The 360 Angels of Power Shape your Destiny with the Power of the 360 Angels of the Zodiac to Manifest the Life you Desire Tristan Whitespire Copyright © 2021 Tristan Whitespire Disclaimer: The information provided in this book is not to be taken for medical or professional advice under any circumstances. By using the information contained in this book the user assumes full responsibility and agrees that Tristan Whitespire will not be held liable or responsible for any consequences that come as a result of the actions you take based on reading the information contained herein. The reader understands that no promises of success are made to the readers of this book. By reading this book you agree and understand that nothing said herein is meant to give medical, legal, or financial advice and should not be used in place of medical, legal or financial advice from a qualified expert. If you are in need of legal, financial, or medical help seek professional help and do not use the information in this book as a substitute for the guidance and advice of certified, qualified experts under any circumstances. Always be sure that you adhere to and obey the government, the laws, and the authorities of your country. Contents Title Page Copyright The Power of Angelic Magick Blessings of the 360 Angels of the Zodiac The Key to Success with Magick The 360 Images of the Zodiac Degrees The Ritual Method Summary of the Ritual Method The Angels of Aries 1. Biel (BEE-EL) Sigil of Biel 2.Gosiel (GAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Gosiel 3. Hael (HAH-EL) Sigil of Hael 4. Vaniel (VAH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Vaniel 5.Zaciel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zaciel 6.Cagnel (KAHG-NELL) Sigil of Cagnel 7.Taphael (TAH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Taphael 8.Itael (EE-TAH-EL) Sigil of Itael 9.Cakiel (KAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Cakiel 10.Lariel (LAH-REE-EL) Sigil of Lariel 11.Nathiel (NAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Nathiel 12.Saguel (SAHG-YOU-EL) Sigil of Saguel 13.Gabiel (GAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Gabiel 14.Pegiel (PEH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Pegiel 15.Gadiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Gadiel 16.Khoel (KOH-EL) Sigil of Khoel 17.Loviel (LUH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Loviel 18.Hazael (HAH-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Hazael 19.Gociel (GAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Gociel 20.Botiel (BAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Botiel 21.Giel (GEE-EL) Sigil of Giel 22.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Dachael 23.Habiel (HAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Habiel 24.Vigael (VEE-GAH-EL) Sigil of Vigael 25.Zadiel (ZAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Zadiel 26.Chael (KAH-EL) Sigil of Chael 27.Tavael (TAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Tavael 28.Jozel (EE-YAHZ-EL) Sigil of Jozel 29.Chiel (KEE-EL) Sigil of Chiel 30.Hetiel (HEH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Hetiel The Angels of Taurus 1.Letiel (LEH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Letiel 2.Niyael (NEE-YAH-EL) Sigil of Niyael 3.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Sachiel 4.Goeliel (GOH-EH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Goeliel 5.Ponael (PAH-NAH-EL) Sigil of Ponael 6.Tezisiel (TEH-ZEE-SEE-EL) Sigil of Tezisiel 7.Kingael (KEENG-AH-EL) Sigil of Kingael 8.Raphael (RAH-FAH-EL) Sigil of Raphael 9.Tozael (TAH-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Tozael 10.Gokiel (GAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Gokiel 11.Boriel (BOH-REE-EL) Sigil of Boriel 12.Gothiel (GAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Gothiel 13.Dagnel (DAHG-NEL) Sigil of Dagnel 14.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Vabiel 15.Zegiel (ZEH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Zegiel 16.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Chadiel 17.Tohiel (TOE-HEE-EL) Sigil of Tohiel 18.Javiel (HAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Javiel 19.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Chaziel 20.Bachiel (BAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Bachiel 21.Gotiel (GAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Gotiel 22.Daiel (DAH-EE-EL) Sigil of Daiel 23.Hachael (HAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Hachael 24.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Vabiel 25.Zadiel (ZAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Zadiel 26.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Chadiel 27.Tohael (TOE-HAH-EL) Sigil of Tohael 28.Javael (HAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Javael 29.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Chaziel 30.Sachael (SAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Sachael The Angels of Gemini 1.Latiel (LAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Latiel 2.Nagael (NAH-GAH-EL) Sigil of Nagael 3.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Sachiel 4.Gualiel (GOO-AH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Gualiel 5.Paniel (PAH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Paniel 6.Tzisiel (TUH-ZEE-SEE-EL) Sigil of Tzisiel 7.Kingael (KEENG-AH-EL) Sigil of Kingael 8.Raphiel (RAH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Raphiel 9.Gnetiel (GUH-NET-EE-EL) Sigil of Gnetiel 10.Bahiel (BAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Bahiel 11.Goriel (GOH-REE-EL) Sigil of Goriel 12.Dathiel (DAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Dathiel 13.Hogael (HO-GAH-EL) Sigil of Hogael 14.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Vabiel 15.Zagiel (ZAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Zagiel 16.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Chadiel 17.Tahoel (TAH-HO-EL) Sigil of Tahoel 18.Javiel (HAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Javiel 19.Chazael (KAH-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Chazael 20.Bachael (BAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Bachael 21.Gotiel (GOH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Gotiel 22.Dajael (DAH-YAH-EL) Sigil of Dajael 23.Hachael (HAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Hachael 24.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Vabiel 25.Zagiel (ZAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Zagiel 26.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Chadiel 27.Tahiel (TAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Tahiel 28.Daviel (DAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Daviel 29.Hoziel (HA-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Hoziel 30.Vachael (VAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Vachael The Angels of Cancer 1.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Sachiel 2.Motiel (MOH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Motiel 3.Aiel (AH-EE-EL) Sigil of Aiel 4.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Sachiel 5.Moliel (MOH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Moliel 6.Aniel (AH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Aniel 7.Sasael (SAH-SAH-EL) Sigil of Sasael 8.Magnael (MAHG-NAH-EL) Sigil of Magnael 9.Athiel (AH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Athiel 10.Sobael (SOH-BAH-EL) Sigil of Sobael 11.Makel (MAH-KEL) Sigil of Makel 12.Ariel (AH-REE-EL) Sigil of Ariel 13.Sothiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Sothiel 14.Magnael (MAHG-NAH-EL) Sigil of Magnael 15.Abiel (AH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Abiel 16.Sagel (SAH-GAH-EL) Sigil of Sagel 17.Madiel (MAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Madiel 18.Ahiel (AH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Ahiel 19.Savael (SAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Savael 20.Maziel (MAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Maziel 21.Achiel (AH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Achiel 22.Sotiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Sotiel 23.Maiel (MAH-EE-EL) Sigil of Maiel 24.Achael (AH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Achael 25.Sabiel (SAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Sabiel 26.Magiel (MAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Magiel 27.Adiel (AH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Adiel 28.Sahiel (SAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Sahiel 29.Moviel (MAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Moviel 30.Aziel (AH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Aziel The Angels of Leo 1.Machiel (MAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Machiel 2.Satiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Satiel 3.Aiel (AH-EE-EL) Sigil of Aiel 4.Mochiel (MAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Mochiel 5.Satiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Satiel 6.Aniel (AH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Aniel 7.Masiel (MAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Masiel 8.Songael (SONG-AH-EL) Sigil of Songael 9.Aphiel (AH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Aphiel 10.Motziel (MOHT-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Motziel 11.Sokel (SOH-KEL) Sigil of Sokel 12.Ariel (AH-REE-EL) Sigil of Ariel 13.Mothiel (MOH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Mothiel 14.Sagel (SAH-GAH-EL) Sigil of Sagel 15.Abiel (AH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Abiel 16.Magiel (MAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Magiel 17.Sadiel (SAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Sadiel 18.Ahoel (AH-HO-EL) Sigil of Ahoel 19.Mukel (MOO-KEL) Sigil of Mukel 20.Saziel (SAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Saziel 21.Achiel (AH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Achiel 22.Matiel (MAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Matiel 23.Siel (SEE-EL) Sigil of Siel 24.Achael (AH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Achael 25.Mabiel (MAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Mabiel 26.Sagiel (SAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Sagiel 27. Adiel (AH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Adiel 28.Mahiel (MAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Mahiel 29.Savael (SAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Savael 30.Aziel (AH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Aziel The Angels of Virgo 1.Celiel (KEH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Celiel 2.Lonael (LAH-NAH-EL) Sigil of Lonael 3.Nosael (NAH-SAH-EL) Sigil of Nosael 4.Sangiel (SAHN-GEE-EL) Sigil of Sangiel 5.Gnaphel (GUH-NAH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Gnaphel 6.Patziel (PAH-TZEE-EL) Sigil of Patziel 7.Tzakiel (TZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Tzakiel 8.Kriel (KREE-EL) Sigil of Kriel 9.Rathiel (RAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Rathiel 10.Tangiel (TAHN-GEE-EL) Sigil of Tangiel 11.Gnasiel (GUH-NAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Gnasiel 12.Bagiel (BAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Bagiel 13.Godiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Godiel 14.Dahiel (DAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Dahiel 15.Havael (HAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Havael 16.Vaziel (VAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Vaziel 17.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zachiel 18.Chotiel (KOH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Chotiel 19.Tijael (TEE-YAH-EL) Sigil of Tijael 20.Jochiel (EE-AH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Jochiel 21.Cabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Cabiel 22.Bagiel (BAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Bagiel 23.Gadiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Gadiel 24.Dahiel (DAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Dahiel 25.Hovael (HAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Hovael 26.Vasiel (VAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Vasiel 27.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zachiel 28.Chotviel (KAHT-VEE-EL) Sigil of Chotviel 29.Tajael (TAH-YAH-EL) Sigil of Tajael 30.Jachiel (EE-YAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Jachiel The Angels of Libra 1.Ibajah (EE-BAH-EE-AH) Sigil of Ibajah 2. Cogiel (KAW-GEE-EL) Sigil of Cogiel 3.Lahael (LAH-HAH-EL) Sigil of Lahael 4.Naviel (NAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Naviel 5.Saziel (SAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Saziel 6.Gnachiel (GUH-NAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Gnachiel 7.Patiel (PAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Patiel 8.Tzajael (TZAH-EE-AH-EL) Sigil of Tzajael 9.Kohiel (KAW-HEE-EL) Sigil of Kohiel 10.Raliel (RAH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Raliel 11.Tavael (TAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Tavael 12.Gnamiel (GUH-NAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Gnamiel 13.Bangiel (BAHNG-EE-EL) Sigil of Bangiel 14.Gophel (GAWF-EL) Sigil of Gophel 15.Datziel (DAHT-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Datziel 16.Hokel (HAWK-EL) Sigil of Hokel 17.Variel (VAH-REE-EL) Sigil of Variel 18.Zethel (ZEH-TELL) Sigil of Zethel 19.Chongel (KONG-EL) Sigil of Chongel 20.Tobiel (TAW-BEE-EL) Sigil of Tobiel 21.Togiel (TAW-GEE-EL) Sigil of Togiel 22.Codiel (KAW-DEE-EL) Sigil of Codiel 23.Bohel (BAW-HEL) Sigil of Bohel 24.Gavael (GAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Gavael 25.Daziel (DAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Daziel 26.Hochiel (HAW-KEY-EL) Sigil of Hochiel 27.Vatiel (VAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Vatiel 28.Zajael (ZAH-EE-AH-EL) Sigil of Zajael 29.Chochiel (KAW-KEE-EL) Sigil of Chociel 30.Tohiel (TAW-HEE-EL) Sigil of Tohiel The Angels of Scorpio 1.Toliel (TAW-LEE-EL) Sigil of Toliel 2.Ioniel (EE-OH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Ioniel 3.Cosiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Cosiel 4.Laugael (LAH-OO-GAH-EL) Sigil of Laugael 5.Naphael (NAH-FAH-EL) Sigil of Naphael 6.Satziel (SAHT-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Satziel 7.Gnakiel (GUH-NAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Gnakiel 8.Ratziel (RAH-TZEE-EL) Sigil of Ratziel 9.Tzathel (TZAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Tzathel 10.Kingiel (KEENG-EE-EL) Sigil of KingieL 11.Robiel (RAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Robiel 12.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Tagiel 13.Gnadiel (GUH-NAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Gnadiel 14.Bovael (BAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Bovael 15.Goziel (GAW-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Goziel 16.Dachiel (DAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Dachiel 17.Hophiel (HAW-FEE-EL) Sigil of Hophiel 18.Vajael (VAH-EE-AH-EL) Sigil of Vajael 19.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zachiel 20.Chabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Chabiel 21.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Tagiel 22.Jadiel (EE-AH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Jadiel 23.Chahael (KAH-HAH-EL) Sigil of Chahael 24.Baviel (BAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Baviel 25.Gozael (GAW-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Gozael 26.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Dachael 27.Hatiel (HAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Hatiel 28.Vagael (VAH-GAH-EL) Sigil of Vagael 29.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zachiel 30.Chasiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Chasiel The Angels of Sagittarius 1.Taliel (TAH-LEE-EL) Sigil of Taliel 2.Jamiel (JAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Jamiel 3.Casiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Casiel 4.Laugael (LAH-OO-GAH-EL) Sigil of Laugael 5.Naphadel (NAH-FAH-DELL) Sigil of Naphadel 6.Satziel (SAHT-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Satziel 7.Gnakiel (GUH-NAH-KEE-EL) Sigil of Gnakiel 8.Poriel (POH-REE-EL) Sigil of Poriel 9.Tzaugel (TZAH-OO-GELL) Sigil of Tzaugel 10.Kabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Kabiel 11.Rogael (RAW-GAH-EL) Sigil of Rogael 12.Tadiel (TAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Tadiel 13.Gnahoel (GUH-NAH-HAW-EL) Sigil of Gnahoel 14.Bovael (BAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Bovael 15.Goziel (GAW-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Goziel 16.Dachiel (DAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Dachiel 17.Hophiel (HAW-FEE-EL) Sigil of Hophiel 18.Vajael (ZAH-EE-AH-EL) Sigil of Vajael 19.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Zachiel 20.Chabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Sigil of Chabiel 21.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Tagiel 22.Jadiel (EE-AH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Jadiel 23.Cahael (KAH-HAH-EL) Sigil of Cahael 24.Baviel (BAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Baviel 25.Gozael (GAH-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Gozael 26.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Dachael 27.Hatiel (HAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Hatiel 28.Vadael (VAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Vadael 29.Zahael (ZAH-HAH-EL) Sigil of Zahael 30.Chaviel (KAH-VEE-EL) Sigil of Chaviel The Angels of Capricorn 1.Chathel (KAH-TEE-EL) Sigil of Chatel 2.Tomael (TAW-MAH-EL) Sigil of Tomael 3.Jaaiah (EE-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Jaaiah 4.Cashiel (KAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Cashiel 5.Lamaiah (LAH-MAH-EE-AH) Sigil of Lamaaiah 6.Naaiah (NAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Naaiah 7.Sasaiah (SAH-SAH-EE-AH) Sigil of Sasaiah 8.Poriel (POH-REE-EL) Sigil of Poriel 9.Paaiah (PAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Paaiah 10.Tzashiel (TZAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Tzashiel 11.Kmiel (KIH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Kmiel 12.Riaiah (REE-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Riaiah 13.Tashiel (TAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Tashiel 14.Gonamiel (GAW-NAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Gonamiel 15.Baaiah (BAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Baaiah 16.Cashiel (KAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Cashiel 17.Damiel (DAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Damiel 18.Haaiah (HAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Haaiah 19.Vashiel (VAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Vashiel 20.Zamiel (ZAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Zamiel 21.Chael (KAH-EL) Sigil of Chael 22.Tashiel (TAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Tashiel 23.Imaiah (EE-MAH-EE-AH) Sigil of Imaiah 24.Ciajah (KEE-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Ciajah 25.Boshael (BAW-SHA-EL) Sigil of Boshael 26.Gamiel (GAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Gamiel 27.Daael (DAH-AH-EL) Sigil of Daael 28.Hoshael (HAW-SHA-EL) Sigil of Hoshael 29.Vamiel (VAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Vamiel 30.Zaaiah (ZAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Zaaiah The Angels of Aquarius 1.Chamiel (KAH-MEE-EL) Sigil of Chamiel 2.Tosael (TAW-SAH-EL) Sigil of Tosael 3.Jaajah (EE-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Jaajah 4.Camiel (KAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Camiel 5.Lashiel (LAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Lashiel 6.Naaiah (NAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Naaiah 7.Samiel (SAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Samiel 8.Gnashiel (GUH-NAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Gnashiel 9.Paaiah (PAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Paaiah 10.Tzaniel (TZAH-NEE-EL) Sigil of Tzaniel 11.Kahiel (KAH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Kahiel 12.Raaiah (RAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Raaiah 13.Tamiel (TAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Tamiel 14.Gorashiel (GOH-RAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Gorashiel 15.Baaiah (BAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Baaiah 16.Gamiel (GAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Gamiel 17.Dashiel (DAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Dashiel 18.Haaiah (HAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Haaiah 19.Vamiel (VAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Vamiel 20.Zashiel (ZAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Zashiel 21.Chael (KA-EL) Sigil of Chael 22.Iamiel (EE-AH-ME-EL) Sigil of Iamiel 23.Iashiel (EE-AH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Iashiel 24.Ciaiah (KEE-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Ciaiah 25.Bomiel (BAH-ME-EL) Sigil of Bomiel 26.Gashiel (GAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Gashiel 27.Daael (DAH-AH-EL) Sigil of Daael 28.Homiel (HAW-MEE-EL) Sigil of Homiel 29.Vashiel (VAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Vashiel 30.Zaaiah (ZAH-AH-EE-AH) Sigil of Zaaiah The Angels of Pisces 1.Lachiel (LAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Lachiel 2.Nohiel (NOH-HEE-EL) Sigil of Nohiel 3.Sanael (SAH-NAH-EL) Sigil of Sanael 4.Gnasiel (GUH-NAH-SEE-EL) Sigil of Gnasiel 5.Pangael (PAHN-GAH-EL) Sigil of Pangael 6.Tzophiel (TZOH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Tzophiel 7.Kphiel (KAH-FEE-EL) Sigil of Kphiel 8.Gnashiel (GUH-NAH-SHE-EL) Sigil of Gnashiel 9.Taraziel (TAH-RAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Taraziel 10.Mathiel (MAH-TEA-EL) Sigil of Mathiel 11.Bongael (BONG-AH-EL) Sigil of Bongael 12.Gobiel (GAW-BEE-EL) Sigil of Gobiel 13.Dagiel (DAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Dagiel 14.Hadiel (HAH-DEE-EL) Sigil of Hadiel 15.Vahaiah (VAH-HAH-EE-AH) Sigil of Vahaiah 16.Zavael (ZAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Zavael 17.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Sigil of Chaziel 18.Tachael (TAH-KAH-EL) Sigil of Tachael 19.Iabael (EE-AH-BAH-EL) Sigil of Iabael 20.Caioel (KAH-EE-AW-EL) Sigil of Caioel 21.Bachiel (BAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Bachiel 22.Gabael (GAH-BAH-EL) Sigil of Gabael 23.Dagiel (DAH-GEE-EL) Sigil of Dagiel 24.Hodiel (HAW-DEE-EL) Sigil of Hodiel 25.Vahoiah (VAH-HAW-EE-AH) Sigil of Vahoiah 26.Zavael (ZAH-VAH-EL) Sigil of Zavael 27.Chazael (KAH-ZAH-EL) Sigil of Chazael 28.Tachiel (TAH-KEY-EL) Sigil of Tachiel 29. Iatael (EE-AH-TAH-ELL) Sigil of Iatael 30.Caiael (KAH-EE-EL) Sigil of Caiael Explore More Magick The Power of Angelic Magick The magick you will discover in this book is ancient and powerful; but unlike the grimoires of old, the magick has been greatly simplified and made easy to use while still retaining its effectiveness. The sigils and the words of power you will use in these pages work to connect you to mighty angelic forces who care for human destiny and have been created to help with the evolution of humanity. The rituals have been kept as short as possible so that you don’t waste time burning candles, spinning in circles, and shouting strange sounds to the heavens. You can perform this magick entirely in your head and it will still work. You are holding a portal to divine angelic power that can sweep away many problems in your life and usher you into the reality you desire to exist within. I discovered magick at a time in life when I was desperate and without help. I never believed in magick or rituals before then and thought it was foolish that people believed they could call on angels, until I tried it myself out of desperation. What transpired thereafter was a complete 180° turn in my life. Situations that seemed beyond help were somehow resolved and I was led safely into the reality I desired to manifest with angelic help. Since then I resolved to discover all I could about magick and share this knowledge with others so that they can be helped as I was. The powers of the angels in this book are many and varied. You will discover hundreds of powers that allow you to find love, attract a romantic partner, attract a new job, find your path in life when you are confused or lost, overcome sadness, discover new friends, attract wealth, and much more. If you have read my previous book, The 84 Genies of Power, you will discover that the method is the same. The reason for this is because this method is one that I have found to be most effective for contacting angels or other spirits in a quick and reliable way that allows the fullness of their power to come bursting into your reality and shape it according to your will. These sacred words of calling will ensure you remain safe, protected, and that only beings of light can reach you during the ritual. Multiple levels of safety have been encoded into the ritual to ensure you get what you want and banish what you don’t want. Simply performing the ritual blesses your life on many levels beyond just your request. For this reason, many who performed this method have seen multiple areas of their life improve that are seemingly unrelated to what they asked for. Yet, what I have come to discover is that everything in our life is connected. Every part of our life effects every other part. For hundreds of years, these angels have remained in obscurity due to the lack of an easy and reliable system of calling and working with them. The system you will discover in this book is the fastest and easiest way of contacting these angels that I have discovered. With this method, contact becomes easy, assured, consistent, and nearly instantaneous. The moment that you lay eyes on the images (called sigils) in this book, the angels are present with you. This requires no belief on your part. Just a willingness to perform the rituals as instructed and the angels will come rushing like a divine wind to fulfill your will. Contemplate deeply on what you desire for your life. What aspect of life would you most like to improve? These angels cover every aspect of life. Even if you don’t see a power listed, you can experiment very successfully with this method. It is flexible in that almost anything can be achieved with it. You can increase willpower, gain a promotion, appear attractive to others, encourage others to lend freely to you, achieve success in your pursuits, speak more eloquently and convincingly, and gain artistic inspiration. If you would like to gain psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or clairaudence so that you can hear, see, and interact with the spirit realm you will find angels here for that as well. They can enhance the accuracy of your divinations so that your readings are spot on and accurate. So I invite you to open this book with hope and excitement and allow the divine light flowing through these angels into your life. Let that light reach every aspect of your life. Through this method of calling you open a door for that divine light to enter your life and to help you on every level. Blessings of the 360 Angels of the Zodiac In life it is easy to feel that we are small and insignificant creatures. We look up into the vastness of the night sky and feel that we are small, alone, and that nothing we do matters. In reality, we ARE the vastness of the universe. The are the universe itself. There is no separation between anyone or anything anywhere. This same principle holds true with the 360 angels of the zodiac. We are one with them. They exist within us and we exist within them. When you call to these angels they hear you instantly and are ready to direct their majestic powers to help you. With the method found in this book, you will quickly and easily be able to access their mighty help in your times of want and need. What is the nature of angels? That is for theologians and metaphysicians to debate. Our concern here is with making contact and shaping our life with angelic power. Thankfully, it isn’t necessary to know the nature of angels or any other metaphysical things to get the help we need from the angelic powers. The angels that you find here in this book originate from a book called the Ars Paulina. This book is part of a larger book called The Lesser Key of Solomon which is presumed to have been compiled of numerous separate books sometime in the 17th Century. In the Ars Paulina we are introduced to 360 angels by name alone. These angels are said to rule over the 360 degrees of the zodiac. What are these degrees? Everyone seems to know that the Zodiac is comprised of 12 separate signs from Aries to Pisces. You may know your own personal sign and read your daily horoscope in the newspaper or online. What is lesser known is that each of these 12 signs of the zodiac contain 30 individual sections called degrees. So there are 12 zodiac signs total and within each of those signs there are 30 individual segments called degrees. I won’t ramble on about the theory behind this magick too long as most people won’t be interested. But to keep it very short, each degree has been given numerous meanings that go back thousands of years to the Babylonian and Egyptian times. There have been various interpretations and meanings given to the degrees such as with the Sabian Symbols (you can look it up if you are curious but it is not necessary). To each of these degrees is assigned an angel. Each angel rules over that degree and all the powers attributed to that degree. This is where the powers of these angels arise from. So if you look up a book about the 360 degrees and meditate on each degree and what it means you can discover even more powers for each of these angels than what I have listed here. As such, this book acts as an introduction to the powers of these 360 angels but it is beyond this book to list the totality of powers each angel possesses. That would require many volumes of books. But rest assured, what is written here will be more than enough for you to gain a basic understanding of their powers and begin to work with them to produce powerful results. These angels are ready and willing to help whoever calls on them. Some may see lights, hears sounds, or feel exalted emotions when calling upon these angels. Others may sense nothing at all. Whatever you experience is perfectly fine. When you call the angels using this method you can rest assured that angelic contact is being made. Regardless of whether you feel anything during or after the ritual, these angels hear you and will respond to your honest, sincere calls for help. As you work with these angels to receive the help that you need, you will also experience spiritual growth. This magick helps us to evolve and ascend spiritually as we work the magick as a side effect of the rituals. When you are calling these divine words of power and connecting with these angels they elevate you to higher levels of spiritual mastery and power even as they shape your life according to your will with subtle speed and delicate artistry. Keep in mind when you work this magick you will also need to put in effort in the physical realm to attain what you desire. Confidently ask the angels for what you desire and then after you perform the ritual, start taking real world steps to fulfill your desires if you can. Not every desire allows for this and that is fine, but do whatever you practically can to help the magick to manifest. A good thing to remember is to work magick freely and confidently, and then take practical actions to work towards your goals in the physical world as if you never performed the magick at all. This will greatly speed up the manifestation of your desires. A sigil is an image consisting of various words, often written in a foreign or magickal script, as well as geometric shapes. Sigils are what makes this magick work so powerfully. In the sigils in this book you will see white Hebrew letters going around the outer circle. These are various names of angels and God. Thankfully, you do not need to read Hebrew at all to make this magick work. Simply gazing at the shape of the letters is all that is needed to connect you to their divine power. In the center bar of the sigil you will see the name of the angel written in Hebrew on top and in a magickal script called Malachim on bottom. In the bottom triangle facing downwards you see the angel’s sigil (which is a shape that is repeated on the left and right side of the angel’s name as well). In the top triangle facing upwards you see a sacred name of God which helps connect you to magickal power that resides at the source of this universe. In the ritual method, I will walk you step by easy step on how to both scan the sigil and call the easily pronounceable names so that you can get the magick to work for you effectively. The Key to Success with Magick It has been said many times over in many different books that our mind is extraordinarily powerful. Our thoughts are so powerful that they can change our reality for better or for worse. Our intention is so powerful that both the Universal Intelligence (sometimes called God) and angels obey it. This may seem crazy on the surface level of things. How can a simple thought in our head shape our outside reality? When you understand the nature of reality such a thing doesn’t seem so crazy after all. The Kybalion says that “The universe is mental.” What does this mean? It means that the universe is our mind and our mind is the universe. Everything and every being within the universe exists within our mind. Your mind is not inside of your head. Your brain is inside your skull, yes. But your mind is a vast field of awareness that spans the entire length of the universe. We are infinite beings. Things such as remote viewing and distance Reiki confirm this. How otherwise would these things be possible? As such, when we work magick, the universe follows our intentions. All manner of synchronicities begin to pop up in our life and strange but wonderful things begin to occur when we simply open up to magick and allow it to flow into our life. Sometimes results happen rapidly in what seems to be a miracle. Other times results occur more slowly and in small segments. Sometimes it may even seem like nothing is happening at all. Rest assured, when you perform a ritual using this method you are always heard by the angels, even if you don’t see results happening rapidly, often there are things changing subtly beneath the surface that only become apparent later in retrospect when you realize that the magick did indeed work but just not in the way that you expected it to. The key to magickal success is to break your large goals up into smaller and more achievable segments. If an angel’s power lists that it is able to bring wealth, well, money is not going to fall out of the sky (although it could possibly happen). It is also unlikely that some random stranger will walk by and hand you a stack of money. Logically, you must plan for success. Ask the angel to reveal to you what the most likely avenue of wealth accessible to you in your current position is. And then work with that angel to achieve success in that step by step. Perhaps you want to make passive income online. Instead of just asking the angel for passive income and then doing nothing at all, ask the angel to reveal to you the best way for you to make passive income, and then actively research all avenues by which you can achieve this goal. When you find one, perhaps call on another angel that gives help with divination to help you to know if it will be truly profitable. Then call on an angel to give you motivation to work in a focused manner towards your goal until you achieve success. Then call on another angel to help you to learn what you need to learn quickly. As you see, sometimes it is not as simple as calling a single angel and then everything falls into place. It could happen, but more practically you will need to break larger goals up into smaller segments and work magick for each individual segment over a period of time to reach those larger goals. The fastest way to ruin magick is by something called “lusting for results”. This means that after you perform a ritual you continually look for signs the magick is working and wonder to yourself when the magick will manifest or get angry that no results have come yet. Magick happens when you least expect it. Magick works like planting a seed in the universe. You do the ritual to plant the seed using your clearly worded and clearly visualized intention. Then you forget all about the ritual that you did. If you can totally forget that you performed the ritual at all that is even better. My personal practice is after a ritual, I will write down what I experienced or felt during the ritual as well as what the ritual’s intention was and put it in my journal and forget all about it. Sometimes results show up before I even have a chance to forget that I did the ritual, but other times I don’t realize that the wonderful experiences showing up in my reality are a result of a ritual I did until I go back and look in my journal and see all the intentions that have manifested and were fulfilled without even remembering that I did a ritual for them. So in summary, decide what you want in your reality. Plant the seed for that result to appear in your life by performing the ritual. Some people find it helpful to write down what they experienced during the ritual and what their intention was as