ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 1 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 2 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 3 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 4 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 5 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: CIVIL LAW I ............................................................................................................................ 18 I. PRELIMINARY TITLE .................................................................................................................... 18 A. B. II. EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS .................................................................................... 18 1. WHEN LAW TAKES EFFECT ..................................................................................................... 18 2. RETROACTIVITY OF LAWS ....................................................................................................... 19 3. MANDATORY OR PROHIBITORY LAWS ................................................................................... 19 4. WAIVER OF RIGHTS ................................................................................................................ 19 5. REPEAL OF LAWS .................................................................................................................... 20 6. JUDICIAL DECISIONS ............................................................................................................... 20 7. DOUBTFUL STATUTES ............................................................................................................. 21 8. CUSTOMS................................................................................................................................ 21 9. RULE ON PERIODS .................................................................................................................. 21 10.CONFLICT OF LAWS (UNDER THE CIVIL CODE) ....................................................................... 21 HUMAN RELATIONS............................................................................................................. 24 PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS.............................................................................................. 29 A. B. C. D. E. PERSONS ............................................................................................................................. 30 1. CIVIL PERSONALITY (ART. 44-47, NCC) ................................................................................... 30 2. USE OF SURNAMES................................................................................................................. 31 3. ENTRIES IN THE CIVIL REGISTRY AND CLERICAL ERROR LAW (R.A. 9048, AS AMENDED) ...... 31 4. ABSENCE ................................................................................................................................. 32 A. CIVIL CODE PROVISIONS............................................................................................... 32 B. PRESUMPTIVE DEATH OF ABSENT SPOUSE UNDER THE FAMILY CODE....................... 33 MARRIAGE .......................................................................................................................... 34 1. REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE..................................................................................................... 34 2. EXEMPTION FROM LICENSE REQUIREMENT .......................................................................... 34 3. MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED ABROAD AND FOREIGN DIVORCE................................................ 36 4. VOID AND VOIDABLE MARRIAGES ......................................................................................... 38 A. ANNULMENT UNDER ARTICLE 36 (AS RECENTLY ARTICULATED UNDER TAN-ANDAL V. ANDAL, G.R. NO. 196359, MAY 11, 2022; TOTALITY OF EVIDENCE RULE)................... 41 LEGAL SEPARATION ............................................................................................................. 45 1. GROUNDS ............................................................................................................................... 45 2. DEFENSES................................................................................................................................ 45 3. PROCEDURE............................................................................................................................ 45 4. EFFECTS OF FILING PETITION.................................................................................................. 45 5. EFFECTS OF PENDENCY........................................................................................................... 45 6. EFFECTS OF DECREE OF LEGAL SEPARATION (ART. 63).......................................................... 46 7. RECONCILIATION .................................................................................................................... 46 8. EFFECT OF DEATH OF ONE OF THE PARTIES........................................................................... 46 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE............................................... 47 PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE ....................................................... 47 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................ 47 2. DONATIONS BY REASON OF MARRIAGE ................................................................................ 48 PAGE 6 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 F. G. H. I. J. K. L. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY ................................................................................ 49 4. CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS ...................................................................................... 51 5. SEPARATION OF PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATION OF COMMON PROPERTY BY ONE SPOUSE DURING THE MARRIAGE.............................................................................................................. 54 6. REGIME OF SEPARATION OF PROPERTY................................................................................. 54 7. PROPERTY REGIME OF UNIONS WITHOUT MARRIAGE .......................................................... 56 FAMILY HOME (NOTE: THIS SECTION INCLUDES THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ON FAMILY) ........ 58 1. FAMILY (ART. 149) .................................................................................................................. 58 2. FAMILY HOME ........................................................................................................................ 59 PATERNITY AND FILIATION .................................................................................................. 60 1. LEGITIMATE CHILDREN ........................................................................................................... 60 2. PROOF OF FILIATION .............................................................................................................. 60 3. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN ........................................................................................................ 62 4. LEGITIMATED CHILDREN ........................................................................................................ 63 ADOPTION........................................................................................................................... 65 1. DOMESTIC ADOPTION (R.A. NO. 8552) .................................................................................. 65 A. WHO MAY ADOPT ........................................................................................................ 65 B. WHO MAY BE ADOPTED............................................................................................... 65 C. RIGHTS OF AN ADOPTED CHILD ................................................................................... 66 D. INSTANCES AND EFFECTS OF RESCISSION.................................................................... 66 2. INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION (RA 8043).................................................................................. 67 A. WHEN ALLOWED .......................................................................................................... 67 B. WHO MAY ADOPT ........................................................................................................ 67 C. WHO MAY BE ADOPTED............................................................................................... 67 SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................. 68 1. WHAT IT COMPRISES .............................................................................................................. 68 2. WHO ARE OBLIGED TO GIVE SUPPORT .................................................................................. 68 3. SOURCE OF SUPPORT ............................................................................................................. 68 4. ORDER OF SUPPORT ............................................................................................................... 69 5. AMOUNT OF SUPPORT ........................................................................................................... 69 6. MANNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT ......................................................................................... 69 7. RENUNCIATION AND TERMINATION...................................................................................... 69 8. SUPPORT PENDENTE LITE ....................................................................................................... 69 9. PROCEDURE IN APPLICATION FOR SUPPORT ......................................................................... 70 PARENTAL AUTHORITY ........................................................................................................ 70 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................ 70 2. SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL AUTHORITY ...................................................................................... 71 3. SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................................................. 71 4. EFFECT OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CHILD’S PERSON ............................................ 72 5. EFFECTS OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CHILD’S PROPERTY....................................... 72 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY.................................................. 73 7. SOLO PARENTS ACT (R.A. NO. 8972) ...................................................................................... 73 EMANCIPATION................................................................................................................... 74 1. CAUSE OF EMANCIPATION ..................................................................................................... 74 2. EFFECT OF EMANCIPATION .................................................................................................... 74 RETROACTIVITY OF FAMILY CODE........................................................................................ 74 PAGE 7 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) III. SUCCESSION ............................................................................................................................... 76 A. B. C. D. GENERAL PROVISIONS......................................................................................................... 76 1. DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................. 76 2. SUCCESSION OCCURS AT THE MOMENT OF DEATH .............................................................. 76 3. KINDS OF SUCCESSORS........................................................................................................... 77 TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION .............................................................................................. 77 1. WILLS ...................................................................................................................................... 77 2. INSTITUTION OF HEIRS ........................................................................................................... 89 3. SUBSTITUTION OF HEIRS ........................................................................................................ 92 4. CONDITIONAL TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS WITH A TERM............... 94 5. LEGITIME ................................................................................................................................ 96 6. DISINHERITANCE................................................................................................................... 104 7. LEGACIES AND DEVISES ........................................................................................................ 109 LEGAL AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION .................................................................................. 113 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS; RELATIONSHIP AND RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION.......................... 113 A. RELATIONSHIP ............................................................................................................ 114 B. RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION ...................................................................................... 115 2. ORDER OF INTESTATE SUCCESSION ..................................................................................... 116 PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION .................................... 121 1. RIGHT OF ACCRETION........................................................................................................... 121 2. CAPACITY TO SUCCEED BY WILL OR INTESTACY................................................................... 121 3. ACCEPTANCE AND REPUDIATION OF INHERITANCE ............................................................ 125 4. PARTITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE.......................................................................... 128 IV. OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS................................................................................................ 132 A. OBLIGATIONS .................................................................................................................... 132 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 132 A. DEFINITION................................................................................................................. 132 B. ELEMENTS OF AN OBLIGATION.................................................................................. 132 C. SOURCES OF OBLIGATIONS ........................................................................................ 133 2. NATURE AND EFFECT............................................................................................................ 135 A. OBLIGATION TO GIVE ................................................................................................. 135 B. OBLIGATION TO DO OR NOT TO DO .......................................................................... 135 C. TRANSMISSIBILITY OF OBLIGATIONS ......................................................................... 136 D. PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATIONS .............................................................................. 136 E. BREACHES OF OBLIGATIONS ...................................................................................... 136 F. REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO CREDITOR IN CASES OF BREACH....................................... 141 3. KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS ....................................................................................................... 141 A. PURE OBLIGATIONS.................................................................................................... 141 B. CONDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS ..................................................................................... 141 C. OBLIGATIONS WITH A PERIOD OR A TERM................................................................ 143 D. ALTERNATIVE OR FACULTATIVE OBLIGATIONS.......................................................... 145 E. JOINT AND SOLIDARY OBLIGATIONS.......................................................................... 146 F. OBLIGATIONS WITH A PENAL CLAUSE ....................................................................... 150 4. EXTINGUISHMENT ................................................................................................................ 151 A. PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE.................................................................................... 152 PAGE 8 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) B. B. C. D. E. F. V. LOSS OF DETERMINABLE THING DUE OR IMPOSSIBILITY OR DIFFICULTY OF PERFORMANCE .......................................................................................................... 158 C. CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF DEBT .................................................................. 159 D. CONFUSION................................................................................................................ 160 E. COMPENSATION......................................................................................................... 160 F. NOVATION.................................................................................................................. 161 CONTRACTS....................................................................................................................... 164 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 164 A. STAGES OF CONTRACTS ............................................................................................. 164 B. CLASSIFICATIONS........................................................................................................ 164 2. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES ......................................................................................................... 166 A. CONSENT .................................................................................................................... 166 B. SUBJECT MATTER (SM)............................................................................................... 170 C. CAUSE OR CONSIDERATION ....................................................................................... 171 3. REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS ....................................................................................... 172 4. INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS........................................................................................ 173 5. RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS ...................................................................................................... 173 6. VOIDABLE CONTRACTS ......................................................................................................... 175 7. UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS ............................................................................................. 176 8. VOID OR INEXISTENT CONTRACTS........................................................................................ 177 NATURAL OBLIGATIONS .................................................................................................... 179 ESTOPPEL .......................................................................................................................... 180 TRUSTS.............................................................................................................................. 180 1. EXPRESS TRUST..................................................................................................................... 181 2. IMPLIED TRUST ..................................................................................................................... 182 A. IMPLIED TRUST WHEN PROPERTY IS GRANTED TO ONE/TRUSTEE BUT PRICE IS PAID BY ANOTHER FOR THE INTEREST OF BENEFICIARY .................................................... 183 B. IMPLIED TRUST IN DONATION ................................................................................... 183 C. IMPLIED TRUST IN SALE OF PROPERTY ...................................................................... 183 D. IMPLIED TRUST IN CO-OWNERSHIP ........................................................................... 183 E. IMPLIED TRUST IN SUCCESSION ................................................................................. 183 F. PROPERTY CONVEYED IN RELIANCE UPON HIS DECLARED INTENTION TO HOLD IT FOR ANOTHER.................................................................................................................... 184 G. AN ABSOLUTE CONVEYANCE TO SECURE PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATION.............. 184 H. TRUSTEE’S USE OF FUNDS HELD IN TRUST ................................................................ 184 I. PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH MISTAKE OR FRAUD.............................................. 184 QUASI-CONTRACTS............................................................................................................ 185 SALES........................................................................................................................................ 188 A. B. NATURE AND FORM .......................................................................................................... 188 1. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES ......................................................................................................... 188 A. ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT OF SALE: (CSP)............................................................... 188 B. REQUISITES OF A VALID SUBJECT MATTER (ARTS. 1459-1465) ................................. 192 C. REQUISITES FOR A VALID PRICE (REM-C) ................................................................... 193 2. PERFECTION OF SALES.......................................................................................................... 195 3. CONTRACT OF SALE V. CONTRACT TO SELL.......................................................................... 195 CAPACITY TO BUY OR SELL................................................................................................. 196 PAGE 9 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 C. D. E. F. G. H. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 1. ABSOLUTE INCAPACITY......................................................................................................... 196 2. RELATIVE INCAPACITY .......................................................................................................... 196 EFFECTS OF THE CONTRACT WHEN THE THING SOLD HAS BEEN LOST ................................ 198 OBLIGATIONS OF VENDOR ................................................................................................. 198 1. OBJECTS THAT THE VENDOR HAS TO DELIVER: (THI-F-A) .................................................... 198 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR ............................................................................................ 198 OBLIGATIONS OF VENDEE .................................................................................................. 200 BREACH OF CONTRACT ...................................................................................................... 201 1. REMEDIES ............................................................................................................................. 201 A. REMEDIES OF SELLER IN CASE OF MOVABLES ........................................................... 201 B. REMEDIES OF SELLER IN CASE OF SALE OF IMMOVABLES ......................................... 202 C. REMEDIES OF BUYER.................................................................................................. 202 2. RECTO LAW AND MACEDA LAW........................................................................................... 203 A. RECTO LAW: SALE OF MOVABLES ON INSTALLMENT (ARTS. 1484-1486) ................. 203 B. MACEDA LAW (R.A. 6552).......................................................................................... 204 3. OTHER REMEDIES ................................................................................................................. 205 A. REMEDIES IN DOUBLE SALES ...................................................................................... 205 B. REMEDY OF RESCISSION IN CONTRACTS COVERING IMMOVABLES (ARTS. 1191 & 1592) 206 EXTINGUISHMENT ............................................................................................................. 207 1. IN GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 207 2. PACTO DE RETRO/CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION (SALE WITH RIGHT TO REPURCHASE) ... 207 3. EQUITABLE MORTGAGE ....................................................................................................... 208 4. LEGAL REDEMPTION............................................................................................................. 209 ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS .................................................................................................. 211 VI. LEASE........................................................................................................................................ 214 A. B. GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................... 214 1. LEASE OF THINGS.................................................................................................................. 214 2. LEASE OF WORK AND SERVICES ........................................................................................... 214 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSOR AND OF THE LESSEE ........................................ 215 1. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSOR (ART. 1654) (DNM) .............................................................. 215 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSEE (ART. 1657) (PUP) ................................................................. 215 VII. PARTNERSHIP ........................................................................................................................... 220 A. B. GENERAL PROVISIONS....................................................................................................... 220 1. DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 220 2. ELEMENTS............................................................................................................................. 220 3. CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................. 221 4. RULES TO DETERMINE EXISTENCE........................................................................................ 221 5. PARTNERSHIP TERM ............................................................................................................. 221 6. PARTNERSHIP BY ESTOPPEL ................................................................................................. 222 7. PARTNERSHIP AS DISTINGUISHED FROM JOINT VENTURE .................................................. 222 8. PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP .............................................................................................. 223 9. MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 224 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERS ....................................................................................... 224 PAGE 10 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 C. D. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 1. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP .............................................................. 224 2. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERS AMONG THEMSELVES............................................................ 225 3. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERS TO THIRD PERSONS ................................................................ 228 DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP ....................................................................................... 230 1. CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1830) ............................................................. 230 2. EFFECTS OF DISSOLUTION .................................................................................................... 231 A. AUTHORITY OF PARTNER TO BIND PARTNERSHIP ..................................................... 231 B. QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 231 C. POST DISSOLUTION (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1834) ............................................................ 231 3. RIGHTS OF PARTNERS UPON DISSOLUTION ......................................................................... 231 A. RIGHTS OF PARTNER WHERE DISSOLUTION NOT IN CONTRAVENTION OF AGREEMENT 232 B. RIGHTS OF PARTNER WHERE DISSOLUTION IN CONTRAVENTION OF AGREEMENT . 232 C. RIGHTS OF INJURED PARTNER WHERE PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT IS RESCINDED ON GROUND OF FRAUD/MISREPRESENTATION BY ONE PARTY (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1838) 232 D. SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS BETWEEN PARTNERS ................................................... 232 4. WHEN BUSINESS OF DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP IS CONTINUED .......................................... 232 5. PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO WIND UP ................................................................................... 232 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ...................................................................................................... 233 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ..................................................................... 233 2. GENERAL PARTNERS V. LIMITED PARTNERS ........................................................................ 233 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMATION OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP............................................ 233 4. CONSENT/RATIFICATION OF ALL LIMITED PARTNERS NEEDED............................................ 234 5. RIGHTS OF LIMITED PARTNERS ............................................................................................ 234 6. REQUISITES FOR RETURN OF CONTRIBUTION OF LIMITED PARTNER.................................. 234 7. LIABILITIES OF A LIMITED PARTNER ..................................................................................... 234 8. DISSOLUTION OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP............................................................................. 235 9. AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PARTNERSHIP ................................................................ 235 VIII. AGENCY .................................................................................................................................... 238 A. B. DEFINITION OF AGENCY..................................................................................................... 238 1. CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................. 238 2. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS (CROW)............................................................................................. 239 NATURE, FORMS, AND KINDS OF AGENCY ......................................................................... 239 1. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP................................................................................................... 239 2. OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS OF AGENCY .................................................................................. 241 A. AS TO MANNER OF CREATION ................................................................................... 241 B. AS TO CHARACTER...................................................................................................... 241 C. AS TO EXTENT OF BUSINESS OF THE PRINCIPAL ........................................................ 241 D. AS TO AUTHORITY CONFERRED ................................................................................. 241 E. AS TO NATURE AND EFFECTS ..................................................................................... 241 3. FORMS OF AGENCY .............................................................................................................. 241 4. KINDS OF AGENCY ................................................................................................................ 243 A. BASED ON BUSINESS OR TRANSACTIONS ENCOMPASSED ........................................ 243 B. WHETHER IT COVERS LEGAL MATTERS ...................................................................... 243 PAGE 11 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) C. C. D. E. WHETHER IT COVERS ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION OR ACTS OF DOMINION – GENERAL POWER VS. SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY .............................................................. 244 5. HOW AGENCY IS REVOKED ................................................................................................... 246 OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENT ............................................................................................ 247 1. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS........................................................................................................ 247 2. EFFECTS OF AGENT’S ACTS TO PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITY ......................................................... 247 3. APPOINTMENT OF SUB-AGENT ............................................................................................ 248 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF TWO (2) OR MORE AGENTS APPOINTED SIMULTANEOUSLY ............... 248 5. OBLIGATION RULES FOR COMMISSION AGENTS ................................................................. 251 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL ....................................................................................... 251 1. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL TO THE AGENT ................................................................ 251 2. RULES ON LIABILITY OF TWO (2) OR MORE PRINCIPALS...................................................... 252 3. PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITIES FOR EXPENSES ............................................................................... 252 4. AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL .......................................................................................................... 252 5. PRINCIPAL'S REVOCATION OF THE AGENCY......................................................................... 253 6. PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES DESPITE REVOCATION............................................. 253 MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT ........................................................................................... 254 1. HOW AGENCY IS EXTINGUISHED .......................................................................................... 254 2. OTHER MODES...................................................................................................................... 254 3. EXCEPTIONS TO EXTINGUISHMENT BY DEATH..................................................................... 254 IX. CREDIT TRANSACTIONS............................................................................................................. 257 A. B. C. D. X. LOAN................................................................................................................................. 257 1. IN GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 257 2. COMMODATUM ................................................................................................................... 258 3. SIMPLE LOAN ........................................................................................................................ 260 4. INTERESTS ON LOAN ............................................................................................................ 260 DEPOSIT ............................................................................................................................ 263 GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP ............................................................................................ 271 QUASI-CONTRACTS............................................................................................................ 281 TORTS AND DAMAGES.............................................................................................................. 284 A. TORTS ............................................................................................................................... 284 1. ELEMENTS............................................................................................................................. 284 2. CULPA AQUILIANA V. CULPA CONTRACTUAL V. CULPA CRIMINAL ...................................... 284 3. VICARIOUS LIABILITY ............................................................................................................ 285 A. FATHER/MOTHER FOR THEIR MINOR CHILDREN....................................................... 285 B. GUARDIANS ARE LIABLE FOR THE MINORS AND INCAPACITATED PERSONS UNDER THEIR AUTHORITY. ................................................................................................... 285 C. SCHOOLS, ADMINISTRATORS AND TEACHERS, AND INDIVIDUALS, ENTITIES OR INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN CHILD CARE HAVING SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER CHILDREN. ........................................................................................................ 285 D. OWNERS/MANAGERS OF ESTABLISHMENT OR ENTERPRISE FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES. 286 E. EMPLOYERS FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES AND HOUSEHOLD HELPERS. ......................... 286 F. STATE FOR THEIR SPECIAL AGENTS............................................................................ 286 PAGE 12 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) G. B. C. D. TEACHERS/HEADS OF ESTABLISHMENT OF ARTS AND TRADES FOR THEIR PUPILS/ STUDENTS/APPRENTICES (ART. 2180, NCC)............................................................... 286 4. RES IPSA LOQUITUR.............................................................................................................. 286 5. LAST CLEAR CHANCE............................................................................................................. 287 6. DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA ................................................................................................. 287 PROXIMATE CAUSE............................................................................................................ 288 NEGLIGENCE...................................................................................................................... 290 1. STANDARD OF CARE ............................................................................................................. 290 2. PRESUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 291 DAMAGES ......................................................................................................................... 291 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 291 2. KINDS OF DAMAGES ............................................................................................................. 291 A. ACTUAL DAMAGES ..................................................................................................... 291 B. MORAL DAMAGES...................................................................................................... 297 C. NOMINAL DAMAGES.................................................................................................. 298 D. TEMPERATE DAMAGES .............................................................................................. 298 E. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES .............................................................................................. 298 F. EXEMPLARY DAMAGES .............................................................................................. 298 3. IN CASE OF DEATH................................................................................................................ 299 PART II: CIVIL LAW II (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ........................................................................... 308 I. PROPERTY ................................................................................................................................ 308 A. B. C. D. CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY .......................................................................................... 309 1. IMMOVABLES ....................................................................................................................... 309 2. MOVABLES............................................................................................................................ 311 OWNERSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 312 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 312 A. BUNDLE OF RIGHTS .................................................................................................... 312 B. DISTINCTION BETWEEN REAL AND PERSONAL RIGHTS ............................................. 313 C. MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP ......................................................................... 313 D. LIMITATIONS OF OWNERSHIP.................................................................................... 313 2. RULES OF ACCESSION ........................................................................................................... 314 A. FOR IMMOVABLES ..................................................................................................... 315 B. FOR MOVABLES.......................................................................................................... 320 C. RIGHTS OF BUILDER/PLANTER/SOWER IN GOOD FAITH ........................................... 322 CO-OWNERSHIP ................................................................................................................ 325 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF CO-OWNERSHIP ................................................................................ 325 2. SOURCES OF CO-OWNERSHIP .............................................................................................. 325 3. RIGHTS OF CO-OWNERS ....................................................................................................... 325 4. TERMINATION OF CO-OWNERSHIP ...................................................................................... 327 POSSESSION ...................................................................................................................... 329 1. CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................. 329 2. KINDS OF POSSESSION.......................................................................................................... 329 3. ACQUISITION OF POSSESSION.............................................................................................. 330 4. EFFECTS OF POSSESSION ...................................................................................................... 331 5. LOSS OR UNLAWFUL DEPRIVATION OF A MOVABLE ........................................................... 335 PAGE 13 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 E. F. G. H. I. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) USUFRUCT ......................................................................................................................... 336 1. CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................. 336 2. CLASSIFICATION.................................................................................................................... 337 3. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF USUFRUCTUARY.................................................................. 339 4. RIGHTS OF THE OWNER........................................................................................................ 341 5. EXTINCTION, TERMINATION, AND EXTINGUISHMENT......................................................... 341 EASEMENTS....................................................................................................................... 342 1. CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................. 343 2. CLASSIFICATION.................................................................................................................... 343 3. MODES OF ACQUIRING EASEMENTS .................................................................................... 344 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE OWNERS OF THE DOMINANT AND SERVIENT ESTATES 345 5. MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT.............................................................................................. 346 6. LEGAL VS. VOLUNTARY EASEMENT ...................................................................................... 346 7. KINDS OF LEGAL EASEMENTS ............................................................................................... 346 A. RELATING TO WATERS ............................................................................................... 346 B. RIGHT OF WAY ........................................................................................................... 347 C. LIGHT AND VIEW ........................................................................................................ 348 NUISANCE ......................................................................................................................... 348 1. NUISANCE PER SE ................................................................................................................. 349 2. NUISANCE PER ACCIDENS ..................................................................................................... 349 3. LIABILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 349 4. NO PRESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 349 5. REMEDIES AGAINST A PUBLIC NUISANCE ............................................................................ 349 6. REMEDIES AGAINST A PRIVATE NUISANCE .......................................................................... 350 7. CRIMINAL PROSECUTION ..................................................................................................... 350 8. JUDGMENT WITH ABATEMENT ............................................................................................ 350 9. EXTRAJUDICIAL ABATEMENT................................................................................................ 350 10.SPECIAL INJURY TO INDIVIDUAL ........................................................................................... 351 11.RIGHT OF INDIVIDUAL TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE........................................................ 351 12.RIGHT TO DAMAGES............................................................................................................. 351 13.DEFENSES TO ACTION........................................................................................................... 351 14.WHO MAY SUE ON PRIVATE NUISANCE ............................................................................... 351 MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP ................................................................................. 351 1. OCCUPATION ........................................................................................................................ 351 2. DONATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 352 A. NATURE ...................................................................................................................... 352 B. PERSONS WHO MAY GIVE OR RECEIVE...................................................................... 354 C. EFFECTS AND LIMITATIONS OF DONATIONS ............................................................. 355 D. REVOCATION AND REDUCTION OF DONATION ......................................................... 356 3. PRESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 359 A. GENERAL PROVISIONS................................................................................................ 359 B. PRESCRIPTION OF OWNERSHIP AND OTHER REAL RIGHTS ....................................... 359 C. PRESCRIPTION OF ACTIONS ....................................................................................... 362 QUIETING OF TITLE ............................................................................................................ 365 1. REQUISITES ........................................................................................................................... 365 2. DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN QUIETING TITLE AND REMOVING/PREVENTING CLOUD ............. 366 PAGE 14 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 J. II. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. PRESCRIPTION/NON-PRESCRIPTION OF ACTION ................................................................. 366 ACTIONS TO RECOVER PROPERTY ...................................................................................... 367 1. ACCION INTERDICTAL OR EJECTMENT SUIT ......................................................................... 367 2. ACCION PUBLICIANA ............................................................................................................ 368 3. ACCION REIVINDICATORIA ................................................................................................... 368 CREDIT TRANSACTIONS............................................................................................................. 373 A. B. PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITIES (R.A. 11507).................................................................. 373 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE .................................................................................................. 383 III. LAND TITLES & DEEDS ............................................................................................................... 393 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. TORRENS SYSTEM; GENERAL PRINCIPLES........................................................................... 393 REGALIAN DOCTRINE......................................................................................................... 396 ORIGINAL REGISTRATION .................................................................................................. 397 1. ORDINARY REGISTRATION .................................................................................................... 398 A. WHO MAY APPLY ....................................................................................................... 408 B. DECREE OF REGISTRATION......................................................................................... 409 C. REVIEW OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION; INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE...........410 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ........................................................................................................ 411 SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION ............................................................................................ 415 1. VOLUNTARY DEALINGS......................................................................................................... 418 2. INVOLUNTARY DEALINGS ..................................................................................................... 421 A. ADVERSE CLAIM ......................................................................................................... 421 B. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS ............................................................................................ 423 NON-REGISTRABLE PROPERTIES ........................................................................................ 426 DEALINGS WITH UNREGISTERED LANDS ............................................................................ 427 ASSURANCE FUND ............................................................................................................. 428 1. ACTION OF COMPENSATION FROM FUNDS......................................................................... 429 2. LIMITATION OF ACTION........................................................................................................ 429 CADASTRAL SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION (ACT NO. 2259, AS AMENDED) ............................. 430 REGISTRATION THROUGH ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS (C.A. 141, AS AMENDED) ....... 433 RECONSTITUTION OF TITLES .............................................................................................. 439 IV. PRACTICAL EXERCISES............................................................................................................... 450 A. B. DEMAND AND AUTHORIZATION LETTERS .......................................................................... 450 1. DEMAND LETTERS ................................................................................................................ 450 A. RELEVANT PROVISIONS .............................................................................................. 450 B. FORM: DEMAND LETTER ............................................................................................ 451 2. AUTHORIZATION LETTER ...................................................................................................... 452 A. DEFINITION................................................................................................................. 452 B. FORM: AUTHORIZATION LETTER................................................................................ 452 SIMPLE CONTRACTS .......................................................................................................... 453 1. LEASE AND SALE ................................................................................................................... 453 A. SPECIAL RULES FOR TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING REAL PROPERTY............................ 453 B. FORM: CONTRACT OF SALE AND LEASE ..................................................................... 454 PAGE 15 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 C. D. E. F. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) C. FORM: DEED OF SALE OF REGISTERED REAL PROPERTY............................................ 455 D. FORM: DEED OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY (MOTOR VEHICLE) ......................... 457 E. SPECIAL RULES FOR SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY .................................................. 458 F. FORM: CONTRACT OF LEASE ...................................................................................... 459 G. SPECIAL RULES FOR CONTRACT OF LEASE: ................................................................ 460 COMPLAINT....................................................................................................................... 460 1. DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 460 2. FORM: COMPLAINT .............................................................................................................. 460 JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT .......................................................................................................... 462 1. DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 462 2. FORM: JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT.................................................................................................. 462 SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY.......................................................................................... 464 SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT.............................................................................................. 465 PAGE 16 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 17 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 PART I: CIVIL LAW I I. PRELIMINARY TITLE TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS 1. When Law Takes Effect 2. Retroactivity of Laws 3. Mandatory or Prohibitory Laws 4. Waiver of Rights 5. Repeal of Laws 6. Judicial Decisions 7. Doubtful Statutes 8. Customs 9. Rule on Periods 10. Conflict of Laws (Under the Civil Code) B. HUMAN RELATIONS CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS 1. WHEN LAW TAKES EFFECT GENERAL RULE: Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, unless it is otherwise provided. (Article 2, New Civil Code as amended by E.O. No. 200) NOTE: The phrase “unless it is otherwise provided” as written in Article 2 of the New Civil Code refers to the 15-day period before which a law takes effect and not to provision in the same article requiring publication. (Tañada v, Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915, 1986) NOTES REGARDING PUBLICATION 1. Publication is mandatory. 2. Publication must be in full. Otherwise, it is no publication at all. (Ibid.) 3. The purpose of publication is to inform the public of its contents. (Ibid.) 4. It applies to all statutes, including local and private laws, unless there are special laws providing for a different mechanism for the effectivity of specific statutes. (Ibid.) EFFECT OF NON-PUBLICATION: 1. If there is a lack of/absence of full compliance with the publication requirement, it will render the law ineffective (Nagkakaisang Maralita ng Sitio Masigasig, Inc. v. Military Shrince Services, G.R. No. 187587) 2. If there is lack of/absence of full compliance with the publication requirement, a citizen may be excused from his non-compliance with the law if it was done due to ignorance. The publication requirement as provided in Article 2 of the New Civil Code is the legal basis for which the implementation of Article 3 of the New Civil Code, which provides that Ignorance of the Law excuses no one from compliance therewith, is justified. WHEN IS PUBLICATION NOT REQUIRED 1. Interpretative regulations and other internal regulations which regulate only the personnel of an administrative agency and not the public. PAGE 18 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. Letters of Instruction issued by the administrative superiors concerning rules or guidelines to be followed by their subordinates in the performance of their duties. EXCEPTION: When the law explicitly provides for its date of effectivity. NOTES REGARDING THE EXCEPTION: 1. If the law provides for a different period, regardless of the fact that the period provided is shorter or longer than the 15day period as written in Article 2 of the New Civil Code, that period will prevail. 2. If the law explicitly provides that it shall take effect immediately, it means that the law will take effect immediately after compliance with the publication requirement. 2. RETROACTIVITY OF LAWS GENERAL RULE: Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided (Article 4, New Civil Code) EXCEPTIONS: 1. When the law is penal in nature and is favorable to the accused, who is not a habitual criminal/delinquent (Article 22, Revised Penal Code) 2. When the law expressly provides for retroactivity 3. When the law is interpretative 4. When the law is curative 5. When the law is remedial 6. When the law is procedural 7. Emergency Laws 8. When the law is penal in character and is favorable to the accused EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTIONS: 1. Ex post facto laws 2. Bills of Attainder 3. When to give retroactive effect will impair the obligation of contracts 4. When to give retroactive effect will affect injuriously vested rights 5. When to give retroactive effect to a change in a substantive law will prejudice a party that has followed the earlier law or judicial doctrine (People v. Licera, L-39990) 6. When there is doubt as to whether the legislature intended the law to have retroactive effect. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 7. When the law is penal in nature and is favorable to the accused, but the accused is a habitual delinquent. NOTE REGARDING RETROACTIVITY OF PENAL LAWS: An accused is deemed to be a habitual delinquent if, within 10 years from his or her release or final conviction for the same crimes, he was found guilty any of the following crimes for the third time or as an oftener: serious or less serious physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa or falsification. 3. MANDATORY OR PROHIBITORY LAWS General Rule: Acts executed against the provisions of mandatory or prohibitory laws shall be void. (Art. 5) Exception: If the law expressly provides for the validity of acts committed in violation of a mandatory or prohibitory provision of a statute. 4. WAIVER OF RIGHTS Right - A legally enforceable claim of one person against another, that the other shall do a given act, or shall not do a given act. Kinds of rights a. Natural Rights – Those which grow out of the nature of man and depend upon personality. Example: right to life, liberty, privacy, and good reputation. b. Political Rights – Consist in the power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the establishment or administration of government. Example: right of suffrage, right to hold public office, right of petition. c. Civil Rights– Those that pertain to a person by virtue of his citizenship in a state or community. Example: property rights, marriage, equal protection of laws, freedom of contract, trial by jury. 1. Real rights – enforceable against the whole world (absolute rights) 2. Personal rights – enforceable against a particular individual (relative rights) Waiver – intentional relinquishment of a known right. (Castro v. Del Rosario, G.R. No. L-17915) PAGE 19 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Waivers are not presumed but must be clearly and convincingly shown either by express stipulation or acts admitting no other reasonable explanation (Arrieta v. National Rice and Corn Corporation, G.R. No. L-15645) General Rule: Rights may be waived. (Art. 6) Requisites of a valid waiver: (Herrera v. Borromeo, G.R. No. L-41171) 1. Existence of a right 2. Knowledge of the existence of such right 3. An intention to relinquish the right Exceptions: When waiver is i. Contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, good customs (e.g. waiver of future inheritance, political rights, future support) ii. Prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law. 5. REPEAL OF LAWS Repeal It is the legislative act of abrogating through a subsequent law the effects of a previous statute or portions thereof (STA. MARIA, PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS LAW (2019), p. 11.). TYPES OF REPEAL Express Repeal An express repeal is one which is literally declared by a new law, either in specific terms, where particular laws and provisions are named, or in general terms (Ibid.). Implied Repeal An implied repeal is one which takes place when a new law contains provisions contrary to or inconsistent with those of a former without expressly repealing them (Ibid.). Requisites of an Implied Repeal 1. The laws cover the same subject matter; and 2. The latter law is repugnant to the earlier law (Agujetas v. CA, G.R. No. 106560). Effect if the Repealing Law is Itself Repealed 1. When a law which expressly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall not be revived, unless expressly so provided (1 PARAS, Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated (2016), p. 49 [hereinafter 1 PARAS].). Example: Law A is expressly repealed by Law B. If Law B is itself repealed by Law C, is Law A revived? No, unless Law C expressly so provides. 2. When a law which impliedly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the prior law shall be revived unless the language of the repealing statute provides otherwise (U.S. v. Soliman, G.R. No. L-11555). Example: Law A is impliedly repealed by Law B. Law B is later repealed by Law C. Is Law A revived? Yes, unless Law C provides otherwise. 6. JUDICIAL DECISIONS STARE DECISIS Effect of Judicial Decisions Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form part of the legal system of the Philippines (Art. 8). Only decisions of the Supreme Court establish jurisprudence or doctrines in this jurisdiction (Vda. De Miranda v Imperial, G.R. No. L-49090). When Judicial Decisions Deemed Part of the Law. The application and interpretation by the Supreme Court are part of the law as of the date of the law’s enactment (People v. Licera, G.R. No. L-39990). BUT: When a doctrine of the Supreme Court is overruled and a different view is adopted, the new doctrine will be applied prospectively and will not be applied to parties who had relied on the old doctrine and acted on the faith thereof (People v. Jabinal,G.R. No. L-30061). How Judicial Decisions May Be Abrogated 1) By contrary ruling of the Supreme Court itself; and 2) By corrective legislative acts of Congress, although said laws cannot adversely affect those favored prior to the Supreme Court decisions (1 PARAS, supra at 69). PAGE 20 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) DUTY OF JUDGES Duty of a Judge if the Law is Silent No judge or court shall decline to render judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity, or insufficiency of the laws (Art. 9). Judicial Legislation The judiciary is tasked with resolving legal controversies and interpreting statutes; it cannot legislate. BUT: Even a legislator, through Art. 9, recognizes that in some instances, courts “do and must legislate” to fill in the gaps in the law, because the mind of the legislator is finite and therefore cannot envisage all possible causes to which the law may apply (STA. MARIA, supra at 17). 7. DOUBTFUL STATUTES Day Note: Art. 13 has been impliedly repealed by E.O. 292 or the Revised Administrative Code of 1987. 30 days, unless the month is identified, in which case it shall be computed according to the number of days the specific month contains (Art. 13). 24 hours Night Sunset to sunrise Week Count 7 days as indicated, not necessarily Saturday to Sunday Month To count the period, the first day is excluded and the last day is included (Art. 13). Rule in Case of Doubt In case of doubt in the interpretation or application of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking body intended right and justice to prevail (Art. 10). Example: If a law states that a statute takes effect on the 20th day from its publication and such publication was made on Feb. 3, 1988, then the law shall be effective on Feb. 23, 1988. When Applicable Where the law is clear, it must be applied according to its unambiguous provisions. (Acting Commissioner of Customs v. Manila Electric Company, G.R. No. L-23623). Construction and interpretation come only after it has been demonstrated that application is impossible or inadequate without them (Republic Flour Mills, Inc. v. Commissioner of Customs, G.R. No. L-28463). The first day, which is Feb. 3, 1988, is excluded while the last day, which is Feb. 23, 1998, is included. 8. CUSTOMS Custom A custom is a rule of conduct formed by repetition of acts, uniformly observed (practiced) as a social rule, legally binding, and obligatory. Rules 1) Customs which are contrary to law public order or public policy shall not be countenanced (Art. 11). 2) Customs must be proved as a fact according to the rules of evidence (Art. 12). 9. RULE ON PERIODS Rule on Periods Period Rule Year Year shall be understood to be 12 calendar months (E.O. 292, Book I, Sec. 31). 10. CONFLICT OF LAWS (Under the Civil Code) Penal Laws Territoriality Principle: Penal laws and laws of public security and safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in the Philippine territory (Art. 14.). Exceptions: 1) Principles of Public International Law Example: Immunities granted to diplomatic officials and visiting heads of state. 2) Treaty stipulations Example: Philippine-United States Military Bases Agreement (dated March 14, 1947), which contains provisions exempting certain members of the armed forces of the United States from the jurisdiction of our courts. 3) Laws of Preferential Application Example: Foreign Ambassadors, ministers PAGE 21 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Note: Consuls do not enjoy the privilege of immunity. Laws Relating to Family Rights and Duties Nationality Principle: Regardless of where a Philippine citizen may be, he will be governed by Philippine laws with respect to – 1) Family rights and duties; 2) Status; 3) Condition; and 4) Legal capacity of persons (Art. 15.). If a Filipino initiates a petition abroad to obtain an absolute divorce from his wife or her husband who is also a Filipino and successfully gets a divorce, the Philippines will not recognize such absolute divorce. This is because under Art. 26(2) of the Family Code, the only absolute divorce which the Philippines may recognize is a mixed marriage between a Filipino and a foreigner. Hence, in the eyes of Philippine law, they are still married, and therefore should anyone of them marry again, he or she can be considered to have committed either concubinage or adultery, as the case may be (See Tenchavez v. Escaño, G.R. No. L-19671). Laws Governing Property (Real and Personal) Lex Situs or Lex Rei Sitae: Real property, as well as personal property, is subject to the law of the country where it is situated (Art. 16, par. 1.). Exception: Intestate and testamentary succession, which are regulated by the national laws of the deceased regardless of the nature of the property; in particular, this rule applies to the following: (CIAO) 1) 2) 3) 4) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Note: The enumeration above is governed by the national law of the decedent, regardless of place of death. Q: A Turkish citizen wrote a last will, which provides that his property should be disposed of pursuant to Philippine laws. Is the provision valid? A: No, the provision is illegal and void because, pursuant to what is now Article 16 of the Civil Code, the national law of the deceased should govern. Hence, Turkish laws should apply (Miciano v. Brimo, G.R. No. L-22595). Laws Relating to Forms and Solemnities Lex Loci Celebrationis: Forms and solemnities of contracts, wills, and other public instruments (extrinsic validity) shall be governed by the laws of the country in which they are executed (Art. 17, par. 1.). Acts Before Diplomatic and Consular Officials: Any act or contract made in a foreign country before diplomatic and consular officials must conform to the solemnities under Philippine law (Art. 17, par. 2.). Prohibitive Laws General Rule: Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property, and those which have for their object public order, public policy, or good customs are not rendered ineffective by laws of judgments promulgated or by determinations or conventions agreed upon in a foreign country (Art. 17, par. 3.). Exception: Art. 26, par. 2 of the Family Code (e.g. Divorce) Capacity to succeed (Art. 1039.); Intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions; Amount of successional rights; and Order of succession. PAGE 22 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS ON CONFLICTS OF LAW LAW Penal Laws MATTERS/ PERSONS BOUND All those who live or sojourn in Philippine territory Laws Relating to Family Rights and Duties Citizens of the Philippines, including those living abroad Laws Governing Property (Real and Personal) Real and personal property GOVERNING PRINCIPLE/ DOCTRINE Principle of Territoriality: Law of the place where crime was committed (Art. 14). Exceptions: 1) Principles of Public International Law 2) Treaty Stipulations Principle of Nationality: National law of the person, with respect to – 1) Family rights and duties; 2) Status; 3) Condition; and 4) Legal capacity (Art. 15). Lex situs or Lex rei sitae: Law of the place where the property is situated (Art. 16) Exception: Intestate and testamentary succession, in particular: 1) Capacity to succeed (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1039.); 2) Intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions; 3) Amount of successional rights; and 4) Order of succession. Laws Relating to Forms and Solemnities Forms and solemnities of contracts, wills, public instruments Note: The enumeration is governed by the national law of the decedent, regardless of place of death. Lex loci celebrationis: Law of the country in which they are executed (Art. 17) Exception: If executed before Philippine diplomatic or consular officials abroad, Philippine laws shall govern. PAGE 23 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 B. HUMAN RELATIONS Principle of Abuse of Rights (Art. 19) Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith. Requisites/Elements: 1. There is a legal right or duty 2. Which is exercised in bad faith 3. For the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring another. (Sps. Andrada v. Pilhino Sales Corporation, G.R. No. 156448, 2011) Standards to Observe in the Exercise of One’s Rights or Performance of Duty: 1. Act with justice 2. Give everyone his due 3. Observe honesty and good faith Acts Contrary to Law (Art. 20) Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes damage to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same. Acts Contra Bonos Mores (Art. 21) Any person who willfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage. Elements: 1. There is an act which is legal; 2. But contrary to morals, good customs, public order, or public policy; and 3. It is done with intent to injure Note: Similarities: In Arts. 19-21, at the core is bad faith or malice and the aggrieved party must be indemnified. Differences: Under Arts. 19 & 21, the act must be done intentionally. Art. 20, however, does not distinguish (the act may be done either willfully or negligently, as long as the act is be contrary to law). Actions for Breach of Promise to Marry General Rule: Breach of promise to marry is not actionable. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Exception: When one party has already made real efforts to prepare and spend for the wedding. Such act is unjustifiably contrary to good customs for which the defendant must be held answerable for damages in accordance with Art. 21 of the NCC. (Wassmer v. Velez, G.R. No. L-20089, 1964) Unjust Enrichment / Accion in rem verso (Art. 22) Every person who through an act or performance by another, or any other means, acquires or comes into possession of something at the expense of the latter without just or legal ground, shall return the same to him. Conditions for Unjust Enrichment to Arise First, a person must have been benefited without a real or valid basis or justification. Second, the benefit was derived at another person’s expense or damage (Art. 22 and Loria v. Muñoz, G.R. 187240, 2014). Requisites (EWLN) 1. Defendant had been Enriched; 2. Plaintiff suffered a Loss; 3. Unjust enrichment of defendant is Without just or legal ground; and 4. Plaintiff has No other action based on contract, quasi-contract, crime, or quasidelict. Note: Mistake is an essential element in solutio indebiti but not in accion in rem verso. Duty to Indemnify One for Damage to Property Even when an act or event causing damage to another’s property was not due to the fault or negligence of the defendant, the latter shall be liable for indemnity if through the act or event he was benefited. (Art. 23) Duty of Courts to Protect a Party in a Contract When such party is at a disadvantage on account of his: (MIgIMenTO) (a) Moral dependence (b) Ignorance (c) Indigence (d) Mental weakness (e) Tender age PAGE 24 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 (f) Other handicap (Art. 24) Thoughtless Extravagance (Art. 25) May be stopped by order of courts if the following requisites are present: 1. During an acute public want or emergency; and 2. Person seeking to stop it is the government or a private charitable institution. Rights to Personal Dignity and Privacy (Art. 26) Every person shall respect the dignity, personality, privacy and peace of mind of others. The following acts produce a cause of action for damages, prevention and other relief: (PMIV) i. Prying into the privacy of another’s residence Note: It includes "any act of intrusion into, peeping or peering inquisitively into the residence of another without the consent of the latter." It may extend to places where he has the right to exclude the public or deny them access. It covers places, locations, or even situations which an individual considers as private such as a business office located within his residence. (Spouses Hing v. Choachuy, Sr., G.R. No. 179736, 2013). ii. Meddling with or disturbing the private life or family relations of another iii. Intriguing to cause another to be alienated from friends iv. Vexing or humiliating another on account of his religious beliefs, lowly station in life, place of birth, physical defect, or other personal condition Relief Against Public Officials (Art. 27) Any person suffering material or moral loss because a public servant or employee refuses or neglects, without just cause, to perform his official duty may file an action for damages and other relief against the latter, without prejudice to any disciplinary administrative action that may be taken. Article 27 presupposes that the refusal or omission of a public official is attributable to malice or CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) inexcusable negligence (Philippine Match Co., Ltd. v. City of Cebu, G.R. No. L-30745). Violation of Civil and Political Rights (Art. 32) An individual can hold a public officer or a private individual personally liable for damages on account of an act or omission that violates a constitutional right only if it results in a particular injury to the former. (See Vinzons-Chato v. Fortune Tobacco Corp, G.R. No. 141309). Note: Good faith is not a defense. To be liable under Art. 32, it is enough that the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights were violated. It is not required that the defendants acted with malice or bad faith. The object of Art. 32 is to put an end to abuses which are justified by a plea of good faith (Lim v. Ponce de Leon, G.R. No. L-22554). Members of Municipal or City Police Force (Art. 34) 1) Primary liability is assessed against a member of the municipal or city police force who refuses or fails to render aid or protection. 2) Subsidiary liability is imposed on the city or municipality concerned in case of insolvency. Unfair Competition through Unjust, Oppressive, or Highhanded Methods (Art. 28) Unfair competition in agricultural, commercial or industrial enterprises or in labor through the use of force, intimidation, deceit, machination or any other unjust, oppressive or highhanded method shall give rise to a right of action by the person who thereby suffers damage. Article 28 does not prohibit competition with regard to enterprises. What it seeks to be prevented is not competition per se but the use of unjust, oppressive or highhanded methods which may deprive others of a fair chance to engage in business or earn a living (Willaware Products Corp. v. Jesichris Manufacturing Corp., G.R. No. 195549, 2014). Civil Action After Acquittal in Criminal Case (Art. 29) When the accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for PAGE 25 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 damages for the same act or omission may be instituted. Example: A was accused of theft, but he was acquitted because his guilt had not been proved beyond reasonable doubt. B, the offended party, can institute the civil action for damages for the same act and this time, mere preponderance of evidence is sufficient. Civil Liability Arising from an Unprosecuted Criminal Offense (Art. 30) Even if the civil obligation arose from a criminal offense, the required quantum of evidence is not proof beyond reasonable doubt but merely preponderance of evidence. Example: A accused B of stealing his (A’s) watch, and so he (A) brought a civil action against B to get the watch and damages. If the fiscal institutes a criminal proceeding against B the civil case is suspended in the meantime (Rule 111, Rules of Court), this case not being one of those for which there can be an independent civil action. But if the fiscal does not, then the civil case continues, and here, a mere preponderance of evidence would be sufficient to enable A to recover. Civil Obligation Not Arising From Felony. (Art. 31) Article 31 was enacted to provide an aggrieved party a remedy and cause of action in situations wherein they sustained an injury which was not necessarily a result of a commission of a crime. Example: Quasi-Delicts (Culpa Aquiliana) as provided under Article 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines and Culpa Contractual. Note: Article 31 of the Civil Code does not provide for an independent civil action, as compared to Article 32, 33 and 34 of the same code. Further, it does not refer to a civil action based on the commission of a felony but refers to one based on an obligation arising from another source, such as one arising from law or from a contract. Civil Action Arising from Defamation, Fraud and Physical Injuries (Art. 33) In cases of Defamation, Fraud and Physical Injuries, a separate and distinct civil action for CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) damages may be instituted by the injured party which shall proceed independently of the criminal action. Required Quantum Preponderance of Evidence. of Evidence: Rationale: To allow a citizen to enforce his rights in a private action brough by him, regardless if there is action or inaction on the part of the prosecutor. It promotes self-reliance on the part of citizens for the proper vindication of their private rights, rather than merely relying on the government for the enforcement and protection of the same. (Records of the Civil Code Commission) Construction: The terms ‘fraud’, ‘defamation’, and ‘physical injuries’ must be understood in their ordinary sense. Thus, ‘fraud’ includes estafa, ‘defamation’ includes libel, and ‘physical injuries’ can include death or homicide (Dyogi v. Yatco, G.R. No. L-9623), but not reckless imprudence resulting in homicide (Marcia v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-34529). Reservation of Civil Actions (Art. 35) In cases wherein the justice of peace determines that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that a crime has been committed or in cases when the prosecuting attorney refuses or fails to institute criminal proceedings, the injured party may file a civil action for damages. If an information is filed by the prosecuting attorney after the injured party has initiated the civil action, the civil action shall be suspended until the termination of the criminal action. When applicable: When a person claims to be injured by a felony for which no independent icvil action is granted in accordance with the Civil Code or any other special law. Required Quantum Preponderance of Evidence. of Evidence: Prejudicial Questions (Art. 36) A prejudicial question is one that arises in a case, the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue involved therein, and the cognizance of PAGE 26 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) which pertains to another tribunal (Zapanta v. Montesa, G.R. No. L-14534). In prejudicial question circumstances, there always two cases involved: a criminal and a civil one. case must be first resolved before the criminal case could proceed. 2. When the law provides that both civil and criminal case can be instituted and may proceed simultaneously. (Example: Art. 33) Two Essential Elements of a Prejudicial Question: (Sec. 5, Rule 111, Rules of Court) 1. The civil action always involves an issue similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the civil action and 2. The resolution of such issue determines whether or not the criminal action may proceed. Note: The existence of a civil suit for annulment of marriage does not constitute as to pose a prejudicial question to warrant suspension of a criminal case for bigamy because prior to judgement granting the petition for annulment, the marriage is presumed to be validly existing. Same rule applies for a civil suit for the declaration of nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity, except for purpose of remarriage under Article 40 of the Family Code. (Ibid.) Rules Regarding Precedence of Actions (Benitez v. Concepcion, G.R. No. L-14646) General Rule: Where both a civil and a criminal case arising from the same facts are filed, the criminal case takes precedence. ————- end of topic ————- Exceptions: 1. If there exists a prejudicial question. In such case, the prejudicial question as raised in the civil PAGE 27 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 28 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 II. PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. PERSONS Civil Personality Use of surnames Entries in the Civil Registry and Clerical Error Law (R.A. No. 9048, as amended) Absence a. Civil Code provisions b. Presumptive death of absent spouse under the Family Code d. Instances and effects of rescission Inter-country adoption (R.A. No. 8043) a. When allowed b. Who may adopt c. Who may be adopted I. SUPPORT J. PARENTAL AUTHORITY K. EMANCIPATION L. RETROACTIVITY OF FAMILY CODE MARRIAGE Requisites of marriage Exemption from license requirement Marriages solemnized abroad and foreign divorce Void and voidable marriages a. Annulment under Article 36 (as recently articulated in Tan-Andal v. Andal, G.R. No. 196359, May 11, 202; Totality of Evidence Rule) C. LEGAL SEPARATION D. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE E. PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE 1. General provisions 2. Donations by reason of marriage 3. Absolute Community of Property 4. Conjugal Partnership of Gains 5. Separation of property and administration of common property by one spouse during the marriage 6. Regime of separation of property 7. Property regime of unions without marriage F. FAMILY HOME G. 1. 2. 3. 4. PATERNITY AND FILIATION Legitimate children Proof of filiation Illegitimate children Legitimated children H. ADOPTION 1. Domestic Adoption (R.A. No. 8552) a. Who may adopt b. Who may be adopted c. Rights of an adopted child PAGE 29 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 A. PERSONS 1. CIVIL PERSONALITY (ART. 44-47, NCC) a. b. c. The State and its political subdivisions Other corporations, institutions, and entities for public interest or purpose created by law Corporations, partnerships, and associations for private interest or purpose to which the law grants a juridical personality Laws Governing Juridical Persons (Art. 45) a. The State, its political subdivisions, and corporations, institutions, and entities for public interest or purpose: governed by the laws creating or recognizing them. b. Private corporations: governed by the Revised Corp. Code (R.A. 11232) c. Partnerships and associations: governed by the provisions of the New Civil Code on partnerships, except those registered with the SEC which should be governed like corporations Extinguishment By termination of existence either through law, dissolution, or expiration of corporate life Rights of a Juridical Person (Art. 46) a. Acquire and possess property of all kinds b. Incur obligations c. Bring civil or criminal actions JURIDICAL CAPACITY Fitness to the subject legal relations) be of CAPACITY TO ACT Power to do acts with legal effect Passive Active Inherent Not Inherent; attained or conferred Lost through death and other causes Cannot exist without juridical capacity Can be restricted, modified, or limited Lost only through death Can exist without capacity to act Cannot be limited or restricted Upon the dissolution of coporations, institutions, and other entities for public interest or purpose (Art. 47): their property and other assets shall be disposed of in pursuance of law or the charter creating them. If nothing has been specified on this point, the property and other assets shall be applied to similar purposes for the benefit of the region, province, city or municipality which during the existence of the institution derived the principal benefits from the same. Restrictions on Capacity to Act (MInD-ICIP) a. Minority b. Insanity c. State of being Deaf-mute d. Imbecility e. Civil Interdiction f. Prodigality - state of squandering money or property with a morbid desire to prejudice the heirs of a person (Martinez v. Martinez, G.R. No. 445, 1902) NOTE: But these do not exempt the incapacitated person from certain obligations Circumstances that Modify or Limit Capacity to Act (FAT-DA-PAPIII) a. Family relations b. Alienage c. Trusteeship d. State of being Deaf-mute e. Age f. Penalty g. Absence h. Prodigality i. Insanity j. Insolvency k. Imbecility (Art. 39) DOMICILE AND RESIDENCE OF PERSONS Place of Domicile (Art. 50-51) For natural persons, it is the place of habitual residence For juridical persons o General rule: In accordance with the law creating or recognizing them, or any other provision o Exception: If the law is silent, the residence shall understood to be the place where their legal representation is established or where they exercise their principal functions NOTE: A person may have as many residences as he wants, but he can only have one domicile. Under the Family Code, the husband and wife shall fix the family domicile. In case of disagreement, the Court shall decide (Art. 69) PAGE 30 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A minor follows the domicile of his parent Domicile of origin can only be lost when a change of domicile occurs If the child is illegitimate, the domicile of the mother is followed Requirements for the Acquisition of New Domicile 1. Bodily presence in new locality; 2. Intention to remain therein (animus manendi); and 3. Intention to abandon the old domicile (animus non revertendi) Kinds of Domicile a. Domicile of Origin: received by a person at birth b. Domicile of choice: the place freely chosen by a person sui juris 2. USE OF SURNAMES a. b. c. Legitimate and legitimated children shall principally use the surname of the father. An adopted child shall bear the surname of the adopter. Illegitimate children shall bear the surname of the mother HOWEVER: Illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if their filiation has been expressly recognized by the father: i. Through the record of birth appearing in the civil register; OR ii. When an admission in a public document or private handwritten instrument is made by the father (RA 9225, amending Art. 176 of the Family Code) d. e. f. Children conceived before the decree annulling a voidable marriage shall principally use the surname of the father. A married woman may use 1. Her maiden first name and surname and add her husband’s surname, or 2. Her maiden first name and her husband’s surname or 3. Her husband’s full name, but prefixing a word indicating that she is his wife, such as “Mrs.” In case of annulment of marriage, and the wife is the guilty party, she shall resume her maiden name and surname. If she is the innocent spouse, she may resume her maiden name and surname. However, she may choose to continue employing her former husband’s surname, unless: i. The court decrees otherwise ii. She or the former husband is married again to another person. g. h. i. j. When legal separation has been granted, the wife shall continue using her name and surname before the legal separation A widow may use the deceased husband’s surname as though he were still living. In case of identity of names and surnames, the younger person shall be obliged to use such additional name or surname as will avoid confusion. In case of identity of names and surnames between ascendants and descendants, the word “Junior” can be used only by a son. Grandsons and other direct male descendants shall either: 1. Add a middle name or the mother’s surname, or 2. Add the Roman Numerals II, III, and so on. 3. ENTRIES IN THE CIVIL REGISTRY AND CLERICAL ERROR LAW (R.A. 9048, AS AMENDED) What can be corrected under R.A. 9048 Only clerical or typographical errors and change of first name or nickname which can be corrected or changed by the concerned city or municipal civil registrar or consul general Who May File the Petition and Where. a. Any person having direct and personal interest in the correction of a clerical or typographical error in an entry and/or change of first name or nickname in the civil register may file, in person, a verified petition with the local civil registry office of the city or municipality where the record being sought to be corrected or changed is kept. b. Citizens of the Philippines who are presently residing or domiciled in foreign countries may file their petition, in person, with the nearest Philippine Consulates. Grounds for Change of First Name or Nickname a. The petitioner finds the first name or nickname to be ridiculous, tainted with PAGE 31 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. c. dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce. The new first name or nickname has been habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he has been publicly known by that by that first name or nickname in the community: or The change will avoid confusion. Form and Contents of the Petition. Form: The petition shall be in the form of an affidavit, subscribed and sworn to before any person authorized by the law to administer oaths. Contents: a. The affidavit shall set forth facts necessary to establish the merits of the petition b. It should also show that the petitioner is competent to testify to the matters stated. c. The petitioner shall state the particular erroneous entry or entries, which are sought to be corrected and/or the change sought to be made. Supporting Documents: a. A certified true machine copy of the certificate or of the page of the registry book containing the entry or entries sought to be corrected or changed. b. At least two (2) public or private documents showing the correct entry or entries upon which the correction or change shall be based; and c. Other documents which the petitioner or the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general may consider relevant and necessary for the approval of the petition. 4. ABSENCE a. Civil Code Provisions What are the provisional measures in case of absence? When a person: a. Disappears from his domicile; b. His whereabouts being unknown; and c. Without leaving an agent to administer his property, Then: the judge, at the instance of an interested party, a relative, or a friend, may appoint a person to represent him in all that may be necessary. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Who is the preferred representative? The spouse present shall be preferred when there is no legal separation. If the absentee left no spouse, any competent person may be appointed by the court. (Art. 383, NCC) When absence may be declared 1. Two (2) years having elapsed without any news about the absentee, or since the receipt of the last news, and 2. Five (5) years in case the absentee has left a person in charge of the administration of his property (Art. 384, NCC) Who may ask for a declaration of absence 1. The spouse present 2. The heirs instituted in a will, who may present an authentic copy of the same; 3. The relatives who may succeed by the law of intestacy; 4. Those who may have over the property of the absentee some right subordinated to the condition of his death. (Art. 385, NCC) When will a judicial declaration take effect Six (6) months after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. (Art. 386, NCC) Alienation and Encumbrance of Property The wife who is appointed as an administratrix of the husband’s property cannot alienate or encumber the husband’s property; or that of the conjugal partnership, without judicial authority. (Art. 388, NCC) Administrator of absentee’s property shall be appointed in accordance with Art. 383 (Art. 387). When will administration cease a. When the absentee appears personally or by means of an agent; b. When the death of the absentee is proved and his testate or intestate heirs appear; c. When a third person appears, showing by a proper document that he has acquired the absentee’s property by purchase or other title. In these cases, the property shall be at the disposal of those who may have a right thereto. (Art. 389, NCC) Same rule applies when under similar circumstances, the power conferred by the absentee has expired (Article 381, NCC). PAGE 32 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. Presumptive death of absent spouse under the Family Code When a person is presumed dead After an absence of seven years, it being unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be presumed dead for all purposes, except for those of succession. (Art. 390, NCC) Who are presumed dead 1. A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage, or an aeroplane which is missing, who has not been heard of for four years since the loss of the vessel or airplane; 2. A person in the armed forces who has taken part in war, and has been missing for four years; 3. A person who has been in danger of death under other circumstances and his existence has not been known for four years. Note: In the cases above, the person is presumed dead for all purposes, including the division of the estate among the heirs. (Art. 391, NCC) Four Essential Requisites for the Declaration of Presumptive Death (4YRBF) 1. The spouse’s husband or wife has been absent for 4 consecutive Years, or 2 consecutive years if the disappearance occurred where there is danger of death under the circumstances laid down in Art. 391 of the Civil Code; 2. That the present spouse wishes to Remarry 3. That the present spouse has a wellfounded Belief that the absentee is dead; and 4. That the present spouse Files a summary proceeding for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee [Republic vs Sareñogon, 2016 (citing Republic v. Cantor, 2013)] For a subsequent marriage to be valid, the prior marriage must first be dissolved either by the death of the previous spouse or the final judicial declaration of nullity or annulment of the previous marriage obtained before the subsequent marriage is entered into, regardless of the reason for the nullity or defect of the previous marriage, including lack of marriage license (Lasanas v. People, G.R. No. 159031, 2014). CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) The well-founded belief in the absentee’s death requires the present spouse to prove that his/her belief was the result of diligent and reasonable efforts to locate the absent spouse and that based on these efforts and inquiries, he/she believes that under the circumstances, the absent spouse is already dead. Mere claim of diligent search is insufficient without corroborative evidence such as testimonies of the persons from whom she inquired (Republic v. Villanueva, G.R. No. 210929, 2015). It must be shown that sincere honest-to-goodness efforts had indeed been made to ascertain whether the absent spouse is still alive or is already dead. Even after the non-return of the husband who was a member of the army and assigned to Sulu and was thereafter not heard of anymore by the wife for 33 years, there was still failure on the part of said wife to actively look for her missing husband, and her purported earnest efforts to find him by asking her husband's parents, relatives, and friends did not satisfy the strict standard and degree of diligence required to create a "well-founded belief' of his death. She did not approach the AFP for information (Republic v. Tampus, G.R. No. 214243, 2016). NOTES: In this case, the subsequent marriage is valid but it shall be automatically terminated by the recording of the affidavit of reappearance of the absent spouse. (Art. 42) Without filing of the affidavit of reappearance, there will exist two valid marriages (valid bigamous marriage). If both spouses of the subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, such marriage is void ab initio. (Art. 44) Effect of Reappearance The subsequent bigamous marriage under Art. 41 remains valid despite reappearance of the absentee spouse, unless the reappearance made in a sworn statement is recorded in the civil registry in the place where the parties to the subsequent marriage resides. In such case, the subsequent marriage is automatically terminated. However, if there was a previous judgment annulling or declaring the first marriage a nullity, the subsequent bigamous marriage remains valid. PAGE 33 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Nullity of judgment of presumptive death is the proper remedy and not an affidavit of reappearance when the person declared presumptively dead has never been absent. In this case, the husband was able to secure a declaration of presumptive death by alleging fraudulent facts. (Santos v. Santos, G.R. No. 187061, 2014) Summary proceedings under the Family Code are final and executory pursuant to Article 247. Hence, a summary proceeding for the declaration of presumptive death of an absent spouse under Article 41 of the Family Code is nonappealable. (Republic v. Tango, G.R. No. 161062, 2009) However, a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is still available (Republic v. Sarenogon, Jr., 2016). For the purpose of not only terminating the subsequent marriage but also of nullifying the effects of the declaration of presumptive death and the subsequent marriage, mere filing of an affidavit of reappearance would not suffice (Castro v. Gregorio, G.R. No. 188801, 2014). Effects of Termination of Subsequent Marriage: (LDBD-RI) (Art. 43, Family Code) a. Children of the subsequent marriage conceived prior to its termination shall be considered Legitimate, unless the marriage is void ab initio due to bad faith of both spouses of the subsequent marriage, in which case the children shall be deemed illegitimate b. The absolute community or conjugal partnership shall be Dissolved and liquidated c. If either spouse acted in Bad faith, his/her share in the net profits shall be forfeited: i. In favor of the common children ii. If none, in favor of the children of the guilty spouse by previous marriage iii. In default of children, in favor of the innocent spouse. d. Donations by reason of the marriage remain valid except if the donee contracted the marriage in bad faith (in which case, the donation is revoked by operation of law) e. The innocent spouse may Revoke the designation of the spouse in bad faith as the beneficiary in any insurance policy, even if designation is stipulated as irrevocable CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) f. The spouse who contracted the subsequent marriage in bad faith shall be disqualified to Inherit from the innocent spouse by testate or intestate succession NOTE: The above effects apply to voidable bigamous marriages. Except for the first enumerated item (re: legitimate children), the above effects also apply to marriages which are annulled or declared void ab initio under Art. 40. B. MARRIAGE Definition of Marriage (Art. 1) 1. Special contract; 2. Permanent union; 3. Between a man and a woman; 4. Entered in accordance with law; and 5. For the establishment of conjugal and family life 1. REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE Essential Requisites of Marriage: (LCI) (Art. 3) 1. Legal capacity of contracting parties; a. Must be between a male and female b. Must be at least 18 years old 2. Consent freely given, in the presence of the solemnizing officer; and 3. Absence of any Impediment Formal Requisites of Marriage: (ALC) (Art. 4) 1. Authority of solemnizing officer; 2. Valid marriage License (except in cases where a marriage license is not required); and a. Valid only for 120 days from issue in any part of the Philippines 3. Marriage Ceremony where the contracting parties appear before the solemnizing officer, with their personal declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age. 2. EXEMPTION FROM LICENSE REQUIREMENT Effects of the Absence of Requisites for Marriage General Rule: Absence of any of the essential or formal requisites – void ab initio PAGE 34 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Exceptions: a. If solemnized by an unauthorized person, the marriage will still be valid if either or both contracting parties believed in good faith that the solemnizing officer had legal authority (Art. 35[2]) b. In instances where marriage license need not be procured: i. Marriage in articulo mortis (one or both of the parties at the point of death) (Art. 27) ii. If the residence of either party is so remote there is no means of transportation to enable such party to appear personally before the civil registrar (Art. 28) iii. Marriage solemnized outside the Philippines where no marriage license is required by the country where it was solemnized (Art. 26) iv. Marriage among Muslims or among members of ethnic cultural communities in accordance with their customs (Art. 33) v. Marriage between persons who have lived together as husband and wife for at least five years and without any legal impediment to marry each other during the 5-year period of cohabitation (Art. 34) Procedural Requirements in Case of Cohabitation for Five Years: a. The parties must execute an affidavit stating that they have lived together for at least 5 years and are without legal impediment to marry each other; and b. The solemnizing officer must execute a sworn statement that he had ascertained the qualifications of the parties and that he had found no legal impediment to their marriage (Art. 34) NOTE: Absence of any of these procedural requirements does not make the marriage void. What is indispensable is the 5-year cohabitation as husband and wife. The 5-year period should be a period of cohabitation characterized by exclusivity – meaning no third party was involved at any time – that is, unbroken. (Niñal v. Bayadog, G.R. No. 133778, 2000) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) The absence of the legal impediment must be throughout the 5-year period. (Office of the Administrator v. Necessario, A.M. No. MTJ-071691, 2013) Effect of Defects in the Requisites for Marriage (Art. 4) Defect in any of the essential requisites – voidable Irregularity in any of the formal requisites – does not affect the validity of the marriage by will make the party responsible civilly, criminally, or administratively liable Authorized Solemnizing Officers: (JPCCCM) (Art. 7) 1. Incumbent member of the Judiciary (judge – within the court’s jurisdiction; Justices – within Philippine territory) 2. Any Priest, rabbi, imam or the minister of any church or religious sect a. Duly authorized by his church or religious sect b. Registered with the civil registrar general; c. Within limits of the written authority of the church or sect; and d. At least one of the contracting parties belongs to the church or religious sect. 3. Ship Captain or airplane chief a. At least one of the parties is in articulo mortis; passengers or b. Between crew members; and c. While the ship is at sea or the plane is in flight and also during stopover at ports of call (Art. 31) 4. Military Commander (Art. 7 and Art. 32) a. Must be a commissioned officer b. Of a unit to which a chaplain is assigned; c. Chaplain is absent at the time of marriage; d. During military operations; e. Must be one in articulo mortis; and f. Between persons within the zone of military operations or whether members of the armed forces or civilians PAGE 35 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 g. Consul-general, consul, or h. vice-consul Between Filipino citizens abroad Mayor- effective January 1, 1992 (LGC); Venues for Marriage (Art. 8) (Directory) General Rule: Must be solemnized publicly, and not elsewhere, in the: a. b. Chambers of the judge or in open court Church, chapel, or office of consul-general, consul, or vice-consul Exceptions: a. Marriage at the point of death (in articulo mortis) b. Marriage in remote places c. Marriage at a house or place designated by the parties in a sworn statement upon their written request to the solemnizing officer Other Requirements (Art. 14-15) EITHER OR BOTH PARTIES 18 years old and above but below 21 21 years old and above but below 25 REQUIRES Parental consent Marriage counseling Parental advice Marriage Counseling Effects of Lack of Parental Consent, Parental Advice, or Marriage Counselling If Required GROUND Lack of consent parental Lack of parental advice or failure to attach certificate of marriage counseling EFFECTS Marriage is voidable No effect on validity of marriage. However, this will suspend the issuance of the marriage license for 3 months from the completion of publication of the application. (Art. 16) If they get during the period with a the marriage valid but married 3-month license, shall be civil and criminal liability may attach. (Art. 16) If they get married during the 3-month period without a license, the marriage shall be void for lack of a formal requirement. No marriage license will be issued in the absence of Certificate of Compliance issued by the Family Planning Office. (R.A. 10354, Sec. 15) Marriage Certificate While a marriage certificate is considered the primary evidence of a marital union, it is not regarded as the sole and exclusive evidence of marriage. The fact of marriage may be proven by relevant evidence other than the marriage certificate. Hence, even a person’s birth certificate may be recognized as competent evidence of the marriage between his parents. (Anonuevo v. Int. Estate of Jalandoni, G.R. No. 178221, 2010) 3. MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED ABROAD AND FOREIGN DIVORCE MARRIAGES CELEBRATED ABROAD (Art. 26, par. 1) General Rule: Marriages solemnized outside the Philippines in accordance with the laws of the foreign country shall be valid here (lex loci celebrationis) Basis: Principle of Comity However, if solemnized inside the Philippine Consulate abroad, Philippine laws must be observed Exceptions to Lex Loci Celebrationis a. Where either or both parties are below 18 years old b. Bigamous or polygamous marriage (except Art. 41 on presumptive death of spouse) c. Mistake in identity d. Marriage void under Art. 53 – contracted following the annulment or declaration of nullity of a previous marriage but before recording of partition e. Psychological incapacity f. Incestuous marriage PAGE 36 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 g. Marriage void for reasons of public policy Thus, what is dispensed with are merely the authority of the solemnizing officer and the marriage license requirements. Is the “marriage ceremony” requirement dispensed with, thus allowing common-law marriage? – NO, Art. 26 of the Family Code uses the word “solemnized”. However, if solemnized abroad, the ceremony prescribed in the place of celebration shall apply. Is the same-sex marriage of Filipinos abroad valid? NO, Article 15 of the Civil Code provides that laws relating to family rights and duties, or to status, condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad. In the Philippines, a person has legal capacity to marry only a person of the opposite sex. Hence, public policy mandates that only a man and woman can marry each other. To establish a valid marriage, it is necessary to prove: 1. 2. The foreign law as a question of fact; and The celebration of marriage pursuant thereto by convincing evidence (Ching Huat v. Co Heong. G.R. No. L-1211) NOTE: If such law of the other state is not pleaded nor proved and for purposes of determining the validity of a marriage in the said state, the laws of such state, in the absence of proof to the contrary, will be presumed by the Court to be the same as the laws of its own state. (Processual presumption) FOREIGN DIVORCE Requisites for a Filipino Spouse to Gain Capacity to Remarry under Philippine Law After Divorce with Foreigner-spouse (Art. 26, par. 2) 1. A valid marriage that had been celebrated between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner; and 2. A valid divorce subsequently obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry The letter of the law does not demand that the alien spouse should be the one who initiated the proceeding wherein the divorce decree was granted. It does not distinguish whether the Filipino spouse is the petitioner or the CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) respondent in the foreign divorce proceeding (Republic v. Manalo, G.R. No. 221029, 2018). Article 26 should be interpreted to mean that it is irrelevant for courts to determine if it is the foreign spouse that procures the divorce abroad. Once a divorce decree is issued, the divorce becomes "validly obtained" and capacitates the foreign spouse to marry. The same status should be given to the Filipino spouse. The national law of Japan does not prohibit the Filipino spouse from initiating or participating in the divorce proceedings. It would be inherently unjust for a Filipino woman to be prohibited by her own national laws from something that a foreign law may allow (Racho v. Seiichi Tanaka, G.R. No. 199515, June 25, 2018) NOTE: The determinative point when the foreigner who procured the divorce should be a foreigner at the time of the divorce, and not at the time of the marriage ceremony. How to prove foreign divorce: 1. Present the divorce decree, proven as a public or official record of a foreign country by either: a. An official publication; or b. A copy thereof attested by the officer having legal custody of the document c. If the record is not kept in the Philippines, such copy must be: i. Accompanied by a certificate issued by the proper or consular officer in the Philippine foreign service stationed in the foreign country in which the record is kept; and ii. Authenticated by the seal of his office 2. Prove the conformity of the decree to the foreign law (Garcia v. Recio, 2001) Settled is the rule that in actions involving the recognition of a foreign divorce judgment, it is indispensable that the petitioner proves not only the foreign divorce judgment granting the divorce, but also the alien spouse’s national law. The English translation submitted was published by Eibun Horei-Sha, Inc., a private company in Japan engaged in publishing English translation of Japanese laws, which came to beknown as the EHS Law Bulletin Series. However, these translations are "not advertised as a source of official translations of Japanese laws;" rather, it is official laws and regulations are published, albeit in Japanese. Accordingly, the English translation PAGE 37 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 submitted by Mrs. X is not an official publication exempted from the requirement of authentication. Neither can the English translation be considered as a learned treatise. (Arreza v. Toyo, G.R. No. 213198, July 1, 2019) 4. VOID AND VOIDABLE MARRIAGES VOID MARRIAGES Marriages Void from the Beginning (Void Ab Initio): A. B. C. D. Void under Article 35: a. Contracted by any party below 18 years old; b. Solemnized by an unauthorized solemnizing officer i. Exception: If either or both parties believed in good faith that the officer had authority c. Solemnized without a valid marriage license i. Exception: When license not required d. Bigamous or polygamous marriages i. Exception: Art. 41 – Marriage contracted by a person whose spouse has been absent for 4 years (ordinary absence) or 2 years (extraordinary absence), where such person has a well founded belief that his/her absent spouse is already dead, and had obtained a declaration of presumptive death, and at the time of marriage ceremony is in good faith together with the subsequent spouse e. Those contracted through mistake of one contracting party as to the identity of the other; and f. Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53. Psychological Incapacity (Art. 36) Incestuous Marriage (Art. 37) By Reasons of Public Policy (Art. 38) Good faith marriage (Art. 35[2]) Good faith means an honest and reasonable belief that the marriage was valid at its inception, and that no legal impediment exists to impair its validity (52 Am. Jur. 2d 96) Marriage without a valid marriage license A certification of no marriage license by the local civil registrar stating that there was not CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) enough staff to search for the marriage license is not adequate and will not prove absence of a marriage license. The certification, in fact, proves that no diligent search was made. (Sevilla vs. Cardenas, G.R. No. 167684, 2006) A Certification of the Civil Registrar to the effect that “after a diligent search on the files of Registry Book on Application for Marriage License and License Issuance available in this office, no record could be found on the alleged issuance of this office of Marriage License No. XXXXX in favor of Mr. A and B dated XXXX” does not categorically prove that there was no marriage license. Furthermore, marriages are not dissolved through mere certifications by the civil registrar. It will be wrong to establish a doctrine that a certification that a marriage license cannot be found may substitute for a definite statement that no such license existed or was issued (Vitangcol v. People, G.R. No. 207406, 2016). The Certification by the Municipal Civil Registrar that the Office of the Local Civil Registrar “has no record nor copy of any marriage license” ever issued in favor of petitioner and respondent, coupled with respondent’s failure to prfoduce a copy of the alleged marriage license or of any evidence to show that such license was ever issued, proves that no valid marriage license was, in fact, issued (Kho v. Republic and Kho, G.R. No. 187462, 2016) Valid Bigamous Marriages General Rule: Marriage contracted by any person during the subsistence of a previous marriage is void (Art. 35) Exception: If subsequent marriage was contracted with a valid declaration of presumptive death. First marriage was not judicially declared void nor was Z judicially declared presumptively dead under the Civil Code. Parties to a marriage should not be permitted to judge for themselves its nullity, only competent courts having such authority. Prior to such declaration of nullity, the validity of the first marriage is beyond question. A party who contracts a second marriage then assumes the risk of being prosecuted for bigamy. The absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a final judgment declaring such previous marriage void. Bigamy was consummated when X subsequently married Y without his first marriage PAGE 38 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 to Z having been judicially declared void (Vitangcol v. People, G.R. No. 207406, 2016). Mistake in Identity (Art. 35[5]) The contemplated mistake refers to the actual physical identity of the other party, and not merely mistake in the name, character, age, or other attributes of the person. Subsequent Marriage Void under Art. 53 A person whose marriage has been annulled or declared null and void may remarry as long as, after the marriage is annulled/nullified, he does the following: 1. Partition and distribution of the properties of the spouses; 2. Distribution of the presumptive legitimes of the children; and 3. Recording of the judgement of annulment or absolute nullity (Art. 40), the partition and distribution, and the delivery of the presumptive legitimes in the appropriate civil registry and registries of the property. Failure to comply with these requisites will make the subsequent marriage void ab initio. Furthermore, failure to record in the proper registries will mean that such will not affect third persons (Art. 52-53). Liquidation, partition, and distribution of presumptive legitimes apply only to marriages declared void under Art. 40 and 45. (Diño v. Diño, G.R. No. 178044, 2011) Psychological Incapacity (Art. 36) Marriage where any of the parties, at the time of the celebration of the marriage, was psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligation, even if incapacity becomes manifest only after solemnization. Psychological Incapacity must be judged on a case-by-case basis. It should refer to no less than a mental (not physical) incapacity. It must be characterized by: (JIG) 1. Juridical antecedence 2. Incurability 3. Gravity (Carating-Siaynco v. Siaynco, G.R. No. 158896, 2004) Mere showing of irreconcilable differences and conflicting personalities do not constitute psychological incapacity. (Carating-Siaynco v. Siaynco, G.R. No. 158896, 2004) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Mere sexual infidelity or perversion and abandonment do not by themselves constitute psychological incapacity within the contemplation of the Family Code. (Dedel v. CA, G.R. No. 151867, 2004) One of the essential marital obligations is "to procreate children based on the universal principle that procreation of children through sexual cooperation is the basic end of marriage." Constant non-fulfillment of this obligation will finally destroy the integrity or wholeness of the marriage. The senseless and protracted refusal of one of the parties to fulfill this marital obligation is equivalent to psychological incapacity. (Chi Ming Tsoi v. CA, G.R. No. 119190, 1997) A finding of psychological incapacity on the part of one spouse shows non-cognizance of one’s essential marital obligation, and therefore negates bad faith. As a consequence, moral and exemplary damages cannot be awarded. Moral damages should be predicated on specific evidence that was done deliberately and with malice by a party who had known of his or her disability and yet willfully concealed the same. (Buenaventura v. CA, GR No. 127358, 2005) The burden falls upon petitioner, not just to prove that respondent suffers from a psychological disorder, but also that such psychological disorder renders her "truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by the parties to the marriage." (Baccay v. Baccay, GR No. 117318, 2010) Jurisprudential guidelines: (BRE-IGO-IC) a. Burden of proof to show the nullity of marriage is upon the plaintiff; b. The Root cause of the psychological incapacity must be: (CCEE) a. Medically or Clinically identified; b. Alleged in the Complaint; c. Sufficiently proven by Experts d. Clearly Explained in the decision c. The incapacity must be proven to be Existing at the time of the celebration of the marriage d. Such incapacity must be shown to be medically or clinically permanent or Incurable e. Such illness must be Grave enough to bring about the disability of the party to assume the essential obligations of marriage f. Essential marital Obligations must be those embraced by Arts. 68-71, as well as PAGE 39 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 g. h. Arts. 220, 221, and 225 of the Family Code. Interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be given great respect by our courts The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear as Counsel for the State NOTE: The foregoing guidelines do not require that a physician examine the person to be declared psychologically incapacitated. What is important is that the totality of evidence can adequately establish the party’s psychological condition. (Republic v. CA & Molina, G.R. No. 108763, 1997) “Totality of Evidence” principle means that medical experts’ testimony is not required, if the totality of all other evidence presented is sufficient to prove psychological incapacity. If not, the testimony of experts is crucial. (Marcos v. Marcos, G.R. 136490, 2000) Incestuous Marriage (Art. 37) Whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate: a. Between ascendants and descendants of any degree b. Between brothers and sisters, whether full or half blood Void for Reasons of Public Policy (Art. 38) (exclusive list) a. Between collateral blood relatives up to 4th civil degree o There is no prohibition regarding marriages between collateral blood relatives by half-blood b. Between step-parents and step-children c. Between parents-in-law and children-inlaw d. Between adopting parent and adopted child e. Between surviving spouse of the adopter and the adopted child f. Between surviving spouse of the adopted child and the adopter g. Between adopted and a legitimate child of adopter h. Between adopted children of same adopter i. Between parties where one, with the intention to marry the other, killed the other person’s spouse or his/her own spouse CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) o No prior criminal conviction by the court is required by the law since mere preponderance of evidence is required to prove the killing The following can marry each other: a. Brother-in-law and sister-in-law b. Stepbrother and stepsister c. Guardian and ward d. Adopted and illegitimate child of the adopter e. Parties who have been convicted of adultery or concubinage NOTE: Relationship by affinity between the surviving spouse and the kindred of the deceased spouse continues even after the death of the deceased spouse, regardless of whether the marriage produced children or not. (Vda. de Carungcong v. People, G.R. No. 181409, 2010) Subsequent Marriage Without Judicial Declaration of Nullity of Previous Void Marriage For purposes of remarriage, the only acceptable evidence that the previous marriage has been voided is a final judgment declaring such marriage null and void; if the purpose is NOT TO REMARRY, other evidence can be presented to prove the nullity of the previous marriage. (Art. 40) Even if a marriage is void, it must be declared void first by final judgment before the parties to such void marriage can remarry. The parties cannot decide for themselves the invalidity of their marriage. ABSENCE of a formal requisite of solemnization of Marriage – A judicial declaration of nullity is not needed where the parties merely signed a marriage contract on their own and NO marriage ceremony was performed by a duly authorized solemnizing officer. Such act alone, without more, cannot be deemed to constitute an ostensibly valid marriage (Morigo v. People, G.R. No. 145226, 2004). VOID Marriage under the Civil Code – If a marriage is void under a ground provided in the Civil Code and a subsequent marriage was contracted before the effectivity of the FC without having the first marriage declared null and void, the second marriage is valid. The Civil Code contains no express provision on the necessity of a judicial declaration of nullity of a marriage considered void under the Civil Code. The requirement of a judicial decree of nullity does PAGE 40 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 not apply to marriages celebrated before the effectivity of the Family Code, particularly if the children of the parties were born while the Civil Code was in force. (Castillo v. Castillo, G.R. No. 189607, 2016) VOIDABLE MARRIAGES Grounds for Annulment (PUFFIS) (Art. 45) a. Lack of Parental consent b. Either party is of Unsound mind c. Fraudulent means of obtaining consent of either party d. Consent was obtained by Force, intimidation, or undue influence e. That either party was physically Incapable of consummating the marriage with the other. Such incapacity: i. Continues; and ii. Is Incurable f. Either party afflicted with a Sexually transmissible disease. The disease: i. Is found to be Serious; and ii. Appears to be incurable a. Annulment under Article 36 (as recently articulated under TanAndal v. Andal, G.R. No. 196359, May 11, 2022; Totality of Evidence Rule) Psychological incapacity is not a medical but a legal concept. It refers to a personal condition that prevents a spouse to comply with fundamental marital obligations only in relation to a specific partner that may exist at the time of the marriage but may have revealed through behavior subsequent to the ceremonies. It need not be a mental or personality disorder. It need not be a permanent and incurable condition. Therefore, the testimony of psychologist or psychiatrist is not mandatory in all cases. The totality of the evidence must show clear and convincing evidence to cause the declaration of nullity of marriage. Circumstances constituting fraud (Art. 46) a. Non-disclosure of conviction by final judgment of crime involving moral turpitude b. Concealment of pregnancy by another man c. Concealment of sexually transmissible disease, regardless of nature, existing at the time of marriage d. Concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, homosexuality and lesbianism ARTICLE 45 STD ARTICLE 46 STD Ground for annulment Type of fraud which is a ground for annulment Does not have to be concealed Must be serious and appears to be incurable STD itself is a ground for annulment Must be concealed Need not be serious and appear to be incurable It is the concealment of which constitute the ground for annulment Doctrine of Triennial Cohabitation Presumption that the husband is impotent should the wife still remain a virgin after 3 years of living together with her husband. Burden of proof to prove non-impotency shifts to the husband. NOTE: Grounds for annulment must exist at the time of the celebration of the marriage. PAGE 41 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 BASIS VOID VOIDABLE As to nature Inexistent from the time of performance Valid until annulled As to prescriptibility Does not prescribe (Art. 39) Prescriptive period depends on the ground/s invoked. (a) Cannot be attacked collaterally, only directly (i.e. there must be a decree of annulment) As to how marriage may be impugned (a) May be attacked directly or collaterally but for the purpose of remarriage, there must be a judicial declaration of nullity (b) Can no longer be impugned after death of one of the parties (b) Direct: Only the spouses (c) Collateral: Any interested party in any proceeding where the determination of the validity of the marriage is necessary to give rise to or negate certain rights Family Court of the province or city where the petitioner or the respondent has been residing for at least 6 months prior to the date of filing (if the respondent is a nonresident: where he may be found in the Philippines) at the election of the petitioner. (A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC) Cannot be ratified Can be ratified either by free cohabitation or prescription Venue for action As to susceptibility to ratification As to effect on property As to children effect No community property, ownership (Art. 147/148) on only co- Absolute community exists unless they agreed upon another system in their marriage settlement Children are illegitimate Except those falling under the following: i. In case of psychological incapacity (Art. 36) ii. Children born of subsequent marriage (Art. 53) Children are legitimate if conceived before decree of annulment PAGE 42 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 SUMMARY FOR VOIDABLE MARRIAGES GROUNDS FOR ANNULMENT Lack of parental consent WHO CAN PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD RATIFICATION Underage party (1821 years old) Within 5 years after turning 21 Parent or guardian Before child reaches 21 Sane spouse who had no knowledge of insanity Before the death of the other party Guardian of insane spouse Any time before the death of either party Insane spouse During lucid interval or after regaining sanity also before death of other party Injured Party Within 5 years after discovery of fraud Free cohabitation with full knowledge of facts constituting the fraud Vitiated consent Within 5 years from time force, intimidations or undue influence disappeared or ceased Incapability to consummate/ STD Within 5 years after the marriage ceremony Free cohabitation after the cause (force, intimidation, undue influence) disappeared or ceased. Intimidation can be on the person or the property of the injured party and his/her immediate family No ratification since defect is permanent, but right of action may prescribe Insanity of one party Fraud Free cohabitation reaching 21 after Free cohabitation after insane spouse regains sanity PAGE 43 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) EFFECTS OF VALID BIGAMOUS MARRIAGE, DECLARATION OF NULLITY, AND ANNULMENT Status of Children Property Relations VALID BIGAMOUS MARRIAGE (ART. 41- WITH DECLARATION OF PRESUMPTIVE DEATH) Children of subsequent marriage conceived before its termination – legitimate ACP/CPG shall be liquidated. The share in the net profits of community property or conjugal partnership property of the spouse who contracted the marriage in bad faith, shall be forfeited in favor of common children or if there are none, children of the guilty spouse by previous marriage or in default thereof, the innocent spouse. (Art. 43 [2]) Donations Propter Nuptias Succession Shall remain valid except: - If donee contracted the marriage in bad faith, donations propter nuptias made to the donee are revoked by operation of law. (Art. 43[3]) - If both spouses acted in bad faith, donations propter nuptias made by one in favor of the other are revoked by operation of law. If one spouse contracted the marriage in bad faith, he shall be disqualified to inherit from the innocent spouse in both testate and intestate succession. (Art. 43[5]) If both spouses acted in bad faith, all testamentary dispositions made by one in favor of the other are revoked by operation of law. (Art. 44) DECLARATION OF NULLITY Illegitimate except Art. 36 and Art. 53. If void under Art. 40 (when contracted by a spouse of a prior valid marriage, before the latter is judicially declared void): Same as property relations of Valid Bigamous Marriage. Par. 2 of Art. 43 applies. If not void under Art. 40, the provisions of Arts. 147 and 148 govern. The share of the party in bad faith in the coownership shall be forfeited in favor of their common children. If void under Art. 40: Same as effect on donations for Valid Bigamous Marriage. Par. 3 of Art. 43, and Art. 44, apply. ANNULMENT Children conceived or born before annulment decree – legitimate ACP/CPG shall be liquidated. The share in the net profits of community property or conjugal partnership property of the spouse who contracted the marriage in bad faith, shall be forfeited in favor of common children or if there are none, children of the guilty spouse by previous marriage or in default thereof, the innocent spouse. Same as Art. 40 Same as effect on donations for Valid Bigamous Marriage. Par. 3 of Art. 43, and Art. 44, apply. If not under 40: option belongs to the donee. (Art. 86[1]) If void under Art. 40: Same as effect on succession for Valid Bigamous Marriage. Par. 5 of Art. 43, and Art. 44, apply. Same as effect on succession for Valid Bigamous Marriage. Par. 5 of Art. 43, and Art. 44, apply. If marriage is void, no successional rights involved. PAGE 44 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 C. LEGAL SEPARATION 1. GROUNDS Grounds for Legal Separation: (PRC-FAAL BILA) (Art. 55) d. Repeated Physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against petitioner, a common child or a child of the petitioner e. Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change Religious or political affiliation f. Attempt of respondent to Corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement g. Final judgment sentencing respondent to imprisonment of more than 6 years (even if pardoned) h. Drug Addiction or habitual Alcoholism i. Lesbianism or homosexuality j. Subsequent Bigamous marriage k. Sexual Infidelity or perversion l. Attempt by respondent against the Life of the petitioner m. Abandonment for more than 1 year without justifiable cause 2. DEFENSES Grounds to Deny Legal Separation/Defenses to Legal Separation: (C4-D-GRP) (Art. 56) a. Condonation NOTE: Failure of the husband to look for his adulterous wife is not a condonation of wife’s adultery. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Consent Connivance Collusion Death of either party during the pendency of the case (Lapuz-Sy v. Eufemio, G.R. No. L30977, 1972). Equal Guilt Reconciliation of the spouses during the pendency of the case (Art. 66) Prescription 3. PROCEDURE When to file/try an action for legal separation An action for legal separation shall be filed within 5 years from the time of occurrence of the cause (Art. 57). The time of discovery of the ground for legal separation is not material in the counting of the prescriptive period. The action for legal separation shall not be tried before 6 months shall have elapsed since the filing of the petition, CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) (Art. 58) except interlocutory matters such as the determination of custody of children, alimony, and support pendente lite. No legal separation may be declared unless the court has taken steps towards the reconciliation of the spouses and is fully satisfied, despite such efforts, that reconciliation is highly improbable. (Art. 59) The six-month-cooling-off-period requirement can be dispensed with if the ground for legal separation involves violence against the woman or the child. Thus, the Court shall proceed on the main case and other incidents of the case as soon as possible (Sec. 28, RA 9262). Stipulation of Facts or Confession of Judgement No decree of legal separation shall be based upon a stipulation of facts of confession of judgement. In any case, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal assigned to it to take steps to prevent collusion between the parties and to take care that the evidence is not fabricated or suppressed. (Art. 60) 4. EFFECTS OF FILING PETITION Effects of Filing a Separation (Art. 61) Petition for Legal a. The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other; b. The court, in the absence of a written agreement between the spouses, shall designate either of them or a third person to administer the absolute community or conjugal partnership property. The administrator appointed by the court shall have the same powers and duties as those of a guardian under the Rules of Court 5. EFFECTS OF PENDENCY Effects of Pendency of Action for Legal Separation (Art. 62 in relation to Art. 49) During the pendency of the action and in the absence of adequate provisions in a written agreement between the spouses, the Court shall provide for the following: a. The support of the spouses b. The custody and support of their common children; NOTE: The Court shall give paramount consideration to the moral and material welfare of said children and their choice as to the PAGE 45 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) parent with whom they wish to remain c. Appropriate visitation rights of the other parent 6. EFFECTS OF DECREE OF LEGAL SEPARATION (ART. 63) a. b. c. d. Spouses are entitled to live separately Marriage bond is not severed Dissolution of property regime Forfeiture of the share of the guilty spouse in the net profits of the ACP/CPG NOTE: For purposes of computing the net profits subject to forfeiture, the said profits shall be the increase in value between the market price of the community property at the time of the celebration of the marriage and at the time of dissolution. What is forfeited is not the share of the guilty spouse in the liquidation of the community property but merely the profits. (Siochi v. Gozon GR Nos. 169900 and 169977, 2010) If there is no separate property, the net remainder is the profit and therefore the remainder (which includes the profit) pertaining to the share of the guilty spouse is his/her entire share which must be forfeited (Quiao v. Quiao, 2012) e. Custody of minor children to innocent spouse (subject to Art. 213: parental authority shall be exercised by parent designated by the court) The imposed custodial regime under the second paragraph of Article 213 is limited in duration, lasting only until the child’s seventh year. From the eighth year until the child’s emancipation, the law gives the separated parents freedom, subject to the usual contractual limitations, to agree on custody regimes they see fit to adopt (Dacasin vs. Dacasin, G.R. No. 168785, 2010). f. Guilty spouse is disqualified from intestate succession and provisions made by innocent spouse in his favor in a will shall be revoked by operation of law Effects Upon Finality of the Decree (Art. 64) a. Innocent spouse may revoke the donation made by him or her in favor of the offending spouse. The revocation of the donations shall be recorded in the registries of property in the places where the properties are located. However, alienations, liens and encumbrances registered in good faith before the recording of the complaint for revocation b. in the registries of property shall be respected. Innocent spouse may revoke designation of guilty spouse as beneficiary in the insurance policy even if such designation be stipulated as irrevocable. The revocation of or change in the designation of the insurance beneficiary shall take effect upon written notification to the insured. NOTE: Action to revoke the donation must be brought within 5 years from the time the decree has attained finality. 7. RECONCILIATION Reconciliation If the spouses should reconcile, a corresponding joint manifestation under oath duly signed by them shall be filed with the court in the same proceeding for legal separation (Art. 65). Effects of Reconciliation a. The legal separation proceedings, if still pending, shall thereby be terminated at whatever stage (Art. 66) b. The final decree of legal separation shall be set aside (Art. 66) c. The separation of property and any forfeiture of the share of the guilty spouse already effected shall subsist, unless the spouses agree to revive their former property regime (Art. 66) d. Joint custody of the children is restored e. The right to intestate succession by the guilty spouse from the innocent spouse is restored f. The right to testamentary succession depends on the will of the innocent spouse 8. EFFECT OF DEATH OF ONE OF THE PARTIES Effect of Death (Sec. 21, Rule on Legal Separation, A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC) In case a party dies at any stage of proceedings before the entry of judgment, the court shall order the case closed and terminated without prejudice to the settlement of estate proper proceedings in the regular courts. If the party dies after the entry of judgment, the same shall be binding upon the parties and their successors in interest in the settlement of the estate in the regular courts. PAGE 46 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 D. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE Obligations of Husband and Wife (L2H2DS) (Art. 6871) a. Live together b. Observe mutual Love, respect and fidelity c. Render mutual Help and support d. Management of the Household e. Fix the family Domicile f. Joint responsibility for the Support of the family Fixing the Family Domicile (Art. 69) General rule: The husband and wife shall fix the family domicile Except: In case of disagreement, the court shall decide. NOTE: The Court may exempt one spouse from living with the other if the latter should live abroad or there are other valid and compelling reasons, unless it is not compatible with the solidarity of the family. Sources for Support and Management of Household (Art. 70-71): a. From the community property b. In the absence thereof, from the income or fruits of the separate properties c. In case of insufficiency or absence thereof, from their separate properties Right to Bring an Action in Court (Art. 72) When one of the spouses neglects his or her duties to the conjugal union or commits acts which tend to bring danger, dishonor, or injury to the other or to the family, the aggrieved party may apply to the court for relief. Profession (Art. 73) General Rule: Either spouse may exercise any legitimate profession, business, or activity without the consent of the other. Exception: The other spouse may object on valid, serious and moral grounds. In case of disagreement, the court shall decide whether: a. The objection is proper, and b. Benefit has accrued to the family before or after the objection. If benefit accrued to the family before the objection, the resulting obligation shall be enforced against the community property. If benefit accrued to the family after the objection has been made, the resulting obligation shall be enforced against the separate property of the spouse who has not obtained consent (R.A. 10572, 2013) NOTE: This is without prejudice to the rights of creditors who acted in good faith. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) E. PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS What Governs Property Relations Between Spouses (Art. 74) a. Marriage Settlement – future spouses may agree upon the regime of ACP, CPG, complete separation of property, or any other regime b. Family Code – if there is no marriage settlement or when the regime agreed upon therein is void, the system of ACP shall govern c. Local customs General Rule: Property Relations are governed by Philippine laws (Art. 80) Exceptions: a. When there is a contrary stipulation in the marriage settlement b. When both are aliens, even if married in the PH c. As to extrinsic validity of contracts affecting property not situated in the Philippines (Art. 80). MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS Requisites of a Valid Marriage Settlement: (WSB-TCR) 1. In Writing; 2. Signed by the parties; 3. Executed Before the celebration of marriage 4. To fix the Terms and conditions of their property relations; 5. If the party executing the settlement is under Civil interdiction or any other disability, the guardian appointed by the court must be made a party to the settlement (Art. 79); and 6. Registration (merely to bind 3rd persons) Requisites for a Valid Modification of Marriage Settlement: a. In writing; b. Signed by the parties; c. Executed before the celebration of the marriage, unless: i. there is a revival of property regime in case of reconciliation in legal separation proceedings (Art. 66-67) ii. there is sufficient cause for judicial separation of property PAGE 47 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 iii. d. under Art. 135 spouses file for voluntary dissolution of property regime under Art. 136 Registration: to bind 3rd persons Effectivity of a Marriage Settlement in Consideration of Future Marriage Everything stipulated in the settlements or contracts referred to in the preceding articles in consideration of a future marriage, including donation made between prospective spouses, shall be void if the marriage does not take place. Stipulations not dependent on the celebration of the marriage shall be valid (Art. 81). CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) celebrated or is judicially declared void ab marriage shall be void, while those not dependent shall remain valid. DONATION PROPER NUPTIAS V ORDINARY DONATIONS Formalities 2. DONATIONS BY REASON OF MARRIAGE Requisites: (BCF) (Art. 82) 1. Made Before celebration of marriage; 2. In Consideration of marriage; and 3. In Favor of one or both future spouses Present Property General Rule: Future spouses cannot donate to each other more than 1/5 of their present property. Any excess shall be considered void (Art. 84) Exception: If they are governed by ACP (because they own everything in common) Grounds to Revoke Donation Propter Nuptias: (CARNIVAL) (Art. 86) a. Marriage without the needed parental Consent b. Marriage is Annulled and donee is in bad faith c. If it is with a Resolutory condition and the condition is complied with d. Marriage is Not celebrated e. Donee commits acts of Ingratitude such as: i. Commits an offense against the person, honor or property of the donor, his wife, or children under his parental authority ii. Imputes to the donor any criminal offense or any act involving moral turpitude, unless the crime was committed against the donee himself, his wife, or children under his authority iii. Unduly refuses to support the donor when he is legally or morally bound to give such support f. g. Marriage is judicially declared Void Ab initio In Legal separation and donee is the guilty spouse NOTE: In case of donations included in the marriage settlement, when the marriage thereafter is not Future Property Grounds for revocation DONATION PROPTER NUPTIAS Governed by the rules on ordinary donations except if future property, it must conform with formalities of wills May be donated but up to 1/5 of donor's present property May be included provided donation is mortis causa Art. 86 of Family Code ORDINARY DONATIONS Governed by rules on donations (Arts. 725-773 NCC) No person may give or receive, by way of donation, more than he may give or receive by will. (Art. 752) Cannot be included Arts. 752, 760, 764, 765 NCC Prescriptive Periods for Filing Action for Revocation of Donation Propter Nuptias PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS FOR FILING ACTION FOR REVOCATION OF DONATION PROPTER NUPTIAS If marriage is not 5 years (Art. 1149 celebrated NCC) from the time (Except: donations in marriage is not marriage settlements solemnized on the automatically void if fixed date marriage not celebrated) If marriage is By operation of law if judicially declared donee-spouse void (Note: deleted contracted items – no distinction subsequent void made by law) marriage in bad faith, and if not, 5 years PAGE 48 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When marriage takes place without the required parental consent If resolutory condition is complied with If donee commits an act of ingratitude In case of separation legal from finality of judicial declaration of nullity 5 years from celebration of marriage 5 years from happening of condition 1 year from donor’s knowledge of that fact 5 years from the time the decree of separation has become final 3. ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY Absolute Community of property The property regime of spouses in the absence of a marriage settlement or when the regime agreed upon is void (Art. 75) NOTE: It shall commence at the precise moment that the marriage is celebrated. Any stipulation, express or implied, for the commencement of the regime at any other time, shall be VOID (Art. 88). No waiver of rights, interests, shares and effects of the ACP during the marriage, except in case of judicial separation of property. The waiver must be in a public instrument. Creditors of the spouse who made such waiver may petition the court to rescind the waiver to the extent that is sufficient to cover the amount of the credit (Art. 89). Property acquired during the marriage, whether acquisition appears to have been made in the name of one or both spouses, is PRESUMED to belong to the community (Art. 93). The original property regimes subsisting under the New Civil Code when the Family Code took effect are immutable and remain effective. Art. 256 provides that the Family Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair the vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws. General Rule: The community property consists of all the property owned by the spouses before, at the time of, or after the celebration of the marriage (Art. 91). Exceptions/Exclusions from Community Property (Art. 92) a. Those indicated in the marriage settlement (Art. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) b. c. d. 91) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title plus its fruits and income, except when the donor, testator, or grantor expressly provides otherwise Property for personal and exclusive use, except jewelry Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former marriage and its fruits and income Presumption of Community Property: (Art. 93) Property acquired during the marriage is presumed to belong to the community, unless it is proved that it is one of those excluded therefrom. Charges Upon and Obligations of the ACP (Art. 94) a. Support of spouses, their common children and legitimate children of either spouse b. Debts and obligations contracted during the marriage: By a designated administratorspouse for the benefit of the community By both spouses By one with the consent of the other By either spouse without the consent of the other to the extent that it benefited the family c. Taxes, liens, charges and expenses including major or minor repairs upon community property d. Taxes and expenses for mere preservation made during the marriage upon the separate property of either spouse used by the family e. Expenses for professional or vocational course f. Ante-nuptial debts which redounded to the benefit of the family g. Donated or promised to common legitimate children for profession, vocational course or self-improvement h. Other ante-nuptial debts, support of illegitimate child, and liabilities for crime or quasi-delicts in the absence of separate property are chargeable against the separate properties of the spouses but may be advanced by the ACP in case of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse PAGE 49 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 i. Expenses of litigation between spouses unless the suit is found to be groundless of the court before the offer is withdrawn by either or both offerors. NOTE: If the community property is insufficient to cover all these liabilities (except those falling under cases of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse), the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their separate properties. Donation of Community Property General rule: Neither spouse may donate any community property without the consent of the other A loan used for the family business is one which redounds to the benefit of the family, even if the business fails (ROS v. Phil National Bank, GR No. 170166, 2011) Exception: Moderate donations for charity or on occasions of family rejoicing or family distress Under the Family Code, one spouse cannot sell property which is part of the community properties without the written consent of the other spouse or the authority of the court. Without such consent or authority, the entire sale is void. While the law does not require a person dealing with registered land to inquire further than what the Torrens Title on its face indicates, the rule is not absolute. If there are other surrounding circumstances relevant to the sale which show that the purchaser should have taken the necessary precaution required of a prudent buyer, the purchaser cannot be considered in good faith. (Nobleza v. Nuega G.R. No. 193038, 2015) In order to be considered a buyer in good faith, the following must be shown: (a) the diligence in verifying the validity of the title covering the property; and (b) the diligence in inquiring into the authority of the transacting spouse to sell conjugal property in behalf of the other spouse. Mere reliance on the SPA given by the selling spouse without further questioning despite knowing that the lots were conjugal property is insufficient. (Spouses Aggabao v. Parulan, G.R. No. 165803, 2010) Administration, Enjoyment, and Disposition Community Property (Art. 96) General rule: It shall belong to both spouses jointly of Exceptions: a. In case of disagreement, the husband’s decision shall prevail subject to recourse by the wife in court to be availed within 5 years from the date of the contract implementing the husband’s decision b. In case of incapacity of one spouse or inability to administer the common properties, the other spouse may assume sole powers of administration, except powers of disposition and encumbrance which requires authority from the court or written consent of the other spouse In the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or encumbrance shall be void. However, the transaction shall be construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the third person, and may be perfected as a binding contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or authorization Dissolution of the ACP (Art. 99) a. Upon death of either spouse b. Decree of legal separation c. Marriage is annulled or nullified d. Judicial separation of property during the marriage (Arts. 134-138) Liquidation of the ACP (Art. 102) a. Inventory of all properties Inventory of community property Inventory of separate property of the wife Inventory of separate property of the husband b. Debts and obligations of ACP are paid • In case of insufficiency of assets, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their separate properties. c. Remainder of the separate properties of the spouses are returned to the owner d. Net remainder of the ACP is divided equally between husband and wife Unless a different proportion is agreed upon in the marriage settlement or there has been a voluntary waiver of such share e. Presumptive legitimes of children are delivered f. Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and custody of common children Given to the spouse to whom the majority of the common children choose to remain Since the petitioner is the guilty party in the legal separation, his share from the net profits is forfeited in favor of the common children. In both regimes (assuming that it was ACP), petitioner, as the guilty spouse, is not entitled to any property at all. The husband and the wife did not have any separate properties. Therefore, there is no separate property which may be accounted for in the guilty party’s favor. (Quiao v. Quiao G.R. No. 176556, 2012) PAGE 50 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 4. CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS When applicable: If the spouses agree in the marriage settlement to be governed by the regime of conjugal partnership of gains Governing law: The marriage settlement shall primarily govern but the provisions of the Family Code on CPG shall apply suppletorily. The rules on contract of partnership shall also apply in all that is not in conflict with the marriage settlement and the provisions of the Family Code on CPG. The spouses contribute the following to a common fund (Art. 106): a. Proceeds, products, fruits and income of separate properties of spouses b. Everything acquired by spouses through their efforts c. Everything acquired by spouses through chance It shall commence at the precise moment that the marriage is celebrated. Any stipulation, express or implied, for the commencement of the regime at any other time shall be void. No waiver of rights allowed during the marriage except in case of judicial separation of property. The waiver must be in a public instrument. The fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due or received during the marriage from the common property, as well as the net fruits from the exclusive property of each spouse are included in the conjugal partnership properties. (Art. 117(3)) What Constitutes CPG (FOLCHIC) (Art. 117) a. Fruits of conjugal property due or received during the marriage and net fruits of separate property b. Those acquired through Occupation c. Livestock in excess of what was brought to the marriage d. Those acquired by onerous title during the marriage with Conjugal funds e. Share in Hidden treasure f. Those obtained from labor, Industry, work or profession of either or both spouse g. Those acquired by Chance Accession– if the cost of the improvement and any resulting increase in value are equal or less than the value of the entire property at the time of the improvement, the entire property remains the exclusive property of the owner-spouse (subject to reimbursement of improvement cost to the CPG) Reverse Accession – if the cost of the improvement and any resulting increase in value are more than the value of the entire property at the time of the improvement, the property becomes conjugal (subject to reimbursement of CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) the value of the property of the owner-spouse) Exclusive Property in CPG (Art. 109) a. That brought into the marriage as his/her own b. That acquired during the marriage gratuitously (net fruits and income are conjugal) c. That acquired by redemption, barter or exchange with exclusive property d. That purchased with exclusive money Presumption of Conjugality (Art. 116) Property acquired during the marriage, whether acquisition appears to have been made in the name of one or both spouses, is presumed to be conjugal. The party who invokes the presumption must first prove that the property was acquired during the marriage. Otherwise, the presumption of conjugality will not apply. (Tan v. Andrade, G.R. Nos. 171904 & 172017, 2013) Installment purchases (Art. 118) Property bought on installments paid partly from exclusive funds and party from conjugal funds: Belongs to the buyer/s: If full ownership vested before the marriage Belongs to the conjugal partnership: If full ownership vested during the marriage In either case, any amount advanced by the partnership or by either or both spouses shall be reimbursed by the owner upon liquidation. Credits in Installment (Art. 119) Whenever an amount or credit payable within a period of time belongs to one of the spouses: Belongs to the spouse: Sums collected in partial payments or by installments during the marriage Belongs to the conjugal partnership: Interests falling due during the marriage on the principal of both spouses shall pertain to the partnership. (Art. 120) Rules in Cases of Improvement of Exclusive Property General Rule: The ownership of improvements made on the separate property of the spouses at the expense of the partnership or through resulting in increase in value are equall or less than the value of the entire property at the time of the improvement, the property becomes conjugal (subject to reimbursement of the value of the property of the owner-spouse) PAGE 51 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Charges upon CPG (Art. 121) Same as that under ACP, except that under taxes and expenses for preservation of separate property of either spouse during the marriage property need not used by the family Liquidation of the CPG (Art. 129) i. Inventory of all property ii. Amounts advanced by CP in payment of personal debts and obligations of either spouse is credited iii. Reimbursement for use of exclusive funds iv. Debts and obligations of the CP are paid In case of insufficiency of assets, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their separate properties. NOTE: If the conjugal partnership is insufficient, the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their separate properties. The conjugal partnership property shall likewise be liable for the payment of the personal debts of either spouse insofar as they have redounded to the benefit of the family. (Art. 121) Payment of criminal indemnities can be advanced by the conjugal partnership assets even before these are liquidated. It may be enforced against the partnership assets after the responsibilities in Article 121 have been covered. No prior liquidation of those assets is required. (Pana v. Heirs of Juanite, Sr., G.R. No. 165201, 2012) v. vi. vii. Administration and Enjoyment of CPG (Art. 124): Same as that under ACP Donation of Conjugal Property (Art. 125): Same as that under ACP Dissolution of the CPG (Art. 126): Same as that under ACP. Remains of exclusive properties are returned Indemnify loss of deterioration of movables belonging to either spouse used for the benefit of the family Net remainder of conjugal property is divided equally Unless a different proportion is agreed upon in the marriage settlement or there has been a voluntary waiver or forfeiture of such share viii. Delivery of children’s presumptive legitimes ix. Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and custody of children • Given to the spouse to whom the majority of the common children An extrajudicial dissolution of the conjugal partnership without judicial approval is void. A notary public should not facilitate the disintegration of a marriage and the family. In so doing, a notary public may be held accountable administratively. (Rodolfo Espinoso v. Juliet Omana, A.C. 9081, 2011) ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS WHAT IT CONSISTS OF All the properties owned by the spouses at the time of marriage become community property (Art. 91) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fruits of conjugal property due or received during the marriage and net fruits of separate property Those acquired through Occupation Livestock in excess of what was brought to the marriage Those acquired during the marriage with Conjugal funds Share in Hidden treasure Those obtained from labor, Industry, work or profession of either or both spouse Those acquired by Chance (Art. 117) The ownership of improvements made on the separate property of the spouses at the expense of the partnership or through efforts of both spouses shall pertain to the partnership (Art. 120) PAGE 52 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 WHAT REMAINS AS EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY 1. Property acquired before the marriage by either 1. That brought into the marriage as his/her own spouse who has legitimate descendants by a former 2. That acquired during the marriage gratuitously marriage and its fruits and income 3. That acquired by redemption, barter or 2. Property for personal and exclusive use, except exchange with exclusive property jewelry 4. That purchased with exclusive money (Art. 109) 3. Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title plus its fruits and income, except when the donor, testator, or grantor expressly provides otherwise (Art. 92) PRESUMPTION Property acquired during the marriage is presumed to belong to the community, unless it is proved that it is one of those excluded therefrom (Art. 93) All property acquired during the marriage, whether the acquisition appears to have been made, contracted or registered in the name of one or both spouses, is presumed to be conjugal unless the contrary is proved (Art. 116) CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Debts and obligations contracted during the marriage: By either spouse without the consent of the other to the extent that it benefited the family By designated administrator-spouse By both spouses By one with the consent of the other 1. Taxes, liens, charges and expenses including major or minor repairs, upon community property Support of spouses, their common children and legitimate children of either spouse Expenses of litigation between spouses unless the suit is found to be groundless Ante-nuptial debts which redounded to the benefit of the family Taxes and expenses for mere preservation made during the marriage upon the separate property of either spouse used by the family Expenses for professional or vocational course Other ante-nuptial debts, support of illegitimate child, and liabilities for crime or quasi delicts in absence of separate property are chargeable against the separate properties of the spouses but may be the advanced by the ACP in case of absence or insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse Donated or promised to common legitimate children for profession, vocational course or selfimprovement (Art. 94) 3. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The support of the spouse, their common children, and the legitimate children of either spouse All debts and obligations contracted during the marriage by the designated administrator spouse for the benefit of the conjugal partnership of gains, or by both spouses or by one of them with the consent of the other Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse without the consent of the other to the extent that the family may have benefited All taxes, liens, charges, and expenses, including major or minor repairs upon the conjugal partnership property All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made during the marriage upon the separate property of either spouse Expenses to enable either spouse to commence or complete a professional, vocational, or other activity for self improvement Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse insofar as they have redounded to the benefit of the family The value of what is donated or promised by both spouses in favor of their common legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of commencing or completing a professional or vocational course or other activity for self improvement Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the suit is found to be groundless (Art. 11) LIQUIDATION 1. 2. 3. Inventory of all properties Inventory of community property Inventory of separate property of the wife Inventory of separate property of the husband Debts and obligations of ACP are paid Remainder of the separate properties of the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inventory of all property Amounts advanced by CP as payment for personal debts and obligations of either spouse are credited Reimbursement for use of exclusive funds Debts and obligations of the CP are paid Remains of exclusive properties are returned PAGE 53 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 4. 5. 6. spouses are returned to the owner Net remainder of the ACP is divided equally between husband and wife Presumptive legitimes of children are delivered Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and custody of common children (Art. 102) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 6. 7. 8. 9. Indemnify loss of deterioration of movables belonging to either spouse used for the benefit of the family Net remainder of conjugal property is divided equally Delivery of children’s presumptive legitimes Adjudication of conjugal dwelling and custody of children (Art. 129) b. 5. SEPARATION OF PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATION OF COMMON PROPERTY BY ONE SPOUSE DURING THE MARRIAGE General rule: The administration and enjoyment of the conjugal partnership shall belong to both spouses jointly Exception: In case of disagreement, the husband’s decision shall prevail subject to recourse by the wife in court to be availed within 5 years from the date of the contract implementing the husband’s decision In case of incapacity of one spouse or inability to administer the common properties: The other spouse may assume sole powers of administration, except powers of disposition and encumbrance which requires authority from the court or written consent of the other spouse In the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or encumbrance shall be void o However, the transaction shall be construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the third person, and may be perfected as a binding contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or authorization of the court before the offer is withdrawn by either or both offerors. 6. REGIME OF SEPARATION OF PROPERTY When applicable: If provided under the marriage settlement (Art. 134) Properties Included The parties may agree on the extent of their separation of property regime. It may involve present or future property or both. It may be total or partial. If it is partial, the property not agreed upon as separate shall pertain to the absolute community (Art. 144) Rights and Liabilities of the Spouses Each spouse shall: a. Own, dispose of, possess, administer and enjoy his or her own separate estate, without need of the consent of the other c. Own all earnings from his or her own profession, business or industry Own all fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due or received during the marriage from his or her Both spouses shall bear the family expenses in proportion to their income, or, in case of insufficiency or default thereof, to the current market value of their separate properties. The liability of the spouses to creditors for family expenses shall be solidary. (Art. 146) Grounds for Transfer of Administration of Exclusive Property of Either Spouse (GACA) (Art. 142) a. One spouse becomes Guardian of the other b. One spouse is judicially declared Absent c. One spouse is sentenced to penalty with Civil interdiction d. One spouse becomes a fugitive from justice or is hiding as an Accused in a criminal case If the other spouse is not qualified by reason of incompetence, conflict of interest, or any other just cause, the court shall appoint a suitable person to be the administrator. JUDICIAL SEPARATION OF PROPERTY When applicable: In case of a judicial order, which may either be voluntary or for sufficient cause. (Art. 134) Voluntary separation (Art. 136) The spouses may jointly file a verified petition with the court. All creditors of the absolute community or of the conjugal partnership of gains, as well as the personal creditors of the spouse, shall be listed in the petition and notified of the filing thereof. The court shall take measures to protect the creditors and other persons with pecuniary interest. PAGE 54 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Sufficient cause for judicial separation (Art. 135): a. That the spouse of the petitioner has been sentenced to a penalty which carries with it civil interdiction b. That the spouse of the petitioner has been judicially declared an absentee c. That loss of parental authority of the spouse of petitioner has been decreed by the court d. That the spouse of the petitioner has abandoned the latter or failed to comply with his or her obligations to the family as provided for in Article 101 e. That the spouse granted the power of CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) f. administration in the marriage settlements has abused that power That at the time of the petition, the spouses have been separated in fact for at least one year and reconciliation is highly improbable In the cases provided for in letters (a), (b) and (c), the presentation of the final judgment against the guilty or absent spouse shall be enough basis for the grant of the decree of judicial separation of property. PAGE 55 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 7. PROPERTY REGIME OF UNIONS WITHOUT MARRIAGE Applicability ARTICLE 147 A. To a man and woman who are: ARTICLE 148 A. To a man and woman who are: 1. 1.Capacitated to marry each other: a. b. c. d. At least 18 years old Not falling under Article 37 (incestuous void marriage) Not falling under Art. 38 (void marriage by reason of public policy) Not bigamous 2. Live exclusively with each other as husband and wife 3. Without the benefit of marriage B. Other void marriages/live-in Salaries and Wages Properties acquired through exclusive funds Property acquired while living together Owned by parties in equal shares Remains exclusive provided that there is proof that it was acquired by exclusive funds Presumed to have been obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry and shall be owned by them in equal shares If a party did not participate in the acquisition—shall be deemed to have contributed jointly if efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of the family and the household 2. 3. Not capacitated to marry each other (under 18 years old) Live exclusively with each other as husband and wife Without the benefit of marriage B. Adulterous concubinage) relationship (e.g. C. Bigamous or polygamous marriage (Art. 35(4)) D. Incestuous marriages under Art. 37 E. Void marriages by reason of public policy under Art. 38 Note: If capacitated, but relationship is NOT exclusive, it will fall under this provision Exclusively owned, and if any of the spouses is married, his legitimate marriage Remains exclusive Only the properties acquired by both parties through their actual joint contribution of money, property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to their respective contributions. (Art. 148) Without proof of actual contribution by both parties, there can be no presumption of coownership and equal sharing. (Villanueva v. CA, G.R. No. 143286) Once proof of actual contribution is shown, their contributions and corresponding shares are presumed to be equal, in the absence of proof to the contrary. The same rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of money and evidences of credit. (Art. 148) Encumberance or Disposal of his/her share Forfeiture Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos of his/her share in the property acquired during cohabitation and owned in common, without the consent of the other, until after the termination of their cohabitation When only one of the parties to a void marriage is in good faith, the share of the party in bad faith in the co- - If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her share in the co-ownership shall accrue to the absolute community or conjugal PAGE 56 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ownership shall be forfeited in favor of their common children, descendants, or innocent party. In case of default of or waiver by any or all of the common children or their descendants, each vacant share shall belong to the respective surviving descendants. In the absence of descendants, such share shall belong to the innocent party. partnership existing in such valid marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly married to another, his or her share shall be forfeited in favor of their common children, descendants, or innocent party. The share shall be forfeited in the same manner as in Art. 147. Rules on forfeiture of shares will apply even if both are in bad faith. In all cases, the forfeiture shall take place upon termination of the cohabitation PAGE 57 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 The registration of a property in the name of the paramour who had no income whatsoever at the time of the donation by another’s husband is tantamount to a donation which is void under Article 87 of the Family Code. The paramour then holds the property under a constructive trust under Article 1456 in favor of the conjugal partnership of the husband with the legitimate spouse (Joaquino v. Reyes, G.R. No. 154645, 2004). Under Art. 147, property acquired by both spouses through their work and industry shall be governed by the rules on equal co-ownership. Any property acquired during the union is prima facie presumed to have been obtained through their joint efforts. Here, the former spouses both agreed that they acquired the subject property during the subsistence of their marriage. Thus, it shall be presumed to have been obtained by their joint efforts, work or industry, and shall be jointly owned by them in equal shares (Barrido v. Nonato, 2014). Under Article 148, there must be proof of actual joint contribution by both the live-in partners before the property becomes co-owned by them in proportion to their contribution. Otherwise, there are no presumptions of co-ownership and equal sharing. (Villanueva v. CA, G.R. No. 143286, 2004, reiterated in Ventura v. Sps. Paulino, G.R. No. 202932, 2013) No co-ownership exists between parties to an adulterous relationship. In such a relationship, it is necessary for each of the partners to prove his or her actual contribution to the acquisition of property in order to lay claim to any portion of it. Presumptions of co-ownership and equal contribution do not apply. (Rivera v. Heirs of Villanueva, G.R. No. 141501, 2006) Art. 148 of the Family Code provides that only the property acquired by both of the parties through their actual joint contribution of money, property, or industry shall be owned in common and in proportion to their respective contributions. Such contributions and corresponding shares were prima facie presumed to be equal. However, for this presumption to arise, proof of actual contribution was required. Petitioner failed to prove that she made an actual contribution to purchase the condominium unit. (Soledad L. Lavadia v. Heirs of Juan Luces Luna G.R. No. 171914 2015) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) F. FAMILY HOME (NOTE: THIS SECTION INCLUDES THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ON FAMILY) 1. FAMILY (ART. 149) CONCEPT OF FAMILY Basic social institution cherishes and protects. which public policy Family Relations a. Between husband and wife b. Between parents and children c. Among other ascendants and descendants d. Among brothers and sisters, full or half blood. (Art. 150) A. Effects On Legal Disputes Suit Between Family Members (Art. 151) General Rule: No suit between members of the same family shall prosper unless it should appear from the verified complaint or petition that earnest efforts toward a compromise have been made, but that the same have failed. If it is shown that no such efforts were in fact made, the same case must be dismissed. Exception: These rules shall not apply to cases which may not be the subject of compromise under the Civil Code. Allegation of “earnest efforts” is jurisdictional: if it is absent, the court can dismiss the case. BUT this rule is inapplicable in the following cases: (CLV FJF) a. b. c. d. e. f. Civil status of persons Any ground for Legal separation Validity of marriage or legal separation Future support Jurisdiction of courts Future legitime (Art. 2035, Civil Code) Spouses Jointly Sued The husband and wife shall sue or be sued jointly except as provided by law. (Section 4, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure) The term “jointly” means that the spouses shall be sued together and it does not refer to the nature of the civil liability. This is so because when the spouses are sued for the enforcement of an obligation entered into by them or of an obligation which redounded to the benefit of the family, they are being impleaded in their capacity as representatives of the absolute community or the PAGE 58 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 conjugal partnership and not as independent debtors such that the concept of joint or solidary liability, as between them, does not arise (Alipio v. CA, G.R. No. 134100) The necessity of being jointly sued is also because generally the spouses are joint administrators of either the absolute community property or the conjugal partnership of gains. However, if what is involved in the litigation is his or her separate and exclusive property, the spouse may appear along in court (Art. 111). 2. FAMILY HOME Family Home (Art. 152) The dwelling house where they (husband and wife or an unmarried head of the family) and their family reside, and the land on which it is situated. Constitution of a Family House (FH): i. Jointly by the husband and wife or by an unmarried head of a family ii. From the time it is occupied as a family residence so long as any of its beneficiaries actually reside therein (Art. 153) Other Rules: a. FH must be owned by person constituting it b. FH must be permanent c. FH continues despite death of one or more spouses or unmarried head of the family for 10 years or as long as there is a minor beneficiary (Art. 159) d. Only one FH can be constituted Beneficiaries of a Family Home a. Husband and wife, or unmarried head of the family b. Parents (may include parent-in-laws) c. Ascendants d. Descendants e. Brothers and sisters (legitimate/illegitimate) living in the family home and dependent on head of family for support. (Art. 154) Qualified Property Actual value of the family home shall not exceed, at the time of its constitution, P300,000 in urban areas and P200,000 in rural areas. (Art.157) Rules regarding Subsequent Improvements of Family Home Any subsequent improvement of the family home by the persons constituting it, its owners, or any of its beneficiaries will still be exempt from execution, CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) forced sale or attachment provided the following conditions obtain: 1. The actual value of the property at the time of its constitution does not exceed Php 300,000 in urban areas and Php 200,000 in rural areas under Art. 157; and 2. The improvement does not result in an increase in its value exceeding the statutory limit. Otherwise, the family home can be the subject of a forced sale, and any amount above the statutory limit is applicable to the obligations under Art. 160. To warrant the execution sale of a family home under Art. 160, the following facts should be established: 1. 2. 3. There was an increase in its actual value; The increase resulted from voluntary improvements on the property introduced by the persons constituting the family home, its owners or any of its beneficiaries; and The increased actual value exceeded the maximum allowable under Article 157. (Eulogio v. Bell, G.R. No. 186322, 2015) Exempt from Execution (Art. 153) General Rule: The FH is exempted from: a. Execution b. Forced sale The right to exemption from forced sale is a personal privilege granted to the judgment debtor which must be asserted before the public auction. Failure to do so would estop the party from later claiming on the exemption. It is a right that can be waived or be barred by laches by failure to set up and prove the status of the property as a family home at the time of levy. (De Mesa v. Acero, G.R. No. 185064, 2012) c. Attachment Exceptions: (Art. 155) a. Non-payment of taxes b. Debts incurred prior to constitution of home c. Debts secured by mortgages on the premises d. Debts due laborers, mechanics, architects, builders, materialmen, and others who have rendered service or furnished materials for the construction of the building NOTE: The exemption is limited to the value PAGE 59 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 allowed by the Family Code. Sale, Alienation, Donation, Assignment, or Encumbrance of the Family Home (Art. 158) a. The person who constituted the same must give his/her written consent. b. The spouse of the person who constituted the family home must also give his/her written consent. c. A majority of the beneficiaries of legal age must also give their written consent. d. In case of conflict, the court shall decide. Requisites for Creditor to Avail of The Right to Execute: (Art. 160) 1. He must be a judgment creditor; 2. His claim is not among those excepted under Art. 155; and 3. He has reasonable grounds to believe that the family home is worth more than the maximum amount fixed in (Art. 157) Procedure: a. Creditor must file a motion in the court proceeding where he seeks to obtain a writ of execution against the FH. b. Hearing on the motion where the creditor must prove that the actual value of the FH exceeds the maximum amount fixed by the Family Code, either at the time of its constitution or as a result of improvements introduced thereafter. c. If creditor proves that the actual value exceeds the maximum amount, the court will order its sale in execution. d. If FH is sold for more than the value allowed, the proceeds shall be applied as follows: First, the obligations enumerated in Art. 155 must be paid (listed above) Then the judgment in favor of the creditor will be paid, plus all the costs of execution The excess, if any, shall be delivered to the judgment debtor. G. PATERNITY AND FILIATION The filiation of children may be by nature or by adoption. Natural filiation may be legitimate or illegitimate (Art. 163) 1. LEGITIMATE CHILDREN Those conceived or born during a valid marriage. (Art. 164). CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) This also includes children who are: a. Conceived as a result of artificial insemination b. Conceived or born of a voidable marriage before decree of annulment; c. Conceived or born before judgment of absolute nullity under Art. 36 (psychological incapacity) becomes final and executory; d. Conceived or born of a subsequent marriage under Art. 53 (failure to record the judgment, partition and distribution of properties, and delivery of children’s presumptive legitime); e. Legally adopted; and f. Legitimated, conceived and born outside of wedlock of parents without impediment at the time of conception and who subsequently married A child born inside a valid marriage is legitimate. Hence a child born inside a bigamous marriage, which is void, is considered a child under the first marriage, which has not been nullified or annulled, unless the husband timely impugns the legitimacy of the child. (Concepcion v. CA, G.R. No. 123450, 2005) An agreement by parties as to the status of a child is void. Only the law determines legitimacy or illegitimacy. Thus, the child, in the eyes of the law, is legitimate under the first marriage notwithstanding the admission in pleadings by the wife and her second husband that the child is their legitimate son. Similarly, any declaration of the mother that her child is illegitimate has no probative value. (Concepcion v. CA, G.R. No. 123450, 2005) Requisites for Children by Artificial Insemination to be Considered Legitimate 1. The artificial insemination must be made on the wife; 2. Either the sperm of the husband or a third party donor may be used; 3. The artificial insemination has been authorized or ratified by both spouses on a written instrument executed and signed by them before the birth of the child; and 4. The written instrument is recorded in civil registry together with the birth certificate of the child (Art. 164, par. 2) 2. PROOF OF FILIATION General Rule: Filiation of legitimate or illegitimate children is established by any of the following (Art. 172, par. 1): a. The record of birth appearing in the civil PAGE 60 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) register or a final judgment A certificate of live birth purportedly identifying the putative father is not competent evidence of paternity when there is no showing that the putative father had a hand in the preparation of said certificate. The local civil registrar has no authority to record the paternity of an illegitimate child on the information of a third person. (Cabatania v. CA, G.R. No. 124814, 2004) It is well settled that a record of birth is merely a prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein. It is not conclusive evidence of the truthfulness of the statements made by the interested parties. (Benitez Badua v. CA, G.R. No. 105625, 1994) b. An admission of legitimate or illegitimate filiation in a public document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned. Exception: In the absence of these pieces of evidence, the legitimate filiation may be proved by (Art. 172, par. 2): a. Open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate (or illegitimate) child “Continuous” does not mean that the possession of status shall continue forever but only that it shall not be of an intermittent character while it continues. The possession of such status means that the father has treated the child as his own, directly and not through others, spontaneously and without concealment though without publicity. (Mendoza v. CA, G.R. No. 86302, 1991) There must be evidence of the manifestation of the permanent intention of the supposed father to consider the child as his, by continuous and clear manifestations of parental affection and care, which cannot be attributed to pure charity. Such acts must be of such a nature that they reveal not only the conviction of paternity, but also the apparent desire to have and treat the child as such in all relations in society and in life, not accidentally, but continuously. (Jison v. CA, G.R. No. 124853, 1998) b. Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws c. The due recognition of an illegitimate child in a record of birth A will, a statement before a court of record, or in any authentic writing is, in itself, a consummated act of acknowledgement of the child, and no further court action is required. In fact, any authentic writing is treated not just a ground for compulsory recognition; it is in itself a voluntary recognition that does not require a separate action for judicial approval. (Eceta v Eceta G.R. No. 157037, 2004). The father’s SSS Form E-1 satisfies the requirement for proof of filiation and relationship of petitioner to the Aguilar spouses under Article 172 of the Family Code. Filiation may be proved by an admission of legitimate filiation in a public document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned, and such due recognition in any authentic writing is, in itself, a consummated act of acknowledgment of the child, and no further court action is required. (Aguilar v. Siasat, G.R. 200169, 2015) A thumb mark has been repeatedly considered a valid mode of signature. Thus, the document executed by the putative father evidencing his voluntary recognition of filiation is valid. (San Agustin v. Sales, G.R. No. 189289, 2016) Rules in Filing an Action (Art. 173 in relation to 175): General rule: Only the child can bring an action to claim legitimacy/illegitimacy: General rule: It must be filed during his or her lifetime Exception: For illegitimate children, when the action is based on par. 2 of Art. 172, the action may be brought ONLY during the lifetime of the alleged parent (Ara v. Pizzaro, G.R. No. 1872773; J. Leonen). Exception: The right may be transmitted to the heirs of the child in the following cases: a. Death during minority; b. Insanity; or c. When the action has already been instituted by the child NOTE: Under a & b, the heirs shall have a period of 5 years within which to institute the action. PAGE 61 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN Those conceived AND born outside a valid marriage. (Art. 165) These include those who are: a. Born of marriages which are void ab initio such as bigamous and incestuous marriages and void marriages by reason of public policy b. Conceived and born of voidable marriages after the decree of annulment c. Conceived and born out of wedlock ACTION TO IMPUGN LEGITIMACY Grounds to Impugn the Legitimacy of the Child (Art. 166) (Exclusive List) (PBA) a. It was Physically impossible for the husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife within the first 120 days of the 300 days which immediately preceded the birth of the child because of: i. Physical incapacity of the husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife ii. Fact that the husband and wife were living separately in such a way that sexual intercourse was not possible, or iii. Serious illness of the husband which absolutely prevented intercourse b. c. If it’s proved that for Biological or other scientific reasons, the child could not have been that of the husband, except in the case of children conceived through artificial insemination In case of children conceived through Artificial insemination, when the written authorization or ratification of either parent was obtained through mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence. (Note: This assumes that there was written authorization) Who may impugn the Legitimacy of a Child General Rule: Only the husband can impugn the legitimacy of a child Exceptions: The heirs of the husband may impugn the child’s filiation in the following cases: (Art. 171) a) If the husband dies before the expiration of period for filing the action b) If the husband dies after filing without desisting c) If the child was born after the death of the husband CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Periods for Filing of Action to Impugn Legitimacy a. If the husband (or his heirs, in proper cases) resides in the same city or municipality where the birth took place or was recorded: within 1 year b. If the husband (or his heirs) does not reside in the city or municipality where the child’s birth took place or was recorded but his residence is in the Philippines: within 2 years. c. If the child’s birth took place or was recorded in the Philippines while the husband has his residence abroad, or vice-versa: within 3 years. (Art. 170) NOTE: The period shall be counted from the knowledge of the child’s birth OR its recording in the civil register. However, if the child’s birth was concealed from or was unknown to the husband or his heirs, the period shall be counted from the discovery or knowledge of the birth of the child or of the fact of registration of said birth, whichever is earlier. Presumption on the Status of a Child in Case of Successive (Valid) Marriages (Art. 168) In the absence of proof to the contrary: a. Presumed to have been conceived during the first marriage: If the child was born before 180 days after celebration of 2nd marriage provided it be born within 300 days after the termination of the 1st marriage. b. Presumed to have been conceived during the second marriage: If the child was born after 180 days following the celebration of the 2nd marriage, even though it be born within 300 days after termination of 1st marriage. c. No presumption: If the child was born after 300 days following the termination of the first marriage. In such a case, the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the child shall be proved by whoever alleges such (Art. 169) PAGE 62 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) SUMMARY OF FILIATION LEGITIMATE Those conceived or born during a valid marriage (Art. 164) These include children who are: 4. LEGITIMATED CHILDREN Requisites for Legitimation: (Art. 177-178) 1. The child was conceived and born out of wedlock; 2. The parents, at the time of child’s conception, were not disqualified by any impediment to marry each other or were disqualified only because either or both of them were below 18; and 3. There is a valid marriage subsequent to the child’s birth. NOTE: Legitimation takes place by the subsequent marriage of the child’s parents. Annulment of a voidable marriage shall not affect the legitimation Effect of Legitimation (Art. 179 – 181) a. Confers on the child the rights of legitimate children b. Retroacts to the time of the child’s birth c. The legitimation of children who died before the celebration of the marriage shall benefit their descendants. Legitimation may be impugned only by those who are prejudiced in their rights within 5 years from the time the cause of action accrues. (Art. 182) NOTE: Parents need not die for the cause of action to accrue a.Conceived as a result of artificial insemination, provided written authorization or ratification is given by the spouses before the birth of the child b.Conceived or born of a voidable marriage before decree of annulment c. Conceived or born before judgment of absolute nullity under Art. 36 (psychological incapacity) becomes final & executory d.Conceived or born of a subsequent marriage under Art. 53 (failure to record the judgment, partition and distribution of properties, and delivery of children’s presumptive legitime) ILLEGITIMATE Those conceived AND born outside a valid marriage (Art. 165) These children include those who are: a. Born of marriages which are void ab initio such as bigamous and incestuous marriages and void marriages by reason of public policy b. Conceived and born of voidable marriages after the decree of annulment c. Conceived and born out of wedlock LEGITIMATED For a child to be considered legitimated, the following requisites must be met: (Art. 177) a. The child was conceived and born out of wedlock b. The parents, at the time of child’s conception, were not disqualified by any impediment to marry each other or were disqualified only because either or both of them were below 18 c. There is a valid marriage subsequent to the child’s birth Legitimation takes place by the subsequent marriage of the child’s parents. e.Legally adopted f.Legitimated, conceived and born outside of wedlock of parents PAGE 63 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 without impediment at the time of conception and who subsequently married RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE/LEGITIMATED VIS-ÀVIS ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN Surname Support RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE CHILDREN (ART. 174) RIGHTS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN (ART. 176) Bear the surnames of the father and mother Use of surname of the mother, and has no right to use the surname of the father Has the right to receive support from their parents, their ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers and sisters Exception: They may be allowed to use the surname of their father only if there is primary evidence of such illegitimate filiation between them but without need of establishing such filiation in a judicial proceeding. In such case, the father during his lifetime, may institute an action to prove nonfiliation. Has right to receive support from both parents but only the separate property of the person obliged to give support Successional Rights Preferential successional rights in both intestate and compulsory succession shall be answerable, provided that in case the obligor has no separate property, the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, if financially capable, shall advance the support, which shall be deducted from the share of the spouse obliged upon the liquidation of ACP or CPG Preferential successional rights in both intestate and compulsory succession a. Use the surname of the mother if the requisites of R.A. 9255 are not complied with b. Use the surname of the father if the child’s filiation has been expressly recognized by the father, either through: Record of birth in civil register Father’s admission in public document Father’s admission in private handwritten document PAGE 64 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 H. ADOPTION Note that RA 8552 and RA 9523 were repealed, and RA 8043 amended, by RA 11642, which took effect on January 28. 2022 (beyond the cut-off date for the 2022 Bar). 1. DOMESTIC ADOPTION (R.A. No. 8552) a. Who May Adopt a. b. A Filipino citizen of: 1. Legal age; 2. In possession of full civil capacity and legal rights; 3. Good moral character 4. Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude; 5. Emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for children; 6. In a position to support and care for his legitimate and illegitimate children, in keeping with the means of the family and; 7. At least 16 years older than the person to be adopted, unless the adopter is: i. The natural parent of the child to be adopted, or ii. The spouse of the legitimate parent of the person to be adopted (Sec. 7, R.A. 8552) Alien 1. Possessing the same qualifications as above stated for Filipino nationals; 2. His/her country has diplomatic relations with the Philippines; 3. He/she has been living in the Philippines for at least 3 continuous years prior to the filing of the application for adoption and maintains such residence until the adoption decree is entered; 4. He/she has been certified by his/her diplomatic or consular office or any appropriate government agency that he/she has the legal capacity to adopt in his/her country; 5. His/her government allows the adoptee to enter his/her country as his/her adopted son/daughter Requirements for No. 3 and 4 may be waived in the following instances: 1. A former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity; or 2. One who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his/her Filipino spouse; or CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks to adopt jointly with his/her spouse a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino spouse c. Guardians With respect to the ward after the termination of the guardianship and clearance of his/her financial accountabilities. All statutory requirements for adoption must be met, and when a court issues an adoption decree despite the fact that all the said requirements are not met, such decree is a nullity (In re O’Keefe, 164 Misc 473). Rule on Adoption by Spouses: General Rule: Husband and wife shall jointly adopt. Exceptions: 1. One spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate son/daughter of the other; 2. One spouse seeks to adopt his/her own illegitimate son/daughter. This is provided that the other spouse has signified his/her consent; or 3. The spouses are legally separated from each other NOTE: In case husband and wife jointly adopt, or one spouse adopts an illegitimate child of the other, then joint parental authority shall be exercised The law requires that for adoption to be valid, the spouse seeking to adopt must first obtain the consent of his or her spouse and the consent of the adopter’s children 10 years old and above. To secure this, personal service of summons should have been effected on the spouse and all legitimate children to ensure that their substantive rights are protected. It is not enough to rely on constructive notice as in this case. Surreptitious use of procedural technicalities cannot be privileged over substantive statutory rights (Castro v. Gregorio, G.R. No. 188801). b. Who May be Adopted Who May be Adopted (BAILORP) a. Any person Below 18 years of age who has been administratively or judicially declared available for adoption b. Under R.A. 9523, a child which can be certified as “legally Available for adoption” includes a person below eighteen (18) PAGE 65 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 c. d. e. f. g. years of age or a person over eighteen (18) years of age but is unable to fully take care of him/herself or protect him/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of physical or mental disability or condition Illegitimate son/daughter by a qualified adopter to improve his/her status to that of legitimacy Legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the other spouse Person of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said person has been consistently considered and treated by the adopter as his/her Own child since minority; Child whose adoption has been previously Rescinded Child whose biological or adoptive Parents have died provided that no proceedings shall be initiated within 6 months from the time of death of said parents NOTE: A “child” refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age Written consent is necessary for adoption from the ff: (A-BLISS) a. Adoptee, if 10 years of age or over; b. Biological parents of the child, if known, or the legal guardian, or the proper government instrumentality which has legal custody of the child; c. Legitimate and adopted children of the adopter and adoptee, 10 years old or over; d. Illegitimate children of the adopter, 10 years old or over and living with him or her e. Spouse of the adopted, if married f. Spouse of the adopter, if married Effectivity of Decree of Adoption A decree of adoption is effective as of the date the original petition was filed. This also applies in case the petitioner dies before the issuance of the decree of adoption Where the petition for adoption was granted after the child killed a girl, no retroactive effect may be given to the decree of adoption so as to impose a liability upon the adopting parents accruing at a time when the adopting parents had no actual or physically custody over the adopted child. Retroactive effect may perhaps be given where such is essential to permit the accrual of some benefit or advantage in favor of the adopted child. To hold that parental authority had been retroactively lodged in the adopting parents so as to burden them with liability for a tortious act that they could not have foreseen nor prevented would CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) be unfair and unconscionable (Tamargo v. CA, G.R. No. 85044). c. Rights of an adopted child Effects of Adoption: a. Sever all legal ties between the biological parent(s) and the adoptee, except when the biological parent is the spouse of the adopter; b. Deem the adoptee as a legitimate child of the adopter; and c. Give adopter and adoptee reciprocal rights and obligations arising from the relationship of parent and child, including but not limited to: 1. The right of the adopter to choose the name the child is to be known; and 2. The right of the adopter and adoptee to be legal and compulsory heirs of each other. Therefore, even if emancipation terminates parental authority, the adoptee is still considered a legitimate child of the adopter with all the rights of a legitimate child such as: (1) to bear the surname of the father and the mother; (2) to receive support from their parents; and (3) to be entitled to the legitime and other successional rights (In Re: Petition for Adoption of Michelle P. Lim, Monina P. Lim, G.R. Nos. 168992-93). Rules on Succession In legal and intestate succession, the adopters and the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of succession without distinction from legitimate filiation. However, if the adoptee and his/her biological parents had left a will, the law on testamentary succession shall govern d. Instances and Rescission Effects of Rescission of Adoption Who may file: Only the adoptee may file for rescission of the adoption decree. The adopters may disinherit the adoptee for causes provided in Art. 919 of the NCC NOTE: If the adoptee is a minor or if over 18 years old but is incapacitated, he/she must be assisted by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as guardian/counsel PAGE 66 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Grounds for Rescission of Adoption: (MASA) a. Repeated physical and verbal Maltreatment by the adopters despite having undergone counseling b. Attempt on the life of the adoptee c. Sexual assault or violence d. Abandonment and failure to comply with parental obligations. Effects of the Rescission of the Adoption: a. The parental authority of the adoptee's biological parents, if known, OR the legal custody of the DSWD shall be restored if the adoptee is still a minor or incapacitated. b. The reciprocal rights and obligations of the adopters and the adoptee to each other shall be extinguished. c. The court shall order the Civil Registrar to cancel the amended certificate of birth of the adoptee and restore his/her original birth certificate. d. Succession rights shall revert to its status prior to adoption, but only as of the date of judgment of judicial rescission. Vested rights acquired prior to judicial rescission shall be respected. 2. INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION (RA 8043) Inter-Country Adoption Refers to the socio legal process of adopting a Filipino child by a foreigner or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad where the petition is filed, the supervised trial custody is undertaken, and the decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines NOTE: A “child” refers to a person below fifteen (15) years of age unless sooner emancipated by law a. When allowed Inter-Country Adoption: Refers to the socio legal process of adopting a Filipino child by a foreigner or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad where the petition is filed, the supervised trial custody is undertaken, and the decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines NOTE: A “child” refers to a person below fifteen (15) years of age unless sooner emancipated by law b. Who may adopt CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Qualifications and Disqualifications of an Adopter An alien or a Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad may file an application for inter-country adoption of a Filipino child if: (DEBT-CAMPS) a. Comes from a country with whom the Philippines has Diplomatic relations and whose government maintains a similarly authorized and accredited agency and that adoption is allowed under his/her national laws; b. Eligible to adopt under his/her national law; c. Agrees to uphold the Basic rights of the child as embodied under Philippine laws, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to abide by the rules and regulations issued to implement the provisions of this Act; d. Has not been convicted of a crime involving moral Turpitude; e. Has the Capacity to act and assume all rights and responsibilities of parental authority under his national laws, and has undergone the appropriate counseling from an accredited counselor in his/her country; f. At least 27 years of Age and at least 16 years older than the child to be adopted, at the time of application unless the adopter is the parent by nature of the child to be adopted or the spouse of such parent; g. If Married, his/her spouse must jointly file for the adoption; h. Possesses all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications provided herein and in other applicable Philippine laws; and i. In a position to provide the proper care and Support and to give the necessary moral values and example to all his children, including the child to be adopted c. Who may be adopted Qualifications and Disqualifications of Adopted Who may be adopted: Only a legally free child may be the subject of inter-country adoption Legally-free child: A child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to the Department, as dependent, abandoned, or neglected, in accordance with the Child and Youth Welfare Code No child shall be matched to a foreign adoptive family unless it is satisfactorily shown that the child cannot be adopted locally PAGE 67 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) c. Limitation on Voluntarily Committed Children General Rule: In the case of a child who is voluntarily committed, the physical transfer of said child shall be made not earlier than 6 months from the date the Deed of Voluntary Commitment was executed by the child’s biological parent/s Exception: It does not apply to adoption by a relative or children with special medical conditions. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: There are differences between the two adoption laws regarding: a. Definition of a child b. Procedure (where to file, what petition may include, publication requirements, supervised trial custody) c. Qualifications of adopter d. Who may be adopted e. Court that issues decree of adoption (Family court vs. Foreign court) I. SUPPORT 1. WHAT IT COMPRISES Support consists of everything indispensable for: (METS-DC) (Art. 194): a. Medical attendance b. Education – includes schooling (formal education) or training (non-formal education) for some profession, trade or vocation, even beyond the age of majority c. Transportation – includes expenses going to and from school, or to and from place of work (Art. 194) d. Sustenance e. Dwelling f. Clothing There is no distinction between natural support (basic necessities) and civil support (those beyond the basic necessities) In an action for support, the court can declare a marriage void to determine the rights of the child to be supported. There is no need that a judicial declaration of nullity be filed first before the lower court can rule that the marriage was void (De Castro v. Assidao-De Castro, G.R. No. 160172). 2. WHO ARE OBLIGED TO GIVE SUPPORT Persons Obliged to give Support to Each Other to the Whole Extent: (SAPL) (Art. 195) a. Spouses b. Legitimate Ascendants and Descendants d. Parents and their Legitimate/Illegitimate Children/Grandchildren Legitimate Brothers and Sisters, whether full or half-blood Rules Regarding Support for Illegitimate Brothers and Sisters (Whether Full or Half Blood) If the one asking for support is below majority age, he is entitled to support from his illegitimate brother or sister to the full extent, without any condition If the one asking for support is of majority age, he is entitled to support only if his need for support is not due to a cause imputable to his fault or negligence. (Art. 196) Insofar as Philippine laws are concerned, specifically the provisions of the Family Code on support, the same only applies to Filipino citizens. Petitioner cannot rely on Article 195 in demanding support from respondent, who is a foreign citizen. However, in view of respondent’s failure to prove the national law of the Netherlands, the doctrine of processual presumption shall govern, which states that if the foreign law involved is not properly pleaded and proved, our courts will presume that the foreign law is the same as our local or domestic or internal law. Thus, the law in the Netherlands is presumed to be the same with Philippine law, which enforces the obligation of parents to support their children and penalizing the non-compliance therewith. Moreover, foreign law should not be applied when its application would work undeniable injustice to the citizens or residents of the forum. (Norma A. Del Socorro, for and in behalf of her minor child, Roderigo Norjo Van Wilsem v. Ernst Johan Brinkham Van Wilsem, G.R. No. 193707) 3. SOURCE OF SUPPORT For the support of spouses, their common children, and legitimate children of either spouse, the absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall be liable (Art. 94(1), Art. 121(1)). For others obliged to give support, the separate property of the obligor shall be answerable: Provided, that the absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall advance the support in case the obligor has no separate property o Under CPG, in case of insufficiency, the conjugal partnership shall be liable only after the responsibilities under PAGE 68 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Art. 121 have been covered (Art. 122) Any advance/s made shall be deducted from the share of the obligor spouse upon liquidation of the absolute community or of the conjugal partnership (Art. 197) 4. ORDER OF SUPPORT When two or more persons are obliged to give support, liability shall devolve based on the following order: a. Spouse; b. Descendants in the nearest degree; c. Ascendants in the nearest degree; and d. Brothers and sisters (Art. 199) Rule in case of multiple obligors with one and the same oblige: The payment shall be divided between the obligors in proportion to their resources (Art. 200(1)) In case of urgency or special circumstances, the judge may order only one of them to furnish provisional support o Without prejudice to his or her right of reimbursement from the other/s (Art. 200(2)) Rule in case of multiple obligees with one and the same obligor: General Rule: The obligor must satisfy all the claims Exception: In case the obligor has no sufficient means to satisfy all the claims, the order above (See: order of support or Art. 199) shall be followed Exception to this: Between the spouse and a child subject to parental authority, the child is preferred (Art. 200 (3)) 5. AMOUNT OF SUPPORT The amount of support shall be in proportion to: The resources or means of the giver and To the necessities of the recipient (Art. 201) The amount of support shall be reduced or increased proportionately according to: Changes in the necessities of the recipient and The resources of the provider (Art. 202) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 6. MANNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT Time of payment (Art. 203): The obligation to give support can be demanded from the time the person who has the right to receive the same needs it for maintenance However, it shall be paid only from the date of judicial or extrajudicial demand Payment shall be made within the first five (5) days of each corresponding month In case the recipient dies, his heirs shall not be obliged to return what he has received in advance Manner of payment (Art. 204): Here, the obligor has two options: 1. To pay the allowance fixed; or 2. To receive and maintain the person who has a right to receive support in the family dwelling, unless there is a moral or legal obstacle 7. RENUNCIATION AND TERMINATION The waiver, renunciation, transmission, or compensation of the right to receive support cannot still be undertaken as such acts are contrary to law, public policy, morals, or good customs pursuant to Article 6 of the Civil Code. It is in violation of the of the mandatory obligation under Article 195 and therefore, if such prescribed acts are undertaken, they shall be void pursuant to Article 5 of the Civil Code 8. SUPPORT PENDENTE LITE Support shall be given during the proceedings for: Legal separation Annulment of marriage, and Declaration of nullity of marriage Who are entitled to it: Spouses and their children General Rule: As between spouses, the obligation of mutual support ceases after final judgement granting the petition. Exception: This is unless, in case of legal separation, the court orders the guilty spouse to furnish support to the innocent one, specifying the terms thereof Source of support: The absolute community or the conjugal partnership (Art. 198) PAGE 69 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 In an action for support, adultery is a good defense and if properly proved and sustained, will defeat the action (Reyes v. Ines-Luciano, G.R. No. L48219). However, while adultery may be a defense in an action for personal support, that is, support of the wife by the husband from his own funds, it is not a defense when the support is to be taken from the conjugal partnership property. (Lerma v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-33352) 9. PROCEDURE IN APPLICATION FOR SUPPORT Interlocutory nature of support pendente lite In a Petition for Review under Rule 45, petitioner argues that the CA should not have dismissed her appeal because the arrears in support pendente lite which respondent failed to pay have ceased to be provisional and have become final. The SC held that it is important to emphasize the temporary or provisional nature of support pendente lite. It is but an incident to the main action for declaration of nullity; and whether an order or resolution is final or interlocutory is not dependent on compliance or non-compliance by a party to its directive, questioning the subject interlocutory orders of the RTC, petitioner's appeal was correctly dismissed by the CA. The remedy against an interlocutory order not subject of an appeal is a special civil action under Rule 65 provided that the interlocutory order is rendered without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion. Having chosen the wrong remedy in questioning the subject interlocutory orders of the RTC, petitioner's appeal was correctly dismissed by the CA (Calderon v. Roxas and CA, G.R. No. 185595). X prayed for support from the putative father of her child (who is also X’s father). While the grant of support was contingent on ascertaining parental relations between the child and the putative parent, it was unnecessary for the action for support to be dismissed by the appellate court. An integrated determination of filiation is "entirely appropriate" to an action for support. Concerned parties may be allowed to present evidence to establish their cause of action, inclusive of their underlying claim of paternal relations. An action for support may very well resolve that ineluctable issue of paternity if it involves the same parties, is brought before a court with the proper jurisdiction, prays to impel recognition of paternal relations, and invokes judicial intervention to do so. This also serves the interest of judicial economy — avoiding multiplicity of suits and cushioning litigants from CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) the vexation and costs of a protracted pleading of their cause (Abella v. Cabañero, G.R. No. 206647). Q: Can the Pension Gratuity Management Center of the AFP (PGMC) be ordered to automatically deduct a percentage from the retirement benefits of its enlisted personnel, and to give the same directly to the latter's lawful wife as spousal support in compliance with a protection order issued by the RTC pursuant to RA. No. 9262? YES. We hold that Section 8(g) of RA. No. 9262, being a later enactment, should be construed as laying down an exception to the general rule that retirement benefits are exempt from execution. It bears stressing that Section 8(g) providing for spousal and child support, fulfills the objective of restoring the dignity of women who are victims of domestic violence and provides them continued protection against threats to their personal safety and security (PGMC v. AAA, G.R. No. 201292). J. PARENTAL AUTHORITY 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Parental Authority (patria potestas) The mass of rights and obligations which parents have in relation to the person and property of their children until their emancipation, and even after, under certain circumstances Characteristics of Parental Authority: a. It is a natural right and duty of the parents over the person and property of their unemancipated children (Art. 209); b. It cannot be renounced, transferred, except in cases authorized by law (Art. 210); c. It is jointly exercised by the father and the mother (Art. 211); d. It is purely personal and cannot be exercised through agents; and e. It is temporary Rules as to the exercise of Parental Authority a. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental authority over the persons of their common children. In case of disagreement, the father's decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary (Art. 211); PAGE 70 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. c. d. If the child is illegitimate, parental authority is with the mother; In case of absence or death of either parent, the parent present shall continue exercising parental authority (Art. 212); The marriage of the surviving parent shall not affect parental authority over the children, unless the court appoints another person to be the guardian of the person or property of the children In case of separation of the parents, parental authority shall be exercised by the parent designated by the Court The Court shall take into account all relevant considerations, especially the choice of the child over 7 years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit No child under 7 years old shall be separated from the mother, unless the Court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise Once parental authority is vested, it cannot be waived except in cases of adoption, guardianship and surrender to a children’s home or an orphan institution. (Sagala-Eslao v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116773) It is not enough to show that the biological mother is a lesbian so that she can be denied the custody of a child not more than 7 years of age. X must also demonstrate that she carried on her purported relationship which is not conducive to the child’s proper moral development. In choosing the parent to whom custody is given, the welfare of the minor should always be the paramount consideration. The “tender-age presumption” may be overcome only by compelling evidence of the mother’s unfitness (Pablo-Gualberto v. Gualberto, G.R. No. 154994). The matter of custody is not permanent and unalterable and can always be re-examined and adjusted. Custody, even if previously granted by a competent court in favor of a parent, is not permanent. The paramount interest of the child should always be considered (Beckett v. Sarmiento, RTJ-12-2326) A joint agreement that the father shall have custody of the child below seven is void for being contrary to law. To limit this provision’s enforceability to court sanctioned agreements while placing private agreements beyond its reach is to sanction a double standard in custody regulation of children under seven years old of CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) separated parents. This effectively empowers separated parents, by the simple expedient of avoiding the courts, to subvert a legislative policy vesting to the separated mother sole custody of her children under seven years of age (Dacasin v. Dacasin, G.R. No. 168785) 2. SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL AUTHORITY Order of Substitute Parental Authority: In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, substitute parental authority shall be exercised by: 1. The surviving grandparent; 2. The oldest brother or sister over 21 years old, unless unfit or disqualified; 3. The child’s actual custodian, over 21 years old, unless unfit or disqualified (Art. 216) In a custody case where the father of an illegitimate child was the actual custodian of said child, the SC ruled that while it may be argued that Article 176 has effectively disqualified the father from exercising substitute parental authority under Article 216, the Court cannot adopt a rigid view, without running afoul to the overarching consideration in custody cases, which is the best interest of the minor. The best interest demands a determination if the mother is unfit; and if so, whether it is best that custody be with her father rather than her grandparents upon whom the law accords a far superior right to exercise substitute parental authority. (Masbate and Spouses Masbate v. Relucio, G.R. No. 235498) In case of foundlings, abandoned children, neglected children, or abused children, and other children similarly situated, summary judicial proceedings shall be instituted so that they may be entrusted to: a. Heads of children’s homes b. Orphanages, or c. Similar institutions duly accredited by the proper government agency (Art. 217) 3. SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY People Exercising Special Parental Authority: a. School b. Administrators and teachers c. Individual, entity, or institution engaged in childcare NOTE: Special parental authority can be exercised only over minors while under their supervision, instruction, or custody. The authority PAGE 71 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 and supervision also attach to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the school, entity, or institution Liability of those Exercising Special Parental Authority Over the Child They are principally and solidarily liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of the child while under their supervision, instruction or custody. However, this liability is subject to the defense that the person exercising parental authority exercised proper diligence. The parents and judicial guardians of the minor or those exercising substitute parental authority over the minor are subsidiarily liable for said acts and omissions of the minor. The responsibility given to an academic institution for the welfare of its students has been characterized by law and judicial doctrine as a form of special parental authority and responsibility. This responsibility has been amplified by the enactment of the Anti-Hazing Law, in that the failure by school authorities to take any action to prevent the offenses as provided by the law exposes them to criminal liability as accomplices in the criminal acts. Thus, the institution and its officers cannot stand idly by in the face of patently criminal acts committed within their sphere of responsibility. They bear the commensurate duty to ensure that the crimes covered by the AntiHazing Law are not committed (People v. Bayabos, G.R. No. 171222). 4. EFFECT OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CHILD’S PERSON Parental Rights and Duties: a. To keep them in their company b. To support, educate and instruct them by right precept and good example c. To provide for their upbringing in keeping with their means d. To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding e. To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them compliance with the duties of citizenship f. To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their activities, recreation and association with others, protect them from bad company, and prevent them from acquiring habits CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) g. h. i. j. detrimental to their health, studies and morals To represent them in all matters affecting their interests To demand from them respect and obedience To impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances To perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon parents and guardians (Art. 220) The person exercising substitute parental authority shall have the same authority over the person of the child as the parents In no case shall the school administrator, teacher, or individual engaged in childcare and exercising special authority, inflict corporal punishment upon the child (Art. 233) Liability of Persons Exercising Parental Authority Civilly liable for the injuries and damages caused by the acts or omissions of their unemancipated children living in their company and under their parental authority. This is subject to appropriate defenses provided by law (such as the exercise of diligence of a good father of a family) (Libi v. IAC, G.R. No. 70890). 5. EFFECTS OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CHILD’S PROPERTY Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Property of the Child: a. The father and mother shall jointly exercise legal guardianship over the property of the minor common child without court appointment b. In case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail, unless there is judicial order to the contrary c. If the market value of the property or the annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the parent is required to furnish a bond of not less than 10% of the value of the child’s property or income d. The property of the unemancipated child earned or acquired with his work or industry or by onerous or gratuitous title shall belong to the child in ownership and shall be devoted exclusively for support and education, unless the title or transfer provides otherwise The fruits and income of the child’s property shall be limited primarily to PAGE 72 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 the child’s support and secondarily to the collective daily needs of the family The parent’s authority over the estate of the ward as a legal guardian would not extend to acts of encumbrance or disposition, as distinguished from acts of management or administration (Nario v. Philippine American Life Ins. Co., G.R. No. L22796). A parent has no power to compromise their children’s claims, for a compromise has always been deemed equivalent to an alienation, and is an act of strict ownership that goes beyond mere administration (Visaya, et al. v. Suiguitan, et al., G.R. No. L-8300). 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY Grounds for Suspension of Parental Authority: (CHOBA) a. Conviction of parent for crime with civil interdiction (Art. 230) b. Treats child with excessive Harshness and cruelty c. Gives corrupting Orders counsel, or example d. Compels child to Beg e. Subjects to or allows him to be subjected to Acts of lasciviousness (Art. 231) Revival of Suspended Parental Authority If under a: The authority is automatically reinstated upon service of the penalty or upon pardon or amnesty of the offender If under b-e: The suspension or deprivation may be revoked and the parental authority revived in a case filed for the purpose or in the same proceeding if the court finds that the cause therefore has ceased and will not be repeated Termination of Parental Authority: a. Death of parents b. Death of child c. Emancipation of child d. Parents exercising parental authority has subjected the child or allowed him to be subjected to sexual abuse (ground for permanent termination) (Art. 228) Other Cases Where Parental Authority May Be Terminated (Art. 229) a. Adoption of child b. Appointment of general guardian c. Judicial declaration of abandonment CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) d. e. Final judgment divesting parental authority Judicial declaration of absence or incapacity of person exercising parental authority 7. SOLO PARENTS ACT (R.A. No. 8972) Who are solo parents: Any individual falling under any of the following categories: a. A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and other crimes against chastity even without a final conviction of the offender: provided, that the mother keeps and raises the child; b. Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood: 1. due to death of spouse; 2. while the spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) year; 3. due to physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public medical practitioner; 4. due to legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1) year, as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children; 5. due to declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or by a church as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children; 6. due to abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) year; c. Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear her/his child/children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a welfare institution; d. Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or children; e. Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence of the parents or solo parent. Provided, that a change in status or circumstance of a parent claiming benefits under this Act, such that he or she is no longer left alone with the responsibility of parenthood, shall terminate his or her eligibility for benefits under this Act (Sec. 3(a)) PAGE 73 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Comprehensive Package of Social Development and Welfare Services The package to be developed by the departments concerned will initially include: a. Livelihood development services, including trainings on livelihood skills, basic business management, value orientation, and provision of seed capital or job placement b. Counseling services, including individual, peer group, or family counseling c. Parent effectiveness service, including provisions and expansion of knowledge and skills of solo parent on early childhood development, behavior management, health care, rights and duties of parents and children d. Critical incidence stress debriefing, including preventive stress management designed to assist solo parent in coping with crisis situations and abuse e. Special projects for individuals in need of protection, including temporary shelter, counseling, legal assistance, medical care, self-concept or ego-building, crisis management and spiritual enrichment (Sec. 5) Other rights and benefits (Sec. 6-11): a. Flexible Work Schedule: Provided, it does not affect individual and company productivity and the employer is not granted an exemption by DOLE b. No work discrimination c. Parental leaves of not more than seven (7) working days every year, provided the solo parent employee has rendered services of at least one year d. Educational Benefits such as: 1. Scholarship programs for qualified solo parents and their children in institutions of basic, tertiary, and technical/skills education; and 2. Nonformal education programs appropriate for solo parents and children e. Housing Benefits: 1. Allocation in housing projects 2. Liberal terms of payment on said government low-cost housing projects f. NOTE: Priority is given to applicants who are below the poverty line as declared by the NEDA Medical Benefits CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Who are entitled to such rights and benefits (Sec. 4): Any solo parent whose income in the place of domicile falls below the poverty threshold set by NEDA and subject to the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area On the other hand, a solo parent whose income is above the poverty threshold shall enjoy the following benefits: a. Flexible Work Schedule b. Freedom from work discrimination c. Parental Leave K. EMANCIPATION 1. CAUSE OF EMANCIPATION Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majority. Unless otherwise provided, majority commences at the age of eighteen years (Art. 234, as amended by RA 6809) 2. EFFECT OF EMANCIPATION Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental authority over the person and property of the child who shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil life, save the exceptions established in by existing laws in special cases. Contracting marriages shall require parental consent until the age of twenty-one. (Art. 236) L. RETROACTIVITY OF FAMILY CODE This code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws (Art. 256) Since the petitioner and the respondent suffer no legal impediment and exclusively lived with each other under a void marriage, their property relation is one of co-ownership under Article 147 of the Family Code. The said provision finds application in this case even if the parties were married before the Family Code took effect by express provision of the Family Code on its retroactive effect for as long as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws (Paterno v. Paterno, G.R. No. 213687). PAGE 74 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 75 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 III. SUCCESSION TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Definition 2. Succession Occurs at the Moment of Death 3. Kinds of Successors B. TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION 1. Wills 2. Institution of heirs 3. Substitution of heirs 4. Conditional testamentary dispositions and testamentary dispositions with a term 5. Legitime 6. Disinheritance 7. Legacies and devises C. LEGAL OR INTESTATE SUCCESSION 1. General provisions; a. Relationship b. Right of representation 2. Order of intestate succession D. PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION 1. Right of accretion 2. Capacity to succeed by will or intestacy 3. Acceptance and repudiation of the inheritance 4. Partition and distribution of estate CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. DEFINITION Succession – mode of acquisition by virtue of which the property, rights and obligations to the extent of the value of the inheritance, of a person are transmitted through his death to another or others either by his will or by operation of law. (Art. 774) Kinds of succession (a) Compulsory — succession to the legitime (this prevails over all kinds) (b) Testate — succession by will (c) Intestate — succession by operation of law; occurs in the absence of a valid will (d) Mixed — a combination of testate and intestate succession. (Balane, Jottings and Jurisprudence in Civil Law, p. 29, 2016) ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSION (a) Subjective Element (i) Decedent — person whose property is transmitted through succession (Art. 775); also called testator in testate succession. (ii) Successors/Heirs – those who are called to succession to the whole or to an aliquot portion of the inheritance either by will or by operation on law. (Art. 782) 2. SUCCESSION OCCURS AT THE MOMENT OF DEATH (b) Causal Element Death of the Person – The rights to the succession are transmitted from the moment of the death of the decedent. (Art. 777) Thus, the capacity of the heir is determined as of the time the decedent died (Art. 1034); the legitime is to be computed as of the same moment (Art. 908), and so is the inofficiousness of the donation inter vivos (Art. 771). Similarly, the legacies of credit and remission are valid only in the amount due and outstanding at the death of the testator (Art. 935), and the fruits accruing after that are deemed to pertain to the legatee. (Art. 948; Calalang-Parulan v. Calalang-Garcia, G.R. No. 184148) In addition, the law in force at the time of the decedent’s death will determine who the heirs should be [Uson v. Del Rosario, 92 Phil. 530)] and PAGE 76 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ownership passes to the heir at the very moment of death, therefore, from that moment: (a) the heir acquires the right to dispose of his share [De Borja v. Vda. De Borja, 46 SCRA 577] and; (b) the heir’s interest in the estate may be attached for purposes of execution of his creditor [Reganon v. Imperial, 22 SCRA 80] (a) Devisees – persons to whom gifts of real property are given by virtue of a will (Art. 782) (b) Legatees – persons to whom gifts of personal property are respectively given by virtue of a will (Art. 782) 3) However, a person may be presumed dead for the purpose of opening his succession. (see rules on presumptive death, Art. 390-391) In this case, succession is only of provisional character because there is always the chance that the absentee may be alive. Future inheritance cannot be the subject of a contract of sale because the seller owns no inheritance while his predecessor lives. (Art. 1347 in relation to Art. 777) (c) Objective Element (Art. 776) Inheritance – is the subject matter of succession and includes all the transmissible property, rights, and obligations of a person, which are not extinguished by his death. NOTE: If the right or obligation is strictly personal, it is not transmissible, hence, it is extinguished by death. (Balane, supra, p.2) Determination of “Non-Transmissibility” of Obligation 1) Nature of the Obligation- must be personal obligation (e.g., to sing, dance, or obligations to do) 2) Intransmissibility by stipulation of the parties; 3) Intransmissible by law Succession Distinguished From Inheritance Succession refers to the legal mode by which inheritance is transmitted to the persons entitled to it; while inheritance refers to the universality or entirety of the property, rights and obligations of a person who died. 3. KINDS OF SUCCESSORS 1) 2) Compulsory – those who succeed by force of law and are entitled to a legitime, which is in proportion to the entire disposable estate and is predetermined by law, of which they cannot be deprived by the testator, except through a valid disinheritance Voluntary or Testamentary – those who are instituted by the testator in his/her will to succeed to the free portion (that which the testator can freely dispose) 4) Legal or Intestate – those who succeed to the estate of the decedent who dies without a valid will, or one who does not leave a will, or to the portion of such estate not disposed of by will Mixed – is that effected partly by will and partly by operation of law (Art. 780) NOTE: The distinction between heirs and devisees or legatees is important in these cases: (a) Preterition (Art. 854), which totally annuls the institution of heirs but devisees and legacies remain valid (b) Imperfect/Ineffective disinheritance, which annuls institution of heirs only insofar as it may prejudice the person disinherited (c) After-acquired properties (d) Acceptance or non-repudiation of successional rights B. TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION 1. WILLS Concept of a Will It is an act whereby a person is permitted with the formalities prescribed by law to control to a certain degree the disposition of his estate to take effect after his death. (Art. 783) NOTE: A will disposes only the free portion of the estate. (Art. 886; Balane, supra, p. 38) Characteristics of a Will 1) Unilateral — does not need the approval of any other person (implied in Art. 783) 2) Strictly Personal Act (Arts. 784-785) The making of a will is strictly a personal act; it cannot be left to the discretion of a third person, or accomplished through the instrumentality of an agent or attorney (Art. 784) The following acts or stipulations may not be delegated to third persons: a. Designation of heirs, devisees, or legatees; (Balane, supra, p.41) PAGE 77 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. c. d. Duration or efficacy of the designation of heirs, devisees or legatees; Determination of the portions which the heirs, devises, or legatees are to take, when referred to by name; and Determination of whether or not the testamentary disposition is to be operative (Arts.785 and 787) NOTE: This is entirely different from the acceptance or renunciation by the heir as beneficiary. The heir has the freedom to accept or renounce the testamentary benefit. Acts which may be delegated to third persons (Art. 786): a. Distribution of specific property or sums of money that the testator may leave in general to specified classes or causes; and b. Designation of the persons, institutions or establishments to which such property or sums are to be given or applied. 3) Free and Voluntary Act — any vice affecting testamentary freedom can cause the disallowance of the will (Art. 839) 4) Formal and Solemn Act — the formalities are essential for validity (Art. 804-814; 820821) and will depend if what is executed is an attested or holographic will. 5) Act Mortis Causa — takes effect only after the death of the testator (Art. 783) 6) Revocable or Ambulatory —Revocable at any time during the testator’s lifetime (Art. 828) 7) 8) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) property to take effect after his death. 783) 9) (Art. Executed with testamentary capacity – see below (Art. 796-803) 10) Dispositive of property (Art. 783) 11) Permitted/Statutory – Purely statutory such that without a law authorizing it, it is not available. Interpretation of Wills If a testamentary disposition admits of different interpretations, in case of doubt that interpretation by which the disposition is to be operative shall be preferred. (Art. 788) The words of a will are to be interpreted in a manner which will give effect to every expression, rather than one which will render any of the expressions inoperative. The interpretation which will prevent intestacy shall be preferred. (Art. 791) Underlying Principle: Testacy is always preferred than intestacy, because the former is the express will of the decedent whereas the latter is only his implied will. (Balane, supra, p. 45) Animus Testandi - The testator’s intent (animus testandi), as well as giving effect to such intent, is primordial. Exception: When the intention of the testator is contrary to law, morals or public policy. In case of doubt, the interpretation by which the disposition is to be operative or will sustain and uphold the will in all its parts shall be adopted, provided that it can be done consistently with the established rules of law. Kinds of Ambiguities In Wills (Art. 789) 1) Latent or Intrinsic Ambiguities those which do not appear on the face of the will may be resolved through evidence aliunde or those outside of the will, except oral declarations of the testator. However, separate or individually executed wills, although containing reciprocal provisions (mutual wills) are not prohibited, subject to the rules on disposicion captatoria. (Art. 875) 2) Patent or Extrinsic Ambiguities those which appear on the face of the will itself must be resolved only by provisions contained in the will itself. Executed with animus testandi – testator knowledgeable he wants to dispose of his In resolving ambiguities in wills, any admissible and relevant evidence may be used to determine Individual Act — two or more persons cannot make a single joint will, either for their reciprocal benefit or for another person. (Art. 818) PAGE 78 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 the intention of the testator, except for patent or extrinsic ambiguities, for which the words of the will are to be resorted to. Oral declarations of the testator as to his intention cannot be used in resolving either latent or patent ambiguities (Balane, supra, p. 46). Why? A dead man cannot refute a tale. Interpretation By General Meaning The words of a will are to be taken in their ordinary and grammatical sense, unless a clear intention to use them in another sense can be gathered, and that other can be ascertained. (Art. 790, par. 1) Technical words in a will are to be taken in their technical sense, unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intention, or unless it satisfactorily appears that the will was drawn solely by the testator, and that he was unacquainted with such technical sense. (Art. 790) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) that should have been acquired. (Balane, supra, p. 49) Requirements for Validity of Wills 1) Extrinsic / Formal Validity – refers to the requirement of form and determined in probate proceedings; it includes: (a) Formalities provided by law (b) Testamentary Capacity 2) Intrinsic / Substantive Validity – refers to the substance of the provisions and generally determined after probate (Balane, supra, p. 50) GOVERNING LAW AS TO TIME Principle of Severability The invalidity of one of several dispositions contained in a will does not result in the invalidity of the other dispositions, unless it is to be presumed that the testator would not have made such other dispositions if the first invalid disposition had not been made. (Art. 792) Property Acquired After the Execution of the Will Property acquired during the period between the execution of the will and the death of the testator is NOT included among the property disposed of. (Art. 793) Exception: When a contrary intention expressly appears on the will. (Art. 793) Interpretation Of Legacy and Devise General Rule: In a legacy or devise, the testator gives exactly the interest he has in the thing. (Art. 794) Exceptions: 1) It is clear in the will that he intended to convey a less interest. (Art. 794) 2) The testator expressly declares that he conveys a part greater than his interest in the thing. (Art. 929) NOTE: In case the testator conveys a part greater than his interest in the thing, and if the person owning such interest in excess of that of the testator does not wish to part with it, the solution in Art. 931 can be applied; the legatee or devisee shall be entitled only to the just value of the interest GOVERNING LAW AS TO PLACE EXTRINSIC VALIDITY INTRINSIC VALIDITY For Filipinos and Foreigners: Law at the time of execution (Art. 795) For Filipinos: Law at the time of death (Art. 16 & 2263) For Filipinos and Foreigners: (Art. 815-817) a. Citizenship b. Domicile c. Residence d. Place of For Foreigners: National law (Art. 16, par.2; Art. 1039) For Filipinos: Philippine law For Foreigners: National law Execution e. Philippine Law Rules on Formal Validity of Wills Every testator, whether Filipino or alien, wherever he may be, has five choices as to what law to follow for the form of his/her will: (a) Law of his citizenship (Art. 15, 816, 817) (b) Law of the place of execution (Art. 17) (c) Law of his domicile (Art. 816) (d) Law of his residence (Art. 816) (e) Philippine law (Art. 15, 816, 817) TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY AND INTENT It is the ability as well as the legal capacity to make a will. It must be present at the time of the execution of the will. (Balane, supra, p. 52) PAGE 79 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Who are capacitated to make a will (NES) 1) Natural person not expressly prohibited by law to make a will. (Art. 796) 2) Eighteen (18) years old and above (Art. 797). 3) Of Sound mind, at the time of its execution (Art. 798) All of these must be present at the time of the execution of the will. (in relation with Art. 801) Soundness of Mind To be of sound mind, it is not necessary that the testator be in full possession of all his reasoning faculties, or that his mind be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by disease, injury or other cause. (Art. 799) A testator is considered of sound mind if at the time of making of the will he knows the following: 1) Nature of the estate to be disposed of - The testator should have a fairly accurate knowledge of what he owns. (Balane, supra, p. 53) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) NOTE: Supervening capacity or incapacity does not invalidate an effective will, nor is the will of an incapable validated by supervening capacity (Art. 801). Mentally aberrant medically does not equate to testamentary incapacity. [Galvez v. Galvez, 26 Phil 243 (1913)] Burden of Proof of Soundness of Mind 1) The person who opposes probate of the will has the burden of proof that the testator was not of sound mind (Art. 800). 2) The person who maintains the validity of the will must prove that the testator executed it during a lucid interval, when the testator was publicly known to be insane, one month or less before making his will. (Art. 800) FORMS OF WILLS Kinds of Wills (a) Notarial / Attested – an ordinary will acknowledged before a notary public by the testator and the instrumental witnesses (Art. 805-806) (b) Holographic – a will totally handwritten, dated, and signed by the testator alone. (Art. 810) 2) Proper objects of his bounty - The testator should know under ordinary circumstances, who his relatives in the most proximate degrees, are. (Balane, supra, p. 53) 3) Character of the testamentary act (Art. 799) - The testator should know the legal nature of a will. He or she must know that he is executing a document that disposes of his properties gratuitously, which would take effect upon his death. (Balane, supra, p. 5354) Formalities Common To Notarial And Holographic Wills: 1) Every will must be in writing (Art. 804); and Nuncupative (Oral) Wills are not allowed except in the Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines Legal Presumption in Favor Of Soundness Of Mind (Art. 800) General Rule: The law presumes that every person is of sound mind, in the absence of proof to the contrary. Forgetfulness, even if proven, is not proof of unsoundness of mind. (Baltazar v. Laxa, G.R. No. 17449) i. Must be understood by others, and ii. Must be capable of being preserved and with permanence. Reason: generally, wills are probated after the death of the testator, so it must have the character of permanence and must be understood by others. Exceptions: (a) When the testator, one month or less before the execution of the will, was publicly known to be insane (Art. 800); (b) When the testator executed the will after being placed under guardianship or ordered committed to a mental institution (under Rules 93 and 101, respectively of the Rules of Court), and before said order has been lifted. (Baltazar v. Laxa, G.R. No. 174489) Any form of writing is allowed, provided 2) Executed in a language or dialect known to the testator (Art. 804) It must be understood by testator, but it is not required that the will specifically state that it is in a language or dialect known to the testator. (Abada v. Abaja, G.R. No. 147145) This is merely evidentiary and should be proven during probate. The presumption that testator knows and understands language or dialect applies only if: PAGE 80 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 i. ii. The will was executed in a language generally spoken in the place of execution; and The testator is a native or resident of such locality. (Abangan v. Abangan, G.R. No. L-13431) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Agent of the Testator Subscribing under his Express Direction The essential thing for validity is that the agent wrote the testator’s name. It would be a good thing, but not required, for the agent to indicate the fact of agency or authority. (Barut v. Cabacungan, G.R. No. L-6285) NOTARIAL/ATTESTED WILLS Requirements for Notarial Wills (Art. 805-806) 1) Subscribed by the testator or his agent in his presence and by his express direction at the end thereof, in the presence of the witnesses; 2) Attested and subscribed by at least three credible witnesses in the presence of the testator and of one another; 3) The testator, or his agent, must sign every page, except the last, on the left margin in the presence of the witnesses; 4) The witnesses must sign every page, except the last, on the left margin in the presence of the testator and of one another; 5) All pages must be numbered correlatively in letters on the upper part of each page; 6) Attestation clause stating: a) The number of pages of the will; b) The fact that the testator or his agent under his express direction signed the will and every page thereof, in the presence of the witnesses; c) The fact that the witnesses witnessed and signed the will and every page thereof in the presence of the testator and one another; 7) Acknowledgement before a notary public Subscribed by the Testator or his Agent in his Presence and by his Express Direction at the End thereof, in the Presence of the Witnesses The testator’s thumbprint is always a valid and sufficient signature for the purpose of complying with the requirement of the law. There is no basis for limiting the validity of thumbprints only to cases of illness or infirmity. (De Gala v. Gonzales G.R. No. L-30289; Dolar v. Diancin, G.R. No. L-33365; Lopez v. Liboro, G.R. No. L-1787) However, a sign of the cross does not comply with the statutory requirement of signature, unless it is the testator’s usual manner of signature or one of his usual styles of signing. The cross does not have the trustworthiness of a thumbmark. (Garcia v. Lacuesta, G.R. No. L-4067) Signed at the End Signing before the end invalidates not only the dispositions that come after, but the entire will, because the one of the statutory requirements would not have been complied with. (Azuela v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122880) Two Kinds of End 1. Physical end – where the writing stops 2. Logical end – where the last testamentary disposition ends. Signing at either end is permissible. (Balane, supra) Signed in the Presence of Witnesses Actual seeing is not required, but the ability to see each other by merely casting their eyes in the proper direction. (Nera v. Rimando, G.R. No. L5971) Acts of Witnesses Attesting – act of witnessing Subscribing – act of signing their names in the proper places of the will (Balane, supra, p. 81 citing Taboada v. Rosal, G.R. No. L36033; Caneda v. CA, G.R. No. 103554) The witnesses need not sign at the end of the will. It is sufficient that they signed the will even marginally. (Taboada v. Rosal, G.R. No. L-36033) Signing on Every Page, Except the Last Signing on every page of the will is mandatory, while the place of signing, i.e. left margin, is merely directory. The signature can be affixed anywhere on the page. (Balane, supra) When No Marginal Signatures are Required If the entire document consists of only two sheets, the first containing the will and the second, the attestation clause, there need not be any marginal signatures at all. (Abangan v. Abangan, G.R. No. L-13431) Order of Signing The order of signing is immaterial, provided everything is done in a single transaction. However, if the affixation of the signatures is done in several transactions, then it is required that the PAGE 81 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 testator affix his signature ahead of the witnesses. (Balane, supra, p. 86-87) Pagination The pagination by means of a conventional system, a generally accepted or known sequential order, is required, while the pagination in letters on the upper part of each page is merely directory. (Balane, supra) Attestation Clause Need Not be Signed by the Testator The attestation clause is the affair of the witnesses, therefore, it need not be signed by the testator. (Fernandez v. Vergel de Dios, G.R. No. L-21151) Witnesses Must Sign at the End of Attestation Clause The attestation clause is a memorandum of the facts attending the execution of the will required by law to be made by the attesting witnesses, and it must necessarily bear their signatures. An unsigned attestation clause cannot be considered an act of the witnesses, since the omission of their signatures at the bottom negatives their participation. If an attestation clause not signed at the bottom be admitted, it would be easy to add such clause to a will on a subsequent occasion and in the absence of the testator and any or all witnesses. (Cagro v. Cagro, G.R. No. L-5826; Azuela v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122880) Attestation Clause Separate from Acknowledgement Clause An attestation clause is mandatory for attested wills. It is separate and distinct from an acknowledgement clause. These two cannot be merged. (Echavez v. Dozen Construction, G.R. No. 192916) Acknowledgment The act of one who has executed a deed in going before some competent officer (i.e., notary public) or court and declaring it to be his act or deed. It involves an extra step undertaken whereby the signatory actually declares to the notary public that the same is his or her own free act and deed. (Lee v. Tambago, A.C. No. 5281) Two-Fold Purpose of the Acknowledgement 1. To safeguard the testator’s wishes long after his demise; and 2. To assure that his estate is administered in the manner that he intends it to be done (Lee v. Tambago, A.C. No. 5281) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Certification Need Not be Signed in the Presence of the Testator and Witnesses Whether or not the notary signed the certification of acknowledgment in the presence of the testator and the witnesses, does not affect the validity of the will. All that must be done is that the testator and the witnesses avow to the certifying officer the authenticity of their signatures and the voluntariness of their actions in executing the testamentary disposition. (Javellana v. Ledesma, G.R. No. L-7179) Requirements for the Notary Public 1. Must be duly commissioned for the locality where the acknowledgment is made (Guerrero v. Bihis, G.R. No. 174144) 2. Must not be one of the three attesting witnesses (Cruz v. Villasor, G.R. No. L-32213) NOTE: There is no requirement that an attested will should be dated. Consequently, a variance between the indicated dates of execution and acknowledgement does not in itself invalidate the will. (Ortega v. Valmonte, G.R. No. 157451) Special Requirements for Handicapped Testators Deaf/Deaf-Mute Testator (Art. 807) 1) If able to read — he must read the will personally 2) If unable to read — he must designate two persons to read the will and communicate to him, in some practicable manner, its contents. Blind Testator (Art. 808) The will shall be read to him twice, once by one of the subscribing witnesses and another by the notary public before whom the will is acknowledged. The rationale behind the requirement of reading the will to the testator if he is blind or incapable of reading the will himself (as when he is illiterate), is to make the provisions of the will known to him, so that he may be able to object if they are not in accordance with his wishes. (Garcia v. Vasquez, G.R. No. L-26615) The special requirements for handicapped testators are mandatory; non-compliance with Articles 807 or 808 will result in nullity and denial of probate. (Balane, supra) However, in the case of Alvarado v. Gaviola, Jr., 226 SCRA 348 , the Supreme Court stated that substantial compliance is sufficient as when the lawyer who drafted the will read the will aloud before the testator (who was suffering from glaucoma), the three instrumental PAGE 82 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 witnesses and the notary public. The court stated: “So when an interpretation already given assures such ends, any other interpretation whatsoever, that adds nothing but demands more requisites entirely unnecessary, useless and frustrative of the testator's will, must be disregarded.“ CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) The law does not specify a particular location where the date should be placed in the will. The only requirements are that the date be in the will itself and executed in the hand of the testator. (Labrador v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 8384344) Rule on Substantial Compliance (Art. 809) Article 809 is Applicable Only to the Attestation Clause 1) In the absence of a) Bad faith b) Forgery c) Fraud d) Undue and improper pressure and influence 2) Defects and imperfections in the form of attestation or in the language used therein 3) Shall not render the will invalid 4) If it is proved that the will was in fact executed and attested in substantial compliance with all the requirements of Art. 805. However, only omissions in the attestation clause which can be supplied by an examination of the will itself or by intrinsic evidence will not be fatal to the validity of the will. The omissions in the attestation clause which can only be proved by extrinsic evidence would result in the invalidation of the attestation clause and ultimately of the will itself. (Caneda v. CA, G.R. No. L-18076\) However, the attestation clause indisputably omitted to mention the number of pages comprising the will. Nevertheless, the acknowledgment portion of the will supplied the omission by stating that the will has five pages and was therefore deemed substantial compliance by the Supreme Court under Article 809. (Tanchanco v. Santos, G.R. No. 204793) HOLOGRAPHIC WILLS Requirements for Holographic Wills (EHANDDSL) 1. Entirely HANDwritten by the testator 2. Dated by him 3. Signed by him (Art. 810; Balane, supra, p. 130) 4. Executed in a Language or dialect known to the testator (Art. 804) Date The date of the will should include the day, month, and year of its execution. (Roxas v. De Jesus, G.R. No. L-38338) Signed by the Testator The testator must sign at the end of testamentary dispositions. Otherwise, the dispositions written below his signature, which are not subsequently dated and signed by him will be invalidated. (Art. 812) Forms of Holographic Wills A holographic will is subject to no other form, and may be made in or out of the Philippines, and need not be witnessed. (Art. 810) Additional Dispositions in a Holographic Will Additional dispositions in a holographic will must be dated and signed by the testator. (Art. 812) The signature and the date may be done in the following manner: 1. Signature and date after each additional disposition, or 2. Each additional disposition signed and undated, but the last disposition signed and dated. (Art. 813) What if additional dispositions are dated but not signed? Only the last disposition that is dated and signed will be valid. Insertion, Cancellation, Erasure or Alteration in a Holographic Will (Art. 813) General Rule: If made by the testator contemporaneously with the making of the will, the full customary signature of the testator should authenticate all alterations, cancellations and erasures. If not, the general rule is that the will is valid but the alterations, cancellations and erasures will not be valid. (Velasco v. Lopez, G.R. No. 905). Exceptions: 1. Where there is only one testamentary disposition and the unauthenticated alteration affects the sole disposition (e.g., one heir substituted by another), then the whole will is void (Kalaw v. Relova, 132 SCRA 237) 2. Where the alteration or erasure is on the signature and the date, the whole essence is affected making the whole will void. (Spouses Alejo v. CA, G.R. No. 106720) PAGE 83 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 ALTERATIONS MADE BY A THIRD PERSON Without the The insertion, cancellation, consent of the erasure or alteration is not testator considered as written. With the The will is void for not being consent of the totally in the handwriting of testator the testator (Art. 810) Prohibition on Joint Wills Two or more persons cannot make a will jointly, or in the same instrument, either for their reciprocal benefit or for the benefit of a third person. (Art. 818) Joint Will – One document which constitutes the wills of two or more individuals. These kinds of wills are void. (Balane, supra) If there are several documents, each serving as one independent will, even if they are written on the same sheet, they are not joint wills. (Balane, supra) NOTE: Joint wills executed by Filipinos in a foreign country shall not be valid in the Philippines, even though authorized by the laws of the country where they may have been executed. (Art. 819) However, reciprocal wills of foreign nationals jointly probated in another jurisdiction, can be admitted for reprobate in the Philippines since the prohibition is in the making of joint wills, and not on the joint probate of wills. (Vda. De Perez v. Tolete, G.R. No. 76714) Reasons of Public Policy Against Joint Wills 1) Limitation on the modes of revocation. (i.e. one of the testators would not be able to destroy the document without also revoking it as the will of the other testator, or in any event, as to the latter, the problem of unauthorized destruction would come in) (Balane, supra, p. 171) 2) Diminution of testamentary secrecy; (Balane, supra) 3) Danger of undue influence (Dacanay v. Florendo, G.R. No. L-2071) 4) Danger of one testator killing the other (Dacanay v. Florendo, G.R. No. L-2071) WITNESSES TO WILLS Qualifications: 1) Of sound mind (Art. 820) 2) At least 18 years of age (Art. 820) 3) Not blind, deaf, or dumb (Art. 820) 4) Able to read and write (Art. 820) 5) Domiciled in the Philippines (Art. 821) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 6) Must not have been convicted of falsification of a document, perjury, or false testimony (Art. 821) The above qualifications must be possessed at the time of attesting the will. Their subsequent incompetence shall not prevent the allowance of the will. (Art. 822) Witnesses to the will need not be “credible” under the naturalization law as they are not tasked to be character witness. In order to be competent as instrumental witnesses there must only be a showing of having the qualification under Articles 820 to 821. It is not mandatory that evidence be first established on record that the witnesses have good standing in the community or that they are honest, upright or reputed to be trustworthy and reliable. (Gonzales v. Court of Appeals, 90 SCRA 183) Creditors as Witnesses Creditors can be witnesses to his or her debtor’s will. A mere charge on the estate of the testator for the payment of debts due at the time of death does not prevent the creditor from being a competent witness. (Art. 824) CODICILS AND REFERENCE INCORPORATION BY Codicil – A supplement or addition to a will, made after the execution of a will and annexed, to be taken as a part of the will. It explains, adds, or alters, any disposition made in the original will. (Art. 825) Codicils Must be Executed as in Wills In order that a codicil may be effective, it shall be executed as in the case of a will. (Art. 826) However, the codicil does not need to conform to the form of the will to which it refers. An attested will may have a holographic codicil, or vice versa. (Balane, supra) Requirements for Incorporation by Reference If a will refers to a document or paper, such document or paper will be considered a part of the will if the following requisites concur (EPPS): 1. The document or paper referred to in the will must be in Existence at the time of the execution of the will; 2. The will must clearly describe and identify the same, stating among other things the number of Pages thereof; PAGE 84 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. 4. It must be identified by clear and satisfactory Proof as the document or paper referred to therein; and It must be Signed by the testator and the witnesses on each and every page except in case of voluminous books of account or inventories. (Art. 827) The documents, inventories, books of accounts, documents of titles, and other papers of similar nature should under no circumstances make testamentary dispositions, for then the formal requirements for wills would be circumvented. (Balane, supra) NOTE: Holographic wills cannot incorporate documents by reference unless the incorporated paper is also entirely in the handwriting of the testator. In case of notarial wills, it is sufficient that the signatures of the testator and witnesses on every page of the incorporated document except in case of voluminous books of account or inventories. (Balane, supra, p. 183) REVOCATION OF WILLS AND TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS A will may be revoked by the testator at any time before his death. Any waiver or restriction of this right is void. (Art. 828) Rules for Revocation (Art. 829) 1) If revocation made in the Philippines – Philippine law 2) If revocation is made outside the Philippines and testator is not domiciled in the Philippines: a) Law of the place where the will was made, or b) Law of the place where the testator was domiciled at the time of revocation 3) If revocation is made outside the Philippines and testator is domiciled in the Philippines a) Philippine law b) Law of the place of revocation c) Law of the place where the will was made (Balane, supra, p. 184) Modes of Revoking a Will (Art. 830) No will shall be revoked except in the following cases: (LSPD) 1) By operation of Law – May be total or partial 2) By Subsequent will – some will, codicil, or other writing executed as provided in case of wills 3) By Physical Destruction – by burning, tearing, cancelling, or obliterating the will with intention of revoking it, by the testator himself, or by some other person in his presence, and by his express direction. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Instances of Revocation by Operation of Law Decree of legal separation, nullity or annulment of marriage for dispositions in favor of the guilty spouse (Family Code, Art. 63, par. 4) b) Preterition (Art. 854) c) Legacy or credit against third person or remission of debt was provided in will and subsequently, testator brings action against debtor (Art. 936) d) Substantial transformation of specific thing bequeathed, or sale or disposition of property bequeathed or devised before the death of the testator (Art. 957) e) When heir, devisee or legatee commits any of the acts of unworthiness (Art. 1032) f) Annulled or void ab initio marriages revoke testamentary dispositions made by one spouse in favor of the other (Family Code, Art. 50) g) If both spouses of the subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, said marriage shall be void ab initio and testamentary dispositions made by one in favor of the other are revoked by operation of law. (Family Code, Art. 44) a) Revocation by Some Will, Codicil, or Other Writing Executed as Provided in case of Wills Express – When there is a revocatory clause expressly revoking the previous will or a part thereof. (Balane, supra, p. 193) Implied – When the provisions thereof are partially or entirely inconsistent with those of the previous wills. (Art. 831) NOTE: Subsequent wills which impliedly revoke the previous ones, annul only such dispositions in the prior wills as are inconsistent with or contrary to those contained in the later wills. (Art. 831) Requisites for a Revocation by Subsequent Instrument 1. The subsequent instrument must comply with the formal requirements of a will. (Vda. de Molo v. Molo, G.R. No. L-2538) 2. The testator must possess testamentary capacity. (Balane, supra, p. 185) 3. The subsequent instrument must either contain an express revocatory clause or be incompatible with the prior will. (Art. 831) The subsequent will must be probated in order to take effect. (Vda. de Molo v. Molo, G.R. No. L-2538) PAGE 85 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Requisites for a Valid Revocation by Physical Destruction (Art. 830 (3); Balane, supra, p. 186187) 1. Testamentary capacity at the time of performing the act of destruction; 2. Intent to revoke (animus revocandi); 3. Actual physical act of destruction, even partial as long as it is not due to desistance (corpus); 4. Completion of the subjective phase; and 5. Performed by the testator himself or by some other person in his presence and express direction (Art. 830(3)) NOTE: No amount of destruction without animus revocandi, without destruction (even partial, as long as not due to desistance) will revoke a will. (Art. 830 (3); Balane, supra, p. 187) If the will was burned, torn, cancelled, or obliterated by some other person, without the express direction of the testator, the will may still be established, and the estate distributed in accordance therewith, if its contents, and due execution, and the fact of its unauthorized destruction, cancellation, or obliteration are established according to the Rules of Court. (Art. 830) Doctrine of Presumed Revocation Where the will cannot be found following the death of the testator and it is shown that it was in the testator's possession when last seen, the presumption is that he must have destroyed it with animus revocandi. (Gago v. Mamuyac, G.R. No. L26317) Revocation by Subsequent Will Effective even if New Will Becomes Inoperative A revocation made in a subsequent will shall take effect, even if the new will should become inoperative by reason of the incapacity of the heirs, devisees or legatees designated therein, or by their renunciation. (Art. 832) General Rule: Revocation is always effective. Exception: Doctrine of Dependent Relative Revocation – when the testator provides in the subsequent will that the revocation of the prior one is dependent on the capacity or acceptance of the heirs, devisees, or legatees instituted in the subsequent will. (Vda. de Molo v. Molo, G.R. No. L-2538) In the doctrine of dependent relative revocation, the first will may be admitted to probate and given effect, despite it being torn provided that the testator tore it with the mistaken belief that the CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) second will was perfectly valid. This is because he would have not destroyed the first will had he known that second will is not valid. The revocation is therefore dependent on the validity of the second will. (Vda. de Molo v. Molo, G.R. No. L2538) Revocation Based on a False or Illegal Cause Revocation based on a false or illegal cause is null and void. (Art. 833) Requisites for revocation for a false cause: 1) The cause must be concrete, factual and not purely subjective. 2) It must be false. 3) The testator must not know of its falsity. 4) It must appear from the will that the testator is revoking because of the cause, which is false. (Balane, supra, p. 204) NOTE: Even if the revocation is for a false cause but the will is holographic and the revocation is by physical destruction, the revoked will can no longer be probated. The recognition of an illegitimate child does not lose its legal effect, even though the will wherein it was made should be revoked. (Art. 834) REPUBLICATION AND REVIVAL OF WILLS Republication If the testator wishes to republish a will that is void as to form, the only way to republish it is to execute a subsequent will and reproduce it. (Art. 835) Revival (Art. 836) The testator needs only to execute a subsequent will or codicil referring to the previous will if the testator wishes to republish a will that is either: (a) Void for reason other than a formal defect (b) Previously revoked REPUBLICATION Takes place by an act of the testator Corrects extrinsic and extrinsic defects REVIVAL Takes place by operation of law Restores a revoked will in certain instances If after making a will, the testator makes a second will expressly revoking the first, the revocation of the second will does not revive the first will, which can be revived only by another will or codicil. (Art. 837) PAGE 86 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Illustration: In 1985, X executed Will I. In 1987, X executed Will II expressly revoking Will I. In 1990, X executed Will III, revoking Will II. The revocation of Will II by Will III does not revive Will I, unless of course, Will III expressly revives Will I. (Balane, supra, p. 205) PROBATE (ALLOWANCE OR DISALLOWANCE OF WILLS) Probate – Judicial process of proving: 1) Compliance with formal requirements of will; and 2) Testamentary capacity of the testator. Irrespective of whether its provisions are valid and enforceable or otherwise. (Fernandez v. Dimagiba, G.R. No. L-23638) No will shall pass either real or personal property unless it is proved and allowed in accordance with the Rules of Court. (Art. 838 (1)) Mandatory Character of Probate Probate is mandatory in the sense that if there is a will, properties of the estate should pass only in accordance with the will, provided it is admitted for probate. It is mandatory also in the sense that it takes precedence over intestate proceedings. Court ordered consolidation of the intestate proceedings with the testate proceedings, with the testate proceedings taking precedence. Heirs cannot enter into compromise agreement different from the terms of the will. If admitted to probate and found valid, the will should be the basis of disposition as the express will of the testator. (Roberts v. Leonidas, G.R. No. L-55509) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) pass properties. (De la Cerna v. De la Cerna G.R. No. L-28838) Scope of Probate Proceedings General Rule: Probate proceedings cover the due execution of the will, extrinsic of formal validity and testamentary capacity of the testator only, and no other extraneous matters. Intrinsic validity cannot be ruled upon (i.e. impairment of legitime, unlawful provisions, disqualifications of heirs, legatees, devices, etc.) or other extraneous matters. An extrinsically valid will admitted to probate can still be declared void intrinsically. (Balane, supra, p. 221) Exceptions: Other extraneous matters, which can be raised and decided in probate proceedings. (Nepomuceno v. CA, G.R. No. L-62952; Balanay v. Martinez, G.R. No. L-39247.) Thus: 1) Provisional ruling on ownership of properties The ruling is only for purposes of inclusion in the inventory of assets of the estate. It not conclusive and is subject to final decision in a separate action to resolve title. In case of community properties of spouses, there must first be liquidation of ACP or CPG because the assets of the estate should be net of the share of surviving spouse. (Pastor v. Pastor G.R. No. L-56340). The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition the court having jurisdiction for the allowance of his will. (Art. 838) However, the rule of provisional character of determination of ownership not being within the proper jurisdiction of the probate court applies only if the dispute is between the estate and third persons claiming ownership, in which case a separate proceeding should be instituted to settle the issue of ownership. A probate court has jurisdiction if the dispute is only among heirs, and the issue is to determine whether the property is part of the ACP/CPG or is a separate property of one of the spouses. (Romero v. CA, G.R. No. 188921) Finality of a Probate Decree Subject to the right of appeal, the allowance of the will, either during the lifetime of the testator or after his death, shall be conclusive as to its due execution. (Art. 838) Once a decree of probate becomes final in accordance with the rules of procedure, it is res judicata. The approval of the inventory and the concomitant determination of the ownership as basis for inclusion or exclusion from the inventory were provisional and subject to revision at any time during the course of the administration proceedings. (Aranas v. Mercado, G.R. No. 156407) Joint wills are considered to have a defect in form (non-compliance with formalities). However, if allowed and probated and becomes final, it can 2) Apparent intrinsic defect If the intrinsic defect is apparent on the face of the will, since probate of the will is unnecessary (as in Two Kinds of Probate (a) Post-mortem – After the testator’s death (b) Ante-mortem – During his lifetime (Balane, supra, p. 217) PAGE 87 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 preterition, which annuls the will) (Nuguid v. Nuguid, G.R. No. 23445) 3) For practical considerations when testamentary provisions are of doubtful validity such as when it is apparent that the disposition is in favor of a person the testator is guilty of concubinage with (Nepomuceno v. CA, G.R. No. L-62952); and 4) All heirs are in agreement that intrinsic validity should be determined first. (Reyes v. CA, G.R. No. 139587) NOTE: Once the will is admitted to probate, the court may continue to proceed in determining the intrinsic validity of the will. Decree of Probate Conclusive as to the Due Execution or Formal Validity of the Will This means that: 1) The fact that the will is indeed the testator’s last will and testament; 2) Compliance with the required formalities (Balane, supra, p. 221); 3) Testamentary capacity of the testator; (Gallanosa v. Arcangel, G.R. No. L-29300) 4) Due execution of the will – meaning, that testator was of sound disposing mind, that he freely executed the will, that there is no duress, fraud, undue influence, menace, that the will is genuine (not forged), and that testator was not disqualified from making a will. (Dorotheo v. CA, G.R. No. 108581). Proof of Extrinsic Validity Attested / Notarial Will 1. Present original will (ideally) 2. Present any attesting witnesses and/or notary public to prove due execution/ testamentary capacity; and 3. If no one is available, present any available evidence to show authenticity or validity of contents of attestation clause. (Rules of Court, Rule 76) Holographic Will 1. Present original will or at least a photo static, scanned or any legible copy; and 2. One person familiar with the handwriting of the testator, unless contested in which case, three witnesses familiar with the handwriting of the testator must be presented to prove that the will was written in the handwriting of the testator. (Rules of Court, Rule 76, Sec. 5) If there are no competent witnesses and the court deems it necessary, expert testimony may be resorted to. (Art. 811) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ATTESTED / NOTARIAL WILLS Uncontested One subscribing witness only, if such witness testify that the will was executed as is required by law (Rule 76, Section 5, Rules of Court) Contested All the subscribing witnesses, and the notary (Rule 76, Section 11, Rules of Court) HOLOGRAPHIC WILLS Uncontested At least one witness who knows the handwriting and signature of the testator explicitly declares that the will and the signature are in the handwriting of the testator (Art. 811) Contested At least three witnesses who know the handwriting and signature of the testator explicitly declare that the will and the signature are in the handwriting of the testator (Art. 811) Probate of Lost or Destroyed Will Requirements for the Probate of a Lost or Destroyed Will (Rules of Court, Rule 76, Sec. 5) 1. Establish the execution and validity of the will 2. Establish that the will is in existence at the time of death of the testator, or is shown to have been fraudulently or accidentally destroyed in the lifetime of the testator without his knowledge 3. Its provisions must be clearly and distinctly proved by at least two credible witnesses Lost or Destroyed Holographic Will General Rule: In the probate of a holographic will, the document itself must be produced. A lost holographic will cannot be probated. (Gan v. Yap, G.R. No. L-12190) The oppositor may present witnesses who know the testator’s handwriting, who after comparing the will with other writings or letters of the deceased, have come to the conclusion that such will has not been written by the hand of the testator. And the court in view of such contradictory testimony may use its own visual sense, and decide in the face of the document, whether the will submitted to it has indeed been written by the testator. Obviously, when the will itself is not submitted, these means of opposition and of assessing the evidence are not available. The only guaranty of authenticity— the testator’s handwriting—has disappeared. (Gan v. Yap, G.R. No. L-12190) PAGE 88 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Exception: A photostatic copy or Xerox copy of the holographic will may be allowed because comparison can be made with the standard writings of the testator. (Rodelas v. Aranza, G.R. No. L-58509) Proof of Testamentary Capacity Testamentary capacity including soundness of mind can be proven by the attestation clause and testimony of witnesses and/or notary public. In the absence of any proof, the court may rely on the presumption of soundness of mind. (Art. 800) Exclusive Grounds for Disallowance of Wills (LIF-P-FraM) (Art. 839) 1. Formalities required by Law were not complied with; 2. Testator was Insane or incapable of making a will at the time of execution (lack of testamentary capacity); 3. The will was executed through Force or under duress, or the influence of fear, or threats; 4. The will was procured by undue and improper Pressure and influence, on the part of the beneficiary or of some other person; 5. The testator’s signature was procured through Fraud; and 6. If the testator acted by Mistake or did not intend that the instrument he signed should be his will at the time of affixing his signature. NOTE: Once a will is disallowed because of any of the following grounds, intestate succession will ensue. 2. INSTITUTION OF HEIRS An act by virtue of which a testator designates in his will the person or persons who are to succeed him in his property and transmissible rights and obligations. (Art. 840) NOTE: The declaration of heirship must be made in a special proceeding, not in an independent civil action. However, the Court held that recourse to administration proceedings to determine who the heirs are is sanctioned only if there is a good and compelling reason for such recourse. Hence, the Court had allowed exceptions to the rule requiring administration proceedings as when the parties in the civil case already presented their evidence regarding the issue of heirship, and the RTC had consequently rendered judgment upon the issues it defined during the pre-trial. (Rebusquillo v. Gualvez, G.R. No. 204029) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) An Affidavit of Self-Adjudication is only proper when the affiant is the sole heir of the decedent. (Rebusquillo v. Gualvez, G.R. No. 204029) Case Cited in the 2022 Bar Syllabus: Treyes v. Larlar “Unless there is a pending special proceeding for the settlement of the decedent’s estate or for the determination of heirship, the compulsory or intestate heirs may commence an ordinary civil action to declare the nullity of a deed or instrument [in this case the Affidavit of Self-Adjudication by the husband], and for recovery of property, or any other action in the enforcement of their ownership rights acquired by virtue of succession, without the necessity of a priori and separate judicial declaration of their status as such.” (Treyes v. Larlar, G.R. No. 232579, 2020) “Even assuming arguendo that the Rules (of Court) strictly provide that a separate judicial determination of heirship in a special proceeding is a precondition in an ordinary civil action wherein heirship is already established by compulsory succession or intestacy and is only sought to be enforced, which, as already discussed at length, is not the case, the Rules must still yield to the specific provisions of the Civil Code that certain relatives of the decedent [such as the siblings in this case] attain their status as either compulsory or intestate heirs and that their successional rights are transmitted and enforceable at the very moment of death [the SC cited Article 777 of the Civil Code] without the need of such separate judicial determination.” (Treyes v. Larlar, G.R. No. 232579, 2020) “Given the clear dictates of the Civil Code that the rights of the heirs to the inheritance vest immediately at the precise moment of the decedent’s death [Art. 777 of the Civil Code] even without judicial declaration of heirship, and the various Court En Banc and Division decisions holding that no prior judicial declaration of heirship is necessary before an heir can file an ordinary civil action to enforce ownership rights acquired by virtue of succession through the nullification of deeds divesting property or properties forming part of the estate and reconveyance thereof to the estate or for the common benefit of the heirs of the decedent”, the Supreme Court clarified that the rule laid down in Ypon, Yaptinchay, Portugal,…and other similar cases, which requires prior determination of heirship in a separate special proceeding as a prerequisite before one can file an ordinary civil action to enforce ownership rights acquired by virtue of succession, PAGE 89 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 is abandoned. (Treyes v. Larlar, G.R. No. 232579, 2020) A will shall be valid even though it does not contain an institution of an heir, or such institution does not comprise the estate, or even though the person so instituted should not accept the inheritance or should be incapacitated to succeed. In such case, the testamentary dispositions made in accordance with law shall be complied with, and the remainder of the estate shall pass to the legal heirs. (Art. 841) DISPOSITIONS BY WILL No compulsory Dispose by will the entire heirs hereditary estate With compulsory Dispose by will the free heirs portion (net hereditary estate minus legitimes) (Balane, supra, p. 239) Intestacy Follows If Entire Free Portion Not Disposed of by Will If the testator has instituted one or several heirs, and the institution of each is limited to an aliquot part of the inheritance, intestate succession takes place with respect to the remainder of the disposable portion. (Art. 851) Rules on Institution of Aliquot Share Less Than or In Excess of the Whole Estate The rules will apply if the following concur: 1. There is more than one instituted heir. 2. The testator intended them to get the whole estate or the whole disposable portion. 3. The testator has designated a definite or aliquot portion for each heir. (Balane, supra, p. 251-252) RULES ON INSTITUTION OF ALIQUOT SHARE LESS THAN OR IN EXCESS OF THE WHOLE ESTATE Art. 852 Art. 853 Total of all the aliquot parts of the instituted heirs do not cover the whole inheritance, or the whole free portion Remedy: Each part shall be increased proportionately Total of all the aliquot parts of the instituted heirs exceed the whole inheritance, or the whole free portion Remedy: Each part shall be reduced proportionately NOTE: In Article 852, the difference between the total of all the portions and the whole of the inheritance or free portion cannot pass by intestacy because the testator’s intention is to give the instituted heirs the entire amount. (Balane, supra, p. 252) Requisites for a Valid Institution of Heir 1. Designation in the will of person/s to succeed (Art. 840) 2. The will specifically assigns to such person an inchoate share in the estate. 3. The person so named has capacity to succeed. 