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Home Economics Revision Questions

When food is handled properly, it…………………..
A. Accelerates spoilage.
B. Encourages overspending.
C. Increases risk of poisoning
D. Reduces quality
E. Safeguards consumers’ health.
The act of making a choice from alternative courses of action is .................................
A. Decision making
B. Evaluation
C. Implementation.
D. Organization.
E. Strategic planning.
Which of the following is not a factor to be considered when selecting household linen?
A. Durability of fabric
B. Family needs
C. Money available
D. Size of the family
E. Type of fabric.
The body outline or shape of a person is called….
A. Figure
B. Outfit
C. Personality
D. Size
E. Style
Human Immununodeficiecy Virus causes……………….
B. Asthma.
C. Epilepsy
D. Gonorrhea.
E. Syphilis.
A person who uses goods and services to satisfy personal or household needs is a/an
A. Agent
B. Consumer
C. Distributor
D. Hawker
E. Retailer
The act of buying foodstuff needed to prepare meals is known as
A. budgeting
B. Preserving
C. Pricing
D. Purchasing
E. Storing
From the table below, identify the option that matches I, II and III
Abrasive cleaners
Acidic cleaners
Alkaline cleaners
A. Brasso, vinegar and borax
B. Silvo, lemon and vinegar
C. Silvo, vinegar and washing soda.
D. Vim,borax and brasso
E. Vim, jik and borax
9. The act of a mother sewing her used wrapper into a small gown for her daughter is
A. Darning
B. Decorating
C. Patching
D. Renovation.
E. Repairing
10. Mineral wax is used as …….. agent in pomade making
A. Colouring
B. Preservation
C. Stabilizing
D. Sterilizing
E. Thickening
11. Which of the following is an unacceptable food additive?
A. Bromate
B. Cinnamon
C. Ginger.
D. Nutmeg
E. Turmeric
12. Mixture of red and blue results in -----------------------colour
A. Green
B. Indigo
C. Orange
D. Purple
E. Yellow
13. Which of the following is the purpose of courtship?
A. To afford partners the opportunity to know more about love.
B. To allow partners to come into physical contact.
C. To enable partners to understand each other.
D. To stay close to each other’s family
E. To test for fertility
14. Which of the following is a procedure for seeking redress?
A. Accusation
B. Destruction
C. Dialogue
D. Fight
E. Praise
15. A person who serves food to the public is expected to -------------A. Allow body contact with it.
B. Cover it properly
C. Handle it with filthy hands.
D. Leave it open at all times
E. Spit and sneeze when handling it
16. The household linen in the diagram below is used for/as
A. Beautification
B. Protection over clothes
C. School uniform
D. Sleep wear
E. Sport wear.
17. Which of the following is a characteristic of quality food stuff?
It is …………………………………..
A. Appetizing and attractive.
B. Delicious and unwholesome
C. Easily attacked by micro organism
D. Expensive and in accessible.
E. Susceptible to contamination
18. In girls, development of breast and on-set of menstrual flow are signs of ---------A. Adolescence.
B. Adulthood
C. Growth
D. Puberty
E. Womanhood
19. Foods are preserve for following reasons except
A. To make them available when out of season
B. To prevent insect infestation
C. To prevent spoilage
D. To reduce the nutritional value.
E. To retard the action of micro-organism.
20. Which of the following is an example of animal stain?
A. Egg
B. Grease
C. Ink
D. Rust
E. Wax
21. The measures of quality, quantity and method of goal attainment in the family is referred
to as
A. Needs
B. Profit
C. Resources
D. Standard
E. Value
22. The legal union between a man and a woman is referred to as
A. Cohabitation
B. Courtship
C. Dating
D. Engagement
E. Marriage
23. A food manager must apply the following hygienic strategies in handling edible items
A. Cleanliness of food preparation environment
B. Keeping foods at safe temperature
C. Reheating cooked foods thoroughly
D. Storing perishable foods in the freezer
E. Using unwholesome food items.
24. Those things which the family desires that are not necessary for survival are called
A. Goals
B. Goods
C. Needs
D. Resources
E. Wants
25. Which of the following should be considered when selecting toys for children?
A. Complexion of the child
B. Family background
C. Flexibility in handling
D. Seller’s reaction
E. Weather condition
26. The tool below is a
A. Betweens
B. Emery bag
C. Sewing bag
D. Sharps
E. Thimble
27. Which of the following organizations is responsible for regulating sales of fake and
expired cosmetic products?