well as any messages the angel may have spoken to them during the ritual. Do not dwell on the memory of performing the ritual or actively look for results in your life. Simply go about your normal life without hoping or waiting for results. This can be very hard to do. After all, we aren’t performing magick just for the sake of it, we are often performing magick to fulfill a desperate desire or need. So if it is impossible for you to forget that you did the magick, then instead simply feel gratitude as if the desire is already manifested in your life instead of waiting for it to manifest. Hold the gratitude and belief that it has already manifested. Gratitude powers manifestation and helps results to show up in your life much faster than otherwise would be possible. The 360 Images of the Zodiac Degrees If you have read my previous book, The 84 Genies of Power, you will notice that much of the ritual structure is the same as it is in that book. This is because this is a universal ritual format which works with a wide variety of spirits to contact them and recieve their help. The major difference in this book is the addition of 360 images. I will spare you the long history of these images as most people will not be interested in hearing it. In brief, these images, when you read them, connect you to the energies and powers of the degree you are calling on. It is almost like a single sentence pathworking that connects you to the appropriate energies. A pathworking is simply a series of images that connects you to a specific spirit or energy that you are seeking to access. Do not overthink this step. Simply read the sentence. You do not need to pause to imagine anything, but if you choose to do so it is fine. Otherwise, simply reading the image is enough. Your subconscious mind will automatically attune to the appropriate energies through the sentence being read. Dont worry if the sentence doesnt make sense to you or seems cryptic or brief. You are simply reading the sentence and not trying to analyze it or contemplate it at all. These sentences are taken from an old french book called The Theban Calendar by Pierre Christian that has not been translated into english as far as I am aware. I had the setences translated from french to english myself. Also, at the time of this writing January of 2021, you will not be able to find this book in english anywhere. There is also almost no information to be found in web searches and it took extensive research and searching before I could finally get my hands on a copy. There are many different writers who have written images for each of the 360 degrees, not just Pierre Christian. The most popular set of images are called The Sabian Symbols. Often different sets of symbols will have different meanings. None can be said to be wrong and none can be said to be the one true official interpretation of the degrees. All of them are significant, valuable, and reveal the degree from many different points of view. Some have made it a life long study to meditate and contemplate on the meaning of the degrees, using them as a spiritual tool. Studying such images and their attributed meanings can give insight into the powers of each of these angels who rule the degrees spoken of. But in this book I have done the work for you so that you dont have to unless you desire to explore these angels and their powers further. The reason I chose this particular set of images is because these are the images (in addition to various other sources) which inspired the French author Lazare Lenain in his decoding of the powers of the 72 Angels in his book called "La Science Cabalistique" which I have written about in my book "The 72 Angels of Power". In summary, simply read the image and then move on to the next ritual step. The Ritual Method In the pages that follow you will discover the 360 angels of the zodiac categorized according to the astrological sign that they represent. There are 30 angels per zodiac sign because there are 30 degrees in each sign of the zodiac. These 360 sigils are empowered to work for us through the use of various names of God and angels written in Hebrew. Don’t let this scare you. You do not need to be able to read Hebrew to use this magick. Hebrew is a special language of great spiritual power and simply by scanning your eyes over the Hebrew letters during the ritual, you will be connecting on a soul level to ancient, powerful, divine forces of light that have the power to fulfill your will. The names of the 360 angels have also been converted into Hebrew writing to add to their potency and accessibility. Beneath the name of the angel in Hebrew, you will also find the name of each angel written in a special angelic script called Malachim which adds additional potency to the magick. You do not need to be able to read or understand any of the words on the sigil. As long as you scan your eyes over the sigil, it will work. You will also see on the sigils some strange looking lines and shapes within bottom triangle and the two stars on the right and the left. These are the sigil of the angels drawn three times. This sigil aids you in connecting to the angel that you are calling on and only needs to be scanned by your eyes in order for it to work. This is visual magick. By seeing the sigil and calling the names using the simple ritual described here, you will quickly and easily be empowered to put the magick into motion. Do not feel worried about pronouncing the Hebrew words or the names incorrectly. You cannot get this wrong. As long as you scan the sigil using the method that I will explain below, the forces and energies of the sigil are automatically with you and aware of you. At that time, even if you mispronounce their names, they will still sense your intent and will fulfill your will based on what your clear intent is. Step one: Tune into your feelings in the present moment. Contemplate the discomfort that inspired you to perform this ritual. You have a need. Feel the frustration of not having this need already fulfilled. Allow yourself to truly open up to your honest feelings in the present moment. This only takes a minute or less. Step two: Beginning at the very tip of where the upper triangle is pointing to (the top middle of the circle), begin to scan your eyes counter-clockwise (from right to left) around the words in the outer circle. You don’t need to scan exceptionally slowly, but nor should you do this too quickly. Just gradually scan your eyes across the letters as you take in their shapes at a leisurely pace and know that you are in this moment connecting to powerful divine forces who have the power to fulfill your will. Step three: Look at the upper triangle. Within the triangle you see four rows of Hebrew letters. This is the highest name of God and is pronounced EE-AHOH-EH. As you gaze into the triangle, letting your eyes rest upon the letters there, begin to chant EE-AH-OH-EH until you feel relaxed and peaceful. This connects you to the Source of all spiritual power in the universe. Step four: Briefly look at the name of the angel in the middle bar at the center of the circle. Then look at the shape within the bottom triangle briefly as well, this is the angel’s sigil. As you do so, know that this is the spiritual force that will come forth and fulfill your request. Feel gratitude towards the angel for the help that you will receive from them. Step five: Read the sentence titled "image". There is no need to visualize what is written. If you get visuals that is fine. But just reading the words is enough to attune you to the powers of this particular degree of the zodiac and the powers of the angel. Even if you dont understand the sentence and it's meaning, it does not matter. Simply read the sentence briefly and move on to the next step. Step six: Here you will call the names that are written in the outer circle. Remember that you cannot get this wrong. You are already connected to these angels because you scanned their names visually. The names are written phonetically to make for easy pronunciation. When you call the names you may do so out loud, vibrating the names with power, or you may call them quietly or silently inside your head. The most important thing is that you call them as if you are literally calling a friend or a person across the room to pay attention to you. Know that they hear you and are present with you the moment that you speak their name. Say the words: AH-DOH-NAI EE-AH-OH YICH-EH-AK-EV-CAH-HA YITZ-OH-HAH-YAHV-TAH-HAH YEE-YAH-HAH-GAV-LEE-HAH GAH-DEE-YELL TOO-VEE-YELL OO-REE-YELL RAH-FAH-EL MEE-KAH-EL GAH-BREE-YELL YUH-DID-YAH RAH-ZEE-YELL YEH-OH-EL NOO-REE-YELL YAH-BAHM EE-AH OH-MEM VEH-HOO (The words above stay the same in each ritual. The only thing that changes in each ritual is the angel’s name. So after saying the words of power above, we make our short call to the angel as shown below. This example uses the angel Biel ) : Biel! Hear me Biel! It is my will that you ________. (state your will 3 times in 2 sentences or less) Thank you Biel! Go in peace. You will see that you are instructed to state your will 3 times in 2 sentences or less. So lets say your desire is to get a new car. You would say, “It is my will that you bring to me a new car.” And you will repeat that sentence 3 times before saying “Thank you Biel! Go in peace!” Step seven: Gaze at the sigil with a feeling of gratitude that your desired result has already come to be fulfilled. This step is absolutely essential to the success of the ritual. The more powerfully you feel gratitude for the results of the ritual (even though you cannot see them in physical reality yet) the more powerfully the ritual can manifest. See your results in your mind as already being real. See yourself enjoying the results and let gratitude well up from within your heart like light and pour this light into the image as you perform the next step. This step usually only takes about a minute or two but you can extend it longer if it feels good. Step eight: While still feeling that feeling of gratitude, chant YAHADONAHI (YAH-HAH-DOH-NAH-HEE) 3 times while gazing at the sigil to close the ritual. This name connects you to divine abundance and good luck. Summary of the Ritual Method 1. Sense your feelings in the present moment regarding your desire. 2. Scan the outer circle of Hebrew letters. 3. Look at the upper triangle and chant EE-AH-OH-EH until you are relaxed. 4. Scan the angel’s name in the middle and briefly scan the sigil in the lower triangle. 5. Read the sentence titled "image". 6. Say the words: AH-DOH-NAI EE-AH-OH YICH-EH-AK-EV-CAH-HA YITZ-OH-HAH-YAHV-TAH-HAH YEE-YAH-HAH-GAV-LEE-HAH GAH-DEE-YELL TOO-VEE-YELL OO-REE-YELL RAH-FAH-EL MEE-KAH-EL GAH-BREE-YELL YUH-DID-YAH RAH-ZEE-YELL YEH-OH-EL NOO-REE-YELL YAH-BAHM EE-AH OH-MEM VEH-HOO (The words above stay the same in each ritual. The only thing that changes in each ritual is the angel’s name. So after saying the words of power above, we make our short call to the angel as shown below. This example uses the angel Biel ) : Biel! Hear me Biel! It is my will that you ________. (state your will 3 times in 2 sentences or less) Thank you Biel! Go in peace. 7. Gaze at the sigil with a feeling of gratitude that your desired result has already come to be fulfilled. 8. Chant YAHADONAHI (YAH-HAH-DOH-NAH-HEE) 3 times while gazing at the sigil with gratitude to close the ritual. The Angels of Aries 1. Biel (BEE-EL) Image: A man holding a scythe in his right hand and from the left a sling. Powers: Bial is an angel of tenacity and strength. Bial has the power to help us overcome whatever obstacles or struggles we encounter in our physical life. He gives us toughness and a positive aggression that is tempered with intellectual balance so that we can overcome all obstacles and break through all barriers with strength and creativity. He brings wisdom in all things pertaining to material life. Under the power of this angel we can accomplish great things in life such as gaining a house or property we desire, getting our physical body in the shape we desire, or landing a desired job. The power here is similar to that of a rugged outdoorsman or a military general. Rough, rugged, capable in all situations and maintaining a cool and controlled effectiveness in all circumstances. The ability to strategically use our strength and intellect to accomplish our physical and material goals in life. Sigil of Biel 2.Gosiel (GAH-SEE-EL) Image: A man with the head of a dog, his right hand extended and closed as a sign of threat. Powers: Gosiel is an angel that gives us a brave heart. Too often we resist chasing our dreams and desires due to fear of what may be the result. Gosiel not only gives us the power to overcome our own fears and resistance towards achieving our dreams but he also gives us the organizational skills necessary to achieve them in a logical and methodical way. With his power we can also restore a passion for life that fears and worries may have inhibited. This passion can apply to all areas of our life and restore passion in a romantic relationship, passion in our art, or passion for an old hobby that we used to enjoy. If you need courage in romance to seek and approach new partners, and flirt skillfully and successfully, Gosiel can also give you the power to do this by gifting you with spontaneity and a smooth, graceful manner. This power is helpful as well when networking at a job or career. He can give you the courage to stand up for yourself when speaking to superiors as well as giving you the eloquence to make yourself heard and leave a lasting good impression. Sigil of Gosiel 3. Hael (HAH-EL) Image: A man, his right hand extended and open, and the left passed through his belt Powers: Hael is an angel that has the power to bring peace and harmony into our life and relationships. If you are struggling with broken relationships due to mistakes or misunderstandings or old feuds, call on Hael to restore peace and harmony to the relationship. It may not restore things to the way they used to be or restore lost love, but this power can at least bring two parties onto respectful terms. Hael also has the power to inspire generosity and a desire to help in the hearts of others when you need help. This is a power that can have many applications. You can inspire generosity in the heart of bosses at a job to give you a raise, or in the heart of a person you are attracted to so that they give you a chance on a date. If you are going through a difficult time financially or otherwise and need a handout, Hael can increase your chances of receiving a blessing from the generosity of others. Sigil of Hael 4. Vaniel (VAH-NEE-EL) Image: A man with spiky hair, holding a hawk in his right hand, and a whip in his left Powers: To achieve success in this world is not easy. We need to be street smart, cunning, wise, and have a certain rugged strength that is able to endure difficulties we encounter and at the same time be intelligent enough to quickly and efficiently handle the problems that arise. Vaniel has the power to infuse us with these qualities. Under his influence, we develop a strong internal strength, great confidence, and a passionate laser-like focus on whatever we desire to accomplish so that nothing that stands in our way can hold us back. With this power we gain the strength to accomplish anything that we set our mind to, and the courage to stand back up to try again whenever we fall and fail. Vaniel gives us the power to fulfill the Japanese proverb that says, “fall down seven times, stand up eight.” Which means to never give up and always keep going no matter what happens or how big the obstacle. Failure is only guaranteed when we give up in life. Sigil of Vaniel 5.Zaciel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: Two men: one chopping wood with an ax, the another holding a scepter in his right hand. Powers: Zaciel (ZAH-KEY-EL) is an angel that makes it possible for us to accomplish anything we desire to accomplish no matter how difficult. He does this by giving us great ambition and a willpower strong enough to overcome any and all obstacles that stand in our way. If you aspire to a lofty or hard to reach goal whether it is loosing weight, becoming a CEO, starting your own company, or attracting many followers on social media, this angel can help you to do this. Keep in mind that this angel will not do the work for you. He will rather empower you internally with the necessary strength and drive to go out and obtain the resources and information you need to fuel and fulfill your ambitions. With this power you can gain great perseverance and will have courage in the face of all adversity. Decide what you desire to accomplish, set your mind on the goal, and then call on Zaciel to give you the strength and commitment to fulfill your ambition and take you to the top. Sigil of Zaciel 6.Cagnel (KAHG-NELL) Image: A king, crown at the head, holding a sphere in the right hand, and in the left a scepter" Superiority, ascendant, elevation. Powers: Cagnel (KAHG-NELL) is the angel that gives the power to rule over others and become a leader. Many people do not desire to live a life in the spotlight or to move up to a prominent position in life. They are content to go through life unseen and unheard, fulfilling the duties asks of them in their career and then pursuing their own hobbies in peace. On the other side of the spectrum there are those who are full of ambition and passionately desire to make it to the top of their field whether that is in the field of business, politics, or even artistic endeavors. Cagnel is the angel that has the power to help these people to ascend. Working with Cagnel you have the power to attract the people, circumstances, and resources to help you rise to the top of your desired field. This will require strategy, patience, and connections with the right people through networking. It is not a matter of overnight success. Working with Cagnel is a gradual process that unfolds over time to bring you to the pinnacle of success in your desired field. Be sure that you are prepared for the responsibilities and requirements of one in such a lofty position before applying this power to your life. Sigil of Cagnel 7.Taphael (TAH-FEE-EL) Image: An armored man, and holding an arrow resting on the bow. Powers: In order to succeed in life being strong is not enough. Subtlety and cunning is necessary. One must speak eloquently, tread lightly, and know the right words to say and to whom. The right actions to take and when to take them. Without this wisdom, one is doomed to fail in one’s quest for success in life no matter how strong. Taphael has the power to open your eyes and your mind to fill you with the wisdom you need to harmoniously and peacefully smooth your ascent to the top of your chosen field. He does this by giving you a clever and quick mind so that you can make quick and correct decisions when in danger. He enables you to take the right actions at the right moments and say the right words at the right times so that you please the right people and are able to ascend to your desired position. With patience and cunning even the weakest opponent can defeat the strongest. But those who charge in recklessly will never succeed in their goals. Taphael has the power also to reveal to you who is your friend and who is your enemy. He can alert you to betrayal and has the power to reveal secrets. Taphael is the power and wisdom that is behind books of strategy such as the Art of War. Sigil of Taphael 8.Itael (EE-TAH-EL) Image: A man wearing a helmet, holding a slingshot in his right hand. Powers: Unpleasant though it is, we at times encounter those who love to cause fights, arguments, disagreements, and trouble. For reasons that they themselves probably do not know, they get high on causing troublesome situations for others. If you encounter such a person who seems to cause trouble for you due to no fault or provocation of your own, then call upon Itael. This angel has the power to help you overcome these people as well as to reestablish peace and harmony in situations where they have provoked chaos. This power can unfold in many ways whether it is the person changing their attitude, or the both of you forming a truce and a peaceful agreement, or even the establishment of friendship with the person. This angel does not cause violence or destruction, but rather brings about the peaceful resolution of disagreements and fights. He restores harmony between parties who are at odds with each other. This works best for recent disputes that are fresh, but can also work to melt the ice of long standing hatred between people. This angel can tear down walls and reestablish connection for the mutual benefit of all involved. Sigil of Itael 9.Cakiel (KAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man, bare head, holding a sword in his left hand. Powers: If we desire to climb to the top of whatever field we operate in, we need help. No man or woman can succeed alone. Those who are full of pride, believing that they can succeed on their own inevitably fail. Cakiel is an angel that can bring us into connection with those people who can help us to successfully achieve our goals. Like many of the angels of Aries, Cakiel can also give us great self-confidence and courage to overcome all difficulties and adversities we encounter creatively and intelligently. This angel gives us the courage to face adversity and dangerous situations with confidence and bravery and overcome them. If you are being persecuted or targeted by a person or group of people unfairly, call on Cakiel to bring justice, protection, and help. If you feel that you are being overlooked for promotion or that your talents are going unnoticed, call on Cakiel to shine and get noticed. He will help you to become noticed by those with the power to help. Sigil of Cakiel 10.Lariel (LAH-REE-EL) Image: A man piercing a bear with a spear. Powers: Lariel is angel of honors and prestige. Calling upon Lariel, he can aid you in strengthening your courage and ambition as well as giving you a strategic mind to succeed in your career. Whether your career requires you to speak eloquently and convincingly or to do hard or technical work such as being a hunter, technicial, or military work. Lariel can give you what you need to achieve success even if you aren’t sure of what to ask for. A general request of Lariel for career success can find you making the right moves, speaking the right words, and making the right connections to succeed. If you are having trouble finding a long term romance, Lariel can aid you in finding a compatible partner as well as with smoothing out difficulties with a current partner that you may have. He can bring assistance in romantic troubles of all kinds, though this power requires you to do all you can on the physical level to aid his efforts. Lariel will give you the grace that makes your efforts effective. Sigil of Lariel 11.Nathiel (NAH-TEE-EL) Image: A woman standing, holding a key in her right hand. Powers: Nathiel is an angel of intelligence and willpower. If you feel that you lack willpower to stand up for yourself and pursue what you desire from life, Nathiel can help. This is an angel that can help those who find themselves always going along with the flow and allowing others to lead their lives instead of taking initiative for themselves. Nathiel can help you to not only see what it is you truly desire to be and do in life but also grant you the courage and willpower to successfully pursue your goals and achieve your desires. He is particularly helpful to artists and writers of all types. He can break through creative blockages and inspire you with ideas which, when implemented, will attract the interest and attention of your desired audience. If your mind feels heavy, dull, and sluggish, Nathiel can reverse this and fill you with the mental energy necessary to finish your projects. Sigil of Nathiel 12.Saguel (SAHG-YOU-EL) Image: An eagle with outstretched wings, flying around its land. Powers: Saguel is an angel of family and social bonding. If you are having issues with communication with family members or problems connecting with your children, parents, spouse, or siblings then Saguel can help restore smooth and harmonious communication as well as help with healing any unpleasant rifts that have occurred due to arguments or misunderstandings. Family problems can take a large toll on everyone involved so this power is of enormous significance and help. Saguel for this reason is also helpful to those who do counseling work or social work of any kind. Sigil of Saguel 13.Gabiel (GAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man struggling with a ram he holds by the horns. Powers: Gabiel is an angel of ascent. This means that he helps those who call on his power to improve every aspect of their life. Sometimes we feel tired, sluggish, heavy, and dull minded. In this state we are content to work mediocre job, have mediocre relationships, and eat mediocre and unhealthy food that isn’t good for us but easy to cook. Living this way can lead to a gradual decline of body, mind, and quality of life. Gabiel works to reverse the effect of this gradual decline. The best way to implement this power is by picking a specific area of your life you desire to improve and then call on Gabiel to raise that part of your life to a level of excellence. Many people start first with health and work with Gabiel to help them improve their diet and exercise regimen, then move on to improve their relationships, finances and career, and so on. This isn’t an overnight achievement, but Gabiel works by infusing you with a powerful drive that speeds up the process. With gradual changes and improvements you may look around at your life and see that every aspect of your life has improved. Gabiel can also improve your spiritual, psychic, and artistic endeavors in the same way by putting you on the fast track of steady but progressive improvement until you reach a state of mastery and excellence. Sigil of Gabiel 14.Pegiel (PEH-GEE-EL) Image: A man standing, his hands chained. Powers: Pegiel is an angel of respect and acclaim. If you are seeking to be noticed and respected call upon Pegiel. With his influence you can attract help from those higher authorities in your field who have the power to help you rise to success. If you feel unworthy of such attention, Pegiel has the power to increase your self esteem so that you are humble, yet bold and confident. You may notice your characteristics and mannerisms become more refined and your social skills grow stronger under the help and influence of Pegiel. As an added benefit, this angel can help you to attract both new long term friendships as well and admirers. Sigil of Pegiel 15.Gadiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Image: An armored man, bare head, arms outstretched and outstretched. Powers: Gadiel is an angel that brings wisdom, caution, and awareness. He can help you to feel out and understand situations and people, to see through their lies and illusions to who and what they truly are to protect you from being deceived or scammed. You can also turn this power onto yourself to get a full understanding of who you are and what you are capable of. This can help you to take an honest assessment of what you need to improve in your life as well as what your strengths are. Gadiel can show you how to be effective in whatever you pursue so that you can achieve success in all of your endeavors. He will give you the wisdom as to what things, people, relationship, and projects would be beneficial to pursue and which would be a waste of time, money, and energy. This power is far reaching and can potentially save you from much needless frustration. Sigil of Gadiel 16.Khoel (KOH-EL) Image: A man pouring the water contained in an urn. Powers: Khoel is a popular angel, for he is an angel of luck. Luck is a positive energy that surrounds us such that we are continuously blessed by the people and things in our environment around us regardless of where we go and what we do. As such, Khoel can bring us the help and support of wealthy and powerful people. He is an angel of luxury, pleasure, and prestige. He has the power to help us attract money and material pleasures into our life through various means. He also has the power to make us funny, witty, and socially popular. There can be a tendency when money is flowing, for the money to flow out and leave us broke. Khoel can give you the wisdom to manage the luxuries and financial blessings that he brings into our life. This is a great angel to call on for those who work any type of sales job or a job where one must appear convincing and attractive such as acting or during job interviews. Khoel can help you to convince others and leave a good, lasting impression. Sigil of Khoel 17.Loviel (LUH-VEE-EL) Image: A richly dressed man, standing and motionless. Powers: Loviel is an angel of spiritual enlightenment and mysticism. Whether you desire to understand the nature of magick, the universe, your soul, or the physical world through science; Loviel has the power to bring insight and enlightenment about whatever you contemplate on. This angel is helpful for scientists and mystic alike for this reason. Loviel has the power to clear confusion regarding matters great and small, spiritual and mundane, complex or simple and thus ease our path forward so that we can act with clarity and self-assurance in all things. If you have a problem that you don’t know how to solve or you feel stuck, call on Loviel and you may receive the answer in conversation with a friend, in a dream, or in a flash of insight. It also pleases Loviel when you call upon his powers to help others who are in need as well. Doing this, you may even gain a reputation of a person of great wisdom and be sought out by friends, family, and acquaintances when they have problems or troubles in their life that they don’t know how to solve. Sigil of Loviel 18.Hazael (HAH-ZAH-EL) Image: A woman seated on a throne with her right hand raised. Powers: Hazael is an angel of peace and harmony. Under the influence of Hazael you may experience harmony in all of your relationships. Hazael brings perfect balance to family and work relationships alike. If you desire to be liked and appreciated by your employer, employees, family, friends or whoever you interact with call on Hazael. Life is all about relationships. Success or failure in life depends on our relationships with others. The powers of Hazael therefore brings success to every aspect of your life in which you interact with others. This power is not one to be used to rise to the top of one’s field, there are other angels for that. Rather, this power gives just an easy, relaxed, sustained harmony and success in all of your ventures. Very pleasant angel to work with and the effects are long lasting. Sigil of Hazael 19.Gociel (GAH-SEE-EL) Image: A man standing, his hands stretched out towards a chest from which gold escapes. Powers: Gociel is an angel that opens hearts, wallets, and purses. This means that he works against greed and stinginess of all types. When you call on Gociel, he can cause others to lend freely to you and treat you with genuine kindness, care, and concern. If you are in a position in which you require others to give you help and treat you generously, call on Gociel to open the hearts and minds of others to your plea. You may be pleasantly surprised to find others pouring out kindness to you in the form of gifts, money, favors, and other forms of help. This angel can also inspire others to give you a chance at a job, first date, or other situations in which you normally would be denied the opportunity. Sigil of Gociel 20.Botiel (BAH-TEA-EL) Image: A man wearing a helmet, riding an ostrich, and pulling a horse by the bridle. Powers: When you are beginning a new endeavor, it is important to be well prepared in advance. Success comes to those who are prepared for what may come in the future. Whenever you are beginning a new project, relationship or any new endeavor, call on Botiel. He will help you to ensure you are prepared for whatever may come through gathering necessary knowledge, experience, and information. This power works for any situation in which you are starting something new. Botiel is the energy behind successful conquests, discoveries of science, travels, and any other projects in which one is a pioneer. This power is similar to the powers of Ganesha, the Hindu God and remover of obstacles whom many people call before beginning any new projects. Botiel is therefore an angel of successful new beginnings. Sigil of Botiel 21.Giel (GEE-EL) Image: A dog seated in front of a lion also seated. Powers: Giel is an angel of great help and compassion for hopeless cases. Giel brings strength and help to anyone in a situation in which they feel afraid, alone, and helpless. He brings comfort to those who are lonely, help to those who are experiencing financial poverty, and friendship to those who feel like outcasts in society. Giel is swift to help those who call on him in any form of danger or dire circumstances. He brings the power of divine love, strength, and help to those in need, like a helpful hand to pull them up when they feel they are drowning in a sea of troubles. This doesn’t mean he will miraculously solve everything, but rather, his power is like wind in the sails of a ship that blows it out of a storm and into safer, calmer seas. He may calm and stabilize our circumstances enough for us to help ourselves or he may calm and stabilize our mind enough for us to gain clarity and wisdom to make the right decisions. Either way, this angel brings powerful help and compassion to all who call on him. Sigil of Giel 22.