Calbor), S)icon, germonien TÌn, Leacl 2 Flerovieum belorgs p-blocle , placed in VAgrop 10 Sn k ] 4d 5S sp 2 Pb ce] 4 F s 82- 224 Fse 114 32 Cso duttea The 4 propentiey t Some in rom s)licon elemen asf Jhe om Some Propely pb>Ge >Sn> ;-sis Occusance lhe elemen bymas ig ke * Casbo cu cant 7Ib most aben im heComloied elat Arophel elemenlal ali-Coal, Dianond Fyeestate cocLlonalo,Hylocaloonyt Cog Combinedlte :-mela nemphaticallg Csorgy)ay fat can O03)In ay. one ving cganirnd 12- 13 I4 all consltue Cn esemlas C, C, c' 3Isalopes conlalny ocring carloor * Nalarally s770 pri halflie coil5 Ietope Sis a odioace doing ie TÈ yeps kd d for adiocoobon tseo sor delesmining Ggenwc maariad ge an ooect Conlans highes on Correspondng elements elemens ane tirst grotp l4 he Those enthalpies 4 The enhalpyi Tonisoion &n<Pb Gek |c<sis Conll eal Small encreoe is oacley Censndaralale on Coloon to si bereafliä reoes oadies Covolent SUdieyiealalished. Sgnbeie acioalEve t Flerovim a y occus mainly as PbsGrelema topb eta king colled Imporrlan Si Covalem oeen *Lead magnelie Bmplrilg is ooy) woframite Ccin *Tin curs manly as Tanisos Sno)4 Casmtaitz 7om Get Si ane in dse ondutor as yaveny & s si glos Cement Cerponent *Silicen lhe earet by t7 not second ma) is Presen li in element on alemclant IKe Silien iy Potr Sheldeng etfet due size heolon C>si 6ne> pbSn IP cSi>Ges pb S deeostally e Sn<po Cs si> e dighertTonisalieseobyin he elemet coiB Ihe This group oe slightly * Ihe eleet coio elemen S.N baun group 13element momore highert EN i VA 3rop cy coloe equal d4f-osbloly EN 1eEN rm sito pb alnot same Then Si o Pb Tty due mereas oo Im alomic o Tneree alomie Size in c u j 1 Compared ass ay Si<cKGe<Sn<pb Bolin Peint olecreass froro co Pb grop i4 elmment nemuely highes Isan bose Ihe correspondig elemens grop|3 Goling poing ydue lo slrorng Inaalomi a inding torsces in their sotid aseel as Liqlal slalis * Dianond ha tigertmpt de lo Polyneic stuclire reedimesonal Gdes g mpt C>Si>Ge>pb>sn Sis Ge>Gn >pb cesi due lo ancena Gpt vales ane venyhih B- Pt mPE these elament to orm glant moecules ElectiCol oresavita:lc>si=6ePb Sy elecitent too Ibe bloo oppoes amalias lo shich tbsough memeey ae Sotids,Calbn 4SilCon oe mon-melay pb ay S hene melaclei a Geanilmcà Sot metay coi G Loo mpt chemial propenlieyi group y elemen e a : idaon O Bour eeeiony in ouiemost shel * Ihe common cidlalion slotiyg hae eye elemenne * elai, since Ihe semgRe t i t tour Zoizaon ComPotnd in +h cdlalon slala aegenerally Covalen in nane *slicos donot shoss +2 0idalienslate in kai slaale Conponds Lnent paiy fe: Tnet Paiy t b t i - Ihe eucance s-bilal elerons in chemicaoond omalion c callec pay effect ne 42 Ges<pb iep p Componas in ty ot e cempond Xehemaniemn forms salale S ya oedcing agent a srong coeidin agent P5 IRe no Iy Tebravalent sbti elecrony arocen lhe cena ekron Being cel,) in 8cobon atomim molecule ciy peczd loact eoc nt nomall, ane bes Precise moeculey Ihey tsogh coloon amnot *al donor acceplo cy eleeson oh elemens Ie Thae moe covalence tacee it Ihe Preence d-orb laus oe Itiy so Cando grop lgylroly's ndeso baliy Theiy Ry dueto em im acceping oy Compleres torm to endeny hane 4 eleron parson ed he pecies ke Si onoraleny -2. 