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CV Fitsum updated, Feb 2024

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Full name: Fitsum Abrha Weldu
Current Address: Axum,Tigray, Ethiopia
Telephone: Mobile: + 251914008270/ +251 953501176
E-mail: abrhafitsum2@gmail.com
Nationality: Ethiopian
Date of birth: Oct,1986 G.C
Gender: Male
Education and trainings
Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor Degree in Civics and Ethics
Name of organization providing education and training
Mekelle University (Arid,Endayesus
Campus )
Date October, 2007-July, 2009 G.C
Degree Awarded July 18,2009 G.C
Senior Essay Title: Factors that Hinders the participation of women in Education
(Second Degree): Masters of Development studies
Thesis title: Assessment of Good Governance in Decentralized City Administration, The case of Mekelle
Thesis result: Very Good GPA: 3.7
Academic year: 2011 up to 2013 G.C
Degree Awarded on July 06,2013
Name of the institution: Mekelle University, Tigray, Ethiopia
Occupation / position held:
 Previous Position 1: Researcher in Economic sector, standing committee of the
Tigray regional state council , Part Time job/work (when I was learning my MA in
development studies) , donated by the Inter-African Group, NGO (2011-2013GC)
 Previous position 2; MEAL Officer, Save the Children International (NGO), Axum
Field Office( since May,2021 up to May 2023).
 Previous position 3: -Lecturer and researcher (from Oct,2009 G.C, up to
Nov,2021), Axum University, Collage of Social Sciences and Languages’
 Thought development studies and related courses since 2009G.C up to Nov,2021
 Previous position 4: -Community Service and Consultancy Officer (from Jan,
2019 G.C until May ,2021 G.C, Axum University)
 Currently, working as Education officer in New Millennium Women
empowerment Organization (Local NGO) since Feb1,2024
Main activities and Responsibilities
 Served as MEAL Officer in the Save the Children International (NGO), Axum field
office since May,2021 up to May ,2023
 Monitoring, Evaluating, reporting and undertaking learning of different projects and surveys in
Save the Children International NGO since May,2021
 Worked in USAID BHA, WFP, SIDA, GTN- FSL, ECHO, IHA –GAC and DRA funded
projects supporting through Monitoring and Evaluation roles in Save the children.
 Undertaking baseline and end line assessments for different projects
 Collected data, supervised household survey, PDM, cleaned and gathered data.
 Monitoring, evaluating and undertaking learning in the provision of basic needs for the internally
no laced people and Vulnerable groups.
 Strong experiences in undertaking research and monitoring and evaluating
emergency/humanitarian projects and conducting onsite distribution monitoring and report
 Carry out PDM, supervision and management, data collection, data cleaning, data management
and analysis, data base design and management in emergency and conflict situations.
 Working collaboratively with MEAL team and accountability officer in handling beneficiaries’
 Supporting, coordinating and providing basic needs for the women, children safety and rights,
disable persons, elders generally the vulnerable one (Programs: Education, Wash, protection,
FSL, nutrition, shelter and nutrition.
 I was actively engaged in Monitoring, evaluating, supervising, coordinating and managing
community and consultancy service .
 Undertaken research projects to mention few of others: The practice of Good Governance in
service provision, The impact of Eritrean refugees on Host Communities: (Social and Economic
impacts) case of Hitsas ,Shimelba and May Ayni Campus as well as <The role of Small and Micro –
enterprises in poverty reduction> case of Setit Humera,Shire and Shiraro towns.
 Conducted PDM in WFP supported TSFP, nutrition project, June 2022, save the children and Facilitated
Baseline survey conducted by a consultant funded by Global affairs Canada(GAC) nutrition and WaSH
project in June 2022, Save the children and Carried out baseline survey for the BHA-USAID project in
2021, Save the children International.The core sectors covered were health, nutrition,WaSH and
 Post distribution monitoring surveys for food and Nonfood item distributions of multiple projects, save
the children International. Many PDM reports have been generated so far.
