and benches is some rotted wood piled in the corner, smelling like termites and swamp.
* **an insane ghost** who thinks he is king of loyal vermin subjects: 2 **giant spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*)
* a beautiful wooden statue of *Orcus* → hidden inside: 「666 silver coins」 ---
**1009**: The sun-bleached bones of thousands of goats dot the swale here. The Rolling Mound hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Unwholesome Crypts*.
Wandering monsters: **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400).
1. _Catacombs:_ In one wall of the entrance are many deep niches, each containing an elf skeleton.
1. _Vault:_ Adorning the wall are a number of stone vaults, sealed with sturdy iron locks.
* small organized mounds of dirt * large reptile scales in a corner 1. _Barracks:_ Carved directly into the walls are bunks that could easily be mistaken for funerary niches.
* a minor rockfall, the remaining ceiling seems stable enough 1. _Crypt:_ Iron doors conceal niches filled with the picked-clean bones of ancient human lords.
* 7 **kobolds** led by *Lord Tooth*, pacing with weapons at the ready (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) 1. _Banquet Hall:_ The rusting mechanism of a turning spit graces a sooty alcove here. A series of overturned tables line the walls.
* the **troglodyte stench-mage** *Song Singer* (level 6) who currently smells of burning pine cones, teaching the aromatic arts to 9 **troglodytes** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* a brick wall → a fake brick → behind it is a small hollow: a painted *Pazuzu* statue → on a stone pedestal → hidden inside: 「51 silver coins 50 gold coins.」
**1010**: These mountains are called the 「Desert Peaks」. The mountains are steep and the passes dangerous. Only attempt a crossing with a mountaineer or you will all be crushed by falling rocks. 5 **winter wolves** live up here (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes a *cloud of ice* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*winter wolf icicles* growing inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」)
**1101**: The valley up here is hard to find. This is where the orcs of the *Nasty Reptile* tribe raise bighorn sheep and make their popular iron rations made of dried orange and hazelnuts. 20 **orcs** led by *Adush* (HD 2) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「6000 silver coins. 8 gems.」 「An elven *shield* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Teliaceleb*. An *elven cloak* (5 in 6 chance of hiding in the wilderness using magic camouflage when standing still).」 *Adush* is a famous sword smith in the *Toothed Back Slicer* tradition.
The orcs live in an old stone tower from the old days, patched up with planks and shingled. Beneath some covers are tents and tent poles for the entire clan. It is surrounded by spiked pit traps (2d6). There are several skulls hanging over the entrance, swinging in the breeze.
**1102**: A few stunted junipers grow in these highlands. This is the edge of the 「Shivering Forest」. At the foot of Old Hill, there is a cave inhabited by 6 **trolls** led by *Grey* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid). 「3000 silver coins. 8 gems. A dwarven *shield* +2 with dwarven runes commemorating the slaying of the red dragon *Searing End of the End Times*.」 A tiny foot trail leads into a copse of Cellarapple trees. There, one finds four cruciform **barrows**, each 20ft in diameter, hinting at an ancient folk. If any dare disturb the ground here, they will discover a hidden chamber, built with stone slabs, yielding one corpse, their headstone painted sapphire with cockroaches. The journey to the afterlife was sped with a stone cup (3 gp), a stone adze blade (3 gp), and a stone dagger (3 gp). 「The ancient spear *Scale Eater* +1/+3 vs. reptiles, a relic of the *Old Lizard Wars*, blessed by *Pazuzu*.」 ---
**1103**: A few thorny bushes between the rocks are the only green patches up here. Amidst the rocks, there is a hidden entrance to a dungeon. This is *The Deepest Oubliette*.
Wandering monsters: a **phase spider**.
1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Prison Cells:_ Knocked down walls of iron bars, broken iron doors, and overturned benches attested to a prison escape long ago.
* 3 moss covered stone statues 1. _Well:_ A ruined well opens into watery depths filling the air with the scent of brine and dead fish. In a corner lies a bucket with a broken iron chain.
* magic mouth reciting *The Romance of Nimble Nourane and the Numinous Pendant* * a brick wall → a fake brick → behind it is a small hollow: 「463 silver coins」 1. _Vault:_ Wooden shelves from many cabinets and bookcases have been toppled and are rotted, the empty lairs of vanished termites. Stone vaults, their great doorways broken and scattered, sit empty.
* **spiked ball**: fixed to the ceiling; trip wire leads up to it → when released, save vs. breath or take 2d6 damage 1. _Hoard:_ A mass of 「9000 silver」, some cut in half, others melted together, forms a great pile in the center of this room; protected by a **tripwire poison arrow**: triggered by a pole; wall is nicked where arrows missed their target; single hole on the opposing side; visible wire when moving with a light source → roll an attack against the first person: 1d6 damage and save vs. poison or die
* the **ettin** *Club and Nail* (HD 11 AC 3 3d6/3d6 F10 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1100; only surprised on a 1 in 6)
* 「12 gems.」 1. _Cave:_ Littered with the bones of previous victims, mainly rodents.
1. _Antechamber:_ Heavy chains on the walls support 3 wooden slab benches for sitting.
* 5 **treants** led by *Trunk Forest* 1. _Smithy:_ The smell of peat is overwhelming, as peat is stacked next to a forge. On an anvil rests a blade, broken in half.
* a table and two benches * a graffiti saying “Mía (0804) is a liar and a cheat!” 1. _Cistern:_ A deep slate well stands in the center of this room, a dented bucket on a very short length of rope nearby.
* 7 **treants** led by *Old Water* 1. _Antechamber:_ Mouldering wool cushions serve only as nests for mice as they sag on gnawed wooden chair legs.
* 12 **myconids** watching their mushroom circle (HD 3 AC 8 – F3 MV 6 ML 7 XP 300; *read mind*, *dominate*, *knockout*, *gravity control* (3d8): save vs. spells to avoid; *silent message*). 「6 gems.」 On nights of the full moon, or on a 1 in 6, the portal to Alfheim opens. If so, 12 **elves** (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *rope command* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100) led by *Himon* (level 5) will be visiting from Alfheim. The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *rope command*, *silk*, 2. *liquefy*, *glamour*, 3. *observation*. 「A potion of *healing* (light orange, smelling like vomit, 1d6+1). The ancient bow *Giant Killer* +1/+3 vs. giants and extinct megafauna, e.g. sabre tooth tigers, mammoths, or giant elk.」 1. _Guardroom:_ Benches surround a thick wooden table that can be easily flipped defensively.
* 7 **bugbears** led by *Quiet Foot* belonging to the *Lynx Teeth* band * a mutilated *Odin* statue → on a wooden pedestal → hidden inside: 「171 silver coins」 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Evenly spaced iron warming braziers are bolted into the wall here. Smashed crockery litters the floor.
* a *wererat* (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 18 ML 8 XP 400; only harmed by magic, magic weapons or silver weapons; call 2d6 wolves which arrive within 10min: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200)
* a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: a mutilated wooden statue of *Pazuzu* → hidden inside: 「160 silver coins」 ---
**1104**: The 「Dusty Savanna」 here has long pointy seeds that get stuck in your skin and clothing and itch terribly. The grasses are intermingled with burnt umber, garnet, and blue wildflowers here. Dilapidated driftwood fence posts mar the landscape, any slats long since salvaged for firewood. **Goat** can be seen grazing in the distance to the east.
**1105**: The Waste Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. A gigantic burrowing animal has disturbed the dry soil here.
**1106**: The sandy valleys are heavily eroded by recent flooding. Deep canyons cut through the Fay Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 2 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1107**: The sunny side of the valley is covered in pink splashes of *roseroot*. A giant fortress has been built here in ages past. It extends all along the mountain flank. The ruins are inhabited by their degenerate descendants, 3 **hill giants** led by *Nose Finder* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「8000 silver coins. 9 gems.」 ---
**1108**: The Dry Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. On the side of a large rise, crushed chalk forms the image of unblinking eye.
**1109**: A small brook meanders down the hills here. The Stone Barrow hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Miry Den*.
Wandering monsters: 5 **hobgoblins** led by *Arrow of Authority*, wrestling (HD 1+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 9 ML 8 XP 100).
1. _Natural Cavern:_ Flecked with strange inclusions.
1. _Mushroom Farm:_ In strangely uniform rows sprout white mushrooms and uncanny turquoise ferns, all almost chest high.
* 4 **trolls** led by *Famine*, cheering on two who are wrestling (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid) * a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the doll, tightly wrapped: 「625 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Workshop:_ A large rusting anvil dominates the center of the room. Half a pair of tongs rests in a corner.
* 7 **goblins** led by **Man Killer**, eating (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100) * a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: 「396 silver coins」 1. _Nursery:_ A large straw nest of some sort dominates one corner of the room. A few brave rats scurry across the floor.
* thousands of dead cockroaches that crunch underfoot * high-pitched laughter 1. _Hoard:_ This hoard is a collection of 「silver tableware, including bowls, dishes, cups, and spoons, worth 10000 gold」
* a **recently assassinated goblin chieftain** being devoured by a **creeper** (HD 2 AC 7 8×*paralysis* F1 MV 6 XP 200; when hit, save vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 2h – and eventually eaten alive unless rescued)
* a mutilated wooden statue of *Thor* → hidden inside: 「685 silver coins」 1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Nursery:_ Crude figures and shapes are scrawled all over the walls here in chalk. Several broken slates litter the floor.
* a doll lying inside a dingy crib 1. _Kitchen:_ An old campfire, still smelling of smoke and ash, has left soot marks on the ceiling.
* 5 **hobgoblins** led by *Knife of Law*, polishing weapons (HD 1+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 9 ML 8 XP 100) 1. _Bedroom:_ Damp wool blankets hang suspended from thin ropes, obscuring most of the room except a glimpse of a bed and a chamberpot.
* 6 **goblins** led by **Death King**, alert (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100) * a dingy curtain → hiding a small alcove: 「224 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Torture Chamber:_ Knocked down walls of iron bars, broken metal doors, and overturned benches attested to a prison escape long ago. A wooden log set below the ceiling holds a range of ropes, chains, and shackles. A shelf holds various iron implements of torture.
* paintings of humans hunting elk 1. _Guard Chamber:_ Old stones form a crude wall here, for guards to hide behind and fire upon any intruders.
* **pendulum blade**: a vertical slit on both sides and on the ceiling; a pressure plate → roll an attack against the first person: 1d8 damage; anybody has a 4 in 6 chance of evading the pendulum’s attack 1. _Hoard:_ A mound of 「190 rare silver coins」, some broken and fragmented, make up a small hoard
* an **ogre bully** called *Pain* (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d10 F4 MV 9 ML 10 XP 400) and 6 **goblin toadies** chanting (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100)
* 「7000 silver coins. 3 jewelry.」 ---
**1110**: Further up, there are white patches of *edelweiss* growing between the rocks. Here stands an old watchtower built by giants during the reign of *Queen Kali* of *Silah*. You can still find the runes of Silah on the old stones but the current inhabitants can’t read and they don’t care: 6 **hill giants** led by *Rock Smash* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「9000 gold coins. 400 platinum coins. 8 jewelry.」 ---
**1201**: On a spur further up there is a refuge castle, protected by an earth wall and a palisade. 17 **refugees** from **Grainland** (0804) live up here (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100) led by *Syma* and protected by 5 **war dogs** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200). They decided not to return to their village after the latest raid of *Lord Darci the Final Foreman*.
**1202**: Someone has nailed a tender love letter to a sickly Redpip tree. The Ancient Barrow hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Fearful Maze of Isolation*.
Wandering monsters: 3 **lesser air elementals** (AC 2 HD 8 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 1d8 Save F8 ML 10 AL N XP 650 ) .
1. _Latrine:_ The entrance to this dungeon has the overwhelming stench of recently used latrine pits.
1. _Dining Room:_ Stained and gouged crude wooden tables and a clay brick oven can be found here. Several burlap sacks of arugula are piled haphazardly in the center of the room.
* a doll lying inside a dingy crib * voices whispering incomprehensible things in the distance * a shelf above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「158 silver coins」 1. _Altar:_ A carefully sculptured marble altar shows images of *Pazuzu*. But instead of an offering it holds only dried flower petals.
* 4 **lesser air elementals** (AC 2 HD 8 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 1d8 Save F8 ML 10 AL N XP 650 ) 1. _Storeroom:_ Rows upon rows of plain clay vases, each with disintegrated cork stoppers and empty now of any liquid.
* 2 **lesser air elementals** (AC 2 HD 8 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 1d8 Save F8 ML 10 AL N XP 650 ) 1. _Great Hall:_ Glowering from above a blocked up fireplace is the giant taxidermied head of a boar, in a deplorable state.
* an **air elemental lord** (AC -2 HD 16 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 3d8 Save F16 ML 10 AL N XP 1,350 )
* 「7 jewelry.」 1. _Catacombs:_ In one wall of the entrance are many deep niches, each containing a dwarf skeleton.
1. _Crypt:_ 4 old bone sarcophagi line the wall here. The lid of each has been removed and cast into a pile.
* 2 **lesser air elementals** (AC 2 HD 8 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 1d8 Save F8 ML 10 AL N XP 650 ) 1. _Barracks:_ Carved directly into the walls are bunks that could easily be mistaken for funerary niches.
* narrow path along a charnel pit with six corpses * a small pool → muddy bottom → buried: 「220 silver coins」 1. _Mushroom Farm:_ In strangely uniform rows sprout beige mushrooms and strange orange ferns, all almost waist high.
* a small curtain concealing an empty small alcove 1. _Cistern:_ A deep marble well stands in the center of this room, a dented bucket on a very short length of rope nearby.
* an **air elemental lord** (AC -2 HD 16 MV 60' (20'), Swim 180' (60') DMG 3d8 Save F16 ML 10 AL N XP 1,350 )
* an empty barrel → hidden in the double bottom: an abandoned backpack: 「474 silver coins」 ---
**1203**: A ransacked wagon lies ahead, eerily silent in the soft winds. On one of the Blood Barrow hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Grandfather Ambition* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「9 gems.」 ---
**1204**: This part of 「Twisted Pine Copse」 is under the protection of 4 **treants** led by *Birch Water* (HD 8 AC 2 2d6/2d6 F8 MV 6 ML 6 XP 800; *surprise* on 1–3 in 6; animate tree two trees each, using the same stats). They mostly stand around near the Blue Lake. They say that the trees here will try to lead you astray. Without a guide, you will get lost on 1–2 in 6. ---
**1205**: Remnants of a large bonfire and religious sacrifice dot the tors. Deep ravines cut through the Rolling Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 6 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1206**: High up on on a ridge is an old elven tower made of green glass. The faceted green spire sparkles like an enormous crystal. In *The Story of Falcon Lake*, they call it *Rhosson’s Redoubt*. Inside the tower, in the entry hall, 3 **crystal living statues** stand silent guard (HD 9 AC 1 3d6 MV 12 ML 12 XP 900; immune to *arrows*, immune to *poison*; immune to *spells*). Unless the party speaks the name of the tower’s builder, *Eruwen*, the guardians will attack any who attempt to ascend to the next level. Further up, in a beautiful room with a terrace encircling the entire tower, is the roost of 10 **tengu**, led by the master swordsman **Halberd of Death** (HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). For the price of 500gp **Halberd of Death** will tell you how to open the secret door to the top of the tower. The walls of this room near the top are cracked and all the windows are broken. This is the lair of 7 very protective **griffons** (HD 4+1 AC 6 1d6/1d6/1d8 F4 MV 24 ML 10 XP 400). They are often seen hunting the land around this tower. 「The *griffon egg* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」. The uppermost chamber of the tower appears to have been some sort of observatory in the past. Perhaps special knowledge could be gleaned by those who take the time to examine it.
**1207**: The water has dug a deep chasm through the mountain. A tall **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (1807).
**1208**: The gouges of centuries of cart wheels form a friendly path here. Deep channels cut through the Oldland hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 6 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1209**: Here the hillocks grow jagged, bearing only a few tufts of Whitegrass. Deep channels cut through the Waste Country hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to a **giant scorpion** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1210**: The junipers of 「Knotted Oak Copse」 cast long shadows. The ground is full of their brown needles. At night, the orcs of the *Guts-Munching* tribe hunt these lands. 60 **orcs** led by *Othhúr* (HD 6) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「9 gems.」 Their settlement is protected by a palisade and surrounded by spiked pit traps (2d6). There are three skulls hanging over the entrance, swinging in the breeze. ---
**1301**: A charred barn lies ahead, eerily foreboding in the whispering winds. The Old Country hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Deeper Cellar of Pitch*.
Wandering monsters: recently arrived a **creeper** (HD 2 AC 7 8×*paralysis* F1 MV 6 XP 200; when hit, save vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 2h – and eventually eaten alive unless rescued).
1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Well:_ The air is damp and brackish; an iron grate over a pit covers a water source.
* paintings of centaurs hunting wild donkey * a painted wall → plastered → a small hollow stuffed with straw and rat bones → behind it: 「168 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Temple:_ A philatory the size of an enormous coffin, with a thick glass cover protected by blessings, reveals the skeleton of a giant. Damaged mosaics depict religious parables along the walls of this room. * a vicious **war dog** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) * a dingy curtain → hiding a small alcove: 「53 silver coins 40 gold coins.」
1. _Debris Room:_ Broken and useless furnishings have been piled here, out of the way.
* filled waist-high with ash grey mist 1. _Shrine:_ A hazy film of soot clings to every surface here, the smell of incense and sulfur hangs in the air. A copper rail, waist high for a giant, runs along all four walls. (Used for kneeling and supplication.)
* **darts**: walls nicked and holes on the opposing side; raised floor segment indicates pressure plate → roll attacks +0 against the first person: 1d4/1d4/1d4 damage 1. _Mushroom Farm:_ Large pale turquoise mushrooms line moist beds of shallow soil. A spade and pitcher of water rest nearby.
* **small catapult**: loaded with a ball-and-chain; trip wires → on 1–2 in 6 it triggers, save vs. breath or take 2d6 * an abandoned bag: 「171 silver coins 60 gold coins.」
1. _Shrine:_ At the foot of a defaced stone statue rest small bones, fragile flower petals, and the stubs of consumed candles. One wall is dominated by a mosaic depicting a bird man.
* The infamous **warrior** *Clirim* (level 3) leading 2 **bandits** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; hand axe). 「A scroll of *bashing walls* (punch a hole 20m wide and deep into anything made of wood, earth or stone; living things, textiles, leather, metal, and all that are not affected).」 * an abandoned bag: an empty crate → move aside to reveal a box hidden beneath: 「133 silver coins 30 gold coins.」
**1302**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Fortress of Mithwen*.
The iron gates lead into a cavern illuminated by a blood red light, dominated by a giant statue of *Orcus* about 50ft high on a mighty dais with many smaller statues of demons surrounding it. The sacrificial altar is tended to by a **wight** called *Eurfron the Archaic* (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person) 「4000 silver coins.」 The elves are served by 36 rat-like **goblins**, led by **Man Killer** (HD 1-1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 6 ML 7 XP 100). 「3000 silver coins.」 Only dwarves or halflings can fight in the tiny tunnels these creatures use to move from place to place.
47 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *rope command* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Laugiel* (level 6). The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *rope command*, *spider climb*, 2. *liquefy*, *spider senses*, 3. *web*, *observation*. ---
**1303**: Steep cliffs make progress practically impossible without climbing gear. Above these cliffs, where the barrier between the worlds is fickle, a cave leads into the lair of *Bátor the Mountain Devil*, a terrible **ice devil** (HD 9 AC 2 1d8/1d8/1d12 F9 MV 18 ML 11 XP 900; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to spells of casters up to fifth level; *ice bolt*: 2d6, save vs. rays for half; *ice storm*: 5d6, 60ft around the devil, save vs. explosions for half), a devil with goat hooves, white fur, long teeth, horns, and blue eyes. 「A scroll of *unlocking doors* (unlocks and unbars a door up to 2m wide).」 The devil and his 3 **winter wolves** (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes a *cloud of ice* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*winter wolf icicles* growing inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」) live in 6 torture chambres full of racks, vats, ice baths, blades, needles, and worse. There are dead bodies everywhere.
**1304**: The furrows of years of coach wheels form a uneven path here. The Rolling Barrow hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Secret Trenches*.
Wandering monsters: **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400).
1. _Cave:_ Covered in leaves blown in by the wind.
1. _Storeroom:_ Barrels, crates, and pots hold their secrets here.