2 2 shere cch does nit undingoes hgdryns slhaoy siet, Ay. due nd o albtence Vacan endes goes d-esoily ce cloes Cheicod oeaevi liyi The elemens ropty Oe. olavely Len eae but aacli vily Tro cxde on Suntca. AReoelivil scoardy oygeni- element toma aoo tuypes e VA grop ceides Mon cede (Mo) 4dioeide mO, M+0,AMO MtO,mO Sio y enlalale at Room T,bt rt eos only at high Teneratar Co iy euias Geo is ditinctl Aedie Ashere oy Sno, pbo ane amphdeic bicaxiday: Cidey in hghes ost elemenae geerallymore acclic Gantoe in lose_0:8 rdenelenalne mo>MO Sno, Pbo, ane amphderie eodeatedic malie co7 Sios Ges,SngPo Reactvila tooacdy Ho:C, si 4 Ge ae not Sn+ 2.HO SrgthHs Lead ydmteeles by oalr due bo foml Reacvi acy tydrogeg:- Caolocn frrm lage tyroaloons ttyees ane calle NO si tomny limilid mo caboyane hgycliley calleal silaney. Hyclro han silanes more ala lale endesgoey hgcrolyns im Bariemeliem. C s i , >Get, SnH, >pb, slalililgRedcrg malre elenents Reavily lscard halgenyi-RA &rop (x=F4, fr, 2) lo i y haldy mx4mxy memloy eas diretly seslalsle condiliey lo fomlhalict eacept Cabon a othe oib halogen lhe nde mXy ane Covalentin naline censa alom Teralheeyal in sha 4 %odaalin lndesgoes sp Ine innalere' ane Pbs, Sn, Pb-zbond Tmilially case e e t Pby doesnt eleoe enoyg Ihe eaelon doeso tormad during enpay 6s eneng to Thenmaslalbilat elerons tor eeealalien d Tetolaleois1 siz slaloilla, lihalides, torm to Ge, pb ane alale ohereag Gex Ihan slalale mere Gex s Plox due lo 2net Liy pbXy Ihan slalola more y Pay eftet eecept cely oiesera chlorickey oe eanlghalrolyed. Covalencyy d-osbilals Preence Theireapand con elemen mainm d-orbials lg ni-due o (1) ghesG.N Smalliza, nomaloy Behavior Beto Combeulialale iguiol eoeligushea men- heavy tire Leoigd vacamt s d-orbilal, absenca mstact au * dueto d-orbilas sngVacant Leosteid ee ca eeCan land CiNOb ttbey asong asacb Ge,eo, Pb Tetrahalides sy, q l. HySio, YHO +4H ** Vacant d-oobiay sic, d-orbiltaly Vacamt 4 sen duela vengso SixlaaeCCCemadat elerons lonepaiy izeschlorlde ong -2 Pr-Pr mllitle bonds coits ed sh EN ma0) 82e 4oiltb othes elemens asel C=N C ecaue bordy Pa-pa dont form elemint Bt heaiea hae orblal, ane olone4 datfee to Theiy alomic ellecine ovenlapping. Vcalamalron:- he selt eonkage4TdnticaJatoms among them totorm chan ane CalenaTon hiah Ung y alleol endd0cioln enengy *¢ Lead ddoenot shb s Conlie cabon:- Ihe phenomenon Aloropey eosling Callec an elemt elolroby. chimica fropeliy daferenormselements aknon as *1h Alllaefoy Lhy dueo Allotsotpic modificalios tearangement tferenee im naline -loondg o ypes forms Cooloon * 4Anosphos 4elolrepoes Gctclne - Diamond, grophlle ) ke, y Ghay kreto,6 coeme aloandeol smalleg Coketo coal, ae by is e They Hc dsCovenyCoveed his sr was Cul RE Pllees