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Image: A bear biting a beam. Powers: Dachael is an angel of caution and wisdom. It is not easy to make the right decisions in life. One wrong decision and we could loose all that we have worked so hard to gain. Money, friendship, trust, and credibility are slow to build but quick to be lost and destroyed. Dachael gives us the caution and the wisdom that we need to make the right decisions in life. He helps us to not only sustain our current status in life but to make wise decisions that can bring us to a higher status. Whenever you are making a crucial decision, call on Dachael to help you tap into the authentic wisdom within yourself to make the right moves. Sigil of Dachael 23.Habiel (HAH-BEE-EL) Image: Three snakes fighting three others. Powers: As nice as it would be to exist in a world free of betrayal, that is not the reality. We must be constantly vigilant, attentive, and aware of those around us. Often the ones that are closet to us are the ones that may do us the most harm or try to steal our possessions or harm us. Habiel is an angel of insight and awareness, as well as protection. If you suspect those around you are untrustworthy, call on Habiel to reveal and traitors or workers of deceit. This angel gives you the power to pinpoint those who seek to harm you regardless of the innocent masks that they wear. Habiel has the power to remove the ability of others to harm you and therefore can protect you and your possessions. This power can work in a number or ways that are too numerous to list. Keep aware of what your intuition is telling you after the ritual and watch for any curious changes in behavior of those around you. Don’t be paranoid, that is counterproductive, but just be relaxed and aware in the days and weeks following the ritual. Sigil of Habiel 24.Vigael (VEE-GAH-EL) Image: A naked woman, wearing only a belt and the right hand extended. Powers: It is easy in life to lose sight of what is important. We get caught up in meaningless activities that take us nowhere. If you find that you are lacking in ambition and have no direction in life, call on Vigael. This angel can help us to see ourself as we truly are and to understand ourself. With his power we can get a glimpse of our soul’s purpose and plan for this life. This may come as hunches or intuition as to which direction in life to take. A key that you found your life’s purpose is that it will excite you and make you feel alive when doing it. Vigael can guide you to discover that which brings joy to your soul and purpose to your life so that you can lead a life that is fulfilling to yourself and helpful to others. Sigil of Vigael 25.Zadiel (ZAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man with spiky hair and mounted on a ram. Powers: Zadiel is an angel of strength, confidence, and self-assurance. If you find that you are timid and yielding in your life, unable to take confident and decisive action and stand your ground on what you believe, call on Zadiel. Whenever you need to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, or when you desire to pursue a dream and succeed against all odds, Zadiel gives you the strength of a confident warrior. This is the strength that will not back down and not give up until one has achieved the desired goal. This is the energy of revolutionaries and those who go on to achieve great things. You will gain the power to persevere as well as lasting willpower, and endurance. Sigil of Zadiel 26.Chael (KAH-EL) Image: A sun projecting its rays on another sun. Powers: If you have a goal and vision that you desire to accomplish but are not sure how you could do it or it seems impossible to you, Chael has the power to help. Chael is an angel that brings success and good luck. Regardless of your current circumstances or your past, Chael has the power to guide you to meeting the right people and taking the right actions that can lead to the fulfillment of your desires. A very helpful angel to have on your side if you are seeking to accomplish any goal that seem at first too big for you to accomplish. Call on Chael and let him know what your desire is, then remain open to nudges and intuition. Very often Chael will bring a mentor or person of authority to help you in the accomplishment of your goal so remain open to possible mentors and patrons who appear in your life. Sigil of Chael 27.Tavael (TAH-VAH-EL) Image: A great dragon stretched out on the earth. Powers: Even though we make plans and have a seemingly clear pathway charted out for success, sometimes life throws unforeseen obstacles in our path that threaten to derail everything. It seems suddenly that all our work was for naught or that the obstacle is insurmountable. If you encounter difficult obstacles and setbacks call on Tavael to help you to see a way through it. He may give you wisdom that reveals a way around the obstacle. Or he may give you strength, discipline, and persistence that allows you to overcome the obstacle patiently and steadily. There is no such thing as an obstacle that is insurmountable, or a trap that is inescapable. Tavael will guide you step by step to get back on the track towards the fulfillment of your vision. Sigil of Tavael 28.Jozel (EE-YAHZ-EL) Image: A standing woman, richly dressed. Powers: Jozel is an angel that can help you to discover your gifts and talents in life. Call on this angel to reveal to you any hidden skills you may be unaware of or to develop existing talents. Jozel has the power to bring mastery. The powers of this angel can also cause you to shine brightly in your field, attracting many helpful people to you. This is a great angel for those who are trying to build an audience whether in person or online via social media or a website. Jozel can help you to get our name heard and attract an audience. But the first step is working with him to develop your skills to a higher level. Sigil of Jozel 29.Chiel (KEE-EL) Image: A man holding a saw with his two hands. Powers: Chiel gives us the power to overcome whatever obstacles life throws in our way with courage, confidence, and bravery. If you are facing any difficult situations in your life and desire to break through them like a warrior, call upon Chiel to give you the strength you need. This angel also gives us good fortune in our career such that we are looked upon favorably by those with whom we work. With the power of Chiel your work associates and bosses will appreciate you and see you as reliable, dependable, and promotable. Therefore this is an angel that brings social and career success. Sigil of Chiel 30.Hetiel (HEH-TEA-EL) Image: A woman dragging a harnessed horse after her. Powers: If you find yourself in a situation in which you need to stand up for yourself firmly and with confidence, call on Hetiel. He gives us the confidence that we need to stand up for ourself in any situation we find ourself in. Particularly helpful for those who suffer with shyness and timidity. Also helpful in situations such as asking for a promotion or for a date with someone you like. Hetiel also inspires others with the goodwill and desire to help us when we are in trouble. Call upon Hetiel before seeking help from others and you may find that even those who were resistant in the past, soften and open up to you with generosity and willingness. Sigil of Hetiel The Angels of Taurus 1.Letiel (LEH-TEA-EL) Image: An athlete slaying a bull by the horns. Powers: It has been said many times before that violence is never the answer. Violence cannot truly resolve conflicts. It is instead through understanding that all conflicts can be resolved. If you are in a conflict or battle with any opponent whether on a large or small scale, call on Letiel to aid resolution. He works by opening the mind and heart of both sides. From this comes a willingness to understand the other person’s side of the story and work towards a mutually beneficial resolution of conflict. Letiel is very skillful in handling conflict resolution seamlessly and painlessly. Tensions, negativity, and disagreements dissolve beneath his influence. Sigil of Letiel 2.Niyael (NEE-YAH-EL) Image: A woman hanging from the tail of a horse. Powers: Most people are guilty at one time or another of underestimating themselves. We all have goals and ambitions we would like to achieve, places we would like to one day visit, and many things we dream of doing someday, but feel that they are out of reach or impossible to achieve. If you have dreams like this that you would love to achieve but seem out of reach to you, Niyael can help. This angel works by helping us to see how we can methodically and systematically break our goals down into smaller, more achievable parts so that we can eventually fulfill our larger goals. A single step in the right direction is better than lying around and hoping, wishing, and dreaming. This is an angel of wisdom and strategic action who can help you achieve whatever goals you set your mind to. This doesn’t mean that you will be able to fulfill every goal you have (although that may very well happen) but this power makes it more likely that you will achieve your goals or something very close to it that brings you satisfaction and joy. Sigil of Niyael 3.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Image: An old woman half veiled. Powers: Sachiel is an angel that brings development and maturity to our personality and ideas. In order to achieve financial success in our endeavors we need not only a good idea to work on but the maturity to understand how to implement those ideas and make them a reality. If you are working on a project or just have ideas for a project that you aren’t sure how to bring into fulfillment, call on Sachiel to guide you. He will give you wisdom and insights into the right actions to take that will bring success to your projects. This power can also work if you have no ideas at all. Sachiel is also an angel of inspiration and as such can inspire you with successful, profitable ideas as well as helping you to find new and creative ways to achieve success in your projects and endeavors. Sigil of Sachiel 4.Goeliel (GOH-EH-LEE-EL) Image: A woman holding a whip in her right hand. Powers: A violent temper can ruin a life. When emotions boil over, people can be made to say and do things that they later come to regret. Goeliel is an angel that works to balance fiery, uncontrolled emotions. He can bring a calm heart and clear mind in the face of infuriating people and circumstances. This power is invaluable and can save us years or even an entire lifetime of regret. A single wrong choice made in anger has ruined many lives. This power can be used on ourself or we can direct it towards another person in our lives whether they are directing anger towards us, our family and friends, or coworkers. Whatever the situation, Goeliel has the power to bring a rapid cooling of tempers and the reestablishment of rationality and even harmony. Sigil of Goeliel 5.Ponael (PAH-NAH-EL) Image: An ox crouching near his crib. Powers: Ponael is an angel of flourishing success. Regardless of what the world throws at us, with the powers of Ponael we have the ability to adapt, maintain composure, and flourish in any situation we find ourselves in. This is the power of balanced versatility and complete adaptability. In a way, Ponael has the ability to give us what has been called a “golden touch” in whatever work we put our hand to. This brings us to the next power that Ponael can grant us which is skill and learning. If you are learning a new skill of any sort call on Ponael. He will gladly reinforce your learning ability in whatever work you are doing so that you flourish and achieve success. This works wonderfully whether it is learning technical skills, artistic skills, or physical skills of any kind. Ponael is a wonderful angel that gives us the ability to not only handle any challenging task but to flourish in them. Ponael also gives us the power of optimism. If you find that you tend to be pessimistic and doubtful, this power can give you a bright and hopeful confidence that things will turn around for the better; and with the powers of Ponael at work, they often do. And if they don’t, you will have the power to handle anything that comes your way or challenges you. Sigil of Ponael 6.Tezisiel (TEH-ZEE-SEE-EL) Image: A man with three heads, extending the right hand. Powers: Tezisiel is a most wonderful and helpful angel. His powers are to give us the power to overcome any and all obstacles through an innate, psychic knowing and intuition. There are those who learn through the intellect and others, usually of a genius mind, who learn through a sort of intuitive and immediate understanding of whatever subject matter, task, situation, or person is placed before them. This genius skill of knowing things intuitively is greater than intellectual knowledge. Practically, this power can help you to gain insight and wisdom into whatever you are attempting to learn. This power is far reaching and applies to both scientific and artistic fields of study. It is not uncommon for those who operate with the powers of Tezisiel to achieve a degree of fame for the discoveries and helpful solutions they make through this unique ability. For those who don’t care for fame, this power brings them a more quiet celebrity in the form of being loved by one’s social circle for being wise and having the ability to help others with creative solutions to their problems. With this power, one becomes a providential person to others. Sigil of Tezisiel 7.Kingael (KEENG-AH-EL) Image: A beautiful standing woman. Powers: Kingael is an angel of physical beauty and sexual attraction. Kingael’s powers work in a wide variety of ways from the mundane to the supernatural. On the mundane level, the powers of this angel can aid you in your physical efforts to obtain a body others find desirable through exercise and personal fashion choices. On a psychic level, Kingael can give you the power of sexual magnetism so that others will be drawn to you inexplicably, on a level beyond thought or reason. Beauty is perceived not only by the physical symmetry of form but also by the symmetry of our aura and quality of our energy. It is on this level that Kingael operates and it is why such magnetic attraction is possible. This power can be used in a variety of ways from attracting a mate to aiding one’s social, busines, or career success through the powers of magnetic attraction. To be in the presence of a person of beauty brings pleasure. As such, others will desire your presence for the delightful feeling your presence gives to them on a subtle level. This is a power of seemingly effortless attraction. Sigil of Kingael 8.Raphael (RAH-FAH-EL) Image: A sad woman, sitting on a heap of stones. Powers: Mistakes that we make in our financial life can become very costly and have far reaching impacts on every level of our life. Yes wise financial decisions can benefit us beyond measure. Raphael is an angel that enables us to make wise decisions, not only financially, but in every area of our life. The powers of Raphael brings wisdom that protects us from losses and enhances our security in life. This includes inspiring us with new and creative ideas that could bring us good fortune and wealth. He gives us strength to work hard and be focused and courageous in the face of adversity or opposition so that we can come out on top. Sigil of Raphael 9.Tozael (TAH-ZAH-EL) Image: A man hunting sheep and goats before him. Powers: Tozael has the power to give us a good family life. Under his influence children may become respectful and loving towards their parents. And parents are empowered to guide their children with wisdom, sensitive to their individual needs. This power can also be applied if you are a mentor to those below you in age or status, enabling you to mentor them wisely and ensure a mutual respect between yourself and those whom you mentor. Tozael strengthens families and groups so that they function as a harmonious, cohesive whole that is full of respect for each and every member of the group. Tozael is a very peaceful and pleasant angel whose influence and presence is like a blanket of love and harmony wrapping around a group and holding them together as a whole. Sigil of Tozael 10.Gokiel (GAH-KEY-EL) Image: A dog playing between two women. Powers: Gokiel is a very powerful angel specializing in manifestation. Gokiel has the power to help us to bring our ideas from pure thought to physical manifestation. This power works best when we are also cooperating by doing all that we can on the physical level to help. Gokiel helps us to manifest and acquire all that we need to bring us physical fulfillment in our material life. This can include anything from manifesting money, an amazing romantic partner, a house, car or anything else that we desire. It may not be the best house or car on the market but it will be the one that is most comfortable and fulfilling for us in our current situation. Gokiel can help us to gradually improve every aspect of our physical life. If your life feels like it is disordered and chaotic, call on Gokiel to help you to bring meaning, purpose, and harmony to every facet of your life so that you can be fulfilled. This is an angel of physical and material comforts. Sigil of Gokiel 11.Boriel (BOH-REE-EL) Image: A perched raven. Powers: Boriel is an angel of wealth. For wealth to flow, one must be aligned to receive wealth. This means that there must be an avenue for wealth to flow to you whether it is through a product you created, a service you provide, or through your career. Call on Boriel to give you creative ideas as to how you might go about attracting wealth in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment. Boriel will enhance your efforts and work to bring you popularity and wealth. With the powers of Boriel it is possible that one may also acquire fame if that is desired. Nothing happens overnight, but with strategic magic and dedicated physical action, nearly anything can be achieved. Sigil of Boriel 12.Gothiel (GAH-TEA-EL) Image: Two women, hands intertwined. Powers: Gothiel is an angel of friendship, popularity, and group cooperation. If you are seeking new and trustworthy friends, or to enhance existing friendships call on this angel to help you. He will attract new friends to your light who will be supportive of you and love you for who you are. If you are seeking help with any projects or situations in your life, Gothiel will inspire goodwill and a desire to help in the hearts of those with whom you come into contact or seek help from. With the influence of this angel, hearts and minds will open up with overflowing generosity. When you are working with any groups whether it be at work on a project or otherwise, call on Gothiel to maintain the peace, strength, harmony, and group cohesion so that you can accomplish great things together. This also works to bless families with peace and harmonious relations. This power is not for healing rifts that have already occurred, there are other angels for that, but rather for creating and sustaining harmonious, beneficial, helpful relationships with others. Sigil of Gothiel 13.Dagnel (DAHG-NEL) Image: Two women who fight. Powers: Dagnel has the power to pacify conflicts of all sorts. He is an angel of peace and harmonious relations. This power is mainly directed towards others who are acting negatively or aggressively towards you whether you know the reason or not. This angel can calm violent emotions as well as pacifying jealousy and envy which are the basis of many acts of violence and disrespect to others. Do everything you can on a physical level to get away from those who treat you with negativity and disrespect of any sort, then call on Dagnel when you are safe and alone for help. This angel has the power to breathe divine harmony into a situation. Often the other person may apologize for their actions and may even reveal the reason they behaved inappropriately towards you. Sigil of Dagnel 14.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man holding a stick sideways. Powers: Vabiel is an angel that excels in protection magick. He acts a shield against all forms of negativity whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual. This power works by helping you to avoid encountering negativity on any level in most cases. Any negativity that is unavoidable becomes minimized. He imparts great strength of mind and clarity of thought as well as encouraging generosity in oneself and others. This is a great angel to call upon to ensure that one is fairly treated by others and for strength to stand up for just and righteous causes. Sigil of Vabiel 15.Zegiel (ZEH-GEE-EL) Image: Seven winged ibis. Powers: If you would like to understand the mysteries of life, nature, and of magick then call on Zegiel. This angel can open your mind to understanding the mysteries of life in all its forms. Whether you are studying ritual magick, sacred geometry, the nature of life and death, or any other spiritual or philosophical topics, Zegiel will guide your thoughts and fill your mind with valuable insights so that you can understand on a deep level. This angel also has the ability to increase your learning power. If you would like to learn any new topic or subject, Zegiel can help you understand anything you study on a deeper level. This has the benefit of helping you to learn faster and understand more than you otherwise might be able to. This power has so many applications and can be applied to nearly any aspect of your life or career in which you need to study and learn new things. When this power is properly applied, you can accomplish almost anything you desire. Sigil of Zegiel 16.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Image: A woman holding a rose of gold and a silver rose, which she inclines towards each other. Powers: Chadiel has the power to elevate you to the top of your chosen path and make you a leader who others look up to in admiration. With the powers of this angel others willingly follow and respect you. If you are going into a situation in which you need to come to an agreement with others or to convince others of something this power makes success much more likely. Useful for debates, job interviews, and or those either seeking or in positions of power. Through the powers of Chadiel, you can achieve financial stability or even attract great wealth. He also gives the ability to help others that are in need and thus build good karma which in turn attracts more wealth to you. This is also an angel of discipline and endurance. If you are facing a large task which you need to complete, Chadiel can give you the strength and endurance to continue on until it is completed. Sigil of Chadiel 17.Tohiel (TOE-HEE-EL) Image: A bull tied to a tree by the middle of the body. Powers: Tohiel is an angel that specializes in fighting injustices. If you are in a situation in which you need to courageously stand up for yourself, fight injustice, and bring order and harmony to situations where you are unfairly treated then this angel will give you a vibrant inner strength. Any negativity or criticism that is directed towards you will simply roll off of you. This is an angel that supports fighters of all types. If you are timid and shy this angel can work like fire to burn away your weakness and timidity and give you a confidence to stand up for what is right and what you believe in. Tohiel can also give you the willpower and strength that you need to accomplish any goals and objectives that you set for yourself despite any opposition that arises or challenges that may be put in your way whether internal (such as laziness) or external. Sigil of Tohiel 18.Javiel (HAH-VEE-EL) Image: Two bulls fighting with their heads. Powers: Javiel is an angel of peace and understanding. This angel is particularly effective in situations where people just don’t get along, often for foolish or trivial reasons. When even small things seem to bother you and cause eruptions of anger and disagreements. It is often for small and foolish misunderstandings that great wars begin in our personal and social lives all because people are not willing to be understanding of each other. With the powers of Javiel, understanding can be reestablished and harmony restored between people who give each other the cold shoulder and ignore one another due to misunderstandings. Sigil of Javiel 19.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A woman pouring water from one urn into the other. Powers: Success is often a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. With the right actions taken at the right time, we can get whatever things that we desire in life. Chaziel is a powerful angel who can not only give us the wisdom to know when it is the right time to act, but can also create opportunities in our life for us that we can choose to take which will lead to the fulfillment of our goals. This power has many different applications. If you want to get your foot in the door with a company, Chaziel can make that happen. If you desire to attract someone but they don’t seem to give you the time of day or even take notice of you, Chaziel can help create opportunities where connections and even attraction can happen. It is never too late or too hard to accomplish our dreams and desires. It is simply a matter of taking the right action at the right time. Call of Chaziel to manifest your dreams and fulfill your goals. Sigil of Chaziel 20.Bachiel (BAH-KEY-EL) Image: Two dogs biting each other Powers: It is unfortunate, but in life we often come across those who seek to slander us with lies and gossip, spreading rumors about us to bring us down or destroy our reputation. Bachiel is an angel that can not only expose the source of the rumors but can also work to put a stop to them. If a person is seeking to harm your reputation, calling on Bachiel can provide you with strong protection from the damage caused, and even reverse the negative effects. This angel is strong with the power of truth. He shines this power like a light to reveal lies, deceit, and falsehood so that truth, order, and peace, can be reestablished. If relationships or friendships have been damaged in your life due to misunderstandings or lies, Bachiel can restore the connection and bring forgiveness as well. Sigil of Bachiel 21.Gotiel (GAH-TEA-EL) Image: A bear looking behind him and showing his teeth. Powers: In this world, there are many untrustworthy people who seek to undermine us and steal from us. Whether that means stealing our credibility, our spouse, our position in a company, or the efforts of our work. Gotiel has the power to reveal those plot against you and protect you from those treacherous people who seek to steal your physical or intellectual property. Those who wait in secret and plot your downfall will be revealed through the powers of this angel. Another power of Gotiel is to help you in planning for success with a sharp and strategic mind. Even if you aren’t inclined towards planning, Gotiel can give you the ability to make effective and efficient plans to accomplish whatever goals you desire to accomplish whether that is attracting a mate, getting a new car or house, or a plan for making more money through a side job. Sigil of Gotiel 22.Daiel (DAH-EE-EL) Image: Three men holding hands. Powers: Daiel is not an angel who will bring immediate good luck and success to those who are lazy and wait around for it. However, if you are already engaged in working on a project and need help with making it popular or successful, this angel will attract friends and helpful patrons to you who will aid your efforts so that your projects will become a success. Those who see your work will be inspired to help you in whatever way they can so that you can be successful. This power works best when you are already in the process of working on your project or goal rather than just starting out. Daiel can also help you develop your skills in whatever you are working on. If you feel like you are trying your best but still aren’t good enough or cant quite grasp the subject matter, Daiel can strengthen your efforts and aid you with developing the skills and understanding that you need. Sigil of Daiel 23.Hachael (HAH-KAH-EL) Image: A man falling on his back. Powers: No matter how far we go or how high we climb, there is always a persistent risk of failure, of falling backwards and loosing all that we have worked so hard for. Whether that is trust in a relationship or a high ranking position in a company. In the times of social media we can see this happening all too often. It only takes a single misguided post to completely destroy one’s career and reputation. There is also always a risk of making the wrong business decisions and as a result, loosing everything. Hachael is an angel of both wisdom and protection. These two powers are interchangeable, for where there is wisdom, we are protected from doing foolish things that could bring us to ruin or making wrong decisions. Hachael also protects us from dangers both seen and unseen. He works at protecting us even at times we don’t realize that we even need protection. Danger is always lurking in dark corners in this world, and in the age we live in, consistent protection is more necessary than ever. This makes Hachael an invaluably helpful angel. Sigil of Hachael 24.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Image: A bent man, leaning on a bending reed. Powers: In all relationships there must be an equal balance of giving and taking, a shared responsibility, if we are to remain healthy. It is good to be a giving person, but there is a risk of being overly giving and depleting all of our resources to help others and fulfill their needs without them replenishing us and helping us in return. In relationships like this, we may become resentful or burned out and the relationship turns sour and hateful. Vabiel is an angel of balance and equality. He helps us to ensure that all of our relationships remain balanced and on equal terms so that we can avoid being used by those who seek to use us without giving anything in return. Vabiel can also help us to attract a new loving relationship with someone who will love us for who we are, care for us, and nurture our wellbeing. Sigil of Vabiel 25.Zadiel (ZAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man standing, leaning on a stick. Powers: Sometimes in life we come across those who are domineering and aggressive often to the point of physical, emotional, or psychological violence and abuse. In these situations it is best to get away if possible and get to somewhere safe. When you are safe and protected, call on Zadiel to help change this reality in your life. Zadiel has the power to protect from negative actions, emotions, and energies directed towards you as well as helping you find a way out from them, to escape them. Zadiel is also an angel of comfort. He has the power to soothe and put a loving blanket over negative emotions and the wounds they cause in order help us heal and to help peace to be restored. Sigil of Zadiel 26.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man standing with his hand extended. Powers: Chadiel is a beautiful angel of satisfaction in simplicity, domestic peace, and social harmony. He excels at settling arguments of all kinds and returning people to a state of peace and harmony with each other. He can make others compassionate, sensitive, and empathetic to us such that they will take time to understand us and help us if they are able to do so. This is an angel of harmony, simplicity, and sweetness. If you feel that you have forgotten how to be satisfied in life, Chadiel can restore your appreciation of the simple, natural pleasures in life. Sigil of Chadiel 27.Tohael (TOE-HAH-EL) Image: A field covered with sheaves of wheat. Powers: Tohael is an angel that gives us the ability to attract all manner of good things into our life. If you feel that you are always coming up short in life or have generally bad luck, call on Tohael to increase your lucky breaks and to give you the wisdom and intelligence to recognize any opportunities that arise that can be financially profitable for you. This the powers of Tohael, many have been able to escape from situations of poverty and move from rags to riches. The key to using this power is having the discernment to know what choices to take. Tohael can aid you with decision making so that you are led down the road to success. Sigil of Tohael 28.Javael (HAH-VAH-EL) Image: A woman pulling a horse by the bridle. Powers: To achieve success at anything requires more than just strength, ambition, and big dreams. It requires strategic planning, some degree of skill and talent, as well as knowing one’s own capabilities. Javael is an angel that can help you to see what you are able to accomplish and can help you develop the skills and abilities to accomplish those things you seek to achieve. With proper effort, learning, and skill, we can learn anything and as long as we have patience, we can succeed. Call on Javael to give you what you need to succeed in your ambitions and for the help to fulfill your dreams and accomplish your plans. Sigil of Javael 29.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A woman dragging a goat by the horns. Powers: Chaziel is an angel that helps us to organize and structure our life for success. Without a blueprint, a building cannot be successfully built, not can a project be successfully accomplished. Chaziel gives us the ability to wisely structure our life in an organized and disciplined way. He halso helps to ensure that lower human emotions and tendencies towards greed, laziness, or lust does not undermine our efforts at success. With Chaziel’s help, we can achieve success on every level of life. He brings us success socially, financially, and in our endeavors. Sigil of Chaziel 30.Sachael (SAH-KAH-EL) Image: A house of rich architecture. Powers: Sachael is an angel of luxury and comfort. This is the power of Venus in full. The power of Venus brings all manner of luxury, beauty, refined culture, wealth, and the finer things in life. Sachael is the energy behind the manifestation of these luxuries on Earth. Call on Sachael to attract beauty and luxury into your life. As with all magick, the magnitude of the results depends largely on your individual life circumstances. Results may manifest in the form of small luxuries happening in your every day life with greater frequency or in rarer cases, you may be gifted a car or beautiful place to live. You can work with this angel if you want to find the most luxurious places to live, the most delicious foods to eat, and the best, highest, most refined manifestation of anything that you seek. Sigil of Sachael The Angels of Gemini 1.Latiel (LAH-TEA-EL) Image: Two men who hold hands. Powers: Latiel is an angel of high esteem and material prosperity. Call on this angel when you desire to attract new friendships or attract the attention of those who have the power to help you fulfill your desires whatever they may be. Letiel does this by causing your personality to shine and that light will appear attractive to others and draw them to you. He also makes you appear to be very skillful and knowledgeable in whatever field you work in. Because of these things, not only can you attract friends and benefactors, but you can of course, also attract great happiness and prosperity. A very helpful angel for a joyful and fulfilling life. Sigil of Latiel 2.Nagael (NAH-GAH-EL) Image: An armed man, dragging two naked men. Powers: Nagael is an angel of victory. If you are facing any difficult obstacle or hurdle in your life, Nagael can give you the strength and bravery to overcome that hurdle. No matter how hard the obstacles you face, Nagael has the power to help you break through them and find a way out of your difficult situations. This angel is also helpful to those with careers in which they face obstacles on a regular basis such as those in the military, police, or even social workers. This angel can help to bring solutions to difficult problems. Sigil of Nagael 3.