* frescoes of *Nergal* 1. _Slave Pen:_ Iron rings are set into the walls here linking thick chains and brutal collars.
* a doll lying inside a dingy crib 1. _Cistern:_ Corroded tin barrels line the walls, some gouged and dented. Each once probably had a spigot of some sort.
* frescoes of *Hel* 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Tattered and faded silk wall hangings are covered in cobwebs. A large round table dominates the center of the room.
* the **troglodyte stench-mage** *Sharp Stone* (level 7) who currently smells of putrid fish, teaching the aromatic arts to 4 **troglodytes** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* 「1 gem.」 1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Cistern:_ Corroded tin barrels line the walls, some gouged and dented. Each once probably had a spigot of some sort.
* **buried coffin**: knocking from below; swipe the dirt aside to reveal crumbling coffin; muffled cry: “help!” (or: “brains?”) → if stepped upon, 1–2 in 6 chance of the coffin breaking and the **zombie** grabbing a hold of the tasty foot (HD 2 AC 8 1d8 F1 MV 12 ML 12 XP 200; immune to sleep and charm person) * a pile of rags → gravel → buried beneath it: 「443 silver coins」 1. _Kitchen:_ Stained and gouged crude wooden tables and a clay brick oven can be found here. Old clay vases hold a variety of liquids, while crates smell of fruit and dried meats.
* decorations featuring a skull staff 1. _Living Quarters:_ Rags cover wide wood beds meant to be shared by four or five at a time.
* ripe boysenberries (4 reed baskets) * large reptile scales in a corner 1. _Guano Pit:_ A rotting wooden bridge, recently swept clean but with occasional spots of guano, leads over a pit full of the stuff. The smell is worse than any privvy. Anyone who rolls above their dexterity score breaks a board and drops into guano, taking 1d6 damage.
* **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400) * a defaced wooden statue of *Set* → hidden inside: 「399 silver coins」 1. _Shrine:_ A whitened sepulchre holds the remains of a prophet of *Freya*, her name written in strange runes that line its sides. Crouching within a recess is a large empty font, surrounded by carvings of skulls.
* rat tunnels 1. _Great Hall:_ The smell of grease and honeysuckle bloom is overwhelming. Long wooden tables and benches line the great hall, with another table on a dais at the front of the room.
* the **black dragon** *Great Greed of the Waters* (HD 10 AC -1 1d8/1d8/4d8 F10 MV 24 ML 10 XP 1000; *fire* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half))
* 「10 gems. A map to the ….」 ---
**1305**: The pebble-strewn hillsides are heavily eroded by frequent foot-traffic. The Blood Mound hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Chilly Hole of Cough*.
Wandering monsters: 8 **lizard men** led by *Leg Crusher*, laughing (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200).
1. _Cave:_ Covered in leaves blown in by the wind.
1. _Crypt:_ Copper doors conceal niches filled with the picked-clean bones of ancient elf lords.
* a small bag with a collection of lion claws * broken egg shells in a corner 1. _Altar:_ A low brick plinth crowns a crumbling dais covered in dust. On one wall is a roughly hewn brick slab, stained with dark red stains.
* 3 **kobolds** led by *King Dog*, cheering on two who are wrestling (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) * a small pool → muddy bottom → buried: 「274 silver coins」 1. _Dining Room:_ A long, oak table with claw-footed chairs dominates the center of this room.
* 9 **troglodytes** led by *Silent Slither*, laughing (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min) 1. _Banquet Hall:_ Tattered and faded cotton wall hangings are covered in cobwebs. A large round table dominates the center of the room.
* the **naga** *Exalted Spirit of Embryonic Life* (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」 and her adoring 5 **lizard men** led by *Song Singer*, gambling (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200)
* 「8000 silver coins. 3000 gold coins. 500 platinum coins. 9 gems. 6 jewelry.」 1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Barracks:_ There are 2 sagging linen hammocks hanging from wall hooks here.
* lonely cotton stocking 1. _Guano Pit:_ An overturned wheelbarrow and some broken shovels rest near a large pile of astringent bat droppings.
* decorations featuring a hammer 1. _Kiln:_ Sawdust and old Droughtscrub branches on the floor attest to a former pile of firewood.
* a mutilated wooden statue of *Nergal* 1. _Temple:_ Rows of stone pillars form a square around a sandstone table, which has bolted into it a giant copper grotesquerie of a **devil** with bat wings and the tail of a pig. Faded, damp tapestries along the walls show a heroine hunting an elk, leading a human army, and battling a **devil** with dragonfly wings and a human head on the body of a zombie. * 8 **lizard men** led by *Daughter of Drake*, gossiping (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) 1. _Vault:_ A giant locked iron safe squats in the middle of the room, its huge iron door attesting to dozens of attempts to break in - it has been beaten, burnt, and subject to toxic magic. But the door is still shut.
* a stairwell down leads into a maze of unmappable corridors, filled with the skeletons of past elf visitors 1. _Leader’s Room:_ Faded tapestries enliven the walls, while a once-alizarin crimson carpet adorns the floor. A wooden bed and many wooden chests, with a long table, mark this as a leader’s room.
* the **troglodyte stench-mage** *Mound Keeper* (level 7) who currently smells of oysters, teaching the aromatic arts to 9 **troglodytes** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* 「6 gems.」 ---
**1306**: Eulogizing a long dead monarch, a weathered statue graces a nearby tor. Narrow creeks have dug deep gorges into the Dry Country hills. One of these gorges is home to 2 **wights** led by *Seirian* the Black who roam the gorges, looking for victims to drown and add to their undead posse (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. 「1000 gold coins.」 ---
**1307**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Bastion of Cúndil*.
The bronze gates lead to the eternal throne room of *Cúndil*, an ancient **spectre** that still sits here on a throne of steel blades and a thousand horse skulls (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「3000 gold coins.」 The elves live amongst the vaults and mausoleums of Cúndil’s servants and retainers, their sarcophagi serving as decorations and altars.
The elves are protected by 4 **bugbears** led by *Deadly Eyes* belonging to the *Lynx Teeth* band living like animals in small caves near the gate (HD 3+1 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 9 ML 9 XP 300; surprise on 1–5 in 6). 「2 gems.」 30 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *restore faith* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Ulundir* (level 8). The spells known are based on *The Book of Odin* by Hadrael the Dragon-Slayer: 1. *restore faith*, *detect magic*, *sleep*, 2. *silence*, *speak with animals*, *hold person*, 3. *fly*, *speed*, 4. *shape change* (to a dragon: AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10), *plant growth*. 「A map of the dungeon *The Chilly Hole of Cough* (1305). A suit of elven *plate armour* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Goloddil*. A *ring of invisibility* which turns you invisible until you attempt to harm somebody.」
**1308**: Most of the forest has been cleared. Only the occasional apple orchard can be seen. Some sheep are grazing near the edge of the forest, watched over by **shepherd** **Denzel* the town’s fool*.
**1309**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Bastion of Fuinor*.
The bronze gates lead to the eternal throne room of *Fuinor*, an ancient **spectre** that still sits here on a throne of iron nails and human skulls (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「10 gems. A dwarven *shield* +2 with dwarven runes commemorating the slaying of the red dragon *Fire End the Eternal*.」 The elves live amongst the vaults and mausoleums of Fuinor’s servants and retainers, their sarcophagi serving as decorations and altars.
The elves are protected by 3 **bugbears** led by *Silent Breath* belonging to the *Lynx Claws* band living like animals in small caves near the gate (HD 3+1 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 9 ML 9 XP 300; surprise on 1–5 in 6). 36 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *water walking* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Cartond* (level 7). The spells known are based on *The Book of Dragons* by Fanthaiel the Hunter: 1. *water walking*, *sleep*, *light foot*, 2. *invisibility*, *flaming sword*, 3. *haste*, *breathing*, 4. *earth blow*. 「A black *plate armour of Pazuzu* +3, inscribed with runes of fire spelling doom and despair.」 ---
**1310**: The forest here is deep and quiet. They say that the trees here will try to lead you astray. Without a guide, you will get lost on 1–2 in 6. Elves have built their wooden tree palace in 「Knotted Oak Copse」, where the Bloodheart trees stand tall. The air is filled the sweet, intoxicating fragrance of *honeysuckle* vines that weave throughout the branches and bushes. This the home of the *Spider Friends*, 9 **elves** (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *spider climb* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100) led by *Egleriasereg* (level 7). The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *spider climb*, *rope command*, *silk*, 2. *spider senses*, *glamour*, 3. *web*, *observation*, 4. *kill*. 「A goblin assassin’s black iron *crossbow* +1, decorated with the seven heads of *Set*.」 *Egleriasereg* wants *the sword of Verdant Bone of the Fumes* (1609) back. It was stolen many decades ago, they say. ---
**1401**: The ruts of years of cart wheels form a uneven path here. Deep gorges cut through the Cold Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 5 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1402**: The valley up here is hard to find. This is where the orcs of the *Crimson Guts Slicing* tribe raise yaks and make their popular cherry yogurt. 10 **orcs** led by *Muzgash* (HD 3) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「4000 gold coins. 6 gems.」 *Muzgash* is a famous dual-wielding sword dancer.
The orcs live in a ruined mountain fortress built during the reign of *Tariq the Cruel* of *Trazadan*. The stone carvings still tell the story of the subjugation of these lands. Amidst the rubble, the orcs have built a handful of wooden huts. The floor is covered with rugs except for a large hole filled with polished skulls. The fortress itself is guarded by 5 **boars** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300). At the back is an entrance to an abandoned mine. A huge shaft leads down into blackness. At the bottom are the ruins of an underground building by the ancients.
Down here is a palace made of orange metals and green glass inhabited by 3 **squid people** led by *Mad Aladfar* (HD 5 AC 9 1d4 + *brains* MU5 MV 9 ML 9 XP 500; on their first hit, they simply deal their damage as they grapple with their arms and facial tentacles; on every subsequent hit, victims must save vs. death or have their brains destroyed by tentacles forcing their way through nostrils and eye sockets; mind blast (30ft cone, save vs. spells or be stunned for 1d4 rounds), mind domination (save vs. spells or submit to their telepathic commands), mind reading (save vs. spells or reveal all your intentions) at will). At the center of this palace is a huge **brain** floating in a glass cylinder (HD 11 AC 9 MU11 MV 0 ML 12 XP 1100; mind blast, mind domination, mind reading, aura of fear (60ft, save vs. spells or cower in fear) at will). 「400 platinum coins. 9 jewelry.」 ---
**1403**: On the pass at the end of this valley there is a structure: *seven towers* growing out of the same rock, bending upwards into the sky, each ending in a snake head, maw wide open, each containing a hall with a brazier in which an eternal flame is burning. This is *Hidong*.
Down below, where the seven snake necks meet the steep trail leading up to the pass there is a *maw of thorns*: a tunnel with a thousand inwards pointing needles several feet long and but a thin path winding its way through it. In front of the maw is a platform, facing south. It is much warmer here than one would expect this far up. The area has been settled by a tribe of 20 **lizard people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) led by *Axe of Set* (HD 5). 「A potion of *hearing* (orange, black residue, 1h, ears grow painfully sensitive; you can locate every breath, heartbeat, and movement within 30ft). A scroll of *fog* (1km, within 10min, for 1h, visibility 10ft).」 The little village of mud huts is guarded by 2 **giant wasps** (HD 4+1 AC 5 1d6 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 9 XP 400; when stung, save vs. poison or die). 「5000 silver coins.」 These lizard people like to sing the *Songs of Linao* (1608), it’s rise, and it’s fall to oblivion.
Once past the entrance, a tunnel winds itself up into the hollow sphere of the snake sanctum: the upper hemisphere is decorated with snakes and a star with eight outward pointing daggers. Above hangs a chandelier about 50ft wide beset with a thousand stones glowing in a warm light. It’s impossibly hot in here.
Ramps connect rows and rows of circular platforms leading down the lower hemisphere to the bottom of the sphere. One these platforms are the huts of 22 **snake people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; charm person 3×/day) led by *Nest Builder* (HD 8, *lightning bolt* (8d6) 2×/day). 「A scroll of *piercing steel* (sudden growth of a permanent iron spike 5m high, 4d6, save vs. spells for half). A *flying carpet* (four people).」 The stables nearby hold 5 **giant lizards** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400). 「2000 silver coins. 6 jewelry.」 At the very bottom of the sphere is a ramp descending into the darkness below.
This is where *Exalted Spirit of Venom*, the **spirit naga** resides. (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」) She has spent centuries contemplating and planning. Her minions operate in secret in towns and villages. Parties bringing tribute or valuable information may survive a parley.
**1404**: Up here in the mountains lies lake *Green Grave*. 15 **nixies** led by *Mountain Ice* live here (HD 1 AC 7 1d4 F1 MV 12 ML 6 XP 100; charm person, *water breathing*). A *chimera* is guarding a cave on the island of their lake, terrorising them.
The **chimera** is guarding an iron wrought gate decorated with a snow-covered forest leading to *Niflheim* (HD 6 AC 5 1d6/1d6/1d10/2d10 or *fire* F6 MV 9 ML 10 XP 600; *fire* (3×/day): as much as the chimera has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half; 「*chimera blood* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」)
The tunnel is wide, the walls are black. It winds itself ever further down into the bowls of the earth. There are bigger caverns to cross every now and then. Bats can be heard overhead and their excrement covers the floor. This particular cave, however, also hosts a family of 13 **wolf spiders** (HD 4 AC 6 1d6 + *paralysis* F2 MV 15 ML 7 XP 400; *climb*).
The tunnel turns into a passage hewn into the walls of a chimney descending straight into the endless netherworld. It goes on for hours before you finally reach the bottom and the tunnel resumes. Finally, the tunnels lead you to the underground elven *Palace of Raunor*.
The bronze gates lead to the eternal throne room of *Raunor*, an ancient **spectre** that still sits here on a throne of chains of steel and human skulls (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「600 platinum coins.」 The elves live amongst the vaults and mausoleums of Raunor’s servants and retainers, their sarcophagi serving as decorations and altars.
The elves are protected by 11 **bugbears** led by *Silent Eyes* belonging to the *Lynx Claws* band living like animals in small caves near the gate (HD 3+1 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 9 ML 9 XP 300; surprise on 1–5 in 6). 「2 gems.」 56 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *sleep* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Bronagost* (level 5). The spells known are based on *The Book of the Sea* by Lady Gerdana of Lagnabadalë: 1. *sleep*, *lunar runes*, 2. *glamour*, *eternal starlight*, 3. *lightning bolt*. 「An orcish *mace* +1 with the orcish runes of violence and blood. A *flying carpet* (four people).」
The ice blue gate from the northern courtyard is decorated with many icicles. It leads to the other side, to Niflheim.
It is dark, outside. You are surrounded by the giant trees of the *Wood of the Peak of Bound Women*. Overhead, there is a giant yellow moon. Wolves are howling in the distance. Soon, they’ll pick up your trail. 19 **wolves** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200).
In the west, you can see a fantastic jumble of walls, gates, moat, towers with gallows jutting out over the waters, swinging cages holding the dead and the living near the bridges, ravens on every rooftop. This festering castle is *Ejudnir*, *Hel*’s hall in Niflheim, guarded by 700 **trolls** (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid), watched over by 80 **harpies** (HD 3 AC 7 1d4/1d4/1d6 F6 MV 15 ML 7 XP 300; *charm song*), and filled with ten thousand despairing souls of cowards and the weak, moaning.
Truly, this is hell.
**1405**: A ten-foot-tall black iron fence blocks the way here. Some of the spikes at the top of the fence are adorned with skulls of humans and other humanoids.
The *gate* is a blackness of cold and despair. Anybody close to the gate feels their life drain away and as their body ages. Touch the gates drains and eventually kills you.
To the right of the gate stands a massive *tower* that had its top blown off. Over the years, this has allowed plants to gain a foothold. Bushes and grass grow from the top like green hair from a huge stone face.
There is an improvised toll booth next to the tower and some tents further back. These people ask 50gp per head “to keep the area safe.” 30 **bandits** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; spear). 「3000 silver coins. A scroll of *live burial* (60ft, the earth opens up underneath a person, save vs. death to avoid getting pulled into the depths to certain death).」 They are led by the **magic user** *Lennart* (level 3). The spells known are based on *The Book of Liminurgy* by Elam the Recluse: 1. *charm person*, *extra pocket*, 2. *visiting the afterlife*. 「The *headband of karma* allows you to borrow luck from your future self: when rolling a d20, roll 2d20 and take the higher result, but before doing it again you need to pay your debt in a similar situation and roll 2d20 and take the lower result.」 A stair leads up to the top of the tower but nobody ever takes it for up there the air is unnaturally cold and a half-transparent **spectre** is staring at the necropolis below. “Everyone I know has gone away, in the end.” All they are interested in is talking about the great armies they took to the south and to the east, how they fought the armies of *Valach the Powerful*, the manoeuvres they executed, the traps they set, the princes they had assassinated. This is *High Priestess Baldegard*. Turning the conversation away from their achievements makes them very irate (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person; *summon 1d4 servants* with the same stats). 「600 platinum coins. 4 jewelry.」 The valley is filled with ruins. This must have been a large monastic complex in its heyday. These days the ceilings have fallen, walls have crumbled, weeds are growing everywhere and anything not made of stone has rotten away. It’s hard to say what these buildings were used for. Here you can see an engravings of a four winged demon, over there is an engraving of a seven headed snake.
In the middle of all this is a column and perched on it 60ft above the surrounding land rests the **sphinx** *Bertlind* (HD 5 AC 6 1d6/1d6 F10 MV 15 ML 9 XP 500; *cure disease* 3×/day, *raise dead* 1×/day, *summon tengus* (2d6) 1×/day: HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). Tell her a good pun and she’ll be friendly. Answer her riddle to be granted a boon. <blockquote>The world I view in little space<br>I'm restless, ever changing place<br>Nothing I eat, but by my pow'r,<br>Procure what all mankind devour.
(the *sun*)</blockquote>
**1406**: A small brook meanders through the hillocks here. On one of the Bloodland hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Old Man Spite* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「7000 silver coins. 3000 gold coins.」 ---
**1407**: Someone has nailed a battered shield to a ancient Devilgrove tree. On one of the Fay Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Bastard of Spite* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「9000 silver coins. 12000 gold coins. 9 gems.」 ---
**1408**: On one of the rock faces you can still see the markings of the old dwarf forge *High Hammer*. The ruin has been settled by the *Lumbering Hammer* tribe. This is where they study dwarven technology and build strange and wonderful machines from the wreckage, and this is where they cultivate their mushrooms to make fermented Magenta End Russula flavored with salt and parboiled cauliflower.
50 **orcs** led by *Ugmeg* (HD 6) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「8000 gold coins. 5 gems.」 *Ugmeg* is a famous engineer in the *Steel and Oil school of Machinery*.
The orcs have built their settlement near the gatehouse guarding the entrance to the forge, with murder holes and arrow slits to defend against intruders. The round huts are protected by 5 **boars** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300). The open spaces between the huts are small and filled with dwarf junk: pipes, cogs, jagged metal plates.
**1409**: These mountains are called the 「Dead Domes」. A sulphurous smell hangs in the air. Every now and then you hear hidden mud pools bubbling with heat from below. In the warm chambers below there sleeps the **red dragon** *Searing Fang the Sleeper* (HD 10 AC -1 1d8/1d8/4d8 F10 MV 24 ML 10 XP 1000; *fire* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). 「50000 gold coins. 70 gems. 50 jewelry. A potion of the *gizzard* (violet, 1h, allows you to eat anything without fear of injury or poison).」 ---
**1501**: Up here in the mountains lies lake *Blue Mere*. 26 **nixies** led by *Lotus* live here (HD 1 AC 7 1d4 F1 MV 12 ML 6 XP 100; charm person, *water breathing*). 「1000 silver coins.」 A *chimera* is guarding a cave on the island of their lake, terrorising them.
