X By Group 30 Phuong HOANG (Evelyn) Tiffani LAM Koichi NAKAYAMA Roger ROMERO Arjun SHIVACH TABLE OF CONTENTS Presentation Overview 02 I Executive Summary II Situation Analysis III Marketing Strategy IV Integrated Customer Experience V Profit Potential I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY X The collaboration between Nike and Cariuma to launch new sustainable product lines Nike – standard design, comfort and durability Cariuma's sneaker production technology with sustainable materials and reduced carbon footprint process The integrated service and distribution ecosystem II. SITUATION ANALYSIS Context Company: Collaboration between Nike and Cariuma Competitors: The sustainable shoe market is very scattered as of now. Customers: Young generations are willing to pay more for sustainable products Sweet spot Sustainable footwear is projected to grow in future CONTEXT: Big growth potential for sustainable sneakers in the next decades Market Size of sustainable vs global footwear USD in Billions 140 126,5 115,9 120 100 93,5 74 80 60 42 40 20 8,5 9,5 11 10 2,5 3 3,5 0 Global Shoe Market Sustainable Shoes 2023 2025 Sneaker Market 2027 Sustainable sn eaker Sources: Market Insights by Statista CUSTOMERS: Young generations are willing to pay more for sustainable products Younger generations are most concerned about sustainability in a post-COVID world. Overall, 64% of consumers say they would pay more for sustainable shoes if marketed correctly. 13% Reducing Carbon footprint Reducing single use plastic consumption 72% 73% 72% 75% 35% 16% 36% Would pay $10 extra for sustainable shoes Companies behaving more sustainably Baby Boomers 79% 79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Gen X Millennials Gen Z Would pay $6-10 extra for sustainable shoes Won't pay additional amount for sustainable shoes Would pay $1-5 extra for sustainable shoes Sources: 17,149 internet users aged 16-64, by Kantar COMPETITORS : The sustainable sneaker market is very scattered as of now. Start-up 10000 foot view: Are we making real progress? Big brands 74,19% 20,43% 5,38% The industry The industry The industry has made great has made some has not made stri des forward progress, but any real not significant progress The industry has gone backwards III. MARKETING STRATEGY LOW < ATTRACTIVENESS > HIGH SEGMENTATION BEST SEGMENT A Considering about Lifestyle, Category drivers, we define 4 main segments A: Trend setters B: Casual users C: Professional athletes B D: Affordable users D WORST SEGMENTS LOW < COMPABILITY > HIGH C TARGET PERSONA Eco -casual advocates Demographics •Age: 18-35 years old. •Occupation: Students, early career professionals •Location: Urban areas Values and Lifestyle •Be Fashion-Forward •Support Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness • Possess Active and Casual Lifestyle • Be Tech-Savvy and Socially Connected Category spending drivers •High Investment in Quality •Selective Purchasing •High Brand Loyalty SNEAKER MARKET POSITIONING Versatile usage Positioning statement Sustainable Traditional Exclusive usage ( only for parties, treatment, profressionals, …) For Eco-Casual Advocates seeking sustainable alternatives for their current everyday sneakers, Nike x Cariuma provides the best sustainable sneaker due to its superior comfortable design, carbon-less production technology, and a comprehensive service ecosystem. BRAND ESSENSE Why How Who What ( Master Nike mission) Bring innovation and inspiration to every athlete in the world *If you have a body, you are an athelete Versatile, Durable and Eco-friendly Intensely energetic, Fiercely successful, Eco- conscious Superior designs, endorsed by Nike Natural materials and less- carbon production technology, by Cariuma A complete ecosystem of products and services 15 IV. INTEGRATED CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES PRODUCT Product Features Everything you would want in your everyday sneaker: Exceptionally comfortable, versatile year-round and eco-friendly — a collection that exists at the intersection of functionality and style. 1. Practicality & comfort Featherweight Water- and slip-resistant Arch and ankle support 2. Durability Machine-washable Removable & replaceable insoles 3. Sustainability Entrenched in all aspects of the product design (e.g. lining woven bamboo, organic cotton canvas) Design Mood Board Packaging Two-in-one shoe and shipping box + Sustainable dust bags made with recycled plastic bottles + Plant seed Augmented Product Customization Dedicated customer care and after-sales Resoling service @Niketown stores Nike x Cariuma Green Club community (workshops, experiences and loyalty points) Repair warranty (partner with local artisans) COMMUNICATION Communication Objectives Why? How? Who? What? Amplify & Share Like & Excite Educate & Engage Reach & Believe Media Choices • • Launch and post-launch sharing of existing customers, press, and social figures • Social Media Interactive Campaign: #JustdoGreen #NikexCariuma • Trade in old shoes, get a discount on a new pair • Pop-up VR virtual tour of sustainable