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Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Presentation

ME 3131
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
Oishi Kanta
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KUET.
Reference Books
• Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Bruce Munson, Donald Young, Theodore Okiishi & Wade Huebsch
• Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Robert Fox, Alan McDonald & Philip Pritchard
• Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
Yunus Çengel & John Cimbala
Outline of the Course
• Introduction
• Fluid Statics
• Fluid Dynamics
• Flow through Pipes
• Measurement of Fluid Flow
• Hydraulic Pumps
• Hydraulic Turbines
Definition of fluid & fluid mechanics
Main difference between fluid and solid
Applications of fluid mechanics
What is Fluid & Fluid Mechanics ?
• Fluid mechanics is the subject that deals with fluids either in motion or
at rest and how it impacts on other objects that are in contact with it.
• A fluid is defined as a substance that deforms (i.e., flows) continuously
when acted on by a shearing stress of any magnitude.
• A shearing stress (shearing force per unit area) is created whenever a
tangential force acts on a surface.
Main difference between solids, liquids & gases
Fluid vs Solid
Difference in behaviour of a solid and a fluid due to a shear force
Applications of Fluid Mechanics
• All means of transportation such as cars, trucks, aeroplanes, ships,
submarines, …
• Design all of fluid machinery such as pumps, turbines, compressors,
• Piping systems for transporting water, natural gas, …
• Environmental and energy issues (large-scale wind turbines, energy
generation from ocean waves, aerodynamics of large buildings)
• Biomechanics (Artificial hearts & liver, Synovial fluid in joints,
respiratory system, circulatory system, urinary system)
• Sports (bicycles and bicycle helmets, skis, and sprinting and
swimming clothing; aerodynamics of golf, tennis, soccer ball)
Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics
Dimensions and Units
• SI units will be used
• Basic dimensions and their SI units
• Length L (m)
• Mass M (kg)
• Time t (s)
• Temperature T (ºC & K)
• Derived dimensions and their SI units
• Speed (m/s)
• Force (N or kg.m/s2)
• Pressure (Pa or N/m2)
Fundamental Concepts
Measurement of fluid mass and weight
Fluid as a continuum assumption
Newton’s law of viscosity
Classification of fluids
Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight
Fluid as a Continuum
Definition of density at a point
Fluid as a Continuum
Behaviour of
a fluid placed
between two
parallel plates
• Variation of viscosities of common fluids with temperature
Types of Fluids
Types of Fluids
• For shear thinning fluids (pseudoplastic), apparent
viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate-harder the
fluid is sheared, less viscous it becomes. Latex paint, some
greases, blood, water suspension of clay, polymer solutions
are pseudoplastic fluids
• For shear thickening fluids (dilatant), apparent viscosity
increases with increasing shear rate-harder the fluid is
sheared, more viscous it becomes. Shear thickening like
water-corn starch, quicksand
• Bingham plastic like toothpaste, mayonnaise, asphalt,
paper pulp are neither a fluid nor a solid. Such material can
withstand a finite shear stress without motion, but once the
yield stress is exceeded it flows like a fluid
Types of Fluids
Properties of Fluid
Compressibility of fluids
Surface tension & capillary effect
Vapour pressure & cavitation
Compressibility of Fluids
Compressibility of Fluids
Compressibility of Fluids
Surface Tension
Some consequences of surface tension
Surface Tension
o These surface phenomena are due to the unbalanced cohesive forces
acting on the liquid molecules at the free surface of fluid.
o To visualize how surface tension arises, consider two liquid
o Attractive forces applied on the interior molecule by the surrounding
molecules balance each other because of symmetry.
• However, molecules along the surface are subjected to a net force that
tends to pull them toward the interior of the liquid. The physical
consequence of this unbalanced force along the surface is to create
the hypothetical membrane or skin that compresses the interior liquid.
• Resulting compression effect causes the liquid to minimize its surface
area which is the reason for the tendency of the liquid droplets to
attain a spherical shape, making minimum surface area for a given
• “a droplet that keeps growing by the addition of more mass will
break down when the surface tension can no longer hold it together”
Surface Tension
Free-body diagram of half a droplet and half a bubble
Capillary Effect of Surface Tension
Capillary Effect of Surface Tension
Vapor Pressure & Cavitation
• Liquids such as water and gasoline will evaporate if they are simply placed in a
container open to the atmosphere.
• Evaporation of liquid in open air takes place because some liquid molecules at the
surface have sufficient momentum to overcome the intermolecular cohesive forces
and escape into the atmosphere
• If the container is closed with a small air space left above the surface, a pressure
will develop in the space as a result of the vapor that is formed by the escaping
• When an equilibrium condition is reached so that the number of molecules leaving
the surface is equal to the number entering, the vapor is said to be saturated and the
pressure the vapor exerts on the liquid surface is termed as vapor pressure, py.
• Since the development of a vapor pressure is closely associated with molecular
activity, the value of vapor pressure for a particular liquid depends on temperature.
Vapor Pressure & Cavitation
• Boiling, which is the formation of vapor bubbles within a fluid is initiated when absolute pressure
of fluid reaches the vapor pressure.
• When fluid flows, it is possible to develop very low pressure due to the fluid motion, and if the
pressure is lowered to the vapor pressure, vapor bubble forms which are swept into high pressure
regions causing sudden collapse with sufficient intensity to actually cause structural damage.
• Formation and subsequent collapse of vapor bubbles in a flowing liquid, called cavitation.
Types of Fluid Flow
Viscous vs. inviscid flow
Compressible vs. incompressible flow
Laminar vs. turbulent flow
Internal vs. external flow
Description and classification of fluid motion
• Two most difficult aspect to deal fluid mechanics problems are fluids viscous nature and its
compressibility. Basically fluid mechanics is broadly classified based on this two properties:
viscosity and density
1) Viscous versus inviscid flow
2) Compressible versus incompressible flow
3) Laminar versus turbulent flow
4) Internal versus external flow
Possible classification of continuum fluid mechanics
Description and Classification of Fluid Motion
Development of
viscous and
inviscid regions
of flow as a result
of inserting a flat
plate parallel into
a fluid stream of
uniform velocity
Description and Classification of Fluid Motion
• Laminar versus turbulent flow: Some flows are smooth and orderly while others are rather
• Highly ordered fluid motion characterized by smooth layers of fluid is called laminar flow.
Fluid particles move in smooth layers
• Turbulent flow is one in which the fluid particles rapidly mix as they move along due to
random three-dimensional velocity fluctuations
• Newton’s law of viscosity is not valid for turbulent flows
Particle pathlines in one-dimensional laminar & turbulent flows
Description and Classification of Fluid Motion
• Compressible versus incompressible flow
• Flows in which variations in density are negligible is incompressible flows
• Flows in which variations in density are not negligible is compressible flows
• Liquid flows are incompressible to a high level of accuracy, but the level of variation in
density in gas flows depends on velocity of flow (govern by the Mach number, M)
• Gas flows can often be approximated as incompressible if the density changes are under about
5%, which is usually the case when M < 0.3
• Mach number, M is the ratio of flow speed (V) to the local speed of sound (c). A flow is called
sonic when M = 1, subsonic when M < 1, supersonic when M > 1, and hypersonic when M >
Description and Classification of Fluid Motion