The **chimera** is guarding an iron wrought gate decorated with many icicles leading to *Niflheim* (HD 6 AC 5 1d6/1d6/1d10/2d10 or *fire* F6 MV 9 ML 10 XP 600; *fire* (3×/day): as much as the chimera has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half; 「*chimera blood* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」)
The tunnel turns into a passage hewn into the walls of a chimney descending straight into the endless netherworld. It goes on for hours before you finally reach the bottom and the tunnel resumes. The tunnel opens out onto the bark of Yggdrasil, the world tree. The black void surrounds you. A path along the contorted roots leads you further down, into a little hollow where you can see a fire burning. The entry of the next tunnel appears to be guarded. 23 **netherworld elves** (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *sleep* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100) led by night hunter *Badhel* (level 6). The spells known are based on *The Book of the Sea* by Lady Gerdana of Lagnabadalë: 1. *sleep*, *charm person*, 2. *true words*, *eternal starlight*, 3. *water breathing*, *wind barrier*. 「A pair of *gloves of strength* (strength 18).」 > They failed in tracking the thief of the elven *ring of anticipation* (AC -1) with elven runes in memory of *Root Father*. It must still be down there somewhere, in Muspelheim.
The tunnel walls are made of stone but overgrown and split by gargantuan roots. The power of Yggdrasil is all around you. Finally, you reach a black lake in a giant cavern, the walls covered in green ice. Far above, there’s a round opening and from it descends a long iron chain with a big bucket at it’s end. Anybody entering the bucket is carried up, but there’s no boat to carry anybody out into the cold lake towards the elevator bucket. The bucket itself is operated by 4 **trolls** led by *Rock* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid) living up above, at the behest of *Hel*.
Icicles hang from giant trees and the cold is piercing. The stunted growth of the *Wood of Unending Loss* around you is covered in snow.
In the east, you can see a fantastic jumble of walls, gates, moat, towers with gallows jutting out over the waters, swinging cages holding the dead and the living near the bridges, ravens on every rooftop. This festering castle is *Ejudnir*, *Hel*’s hall in Niflheim, guarded by 600 **trolls** (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 F6 MV 12 ML 10 XP 600; *regenerate* unless burned or dissolved in acid), watched over by 110 **harpies** (HD 3 AC 7 1d4/1d4/1d6 F6 MV 15 ML 7 XP 300; *charm song*), and filled with ten thousand despairing souls of cowards and the weak, moaning.
Truly, this is hell.
**1502**: The grassland of 「Tallgrass Scrublands」 seems to stretch forever. Small brown birds hunt for seeds among the grasses and race up into the air when approached. There are some signs of a recent campsite, someone has left behind 10 steel tent pitons. A closer look will uncover chalk pieces. To the west, 4 **coyote** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) can be seen hunting.
**1503**: The hillocks here appear unnatural, possibly ancient barrows of some kind. Deep ravines cut through the Dry Country hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to a **giant scorpion** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1504**: The *Pass of Sior* on the way to **Grainland** (0804) is guarded by a ruined fortress currently occupied by 4 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「4000 gold coins. 400 platinum coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 9 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silver cutlery and beautiful wine glasses. 「5000 gold coins. 5 gems. 4 jewelry. An elven *shield* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Muilwi*. A prayer of *summoning* (the **naga** *Magnificent Queen of Venom*, from Eiterhorg, *Set*’s hall in Myrkheim: HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons).」 ---
**1505**: Remnants of a large bonfire and religious sacrifice dot the hilltops. The Rolling Mound hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Miserable Cavern*.
Wandering monsters: **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400).
1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Smithy:_ This room is empty except for a brick cupelation hearth and a cold, formless pile of slag.
* 5 **kobolds** led by *Lady Gnawer*, starving (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50) 1. _Workshop:_ A rusty saw blade sits broken in a long wooden plank on a workbench here.
* 6 strange pools, filled with cyan and corn-silk liquids. 1. _Arena:_ Two leg-thick, heavy chains hang from the ceiling here, stopping a few feet above the ground. They are gouged with sword strikes.
* **giant lizard** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400) 1. _Temple:_ A circle of inlaid sandstone is divided into three equal segments, at the end of each of which is a stone pedestal. Rust circles on each pedestal mark where statues once stood.
* the **naga** *Dread Sorcerer of Midgard* (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」 and her charmed 5 **kobolds** led by *Bone Rat*, cheering on two who are wrestling (HD ½ hp 1d4 AC 7 1d4 NM MV 6 ML 6 XP 50)
* 「11000 gold coins. A helmet with the gilded face mask of **King Kyran* of *Trazadan** emanating an aura of fear, reducing enemy morale by 1.」 1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Prison Cells:_ A wall of iron bars contains four doors, behind each of which can be seen a elf skeleton, its feet in shackles.
* thousands of dead maggots that crunch underfoot 1. _Guard Chamber:_ Old stones form a crude wall here, for guards to hide behind and fire upon any intruders.
* a small bag with a collection of human teeth 1. _Shrine:_ A tall sharp citrine flame rises from the floor in the center of this chamber. Moth-eaten hassocks are angled toward an alcove adorned with religious carvings. * **checkerboard floor**: traces of dirt on the safe tiles; save vs. breath or take 2d6 damage unless you move like a pawn 1. _Hoard:_ 「Five silver armbands worth 10 silver each, 15 silver ingots worth 10 silver each, and 12 pieces of hacksilver also worth 10 silver each」 form a tiny hoard
* the **troglodyte stench-mage** *Dragon Born* (level 7) who currently smells of hibiscus breeze, teaching the aromatic arts to 8 **troglodytes** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; *chameleon*: surprise on 1–4 in 6; *stench*: in melee save vs. poison or take -2 to hit for 20min)
* a crate full of rotten apples → at the bottom: a shelf above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「524 silver coins 30 gold coins.」
**1506**: These mountains are called the 「Hungry Domes」. An old road winds itself through these mountains. Whenever it crosses a gorge, you can see the pillars of a ruined bridge. There is a long and dangerous climb down and back up again on the other side.. 5 **winter wolves** live up here (HD 5 AC 4 1d6 F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; 2 in 6 chance that instead of biting, it breathes a *cloud of ice* (5d6); *see invisible*; 「*winter wolf icicles* growing inside them are worth 500gp to an alchemist」)
**1507**: High up on on a ridge is an old elven tower made of green glass. The jade-colored columns of the tower glisten in the sunlight showing veins of gold and white. In *The Ballad of Lathrawi the Sad*, they call it *Tawenon’s Pride*. Inside the tower, in the entry hall, 3 **crystal living statues** stand silent guard (HD 9 AC 1 3d6 MV 12 ML 12 XP 900; immune to *arrows*, immune to *poison*; immune to *spells*). Unless the party speaks the name of the tower’s builder, *Gelel*, the guardians will attack any who attempt to ascend to the next level. The room above, with its polished floor, arching columns and a beautiful mosaic of Barrelwinter trees and trees and scenes from *The Ballad of Fox Mountain*, is inhabited by a **blue dragon** called *Liquid Bone of the River* (HD 9 AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10 F9 MV 24 ML 9 XP 900; *lightning* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). Exposure to elven dweomers has made the dragon surprisingly morose. 「40000 gold coins. A suit of elven *plate armour* +1 with elven runes commemorating the slaying of the green dragon *Piercing End of the Trees*. A *compass of hell*, blessed by *Hel* (it has two pointers: one points to the nearest danger, the other to the nearest safe place).」 The topmost chamber has an excellent view of the mountains from the tall windows that reach nearly to the floor. One window is decorated with depictions of the moon and frost giants. When the light of the waxing crescent moon (🌒) falls on it, it turns to a magical portal to *Jötunheim*.
**1508**: The 「Green Thicket」 has overgrown an old temple of *Mitra*. Some of the walls still stand, and so do some of the columns, but the roof is gone and floor is wet. In a dry corner of the ruin is the lair of 7 **wolves** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) and *Samanta*, who ended up being raised by wolves after being abandoned by the parents. ---
**1509**: A wide stagnant moat has overflowed its channel and turned to fens, surrounding a obsidian citadel, its iron gate impregnable, but next to it the charred, collapsed stones of the wall had exploded inward. The *Winterspark* clan are best known for their short swords. Investigating and moving some of the rocks will reveal some of their quality short swords, unsullied by time.
**1601**: Noticeably uniform, the hummocks here resemble giant tortoise shells. Deep canyons cut through the Blood Mound hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 5 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1602**: The tors here seem unnatural, possibly ancient barrows of some kind. The Waste Country hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Secret Grotto of Thyia*.
Wandering monsters: 4 **phase spiders**.
1. _Cave:_ Covered in leaves blown in by the wind.
1. _Chapel:_ An elevated dais is faced by 5 rows of wooden pews, which crowd this room. Moth-eaten hassocks are angled toward an alcove adorned with religious carvings.
* an **ettercap** eating (HD 5 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6 + *poison* F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; *climb*; *poison*: when bit, save vs. poison or be paralysed for 2h) 1. _Mined Wall:_ One can make out the pick marks and soot scorches from where the miners that began to dig this area suddenly stopped.
* an **ettercap** polishing weapons (HD 5 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6 + *poison* F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; *climb*; *poison*: when bit, save vs. poison or be paralysed for 2h) 1. _Torture Chamber:_ Stadium seating made of benches covered in leather provides a comfortable view of the central, depressed stage. There can be found a rack, an iron maiden, a forge, and a set of iron implements that look so evil that no one has ever dared take them. (They’re cursed.)
* 11 **bugbears** led by *Silent Lick* belonging to the *Wolf Ears* band 1. _Leader’s Room:_ A polished round table is surrounded by eight chairs, equally spaced apart. An assortment of chests line the walls.
* the **ettin** *Hide and Seek* (HD 11 AC 3 3d6/3d6 F10 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1100; only surprised on a 1 in 6)
* 「2 gems. An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Orthelion*.」
1. _Natural Cavern:_ Flecked with strange inclusions.
1. _Mushroom Farm:_ In strangely uniform rows sprout white mushrooms and uncanny amber yellow ferns, all almost waist high.
* a **phase spider** * a mutilated wooden statue of *Pazuzu* → hidden inside: 「520 silver coins 50 gold coins.」
1. _Debris Room:_ Rubbish, refuse, and garbage fills pits in this room. Oddly, there is an aroma of clam juice.
* a small family of 3 **owlbears** * a dingy curtain → hiding a small alcove: 「51 silver coins 30 gold coins.」
1. _Slave Pen:_ 4 cells with wooden bars each house a human slave.
* 2 **bugbears** led by *Death Eyes* belonging to the *Wolf Ears* band 1. _Mined Wall:_ The wall has been hacked out and is full of holes that traced the last deposits of some vein of minerals. The blade of a pick, its handle long gone, lies here.
* the **balor** named *Orbán* (HD 9+1 AC 4 1d6/2d6 F9 MV 12 ML 11; flying; *aura of fire* (anybody in melee takes automatic 1d6 fire damage); if the first attack with the flaming whip hits, the second attack with the flaming sword is at +4; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to fire)
* 「300 platinum coins. 12 gems.」 ---
**1603**: The Blood Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. On the side of a large crest, crushed glimmering pyrite forms the image of a stylized ram skull.
**1604**: Commemorating an ancient battle, a weathered statue graces a nearby slope. Narrow creeks have dug deep canyons into the Bloodland hills. One of these canyons is home to the **wight** *Ceinfryn* the Black who surfaces from his watery grave every night and searches the channel for fools to drown (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. 「4 jewelry.」 ---
**1605**: The hummocks here seem unnatural, possibly ancient barrows of some kind. Deep ravines cut through the Cursed Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 6 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1606**: Noticeably uniform, the hummocks here resemble balding heads. Narrow creeks have dug deep channels into the Waste Country hills. One of these channels is home to 3 **wights** led by *Adeon* the Cruel who roam the gorges, looking for victims to drown and add to their undead posse (HD 3 AC 5 *drain* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). During they day they lie in the flooded cellar of a ruined toll tower guarding a ford. 「4000 silver coins.」 ---
**1607**: The Stone Mound hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Someone has nailed a battered shield to a large Kindleclub tree.
**1608**: At the end of this valley the mountains rise up like a wall and on that wall is a giant *seven-headed snake* made of living stone, as if melted and reshaped by the strongest spells. In each of the seven heads there burns a magic fire. This is *Linao*.
Down below, at the foot of the wall, there is a *maw of thorns*: a tunnel with a thousand inwards pointing needles several feet long and but a thin path winding its way through it. In front of the maw is a platform, facing south. It is much warmer here than one would expect this far up. The area has been settled by a tribe of 25 **lizard people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200) led by *Quiet Night* (HD 5). 「A potion of *healing* (light orange, smelling like vomit, 1d6+1). A map to the ….」 The little village of mud huts is guarded by 2 **giant lizards** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400). 「3000 gold coins. 300 platinum coins.」 These lizard people like to sing the *Songs of Loss and Longing*, a cycle of heroic poems involving the wars against **Old Eilif* of *Rajana**.
Once past the entrance, a tunnel winds itself up into the hollow sphere of the snake sanctum: the upper hemisphere is decorated with a star with eight outward pointing daggers and snakes. Above hangs a chandelier about 50ft wide beset with a thousand stones glowing in a warm light. It’s impossibly hot in here.
Ramps connect rows and rows of circular platforms leading down the lower hemisphere to the bottom of the sphere. One these platforms are the huts of 21 **snake people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; charm person 3×/day) led by *Child of Drake* (HD 5, *lightning bolt* (5d6) 2×/day). The stables nearby hold 2 **giant lizards** (HD 4 AC 5 1d10 F3 MV 12 ML 7 XP 400). At the very bottom of the sphere is a ramp descending into the darkness below.
This is where *Terrible Terror of Revenge*, the **spirit naga** resides. (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; 「a *naga tongue* is worth 1000gp to an alchemist」) She has spent centuries contemplating and planning. Her minions operate in secret in towns and villages. Parties bringing tribute or valuable information may survive a parley.
**1609**: On one of the rock faces you can still see the markings of the old dwarf forge *Thunder*. The ruin is now home to the **white dragon** *Ice Fang the Eternal* (HD 6 AC 3 1d4/1d4/2d8 F6 MV 24 ML 8 XP 600; *ice* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). 「60000 gold coins. 20 jewelry. A scroll of *live burial* (60ft, the earth opens up underneath a person, save vs. death to avoid getting pulled into the depths to certain death). A potion of *snake bite* (foamy white, 1h, gives you three venomous bites, victims must save vs. poison or die). An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes commemorating the slaying of the green dragon *Verdant Bone of the Fumes*.」 ---
**1610**: The sun-bleached bones of thousands of antelope blanket the lowland here. Deep canyons cut through the Fay Barrow hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 3 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1701**: Remnants of a large bonfire and religious sacrifice dot the hillocks. On one of the Fay Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Bastard of Pain* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). ---
**1702**: Steep slopes contain an orchard of sagging Hang Peach trees. On one of the Oldland hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Greed* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「10000 silver coins. 2 gems.」 ---
**1703**: The Oldland hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. A gigantic burrowing monster has disturbed the root-bound soil here.
**1704**: High up on on a ridge is an old elven tower made of green glass. Leaves and vines of green and brown glass cover the tower, giving the appearance of life where there is none. In *The Story of Summer*, they call it *Therianid’s Last Stand*. An ornate archway stands open at the base of the tower allowing any to pass within. In the archway, however, lie two dead knights in plate. Those who do are struck by a *rune of protection* unless copper or iron wiring is used to short-circuit the trap: *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half) The elf *Talwen* was cursed for sleeping on their watch on the day this tower fell and was cursed by its commander to guard this tower in the form of a **mountain lion** for all eternity (HD 3 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 24 ML 7 XP 300; surprise on 1–4 in 6). If the party can gain the lion’s trust – and they can speak with it! – it can teach them the incantation that opens the door to the next level. If killed, the elf will soon reincarnate as another lion and return. Furter up, where heaven and earth appear to meet, the Earth Blood has turned previous visitors into 7 **orange yellow slimes** (HD 3 AC 5 *paralysis* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by water; eats spells: add 1d6 hp per spell level absorbed; immune to sleep and charm person). The topmost chamber has an excellent view of the mountains from the tall windows that reach nearly to the floor. One window is decorated with depictions of the moon and people swearing an oath. When the light of the waxing crescent moon (🌒) falls on it, it turns to a magical portal to *Muspelheim*.
**1705**: This section of the 「Shortgrass Savanna」 is an elephant graveyard. Elephant bones lie scattered among the flattened grasses. These bones are protected by 2 **elephants** (HD 9 AC 5 4d8 *with +4 to hit* F5 MV 12 ML 8 XP 900) who will trample and gore anybody disturbing this area. 「Each tusk is worth 1d6×100gp.」
**1707**: The knolls here are unnatural, possibly ancient barrows of some kind. The Stone Barrow hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Crepuscular Depths of Xabosa*.
Wandering monsters: 4 **large spiders** (HD 1-1 AC 7 1d6 + *paralysis* F1 MV 15 ML 7 XP 100; *climb*; when hit, save vs. paralysis or be *paralysed* for 1h).
1. _Cave:_ Riddled with small pools and puddles of stagnant water.
1. _Guard Chamber:_ A barrel here holds spears and polearms while a dented shield graces the far wall.
* a concealed entrance/exit to the surface, a barely wide enough fit for a dwarf 1. _Barracks:_ Several sleeping mats and rough linen pillows stuffed with moldy hay line the walls.
* hastily engraved runes in the wall spelling out *Gudní Ashenbane* * a defaced wooden statue of *Pazuzu* → hidden inside: 「552 silver coins 50 gold coins.」
1. _Firewood Room:_ An axehead missing a handle and a mat of sawdust bear mute witness to the time this room was used for firewood. There is an aroma of Yokesinger tree and perhaps weeding a garden.
* 4 smashed terracotta statues 1. _Chapel:_ The room is dominated by a central dais, two sandstone steps above the floor. One wall is dominated by a mosaic depicting a skull staff.
* a **creeper** (HD 2 AC 7 8×*paralysis* F1 MV 6 XP 200; when hit, save vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 2h – and eventually eaten alive unless rescued) * an abandoned backpack: 「496 silver coins」 1. _Torture Chamber:_ A ring of rotted wooden pillories form a half circle around a bizarre iron divan, besides which a wooden table is full of holes that once held rusted metal implements.
* **buried coffin**: knocking from below; swipe the dirt aside to reveal crumbling coffin; muffled cry: “help!” (or: “brains?”) → if stepped upon, 1–2 in 6 chance of the coffin breaking and the **zombie** grabbing a hold of the tasty foot (HD 2 AC 8 1d8 F1 MV 12 ML 12 XP 200; immune to sleep and charm person) 1. _Hoard:_ This hoard is a collection of 「gold tableware, including bowls, dishes, cups, and spoons, worth 2000 gold」
* the **necromancer** *Mayon* (level 7), protected by 11 decadent **ghouls** (HD 2 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d4 + *paralysis* F2 MV 9 ML 9 XP 200; aura of fear (save vs. spells or flee for two rounds); when bitten, save vs. paralysis or be *paralysed* for 1h; *limited shape shift* into a hyena). The spells known are based on *The Book of the Dead* by Agrimach the Necromancer: 1. *aura of fear*, *locate corpse*, *read magic*, 2. *summon ghoul*, *converse with corpse*, 3. *immunity to fire*, *animate dead*, 4. *grafting*. 「A *silver crown* +1 commemorating the immortal *Rhúnendil*.」 *Mayon* also happens to own a book: 「*The Procreation of Dwarves*」.
* 「The *shield of the lion* +2: when you hit your opponent, it bites for an extra 1d6 damage.」
**1708**: Crumbling with erosion, the stony legs of an ancient aqueduct straddle the valleys over hillsides. On one of the Bloodland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 4 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「1 gem. 4 jewelry.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 6 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Unused carpets rolled up and stacked up. 「6000 silver coins.」 ---
**1709**: A ten-foot-tall black iron fence blocks the way here. Some of the spikes at the top of the fence are adorned with skulls of humans and other humanoids.
The *gate* is still humming with magical energies. Shimmering lines show penitentiaries humbly begging for entrance. If you knock on the gates with nothing but your clothes on, empty handed, no weapons, no armour, no metal, then it will slowly open for you and just for you. If anybody else tries to slip through, the doors will slam shut: save vs. death or be crushed.
Towering above the walls is a bulging *tower* with vertical slits serving as windows, like the visor of a fancy helmet.
The bellowing of horny hill giants can be heard far and wide. The walls and the tower are their love nest. 5 **hill giants** led by *Boulder Squisher* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「6000 silver coins. 6000 gold coins. 16 gems. 15 jewelry. A suit of elven *plate armour* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Peguieth*.」 The top of the tower is inaccessible from the interior. A circus of 8 young **griffons** (HD 4+1 AC 6 1d6/1d6/1d8 F4 MV 24 ML 10 XP 400) is roosting up there when they’re not trying to impress each other with fantastic displays of aerial stunts. 「The *griffon egg* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」.
