INITIAL START-UP COSTS Start-up Loan (Principal + Interest) $27,500 Furniture (incl. of co ee machine) $8,000 Rent Deposit $2,000 Utilities Deposit $500 TOTAL (INITIAL STARTUP COST) MONTHLY OPERATIONS $38,000 COSTS Per MONTH Rent $2,000 Utilities $500 Cup Purchase (5000/week) * 4 $1,800 Co ee Purchase (30lbs/week) * 4) $720 Manager Salaries (2 working 42 hrs each) : 2 * Yearly salary / 12 months $8,320 Server Salaries (a total of 68 hrs weekly) * 4 * Monthly salary $4624 TOTAL (MONTHLY COST STARTING FROM THE FIRST MONTH ITSELF) $17,964 MONTHLY INCOME INCOME EARNED COFFEE sales : X number * $2.5 $Y MONTHLY NET INCOME * : (INCOME BY COFFEE SALES - OPERATIONAL COSTS) = (INCOME BY COFFEE SALES - $17,964) = ff ff *once we have covered the initial start-up cost of $ 38,000 our monthly net income = . BREAK EVEN = FIXED COST / (PRICE PER UNIT - VARIABLE COST) Variable Cost: Cost of Cup = $ 0.09 Cost of co ee per cup : 18 grams (0.036 lb) = 0.036lb/cup * $6/lb = $ 0.216 => Total = $ 0.306 per cup Fixed Cost: RENT + UTILITIES + SALARIES = $ 15,444 Break even (monthly) = $ 15,444 / ($2.5 - $0.306) = ~ 7039 units of co ee HAVE NOT CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING YET : ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION : ? ff ff ff Anticipated number of co ee selling per week : ?