4. The will is formally valid 5. No vice of consent is present 6. No preterition results from the effect of such will (Art. 854) Designation in the Will of Person/s to Succeed Directory – Designation of name and surname (Balane, supra, p. 240) Mandatory – Identity of the heir must be established, otherwise void disposition, unless his identity becomes certain. NOTE: If there is ambiguity in the designation, the designation must be resolved by discerning the testator’s intent. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved, intestacy to that portion results. (Art. 844, par. 2) Unknown person – A successor whose identity cannot be determined because the designation in the will is unclear or ambiguous. (Balane, supra, p. 241) NOTE: Unknown persons do not refer to one with whom the testator is not personally acquainted. The testator may institute somebody who is a perfect stranger to him, provided the identity is clear. (Balane, supra, p. 241) Dispositions in Favor of an Unknown Person (Art. 845) General Rule: Every disposition in favor of an unknown person shall be void. Exception: By some event or circumstance his identity becomes certain. Dispositions in Favor of a Definite Class A disposition in favor of a definite class or group of persons shall be valid. (Art. 845) Presumptions in Institution of Heirs In the absence of specific provisions in the will, these presumptions will apply: (E-In-S) (a) Equality – Heirs who are instituted without designation of shares inherit in equal parts. (Art. 846) PAGE 90 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Shares of Brothers and Sisters in Testamentary Succession If the testator should institute his brothers and sisters, and he has some full blood and others of half-blood, the inheritance shall be distributed equally unless a different intention appears. (Art. 848) NOTE: In intestacy, the proportion of 2:1 between full and half-blood siblings and the Iron Curtain Rule between legitimate and illegitimate siblings shall be applied. (b) Individuality – Heirs collectively instituted are deemed individually named unless a contrary intent is prove. (Art. 847) (c) Simultaneity – When several heirs are instituted, they are deemed instituted simultaneously and not successively. (Art. 849) Effect of False Cause for Institution of an Heir General Rule: The falsity of the stated cause does not affect the validity or efficacy of the institution. The false cause is merely considered as not written. (Art. 850) Exceptions: It appears from the will that the testator would not have made such designation if he had known the falsity of such cause. (Art. 850) Requisites for the Exception to Apply: 1. The cause for the institution of heirs must be stated in the will (Austria v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-23079); 2. The cause must be shown to be false (Austria v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-23079); 3. It must appear from the face of the will that the testator would not have made such institution if he had known the falsity of the cause. (Austria v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-23079) PRETERITION The preterition or omission of one, some, or all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living at the time of the execution of the will or born after the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are not inofficious. (Art. 854) If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the testator, the institution shall be effectual, without prejudice to the right of representation. (Art. 854) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Definition of Preterition Preterition is the total omission of a compulsory heir from the inheritance. It consists in the silence of the testator with regard to a compulsory heir, omitting him in his will, either by not mentioning him at all, or by not giving him anything in the hereditary property but without expressly disinheriting him, even if he is mentioned in the will in the latter case. (Heirs of Ureta v. Ureta, G.R. No. 165748) NOTE: Preterition is a concept of testamentary succession and requires a will. (Heirs of Ureta v. Ureta, G.R. No. 165748) Elements of Preterition (OCLiT) 1. There must be a total Omission of one, some or all of the heir/s in the will, without the heir being expressly disinherited. 2. The omission must be that of a Compulsory heir in the direct line. 3. The omitted compulsory heir must be Living or at least conceived at the time of testator’s death. (Art. 854) 4. The omission must be complete and Total in character. The heir in question must have received nothing from the testator by way of: a. Testamentary succession; b. Legacy or devise; c. Donation inter vivos; d. Intestacy (Balane, supra, p. 266) NOTE: What constitutes preterition is not omission in the will but being completely left out of the inheritance. (Seangio v. Reyes, G.R. No. 14037172) Determination of Preterited Heirs The determination of whether or not there are preterited heirs can be made only upon the testator’s death. (JLT Agro v. Balansag, G.R. No. 141882) Compulsory Heir in the Direct Line This covers children or descendants, or in default of children or descendants, parents or ascendants. Illegitimate descendants and ascendants are also protected, since the law does not distinguish. (Balane, supra) Adopted children are considered compulsory heirs in the direct line, and may be preterited. This is because adoption gives to the adopted child the same rights and duties as if he were a legitimate child of the adopter. (Acain v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 72706) PAGE 91 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Effects of Preterition 1. The institution of heir is annulled. The annulment is in toto, unless in the will there are, in addition, testamentary dispositions in the form of devises or legacies. (Nuguid v. Nuguid, G.R. No. L-23445) Preterition annuls the institution of an heir and annulment throws open to intestate succession the entire inheritance. (Morales v. Olandriz, G.R. No. 198994, Acain v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 72706) 2. 3. Devises and legacies shall remain valid as long as they are not inofficious. The only provisions which do not result in intestacy are the legacies and devises made in the will for they should stand valid and respected, except insofar as the legitimes are concerned. (Acain v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 72706) If the devises and legacies impair the legitimes, they are merely reduced. (Balane, supra) If the omitted compulsory heir should die before the testator, the institution shall be effectual, without prejudice to the right of representation. PRETERITION DISINHERITANCE Deprivation of a compulsory heir of his legitime is tacit Law presumes that there has been merely an oversight or mistake on the part of the testator It results in the complete nullity of the institution of heir, except the devises and legatees, as long as they are not inofficious. Omitted heir gets not only his legitime but also his share in the free portion not disposed of by way of legacies or devises Deprivation of the compulsory heir of his legitime is express Done with a legal cause The nullity is limited to the portion of the estate of which the disinherited heir has been legally deprived. If disinheritance is unlawful or ineffective, for absence of one or other of the requisites, the compulsory heir is merely restored to his rightful share. (Nuguid v. Nuguid , G.R. No. L-23445) Successional Rights are Intransmissible An heir, whether compulsory, voluntary, or legal, transmits nothing to his heirs, in case of predecease, incapacity, renunciation, or disinheritance. However, in case of predecease or incapacity of compulsory or legal heirs, as well as disinheritance of compulsory heirs, the rules on representation shall apply. (Balane, supra) There is Right of Representation for Compulsory Heirs under the ff: 1) Predecease; 2) Incapacity 3) Disinheritance (Art. 859) No Right of Representation for Testamentary / Voluntary Heirs There is Right of Representation for Legal / Intestate Heirs under the ff: 1) Predecease; 2) Incapacity 3. SUBSTITUTION OF HEIRS The appointment of another heir so that he may enter into the inheritance in default of the heir originally instituted. (Art. 857) NOTE: Only one substitution is allowed. The person substituting cannot be substituted again. Substitute Subject to Same Charges and Conditions Imposed on Original Heir General Rule: The substitute shall be subject to the same charges and conditions imposed upon the instituted heir. (Art. 862) Exception: The testator expressly provided the contrary, or the charges or conditions are personally applicable only to the heir instituted. (Art. 862) Classes of Substitution (a) Vulgar or Simple – The testator may designate one or more persons to substitute the heir or heirs instituted in case such heir or heirs should: i. ii. iii. Die before him (Predecease) Should not wish to be instituted, (Renounce) or Should be incapacitated to accept the inheritance (Incapacitated) (Art. 859) Simple Substitution Simple substitution may be done by the testator: PAGE 92 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) i. By specifying all the three causes, ii. By merely providing for simple substitution. (Art. 859) 3. A simple substitution, without a statement of the cases to which it refers, shall comprise the three causes mentioned, unless the testator has otherwise provided. (Art. 859) 4. 5. Restricted Simple Substitution The testator may limit the operation of simple substitution by specifying only one or two of the three causes. (b) Brief (Brevilocua)- Two or more persons may be substituted for one person (Art. 860) (c) Compendious (Compediosa) – one person may be substituted for two or more heirs (Art. 860) (d) Reciprocal (Reciproca) – If heirs instituted in unequal shares should be reciprocally substituted, the substitute shall acquire the share of the heir who dies, renounces, or is incapacitated, unless it clearly appears that the intention of the testator was otherwise. If there are more than one substitute, they shall have the same share in the substitution as in the institution. (Art. 861) NOTE: If one is substituted for two or more original heirs, substitution will only take place if all the original heirs are disqualified. If not all of the original heirs are disqualified, the share left vacant will accrue to the surviving co-heir or co-heirs. (e) Fideicommissary Substitution - If the testator institutes an heir with an obligation to deliver to another the property so inherited. The heir instituted to such condition is called the first heir or fiduciary heir, the one to receive the property is the fideicommissary or second heir. (Art. 863) Requisites for a Fideicommissary Substitution (1st-2nd-1-PT-LEFree) 1. A fiduciary or a FIRST heir who takes the property upon the testator’s death. (Art, 863) 2. A fideicommissary or SECOND heir who takes the property subsequently from the fiduciary. (Art. 863) 6. 7. The second heir must be ONE degree from the first heir. Thus, the fideicommissary can only be a parent or a child of the fiduciary. (Palacios v. Ramirez, G.R. No. 27952) The dual obligation imposed upon the fiduciary to Preserve the property and to Transmit it after the lapse of the period to the fideicommissary heir. (Art. 865) Both heirs must be Living and qualified to succeed at the time the testator’s death. The fideicommissary substitution must be Expressly made. (Art. 865) The fideicommissary substitution is imposed on the Free portion of the estate and never on the legitime. (Art. 864) NOTE: Pending the transmission of the property, the fiduciary is entitled to all the rights of a usufructuary having the right to use and enjoy the property, but without the right to dispose the same. Although the fideicommissary heir does not receive the property upon the testator’s death, his right thereto vests at the time and merely becomes subject to a period, and that right passes to his own heirs should he die before the fiduciary’s right expires. (Balane, supra) Tenure of Fiduciary Primary Rule: Period indicated by the testator Secondary Rule: If the testator did not indicate a period, then the fiduciary’s lifetime. (Balane, supra, citing Manresa) Two Ways of Making an Express Imposition of Fideicommissary Substitution 1) By the use of the term fideicommissary; or 2) By imposing upon the first heir the absolute obligation to preserve and to transmit to the second heir. (Art. 865) Transmission of Property from First Heir to Second Heir General Rule: The fiduciary should deliver the property without deductions. Exceptions: Deductions which arise from legitimate expenses, credits and improvements. (Art. 865) Right to Succession of the Second Heir The second heir shall acquire the right to the succession from the time of the testator’s death, even though he should die before the fiduciary. The right of the second heir shall pass to his heirs. (Art. 866) PAGE 93 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 The following shall not take effect: (Art. 867) 1) Fideicommissary substitutions which are not made in an express manner, either by giving them this name, or imposing upon the fiduciary the absolute obligation to deliver the property to a second heir; 2) Provisions which contain a perpetual prohibition to alienate, and even a temporary one, beyond the limit fixed in Article 863. 3) Those which impose upon the heir the charge of paying to various persons successively, beyond the limit prescribed in Article 863, a certain income or pension; 4) Those which leave to a person the whole or part of the hereditary property in order that he may apply or invest the same according to secret instructions communicated to him by the testator. Nullity of Fideicommissary Substitution The nullity of the fideicommissary substitution does not prejudice the validity of the institution of heirs first designated; the fideicommissary clause shall simply be considered as not written (Art. 868) such that the institution of the first heir simply becomes pure and unqualified. (Balane, supra) Ownership and Usufructuary Provisions A provision whereby the testator leaves to a person the whole or part of the inheritance, and to another the usufruct, shall be valid. (Art. 869) Successive Usufructuaries If the testator gives the usufruct to various persons, not simultaneously, but successively, the requisites of a fideicommissary substitution must be present. (Art. 869) Period of Inalienability of the Estate General Rule: The dispositions of the testator declaring all or part of the estate inalienable for more than 20 years are void. (Art. 870) Exception: In fideicommissary substitution, the period is the lifetime of the first heir. 4. CONDITIONAL TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS and DISPOSITIONS WITH A TERM The institution of an heir may be made conditionally, or for a certain purpose or cause. (Art. 871) Three Kinds of Testamentary Dispositions (a) Conditional dispositions (b) Dispositions with a term (c) Dispositions with a mode CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Definitions (a) Condition – Future or uncertain event, or a past event unknown to the parties, upon which the performance of an obligation depends (Art. 1179) (b) Term – The day or time when an obligation either becomes demandable or terminates (Art. 1193) (c) Mode – The statement of the object of the institution or the application of the property left by the testator or the charge imposed on the heir. (Art. 882) It is an obligation imposed upon the heir, without suspending the effectivity of the institution or the rights to the succession. (Rabadilla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113725) (d) Disposicion Captatoria/ Scriptura Captatoria – A condition that the heir shall make some provision in his will of the testator or of any other person. This is prohibited because it will make the making of the will a contractual act. (Art. 875) It is not merely the condition that is declared void but the testamentary disposition itself which contains the condition. (Balane, supra) (e) Casual Condition – A condition is casual if it depends upon chance and/or upon the will of a third person (f) Mixed Condition - A condition is mixed if it depends both partly upon the will of the heir himself and upon chance and/or the will of a third person (g) Potestative Condition – One the fulfillment of which depends purely on the heir. (h) Suspensive Term – One that merely suspends the demandability of a right; happening is certain. (i) Caucion Muciana – Bond or security that should be given in favor of those who would get the property if the condition not be complied with. (Art. 879) Interpretation When in doubt whether there is a condition or merely a mode, consider the same as mode. When in doubt as to whether there is a mode or merely a suggestion, consider same only as a suggestion. A condition suspends but does not obligate, while a mode obligates but does not suspend (for he who inherits with a mode is already an PAGE 94 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 heir; one who inherits conditionally is not yet an heir.) Condition on the Legitimes is Prohibited The testator cannot impose any charge, condition or substitution whatsoever upon the legitimes. Should he do so, the same shall be considered as not imposed. (Art. 872) Conditions which are Impossible, Contrary to Law or Good Customs These conditions are considered as not imposed, and shall not prejudice the heir, even if the testator provide otherwise. (Art. 873) The testamentary disposition is not annulled; it simply becomes pure. (Balane, supra) Conditions Prohibiting Marriage General Rule: An absolute condition not to contract a first or subsequent marriage shall be considered as not written. (Art. 874) Exception: The condition has been imposed on the widow or widower by the deceased spouse, or by the latter’s ascendant’s or descendants. (Art. 874) The right of usufruct, or an allowance or some personal prestation may be devised or bequeathed to any person for the time during which he or she should remain unmarried or in widowhood. (Art. 874) RULES ON POTESTATIVE, CASUAL AND MIXED CONDITIONS Positive Potestative Condition (Art. 876) General Rule: It must be fulfilled as soon as the heir learns of the testator’s death. Exception: The condition, already complied with, is of such nature that it cannot be fulfilled again. Negative Potestative Condition (Art. 879) If the potestative condition imposed upon the heir is negative, or consists in not doing or not giving something, the heir shall comply by giving a security (caucion muciana) that he will not do or give that which has been prohibited by the testator, and that in case of contravention he will return whatever he may have received, together with its fruits and interests. Casual or Mixed (Art. 877) It is sufficient if it happens or be fulfilled at any other time before or after the testator’s death, unless testator provides otherwise. If already fulfilled at the time of execution of the will CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) a. If testator is unaware of fact of fulfillmentDeemed fulfilled. b. If testator is aware of the fact of fulfillment i. If it can no longer be fulfilled again –It is deemed fulfilled ii. If it can be fulfilled again – It must be fulfilled again. (Art. 877) Constructive Compliance (Art. 883, par. 2) If the person interested in the condition should prevent its fulfillment, without the fault of the heir, the condition shall be deemed to have been complied with. RULES ON APPLICABILITY OF CONSTRUCTIVE COMPLIANCE CASUAL MIXED CONDITION CONDITION Not Dependent Dependent on Applicable Partly on Will of Third Party Chance Not Applicable only if Applicable third party is interested in the condition (Art. 883) The estate shall be placed under administration until: (a) Condition is fulfilled, or (b) Until it becomes certain that condition will never be fulfilled, or (c) Until arrival of the term The same shall be done if the heir does not give the security required as in negative potestative conditions. (Art. 880) IF THE CONDITION HAPPENS The property will be turned over to the instituted heir. IF IT BECOMES CERTAIN THAT CONDITION WILL NOT HAPPEN The property will be turned over to a secondary heir, if there is one, or to the intestate heirs, as the case may be. Dispositions with a Term Suspensive Term (Art. 878) A disposition with a suspensive term does not prevent the instituted heir from acquiring his rights and transmitting them to his heirs even before the arrival of the term. NOTE: The heir’s right vests upon the testator’s death. Should the heir die before the arrival of the suspensive term, he merely transmits his right to PAGE 95 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 his own heirs who can demand the property when the term arrives. (Balane, supra) 3. Resolutory Term (Art. 885) The designation of the day or time when the effects of the institution of an heir shall commence or cease shall be valid. (Art. 885) 4. TERM SUSPENSIVE RESOLUTORY Before the arrival of the term, the property should be delivered to the intestate heirs. However, a sufficient security has to be posted by the intestate heirs. Before the arrival of the term, the property should be delivered to the instituted heir. No security is required of them. (Art. 885) Dispositions with Modes Dispositions with modes may be claimed at once, provided that the instituted heirs give security for compliance with the wishes of the testator and for the return of anything he or they may receive, together with its fruits and interests, if he or they should disregard this obligation. (Art. 882, par. 2) Indicators of a Modal Institution The testator states the following: 1. The object of the institution; 2. The purpose or application of the property left by the testator; 3. The charge imposed by the testator upon the heir. (Rabadilla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113725) NOTE: An obligation imposed upon the heir should not be considered a condition unless it clearly appears from the will itself that such was the intention of the testator. In case of doubt, the institution should be considered as modal and not condition. (Rabadilla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113725, 2000) Analogous Performance When without fault of the heir, a modal institution cannot take effect in the exact manner stated by the testator, it shall be complied with in a manner most analogous to and in conformity with his wishes. (Art. 883, par. 1) Prohibited or Void Conditions The prohibited or void conditions are: (LIM-Will) 1. Charges, conditions, substitutions, upon the Legitimes. (Art. 872) 2. Impossible conditions and those contrary to law or good customs. (Art. 873) An absolute condition not to contract a first or subsequent Marriage. (Art. 874) However, if the condition not to contract a first or subsequent marriage has been imposed on the widow or widower by the deceased spouse, or by the latter’s ascendants or descendants, such condition is valid. (Art. 874) Disposition Captatoria – Any disposition made upon the condition that the heir shall make some provision in his WILL in favor of the testator or of any other person. (Art. 875) 5. LEGITIME The part of the testator’s property which he cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it for his compulsory heirs. (Art. 886) NOTE: When the disposition is for valuable consideration, there is no diminution of the estate by merely a substitution of value, that is the property sold is replaced by the equivalent monetary consideration. (Buenaventura v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126376; Manongsong v. Estimo, G.R. No. 136773) Classes of Compulsory Heirs (a) Primary – Those who have precedence over and exclude other compulsory heirs i. Legitimate or adopted children and/or descendants (legitimate), with respect to their legitimate parents and ascendants (Arellano v. Pascual, G.R. No. 189776 citing Tolentino 1992 ed., p. 252) (b) Secondary – Those who succeed only in the absence of the primary heirs i. Legitimate parents and ascendants (legitimate), with respect to their legitimate children and descendants ii. Parents of illegitimate children – only in default of any kind of descendants (Arellano v. Pascual, G.R. No. 189776, citing Tolentino 1992 ed., p. 252) (c) Concurring – Those who succeed together with the primary or the secondary compulsory heirs i. Widow or widower (legitimate) – the surviving spouse referred to is the spouse of the decedent. ii. Illegitimate children and/ or descendants (Arellano v. Pascual, PAGE 96 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 G.R. No. 189776 citing Tolentino 1992 ed., p. 252) Compulsory Heirs (Art. 887) (a) Legitimate or adopted legitimate descendants. children and/or NOTE: The nearer exclude the more remote. Hence, children exclude grandchildren, except when the rule on representation is proper. (b) Legitimate parents and/or parents of illegitimate children. ascendants, NOTE: Legitimate parents or ascendants are excluded only by legitimate children. Parents of illegitimate children are excluded by both legitimate and illegitimate children (Art. 903). The illegitimate ascending line does not go beyond the parents. (c) Surviving spouse NOTE: The marriage between the decedent and the surviving spouse must either be valid or voidable. If voidable, there should have been no final decree of annulment at the time of the decedent’s death. Separation de facto is not a ground for the disqualification of the surviving spouse as heir. Effect of decree of legal separation: a. On the offending spouse – disqualified from inheriting b. On the innocent spouse – no effect c. If after the final decree of separation there was a reconciliation between the spouses, the reciprocal right to succeed is restored. (b) Legitimate parents or ascendants are excluded only by legitimate children. (Arts. 896, 899) (c) Parents of illegitimate children are excluded by both legitimate and illegitimate children. (Art. 903) (d) The illegitimate ascending line does not go beyond the parents. (Art. 903; Balane, supra, p.345) (e) In the direct ascending line, there is the rule of division by line. The legitime is divided equally between the paternal and maternal side. After the portions corresponding to the line has been assigned, there will be equal apportionment between or among the recipients within the line, should there be more than one. (Art. 890) (f) There is no right of representation in the direct ascending line. (Art. 972) (g) For a surviving spouse to inherit from the deceased, the marriage between the decedent and the widow/widower must be either valid or voidable. (Balane, supra, p.342) Rules of Surviving Spouse Compulsory Heir (Art. 900) as Sole General Rule: The surviving spouse gets 1/2 of the estate Exception: 1/3 of the estate, if the following circumstances are present: 1. The marriage was in articulo mortis; 2. The testator died within 3 months from the time of the marriage; 3. The parties did not cohabit for more than 5 years; and 4. The spouse who died was the party in articulo mortis at the time of the marriage. (d) Illegitimate children and/or descendants NOTE: In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be duly proved. (Art. 887) As to illegitimate descendants the rule is also the nearer exclude the more remote, without prejudice to representation when proper. General Rules in Ascertaining Legitimes (a) Rule of proximity: The nearer exclude the more remote, except when the rule on representation is proper. (Art. 962) PAGE 97 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS OF Shares of Compulsory Heirs (Art. 888-903) HEIR LEGITIME Legitimate Children & Descendants FREE PORTION 1/2 1/2 Legitimate Children – 1/2 Legitimate Children (LC) & Surviving Spouse Spouse – Equal to share of 1 LC One Legitimate Child/Descendant & Surviving Spouse Child/Descendant – 1/2 Spouse – 1/4 Whatever remains 1/4 Legitimate Children -1/2 Legitimate Children (LC) & Illegitimate Children (ILC) Illegitimate Children – 1/2 of share of 1 LC as may be accommodated, otherwise reduce proportionately Whatever remains LC –1/2 Legitimate Surviving Children Children/Descendants, Spouse & Illegitimate Spouse – equal to 1 share of 1 LC ILC – 1/2 of share of 1 LC as may be accommodated, otherwise reduce proportionately Whatever remains LC – 1/2 One Legitimate Child, Illegitimate Children & Surviving Spouse ILC – 1/2 of share of 1 LC as may be accommodated, otherwise reduce proportionately Whatever remains Spouse –1/4 of estate Parents & Ascendants of Legitimate Children Parents/Ascendants of Legitimate Children & Illegitimate Children Parents/Ascendants of Legitimate Children & Surviving Spouse Parents/Ascendants of Legitimate Children, Illegitimate Children & Surviving Spouse 1/2 1/2 Legitimate Parents/Ascendants – 1/2 Illegitimate Children – 1/4 1/4 Legitimate Parents/Ascendant – 1/2 Spouse – 1/4 Parents/Ascendants –1/2 ILC –1/4 Spouse – 1/8 1/4 1/8 General Rule or If in articulo mortis, but cohabited for more than 5 years – 1/2 1/2 1/3 if in articulo mortis 2/3 Surviving Spouse Only Surviving Children Spouse & Illegitimate ILC – 1/3 1/3 Spouse – 1/3 PAGE 98 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Surviving Spouse Illegitimate Children & Parents Of Spouse – 1/4 Parents – 1/4 1/2 Illegitimate Children Only 1/2 1/2 Parents Of Illegitimate Children 1/2 1/2 PAGE 99 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Reserva Troncal This is the reservation by virtue of which an ascendant who inherits from his descendant any property which the latter may have acquired by gratuitous title from another ascendant or a brother or sister, is obliged to reserve the property for the benefit of relative within the third degree and who belong from the same line from which the property came from. (Art. 891) Three Transmissions Involved in Reserva Troncal: 1) A first transmission by lucrative title (inheritance or donation) from an ascendant or brother or sister to the deceased descendant; (Mendoza v. Delos Santos, G.R. No. 176422) 2) NOTE: It constitutes as an exception to both the system of legitimes and the order of intestate succession. Purpose of Reserva Troncal: 1) To reserve certain properties in favor of certain persons 2) To prevent persons outside a family from acquiring, by some chance or accident, property which otherwise would have remained with the said family Requisites of Reserva Troncal (GWOT) 1) The property was acquired by a person (Prepositus) from an ascendant or from a brother or sister (Origin) by Gratuitous title; Acquisition by Gratuitous Transfer) a. By donation, or b. By any kind of succession Title A posterior transmission, by operation of law (intestate succession or legitime) from the deceased descendant (prepositus) in favor of another ascendant, the reservista, which two transmissions precede the reservation; (Mendoza v. Delos Santos, G.R. No. 176422) It is this second transfer that creates the reserva. (Solivio v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 83484) 3) A third transmission of the same property (in consequence of the reservation) from the reservistas to the reservatarios or the relatives within the third degree from the deceased descendant belonging to the line of the first ascendant, brother or sister of the deceased descendant. (Gonzalez v. CFI, G.R. No. 34395) (First 2) The said descendant died Without legitimate issue; NOTE: Only legitimate descendants will prevent the property from being inherited by the legitimate ascending line by operation of law. 3) The property is inherited by another descendant (Reservista) by Operation of law; Transmission by Operation of Law (Second Transfer) a. Compulsory succession, or b. Intestate succession 4) There are relatives within the Third degree (Reservatarios) belonging to the line from which the said property came. (Chua v. Court of First Instance, G.R. No. L-29901) NOTE: The provisions of Art. 891 only apply to legitimate relatives. (Nieva v. Alcala, G.R. No. L13386) Parties Involved 1. Origin or Mediate Source – The ascendant, brother, or sister from whom the prepositus had acquired the property by gratuitous title; (Balane, supra) 2. Prepositus – The descendant/brother/ sister who died and from whose death the reservistas in turn had acquired the property by operation of law. The so-called “arbiter of the fate of the reserva troncal.” (Balane, supra) While the property is owned by the prepositus, he has all the rights of ownership over it and may exercise such rights in order to prevent a reserva from arising. He can terminate the reserva by (a) Substituting or alienating or disposing the property during his lifetime; (b) Bequeathing or devising it either to the potential reservista or to other third person (subject to rights of compulsory heirs to the legitime); or (c) Partitioning in such a way as to assign the property to parties other than the potential reservista (subject to the constraints of the legitime). PAGE 100 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. Reservista – The ascendant of the prepositus of whatever degree, obliged to reserve the property; (Balane, supra) 4. Reservatarios – The relatives of the prepositus within the third degree and who belong to the line from which the property came and for whose benefit the reservation is constituted. (Balane, supra) NOTE: The reference point from which the third degree requirement should be reckoned is the prepositus – the one at the end of the line from which the property came and upon whom the property last resolved by descent. (Mendoza v. Delos Santos, G.R. No. 176422, 2013) NOTE: As long as the reservatario is alive at the time of the reservista’s death, he qualifies as such, even if he was conceived and born after the prepositus’ death. (Balane, supra) Two Events to be Considered to Determine the Right of the Reservatarios over the Reservable Property 1. Death of Prepositus – All qualified reservatarios merely have an inchoate right. The reservistas own the property subject to the resolutory condition 2. Death of Reservista – surviving reservatarios acquire a perfect right. (Balane, supra) Preference Among Reservatarios Upon the death of the ascendant reservista, the reservable property should pass, not to all the reservatarios as a class, but only to those nearest in degree to the descendant (prepositus), excluding those reservatarios of more remote degree. The reserva troncal merely determines the group of relatives to whom the property should be returned; but within that group the individual right to the property should be decided by the applicable rules of ordinary intestate succession, since Art. 891 does not specify. (Padura v. Baldovino, G.R. No. 11960) Representation Among the Reservatarios There is a right of representation on the part of reservatarios who are relatives of the prepositus within the third degree. These reservatarios have the right to represent their ascendants. (Florentino v. Florentino, G.R. No. 14856) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) and nieces of the prepositus, who have the right to represent their fathers or mothers who are brothers and sisters of the prepositus. (Mendoza v. De los Santos, G.R. No. 176422) There will only be one instance of representation among reservatarios, i.e., a case of the prepositus being survived by brothers/sisters and children of a predeceased or incapacitated brother/sister. (Balane, supra) Juridical Nature of Reserva Troncal Nature of Reservista’s Right 1) The reservista’s right over the reserved property is one of ownership; 2) The ownership is subject to a resolutory condition. (The existence of reservatarios at the time of the reservista’s death) 3) The right of ownership is alienable, but subject to the same resolutory condition. 4) The reservista’s right of ownership is registrable. (Edroso v. Sablan, G.R. No. 6878) The reservista has no power to appoint, by will, which reservatarios are to get the reserved property. (Gonzales v. CFI, G.R. No. L-34395) Nature of Reservatarios’ Right 1) The reservatarios have a right of expectancy over the property; 2) The right is subject to a suspensive condition. (The expectancy ripens into ownership if the reservatarios survive the reservista). 3) The right is alienable, but subject to the same suspensive condition. 4) The right is registrable. (Sienes v. Esparcia, G.R. No. L-12957) Property Reserved Any kind of property may be reserved. The very same property must go through the process of the three transmissions, in order for the reserva to arise. (Balane, supra) Reserva Maxima/Minima Theories: Applies only if two circumstances concur: 1. Prepositus makes a will instituting the ascendant-reservista to the whole or a part of the free portion; (Balane, supra) 2. There is left in the prepositus’ estate, upon his death, property reservable. (Balane, supra) Relatives within the 4th and succeeding degrees cannot be considered reservatarios. They cannot claim representation of their predecessors since the right granted in Art. 891 is a personal right. The only recognized exemption is the case of nephews PAGE 101 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 RESERVA MAXIMA The whole property is reservable for as long as it can be accommodated in the legitime or intestate share of the reservatarios Maximizes the scope of reserve RESERVA MINIMA Every single property in the Prepositus’ estate must be deemed to pass, partly by will and partly by operation of law, so that in general, only 50% of the property is reservable. Minima finds wider acceptance in the Philippines Rights of the Reservatarios and the Corresponding Obligations of the Reservista (Balane, supra) (SIAA) 1. To Inventory reserved properties; 2. To Annotate the reservable character (if registered immovables) in the Registry of Property within 90 days from acceptance by the reservista; 3. To Appraise the movables; 4. To Secure by means of mortgage: a. The indemnity for any deterioration of or damage to the property occasioned by the reservista’s fault or negligence, and b. The payment of the value of such reserved movables as may have been alienated by the reservista onerously and gratuitously. (Dizon v. Galang, G.R. No. 23144) Reserva Troncal is Extinguished By 1. The death of the reservista; 2. The death of all the reservatarios; 3. Renunciation by all the reservatarios, provided that no other reservatario is born subsequently; 4. Total fortuitous loss of the reserved property; 5. Confusion or merger of rights, as when the reservatarios acquire the reservista’s right by contract inter vivos; 6. Prescription or adverse possession. (Balane, supra) Principle of Non-Impairment of Legitimes General Rule: The testator cannot deprive his compulsory heirs of their legitime. (Art. 904) Exception: Valid disinheritance General Rule: The testator cannot impose upon the same any burden, encumbrance, condition, or substitution of any kind whatsoever. (Art. 904) Exceptions: 1. Parent in the interest of his family to keep any manufacturing, agricultural or industrial enterprise intact may order the legitime of the other children be paid in cash. (Art. 1080) 2. Express prohibition of the partition of the estate for a period not exceeding 20 years. (Art. 1083) 3. The family home shall continue despite the death of one or both spouses or of the unmarried head of the family for a period of ten years or for as long as there is a minor beneficiary, and the heirs cannot partition the same, unless the court finds compelling reasons therefor. (Family Code, Art. 159) 4. Reserva Troncal (Art. 891) Renunciation or Compromise of Future Legitime (Art. 905) Every renunciation or compromise as regards future legitime between the person owing it and his compulsory heir is void, and the latter may claim the same upon the death of the former; but they must bring to collation whatever they may have received by virtue of the renunciation or compromise. NOTE: The rights of the heirs are merely inchoate because it is only perfected upon the testator’s death. Hence, there is still nothing to renounce. No contract may be entered into with respect to future inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by law. (Art. 1347, par. 2) Completion of Legitime (actio ad supplendam legitimam) Any compulsory heir to whom the testator has left by any title less than the legitime belonging to him may demand that the same be fully satisfied. (Art. 906) General Rule: Anything a compulsory heir receives by gratuitous title from the predecessor is considered an advance on the legitime and is deducted from it. (Art. 909 & Art. 910) Exceptions: 1. If the predecessor gave the compulsory heir a donation inter vivos and provided that it was not to be charged against the legitime. (Art. 1062) 2. Testamentary dispositions made by the predecessor to the compulsory heir, unless the testator provides that it should be considered part of the legitime. (Art. 1063) PAGE 102 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 The impaired legitime of a compulsory heir shall be filled up in the following manner: (a) It must first be taken from the part of the estate not disposed of by will. (b) If it is not sufficient, it must then be taken from the shares of the testamentary heirs, legatees, and devisees, proportionally. (Art. 855) Testamentary dispositions that impair or diminish the legitime of compulsory heirs shall be reduced on petition of the same insofar as they may be inofficious or excessive. (Art. 907) Article 907 of the Civil Codes states that "[t]estamentary dispositions that impair or diminish the legitime of the compulsory heirs shall be reduced on petition of the same, insofar as they may be inofficious or excessive." Evidently, if the testator disposed of his estate in a manner that impaired or diminished the legitime of compulsory heirs, the latter may petition to demand that those dispositions be reduced or abated to the extent that they may be inofficious or excessive. (Estella v. Estella, G.R. No. 245469, 09 December 2020) INCOMPLETE LEGITIME Heir not entirely forgotten Less than the portion of the legitime Remedy is to demand for completion of legitime PRETERITION Total omission of the heir Total deprivation of legitime Effect is the total annulment of the institution of heirs Steps in Determining the Legitime of Compulsory Heirs 1. Determination of the gross value of the estate at the time of the death of the testator; 2. Determination of all debts and charges which are chargeable against the estate; 3. Determination of the net value of the estate by deducting all the debts and charged from the gross value of the estate; 4. Collation or addition of the value of all donations inter vivos to the net value of the estate; 5. Determination of the amount of the legitime from the total thus found; 6. Imputation of all the value of all donations inter vivos made to compulsory heirs against their legitimes and of the value of all donations inter vivos made to strangers against the disposable free portion and restoration to the hereditary estate if the donation is inofficious. If legitime is impaired, the following reductions shall be made: a. 7. First, reduce pro-rata non-preferred legacies and devises, and the testamentary dispositions. b. Second, reduce pro rata the preferred legacies and devises. c. Third, reduce the donations inter vivos according to the inverse order of their dates. (Art. 911) d. Fourth, reduce the legitimes of the illegitimate children. Distribution of the residue of the estate in accordance with the will of the testator. Donations inter vivos to Compulsory Heirs General Rule: Donations inter vivos to a compulsory heir shall be charged to their legitime (Art. 909) Exception: If the predecessor gave the compulsory heir a donation inter vivos and provided that it was not to be charged against the legitime. (Art. 1062) Donations inter vivos to Strangers Donations made to strangers shall be charged to the part of the estate which the testator could have disposed of by will. (Art. 909) Stranger – Anyone who does not succeed as a compulsory heir. (Balane, supra) Principles on Devises or Legacies of Usufruct or Life Annuities or Pensions 1. If, upon being capitalized according to actuarial standards, the value of the grant exceeds the free portion, it has to be reduced, because the legitime cannot be impaired. (Art. 911) 2. The testator can impose no usufruct or any other encumbrance on the part that passes as legitime. (Art. 911) 3. Subject to the two rules stated above, the compulsory heirs may elect between ceding to the devisee/legatee the free portion, or the proportional part thereof corresponding to the said legacy/devise, and complying with the terms of the usufruct or life annuity or pension. (Art. 911; Balane, p. 435) When Devise Subject to Reduction Consists of Indivisible Real Property IF THE EXTENT OF REDUCTION IS LESS THAN ½ OF THE VALUE OF THE THING It shall be given to the devisee. IF THE EXTENT OF REDUCTION IS ½ OR MORE OF THE THING It shall be given to the compulsory heirs. PAGE 103 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 In either case, there should be pecuniary reimbursement to the party who did not get his physical portion of the thing devised. (Art. 912) The devisee who is entitled to a legitime may retain the entire property, provided its value does not exceed that of the disposable portion and of the share pertaining to him as legitime. (Art. 912) If the heirs or devisees do not choose to avail themselves of the right granted in Art. 912, the thing devised should be disposed of by: 1. Any other heir or devisee, who elects to do so, may acquire the thing and pay the parties their respective shares in money; 2. If no heir or devisee elects to acquire it, it shall be sold at public auction and the net proceeds accordingly divided between the parties concerned. (Art. 913) 6. DISINHERITANCE Causes of Vacancy in Succession (a) Disinheritance - The testator creates it himself (Art. 916) (b) Repudiation - The heir rejects the inheritance (Art. 1041) (c) Incapacity/Predecease Something happens to the heir CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) testamentary disposition made in a prior will. (Balane, supra at p. 437-438) NOTE: Therefore, the heir loses his legitime. As to the free portion, it passes through Substitution, Accretion, and Intestacy. The children or descendants of the person disinherited shall take his or her place and shall preserve the rights of compulsory heirs with respect to the legitime. (Art. 923) NOTE: The disinherited heir can be represented in the legitime and also to any intestate portion that he or she would have inherited: a. Only in the descending line, never in the ascending b. In collateral line, only with respect to nephews and nieces. The disinherited parents shall not have the usufruct or administration of the property which constitutes the legitime. (Art. 923) Disinheritance A compulsory heir may, in consequence of disinheritance, be deprived of his legitime, for causes expressly stated by law. (Art. 915) Ineffective Disinheritance Disinheritance without specification of the cause, or for a cause the truth of which, if contradicted, is not proved, or which is not one of those set forth in this Code, shall annul the institution of heirs insofar as it may prejudice the person disinherited; but the devises and legacies and other testamentary dispositions shall be valid to such extent as will not impair the legitime. (Art. 918) Requisites for Valid Disinheritance (WET2LUP) 1) Effected only through a valid Will (Art. 916) Note: Will containing disinheritance must be probated. Disinheritance only occurs in testamentary succession. Its counterpart in intestate succession is unworthiness. 2) For a cause Expressly stated in the will (Art. 916, 918) 3) Cause must be certain and True (Art. 918) 4) Total; 5) It must be for a cause expressly stated by Law (Art. 916, in relation to Art. 919-921) 6) Unconditional; 7) If the truth of the cause is denied, it must be Proved by the proponent. (Art. 917) Effects of Ineffective Disinheritance 1. If the testator had made disposition of the entire estate, the testamentary disposition is annulled only insofar as they prejudice the legitime of the person disinherited. It does not affect the dispositions of the testator with respect to the free portion 2. If the testator did not dispose of the free portion, the compulsory heir will be given all that he is entitled to receive as if the disinheritance has not been made, without prejudice to lawful dispositions made by the testator in favor of others. 3. Devisees, legacies and other testamentary dispositions shall be valid to such extent as will not impair the legitime. (Vitug, Civil Law Volume III, 2006 edition, p. 263) Effects of Disinheritance Total exclusion of the compulsory heir from the inheritance, which includes his legitime, his share in the intestate portion, and any PAGE 104 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 e) INEFFECTIVE DISINHERITANCE Person disinherited may be any compulsory heir Express Intentional Partial annulment of institution of heirs PRETERITION The person omitted must be a compulsory heir in the direct line Implied Either intentional or unintentional Effect: Total annulment of institution of heirs Preterition is total omission from the inheritance, without the heir being expressly disinherited. The implied basis of the rule on preterition is inadvertent omission by the testator. Thus, if the testator explicitly disinherits the heir, Article 854 on preterition will not apply. Should the disinheritance be ineffective, for absence of one or other of the requisites for a valid disinheritance, the heir is simply entitled to demand his rightful share. (Balane, supra) GROUNDS FOR DISINHERITANCE Grounds for Disinheritance of Legitimate or Illegitimate Children and Descendants (Art. 919) 1) When the child or descendant has been found guilty of an attempt against the life of the testator, his or her spouse, descendants, or ascendant; a) Final conviction is required. b) It includes all stages of commission of a crime. (Attempted, frustrated, or consummated) c) This ground also applies to disinheritance of parents, ascendants, and spouse. d) Felony must be intentional (not through negligence) 2) When a child or descendant has accused the testator of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has been found groundless; a) It includes filing of a complaint before the prosecutor, or presenting incriminating evidence against the testator, or even suppressing exculpatory evidence. b) It may be made by the heir in a proceeding as a complainant or witness in a criminal case. c) The testator must be acquitted. d) The accusation must be found to be groundless. The judgment of acquittal must state either no crime was committed or that the accused did not commit the crime. An acquittal on reasonable doubt will not be a ground of disinheritance. This ground also applies to disinheritance of parents, ascendants, and spouse. 3) When a child or descendant has been convicted of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator; a) Final conviction is required. b) There must be a valid marriage between the spouse and the testator. c) This ground also applies to disinheritance of parents and ascendants. (Balane, supra) 4) When the child or descendant, by fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence, causes the testator to make a will or to change one already made; 5) A refusal without justifiable cause to support the parent or ascendant who disinherits such child or descendant; a) The obligation to support must be proven. b) There must be a need and demand for support. c) The demand must be unjustifiably refused. d) This ground also applies to disinheritance of parents, ascendants, and spouses NOTE: Refusal may be justified, if the obligor does not have enough resources for all whom he is obliged to support. The ascendants are only third in the hierarchy of preference among claimants of support. (Family Code, Art. 200, par. 3) 6) Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed, by the child or descendant; a) The verbal or physical assault must be of a serious nature. b) No conviction is required. It is not even required that a criminal case be filed. By word – Slander, offensive language, insult, libel. May be spoken or written. By deed – No need for violence. It could be something which caused the testator to be humiliated. 7) When a child or descendant leads a dishonorable or disgraceful life; a) The conduct must be habitual. (Balane, supra) 8) Conviction of a crime which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction. a) Final conviction is required. b) The accessory penalty of civil interdiction is imposed with the principal penalties of death, reclusion perpetua, and reclusion temporal. (Balane, supra) NOTE: The enumeration is exclusive. PAGE 105 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Grounds for Disinheritance of Legitimate or Illegitimate Parents or Ascendants (Art. 920) 1) When the parents have abandoned their children or induced their daughters to live a corrupt or immoral life, or attempted against their virtue; a) Includes all conduct constituting a repeated or total refusal or failure to care for a child. b) This applies when the parents willfully left the children to fend for themselves. c) It is not restricted to those instances of abandonment penalized by law. d) Inducement- same as deprivation of parental authority; only applies to female descendants e) Attempt on virtue- no conviction is required 2) When the parent or ascendant has been convicted of an attempt against the life of the testator, his or her spouse, descendants, or ascendants; 3) When the parent or ascendant has accused the testator of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has been found to be false; 4) When the parent or ascendant has been convicted of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator; 5) When the parent or ascendant by fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator to make a will or to change one already made; 6) The loss of parental authority for causes specified in this Code; It refers to culpable loss of parental authority and excludes attainment of age of majority. (Balane, supra) The causes for culplable loss of parental authority include: a) judicial deprivation of parental authority on the ground of sexual abuse; b) loss of parental authority as a result of judicial declaration of abandonment of the child c) judicial deprivation of parental authority based on: i) excessively harsh or cruel treatment of the child ii) giving the child corrupting orders, counsel or example iii) compelling the child to beg; or iv) subjecting the child or allowing him to be subjected to acts of lasciviousness CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) No conviction is required. The refusal to support the children or descendants without justifiable cause; 8) An attempt by one of the parents against the life of the other, unless there has been a reconciliation between them. a) Final conviction is not required. b) It includes all stages of commission of a crime. (Attempted, frustrated, or consummated) c) Even if parents are not married, it is still a ground. The parents do not need to be spouses. However, the testator must be a common child. d) Reconciliation between the parents removes the right of a child or descendant to disinherit and rescinds a disinheritance already made. NOTE: The enumeration is exclusive. 7) Grounds for Disinheritance of a Spouse (Art. 921) 1) When the spouse has been convicted of an attempt against the life of the testator, his or her descendants, or ascendants; 2) When the spouse has accused the testator of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment of six years or more, and the accusation has been found to be false; 3) When the spouse by fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence cause the testator to make a will or to change one already made; 4) When the spouse has given cause for legal separation; a) A decree of legal separation is not required. b) The grounds for legal separation need not be proven, unless contested by the heir. c) If there is already a decree of legal separation, the ground is conclusive, but there is still a need to disinherit by will. 5) When the spouse has given grounds for the loss of parental authority; Judicial decree is not required. Giving grounds therefore is sufficient. (Art. 921) 6) Unjustifiable refusal to support the children or the other spouse. NOTE: The enumeration is exclusive. Revocation of Disinheritance 1. Reconciliation (Art. 922) 2. Subsequent institution of the disinherited heir. 3. Nullity of the will, which contains the disinheritance. PAGE 106 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Reconciliation This refers to the resumption of genuine cordial relationship between the testator and the disinherited heir, approximating that which prevailed before the testator learned of the cause for disinheritance, reciprocally manifested by their actions subsequent to the act of disinheritance. (Vitug, supra, p. 264) Reconciliation may be done by: 1) Concrete and express pardon extended to the offender, who accepts it. A general pardon extended by the testator on his deathbed to all who have offended him will not suffice. 2) Unequivocal conduct toward the offending heir, by which the intent to forgive must be clear. OCCURRED BEFORE DISINHERITANCE IS MADE Right to disinherit is extinguished OCCURRED AFTER DISINHERITANCE IS MADE Disinheritance is set aside. (Art. 922) Effects of Setting Aside the Disinheritance 1) The disinherited heir is restored to his legitime. 2) If the disinheriting will did not dispose of the disposable portion, the disinherited heir is entitled to his proportionate share, if any. 3) If the disinheriting will or any subsequent will disposed of the disposable portion in favor of testamentary heirs, legatees or devisees, such dispositions remain valid. PAGE 107 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Summary of Grounds for Disinheritance (Arts. 919, 920 & 921) GROUND CHILD/ DESCENDANT PARENT/ ASCENDANT SPOUSE Attempt against the life of the testator, spouse, ascendant, descendant Accusation of a crime with penalty of six years Adultery and Concubinage with the spouse of testator N/A Induce testator to make/change the will. Support unjustifiably refused Unjustifiable refusal to support the children or the other spouse Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed N/A N/A Leading a dishonorable or disgraceful life N/A N/A Conviction of a crime which carries with the penalty of civil interdiction N/A N/A Abandonment of Children, Inducement to live a corrupt or moral life, or attempted against their virtue N/A N/A Loss of parental authority N/A It is sufficient that the spouse has given grounds for loss of parental authority Attempt by one Parent against the Life of N/A N/A the Other Giving Cause for Legal Separation N/A N/A PAGE 108 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 7. LEGACIES AND DEVISES Legacy – Testamentary disposition of personal property by particular title. (Balane, supra) Devise – Testamentary disposition of real property by particular title. (Balane, supra) HEIR One who succeeds to the whole or a fractional part of the inheritance (Balane, supra) LEGATEE / DEVISEE Those who succeed to definite, specific, and individual properties Things And Rights Which May Be Bequeathed of Devised All things and rights which are within the commerce of man may be bequeathed or devised. (Art. 924) NOTE: It is not required that the thing devised or bequeathed belong to the testator. Also, it must not impair the legitimes. Persons Who May Be Charged With Legacies And Devises A testator may charge with legacies and devises not only his compulsory heirs but also the legatees and devisees. (Art. 925) General Rule: Estate is charged with the legacy or devise. Exception: Subsidiary legacy or devise (Paras, Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated, 2016) Subsidiary legacy or devise – When the testator imposes the burden on an heir or a legatee or devisee; the heir, legatee, or devisee charged will be bound to deliver the legacy or devise to the person specified. As far as the heir, legatee, or devisee charged is concerned, it will be a mode. (Balane, supra) Where the will is silent as to who shall pay or deliver the legacy/devise: 1. If there is an administration proceeding, there is a presumption that such legacy or devise constitutes a charge against the decedent’s estate (Paras, supra, 2016) 2. If there are no administration proceedings, it is a charge upon the heirs, in the same proportion in which they may inherit. (Art. 926, par. 2) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) EXTENT OF LIABILITY LEGATEE / DEVISEE HEIR If charged with a If charged with a legacy or devise, he or legacy or devise, he she shall be liable only or she shall not be for the extent of the liable beyond the value of the legacy or amount of the free devise received. portion given to him. (Arts. 925-926; Tolentino, supra) NOTE: Since legacies and devises are to be taken from the disposable free portion of the estate, the provisions on institution of heirs are generally applicable to them. When Two Or More Heirs Take Possession Of The Estate If two or more heirs take possession of the estate, they shall be solidarily liable for the loss or destruction of a thing devised or bequeathed, even though only one of them should been negligent. (Art. 927) Liability for Eviction General Rule: The estate is liable for eviction. Exception: In case of a subsidiary legacy or devise, the heir, legatee or devise charged shall be liable in case of eviction, if the thing is indeterminate and is indicated only by its kind. (Art. 928) Thing Owned In Part By Testator General Rule: Conveys only interest or part owned by testator (Art. 929) Exception: If testator otherwise provides 1) He may convey more than what he owns and the estate should try to acquire the part or interest owned by other parties. If other parties are unwilling to alienate, the estate should give the legatee/devise the monetary equivalent. (by analogy with Art. 931) 2) He may convey less than what he owns. (Art. 794) Thing Owned by Another (Arts. 930-931) 1) If the testator orders acquisition of the thing – The order should be complied with. If the owner is unwilling to part with the thing, the legatee/devisee should be given the monetary equivalent. (Art. 931) 2) If the testator erroneously believed that the thing belonged to him –The legacy/devise is void. Exception: If subsequent to the making of the disposition, the thing is acquired by the PAGE 109 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 testator onerously or gratuitously, disposition is validated. (Art. 930) 3) the If the testator knew that the thing did not belong to him but did not order its acquisition – The disposition should be considered valid. There is an implied order to acquire the property. (Paras, supra) Thing Already Owned by the Legatee/Devisee (Arts. 932-933) 1) If thing already belonged to legatee/devisee at time of execution of will – The legacy/devise is void even if legatee/devisee alienates the property subsequently unless the acquirer is the testator himself. (Balane, supra citing Manresa) 2) If thing was owned by another person at time of making the will and thereafter it is acquired by legatee/devisee: a. If testator erroneously believed that he owned the thing – The legacy/devise is void. b. If testator knew that he did not own the thing: i. If thing was acquired onerously by legatee/devisee – The legatee/devisee is entitled to reimbursement. ii. If thing was acquired gratuitously by legatee/ devisee – Nothing more is due. 3) If thing was owned by testator at time will was made and the legatee/devisee acquired the thing from the testator —The legacy/devise should be deemed revoked Legacy / Devise to Remove an Encumbrance Over a Thing Belonging to the Testator (Art. 932, par. 2) If the testator expressly orders that the thing be freed from such interest or encumbrance, the legacy or devise shall be valid to that extent. NOTE: The legacy / devise is valid, if the encumbrance can be removed for a consideration. Legacy / Devise of a Thing Pledged or Mortgaged (Art. 934) If the testator should bequeath or devise something pledged or mortgaged to secure a recoverable debt before the execution of the will, the estate is obliged to pay the debt, unless the contrary intention appears. The same rule applies when the thing is pledged or mortgaged after the execution of the will. (Art. 934, par. 2) Any other charge, perpetual or temporary, with which the thing bequeathed is burdened, passes with it to the legatee or devisee. (Art. 934, par. 3) Legacy / Devise Subject to a Usufruct If the thing bequeathed should be subject to a usufruct, the legatee or devisee shall respect such right until it is legally extinguished. (Art. 946) Legacy of Credit or Remission (Art. 935-937) 1) Applies only to the amount still unpaid at the time of testator’s death. (Art. 935); 2) Revoked if testator subsequently sues the debtor for collection. (Art. 936); 3) If generic, applies only to those existing at the time of the execution of the will, unless otherwise provided. (Art. 937 and 793) Legacy / Devise to a Creditor (Art. 938) A legacy or devise made to a creditor shall not be applied to his credit, unless the testator so expressly declares. If the testator provides that the devise or legacy will be imputed to the debt, and if the debt exceeds the legacy or devise, the excess may be demanded as an obligation of the estate. Testamentary Instruction to Pay a Debt (Art. 939) INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION TO PAY TO PAY A NONMORE THAN WHAT IS EXISTING DEBT DUE The disposition The instruction should be should be effective only as to what considered as not is due, unless the written. contrary intention appears. Alternative Legacies or Devises – One which provides that among several things mentioned, only one is to be given. General Rule: The choice is left to the: 1) Direct legacy or devise – Estate, through the executor or administrator; 2) Subsidiary legacy or devise – Heir, legatee, devisee charged (Tolentino, supra) Exception: If the testator provides that the legatee or devisee himself may choose, or that a third party may choose. (Art. 942) PAGE 110 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 If the person who shall make the choice dies before the choice is made: (Art. 940, par. 2) 1) If the choice belonged to the executor or administrator – The right is transmissible to his successor in office; 2) If the choice belongs to an heir, legatee, or devisee – The right is transmitted to his own heirs. NOTE: The choice is irrevocable. (Art. 940, par. 3) Generic Legacies or Devises RULES ON VALIDITY (Art. 941) GENERIC LEGACY GENERIC DEVISE Valid even if no such Valid only if there movable exists in the exists such an estate upon the immovable in the testator’s death. The estate at the time of estate will simply have the testator’s death to acquire what is given by legacy. Right of Choice in Generic Legacies or Devises (Art. 941-943) General Rule: The executor or administrator, acting for the estate. Exception: When the testator expressly leaves the right of choice to the heir, or the legatee or devisee, on whom the obligation to give is imposed. (Subsidiary legacy or devise). Limitation on choice The persons who have the right of choice shall comply with the legacy by the delivery of a thing which is neither of inferior nor of superior quality. (Art. 941) If the person who shall make the choice cannot do so: 1) If the choice belonged to the executor or administrator – The right is transmissible to his successor in office; 2) If the choice belongs to an heir, legatee, or devisee – The right is transmitted to his own heirs. NOTE: The choice is irrevocable. (Art. 940) If the person to whom the testator has expressly given the right to choose does not exercise his right, it shall be understood that he has renounced it and the person obliged to pay the legacy or devise may deliver any of the things designated, provided it is not of the lowest or of the highest quality. (Tolentino, supra) Legacy for Education (Art. 944) Duration – Age of majority or the completion of a professional, vocation, or general course CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) whichever comes later. In the latter instance, only if the legatee pursues his studies diligently. Amount (Art. 944, par. 3) 1) The amount fixed by the testator; or 2) That which is proper, as determined by: a) The social standing and circumstances of the legatee, and b) The value of the disposable portion of the estate. Legacy for Support (Art. 944) Duration – During the lifetime of the legatee, unless the testator provided otherwise Amount (Art. 944, par. 3-4) 1) The amount fixed by the testator; or 2) That which the testator, during his lifetime, used to give the legatee by way of support, unless markedly disproportionate to the value of the disposable portion. 3) That which is reasonable, as determined by: a) The social standing and circumstances of the legatee, and b) The value of the disposable portion of the estate. Legacy of a Periodical Pension If a periodical pension, or a certain annual, monthly, or weekly amount is bequeathed, the legatee may petition the court for the first installment upon the death of the testator, and for the following ones which shall be due at the beginning of each period; such payment shall not be returned, even though the legatee should die before the expiration of the period which has commenced. (Art. 945) DEMANDABILITY, OWNERSHIP, AND FRUITS PURE AND WITH A SUSPENSIVE DETERMINATE TERM OR CONDITION OR GENERIC Upon the Upon the arrival of the testator’s death term or upon the happening of the condition, as the case may be (Art. 947; Paras, supra) When Ownership Vests 1) Pure and determinate property – Upon testator’s death 2) Pure and generic property – a) If the property came from the testator’s estate – Upon testator’s death b) If the property is acquired from a third person – Upon acquisition PAGE 111 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3) 4) Devises or legacies with a suspensive term – Upon arrival of the term, but the right to it vests upon the testator’s death Devises or legacies with a suspensive condition – Upon the testator’s death, if the condition is fulfilled. (Art. 948; Paras, supra) Fruits 1) Pure and determinate property – Upon testator’s death 2) Pure and generic property – Upon determination, unless the testator provides otherwise 3) Devises or legacies with a suspensive term – Upon arrival of the term 4) Devises or legacies with a suspensive condition – Upon the happening of the condition, unless the testator provides otherwise (Art. 948; Paras, supra) NOTE: If the legacy or devise is of a specific and determinate thing pertaining to the testator, the legatee or devisee do not acquire the income which was due and unpaid before the testator’s death. (Art. 948) From the moment of the testator’s death, the specific and determinate thing bequeathed shall be at the risk of the legatee or devisee, who shall bear its loss or deterioration, and shall be benefited by its increase or improvement, without prejudice to the responsibility of the executor or administrator. (Art. 948) Obligation to Deliver the Thing Bequeathed The thing bequeathed shall be delivered with all its accessories and accessories and in the condition in which it may be upon the death of the testator. (Art. 951) The heir, charged with a legacy or devise, or the executor or administrator of the estate, must deliver the very thing bequeathed if he is able to do so and cannot discharge this obligation by paying its value. (Art. 952, par. 1) Possession of the Thing Bequeathed The legatee or devisee cannot take possession of the thing bequeathed upon his own authority, but shall request its delivery and possession of the heir charged with the legacy or devise, or of the executor or administrator of the estate should he be authorized by the court to deliver it. (Art. 953) Order of Preference in Case Estate is Insufficient to Cover all Legacies and Devices (Art. 950) If the estate should not be sufficient to cover all the legacies or devises, their payment shall be made in the following order: 1) Remuneratory legacies or devises; 2) Legacies or devises declared by the testator to be preferential; 3) Legacies for support; 4) Legacies for education; 5) Legacies or devises of a specific, determinate thing which forms a part of the estate; 6) All others, pro-rata. REDUCTION OF LEGACIES AND DEVISES (ART. 911) Non-preferred legacies or devises will be reduced prorata and the preferred legacies or devises will be reduced last. Applies when the legitimes have been impaired ORDER OF PREFERENCE OF DEVISES AND LEGACIES (ART. 950) In the order of preference, the last is to be reduced first and the first is to be reduced last. Applies when the reduction is due to reasons other than impairment of legitimes Legacies of Money Paid in Cash Legacies of money must be paid in cash, even though the heir or the estate may not have any. (Art. 952, par. 2) Rules on Acceptance and Repudiation of Devices or Legacies General Rule: Acceptance may be total or partial. (Art. 954) Exception: If the legacy or devise is partly onerous and partly gratuitous, the recipient cannot accept the gratuitous part and renounce the onerous part. Any other combination is permitted. (Art. 954) Necessary Expenses for the Delivery of Thing Bequeathed The expenses necessary for the delivery of thing bequeathed shall be for the account of heir or the estate, but without prejudice to legitime. (Art. 952 par. 3) Acceptance or Repudiation by Heirs of Legatee or Devisee (Art. 954, par. 2) If the legatee or devisee dies before accepting or renouncing the devise or legacy, his heirs shall exercise such right as to their pro-indiviso share, applying the rules in Article 954. the the the the PAGE 112 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 TWO LEGACIES / DEVISES TO THE SAME RECIPIENT (ART. 955) BOTH ARE ONE IS GRATUITOUS GRATUITOUS AND THE OTHER IS OR ONEROUS ONEROUS The recipient may The recipient cannot accept or accept the gratuitous and renounce either or renounce the onerous. both. Any other combination is permitted. Legacy or Devise to a Compulsory Heir Any compulsory heir who is at the same time a legatee or devisee may waive the inheritance and accept the legacy or devise, or renounce the latter and accept the former, or waive or accept both. (Art. 955 par. 2) NOTE: For acceptance and repudiation of devices or legacies, the testator’s wishes are supreme. All the rules apply in the absence of stipulation providing otherwise. (Balane, supra) Repudiation by or Incapacity of Legatee or Devisee (Art. 956) If the legatee or devisee cannot or is unwilling to accept the legacy or devise, or if the legacy or devise for any reason should become ineffective, the following steps apply: 1. Follow substitution, if any. 2. Then accretion, 3. Lastly, intestacy as it shall be merged to the mass of the estate. When Legacy/Devise can be Revoked by Operation of Law 1) Transformation: If the testator transforms the thing bequeathed or devised in such a manner that it does not retain its form and denomination. (Art. 957) 2) Alienation: If the testator, by any title or for any cause, alienates the thing bequeathed or devised or any part thereof. (Art. 957) NOTE: The alienation revokes the legacy or devise even if for any reason the thing reverts to the testator (e.g. nullity of the contract) (Paras, supra) Exceptions: (a) If the reversion is caused by the annulment of the alienation and the cause for annulment was vitiation of consent on the grantor’s part, either by reason of incapacity or of duress. (Fernandez v. Dimagiba, G.R. No. L-23638, 1967) (b) If the reversion is by virtue of redemption in a sale with pacto de retro. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3) Total Loss: If the thing bequeathed or devised is totally lost during the lifetime of the testator, or after his death without the heir’s fault. (Art. 957) 4) If the legacy is a credit against a third person or the remission of a debt, and the testator, subsequent to the making of the will brings an action against such debtor for payment. (Art. 936) Mistake in the Name of the Thing Bequeathed or Devised A mistake as to the name of the thing bequeathed or devised, is of no consequence, if it is possible to identify the thing which the testator intended to bequeath or devise. (Art. 958) C. LEGAL AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS; RELATIONSHIP AND RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION Legal or Intestate Succession – Takes place by operation of law in the absence of a valid will. (Paras, supra) Instances when Legal or Intestate Succession Operates (Art. 960) 1. If a person dies without a will, or with a void will, or one which has subsequently lost its validity; 2. When the will does not institute an heir to, or dispose of all the property belonging to the testator. In such case, legal succession shall take place only with respect to the property of which the testator has not disposed; 3. If the suspensive condition attached to the institution of heir does not happen or is not fulfilled, or if the heir dies before the testator, or repudiates the inheritance, there being no substitution, and no right of accretion takes place; 4. When the heir instituted is incapable of succeeding, except in cases provided in the Civil Code. Other Causes of Intestacy (Tolentino, supra) 1) Happening of a resolutory condition; 2) Expiration of a resolutory term; 3) Preterition (Balane, supra) NOTE: Intestacy operates on the same principles as succession to the legitime. They are both governed by the rules on exclusion and concurrence. PAGE 113 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Four Basic Rules of Intestacy 1) Rule of Relationship – the heirs must be related to the decedent. Four Kinds of Relationships a) Ascendants and Descendants; b) Collaterals; c) Marriage; d) State of sovereign 2) Rule of Preference of Lines – the descending line excludes the ascending and the collateral, and the ascending excludes the collateral. (Art. 965) Three lines of relationship a) Descending line b) Ascending line c) Collateral line 3) Rule of Proximity of Degree – the nearer exclude the more remote, without prejudice to representation. (Art. 962, par. 1) The rule on proximity is a concept that favors the relatives nearest in degree to the decedent and excludes the more distant ones except when and to the extent that the right of representation can apply… Respondent, being a relative within the third civil degree, of the late Augusto H. Piedad excludes petitioner, a relative of the fifth degree, from succeeding an intestato to the estate of the decedent. (Bagunu v. Piedad, G.R. No. 140975, 08 December 2000) 4) Rule of Equality Among Relatives of the Same Degree – the nearer exclude the more remote, those of equal degree should inherit in equal shares. (Art. 962, par. 2) Exceptions to the Rule of Equality in the Same Degree 1) The rule of preference of lines; Note: The direct line is preferred over the collateral, even if they are of the same degree 2) The distinction between legitimate and illegitimate filiation; 3) The rule of division by line in the ascending line; 4) The distinction between full-blood and halfblood relationship among brothers and sisters, as well as nephews and nieces; 5) Representation; and 6) Concurrence of nephews and nieces and uncles and aunts (Paras, supra) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) a. Relationship Proximity of relationship is determined by the number of generations. (Art. 963) Degree – One generation Computation of Degrees 1. Direct line – No legal limit to the number of degrees for entitlement to intestate succession. 2. Collateral line – Intestate succession extends only to the fifth degree of collateral relationship (Art. 1010) Line – Series of degrees, which may be direct or collateral (a) Direct line – Constituted by the series of degrees among ascendants and descendants i. Descending line – Unites the head of the family with those who descend from him ii. Ascending line – Binds a person with those from whom he descends In the direct line, ascend to the common ancestor. There is no legal limit to the number of degrees for entitlement to intestate succession (b) Collateral line – Constituted by the series of degrees among persons who are not ascendants and descendants, but who come from a common ancestor In the collateral line, ascend to the common ancestor and then descend to the person with whom the computation is to be made. Intestate succession extends only to the 5th degree of collateral relationship. Full Blood Relationship Full blood relationship is that existing between persons who have the same father and the same mother. (Art. 967, par. 1) Half Blood Relationship Half-blood relationship is that existing between persons who have the same father, but not the same mother, or the same mother, but not the same father. (Art. 967, par. 2) Importance of Distinction Between Full Blood and Half Blood Relationship (Arts. 1006, 1008) Ratio of 2:1 for full-blood and half-blood relationship in Articles 1006 and 1008, for brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces. PAGE 114 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 ACCRETION IN INTESTACY If there are several relatives of the same degree, and one or some of them are unwilling or incapacitated to succeed, his portion shall accrue to the others of the same degree, save the right of representation when it should take place. (Art. 968) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) The effect of renunciation by all in the same degree applies in cases of predecease or incapacity by all in the same degree, except in cases where representation is proper. b. Right of Representation Accretion applies among heirs of the same degrees in the following instances: (Arts. 1015, 1016) 1) Predecease; 2) Incapacity; 3) Renunciation Representation - a right created by fiction of law, by virtue of which the representative is raised to the place and the degree of the person represented, and acquires the rights which the latter would have if he were living or if he could have inherited. (Art. 970; Tumbokon v. Legaspi, G.R. No. 153736) HOWEVER, in case of predecease or incapacity, representation, if proper, will prevent accretion from occurring. (Balane, supra) In order that representation may take place, it is necessary that the representative himself be capable of succeeding the decedent. (Art. 973) Relatives must be in the same kind of relationship for accretion to take place. This is because of the principle of preference of lines in intestate succession. (Balane, supra) Representation only applies in compulsory and intestate succession in the direct descending line (Art. 972) and in one instance in the collateral line in the case of nephews and nieces representing brothers and sisters of the deceased (Art. 975) RENUNCIATION IN INTESTACY If the inheritance should be repudiated by the nearest relative, should there be one only, or by all the nearest relatives called by law to succeed, should there be several, those of the following degree shall inherit in their own right and cannot represent the person or persons repudiating the inheritance. (Art. 969) Effect of Renunciation by All in the Same Degree The right of succession should first be passed on the heirs in succeeding degrees, before the next line can succeed. 1. The descending line inherits first. NOTE: If ALL the descendants of a certain degree renounce, succession passes to the descendants of the next degree, and so on. 2. The ascending line inherits next. NOTE: Should no one be left in the descending line, the heirs in the ascending line acquire the right of succession, in order of degrees of proximity. 3. The collateral line inherits last. In the collateral line, the right of representation extends no further than the nephews and nieces. Grandnephews and grandnieces are not entitled to inherit by right of representation in the collateral line. (In re: Intestate Estates of Delgado & Rustia v. Heirs of Vda. De Damian, G.R. No. 155733) NOTE: There is no representation in testamentary succession and in any type of succession in the direct ascending line. (Paras, supra) Instances When Representation (PID) 1) Predecease; 2) Incapacity or unworthiness; 3) Disinheritance (Paras, supra) Operates NOTE: Representation renunciation. (Art. 977) apply does not in Right of Representation of Illegitimate Children (Art. 902) The rights of illegitimate children set forth in the articles on legitimes and intestate succession are transmitted upon their death to their descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate. NOTE: Only if all the descendants and ascendants renounce will the collateral relatives acquire the right to succeed. PAGE 115 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Right of representation DECEDENT IS A LEGITIMATE CHILD The right of representation is given only to legitimate descendants. DECEDENT IS AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) by representation. (Art. 982) The right of representation is granted to both legitimate and illegitimate descendants. Representation of and by an Adopted Child An adopted child can neither represent nor be represented. (Balane, supra at p. 484) Nonetheless, an adopted child succeeds to the property of the adopting parents in the same manner as a legitimate child. (Art. 979, par. 2) Representation by a Renouncer A renouncer cannot be represented; however, he can represent the person whose inheritance he has renounced. (Art. 976) Operation of Representation Per stirpes – The representative or representatives receive only what the person represented would have received. If there are more than one representative in the same degree, then the portion is divided equally, without prejudice to the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, when applicable. (Balane, supra) Rules to Qualify as a Representative 1) The representative must be qualified to succeed the decedent. (Art. 973) 2) The representative need not be qualified to succeed the person represented. (Art. 971) 3) The person represented need not be qualified to succeed the decedent. NOTE: The representative does not succeed the person represented but the one whom the person represented would have succeeded. (Art. 971) Representation BY GRANDCHILDREN If all children are disqualified, the grandchildren inherit BY NEPHEWS AND NIECES If they survive with their uncles and aunts, they shall the by If all their uncles and aunts are disqualified from inheriting (predeceased, incapacitated or unworthy, disinherited), they inherit in equal portions. (Art. 975) (Art. 992) An adopted child cannot represent his/her adopter in the estate of his/her adopter’s grandparents because the relationship between the adopter and the adopted does not go beyond their relatives of either party. (Teotico v. Del Val, G.R. No. L-18753) inherit from deceased representation. 2. ORDER OF INTESTATE SUCCESSION Intestate Heirs (Paras, supra) 1) Legitimate Children or Descendants (Art. 979) 2) Illegitimate Children or Descendants (Art. 988, 990, 992) 3) Legitimate Parents or Ascendants (Art. 986) 4) Parents of Illegitimate Children (Art. 993) 5) Surviving Spouse (Art. 994) 6) Brothers, Sisters, Nephews, Nieces (Arts. 1004-1008) 7) Other Collateral up to the fifth degree (Art. 1009) 8) State (Art. 1011) Rules of Exclusion and Concurrence 1) Legitimate Children or Descendants (Arts. 978-982) a) Exclude parents, collaterals, and the State b) Concur with surviving spouse, and illegitimate children or descendants c) Excluded by no one 2) Illegitimate Children or Descendants (Arts. 983, 988-994) a) Exclude parents of illegitimate children, collaterals, and the State; b) Concur with surviving spouse, legitimate children, and legitimate parents; c) Excluded by no one 3) Legitimate parents (Arts. 985-986) a) Exclude collaterals and the State; b) Concur with illegitimate children and the surviving spouse; c) Are excluded by legitimate children 4) Parents of illegitimate children (Arts. 993994) a) Exclude collaterals and the State; b) Concur with the surviving spouse; PAGE 116 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 c) 5) 6) Excluded by legitimate children and illegitimate children Surviving spouse (Arts. 995-1002) a) Excludes collaterals other than brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, and the State; b) Concur with legitimate children, illegitimate children, legitimate parents, parents of illegitimate children, brothers, sister, nephews and nieces; c) Excluded by no one Brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces (Arts. 1003-1008) a) Exclude all other collaterals and the State; b) Concur with the surviving spouse; c) Excluded by legitimate children, illegitimate children, legitimate parents, and parents of illegitimate children 7) Other collaterals up to the fifth degree (Arts. 1009-1010) a) Exclude collaterals in more remote degree and the State; b) Concur with collaterals in the same degree; c) Excluded by legitimate children, illegitimate children, legitimate parents, parents of illegitimate children, surviving spouse, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces; 8) State (Arts. 1011-1014) a) Excludes no one; b) Concurs with no one; c) Excluded by everyone CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) and 209018, Dec. 7, 2021), where the court ruled that grandparents and direct ascendants fall outside the scope of “relatives” under Art. 992. 1 Person to be Represented ILLEGITIMATE LEGITIMATE CHILD CHILD His or her Only his or her descendant whether legitimate legitimate or descendants can illegitimate, may represent him, his or represent him. her illegitimate descendants cannot represent him. (Vda. De Crisologo v. Cam G.R. No. L-44051, 1985) Partial Intestacy (Balane, supra) Where a decedent left a will disposing of a part, but not all, of the disposable portion, the following steps may solve the problem: 1. Trace where the free portion went in total intestacy. 2. The testamentary provision should be carried out first, then what is left of the free portion should then be given to the intended beneficiary in intestacy. (Balane, supra) Iron Curtain Rule / Barrier Principle / Principle of Absolute Separation An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato from the legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother; nor shall such children or relatives inherit in the same manner from the illegitimate child. (Art. 992) The right of representation is not available to illegitimate descendants of legitimate children in the inheritance of a legitimate grandparent. (Diaz v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. L66574, Feb. 21, 1990) NOTE: The above ruling in Diaz no longer applies considering Aquino v. Aquino, (G.R. Nos. 208912 1 Note that this December 7, 2021 decision was released beyond the cut-off date of June 30, 2021, for Bar coverage. PAGE 117 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 COMBINATIONS OF LEGITIMES AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION (Arts. 888-889, 892-901, 903, 983, 986-987, 991, 993-1001, 1004-1008, 1011) HEIRS Legitimate Alone Children Legitimate Children and Illegitimate Children LEGITIME INTESTACY TOTAL 1/2 divided equally 1/2 divided equally Whole estate divided equally LC – 1/2 divided equally Residue left shall be divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio Residue left shall be divided among them equally Whole estate divided equally 1/4 goes to the spouse LC – 1/2 ILC – 1/2 of share of 1 LC Legitimate Children and Surviving Spouse LC – 1/2 divided equally One Legitimate Child and Surviving Spouse LC – 1/2 Legitimate Children, Surviving Spouse, Illegitimate Children Spouse – Share of 1 LC Spouse – 1/4 Residue left shall be divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio LP – 1/2 1/2 goes to the parents Whole estate divided equally Legitimate Ascendants Other than Parents 1/2 1/2 Whole estate divided among them, observe rules in proximity in degree, and division by line Legitimate Parents and Illegitimate Children LP – 1/2 1/4 goes to the illegitimate children LP – 1/2 Legitimate Alone Parents Legitimate Parents and Surviving Spouse Legitimate Parents, Surviving Spouse, and Illegitimate Children Illegitimate Alone LC – 1/2 Spouse – 1/2 Spouse – share of 1 LC ILC – 1/2 of share of 1 LC ILC – 1/4 LP – 1/2 Spouse – 1/4 LP – 1/2 ILC – 1/4 1/4 goes to the spouse 1/8 goes to the spouse Spouse – 1/8 ILC – 1/4 LP – 1/2 Spouse – 1/2 LP – 1/2 ILC – 1/4 Spouse – 1/4 Children ILC – 1/2 1/2 goes to illegitimate children Whole estate divided equally Illegitimate Children and Surviving Spouse ILC – 1/3 1/6 goes to illegitimate children ILC – 1/2 Spouse – 1/3 1/6 goes to spouse Spouse – 1/2 PAGE 118 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 HEIRS LEGITIME Surviving Spouse Alone 1/2 (continuation) INTESTACY TOTAL Residue goes to the spouse Whole estate goes to the spouse Spouse – 1/4 1/ 4 goes to the spouse Spouse 1/2 Parents of Illegitimate Children – 1/4 1/4 goes to the parents of illegitimate children Parents of Illegitimate Children – ¼ Surviving Spouse and Legitimate Brothers and Sisters, Nephews and Nieces Spouse – 1/2 1/2 goes to the legitimate brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces Spouse – 1/2 Surviving Spouse and Illegitimate Brothers and Sisters, Nephews and Nieces Spouse – 1/2 Surviving Spouse and Parents of Illegitimate Children 1/3 if marriage is in articulo mortis 1/2 goes to the illegitimate brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces Legitimate brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces – 1/2 Spouse – 1/2 Legitimate brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces – 1/2 Parents Illegitimate Children Alone of 1/2 1/2 goes to the parents of illegitimate children Whole estate divided equally Parents Illegitimate Children Children of Kind of Any kind of children – 1/2, observe 2:1 ratio 1/2 goes to the any kind of children, observe 2:1 ratio Whole estate goes to the children, observing 2:1 ratio, if applicable and Any Parents of illegitimate children are excluded by all kinds of children PAGE 119 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 (continuation) INTESTACY HEIRS LEGITIME TOTAL Legitimate Brothers and Sisters Alone N/A Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Legitimate Brothers and Sisters, Nephews and Nieces N/A Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Nephews and Nieces with Uncles and Aunts N/A Apply rules on representation when proper Whole estate divided among nephews and nieces, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Uncles and aunts of the decedent are excluded. (Bacayo v. Borromeo) Illegitimate Brothers and Sisters Alone N/A Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Illegitimate Brothers and Sisters, Nephews and Nieces N/A Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Nephews and Nieces Alone N/A Whole estate divided among them, observing the 2:1 ratio for full-blood and half-blood siblings Other Collaterals up to the Fifth Degree N/A Whole estate divided equally, observe rules in proximity in degree State N/A (Resident Decedent) (Non-Resident Decedent) Personal property – Municipality of the last residence Personal property and real property –Municipality where it is situated Real property – Municipality where it is situated Property is to be used for the benefit of public education and charitable institutions in the respective municipalities or cities, or alternatively, at the instance of an interested party, or motu proprio, court may order creation of a permanent trust for the benefit of the institutions concerned. ————- end of topic ————- PAGE 120 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 D. PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION 1. RIGHT OF ACCRETION Accretion – A right by virtue of which, when two or more persons are called to the same inheritance, devise or legacy, the part assigned to the one who renounces or cannot receive his share, or who died before the testator, is added or incorporated to that of his co-heirs, co-devisees, or co-legatees. (Art. 1015) Elements of Accretion in Testamentary Succession (Art. 1016) 1) That two or more persons be called to the same inheritance, or to the same portion, pro indiviso; and 2) That one of the persons thus called die before the testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be incapacitated to receive it. Meaning of Pro Indiviso (Balane, supra) Undivided or in common Either the co-heirs are instituted without individual designation of shares; or The co-heirs are instituted with the specification that they share equally. The co-heirs are instituted with unequal fractional shares. Instances when Accretion operates Testamentary Succession (Balane, supra) 1) Renunciation; 2) Predecease; 3) Incapacity in NOTE: Provided, only some, not all of the instituted heirs renounce, predecease, or are incapacitated to succeed. (Balane, supra) Accretion in Intestacy In legal succession the share of the person who repudiates the inheritance shall always accrue to his co-heirs. (Art. 1018) Occasions for the Operation of Accretion in Intestacy (Balane, supra) 1) Repudiation or renunciation; (Art. 1018) 2) Predecease, only if representation does not take place; 3) Incapacity or unworthiness, only if representation does not take place NOTE: In intestacy, accretion is subordinate to representation. (Balane, supra) Co-heirs in the Same Category The co-heirs in whose favor accretion occurs must be co-heirs in the same category as the excluded heir. (Balane, supra) Accretion Must be Proportional The heirs to whom the portion goes by the right of accretion take it in the same proportion that they inherit. (Art. 1019) General Rule: The heirs to whom the inheritance accrues shall succeed to all the rights and obligations which the heir who renounced or could not receive it would have had. (Art. 1020) Exceptions: (Balane, supra) 1. In testamentary succession, if the testator provides otherwise; 2. If the obligation is purely personal, and hence, intransmissible Accretion among Compulsory Heirs Among the compulsory heirs the right of accretion shall take place only when the free portion is left to two or more of them, or to any one of them and to a stranger. (Art. 1021) No Accretion in the Legitime If the part repudiated be the legitime, the other coheirs shall succeed to it in their own right, and not by the right of accretion. (Art. 1021) Accretion Subordinate to Substitution in Testamentary Succession In testamentary succession, when the right of accretion does not take place, the vacant portion of the instituted heirs, if no substitute has been designated, shall pass to the legal heirs of the testator, who shall receive it with the same charges and obligations (Art. 1022) Accretion Among Devisees, Legatees and Usufructuaries Accretion shall also take place among devisees, legatees and usufructuaries under the same conditions established for heirs. (Art. 1023) 2. CAPACITY TO SUCCEED BY WILL OR INTESTACY Persons not incapacitated by law may succeed by will or ab intestato. The provisions relating to incapacity by will are equally applicable to intestate succession. (Art. 1024) PAGE 121 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 NOTE: Both a natural person and a juridical person may inherit. (Art. 1026) Requisites for Natural Persons In order to be capacitated to inherit, the heir, devisee or legatee must be living at the moment the succession opens, except in case of representation, when it is proper. (Art. 1025, par 1) A child already conceived at the time of the death of the decedent is capable of succeeding provided it be born later under the conditions prescribed in Article 41 of the Civil Code. (Art. 1025, par 2) Requisites for Juridical Persons A testamentary disposition may be made to the State, provinces, municipal corporations, private corporations, organizations, or associations for religious, scientific, cultural, educational, or charitable purposes. All other corporations or entities may succeed under a will, unless there is a provision to the contrary in their charter or the laws of their creation, and always subject to the same. (Art. 1026) Time to Determine Capacity to Succeed General Rule: In order to judge the capacity of the heir, legatee, or devisee, his qualification at the time of the death of the decedent shall be the criterion. (Art. 1034) Exceptions: 1) Those disqualified under Article 1032 (Unworthiness, pars. 2,3,5) wherein it is necessary to wait until final judgment is rendered; 2) Those disqualified under Article 1032 (Unworthiness, par. 4) wherein it is necessary to wait for the expiration for the month allowed for report; 3) If the institution of the heirs, legacy or devise is conditional, the time of compliance with the condition shall be considered. (Art. 1034) NOTE: The capacity to succeed is governed by the law of the nation of the decedent. (Art. 1039) Persons not incapacitated by law may succeed by will or ab intestato. (Art. 1024) A testamentary provision in favor of a disqualified person, even though made under the guise of an onerous contract, or made through an intermediary, shall be void. (Art. 755) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) IF INSTITUTION IS SUBJECT TO A SUSPENSIVE CONDITION The successor must be living or legally existing both when the decedent dies and when the condition happens. (Balane, supra) IF INSTITUTION IS SUBJECT TO A SUSPENSIVE TERM The requirement of being alive or legal existence applies only at the moment of the decedent’s death. (Balane, supra) Incapacity to Succeed in Testamentary Succession (Art. 1027) The following are incapable of succeeding: 1) The priest who heard the confession of the testator during his last illness, or the minister of the gospel who extended spiritual aid to him during the same period; Requisites: a) The will must have been executed during the testator’s last illness; b) The spiritual ministration must have been extended during the last illness; c) The will must have been executed during or after the spiritual ministration. Applies to all religions 2) The relatives of such priest or minister of the gospel within the fourth degree, the church, order, chapter, community, organization, or institution to which such priest or minister may belong; 3) A guardian with respect to testamentary dispositions given by a ward in his favor before the final accounts of the guardianship have been approved, even if the testator should die after the approval thereof; nevertheless, any provision made by the ward in favor of the guardian when the latter is his ascendant, descendant, brother, sister, or spouse, shall be valid; a) The will must have been executed by the ward during the effectivity of the guardianship b) The terms of this provision seem to be limited to guardians over the property. c) A guardian who happens to be an ascendant, descendant, brother, sister, or spouse of the ward-testator is excluded from the prohibition 4) Any attesting witness to the execution of a will, the spouse, parents, or children, or any one claiming under such witness, spouse, parents, or children; PAGE 122 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Reiteration of Art. 823 but in more general terms as it annuls all testamentary disposition not only legacies and devises. The rule that if there are three other competent witnesses as an exception should be read into this. Apportionment of the disposition or its proceeds: (Balane, supra) 1) 1/2 to the church or denomination to which the testator belonged 2) 1/2 to the State, to be applied as provided in Article 1013. 5) Any physician, surgeon, nurse, health officer or druggist who took care of the testator during his last illness; The physician must have taken care of the testator during his/her final illness. “Taking care” means medical attendance with some regularity or continuity. Dispositions in Favor of the Poor in General (Art. 1030) Testamentary provisions in favor of the poor in general, without designation of particular persons or of any community, shall be deemed limited to the poor living in the domicile of the testator at the time of his death, unless it should clearly appear that his intention was otherwise. 6) Individuals, associations and corporations not permitted by law to inherit under any kind of succession. (Art. 1027) Prohibitions in donations applies to testamentary succession (Art. 1028 in relation to Art. 739) Those who are disqualified from receiving donations under Article 739. Under Article 739, the following are disqualified from receiving testamentary dispositions from the parties specified: 1) Those made between persons who are guilty of adultery, or concubinage at the time of the donation; 2) Those made between persons found guilty of the same criminal offense, in consideration thereof; 3) Those made to a public officer or his wife, descendants and ascendants, by reason of his office; Disposition For Prayers and Pious Works for the Benefit of His Soul Should the testator dispose of the whole or part of his property for prayers and pious works for the benefit of his soul, in general terms and without specifying its application, the executor, with the court's approval, shall deliver one-half thereof or its proceeds to the church or denomination to which the testator may belong, to be used for such prayers and pious works, and the other half to the State, for the purposes mentioned in Article 1013. (Art. 1029) Requisites: (Balane, supra) 1) Disposition for prayers and pious works for the benefit of the testator’s soul; 2) No specification of the application of the disposition. The designation of the persons who are to be considered as poor and the distribution of the property shall be made by the person appointed by the testator for the purpose; in default of such person, by the executor, and should there be no executor, by the justice of the peace, the mayor, and the municipal treasurer, who shall decide by a majority of votes all questions that may arise. In all these cases, the approval of the Court of First Instance shall be necessary. The preceding paragraph shall apply when the testator has disposed of his property in favor of the poor of a definite locality. Disqualification of a Witness to Succeed to a Legacy or Devise (Art. 823) If a person attests to the execution of a will, to whom or to whose spouse, or parent, or child, a devise or legacy is given by such will, such devise or legacy shall, so far only as concerns such person, or spouse, or parent, or child of such person, or any one claiming under such person or spouse, or parent, or child, be void, unless there are three other competent witnesses to such will. However, the person attesting shall be admitted as a witness if such devise or legacy had not been made or given. Testamentary Provision in Favor of a Disqualified Person is Void (Art. 1031) A testamentary provision in favor of a disqualified person, even though made under the guise of an onerous contract, or made through an intermediary, shall be void. Unworthiness (Art. 1032) The following are incapable of succeeding under all kinds of succession by reason of unworthiness: 1. Parents who have abandoned their children or induced their daughters to lead a corrupt or immoral life, or attempted against their virtue; PAGE 123 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Three grounds are provided: (a) abandonment; (b) inducement of a daughter to lead a corrupt or immoral life; and (c) attempt against a daughter’s virtue Abandonment - includes all conduct constituting a repeated or total refusal or failure to care for the child. Inducement - same as deprivation of parental authority; only applies to female descendants Attempt on virtue - no conviction is required 5. Any person convicted of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator; o Final conviction required 6. Any person who by fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue influence should cause the testator to make a will or to change one already made; 7. Any person who by the same means prevents another from making a will, or from revoking one already made, or who supplants, conceals, or alters the latter's will; Any person who has been convicted of an attempt against the life of the testator, his or her spouse, descendants, or ascendants; o Covers all stages in the commission of the crime o Felony must be intentional (so not through negligence) o Final conviction required 8. Any person who falsifies or forges a supposed will of the decedent. o o o o 2. 3. 4. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Any person who has accused the testator of a crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation has been found groundless; o Covers filing of the complaint before the prosecutor, presenting incriminating evidence, suppressing exculpatory evidence o The testator must be acquitted o The accusation must be found to be groundless—must state that no crime was committed or that accused did not commit the crime. Any heir of full age who, having knowledge of the violent death of the testator, should fail to report it to an officer of the law within a month, unless the authorities have already taken action; this prohibition shall not apply to cases wherein, according to law, there is no obligation to make an accusation; o There is no such obligation existing under our present law o Requisites: a. the heir has knowledge of violent death of the decedent; b. the heir is of legal age c. the heir fails to report it to an office of the law within a month (after learning of it) d. there is a legal obligation for the heir to make an accusation Revocation of Unworthiness The cause of unworthiness shall be without effect if the testator had knowledge thereof at the time he made the will, or if, having known of them subsequently, he should condone them in writing. (Art. 1033) The unworthiness is set aside in the following ways: (Balane, supra) 1. A written condonation, or 2. The execution by the offended party of a will with knowledge of the cause of unworthiness. By Operation of Law – In order to restore the disinherited heir to capacity, subsequent reconciliation is enough under the rules of disinheritance while under those on unworthiness; either a written pardon or a subsequent will is required. These rules on disinheritance and unworthiness would overlap the moment the testator uses one of the acts of unworthiness as a cause to disinherit an heir. Such act submits the situation to the rules on disinheritance; thus, reconciliation renders the disinheritance ineffective. (Balane, supra) Pardon of Acts of Unworthiness (Art. 1033) EXPRESS IMPLIED Made by the Effected when testator execution of a makes a will instituting document or any the unworthy heir with writing in which the knowledge of the descendent condones cause of incapacity the cause of incapacity Cannot be revoked Revoked when the testator revokes the will or the institution PAGE 124 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Representation in Unworthiness (Balane, supra) If the person excluded from the inheritance by reason of the incapacity should be the child or descendant of the decedent, and should have children or descendants, the latter shall acquire his right to the legitime. The person excluded shall not enjoy the usufruct and the administration of the property thus inherited by his children. (Art. 1035) NOTE: The extent of representation may be as to the legitime and as to the share of the unworthy heir in the intestate portion. (Balane, supra) If the unworthy heir is a brother or sister, his children (nephews and nieces of the decedent) will represent. (Balane, supra) Alienations Made by an Excluded Heir Alienations of hereditary property, and acts of administration performed by the excluded heir, before the judicial order of exclusion, are valid as to third persons who acted in good faith. (Art. 1036) NOTE: The validity of the alienation is determined by the good faith or bad faith of the transferee, not of the transferor. (Balane, supra) The co-heirs of the excluded heir have the right to recover damages from the disqualified heir. (Art. 1036) Right of an Excluded Heir for Indemnity for Expenses The unworthy heir who is excluded from the succession has the right to demand indemnity for any expenses incurred in the preservation of the hereditary property, and to enforce such credits as he may have against the estate. (Art. 1037) Obligations of the Disqualified Heir in Possession of the Hereditary Property Any person incapable of succession, who, disregarding the prohibition stated in the preceding articles, entered into the possession of the hereditary property, shall be obliged to return it together with its accessions. (Art. 1038) Prescriptive Period The action for a declaration of incapacity and recovery of the inheritance, devise or legacy shall be 5 years from the time the disqualified person took possession thereof. (Art. 1040) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) NOTE: It may be brought by any one who may have an interest in the succession. (Art. 1040) 3. ACCEPTANCE AND REPUDIATION OF INHERITANCE Characteristics of Acceptance and Repudiation 1) Free and Voluntary (Art. 1041) 2) Irrevocable once made and cannot be impugned, except in cases vitiating consent or when an unknown will appear; (Art. 1056) 3) Retroactive (Art. 777) Requirements to Accept or Repudiate and Inheritance A person may only accept or repudiate an inheritance once he or she is certain of: 1) The death of the person from whom he is to inherit; and 2) His right to the inheritance. (Art. 1043) Time for Acceptance or Repudiation Within 30 days after the court has issued an order for the distribution of the estate the heir, devisee, or legatee shall signify to the court having jurisdiction whether they accept or repudiate the inheritance. If they do not do so within that time, they are deemed to have accepted the inheritance. (Art. 1057) Who May Accept or Repudiate General Rule: Any person having the free disposal of his property may accept or repudiate an inheritance. (Art. 1044) Exceptions: 1) Minors or incapacitated persons Acceptance – By their parents or guardians. Repudiation – By their parents or guardians with judicial authorization (Art. 1044) 2) Inheritance left to the poor – The right to accept the inheritance shall belong to the persons designated by the testator to determine the beneficiaries and distribute the property, or in their default, to those mentioned in Article 1030. (Art. 1044) 3) Corporation, association, institution, or entity as beneficiary (Art. 1045) Acceptance – May be made by the lawful representatives Repudiation – May be made by the lawful representatives with judicial authority 4) Literate Deaf-Mutes Acceptance and Repudiation –Personally or through an agent (Art. 1048) 5) Illiterate Deaf-Mutes (Balane, supra) Acceptance – Guardians PAGE 125 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Repudiation approval – Guardians with judicial If the Beneficiary is a Married Woman (Art 1047) She may either accept or repudiate the inheritance without her husband’s consent. Manner of Acceptance of Inheritance (Art. 1049) 1) Express Acceptance a. Public Document b. Private Writing 2) Tacit Acceptance – one resulting from acts by which the intention to accept is necessarily implied or which one would have no right to do except in the capacity of an heir. It can be presumed from certain acts of the heir such as: a. If the heir sells, donates, or assigns his right to a stranger, or to his co-heirs, or to any of them b. If the heir renounces the same, even though gratuitously, for the benefit of one or more of his co-heirs c. If he renounces it for a price in favor of all his co-heirs indiscriminately; but if this renunciation should be gratuitous, and the co-heirs in whose favor it is made are those upon whom the portion renounced should devolve by virtue of accretion, the inheritance shall not be deemed as accepted 3) Implied Acceptance - This is acceptance by inaction. Under Art 1057, to signify acceptance or repudiation within 30 days after an order of distribution by the probate court. Manner of Repudiation (Art. 1051) The repudiation of the inheritance shall be made in: 1) A public document signed before a notary public, or 2) Authentic instrument – equivalent to an indubitable writing or a writing whose authenticity is admitted or proved, or 3) By a petition presented to the court having jurisdiction over the testamentary or intestate proceedings. The law considers that the act of repudiation is more solemn that the act of acceptance and that repudiation produces more violent and disturbing consequences. If the heir repudiates the inheritance to the prejudice of his own creditors, the latter may petition the court to authorize them to accept it in the name of the heir. If an heir is both a testate and legal heir, repudiation of the inheritance as a testate heir, he is understood to have repudiated in both capacities. However, should he repudiate as a legal heir, without knowledge of being a testate heir, he may still accept the inheritance as a legal heir. If renounced in favor of other heirs, does it mean acceptance? (Balane, supra) It depends: 1) If specific heir – whether or not renouncing heir receives anything, considered as acceptance on the part of the heir. There are two transfers. 2) If gratuitous – a. In favor of all his co heirs indiscriminately - there is repudiation because the heir deemed to have not accepted. Hence, accretion takes place. b. In favor of all co-heirs but in proportion different from those they would receive by accretion: considered as tacit acceptance. c. If gratuitous in favor of one or some of his co-heirs – deemed conveyance in favor of the co-heirs specified, hence there is acceptance. 3) If onerously: a. There is no repudiation b. Transfer considered to be with consideration There are also tax implications because there are two transfers. COLLATION The act by virtue of which, the persons who concur in the inheritance bring back to the common hereditary mass the property, which they have received from him, so that a division may be effected according to law and the will of the testator. (Mison, Wills and Succession Better Explained, 2011) To collate is to bring back or to return to the hereditary mass, in fact or by fiction, property which came from the estate of the decedent, during his lifetime, but which the law considers as an advance from the inheritance. (Mison, supra) Concept of Collation The act of bringing back to the estate properties acquired inter vivos and gratuitously from decedent (if acquired by will, e.g. legacies and PAGE 126 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) devisees, they are not collatable, but may be reduced for being inofficious) Obligation of Every Compulsory Heir Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may have received from the decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by way of donation, or any other gratuitous title, in order that it may be computed in the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the account of the partition. (Art. 1061) succession opens (if required to return in kind) Compulsory heirs and strangers must collate for computation. For strangers, there is no effect unless found to be inofficious. If donation to strangers is not included, compulsory heirs will be prejudiced because basis for the legitime will be smaller. (Balane, supra) 2. However, donations inter vivos to compulsory heirs shall not be imputed to the legitime: 1) If the donor expressly provided; (Art. 1062) 2) The donee repudiated the inheritance; (Id.) 3) The value of donation exceeds the donee’s legitime NOTE: The donation will be imputed to the legitime to the extent of the legitime’s value, and the excess to the free portion. (Balane, supra at p. 577) Properties or Rights Received by Compulsory Heir not Subject to Collation 1) Property left by will (Art. 1063) 2) Property which may have been donated by an ascendant of the compulsory heir (Art. 1065) 3) Property donated to the spouse of the compulsory heir (Art. 1066) 4) Expenses for support, education, medical attendance even in extraordinary illness, apprenticeship, ordinary equipment or customary gifts (Art. 1067) 5) Expenses incurred by parents in giving their children a professional, vocational, or other career (Art. 1068) 6) Wedding gifts consisting of jewelry, clothing and outfit, given by parents or ascendants, so long as they do not exceed 1/10 of the disposable portion (Art. 1070) Kinds of Collation (Balane, supra) 1) Collation of Values – values only, no physical return 2) Collation in kind – actual return of property received: only required when inofficious, i.e., legitime is impaired COLLATION OF VALUES Purposes 1. For computation – Arts. 908, 909 as basis for determining the legitime Determination: value at the time of donation + fruits & legal interest from date For equalization on account of partition Only required for compulsory heirs; 2nd collation; when actually charged either to legitime or free portion. Reason: donation to compulsory heirs are considered advance of legitime, otherwise, it will prejudice other compulsory heirs. For strangers, no equalization is required, are always charged to free portion. (Paras, supra) Not subject to collation (i.e., charged to free portion) if: 1. Testator provides otherwise (but still collated for computation) (Art. 1062) 2. If compulsory heir repudiates, in which case he is considered a stranger – for computation only, charged to free portion (Art. 1062) COLLATION FOR EQUALIZATION Requisites (Art. 1069) 1. Two or more compulsory heirs. If only one, no equalization is needed. 2. Liberality – must be acquired gratuitously from the decedent (inter vivos). In donation, gratuitous act may be direct or indirect, as when parent pays for debt of child or pays for purchase price of the car placed in name of the child – not a demandable debt as when there is no intention to be reimbursed, otherwise placed on asset side as receivables from the heir (not collation). If there is no liberality, such as arising from obligation to support (e.g. education) –other compulsory heirs cannot ask for collation. Exception: When liberality is present, but no collation is required: Wedding gift of parent/ascendants consisting of jewelry, clothing, outfit (Art. 1070) not more than 1/10 of the sum disposable by will – considered customary gift, not collatable, while excess required to be collated. PAGE 127 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. Identity of heir and donee which may be: a. Actual: e.g. F donates to son; Son collates for computation and equalization; If he donates to grandson, son is not required to collate, but grandson collates for computation as a stranger. If son predeceases, grandson collates for computation and equalization (now a compulsory heir) b. Constructive: F donates to son, son predeceases and GS succeeds by representation. GS must collate donation to son even if he does not actually receive it. If there is no identity: no collation for equalization is required. E.g. Father donates to spouse of son: Son has no obligation to collate, but spouse must collate for computation as a stranger. If he donates to both spouses: ½ each, son collates for computation and equalization, spouse collates only for computation. (Paras, supra) If collation required for equalization, may be quantitative: same amount, or qualitative: same kind. If immovable -equivalent, if not available, sell other properties to generate cash, and if movable, equivalent properties (Paras, supra) COLLATION IN KIND Actual return - Only if inofficious, i.e. legitime impaired. Operates as resolutory condition: donation terminated and must return only to the extent inofficious: not necessarily a case of total return. A donee who is required to collate in kind is a possessor in good faith, and not required to account for fruits and interests except from the date succession opens. (Art. 1075) Operations Related to Collation (Paras, supra) 1. Collation – adding to the mass of the hereditary estate the value of the donation or gratuitous disposition 2. Imputing or Charging – crediting the donation as an advance on the legitime (if the donee is a compulsory heir) or on the free portion (if the donee is a stranger) 3. Reduction – determining to what extent the donation will remain and to what extent it is excessive or inofficious 4. Restitution – return or payment of the excess to the mass of hereditary estate. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 4. PARTITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE PARTITION (Art. 1079, 1082) The separation, division and assignment of a thing held in common among those to whom it may belong. It includes every act which is intended to put an end to indivision among co-heirs, and legatees or devisees, although it should purport to be a sale, exchange, compromise, or any other transaction. It is not subject to any form. Who May Effect Partition 1. Decedent himself during his lifetime by an act inter vivos or by will (Art. 1080) 2. Heir themselves (Art. 1083) 3. Competent court (Art. 1083) 4. Third person designated by the decedent (Art. 1081) Who Can Demand Partition (Art. 1083) 1. Compulsory heir; 2. Voluntary heir; 3. Legatee or devisee; 4. Any person who has acquired interest in the estate When Partition Cannot be Demanded (PAPU) 1. When expressly Prohibited by the testator himself for a period not exceeding 20 years; (Art. 1083) 2. When the co-heirs Agreed that the estate shall not be divided for a period not exceeding 10 years, renewable for another 10 years; 3. When Prohibited by law; 4. When to partition the estate would render it Unserviceable for the use for which it is intended. NOTE: Partition Inter Vivos (Art. 1080) – it is one that merely allocates specific items or pieces of property on the basis of the pro indiviso shares fixed by law or given under the will to heirs or successors. Partition is not itself a mode of acquiring ownership, nor a title, but being predicated on succession, necessitates relationship to the decedent (in case of intestacy) or a will duly probated (in case of testacy). Prohibition to Partition (Art. 1083) 1. The prohibition to partition for a period not exceeding 20 years can be imposed on the legitime. 2. If the prohibition to partition is for more than 20 years, the excess is void. PAGE 128 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. Even if a prohibition is imposed, the heir’s mutual agreement can still make the partition. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. Legal Redemption In Favor Of Co-Heirs (Art. 1623) The right of legal redemption predicated upon the fact that the sale made by the co-heir is effected before the partition of the estate but after the death of the decedent. Requisites: (Aguilar v. Aguilar, G.R. No. 141613) 1. There must be several co-heirs 2. That one of them sells his right to a stranger 3. That the sale is made before the partition 4. That the right of redemption must be exercised by one or more of the co-heirs within 1 month from the time they were notified in writing by the co-heir vendor 5. The vendee is reimbursed for the price of the sale. EFFECTS OF PARTITION Confers upon each heir the exclusive ownership of the property adjudicated. (Art. 1091) After the partition, the co-heirs shall be reciprocally bound to warrant the title to (warranty against eviction) and the quality of (warranty against hidden defects), each property adjudicated. (Art. 1092) The obligation of warranty shall cease in the following cases: (Art. 1096) 1. When the testator himself has made the partition unless his intention was otherwise, but the legitime shall always remain unimpaired. 2. When it has been expressly stipulated in the agreement of partition, unless there has been bad faith. 3. When the eviction was due to a cause subsequent to the partition, or has been caused by the fault of the distributee of the property. As between the deed of extra-judicial partition and the subdivision plan which contained an inadvertent error, the deed of extra-judicial partition must prevail. The subdivision plan cannot amend the deed of extra-judicial partition because that is the binding contract to which all the heirs agreed. (Ulay v. Bustamante, G.R. Nos. 231721 & 231722, J. Caguioa ponencia) Effects of Inclusion of Intruder in Partition (Art. 1105) 1. Between a true heir and several mistaken heirs – Partition is VOID Between several true heirs and a mistaken heir – transmission to mistaken heir is VOID Through error or mistake; share of true heir is allotted to mistaken heir – partition shall not be rescinded unless there is bad faith or fraud on the part of the other persons interested, but the latter shall be proportionately obliged to pay the true heir of his share NOTE: Partition with respect to the mistaken heir is VOID. (Art. 1105) A Void Will may be a Valid Partition (Paras, supra) 1. If the will was in fact a partition; and 2. If the beneficiaries in the void will were legal heirs RESCISSION AND NULLITY OF PARTITION A partition, judicial or extra-judicial, may also be rescinded on account of lesion, when any one of the co-heirs received things whose value is less, by at least one-fourth, than the share to which he is entitled, considering the value of the things at the time they were adjudicated. (Art. 1098) Partition Made By the Testator (Art. 1099) General Rule: A partition made by the testator cannot be impugned on the grounds of lesion. Exceptions: 1. When the legitime of the compulsory heirs is prejudiced; or 2. When it appears or may reasonably be presumed, that the intention of the testators was otherwise. Options Available to Obligor-Heir (Art. 1101) The heir who is sued shall have the option of: 1. Indemnifying the plaintiff for the loss, by payment in cash or by delivery of a thing of the same kind and quality as that awarded to the plaintiff; or 2. Consenting to a new partition NOTE: If a new partition is made, it shall affect neither those who have not been prejudiced nor those who have not received more than their just share. (Art. 1101) Remedy of an Heir Who has Alienated the Property Adjudicated to Him An heir who has alienated the whole or a considerable part of the real property adjudicated to him cannot maintain an action for rescission on PAGE 129 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 the ground of lesion, but he shall have a right to be indemnified in cash. (Art. 1102) Incompleteness of Partition Not a Ground for Rescission The omission of one or more objects or securities of the inheritance shall not cause the rescission of the partition on the ground of lesion, but the partition shall be completed by the distribution of the objects or securities which have been omitted. (Art. 1103) Omission of a Compulsory Heir in the Partition General Rule: A partition made with preterition of any of the compulsory heirs shall not be rescinded. (Art. 1104) NOTE: This is not preterition under Article 854. This is simply an omission of a compulsory heir in the partition, the assumption being that something is left for him in the form of an undisposed portion of the estate. The omitted heir simply gets his rightful share. (Non v. CA, G.R. No. 137287) Exception: Bad faith or fraud on the part of the other persons interested. (Art. 1104) Remedy: The other persons interested shall be proportionately obliged to pay to the person omitted the share which belongs to him. (Art. 1104) PERIODS TO REMEMBER ON PARTITION 20 years (Art. 1083) Maximum period testator can prohibit alienation of dispositions 5 years from delivery to the State (Art. 1014) To claim property escheated to the State 5 years from the time disqualified person took possession (Art. 1040) Action for declaration of incapacity & for recovery of the inheritance, devise or legacy 30 days from issuance of order of distribution (Art. 1057) Must signify acceptance/repudiation deemed accepted otherwise, 1 month form written notice of sale (Art. 1088) Right to repurchase hereditary rights sold to a stranger by a co-heir 10 years (Art. 1094) To enforce warranty of title/quality of property adjudicated to co-heir from the time right of action accrues 5 years from partition (Art. 1095) To enforce warranty of solvency of debtor of the estate at the time partition is made 4 years from partition (Art. 1100) Action for rescission of partition on account of lesion ————- end of topic ———— PAGE 130 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 131 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 IV. OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. OBLIGATIONS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. OBLIGATIONS 1. General Provisions 2. Nature and Effect 3. Kinds 4. Extinguishment B. CONTRACTS 1. General Provisions 2. Essential Requisites 3. Reformation of Instruments 4. Interpretation of Contracts 5. Rescissible Contracts 6. Voidable Contracts 7. Unenforceable Contracts 8. Void or Inexistent Contracts C. NATURAL OBLIGATIONS D. ESTOPPEL E. TRUSTS F. QUASI-CONTRACTS a. Definition An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do. (An Act to Ordain and Institute the Civil Code of the Philippines [CIVIL CODE], Republic Act No. 386, art. 1156 (1950)) b. Elements of an Obligation Essential Elements an Obligation (Arts. 1156 – 1162) (PAVO) 1. Passive Subject (obligor/debtor) – the person who has the duty of giving, doing or not doing; person bound to the fulfillment 2. Active Subject (obligee/creditor) – the person in whose favor the obligation is constituted; person entitled to make a demand 3. Vinculum Juris/ Legal Tie – the efficient cause or the juridical tie between two subjects by reason of which the debtor is bound in favor of the creditor to perform the obligation. It can be established by various sources of obligations (law, contract, quasi-contracts, delicts, and quasi-delicts) and may arise either from bilateral or unilateral acts of persons. 4. Object/ Subject Matter – the prestation or conduct which has to be observed by the debtor/obligor; to be valid, it must be: (LiPoDeM): a. Licit b. c. d. Real or Possible Determinate/ Determinable Must be within the commerce of men (i.e. susceptible of appropriation and transmissible from one person to another) (DESIDERIO P. JURADO, COMMENTS AND JURISPRUDENCE ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 457 (2010)) In certain kinds of obligations, the following may constitute additional requirements: 5. Form – in formal contracts where form is necessary for validity, e.g., donation PAGE 132 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 6. Delivery or Tradition – real contracts where delivery is necessary for perfection of the obligation, e.g., deposit, commodatum, loan (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 412 (2009)) c. Sources of Obligations Obligations arise from: (L-CQAQ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Law; Contracts; Quasi-contracts; Acts or omissions punished by law; and 5. Quasi-delicts (CIVIL CODE, art. 1157) NOTE: The list is exclusive. (Sagrado Orden v. Nacoco, G.R. No. L-37756) LAW (OBLIGATION EX LEGE) The law cannot exist as a source of obligation, unless the acts to which its principles may be applied exist. Once the acts or facts exist, the obligations arising therefrom by virtue of the express provisions of the law are entirely independent of the agreement of the parties. (Manila Trading & Supply Co. v. Saez, G.R. No. 4386) It must be expressly or impliedly set forth and cannot be presumed. (Martinez v. Martinez, G.R. No. 858) CONTRACTS (OBLIGATIONS EX CONTRACTU) Obligatoriness Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1159) Autonomy Parties may freely enter into any stipulations provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1306) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Mutuality Neither party may unilaterally evade his obligation in the contract, unless the contract authorizes it or the other party assents. (PINEDA 385 (2009)) Principle of Relativity Contracts take effect only between the parties, their assigns and heirs, except in case where the rights and obligations arising from the contract are not transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of law. The heir is not liable beyond the value of the property he received from the decedent. If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a third person, he may demand its fulfillment provided he communicated his acceptance to the obligor before its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is not sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon a third person. (1257a) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1311) Consensuality of Contracts Article 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and law. (1258) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1315) QUASI-CONTRACTS (OBLIGATIONS EX QUASICONTRACTU) Definition Quasi-contracts are juridical relations resulting from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts, which has for its purpose, the payment of indemnity to the end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2142) Distinguished from other Sources (LUV) 1. 3. Literal meaning The terms of the contracts determine the respective obligations of the parties. If the terms of the contract are clear and leave no doubt upon the contracting parties’ intention, such terms should be applied in their literal meaning. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1370) The act giving rise to a quasi-contract must be Lawful distinguishing it from delict; 2. The act must be Voluntary distinguishing it from a quasi-delict which is based on fault or negligence; and The act must be Unilateral distinguishing it from contract which is based on agreement. (PINEDA 15 (2009)) DELICTS (OBLIGATION EX MALEFICIO OR EX DELICTO) Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable. (An Act Revising the Penal Code and Other Penal Laws [REVISED PENAL CODE], Act No. 3815, art. 100 (1932)) PAGE 133 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Such civil liability is a necessary consequence of criminal responsibility, and is to be declared and generally enforced in the criminal proceeding EXCEPT where: a. the injured party reserves his right to avail himself of it in a distinct civil action or b. in cases where an independent civil action is allowed by law. (CIVIL CODE, art. 33; 2000 REVISED RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, rule 110, § 1) Scope of civil liability 1. Restitution 2. Reparation for damage caused 3. Indemnity for consequential damages (REVISED PENAL CODE, art. 104) Effect of acquittal in criminal case General Rule: The acquittal of the accused in the criminal case due to the prosecution’s failure to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt does not prejudice the civil action, in which the offended party may still be able to recover damages by a mere preponderance of evidence. (CIVIL CODE, art. 29) Exception: Where the judgment of acquittal contained a declaration that no negligence can be attributed to the accused and that the fact from which the civil action might arise did not exist. (Castillo v. CA, G.R. No. 48541, Aug. 21, 1989) Extinguishment of liability The civil liability for crimes is extinguished by the same causes provided by the Civil Code for the extinguishment of other obligations. (RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, rule 4, § 4) NOTE: Death of the accused during the pendency of the case can extinguish the civil liability if the same arose directly from the crime committed. However, this does not apply if civil liability can be based on another source of obligation (i.e., law on human relations). (Asilo, Jr. v. People, G.R. Nos. 159017-18 & 159059) QUASI-DELICTS/TORTS (OBLIGATION EX QUASI-DELICTO OR EX QUASI MALEFICIO) It is an act or omission arising from fault or negligence, which causes damage to another, there being no pre-existing contractual relations between the parties. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2176) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Elements: (ADD) 1. That there exists a wrongful Act or omission imputable to the defendant by reason of his fault or negligence; 2. That there exists a Damage or injury, which must be proved by the person claiming recovery; 3. That there must be a Direct causal connection or a relation of cause and effect between the fault or negligence and the damage or injury; or that the fault or negligence be the cause of the damage or injury. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2176; Taylor v. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. L4977) Negligence: Failure to observe for the protection of the interests of another person, that degree of care, precaution and vigilance, which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other person suffers injury. (US v. Barias, G.R. No. L-7567) Test of Negligence: “Would a prudent man, in the position of the person to whom negligence is attributed, foresee harm to the person injured as a reasonable consequence of the course about to be pursued?” (Picart v. Smith, G.R. No. L-12219) Quasi-delict as a cause of action despite a preexisting contractual relation General Rule: Actions based on breach of contract and actions based on quasi-delicts differ in terms of conditions, defenses, and proof. They cannot co-exist. (Orient Freight v. Keihin, G.R. No. 191937) Exceptions: a. When such a contractual relation exists, the obligor may break the contract that the same act which constitutes a breach of the contract would have constituted the source of an extra-contractual obligation, had no contract existed between the parties (Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co., G.R. No. L-12191); b. The act that breaks the contract may also be a tort (Air France v. Carrascoso, G.R. No. L-21438). NOTE: When the obligation is based on a contract, without which the obligation does not exist, the cause of action must be founded on the breach of contract and cannot be based on quasi-delict (PSBA v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 84698). In Air France, what was punished was the company’s racist policy which emboldened the manager to expel the Filipino from first PAGE 134 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) class because a white man had a better right to the seat. b. Air France would apply if the act which breaches a contract was done in bad faith and amounts to a violation of Article 21 of the Civil Code. 2. NATURE AND EFFECT b. Obligation to Do or not to Do Rights of a Creditor in an Obligation To Do or Not To Do 1. To do (Positive Personal) a. a. Obligation to Give Duties of a Debtor in an Obligation To Give 1. To give a determinate thing (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1163, 1164 & 1166) a. To deliver the thing itself; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1163) b. To preserve or take care of the thing due with the diligence of a good father of a family (i.e., that standard of care which an owner would give to his own property), unless the law requires or the parties agree otherwise; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1163) The law or contractual stipulation may require a different degree of diligence: greater or extraordinary diligence (diligentia exactissima), or less or slight diligence (diligentia levissima). (RUBEN F. BALANE, JOTTINGS AND JURISPRUDENCE IN CIVIL LAW (OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS) 63 (2020)) c. d. To deliver fruits, whether civil, industrial, or natural fruits (obligor is liable for fruits only from the time the obligation to deliver arises); and To deliver accessions and accessories (CIVIL CODE, art. 1166) Accessions – incorporated or attached to the object to form part of the principal. Accessories – added for completion, use perfection or embellishment. 2. To give a generic thing (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1246 & 1170) a. To deliver the thing of the quality intended by the parties, taking into consideration the purpose of the obligation, intent of the parties, and other circumstances. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1246) To pay damages in case of breach of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1170) b. c. The obligee is entitled to have the thing done in a proper manner, by himself or by a third person, at the expense of the obligor; To demand what has been poorly done be undone; To recover damages because of breach of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1167) 2. Not to do (Negative Personal) a. b. To have the thing undone at the expense of the obligor; and/or To ask for damages. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1168) PERSONAL RIGHT REAL RIGHT Jus ad rem, a right enforceable only against a definite person or group of persons Right pertaining to a person to demand from another, as a definite passive subject, the fulfillment of the prestation to give, to do or not to do. (PINEDA 15 (2009)) Jus in re, a right enforceable against the whole world Right pertaining to a person over a specific thing, without a definite passive subject against whom the right may be personally enforced NOTE: The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been delivered to him. (1095) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1164) NOTE: Nature of creditor’s right to fruits before delivery In accordance with the second sentence of the article, before the fruits are delivered to him, the creditor’s right to the fruits (in cases where he is entitled to him) is purely personal (i.e. exclusively against the debtor, his successors, or assigns). Rule: No real right of ownership or possession enforceable against the whole world arises in his favor until delivery. It is not by agreement alone, PAGE 135 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 but by delivery that ownership is transferred. (BALANE 66 (2020) c. Transmissibility of Obligations General Rule: All rights acquired in virtue of an obligation are generally transmissible (CIVIL CODE, art. 1178) Exception: Rights acquired in virtue of an obligation are NOT transmissible when: 1. Prohibited by law – Examples: a. Contract of partnership (CIVIL CODE, art. 1767) b. Contract of agency (CIVIL CODE, art. 1868) c. Contract of commodatum (CIVIL CODE, art. 1933) 2. Prohibited by stipulation of the parties, as long as it is not contrary to public policy. 3. The obligation is purely personal in nature — when the obligor’s personal qualifications and skill was the motive behind the contract. d. Performance of Obligations e. Breaches of Obligations Causes of Breach 1. Incidental Fraud (Dolo incidente) 2. Negligence (Culpa) 3. Default / Delay (Mora) 4. Contravention of Terms (CIVIL CODE, art. 1170) There is breach when the obligor fails without legal excuse (such as fortuitous events) to perform any promise, which forms the whole or part of an obligation. (Guanio v. Makati ShangriLa and Resort, Inc., G.R. No. 190601; R.S. Tomas Inc. v. Rizal Cement Co. Inc., G.R. No.173155) Breach Arising From: DOLO The obligation arises: Pure obligation: Upon demand (CIVIL CODE, art. 1179) Obligations with Condition/Period General Rule: Only from Suspensive the time the condition/period is fulfilled, but the obligation retroacts to the day of its constitution. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1187) CULPA Thus, there is no liability to account for fruits and interests in reciprocal obligations. For unilateral obligations, the debtor shall appropriate the fruits and interests received, unless it was intended otherwise. 3. Obligations subject to a Resolutory Condition/Period: No obligation to deliver fruits since performance or delivery is immediate, subject to its resolution upon the happening of the condition/period. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1187) Liable for all consequences of act, whether foreseen or unforeseen (e.g., loss of profits) Actual knowledge or awareness of the cause Liable only for those foreseen, or could have foreseen (CIVIL CODE, art. 2201) Exception: Regarding fruits and interests in reciprocal obligations (even if the two reciprocal obligations are not of the same value), the parties are deemed as mutually compensated during the pendency of the condition. BASIS OF LIABILITY (CIVIL CODE, art. 2201) 1. 