The necropolis itself is an endless graveyard, tombstone after tombstone, filling every slope in this valley, stone statues, inscriptions, pictures, headstones engraved with snakes or a four winged demon. At night the ghosts rise from their graves, lamenting the state of their graves and the lack of care, the sloth of their descendants, and they curse them and their world, not realising that their world has already faded and that they are the only ones left. Appropriate rites and sacrifices, a purification and a hallowing might bring them peace.
In the middle of all this is a platform that rises 20ft into the air. Wide stairs lead up to a baldachin and under this canopy rests the **sphinx** *Sigiharda* (HD 5 AC 6 1d6/1d6 F10 MV 15 ML 9 XP 500; *cure disease* 3×/day, *raise dead* 1×/day, *summon tengus* (2d6) 1×/day: HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying). Tell her a good pun and she’ll be friendly. Answer her riddle to be granted a boon. <bblockquote><br>With words unnumber'd I a-bound,<br>In me mankind take much delight,<br>In me great store of learning's found,<br>Yet I can neither read nor write.
(a *book*)<//blockquote>
**1710**: On a spur further up there is a hill fort, protected by an earthen wall. The *Stinky Smasher* tribe has settled the place, raising bighorn sheep and making their famous honey yogurt. 20 **orcs** led by *Othbal* (HD 3) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「3000 gold coins.」 *Othbal* is a famous dual-wielding sword dancer. The settlement is guarded by 3 **boars** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300). There are three big skull pyramids near the entrance with about 200 skulls each. ---
**1801**: The Old Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. The hummocks here are unnatural, possibly ancient barrows of some kind.
**1802**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Bastion of Thancdir*.
The bronze gates lead to the eternal throne room of *Thancdir*, an ancient **spectre** that still sits here on a throne of broken lances and dragon bones (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). The elves live amongst the vaults and mausoleums of Thancdir’s servants and retainers, their sarcophagi serving as decorations and altars.
The central space around which the elven mansions have been built is a fungus garden. 8 **myconids** tend to it (HD 3 AC 8 – F3 MV 6 ML 7 XP 300; *read mind*, *dominate*, *knockout*, *gravity control* (3d8): save vs. spells to avoid; *silent message*). 「100 platinum coins. 3 gems.」 45 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *sleep* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Northaran* (level 8). The spells known are based on *The Book of Odin* by Hadrael the Dragon-Slayer: 1. *sleep*, *detect magic*, *restore faith*, 2. *silence*, *speak with animals*, *hold person*, 3. *dispel magic*, *fly*, 4. *shape change* (to a dragon: AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10), *wait*. 「A map to the …. The long sword *Moonfire* +1/+3 vs. lycanthropes, inscribed with silver runes of death and banishment, forged by the high inquisitors of *Ouria*. A suit of elven *plate armour* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Talwi*.」 ---
**1803**: This is the 「Windy Prairie」. The tall grasses here make navigating difficult. Without a guide, you will get lost on a 1-2 in 6. Scattered Singleway trees interrupt the grassland here, providing welcome shade. Seemingly tossed here in anger by a giant, several polished granite throwing boulders rest. To the south, 2 **coyote** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200) can be seen hunting.
**1804**: A large burrow of some kind is clumsily concealed with brush. On one of the Blood Mound hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by 5 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「4 gems.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Snake Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 11 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few gobelins cover the walls. 「4000 silver coins.」 ---
**1805**: The Cursed Barrow hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Innumerable oxblood flowers coat the slopes here like thick, wet paint.
**1806**: Steep cliffs make progress practically impossible without climbing gear. Amidst the stars, where the air is thin and cold, a cave leads into the lair of *Ákos the Eater of Souls*, a jealous **ice devil** (HD 9 AC 2 1d8/1d8/1d12 F9 MV 18 ML 11 XP 900; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to spells of casters up to fifth level; *ice bolt*: 2d6, save vs. rays for half; *ice storm*: 5d6, 60ft around the devil, save vs. explosions for half), a devil with goat hooves, white fur, long teeth, horns, and blue eyes. 「7000 silver coins. 7000 gold coins. 14 gems. The *amulet of the luck stealer* allows you to borrow luck from a willing person near you: when rolling a d20, roll 2d20 and take the higher result, but the next time they need to roll a d20 in a similar situation, they roll 2d20 and take the lower result.」 The devil and his pet **white dragon** *Hail End of the Thin Air* (HD 6 AC 3 1d4/1d4/2d8 F6 MV 24 ML 8 XP 600; *ice* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)) live in 3 torture chambres full of racks, vats, ice baths, blades, needles, and worse. There are dead bodies everywhere.
**1807**: The rocks up here are covered in grey and orange lichens. A strange **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (2003).
**1808**: Encircled with small boulders is what appears to be a forgotten graveyard for gnomes. On one of the Bloodland hills stands a ruined fortress currently occupied by a **warlock** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and his **giant scorpion** mount (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Cold Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 6 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Unused carpets rolled up and stacked up. 「9000 gold coins. The *Legendary Mug of Peldin*, an ancient light elf heirloom.」
**1809**: The water has dug a deep chasm through the mountain. A grey **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (0403).
**1810**: The rocky hillsides are heavily eroded by wind and rain. On one of the Fay Mound hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Old Man Hate* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「9000 gold coins.」 ---
**1901**: The *Pass of Merfyn* on the way to **Grainland** (0804) is guarded by a ruined fortress currently occupied by 6 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「4000 gold coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Lady* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 7 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. Silk curtains and some paintings on the walls. 「5000 gold coins. 14 gems.」 ---
**1902**: The *Pass of Gwawrddydd* on the way to **Grainland** (0804) is guarded by a ruined fortress currently occupied by 5 **warlocks** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and their **giant scorpion** mounts (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「5000 silver coins. 1000 gold coins.」 The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 8 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few gobelins cover the walls. 「100 platinum coins. 9 gems. A scroll of *piercing steel* (sudden growth of a permanent iron spike 5m high, 4d6, save vs. spells for half).」 ---
**1903**: Most of the forest has been cleared. Only the occasional apple orchard can be seen. Some cows are grazing near the edge of the forest, watched over by **cowherd** **Mamuk* the town’s fool*.
**1904**: The *Pass of Caswallon* on the way to **Grainland** (0804) is guarded by a ruined fortress currently occupied by a **warlock** (HD 5 → 5d4 AC 4/2 1d6 M5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; bolt of power (3×1d6+1); *shield* (reduces AC 9 to AC 4 in melee and AC 2 in ranged combat); *phantasmal force* (use illusions to split the party); *mirror image* (1d4 images to protect the caster); *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half)) and his **giant scorpion** mount (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400). 「A potion of *bonding* (powder blue, one year, all who share this potion with you will know where they all are: distance, direction, and emotional state).」
The fortress and its surrounding land is ruled by the **medusa** *Desert Mother* (HD 4 AC 8 1d6 or *poison* F6 MV 9 ML 8 XP 400; *petrification*; 「a *medusa’s head* is worth 5000gp to an alchemist」). The courtyard holds 4 petrified victims and the bones of countless dead. A few gobelins cover the walls. 「300 platinum coins.」 ---
**1905**: The Blood Country hills are dry and forbidding. The only animals you can see are some **goats**. Unnervingly uniform, the hillocks here resemble hay-bales.
**1906**: Innumerable tawny red flowers coat the knolls here like thick, wet paint. Deep channels cut through the Rolling Mound hills. A cave in one of those dry riverbeds is home to 3 **giant scorpions** (HD 4 AC 2 1d10/1d10/1d4 + *poison* F2 MV 15 ML 11 XP 400).
**1907**: Steep cliffs make progress practically impossible without climbing gear. Amidst the stars, where the barrier between the worlds is fickle, a cave leads into the lair of *Vili the Frozen*, a powerful **ice devil** (HD 9 AC 2 1d8/1d8/1d12 F9 MV 18 ML 11 XP 900; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to spells of casters up to fifth level; *ice bolt*: 2d6, save vs. rays for half; *ice storm*: 5d6, 60ft around the devil, save vs. explosions for half), a devil with goat hooves, white fur, long teeth, horns, and blue eyes. 「16 gems. A *horn of the tengus* (summons 2 **tengus** led by the master swordsman *Voice of Misery*: HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying: HD 5+1 AC 6 1d8 F10 MV 15 ML 8; flying; when killed, they are released from their bond to the horn).」 The devil and his 7 **four armed, white gorillas** (HD 4+1 AC 6 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d8 F4 MV 24 ML 10 XP 400) live in a pool of magical darkness where 7 insane **ice trolls** toil endlessly, expanding the halls of their master. From here, stairs lead up and up to the very top of the mountain.
Protected by an eternal snow storm, the lone Tower of Cold was built here ages ago. The flowing inscriptions of moon silver runes set into the stone are spells of protection, of hiding, and of cold.
**1908**: High up on on a ridge is an old elven tower made of green glass. The tower is a spire of swirling emerald foam, like frozen waves. In *The Death of Rúdir the Beautiful*, they call it *Gwaundil’s Pride*. An ornate archway stands open at the base of the tower allowing any to pass within. In the archway, however, lie two dead knights in plate. Those who do are struck by a *rune of protection* unless copper or iron wiring is used to short-circuit the trap: *lightning bolt* (5d6 damage, save vs. spells for half) The bodies of 3 adventurers are decomposing on the stairs leading up the next level. They seem to have died a painful death and yet they have no obvious injuries. They did not know about the **poison gas trap** triggered by the third step. If triggered, save vs. poison or die. The room above, with its polished floor, arching columns and a beautiful mosaic of roses and fern and scenes from *The Romance of Nagiaun the Cruel*, is inhabited by a **blue dragon** called *Blue Bone of the Clouds* (HD 9 AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10 F9 MV 24 ML 9 XP 900; *lightning* (as much as the dragon has hp left, save vs. dragon breath for half)). Exposure to elven dweomers has made the dragon surprisingly friendly. 「10 gems. A scroll of *moving ice* (grow an ice bridge up to 30m long from existing snow or ice).」 The top of the tower appears long abandoned. Elven relics are covered with dust and the tapestries are faded and mostly threadbare. ---
**1909**: There’s a little stream here, making its way through the 「Silent Grove」, wrapping itself around a beautiful, big, old tree. This is a Weepwarm tree, inhabited by a **dryad** of the same name: *Weepwarm* (HD 4 AC 7 1d6 F8 MV 12 ML 6 XP 400; charm person, sleep, sharing, tree jump, animate tree (3×/day): HD 8 AC 2 2d6/2d6 F8 MV 6). At the foot of the tree lies a human skeleton. She is looking for a new lover! ---
**1910**: These trees are part of 「Silent Grove」. The undergrowth is thick and thorny, leading to long detours. Without a guide, you will get lost on 1–2 in 6. A system of big tunnels is home to 3 **giant weasels** (HD 5 AC 7 1d8 F3 MV 15 ML 8 XP 500). ---
**2001**: Up here in the mountains lies lake *Dead Mirror*. A green glass tower has been built in this lake. The Earth Blood in this tower has turned previous visitors into 11 **orange yellow slimes** (HD 3 AC 5 *paralysis* F3 MV 9 ML 12 XP 300; only harmed by water; eats spells: add 1d6 hp per spell level absorbed; immune to sleep and charm person). At night, a pale light emanates from the windows of the tower in the form of wisps of vapour. The locals call it *The Elf Ruin*. There’s no visible entrance. Anybody taking a dive would find an underwater entrance. Hidden between the reeds there is a small rowing boat. A school of silver and blue minnows swirl and spin before the opening to a cave under the tower.
**2002**: Immortalizing a long dead monarch, a nearly demolished statue graces a nearby crest. On one of the Ancient Barrow hills stands an old tower overlooking the lands below. This is the home of a **manticore** called *Bastard of Hate* (HD 6+1 AC 4 1d6/1d6/1d10 or *spikes* F6 MV 18 ML 9 XP 600; 24 *spikes* (60ft, 1d6), up to 6/rd). 「8000 silver coins. 4000 gold coins.」 ---
**2003**: The rocks up here are covered in grey and orange lichens. A grey **monolith** stands here. In the weeks when the sky is clear and a full moon casts its silvery light onto the monolith’s surface, silvery spirals can be seen. If you trace them with your finger, you are transported to a similar monolith (0903).
**2004**: Here the hills grow rough, bearing only a few tufts of Knifegrass. The Oldland hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Lower Hole of Moroson*.
Wandering monsters: 4 **snakes** (HD 2 AC 6 1d4 + *poison* F1 MV 9 ML 7 XP 200; *poison*: when bitten, save vs. poison or die).
1. _Charnel Pit:_ Most of the entrance is around a deep pit, filled with bones and corpses of indeterminate type.
1. _Slave Pen:_ A deep pit with sharp glass stakes angled downward prevents anyone at the bottom from climbing out.
* a barrel full of rotten furs 1. _Barracks:_ Carved directly into the walls are bunks that could easily be mistaken for funerary niches.
* The **snake artist** **Timeo** (HD 1 AC 9 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 7 XP 100; flute, club) and their 2 **snakes** in woven baskets (HD 2 AC 6 1d4 + *poison* F1 MV 9 ML 7 XP 200; *poison*: when bitten, save vs. poison or die) * a decomposing doll lying inside a dingy crib → inside the crib → beneath the fake floor: 「660 silver coins 30 gold coins.」
1. _Guano Pit:_ The clamor of high-pitched chirps and squeals echoes from the darkness above, the stench of ammonia hangs heavy in the air above a floor covered in guano.
* 4 **snakes** (HD 2 AC 6 1d4 + *poison* F1 MV 9 ML 7 XP 200; *poison*: when bitten, save vs. poison or die) 1. _Treasure Room:_ All that remains are a collection of chests and a shelf full of assorted locks and keys. * 7 **snake people** (HD 2+1 AC 5 1d8 F2 MV 12 ML 7 XP 200; charm person 3×/day) serving the **naga** *Dread Wisdom of Death* (HD 9 AC 7 1d8+*poison* F18 MV 6; fireball (7d6) 3×/day; charm person at will; only harmed by magic or magic weapons)
* 「1 jewelry. A potion of *knockout* (pink, silvery flakes, 1h, save vs. poison or lose consciousness; tasteless, can be mixed with water and wine). A scroll of *unlocking doors* (unlocks and unbars a door up to 2m wide).」 ---
**2005**: The 「Murky Weald」 reaches these highlands and slowly thins out. A few coniferous trees are the last ones to brave the snow at these altitudes. This fir forest is home to a pack of 10 **wolves** (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18 ML 6 XP 200). ---
**2006**: Somewhere up here between the cliffs there is a secret door. In the presence of an amulet of passage bearing the *Black Stinger of the Cave Tree* sigil, the door glides opens and reveals stairs leading down to the underground elven *Fortress of Dolthaor*.
The bronze gates lead to the eternal throne room of *Dolthaor*, an ancient **spectre** that still sits here on a throne of chains of steel and a thousand horse skulls (HD 6 AC 2 1d8 + *drain* 2 levels F6 MV 15 ML 11 XP 600; only harmed by magic or magic weapons; immune to sleep and charm person). 「6 gems. 10 jewelry. A scroll of *moving ice* (grow an ice bridge up to 30m long from existing snow or ice).」 The elves live amongst the vaults and mausoleums of Dolthaor’s servants and retainers, their sarcophagi serving as decorations and altars.
The central space around which the elven mansions have been built is a fungus garden. 7 **myconids** tend to it (HD 3 AC 8 – F3 MV 6 ML 7 XP 300; *read mind*, *dominate*, *knockout*, *gravity control* (3d8): save vs. spells to avoid; *silent message*). 「2 jewelry.」
19 **elves** live here (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *light foot* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100), led by *Hilwen* (level 6). The spells known are based on *The Book of Dragons* by Fanthaiel the Hunter: 1. *light foot*, *sleep*, 2. *far seeing*, *invisibility*, 3. *breathing*, *haste*. 「A *long sword of light* +3 (60ft), made in Asgard for the valkyrie *Fight* (the sword rejects anybody who refuses to join three fights while carrying the sword). The *gloves of the dark lord* allows you to lift anybody no larger than yourself and strangle them: they must save vs. spells or be held and suffer 1d6 damage.」
**2007**: The upper valley is rocky and bare. There is a huge wooden fort up here. They must have cut down an entire forest to build it. It is huge. 4 **hill giants** led by *Dwarf Finder* (HD 8 AC 4 2d6 F8 MV 12 ML 8 XP 800). 「5000 gold coins. 200 platinum coins. A dwarven *short sword* +2 with dwarven runes naming the owner: *Gudfinnur Strongtomes* of *Skylight*.」 ---
**2008**: Carefully plowed slopes make the most use of limited flat land here. The Dryland hills are home to a dungeon. This is *The Terrible Basement of Golga*.
Wandering monsters: 11 **myconids** watching their mushroom circle (HD 3 AC 8 – F3 MV 6 ML 7 XP 300; *read mind*, *dominate*, *knockout*, *gravity control* (3d8): save vs. spells to avoid; *silent message*). On nights of the full moon, or on a 1 in 6, the portal to Myrkheim opens. If so, 17 **elves** (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *silk* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100) led by *Thúlwen* (level 6) will be visiting from Myrkheim. The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *silk*, *rope command*, 2. *glamour*, *spider senses*, 3. *observation*, *web*. 「A map to the …. A *diadem of the slaver* (when targeted by a spell, it is redirected to a person within 10ft if you save vs. spells).」 .
1. _Mine Shaft:_ The beginnings of a mine for a vein that soon tapped out. Some abandoned mattock and pick blades are here, their wooden handles long rotted.
1. _Mined Wall:_ Rusty buckets contain rubble and stones, while a large wooden support beam leans precariously to the left.
* a heap of rotten apples * a rafter above → hidden in the shadows → a bag: 「133 silver coins 10 gold coins.」
1. _Cistern:_ A deep brick well stands in the center of this room, a dented bucket on a very short length of rope nearby.
* an **ettercap** alert (HD 5 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6 + *poison* F5 MV 12 ML 9 XP 500; *climb*; *poison*: when bit, save vs. poison or be paralysed for 2h) 1. _Debris Room:_ Rubble left over from excavation is overflowing a large pit in the center of this room.
* metal chains hold a dead halfling 1. _Barracks:_ Several sleeping mats and rough cotton pillows stuffed with moldy hay line the walls.
* a small curtain concealing an empty small alcove 1. _Antechamber:_ Cast iron coat hooks and weapon racks are built into the walls here.
* paintings of lions hunting goat * a brick wall → a fake brick → behind it is a small hollow: 「393 silver coins」 1. _Hoard:_ A mass of 「7000 silver」, some cut in half, others melted together, forms a great pile in the center of this room; protected by a **tripwire poison arrow**: triggered by a pole; wall is nicked where arrows missed their target; single hole on the opposing side; visible wire when moving with a light source → roll an attack against the first person: 1d6 damage and save vs. poison or die
* the **ettin** *Touch and Go* (HD 11 AC 3 3d6/3d6 F10 MV 12 ML 9 XP 1100; only surprised on a 1 in 6)
* 「10000 silver coins.」 ---
**2009**: On one of the rock faces you can still see the markings of the old dwarf forge *Grimmeater*. The ruin has been settled by the *Hairy Wart Gnawer* tribe. This is where they study dwarven technology and build strange and wonderful machines from the wreckage, and this is where they cultivate their mushrooms to make smoked Red Rat Puffball seasoned with garden cress and caramelized cauliflower.
60 **orcs** led by *Othzog* (HD 7) live here (HD 1 AC 6 1d6 F1 MV 12 ML 8 XP 100). 「10000 silver coins. 5 gems.」 「A map to 7 jewels hidden in a secret compartment in the dwarven forge *Thunder* (1609). An *amulet of shape changing*, blessed by Loki (vulture, allows you to fly).」 *Othzog* is a famous engineer in the *Cog and Wheel school of Destruction*.
The orcs have built their settlement near the gatehouse guarding the entrance to the forge, with murder holes and arrow slits to defend against intruders. The round huts are protected by a **boar** (HD 3+1 AC 6 1d8 F1 MV 15 ML 9 XP 300). The rooms are full of chests to sit on, covered with beautiful carpets. They are filled with polished ancestral bones.
