Computing Project Unit 4: Communicating Online PRESENTED BY: NOOR ALI ASSAD 8B Task 1 Networking Basics What is a Network? A network is a group of two or more computers and other devices that are linked through cables, fiber channels or wireless technologies. What are Nodes? Nodes are the computers and hardware devices that are connected in a network. What are the two types of Network Topologies? The first type of network topology is the Point-to-point topology. The second type of network topology is the Bus topology. The Point-to-point topology is the simplest topology and it consists of a permanent link between two nodes. The Bus topology is each node connected to a single cable. There are two types of Network Categories? There are Local Area Networks(LANs) and Wide Area Networks(WANs). A LAN interconnects computers that are in a small area, while a WAN covers a broader area that may exceed a country’s border. The definition of The Client-Server model: A network consists of two ore more interconnected computers. What is Communication Protocol? A communication protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging these messages. A protocol defines the way that the messages should be formed Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL) is the most widely used technology that enables fast data transmission over telephone lines. Very high bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) is the next DSL technology, providing faster data transmission rates than ADSL. 3rd GEN networks provide fast mobile wireless telephony and Internet access.. 4th GEN is the successor of 3rd GEN networks. 4th GEN Long Term Evolution (LTE) offers up to 1000 Mbit/s for receiving data and 500 Mbit/s for sending data. 5th GEN is the latest standard for wireless networks designed to reach up to 20 Gbit/s. 5th GEN can support up to a million devices per square kilometer, a capacity that enables new services. Point-to-point and Bus topology images The video link of Point-to-point and bus topology Task 2 What is a Blog? What is a blog? A blog is a website that consists of entries that are called “posts”. Blog is usually written by one person and it is often written on a particular topic. There are FOUR unwritten rules of the “BLOGOSPHERE” that every blogger should follow. Rule 1- When you write a blog you should be clear, so that the reader can understand the point of your article. Images, examples, bullets and highlighted text always make the article easier and more pleasant to read. Rule 2- Keep your text short; otherwise it is likely that the readers will become bored. Rule 3- Always read your text before you publish it in order to make corrections, if needed. Rule 4- If you borrowed materials in your blogs (text, quotes, etc), you should always cite your sources. How to sign in to Blogger: 1- Visit 2- Click the CREATE YOU BLOG button. 3- Type you email address and enter your password. 4- Click Next. 5- The Create a new blog window appears. Blog is a portmanteau of the words “web log”. To create a new blog: 1- In the Create your new blog window, in the Title text box, type a name for your blog, and click NEXT. 2- In the Address text box, type a blog address and click SAVE. 3- Your new blog will appear. To create a new post: 1-Click “+” to create a new post. 2- Start by giving your post a title. 3- Write your post. To Insert an image: 1- From the toolbar, click the Insert Image button. 2- From the drop down menu, click Upload from computer. 3- In the Add Images window, click Choose Files. 4- In the Open window, select the appropriate image and click Open. 5- Click Select. 6- The photo will be inserted into your post. To insert a video from YouTube in your post: 1- On the Toolbar, click the Insert Video button. 2- From the drop down menu, click YouTube. 3- On the Add a Video window, click the Search tab, type your search query in the search box and click the Search button. 4- Choose the video you want and click Select. 5- The video is added to your post. To publish your post: 1- From the main window, click the Publish button. 2- In the Publish Post? Window, click CONFIRM. 3- In the main page, click the View button. 4- The post will be published into your blog. To update a post: 1- Click on the post to open it. 2- Make the changes you want. 3- Click Update. Blog Images What is A Blog and it is explained. Task 3 Social Media What is Facebook? Facebook is a social network for people who share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Facebook provides means for users to interact over the internet, such as email and instant messaging. To send a friend request: 1- Click Search and find the person you want to be friends with. 2- Click Add Friend. A friend request is sent when the Cancel Request button appears. You can cancel the friend request if you change your mind. 3- The other person will get a notification. 4- If they click Confirm you will be friends. To chat with a friend: 1- From the Contacts list, click your friend’s name. A chat window will appear. 2- Type your messages in the text box and press ENTER. 3- Your messages will appear in the blank area above. To post something: 1- Click on the What’s on your mind? Text box. 2- Type your message and click Post. 3- Now your message is posted on your Home Page. To share a video: 1- Click on the Photo/Video button. 2- In the Open window, select the photo you want and click Open. 3- Click Post. 4- Your image is now posted. To upload a video: 1- Click on the Photo/Video button. 2- In the Open window, select the video you want and click Open. 3- Click Post. 4- Wait until you get the notification that your video has been uploaded. 4- Your video is now posted. To upload a photo album: 1- On the Profile page, click the Photos tab. 2- Click Create Album. 3- In the Open window, select photos or videos from your computer to add to your album, then click Open. 4- Wait for your photos to be uploaded. 5- Click Post. 6- The album has been created. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read short text-based messages, known as “tweets”. Twitter offers many features to users. It allows you to send and read other users’ tweets. Tweets are limited to 280 characters, and because they look like tiny blog posts, this process is also called microblogging. To post photos: 1- Click the Tweet button. 2- Type your tweet in the Compose new Tweet box. 3- Click the Add photos or video button to post a photo. 