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man playing the lyre. Powers: Sachiel is a versatile angel. Particularly helpful for those who work in any type of artistic field from writing to modeling, acting, or music to achieve success and perhaps even fame. Sachiel has the power to enhance the beauty and attractiveness of anything. This applies to your works of art or even your personality. Sachiel can give you a beautiful personality and enhance your social skills such that you can attract new romantic partners. If you have trouble accomplishing things and taking concrete, physical action towards your goals Sachiel can also help with this. He can take you from being a dreamer to being a doer, effectively bringing an end to procrastination. Sigil of Sachiel 4.Gualiel (GOO-AH-LEE-EL) Image: A man standing and stretching out his hand to another man who bows. Powers: Gualiel is an angel with the power of sharp intelligence, order, and awareness. The powers of Gualiel can be applied to nearly any aspect of your life which requires intelligence and a sense of order to be successful. This includes your career, financial life, social life, and pretty much every aspect of life. Gualiel helps you to become aware of where you are out of balance in your life and aids you in becoming a balanced and efficient, successful person in all facets and aspects of your life. He also helps to protect you from dishonest people who seek to take advantage of you or believe they can scam and trick you. With the powers of this angel you can see through their lies and thus be protected from those who seek to harm you in secret. Sigil of Gualiel 5.Paniel (PAH-NEE-EL) Image: A man holding a belt with his right hand, and a sling with his left. Powers: Paniel is an angel with the power to increase your imaginative ability and artistic talent. This power is of course, great for those who actually do work in an artistic field of some sort. But the power to increase your imagination can be used more extensively in every aspect of your life. Einstein said “I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” These are words of immense wisdom, for with imagination all things can be accomplished and discovered. Therefore this angel can also help you to attract success, wealth and fame if you desire it. Paniel also has the power to bring forgiveness and reconciliation to those who are arguing so that they will forgive and forget and move on with their lives. Sigil of Paniel 6.Tzisiel (TUH-ZEE-SEE-EL) Image: A man holding a scale in his right hand. Powers: With the powers of Tzisiel, one can accomplish nearly anything. Tzisiel is the power of the genius mind. He increases the strength of the mind for whatever purpose you require. If you are seeking to become skilled in any endeavor Tzisiel will empower you. Within this power you can achieve success and good fortune in whatever career or goals you are seeking to accomplish and master. Tzisiel has power over the intellect and mind, and therefore can also help to increase one’s intellectual or psychic powers. If you are experiencing and creative blockages or confusing problems that you can’t seem to solve, this angel can help you break through to a solution and achieve success. This power is especially good with test taking and enhancing memory power. Sigil of Tzisiel 7.Kingael (KEENG-AH-EL) Image: Two young girls holding hands. Powers: If you have been struggling with a period of uncertainty, stress, or worry and are feeling worn out call on Kingael. This angel has the power of stability, certainty, and peace. He can usher in a time of stability in your life, giving you time to recuperate, regenerate, and rebalance yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you feel your life has become overly complicated and full of distractions, call on Kingael to show you how you can simplify your life so that you can have stability, ease, and peace. This is a wonderful angel for artists, writers, and others who require solitude and a tranquil space in which to focus on their work. Sigil of Kingael 8.Raphiel (RAH-FEE-EL) Image: A blacksmith beating iron, and near him an idle woman. Powers: Raphiel is an angel of strength, hard work, and resiliency. If you are struggling with troublesome events in your life that are beyond your control, you need to find the center of strength and balance within you so that you can stay calm and stable regardless of what life throws your way. Raphiel can help you to find this place within yourself so that you can handle with whatever comes your way in life. Whether you are going through such a time currently, or just got through one, Raphiel gives you the strength to spring back onto your feet and move forward in your life with strength, dignity, and focus so that you can flourish in life. When you are going through a time of trouble, often those people who we believed we could rely on to help us are suddenly nowhere to be found or become flaky and leave when we most need them. Raphiel gives the emotional strength to stand alone and become stronger as we pass through difficulty just like a sword forged in a blacksmith’s fires comes out even stronger and more resilient when it cools down. Sigil of Raphiel 9.Gnetiel (GUH-NET-EE-EL) Image: A king, seated on his throne, holding a sphere in his right hand and a scepter in his left. Powers: With the powers of Gnetiel we have the ability to discover our hidden gifts and talents that can bring us great success and good fortune in life. Call on Gnetiel to help you discover them and pay attention to what interests you over the next few weeks. When you find a hobby or project that brings you joy, you will find your hidden gifts manifesting. This angel can also help us to develop skill in whatever we undertake whether it is in school studies, work, projects, or anything else. He can help us to learn with speed and develop skill rapidly so that we can excel at whatever we choose to do and achieve success. If you are going through any type of difficult time or facing hurdles, Gnetiel has the alchemical power to transform your struggles into benefits for you. He can draw out wealth and success even from the most difficult or troublesome situations in life. With the powers of this angel on your side, you can not only find your way out of troubles that assail you but begin to thrive. Gnetiel is also a powerful angel to call on in seeking a romantic partner. He has the power to help you find and attract a lover who is best suited for your current needs. When you call on this power you may find yourself being flirted with more often or looked at with attraction. Be sure to use discernment and your intuition. Gnetiel will help you to feel and know when the right person enters your life. This power can be used to attract flings but is more suited for a long-term romance. Sigil of Gnetiel 10.Bahiel (BAH-HEE-EL) Image: A man raising another man from the ground. Powers: Bahiel is an angel of compassion, intelligence, benevolence, and help. If someone in your life is going through a difficult time and you wish to bless them with help but aren’t sure how or what they need, call on Bahiel. He has the power to fly to them, lift them up from their troubles, bless them, and set them back on their feet and moving in the right direction. This is a power that you can call into yourself as well so that you can be enabled to act as a conduit of divine help and compassion on this Earth. You will intuitively know what actions to take to help others whether it just be a smile in passing at a stranger who is having a rough day, or gifting someone with money that they didn’t ask for but desperately need. This is a beautiful power and one that brings great good karma. All that is given will be received back many times over, for that is the law of this universe. If you are going through a difficult time yourself and need compassion and help from others, you can call on this power to help yourself. The hearts and minds of others will open up to you and through numerous ways, help you to get back onto the right path of happiness and success in life. Sigil of Bahiel 11.Goriel (GOH-REE-EL) Image: An eagle hovering above three eaglets. Powers: Goriel is an angel of strength and expansion in life. If you are feeling stuck or directionless in life and unsure of where to go or what the next move is to make whether in your career, place of residence, or relationships, call on Goriel to guide you. He will lead you to the most fulfilling and highest manifestation available to you whether that is a new career, new place to live, or new relationship. With the powers of this angel, you can strengthen and protect your current relationships with others or expand your social circle and find new ones which will bless and benefit your life in many ways. Goriel can give you a charisma that attracts others to your light. Life is all about relationships and our relationships determine where we go and what we do in life to a large degree. Therefore, this power can benefit you in more ways than can be described. Goriel can also help you to develop new talents and give you the motivation and focus to get into the physical shape that you desire to have whether that is loosing weight or gaining muscle. He will aid your efforts by providing strength, focus, determination, and willpower. Sigil of Goriel 12.Dathiel (DAH-TEA-EL) Image: Two women standing and crying. Powers: Dathiel is a useful angel for those who must work on their projects or studies alone and with a focused determination. This degree is all about personal development and success through solitary studies. There are many reasons why it is difficult to develop when we are alone, we may be more inclined to procrastination or loose motivation without social motivation such as others who hold us accountable. If you find yourself working on a solitary project where others either cannot help or will not help, Dathiel can give you the mental clarity, motivation, and willpower to continue working alone, and with determination until you achieve success in your efforts. In this way, you can develop many interesting and helpful talents that will eventually bring you success and possibly even fame. Dathiel fights against loneliness, sluggishness, and lack of motivation in all things. He helps you to gain the motivation to keep going and establish a momentum that helps you to see to it that you finish what you are working on. Sigil of Dathiel 13.Hogael (HO-GAH-EL) Image: Three crows perched side by side. Powers: Hogael is an angel that help you to see opportunities. The deciding factor between success and failure comes down to taking the right actions at the right time to manifest our desired result. If we miss an opportunity, or loose a chance, it may not come around again. Hogael is an angel that ensures we recognize every opportunity that arises to fulfil our desires and achieve our goals through awareness. This power applies to any situation in life whether it is finding a new romantic partner, saying the right thing at the right time, applying for a new job, and so on. Timing is everything in life. Hogael is an angel of synchronicity and awareness of the perfect timing to act in order to achieve our desires. Sigil of Hogael 14.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Image: Two foxes devouring chickens. Powers: Vabiel is an angel of sincerity, dedication, and commitment. Too often in life we get caught up in dreaming about the future but not actually doing any work in the present. We procrastinate or when we finally start to work, we cut corners in order to finish more quickly and make a larger profit. It has been said that work is it’s own reward. Every moment is fulfillment in itself. The joy of writing a book is in the writing itself, the joy of exercising is in each step we take, the joy of cooking is in creating and blending all the ingredients. The end result of the things we do is not the most important thing. It is the journey that matters. Vabiel helps us to cultivate this realization in our lives and put it into action, to live it. When we live in this way, taking life one moment at a time and living each moment to its fullest, we achieve happiness and fulfillment, and great acclaim and success naturally follows. Living each moment, conversation, relationship, and action fully and authentically enriches our lives, work, and relationships in innumerable ways. Sigil of Vabiel 15.Zagiel (ZAH-GEE-EL) Image: A man with seven heads. Powers: Zagiel is an angel of industriousness and planning. He helps us to work smart instead of working hard. With the powers of Zagiel we can organize our life in ways that save us time and money so that we are more efficient and successful in everything we do. If you are in management with a company or desire to be a manager or business owner, this is the angel to call on to help you get organized and work efficiently. This angel is also helpful to those who work in fields where large amounts of information need to be organized. Zagiel can help you to organize the information so that it is simple, attractive, and gets your message across effectively. Great for those in the printing, distribution, media, and advertising fields. Sigil of Zagiel 16.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Image: A bridge built across the river. Powers: Chadiel is an angel of ideas. This angel is like a fountain of ideas. If you feel stuck in life or in a project, confused, and need helpful ideas and mental clarity, call on Chadiel. He will inspire your mind with ideas that bring success, money, and could even bring fame if that is desired. This power has more applications than can be named but is especially good for writers, artists of all types, inventors, and for those at a confusing crossroads in life. Also a useful angel for teachers to give wisdom on how to present the lessons in a way that each student can understand. And for students so that they can understand and retain the information they study. Sigil of Chadiel 17.Tahoel (TAH-HO-EL) Image: A man standing and without hands. Powers: Tahoel is an angel of capability and competence. This angel has the power to bring skill to your work, regardless of whether it is intellectual or manual labor. He helps you to develop the skills that you need to not only survive and get by in life but to thrive through your work. If you are facing any challenging situations in life, Tahoel is an angel that can give you the ability to break through the challenges and successfully overcome them. Tahoel is also said to have the power to bring romance into your life. This is not likely to be a lustful, passionate relationship but rather a relationship of sweet and lightheartedness. A playful connection that brings almost a storybook romance into your life. When you work with Tahoel for this purpose you may sense this energy of lighthearted playfulness around you first before your new romantic partner shows up. Enjoy this feeling freely and open your heart to it’s magic. Sigil of Tahoel 18.Javiel (HAH-VEE-EL) Image: A fox running with all his might. Powers: Javiel is an angel of cunning and persuasion. This angel gives one the power to convince anyone of nearly anything. Gives the power of eloquent and convincing speech as well as a quick, sharp mind that is full of ideas. This power can be used for bad or good. It is not recommended to use this power to become a con artist or to deceive others because what we give out always comes back to us. The wise use of this power is to use it for gaining an advantage in your career field or when you are put in a position in which you need to prove your value and worth. This can be in an interview or on a date. Javiel can also make you adept at learning the secrets of others and getting them to tell you more than they originally intended to. Sigil of Javiel 19.Chazael (KAH-ZAH-EL) Image: A beggar walking with his satchel. Powers: All too often we hear of people who have a lot of wealth, fame, and fortune end up broke and bankrupt. They loose everything they owned. Regardless of how much prosperity we currently enjoy in any form, if we do not manage well what we have, then we will loose it all. In the same way, if we do manage well what we have, we can turn poverty into wealth. Chazael is an angel of balance, awareness, and management. If you struggle with managing your money, job, relationships, or anything that you own in a wise and balanced way, call on Chazael to aid you in restoring balance. With the powers of this angel you can preserve what you have and turn it into more. This angel has the power to multiply and increase your assets. Sigil of Chazael 20.Bachael (BAH-KAH-EL) Image: Three snakes stretched out on the ground. Powers: Bachael is an angel of insight, sharp intuition, vision, and understanding. To understand a thing is to gain mastery over it. Whether that is money, a relationship, or the creation of art. Bachael gives us the power to understand whatever we turn our awareness to with an almost psychic intuition. With this power we can uncover the truth about how people feel towards us and discern whether they are true friend or secret plot against us. We can also gain understanding of the structure of any organization and learn how to finesse our way into it to achieve our aims such as rising to a prominent position in a company. If the people in your life or your environment where you live is holding you back from success, Bachael can free you from their destructive influence so that you can achieve success. This angel can help you to see opportunities where others only see dead ends and make the most of those opportunities to attain your goals. Sigil of Bachael 21.Gotiel (GOH-TEA-EL) Image: A man seated sideways on a horse. Powers: Gotiel is an angel that brings to you the favor of those in power. This could be your boss, a company president, or a wealthy patron. If you are in need of help from others to achieve your goals, call on Gotiel to bring you the favor of those with the power to aid you. You can achieve success, wealth, and even fame through the powers of this angel. You will be able to also attract the right resources and information that you need to fulfill your goals. If you are building a website, you will for example, be able to find the best web designer, or the best book on web designing if you choose to do it yourself. If you have a problem in any area of your life you can attract the help and attention of the best experts in the field. This doesn’t mean they will lend service to you for free, but just locating the right people to help is often more than half the battle won. This angel can also inspire faithfulness in a romantic partner as well as restoring warmth to a relationship that has gone cold. Sigil of Gotiel 22.Dajael (DAH-YAH-EL) Image: Two birds chirping on the same branch. Powers: Dajael is an angel of art and beauty. If you are seeking to enhance your artistic ability or add beauty to your art, this angel can help. Working with Dajael over a period of time can bring your art to new, higher levels of beauty and refinement. With the powers of this angel your work can go on to achieve success and popularity. Dajael also brings beauty and harmony into our personal relationships. Whether you seek to enhance an already good relationship so that there is greater love and intimacy or you are seeking to restore a broken relationship; this power can work wonders. Sigil of Dajael 23.Hachael (HAH-KAH-EL) Image: A decrepit man, dragging himself on a stick. Powers: Sometimes in life, regardless of what we do or what magick we perform, we must go through painful periods of hardship. Hachael is an angel that gives us the strength and willpower to deal with adversity and painful situations with courage, confidence, and strong willpower. This angel is beneficial for those who must work hard, difficult, or thankless jobs. Thankfully, there is magick to help find jobs that we love and to climb out of difficult situations gradually. If you find yourself in such a state of hardship, call on Hachael to give you the strength to carry on with bravery and strength until the light of relief and good fortune shines on you once again. Helpful for dealing with loneliness, breakups, or the loss of a loved one as well. Sigil of Hachael 24.Vabiel (VAH-BEE-EL) Image: Two women seated and conversing. Powers: Vabiel is an angel of organization, focus, and popularity. It has been said that starting a project is easy, but finishing a project is the hard part. Sometimes we can start multiple projects in excitement but end up only halfway finishing one and discarding the rest. Vabiel helps us to focus on each one of our projects, skillfully crafting it with artistry and focus until it is successfully completed. This could be focusing on a single relationship and building it up, a project at school, work, or even an art projects such as writing a book, painting, or making music. When inspiration dries up and a project feels more like labor that art, Vabiel can give us the focus and motivation we need to keep going until it is done. This angel also has the power to bring popularity. He can inspire our words when we speak to others so that we say the right things and gain the trust and friendship of others. If you find you get timid or awkard in social situations or even just struggle with knowing what to say or do, Vabiel acts as a social lubricant so that you become popular and liked by others. Sigil of Vabiel 25.Zagiel (ZAH-GEE-EL) Image: A man holding an open book. Powers: Zagiel gives skillful intelligence with studying. He helps us to fully absorb and understand the material that we are studying no matter what it is, from science and mathematics to occult literature. We will have a strong grasp on the information, be able to retain it in our memory, and also to be able to put it to creative use in the real world. This is the angel to call on when you are studying for a test of any type, writing a book or a paper, or doing any sort of project that involves research. With the power of Zagiel you can achieve success. Sigil of Zagiel 26.Chadiel (KAH-DEE-EL) Image: Two dogs that bite each other. Powers: Sometimes, regardless of how we try to avoid it, we are put into situations where tempers explode, people get angry or violent, and conflict erupts. Chadiel is an angel of peace, harmony, and safety. If you are in a situation in which people are becoming violent, angry, or creating conflict due to emotions boiling over, get to a safe place first and then call on Chadiel. This power works in numerous ways by bringing you safety and protection as well as helping to settle the negative emotions rising up in yourself and others. Chadiel can reestablish peace and harmony, or at least help the arguing parties come to an agreement of some sort, even if it is just agreeing to disagree. Sigil of Chadiel 27.Tahiel (TAH-HEE-EL) Image: A woman standing and weeping. Powers: People have a tendency to close up their heart and put up their guards when they are hurt for whatever reason. This inevitably causes various psychological, emotional, and social problems. Being hurt by a former lover could cause us to close our hearts to future lovers and be distrustful of all men or women who show interest in us. Experiencing failure could create a fear of failure which leads us to simply never take any risks to accomplish anything in the future and as a result, live a mediocre and unfulfilled life. Social anxiety can arise from situations in which we were outcast or made a fool by others, and so we resign to living a lonely life by keeping the world at a distance. Tahiel is an angel that helps us to restore our outward flowing energy and expansiveness. He helps us to reopen our hearts and develop courage to face the world and trust in life again. Tahiel gives us the strength we need to be assertive and face all the threats whether real or imagined in our life so that we may overcome them and live a full and fulfilling life. Sigil of Tahiel 28.Daviel (DAH-VEE-EL) Image: Two bulls of different sizes. Powers: Daviel is an angel of good fortune, happiness, and abundance. Imagine the Sun shining high in the sky, bringing warmth, happiness, and nourishment to all below and you will have an image of the power of Daviel. This angel is said to bless those who call on him with a happy family life and good relationships with many friends. He is also said to be an angel of fertility who can helps with pregnancy and childbirth. This power of fertility also applies to one’s career and life in general and this angel is therefore able to bring wealth, success, and abundance to those who work with him on an ongoing basis. Daviel is also an angel of learning and blesses us with the power to learn anything necessary to advance our life and achieve our goals. Sigil of Daviel 29.Hoziel (HA-ZEE-EL) Image: Three dogs running in opposite directions. Powers: Even the most ambitious person, with an abundance of good ideas will fail if they loose focus, become distracted, or lack the willpower to carry them through. Hoziel is an angel that helps us to remain focused on whatever it is we desire to accomplish whether it is a big or small project and successfully achieve it. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Writing a large book begins with the first word on the page. This angel helps us to stay focused and work methodically so that we can achieve our goals step by step and gradually reach success. Hoziel gives us firmness of character, confidence, bravery, and trust in our own abilities. Sigil of Hoziel 30.Vachael (VAH-KAH-EL) Image: Two men who each lead a dog. Powers: Vachael is an angel that gives us the power to see through anyone who plots against us. If someone acts friendly towards us on the surface but really seeks our downfall Vachael will gives us the power to see them for what they are. This is an angel of strong intuitive insight and an almost psychic, clairvoyant vision. With this power we can see through the masks of lies and illusion that those around us may hold up to hide the truth from us. This allows us to walk in safety through our endeavors and know who to work with and who to avoid. This power also enables us to avoid falling into dangerous situations and circumstances, and avoid the traps that others may lay for us who seek our downfall and demise. Sigil of Vachael The Angels of Cancer 1.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man and a woman holding hands. Powers: Sachiel is an angel who helps us to achieve a balance between our career aspirations and our personal life. If you struggle between spending time taking care of your family and working long hours call on Sachiel to help you find a happy balance where your work gets done and you are still able to find time to bond with your family and take care of them properly. Sachiel also has the power to get you back on track towards fulfilling your goals if you got sidetracked. He can put you back on the path towards success. Sigil of Sachiel 2.Motiel (MOH-TEA-EL) Image: Two women standing, motionless, and facing each other. Powers: Motiel is an angel that shows us the best, most efficient way to accomplish our projects and achieve our goals in life. He gives us the drive and ability to focus and follow through with projects that we desire to complete. He fights against laziness and helps us to find the strength to overcome procrastination so that we can get to work. Motiel also helps us to wisely choose our friends and associates. He brings us the power of discernment so that we can avoid those who may seek to harm or deceive us. He leads us to friendships that will be supportive and beneficial to us. He also has the power to bring inspiration to artists of all kinds and helps overcome creative blockages. Sigil of Motiel 3.Aiel (AH-EE-EL) Image: Two men standing in front of two seated women. Powers: Aiel helps us to learn to control our impulses. It is good to enjoy the sensual pleasures that life has to offer us so long as we don’t get carried away by them. The problems happen when we allow the pleasures of the world to be what we live for instead of self-development. Aiel helps us to find the balance between personal growth and sensual pleasure so that neither one rules over the other. When we are balanced between these two things, we can find great pleasure in all areas of our life. Aiel can help us to enjoy the beauty, comforts, luxuries, and entertainments of the world while retaining our integrity and advancing our spiritual and business/material growth at the same time. Sigil of Aiel 4.Sachiel (SAH-KEY-EL) Image: A woman standing, motionless, waiting for a man. Powers: Sachiel is an angel of bravery, daring, impulsiveness, and adventure. This angel is great to work with for those who are usually timid, shy, and reserved. Sachiel is all about breaking the mold, being loud and outspoken, restoring our passion and zest for life. Sachiel helps us not only to face the dangers of life but to embrace and enjoy them. This angel is like a passionate, uplifting fire and can bring excitement to a life that has grown dull, boring, and routine. If you are going into any situation in which danger may be unavoidable, call on Sachiel. He will not only give you the courage the face the situation with bravery but even to relish it. This power can be used on a wide range of situations from first dates, to facing our fears and phobias and overcoming them. Sigil of Sachiel 5.Moliel (MOH-LEE-EL) Image: A young girl standing, waiting for a man. Powers: Moliel is an angel of wisdom and discretion. Misplaced trust whether it be in the stock market, choice of friends, or relationships has been the cause of much heartache, sorry, and personal ruin. Moliel helps us to act with careful discretion and with wisdom regarding our choices in all areas and aspects of life. He helps us to see the true value of people, places, and things and to gain an intuitive understanding of whether they would be helpful or harmful to us. Moliel also gives us a flexibility in life, a creativity and inventiveness that can help us to get out of tough spots and climb out of traps that we have fallen into. The solution to every problem is always in our environment. This angel can help us to identify the solution to our problems and achieve victory in life. This angel is especially helpful for those who work in industries involving travel and international trade where wisdom, protection, and an eye for the true nature and value of people, places, and things is a must. Sigil of Moliel 6.Aniel (AH-NEE-EL) Image: A man plunging a goat into a boiler. Powers: Aniel is an angel that helps us to control our mind, emotions, and impulses. This power alone can work wonders in nearly any aspect of our life. Nearly all troubles in life are a result of a failure to control our lower emotional and mental nature. We act rashly, foolishly, and later come to regret it. Often though, the damage has been done and we have to live the rest of our lives with the consequences. Aniel helps to harmonize our internal state and clearly and calmly perceive and deal with our thoughts, emotions, and impulses so that we can act with wisdom in all situations and as a result, create harmony both in our lives and the lives of others. Aniel is therefore able to bring financial, and career success. He can raise a person to a prominent position of leadership. With the powers of this angel you naturally become someone that others look up to for wisdom, advice, and guidance. A great angel also for help with overcoming addictions. Sigil of Aniel 7.Sasael (SAH-SAH-EL) Image: A man dragging a goat with his belt. Powers: Sasael is an angel that is great for counselors and social workers. This angel brings penetrating insight into the minds and behaviors of others so that we can understand them in order to help them or work with them harmoniously. This power could also be used by less scrupulous people for manipulation of others as well but that is not recommended for obvious reasons. This power can be invaluable when turned back onto ourselves so that we can understand our own mind and emotions thoroughly. For to understand and conquer our self is to understand and conquer our environment. Thus, with this power we can attain great wealth and success in our endeavors. This is a helpful angel to call upon for romance as well. Under Sasael’s influence we can be made to appear emotionally and intellectually attractive to those we interact with. Sigil of Sasael 8.Magnael (MAHG-NAH-EL) Image: A woman standing, half hidden behind a house. Powers: Magnael is an angel of openness, honesty, and integrity. This angel brings these qualities to our relationships to enable clear and honest communication with our friends, family, associates, and coworkers. Good communication and honesty is essential to having successful relationships, friendships, and romances. Magnael gives us the power to remain true to our self while giving others the ability to truthfully communicate with us so that we can reach a mutual understanding. A great angel to call on for any difficult conversations that we must have with others in any area of our life. Sigil of Magnael 9.Athiel (AH-TEA-EL) Image: A woman holding a spindle in her right hand. Powers: Athiel is an angel of success. Quite simply, this angel has the power to help us to patiently and steadily work on our projects with careful precision until they are completed. With this laser sharp focus that Athiel gives us, our work can be perfected and as a result achieve great acclaim from others. This angel brings success therefore to all of our projects in our life. Many people fail in life simply because they give up. With Athiel’s power we continue to work on our goals in a focused, almost obsessive way, until they are successfully completed to our satisfaction. Whether this be a work of art, or career goals. Regardless, we can achieve success in any area of life requiring focused work and concentrated effort with this angel. Sigil of Athiel 10.Sobael (SOH-BAH-EL) Image: A man holding a basket with his right hand, and with the other sowing grain. Powers: Sobael is a powerful angel that gives us an almost alchemical power to transform any situation into what we desire it to be. With the power of Sobael we are able to transform desperate or hopeless situations into opportunities for success. This angel can turn poverty into wealth. Loneliness into connection. Desperation into hope. And failure into success. Sobael can help us to get back on the right track after a devastating loss or failure. With his power we can not only remain optimistic and hopeful but also achieve real and lasting success regardless of what our current circumstances look like. If you find that you lack drive, courage, creativity and ambition that is required to achieve your goals, Sobael can give you all of those things. No matter what our situation in life is, as long as we are alive, there is hope. As long as there is a spark, there is light, and darkness and confusion can be overcome. Sigil of Sobael 11.Makel (MAH-KEL) Image: A ship motionless on the water. Powers: Makel is an angel of intelligence and efficiency. He gives us the power to make good, rational decisions so that we can achieve success in all of our endeavors. If we aren’t sure of how to do something or lack the necessary skills, Makel can help us to acquire them so that we can successfully achieve our aims. This power works through meditation. Call upon this angel and explain to him your situation and then carefully meditate on your problem or situation. Makel’s power works by giving us the patience to meditate and develop deep insight into matters that confound or confuse us so that we can shine a light into our problems and find solutions. Through careful attention to details, we can achieve success in any aspects of our life. Sigil of Makel 12.Ariel (AH-REE-EL) Image: A man carrying a slaughtered sheep on his shoulders. Powers: Ariel is a versatile angel that can help us to achieve success in anything in life. He opens up our mind and psychic perceptions so that we can discern who we are, where we are going in life, and what our life’s purpose is. When we follow the intuitions we gain from working with Ariel success is the inevitable result. Ariel helps us to overcome negative or destructive emotions through the power of a balanced mind and strong, insightful intelligence. Not only can we help ourselves with this power but we can help to others to gain stability and success in their life. Under the influence of Ariel, scientists and inventors are able to develop products or services that serve humanity on a large scale to improve their life significantly by making life easier and more comfortable. This angel is an angel of breakthroughs and revelatory inventions. He brings helpful, ingenious insights to problems so that we can solve them not only for ourself but for others as well. We may gain the answers though dreams, contemplation, or flashes of insight. Also a great angel for helping us to discover new ways of achieving wealth. Sigil of Ariel 13.Sothiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Image: A child seated, holding an open book and a quill. Powers: Sothiel is an angel that helps us to control our negative impulses and emotions. Once these are tamed and controlled, we Sothiel helps us to develop a sharp intellect and perceptive intelligence that can bring us success in business, politics, or any areas in life from the practical and mundane aspects to the spiritual occult aspects of life and studies. Sothiel helps us to develop the focus, concentration, and endurance necessary to succeed in life. He gives us a bold and outgoing confidence so that we have live like a success inwardly and eventually come to manifest that success outwardly in our day to day life. If you are doubting that you can achieve success in life, this confidence can help you to successfully overcome those doubts and fears that hold you back. Also helpful for any areas in life in which confidence is necessary. Sigil of Sothiel 14.Magnael (MAHG-NAH-EL) Image: A lamb wearing a crown of gold on its head. Powers: Magnael is an angel that has the power to bring wealth and success through the development of artistic talent. Call on this angel to first develop the skill you need. Next, work with this angel to get others to take notice of your work and gradually build your reputation. You may rise to fame either quickly or slowly and steadily but the powers of this angel work to help bring success. Simply focus on building the quality of your work and success will follow. Magnael is also an angel of love and can help us to attract a suitable partner into our life who will match our needs and help us flourish in life. Sigil of Magnael 15.Abiel (AH-BEE-EL) Image: A crowned rat, crouching on a roof. Powers: Abiel is an angel that helps us to achieve success despite any adversities, enemies, or misfortune in our life and environment. He gives us a strong and persistent drive and sharp intelligence that allows us to use the means at our disposal to achieve success in our desired field. This is the power to creatively influence other people to cause them to fulfill our desires and sway them to obey our will. Not mind control, but a persuasive influence. Abiel enables us to creatively and fluidly adapt to any situation and circumstance that we find ourselves in. A very helpful angel for those who seek to advance in business or politics. Brings great success also in other fields requiring a sharp and calculating mind such as engineering, mathematics, and science. Sigil of Abiel 16.Sagel (SAH-GAH-EL) Image: A bird holding a serpent under its feet. Powers: Sagel is an angel of strength on all levels. He helps us to turn physical, intellectual, or emotional weakness into strength. Through this power, he helps us to overcome any obstacles and situations that are placed into our path. The image here is that of a bulldozer forcefully toppling all obstacles and breaking through all boundaries. With the power of Sagel on your side it is unlikely that anyone can easily stop your rise to success or prevent you from fulfilling your will. You will develop great courage and intelligence and forge a unique path to success regardless of what your aims are with the power of Sagel. If you need to develop a blueprint or plan for success this is the angel to call on. This angel combines intelligent planning with strength and willpower to enable us to come out on top in any and all situations, regardless of what stands in our way. Sigil of Sagel 17.Madiel (MAH-DEE-EL) Image: A woman standing, motionless. Powers: If you are called upon by your position to show leadership qualities or aspire to a position of leadership, call on Madiel to help you to develop these skills. You will radiate a calm, composed, and confident personal of leadership so that you can achieve success and be respected by those whom you lead. Madiel inspires others to show kindness and favor to you as well. Madiel also has the ability to restore passion and enthusiasm where it has died whether that is in a hobby or a relationship, this angel can rekindle that fire and help it to burn bright and strong once again. This will require your cooperation, doing all that you can on the physical plane to make this happen. As always, do the magick and then forget about it and do the work on the physical plane as if you had never done the magick at all. This attitude brings powerful results to any magick we perform. Sigil of Madiel 18.Ahiel (AH-HEE-EL) Image: Two women playing dice. Powers: In this world of many temptations and enticements, it is easy for us to get distracted or addicted to things that are no good for us and spend all of our time or money on things that are not helpful or downright harmful to us. Success comes to those who practice moderation in all things. Call on Ahiel, an angel of strength, willpower, and discipline, to help you to control your impulses and urges. This is a great angel to call on when you need to break a persistent habit of any sort. Ahiel can help you to stay focused on the things that count in life and avoid wasting time or procrastinating. Will focus and discipline we gain through Ahiel we can accomplish our goals and projects successfully as well as save a tremendous amount of time, money, trouble, stress caused by squandering what we have. Sigil of Ahiel 19.Savael (SAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man holding a spear in his right hand, and a flute in the other. Powers: Savael is an angel of social charisma. If your social life is lacking and you feel lonely or out of place, call on Savael to bring connection with those around you so that you can connect with others and attain friendship. Savael also has the power to bring romance. This works best if one requests this in a general way rather than for a specific person. Then remains open to whoever may come. Savael also gives us the power to prioritize and set goals in our life so that we can create the life that we desire to live, in a decisive way rather than allowing the whim and winds of fate to decide it for us. If we do not choose the life we want to live then others will end up choosing