**2010**: The forest here is deep and quiet. They say that the trees here will try to lead you astray. Without a guide, you will get lost on 1–2 in 6. Elves have built their network of hanging bridges and little tree houses in 「Silent Grove」, where the sunlight filters through the Boatgown trees. As agile and silent in the branches as they are on the forest floor, the settlements perimeters are patrolled by 2 **giant ocelots** (HD 4 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d8 F2 MV 21 ML 8 XP 400; surprise on 1–4 in 6). This the home of the *Wise Ones*, 17 **elves** (HD 1 → 1d6 AC 5 1d6 or *rope command* 1×/day E1 MV 12 ML 10 XP 100) led by *Lainon* (level 5). The spells known are based on *The Book of Weaving* by Iauniel the Hidden: 1. *rope command*, *spider climb*, 2. *spider senses*, *liquefy*, 3. *observation*. 「A scroll of *bashing walls* (punch a hole 20m wide and deep into anything made of wood, earth or stone; living things, textiles, leather, metal, and all that are not affected). An elven *long sword* +1 with elven runes naming its owner: *Gruindir*.」 *Gruindir* wants *the armour of Peguieth* (1709) back. It was stolen many decades ago, they say. ---
<h1 id="appendix-a">Appendix A: Spellbooks</h1>
These spells are from the Spellcasters project.<div style="font-size: smaller; column-count: 2">Each paragraph begins with the **spell name** followed by the spell circle in parenthesis (1–5), also known as the *spell level*.
**Air blast** (1) turns the exhalation of the caster into a blast of air that extinguishes candles and torches up to 30ft away. Flying creatures such as harpies or giant bees are automatically pushed up to 30ft away. When used on a surprised opponent, they are automatically *blinded* for a round (-4 to hit).
**Air surf** (1) allows you to glide for up to 300ft through the air at 60ft/rd. You cannot gain any altitude. As you glide through the air, you make no sound as you don't need to move.
**Airstrike** (5) gives you and anybody else within 10ft the ability to run through the air for 20min as if running on an invisible path created just for you.
**Amnesia** (1) allows you to look somebody in the eyes and lets them forget what just happened, up to ten minutes. At 5th level, victims can forget up to a day. This includes all the spells they memorised. Creatures immune to *charm* or sleep spells are also immune to amnesia; anybody else must save vs. spells if they want to look away in time.
**Animate dead** (3) animates the dead and turns them into zombies. You can control up to two times your level in a given round but you are free to animate more. Better keep them in a vault if you do, however. Freed, they'll roam the earth and spread like a plague because anybody slain by a zombie rises as a zombie within 24h. HD 2 AC 8 1d8 F1 MV 12 ML 12.
**Animate rock** (3) animates a large boulders up to the size of an elephant (HD 9 AC 4 3d6 F9 MV 12). The rocks are pulled from their slow time into the present and it confuses them. They can be controlled for 1h if control slips, they are free to do what they want. Usually they run off into nearby hills and mountains before eventually slowing down again.
**Animate tree** (2) animates a tree within 30ft of you (HD 8 AC 2 2d6/2d6 F8 MV 6). The tree speaks the language of plants which the caster doesn't automatically understand but the tree tends to attack fire bearers, axe wielders, and any buildings in the vicinity. Sometimes that is enough.
**Artifical life** (3) animates matter and imbues it with life. A handful of gems are required to bind the magical energies. The value of these gems makes no difference. The HD of such a golem is limited by the matter used and it is limited to its creator's level minus one. Such a creature needs no rest, no food, no water and no friends. It does not sicken nor does it ever die unless destroyed by violence. Golems do not speak and are a bit dim. They don't use interesting tactics, they can't cast spells and they don't use ranged weapons, but they defend their creator at all costs, taking any blows aimed at them, if possible. Sadly, while most are loyal servants they still take a retainer slot. If their creator has more retainers than allowed by their charisma, the golems may malfunction and gain independence.
**Aura of fear** (1) affects one victim within 30ft; they must save vs. spells or flee for as many rounds as you have levels.
**Awaken stone** (4) turns a boulder into a stone giant (HD 9 AC 1 3d6 F8 MV 6; surprise foes 1–3/6). The giant speaks your language and is as helpful as it can in the immediate situation. As soon as politely possible it wanders off to finally see the world after all these years.
**Awaken tree** (3) turns a tree into a treant (HD 8 AC 8 2d6/2d6 F8 MV 6; surprise foes 1–3/6). The treant speaks your language and is as helpful as it can in the immediate situation. As soon as politely possible it wanders off, wanting to finally see the world after all these years.
**Ball of fire** (1) creates a big ball of rolling fire in front of you and sends it rolling towards a target within 60ft. Upon impact it explodes and deals 3d6 damage, save vs. spells for half. The ball must travel on solid ground and cannot cross water.
**Bear shape** (2) turns you into a bear with big hairy arms, long claws and a terrible jaw with big teeth. Deal damage like a bear: 1d6/1d6/2d6. If both claws hit, a *bear hug* deals an extra 2d8 damage. Your attack, armour class and hit points do not change. Your strength bonus remains as is, including bear strength, if any. Clothes and armour worn automatically warps and bends with you and still fits perfectly. The spell lasts for 20min.
**Bear strength** (1) grants a target strength 13 (+1) for 1h. At 5th level, this increases to strength 16 (+2). At 9th level, this increases to 18 (+3). If the target is already that strong, nothing is gained.
**Beauty** (2) turns you into a beautiful and alluring young woman for a day and a night, an eye catcher, one that makes others stumble and gawk. Your smell is intoxicating, your voice is bliss, your hair so beautiful people cry tears of joy when they see it. Anybody attracted to your sex must save vs. spells whenever they want to act against your wishes. If they make the save, they may move as they wish and say what they want, for an hour.
**Bedazzlement** (2) creates a 30ft radius aura around you. Nobody in range may harm or resist you unless they save vs. spells, or if you harm them.
**Bend space** (3) within 20ft for 10min: take steps 20ft longer, extend the reach of your arms by 20ft, grow the neck of a giraffe or the tongue of a frog. To the people around you, it seems as if your limbs are extremely elongated and thin and that your movements are quick and blurry but you don't feel weakened by this.
**Binding touch** (4) charges your palms with contact power so that anybody you touch this round is bound to your hands the next round. Any damage you deal the next round applies to all the victims your touched this round. When running into a dense army formation, you will surely be able to touch two dozen people in a round.
**Bird friendship** (1) allows you to talk with all birds for a day.
**Blade storm** (4) summons a magic blade for every level (minimum 7) from your palms and shoot it at a target up to 60ft away. Each blade deals 1d10 damage. You must roll to hit for every blade. No save. The blades rust away in a few days.
**Blight** (3) allows you to pick up to one target per level (minimum 5) within 60ft. Targets must save vs. death or start burning up from the inside as black fire consumes them: as long as you focus on it they take 5d6/rd until they are dead or leave the spell range.
**Bolt of power** (1) shoots one unerring bolt of liquid sunlight dealing 1d6+1 to a target within 180ft. This increases to three missiles at level 5 and to five missiles at level 10. You may aim these missiles at different targets.
**Bone binding** (5) is an ancient ritual by which you can boil away your flesh, and bind your own bones, turning yourself immortal. The spell slot for this spell is permanently bound to your bones and no longer available. You can no longer be healed but if your pieces are reassembled, you are restored within a week. You can never be killed, your bones cannot be broken, nor can they be burned, but they can be ripped apart and buried in far away places to break your power. Your soul, your senses, your power of speech, and your ability to cast spells remains bound to your skull for all eternity. And you *know* where your remaining bones are.
**Bone casting** (2) enables the caster to throw bones covered in runes and read the fate of another person looking at the same runes. This reveals whatever awaits the other person within the time frame you are interested in: is there a trap behind this door, does an ambush await us on this pass, without revealing how this fate can be avoided.
**Boneless** (1) allows you to bend your body into impossible shapes for 20min. You can move as if you didn't have any solid bones in your body such that you can squeeze through holes the size of a ring if you're not wearing a thing. Sadly, the things you wear remain as solid as ever.
**Breath of cold** (3) creates a cone of cold up to 60ft long dealing 1d6 per caster level, save vs. spells for half. It also extinguishes all fires and freezes all water surfaces.
**Breath of life** (5) grants new, intelligent life to dead matter. You can grant new life to trees, rocks, corpses, statues, flames, anything you want. Their life is bound to the body you granted them but their soul is eternal, just like yours.
**Breathing** (3) allows one target to breathe poisonous air for one day without suffering any adverse effects.
**Bury the living** (4) allows you to have the ground swallow a living being standing on it. They must save vs. death or they are buried alive in a depth unknown. There they remain in a magic stasis until the end of the world unless they are called forth by a reversal of this spell. Since they are not really dead, their soul remains imprisoned in their body and they cannot be raised from the dead unless they brought back to the surface. It is possible to cast the reversed spell without a specific target in mind, in which case a random victim of the past millennias is freed: a powerful and thankful non-player character of level 6+1d4 with all their equipment on them.
**Call of the wolf** (4) summons 2d6 intelligent *shadow wolves* from the void between the realms. These stay for 10min: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18; surprise foes on 1-5 in 6; only harmed by magic or magic weapons.
**Calm** (1) prevents 2d8 creatures you can see from attacking anybody for the next twenty minutes unless they are defending themselves. Even when attacked, the hold of the spell is not broken. As soon as the attackers put their weapons away, victims of this spell stop fighting at the end of the round. Victims are only granted a saving throw vs. spells if they are the same level as you or higher.
**Camouflage** (1) allows you to change colours for 1h. Anything you carry changes colour with you. As long as you're not moving, there's a 1–5 in 6 chance that people cannot spot you. People that have spotted you cannot be fooled again.
**Cancellation** (3) is a sign you flash with your fingers and a powerful hum that ends all spells and suppresses all magic for a round.
**Chariot of fire** (2) sets your chariot on fire such that anywhere you ride flammable objects start burning and anybody standing too close takes 1d6 fire damage, no save.
**Charm male** (1) affects a single male person¹ for a day, save vs. spells to resist. While charmed, victims treat you as their true love. To leave you is to die. To resist you in anything is impossible. If the charm is renewed daily, the target is unwilling to resist and thus remains forever enthralled as long as the spell is renewed. Once a victim break free, they remember everything they did and if they did anything they would not have ordinarily have done, they react with shame and anger. Charms usually cause severe emotional distress!
**Charm person** (1) affects a single target, save vs. spells to resist. To break free, victims save again every day if their intelligence is 13 or better, every week if their intelligence is average, or every month if their intelligence is 8 or lower. While charmed, victims treat you as their best friend. Once victims break free, they remember everything they did and if they did anything they would not have ordinarily done, they react with shame and anger. Charms usually cause severe emotional distress!
**Clone** (5) creates a perfect clone of yourself. The clone is in perfect cryostasis surrounded by white fog and bathed in blue light. Should you die or will yourself to rebirth, your clone awakens and you die. There can be only one! Any extra clones remain in stasis. Your later memories only transfer very vaguely to the clone.
**Cloudkill** (5) calls forth a deathly cloud of yellow-green gas that spreads slowly for 1h with 20ft/rd, creeping along the ground, seeping into openings, killing any creature with less than 4 HD; creatures with more HD must save vs. poison or die. Even if they make the save, they take 1 damage/rd. Thus, remaining inside the cloud kills almost anybody. As it spreads for over a mile in all directions, it creates a true dead zone. Creatures immune to poison are not affected.
**Club of law** (2) turns your own weapon into a searing weapon of light dealing an extra 1d6 damage. If your weapon is not magical, it now counts as a magical +0 weapon. The spells lasts for 20min.
**Commune** (4) gives you the voice of an angel with which to call on any divine powers, no matter how desperate your situation. Divine help might include your evacuation to the realm of the power you called upon, the arrival of a divine agent like a valkyrie.
**Converse with corpse** (2) allows you to contact the spirit of the dead and talk to them for half an hour if you are in possession of their skull. The more years have passed since their passing, the harder it is to understand them.
**Creation** (5) is like making a *wish*: use it to create or destroy inanimate matter as big as a ship. This takes 10min to cast. The creation is powered by elemental air. Using it to generate a ship of gold will work but it attracts other elemental creatures trying to right the imbalance: Jinn, Afarit, Ghouls or Marid, for example.
**Curse** (4) affects a visible target within hearing distance, or anybody who's hair you have in your fingers, unless they save vs. spells. Curses include *love* (intelligence 3), *weakness* (strength 3), *trembling* (dexterity 3), *sickness* (constitution 3), *coughing up worms* (charisma 3), *shape changing* (turn into an animal during either day or night), *bad luck* (-4 to all saves) and the like. When pronouncing the curse, you must mention a way for somebody to break the curse ("until kissed by a prince" or "until invited into a house", for example). The curse can be broken by a reversal of this spell.
**Curse of drowning** (3) allows you to pick a living and breathing creature and curse them to near drowning for an hour. They lungs fill with water, they cant speak, they can't cast spells, and they must save vs. death every time they attempt strenuous activity (such as attacking). If they fail, all they can do is gag up the water. If they fail twice in a row (easily avoided by simple not doing anything everytime you fail), you faint for 1d6 rounds.
**Curse the land** (5) enchants an entire region and places a curse on it, for example eternal slumber or permanent winter. The pronouncement of the curse must be followed by a feasible way to undo it and this possibility must be known to at least one witness. There is no other way to end this curse. As long as somebody else remembers the curse and the way to undo it, the curse is upheld. When the last person who knows how to break the curse dies, the curse is lifted. If the curse affects people directly, such as the eternal slumber curse, they must save vs. spells to be able to leave the cursed region.
**Darkness** (1) with a radius of 60ft and a duration of 2h; anybody within it is blind (-4 to hit). Victims get a save vs. spells.
**Death ray** (4) is a ray of green energy that kills its victim instantly unless they save vs. death. Range 120ft.
**Decay** (4) is a curse that affects anything built by mortals: walls, buildings, ships, heirlooms. It doesn't matter. With a touch, you can speed up its decay by many magnitudes. Within minutes, it is visibly old and frail, after an hour or two parts are failing and within a day the structure collapses.
**Detachment** (2) allows you to detach pieces of your body, and reattach them, as long as they haven't been separated from your body for more than 20min. This includes hands, eyes, and ears. You can still control detached pieces and you still see and hear and feel what they do. If you fail to reattach detached pieces, they wither and die and don't not regenerate.
**Detect magic** (1) makes all magic items within 30ft give of a faint blue glow for 10min. Anybody can see this glow.
**Dispel magic** (3) will dispel ongoing spells and suppress magic items for 1d4 rounds.
**Doll** (4) allows you to create a doll of another person, if and only if you have a bit of their hair. This doll is linked to the owner of the hair. If you lift the doll and hold it close to your face, they can see your face, hear your voice, smell your breath, feel your touch. And you can hear them whisper with a very thin voice, too. And if you stab the doll with hot needles, if you set it on fire, then the other person suffers the most grievous pain and takes 1d6 damage per round until their organs rupture, their blood boils and their skin catches fire. It is a heinous way to go. And while they are dying, they – and anybody close to them – can see your face, hear your voice. They know who did it.
**Door** (2) creates an unlocked door¹ in a wall you touch. The wall may not be thicker than a foot: you can enter many buildings but not pass through castle walls. The door is big enough for you to pass through comfortably and no bigger. The door remains until closed.
**Dragon tongue** (4) grants you the ability to speak using the power of the first born. Any living creature thus addressed and able to hear must save vs. spells or obey your next ten commands for a minute. This includes suicidal actions. This mind fork causes severe emotional distress!
**Dreamtime** (4) gives you and your pack (up to twenty people) access to the distant past, or maybe a past that never was, a time when humanity and wolves learned to hunt together, like sisters and brothers, one pack, one family. A place outside of time. This is where the big hounds hunt, this is were the immortals tread - the ones that simply never went back. They decided to remain here, where the glaciers are thick and strong and the tundra stretches forever. You can spend as many days and months and years here as you want. You age appropriately but still return to the present, if you return. By moving around in the Dreamtime, you also move your point of return.
**Drowning** (4) fills a targets lungs within 60ft with water and kills them unless they save vs. spells. This spell has no effect on creatures that don't breathe air.
**Eagle eyes** (1) allows you to see through the eyes of any bird you can see, for 20min. Simply look up at the sky, focus onto a bird and see what it sees.
**Earth blood mastery** (5) enables you to find one of those rare spots where the Veins of the Earth meet and master their energy. From this spot, you can control the powers of creation. Within 120ft from this spot, you can create or destroy inanimate matter as you wish. This takes 10min.
**Earth blow** (4) summons giant piercing steel needles from the Deep Earth, up to 60ft long, able to crush walls, split mountain sides, cause landslides and avalanches. This is the hatred of Earth made manifest.
**Earth ship** (4) summons forth ship of stone that can glide through the earth while the sun is up. Only you can make it move. Without you, or without sunlight, it stops, resulting in a strange stone building. Similarly, the trail of destruction it leaves behind as it plows through the land is permanent: buildings are destroyed, trees are smashed, canals are dug.
**Empathy** (1) allows you to know how one other person feels as soon as they look into your eyes. This lasts for 20min. They feel as if you were gazing into their soul, which in a way you are.
**Energy** (2) invigorates the beaten and the wounded. Lay your hands on a victim and restore 2d6+1 hit points.
**Entrapment** (2) creates a 10ft diameter trapped zone which wakes and alerts anybody nearby with a loud whistle if anybody steps into it. Victims must save vs. spells in order to move out of the zone. Flying over the entrapment avoids the trap. The entrapment lasts for 24h but the caster may end the spell at any time.
**Eternal starlight** (2) can be cast on anything within 60ft; if you target anything with eyes, it must save vs. spells or be blinded (-4 to hit, no targeting of spells).
**Exhaustion** (3) turn a whisper of yours into an enormous burden for anybody intelligent that hears you speak. Without needing to understand a word, people within 60ft drop to their knees, close their eyes, drop their weapons, pray for deliverance or start crying. Every round, victims must save vs. spells in order to recover their wits. While in this state of utter exhaustion, victims defend themselves but don't attack. If you are note brazen about it, you may pass amidst the victims without alerting them to your presence. Your allies had better cover their ears as you start whispering these words of despair.
**Extra arms** (2) grows up to four tentacles for 20min. They act semi-autonomously, grabbing things within their reach, letting go if you move on, pulling them closer if you stand still. This is perfect for climbing rocks and trees, carrying things, and other simple tasks where you need to get a grip.
**Extra hands** (3) grows six more human arms for 20min (up to eight arms). These arms are under your control and each can wield a weapon as well as you do.
**Extra hearing** (2) allows you to hear the faintest sound within 300ft for a day. Within this range, you hear anybody walking and overhear any conversation. At the same time, more than ten people moving or talking within range confuses you and any shouting or banging hurts.
**Extra pocket** (1) opens a tunnel to a pocket dimension behind a closed lid of a chest or inside a small pouch. There is enough space here for a big chest. Everybody casting this spell gets their own little place. If you cast the spell again, you can get to the things you placed there. They say that there is a way to get at other people's pockets but the spell to connect two pockets is lost.
**Extra room** (2) creates a little pocket dimension behind a closed door. When you open the door, it leads to a small stuffy room with space enough for four people to huddle on the floor. Closing the door a second time ends the connection between the door and the room. Anybody left behind is stranded until somebody else happens to use the same spell. This is why there always is a 1% chance of meeting somebody unimportant in the little closet.
**Eyes of the overlord** (2) allows you to see anything invisible within 60ft. The spell lasts for 20min.
**Eyes of truth** (5) reveals all illusions, invisible things, ethereal beings, astral projections and whatever else there is. This spell lasts for 10min.
**Far seeing** (2) creates a floating eye in your palm which you can send anywhere you like. Anything it sees, you see. It travels 60ft per round and lasts for 10min. It can see in the dark if you can see in the dark.
**Fate** (5) allows you to spin invisible threads of chance and fate to entrap a particular person. You can cover a 100ft cube in a day. When the person enters the area, they end up doing the things you suggested with your threads, if at all possible. Random events trigger reactions that lead to consequences that you have laid out when weaving the threads. The spell can be cast multiple times in order to affect more people. The threads linger for as long as the surrounding walls keep standing. The world is full of these threads, waiting for victims that have passed a way ages ago.
**Feasting** (3) creates food and drink of the finest quality enough for a party of twelve for the entire day.
**Feather fall** (1) allows you to fall any distance without taking any falling damage. This spell can be cast at any time, so as long as you are conscious, not gagged, and have at least one free hand available, you can cast it before hitting the ground.
