HACKING WEB APPS installing OWASP JUICE SHOP. I need to first install docker on my virtual machine - KALI Follow the instructions above to install docker. Then search for “OWSAP JUICE SHOP on google to install the juice shop locally on your machine using docker” To run the juice shop, open cmd and type sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop Then type http://localhost:3000 to access the app 1/66 To Access the Score-board : go to http://localhost:3000/#/score-board BURPSUITE WEB APP TESTING There are three stages of testing web apps; 1. Unauthenticated stage - not logged in / unauthneticated. - try navigating the website and try to login using credential stuffing, forgot your password, default admin credential testing 2. User tier - login as user without admin privileges 3. Admin tier 2/66 -get access to admin panels and what users can't see. SQL INJECTION SQL INJECTION VERBS SELECT -retrieve INSERT - add DELETE - remove UPDATE - modify DROP - delete table UNION - combine Other extra terms; WHERE - sorts data based on specific condition AND/OR/NOT - sorts data based on multiple conditions ORDER BY - sorts data on ascending/descending order Special Characters; ‘ and ’' - string delimiters --, /* and # - comment delimiters % and * - wildcards ; - ends a statement HOW TO DEFEND AGAINST SQLi 1. parameterizing statements 2. Sanitizing input Understanding Input : test SQL - SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email ='test'; Attack : test' SQL - SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email ='test''; The additional quote makes the sql query endless hence causing a sqlite error Attack : test' OR 1=1; -SQL - SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email ='test' OR 1=1; --'; - the first quote closes the input then the CONDITION OR 1=1(which is true) 3/66 then end the query and the “--” comments out the rest of the code note: the requests you send in the burpsuite repeater are actually sent to the application server; Wow, that's cool. The repeater shows me a lot of information BLIND SQL INJECTION - this is where we can't see the sql error. We use sleep(5) to check if the web server will follow the command. The goal is to first find where the app is prone to SQL injection and then modify the sql command query to exploit the vulnerability. SOLVING SQL ATTACK on Jims Account; First we got jim's email from the product reviews and then modified the sql input to ; jim@juice-shop.com'-so the first quote(') closes the email and the (--) comment out the rest of the query SELECT * FROM Users WHERE email='jim@juice-shop.com'-And since jim's email is accurate, it will login us as jim. DONE BLIND SQL CHALLENGE - Database schema use a sql injection to get the entire db schema. Go to the products page because products are kept in the database and try sql injection on the product search bar, use burp suite to see behind the scenes BROKEN AUTH How can I get access to this application? 1. credential stuffing 2. bruteforce attak 3. defauly, weak, well known passwords 4. ineffective forgot password 5. plain text or weakly hashed passwords 6. missing MFA 7. exposes session IDS in URL 8. doesnt rotate session IDs after successful login 9. doesnt properly invalidate session IDs HOW TO TEST FOR BROKEN AUTH. - try username enumeration 4/66 SENSITIVE DATA EXPOSURE It is simply data in plain clear text. 1. Is any data transmitted in clear text over protocols like HTTP, FTP and SMTP. 2. Are there any old or weak cryptographic algos used ? 3. Are default crypto keys in use, weak crypto keys generated, re-used ? 4. Is encryption enforced? 5. Does the user agent not verify if the received server certificate is valid? Go to securityheaders.com to search the website for the headers list and check for what's missing use nmap to check for the level of encryption on the website nmap --script=ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 tesla.com check for security headers and ciphers when making a report for a web app testing client XML External Entities XXE ATTACK - it attacks systems that parse XML input Attacks include DOS, local file disclosure, remote code execution and much more. Basically create a malicious XML code and upload it as a file into the front end of the website. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE gift [ <!ENTITY from “Daniel&Angel”> ]> <gift> <To>Frank</To> <From>&from;</From> <Item>Pokemon Cards</Item> </gift> Search of xxe payloads on google File upload features can be very devastating if not maintained well. 5/66 How to protect against XXE? Disable DTD's/External entities BROKEN ACCESS CONTROL It's as simple as a user gets access to where they shouldn't. Insecure Direct Object Reference - IDOR How can I get access ? 1. Bypassing access control checks by modifying the URL, internal application state or HTML Page or simply using a custom API attack tool. 2. Allowing the primary key to be changed to another's users record, permitting viewiing or editing someone else's account 3. Privilege elevation; acting as a user without being logged in or acting as an admin when logged in as a user. 4. Metadata manipulation such as replaying or tamepring with JSON web token or cookie 5. CORS Misconfiguration allows unauthorized API access 6. Force browsing to authenticated pages as an unauthenticated user or to privileged pages as a standard user. Accessing API with missing access controls for POST, PUT and DELETE. SECURITY MISCONFIG CROSS-SITE SCRIPTING (XXS) Three types of XSS 1. Reflected 2. Stored/Persistent 3. DOM keylogging, dos, stealing cookies, defacing websites. DOM Based XSS explained; source - the location where the malicious input is introduced(this is where my malicious input goes) sink - the location where the malicious input is executed (this is where my malicious input is executed) DOM based XSS is the least I am going to see because it requires social engineering. its usually reflected and stored that are common. HOW TO CARRY OUT XSS? 6/66 inspect any elements that allow input STORED XSS -say there is a comment section and you can use xxs to steal the admin's cookie and login as the administrator CLAS traceroute Get to nmap. nmap gives me a lot of details about the network. -flat network -subnetted network scanme.nmap.org when pentesting, we agree on the rules of engagement. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT -white box (all information is given) -black box(i am given nothing) -grey box (given some information) We need to agree on the scope of attack. ENUMERATION check check check check - whois dnsdumpster nslookup.io whois easycounter use many options to make sure you have the right target. install wappalyzer to detect technologies running on a platform. ssh - banner grabbing, bruteforcing http nping-echo Elite BURPSUITE WALKTHROUGH This is a walkthrough through the features of Burpsuite and how they can be 7/66 used in testing webapps. Target - anything and everything that has gone through my proxy Adding to Scope - this helps to narrow down my target webapp When performing bug bounties, you are given a scope to focus on. This is where the Scope feature helps. I can even exclude the websites not in the scope. Crawl - scan through the website to find the robots.txt to scroll through the website like a spider crawler Intercept tool- This intercepts requests in the webapp from the client side before they are sent to the web server. Repeater - This allows us to modify the requests and send them to the server while getting a raw output Intruder - It allows us to do password spraying attacks. It allows us to make a lot of requests in a short period of time. Decoder & Encoder - can encode or decode any data I receive from the intercept. Extender feature - its the burpstore extension where we can get more tools that do extensive checks and operations. Most of them come with the Pro edition. The Pro version is far more better when doing this professionally. #KeepLearning. WEP APP TESTING SERIES Ep1: ENUMERATION Pentesting Techniques; Information Gathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation, Maintaining access and cleanup Tools: Burpsuite (Pro), Nikto, Dirbuster, curl, sublist3r, nmap and soo much more Attaks: OWSAP Top 10 e.g Injection, Broken AUth, XXS, XXE etc Bug bounty Programs; bugcrowd.com hackerone.com synack.com/red-team guru99.com/bug-bounty-programs Education; elearningsecurity.com/course/web application penetration testing portswigger.net/web-security giac.org/certification/web-application-penetration-tester-gwapt Amazon web app hackers handbook Use the OWASP TESTING GUIDE CHECKLIST