it for us. It is easier to simply go with the flow in life but much more fulfilling to create the life we desire to live intentionally. Sigil of Savael 20.Maziel (MAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A dog sitting on a cart. Powers: Maziel is a powerful angel to call upon during times of depression or misfortune. He helps us to remain motivated and optimistic rather than giving in to our sad state of affairs. Maziel helps us to visualize a brighter future for ourself and then take the steps towards attracting that future into our life. Sigil of Maziel 21.Achiel (AH-KEY-EL) Image: An empty tank. Powers: Achiel is an angel that helps us to persevere in the face of adverse or troublesome circumstances. He brings confidence and stability to our mind and our emotions. This enables us to intuitively discern the proper steps to take and come out on top. Many people when something goes wrong in their life will tend to fall apart and become unsure about which way to go. Achiel helps us to think in a logical, rational way in the face of destruction or adversities in our life so that we will see the right way to go in life and make it back to more stable, successful times. Sigil of Achiel 22.Sotiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Image: A man standing motionless. Powers: Sotiel has the power give us a sharp and clever mind and witty intelligence. This power allows us to navigate through any rough patches in life successfully. Sotiel helps us to achieve social acceptance and popularity with others. This popularity plays a part in the success that we can achieve through Sotiel’s help. If you work in a field where you must socialize frequently or engage in debates and convince or sell things to others, this angel can be an immense help to you by giving you a quick and intelligent mind, eloquent speech, and a convincing demeanor that endears others to you and makes them more likely to listen to what you have to say and believe it. Sigil of Sotiel 23.Maiel (MAH-EE-EL) Image: A waterfall. Powers: Maiel is an angel of the manifestation of our dreams. This angel can help us to manifest our desires in life through a combination of magickal and practical means. Maiel can help us to develop skill in all manner of occult pursuits and to understand them on a deep level. This power includes skill in ritual magick, astrology, tarot, and the development of psychic abilities. Maiel can show you how to use these occult skills to bring about practical results in the real world and fulfill our dreams and desires. Sigil of Maiel 24.Achael (AH-KAH-EL) Image: A horse jumping on another. Powers: Achael is an angel that gives us mental and physical strength, hardiness, and an ability to face hard work head on with endurance and discipline to achieve our goals. This angel helps us to overcome all obstacles and enemies that may stand in the way of our dreams. Through sheer hard word, dedication, and focus, Achael gives us the power to achieve whatever we desire. With the power of Achael we can achieve financial success and popularity as a result. If you tend to shy away from hard work and cant find the strength to stop procrastinating. Achael can help you to focus and get your work done with a joyful self-discipline. Sigil of Achael 25.Sabiel (SAH-BEE-EL) Image: A horse without brakes, running across fields. Powers: When we are faced with naysayers who tell us that our dreams will never manifest it is easy to get sidetracked and to give up hope by believing them. Sabiel is an angel that helps us to be independently motivated and self-assured so that we can overcome the ideas that naysayers put into our mind and achieve the success that we desire in our projects. Sabiel gives us the power the come up with brilliant, imaginative ideas that become popular and bring us success. This power can be applied to any field of work or study. This angel also has the power to enhance our friendships with others and aid our social skills so that we can flirt, mingle, and socialize well with any groups in society. Sigil of Sabiel 26.Magiel (MAH-GEE-EL) Image: A waterfall falling from a rock. Powers: Magiel is an angel of good fortune and luck. Under the influence of Magiel we are protected from adverse situations and circumstances. One can relax and simply let go to the flow of life without fear and worrying when under the protection of this angel. One will notice that circumstances and situations begin to spontaneously work out in your favor. Almost as if you are carrying a lucky charm or blessed talisman. Magiel surrounds those who call on him with this type of good fortune. The best and wisest use of this power is to reserve it for times of forced uncertainty such as the loss of a job, or when one looses direction in life, rather than to rely on it as a constant certainty. Sigil of Magiel 27.Adiel (AH-DEE-EL) Image: A bridled horse, immobile. Powers: Adiel is an angel that helps us to break out of jobs, situations, or relationships in which we feel stuck or trapped in some way. This may take a measure of hard work to attain freedom but this angel will guide you to take the right steps to breaking free from that stuck place and rising to success in a career of your choice. This is a very useful power, for many people feel like they are stuck in their dead-end jobs with no way or hope for escape. Call on Adiel to show you the way, work hard, and you can break free and live the life of your dreams. This angel gives the patience and perseverance that you need to make this happen. Sigil of Adiel 28.Sahiel (SAH-HEE-EL) Image: Two men seated under a tree, and looking at a perched raven. Powers: Sahiel has the power to give those who call on him a strong intellect that is able to understand and retain large amounts of information. He can help you to develop the ability to thrive running your own business and developing leadership skills. With the proper education, anything becomes possible. You can fulfill all of your ambitions through the powers of Sahiel who gives you the power to study, learn, and grow quickly. Sahiel also has the power to strengthen your magickal abilities and make your magick stronger. Sigil of Sahiel 29.Moviel (MAH-VEE-EL) Image: A man hanged on a gallows. Powers: Moviel has the power to strengthen and increase our intellectual capacity so that we become capable of understanding deep and subtle or complex subjects. He thus enables us to acquire many new talents through studying and practice as well as the ability to perceive and develop our innate talents that we were born with to achieve success in life. Sigil of Moviel 30.Aziel (AH-ZEE-EL) Image: A boat floating on water. Powers: Aziel is an angel that is beneficial to those who fight to bring justice to various causes as well as to bring truth where there is an abundance of lies, deceit and falsehood. If you have a strong drive to ensure that truth and justice is served in any situation or circumstance this angel will empower you with immense courage and confidence. The strength and power of Aziel can help you in any area of your life in which you need to overcome obstacles. He will empower you to break through and achieve justice, freedom, and most importantly, peace in your life. Sigil of Aziel The Angels of Leo 1.Machiel (MAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man holding a lion's head in his right hand. Powers: Machiel is an angel that brings fame and popularity. Through the power of Machiel people will look up to you as an attractive leader. Whether you are like by them or not, all people you encounter will be inspired to respect you. Machiel can cause you to shine with a charisma that attracts willing romantic partners. He also gives the power of self-development so that you can grow into the fullness of the person you are meant to be and fulfill your life’s purpose in joy and freedom. He give the courage to break out of old, tired routines and stale frameworks into the freedom of self-exploration. He inspires a sort of personal revolution within yourself in which you explore who you truly are and what you truly desire to be, do, and have in life as well as the skills to go and attain those things. Sigil of Machiel 2.Satiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Image: A ship lying on its side in the midst of the waves. Powers: Satiel gives you the power of fluidity in your life, which is the power to change anything you desire whether it be a part of your life or your personality. He grants you the inner balance and stability to handle changes in your life smoothly while remaining stable and the intelligence to make smart changes that lead to success regardless of what you choose to do. A great angel to call on while traveling, he makes you capable of dealing with whatever circumstances or situations may arise. Satiel is also said to enhance magickal power and ability. Sigil of Satiel 3.Aiel (AH-EE-EL) Image: A sad man, seated on a stool. Powers: Aiel is an angel that gives the wisdom to handle whatsoever troubles and adversities may arise in one’s life with wisdom. Aiel speeds up our intuition and strengthens our mind so that we can quickly discover the right solution to whatever problems may arise. He helps with relationship, friendship and work-related problems. He also gives us the power to break through laziness and become productive in our daily life. Sigil of Aiel 4.Mochiel (MAH-KEY-EL) Image: A fish floating between two waters. Powers: Mochiel is an angel that gives us the ability to persevere despite difficulties that may arise. He gives us patience and a strong intuitive awareness that allows us to immediately spot any opportunities that arise and to act on them with wisdom, making the right decisions. This patience and perseverance can carry over to any aspect of our life whether it involves studying for a test, working out to get into the best shape of our life, or any other projects and goals we may desire to achieve. Sigil of Mochiel 5.Satiel (SAH-TEA-EL) Image: A serpent that crawls on the ground. Powers: Satiel is an angel that protects us from those who seek to halt our progress in like or stab us in the back. He also inspires generosity in others in our life so that we will receive the help that we need at the time that we need it. This angel is great at helping us to solve complex or confusing problems in our life. He gives us an expansive yet focused mind, and a strong work ethic. Great angel for those who work in fields of science. Sigil of Satiel 6.Aniel (AH-NEE-EL) Image: A man holding a naked sword in his right hand. Powers: Aniel is an angel that gives us a strong work ethic, patience, discipline, and a courageous spirit. He helps us to overcome all of our fears and phobias. The influence of this angel is like the energy of a soldier. Thus, he is great for those who actually work in the military or even politics. He teaches us the thrill of risk and danger in our life. This does not mean wee should seek out dangerous or risky situations of course, but with the power of Aniel, we gain the strength to face dangerous or risky situations directly without flinching and to overcome them with confidence and intelligence. Sigil of Aniel 7.Masiel (MAH-SEE-EL) Image: A man riding a lion” Wisdom, power of will which will lead to fortune. Powers: Masiel is an angel that brings wisdom, courage, and the ability to fulfill any goals that we pursue. He is also said to have the ability to bring fame and popularity. This angel is beneficial to those who work in any artistic or public relations field. Sigil of Masiel 8.Songael (SONG-AH-EL) Image: A hearth from which rises a great flame. Powers: Songael is an angel that aids in our spiritual evolution. He can help us to intuitively understand and absorb the meaning of occult and esoteric information. He can help to increase the power and effectiveness of our magickal work as well. If you desire to develop your third eye and open up your senses to the spiritual realms, call on Songael to help you develop clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. This angel can also improve the accuracy of your divinations to reveal truth. Sigil of Songael 9.Aphiel (AH-FEE-EL) Image: A richly dressed man Powers: Aphiel is an angel ruling over wealth, royalty, and luxury. He has the power to help us to attract the finer things in life that we desire. He also helps us to remain humble and focused rather than growing prideful. Aphiel can inspire those who have an abundance to give to those who are lacking. He opens the hearts of others to generosity so that they give to those less fortunate. Aphiel also gives us the power of self-discipline to resist all the luxuries and comforts that distract us from getting important work done and achieving our goals. This could help us with managing our finances by avoiding spending for luxuries as well as avoiding overeating and therefore managing our weight. Sigil of Aphiel 10.Motziel (MOHT-ZEE-EL) Image: A skeleton armed with a scythe. Powers: Motziel is an angel that helps those who fight to help people in unfortunate circumstances and situations. This is an angel who inspires selfless service which is said to bring great spiritual reward and riches on the inner plane rather than material riches. With the power of Motziel, one is able to help others without expecting to receive anything back in return, thus one is able to gain great spiritual growth. Sigil of Motziel 11.Sokel (SOH-KEL) Image: A woman standing and baring her throat. Powers: Sokel is an angel that helps us to become disciplined and balanced, rejecting all things that hinder our personal and spiritual development whether it be sex, drugs, gluttony, or even just spending too much time on the internet. With the discipline that Sokel brings, we have the power to change our life and shape it into what we desire for it to be. Sigil of Sokel 12.Ariel (AH-REE-EL) Image: A beautiful woman richly dressed. Powers: If life seems to be tedious or boring, call on Ariel to help bring more excitement and interesting things into your life. You may rediscover old interest and hobbies and take them up again or you may find that the flow of life naturally leads you in more interesting directions. After calling on Ariel, if you find something that interests you, grasp hold of it and try to develop it, and incorporate it into your life you may then find your life is going in new and more exciting directions. Sigil of Ariel 13.Mothiel (MOH-TEA-EL) Image: A bull standing in a pasture. Powers: Through the powers of Mothiel, one is able to achieve success in life through hard-work, and determination. If you find that you have a tendency to procrastinate or even feel like you wont be able to accomplish anything worthwhile in life, call on Mothiel to help you see all the options available to you. This angel can open your eyes to new possibilities and show you how you can make your dreams a reality. This is an angel that brings continual growth to your life and helps you overcome stagnation. Sigil of Mothiel 14.Sagel (SAH-GAH-EL) Image: A man standing motionless. Powers: Sagel is an angel that works to help us to overcome laziness. If you find that you are lazy, and always try to do the least work possible, Sagel can strengthen you with the ability to enjoy work and to pursue a career that will be fulfilling. Sagel helps us also to climb out of poverty if we happen to fall into it and rise back to a dignified and respectable position in society. Sigil of Sagel 15.Abiel (AH-BEE-EL) Image: A lion lying on the grass. Powers: Abiel is an angel that gives us the ability to achieve our goals through the help of others. This is an angel of goodwill and social harmony. Beneath the influence of this angel, hearts open in generosity, families and groups will work together, and social interactions of all kinds can unfold smoothly. Abiel has the power to heal broken friendships and relationships as well. Sigil of Abiel 16.Magiel (MAH-GEE-EL) Image: A bridled donkey that kicks. Powers: Magiel helps us to get ahead in life through enhanced enthusiasm, self-study, and the ability to become skillful at any task we do and any skill we undertake to learn. Magiel helps those who use self-study to learn things. He gives us a strong work ethic and the ability to concentrate on whatever task we are doing until it is done. Also a good angel for those who teach others to call on as well. Sigil of Magiel 17.Sadiel (SAH-DEE-EL) Image: A standing camel. Powers: Sadiel has the power to give those who call on him a strong intellect, the ability to have a focused, persistent work ethic, as well as great organizational skills. This angel has the power to bless our life with good luck so that we achieve success in all that we pursue. He gives strong athletic abilities as well as the ability win in any arguments or debates. Sigil of Sadiel 18.Ahoel (AH-HO-EL) Image: A key whose turning is divided into four branches. Powers: Ahoel blesses us with strong intelligence, and an even stronger work ethic. He gives us the power to be resourceful in life so that we can achieve whatever we desire and find our way out of any difficult situations. This angel is strong with the ability of magick and helps us to enhance our magickal ability, increasing the success rate of our rituals. Through the influence of Ahoel we are enabled to achieve success and even fame in our career and endeavors. We become admired and held in high esteem by others. Sigil of Ahoel 19.Mukel (MOO-KEL) Image: A man pulling a horse by the bridle. Powers: Mukel helps those who work in science, accounting, or mathematical fields. He gives us a bright intelligence and gives us the ability to think logically and methodically to solve our problems in life. This is a great angel to call on if you need to retain what you’ve studied in order to pass a test. Mukel gives us eloquence and the ability to speak fluently and intelligently with anyone about any topic we have knowledge of. We also gain the ability to understand the nature and character of a person through their words and speech. Sigil of Mukel 20.Saziel (SAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A hand holding a roll of unfolded papyrus. Powers: Saziel is an angel that enhances our imagination and intuition so that we can gain an understanding and knowledge of the people, places, and things around us and use that knowledge to our advantage in numerous ways. This is an angel of wisdom and intelligence and thus can also help us with achieving success in any intellectual career field such as science, literature, or business of any type. Saziel also has the power to help us attract love and romance into our life. Sigil of Saziel 21.Achiel (AH-KEY-EL) Image: A man holding a key. Powers: Achiel gives us the power of penetrating insight into whatever situation we turn our attention to. With this power, we can successfully plan for the future with wisdom so that we can achieve success in all of our endeavors. This brings to mind a military general planning for the next upcoming battle, arranging his soldiers for victory, or a masterful chess player who can think 10 moves ahead. Achiel also gives us the power to contemplate and comprehend spiritual mysteries. This power can help us to develop psychic abilities and improve our magick. If anything confuses your mind, this angel can help you to solve it. Sigil of Achiel 22.Matiel (MAH-TEA-EL) Image: A man lying on a bed with his head thrown back. Powers: Matiel is an angel that gives firmness of will, confidence, and a strong ability to make wise and appropriate decisions. He gives us the power of discernment to know which people in our life are helpful or harmful to us. Therefore Matiel is also an angel of protection who helps us to avoid those who would seek to take advantage of us and harm us. He also has the power to protect our time, possessions, and energy from theft. Matiel has can inspire insightful dreams that gives us the solution to problems we have in our life. When using this power it is wise to keep a dream journal, writing down your dreams and insights gained from them upon awakening. Books on dream symbolism can help immensely as the answers we receive in our dreams are often encoded in symbols we need to decipher. Symbolism is the language of the subconscious. Symbolism is the language of the universe. Sigil of Matiel 23.Siel (SEE-EL) Image: A man with two heads, and looking at the same time in front of and behind him. Powers: Siel can help us to attain a wide range of knowledge and skills on a variety of subjects. This power is especially helpful for teachers. With this power you can learn any subject matter or new skill that you desire. Siel will help you to learn the information at a faster pace than usual as well as to be able to retain what you learned. Especially helpful for test taking. If you are timid and shy, Siel can reverse that and turn you into a confident person who can freely speak on a variety of topics with intelligence. Others will begin to look up to you as a leader. Sigil of Siel 24.Achael (AH-KAH-EL) Image: A man holding a saw with his right hand. Powers: Achael is an angel that brings a strong willpower, and ability to take risks of all kinds with confidence. With this power we become unafraid to take risks and can handle any unpleasant work or tasks that arise in our life. We become a very capable and versatile person who is able to handle whatever situations arise in the moment. Achael gives us the intensity and capability of a fighter in a ring, strong and ready to handle whatever punches life throws. Sigil of Achael 25.Mabiel (MAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man who swims in rough waves. Powers: Mabiel gives us the power of patience, strength, confidence, and strong determination. Great angel to work with for those who lack faith in themselves Mabiel helps us to believe in ourself and have confidence in our capabilities without being proud or boastful. We can inwardly develop the qualities and bearing of a leader with the powers of Mabiel. Mabiel can also give us the ability to gain whatever knowledge and skills are required to improve any aspect of our life that we desire and eventually to rise to the top of our chosen field. Sigil of Mabiel 26.Sagiel (SAH-GEE-EL) Image: A man who splits wood. Powers: Sagiel gives us the power of fearlessness. Through the power of Sagiel we are able to overcome any obstacles and triumph over any person or situation that stands in our way no matter how strong or dangerous that they are. This angel gives us the power of fearless and relentless determination that keeps going, keeps fighting, and keeps striving for success and triumph over obstacles and adversities no matter how long it takes to succeed. This is an angel of infinitely strong willpower. Sigil of Sagiel 27. Adiel (AH-DEE-EL) Image: A man holding a scythe in his right hand. Powers: Adiel is an angel of safety and protection. He gives us the wisdom and guidance to avoid falling into various traps and dangers whether others intentionally place them there for us or not. He gives us protection from violence of all types. This angel also helps us to grow intellectually and gain knowledge through reading and research. Great angel to call on in order to learn foreign languages. With the powers of Adiel, we become eloquent and a joy to talk to. Sigil of Adiel 28.Mahiel (MAH-HEE-EL) Image: Three men walking around. Powers: Mahiel is an angel of harmonious and balanced living. He helps us to fulfill our desires and achieve our aims in every aspect of life so that we can live a joyful and fulfilled existence. When the powers of Mahiel are radiating into our life, our life is filled with peace and harmony and our earthly needs are fulfilled easily. He helps us to attract positive, loving, and supportive friends into our life. Mahiel also helps us to make progress in all forms of spiritual practice. Sigil of Mahiel 29.Savael (SAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man and a woman holding hands. Powers: Savael brings success in both our personal and business life alike. Whatever goals we are focused on fulfilling, Savael helps us with achieving those goals. This power is especially useful for accomplishing goals that somehow serve to help others as well. Savael can help us to plan for the near or far future. Whether you are planning for retirement, or making plans for events in the coming months or weeks ahead, he can help you to plan intelligently and comprehensively so that you are able to strategically accomplish your goals. Sigil of Savael 30.Aziel (AH-ZEE-EL) Image: A man seated sideways on a horse. Powers: Aziel gives us the fire of passion, focus, and determination to burn through any dangers and obstacles that are placed in our way in life. If you are going through a difficult time or situation in life, Aziel can help you to push forward through it with strength and not give up. Instead of complaining about how bad our life is, Aziel helps us to do something about it and achieve our goals in spite of difficulties. A powerful angel for overcoming seemingly hopeless and helpless situations like poverty. Sigil of Aziel The Angels of Virgo 1.Celiel (KEH-LEE-EL) Image: A richly dressed woman, at the table, and carrying a cup to her lips. Powers: Celiel is an angel of social harmony and gracefulness. If you are attending a party or a group even of any type, this angel can help you to blend in with the people there and get along with everyone regardless of who they are. This is a great angel to call on to attract new friendships and helpful acquaintances. Call on Celiel if you are seeking to network with people for business purposes, he will help you to make strong connections with important people who can help you to get ahead in life. This angel can inspire others to treat you warmly and with kindness, as well as to help you however they can. Sigil of Celiel 2.Lonael (LAH-NAH-EL) Image: Two women seated, motionless. Powers: If you struggle with overthinking everything, it can be difficult to make significant accomplishments. Overthinking has the unfortunate side effect of preventing us from taking action. We stand frozen in place trying to consider the best way to accomplish something rather than simply taking action. Lonael helps us to balance our right and left brain, logic and emotion. With this power we can take passionate and inspire action to achieve any goals we desire and efficiently achieve a successful outcome. This angel can be said to help us think and learn like a genius. And to put the creative, brilliant ideas that he inspires into effective action. Lonael helps us also to connect on a heart-to-heart level with others to make genuine connections and have fulfilling relationships. This brings warmth and harmony to our relationships and others will find themselves inexplicably drawn to us because of it. Sigil of Lonael 3.Nosael (NAH-SAH-EL) Image: A man sowing wheat in a field. Powers: Nosael is an angel of manifestation. He has the power to teach us how to manifest our desires through the law of attraction. He teaches us how to structure our thoughts and organize our mind in the present moment so that reality brings us the things that we desire. Each moment we experience is a result of the thoughts we have had in the past. If we can think entirely new thoughts and hold entirely new beliefs in the present moment then the next moment can be entirely different and reflect those new thoughts. This is the essence of how magick works. Reality is simply a reflection of our thoughts. Nosael helps us to master our ability to shift reality by shifting our thoughts and beliefs. Sigil of Nosael 4.Sangiel (SAHN-GEE-EL) Image: A man driving the plow. Powers: Sangiel helps us to find fulfillment in our life through gradual development and steady growth. Even if our growth progresses slowly and steadily, Sangiel helps us to find fulfillment and contentment in the present moment. This angel reminds us that the joy is in the journey itself rather than in the destination. He helps us to appreciate each and every moment of our lives no matter who we are with, where we are at, or what we are doing. If you hate your life, with the powers of Sangiel you can discover bliss and joy in your daily life even if nothing physically changes. He will reveal the magic in every moment and help you to become content with where you are and what you have while at the same time, helping you to achieve new and great things in your life. Sigil of Sangiel 5.Gnaphel (GUH-NAH-FEE-EL) Image: An eagle at rest. Powers: Gnaphel is an angel that helps us to choose the best possible actions we can take in any situation or circumstances to bring about the best and highest outcome. He gives us the wisdom to now which actions to take in order to bring success to all of our endeavors. Ghaphel has the power to bless us with courage and discipline so that we can act with confidence to overcome all difficulties and blockages in our way. Very useful angel for those in leadership, or military occupations as well as for athletes. Sigil of Gnaphel 6.Patziel (PAH-TZEE-EL) Image: A beautiful woman, richly dressed, standing, motionless. Powers: Patziel has the power to bring stability to our life and help us to bring stability to the lives of others. This includes emotional as well as financial stability. If you have trouble staying at once single job and rising up the ranks or completing tasks and projects, Patziel can give you a strong staying power that helps you to achieve the highest success possible. This is an angel of practicality and helps to bring ideas and inspirations down to earth and put them into a concrete form. Great angel for artists of all sorts to turn their dreams and visions into a reality. This power is also helpful with manifesting our visions into reality. Patziel can also increase our attractiveness in to potential romantic partners. Sigil of Patziel 7.Tzakiel (TZAH-KEY-EL) Image: A poorly dressed woman, standing, motionless. Powers: Tzakiel is an angel that can protect us from our enemies and those who seek to harm us. He can give us confidence and courage we need to confront those who do wrong to us in order to make peace with them and settle our differences. This is a courage that can also be carried over into any other area of life such as our job, relationships, and personal projects. Tzakiel can also help us to restore organization and order to our life so that we can become more effective and efficient in all that we do. Great angel for attraction genuine friendship. Sigil of Tzakiel 8.Kriel (KREE-EL) Image: A man seated under a tree. Powers: Kriel is an angel of balance, order, justice, and fairness. If you feel that you are being taken advantage of or treated disrespectfully, Kriel can help to solve the situation so that you are treated fairly and with respect. Kriel helps to defend us from those who are judgemental or prejudiced towards us without even really knowing us. This angel can help us to get our foot in the door and get others to give us a change where otherwise they would deny us access. This doesn’t guarantee they will like us, but it gives us a chance to prove ourselves and reveal who we truly are without being hindered by the false assumptions of others. Sigil of Kriel 9.Rathiel (RAH-TEA-EL) Image: A woman with a flushed face, richly dressed, standing, motionless. Powers: Rathiel is an angel of discovery and expansion. This angel helps us to expand our life and move out beyond our comfort zone. With this power we are able to greatly expand our mind, discover new information and learn new things. If you feel your life is boring or restricted this is an angel to call on as a sort of road opener. He can help guide your life into new, beneficial and exciting directions. Great for finding anything new such as a new job or new relationship. This angel blesses those who travel so that they may safely explore all that their destination has to offer and make the most of it. Sigil of Rathiel 10.Tangiel (TAHN-GEE-EL) Image: A richly dressed man, standing, motionless, and holding an apple in his hand" Indolent character, love of luxury and gluttony. Powers: Tangiel is an angel of leisure, relaxation, and pleasure. If you feel overworked and feel that you need time to kick back and relax but have trouble finding the space and time to do so, call on this angel. He has the ability to help you make space in your life to recuperate, relax, and restore your energies. He can also help you to attract new excitement into your life whether this involves a new sexual partner, traveling to a new place, or learning new information. Sigil of Tangiel 11.Gnasiel (GUH-NAH-SEE-EL) Image: A white horse, bridled, and launched at full speed. Powers: Gnasiel helps us to achieve great things in our career. This angel helps us to rise up the ranks in our chosen profession and achieve success and honor through an ability to adapt to whatever is thrown at us. Gnasiel gives us a focused mind and a willing heart that is constantly driving towards success and seeking to accomplish great things. He gives us a good business sense so that we can intuitively make the best decisions as well. He helps us to be unafraid of hard work and sacrifice, this power is great for anyone who is serious about improving their life. Great angel for motivation to workout, eat healthy, and break harmful habits. Sigil of Gnasiel 12.Bagiel (BAH-GEE-EL) Image: A man with a face hidden by shadows, dressed in red. Powers: Bagiel helps to protect us from those who seek to deceive and manipulate us for their personal gain. This includes anyone who wants to take advantage of us. He gives a perceptive and penetrating mind that can see through any dangers in our path as well as through the masks of lies and illusion that others put before us to conceal their true nature and agenda. Bagiel gives us courage to overcome fear and face dangers as well as the strength to overcome them. Great angel for investigators. Sigil of Bagiel 13.Godiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Image: Two women picking roses. Powers: Godiel is an angel of psychic sensitivity. He helps us to understand the psychic atmosphere around people and plants. Helpful for those who work with creating flower essences or study herbs to give them insight into he qualities and attributes of the various plants. Gives one an understanding of spiritual therapy practices such as Reiki and other similar practices and helps one to become proficient in them. Great angel to break through any types of creative blockages and give inspiration to artists of all kinds. Sigil of Godiel 14.Dahiel (DAH-HEE-EL) Image: An ox standing in a meadow. Powers: Dahiel helps us to focus on our work and overcome procrastination or getting sidetracked. If you need to focus on and finish a project of any type, Dahiel can help you to focus on it until it is completed. This angel is helpful for those who have to accomplish some sort of thankless and boring task or job so that they can have the motivation and focus to finish it. Helps one to achieve a sense of contentment with one’s current lot in life and to live fully in the moment, bringing great joy. If you have been going through a chaotic time in your life, Dahiel can also bring about a time of peace and contentment or at least help you to reorganize your life so that you find regular time to breathe, relax, and regain your strength mentally and physically. Sigil of Dahiel 15.Havael (HAH-VAH-EL) Image: Two women standing and caressing each other. Powers: Havael is an angel of tenderness, affection, and love. This angel has the power to restore love to a relationship that has lost it’s spark and passion. Havael inspires tenderness and intimacy in romantic relationship that have gone cold. He also can help us to make new supportive friendships and inspire those that are already in our life to treat us with kindness. Great angel to call upon in unavoidable difficult situations or when we must encounter troublesome people. Havael inspires our lovers to remain faithful and devoted to us. He has the power to keep the flame of love and passion burning for a long time. Sigil of Havael 16.Vaziel (VAH-ZEE-EL) Image: Two dogs running abreast. Powers: Vaziel helps us to plan for the future wisely. To carefully and consciously be aware of the moves we are making in the present moment and how they may effect our future. Thus Vaziel is a very useful angel of planning and decision making. If you ever struggle with deciding what the right choice is to make, call on Vaziel to inspire your mind as to what the best choice is to make. He will guide you to the highest, most successful outcome possible. Sigil of Vaziel 17.