Use the table below to answer questions 28 and 29.
Method of preservation
Basic Principle
Food items
Lowering of temperature
Removal of moisture
Application of heat
28. Which preservation method is most appropriate for box X?
A. Canning
B. Refrigeration
C. Salting
D. Sterilization
E. Sun drying
29. Which food item is most appropriate for box Y?
A. Cucumber
B. Egg
C. Fish
D. Maize
E. Milk
30. A person who uses goods and services does not have the right to
A. Be informed
B. Consumer education
C. Destroy properties
D. Safety
E. Sue the producer
Primary needs
Secondary needs
B-Family car
D-Extra money
D-Health care
31. Which of the following is wrongly placed from the classification above?
A. A, B and B
B. A, C and B
C. B, C and C
D. D, A and D
E. D, B and C
32. Pesticides, heavy metals and toxins are classified as
A. Additives
B. Contaminants
C. Disinfectants
D. Micro organisms
E. Pathogens.
33. The freedom and benefit that is guaranteed to people by law is called
A. Education
B. Privilege
C. Respect
D. Right
E. Value
34. The collective name for the food items in the chart below is ______ food.
A. Convenience
B. Non perishable
C. Party
D. Perishable
E. Reheated
35. How many dosage of polio vaccine does an infant receive before nine month of age?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