**Fire proofing** (5) makes a location impervious to fire for a year and a day. This is how you secure buildings in Muspelheim.
**Fire resistance** (1) makes one target impervious to one die of fire damage per round. This means flaming oil does not harm you, flaming weapons don't deal an extra 1d6 damage on a hit, you can enter melee against somebody wrapped in a *fire cloak*, and so on. The spell lasts for 1h.
**Fireball** (3) shoots forth a tiny, flaming missile flies for up to 180ft and explodes upon impact. Anybody within 20ft takes 1d6 damage per caster level (minimum 5d6). Save vs. spells for half. All flammable objects within the blast are set on fire.
**Firetrap** (2) draws invisible runes of power onto the ground in front of you. If anybody touches it, it all blows up for 4d6 damage, save vs. spells for half. These runes remain active until triggered, long after your death, if necessary.
**Fist of air** (1) enables you to air punch and have those hits travel through the air towards enemies for 10min. You must still roll to hit and you still apply your strength bonus to hit and damage.
**Fist of death** (5) is a strike with your fist which immediately kills the victim. You must still roll to hit. No save.
**Flame arrows** (3) fills a bucket or any similar container with a magic burning substance that can be used to dip arrows into it. This turns every arrow into a magic flaming arrow which adds an extra 1d6 damage to a hit. Up to 50 arrows can thus be lit. This liquid can also be used like flaming oil, burning for one round for every unlit arrow, dealing 1d8 damage every round until extinguished.
**Flame cloak** (1) surrounds you in fire such that anybody attacking you in melee must take 1d6 damage per round. The spell lasts for 20min or until doused by water.
**Flaming arrows** (3) enchants a quiver or barrel containing up to 50 arrows such that an arrow drawn from this container burns with a golden fire dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage. After 20min, all remaining arrows lose their magical fire.
**Flaming blade** (2) turns any blade into a flaming blade dealing an extra 1d6 damage. If the blade is not magical, it is considered to be a magic +0 weapon. The spell lasts for 20min.
**Flaming sword** (2) turns a regular sword into into a flaming sword dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage. After 20min, the sword loses its magical fire.
**Flash flood** (4) creates a sudden flood from a body of water within 150 ft. Anybody caught by it must save vs. death or be swept away. If wearing metal armour, save vs. death again or drown within a minute or two.
**Flatten** (3) causes an air blast to flatten anything around you within 60ft if it isn't rooted in the earth. Creatures smaller than humans are thrown through the air, taking 1d6/10ft damage when crashing down. If they attacked you in melee, they take the full 6d6 damage. Human size creatures are blown off their feet and thrown back, taking 1d6 damage and granting anybody else still standing a +4 to their attack. Wooden doors, shuttered windows, glass, porcelain, clay and any other such structures are shattered.
**Fly** (3) allows you to fly at your walking speed for 2h.
**Flying** (3) allows you to fly at half you movement speed (like a person wearing plate armour) for 2h. When the spell ends and you are still flying, you fall and take the usual 1d6 per 10ft falling damage
**Flying bears** (5) summons a sloth of 1d6+2 confused and angry flying bears: HD 8 AC 6 1d6/1d6/2d6 MV 12 fly; an extra 2d8 if both claws hit.
**Flying stones** (1) causes a rock lying on the ground to levitate. You can move it around for 10min with the wave of a hand and with an air punch it flies off up to 120ft and deals 2d6 damage on a target, save vs. spells for half.
**Focus** (2) and all your melee attacks next round are an automatic hit dealing maximum damage.
**Fortification** (4) protects a location such as a castle from arcane intruders for a day by creating magical fortifications and barriers which prevent any magical or summoned creatures from coming closer than 100ft and it prevents any magical effects from crossing the boundary: you can cast spells inside the fortification but you can throw a fireball from the outside at anything inside the fortification. The barriers do not dispell magic: a charmed person could still walk past the barrier carrying a magic sword.
**Frozen path** (2) freezes water in front of you for as long as you concentrate. If you need to run, save vs. spells to keep the ice growing fast enough. The frozen path is 10ft wide and melts naturally. The ice can be broken by attacks dealing 3d6 damage or more. You can reverse the spell to create a water path through ice.
**Frozen slumber** (4) allows you to freeze yourself or any target within 100ft. Inside the ice, your metabolism slows to a crawl, enabling you to survive centuries, if you want -- or imprisoning your foes for centuries, if you want. You have a vague idea of your surroundings while inside the ice and can trigger a thaw when you feel the time is right. When you die, anybody else you are keeping in a frozen slumber thaws.
**Gallow tree** (4) calls forth a permanent evil from Niflheim: a large tree bursts from the ground and snatches up to fifteen people within reach, trying to strangle them. When hit, victims must save vs. death or be caught; and if they are caught, they must save vs. or faint in the second round; and they are not cut down in the third round, they die. The tree keeps using its arms to snatch and kill until it has fifteen victims. These turn into loyal ghouls over night and are dropped onto anybody approaching the tree (HD 15 AC 8 *special* F8 MV 0; ghouls: HD 2 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d4 + paralysis F2 MV 9).
**Gaseous form** (3) makes you malleable and gas-like so that you may pass through anything that is not airtight. It also makes you invulnerable to non-magical weapons. You may creep along the floor like a dying man on his hands and knees, or you may rise up into the air like smoke to be blown wherever the winds will blow.
**Glamour** (2) is an illusion improving your looks in all respects, for a day: you look young and beautiful, your scars are gone, you smell of flowers, your voice is smooth and soothing. Like all illusions, anybody touching you may save vs. spells in order to see through it.
**Golem craft** (2) animates clay. This requires a cheap gem set into the forehead of the little creature. A *clay* golem has HD 3 AC 6 1d10 MV 12. When you reach level 9, you can create a *stone* golem with HD 9 AC 1 3d6 MV 12. Such a creature needs no rest, no food, no water and no friends. It does not sicken nor does it ever die unless destroyed by violence. It is not affected by cold, fire, poison, sleep or charms. Golems do not speak and are a bit dim. They don't use interesting tactics, they can't cast spells and they don't use ranged weapons, but they defend their creator at all costs, taking any blows aimed at them, if possible. Sadly, while most are loyal servants they still take a retainer slot. If their creator has more retainers than allowed by their charisma, the golems may malfunction and gain independence.
**Grafting** (4) enables you to sew together body pieces, such as attaching the leg of corpse to a person that has lost their leg. If you add more limbs than the target had when it was born, you have to add extra brains to control the extra limbs. In stressful situations (whenever you need to make a save) there is a chance that the extra brain acts on its own. The chance depends on the number of original limbs and extras: a human with an extra arm has a 1 in 5 chance of the extra arm acting on its own for a round, following a stressful situation.
**Ground strike** (3) is a strike with your fist at the ground. A blast of air deals 3d8 damage to anybody within 20ft and they must save vs. explosions or be hurled away, clearing the blast area. They fall prone where they land and until they get up, all melee attacks against them get +4 to hit.
**Grow limb** (3) makes an extra limb grow out of a body. It takes about ten minutes to form. For every limb you add beyond the number your brain was born to deal with, there is a cumulative 1 in 6 chance of it misbehaving in an emergency: a 2 in 6 chance you cannot take off with your two new dragon wings, or a 2 in 6 chance you cannot attack with your two new extra crab pincers. You could grow an extra head like an ettin and have it control the extra limbs. But then you'll need to make sure it stays loyal.
**Guided missile** (2) turns a throwing weapon into a terrible projectile that tears through the air and unerringly strikes anything you've aimed it at within 120ft, doing triple damage.
**Halt!** (2) Shouting this command forces anybody within 60ft to stop what they are doing and listen to what you have to say unless they save vs. spells. The spell ends when you move and individuals held break free when touched or threatened.
**Haste** (2) allows a target to *move* at double speed for as long as it can keep moving. Once it stops, the spell ends. Assuming a horse can move 20 miles without stopping, this spell allows it to travel 40 miles before stopping for a rest. A an ordinary horse can do this twice a day.
**Heat metal** (1) heats metal armour within 30ft such that it deals 1d6 damage every round for 5 rounds starting *next* round. Jumping into water reduces this to half. It takes more than 5 rounds to take off armour, so that doesn't help.
**Hidden lands** (5) hides an island or some other area as large as a few miles across from the prying eyes of other people for a year and a day. Only you and the ones you designate can consciously pass through the veil. If you're unconscious, you may pass, thus survivors of a shipwreck might end on your island, for example.
**Hold monster** (5) paralyses any 1d4 creatures for an hour.
**Hold person** (2) paralyses 1d4 human-like creatures for an hour. Human like creatures are not much larger than humans, made of flesh and blood, they have two legs, two arms, a head, and they can speak. Frog men are included, myconids are not; dwarves are included, giants are not.
**Ice bridge** (5) grows a bridge of ice from a patch of snow or ice you're standing on. The bridge can span up to 100m and is wide enough for an elephant to cross safely. The surface of the bridge is covered in snow and not slippery. The bridge collapses after 24h, or if the caster wills it so.
**Ice castle** (5) creates a small castle of ice from a patch of snow or ice you're standing on, or expands an existing one. Every day you may add another building. Every time the castle grows, its power over the climate in the vicinity grows as well. If you're a long lived elf with a grudge, eventually the castle grows so large that it's influence causes another ice age with the entire continent covered in glaciers.
**Ice gate** (5) weakens the veil between your location and Jotunheim, allowing you to shape a permanent passage. You can expand the dark space between the two realms, create a maze of black ice or a palace of glass, whatever you want, just as long as it remains connected at both ends. Naturally, the influence of snow and ice grow around the ice gate.
**Ice storm** (3) lets the winds of the void crash through into our reality, drawing a line of ice and cold from you towards any target you point to within 120ft. Anybody caught up in the blast must save vs. spells and take 3d10 damage or be covered by magic ice. The magic ice weakens and breaks in 10min if the air is warm enough, or if it is smashed. If the ice is smashed, the victim takes an extra 3d10 damage and is surprised, granting a free round of attacks. The magic ice encases victims, paralysing them, but it also protects them from further attacks until the ice is smashed or weakens and breaks eventually. If the air isn't warm enough to melt the magic ice, encased victims remain frozen until it does, possibly for a *very* long time.
**Ice wall** (1) pulls water up and freezes it into a thick ice barrier as big as a castle gate. This barrier has 2d6 hit points per level and AC 9.
**Icicles** (1) lifts a cup of water per level into the air and turn each one of them into an icicle. Next round, you can shoot them at designated target within 60ft dealing 1d6 damage each, save vs. spells for half.
**Illusion** (2) allows you to create and maintain an illusion as large as a house for as long as you concentrate on it. Anybody touching it may save vs. spells in order to see through the illusion. An illusion attacks like the caster but always has an AC of 9. Illusionary damage affects you as long as you believe it until you faint.
**Immunity to fire** (3) is a magic shield against all fire that lasts 1h. *Fireballs* explode without harming you. You can walk through the fires of hell without getting hurt. The shield has a diameter of 20ft, and may provide protection for an additional six people, even though you’ll have to move slowly.
**Imprisonment** (5) allows you to put a dent in reality and seal of a pocket of time and space, imprisoning a target unless they save vs. spells. For the imprisoned, time passes but their body requires neither food nor drink, nor does it age. Thus, they cannot be resurrected, nor can they be recalled from an afterlife. The prison weakens within a day unless you spend 10min fortifying it for a year and a day. If you spend a day fortifying it, the prison lasts for a thousand years unless the seals are broken. Describe the seals and how they must be broken for this to occur.
**Ink** (1) turns the air you exhale charcoal black for 20min. Anybody within it is blind (-4 to hit). The blackness quickly spreads 15ft in every direction. A gust of wind disperses it.
**Inner Peace** (3) ends all spells active on a target or in a location; it even suppresses the effect of magic items and other permanent magic effects for as long as you keep your eyes closed.
**Invisibility** (2) allows you to turn invisible until you attack a living creature. The spell can be reversed: an *invisibility purge* dispels all invisibilities within 60ft. Ethereal creatures or people shadow walking are not affected. The purge lingers for 10 minutes.
**Invisible claws** (3) focuses your hate into invisible claws or blades which whizz through the air, cutting skin and flesh wherever they can. Roll an attack on anybody within 60ft for every level of yours and deal 3d6 if you hit. No save.
**Javelins of lightning** (3) turns ten javelins into javelins of lightning. When thrown, these javelins are enveloped in chains of lightning and when they hit their target, they deal an additional 3d6 of damage, discharging the lightning. When left unused, the energy dissipates after 20min.
**Joyful dog** (1) gives anybody you touch a flash visions of puppies and happy dogs running around. This vision lifts their spirits and restores 1d6+1 hit points, up to their maximum.
**Jump** (1) enables you to leap up into the air and land safely up to 60ft away. You can also hurl yourself at enemies and deal double damage on a melee attack as you come down.
**Kill** (4) allows you see the life thread of a living target up to 60ft away and cut it. The target must save vs. death or die.
**Laser eyes** (3) grants your eyes the ability to shoot laser beams for 20min: one target per round must save vs. rays or take 1d6 damage. You can still act normally in addition to using your laser eyes.
**Levitation** (2) allows you to defy gravity for 20min. Jump up and keep floating up, climb up vertical cliff faces effortlessly, but beware the end of the spell: you take the usual 1d6 per 10ft falling damage if you're afloat.
**Lies** (1) is a simple spell allowing you to tell any lie to a single person you have eye contact with. Others do not fall for this lie and can try to dissuade the victim from acting upon their belief but this doesn't change the fact that they continue believing the lie. Every morning, the victim must save vs. spells or continue believing the lie for another day. No save when being told the lie in the first place!
**Light Beam** (4) allows you or somebody you touch to take one single step and be instantly transported to any location you can see. It is said that none of those trying to reach the celestial bodies have ever returned, but who knows.
**Light foot** (1) allows you to walk for 4h without leaving any tracks. You do not sink into snow nor disturb any leaves. The grass does not feel your touch and the branches do not snap. You can surprise your opponents on 1–3 in 6.
**Lightning bolt** (3) strikes any visible foe within 200ft and everybody standing between you and them, unless they're very small or lying on the ground. Anything within two feet of the bolt is affected and takes 1d6 damage per caster level (5d6 minimum), save vs. spells for half damage.
**Ligning bolt** (3) is a javelin of lightning dealing 1d6 per caster level (minimum 5d6) to a target within 180ft and anybody standing between you and the target. Targets may save vs. spells for half. Wooden structures like shields, doors or siege engines hit are destroyed.
**Like grass** (4) allows you to ignore all bludgeoning damage and falling damage. If you're hit by clubs, hammers, maces, wrecking balls, rocks, or whatever else, you are simply flung aside and tumble and roll like a superhero, undamaged.
**Like leaves** (4) allows you to enchant an area of 20ft diameter with up to 20 people in it (you included, if you want) in order to make them as light as dry leaves, and conjure up a strong gust of wind which blows all of them to any place you can see within one mile, allowing them land safely. Anybody trying to resist must save vs. spells in order to stay. Should they fail, they cannot land safely and take at least 1d6 damage if landing on solid ground, plus 1d6/10ft. falling damage for up to 10d6 if applicable (for a total of 11d6 maximum) and half damage when landing in water.
**Limited shape shift** (3) changes you into the animal you feel most connected to (and no other). The effect ends when you will it to end or when you die. Agrimach likes to move around as a wolf.
**Liquefy** (2) makes your jaw grow large, with acid glands, and if you manage to bite somebody in that very moment, they must save vs. poison or suffer 4d6 acid damage. If they're already dead, you can liquefy a human-sized corpse (and drink the goo, if you feel like it).
**Locate corpse** (1) allows you detect any dead or undead within 120ft. You can try and be more specific, focus on particular attributes of the corpse or even looking for a certain individual if you are in possession of a personal item or a part of their body.
**Locate creature** (1) gives you a supernatural sense of smell for an hour. You can tell what kind of creatures walked over the ground or touched the surface you're sniffing. You can track them. You recognise anybody you've previously smelled with this supernatural sense. You can track creatures if you keep your nose to the ground.
**Lock** (1) locks any closed door¹ such that only the caster can open it. Doing so ends the enchantment, though. No amount of force can open such a locked door. Should a fire or earthquake destroy all the walls around the door, it would still be locked and surrounded by its frame. Digging a hole through the walls is probably faster than waiting for the door to rot and rust away. The reverse, *Unlock* unlocks any locked door that has been locked by mundane means (obviating the need for strength checks and battle axes). It does not unlock a magically locked door. You need to break the enchantment using a stronger spell.
**Long kiss** (2) allows you to kiss somebody and create a special bond between the two of you. Both of you know where the other one is: you can feel how many days or hours you would have to walk in which direction in order to meet them. You may cut this bond at any time. If you don't, it is permanent.
**Long sleep** (1) sends one target within 30ft into magical slumber. Unwilling targets must save vs. spells or succumb. This is a light sleep, so any subsequent noise wakes the sleeper. You may specify when the target wakes. Either way, the spell ends after a year and a day. At 5th level, the spell no longer ends on its own. At 9th level, the spell affects the area 60ft around the target as well, with the exception of the caster, if so desired. Anybody entering the area must save vs. spells or succumb. Once asleep, victims do not age, do not hunger, do not thirst, but rest and heal as well as they can.
**Loud whispers** (2) enchants an area as big as a castle for a day such that whenever you whisper within the enchanted area, your whispers carry everywhere.
**Lunar runes** (1) allows you to read and write the ancient elven runes powered by lunar magic for 20min. These runes are usually invisible or hidden within ornaments and other writing. This spell makes the lunar runes glow in a pale light, visible to all.
**Lunar sailing** (5) summons a moon caravel. It appears within 10min and carries up to 20 people. The moon caravel can sail through shallow waters and on moonlit nights, it can fly up into the air and cross over into any of the other realms the navigator knows how to find using their star charts. Each chart names the location and realm it leads to. These star charts are therefore quite valuable. Sadly, mastery of this spell does not automatically grant you access to any star charts.
**Madness** (4) turns the world inside out: up to 60ft in every direction is transmogrified in the most terrible way possible. What is solid is now soft; what was meek is now terrifying; what was intelligible is now gibberish; the silence turns to thunder; the light turns to darkness. These changes are not symmetrical. Cluelessness does not turn to cleverness. Lead does not turn to gold. Usually this prevents both speaking and fighting but does allow anybody prepared for the chaos to move through the area, maybe grab somebody, pass through walls, and so on. Determine environmental changes affecting those around you (1d6): 1. acid rain deals 1d6 per round and dissolves organic material; 2. vampire anemones deal 1d6 per 10ft moved; 3. flying glass splinters blind unprotected eyes and deal 1d6 per round; 4. the floor turns into a tar pit, save vs. death unless flying and start sinking, suffocate in 1d6 rounds unless somebody unaffected aids you; 5. winds of madness make it impossible to hold onto anything that isn't securely fastened, anything flying not held fast is ripped into the space between the realms; 6. flesh melts, skin peels, intestines balloon, teeth crumble, hair falls, time and death are one and deal 1d6 per round (this damage cannot be healed, it returns at the rate of 1hp/night).
**Magic bow and arrows** (1) summons a magic bow +1 and a quiver with 20 arrows. These last until all the arrows have been shot, the bow is released, or 20min have passed. The bow cannot be passed to anybody else.
**Magic kingdom** (5) enchants an entire region and allows you to create illusions with semi-autonomous behaviour for two miles around you: a forest full of grasping roots, a candy land, whatever you want. The limitations on illusions continue to apply, however. Anybody touching an illusion may save vs. spells in order to see through the illusion. That is why the easiest illusions to maintain are scary illusions or unreachable ones, of course. An illusion attacks like the caster but always has an AC of 9.
**Magic message** (1) enchants a stone such that under the conditions named it speaks a short message. The conditions named must be such that the caster knows right then and there whether they are fulfilled or not. Thus, "when Orland the Wise walks by" is perfectly reasonable if the caster knows Orland even though the stone has no idea. On the other hand, "when the assassin of King Gerold the Good walks by" won't work unless the caster knows who it is.
**Magic shield** (4) protects you for 2h from any spells up to the third circle and thus from all elemental energies such as possessed by dragons: *ice*, *acid*, *lightning*, *fire*. This spell does not protect against poison gas. You can suspend the shield to receive beneficial spells or to cast attack spells yourself, but this opens you to a counter attack until your get to act again.