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: An enclosure lined with palisades. Powers: Zachiel is an angel of teamwork and cooperation. If you are currently working in a group or will be working in a group with others, call on this angel to help you all to work together successfully and harmoniously. Zachiel can help you to get ahead in life by enhancing your public image and reputation so that those you meet think highly of you. He gives the ability to blind in and harmonize successfully with any group of people that you meet. Sigil of Zachiel 18.Chotiel (KOH-TEE-EL) Image: A bushy tree, spreading its branches far away. Powers: Chotiel is an angel of caretaking, guidance, and nurturing. If you need to care for your family members or have others who look up to you and depend on you, Chotiel can give you the strength and wisdom that you need to guide them and ensure they are properly taken care of. He gives the power to help solve the problems of others that they bring to us to help them with. Therefore this is a great angel for counselors and caretakers of all kinds to work with. Helps inspire others with new ideas and conceptions for their life so that they can see new outcomes and new possibilities for their life. Sigil of Chotiel 19.Tijael (TEE-YAH-EL) Image: A man seated sideways on a horse. Powers: Tijael gives us superior wisdom and problem-solving skills. Regardless of what is thrown in our path we are able to confidently and cleverly overcome it. This angel causes others to respect us and see us as attractive. He also has the power to unite groups and families to help them get along as a cohesive whole. Sigil of Tijael 20.Jochiel (EE-AH-KEY-EL) Image: A bird chasing a rat. Powers: Jochiel has the power to help us to stand up for ourselves with confidence if we feel we are being treated wrongly. He brings the courage to stand up to those who attack us without backing down. Jochiel helps us to overcome shyness and laziness, making us outgoing and giving us a strong work ethic. He helps us to improve our diet and fitness plan as well. Sigil of Jochiel 21.Cabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man standing, holding gold on one of his open hands, and silver on the other. Powers: Cabiel is an angel of thriftiness. He helps us to save the maximum amount of money in every situation. He is therefore helpful with budgeting and saving money. He also helps us to save time by making more efficient usage of our time. If you are lazy with budgeting and time management or tend to not pay much attention to specifics in our life, Cabiel can help you to live a more conscious and efficient life. This power is far reaching and significant, because the larger picture of our life is made up of many small decisions all compounded together. Cabiel gives us the power to make wise small decisions that allow us to completely transform the bigger picture of our life and paint a new picture of freedom and success. Sigil of Cabiel 22.Bagiel (BAH-GEE-EL) Image: A naked woman, carrying a goat on her shoulders. Powers: Bagiel gives us a wise and discerning mind so that we can avoid being deceived by those who seek to trap and deceive us. Enables us to see through the lies of others. Helps us also to control our own instincts and compulsions through self-discipline. Bagiel can cause us to be seen as friendly and charming by others and thus attract people. He also gives us the confidence to stand up for ourself and speak our mind in any situations. Sigil of Bagiel 23.Gadiel (GAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man in a boat. Powers: Gadiel is an angel that gives us energy, drive and relentless willpower. This is an angel that gives us the drive to be immensely productive. He gives us a sort of helpful restless energy that impels us to keep moving forward, keeping doing more, and never settling for being less than the best. He has the power to take us to the top of any field of work that we choose. He gives us relentless energy to workout, complete works of art, or anything else that takes focus, drive, and determination to accomplish. Sigil of Gadiel 24.Dahiel (DAH-HEE-EL) Image: A goose tied by the neck to a pillar. Powers: Dahiel gives us a powerful, focused, mind and ability to learn many new things. If you work in an artistic field, Dahiel can increase your level of skill in your work as well as give you the motivation to work in a focused and disciplined way so that you can achieve success in whatever you do. He can help your creative work to become popular as well. Dahiel also has the power to give us wisdom and stability in life so that we can live a balanced and secure life socially and financially. Sigil of Dahiel 25.Hovael (HAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man throwing a stone with a slingshot. Powers: Hovael is an angel that helps us to attract new, helpful friends as well as people who are willing to lend generously to us to fulfill our financial needs. One can also attract wise mentors with the power of this angel to give us guidance that helps us to progress smoothly in life and stay on the right path in whatever career field we are in. Sigil of Hovael 26.Vasiel (VAH-SEE-EL) Image: Two men conversing together. Powers: Vasiel helps us to plan for a successful future and stay focused on our plan until we arrive at our goals. He helps us to take the right actions and meet the right people who will help us in our desire to achieve success. Vasiel can also inspire in us the strength and desire to exercise and feed our body with proper nutrition. He encourages both a strong body and mind. This angel gives us the power to rise to great heights and overcome any enemies who seek to stand in the way of our ascent. Sigil of Vasiel 27.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: Two men standing, motionless. Powers: Zachiel can bless us with a sharp and intelligent mind as well as making us skillful in business matters. He can make us an eloquent writer and speaker. He also helps us to overcome incompetence and laziness as well as to develop the necessary skills we need to succeed in our desired profession. Zachiel will help us to spot opportunities and act on them the moment that they open up. This power applies to business but also to our romantic life as well. Zachiel can help us to attract a long lasting romance with a partner suited to our needs. Sigil of Zachiel 28.Chotviel (KAHT-VEE-EL) Image: Birds on the ground, and others which flutter. Powers: Chotviel has the power to bless us with warm and happy relationship with family and friends. If you struggle in these areas call on Chotviel to bring the power of love and connection into your relationship to strengthen them and bring harmony. This angel helps us also to acquire wealth through self-improvement efforts. He helps us to see what parts of our life, personality, and habits that we need to improve in order to achieve success in life. Chotviel also helps us with financial management and guides us to make wise decisions in the realm of our finances. Sigil of Chotviel 29.Tajael (TAH-YAH-EL) Image: Fine rain falling on the grass. Powers: Tajael is an angel of spiritual and artistic inspiration. Spiritually, Tajael can be called upon to help us develop various spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and increasing the power of our magick. For the artist, Tajael can help you to come up with new ideas for your work and to break through creative blockages. He inspires us with a vast imagination and gives us the power to manifest what we see in our inner vision through our art. He can also help us with this same power to envision new futures for ourself and take wise concrete actions towards manifesting them successfully. Sigil of Tajael 30.Jachiel (EE-YAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man without a mouth, standing, motionless. Powers: Jachiel helps those who feel overburdened by their work load in their personal life or career and feel like society is too difficult or strenuous. This angel can renew your strength so that you can move foreward with courage and a strong willpower. He gifts us with organizational abilities so that we can organize our life in order to handle our work load more efficiently. Through the power and inspiration of Jachiel, we become capable of accomplishing great things in our life and handling our life and relationship is a wise, harmonious, and successful way. We become able to adapt to anything that life puts into your path and thrive. Sigil of Jachiel The Angels of Libra 1.Ibajah (EE-BAH-EE-AH) Image: A man holding in each hand a javelin. Powers: Ibajah has the power to make us a very independent, confident, and assertive person. If you work in sales, this angel can help you to excel. He also gives us the power to fight for what we believe in and stand up for ourselves. He gives us the power to protect ourself and our loved ones both physically and emotionally. If you are feeling stuck or trapped in any part of your life, Ibajah can show you the way to freedom. If overwhelmed, he can show you the way to balance. Sigil of Ibajah 2. Cogiel (KAW-GEE-EL) Image: A Magus burning incense on an altar. Powers: Cogiel helps us to discover our innate gifts and use them to find our place in society where we can survive and thrive. He helps us to face and endure any hardships that we encounter in life and come out on top. If you feel like you are often misunderstood or that you cannot understand someone else in your life, call on Cogiel to open up communication and understanding. Sigil of Cogiel 3.Lahael (LAH-HAH-EL) Image: A man with his hands and feet tied. Powers: Lahael gives us the power of strong intelligence. Through this angel, one is able to excel at nearly any career desired. He blesses those who call on him with excellent research abilities, industriousness, and the ability to apply our knowledge in creative and precise, and innovative ways. A very helpful angel for artists and scientists. Can help lead to creative breakthroughs that benefit humanity for years to come. Sigil of Lahael 4.Naviel (NAH-VEE-EL) Image: A man on horseback in a field. Powers: Naviel can give us a flexible, versatile intelligence that allows us to excel at any field of study that we pursue. The challenge that determines success or failure is how well we can avoid distractions and focus. Naviel gives us the ability to stay focused on what is important and stay focused on our goals until we successfully achieve them. This angel is also said give physical beauty and the power to attract new romantic partners. This angel will not change your looks but gives you an aura of beauty and can also give you discipline and willpower in your efforts to improve your physique through working out and eating properly. Sigil of Naviel 5.Saziel (SAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A black bird, with a red beak and feet. Powers: Saziel gives us the power of practicality and good sense in life. This helps us to avoid falling into trouble that could have been avoided. Helps us to make good decisions that can benefit our life for years to come. This power enables us to rise to a high position in our field of work or study and to retain that position or go higher through making wise decisions. Sigil of Saziel 6.Gnachiel (GUH-NAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man dragging the plow. Powers: Gnachiel helps us to face like with confidence and courage. He gives us the power to persevere in the face on hardship and adversity. With the powers of Gnachiel we can endure any hard work and through this dedicated effort, reach success and prosperity in life. Sigil of Gnachiel 7.Patiel (PAH-TEE-EL) Image: A man holding a ring in his right hand. Powers: Patiel gives us the power of discrimination and wise discernment. This power ensures that we are able to navigate through life with wisdom and avoid dangers from unbridled passion and recklessness. He protects us from accidents and violence as well as people who seek to harm us in or harm our reputation. Patiel brings popularity and helps us to be a leader that inspires other. He has the power to also help us to develop our psychic abilities. Sigil of Patiel 8.Tzajael (TZAH-EE-AH-EL) Image: A man wielding a naked sword. Powers: Tzajael is an angel that helps us with conflict management. When tempers flare it could be destructive and create trouble that we later come to regret. Through the power of this angel we can bring peace before violence breaks out. Tzajael helps us also to develop self-control. This is therefore a great angel to work with to overcome bad habits and solve any type of conflict. Sigil of Tzajael 9.Kohiel (KAW-HEE-EL) Image: A woman weeping at the bedside of a sick person. Powers: Kohiel is an angel of decision making. This angel can help us to avoid much hardship, trouble, and sorrow in life by empowering us with the ability to make the right decisions. After calling on this angel, do a divination by whatever method (whether Tarot cards, a pendulum or whatever other method you use), and meditate on the answer you receive. Kohiel will guide your thoughts so that you understand the meaning of your divination and are able to make the right choices that bring success, happiness, and fulfilling romance into your life. Sigil of Kohiel 10.Raliel (RAH-LEE-EL) Image: A black bird, rummaging the earth with its beak. Powers: When we go through difficult times in our life, it is easy to loose our morality and stoop to low levels in order to break free. If we do this, we usually just fall deeper into difficult times and make things more complicated. Raliel is an angel that helps us to remain optimistic, cheerful, focused, and keep a high moral when we are going through difficulties in life. With the power of Raliel we can gradually move back into a better place in life. He has the power also to draw others to our side who can help us. Sigil of Raliel 11.Tavael (TAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man with his face hidden in shadows, only his hands and feet are visible. Powers: Tavael is an angel that is all about taking action. He helps us to be industrious, productive, and creative in our work. This angel helps us to plan far ahead for whatever we desire to accomplish, and then take the necessary steps to bring those plans into reality. Tavael can help us to banish fear, laziness, and any overthinking that holds us back from taking action. An angel of fiery willpower, determination, and focus. Sigil of Tavael 12.Gnamiel (GUH-NAH-MEE-EL) Image: A woman standing, looking behind her. Powers: Gnamiel is an angel with the power to protect us from bad luck and dangers coming from negative karma. He can help to lessen any karmic blows in our life and give us good luck and strong protection to avoid or lessen the impact and harm of negative events in our life. He helps us to learn from our mistakes so that we improve ourself in the future. He also protects any good fortune we have built up in our life to prevent us from loosing or squandering it. Sigil of Gnamiel 13.Bangiel (BAHNG-EE-EL) Image: A man and a woman who separate. Powers: Bangiel is an angel of wisdom and self-improvement. Regardless of what troubles come up in our life, this angel can help us to find creative solutions to them. He also helps us with self-improvement in whatever area of life that we choose to improve. Sigil of Bangiel 14.Gophel (GAWF-EL) Image: A large mirror hanging from the wall. Powers: Gophel gives us the ability to accomplish whatever goals that we choose. He helps us to discover any hidden gifts and talents we may have and to develop and learn new skills. He gives us the ability to convince others to give us what we want through eloquent and convincing speech. He also gives us a strong ability to organize our life the way we desire it to be. Sigil of Gophel 15.Datziel (DAHT-ZEE-EL) Image: Two winged hearts. Powers: Datziel helps us to overcome any laziness. He also gives us the bravery and willpower to overcome risks and hardships in our life. He gives us strong leadership abilities and the ability to inspire others to be the best that they can be in life. Due to the ambition Datziel gives to us, we can work in a determined and focused way towards achieving whatever goals that we have in life to creatively accomplish them. Sigil of Datziel 16.Hokel (HAWK-EL) Image: A running camel. Powers: Hokel is an angel that helps us to rise to greatness and renown in our life. He gives us a daring temperament, a strong and creative mind that is always active and full of great ideas. This angel inspires us with a desire to want to get out and explore and find new places, do new things, create new inventions, and start new projects. This expansive energy is very beneficial to entrepreneurs and athletes. When influenced by Hokel it is nearly impossible to be sluggish and procrastinate. He inspires us to get up and move and get things done to improve ourself, our life, and our future. Sigil of Hokel 17.Variel (VAH-REE-EL) Image: A blackbird perched and flapping its wings. Powers: If we feel overworked and our life feels to intense or too serious, we often need a break in the pace to relax and take a breath before we get going again. Variel has the power to help us find time to relax, find peace from the chaotic and hectic pace of our life, and restore our balance. He can help us also to attract a nurturing and devoted partner into our life who will help us take care of ourself. Sigil of Variel 18.Zethel (ZEH-TELL) Image: A beautiful house surrounded by flowers. Powers: Zethel helps us to bring spontaneity and change in a life that is otherwise boring and mundane. He helps us to find the little joys in life that make each day not only more bearable but fun. The excitement of looking forward to a small thing like a delicious meal we have for lunch, a phone call with our favorite person, or even a walk in a new location around our area can give us strength to make it through our days with joy and excitement. Call on Zethel to show you small and joyful ways you can spice up your life and bring excitement to an otherwise unbearably dull life. The happiness people are those who can find magic and richness in the everyday grind of things. Zethel helps us to become of those happy people. Sigil of Zethel 19.Chongel (KONG-EL) Image: A citadel on a rock. Powers: No matter what our career or profession in life, Chongel is an angel with the power to elevate us in it. He gives us the gifts and talents that we need, in addition to a strong will to become a person of status and renown in our life profession. He gives us a strong sense of purpose, focus, intelligence, and courage so that there is nearly no limit to what we are able to achieve with his help. Sigil of Chongel 20.Tobiel (TAW-BEE-EL) Image: An altar where incense smokes. Powers: Tobiel is an angel of insight and wisdom that allows us to stay ahead of any competition. This angel therefore allows us to achieve success in any endeavor we put our minds to. He gives us confidence, and a strong, focused ability to achieve whatsoever we desire. He also gives spiritual advancement and helps us to develop in our spiritual life as well whatever our personal spiritual practice is. He is an angel of spiritual elevation. Sigil of Tobiel 21.Togiel (TAW-GEE-EL) Image: A man riding a donkey. Powers: Togiel is an angel who helps us to learn anything with speed. With this angel we can adapt to any career in our life and make progress faster than most. He gives us a strong intelligence and an even stronger work ethic as well as a desire to enhance our skills at whatever our career is. He also helps us to see where in our life we are wasting valuable time and how we can use this time instead for accomplishing things in our life that we need to accomplish. He helps us to organize our life and become more efficient and effective. Sigil of Togiel 22.Codiel (KAW-DEE-EL) Image: Two saddled and squatting horses. Powers: To achieve success in life we need to remain focused on one thing at a time until we master it. In this age of rapid information, and abounding distractions it is often difficult to focus on anything for any significant length of time and make advancement. Codiel gives us the power to remain focused on learning anything we choose to learn or completing any task that we take up. He inspires us with a strong work ethic and intelligence. Sigil of Codiel 23.Bohel (BAW-HEL) Image: A doctor examining a liquid through a vial. Powers: Bohel is an angel that gives us the power to have a well organized mind. He gives us a strong power to analyze and understand large amounts of essential information so that we can achieve success in whatever we are pursuing whether it is a new relationship, career advancement, or getting in financially or physically in shape. Bohel has the power to guide us to achieve fame and popularity in our chosen field as well. He gives us wisdom that causes others to hold us in high esteem and seek us out for help and advice. Sigil of Bohel 24.Gavael (GAH-VAH-EL) Image: A centaur fighting a serpent. Powers: Gavael is helpful for those who seek to excel in business of all kinds. He gives us an intelligent mind for business and a charisma that puts others at ease. Gavael is an angel of strength and protection, he helps protect us from those who are envious of us and seek to bring us down. He gives us the power to see people for who they truly are. Gavael also has the power to bring good luck in a variety of areas of life. Sigil of Gavael 25.Daziel (DAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A peacock making the wheel. Powers: Daziel is an angel that makes us a smooth and eloquent speaker. He gives us the power to convince anyone of nearly anything and can therefore help us to win arguments and debates as well as sell our self in interviews. Because of this, we are able to find favor with our superiors and get hired for a variety of jobs. Daziel can help us to overcome any dangerous or challenging situations that we might encounter due to the previously mentioned eloquence as well as a sharp, intelligent, and competitive mind that can find creative solutions to any problem. Sigil of Daziel 26.Hochiel (HAW-KEY-EL) Image: A man armed with a stick and fighting a lion. Powers: Hochiel is an angel that gives us confidence as well as a strong willpower to fight and overcome all opposition in our personal life as well as to protect and defend others who are being attacked. Due to the strong willpower given to us by Hochiel we are able to succeed in nearly anything that we pursue. He has the power to bless us with the ability to adapt to any situation and handle anything that comes up in our life whether on the mental, emotional, or physical level. Hochiel gives us an unusually high degree of good luck so that it seems that the odds are always stacked in our favor. This power works best when used in a general way rather than in a specific way such as gambling. Sigil of Hochiel 27.Vatiel (VAH-TEE-EL) Image: A bushy tree, which spreads its shadow far away. Powers: Vatiel gives us the power to help those in need who are around us and thus attract good spiritual karma that blesses us with good fortune in our life on every level. This angel has the power to bring peace to our life if it gets too chaotic or troublesome as well. Vatiel also gives us the power to put others at ease so that they take their guard down and open up to us. This angel therefore can help us to attract new friendships and relationships or strengthen existing ones. Sigil of Vatiel 28.Zajael (ZAH-EE-AH-EL) Image: A man digging up the earth. Powers: Zejael is an angel that gives us a strong sense of focus and creativity. He gives us the ability to handle many tasks and projects in our life at the same time and still maintain balance. This angel gives us the power to start successful new enterprises and manage old ones. He gives us a strong sense of responsibility, organization, and planning as well as enhancing our powers of memory. Sigil of Zajael 29.Chochiel (KAW-KEE-EL) Image: A woman standing motionless. Powers: Chochiel gives us the power of learning. He strengthens our intellect so that we can not only read and understand large amounts of information but also retain it and creatively use it to bring success to our life. Chochiel also can open our psychic senses so that we can increase our psychic abilities and see people and situations for what they truly are. This angel helps us to manifest our dreams and ideas into physical reality and so is a great angel to work with to enhance our magickal abilities. Sigil of Chociel 30.Tohiel (TAW-HEE-EL) Image: A hare coming out of a wood. Powers: Tohiel is an angel of protection through the power of wisdom and discernment. He gives us the ability to understand the information, people, and situations that we encounter in our life and understand what is good and helpful for us and what is bad for us. He helps us to spot danger before it is too late so that we can avoid it. He also helps us to discern the truth or falsehood of the information that we read or advice that others give us. If you feel that any aspect or part of your life is spiraling out of control, call on Tohiel to help settle things down and restore order to your life. He can help us to improve ourself and bring stability and security to our life. Sigil of Tohiel The Angels of Scorpio 1.Toliel (TAW-LEE-EL) Image: A man holding a dart in his hand Powers: Toliel is an angel that gives courage, bravery, and a refusal to back down. No matter how big the obstacle, Toliel gives us the courage to face it without worrying about whether we win or loose the battle. He helps us to find enjoyment in the fights and battles of our lives and to grow stronger and wiser from them. Sigil of Toliel 2.Ioniel (EE-OH-NEE-EL) Image: A man riding an elephant. Powers: Ioniel gives us a kind and forgiving heart and encourages these feelings in others so that we can overcome our differences and work in harmony with others. He gives us the ability to think with a wise and practical mind so that we can accomplish whatsoever we desire in life. This angel inspires us with many creative ideas regarding all parts of our life and an eloquence of speech to explain our desires to others. He gives us the power of patience and self-control as well. Sigil of Ioniel 3.Cosiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Image: A man standing motionless Powers: Cosiel is an angel that inspires deep thinking and helps us to contemplate and understand the mysteries of life and the occult. He can help us to understand the nature of the universe, and of magick. Helps us to understand the philosophy of life and to develop our own. Very useful angel for meditations on the nature of our life and to help us see and assess what direction our life is heading in and how we can change course if necessary. Cosiel also helps us to appreciate our life and achieve mental and spiritual contentment. Sigil of Cosiel 4.Laugael (LAH-OO-GAH-EL) Image: A lyre. Powers: Laugael helps us to make plans for success in life and gives us the optimism and willpower to follow through with them regardless of what others say about us. Often those in our environment such as friends and family will be the first to doubt us. This angel helps you to remain relentlessly focused on achieving your goal despite any naysayers and to achieve success. Sigil of Laugael 5.Naphael (NAH-FAH-EL) Image: A man without legs. Powers: When hard work meets preparation, success is born. But when hard work meets disorganization, there is wasted effort. Naphael helps us to organize and prepare our life for success so that we can avoid hazards, misfortune, and wasted efforts. He gives us the strength and determination that we need to achieve our goals through a strong learning ability. Naphael helps us to overcome any unfortunate circumstances we may have been born into and achieve success in life. Sigil of Naphael 6.Satziel (SAHT-ZEE-EL) Image: A bridled donkey. Powers: Satziel gives us a powerful spirit and passionate, focused and ambitious energy that is able to succeed in any difficult tasks we face. He blesses us with fearless confidence and gives us a creative mind so that we can accomplish things that others may believe are not even possible. This angel gives more than enough energy to live a very powerful and successful life. Sigil of Satziel 7.Gnakiel (GUH-NAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man holding a purse in one hand, and another a gold cup. Powers: Gnakiel is an angel of good luck and fortune. If you work in the field of treasure hunting or dealing in precious stones Gnakiel is a great angel to call on and work with. He may be able to lead you to a discovery that brings you a great windfall of money. This power can also be applied to other things in your life in which you need general good luck with great success as well. Sigil of Gnakiel 8.Ratziel (RAH-TZEE-EL) Image: A big rooster flapping its wings Powers: Ratziel has the power to help us develop any and all useful gifts and talents that we have and through this to gain popularity. With the powers of this angel we can achieve success in our endeavors and others will look to us with admiration. This angel gives a strong athletic ability and strength, as well as helping us to develop an attractive and impressive physique which becomes part of our charm and appeal. Sigil of Ratziel 9.Tzathel (TZAH-TEA-EL) Image: A child sitting on a pile of stones Powers: Tzathel is an angel of perpetual growth and compassion. He gives us the power to overcome setbacks, confusion, and trouble in our life. Tzathel can help us to overcome any drama we are experiencing and turn it around into success. He gives a strong desire to then coach, mentor, and help others who are going through similar difficult situations as we have to help them also to turn their lives around and move in a positive direction. Sigil of Tzathel 10.Kingiel (KEENG-EE-EL) Image: A grimacing man's head. Powers: Kingiel is an angel of concealment, stealth, and subtlety. If you desire to keep anything a secret whether it is a relationship, a part of your personality, or other things, this angel can help. He won’t make anything invisible but he can make it much less noticeable or obvious to others. Kingiel can help us to get our foot in the door and gain entry to social circles, opportunities, or jobs that would normally be closed and off limits to us. This is done through skillful and eloquent speech that tells people what they desire to hear, and sways them to our side. He gives us the ability to creatively solve any problems that arise in our life or our relationships as well. Sigil of KingieL 11.Robiel (RAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man holding a scorpion by the tail. Powers: Robiel gives us the power to achieve success in magick and occult subjects through increasing our understand of them and helping us to make progress. He also helps us to recognize any danger in our environment before it is able to undermine our life or harm us. Robiel helps us to achieve success in our career by giving us a strong business sense and a sensitive mind that is able to understand others in our environment and the best way in which to work with them. Sigil of Robiel 12.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Image: A swarm of flies assaulting a snake. Powers: Tagiel gives us the wisdom to take the most effective actions in our life and to know what actions are likely to lead to bad results. This power helps us to avoid much trouble and difficulties we may otherwise encounter. By making wise decisions we have the power to smooth our pathway in life and achieve great success. This angel also helps us to reach an agreement with those who we have intentionally or unintentionally offended with our actions in the past so that peace is restored with them. Sigil of Tagiel 13.Gnadiel (GUH-NAH-DEE-EL) Image: A tower. Powers: Gnadiel gives us strong willpower and the determination to succeed in all our endeavors. He gives the power to be consistent and strong in our work, whatever it is. This angel gives us a strong and intense mind. Gnadiel also gives us courage and a good reputation and the admiration of those in our life. Sigil of Gnadiel 14.Bovael (BAH-VAH-EL) Image: A well with overflowing water. Powers: Bovael gives us discernment to choose our friends and acquaintances wisely. He helps us to avoid those who would seek to take advantage of our kindness and generosity towards them. He also helps us to develop physical strength and attractiveness as well as courage. This angel helps anyone who works in the financial industry with success whether they work in a bank, with mortgages, loans, or any other financial industries. Sigil of Bovael 15.Goziel (GAW-ZEE-EL) Image: A beautiful woman standing, motionless. Powers: Goziel is an angel that helps us to develop responsibility for our lives and not rely on others. He gives us the ability to live independently and stand on our own feet without relying on others for financial or moral support. If you find that you struggle with being able to support yourself and are tired of relying on others or no longer able to, Goziel can help you break free and become independent. Sigil of Goziel 16.Dachiel (DAH-KEY-EL) Image: A woman giving alms to the poor. Powers: Dachiel gives us the courage to face dangerous situations in life with bravery. He helps us to overcome our fear of many things in life. Dachiel gives us the power to attract new, beneficial friendships. With he powers of Dachiel we are able to also make new and innovative intentions or conceive of helpful breakthrough ideas. Very helpful for artists and scientists. Sigil of Dachiel 17.Hophiel (HAW-FEE-EL) Image: A wolf running in a field. Powers: Hophiel is an angel of help, compassion, and generosity. If you are in need of help and support from others, call on Hophiel. This angel has the power to open up the hearts and pockets of others who will help you in your time of need. He can also attract wealthy patrons who seek to support you and your work. If you are in a position to help others, this angel can help you to do that as well. Sigil of Hophiel 18.Vajael (VAH-EE-AH-EL) Image: A woman half hidden behind a door. Powers: Vajael is an angel of passion and sensuality. If you desire to increase passion in your current relationship or to attract a new, passionate and sensual relationship call on Vajael. He gives us the power to attract new lovers who will bring excitement and stimulation into our life. Sigil of Vajael 19.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: A dog with a gaping mouth and large ears. Powers: Zachiel is an angel that helps us to find balance. This could be mental and emotional balance to balance situations in our life. He gives us the wisdom to handle confusing or contradictory people or situations and restore harmony and clarity to troublesome situations. He gives us a strong and clear, truthful perception of the people and events in our life. He also empowers our speech and gives us the ability to convince nearly anyone of anything. Sigil of Zachiel 20.Chabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Image: A man sitting on a camel. Powers: Chabiel helps us to advance in our career. He has the power to make us popular and looked upon favorably by our superiors. This angel helps us to fulfill our desires and ambitions and achieve stability in life. Sigil of Chabiel 21.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Image: A horse without brake, running through fields. Powers: Tagiel helps us to break out of any type of bondage and restriction in our life. If there are people in our life who seek to hold us back or hold us down, Tagiel helps us to overcome them. This angel has the ability to turn any suffering or difficulties in our life into strengths and help us to absorb the lessons thoroughly so that we can help others who are going through similar experiences. Sigil of Tagiel 22.Jadiel (EE-AH-DEE-EL) Image: A torrent that leaps from rock to rock. Powers: Jadiel gives us confidence and self-control as well as strong willpower. He helps us to turn unfortunate situations in our life such as despair or poverty into success and wealth. If you are in a situation in which you feel helpless or feel there is no way you will be able to achieve success or work your way out of it, call on Jadiel and he can help to restore your strength and pull you out of difficult situations you find yourself in. Sigil of Jadiel 23.Chahael (KAH-HAH-EL) Image: Small streams which escape from the same source. Powers: Chahael helps us to work smart instead of working hard. This is an angel of efficiency and wisdom. He helps us to attract wise mentors whose advice helps us to save time, avoid mistakes, and achieve success in whatever endeavors we are involved in. Chadael helps us to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience to achieve success in our endeavors and to develop skill which leads to success and even wealth. Sigil of Chahael 24.Baviel (BAH-VEE-EL) Image: A woman holding a spindle in her right hand Powers: Baviel is an angel that helps us to find work in a career field that we truly enjoy. When we find work that we enjoy, it means that we are living our purpose and the work feels less like work and more like form of play. This brings all sorts of benefits and can bring us great success and wealth as well as fame. Baviel gives us the strength to work hard and gives endurance to our mind so that we can focus for long periods of time in order to gain knowledge and experience in whatever we desire. Sigil of Baviel 25.Gozael (GAW-ZAH-EL) Image: A wolf carrying a goose in its mouth. Powers: Gozael gives us the power of confidence and courageousness. If you have to face any situation that you are nervous about, this angel can calm and steady your nerves. If life throws you into a difficult situation such as a tragedy you have to deal with, Gozael can give you the mental and emotional strength to handle it. Sigil of Gozael 26.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Image: A man loaded with a full satchel and running. Powers: Dachael is an angel that helps artists to find time and space in their busy schedules to focus and create art. If you struggle with finding time, call on Dachael to help. Not only can he give you the motivation to find time and end procrastination but he can also give artistic inspiration as well. Sigil of Dachael 27.Hatiel (HAH-TEE-EL) Image: Two men standing and conversing. Powers: Hatiel is an angel that brings social harmony and warmth. He has the power to end arguments and disputes as well as encouraging generosity from those with wealth. This angel can give us an optimistic outlook on life which can help us to achieve success even if we are currently feeling negative or hopeless. He also has the power to give us strong motivation that we can then direct at any project in our life. Sigil of Hatiel 28.Vagael (VAH-GAH-EL) Image: A temple. Powers: Vagael protects our property from theft. Whether it is our physical or intellectual property, this angel helps to protect us from those who seek to steal from us or take advantage of us. He also acts as a shield of protection against violence and accidents as well. Sigil of Vagael 29.