36. A person whose work does not involve strenuous physical activity is called ________
A. Company
B. Manual
C. Medical
D. Sedentary
E. Social
37. Which of the following practices will ensure safety in food handling?
A. Cut fruits before washing
B. Discard soft foods that are moudly
C. Using raw eggs for drinks
D. Using unheated milk
E. Wearing long painted nails
38. The mixture of sugar, salt and water is used to control ________ in children
A. Colic
B. Constipation
C. Diarrhea
D. Fever
E. Malaria
39. The act of safeguarding the environment where food is prepared from contaminants is
known as food
A. Handling
B. Preparation
C. Preservation
D. Purchasing
E. Sanitation
40. Manicure is to the hands as pedicure is to the
A. Ears
B. Eyes
C. Feet
D. Mouth
E. Nose
41. Which of the following drinks will be most suitable for a school child?
A. Black tea
B. Coffee sip
C. Ginger beer
D. Green tea
E. Soy milk
42. Turkey sandwich is to snacks as chicken jollof is to
A. Appetizer
B. Dessert
C. Main meal
D. Soup
E. Vegetable salad
43. Which of these is a permanent stitch?
A. Diagonal basting
B. Even basting
C. Hemming
D. Tacking
E. Uneven tacking
44. A guideline for healthy feeding is that
A. Food should always be over cooked
B. One should talk while eating
C. Party refreshments should always be non-alcoholic drinks
D. Tables must be well laid before eating
E. Varieties from all food groups should be represented in the diet
45. The direction of threads in a fabric is known as the
A. Bias
B. Grain
C. Mill finish
D. Right side
E. Wrong side
46. Drug abuse is described as the use of the legal drugs
A. For curative purpose
B. For purpose designed by manufacturers
C. For the control of mental disorders.
D. Illegally to stimulate the nerves
E. In dosages as prescribed by doctors
47. Which of the following is a cleaning equipment?
A. Bucket
B. Dustpan
C. Hand Broom
D. Long brush
E. Vacuum brush
48. An effect of drug abuse on a person is that, it
A. Boosts memory retention
B. Cures diseases
C. Damages the lungs
D. Detoxifies the body
E. Promotes the body immunity
49. Which of the following is not a factor to be considered when buying food?
A. Dialect of food seller
B. Food items in season
C. Quality of food commodity
D. Quantity of food stuff
E. Size of the family
50. When picking snacks, hand contact can be avoided by using
A. Knives
B. Ladle
C. Spatula
D. Spoons
E. Tongs
51. Which of the following is a factor to be considered when buying food?
A. Available space for storage
B. Culinary skill of the home maker
C. Durability of kitchen tools
D. Kitchen plan
E. Sanitary condition of kitchen
52. Which of the following is a disadvantage of buying food in bulk?
A. Enables the home maker to buy food in season
B. Ensure the food is always in the house
C. Foodstuff may spoil in storage
D. It is cheaper and saves money
E. Time and energy is saved
53. At what month does a child attain a good sitting posture?
A. Four
B. One
C. Six
D. Three
E. Two
54. Which of the following is transmitted through sexual contact?
A. Cholera
B. Gonorrhea
C. Tuberculosis
D. Typhoid
E. Ulcer
55. Which of the following is a measure aimed at reducing the consequences of unhealthy
feeding habit?