to get insight on the methodology and 8/66 tools to use when doing a pentest to ensure you don't miss anything. Bug-bounties are public sourced bug huntings where you are paid to hack websits. Enumeration is very important; THE FIVE STEPS OF HACKING 1. Reconnaissance ; passive & active stage one is passive; only gather public information from google stage two is active; this is where we scan the webapp directly What are we looking for? subdomains, interesting files on the web, whois for target confirmation, check breach credential dumps for passwords 2. Scanning and Enumeration - using burpsuite, nmap, nkito - looking for vulnerabilities and enumerate the information we gather. The best penetration testers are the ones who can enumerate, have good patience and are willing to dig deep when nothing is on the surface. 3. Gaining Access/Exploitation -user/admin account -running a Remote Command Execution 4. Maintaining Access 5. Covering tracks -deleting logs RECONNAISSANCE; Target validation; making sure the target we have is in the right scope. tools---WHOIS, nslookup, dnsrecon Finding Subdomains; tools---Google Fu, dig, Nmap, Sublist3r, Bluto, crt.sh etc look for those subdomains that aren't supposed to be accessed by the public Fingerprinting; tools---Nmap, Wappalyzer, WhatWeb, BuiltWith(passive), NetCat Data Breaches; tools---HaveIBeenPwned TASKL We have been asked to gather info about a company irobot.com. Let's take a look at some info gathering tools and see what useful info we come up with. Download sublist3r from github 9/66 then we run a command in terminal python sublist3r -d domain.com 10/66 the -d stands for domain 11/66 12/66 Now let's try using crt.sh IIf you are wondering, the % stands for wildcard meaning give me eeverything This also gives some info about their internal network Now let's get to burpsuite; But first, Let's learn HTTP Requests; HTTP operates as a request-response protocol, where a client sends a request to a server, and the server responds with the requested information. 1. GET: Purpose: Used to request data from a specified resource. Data in Request: Parameters can be included in the URL (query string). Idempotent: Yes (repeating the same request multiple times has the same effect as making it once). Example: GET /example/resource?id=123 HTTP/1.1 13/66 Host: www.example.com 2. POST: Purpose: Used to submit data to be processed to a specified resource. Data in Request: Included in the request body. Idempotent: No (repeating the same request may have different effects). Example: POST /example/resource HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com key1=value1&key2=value2 3. PUT: Purpose: Used to update a resource or create a new resource if it doesn't exist. Data in Request: Included in the request body. Idempotent: Yes. Example: PUT /example/resource/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com Updated data... 4. PATCH: Purpose: Partially update a resource. Data in Request: Includes only the changes to the resource, not the entire resource. Idempotent: No. Example: PATCH /example/resource/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com { "key1": "new value" } 5. DELETE: Purpose: Used to request the removal of a resource. Data in Request: Not common, as it may be unsafe to include sensitive data in the URL. Idempotent: Yes. Example: DELETE /example/resource/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com 6. HEAD: Purpose: Similar to GET but without the response body, used to retrieve the headers for a resource. Data in Request: Similar to GET. Idempotent: Yes. Example: 14/66 HEAD /example/resource HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com 7. OPTIONS: Purpose: Used to describe the communication options for the target resource. Data in Request: Not common, often used without a request body. Idempotent: Yes. Example: OPTIONS /example/resource HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com 8. TRACE: Purpose: Used for diagnostic purposes to trace the route to the server. Data in Request: Echoes the received request, allowing the client to see what changes or additions have been made by intermediate servers. Idempotent: Yes. TRACE /example/resource HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com 9. CONNECT: Purpose: Used to establish a network connection to a resource (usually a secure tunnel). Data in Request: Not common. Idempotent: No. Example: CONNECT www.example.com:443 HTTP/1.1 BURPSUITE 15/66 sUsing advanced scope tool with regex .