**Mastery of the nine realms** (5) transports you and anybody meditating with you for 10min to any of the eight known realms: Asgard (city of the gods), Alfheim (elves), Midgard (humans), Myrkheim (dwarves), Jötunheim (giants), Vanaheim (demons), Niflheim (trolls), Muspelheim (salamanders). Nobody knows what the ninth ream should be. Perhaps it's the space between the realms, the astral sea, or the world tree, Yggdrasil. You appear near a big and famous structures when you move to a new realm. When you return to a realm you have been to, you appear where you last left it.
**Melting walls** (5) turns stone to mud. This is usually enough to breach almost all city walls. Basically a cube of 30ft on every side is affected, so if the wall is thicker than 30ft, it won't be breached by a single casting of the spell.
**Mind blast** (2) turns a silent "boo!" into an overwhelming panic attack. 1d4 victims must save vs. spells or be knocked out for 10min. Those who make the save are still stunned for a round.
**Mind domination** (4) blows away all integrity, all honour, all resolution, it softens the will and empties the mind. A single target within 60ft must save vs. spells or be utterly dominated by your mere thoughts for 10min. The victim can receive telepathic commands as long as it stays within range and will continue executing any commands given even if outside that range. No common language is necessary. Mindless creatures such as most undead are immune against this spell.
**Mind meld** (4) allows you to bond with another being. If they are unwilling, they are granted a save vs. death. If you succeed, the two of you share a bond that goes deep: feelings, visions, individual words. The bond is permanent until you replace it by another. Spells that affect just you may affect the other person instead, if you so wish. Distance does not affect this bond.
**Mind reading** (2) allows you to read one other person's mind as soon as they look into your eyes. This lasts for 20min. Lies are impossible. A victim may save vs. spells to realize what is going and and to hide their thoughts. Nobody can hide the fact that they are hiding their thoughts from you, however.
**Mind rot** (1) confuses a target within 60ft for half an hour. They don't remember what they were doing, they don't remember their name, their friends, their enemies, their spells, the books they've read. Their soul is still here, their *feelings* are unaffected. But it's hard to act coherently if all you know is how you feel about people and situations. When the spell ends, the victims don't recall much, not even the moment they lost their mind.
**Mirror passage** (4) enchants a mirror such that it leads to the lands of the Red King, a realm built on top of a huge, ruined city and ruled by despotic nobles. From there, any mirror can be used to return to your realm of origin.
**Misdirection** (4) creates a magical maze protecting an area 100ft in diameter from discovery. This area is big enough for a nice camp site or a small house. Anybody entering the area from the outside without help from somebody inside must save vs. spells or pass through the area without discovering the protected area. They simply see whatever they expect to see around here: more trees, dark alleys, corridors and rooms, whatever is appropriate and soon forgotten.
**Mishap** (1) is a very small curse on a target within 60ft: they must save vs. spells or fail their next action, no matter what it is: all their attacks, all their spells, all their movements. If they attempt to do it, they fumble. If they try to stab somebody with a sword, they drop it. If they try to sheathe their sword, they cut themselves. If they move, they stumble. If they speak, they mispronounce.
**Moon barrier** (5) summons a shining barrier lasting for 10min and protecting you from all magic including elemental damage and all ranged weapons. You can only be damaged in melee. You can still drown and you still die if you fall into lava.
**Moon blade** (5) summons a shining blade of holy fire (+5 to hit, 2d6+5 damage) lasting for 10min.
**Needles and puppets** (1) is the art of making and enchanting little puppets made of straw and twigs and bits of cloth and lock of hair. Within ten minutes you can enchant the puppet such that it mimics the actions of the person whose hair you used: when they dance the puppet dances, when they fight, the puppet fights, and when they talk, the puppet yaps. Once per day you can stab the puppet with a needle the owner of the hair takes 1d6 damage. When reduced to zero hit points, they must save vs. death or die. You can enchant as many puppets as you have levels. If you enchant more, the older puppets gain independence and run away, trying to warn the owner of their hair.
**Network** (4) allows you to tap into the network of living spiders all around you. Any spider within two or three miles in any direction can be contacted by you by simply projecting your mind, sending back the things they can hear and see. You can understand the words spoken and read written messages even if the spider whose sense you are using cannot. It is hard to project your mind into the void, looking for things you don't know. You must know the location or person or object you're interested in, for this spell to work.
**Night vision** (2) grants you and your pack (up to twenty people) the ability to see 60ft in moonlight or starlight. The only place your eyes still cannot penetrate is the absolute darkness underground.
**No brainer** (4) grows four facial tentacles for 20min. On your next melee hit of creature with a skull no larger than a human, you deal no damage but grapple with your arms and facial tentacles. On every subsequent hit, your victim must save vs. death or have their brains destroyed by tentacles forcing their way through nostrils and eye sockets.
**Observation** (3) gives you the power to observe what somebody is doing, no matter where they are, if and only if you can eat a little bit of their hair. The target must save vs. spell in order to notice the strange presence in their mind. If they do, they may defend themselves with mind-affecting spells such as charm person, mind blast, mind reading, mind rot, or warp mind.
**One thousand fists** (2) gives you three melee attacks per round for the next 10min.
**Ooze** (2) is a very limited shape shift. You can turn to a very slow moving ooze (AC 9 MV 3) and flow through the smallest cracks – but very, very slowly. The effect ends when you will it to end or when you die. You can pick any colour but you don't gain any special abilities, cannot speak and cannot damage anybody. You can suffocate a helpless person.
**Open mind** (4) opens your mind to the warp and the howling voices of demons from that void between the realms. They speak of terrible secrets that will drive any mortal mad. You have but a few moments to search for answers: ask a question and save vs. spells. If you fail, descend into madness for half an hour. This is why others often think it best to tie down and gag anybody about to open their mind to the warp! If you make the save, you receive an answer to your question. Note that the future is unknown and remains obscure even to the demons from beyond the pale.
**Outgrowth** (2) allows organic matter to grow from your body: moss, mushrooms, grass, fur, horns, claws. You can use it to achieve perfect camouflage if you're immobile, to give off a flowery scent, or to grow fruit for somebody else to eat. You can command things to grow for ten minutes and once grown, these things stay until you cut them off manually. It takes two weeks for last traces to disappear.
**Paralysing punch** (3) is a strike with your flat hand which paralyzes the victim for a minute. You must still roll to hit. No save.
**Paralysis** (2) affects one person within 30ft; they must save vs. spells or be unable to move for 1h as they experience death, burial or the pyre, worms gnawing at their bones, flames eating their face and the crushing weight of the earth. Paralyzed victims drop everything they are holding and collapse.
**Part water** (4) allows you to travel through any body of water by parting the water. No matter how deep the ocean, you can travel along the sea floor. The partition holds for as long as you concentrate. Anybody caught in the water when the partition collapses must save vs. death or die. If they cannot swim or if they are wearing metal armour, they must continue saving every round.
**Passage** (3) enchants a closed door such that opening it creates a portal² to another, known door in the same realm. The portal remains active until the door is closed.
**Permanent darkness** (2) with a radius of 60ft; anybody within it is blind (-4 to hit, no targeting of spells). If you target somebody directly, the must save vs. spells or be blinded.
**Permanent starlight** (2) catches the surrounding light and liquefies it, and then it freezes the liquid light into a crystal which continues to shine for a hundred years.
**Phase walk** (3) allows you to see the maze of crisscrossing lines connecting the realms and with one step, you can cross over to any of the eight known realms: Asgard (city of the gods), Alfheim (elves), Midgard (humans), Myrkheim (dwarves), Jötunheim (giants), Vanaheim (demons), Niflheim (trolls), Muspelheim (salamanders). You appear far from any watchful eyes but near a building. You can bring along whatever you can carry, i.e. one other person.
**Plague touch** (2) turns you into a rotting half-corpse for an hour. Your skin starts peeling off, there's pus and other fluids, the smell is dreadful, and worst of all: it's contagious. Anybody you touch must save vs. poison or contract the same rotting disease. You loose half your hit points and don't regain them when the spell ends. Other victims you infect loose all their hit points but one within ten minutes and don't recover unless they undergo a week-long purification ritual involving a lot of bathing, fuming and changing of bandages.
**Plant growth** (4) turns a 60ft × 60ft area of bushes or trees into a magical thicket in an instant. Machetes or something equivalent will be required to traverse this undergrowth. The spell can also be used to magically enhance larger trees, turning them into majestic towers, able to carry the weight of a large and beautiful tree house, or it can be used to grow trees into magical wooden river barges, or similar wooden structures. When dispelled, the material loses its magical hardiness but doesn't immediately turn to dust. The thorns lose their sting, the wood loses its fire resistance, its imperviousness to salt water.
**Poison** (4) instantly kills a victim touched unless it saves vs. poison. This spell can be reverted to *neutralize* a poison, bringing back anybody who died of a poison within the last minute and making them immune to poison for the next hour, allowing them to survive an oncoming cloudkill, for example.
**Portal** (5) enchants a closed door such that opening it creates a portal² to any unused door anywhere in the nine realms. You can specify a building or a person and the portal created will connect to the nearest unused door. These doors are usually in deep cellars, attics, ruins, dungeons, sewers and the like. The portal is permanent until dispelled.
**Possession** (5) allows you to transfer your soul into a gem and from there you make take possession of victims within 120ft. They must save vs. spells or their soul exchanges places with your soul: they end up imprisoned in the gem and you end up in control of their body, keeping your intelligence, wisdom, charisma, level, class and alignment but getting the new host's strength, dexterity, constitution, hit points and all their abilities except for their spell casting abilities. If the gem remains within 120ft, killing the host simply forces your souls to switch places again, so their soul dies with their body where as you are back in the gem, ready to possess another body.
**Prayer for Help** (5) summons an archon, a warrior angel (HD 6 AC 1 1W8 MV 15; immune to non-magical weapons; can see in the dark; can shape change into a dog at will; can sing the Song of Truth at will, can recite the Mantra of True Intent at will, and can use the Light Beam at will). This angel supports you for a particular task as long as your intent is sincere and serves the law.
**Protection from cold** (2) protects you from ice storms and natural cold weather for 2h. If you are hit by a cold attack, you automatically take half damage. If a save grants you half damage, you only a quarter damage.
**Protection from hail** (3) protects you from missiles of all sorts for 2h. Arrows, bolts and sling stones cannot pierce this shining shield, but rocks thrown by giant or spells still break through the barrier.
**Protection from harm** (1) covers you shining armour made of solid sunlight granting you AC 4 against melee attacks and AC 2 against ranged attacks. This magic armour weighs nothing and allows you to swim. The spell lasts for 2h.
**Psalm of the Beast** (4) tames dangerous beast and befriends monsters unless they save vs. spells. You can tame as many hit dice as you have levels (at least 7). If you mistreat the victims, they may retry to save immediately. Otherwise, if treated with benevolence, they may retry their save after a week. Those who make the save start to recover gradually, so an observant spell caster can identify the troublemakers and charm them again.
**Puppet master** (3) allows you to create a puppet of another person, if and only if you have a bit of their hair. This puppet is linked to the owner of the hair. Attach some strings to the puppet and you can control the movements of the other person. You cannot make them drop something, or pick something up, or say something, or eat or drink something, but you control their arms and legs. You can make them jump, dance, fall over, crawl. Anybody who can *see invisible things* can see and follow the strings that connect the puppet to its master.
**Rain of fire** (5) opens a storm gate to Muspelheim, the realm of eternal fire. For a minute, a great roaring can be heard overhead and soot and ash fills the air, followed by 10min of liquid fire raining down, dealing 1d8 per round, setting all wooden structures on fire, killing everything that is not protected by a stone roof or impervious to fire. An area as large as a village can thus be levelled. Flying creatures immune to fire can use this gate to cross over into Muspelheim.
**Raise dead** (5) brings a corpse back to life if they have died within the last seven days. It must not suffer from fatal conditions or it simply dies again (decapitated, broken spine, that kind of thing). You need to touch the corpse and it takes about 10min to animate. This usually involves the appearance of an *angel of death* dragging the kicking and screaming soul back into the living world.
**Raise stone** (2) allows you to slowly raise a boulder as big as a carriage from the ground. Possible uses include blocking vehicles, creating a rampart, building a bridge, or rolling downhill. It is easily avoided by individuals under most circumstances.
**Read magic** (1) allows you to read and use scrolls.
**Realm** (5) enchants a closed door such that opening it leads to a little pocket realm, enough space for a building, a little land, some sky, a light above, breathable air, and everything else. Anybody casting this spell gets their own little realm. If you cast the spell again, you can reshape your realm at your will with godlike powers or change the door that leads to it. You cannot have more than one such realm and one such door leading to it.
**Recoil** (1) turns you briefly into a horrendous monster in the eyes of anybody within melee range; anybody who sees you must save vs. spells or recoil in horror and be *stunned* for one round. To be stunned means that you cannot move and you cannot attack, but opponents must still roll to hit. To recoil means to take an uncontrolled step back.
**Regrow** (3) regrows lost limbs. All limbs look like dark tentacles of the appropriate size, however. This automatically closes all wounds and stops all bleeding. The tentacles have a bit of autonomy and cannot be commanded to hold completely still. They are always exploring, grasping, holding on to things and picking up things. These tentacles can wield anything a human hand can wield.
**Restore faith** (1) heals 1d6+1 points upon touching the target
**Return** (4) allows you to create a silver thread that leads you and up to three others to a destination you have been to before. The thread leads through wrinkles in the barrier between the realms and thus effectively allows you to reach any destination in any of the known realms with no more than a dozen steps.
**River travel** (4) enchants a ship to travel up or down a river for up to 20mi, in but a moment, like a ghost, unseen but felt as a passing cold dread by people near the river.
**Rock swim** (3) allows you to dive into the rock like a fish and "swim" for 10min and to glide through the earth up to 1000ft. If the spell ends while you're still gliding through the earth, you suffocate and remain stuck forever.
**Rock throwing** (3) allows you to pick up large rocks and throw them for 20min like giants do: roll to-hit as you would, deal 3d6 on a hit, no save.
**Rope command** (1) allows you to command up to 50ft of rope for 10min. It can slither like a snake, knot and unknot, trip people passing over it, and so on.
**Scream** (2) fills the air with an unbearable screech that causes the eyes and ears of mammals to bleed, blinding them for two rounds (-4 to hit) and prevents speaking and spell casting.
**Scrying** (3) is the art of seeing far away places in the flames and smoke of a big fire. Stare into the flames for ten minutes, open your third eye, send your spirit to far away places and report what you see. You can only see what your eyes could see if you where there. No other sense is available to you. You must know the location or the person you want to see. If you are looking for a known person, the target gets a save vs. spells to avoid being scryed upon. Either way, they feel watched.
**Sea of fog** (3) calls forth the fog spirits from a small lake or a larger body of water. Within an hour, the fog can cover an area so large it would take somebody half an hour to cross from one end to the other. This is large enough to fill the streets of a town, conceal a harbour, hide a reef, or cover a valley. Within the fog, visibility is limited to a few feet.
**Servant** (2) creates a magical servant of your devising, just for you. It can be a dead body given ghoulish life, a zombie, a talking crow, or an owl, or a dead knight, anything like that. If the servant is at least as large as a child, it can fight: HD 2 AC 9 1d6 MV 9. It might even wield a weapon and wear armour, if suitable a weapon and armour can be found.
**Shadow blast** (3) opens a rift to the plane of shadows and from it pours a fetid wind of some strange substance that grows cobwebs and shrouds as it blows, and anybody caught in it must save vs. spells or be blinded, deafened and stunned for a minute. An area about 20ft wide and 300ft long is caught in this storm. To be stunned means that you cannot move and you cannot attack, but opponents must still roll to hit.
**Shadow passage** (4) lets you travel through the shadow lands and take ten companions with you. You can safely travel this way up to one hundred miles during the night or while you are underground. For every extra hundred miles everybody on this trip must save vs. death or be lost in the shadow lands.
**Shadow step** (2) allows you to step into the featureless shadow realm and move up to 30ft. This allows you to pass through walls, doors, ceilings and across chasms.
**Shadow walking** (4) is the art of opening a passage to the plane of shadows, a place where an endless labyrinth of ruins open to a dim grey sky above and a liquid darkness suffocates any travelers. Every hour spent on this plane costs a point of strength, but if you know where you want to go, every hour travelled here takes you a hundred miles in the real world. You and your companions emerge in a dark and murky place near your target destination. You may take as many people with you as will come but any whose loyalty is not certain must make a morale check or refuse. Strength lost recovers at the rate of 1/day.
**Shadows** (1) reinforces the terrors of the night. When the sun has set or underground, all shadows deepen, all light grows dim, the grows cold and fear begins to spread. Units within 60ft must make a morale check or retreat. Individuals must save vs. spells or stay put, fearful of attracting the attention of whatever lurks in the darkness. The sound of combat dispels the effect. Otherwise it holds for as long as you concentrate on it. Your concentration holds as long as you don't attack, cast a spell, or take damage.
**Shape change** (4) allows you to change your shape. You get all the physical and none of the mental abilities of your new shape: basically you get the new looks, the movement, the AC and the natural attacks. If your new shape can fly, so can you. If it can breath under water, so can you. If your new shape can't speak, you cannot cast spells. If the creature you changed into can breathe fire, you still cannot: You don't get any magical abilities with the new shape. If you change into a monster, it may not have more HD than you have levels. If you are a level 9 caster and turn into a dragon, for example, your stats change to the stats of a blue dragon: AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10 MV 24 (flying). You keep your hit points and to-hit scores since your class doesn't change. You return to your natural shape when you loose consciousness.
**Sharing** (4) allows you to grow a shared understanding with anything alive within 150ft and to maintain this contact with the area for a day: to hear what all the plants can hear, to see what all the animals can see. Intelligent beings in the area must save vs. spells or share just like everybody else.
**Shatter** (4) is shout of such terrible power that it breaks walls up to a feet thick and smash all wooden structures within 10ft, and when shouting at somebody in particular, the target must save vs. death or die.
**Shield** (1) gives you AC 3 for 2h as you can deflect blows and missiles using your bare palms.
**Shield wall** (1) summons the broken palisades and splintered shields from the battlefields of Asgard to create a wooden wall 30ft wide and 6ft tall. Breaking down this wall requires ten minutes with axes or a battering ram, and even longer using fire. The wood is otherwise permanent.
**Silence** (2) prevents any sound from originating within 15ft of the target (usually a stone, up to 180ft away). Targets may attempt a save vs. spells to avoid the effect. This would prevent them from moving out of range. Nobody can speak or cast spells within 15ft of the target. As outside noise still enters the bubble of silence, victims may not immediately notice that they have been silenced.
**Silent message** (1) allows you to send a short message and receive a short answer without speaking any words. The recipient has to be within a mile. The message does not involve any mind reading so you still need to share a common language, and replying is optional.
**Silent paws** (2) grants you and your pack (up to twenty people) the ability to run silently for 8h, if and only if you're not wearing metal armour.
**Silk** (1) allows you to weave up to 50ft of spider silk rope out of thin air. At night, it allows you to catch moonlight and weave the finest silk from it. A square up to 50×50ft of cloth can be created: nets, sails, curtains, you name it.
**Siren song** (1) gives your voice power over people: a single target must save vs. spells or be charmed when you address them. To break free, victims save again every day if their intelligence is 13 or better, every week if their intelligence is average, or every month if their intelligence is 8 or lower. While charmed, victims treat you as their best friend. Once victims break free, they remember everything they did and if they did anything they would not have ordinarily have done, they react with shame and anger. Charms usually cause severe emotional distress!
**Sleep** (1) puts 2d8 HD of creatures to sleep. It works on friend and foe alike, so it cannot safely be used against foes in melee. Lower hit dice and lower hit points are affected first. No save. Creatures with more than four hit dice are immune.
**Slipstream travel** (4) turns you and anybody else within 10ft into a magical dust that can follow any living thing as it moves through air or water for as long as you want. Usually, this is used to transport a group of people using birds.
**Slow time** (4) allows you to act four times while time around you slows to a crawl. Spells cast into slow time and attacks made in slow time take effect as time speeds up again.
**Song of Renewal** (5) heals all wounds, even the fatal ones, it regenerates lost limbs and it mends broken bones. The only thing it doesn’t do is revive the dead.