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: A seated man holding an open book Powers: Zachiel gives us strong ambition to achieve whatever goals we set our mind to accomplishing. He gives us an intelligent and creative mind as well as an aura of sensual attraction that draws others in to us and makes us appear charming to them. This angel helps us to maintain honesty and integrity in ourself as this is one of the most important keys to success. He also helps to encourage honesty and integrity in others with whom we interact. Sigil of Zachiel 30.Chasiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Image: A serpent with the head of a dragon. Powers: Chasiel has the power to give us a strong mind and a tough mentality that cannot be broken by others. Makes us adept at strategy and the accomplishment of difficult tasks. Helps us to thrive even in situations where we have little to no help from others in our environment. Chasiel helps to make us somewhat of a survivalist, capable of acting with spontaneous wisdom in the moment in order to successfully overcome dangers and difficulties. Sigil of Chasiel The Angels of Sagittarius 1.Taliel (TAH-LEE-EL) Image: Three men without heads standing together. Powers: Taliel is an angel that gives us the power to focus on a task until it is complete. He has the power to make us wise and sharpen our intelligence and ability to endure hard work for long periods of time. He helps us to discern what information and advice that we receive from others is good and true and which is false and harmful. Sigil of Taliel 2.Jamiel (JAH-MEE-EL) Image: A man who throws stones with a slingshot. Powers: Jamiel is an angel of self-control. He helps us to control our impulses and aggression and channel them into more healthy outlets such as sports or our work. Therefore Jamiel can help us to overcome harmful habits. If someone in your life tends to be aggressive towards you call on Jamiel to help them control themselves and leave you in peace. This angel also gives us the ability to win in debates and arguments by speaking with great eloquence and clearness. He helps us to be unafraid to take risks or to go on adventures. If you feel your life is too calm or too stale and shuttered, call on Jamiel to make things more lively in your life. Sigil of Jamiel 3.Casiel (KAH-SEE-EL) Image: A man sitting on a ram. Powers: Casiel has the power to grant us protection from those who seek to slander us by spreading lies and rumors to harm our reputation. If someone is trying to bring about your downfall in this way, call on Casiel to cause the truth to shine through and bring justice and protection. He has the power to protect your reputation. Casiel also can make us wise and sharpen and expand our intellectual capacity so that we can excel and achieve success in our chosen field of work. Sigil of Casiel 4.Laugael (LAH-OO-GAH-EL) Image: A man walking with a spike on his shoulder. Powers: Laugael is an angel that is very helpful to call on if we have to undertake any large and difficult task or long term project. This angel gives us the patience and diligence to endure working long hours towards our goal and helps us to make strong and steady progress without giving up no matter how hard the work becomes. This is an angel of endurance, and this power of endurance can be applied to any area of your life. Sigil of Laugael 5.Naphadel (NAH-FAH-DELL) Image: A woman carrying a cradle on her back. Powers: Naphadel is an angel with the power to heal a relationship. If your relationship has lost its passion and fire and you feel it has gone dull and become uninteresting, Naphadel can give you the wisdom to know whether it is better to leave or try to repair what was lost. This angel has the ability to restore passion and interest in a relationship but if the underlying problems that caused it to be lost are not fixed, the passion will simply burn out again. This power can be used in an attempt to win back an ex-lover or a lover who lost interest. Although this may prove more difficult, it can work. Naphadel also has the power to give disclipline, focus, and determination when we are working on projects which we must do alone to help us endure and complete the project. Sigil of Naphadel 6.Satziel (SAHT-ZEE-EL) Image: An ox with three horns. Powers: Sometimes in order to get something that we desire we need other people to work with us and be more flexible. Yet all too often in life we meet those who are stubborn and refuse to change at all. Satziel influences people to be more open to change. This angel has the power to open up the hearts and minds of others to us so that they are willing to give us a chance. Satziel is also an angel of enjoyment and delight. If you feel your life is stale and boring, he has the power to open pathways in your life to more enjoyment. This power works similarly to a road opening ritual. Be ready for new people, places, and adventures to flood into your reality when you work with this power. Sigil of Satziel 7.Gnakiel (GUH-NAH-KEE-EL) Image: A woman standing, motionless. Powers: Gnakiel is an angel of peace, stability, and calm. If you feel that there are too many intrusions and interruptions in your life and you desire a time of peace, calm, and stability free of chaos this angel can help. Gnakiel has the power to usher in a period of peace and stability in your life in which you can rest and restore yourself. Sigil of Gnakiel 8.Poriel (POH-REE-EL) Image: Two men playing dice on a table. Powers: Poriel is an angel of hope and optimism. If you are feeling pessimistic and worried that things will never go your way, call on Poriel. He has the power to bring you optimism and a positive mindset as well as luck to your life. This power would allow you to overcome fear and worry for the future and to think creatively to plan for future success. Sigil of Poriel 9.Tzaugel (TZAH-OO-GELL) Image: A pyre in flames. Powers: Tzaugel is an angel that helps us to handle any unpleasant or negative situations or circumstances in our life. If you find yourself in a situation where you must deal with any unpleasant or negative people, places, or thing, Tzaugel can help you to handle that negativity skillfully and with wisdom. He is a genius at turning around negative or difficult situations and causing us to benefit from them. This is an angel of alchemical power that turns negative into positive for us in our life and bad luck to good. Sigil of Tzaugel 10.Kabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Image: A heap of gold, silver and lead. Powers: Kabiel is an angel of empathy. While at first glance it may seem this power doesn’t have many uses, it can be applied to a very wide range of situations and circumstances. With the powers of Kabiel you can understand anyone you encounter on a deep level as well as relate to them. This includes people with power over you like a boss or superior. With this power you can win friends, get people onto your side to support you, and influence whoever you wish. Kabiel gives you the power of eloquent and effective communication as well as the gift of persuasion. You can persuade anyone of nearly anything and cause them to believe in you. In this way you can get whatever you want from nearly anyone. This can lead to great power and wealth. Use this power wisely and you will be able to thrive in every aspect of your life. Sigil of Kabiel 11.Rogael (RAW-GAH-EL) Image: A monkey sitting on a wolf. Powers: Rogael is an angel of craftiness, giving those who call on him a subtle and clever mind that can form complex and effective strategies. This power allows you to plan for success and to uncover secrets that those around you seek to hide. He gives you the courage to stand up for just causes and to overcome enemies through intelligence and information. When you understand your enemies better than they understand themselves, you can see all the holes in their defenses and this allows you to gain the advantage over them. This power can be applied to anything from debates, to martial arts, even video games and board games to help you to plan for success with an insightful eye and overcome all of your enemies. Rogael also gives the power to be a great leader in any industry or organization. He can make you, strong, bold, and fearless. Sigil of Rogael 12.Tadiel (TAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man mounted on a goat. Powers: Tadiel has the power to give us a relentless hunger for more and better things in our life, he gives great ambition. This power allows you to boldly move forward in all aspects of your life and never be happy to settle for less than the best. If you are usually timid and shy, Tadiel can help you to break out from that and to go forth and grab what you want from life with a bold and hungry confident spirit that has the power to overcome all obstacles and opposition that stands in your way. Whether you are trying to win a promotion or win someone heart, Tadiel can give you the drive and creative focus you need to achieve success in all that you do through the power of ambition. Sigil of Tadiel 13.Gnahoel (GUH-NAH-HAW-EL) Image: A man standing with his hands tied behind his back. Powers: Gnahoel is an angel that helps those who have unusual or misunderstood ambitions. It is common for people with high dreams, ideals, and ambitions to be either misunderstood or ridiculed. Those who have great and lofty goals or high ambitions often walk a lonely road in pursuit of them simply because no one understands or believes in your visions or believes your goals are possible. Gnahoel gives you the strength to continue pursuing your goal no matter what obstacles are thrown into your way. He also can bless you with he good luck to make the right connections with the right people at the right time as well as get the right resources you need to make your dreams a reality. Sigil of Gnahoel 14.Bovael (BAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man holding an open book" Aptitude for science. Powers: Bovael can make you a visionary. If you, a friend, or even your community is struggling with a problem, Bovael has the power to inspire you wise and creative solutions. He has the power to give you an almost psychic intuition to know what the best choices to make are in order to solve the problem or situation. You may also receive the answer in dreams as well. Bovael is overall an angel of solutions. Sigil of Bovael 15.Goziel (GAW-ZEE-EL) Image: A man on horseback, clinging to the neck of his mount. Powers: Goziel give us the power of a strong mind. Whether you desire to improve your intellect, memory, or imagination, Goziel can enhance your mental power to help you to achieve success in any artistic field, mathematics, or test taking. He also has the power to give you deep insights into magick and occult topics so that you evolve and grow spiritually. Sigil of Goziel 16.Dachiel (DAH-KEY-EL) Image: An empty chariot. Powers: Dachiel helps us to be disciplined and to control our more wild and unruly impulses. It is good to have dreams and ambitions but to aim too high is to simply beg for failure. The wise break large goals into smaller more obtainable goals that lead up gradually to accomplishing the large goal. Dachiel is an expert at this and helps us to first know what we can and cannot accomplish from our present place in life and secondly, he helps us to break up large goals into smaller parts in order to accomplish what we can. This power can save years of aimless wandering in life or fruitless efforts. Sigil of Dachiel 17.Hophiel (HAW-FEE-EL) Image: A decrepit man leaning on a stick. Powers: Hophiel is an angel of guidance and wisdom. He helps us most importantly to make the best decisions in our life. He also gives us the power to strategize the best way to go about fulfilling our ambitions. He gives the bravery and willpower we need to pursue our dreams and desires in spite of what other people say, but also the wisdom to not chase after foolish desires and to know what it is in our power to accomplish. Hophiel is also an angel of friendship and understanding, allowing us to make long term friends who see us for who and what we truly are. Sigil of Hophiel 18.Vajael (ZAH-EE-AH-EL) Image: A man holding a bird by the tail in one hand, and another a torch. Powers: Vajael gives us a strong, balanced mind, full of wisdom. He helps us to be like a wise sage. He gives us immense knowledge regarding magickal techniques and abilities as well as understanding about how to use them. If you desire to receive intuitive guidance on how to improve your magick or reality creation and manifestation technique, Vajael can help you. He has the power to improve your rate of success with spells, rituals, and manifestation attempts. He can also help increase your wisdom and accuracy with all forms of divination, helping you to gain the information and insight you need to transform your world for the better. Sigil of Vajael 19.Zachiel (ZAH-KEY-EL) Image: A house surrounded by burning torches. Powers: Zachiel has the power to help you overcome any and all opposition in your life. He gives the power of courage and strength. If you feel that your dreams, or any thing precious to you in your life is being threatened by others, Zachiel can help you to overcome that threat and keep your dreams and precious things in your life in safety. Sigil of Zachiel 20.Chabiel (KAH-BEE-EL) Image: Three men walking, arms entwined. Powers: Chabiel brings wealthy, beneficial, and influential friends and supporters into your life. Whether you are seeking funding for a project, or need general financial help in your life, Chabiel can help you to connect with those people who have the power to benefit you and help you in your situation. He has the power to bring luxury, help, and wealth through the intercession and goodwill of others. Excellent angel to call on when networking. Sigil of Chabiel 21.Tagiel (TAH-GEE-EL) Image: A Mage, tiara on his forehead, and scepter in hand. Powers: Tagiel is an angel of strong psychic ability. If you wish to develop psychic and occult powers such as strengthening divination, opening your third eye, making your rituals become more effective, or any other occult goals then this angel can help and empower you. With the power of Tagiel you can improve any aspect of your life through occult means. This is also a powerful angel to help with learning astral projection as well. Sigil of Tagiel 22.Jadiel (EE-AH-DEE-EL) Image: Two men who pierce each other with their sword. Powers: Jadiel helps to protect us from aggressive and negative people who seek to harm us. If you are around someone who is confrontational and aggressive towards you, call on Jadiel to bring peace and protection. He can help tempers to calm down and divert peoples attention and aggression away from you so that you can remain in peace. Sigil of Jadiel 23.Cahael (KAH-HAH-EL) Image: Two women stabbing each other. Powers: Cahael is an angel of love and romance. If you are having any type of trouble in your current relationship, Cahael has the power to bring positive, loving energy into your relationship to ease relationship troubles, erase jealousy, and help correct misunderstandings. If it seems divorce or a break up is close, Cahael’s powers can reverse the damage and restore love. This power can also work on Ex-lovers although it is more effective when used in current relationships. He also has the power to heal and restore friendships as well. Any human relationships that have become disharmonious, call on Cahael to restore harmony to them. Sigil of Cahael 24.Baviel (BAH-VEE-EL) Image: A man who stabs himself. Powers: Baviel has the power to raise us up out of sorrow and pessimistic attitudes. This angel can restore our joy and give us positive and motivated mindset regardless of what setbacks and troubles we have been through. If you have had continuous failures whether in your professional or romantic life, or even with learning a new hobby, call on Baviel to help you to get back up and try again. This is an excellent angel for motivation and learning, whether you are learning to exercise, eat healthy, cook, or anything else, Baviel can give you the drive and motivation you need to succeed. Sigil of Baviel 25.Gozael (GAH-ZAH-EL) Image: A vomiting man. Powers: Gozael is an angel of strength against temptation and bad habits. Bad habits can gradually ruin our life. It could start with doing something harmful like drugs or other bad habits once in a while and before we know it, things escalate and gradually begins to ruin our life. Gozael helps us to resist bad habits, to break them and overcome them. Gozael also helps us to overcome bad character traits. If we have problems with procrastination, laziness, anger issues, or any other negative traits he can help us to overcome these as well. Sigil of Gozael 26.Dachael (DAH-KAH-EL) Image: A man who plays with sticks. Powers: Dachael is an angel that gives us great charisma and an aura of beauty and attraction. He gives us the power to be liked or even loved by those with whom we interact. When we interact with others they will find themselves drawn to us inexplicably. This power helps with making new friends and new lovers. Excellent power to use on a first date or at a job interview. Sigil of Dachael 27.Hatiel (HAH-TEE-EL) Image: A man hanged by the hands. Powers: Hatiel gives us courage to overcome any hardship that we face in our life. He is particularly helpful with overcoming adversities caused intentionally by other people who seek to bring about our downfall. Hatiel helps us to see through masks and false personas of others and increases our awareness so that we can avoid falling into the traps others set for us. With the power of Hatiel, we can make our way to the top of an organization gradually and steadily regardless of how much others desire to hold us back and prevent our growth. Sigil of Hatiel 28.Vadael (VAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man sitting on a camel. Powers: Vadael helps us to overcome any hardships and adversities with great patience and willpower no matter how troublesome they are. If we are faced with heavy workloads or unpleasant tasks, Vadael helps us to plow through them at a slow, determined, consistent pace. He also has the power to cause others to see our hardwork and appreciate our dedication so that we can move up in a company or organization and rise to the top. Sigil of Vadael 29.Zahael (ZAH-HAH-EL) Image: A man who jumps from one bed to another. Powers: Zahael gives us the power of stability and focus in our life. It is said that if we desire to reach water it is better to dig one deep ditch instead of digging many small separate ditches. That is to say, if we wish to achieve a goal or achieve mastery in life we must still to a single task and work on it with unrelenting willpower and focus. This also applies to magick or any other skills in life. If you have a problem with jumping from one magickal system to another, one book to another, or one hobby to another, without mastering the first, Zahael can help you to slow down and give you the focus to master one thing at a time so that you can become masterful and successful in many things in time. Sigil of Zahael 30.Chaviel (KAH-VEE-EL) Image: A man wielding a hammer. Powers: Chaviel is an angel of opportunity and guidance. Some people are born with a feeling that they are meant to be successful and meant to do great things in life but aren’t sure what it is they are meant to do or where to even begin to look. Chaviel gives us the power to discover within ourself through reflection or synchronicity what our life’s purpose is and what would bring us the highest success. Once we discover this, Chaviel can help us to encounter the right mentors who can help us to evolve and develop in our chosen field and give us an opportunity to become the success in life that we always felt we are meant to be. Sigil of Chaviel The Angels of Capricorn 1.Chathel (KAH-TEE-EL) Image: Two men of full resemblance. Powers: Chathel is an angel of social understanding and empathy. He helps us to relate to other people on a heart-to-heart level and to understand them so that we can help them or influence them to our benefit. Chathel helps us to understand the thoughts and feelings of others in our life. He also has the power to increase our psychic and spiritual abilities. Sigil of Chatel 2.Tomael (TAW-MAH-EL) Image: A man carrying a reed. Powers: Tomael is an angel that helps us to be focused and decisive in our life. When we are decisive we can quickly discover and act on opportunities to fulfill our dreams and take immediate action rather than procrastinating as life goes by and we get older and accomplish nothing. Tomael helps us to overcome all procrastination. He also gives us the power to persevere and stay focused once we make a decision so that we can achieve success by never giving up. Sigil of Tomael 3.Jaaiah (EE-AH-EE-AH) Image: A great serpent. Powers: Jaaiah gives us a wise and crafty intelligence that is able to overcome any enemies and accomplish any tasks. This angel is best used if you are learning a new hobby or developing a new skill or gift. You will be given the power to excel. A great angel to help with job advancement as you will be able to learn new things quickly and thoroughly and perform them well. Jaaiah has the power to bless us with good luck and career success. Sigil of Jaaiah 4.Cashiel (KAH-SHE-EL) Image: Two keys on the cross in a shining sun. Powers: Cashiel is an angel that helps us stand up for what is right and truthful. If you are fighting against an unjust situation, discrimination, or corruption Cashiel has the power to give you the courage to be a leader in such a situation. This angel gives the power to make truth and justice win in any situation in which we face injustice. Sigil of Cashiel 5.Lamaiah (LAH-MAH-EE-AH) Image: Two open doors. Powers: Lamaiah has the power to open doors in our life to new opportunities. This power can be used as a sort of road opener in which we are able to break down boundaries and borders to success in our life. It can also be used to cause others to open up to us in generosity and help us when we need help in life. If you desire to be accepted by a job on an interview, be liked on a first date, or attract financial assistance then call on Lamaiah to open the doors of opportunity up to you in that situation so that you can achieve your desires. Sigil of Lamaaiah 6.Naaiah (NAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man carrying a dog on each shoulder. Powers: Naaiah is an angel of faithfulness. He has the power to keep two lovers faithful to each other regardless of what other temptations may arise. He inspires devotion and dedication in the heart of the one you are with such that they are willing to make sacrifices for the relationship and resist temptations that may open up to them. He also has the power to increase trust and intimacy in a relationship as well. Sigil of Naaiah 7.Sasaiah (SAH-SAH-EE-AH) Image: Two men standing with a woman. Powers: Sasaiah can protect us from enemies who seek to harm us due to hatred and jealousy. He helps us to operate in our life and career with a wise and knowing mind so that we can understand people and their motivations, organizational structures, as well as subject we desire to learn. He gives us the gift of attention to detail so that we can live a life of excellence. This angel can give us skill in debate as well as making us a good manager of other people on a small or large scale in our career. Sigil of Sasaiah 8.Poriel (POH-REE-EL) Image: A hand carrying a bird. Powers: Poriel empowers our meditations to be fruitful. Whether you are meditating to restore your physical and mental energies or seeking to find the answer to a complex issue or problem in your life, Poriel helps make our meditations deep and fruitful so that we can accomplish what we are trying to do. He also helps us to rise above earthly concerns so that we are no longer bothered by them. This power is helpful if we cannot physically escape from chaos in our life, he gives us the power to be emotionally detached and mentally calm and “above it all” in chaotic daily life. This power can help us to operate with great objective mental clarity and effectiveness. Sigil of Poriel 9.Paaiah (PAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man falling to the ground. Powers: Paaiah is an angel that helps to ensure we make wise and well thought out decisions. He helps us to gain control over our emotions and our impulses so that we don’t do something that we will later regret. Paaiah helps us to think with a wise and practical mind. He also helps us to protect our public reputation and attract new friendships. Sigil of Paaiah 10.Tzashiel (TZAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man holding an owl in each hand. Powers: Tzashiel is an angel that helps us to make practical use of occult and metaphysical concepts and ideas. He helps us to take deep and complex philosophies and spiritual or occult information and learn to apply it to our daily life in order achieve success and empowerment in life. Sigil of Tzashiel 11.Kmiel (KIH-MEE-EL) Image: A crowned king receiving a message. Powers: Kmiel helps us to win the attraction and admiration as well as help of our superiors and great people of all kinds. With this angel’s power we become charming and charismatic to others and so we can easily move up in whatever company or organization that we join. Kmiel gives us the wisdom to make the right moves at the right times and say the right things to the right people so that we can advance. Sigil of Kmiel 12.Riaiah (REE-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man running with all his might. Powers: Riaiah helps us to make wise decisions during stressful situations. He gives us the ability to make accurate decisions very quickly, even in the face of danger. The powers of this angel sharpens our intelligence and helps us to help both ourselves and others to improve their life’s conditions. This power is useful if one is a mentor of any kind to others or a counselor. Sigil of Riaiah 13.Tashiel (TAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man carrying a slaughtered goat on his shoulders. Powers: Tashiel is an angel that protects us from rude and manipulative people. He shields us from those who seek to harm us and helps us to avoid encountering violence, arguments, and troublesome social situations. Call on Tashiel to bring peace to chaos, clarity to confusion, and harmony to disorder. Sigil of Tashiel 14.Gonamiel (GAW-NAH-MEE-EL) Image: One hand holding a dart. Powers: Gonamiel helps us to discover our hidden gifts and talents and develop them to achieve success and possibly even fame. This angel is great for artists. If you are just starting out in an artistic career, call on Gonamiel to guide you to success. This angel is said to bring fame, popularity, and wealth through the development of our gifts and talents. Sigil of Gonamiel 15.Baaiah (BAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A kneeling man. Powers: Baaiah gives us the passion and drive to go after our desires. He gives us the power of focus and ambition. This angel is said to help us attract new romantic partners and to spice up our life when it grows stale or boring. This is an angel of excitement, adventure, and the pursuit of fulfilling all of our desires. He can also give us an aura of charm and charisma that attracts others. Sigil of Baaiah 16.Cashiel (KAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man mounted on a horse without brakes. Powers: Cashiel protects us from making irrational decisions. He helps us to be patient and practice self-control. Cashiel makes us a powerful leader capable of leading and organizing large groups of people with confidence. He also helps us take care of and protect our money and our property, protecting it from theft and loss of all kinds. Sigil of Cashiel 17.Damiel (DAH-MEE-EL) Image: A man with a dog's head. Powers: Damiel gives us the power to be a social butterfly. To meet and mingle freely with others whether in intimate gatherings or large groups of people. If you are already social then you may not find much use for this power. This power can help those who are intrinsically shy or awkward in social situations. With the power of Damiel you can become eloquent and socially adept. He gives excellent interpersonal skills. Sigil of Damiel 18.Haaiah (HAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man cut in two by half the body Powers: Haaiah helps to protect us from accidents and destruction through careful planning. This angel helps us to structure our life and things within our life with wisdom so that we can achieve success. He gives excellent reasoning and negotiation skills as well as the ability to communicate eloquently with others. He also gives us the power to overcome those who disagree with us through the power of eloquent persuasiveness. Great angel to use for debates and situations where we must come to an agreement with others that benefits us. Sigil of Haaiah 19.Vashiel (VAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man standing, having four feet, motionless. Powers: Vashiel gives us a rational, intelligent, and organized way of thinking. With the powers of this angel we can stay cool and calm under pressure or difficult and dangerous situations. Great angel for helping us to solve complex problems that others either cant or wont solve. Vashiel can help us to achieve great accomplishments that benefit large groups of people and grants us popularity and the respect and admiration of many. Sigil of Vashiel 20.Zamiel (ZAH-ME-EL) Image: A monkey looking at himself in the mirror. Powers: Zamiel gives us the power of introspection so that we can become clear on who we are, what our purpose in life is, and/or any other complex questions that require clarity and deep meditation. Zamiel is an angel of clarity and simplicity. He helps us to simplify confusing or complex things down to their basic components so that we can understand them and thus come to a wise conclusion. He helps us to learn that there is a practical and intelligent way to solve every problem and every situation. Sigil of Zamiel 21.Chael (KAH-EL) Image: A man holding an open book. Powers: Chael has the power to enhance our mind both in the intellectual sense and the psychic sense. He also strengthens and improves our imagination and memory. With the power of Chael we can become an excellent writer, artist, teacher, scholar, or even parent. He can help us ensure we retain the information that we study so that we can pass our exams. He can also help us to strengthen our ability to work powerful magick. Sigil of Chael 22.Tashiel (TAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man digging up the earth. Powers: Tashiel helps us to have the power to overcome any struggles or difficult obstacles in our like whether physical or intellectual. He gives us a powerful mind and intellect so that we are capable of learning complex things such as learning a new language or mathematics. He also gives us the willpower to commit to a physical workout routine so that we can become physically fit. This angel gives us the strength and focus to endure hard work of all kinds so that we can achieve prosperity and success. Sigil of Tashiel 23.Imaiah (EE-MAH-EE-AH) Image: A man pulling a woman by the hand. Powers: Imaiah has the power to protect us from those fake friends who seek to use us and take advantage of us. He also helps to ensure that our relationships are full of clarity so that there are no misunderstandings and distrust. He helps us also to save our money and preserve our wealth so that we prevent squandering them. Imaiah can help us to understand ourselves on a deep level so that we can achieve success in life. Sigil of Imaiah 24.Ciajah (KEE-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man making a barrel. Powers: Ciajah is an angel that helps us to make wise plans. He guards our mind to ensure that we are not mislead in our beliefs. When we believe lies then our actions are based on lies and lead to ruin and disaster. Ciajah purifies our mind and clarifies our vision so that we are able to discern what is truth from what is fiction and thus be protected. He helps us to become hardworking and practical, living a simple and yet abundant life. Sigil of Ciajah 25.Boshael (BAW-SHA-EL) Image: A man carrying a bird. Powers: Boshael is an angel that helps us to learn and master complex tasks. Whether it is learning a new instrument, learning a new language, or even a new job skill such as computer programming. This angel gives us a sharp and capable intellect so that we can understand and absorb all information that is put before us. Great angel to call on when we must successfully accomplish complex tasks. Sigil of Boshael 26.Gamiel (GAH-MEE-EL) Image: A path through the forest. Powers: Gamiel helps us to connect with nature in all it’s forms. This angel can help us with elemental and shamanic forms of magick. This type of magick allows us to open up our psychic perception so that we can sense the unity of all life on earth and the spirit behind all of the plants and animals so that we can work with them. Gamiel helps us to connect with all of nature on a psychic and intuitive level. This is the power that helps us to understand how flower essences work and more. Gamiel also strengthens our imagination and helps us to see the wonder and beauty that lies behind what seems to be just a mundane world. Sigil of Gamiel 27.Daael (DAH-AH-EL) Image: A man lying on the grass. Powers: Daael helps us to return to a state of peace and simplicity. To settle our mind and our emotions to a peaceful state of being after we have endured a time of stress. He also helps us to work intelligently and efficiently under stressful or urgent conditions, giving us strength and presence of mind to handle any situation that comes our way. Through wisdom he helps us to avoid accidents and other dangers. Sigil of Daael 28.Hoshael (HAW-SHA-EL) Image: A man carrying a globe on his head. Powers: Hoshael gives us the power to visualize and imagine. This power can strengthen everything in our life from our magick to our career and artistic abilities. He helps us to give form and shape to that which we can visualize and aids us in manifesting our dreams and desires into physical reality. Hoshael also is said to give us a good business sense and strong will to succeed in whatever we attempt. He gives us the power to break free from limitations of all kinds and achieve freedom. Sigil of Hoshael 29.Vamiel (VAH-ME-EL) Image: A beautiful woman sitting on a stool. Powers: Vamiel is an angel of progress. If you feel blocked or stuck in your career advancement, relationship development, or creative blockages, call on Vamiel to help you break through those blockages. He can help you achieve progress in any situation or endeavor and reach a degree of success. Sigil of Vamiel 30.Zaaiah (ZAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A fish tail. Powers: Zaaiah is an angel of luck and attraction. If you feel to attract the love and admiration of others, Zaaiah can make you appear attractive to others. This power can help you to attract a new lover or a new job. He has the power to bring luck to your life as well so that things go your way in nearly any situation or endeavor. If you are attached to the past, Zaaiah can help you to release that attachment and move on with your life so that you can heal emotional and mental wounds. We can only heal when we let go. Sigil of Zaaiah The Angels of Aquarius 1.Chamiel (KAH-MEE-EL) Image: A man holding a bird in each hand. Powers: Chamiel has the power to give us courage and physical strength. He helps us to face and overcome all obstacles that we encounter. If you seek to get physically in shape this angel can also aid your efforts by giving you the motivation and mental focus you need. Chamiel also helps us to live a moderate and balanced life so that we do not squander our possessions. He makes us to be wise and responsible in our personal and professional life. Sigil of Chamiel 2.Tosael (TAW-SAH-EL) Image: A man holding his head with both hands. Powers: Tosael helps us to make great discoveries that benefit mankind. If you work in the field of invention, research, or science then call on Tosael to empower your mind and give you insights and wisdom. He can inspire your mind with intuitive leaps of great insight that helps you to make breakthroughs in your work. He also can help you to understand the laws of the universe to become a better, more spiritual capable person and increase the power of your magick. He can help romantic relationships that we have to be stable and enduring. Sigil of Tosael 3.Jaajah (EE-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man tilting his head in his hand. Powers: Jaajah if you are going through a difficult time or struggling with poverty, it can be difficult to recover on your own. If you are going through a struggle and feel you have no one to turn to, call on Jaajah and then seek