 Conducted exit interview to measure patient’s satisfaction in Mobile clinics operation area, 2021 save
the children international and Oversee and rollout the MEAL system in emergency to ensure that
interventions are carried out as per the established project document and Track progress of projects via
achievements versus targets and suggest course correction.
 Manage baseline survey and end line survey and assessments and Design data collection tools,
gather qualitative and quantitative data for monitoring and evaluation and for learning and
continuous improvement
 Conduct routine field monitoring visits and Collect data to generate output tracker. Conduct
Post distribution monitoring to examine that the response meets the need of the affected
and Share information on projects to key stakeholders, establish appropriate
complain and feedback receiving mechanism (such as suggestion box and help desk…) and
Encourage beneficiary participation in project design and implementation
 Apply digital data collection tools such as Open Data Kit (ODK), KOBO collect via android
mobile device and confirm that data quality assurance is in place at various levels such as predata collection, during and after data has been gathered.
 Coordination and involving in Community service and consultancy in supporting the women,
disabled, children elders and community in general
 Undertaking intensive research and community service projects and consultation activities
My Ten (10) publications of my Research Works in International Journals
1. Practice of good governance in service delivery: Published in the Journal of advances in social sciences
and humanities, Address: email editor@jassh.in Tel.no.+91756619900 vol. 3 No.4(2017)
2. Assessment of good governance in service delivery International Journal of Application or Innovation in
Engineering & Management Archives
3. Determination of youth migration: Journal of Business and financial affairs: Volume 6 Issue
4. Assessment of responsiveness and transparency: Journal of civil and legal science
5.the role of affirmative action in women s economic participation: Published in the Journal of civil and legal
sciences, Volume 6 Issue 1000226
6.Minimizing death of children below the age of seven, Lachi district :Published in Journal of civil and legal
sciences , DOI:10.4172/2169-0170.1000224(2016) Volume 6 Issue 1.1000224
7.The role of Civics in Changing students’ behavior: international journal of sustainable development
research, DOI 10.11648(2017)
8.prospects and challenges of good governance in the realm of service delivery
Published in the journal of Modern Economy,2018 ,1:5 DOI 10.28933/JME-2018-01-0802
9.Assesement of Good governance in Decentralized city Administration, case of Mekelle
Municipality: journal of the journal of Modern Economy , 2018
10. The social health impact of Eritrean refugees on the host communities: Case of May –Ayni refugee
camp :
Published in BMC Research Notes, 2020,Scopus indexed
Understanding Languages
Tigrigna: Excellent
Amharic: Excellent
English: Excellent
Mother tongue
Computer and Computer Skills
 Excellent Expertise in SPSS and STATA statistical software packages
 Excellent command of Microsoft Office tools and Skilled in using digital data collection
tools such as Kobo/ODK
 Excellent level of computer proficiency and ability to use MS –office (particularly Excel )
 Skilled in report writing skills and Strong communication skills and ODK and Kobo
collect (Mobile data collection tools)
Awards / Certifications:
 Certified for serving as a community service and consultancy Officer, Axum University
 Certified in research undertakings (11 certificates)
 Certified in Higher Diploma Program (HDP) for teacher educators.
 Certified in basic computer skills , SPSS and STATA software skills
 Certified for Participating in a nationwide survey on “Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of
Ethiopians towardsCOVID-19: An online survey” during May 2020.
 Certified in solve IT 2019 in the Regional Hub competition
 Certified in coordination and involving in Community service and consultancy for supporting
the women, disabled, children elders and community in general. ( 6 certificates)
 Certified for teaching tutorial classes to high school students.
 Certified for creating awareness in Children rights and safety, gender-based discrimination and
violence to women in Axum, Adwa and Shire towns.
 Certified in scientific publications in different journals ( I have 10 publications)
 Certified for evaluating research abstracts(2 certifications)
 Mr.Kiros Gidey, World Vision, Food Monitoring Officer, Saharti ,Contact number, 0928929890
 Mr.Dawit Zekiros, World Food Program, Monitoring and Evaluation assistant ,0982212979,
 Mr.Zelalem Tsehaye,Supply chain and logistics officer, Plan International, NGO Tel .no.
 0914566524