**Song of Truth** (4) prevents anybody that hears it from speaking a lie while the song continues. Once started, anybody can continue singing it, extending its duration.
**Song of speed** (3) enables a target to move twice as far, attack twice as often, cast twice as many spells per round, for 10min, as long as you keep singing softly to yourself. When singing, you can't cast any other spells yourself.
**Song of the water dragons** (1). Every river has a water dragon protecting it. Singing this song summons the dragon: HD 9 AC 0 1d8/1d8/3d10 F9 ML 9 MV 24 XP 3100; lightning bolts for 9d6, save for half. The dragon speaks the language of the locals but is not interested in performing any services. It is always interested in acquiring more treasure, though. Unless you strike a deal, the dragon takes the treasure of anybody present for the mere act of calling it.
**Sorcerous fumes** (4) calls forth boiling fumes from the and sends them rolling in any direction you want at 10ft per round. Anybody caught in these fumes must save every round vs.~spells or fall unconscious as their mind is taken into sweet dream lands. If unconscious in water, drowns immediately.
**Speak** (3) allows you to speak to any intelligent creature and understand what it is saying. For the purposes of this spell, anything with a name is assumed to be intelligent enough to speak.
**Speak with animals** (2) allows you to converse with animals of a particular species for 20min. A reaction roll might still be necessary because the animals are not automatically charmed.
**Speak with skulls** (2) allows you to reach through time and space into the afterlife and contact the souls that inhabited the skull you are holding. The conversation continues for as long as you keep talking. The soul is not necessarily friendly and cannot be charmed.
**Speak with stones** (2) allows you to talk to rocks for 20min. Sadly, their perspective is limited by their rock nature. They may report things they heard or saw (if there was light), their memories go back a long time, but they can't tell individuals apart and their sense of time is confusing at best.
**Speed** (3) doubles your actions every round for half an hour: move twice as fast, attack twice as often. You can't cast twice as many spells because timing is important.
**Spell warp** (4) disrupts magic around you. For up to 10min and as far as 60ft, reality is visibly changed: spiders crawl from their hiding places, mushrooms grow, snakes hiss, roots writhe, leaves curl, buildings groan, flowers bloom and die, spells cast fails spectacularly, magic effects are diminished, magic items screech and howl, all benefits are lost for the duration of the warp.
**Spider climb** (1) turns yourself or somebody you touch into a half spider centaur for 10min. With your spider legs, you can climb along any solid surface or rope. With your spider silk gland, you can secure yourself against falls when jumping.
**Spider senses** (2) allows you to enchant a target such that they are able to locate the smallest vibrations within 100ft using their fingertips. Anytime they touch the ground or a wall, they can pinpoint living creatures in range – as long as these also touch the ground or a wall! They can no longer be surprised. In addition to that, their heads grows six extra, sleepless eyes. This allows them to see in all directions, and to see additional colours like *jale* and *ulfire*. These eyes grant no mechanical benefits. The spell ends and the eyes disappear back into their surrounding flesh after half an hour.
**Split the ground** (4) allows you to smash your fist into the ground and split the earth. A fissure opens within seconds, and it keeps growing longer and wider while you concentrate. If you stand in front of people and you want the fissure to open underneath their feet, it will. Anybody within 60ft must save vs. death or fall, taking 8d8 damage. If you have the time, you can turn a peninsula into an island, or ruin a city, and if you're immortal, you can split a continent.
**Stone fist** (1) raises your strength to 18 for 10min: +3 to melee attacks, 1d6+3 damage, smash doors on a 1–5 in 6.
**Stone growth** (5) calls forth the Bones of the Earth and bends them to your will. Long columns of stone rise from the ground all around you and bend and twist as you like. If you use these to fight, you now have two melee attacks dealing 3d10 each and a reach of 60ft. After 10min these columns solidify and turn into a fantastic stone sculptures, towers, dams, or whatever else strikes your fancy. You can keep growing structures like that and build a mountain, if you have the time.
**Stone skin** (3) turns your body to some sort of weird stone material: impervious to cold, fire, poison, and your AC goes down to 0. Also, you can no longer swim and you still need to breathe, so good luck with that.
**Summon ghoul** (2) summons¹ a diminished lord of the earth, a ghoul; when you cast it for the first time, a special bond is created between you and particular ghoul. Future castings of the spell keep summoning the same ghoul. There can only ever be one such ghoul. It follows your commands but would love nothing more than to eat you alive. Through unspeakable acts anybody it seduces and kills rises as a free ghoul within 24h. HD 2 AC 6 1d4/1d4/1d4 + paralysis F2 MV 9 ML 9; aura of fear and limited shape shift at will.
**Summon kraken** (5) summons a giant kraken from the depth of the sea. HD 12 AC 4 8×2d6 F6 MV 9 ML 10 XP 1200; anybody hit must save vs. death or be flung through the air. On land, take an additional 2d6 damage. On sea, fall into the water. When in the water wearing metal armour, save vs. death every round or drown.
**Summon living storm** (5) conjures an elemental, usually the air elemental called Angry Whip: HD 16 AC -2 3d8 F16 MV 36; plus 1d8 vs. flying creatures; requires a save vs. death to approach; immune to non-magical weapons; attacks summoner and remains on this plane if the conjurer's concentration fails.
**Summon ursine soldier** (4) summons an unwilling armoured polar bear to join a fight: HD 6 AC 5 1d6/1d6/2d6 MV 9; an extra 2d8 if both claws hit.
**Summoning a lord of fire** (4) summons an ifrit from Muspelheim.
**Summoning gate** (4) opens a calling portal to one of the nine realms and forces a native into your present realm. Such a native could be a troll, valkyrie, doppelgänger, elven noble, demon, naga or similar (usually around HD 6). Anybody casting this spell gets their own little ally. They stay for an hour before fading away. If they are killed, the spell has no effect for a week and then it will have latched onto a new ally.
**Sun chariot** (4) summons a flying, flaming, scythed chariot dealing 2d6 to anybody you ride past. It holds three people. The chariot is yours to command for 8h. Its movement rate is as fast as a wolf (MV 18).
**Telekinesis** (4) gives you power over matter and gravity: fling rocks around, tear up the ground, rip open windows, crush everything. A volume of matter as big as cart (up to 20 humans) can be moved and thrown up to 200ft. When targets are hit by flying debris, or when targets are flung into solid objects, they take 1d6 damage per caster level (i.e. at least 7d6), save vs. spells for half. If dropping rocks on a target from high above, the usual 1d6 damage per 10ft applies (i.e. at most 20d6), save vs. spells for half. When living things smash into other living things, damage is split between the two (e.g. 20 humans dropping on a group of 20 humans from 200ft means 40 humans take 10d6 damage, save vs. spells for half).
**Teleportation trap** (3) creates subtle changes in the configuration of space such that a group of people nearby is teleported elsewhere within 200ft without them noticing it. If the group of people stretches for more than 60ft (a line of twenty people), then the trap does not trigger. The trapped area radiates faint and harmless magic.
**Tentacles** (2) pulls water up and turns your two arms into watery tentacles with water drawn from a nearby source. This gives you two melee attacks per round for 1d6 damage each. At level 5 these arms can grow up to 30ft long.
**The Hymn of the Sun** (3) calls forth the punishing power of pure light. Raise your arm and a small gap in the fabric of the world between your palms opens and a burst of sunfire blasts everything in a straight line 180ft long and 5ft wide dealing 1d6/level (minimum 5d6) to anybody along its way, save vs. spells for half. The light is reflected by large mirrors at least 5ft tall and can be directed back at the caster or other targets within range.
**The Mantra of True Intent** (2) allows you to you to see the true intent of everybody within 60ft of you for 1h as a grimace on their faces. Whether they intend good or evil, their faces reveal to you their true intent as a beatific smile or as a spiteful scowl.
**The Prayer for the Light of Truth** (2) enchants an object to emit the light of truth. The effect is permanent until ritually defiled using blood and excrement or the like. With 30ft, one must save vs. spells or visibly hesitate for a round before committing an evil act such as telling a lie or attacking. Visibly hesitating before an attack prevents surprises and backstabbing. The aura of peace and benevolence is palpable.
**The Psalm of the Loyal Soul** (1) turns a humanoid into a standfast friend of yours for a day (no giants, no undead, no plantlings and the like) unless they save vs. spells. If you also treat them as your best friend for a day, then the friendship continues as if it had always been thus. If you are separate, the spell wears off after half the time: if you have been best friends for a week, the target remains your best friend for three more days. After that, old suspicions and negative feelings might return. If you betray the friendship, disappointment and rage replace the void you left in your target's heart.
**The Song of Battle** (3) enchants a sword pommel you must hold into a two-handed sword made of white light that lasts for as long as you proudly sing the song. It can cut through steel but cutting through a vault might take 10min. Against a living being it deals 2d6 damage.
**The Song of Hope** (1) summons a soft light in the darkness, covering anything within 15ft of the caster. To stand in the light is to be protected from fear and madness. The light follows the caster for 2h. When anybody within the light is attacked, the light flares up and blinds enemies of the caster (-4 to hit).
**The Song of Life** (1) summons sunlight to shine on anything within 30ft. The undead cannot enter this light, and if they do, they are stunned for a round (they can move but no longer attack), and if they do not leave the area of effect on their next turn, they are now helpless (and can be killed with one blow). The undead can still hurt the people inside the light using magic or ranged weapons, of course. When the spell it casts the light grows quickly, but not quickly enough to trap any undead within range in the light. The light is immobile.
**Time stop** (5) freezes everything into place. Your arms are still free to act for as long as you like. Combine with bend space and extra hands for maximum effect. Spell effects cannot leave your presence and all go off around your head when the spell ends.
**Time thief** (5) allows you to send your sense into the immediate future for a day and a night, giving you a chance to react appropriately, once per turn or once per fight: if anybody at the table announces an action or an event, you get two immediate, extra rounds to act in. If you are surprised, you lose one round, just like everybody else. The round you lose can be one of these extra two rounds, however.
**To dust** (4) transforms you and all you designate within 10ft into dust. Unwilling targets must save vs. spells or be turned to dust. If a wind blows, the dust is picked up and settles in a neighbouring region. Roll a die to determine the current wind direction when it has not been established. Use a d10 to determine where you are being blown: 1 = North, 3 = East, 5 = South, 7 = West, 9 and 10 = nowhere. Use a d8 when using a hex map. If you are blown out to sea, you are all going to drown, so don't do that. If there is no wind, you can call up a gust of wind to blow the dust for 60ft in a particular direction. There, you can lie in dust form for up to 8h.
**Transfer** (5) allows you to exchange minds with a creature you are holding in your arms. Your brains must be similar enough for this to work. This is most likely limited to other humanoids of your approximate size. This effect is permanent.
**Transmigration** (5) allows you to leave your body and transfer your soul into arthropods of any kind: insects, spiders, crabs, no matter how big or small. You can spread your consciousness into many of these creatures and reassemble as large as your original body but made up of this vermin. In this form, you can deal 1d6 damage every round to a living creature and replenish any killed members from the environment as thousands of vermin stream towards you. The only thing that can effectively kill you is an area effect such as fire, water, ice, poison gas or lightning. You can hollow out a dead body about the size of your original body and take it over for a day. Beyond that, it gets difficult to hide the discolorations, the bad smell and the writhing vermin beneath the dead skin. Your original body will die within a day unless it's cared for by somebody. Then again, if it dies, who cares. You're practically immortal, now.
**Transposition** (5) allows you to move yourself and all the objects and creatures within a hundred paces with you into another realm. This is how an entire castle can be moved to a different realm. The transition takes a few moments so anybody at the edge of the area of effect must save vs. spells if they want to avoid the transposition.
**Tree jump** (2) allows you to step into any tree and out of any other tree within 100ft, up to ten times in ten minutes.
**True words** (2) allows you to look into the eyes of people and read their feelings, see their imaginations, and hear their thoughts unless they save vs. spells. These secrets are revealed to you across all language barriers. In order to learn something specific, the target must also think about it. How you make them do it is up to you. The target will know that you are there inside their head.
**Unbound** (5) frees you from the world's shackles. No barrier can hold you, nothing can touch you; you can move through your current realm by a thought alone. This means that you still need to know the way in order to get to your destination, but if you don't care about the destination, you are truly free. Not even gravity can touch you. Sadly, the passage of time remains unaffected.
**Vacuum** (5) is the spell to end all life. Cast it, and a black sphere of utter cold spreads around you, growing at 30ft/rd up to 300ft. Inside this sphere, the cold is so absolute the air itself freezes and falls like snow. This is the cold vacuum of outer space. Any living thing except for you must save vs. death every single round or die. You can see up to 10ft inside the sphere. You may move up to 30ft/round and uphold the sphere although it won't grow while you move, thus the edge never travels faster than 30ft/round. The spell ends when you decide to no longer uphold it or when you are in danger: if you take damage or when you roll a saving throw. When the spell ends, the sphere starts shrinking at 30ft/round until it disappears. You may cast no other spell while upholding the spell.
**Vanishing** (4) creates a link between you and your current location. With a simple thought you may instantly teleport yourself and anything you are carrying back to this location. This link remains until triggered or until replaced by another such link. It doesn't matter where you are in the nine realms: this link brings you back. For the purposes of this spell, assume that you can carry another person, maybe two if they are as small as a child, like halflings or dwarves.
**Visiting the afterlife** (2) enchants the sleep of a person touched such that they can visit their heart's desire in the afterlife – a deceased loved one, for example. Their soul spends two hours in this realm, be it Asgard or Hel while their body is caught in a magical slumber from which nothing can wake them. Unwilling targets get a save vs. spells before succumbing.
**Voice of the master** (4) dominates a creature to serve you. You need to speak a language it understands for it to obey specific commands. If you don't, you are limited to whatever you can convey without words. The spell lasts for 10min.
**Voice of the ruler** (1) convinces a person that that hears you that you are to be obeyed unless they save vs. spells. This servitude continues as long as you want. Victims are granted a new save every week and whenever they are forced to do anything that they really hate to do.
**Wait** (4) allows you and up to twenty companions to enter a special trance that removes your bodies from the time stream. Your minds still observe the spot where you entered the trance, but nothing can affect you unless you want to return into the world. No time passes for you, but you can spend centuries outside the time stream.
**Wall of fire** (4) creates a stationary wall of fire 300ft wide, 30ft high and 10ft deep. This is enough for a circle with 50ft radius. No animal will cross it and any other creature doing so takes 2d8 points of fire damage. This wall lasts for 20min or until dismissed.
**Warp flesh** (4) slashes at the barriers of the realms and allows these vortexes of madness and mutation into the world, transforming flesh and bone: Anybody within 60ft must save vs. death or undergo terrible mutations: roll a d12 and replace arms with tentacles (1) or claws (2), unable to hold anything but doing 1d6 damage; replace legs with tentacles (3) or flippers (4), allowing you to swim but not to walk; replace lower half with the body of a giant spider (5), allowing you to climb but giving you AC 6; rip the skin of your face (6), reducing you to 1hp but allowing you to see all things invisible and hidden; transforming you into a slow-moving ooze (7) with AC 9 but allowing you to seep through the tiniest cracks; grow long spines 1m long from your body (8), unable to run or hold anything but anybody attacking you with a one-handed melee weapon is takes automatic 1d6 damage; split into two opposed clones (9); your eyes melt and your blood thirst surges (10), attack random people nearby at -4; a necroworm infestation increases your hit-points by 4d6 (11) but when the spell ends and the worms die, suffer 4d6 damage; sucked into the void (12) and spewed back out when the spell ends. The spells ends after half an hour but the voices in your head don't stop for a few days.
**Warp gate** (5) opens a gate into the space between the realms and the madness of the void coagulates into demons of the most terrible kind (HD 8+1 AC 5 1d4/1d4/1d6/1d6/1d8 F16 MV 18 ML 11; flying; only harmed by magic or magic weapons). You can keep the gate open for as long as you want. Every ten minutes, another demon steps through. These demons want to destroy and kill, and as long as you can offer that, they'll follow your command. When you stop, however, the demons don't disappear.
**Warp mind** (3) tears at the barriers between the realms and these vibrations and the glimpses of the void are so terrible that they shatter the minds of many: anybody within 60ft must save vs. death or go stark raving mad for half an hour. Victims attack random targets!
**Water breathing** (3) allows one target to breathe underwater for one day. While breathing underwater, you can speak the languages of all marine creatures.
**Water walking** (1) enables a target to walk on liquids for 20min. Usually, this means water, but it might also be lava or quicksand. This spell does not protect against the heat or noxious fumes.
**Water way** (3) allows you to redirect a flow of water 5ft wide within 300ft. It will even flow through the air for as long as you concentrate. Anybody can swim through the air in the floating water. Even small canoes and the like can travel along these redirected water ways.
**Wave** (1) moves a body water such that a wave 10ft high forms and moves in any direction you want. If you can, you may surf on it. If the wave crashes into land, it deals 2d6 damage to anybody within 20ft. The wave keeps moving as fast as a human can run for as long as you concentrate.
**Web** (3) allows you to fill a 10ft cube with sticky spider webs. You need surfaces to anchor the web. Anybody caught in the web is automatically immobilised. Without outside help, it's practically impossible to free oneself from the web. A slow death awaits anybody caught. The web doesn't burn very quickly: to free a passage filled with these webs using fire takes 10min per 10ft. Anybody caught in a burning web takes 2d8 damage as they free themselves. Anybody caught in a web with a torch automatically sets it on fire and is thus automatically free after 10min.
**Wellness** (4) turns a hall into a lush paradise according to your wishes: palm trees on a sandy beach or high trees around a dark pool of cold water, or hot springs amidst snow: whatever weather, plants and water will allow without actually building anything. This spell must be renewed once a week or this oasis loses its magic and fall apart within a month.
**Werewolf** (3) turns you into a werewolf: immune to normal weapons. You can fall from incredible heights without taking damage. Fire and ice won't harm you. Only silver or magic weapons can hurt you – or spells. Additionally, your natural AC goes down to 5 if it isn't better, and you can bite for 1d10, if you want.
**Whirlwind** (4) transform you into a little whirlwind, destroying wooden structures and dealing 2d6 to anybody in melee with you. Any enemy taking damage must save vs. death or be flung back for a few yards.
**Whisper** (1) sends a short message to any creature you have touched in the last few weeks only for them to hear and transports back their short reply, only for you to hear, if given within a few seconds. If they are asleep, the message wakes them up.
**Wind** (2) calls forth a favourable wind. The wind steadily blows up to 2h in the direction indicated. This is ideal for sailing ships or land gliders. Anybody blown away by the wind travels as fast as a pegasus (the fastest creature known).
**Wind barrier** (3) prevents any flying thing from reaching you for 20min. Arrows, sling stones, rocks flung by giants, projectiles shot by siege weapons, all are deflected.
**Wings of god** (3) allows a target to fly for 2h. Their movement rate is half that of a person running (MV 6).
**Wolf howl** (2) is a supernatural howl that alerts all the wolves within a mile or two. These wolves understand the short message you have sent and act upon it, if they can. In forests, mountains, ruins, savannas, or swamps 3d6 wolves appear in 10min and stay for up to an hour, if you want (HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18).
**Wolf pack** (3) turns you and your pack (up to twenty people) into ordinary wolves: HD 2+1 AC 7 1d6 F1 MV 18. The wolf's hp may not exceed the target's current hp. All targets can turn back to their true form whenever they want, or when they are reduced to 0hp. Any hp lost as a wolf remain lost when returning to their true form.
**Wolf tongue** (1) allows you to talk to all sorts of wolves, dogs and hyenas for an hour.
**World walk** (5) gives the music you play a special power: as you walk and play, you can move yourself and anybody visible whom you want to take along to a similar situation elsewhere. Surely somewhere in the nine realms a similar situation is unfolding: describe a simple change to the environment using your music, weaken the barriers between the worlds and start walking. Thus, if you're surprised by an enemy army as you're crossing a river, you could be transported to Vanaheim, into a different ambush but on dry ground, or still standing in a river but no longer under attack.
**Worm summoning** (2) grants you ability to summon a giant worm in 10min (30ft long, HD 6 AC 3 1d8 F3 MV 60 ML 9 XP 600; swallows victims on an attack roll of 19 or 20, swim through earth). The worm stays for 2h and can travel up to 20 miles in flat terrain; it carries up to five people. It can also dig a tunnel 2 miles long using it's Earth Blood magic, but the tunnel closes again after a bit such that only 10 people may safely follow it below ground. </div>