*\.test\.com$ repleace test with the domain name like isbatuniversity and com with ac.ug(domain extension) Go to securityheaders.com to check for headers in case of pentesting but it is a very low finding. -Install Wappalyzer to help identify a website. It helps us look into the technologies the website is built with. 16/66 the server it runs on/ This can help us find vulnerabilities in line with the server and exploit the website. Search for the vulnerabilities of all the technologies used in the website. --BuiltWith can also get the job done --weleakinfo.com --hunter.io This searches for all emails connected to the domain You can use this info from the emails to initiate a spray attack. Use linkedin to find potential credentials from the emails you get. SCANNING AGAINST THE WEBSITE: ACTIVE RECON 1.Nikto; Nikto is very identifiable by any WAF- Webapp Firewall This is a vuln scanner. It shows the IP, SSL info, Server & header information. It checks to see if any web frameworks are vulnerable to what we are scanning against. Command: nikto -h domain (-h stands for host) 17/66 2.Nmap; Scanning for SSL and ciphers Command; nmap -p 443 --script=ssl-enum-ciphers domain/ip -p stands for port, 443 stands for https , the script's purpose is to enumerate the ssl ciphers. 18/66 Ciphers are incredibly hard to exploit but this is good for pen-testing. 19/66 nmap -p80,443 -A -T4 -p80,443: This option specifies the ports to be scanned. In this case, it is scanning ports 80 and 443. Port 80 is commonly used for HTTP, and port 443 is commonly used for HTTPS. -A: This option enables aggressive scanning. It includes various additional scanning and probing techniques to gather more information about the target. This includes version detection, script scanning, and OS detection. -T4: This option sets the timing template to aggressive. It controls the speed of the scan. In this case, it sets the timing to be faster (T4). The timing templates range from T0 (Paranoid) to T5 (Insane), with T4 being a good balance between speed and reliability. This is the target IP address that Nmap will scan. 20/66 We have to be careful with active scans The best way to crawl is to manually map the website. HOMEWORK; --Enumerate the Juiceshop 21/66 Ep2. ENUMERATION PART 2 Topics; Enumeration - What did we find in our app? How does Burp Suite Pro fair? Inspection - Why is it important XSS - Reflected vs DOM? stored to come later Code Manipulation/UI Bypassing - How can we alter code into our favor? check the robot.txt file on the webapp. These shows us what we should not go to. this is our first target use Inspect Element to see what's happening in the background. Go to debugger and pretty the javascript Cross site scripiting; its basically malicious code injection; -steal cookies -take over sessions -keylogging -inject beef hooks DOM based XSS Fuzz every input I can find Mitigation; -encoding to mitigate XSS attacks -filtering to get rid of any coding parameters -validation - completely eliminate script tags from entering the server -sanitization - a combination of the above Cookies; add secure flags to my cookies to prevent cookies from being observed Ep3. XSS, SQL Injection & Broken Access Control XSS: Sanitization bypass Broken Access Control: OWASAP #5 SQLi: The basics! Plus some other cool stuff Checkout xxesser VIEW ANOTHER USER'S SHOPPING CART Add a product to the cart and view the cart page in the Inspector; Navigate to storage and check the session storage 22/66 UPLOAD AN UNWANTED FILE IN UPLOAD INPUT We shall upload an XML Payload. These can be used to steal passwords Search for XML payloads on github. Those cheatsheets will help. SQL INJECTION; Easy to avoid but still happens quite often. Login with admin account without using sql injection We already have the admin email admin@juice-sh.op 23/66 Right click and Send To Intruder Under positions, highlight the password we used and click Add Variable; This is the variable that will change against the email used in the bruteforce. 