shoes production process • Sustainable customization workshop with the participance of influencers Maintain social conversation and build excitement for the official launch; inviting cocreation and experiences instore Messages on our differentiation and sustainability impact Engage through different channels (physical and digital) Leverage on the reach Nike has already done as a brand to build awareness of the new product line Nike x Cariuma Gifts with purchase : plant seeds Nike x Cariuma Green Club with evergreen reward points • • • • • Build new web pages on Nike.com Transparency on sustainability and impact Email campaigns Celebrate global environmental events with limited design collection Influencer and celebrity endorsements • Creative TVC • Social Media Ads • Sponsor articles on Magazines & events • SNKRS App You are invited CUSTOMER JOURNEY Engagement Reach • Evelyn • • Wears sneakers regularly Cares about the environmental impact of her purchases Knows Nike is launching a lifestyle sustainable shoe line from online sources • Receives targeting marketing • Wasn’t previously aware of Cariuma but she is starting to like the idea and the look • Sees social conversation driven by influencer and celebrities about the Nike x Cariuma line, which is limited in number and highly soughtafter Excitement & Conversion • Hears about the pop-up VR virtual tour, goes to check it out • Loves the experience, speaks with staff • • Hears about the trade-in programme and is convinced by the trade-in idea Joins the waitlist and she also signs up on SNKRS Advocacy & Loyalty Usage • Attends the customization workshops as a VIP (alongside influencers) • Shares pictures of the event and gets her pair of customized shoes • Loves the cocreation process, as well as the shoes’ functionality and versatility • Becomes a keen member of the Nike x Cariuma Green Club • Tells friends and family about the shoe line • Takes care of the houseplant (seeds of which came with her Nike x Cariuma purchase) and continues to share pictures on social media SALE MANAGEMENT GO- TO- MARKET STRAGEGY Training & Outfits Physical Stores Objectives Web Stores Distribution Channels Talent B2B Sales Experience Amplify sales and image Accessibility Compensation 28 V. PROFIT POTENTIAL PRICING STRATEGY USD Sustainable Collaboration Sus × Collab Direct Competitor Target + 200 Adidas× Parley Ultra boost $ 220 Nike × CARIUMA AJ 1 $ 200 150 150 – 200 Nike × Travis Nike × Union $ 190 $ 190 Base model Price $180 Ultra boost, AJ 1 VEJA$ 150 Nike$ 130 CARIUMA $ 140 All Birds $ 140 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE PROJECTION USD Revenue Price Qty Sold CGS CGS % Gross Profit Gross % Total Opex Opex % Demand Creation DC % Operating Overhead Ope Overhead % Operating profit Operating % 2024 20,000,000 200 100,000 12,000,000 60% 8,000,000 40% 10,000,000 50% 5,000,000 25% 5,000,000 25% (2,000,000) -10.00% 2025 50,000,000 200 250,000 30,000,000 60% 20,000,000 40% 17,000,000 34% 5,000,000 10% 12,000,000 24% 3,000,000 6% 2026 100,000,000 200 500,000 59,000,000 59% 41,000,000 41% 33,000,000 33% 8,000,000 8% 25,000,000 25% 8,000,000 8% 2027 200,000,000 200 1,000,000 116,000,000 58% 84,000,000 42% 64,000,000 32% 16,000,000 8% 48,000,000 24% 20,000,000 10% 2028 400,000,000 200 2,000,000 228,000,000 57% 172,000,000 43% 128,000,000 32% 32,000,000 8% 96,000,000 24% 44,000,000 11% B.E. point 166,700 units Nike 5 years AVE 55% Nike 5 years AVE 32% Nike 5 years AVE 8% Nike 5 years AVE 24% BREAK- EVEN ANALYSIS Break Even QTY 167K Second Year G s ro fit o r P s Break Even QTY 220K Amount Amount First Year os r G it of r sP 17Mil Fixed Cost 10Mil Fixed Cost Our 2nd Year QTY Our 1st Year QTY 100K 200K QTY 100K 200K QTY MARKET SHARE PROJECTION 3.5 Bil 3 Bil 2.5 Bil 1.7% 2023 2025 5.7% 2027 Appendix To be profitable from first year with selling Price 200USD, Company needs to sell minimum 200K. First year Price !"Quantity Operting Profit Simulation USD Qty (2,000,000) 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 Price 80 (3,800,000) (2,600,000) (1,400,000) 100 (3,500,000) (2,000,000) (500,000) 130 (3,050,000) (1,100,000) 850,000 (200,000) 1,000,000 2,200,000 3,400,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 5,500,000 4,600,000 5,800,000 7,000,000 140 (2,900,000) (800,000) 145 (2,825,000) (650,000) 150 (2,750,000) (500,000) 180 (2,300,000) 200 220 (2,000,000) (1,700,000) 400,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 2,800,000 4,750,000 6,700,000 8,650,000 1,300,000 3,400,000 5,500,000 7,600,000 9,700,000 1,525,000 3,700,000 5,875,000 8,050,000 10,225,000 1,750,000 4,000,000 6,250,000 8,500,000 10,750,000 3,100,000 5,800,000 8,500,000 11,200,000 13,900,000 4,000,000 7,000,000 10,000,000 13,000,000 16,000,000 4,900,000 8,200,000 11,500,000 14,800,000 18,100,000 7,000,000 10,600,000 11,800,000 12,400,000 13,000,000 16,600,000 19,000,000 21,400,000 8,500,000 12,550,000 13,900,000 14,575,000 15,250,000 19,300,000 22,000,000 24,700,000 10,000,000 14,500,000 16,000,000 16,750,000 17,500,000 22,000,000 25,000,000 28,000,000 Thank THANK YOU You