help. He has the power to lead you to those that can help you as long as you are not afraid to ask for help. He can inspire generosity in the hearts of others and give them the wisdom to guide you and help you get back on your feet. This angel can also help to protect us from these difficult situations as well as helping us to attract kind, warm, and supportive friendships. Sigil of Jaajah 4.Camiel (KAH-ME-EL) Image: A man on horseback, carrying a closed casette in front of him. Powers: Camiel helps us to be seen a reliable person to our superiors, encouraging them to grant us a promotion. Camiel helps us to receive honors and wealth in whatever field of work that we are in. He helps us to achieve insight and wisdom into whatever work that we do so that we can excel at it. Camiel helps us to be playful and have fun in life. If you feel stressed, overworked, and tense, call on this angel to help you to loosen up, laugh, and release the tension. This can have the effect of restoring our creativity and helping us to become more effective in our life. Sigil of Camiel 5.Lashiel (LAH-SHE-EL) Image: A woman followed by a man. Powers: Lashiel has the ability to transform a relationship that seems to be purely sexual and based on lust into a relationship where love and genuine affection blooms. This angel can transform physical intimacy into emotional intimacy and genuine connection. Often you can feel the moment that this happens, the other person will look at with you differently and their mannerisms may change when they meet with you. This power doesn’t always work, but when it does the transformation is beautiful and can lead to deep and meaningful relationships where before there was only shallow physical attraction and lust. Sigil of Lashiel 6.Naaiah (NAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man playing with chopsticks. Powers: Naaiah gives us the power of eloquent and persuasive speech. If you need to convince someone of something, are entering a debate, or going on an interview, call on Naaiah to help you to get what you desire out of the meeting. He can help you to come out on top. This angel also gives sharp analytical skills so that you can understand any situation that you find yourself in and know the best way to act in response to the situation. Sigil of Naaiah 7.Samiel (SAH-ME-EL) Image: A sword taken out of the scabbard, and placed on the ground. Powers: Samiel gives the gift of discernment to understand the situations and people in our life. With this power we can understand the origin and cause of any situation we find ourselves in and give us the ability to solve and problems that we encounter. He helps us to pick our battles wisely and decide what is worth fighting for and what is a waste of time. Samiel helps us to be a wise judge of the character of others. With this power we can see through an façade that others may hide behind and see through lies. Sigil of Samiel 8.Gnashiel (GUH-NAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man wearing a chain on his open hand. Powers: Gnashiel helps us to see our life and the situations in it from a birds eye view. From this angle we can view possible outcomes of various situations in our life, make objective judgements and decisions, and come to a wise conclusion in how to conduct ourself in certain relationships and situations. We are also empowered to make effective plans for the future. If you feel restricted by your lifes conditions, Gnashiel gives you the power to see how you can break through to freedom. Sigil of Gnashiel 9.Paaiah (PAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man who lifts another. Powers: Paaiah gives us the courage to handle any difficult situations that arise in our life instead of running away from them. With this angel we can develop great inner strength and wisdom. If you are encountering any situation in which you will need to be courageous then this angel can give you courage to handle it. He helps us to think with a genius mind, quickly analyzing problems and finding the best solutions as well as taking quick action. He also gives us the power and wisdom to help others in our lives who need our help. Great angel for philanthropists and counselors to work with. Sigil of Paaiah 10.Tzaniel (TZAH-NEE-EL) Image: A man without a head. Powers: Tzaniel helps those who feel that they have lost control of their lives. He helps us to calmly analyze our life and see how we can make changes to improve every aspect of our life and create a life that satisfies us. Tzaniel helps us to overcome difficulties of all sorts as well as to learn new skills that can benefit our life. Sigil of Tzaniel 11.Kahiel (KAH-HEE-EL) Image: An armed man, without a head. Powers: Kahiel helps us to keep a low profile and remain humble to stay out of the limelight no matter how popular or successful we get. When we stick out too much we can become a target to others seeking to do us harm. Kahiel helps us to keep safe from danger and protects us from those seeking to harm us. He helps us to achieve harmony and peace with our enemies and to keep a low profile so that we can keep a comfortable anonymity if we don’t desire to be seen by others. Sigil of Kahiel 12.Raaiah (RAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: An armed man striking a king. Powers: Raaiah gives us the wisdom to help others. If we do not use wisdom when helping others, we can end up making their situation worse or even hurting them. This angel helps us to thoroughly contemplate the best way to overcome obstacles in our life and help others to overcome obstacles in theirs so we can make the best and most efficient decisions and achieve progress in every area of life. Another great angel for counselors as well as those seeking to help others improve their quality of life. Sigil of Raaiah 13.Tamiel (TAH-ME-EL) Image: Troop of armed horsemen. Powers: Tamiel protects us from those who are manipulative, untrustworthy, and misuse their authority. It protects us from corruption of all kinds to ensure we are not affected by unscrupulous people. Tamiel gives us the wisdom to take clever and decisive action when necessary to ensure we come out on top during confrontations with others and complex political situations in our workplace or groups we are a part of. Sigil of Tamiel 14.Gorashiel (GOH-RAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man holding in his hand one of his severed feet. Powers: Gorashiel in an angel of great resourcefulness. He helps us to overcome any troublesome and difficult situations. Whether the disaster and emergency is on a personal individual level or on a large scale. This angel helps us to know how to cope effectively and the right actions to take to ensure we not only survive but thrive in safety. Sigil of Gorashiel 15.Baaiah (BAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: Two men riding a unicorn. Powers: Baaiah gives us the power of creativity as well as the ability to influence others through eloquent speech and persuasion. He makes us a charismatic figure that others are willing to follow. He gives us the skill communication that includes the ability to both listen to someone and understand their thoughts and emotions as well as communicating effectively with them. This power is very useful for anyone in the communications field such as writers, journalists, interviewers, and more. This angel helps us to fit in and be accepted by any group of people wherever we are and blend in with the crowd as if we are one of them. Sigil of Baaiah 16.Gamiel (GAH-ME-EL) Image: A man holding a torch. Powers: Gamiel gives us the courage to explore new things and open up to new people, places and experiences. If you feel that your life has gone stale and you feel stuck, Gamiel is a wonderful angel to call on to expand the territory in your life. After calling to Gamiel, remain open to any new and eciting information you may hear or things that may attract you. He can help you also to overcome fears and phobias that restrict your life unnecessarily so that you can enjoy life in freedom to the fullest. Sigil of Gamiel 17.Dashiel (DAH-SHE-EL) Image: A sick woman, stretched out on a bed. Powers: Dashiel helps us to overcome laziness. Sometimes in life when we lack a sense of direction or an understanding of who we are and who we want to be, we simply drift through life. In order to lead a successful and active life we must reverse this state of being. Dashiel helps us to do this by giving us an understanding of who we are and the guidance to know what most excites us in the present moment and then helps us to pursue that so that we can restore our passion for life and begin taking positive steps in the right direction. If you know someone else who is listless, lazy, and lacks direction you can call on Dashiel for them to help them to discover what gives them passion and a sense of fulfillment as well so that they can begin to live their life to the fullest also. Sigil of Dashiel 18.Haaiah (HAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A perched owl. Powers: Haaiah gives us a sharp and penetrating mind so that we discover secrets and things that people attempt to hide from us. This is a strong analytical ability that can also be applied to any intense studies such as sciences, occultism, and more. Haaiah makes our mind like a penetrating laser beam that can zero in on any thing and extract information from it to learn more about it and understand it. Sigil of Haaiah 19.Vamiel (VAH-ME-EL) Image: A decapitated man, carrying his head in his hand. Powers: Vamiel gives us the power of focused awareness and mindfulness. When we are focused and mindful, we are able to be organized and solve any trouble or problems that we go through. We are less likely to become emotionally upset or unbalanced no matter who or what comes into our path. Vamiel gives this power of peaceful and balanced mindfulness that is centered and solid like a mountain. We become able to handle anyone and anything in our life in a balanced and harmonious way. This is an energy similar to what is taught in the martial arts of Tai Chi and Aikido. Sigil of Vamiel 20.Zashiel (ZAH-SHE-EL) Image: A decrepit woman, bent over a stick. Powers: Zashiel is an angel of compassion who is eager to help others and inspires those emotions in the hearts of those he touches. If you require help from others, call on Zashiel to open their heart to you so that they will help. Zashiel also gives us the power of dedicated focus and willpower to help us to get ourself out of difficult situations we may find ourselves in. He also helps us to break habits which may have caused these troubles in the first place. Sigil of Zashiel 21.Chael (KA-EL) Image: A man lying on the ground, on his back. Powers: Chael gives us optism, strength, and a positive mindset. He gives us a firm and powerful heart as well as a peaceful mind. This internal state allows us to overcome all troubles and difficulties and even turn them info benefits in our life. Sigil of Chael 22.Iamiel (EE-AH-ME-EL) Image: A man cutting with an ax the hands and feet of another man. Powers: Iamiel gives us the power specifically to use anger and other violent or negative emotions for positive uses such as motivation to accomplish our goals, and physical strength. He helps to protect us from violence and accidents. Protects us from ruining our reputation to do foolish actions made in haste due to troublesome emotions. He helps us to examine our heart and understand our emotions so that we can bring resolution and peace to them. Sigil of Iamiel 23.Iashiel (EE-AH-SHE-EL) Image: Two dogs running abreast. Powers: Iashiel gives us the ability to get along with and work with people of all kinds. This angel acts as a sort of social lubricant. Anywhere people meet and work together, Iashiel can help to ensure that there is love, harmony and cooperation. This is a very useful angel to call on when you must work in a group or on a team with others. Sigil of Iashiel 24.Ciaiah (KEE-AH-EE-AH) Image: A man weeping and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Powers: Ciaiah helps us to take all of our pain and suffering and troublesome situations in or life and learn from them and turn them into something good. Whether is physical illness, social problems, or mental issues, Ciaiah helps us to transform the troubles we experience into positivity. This angel also has the power to restore our energy after a tough time has past so we can become even stronger than we were before. Sigil of Ciaiah 25.Bomiel (BAH-ME-EL) Image: A man wielding a dart. Powers: Bomiel is an angel that gives us self-control. With self-control we can accomplish anything that we desire. He gives us the focus, motivation, and willpower that is required to commit to a diet or workout plan of any sort or any other life improvement activities. Bomiel helps us to control our unruly emotions and passions so that we can remain faithful to our partner in romantic relationships as well. We can also turn this power onto a romantic partner to inspire them to stay truthful and faithful to us as well. Sigil of Bomiel 26.Gashiel (GAH-SHE-EL) Image: A waterfall falling from a rock. Powers: Gashiel helps us to attract a guru or wise mentor to guide us. This mentor we attract will help us to achieve mental clarity so that we can learn from our mistakes and get our life back onto track along a beneficial pathway. Sometimes we are so lost in life that we cannot find our way back alone. Gashiel helps us to find someone who will help us to find our way back to a balanced life. Sigil of Gashiel 27.Daael (DAH-AH-EL) Image: A house surrounded by palisades. Powers: Daael helps us to go within and reconnect with the light of our soul. Doing this allows us to overcome negative emotions and mental states and raise the quality of our life as a whole. We will be empowered to bring positivity and light into every area of our life to improve it. Contact with our soul helps us to achieve peace, mental clarity, and a sense of direction in our life. It also helps raise our sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Sigil of Daael 28.Homiel (HAW-MEE-EL) Image: A man drinking from a cup. Powers: Homiel helps us to learn self-restraint. It is easy in this world of pleasures to indiscriminately overindulge in whatever pleasures we find. Homiel teaches us the art of discipline. This allows us to get back into physical shape, loose weight, break habits, heal relationships, and even achieve wealth. This is a very useful power because without it we could very quickly destroy our lives through our destructive tendencies. Sigil of Homiel 29.Vashiel (VAH-SHE-EL) Image: A man on horseback, brandishing a sword. Powers: Vashiel gives us a strong and practical mind. He gives us a sense of integrity, honor, and nobility. Vashiel grants us a fearless spirit and a mind that bravely can face and endure dangers and hardships as well as hard work with energy and focus to overcome them and transform life for the better. This is an angel that can help to develop the wisdom we need to accomplish our goals and achieve a successful life for ourself. Vashiel is also said to give psychic powers as well. Sigil of Vashiel 30.Zaaiah (ZAH-AH-EE-AH) Image: A king, crown at the head, seated on his throne. Powers: Zaaiah gives us the courage to chase after our dreams and goals. Some people may tell us that it isn’t practical to follow our dreams and we should stick with what everyone else is doing but Zaaiah gives us the power to hold our vision and stay true to ourself. He gives the mental strength and dexterity to discover new solutions and make new connections that help us to take effective strides towards fulfilling whatever goal is dear to us and manifesting our reality in accordance with our vision. Sigil of Zaaiah The Angels of Pisces 1.Lachiel (LAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man's head on a double body. Powers: Lachiel is an angel that brings social harmony. He helps us to adapt to whoever we are with, to be fluid and flexible in personality like a chameleon and blend together with others in any social situation. This angel helps groups to get along together with each other. He helps people to release prejudice and expand their mind to understand others who may be different from them in belief or appearance. Great for creating an open dialogue between people and groups who are at odds with each other in the pursuit of peace. Sigil of Lachiel 2.Nohiel (NOH-HEE-EL) Image: A man seated on the ground. Powers: Nohiel banishes laziness and timidity. This angel has the power to give us ambition, drive, and strong willpower. If the cause of our laziness and timidity is due to fear of the unknown, Nohiel helps us to banish that and be confident in the future and gives us a “come what may” attitude. With the power of Nohiel we can develop confidence in handling any and all situations that come into our life. Great angel to work with in periods of chaos and confusion or when we need guidance. He can help settle the storms in our life and transform pain into pleasure and failure into success. Sigil of Nohiel 3.Sanael (SAH-NAH-EL) Image: A man eating. Powers: Sanael has the power to help us develop our occult gifts. He can make us masters of ritual work and manifestation. He gives us the power to create whatever reality we choose to create and to understand the inner workings of the universe. He helps us to understand the universe laws and how to apply them for practical use in our life. Sanael is also able to give us a strong business sense so that we can prosper in our business endeavors. This angel is also able to help us attract new lovers. Sigil of Sanael 4.Gnasiel (GUH-NAH-SEE-EL) Image: A unicorn crouching on the grass. Powers: Gnasiel is an anel that gives us artistic skill and the ability to express ourselves fluently and eloquently through any medium. Whether it be in conversation, music, poetry, or any other means of self-expression. This angel can help us to deal with any responsibilities that we have instead of procrastinating or trying to avoid them. If someone owes you a favor or owes money to you, this angel can inspire them to repay you. Sigil of Gnasiel 5.Pangael (PAHN-GAH-EL) Image: Two young girls looking at each other. Powers: Pangael helps us to get our point across to others and speak in a way that gets them to understand what we wish to convey. This power can be used whenever we feel like we are being misunderstood or even ignored by others so that our message gets through to them clearly. Very useful angel to call on in any debate, if you work in the communications industry, or during interviews and presentations. This angel also can help us to see through those who seek to deceive us with false communication like lies and deceptive practices. He helps us to avoid falling into scams and deception of all kind. He protects us from those who seek to use us or their own benefit and gain. Sigil of Pangael 6.Tzophiel (TZOH-FEE-EL) Image: An owl perched on ruins. Powers: Tzophiel helps us to plan for success and to be in the right place at the right time. He gives us the power of good luck and synchronicity. He is therefore a great angel to call upon if you are seeking to fulfill any desire that requires the help of others but aren’t sure how or who to ask for help. He can guide us to the right people. Tzophiel gives us the focus and willpower to work hard and become full of determination. With the power of Tzophiel we will stop at nothing to achieve our goals. No matter how hard it is or how long it takes, this angel gives us the patience and strength to achieve our goals. Sigil of Tzophiel 7.Kphiel (KAH-FEE-EL) Image: A man holding a censer. Powers: Kphiel has the power to stimulate our intellect to work on a higher level. This has the effect of enabling us to learn knowledge faster and at a higher level than we could before. Whether you are seeking to learn art or business, he can help you to excel at either one and to earn money from what you have learned. He helps us also to avoid encountering setbacks and if we do, he gives us the power to quickly bounce back and continue on towards success. Sigil of Kphiel 8.Gnashiel (GUH-NAH-SHE-EL) Image: A naked man, in a tub, holding a belt in his hand. Powers: Gnashiel empowers us to make good decisions. He gives us confidence in ourself and clarity of mind to decide who we want to be and where we desire to go in life and then make that happen. He does this by giving us a detail oriented mind. If you need help thinking with a sharp, precise, and detail oriented mind Gnashiel can help. This power works great if you are planning for a goal, studying, or if you work in a position of leadership. Gnashel also gives power to our magick and helps us to enhance all aspects of our magickal abilities, especially our ability to visualize and focus the energies that we raise towards precisely defined goals like a focused laser beam. This adds great power end effectiveness to our workings which enables them to manifest more quickly. Sigil of Gnashiel 9.Taraziel (TAH-RAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A man on the road, carrying a satchel hanging from his staff. Powers: Taraziel gives us a courageous and adventurous spirit that is not afraid of danger. He helps us to see the fun in getting out, exploring, and expanding our life. If you find that you are afraid of enjoying life and afraid to expand your life in any way, call on Taraziel to help you break free from your small bubble of reality and open up the pathway to new and more exciting adventures. You may meet new people, discover new places, or even be motivated to get a new job or start new projects. Taraziel can guide you towards success when you have the confidence to step outside of your comfort zone with his help. Great angel to call on when traveling. He helps us to lead a full and fulfilling life. Sigil of Taraziel 10.Mathiel (MAH-TEA-EL) Image: A man pounding in a mortar Powers: Mathiel helps us to overcome all hurdles, dangers, and conflicts in our life. This is an angel that helps us to create things that are long lasting whether it is a career, relationship, or an organization that we form. He ensures that it is stable, harmonious, and long lasting. He is therefore an angel of protection. He has the power to trample any opposition to our plans and protect us from our enemies as well. Sigil of Mathiel 11.Bongael (BONG-AH-EL) Image: A man walking with his staff. Powers: Bongael helps us to stand on our own without relying on the help of others. He gives us the confidence and power to venture out on our own and follow our heart regardless of what anyone else has to say about it. To stand alone takes courage. Bongael helps us to overcome any hurdles to the achievement of our goals as well as the discernment to know the best steps to take to accomplish what we desire. Bongael helps us to resist peer pressure and live according to our own truth, while being open and harmonious with others as they live according to their beliefs and their truths. This angels inspires universal acceptance. If you have trouble accepting others for who they are or if others have trouble accepting who you are, call on Bongael to bring peace and non-judgmental acceptance. Sigil of Bongael 12.Gobiel (GAW-BEE-EL) Image: A richly dressed man looking behind him. Powers: Gobiel helps us to release worries about the past and the future, while shaping our lives according to how we desire them to be in the present moment. If you fear what may be coming in the future, this angel brings courage and optimism that everything will work out for the best. Gobiel also gives us the ability to project and image of how we desire others to perceive us. If you want to appear confident, he can give you an aura of confidence. If you want to be mysterious, he can give you an aura of mystery. If you want to appear intelligent and capable of handling a job during an interview, he can give you that appearance as well. He impresses upon the minds of those with whom we speak, the image of how we desire them to perceive us in a form of psychic influence. Sigil of Gobiel 13.Dagiel (DAH-GEE-EL) Image: A man and a woman riding slowly. Powers: Dagiel helps us to fulfill the responsibilities that our life asks of us as well as to fulfill our commitments. If you are having trouble fulfilling promises you made, or doing a job that you committed to doing then Dagiel can give you the strength, confidence, and help you need to fulfill your commitments. There may be a million different reasons why we are avoiding fulfilling our duties whether it is fear, boredom, feeling of being incapable, or otherwise. Dagiel can bring the mental and emotional balance we need to fulfill our prior commitments. This angel can also be called on to get others to fulfill commitments that they made to you. If someone owes you money or have another responsibility towards you that they are not fulfilling, call on this angel to inspire them to act as they should. Sigil of Dagiel 14.Hadiel (HAH-DEE-EL) Image: A man splitting wood in a forest. Powers: Hadiel helps us to rebuild our life after a downfall or struggle of any sort. If you have falling in some way in your life or faced a major failure or setback, Hadiel can help you to get back up and give you the mental and emotional strength to rebuild your life and your projects even more strongly than before. In doing so, Hadiel can help you to achieve success in any endeavor, even ones that you feel are helpless causes. This is an angel of great power to achieve. Whatever you set your mind and heart to accomplishing, call on Hadiel to give you the ability to achieve your goal and fulfill your ambition. Sigil of Hadiel 15.Vahaiah (VAH-HAH-EE-AH) Image: A man armed with a knife. Powers: Vahaiah gives us the ability to stick to our beliefs and fulfill our life’s purpose. Whatever you feel that you are here on Earth to do whether it is writing a book, counseling others, composing music, or any other mission, Vahaiah can help you to accomplish it. He gives a strong sense of determination and drive, as well as a sense of purposefulness. This is a great angel to call on if you feel that your life is lacking purpose or meaning. Vahaiah can help you to find the work that truly fulfills you and makes your life feel purposeful and exciting. Sigil of Vahaiah 16.Zavael (ZAH-VAH-EL) Image: A man carrying a rooster. Powers: Zavael is an angel of protection and nourishment. This angel helps those who care for others. Whether you are a counselor, a social worker, or a parent taking care of your children, Zavael can give you the energy, focus, and wisdom you need to care for them and fulfill your role. He gives us the patience we need to heal with others as well as the empathy we need to understand where others are coming from in life and what they may need from us so that they can become the best in life that they can be. Sigil of Zavael 17.Chaziel (KAH-ZEE-EL) Image: A man who takes the plunge. Powers: Chaziel helps us to overcome depressive and avoidant tendencies. If you are afraid of living and feel no motivation or courage to face your life and face the world, call on Chaziel to help. He can inspire a more positive mindset as well as guide you towards getting the help that you need to overcome feelings of depression, and fear of living. This angel is all about breaking us out of the shell we put up around ourself to keep the world out. He can help us reconnect with old friends or make new ones. He can also help us to find and take up a new hobby or endeavor that will bring us joy and get us out of the slump we have fallen into so that we can begin to enjoy life again with gusto. Chaziel helps to restore the joie de vivre. Sigil of Chaziel 18.Tachael (TAH-KAH-EL) Image: Two fighting horses. Powers: Tachael helps us to plan ahead so that we can be ready for anything. This is an angel of preparedness and foresight. If you are preparing for a major event in your life and desire to be ready for whatever may come, call on Tachael. He can give you the wisdom that you need to be ready for anything that may happen and help you to avoid pitfalls through planning. Sigil of Tachael 19.Iabael (EE-AH-BAH-EL) Image: A man who pierces himself with a sword. Powers: Iabael is an angel that is concerned with health and the improving of it. He is concerned with ensuring we remain balanced in every aspect of our life. Health does not pertain only to physical health. True health means that we are harmonious in mind, body, spirit, finances, relationships, career, and every other possible aspect of life. Iabael has the power to help us find the resources, professionals, and motivation that we need to promote balance in every aspect of our life. Sigil of Iabael 20.Caioel (KAH-EE-AW-EL) Image: The moon floating through the clouds. Powers: Caioel is an angel of focus. He helps us to achieve a laser focus on whatever we are working on at the moment so that we can achieve success through precision. If attention is scattered then success will not be possible. It is sustained attention and disciplined work ethic that ensures we are able to achieve success in whatever we undertake to achieve. Caioel also helps us to live within our means and to understand our personal limits. When we are aware of our limits we can be sure we don’t run out of resources whether that is time, money, or energy and fail as a result. Sigil of Caioel 21.Bachiel (BAH-KEY-EL) Image: Two men stabbing each other. Powers: It is easy to look at what everyone else in the world is doing and criticize them or be worried that their actions are going to influence or prevent our success. Bachiel helps us to ignore what others are doing so that we can remain focused on our own efforts. He helps us to overcome any opposition and any opponents effortlessly through focusing on our own work. When we are overly concerned with what others are doing we can grow fearful or discouraged and fail as a result. Bachiel helps us to overcome that harmful tendency. Bachiel also helps us to avoid self-sabotage through negative thoughts. If we are full of doubts then it makes it hard to achieve success. Bachiel banishes our doubts and fears so that we can simply focus on taking action and achieving the highest results possible for us. Sigil of Bachiel 22.Gabael (GAH-BAH-EL) Image: A beautiful woman with torn clothes. Powers: Gabael helps us to control our base and carnal instincts. When we give in to our carnal instincts through over indulging in sex or treating our money frivolously through overspending and eating too many rich foods, we can rapidly destroy ourself. It is okay to treat ourself now and then to luxuries and indulgences but when we over indulge in anything, our resources rapidly evaporate along with our health and we end up destitute, poor, weak, and unable to accomplish anything. This angel gives us discipline to ensure that we can thrive and live a disciplined, organized, balanced, and prosperous life. Sigil of Gabael 23.Dagiel (DAH-GEE-EL) Image: A woman in a boat without oars. Powers: Dagiel is an angel of stability and progress. Dagiel has the power to protect us from danger and conflicts that could prevent us from making progress towards our goals. He gives us all around good luck so that people, things, and situations, all line up in support of us instead of against us. Once we achieve success Dagiel helps our establishes success to be continual and ongoing. He also has the power to bring us new friendships. Sigil of Dagiel 24.Hodiel (HAW-DEE-EL) Image: A man and a woman lying on a bed. Powers: Hodiel gives us a strong physical and mental ability to overcome all hurdles and obstacles that are placed into our way in life and prevent us from accomplishing our goals. With this angel, we have the power to accomplish anything we desire. Often, this angel influences others to help us to achieve our goals if they are able to help us in any way. Hodiel also has the power to help us to be loved and admired by others and to improve or protect our reputation. Sigil of Hodiel 25.Vahoiah (VAH-HAW-EE-AH) Image: A man throwing stones with a slingshot. Powers: Vahoiah is an angel of cleverness and planning. He enables us to overcome all obstacles and enemies in or path through clever strategies. He gives us the power to achieve victory in every aspect of our life no matter what we face. Vahoiah inspires us with the knowledge that we can overcome any odds and any obstacles in or life. He also has the power to download information or talents and skills into our mind so that we can quickly learn and develop what we need to achieve success. This downloading ability doesn’t make us a master of abilities and skills right away but gives us the ability to master them much faster than we ordinarily would be able to. Therefore this angel can help those in difficult and challenging careers to achieve success in them. Sigil of Vahoiah 26.Zavael (ZAH-VAH-EL) Image: A woman cutting off the head of a sleeping warrior. Powers: If you feel that you are being bullied or treated unfairly in any situation, call on Zavael. He has the power to bring fairness, justice, and equality. Zavael can help the weak to overcome the strong and rightness to overcome those who are wrong. This angel also has the power to help us to achieve our goals and desires through magic. In this way he empowers us to accomplish almost whatever desire. He gives us persistence, strength, and determination as well as the intuition to know what moves to make and at what time to make them to achieve success. Sigil of Zavael 27.Chazael (KAH-ZAH-EL) Image: A naked man knocking on a door. Powers: Chazael teaches us that no matter what we go through, regardless of how hard it is, we can always have faith that there is a purpose for it, that we are becoming stronger by going through it, and that we will come out of it just fine at the end. Everything that we go through has a purpose and a reason behind it. Chazael helps us to navigate our difficult situations and disasters or tragedies in life by maintaining courage and inner strength. He also helps us to learn from our mistakes that may have caused any disasters in our life so that we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Sigil of Chazael 28.Tachiel (TAH-KEY-EL) Image: A man on horseback, carrying a bird in one hand and a snake in the other. Powers: Through careful planning many disasters and failures can be avoided in life. Tachiel is an angel of careful planning. He gives us the ability to develop a wise sense of caution and foresight that guides us through life in safety and success. He helps us to develop a realistic yet optimistic attitude. This enables us to have the confidence that we can overcome anything that comes into our way and gives us the understanding of how we can avoid obstacles that are placed in our way as well. If there are any unavoidable disasters and obstacles this angel helps us to overcome them through the power of wise planning. Sigil of Tachiel 29. Iatael (EE-AH-TAH-ELL) Image: A large fish stranded on the shore. Powers: Iatael protects us from unwelcome and unexpected change. If you desire to preserve your life as it is now, and remain safe, call on Iatael. He can help you through wisdom and foresight to perceive and adapt to any changes that may be coming in your path. He helps us to gain a birds eye view of our life so that we can see in all directions and from all angles. Everything that happens in our life has meaning and purpose. Everything that happens is a message or a sign of some sort that gives us information about the status of our life and where we are headed. This angel helps us to decode and understand those messages both in waking and dreaming life so that we can respond accordingly. Sigil of Iatael 30.Caiael (KAH-EE-EL) Image: A woman looking at herself in the mirror. Powers: Caiael is an angel that has the power to help us stand up for human rights and justice. If you see any group of people being mistreated or anywhere you can help those who are less fortunate, call on Caiael to help them and give you the strength to do what you can to help as well. Caiael helps to open up the hearts and minds of others to just causes and elevates the morality of those whose lives his influence touches. If we are the one in need of help then Caiael can inspire others to help us and give us the hope and optimism to rise up, change our situation, and to help ourself. He gives us the strength to overcome all adversity in our life and reach a stable place in life. Sigil of Caiael Explore More Magick If you enjoyed this book, you are sure to love my previous books such as the 72 Angels of Power, where you gain the power to control the 72 Angelic Frequencies that make up the soul. By working with these angels you gain the power to rapidly change reality through access to nearly 1000 unique powers. If you enjoyed the style of this magick then you will love Goetic Words of Power. In this book you are empowered to call on the 72 Demons of the Goetia for love, wealth, power, and the fulfilment of nearly any desire you can think of. When you work with the spirits in this book, contact is made fast and the powers called upon swiftly and harmoniously shift your world to manifest your desires for you. _bibl_vppi_i2 Magick can bring all types of gifts into our life from spiritual growth to wealth. In The 84 Genies of Power I explore the 84 spirits of an ancient and largely overlooked grimoire that packs enough power to shape your life and help you to live a life of prosperity and success that is filled with friendship, romance, and adventure. Open the door to these genies and they will transform your life for the better. _encoding=UTF8&btkr=1