24/66 Then go to the Payloads tab and get a list from Seclists github to paste in. 25/66 Below is how we shall get the payload list Intruder is slow on burp free edition and so We shall do a proof of concept 26/66 How do we find a successful password? Through status codes- 200 means OK. This doesn't work all the time The length will be longer than the rest Live Web Hacking Practice This is a live hacking exercise on a website: First, let's nikto the website to start our enumeration process. nikto -h domain 27/66 28/66 We need to validate our target scope and make sure we are attacking the right website or server. Run whois on the domain. whois domain 29/66 30/66 Check securityheaders.com to see the check The next step is to fingerprint the website: Basically finding what infrastructure the website runs on; There are many ways to do this; 1. Nmap nmap -A -p 80, 443 ip address 31/66 3. Wappalyzer 32/66 You can also use whatweb in kali whatweb -v forexbullsacademy.com 33/66 34/66 You can also use netcat nc forexbullsacademy.com 443 The next step is enumerating all the subdomains. You can use sublist3r, I have already a cherry node talking about how that works Juice Shop Challenges Solved Hacking OWASP’s Juice Shop Pt. 8: Missing Encoding In the challenge, that particular picture doesn't load and when I used the inspector tool to find out why. I compared it to the other picture urls and seen that there were # which are not part of url encoding. So I used a url encoding tool at https://www.eso.org/~ndelmott/url_encode.html to find what # stands for and simply replaced it. Hacking OWASP’s Juice Shop Pt. 11: Outdated Whitelist TCM PRACTICAL BUG BOUNTY COURSE 35/66 Introduction Introductory sections; 1. Introduction 2. Web application security intro 3. Before we attack 4. Lab build 5. Web App Technologies Recon & Info Gathering 1. Technology Fingerprinting 2. Directory Enumeration 3. BruteForce Attacks 4. Subdomain Enumeration 5. Burpsuite Overview Attacks 1. Authentication and Authorization 2. Brute-force, MFA, IDORs etc 3. Injection Attacks 4. LFI/RFI, SQLi, XSS, SSTL, Command Injection, XXE, File Uploads etc 5. Other Common Attacks like CSRF, SSRF, Subdomain takeovers etc Wrapping Up 1. Reporting 2. Evasion techniques 3. Closing topics Web Application Security Importance Of Web App Security 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Data protection Maintaining customer trust Legal and regulatory compliance Preventing Business Disruption Protecting Brand Reputation Preventing Financial Loss Avoiding Ip Theft (Intellectual Property - IP) Preventing Identity Theft 36/66 Web App Security Standards & Best Practices WEB SECURITY BEST PRACTICES; 1. Regular patching/Updates 2. Least Privilege 3. Secure coding (Input validation & sanitization) 4. Secure data storage 5. MFA 6. Logging and monitoring 7. User training 8. And so much more WEB SECURITY STANDARDS; Research and learn more on weaknesses from the sites below as you do your bugbounties. Look up blogs and write-ups on these attacks and how they are pulled off. 1. Owasp Top 10 - https://owasp.org/Top10 2. Common Weakness Enumeration - https://cwe.mitre.org/index.html 3. CWE Top 25 - https://www.sans.org/top25-software-errors Bug Bounty Hunting Vs Penetration Test 1. Impact is everything - Bug bounty 2. Partial(bug bounty) Vs Whole Application (Pentest) 3. Compliance (Pentest) NON-IMPACT FINDINGS; - PENTEST CENTERED 1. Weak password policy 2. No Lockout policy 3. Unlimited login attempts 4. User Account Enumeration 5. Out-Of-Date Software 6. Cookies(Flags, expiration etc) 7. Ciphers 8. Certificates To check for security headers on a site , visit securityheaders.com 37/66 To check the certificates, visit https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ Phases Of A Web App Pentest ENGAGEMENT STEPS; 1. Statement Of Work A long form of a quoatation and payment terms that needs to be signed How many pages are on the website, what is the website, how many roles on the site. 38/66 Master Service Agreement This lays out the rules as the vendor client relationship Who is liable if something occurs, liability during hacking the production systems incase of disruptions. Incase of court, what's the process? This has to be signed before we move to other stages 2. Rules Of Engagement Signed This basically lays out what we can and cannot do during engagement. What times, dates we will be testing? The roles