A. Deliberate starvation
B. Depriving oneself of delicacies
C. Drastically cutting down on food
D. Making food choices wisely
E. Spending much money on food commodities
56. A good way of assessing the quality of leafy vegetables before buying them is to look out
A. Freshness
B. Packaging
C. Price
D. Quantity
E. Weight
57. Which of these fibres can be dyed easily?
A. Acetate
B. Cotton
C. Nylon
D. Silk
E. Wool
58. Food _______ is a benefit of healthy handling practices
A. Poisoning
B. Safety
C. Spoilage
D. Contamination
E. Wastage
59. Which of the following is the role of standard organization of Nigeria (SON)? To
A. Check and regulate price of goods and services.
B. Control inflationary pressure in the economy
C. Prohibit the selling of any goods prepared under unsanitary condition
D. Protect the interest of low groups
E. Standardize methods and products of industries throughout Nigeria
60. The effect of unhealthy eating habits include the followings, except
A. Bacterial infection
B. Chocking
C. Optimal growth
D. Over weight
E. Stomach ache
61. The first step in decision making is
A. Acting on the decision
B. Choosing the best alternative
C. Evaluation of the decision
D. Identifying the decision to be made
E. Listing the alternative
62. A line of stitching that joins two or more pieces of cloth is
A. Finishing
B. Hemming
C. Lines
D. Seams
E. Stitches
63. Abrasives are not suitable for cleaning
A. Brass
B. Pans
C. Polished woods
D. Pots
E. Silver wares
64. Which of the following is not a vegetable stain?
A. Cocoa
B. Coffee
C. Fruit juice
D. Grass
E. Palm oil
65. Immunization given to babies at birth starts and ends at _____ month of age
A. 0-11
B. 0-10
C. 0-9
D. 0-7
E. 0-6
66. Aluminum foil is a suitable material for packaging
A. Eggs
B. Fruits
C. Grains
D. Pastries
E. Poultry
67. Environmental condition of a child is associated with
A. Color
B. Eye
C. Hair
D. Love
E. Nose
68. A fibre with a scaly appearance is
A. Cotton
B. Linen
C. Nylon
D. Silk
E. Wool
69. At the junior secondary school level, Home Economics is offered as
A. Basic science
B. Basic technonlogy
C. Cultural and creative art
D. National value education
E. Pre-vocational studies
70. The time that marks the beginning of sexual maturation is called
A. Adolescence
B. Adulthood
C. Childhood
D. Puberty
E. Womanhood
71. Good knowledge of possible points of contamination is a strategy for
A. Customer dissatisfaction
B. Environmental pollution
C. Hygienic food management
D. Poor refuse disposal
E. Unhygienic food management
72. Camphor balls in drawers help to
A. Circulate fresh air
B. Keep insect away
C. Keep it clean
D. Make clothes last longer
E. Make it smell fast
73. A child can be said to have failed in development, if he ______ at nine months.
A. Crawls very well
B. Holds head vertically
C. Makes distinguishable sounds
D. Stares indefinitely at surrounding
E. Understand some words
74. Which of the following is a regulatory government agency?
A. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
B. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
C. National Examinations Council
D. Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council
E. Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps
75. The unpleasant smell that comes out from the body is called
A. Aroma
B. Gas
C. Odour
D. Perfume
E. Sweat
76. Which of the following snacks can be cooked by frying?
A. Biscuit
B. Buns
C. Cake
D. Groundnut
E. Meat pie
77. When edges of garment are turned to the wrong side and stitched, it is called
A. Binding
B. Facing
C. Hemming
D. Joining
E. Looping
78. The temperature of baby bath water should be felt with the
A. Ankle
B. Elbow
C. Foot
D. Knee
E. Toe
79. The choice of storage method used by a home maker can be influenced by
A. Available utensils in the house
B. Date of purchase of food item
C. Method of cooking applicable
D. Name of food stuffs
E. Nature of food items
80. Thread guide helps to
A. Hold fabric firmly when sewing
B. Hold the spool of the thread
C. Prevent thread from twisting
D. Raise and lower the needle
E. Regulate the tightness of the thread
81. Tricycle and ball are examples of children _______ play materials
A. Creative
B. Fun
C. Muscular
D. Role
E. Show
82. Individual responsible for food business must ensure that
A. Control of bacteria is neglected
B. Food premises are unclean at all times
C. Foods are stored carelessly
D. High personal hygiene is maintained
E. Inadequate ventilation is provided
83. An example of synthetic fibre is
A. Cotton
B. Linen
C. Rayon
D. Silk
E. Wool
84. Solvents, as cleaning agent removes dirt by
A. Emulsifying
B. Liquefying
C. Polishing
D. Rubbing
E. Solidifying
85. Perishable foods can stored in the
A. Basket
B. Cooler
C. Oven
D. Refrigerator
E. Store
86. Which of the following fibre turns grey or yellow with age?
A. Acetate
B. Cotton
C. Nylon
D. Polyster
E. Viscose
87. Expired products can be identified in the market by
A. Checking the dates
B. Knowing the food composition.
C. Observing the nutritional value
D. Viewing the color externally
E. Weighing the quantity
88. How can we develop a healthy feeding habit? By
A. Choosing nutritious mean is a conscious way
B. Eating junks regularly