4- Browse to select a photo and click Open. 5- Click Tweet. 6- Your photo will appear on the home page. There are THREE basic rules of an online dialogue: Rule 1- Always respect other people’s opinions even if you don’t agree with them. Rule 2- Try to understand other people’s points of view and express yours in a polite way. Rule 3- Don’t use bad language. Even with your close friends m. Social media Images It explains what social media is. Task 4 Communication Tools What is WhatsApp? WhatsApp is an instant messaging application for Android, iOS and other operating systems. It is a communication tool that allows users to communicate with others by voice using speakers and a microphone, by video using a webcam, and by instant messaging over the internet. WhatsApp is free and you can download it from the Google Play Store or App Store. In order to see it though, you need to create a WhatsApp account. To add contact to WhatsApp is quite away. To add a contact: 1- Open WhatsApp and in the CALLS tab tap the +Contact button. 2- Tap New Contact. 3- Type any information you want to include for the contact, including the Phone number. 4- Tap Save. 5- The new contact will appear on your contact list. You can use WhatsApp to exchange instant messages with your friends. To send an instant message: 1- In the CHATS tab tap the Start a chat button. 2- Tap the contact you want to talk with. 3- Type your message and tap the green Send icon. 4- Your message instantly appears in the area above. You can also share files. You can share images, videos, music and documents with your friends. To share files: 1- Tap the name of your contact and tap the Add files button. 2- Tap the folder and then select your file. 3- Tap the green Send icon. 4Your file will be sent. To access an image file: 1- In the Home screen of your phone, tap Photos. 2- You can access your files through the WhatsApp Images folder. To make a call: 1- Select the contact you want to call and tap the Call button. 2- In the Start voice call window, tap CALL. 3- The call is established once it is accepted by your friend. To make a video call: 1- Select the contact you want to call and tap the Video Call icon. 2- In the Start video call window, tap CALL. 3- The call is established once it is accepted by your friend. To block and report a contact: 1- Tap on the name of the contact that has sent you the unwanted message. 2- Scroll down past his/her contacts details and tap Block. 3- Then tap Report Contact. Communication Tools image Top Communication Tools Video Task 5 Digital Citizenship Any data that is related to a person and that can identify him or her is called Personal Data. Sensitive personal data are defined in the US Data Protection Act as any any personal about: 1- The racial or ethic origin, the political opinions or the religious or philosophical beliefs of the person. 2- Whether the person is a member of a trade union. Here are some tips to protect your privacy online:1- Get familiar with the social network’s privacy settings and tweak them accordingly. Choose who can see what. Avoid setting your profile’s visibility to “public”. 2- Protect your personal information and don’t make it available online. Don’t provide your full name, address, phone number or school. 3- Be careful when you post something. Don’t forget that your texts are visible to all your friends, so try not to write something that can be easily misunderstood. What is “Netiquette”? Netiquette is the term which defines these rules for online behavior. The term is a combination of the words Network and Etiquette. There are FOUR core rules of netiquette are: 1- Follow the same rules of good behavior that you can use in real life, the same level of ethics applies to the Internet. 2- Respect other people’s privacy. Don’t share their content or email addresses (e.g. on an email with more than one recipient, use the bbc). 3- Use appropriate language. Avoid spelling and syntax errors. Don’t write with capital letters, it is like yelling. Avoid rude expressions. 4- Do not use copyrighted material to which you do not have the rights. What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is any act of intimidation or aggression, harassing behavior through digital communication devices, namely the Internet and mobile phones, and which is repeated at regular intervals. Cyberbullying involves the dissipation by bullies of intense feelings such as anger, pain, fear, rejection and despair caused by troubled family relationships, social dysfunction, or difficult personal relationships. If you think that someone is involved in Cyberbullying, there are TWO things to do: 1- Watch for warning signs: Recognize if there has been a change in mood or behavior and explore what the cause might be. 2- Talk: Ask questions to get as much information as you can. Try to understand what is happening, how it started, and who in involved. What is Digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship is an idea that relates to educating teachers, pupils and parents so that they can used technology appropriately. To respect intellectual property: 1- Always cite the source of images or information. 2- Ask for permission before you use other people’s work. 3- Include links to other websites rather than just downloading material from them and reposting it as if it were yours. 4- Share your own materials for others to use. 5- Do not use pirated software, movies or music. What is Software? A software license is a contact created by the software creators regarding its use and redistribution. This license is always used to protect software from illegal actions. When you use proprietary software, you should always have a license that gives you the right to use it. Software licensing also includes maintenance. What is a Freeware? A freeware is a software that is provided for users with no cost or an optional fee, but usually with one or more restrictive usage rights. What is Shareware? Shareware is provided to users without payment and on a trial basic. Shareware is often offered as a download from an Internet website or as a compact disc included with a newspaper or magazine. What is the Freemium Model? Sometimes you are able to use and application for free but with reduced functionality. If you want all the features, you will have to pay. Digital Citizenship Images The video explains the Digital Citizenship