and responsibilities between us the pentesting company and the client's team Who is the Client Point Of Contact ? CPOC Who is the Pentesting Point Of Contact? Outline the test dates and the status updates via a team channel like slack or telegram. What's the scope of the test? Check for the wildcards. If there are wildcards, you can go to subdomains too. If not, then focus on the domain you have been given only. Indicate when we shall stop testing Shall we maintain access to the website? Indicate the project closure Indicate Out Of Scope attacks like DDOS or social engineering attacks Add a disclaimer note at the bottom ---You cannot begin your pentest unless the ROE is signed. 3. Verify The Scope; Use whois to confirm the IP address 4. Pentest Occurs The web app pentest last usually a week because you need to make sure that there is no stone left unturned. 5. Report Written and Delivered 6. Client Debrief 7. Retesting (If Necessary) Before We Attack Understanding Scope, Ethics, Code Of Conduct Scope; This defines the range of assets that the organisation is explicitly inviting security researchers to find vulnerabilities. Out Of Scope; This refers to the assets that are explicitly off-limits for security researchers participating in the bug bounty program. 39/66 Why is scope important? 1. Legal and ethical boundaries 2. Resource allocation 3. Practical reasons 4. Fairness Can you Submit Out Of Scope bugs? 1. Most of the time, triage will reject submissions 2. If there is a clear business impact, it can be helpful 3. No bounty will be awared for out-of-scope submissions Duplicate bugs - Organizations only award the bounty to the initial reporter -Knowingly reporting a duplicate report is unethical Structural Issues - One fix, one reward -If multiple fixes are required, it's not a duplicate -Ask yourself whether the fix for the first report would have fixed the others? Community Code Of Conduct -Disclosure terms -Collaboration -Asking for updates -Out of scope submissions -Use of illegal or cracked software -Out of bound communication -Hoarding of vulnerabilities 40/66 -Data exposure and PII -Third party services -Intrusive testing -Pivoting -Behavioural guidelines -Sanctions -Right to appeal -Responsivle disclosure while restricted -International laws and sanctions list validations -Your tax and financial obligations Common Scoping Mistakes Scoping Mistakes; 1. Not thoroughly reading the scope before testing 2. Not strictly following the scope 3. Misunderstanding the importance of scope 4. Reviewing asset scope, while forgetting bug scope 5. Assuming all subdomains are in-scope 6. Not verifying if third-party services are in scope 7. Improperly configuring tools to adhere to scope 8. Reporting out of scope findings Commonly Out Of Scope Vulnerabilities; 1. Physical attacks 2. Social Engineering 3. Denial of service (DoS) 4. Outdated software 5. Missing headers/cookie flags 6. Brute-forcing credentials 7. Username enumeration 8. Fingerprinting 9. Theoretical attacks 10. Leaked credentials First look at the rules of engagement of the bug bounty Installing VMWare/VirtualBox Complete 41/66 Installing Linux Install pimp my kali tool Click the first github link - https://github.com/Dewalt-arch/pimpmykali Clone the git repo Head over to kali terminal and clone the git repo in the opt directory 42/66 Access the pimpmykali directory using cd command Then ls to see the contents Run sudo ./pimpmykali.sh 43/66 44/66 45/66 Type N to install the tools. This took more than 30 minutes but its done hopefully. 46/66 47/66 Lab Installation Type sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade 48/66 49/66 Then type sudo apt install docker.io Then type sudo apt install docker-compose Access the zip file shared in TCM dashboard - https://cdn.fs.teachablecdn.com/ iaWfH4NrRp20zLOd3xLr Unzip the file - unzip bugbounty-v1.1.zip Web App Technologies Web Technologies HTML - the skeleton of a website CSS - describing the representation of a doc written in HTML Javascript - makes web pages interactive and dynamic. It also helps stage server-side on node applications in nodejs. front-end attacks can also be done in JS Server side (ops on website where its hosted - data storage, retrieval and processing) Client side (In the browser and on the user's device) -Load balances -CDNS -WAFs Do 20 minutes a day in programming websites - The Odin Project or Freecodecamp. HTTP & DNS HTTP is a request response protocol. HTTP Methods; 1. GET 2. POST 3. PUT 4. DELETE Response codes; 100 - Informational 200 - Successful 50/66 300 - Redirection 400 - Client errors 500 - Server errors HTTP is stateless meaning that each request from the client is treated as a stand-alone request with no memories of prior requests. That's why cookies are used to remember users DNS- Domain Name System It is heirachial and decentralized system that translates human readable domain names to IP Addresses. 