C. Eating once daily
D. Excessive appetite sweet
E. Skipping meals within the day
89. Fresh paint can be removed using
A. Bleach
B. Borax
C. Glycerin
D. Turpentine
E. Vinegar
90. Which of the following is a tool used in the salon?
A. Brush
B. Conditioner
C. Moisturizer
D. Oil
E. Shampoo
91. Which of the following is a function of the hairs?
A. Add beauty to the person
B. Improve person’s appearance
C. Keep the head warm
D. Make an individual hairy
E. Protect the head
92. In keeping food safe, the home maker should
A. Cook food at a high temperature
B. Keep meals cold after cooking
C. Leave working surface unclean
D. Leaves fruits and vegetables covered
E. Maintain good hygiene
93. The natural fibre suitable for harmattan is
A. Cotton
B. Linen
C. Rayon
D. Silk
E. Wool
94. Food borne diseases can be prevented by
A. Consuming food from doubtful sources
B. Consuming fruits without washing
C. Covering food when not ready for consumption
D. Eating expired foods
E. Violating food sanitary measures
95. Oral rehydration therapy is a first aid treatment for
A. Colic
B. Constipation
C. Convulsion
D. Diarrhea
E. Malaria
96. Faded household articles can be made to look new by _______ it
A. Darning
B. Dyeing
C. Gathering
D. Patching
E. Stitching
97. Which of the following is not suitable for the skin?
A. Bleaching cream
B. Cleansing lotion
C. Moisturizing lotion
D. Toilet soap
E. Toning cream
98. Obesity is a health condition that is associated with
A. Balanced diet
B. Food additives
C. Old age
D. Over feeding
E. Vegetarian diet
99. Pinking shears is used for
A. Drafting pattern
B. Edge finishing
C. Inserting elastic
D. Opening buttonhole
E. Removing fullness
Food can be contaminated through the following sources except
A. Chemicals
B. Fruits
C. Micro-organisms
D. Pests
E. Rodents
A person who makes use of goods and services to satisfy needs is called
A. Buyer
B. Consumer
C. Distributor
D. Hawker
E. Retailer
Body measurement taken front the shoulder to the wrist is
A. Arm circumference
B. Elbow
C. Shoulder
D. Sleeve length
E. Underarm length
Contamination of foods can be prevented by
A. Cleaning and sanitizing waste bin regularly
B. Keeping finger nails long
C. Leaving raw food uncovered
D. Touching of hair before handling food
E. Washing of hands occasionally
Pedicure is the act of caring for the ________ and
A. Ear, eyebrow
B. Eyebrow, scalp
C. Feet, foot nails
D. Feet, scalp
E. Hand, foot nails
Routine care given to household articles is
A. Removing all broaches before storing
B. Rinsing with hot water
C. Soaking clothes for days before washing
D. Spreading them on beds for fresh air
E. Using perfumes to remove odor
Which of the following is the duty of food seller to the public?
A. Access their financial capability
B. Choose dress code
C. Decided what meals to serve individual
D. Provide drugs after meals
E. Serve meal on the table on time
The complete set of an adult teeth are _______ in number
A. 16
B. 22
C. 32
D. 34
E. 36
Padded materials used to take out hot pans and dishes from top of cooler is
A. Duster
B. Hand towel
C. Mitten
D. Pot holder
E. Rug
An example of secondary need is
A. Allowance
B. Clothing
C. Food
D. Health
E. Shelter
Which of the following combinations below represent snacks?
Groundnut cake
Carrot stick
Jollof rice
Yam pottage
Fruit drink
A. I, II and VI only
B. I, III and VI only
C. II, IV and V only
D. IV, III and V only
E. V, III and II only
Quilting can be done on fabric using
A. Bead
B. Hook
C. Machine
D. Pin
E. Shuttle
The thickening agent in the production of pomade is
A. Color
B. Lanoline
C. Mineral oil
D. Mineral wax
E. Petroleum jelly
Which of the following options are reasons for preservation? To
Change food appearance
Cut down cost
Cut down post-harvest loss
Increase bulk
Make food available all year round
A. I, II and III only
B. I, III and IV only
C. II, III and IV only
D. II, III and V only
E. III, IV, and V only
Beads and sequins can be used in making
A. Batik
B. Crotchet
C. Flower
D. Furniture
E. Jewelry
The food best stored by freezing is
A. Beans
B. Fish
C. Lettuce
D. Orange
E. Yam
Yoghurt is produced through ________ process
A. Bottling
B. Canning
C. Dehydration
D. Fermentation
E. Salting
Exclusive breast feeding is from ________ months
A. 0-4
B. 0-5
C. 0-6
D. 0-7
E. 0-9
A common mordant used on indigo dye is
A. Alum
B. Iodine
C. Chlorine
D. Potash
E. Sulphur
Which of the following is a snack?
A. Omelette
B. Popcorn
C. Porridge
D. Pudding
E. Salad
The essential things which the family requires for survival are called
A. Articles
B. Goals
C. Knowledge
D. Needs
E. Standards.
1. In a tabular form explain different types of Fibre with examples
2. Define the following terms:
3. i. State four (4) way in which you can identify different fabric.
ii. Explain any two (2) mentioned above
4. a. Define fabric finishes
b. Explain four (4) of the following:
i. Grease resistant
ii. Stain resistant
iii. Lustre or sheen finishes:
iv. Mercerization
v. Water-repellant finishes
vi. Moth – proof finishes
vii. Flame – resistant finishes
2 marks
5. Tabulate five (5) stains and stain removal
6. a. State four (4) properties of a good soap
b. Explain four (4) uses of stiffening agents
c. Define disinfectant