1. top level domain 2. second level domain 3. subdomain DNS Records; they provide info about domains A record - maps domain name to IPV4 MX record - specifies the mail server for a domain CNAME - creates an alias for a domain name Reconnaissance and Information Gathering Fingerprinting Web Technologies We need to dig deep and find assets that not many people are looking at. Focus on the responsible disclosure programs in the beginning stages because there is not so much competition. This helps them know that it's a bug bounty hunter testing their application and not a malicious hacker. 51/66 Read through the Rules Of Engagement How To Identify Website Technologies. Visit https://builtwith.com Focus on the methodology and not the tools specifically. Install Wappalyzer extension as another alternative This helps us understand; 52/66 1. What 2. What 3. What And how architecture are they using stacks are they using tools are they using can we abuse these to attack the website. Let's say they are using Microsoft IIS, we can use specific vulnerabilities based on microsoft. Same thing like linux, we can uses php extensions. In Kali, Use curl -I https://azena.com Notice there is a HTTP 300 meaning we are being redirected to another page. Contrast this with the one below 53/66 https://forexbullsacademy gives us a HTTP 200 meaning we are accessing the real site. Now to follow the redirect in the first instance we need to add -L to our curl command curl -I -L https://azena.com 54/66 55/66 We 1. 2. 3. are looking at; the server the website is running security headers different tags You can also use https://securityheaders.com for a nice clean version. Use nmap nmap -p443 -A azena.com nmap -p80,443 -A azena.com Nmap is good for scanning particular ports and not the website overall. Usually when you are hit by AmazonS3 or cloudfront, then you are not hitting the main website. Likely being redirected. Directory Enumeration & Brute Forcing Basically, looking at directories of website while using word-lists to search for other directories. First Tool : Directory bruteforcing sudo apt install ffuf to install the tool ffuf --help Fuzz Faster U Fool We are trying to fuzz an endpoint using a wordlist Syntax navigate to the wordlists directory 56/66 head to the dirbuster list We are going to utilize the 2.3 medium.txt ffuf attack syntax I am having issues with the ffuf tool Dirb Tool Command: dirb https://forexbullsacademy.com We can also test for specific file extensions Command: dirb https://forexbullsacademy.com/ -X .html (test files with .html extension We can also specify our custom wordlist Command: dirb https://forexbullsacademy.com/ wordlistdirectory 57/66 Dirbuster Tool This is an inbuilt tool. Command: dirbuster& 58/66 Subdomain Enumeration .com - Top level domain azena.com - second level domain dev.azena.com - subdomain In bug bounty hunting, the deeper I dig, the better off I am. Tools: Google Search Command site:azena.com -www -store site:azena.com filetype: pdf password 59/66 CRT.SH - https://crt.sh/ Command: %.azena.com SUBFINDER sudo apt install subfinder subfinder -d azena.com 60/66 61/66 To output the list into a file subfinder -d azena.com -o azenasubdomains ASSET FINDER Command: assetfinder azena.com 62/66 To specifically grep out azena.com Use the command below assetfinder azena.com | grep azena.com | sort -u > azena.txt 63/66 AMASS; Command: amass enum - d azena.com > azena3.txt GOWITNESS: This tool helps us verify valid subdomains 64/66 Below is the screenshots generated by gowitness 65/66 As you can see, I had created a directory named azenapics and then I ran the command in there, hence the shots were placed there. Burp Suite Overview 66/66