2. SCOPE OF LIABILITY FORTUI TOUS EVENT No liability – unforeseen or even if foreseen, is unavoidable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1174) (CIVIL CODE, art. 2201; Legaspi Oil Co., Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 96595) Possibility of knowledge or awareness (ought or could have foreseen) (CIVIL CODE, art. 2201) Absence of possibility of knowledge (could not be foreseen or if foreseen, could not be avoided) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1174) INCIDENTAL FRAUD (DOLO INCIDENTE) Fraud is the deliberate or intentional evasion of the normal fulfillment of an obligation. (8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Book, 1, 72) PAGE 136 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Types of Fraud INCIDENTAL (Dolo incidente; ART. 1170) CAUSAL (Dolo Causante; ART. 1338) Present during the performance of a preexisting obligation Purpose is to evade the normal fulfillment of the obligation Present before or simultaneously with the perfection of a contract Purpose is to secure the consent of another to enter into the contract Results in vitiation of consent; voidable contract Gives rise to a right of an innocent party to annul the (voidable) contract Results in the breach of an obligation Gives rise to a right in favor of the obligee to sue for specific performance or rescission, with damages in either case. (JURADO 63 (2010)) the law does NOT prohibit renunciation of the action for damages on the ground of past fraud. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1171) NEGLIGENCE (CULPA) Any voluntary act or omission, there being no malice which prevents the normal fulfillment of an obligation. (HECTOR S. DE LEON & HECTOR M. DE LEON, JR., COMMENTS AND CASES ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 58 (2014)) Consists in the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the persons, of the time and of the place (CIVIL CODE, art. 1173) FRAUD NEGLIGENCE There is deliberate intention to cause damage Liability cannot be mitigated There is no deliberate intention to cause damage Liability may be mitigated (CIVIL CODE, art. 1173) Presumed from the breach of a contractual obligation Waiver for future negligence may be allowed in certain cases Waiver for future fraud is void (CIVIL CODE, art. 1171) CRIME Acts punishable by law (REVISED PENAL CODE, art. 3) Criminal intent necessary Some crimes do NOT give rise to civil liability Violation of public and private rights Proof beyond reasonable doubt Criminal liability cannot be compromised Presumption innocence of NOTE: On the Presumption of negligence NOTE: Future fraud CANNOT be waived. However, Must be clearly proved NEGLIGENCE Any act with fault or negligence (CIVIL CODE, art. 1173) Criminal intent unnecessary Damages may be awarded to injured party Violation of private rights Preponderance of evidence Can be compromised as any other civil liability Presumption of negligence (DE LEON 27 (2014)) This article creates a rebuttable presumption of culpability when the thing to be delivered is lost while in the debtor’s possession. This article is quite consistent with the duty imposed in Art. 1163 to take care of the thing with the diligence of a good father of the family. The intervention of a fortuitous event as a causative factor of the loss is something for the debtor to prove. Generally, the debtor can overcome the presumption of fault by proving fortuitous event. o Exceptionally, the debtor’s liability is not taken away in case of a fortuitous event if he has incurred in delay or promised the same thing to two or more persons. In these cases, he becomes an insurer of the thing. (BALANE 402 (2020)) Kinds of Negligence 1. Quasi-Delict (Culpa aquiliana/culpa extra contractual) – source of obligation; wrong or negligence committed independent of contract and without criminal intent 2. Contractual Negligence (Culpa Contractual) – wrong or negligence in the performance of an obligation or contract 3. Criminal Negligence (Culpa Criminal) – wrong or negligence in the commission of a crime (DE LEON 65-66 (2014)) (DE LEON 62 (2014)) PAGE 137 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CULPA AQUILIANA Negligence substantive independent is and Generally, there is no preexisting contractual obligation Source of the obligation is the negligence itself (CIVIL CODE, art. 2176) CULPA CONTRACTUAL Negligence merely an incident of performance of an obligation There is a preexisting contractual relation Source of the obligation is the breach of the contractual obligation (CIVIL CODE, arts. 11701174; 2201) Negligence must be Proof of existence of proved the contract and its breach is prima facie sufficient to warrant recovery For the negligence of For the negligence of an employee, diligence an employee, diligence in the selection and in the selection and supervision of the supervision of the employees is a employees is NOT defense of the available as a defense employer of the employer (EDGARDO L. PARAS, CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ANNOTATED: PRESCRIPTION; OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 144-145 (2016)) Rule on Standard of Care 1. That which the law requires; or 2. That stipulated by the parties; or 3. In the absence of the above, diligence of a good father of a family (CIVIL CODE, art. 1163) However, parties cannot stipulate that there would be absolute exemption from liability for any fault or negligence, since it is against public policy. (Heacock vs. Macondray, G.R. No. L16598; CIVIL CODE, arts. 1306, 1744, 1745) Diligence of a good father of a family – ordinary care or that diligence which an average or reasonably prudent person would exercise over his own property (DE LEON 34 (2014)) Standard of care of disabled person A disabled person is required to use the same degree of care that a reasonably careful person having the same disability would use. Physical handicaps are treated as part of the circumstances under which a reasonable person must act. Thus, the standard of conduct for a blind person becomes that of a reasonable person who is blind. (Francisco v. Chemical Bulk Carriers, Incorporated, G.R. No. 193577) Instances where the law requires a higher standard of care Banks – as a business affected with public interest, and because of the nature of its functions, banks are under obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship. (Simex v. CA, G.R. No. 88013) Exception: Extraordinary diligence does not cover transactions outside bank deposits, i.e. commercial transactions. (Reyes v. CA, G.R. No. 94214) Realty Corporations – A corporation engaged in the buying and selling of real estate is expected to exercise a higher standard of care and diligence in ascertaining the status and condition of the property subject of its business transaction. Similar to investment and financing corporations, it cannot simply rely on an examination of a Torrens certificate to determine what the subject property looks like, as its condition is not apparent in the document. (Eagle Realty Corp. v. Republic, G.R. No. 151424) Common Carriers – from the nature of their business and for reasons of public policy, common carriers are bound to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods and for the safety of the passengers transported by them, according to all the circumstances of each case. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1733) Effects of contributory negligence of the obligee General rule: Reduces or mitigates the damages which he can recover. Exception: If the negligent act or omission of the creditor is the proximate cause of the event, which led to the damage or injury complained of, he cannot recover. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2179) DEFAULT OR DELAY (MORA) General rule: Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the time the obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of their obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1169) PAGE 138 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Demand is also unnecessary where it is apparent that it would be unavailing, as where there has been a prior absolute refusal by S (see 13 C.J. 661.) or S has manifested an intention not to comply with his obligation. (DE LEON 48-49 (2019)) Exception: Demand by the creditor NOT necessary when: (LTU) 1. Law or obligation expressly declares so; Examples: When the obligation so provides: D promised to pay C the sum of P20,000.00 on or before November 30 without the need of any demand. Therefore, if D fails to pay on November 30, he is automatically in default. In this case, the parties stipulate to dispense with the demand. (DE LEON 46 (2019)) When the law so provides: Under the law, taxes should be paid on or before a specific date; otherwise, penalties and surcharges are imposed without the need of demand for payment by the government. The partner is liable for the fruits of the thing he may have promised to contribute to the partnership from the time they should have been delivered without the need of any demand. (DE LEON 47 (2019)) 2. Time is of the essence Examples: The delivery of balloons on a particular date when a children’s party will be held; The making of a wedding dress where the wedding is scheduled at a certain time; Payment of money at a particular time so that the creditor could pay off certain debts due on the same date; The delivery of a car to be used in a trip at a particular time; etc. (DE LEON 47 (2019)) 3. Demand would be Useless (CIVIL CODE, art. 1169) Examples: S obliged himself to deliver a specific horse to B on December 5. Through S’s negligence or deliberate act, or by reason of a fortuitous event for which S has expressly bound himself responsible (see Art. 1174.), the horse died on December 2. Under this situation, any demand for the delivery of the horse on December 5 would be useless as S has made it impossible for him to perform his obligation. Requisites to be in delay: (CIVIL CODE, art. 1169) 1. 2. 3. Obligation is Demandable Debtor Delays performance Creditor Demands performance judicially or extrajudicially NOTE: In reciprocal obligations, a party does not incur in delay if the other party is not ready or willing to assume and perform the obligation imposed upon him/her (CIVIL CODE, art. 1169) NOTE: In reciprocal obligations, if the period for the fulfillment of the obligation is fixed, demand by the obligee is still necessary before the obligor can be considered in default and before a cause of action for rescission will accrue. (Solar Harvest v. Davao Corrugated Carton Corporation, G.R. No. 176868, Jul. 26, 2010) NOTE: The power to rescind is implied in reciprocal obligations. In Lam v. Kodak (2016), although there was no stipulation, the court ruled that since both parties exercised their right to resolve under Art. 1191, judicial rescission is not necessary because the power to resolve is implied in reciprocal obligations. (Lam v. Kodak, G.R. No. 167615; see discussion on Nissan Car Lease v. Lica Management, Jan. 13, 2016 under “Void or Inexistent Contracts”) The use of a credit card to pay for a purchase is only an offer to the credit card company to enter a loan agreement with the credit card holder. Before the credit card issuer accepts this offer, no obligation relating to the loan agreement exists between them. A demand presupposes the existence of an obligation between the parties. (Pantaleon v. American Express International, Inc., G.R. No. 174269) If the contract stipulates that “the project is estimated to be completed in 6 years,” failure to finish the project in 6 years does not put the obligor in delay. Mere estimate cannot be considered a period or a day certain. (Salonte v. COA, et al., G.R. No. 207348) NOTE: A reminder is not equivalent to a demand. PAGE 139 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Premature demand does not give rise to default. If there is no fixed due date, or when the debtor promises to pay when his means permit him to do so, there can be no default unless a deadline is fixed by the parties or the court. Kinds of delay 1. Mora solvendi – delay or default committed by obligor 2. Mora accipiendi – delay or default committed by oblige 3. Compensatio Morae – default of both obligor and obligee (JURADO 457 (2010)) CONTRAVENTION OF THE TENOR OF THE OBLIGATION This refers to failure to comply with the terms of the obligation, and will require dolo, culpa or delay as the cause of the failure to comply, in order to constitute a breach. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1170; JURADO , 74 (2010)) Defense against breach: FORTUITOUS EVENTS Requisites of Fortuitous Events (NIIU) 1. Event must be Independent of obligor’s will; 2. Event is Unforeseeable or unavoidable 3. Such event renders it Impossible for the debtor to perform (not only makes it difficult, but impossible) 4. No contributory negligence (Lasam v. Smith, G.R. No. L-19495) General rule: Loss due to fortuitous events shall extinguish the obligation (CIVIL CODE, art. 1174) Exceptions: (SALTD-G) 1. If by Law the obligor is liable even for fortuitous event 2. If by Stipulation the obligor is liable even for fortuitous event 3. If the nature of the obligation requires the Assumption of the risk (CIVIL CODE, art. 1174) Example: D insured his house against fire for P500,000.00 with R, an insurance company. Later, the house was destroyed by accidental fire. Although the cause of the loss is a fortuitous event, D may recover the amount of the policy. In a contract of insurance, the insurer (R), in consideration of the premium paid by the CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) insured (D), undertakes to indemnify the latter for the loss of the thing insured by reason of the peril insured against even if the cause of the loss is a fortuitous event. Here, risk of loss or damage is an essential element in the obligation. (DE LEON 78-79 (2019)) 4. 5. 6. If the loss of the thing occurs after the obligor incurred in Delay; and If the obligor promised to deliver the same thing to Two or more persons who do not have the same interest (CIVIL CODE, art. 1165) If the thing to be delivered is Generic Declaration of martial law, per se, is not a fortuitous event. While a lot of businesses suffered financial reverses during this period, it could not be used as a defense when sued for collection of debts validly incurred. (Philippine Free Press v. CA, G.R. No. 132864) The Asian Debt Crisis in 1997 is not a fortuitous event. A real estate company engaged in preselling of condominium units should have been able to assess foreign exchange risks. The fluctuating movement of the Philippine Peso in the FX market is a daily occurrence, so Megaworld cannot claim fortuitous events as an excuse for non-delivery of units. (Megaworld Globus Asia Inc. v. Tanseco, G.R. No. 181206) The Christmas season cannot be cited as an act of God that would excuse a delay in the processing of claims by a government entity that is subject to routine accounting and auditing rules. (MIAA v. ALA Industries Corp, G.R. No. 147349) The sudden act of a passenger who stabbed another passenger in the bus is within the context of force majeure. But before common carrier may be absolved, it is not enough that the accident was caused by force majeure. The common carrier must still prove that it was not negligent in causing injuries. (Bachelor Express, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 85691) If obligation is to deliver materials for a fixed period such as 30 years, fortuitous events occurring within the period, such as the outbreak of war which took 6 years out of the 30-year period and destroyed plants, machinery and equipment and prevented the obligor from making deliveries, the occurrence of such a fortuitous event will not extend the period of the contract beyond its fixed period. This is because the obligor was excused from performance during the period when the fortuitous events prevented it from performing its obligations. (Victorias Planters Association v. Victorias Milling, G.R. No. 6648) PAGE 140 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) and after this additional time, if obligor still does not perform, courts will allow resolution or cancellation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1191; Kapisanan Banahaw v. Dejarme, G.R. No. L32908, Nov. 28, 1930) The principle is that resolution will not be permitted for a slight or casual breach of a contract, but only for such breaches as are so substantial and fundamental as to defeat the object of the parties in entering into the agreement. (Multinational v. Ara Security, 441 SCRA 126 (2004)) A person obliged to perform an obligation is NOT excused from a fortuitous event when the nature of the obligation requires the assumption of risk. In other words, it is NOT enough that the event should not be foreseen or anticipated, but it must be one that is impossible to foresee or to avoid. (Republic v. Luzon Stevedoring, G.R. No. L21749) f. 1. Remedies Available to Creditor in Cases of Breach Specific Performance – requiring delivery or performance of the obligation. Can be combined with damages, but inconsistent with the remedy of resolution or cancellation. (Magdalena Estate, Inc. v. Myrick, G.R. No. L-47774) Can be pursued successively (but not simultaneously) with resolution or cancellation; if initial action is for specific performance and obligor does not or cannot deliver, courts have allowed obligee to pursue resolution or cancellation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1191) Remedy Specific only to Obligations Not to Do: to compel that the act in violation of the obligation to be undone if possible and if not, only damages may be pursued. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1168) 3. KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS a. Pure Obligations Definition – It is an unqualified obligation, which is demandable immediately. Its performance does NOT depend upon a future and uncertain event, or past event unknown to the parties. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1179) This is NOT a remedy in an obligation “Not to do” that has been breached since the prohibited act has been done. (DE LEON 44 (2014)) 2. Damages – can be combined with any remedy or pursued independently – also available in breach of any prestation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1191) 3. Substitute performance – ask others to perform and charge the cost to the obligor (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1165-1168) Not available in: a) b) c) 4. Obligation to give specific things (already set apart from class or genus to which it belongs); (CIVIL CODE, art. 1165) Obligations not to do; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1168) and Obligations to do which are purely personal in character. (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 99-100 (1991)) Resolution/Cancellation – implied in reciprocal obligations, but not available if the breach is slight, unless time is of the essence. (Biando v. Embestro, G.R. No. L11919) If breach is only slight, generally courts will grant additional time for the obligor to pay or perform b. Conditional Obligations Definition – The performance in conditional obligations depends upon a (1) future AND uncertain event, (2) or upon a past event unknown to the parties. (DE LEON 106 (2014)) NOTE: For the first kind, Article 1179 uses the phrase “future ‘or’ uncertain” -- it must be construed as “and”. (4 TOLENTINO 144 (1991)) Conditional Obligations classified into: may be further 1. 2. Suspensive or resolutory Potestative (based on the will of one of the parties), Casual (based upon chance or will of 3rd parties), and Mixed (combination of will of one of the parties + chance and/or will of 3rd persons) 3. Possible or impossible 4. Positive or negative 5. Divisible or indivisible 6. Conjunctive or alternative 7. Express or implied (JURADO 110 (2010)) NOTE: All combinations are valid, EXCEPT only those conditional obligations which are suspensive and dependent solely on the will of the debtor. PAGE 141 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) (DE LEON 106-107 & 111-112 (2014)) Examples: I’ll give you P1,000,000 next month if I decide to run for the upcoming national elections. Trillana v. Quezon Colleges, Inc. 93 Phil. 383 FACTS: D purchased 200 shares of stock of the Quezon Colleges, subject to the condition that she would pay for the same as soon as she would be able to harvest fish from her fishpond. Issue: Is this condition valid? HELD: No, because this suspensive condition is purely potestative on her part. (Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated by Edgardo L. Paras 198199 (2008)) THUS: suspensive condition + purely potestative on debtor = both condition and obligation void. Hence, there is no obligation. A provision in a Conditional Deed of Sale stating that the vendee shall pay the balance of the purchase price when he has successfully negotiated and secured a right of way is not a purely potestative condition on the perfection of the contract nor on the validity of the entire contract or its compliance as contemplated by Art. 1308. Such a condition is likewise dependent on chance as there is no guarantee that the vendee and the third-party landowners would come to an agreement regarding the road right of way, a type of mixed condition expressly allowed under Art. 1182. Where the socalled potestative condition is imposed not on the birth of the obligation but on its fulfillment, only the condition is avoided, leaving unaffected the obligation itself. (Catungal v. Rodriguez, GR No. 146839) SUSPENSIVE CONDITION The happening of the condition creates the obligation. Not demandable at once. Gives rise to the existence of an obligation. For example, in a Contract to Sell, the fulfillment of the suspensive condition, which is the full payment of the purchase price, gives rise to the obligation of the seller to convey the title to the prospective buyer. If the condition was not fulfilled, it only prevents the obligation of the seller to convey title to arise. (DE LEON 102 (2014)) Also known as “condition precedent” Gives birth to obligations Rule on fruits in suspensive condition: a) In suspensive conditions, the effect of a conditional obligation “to give” retroacts to the day of the constitution of the obligation. b) Nevertheless, when the obligation imposes reciprocal prestations, the fruits and interests during the pendency of the suspensive condition shall be deemed to have been mutually compensated. c) If the obligation is unilateral, the debtor or obligor shall appropriate the fruits and interests received, unless from the nature and circumstances of the obligation it should be inferred that the intention of the person constituting the same is different. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1187) NOTE: Doctrine of constructive fulfillment – Condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents fulfillment. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1186) REQUISITES: a) Condition is suspensive b) Obligor prevents fulfillment of condition c) Obligor acts voluntarily RESOLUTORY CONDITION Demandable at once Once the condition is established or acknowledged, the right to demand performance immediately exists and therefore the obligation can be demanded at once. It is also known as “condition subsequent” The happening of the condition has the effect of extinguishing an obligation. (DE LEON 109 & 111-112 (2014)) NOTE: In case of reciprocal obligations, the obligation of one is a resolutory condition of the obligation of the other, the non-fulfillment of which entitles the other party to resolve or cancel the contract. (DE LEON 53 (2014)) POTESTATIVE CONDITION The fulfillment of the condition entirely depends upon the sole will of a party – may be purely potestative on the part of the obligee (valid), or the obligor/ debtor (void if suspensive). (PARAS 201 (2016)) PAGE 142 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Simple potestative v. Purely potestative suspensive condition SIMPLE PURELY POTESTATIVE POTESTATIVE Presupposes not only a manifestation of will but also the realization of an external act (e.g., “if you sell your house”). The simple potestative condition on the part of the debtor does not prevent the formation of a valid obligation. While to a certain extent, it depends on the voluntary act of the obligor, it is still subject, in part, to contingencies over which he has no control. For instance, “I agree to make the first offer to you should I decide to sell my house.” The condition depends upon the will of the offeror, but in consequence of external circumstances which may arise (e.g., the need for money or the advantage of transferring to a different location). (4 151 TOLENTINO (1991)) Depends solely and exclusively upon the will (e.g., “if I like it” or “If I deem it proper). Destroys the efficacy of the legal tie. If a person says, “I will sell my house if I deem it proper,” there is no seriousness in this undertaking. (4 151 TOLENTINO (1991)) Effect of illegal, immoral or impossible condition TO GIVE / TO DO NOT TO GIVE / NOT SOMETHING TO DO SOMETHING Both condition and Condition considered obligation are void, not written, hence, the hence, there is no obligation is valid – the condition is merely obligation. In Exception: gratuitous obligations, iIIegal conditions are considered as not written, hence condition is deemed not written and the obligation is valid superfluous. (PINEDA92 (2009)) (becomes a pure (DE obligation). LEON 135 (2014)) Condition coupled with a Term The condition that some event will not happen at a determinate time, shall render the obligation effective from the moment (1) the time indicated has elapsed, or (2) if it has become evident that the event cannot occur. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1185) Otherwise, generally, a party must wait for the condition to be fulfilled, until it becomes certain that condition (1) cannot be fulfilled (parties are released), or (2) may be deemed fulfilled at such time as the parties contemplated, bearing in mind the nature of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1185) POSITIVE SUSPENSIVE NEGATIVE SUSPENSIVE Rule Condition must be fulfilled before stipulated term Condition should NOT happen before stipulated term Effect if Condition is fulfilled before arrival of the term Obligation arises from fulfillment The parties are released as of the date of the happening of the condition Effect if Condition is not fulfilled before the arrival of the term Parties are released as of arrival of the term But Parties may be released even before arrival if it becomes indubitable that the condition will not happen The obligation arises from the time the term arrives. c. Obligations with a Period or a Term Obligations which are demandable on a “day certain”. “Day certain” refers to either: a) A future AND certain event; or b) Payable when able, or when debtor promises to pay when “his means permit him to do so” – period is to be fixed by the PAGE 143 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 court, taking into account intention of the parties (PINEDA 129 (2009)) May also be further classified into: (a) Suspensive - obligation is suspended until arrival of the period; or (b) Resolutory - obligation is immediate but terminates upon arrival of the period. (DE LEON 194 (2014)) Suspensive or resolutory condition v. term CONDITION Suspensive Resolutory Retroactivity It may or may not happen, hence uncertain whether there is an obligation. It is not certain if the obligation will terminate at all Once fulfilled, it will retroact to date the obligation was entered into (NOTE: if it is an obligation to do or not to do, courts will determine retroactivity) EXCEPT: (i) fruits (Art. 1187- when the obligation to deliver arises), (ii) prescription (from fulfillment of condition – when action could have been brought) (DE LEON 191 (2014)) TERM object since there is no right or obligation yet at this time. Obligor: No obligation to deliver or perform yet at this time. NOTE: In an obligation to give specific things, these are the effect of loss, impairment or improvement of the specific thing which is the object of the obligation: CAUSE LOSS IMPAIR MENT IMPROVE MENT Obligor’s Fault Obligor to pay damage s Obligee may choose resolutio n or fulfillmen t, with damage s Obligee’s Fault Obligor release d Deliver in its impaired state Nature/ Fortuitou s Events Obligor release d Obligor has usufructuar y rights only – i.e., can use it but is not entitled to payment, and can remove it only if it will not cause damage Obligor without right to payment of improveme nt Inures to the benefit of the obligee It is certain that it will happen; just uncertain as to when it will happen. It is certain that it will terminate at a future time. There is no retroactivity because there is already an obligation from the time the parties enter in the obligation, except only in prescription (where prescriptive period is counted from arrival of the term – i.e., when the action could have been brought). Effects before the happening/ arrival of condition/ term Obligee: May file Protective Action only, such as asking for security or requiring escrow of the Borne by the obligee; cannot ask for damage s or refuse to accept impaired object (CIVIL CODE, art. 1189; DE LEON 135-137 (2014)) The same effect applies if the resolutory condition happens and the party obliged cannot return the object or is improved for the same above reasons. Benefit of the period Significance of Period: a) Obligor cannot be compelled to pay or perform before the arrival of the period b) Obligee cannot compel payment or performance Both are subject to the right of each party to waive – even if the obligor is willing to pay interest for the remainder of the period. (JURADO 152-153 (2010)) PAGE 144 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 PRESUMPTION: for the benefit of both parties (CIVIL CODE, art. 1196; DE LEON 197 (2014)) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) (e) If no period for the Lease has been set, applicable in specific cases depending on the length of the lessee’s stay in the premises (CIVIL CODE, art. 1687) It can be given to either party: a) To the Debtor or Obligor: By law or by stipulation (e.g., payable on or before) b) To the Creditor or Obligee: Only by Stipulation (JURADO 152-153 (2010)) Debtor/obligor may lose the benefit of the period (therefore may be compelled to pay immediately) in the following cases (FAt-VISA): a) Debtor becomes Insolvent (when his assets are less than his liabilities) AFTER the debt has been contracted Exception: When he gives security for the obligation b) Failure to create or establish the security promised; c) When Security established but is later impaired (through fault of debtor) or totally lost (due to fault of debtor or fortuitous events). Unless: Debtor provides another security of equal value; d) Violation of any undertaking on the basis of which, period is granted; e) Debtor Attempts to abscond (mere attempt sufficient, because if actual abscondment is to be awaited, creditor can no longer collect; and f) With an Acceleration clause stipulation Applies to obligations payable in installments or based on amortization schedule, where stipulation says that failure to pay one or some installments or amortizations will entitle creditor to accelerate payment – i.e., to call for the payment on the entire remaining unpaid obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1198) When courts may fix period (ID-JBL) (a) If the obligation does NOT fix a period, but from its nature and circumstances it can be Inferred that a period was intended by the parties (CIVIL CODE, art. 1197) (b) If the duration of the period Depends upon the will of the debtor (CIVIL CODE, art. 1197) (c) In case of reciprocal obligations, when there is a Just cause for fixing a period (CIVIL CODE, art. 1191) (d) If the debtor Binds himself when his means permit him to do so (CIVIL CODE, art. 1180) NOTE: Art. 1197 is only applicable when there is absence of any period fixed by the parties. It requires that period cannot be set arbitrarily by the courts. 2-step process to determine if the Court may fix the period a) Determine that the obligation does not fix a period (or that period is made to depend upon will of debtor) but from the nature and circumstances, it can be inferred that a period was intended b) Decide what period was probably contemplated by the parties. (Gregorio Araneta, Inc. v. The Philippine Sugar Estates Dev. Co., G.R. No. L22558) d. Alternative Obligations or Facultative Alternative obligations Initially, the obligation is indeterminate and becomes determinate upon making of choice and notification. (DE LEON 217 (2014)) General Rule: The right to make a choice is with the debtor/obligor, subject to the rule that he cannot choose the impossible, unlawful or could not have been the object of the obligation. (DE LEON 218 (2014)) Exception: By contrary stipulation, the right to make a choice may be given to the creditor/obligee or to a 3rd person, subject also to the rule that he CANNOT choose the: Impossible Unlawful Could not have been the object of the obligation. (DE LEON 218 (2014)) When Choice is Effective – from notification. (a) Debtor’s Choice: upon notice to creditor (b) Creditor’s Choice: upon notice to debtor (c) 3rd Person’s Choice: upon notice to both debtor and creditor (CIVIL CODE, art. 1200; DE LEON 218 (2014)) NOTE: There is no form required for the notice. It may be oral or written, express or implied (as when debtor delivers one of the choices and creditor accepts). Mere notice is required, not consent. PAGE 145 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Once choice is made and communicated, it becomes irrevocable, and converted to a simple obligation. (JURADO 169 (2010)) If creditor has right of choice ONE/SOME ALL Debtor’s Act Creditor may Creditor (b) CAUSE If the party who has the right to make the choice does not make it or delays, the right does not pass to the other party – action is specific performance to compel delivery of ANY prestation. (PINEDA146147 (2009)) NOTE: When only one object or prestation is left, it becomes a tacit choice. The obligation becomes a simple obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1202) Creditor’s Act Effect of loss / impossibility of one, some or all prestations If debtor has right of choice CAUSE ONE/SOME ALL Debtor’s Act Exercise of Creditor a) the right of choice, debtor may choose from remaining Debtor can Creditor’s choose (a) Act deliver object from remaining or (b) resolution or cancellation with damages Debtor may Fortuitous choose from Event remaining objects; and if only 1 left – it becomes a simple obligation (JURADO 172-173 (2010)) is to entitled damages based on value of the last one lost Debtor is entitled to resolution or cancellation plus damages Fortuitous Event choose from remaining, or the price of any object destroyed by the debtor, with damages Exercise of the right of choicecreditor may choose the from remaining objects Creditor to choose from remaining; if only 1 left – becomes a simple obligation entitled to choose the value of any of the objects lost, with damages Obligation is extinguished Obligation is extinguished (JURADO 168 (2010)) In alternative obligations, various things are due but the delivery or performance of one will extinguish the obligation. (DE LEON 217 (2014)) If one of the prestations is illegal, others may be valid but obligations remain. (PINEDA 147 (2009)) Obligation is extinguished NOTE: As long as one choice is left, it becomes a simple obligation and if the last object is lost due to fortuitous events, the obligation is extinguished. (DE LEON 221-222 (2014)) If it is impossible to give all except one, the last one must still be given. (4 TOLENTINO 209 (1991)) The right to choose may be given either to the debtor or creditor. (JURADO 168 (2010)) e. Joint and Solidary Obligations Involves multiple parties (more than one debtor or more than one creditor or more than 1 debtors and creditors). The liability or rights of parties may be joint or solidary. It is presumed joint. Solidary obligation requires either stipulation or law to create the solidary liability/right. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1207) In a joint obligation/credit, just divide the obligation/credit into as many numbers of debtors and creditors to get the sharing, unless sharing was stipulated (sharing is presumed equal). (CIVIL CODE, art. 1208) PAGE 146 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) In a joint obligation, each of the joint debtors is only responsible for his/her own share and each cannot be made to pay for the share of others, even those who are insolvent or who have died; joint creditors cannot collect the share of the others. (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1207 & 1209) d. If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a common transaction or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to the agent for all the consequences of the agency. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1915.) In a solidary obligation, the solidary debtors can be made to pay the full amount of the obligation (subject to presentation of available defenses); solidary creditors can collect the full amount of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1216) 3. Among solidary debtors and creditors, one who pays or receives the full amount of the obligation can recover from or deliver the share of others. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1214 &1217) 5. JOINT (DIVISIBLE) OBLIGATIONS Joint obligation (Obligacion Mancomunada) – The whole obligation is to be paid or fulfilled proportionately by different debtors or demanded proportionately by the different creditors. General rule: The presumption is that an obligation is always joint. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1207) Exceptions: (FLENT) 1. When the obligation Expressly stipulates solidarity; 2. When the Law requires solidarity; Examples: a. If two or more heirs take possession of the estate, they shall be solidarily liable for the loss or destruction of a thing devised or bequeathed, even though only one of them should have been negligent. (CIVIL CODE, art. 927.) b. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had full powers. (CIVIL CODE, art. 911.) c. All partners are solidarily liable with the partnership for any crime or quasi-delict committed by any partner acting in the ordinary course of business of the partnership or with the authority of his co- partners. (CIVIL CODE, art.. 1822-1824.) 4. When the Nature of the obligation requires solidarity; When a charge or condition is imposed upon heirs or legatees and the Testament expressly makes the charge or condition in solidum (Manresa); and When a solidary responsibility is imputed by a Final judgment upon several defendants. (Gutierrez v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 34840) Effects of joint liability 1. Demand on one produces delay only with respect to the debt of the debtor against whom a demand is made. 2. Interruption in payment by one does not benefit or prejudice the other. 3. Each debtor can be held liable only for the payment of his proportionate share of the debt. 4. A joint debtor cannot be compelled to answer for the acts or liability of the other debtors. 5. Vice of one debtor to creditor has no effect on the others. 6. Insolvency or death of one debtor does NOT affect other debtors. Effects of joint credit 1. Each creditor can demand for the payment only of his proportionate share of the credit. 2. A joint creditor cannot act in representation of the other creditors. NOTE: Unless there is no specification as to their proportionate share in the credit or in the debt, the creditors and debtors in a joint obligation shall be entitled or shall make payment in equal proportion. JOINT (INDIVISIBLE) OBLIGATIONS If there are 2 or more debtors, the fulfillment of or compliance with the obligation requires the concurrence of all the debtors, although each for his own share. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1209) The obligation can be enforced only by proceeding against all of the debtors. If there are 2 or more creditors, the concurrence or collective act of all the creditors, although each for his own share, is also necessary for the PAGE 147 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 enforcement of the obligation (CIVIL CODE, art. 1209) The Court pointed out that there’s a loan partnership, which means that there should be an inclined sharing of losses. However in the JVA, there was an agreement that all cash should be paid by X; SC held that you should apply the rules on partnership rather than the JV contract. (Marsman v. Philippine Geonalytics, G.R. No. 183374) Effect of breach If one of the joint debtors fails to comply with his undertaking, the obligation can no longer be fulfilled or performed. Consequently, it is converted into one of indemnity for damages. Innocent joint debtor shall not contribute to the indemnity beyond their corresponding share of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art.1224) INDIVISIBILITY Refers to the prestation which constitutes the object of the obligation Plurality of subjects is NOT required SOLIDARITY Refers to the legal tie and consequently to the subjects or parties of the obligation Plurality of subjects is indispensable (DE LEON 225 (2014)) NOTE: The indivisibility of the prestation does not necessarily import solidarity. They arise from different criteria of qualification. Indivisibility has to do with the prestation and its performance. Solidarity has to do with the parties to an obligation. (BALANE 257-258 (2020)) SOLIDARY OBLIGATIONS Solidary obligation (Obligacion Solidaria) – must be expressed in stipulation or provided by law or by nature of obligation. Otherwise, it will be considered a joint obligation/credit. (CIVIL CODE, art.1207) Words denoting solidarity include “jointly and severally” (most common); “individually and collectively”; “severally”; “individually”; “collectively”; “separately”; “distinctively”, “individually liable” and “individually and jointly”. (Ronquillo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-55138) Also, use of pronoun “I” in a promissory note where several debtors sign denotes solidarity. (PINEDA163-164 (2009); Republic Planters Bank v. CA, 216 SCRA 738 (1992)) from the co-debtor only insofar as his payment exceeded his share in the total obligation. If the debtor pays less than his share, he cannot demand reimbursement because his payment is less than his actual debt. (Republic Glass Corp. v. Qua, G.R. No. 144413) Kinds of solidary obligations 1. 2. 3. 4. Active Solidarity Passive Solidarity Mixed Solidarity Conventional Solidarity 5. Legal Solidarity (DE LEON 217-219 (2014)) 1. Active Solidarity – solidarity on the part of creditor or obligee (a) Each creditor represents the other in the act of recovery of payment. (DE LEON 218 (2014)) (b) Credit is divided equally between creditors as among themselves. (c) Debtor may pay any of the solidary creditors. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1214) (d) Any creditor can collect full amount of obligation. Unless there is an agreement as to which creditor can collect. Debtor must pay to the creditor who first makes a demand. There is a case of improper payment if the debtor pays to another creditor who did not make a demand; he can be made to pay again to the creditor who made the demand. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1214) (e) After a solidary creditor collects the full amount, all debtors are released from the obligation. The creditor who received payment must then deliver the shares of the other solidary creditors (presumed equal unless amount indicated). (CIVIL CODE, art. 1215; 4 TOLENTINO 228 (1991)) Effect if one of solidary creditor dies: Share is transmitted to heirs (but collectively) 2. Passive Solidarity – solidarity on the part of debtors or obligors (a) Any debtor can be made to pay the full amount of the obligation with the right to recover from co-debtors. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1216) (b) The right to make a choice of who among the debtors the creditor will proceed against, lies on the creditor. If a solidary debtor pays the obligation in part and is issued a quitclaim, he can recover reimbursement PAGE 148 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) An accommodation party under the law is solidarily liable based on the Negotiable Instruments Law. (Gonzales v. PCIB, G.R. No. 180257) Effect of demand on one solidary debtor: It will not stop the creditor from going against another debtor as long as the debt has not yet been paid in full. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1216) Effect if one of solidary debtor dies: creditor is not bound to make a claim on the estate of the deceased debtor within 2-year period under the Rules of Court since creditor may choose any of the living debtors, in which case the 2-year period does not apply. Although the Rules of Court mandate that in case of death of a respondent, the claims should be filed in the settlement of estate, the court said that’s a procedural rule and the rule of the Civil Code on solidary liability should prevail — in which case, creditor can choose who to sue. (Boston v. CA, G.R. No. 173946) Effect if several solidary debtors offer to pay: creditor can choose from anyone or all of them, as long as he does not collect more than the full amount of the obligation. Effect of Prescription: interruption of prescription to one creditor affects all creditors. (4 TOLENTINO 229 (1991)) Effect of Delay: interests from delay on one debtor is borne by all debtors. (4 TOLENTINO 229 (1991)) Defenses – a solidary debtor when sued can raise the ff. defenses: (a) From the nature of obligation – e.g. the obligation is void, has prescribed, or has already been paid – the defense is complete: debtor sued is not liable, and no one is liable; (b) Personal to him – may be: (i) complete (debtor sued is not liable, but others may be sued and the amount that may be collected should be less than the share of the debtor with a personal defense) e.g., minority, vitiated consent; or (ii) partial e.g., non arrival of term or condition – possible even if solidary-debtor sued is liable for share of others, less his own share) (4 TOLENTINO 250-251 (1991)) (c) Those which pertains to the share of his co-debtors – with respect to the share which personally belong to others, the debtor may avail himself thereof only as regards that part of the debt for which the others are responsible. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1222) Once creditor is paid in full, the obligation is extinguished, and the debtor who pays is entitled to reimbursement from others, as if joint (based on agreed sharing or if not, equal). (CIVIL CODE, art. 1217) When one of the solidary debtors cannot, because of his insolvency, reimburse his share to the debtor paying the obligation, such share shall be borne by all his co-debtors, in proportion to the debt of each. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1217) Difference from joint obligation: The share of the insolvent debtor is assumed proportionately by others, in the meantime. Reimbursement includes interest from date of payment until actual reimbursement, except if solidary debtor pays before maturity – in which case interest runs only from maturity. 3. Mixed Solidarity – on the part of the obligors and obligees, or the part of the debtors and the creditors (DE LEON 219 (2014)) 4. Conventional Solidarity – agreed upon by the parties (DE LEON 219 (2014)) 5. Legal Solidarity – imposed by law Examples: (a) Obligations arising from tort a. The responsibility of two or more persons who are liable for quasidelict is solidary. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2194) (b) Obligations arising from quasi-contracts (c) Legal provisions regarding obligation of devisees and legatees (d) Liability of principals, accomplices, and accessories of a felony (e) Bailees in commodatum (DE LEON 219-220 (2014)) Effects: No reimbursement if payment is made after prescription or became illegal. Payment made before debt is due: no interest can be charged except from maturity, otherwise, interest can be charged from date of payment Insolvency of one: others are liable for share prorata PAGE 149 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 If different terms and conditions: collect only what is due, later on collect as and when they become due or the conditions are fulfilled Remission made after payment is made: codebtor still entitled to reimbursement DE LEON 238239 (2014)) Effect of insolvency or death of co-debtor: still liable for whole amount Fault of any debtor: everyone is responsible to the creditor – price, damage and interest, but the debtor at fault should reimburse those who paid the creditor (DE LEON 240-241 (2014)) Complete/personal defense: total or partial (up to amount of share only) if NOT personal to him (Braganza v. Villa Abrille, G.R. No. L-12471) SOLIDARY DEBTOR With principal liability SURETY can be made to pay only when principal debtor does not pay Pays for full amount and can seek reimbursement from other solidary debtors If he pays the full amount, he may recover the FULL amount from principal debtors Extension of time granted to other solidary debtors w/o his consent does not release him Extension of time granted to principal debtor w/o his consent releases him Can be made to pay the full amount Can bind himself for less than the full amount of the obligation (DE LEON 222-223 (2014)) Effect of loss or impossibility of the prestation: (a) If without fault – no liability (b) If with fault – there is liability (also for damage and interest) (c) Loss due to fortuitous event after default – there is liability (because of default) (PINEDA189 (2009)) As a rule, corporations are solely liable for their obligations. The directors or trustees and officers are not liable with the corporation even if it is through their acts that the corporation incurred the obligation. As an exception, directors or trustees and corporate officers may be solidarily liable with the corporation for corporate obligations if they acted “in bad faith or with gross negligence in directing the corporate affairs.” (Oliveras v. Castillo, G.R. No. 196251, Jul. 9, 2014) NOTE: The law clearly provides that the creditor who may have executed any acts mentioned in Art. 1215 (Novation, Compensation, Merger or Confusion), as well as he or she who collects the debts, shall be liable to the others for the share in the obligation corresponding to them. (DE LEON 231 (2014)) f. Obligations with a Penal Clause One to which an accessory undertaking is attached for the purpose of insuring its performance by virtue of which the obligor is bound to pay a stipulated indemnity or perform a stipulated prestation in case of breach. (DE LEON 252 (2014)) Penal cause vs. Condition PENAL CLAUSE CONDITION Serves as accessory obligation NOT a separate obligation; part of principal Never demandable until the condition happens Demandable in default Obligation exists Depends on the nonperformance of the principal obligation No obligation until suspensive condition happens Principal itself is dependent on an uncertain event (PINEDA203 (2009)) Obligation with a penal clause vs. Alternative obligation PENAL CLAUSE ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATION Only 1 prestation Impossibility of principal extinguishes penalty Several prestations Impossibility of 1 prestation does NOT extinguish the obligation Debtor may choose among the different prestations Debtor may not choose between principal and penalty (PINEDA 203 (2009)) PAGE 150 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Obligation with a penal clause vs. Facultative obligation PENAL CLAUSE FACULTATIVE OBLIGATION Penalty of payment in lieu of the principal must be expressly granted Creditor may demand both if expressly granted Power to choose prestation is absolute Creditor may not demand both principal and substitute (PINEDA 203 (2009)) Purposes of penalty: 1. to insure the performance of the obligation 2. to liquidate the amount of damages to be awarded to the injured party in case of breach of the principal obligation (compensatory); and 3. in certain exceptional cases, to punish the obligor in case of breach of the principal obligation (punitive). (DE LEON 253 (2014)) Characteristics 1. Subsidiary – As a general rule, only penalty can be demanded, principal cannot be demanded, Except: Penalty is joint or cumulative (Art. 1227), and in monetary obligations where both principal and interest as a form of penalty may be collected. (DE LEON 259-260 (2014)) 2. Exclusive – generally takes place of all damages and interests. (DE LEON 254 (2014)) Penalty as substitute for damages General rule: the penalty fixed by the parties takes the place of all damages and interests in case of breach. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1226) Exceptions: (StiRF) 1. When by Stipulation of the parties, penalty, IN ADDITION to interest, may be collected; 2. When the debtor is sued for Refusal to pay the agreed penalty; and 3. When debtor is guilty of Fraud. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1226) Kinds of penalties: (a) Legal – constituted by law (b) Conventional – constituted by agreement of the parties (c) Compensatory – established for the purpose of indemnifying the damages suffered by the obligee or creditor in case of breach of the obligation (d) Punitive – established for the purpose of punishing the obligor or debtor in case of breach of the obligation (e) Subsidiary or alternative- in case of nonperformance only the penalty is demandable (f) Joint or cumulative – both the principal undertaking and the penalty may be demanded (DE LEON 256 (2014)) Causes for reduction of penalty (a) Partial/irregular performance (b) Penalty provided is iniquitous/ unconscionable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1229) Although parties may voluntarily agree on any amount of interest, voluntariness does not make the stipulation on interest valid. A 5% per month, or 60% per annum, rate of interest is iniquitous, and must be struck down. (Menchavez v. Bermudez, G.R. No. 185368) Parties have wide latitude to stipulate any rate of interest in view of BSP Circular 905, which suspended the ceiling on interest effective Jan. 1, 1983. However, whenever interest is unconscionable, the courts may declare it illegal. Compounded interest of 5% monthly, being iniquitous and unconscionable, is void and inexistent from the very beginning. Thus, the legal rate of 6% per annum must be imposed in lieu of the excessive interest agreed upon by the parties. (Benavidez v. Salvador, G.R. No. 173331) COMMENT Iniquitous or unconscionable stipulations on interest rates are void, thus it is as if there was no express contract thereon. Hence, courts may reduce the interest rate as reason and equity demand. (MCMP Construction v. Monark Equipment Corp., G.R. No. 201001) 4. EXTINGUISHMENT Principal Modes of Extinguishment (PaLCoCoCo-No) (a) Payment or performance (b) Loss of the thing due (c) Condonation or remission of debt (d) Confusionor merger of rights (e) Compensation (f) Novation (CIVIL CODE, art. 1231) Other modes of extinguishment (a) Annulment (b) Rescission (c) Fulfillment of resolutory condition (d) Prescription (CIVIL CODE, art. 1231) PAGE 151 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Not stated in Article 1231 of the Civil Code: 1. Death of a party in personal obligations (4 TOLENTINO 271 (1991)) 2. Mutual Desistance (Saura Import & Export Co. v. DBP, GR No. L-24968, Apr. 27, 1972) 3. Compromise (CIVIL CODE, art. 2028) 4. Impossibility of Fulfillment (CIVIL CODE, art. 1184) 5. Happening of Fortuitous Event (CIVIL CODE, art. 1165) 6. Arrival of Resolutory Period (CIVIL CODE, art. 1193) a. Payment or Performance PRINCIPLES APPLICABLE FOR VALID PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE (a) Identity (b) Integrity or completeness (c) Indivisibility (DE LEON 300-301 (2014)) (a) Principle of identity With respect to the prestation or the object – the same thing or the same prestation, in the manner agreed upon, must be delivered or performed in order to extinguish the obligation. The obligor cannot compel the obligee to accept a different thing or prestation, even if the one offered is more valuable than the one agreed upon. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1244) With respect to parties – must be made by proper party to proper party i. Payor - the one who delivers or performs must be the debtor or anyone interested in the fulfillment of the obligation. Any other person requires the creditor’s consent (CIVIL CODE, art. 1236) When there is a 3rd person interested in the fulfillment of the obligation – creditor must accept the payment and debtor need not give consent. When a 3rd person not interested in the fulfillment of the obligation pays/performs – creditor can refuse to accept, but once accepted, the obligation to the creditor is extinguished. NOTE: There is full subrogation if the debtor consented to the payment by the 3rd person (unless he intended it to be a donation). In the absence of consent by the debtor, the 3rd person is entitled only to reimbursement of the payment made, to the extent that the debtor has been benefitted CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) o o ii. W/O DEBTOR’S CONSENT – Only the cost which the third person paid to creditor and the extent to which the debtor benefited from the payment will be the extent of third person’s right to collect. [ W/ CONSENT – third person gets all rights including right against securities, collateral guarantees, etc. (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1236-1238) Payee - creditor or obligee at the time payment is due (includes successor in interest of transferee since credit is generally assignable) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1240) If paid to a 3rd person – Payment is valid only in any of the ff. cases: (a) Payment which redounded to the benefit of the obligee Instances when the presumption that the payment redounded to the benefit of the obligee: After payment, 3rd person acquires the creditor’s rights (subrogation) (1) Creditor ratifies payment to 3rd person (2) By creditor’s conduct, debtor has been led to believe that 3rd person is authorized to receive payment make the payment (estoppel) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1241) (b) Payment to the possessor of the credit, when made in good faith (CIVIL CODE, art. 1242) Requisites: (GP) o Payment by debtor must be made in Good faith. o Creditor must be in Possession of the credit and NOT merely the evidence of indebtedness. Payment to an incapacitated person, valid if: (KB) 1. Incapacitated person Kept the thing delivered, or 2. Insofar as the payment has been Beneficial to him. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1241) Rules on payment by an incapacitated person As a general rule, payment by one who does not have the free disposition of the thing due or capacity to alienate it is not valid. This means that the thing paid can be recovered. PAGE 152 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 EXCEPTION: Art. 1427 provides that when a minor between eighteen and twenty-one years of age who has entered into a contract without the consent of the parent or guardian, voluntarily pays a sum of money or delivers a fungible thing in fulfillment of the obligation, there shall be no right to recover the same from the obligee who has spent or consumed it in good faith. (DE LEON 287 (2019)) Where payment should be made (a) In the place designated in the obligation (b) If there is no express stipulation and the undertaking is to deliver a specific thing – at the place where the thing might be at the moment the obligation was constituted (c) In other case – in the place of the domicile of the debtor (CIVIL CODE, art. 1251) When to pay: Generally, upon demand. (See previous discussions when demand is not necessary) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) deficiency that cause no serious harm to the obligee. (International Hotel Corporation v. Joaquin Jr., G.R. No. 158361) Requisites of substantial performance (GoSTeM): 1. Attempt in Good faith to perform without willful or intentional departure 2. Deviation is Slight 3. Omission/Defect is Technical or unimportant 4. Must not be so Material that intention of parties is not attained. (International Hotel Corporation v. Joaquin Jr., G.R. No. 158361) Acceptance by the obligee as full When the obligee accepts the performance, knowing its incompleteness or irregularity, and WITHOUT expressing any protest or objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied with. This is because the obligee is deemed to have waived his right to collect the deficiency. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1235) (b) Principle of integrity (CIVIL CODE, art. 1233) General rule: A debt shall not be deemed paid UNLESS the thing or service of which the obligation consists of has been completely delivered or rendered, as the case maybe. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1233) Exceptions: 1. When the obligation has been substantially performed in good faith CIVIL CODE, art. 1234); 2. When the obligee accepts performance despite its incompleteness or irregularity and without expressing any protest or correction. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1235); 3. In cases involving divisible obligations capable of partial performance. (PINEDA 192-193 (2009)). Substantial performance If the obligation has been substantially performed in good faith, the obligor may recover as though there had been a strict and complete fulfillment, less damages suffered by the obligee. This is the basis of the rule that if the breach is only slight, the obligee cannot resolve or cancel the obligation. Generally, the courts will grant the obligor a certain time to make up for the slight breach. The “damages suffered by the obligee” refers to the deficiency which the obligee is still entitled to collect. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1234; 4 TOLENTINO 277 (1991)) Unlike Art. 1234 where the obligee does not give up his right to collect the balance, in Art. 1235, the obligee waives his right to collect such balance. Divisible obligations An obligation that is capable of partial performance. (PINEDA 192-193 (2009)) (a) Execution of certain number of days’ work (b) Expressed by metrical units (c) Nature of obligation – susceptible of partial fulfillment (DE LEON 250 (2014)) (c) Indivisible Obligations One not capable of partial performance. (a) To give definite things (b) Not susceptible of partial performance (c) Provided by law (d) Intention of parties (DE LEON 249, 2014)) NOTES: Divisibility or indivisibility of the obligation refers to the performance of the prestation and not to the thing which is the object thereof (DE LEON 249, 2014)) Intention of parties should be taken into account to determine whether obligation is divisible or not (DE LEON 244, 2014)) Substantial performance is applied only when the obligor admits breaching the contract after honestly and faithfully performing all the material elements thereof except for some technical aspects or PAGE 153 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) SPECIAL RULES ON MONETARY OBLIGATIONS (LOANS AND FORBEARANCE OF MONEY, GOODS, AND CREDITS) discharged in Philippine Pesos at rate of exchange at the time of payment. (Union Bank v. Tui, G.R. No. 173090) Forbearance of money, goods and is defined as “arrangements other than loan agreements where a person acquiesces to the temporary use of his money, goods or credits pending the happening of certain events or fulfillment of certain conditions.” (Estores v. Supangan, G.R. No. 175139) (b) Extraordinary Inflation or Deflation (a) Payment must be in legal tender (CIVIL CODE, art. 1249) Personal checks, Cashier’s or Managers checks are NOT legal tender, so creditor cannot be compelled to accept them (unless such is stipulated as the mode of payment). Creditor, however, has the option to accept payment in checks of any kind. If the creditor accepts the check or no prompt objection to the form of payment is made, there is valid tender of payment and creditor can no longer claim later that payment is not in legal tender. (Pabugais v. Sahijwani, G.R. No. 156846) When payment in check is accepted, it produces the effect of payment only when the check is cleared (retroacts to the date the check was deposited) and the funds are transferred to the account of the creditor. Stale checks (those not presented for payment within 6 months from date of check) do not produce the effect of payment and debtor can be required to issue a new check or pay in cash since the obligation is not yet deemed paid. Debtor cannot however be liable for interest or penalty and cannot be declared in default since creditor could have immediately presented it for payment. It is only in cases where the value is impaired through creditor’s fault (i.e., creditor misplaced the check and someone else encashed it), that the debtor is deemed to have paid his obligation without having to issue a new check or paying in cash. (Evangelista v. Screenex, Inc., G.R. No. 211564) Payment in coins is legal tender only up to a certain amount: for P1, 5 and 10 coins, only up to P1,000; for P.01, .05, .10, and .25 coins, only up to P 100. (BSP Circular No. 537, Series of 2006, July 18, 2006)) Payment in foreign currency is allowed, if stipulated. The Uniform Currency Act (1950) was expressly repealed by R.A. No. 8183 (effective July 5, 1996). Art. 1249 allowing stipulation of payment in foreign currency has been restored. Agreements with stipulation to pay foreign currency may be In cases of extraordinary inflation or deflation, the value of the currency at the time the obligation was incurred should be the basis of payment, unless there is stipulation to the contrary. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1250) Inflation (or deflation) rates are determined by economic managers (BSP specifically), but whether extraordinary, this will require judicial determination. The Court has ruled that whoever alleges extraordinary inflation must prove it – indicating that the courts will determine based on evidence presented. (Citibank v. Sabeniano, G.R. No. 156132) Requisites for the application of Art. 1250 on extraordinary inflation/deflation: 1. There is an official declaration of extraordinary inflation or deflation from the BSP 2. The obligation is contractual in nature 3. The parties expressly agreed to consider the effects of the extraordinary inflation or deflation. (DE LEON 311 (2014)); see Equitable PCI Bank v. Sheung Ngor, G.R. No. 171545) NOTE: Inflation or deflation is based on increase or decrease of purchasing power and not based on Peso-US Dollar exchange rate. (Singson v. Caltex, G.R. No. 137798, Oct. 4, 2000). The rate of inflation/deflation is measured by determining rate of increase or decrease of purchasing power from a prior period. It is determined by the amount of basic goods (within a basket) that money can buy, as compared to a prior period. If money can buy P100 of basic goods at a certain prior period, determine how much of the same goods can be purchased at a later period – this represents the rate of inflation or deflation. (Citibank v. Sabeniano, G.R. No. 156132) Example: A loan of P100 was obtained in 2013, and payable after one year. At the time the obligation was incurred, the P100 proceeds of the loan could purchase P100 worth of goods. In 2014 when the loan is due, P100 can purchase only ½ of the goods it could purchase in 2013. Inflation rate is therefore 100%. If there is no declaration of extraordinary inflation – Debtor must pay P100 in 2014. PAGE 154 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 If courts declare extraordinary inflation – Debtor must pay P200 in 2014 so that creditor will get the same value of his money in 2013 when he lent the money. (c) Payment of Interest CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) By way of penalty (debtor in default) i. With penalty clause – substitutes payment of interest, except if it is clearly stipulated that penalty is in addition to interest. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1226) ii. NOTE: In loan, ownership is transferred to the borrower. Creditor merely has the right to an equal amount of the same kind and quality. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1953) Rules on payment of interest For use of money, no default i. Stipulation in writing is required – if none, no interest is collectible (CIVIL CODE, art. 1956) ii. With stipulation in writing, but the interest rate is not stipulated – interest is legal rate of 6% per annum for loans and forbearance of money (decrease from 12% to 6% based on BSP Circular 799, effective July 1, 2013). The legal rate of interest now is the same for all obligations, including judgment obligations not arising from loans, forbearance of money, goods or credits, including those based on torts. (BSP Circular No. 799, Series of 2013, June 21, 2013) NOTE: In the absence of an express stipulation as to the rate of interest that would govern the parties, the rate of legal interest for loans or forbearance of any money, goods or credits and the rate allowed in judgments shall no longer be twelve percent (12%) per annum but will now be six percent (6%) per annum effective July 1, 2013. It should be noted, nonetheless, that the new rate could only be applied prospectively and not retroactively. Consequently, the twelve percent (12%) per annum legal interest shall apply only until June 30, 2013. Come July 1, 2013 the new rate of six percent (6%) per annum shall be the prevailing rate of interest when applicable. (Nacar v. Gallery Frames, G.R. No. 189871; See also Lim v. HMRPI, G.R. No. 201483, Aug. 4, 2014) iii. With stipulation in writing, and the rate has been stipulated – collect the stipulated rate of interest, subject to the right of the courts to reduce the rate if unconscionable or iniquitous. (State Investment House, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 112590, Jul. 12, 2001) Without penalty clause (even if no interest is stipulated) – collect legal rate of interest by way of penalty for default (no more distinction, see above). Liability arises only from default (unless demand not necessary, from extrajudicial or judicial demand). (Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 97412) NOTE: No penalty is collectible during grace period because debtor is not in default if he is given time to pay. iii. Compounded interest (interest over interest) – applies only if stipulated, or in case of judicial demand. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1959 & 2212), Interest due on the principal amount accruing as of judicial demand shall SEPARATELY earn legal interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, from the time of judicial demand UNTIL FULL PAYMENT. (Lara’s Gifts and Decors v. Midtown Industrial, G.R. No. 225433) Judgment Debt (Not arising from loans or forbearance of money, such as torts) Except in cases where the amount can be determined with reasonable certainty, the amount of obligation may still be unliquidated and not yet determined upon filing of the case. The liquidation or the determination of the amount of the obligation takes place only from the time judgment is rendered in the first instance. Thus: i. If the amount of the obligation can be established with reasonable certainty, the interest runs from extrajudicial or judicial demand (default) – [at the discretion of the court] at the rate of 6% p/a, up to time decision becomes final and until fully paid. (Republic v. de Guzman, G.R. No. 175021) ii. If the amount of the obligation cannot be established with reasonable certainty, interest will run only from the time judgment is rendered in the first instance at the rate 6% up to time of payment. (Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 97412) PAGE 155 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 SPECIAL RULES/FORMS OF PAYMENT (a) Application of payments The designation of the debt which payment shall be made, out of 2 or more debts owing the same creditor. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1252) Requisites (OTD) 1. There must be only One debtor and only one creditor; 2. Two or more debts of the same kind; and 3. All debts must be Due. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1252) Exception on 3rd requisite: There may be application of payment even if all debts are not yet due if: i. Parties so stipulate ii. When application of payment is made by the party for whose benefit the term has been constituted (CIVIL CODE, art. 1252) How application is made: (a) Debtor makes the designation (b) If not, creditor proposes to make the application by advising the debtor or through certain acts such as issuing a receipt with an application of payment. Since this is a mere proposal (since only a debtor can make an application of payments), the debtor must accept it either expressly or impliedly by not objecting to the creditor’s proposal, as when the debtor accepts without objection the receipt issued by the creditor with an application of payment. (c) If the debtor makes no application and the creditor has not made a proposal, or if the application is not valid, then application is made by operation of law: i. It is to be applied to the most onerous debt (e.g., to an interest bearing debt over debts without interest; to a debt secured by a mortgage over a debt that is unsecured); or ii. If all debts are equally onerous or of the same burden, or it cannot be determined which debt is the most onerous, then the payment should be applied pro rata to all the obligations due. (CIVIL CODE, art. 12521254) Q: Article 1176 provides that: “The receipt of the principal by the creditor, without reservation with respect to the interest, shall give rise to the presumption that said interest has been paid.” Article 1253 states that: “If the debt produces interest, payment of the principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the interests have been covered.” How are these two rebuttable presumptions reconciled? CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A: Article 1176 should be treated as a general presumption subject to the more specific presumption under Article 1253. Article 1176 applies when there is doubt as to whether interest is waived because the creditor accepts the payment for the principal without reservation with respect to the interest. Here, the creditor is presumed to have waived the right to collect interest. Article 1254 has no issue on waiver of interest because it is a given under this Article that the debt produces interest. The doubt is on whether the amount received by the creditor is payment for the principal or the interest. Article 1253 resolves this doubt by providing a hierarchy: payments shall first be applied to the interest; payment shall then be applied to the principal only after the interest has been fully paid. (Marquez v. Elisan Credit Corporation, G.R. No. 194642) (b) Dation in payment (Dacion en pago) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1245) Definition – a mode of extinguishing an obligation whereby the debtor pays a monetary obligation with property. It is a special form of payment because one element of payment is missing: Identity. (PARAS 380 (2016)) Dation in payment extinguishes the obligation to the extent of the value of the thing delivered, either as agreed upon by the parties or as may be proved, unless the parties by agreement – express or implied, or by their silence – consider the thing as equivalent to the obligation, in which case the obligation is totally extinguished. (Tan Shuy v. Maulawin, , G.R. No. 190375) The contractual intention determines whether the property subject of the dation will be considered as the full equivalent of the debt and will therefore serve as full satisfaction for the debt. (Luzon Dev Bank v. Enriquez, G.R. No. 168646) Law on Sales Apply The law on sales will apply in case of dacion en pago since it partakes of the nature of sale – with the creditor purchasing the thing or property of the debtor, the payment of which is charged to the debtor’s obligation. It extinguishes the obligation to the extent of the value of the thing delivered. (Tan Shuy v. Maulawin, , G.R. No. 190375) As in a contract of sale, valuation should be agreed upon by the creditor as buyer, and the debtor as seller. It is also subject to the usual warranties of sale. (4 TOLENTINO 294 (1991)) PAGE 156 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Requisites: (PAD) 1. There must be the Performance of the prestation in lieu of payment which may consist in the delivery of a corporeal thing or a real right or a credit against the third person 2. There must be some Difference between the prestation due and that which is given in substitution 3. There must be an Agreement between the creditor and debtor that the obligation is immediately extinguished (to the extent of agreed valuation) by reason of the performance of a prestation different from that due. (DE LEON 321 (2014)) Intent is Controlling Like in all contracts, the intention of the parties to the dation in payment is paramount and controlling. The contractual intention determines whether the property subject of the dation will be considered as the full equivalent of the debt and will therefore serve as full satisfaction for the debt. “The dation in payment extinguishes the obligation to the extent of the value of the thing delivered, either as agreed upon by the parties or as may be proved, unless the parties by agreement, express or implied, or by their silence, consider the thing as equivalent to the obligation, in which case the obligation is totally extinguished.” (Luzon Development Bank v. Enriquez, G.R. No. 168646) (c) Cession or Assignment (in favor of creditors) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1255) The process by which a debtor transfers ALL his assets which are not subject to execution in favor of creditors, so that the latter may sell them and apply the proceeds to his outstanding obligations. Except if there is contrary agreement, or as may be provided by law, the obligations are extinguished only up to the net amount of the proceeds of the sale. (PARAS 417 (2016)) Kinds of Assignment 1. Legal – governed by the insolvency law 2. Voluntary – agreement of creditors (PARAS 417 (2016)) Requisites of Voluntary Assignment: (DACCI) 1. More than one Debt 2. More than one Creditor 3. Insolvency of debtor 4. Abandonment of all debtor’s property not exempt from execution 5. Acceptance or Consent on the part of the creditors (PARAS 417 (2016)) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Effects of Assignment (a) Creditors do not become the owner of the properties; they are merely assignees with authority to sell (hence, the legal contract involved is one of Agency and not Sale); (b) Debtor is released up to the amount of the net proceeds of the sale, UNLESS there is a stipulation to the contrary (c) Creditors will collect credits in the order of preference agreed upon, or in default of agreement, in the order ordinarily established by law (PARAS 417-418 (2016)) Dation in Payment v. Cession in Payment DATION IN CESSION IN PAYMENT PAYMENT (Art. 1245) (Art. 1255) One creditor Plurality of creditors NOT necessarily in Debtor must be state of financial insolvent difficulty Thing delivered is Universality of property considered as of debtor is what is equivalent of ceded performance Payment extinguishes Merely releases debtor obligation to the extent up to the net proceeds of the value of the thing of things ceded or delivered as agreed assigned, unless there upon is a contrary intention (DE LEON 356-357 (2014)) (d) Tender of payment and Consignation (CIVIL CODE, art. 1256) Tender The act of offering to the creditor what is due him together with a demand that the creditor accepts the same. (PARAS 419 (2016)) If the creditor refuses w/o just cause to accept payment, he becomes in mora accipiendi and tender alone will not extinguish the obligation; consignation is needed. (Co v. PNB, G.R. No. L-51767) Consignation The act of depositing the thing due with the court or judicial authorities whenever the creditor refuses to accept payment, and generally requires prior tender of payment. (RUBEN E. AGPALO, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 185 (2008)) Requisites of Valid Consignation (VUPAS) 1. Existence of Valid debt; 2. Creditor has Unjustifiably refused to accept payment, i.e., previous valid tender; PAGE 157 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. 4. 5. Prior notice of Consignation had been given to the person interested in performance of obligation (1st notice) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1257) Actual deposit/consignation with proper judicial authorities Subsequent notice of Consignation (2nd notice) (DE LEON 359-360 (2014)) Exception on 2nd requirement, i.e., where consignation w/o prior tender allowed (CIVIL CODE, art. 1256): i. Creditor absent or unknown/ does not appear at the place of payment ii. Incapacitated to receive payment at the time it is due iii. Refuses to issue receipt w/o just cause iv. 2 or more creditors claiming the same right to collect v. Title of obligation has been lost vi. Debtor had previously been notified by the creditor that the latter would not accept any payment (Kapisanan Banahaw, Inc. v. Dejarme, G.R. No. L-32908) Effects of Consignation (a) Debtor may ask judge to order cancellation of obligation (b) Running of interest is suspended (c) Before creditor accepts or before judge declares consignation has been properly made, obligation remains (debtor bears risk of loss at the meantime, and after acceptance by creditor or after judge declares that consignation has been properly made – risk of loss is shifted to creditor) (PARAS 433 (2016)) When Consignation Extinguishes Obligation Consignation is completed at the time the creditor accepts the same without objections, OR, if he objects, at the time the court declares that it has been validly made in accordance with law. (Dalton v. FGR Realty and Development Corporation, G.R. No. 172577) Tender of payment vs. Consignation TENDER OF CONSIGNATION PAYMENT Antecedent act; Principal act; produces preparatory the effects of payment Extrajudicial Judicial (PARAS 419-420 (2016)) b. Loss of Determinable Thing Due or Impossibility or Difficulty of Performance Includes partial or total loss of thing (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1262 & 1264) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) LOSS OF THE THING DUE (a) When the object perishes (physically) (b) When it goes out of commerce (c) When it disappears in such a way that: its existence is unknown or it cannot be recovered (CIVIL CODE, art. 1189) Effect of Loss in Obligation to Deliver a Specific Thing If loss was due to fortuitous events, obligation is extinguished; no damages. If the loss is due to the fault of the debtor or any person, that person should be held liable for damages. (PARAS 438 (2016)) Effect of Loss in Obligation to Deliver a Generic Thing General rule: Loss does NOT extinguish obligation. Genus numguam perit: “Genus never perishes.” Exceptions: i. Loss of entire genus (e.g., when sale of a certain class of things become illegal) ii. Loss of entire group of limited generic obligation (e.g., I will deliver “one of my cars” and all cars are no lost through force majeure. (See BALANE 400 (2020) Effect of Partial Loss 1. When loss is significant – may be enough to extinguish obligation 2. When loss insignificant – NOT enough to extinguish obligation (DE LEON 377 (2014)) NOTE: When thing is lost in the possession of the debtor, it is presumed to be due to debtor’s fault; Exceptions: natural calamity, earthquake, flood, storm. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1265) IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE (a) Physical impossibility – it is not within man’s capability (b) Legal impossibility – when the prestation is prohibited by law (c) Moral impossibility – when the service has become so burdensome that it could not have been the intention of the parties (CIVIL CODE, art. 1267) Effect of Subsequent Impossibility of Performance in Obligation to Do Debtor is released when the prestation becomes legally or physically impossible without fault on the part of the debtor. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1266) PAGE 158 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 NOTE: The obligation must be possible and legal when agreed upon by the parties. The impossibility must occur after the constitution of the obligation. Otherwise, the obligation is void from the beginning and there is nothing to be extinguished. (DE LEON 364 (2019)) NOTE: Judicial determination of extent is necessary Doctrine of Unforeseen Events: The court is authorized to release the obligor, in whole or in part, when the service has become so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of the parties. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1267; DE LEON 389 (2014)) Doctrine of Subjective Impossibility: The obligation undoubtedly becomes impossible if there is no physical or legal loss but the object obligation belongs to another person; the obligor must indemnify the obligee for the damages suffered by the latter. (4 TOLENTINO 336 (1991)) Rebus Sic Stantibus: The agreement is valid only if the same conditions prevailing at time of contracting continue to exist at the time of performance. Obligor may be released in whole or in part if the conditions have changed so that it becomes manifestly beyond the intention of the parties. (4 TOLENTINO 336 (1991)) Requisites of Rebus Sic Stantibus: (FoDAF) 1. The event or change could not have been Foreseen at the time of the execution of the contract 2. The performance is extremely Difficult, but NOT impossible (because if it is impossible, it is extinguished by impossibility) 3. The event was not due to the Act of any of the parties 4. The contract is for a Future prestation (4 TOLENTINO 347 (1991)) The difficulty of performance contemplated should be such that one party would be placed at a disadvantage by the unforeseen event. Mere inconvenience, or unexpected impediments, or increased expenses did not suffice to relieve the debtor from a bad bargain. (Tagaytay Realty v. Gacutan G.R. No. 160033) Article 1267 grants the courts the power of relief, but not of revision. The Courts do not have the authority to remake, modify or revise the terms and conditions CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) of the contract. (Occena v. Hon. Jabson, G.R. No. L-44349) Art. 1267 is not restricted to obligations to do. The term “service” should be understood as referring to the “performance of the obligation”, a phrase which encompasses all obligations. (NATELCO v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 107112) Mere inconvenience, unexpected impediments, increased expenses, or even pecuniary inability to fulfill an engagement, will not relieve the obligor from an undertaking that it has knowingly and freely contracted. The closure of respondent's business was neither a fortuitous nor an unforeseen event that rendered the lease agreement functus officio. (Sps Poon v. Prime Savings Bank, G.R. No. 183794) c. Condonation or Remission of Debt Condonation – An act of liberality by which the creditor renounces the enforcement of the obligation contracted in his favor. To condone is to forgive or to remit a debt. (Bañez v. Young, L-4635) Remission – An act of liberality by virtue of which the obligee, without receiving any price or equivalent, renounces the enforcement of the obligation, as a result of which it is extinguished in its entirety or in that part or aspect of the same to which the remission refers (Manresa). In brief, “it is the gratuitous abandonment by the creditor of his right” (4 TOLENTINO 353 (1991)) Requisites (CapRe-FLAgS) 1. There must be an Agreement 2. There must be a Subject matter (object of the remission, otherwise there would be nothing to condone) 3. Cause of consideration must be Liberality (Essentially gratuitous, an act of liberality) 4. Parties must be Capacitated and must consent; requires acceptance by obligor; implied in mortis causa and express in inter vivos condonations. 5. Formalities of a donation are required in the case of an express remission or condonation 6. Revocable – subject to rule on inofficious donations. (PARAS 448 (2016)) Examples of Implied Condonation, Waiver of Right to Collect i. Voluntary delivery of evidence of indebtedness – when evidence of indebtedness is found in the possession of the debtor – there is a rebuttable presumption of voluntary delivery (CIVIL CODE, art. 1272), which PAGE 159 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 if not rebutted, will create the presumption of waiver condonation (remission) which in effect extinguishes the debt. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1271 (1)) 5. EXCEPTION: when the waiver is inofficious. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1271 (2)) A claim is liquidated when the amount and time of payment is fixed. If acknowledged by the debtor, although not in writing, the claim must be treated as liquidated. When the defendant, who has an unliquidated claim, sets it up by way of counterclaim, and a judgment is rendered liquidating such claim, it can be compensated against the plaintiff’s claim from the moment it is liquidated by judgment. Compensation takes place only if both obligations are liquidated. (Lao v. Special Plans, Inc., G.R. No. 164791) Defense to the claim of inofficiousness: the delivery of the document was made in virtue of payment of the debt. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1271 (2)) ii. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) If there if actual proof, or the presumption above is not rebutted, that the evidence of indebtedness was returned by the creditor to the debtor, there is a presumption of waiver (a) If in hands of joint debtor – only his share is condoned. (b) If in hands of solidary debtor – whole debt is condoned. (c) Tacit – voluntary destruction of instrument by creditor; made to prescribe w/o demanding. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1271) d. Confusion The character of debtor and creditor is merged in same person with respect to same obligation. (JURADO 306 (2010)) Requisites of Merger of Rights: (COP) 1. It must take place between Principal debtor and principal creditor only. 2. Merger must be Clear and definite. 3. Only One obligation is involved. (PARAS 456 (2016)) Confusion does not extinguish a joint obligation, except as regards the share corresponding to the creditor or debtor in whom the 2 characters concur. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1277) e. Compensation A mode of extinguishment up to the concurrent amount of the obligation of persons who, in their own right, have become mutual debtors or creditors of one another. (JURADO 309 (2010)) Requisites (LM-STD): 1. Both parties must be Mutual creditors and debtors - in their own right and as principals. 2. Both debts must consist in Sum of money or if consumable, of the same kind or quality. 3. Both debts are Due. 4. Both debts are Liquidated and demandable (determined). Neither debt must be retained in a controversy commenced by Third person and communicated w/ debtor (neither debt is garnished). (CIVIL CODE, art. 1279) Kinds of Compensation (a) Legal – by operation of law; as long as 5 requisites concur – even if unknown to parties; if not equal debts, only up to concurring amount. Legal compensation takes place by operation of law when all the requisites are present, as opposed to conventional subrogation which takes place when the parties agree to compensate their mutual obligations even in the absence of some of the requirements. (b) Conventional – based on agreement of parties, even if the other requirements are not complied with. Conventional compensation takes place when the parties agree to compensate their mutual obligations even in the absence of some requisites. (Mondragon Personal Sales Inc. v. Sola Jr., G.R. No. 174882) (c) Facultative – only one party may invoke the compensation, such as the person who has the benefit of the period who can invoke it even before the period has arrived. (d) Judicial – set off takes place upon order of the court; needs pleading and proof; all requirements must concur, EXCEPT liquidation. (e) Total – when 2 debts are of the same amount. (f) Partial –when 2 debts are not of the same amount. (PARAS 461 (2016)) Effect of Assignment of Credit to Third Person: Can There Still be Compensation? 1. If made after legal compensation has set in – no effect; compensation has already PAGE 160 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. extinguished the obligation, so there is nothing to assign. If made before legal compensation has set in: (a) With consent of debtor – debtor is estopped UNLESS he reserves his right to compensate and gave notice to assignee (b) With knowledge but w/o consent of debtor – compensation may be set up as to debts maturing prior to assignment (c) W/o knowledge – compensation may be set-up on all debts prior to his knowledge (CIVIL CODE, art. 1285) Compensation vs. Confusion COMPENSATION CONFUSION Different persons are Only 1 person who is involved; each is a creditor and debtor of debtor and creditor of himself each other Two obligations One obligation Indirect payment No need to pay oneself (DE LEON 416-417 (2014)) Obligations not allowed to be Compensated (Co-PGT) (a) When one of the debts arises from a depositum or from the obligations of a depositary or of a bailee in Commodatum. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1287) a. BUT NOTE: Only the bailor or depositor is allowed to invoke legal compensation (DE LEON 420-421 (2019)) (b) Against a creditor who has a claim for support due by Gratuitous title, without prejudice to Article 301 par. 2 (CIVIL CODE, art. 1287) (c) If one of the debts consists in civil liability arising from a Penal offense. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1288) a. BUT NOTE: The bailor or depositor is allowed to invoke legal compensation (DE LEON 422 (2019)) (d) Obligation to pay Taxes is not compensable with the government’s obligations to the taxpayer. (Francia v. IAC, G.R. No. L-67649). Taxes cannot be subject to compensation for the simple reason that the government and the taxpayer are not creditors and debtors of each other. There is a material distinction between a tax and debt. Debts are due to the Government in its corporate capacity, while taxes are due to the Government in its sovereign capacity. (United Airlines, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, G.R. No. 178788) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) f. Novation Novation - Extinguishment of obligation by creating/ substituting a new one in its place (a) Changing object or principal conditions (b) Substituting person of debtor (c) Subrogating 3rd person to the rights of the creditor (CIVIL CODE, art. 1291) Requisites of novation: (VICN) 1. There must be a previous Valid obligation; 2. Intent to extinguish the old and substitute it with the new obligation, whether expressed, or implied as when the two obligations are inconsistent and cannot stand together. 3. Capacity and consent of the parties to the new obligation; and 4. Valid New obligation. (Garcia, Jr. v. CA, G.R. No. 80201) Novation is never presumed, there must be an express intention to novate. The creditor’s acceptance of another check, which replaced an earlier dishonored check, does not result in novation where there was no express agreement to establish that the debtor was already discharged from his liability. (Salazar v. J.Y. Brothers Marketing Corporation, G.R. No. 171998) Novation can be done without the knowledge or even against the will of the original debtor, but not without the consent of the creditor (Interport Resources Corporation v. Securities Specialist, In. G.R. No. 154069) Effects of Novation GR: It extinguishes the old obligation and a new one is created in its place. Exception: (a) Modificatory novation only, in which case the old obligation remains, as amended by the new (Swagman Hotels and Travels, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 161135) (b) Old obligation is void Conversely, the old obligation subsists if the new obligation is void or is voidable and later annulled. (4 TOLENTINO 397 (1991)) Novation, in its broad concept, may either be extinctive or modificatory. It is extinctive when an old obligation is terminated by the creation of a new obligation that takes the place of the former; it is merely modificatory when the old obligation subsists to the extent that it remains compatible with the amendatory agreement. PAGE 161 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 An extinctive novation results either by changing the object or principal conditions (objective or real), or by substituting the person of the debtor or subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor (subjective or personal). (Banate v. Philippine Countryside Rural Bank (Liloan, Cebu), Inc., G.R. No. 163825) There is novation when there is an irreconcilable incompatibility between the old and new obligations. There is no novation in case of only slight modifications, in which case, the old obligation still subsists. (Heirs of Franco v. Spouses Gonzales, G.R. No. 159709) Novation does not extinguish criminal liability (Philippine National Bank v. Soriano, G.R. 164051) Effect of Conditions in Either Old or New Obligation: (a) If old obligation is conditional i. If resolutory and it occurred – old obligation already extinguished; no new obligation is created since there is nothing to novate ii. If suspensive – the condition must happen, otherwise there is no old obligation to novate. (4 TOLENTINO 399 (1991)) (b) If the new obligation is conditional: i. If resolutory – valid ii. If suspensive – the condition must happen, otherwise there is no new obligation to replace the old, so that the old obligation remains subsisting. (4 TOLENTINO 397 (1991)) Kinds of Novation: (a) Real / objective – When there is a change in the object, cause/consideration or principal condition. (PINEDA 332 (2009)) (b) Personal / subjective Substituting person of debtor (passive). (PINEDA 332 (2009)) i. Expromision: initiative is from a 3rd person or new debtor who agrees to assume the obligation of the old debtor, with the consent of the creditor. The old debtor’s consent is not required and upon assumption by the new debtor of the debt, the old debtor is released from liability. Since the old debtor does not consent, his liability cannot be revived even if the new debtor becomes insolvent or cannot pay the obligation. It is however important that the creditor and the new debtor agree to release the old debtor, otherwise the “new” CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) debtor only becomes a co-debtor and no novation takes place. ii. Delegacion: initiative of old debtor who “delegates” his obligation to a new debtor; In this case all the parties must consent. The old debtor’s liability is generally not revived in case of the insolvency of the old debtor UNLESS: the new debtor’s insolvency already existed at the time of the delegacion AND (1) it was of public knowledge, or (2) the old debtor knew of the insolvency of the new debtor at the time of delegacion. (PINEDA 341 (2009)) Parties: (a) Delegante – old debtor (b) Delegatario – creditor (c) Delegado – new debtor. (PARAS 508 (2016)) Expromision vs. Delegacion EXPROMISION DELEGACION Intention: old debtor be released from the obligation Consent of creditor required on both Consent of creditor and Consent of debtor third person (initiates), creditor and third person; need NOT be given simultaneously Governed by the rules of Same applies in the payment by third persons absence of an agreement If w/o knowledge of Subrogation debtor, beneficial reimbursement, no subrogation New debtor's insolvency Same UNLESS the does NOT make old new debtor’s debtor liable insolvency already existed at the time of the delegacion AND (i) it was of public knowledge, or (ii) the old debtor knew of the insolvency of the new debtor at the time of delegacion. (PINEDA 341-343 (2009)) (c) Subrogating 3rd person to rights of creditor (active) i. Conventional – agreement and consent of all parties; clearly established (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1300-1301) ii. Legal – takes place by operation of law; no need for consent; NOT presumed except PAGE 162 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 as provided for in law: (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1300 & 1302) When Subrogation is Presumed (CIVIL CODE, art. 1302) i. Creditor pays another preferred creditor even w/o debtor’s knowledge Example: A owes B P20,000 secured by a first mortgage on the land of A. A also owes C P30,000.00, which is unsecured or secured by a second mortgage. Under the law, B, who is a preferred creditor, has preference to payment with respect to the land as against C who is only an ordinary creditor. If C pays the debt of A to B, C will be subrogated in B’s rights. C can now foreclose the mortgage in case A fails to pay his debt to B. (DE LEON 458 (2019)) ii. 3rd person not interested in obligation pays w/ approval of debtor Example: A owes B P10,000. C pays B with the express or implied consent of A. Here, C will be subrogated in the rights of B. (DE LEON 458 (2019)) iii. Person interested in fulfillment of obligation pays debt even w/o knowledge of debtor Example: A and B are joint debtors of C for the amount of P10,000. Without A knowing, B pays the debt of P10,000. Here, B becomes a creditor of A for P5,000 only (i.e., A’s share of the debt), not for the remaining P5,000 (i.e., B’s share of the debt), which is extinguished by confusion or merger of rights. (DE LEON 459 (2019)) Payment by 3rd Person v. Change of Debtor DIFFERENCE CHANGE OF DEBTOR FROM PAYMENT BY 3RD PERSON Debtor is NOT Old debtor is released necessarily released from debt Creditor is not Needs consent of creditor: bound to accept express or implied payment, unless there is stipulation to the contrary (CIVIL CODE, art. 1236) 3rd person can make New debtor is obliged to payments less than pay the full remaining the amount of the amount of the obligation obligation and cannot be held CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) liable for deficiency the Conventional Subrogation Vs. Assignment CONVENTIONAL ASSIGNMENT OF SUBROGATION RIGHTS Governed by Arts. Governed by Arts. 1624 1300-1304 to 1627 Debtor’s consent is Debtor’s consent is NOT required required, but must be notified in order to be bound Extinguishes the Transmission of right of obligation and gives the creditor to third rise to a new one person without modifying or extinguishing the obligation Defects and vices in Defects and vices in the the old obligation are old obligation are NOT cured cured (PINEDA 354-355 (2009)) Novation arising from a purported change in the person of the debtor must be clear and express because it is never presumed. A conversion from a partnership to a corporation, without sufficient evidence that they were expressly released from their obligations, does not make a new corporate personality, a third person or new debtor within the context of a subjective novation. (Ajax v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 118585) The obligation to pay a sum of money is not novated by an instrument that expressly recognizes the old, changes only the terms of payment, adds other obligations not incompatible with the old ones, or the new contract merely supplements the old one. (Foundation Specialists Inc. v. Betonval Ready Concrete, G.R. No. 170674) Novation is not a ground under the law to extinguish criminal liability. The legal effect of novation is limited in its effect only to the civil aspect of the liability. The role of novation may only be either to prevent the rise of criminal liability, or to cast doubt on the true nature of the original basic transaction, whether or not it was such that the breach of the obligation would not give rise to penal responsibility, as when money loaned is made to appear as a deposit, or other similar disguise is resorted to. PAGE 163 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 B. CONTRACTS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. Stages of Contracts (i) PREPARATION/NEGOTIATION Period from the time the prospective contracting parties indicate their interest in the contract to the time the contract is perfected. (ii) PERFECTION/BIRTH Consensual contracts As a general rule, contracts are perfected by mere consent of the parties regarding the subject matter and the cause of the contract. (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1315, 1319) They are obligatory in whatever form they may have been entered into, provided all the essential requisites for their validity are present. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1356) Real contracts The exceptions are real contracts, which are perfected not merely by consent but by the actual or constructive delivery of the object of the obligation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1316) Example: Depositum, pledge, commodatum (Hector S. De Leon & Hector M. De Leon, Jr., Comments and Cases on Obligations and Contracts 493 (2019) Formal/Solemn contracts When the law requires that a contract be in some form to be valid (CIVIL CODE, art. 1356), this special form is necessary for its perfection Example: Donation of real property, (Art. 749), donation of personal property the value of which exceeds P5,000.00 (Art. 748), sale of land through an agent (Art. 1874), contract of antichresis (Art. 2134), stipulation to pay interest (Art. 1956), contract of partnership (Arts. 1771, 1773), transfer or sale of large cattle (Act No. 1147, Sec. 22), Negotiable instruments (Act No. 2031, Sec. 1). (Hector S. De Leon & Hector M. De Leon, Jr., Comments and Cases on Obligations and Contracts 637 (2019) (iii) CONSUMMATION CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Period when the parties perform their respective undertaking under the contract, culminating in the extinguishment thereof (HECTOR S. DE LEON & HECTOR M. DE LEON, JR., COMMENTS AND CASES ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 542 (2014)) Negotiation begins from the time the prospective contracting parties manifest their interest in the contract and ends at the moment of agreement of the parties. The perfection or birth of the contract takes place when the parties agree upon the essential elements of the contract. The last stage is the consummation of the contract where the parties fulfill or perform the terms they agreed on, culminating in its extinguishment. (International Freeport Traders, Inc. v. Danzas Intercontinental, Inc., 640 SCRA 621) b. Classifications As to perfection or formation 1. Consensual – perfected by mere consent of the parties on the subject matter and cause (CIVIL CODE, art. 1315) (e.g., contract of sale) 2. Real – perfected by delivery (CIVIL CODE, art. 1316) (e.g., commodatum, pledge, deposit) 3. Formal/Solemn – require a certain specified form, in addition to consent, subject matter and cause (CIVIL CODE, art. 1356) (e.g., donation of real property) As to cause 1. Onerous – The cause is, for each contracting party, the prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other (e.g., contract of sale) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) 2. Remuneratory– The cause is some past service or benefit which by itself is a recoverable debt (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) a. Note: In a remuneratory donation, the past service or debt is not by itself a recoverable debt. (CIVIL CODE, art. 726) 3. Gratuitous (or contracts of pure beneficence) – founded on the mere liberality of the benefactor (e.g., pure donation) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) As to importance or dependence of one upon another 1. Principal – when the contract does not depend for its existence and validity upon another contract (e.g., sale, lease) 2. Accessory – depends on another contract for its existence and validity (e.g., mortgage, guaranty) PAGE 164 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. Preparatory – the contract is entered into as a means through which future contracts may be made (e.g., agency, partnership) (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 36 (2009)) As to parties obliged 1. Unilateral – only one of the parties has an obligation (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 366 (2009)) 2. Bilateral – both parties are required to render reciprocal prestations (CIVIL CODE, art. 1191) As to form 1. Common or informal – require no particular form (CIVIL CODE, art. 1356) 2. Special or formal – require some particular form (CIVIL CODE, art. 1356) As to their purpose 1. Transfer of ownership 2. Conveyance of use 3. Rendition of service (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 410-411 (1991)) As to their subject matter 1. Things 2. Services (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 410-411 (1991)) As to the risk involved 1. Commutative – when the undertaking of one party is considered the equivalent of that of the other (e.g., sale, lease) 2. Aleatory – when it depends upon an uncertain event or contingency both as to benefit or loss (e.g., insurance, sale of hope) (JURADO 361 (2010)) As to the name or designation 1. Nominate – those which have a specific name or designation in law (e.g., lease, sale, agency, etc.) 2. Innominate – those which have no specific designation or name in law (CIVIL CODE, art. 1307) a. Do ut des – I give that you may give b. Do ut facias – I give that you may do c. Facio ut des – I do that you may give i. Note: Do ut des is, however, no longer an innominate CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) d. contract. It has already been given a name of its own, i.e., barter or exchange. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1638) Facio ut facias – I do that you may do (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 380 (2009)) Auto Contracts Only one person represents two opposite parties, but in different capacities. (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 367 (2009)) Example: An agent representing his principal sells a specific car to himself, as a buyer Collective Contracts will of the majority binds the minority to an agreement notwithstanding the opposition of the latter. (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 437 (1991)) Example: Collective bargaining contracts by labor organizations under R.A. No. 875. Contracts of Adhesion One party imposes a ready-made form of contract which the other party may accept or reject but cannot modify; one party prepares the stipulation in the contract, while the other party merely affixes his signature or his “adhesion” thereto, giving no room for negotiation and depriving the latter of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing (Polotan, Sr. v. CA, G.R. No. 119379); construed strictly against the one who drafted the same (Geraldez v. CA, G.R. No. 108253). NOTE: It bears stressing that a contract of adhesion is just as binding as ordinary contracts. It is true that we have, on occasion, struck down such contracts as void when the weaker party is imposed upon in dealing with the dominant bargaining party and is reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving it, completely deprived of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing, Nevertheless, contracts of adhesion are not invalid per se; they are not entirely prohibited. The one who adheres to the contract is in reality free to reject it entirely; if he adheres, he gives his consent. (Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. 133107) PAGE 165 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES Essential Requisites - The three essential requisites are (1) Consent; (2) Subject Matter; and (3) Consideration. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 4. 5. a. Consent Definition - Meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract; concurrence of a certain offer and an absolute acceptance (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) 6. Subject matter becomes Illegal or impossible before acceptance is communicated; (EDGARDO L. PARAS, CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ANNOTATED: PRESCRIPTION; OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 612 (2016)) Lapse of Period given to the offeree within which to signify acceptance; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1324) or Revocation of the offer in due time (i.e. before the offeror has learned of its acceptance by the offeree) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1324) Offer A proposal made by one party to another to enter into a contract; must be certain or definite, complete and intentional. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) Period for acceptance 1. Stated fixed period in the offer – The offeree may accept at any time until such period expires (Young v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 83271) 2. No stated fixed period a. Offer is made to a person present – Acceptance must be made immediately (Malbarosa v. Court of Appeals, G.R No. 125761). b. Offer is made to a person absent – Acceptance may be made within such time that, under normal circumstances, an answer can be received from him. (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 425 (2009)) Acceptance Manifestation by the offeree of his assent to the terms of the offer; must be absolute (i.e., must not qualify the terms of the offer) (Oesmer v. Paraiso Development Corporation, G.R. No. 157493) NOTE: For a contract to arise, the acceptance must be made known to the offeror. Accordingly, the acceptance can be withdrawn or revoked before it is made known to the offeror. (Oesmer v. Paraiso Development Corporation, G.R. No. 157493) NOTE: A qualified acceptance constitutes counteroffer. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) NOTE: We follow the theory of cognition (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) and not the theory of manifestation. Under our Civil Law, the offer and acceptance concur only when the offeror comes to know of, and not when the offeree merely manifests his acceptance. 3 Requisites (C ): 1. Must be manifested by the Concurrence of the offer and acceptance upon the thing and cause; 2. Parties are legally Capacitated to enter into contracts 3. Consent must be intelligent, free, spontaneous, and real (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 415 (2009)) Elements of a valid offer 1. Definite 2. Complete 3. Intentional (Palattao v. CA, G.R. No. 131726,) Elements of a valid acceptance 1. Unequivocal 2. Unconditional (Palattao v. CA, G.R. No. 131726) When offer becomes ineffective (QR-DRIP) 1. Death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of either party before acceptance is conveyed (CIVIL CODE, art. 1323); 2. Express or implied Rejection of the offer by the offeree; (NHA v. Grace Baptist Church, G.R. No. 156437) 3. Qualified or conditional acceptance of the offer, which becomes a counter-offer; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) Rule on complex offers 1. Offers are interrelated – Contract is perfected if all the offers are accepted. 2. Offers are not interrelated – Single acceptance of each offer results in a perfected contract unless the offeror has made it clear that one is dependent upon the other and acceptance of both is necessary. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1319) 3. Offer interpraesentes must be accepted immediately. If the parties intended that there should be an express acceptance, the contract will be perfected only upon knowledge by the offeror of the express acceptance by the offeree of the offer. An acceptance which is not made in the manner prescribe by the offeror is not effective, but a counter-offer which the offeror PAGE 166 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 may accept or reject. (Malbarosa v. Court of Appeals, G.R No. 125761) Rule on advertisements as offers 1. Business advertisements – Not a definite offer, but mere invitation to make an offer, unless it appears otherwise (CIVIL CODE, art. 1325) 2. Advertisements for bidders – They are simply invitations to make proposals and the advertiser is not bound to accept the highest or lowest bidder, unless the contrary appears (CIVIL CODE, art. 1326) Article 1326 of the Civil Code, which specifically tackles offer and acceptance of bids, provides that advertisements for bidders are simply invitations to make proposals, and that an advertiser is not bound to accept the highest bidder unless the contrary appears. (PMO v. STRADEC, G.R. No. 200402) Four (4) theories on acceptance of offer by telegram or letter 1. Manifestation – perfected from the moment the acceptance is declared or made. 2. Expedition – perfected from the moment the offeree transmits the notification of acceptance. 3. Reception – perfected from the moment the offeror receives the letter. 4. Cognition – perfected from the moment the acceptance comes to the knowledge of the offeror. (JURADO 402 (2010)) NOTE: Contracts under the Civil Code generally adhere to the Cognition Theory while transactions under the Code of Commerce adhere to the Manifestation Theory. (JURADO 402 (2010)) When the offeror refuses to open the letter or telegram he is held to have a constructive notice of the contents thereof and will be bound by the acceptance of the offeree. (JURADO 403-404 (2010)) Options General rule: If the offeror has allowed the offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by communicating such withdrawal. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1324) Exception: When the option is founded upon a consideration as something paid or promised. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1324) An option, sometimes called an “unaccepted offer,” is simply a contract by which the owner of property CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) agrees with another person that he shall have the right to buy his property at a fixed price within a certain time. An option is not of itself a purchase, but merely secures the privilege to buy. It is not a sale of property but a sale of the right to purchase. (Adelfa Properties, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 111238) Effects of option: 1. Not supported by an independent consideration (i.e., distinct from the purchase price) – offeror can withdraw the offer at any time before acceptance by communicating such withdrawal 2. Supported by independent consideration – offeror cannot withdraw his offer (CIVIL CODE, art. 1324) Persons incapacitated to give consent (DD-MI): 1. Minors (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327). 2. Insane or demented persons (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327), unless the contract was entered into during a lucid interval (CIVIL CODE, art. 1328) 3. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327). 4. In a state of Drunkenness or under a hypnotic spell (CIVIL CODE, art. 1328) BUT NOTE: The following are other instances that incapacitates a person from giving consent: 1. Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender during the time of his sentence of the rights of parental authority, or guardianship, either as to the person or property of any ward, of marital authority, of the right to manage his property and of the right to dispose of such property by any act or any conveyance inter vivos. (REVISED PENAL CODE, art. 38) 2. Prodigality, in order to render a person legally unfit to administer his own affairs his acts of prodigality must show a morbid mind and a disposition to spend or waste the estate so as to expose his family to want or to deprive his forced heirs of their inheritances. (Martinez v. Martinez, G.R. No. 445) BUT NOTE: Minority, insanity or imbecility, the state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil interdiction are mere restrictions on capacity to act, and do not exempt the incapacitated person from certain obligations, as when the latter arise from his acts or from property relations, such as easements. (CIVIL COD, art. 38) PAGE 167 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Contracts entered into by the persons above are in generally valid until annulled; however, annulment cannot prosper when they have been ratified. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1390). Rule on contracts entered into by minors General rule: Voidable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1391) Exceptions (MENGS) (These contracts are valid): 1. If upon reaching age of Majority, they ratify the same. (Ibanez v. Rodriguez, G.R. No. 23153) 2. They were entered unto by a Guardian and the court having jurisdiction had approved the same. (Roa v. Roa, G.R. No. 28532) 3. They were in the form of Savings account in the Postal Savings Bank, provided furthermore that the minor was at least 7 years old. (Rev. Adm. Code, Sec. 2007) 4. They were contracts for Necessaries such as food, but here the persons who are bound to give them support should pay therefor (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1489 & 2164; FAMILY CODE, E.O. 209, art. 194 (1987)) 5. Contracts where the minor misrepresented his age and pretended to be one of major age and is thus in Estoppel. (Hermosa v. Zobel, G.R. No. L-11835). It is, however, essential here that the other party must have been MISLED (Bambalan v. Maramba, G.R. No. L-27710). HOWEVER, minors can set up the defense of minority to resist the claim when there is only passive misrepresentation, as when they did not disclose their minority because they had no juridical duty to disclose their inability. (Braganza v. De Villa Abrille, G.R. No. L-12471) NOTE: If both parties to a contract are minors, the contract is unenforceable. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1403(3)). Examples of persons specially disqualified to enter into contracts (Contracts entered into are VOID): 1. Husband and wife selling to one another (CIVIL CODE, art. 1490) or donating to one another (CIVIL CODE, art. 134) 2. Insolvents before they are discharged cannot, for example, make payments. Exception: Payment of administrative expenses shall be allowed. (An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation Or Liquidation Of Financially Distressed Enterprises And Individuals [Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010], Republic Act No. 10142, § 57 (2010)) 3. Persons disqualified because of fiduciary relationship (CIVIL CODE, art. 1491) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) INCAPACITY DISQUALIFICATION Restrains the exercise Restrains the very right of the right to contract itself May still enter into Absolutely disqualified contract through parent, guardian or legal representative Based upon subjective Based upon public circumstance of certain policy and morality person Contracts entered into Contracts entered into are merely voidable are void (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 440 (2009)) Causes which vitiate consent A contract where consent is given through Mistake, Violence, Intimidation, Undue Influence, or Fraud is voidable (VIMFU). (CIVIL CODE, art. 1330) i. Mistake Must include both ignorance, which is the absence of knowledge with respect to a thing, and mistake properly speaking, which is a wrong conception about said thing, or a belief in the existence of some circumstance, fact, or event, which in reality does not exist. (Theis v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126013) Requisites (FES): a. The error must be Substantial regarding: i. The object of the contract, or ii. The conditions which principally moved or induced one of the parties (error in quality or in quantity), or iii. Identity of qualifications, but only if such was the principal cause of the contract (CIVIL CODE, art. 1331) b. The error must be Excusable (not caused by negligence). There is no mistake if the party alleging it knew the doubt, contingency or risk affecting the object of the contract. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1333) c. The error must be mistake of Fact, and not of law. (Luna v. Linatoc, G.R. No. L-48403, Oct. 28, 1942) Two (2) General Kinds of Mistake a. Mistake of Fact – When one or both of the contracting parties believe that a fact exists when in reality it does not, or that such fact does not exist when in reality it does (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 443 (2009)) b. Mistake of Law General Rule: Mistake does not vitiate consent (CIVIL CODE, art. 1331) PAGE 168 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Reason: Ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone from compliance therewith (CIVIL CODE, art. 3) Exception: Mutual error as to the legal effect of an agreement when the real purpose of the parties is frustrated (CIVIL CODE, art. 1334). i. “Legal effect” here refers to the rights of the parties as stated in the legal provisions. ii. Violence Requisites (PFR): a. Serious or irresistible Physical Force b. Such force is the Reason why the contract was entered into. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1335) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) judgment. Contracts are also valid even though they are entered into by one of the parties without hope of advantage or profit. (Martinez v. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, G.R. No. L-5496) Note: Violence or intimidation shall annul the obligation, although it may have been employed by a third person who did not take part in the contract. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1336) iv. Undue Influence Requisites (DIP): a. Improper advantage b. Power over the will of another c. Deprivation of the latter of a reasonable freedom of choice. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1337) Note: Violence refers to physical coercion, while intimidation refers to moral coercion. (EDGARDO L. PARAS, CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ANNOTATED: PRESCRIPTION; OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 632 (2016)) Circumstances to be considered (FIRM) a. Confidential, family, spiritual, and other Relations between the parties b. Mental weakness c. Ignorance d. Financial distress (CIVIL CODE, art. 1337). iii. Intimidation v. Fraud Requisites (FReT): a. Reasonable and well-grounded Fear of an imminent and grave evil upon his person, property, or upon the person or property of his spouse, descendants, or ascendants b. It is the Reason why the contract was entered into c. The Threat must be of an unjust act, an actionable wrong (A threat to enforce a just or legal claim through competent authority does not vitiate consent.) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1335) Fraud in Obtaining Consent In order that fraud may vitiate consent, it must be the causal (dolo causante), not merely the incidental (dolo incidente), inducement to the making of the contract. (Ponce de Leon v. Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, G.R. No. L-24571) Example: What the respondent did was merely inform them of petitioner Edna’s conviction in the criminal cases for estafa. It might have evoked a sense of fear or dread on the petitioners’ part, but certainly there is nothing unjust, unlawful or evil in the respondent's act. ... The petitioners must remember that petitioner Edna's conviction was a result of a valid judicial process and even without the respondent allegedly “ramming it into petitioner Victor's throat,” petitioner Edna's imprisonment would be a legal consequence of such conviction. (Spouses Binua v. Ong, G.R. No. 207176) Reluctant Consent – It is necessary to distinguish between real duress and the motive which is present when one gives his consent reluctantly. A contract is valid even though one of the parties entered into it against his wishes or even against his better a. Causal Fraud (Dolo Causante) This is the use of insidious words or machinations by one of the contracting parties to induce the other party to enter into a contract, which, without them, he would not have agreed to. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1338) Determines or is the essential cause of consent. It is the deception employed by one party prior to or simultaneous to the contract in order to secure the consent of the other (Metropolitan Fabrics, Inc. v. Prosperity Credit Resources, Inc., G.R. No. 154390) Effects: Voidability of the contract and the indemnification for damages (Geraldez v. CA, G.R. No. 108253) Requisites (PS-SOBIA) a. There must be misrepresentation or concealment (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1338 & 1339) by a party Prior to or Simultaneous to the consent or creation of the contract. b. Must be Serious. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1344) PAGE 169 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 c. Must have been employed by only One of the contracting parties. (CIVIL CODE, art.1342) BUT NOTE: Misrepresentation by a third person does not vitiate consent, unless such misrepresentation has created substantial mistake and the same is mutual, or when the third person makes the misrepresentation with the complicity or, at least, with the knowledge, but without objection, of the contracting party who is favored. (JURADO 449 (2010)) d. Must be made in Bad faith or with intent to deceive. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1343) e. Must have Induced the consent of the other contracting party. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1338) f. Must be Alleged and proved by clear and convincing evidence, and not merely by a preponderance thereof. (Tan Sua Sia v. Sontua, 56 Phil. 711, 1932) b. Incidental Fraud (Dolo Incidente) Deceptions or misrepresentations which are not serious and without which the other party would still have entered into the contract. It is not the cause which induced the party to enter into a contract and refers only to some particular or accident of the obligations. (Geraldez v. CA, G.R. No. 108253) Effect: Only renders the person employing it liable for damages. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1344) Simulated Contracts (a) Absolute – the parties have no intention to be bound at all (CIVIL CODE, art. 1345); void from beginning (CIVIL CODE, art. 1346). (b) Relative – the parties conceal their true agreement (CIVIL CODE, art. 1345): the real agreement binds the parties when: a. There is no prejudice to 3rd persons; and b. It is not contrary to law, moral, good customs, public order or public policy (CIVIL CODE, art. 1346) (c) Dealer’s Talk (Dolo bonus) - This oxymoron (literally, good fraud) refers to dealer’s talk, the kind of exaggerations in advertisement the public is familiar with. The ancient principle still governs in this regard: Caveat emptor -- Buyer beware. But once the dealer’s talk goes beyond innocent CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) conventional exaggeration and later the realm of bad faith, then deceit (either causante or incidental) may set in. (BALANE 635-36 (2020)) The rule of caveat emptor requires the purchaser to be aware of the supposed title of the vendor and one who buys without checking the vendor’s title takes all the risks and losses consequent to such failure. (Caram, Jr. v. Laureta, G.R. No. L-28740) However, this rule only requires the purchaser to exercise such care and attention as is usually exercised by ordinarily prudent men in like business affairs, and only applies to defects which are open and patent to the service of one exercising such care. Moreover, it can also only be applied where it is shown that the parties to the contract stand on equal footing and have equal knowledge or equal means of knowledge and there is no relation of trust or confidence between them. In such a case, if a seller’s representations prove to be false, neither law nor equity will permit the seller to escape responsibility by the plea that the buyer ought not to have believed him or ought to have applied to other sources to ascertain the facts. (Guinhawa v. People, G.R. No. 162822) b. Subject Matter (SM) Requisites of things as SM (W-PLDT): 1. Within the commerce of man (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) – either existing or in potency 2. Licit or not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 3. Possible, legally or physically (CIVIL CODE, art. 1348). 4. Determinate as to its kind or determinable without need to enter into a new contract (CIVIL CODE, art. 1349) 5. Transmissible (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) Requisites of services as SM (PWD): 1. Within the commerce of man (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 2. Possible, physically or legally (CIVIL CODE, art. 1348) 3. Determinate or capable of being made determinate (CIVIL CODE, arts. 1318[2] & 1349) PAGE 170 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Things which cannot be the subject matter of a contract (I-COFID): 1. Things which are Outside the commerce of men (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 2. Intransmissible rights (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 3. Future inheritance, except in cases expressly authorized by law (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 4. Services Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) 5. Impossible things or services (CIVIL CODE, art. 1348). 6. Objects which are not possible of Determination as to their kind (CIVIL CODE, art. 1349) NOTE: Contracts upon future inheritance are void when: The succession has not yet been opened; The object of the contract forms part of the inheritance; and The promissor has, with respect to the object, an expectancy of a right, which is purely hereditary in nature. (De Belen Vda. De Cabalu v. Tabu, G.R. No. 188417) c. Cause or Consideration Definition - Refers to the immediate, direct and most proximate reason which justifies the creation of an obligation through the will of the contracting parties and is the essential reason for the contract. (Uy v. CA, G.R. No. 120465) Requisites (LET) 1. It must Exist at the time the contract is entered into. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1352 & 1409[3]) 2. It must be True. (CIVIL CODE, art 1353) 3. It must be Licit. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1352) Motive – refers to the particular reason of one party for entering into the contract which does not affect the other party nor the validity of the contract; however, when the motive predetermines the cause or when the realization of such motive has been made a condition upon which the contract is made to depend, the motive may be regarded as the cause (Uy v. CA, G.R. No. 120465). Cause distinguished from Motive CAUSE MOTIVE Immediate or direct Remote or indirect reason of a contract reason Objective and juridical Psychological or purely reason of contract; personal reason; may always known to both be unknown to the parties other party CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Remains the same regardless of a party’s motive for entering into a contract Legality or illegality of cause affects the existence or validity of the contract May vary although a party enters into the same kind of contract Legality or illegality of motive does not affect the existence or validity of contract (HECTOR S. DE LEON & HECTOR M. DE LEON, JR., COMMENTS AND CASES ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 673-674 (2014)) Causes in some contracts: 1. Onerous contracts – The prestation of promise of a thing or service by the other. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) 2. Remuneratory contracts – The service or benefit remunerated. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) 3. Contracts of Pure Beneficence – Mere liberality of the donor or benefactor. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1350) 4. Accessory Contracts Like Mortgage and Pledge – The cause is generally the same as the cause for the principal contract of loan. (China Bank v. Lichauco, G.R. No. L-22001) 5. Accessory Contracts of Personal Guaranty – Generally pure liberality but sometimes material consideration may be given. (Standard Oil Co. v. Arenas, G.R. No. L-5921) EFFECT IN CAUSE Absence of causa – Total lack or absence of cause EFFECT Void – Contract produces no legal effect (CIVIL CODE, art. 1352) Illegality of causa – The cause is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order and public policy Falsity of causa – A cause is stated but it is not true Void – Contract produces no legal effect (CIVIL CODE, art. 1352) Causa not stated in the contract Presumed to Exist – Burden of proof is on the person assailing its existence (CIVIL CODE, art. 1354) Void IF it should not be proved that the contract was founded upon another cause which is true and lawful (CIVIL CODE, art. 1353) PAGE 171 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Inadequacy of causa or lesion (CIVIL CODE, art. 1355) General Rule: Does not invalidate contract Exceptions: 1. When, together with lesion, there has been: fraud, mistake or undue influence 2. In cases specified by law (the ff. contracts may be rescinded) Those entered into by guardians when the wards suffer lesion by more than ¼ of the value of the things which are the object thereof (CIVIL CODE, art. 1381, par. 1) Those agreed upon in representation of absentee, if the latter suffer lesion stated in par. 1 (CIVIL CODE, art. 1381, par. 2) Partition among coheirs, when any one of them received things with a value less by at least ¼ than the share to which he is entitled (CIVIL CODE, art. 1098) Failure of Cause when the seller fails to realize the price or does not deliver the thing to the buyer. The injured party is entitled to specific performance or rescission. Moral Obligation as Cause Where the moral obligation arises wholly from ethical considerations, unconnected with any civil obligations, it cannot constitute a sufficient cause or consideration to support an onerous contract. (Fisher v. Robb, G.R. No. 46274) Where such moral obligation is based upon a previous civil obligation which has already been barred by the statute of limitations at the time when the contract is entered into, it constitutes a sufficient cause or consideration to support a contract. (Villaroel v. Estrada, G.R. No. L-47362) 3. REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS As distinguished from annulment where there is no meeting of the minds, in reformation, there is meeting of the minds but attended by mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1359) Requisites for action for reformation (VP-PIM) 1. Meeting of the minds (CIVIL CODE, art. 1359) 2. True Intention is not expressed (CIVIL CODE, art. 1359) 3. Clear and convincing Proof (HECTOR S. DE LEON & HECTOR M. DE LEON, JR., COMMENTS AND CASES ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 713 (2014)) 4. Within proper prescriptive Period 5. Not simple unconditional donation inter vivos or contract where real agreement is Void (CIVIL CODE, art. 1366) NOTE: In reformation, no new contract is made. Contracts that may be reformed: (CM-TIFF) 1. Mutual mistake fails to disclose the real agreement (but it must be a mistake of Fact) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1361) 2. Unilateral mistake or the other party acted Fraudulently (CIVIL CODE, art. 1362) 3. Unilateral mistake and the other party is guilty of Concealment (CIVIL CODE, art. 1363) 4. Person drafting the instrument or clerk or typist through ignorance, lack of skill, negligence or bad faith, does not show the True Intention (CIVIL CODE, art. 1364) 5. Parties agree on Mortgage, pledge of real or personal property but instrument says that it is sold absolutely or involves a right to repurchase (CIVIL CODE, art. 1365) No reformation is allowed in: (SD-WV) 1. Simple Donation 2. Wills 3. Real agreement is Void (CIVIL CODE, art. 1366) PAGE 172 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Who may ask for reformation: (NOT-FE-MM) 1. The party who is NOT at Fault (i.e., injured party, heirs or assigns) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1367) 2. Party who is NOT asked to Enforce the instrument (CIVIL CODE, art. 1368) 3. If there is a Mutual Mistake, reformation may be had by either party or successor in interest (CIVIL CODE, art. 1368) Procedure for reformation shall be governed by the Rules of Court as promulgated by the Supreme Court. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1369) The prescriptive period for actions based upon a written contract and for reformation of an instrument is ten (10) years under Article 1144 of the Civil Code. (Yolanda Rosello-Bentir v. Honorable Mateo M. Leanda, G.R. No. 128991) 4. INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS If the terms of the agreement are clear and unequivocal, their plain and literal meanings should be followed. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1370) In the construction or interpretation of an instrument, the intention of the parties is primordial and is to be pursued. (Valdez v. CA, G.R. No. 140715) In order to judge the intention of the contracting parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall be principally considered. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1371) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) When there are several provisions in a contract, the construction to be adopted should be that one which will give effect to all provisions. A contract must be read in its entirety. (Rigor v. Consolidated Orix Leasing Finance Corporation, G.R. No. 136423) The ambiguity in a contract should be construed against the party who caused the same. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1377) 5. RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS Definition Those which have caused economic damage either to one of the parties or to a third person and which may be set aside even if valid. They may be set aside in whole or in part, to the extent of the damage caused. (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 574 (1991)) Rescissible Contracts under Art. 1381: (ALLGF) 1. Entered into by Guardian whenever ward suffers damage by more than 1/4 of value of object; 2. Agreed upon in representation of Absentees, if absentee suffers lesion by more than ¼ of value of property; 3. Contracts where rescission is based on Fraud committed on creditors (accion pauliana); 4. Objects of Litigation; contract entered into by defendant without knowledge or approval of litigants or judicial authority; and In case of doubt concerning the surrounding circumstances in the execution of a contract, the least transmission of rights and interest shall prevail if the contract is gratuitous, and if onerous, the doubt is to be settled in favor of greatest reciprocity. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1378) The terms of an agreement or writing are presumed to be have been used in their primary and general acceptation. However, evidence may be admitted to show that they have a local, technical, or otherwise peculiar signification and were used and understood in that particular instance, in which case, the agreement or writing must be construed accordingly. (REVISED RULES ON EVIDENCE, rule 130, § 15) Only laws existing at the time of the execution of a contract are applicable to it and not the later statutes unless the latter are specifically intended to have retroactive effect. (Vive Eagle Land, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 150308) Contracts involving things under litigation are rescissible. Art. 1381 (4) requires the concurrence of the following: (1) the defendant, during the pendency of the case, enters into a contract which refers to the subject of litigation; and (2) said contract was entered into without the knowledge and approval of the litigants or of a competent judicial authority. The court then has the duty to order the rescission of the contract upon the concurrence of such requisites. (Ada v. Baylon, G.R. No. 182435) 5. Provided for by Law – e.g. Arts. 1526, 1534, 1539, 1542, 1556, 1560, 1567 and 1659 Art. 1526 – Unpaid seller of goods, notwithstanding that the ownership in the goods may have passed to the buyer, subject to other provisions on Sales Art. 1534 – Unpaid seller having the right of lien or having stopped the goods in transit, where he expressly reserved his PAGE 173 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 right to do so in case the buyer should make default, or the buyer has been in default in the payment of the price for an unreasonable time Art. 1539 – In the sale of real estate at a rate of a certain price for a unit of measure or number, at the will of the vendee, when the inferior value of the thing sold exceeds one-tenth of the price agreed upon, or if the vendee would not have bought the immovable had he known of its smaller area or inferior quality Art. 1542 – In the sale of real estate, made for a lump sum, where the boundaries are mentioned and the area or number within the boundaries exceed that specified in the contract, when the vendee does not accede to the failure to deliver what has been stipulated Art. 1556 – Should the vendee lose, by reason of eviction, a part of the thing sold of such importance, in relation to the whole, that he would not have bought it without said part Art. 1560 – Vendee may ask for recession if the immovable sold should be encumbered with any non-apparent burden or servitude, not mentioned in the agreement, of such a nature that it must be presumed that the vendee would not have acquired it had he been aware thereof Art. 1567 – In cases of breach of warranty against hidden defects of or encumbrances upon the thing sold Art. 1659 – If the lessor or lessee should not comply with their obligations, the aggrieved party may ask for rescission Accion pauliana refers to the action to rescind contracts in fraud of creditors under Art. 1381. Requisites: (NR-CAFS) a. b. c. d. The plaintiff asking for rescission has a Credit prior to the alienation, although demandable later; The debtor has made a Subsequent contract conveying a patrimonial benefit to a third person; The creditor has No other legal Remedy to satisfy his claim; The act being impugned is Fraudulent; CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) e. The third person who received the property conveyed, if it is by onerous title, has been an Accomplice in the fraud. (Anchor Savings Bank v. Furigay, G.R. No. 191178, Mar. 13, 2013; Lee v. Bangkok Bank Public Company, Limited, G.R. No. 173349, Feb. 9, 2011) Under Art. 1382, payments made in a state of insolvency for obligations to whose fulfillment the debtor could not be compelled at the time they were effected are also rescissible. Requisites: a. b. The debtor-payer must have been insolvent (the insolvency need not be a judicially declared one). The debt was not yet due and demandable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1382) Obligation created by the rescission of the contract Mutual Restitution a. Things which are the objects of the contract and their fruits b. Price with interest (CIVIL CODE, art. 1385) NOTE: The obligation of restitution obviously does not apply to creditors who seek to impugn fraudulent transactions of their debtors. The obligation of mutual restitution applies to OTHERS so that that status quo may be restored. (EDGARDO L. PARAS, CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ANNOTATED: PRESCRIPTION; OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS (2016)) Requisites: (4-TRR) a. b. c. d. Plaintiff must be able to Return what has been received by virtue of the rescissible contract (CIVIL CODE, art. 1385) Object of the contract is not in the legal possession of Third persons in good faith. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1385) Plaintiff has no other legal Remedy. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1383) Action must be brought within the proper prescriptive period of 4 years. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1389) Badges of fraud are circumstances indicating that certain alienation has been made in fraud of creditors. Some examples are: a. Consideration of the conveyance is inadequate or fictitious; PAGE 174 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. c. d. e. f. g. Transfer was made by a debtor after a suit has been begun and while it is pending against him; Sale upon credit by an insolvent debtor; Evidence of indebtedness or complete insolvency; Transfer of all his property by a debtor when he is financially embarrassed or insolvent; Transfer made between father and son where this fact is considered together with the preceding circumstances; and Failure of the vendee to take exclusive possession of the property (Caltex Philippines, Inc. v. PNOC Shipping and Transport Corporation, G.R. No. 150711) The presumption of fraud in case of alienations by onerous title of a person against whom a judgment has been rendered or attachment issued does not apply to registered lands if the judgment or attachment made is not also registered. (Lee v. Bangkok Bank, G.R. No. 173349) The action to claim rescission must be commenced within four years. For persons under guardianship and for absentees, the period of four years shall not begin until the termination of the former's incapacity, or until the domicile of the latter is known (CIVIL CODE, art. 1389) 6. VOIDABLE CONTRACTS Definition Intrinsic defect; valid until annulled; defect is due to vice of consent or legal incapacity (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 601-602 (2009)) Characteristics (ACED) 1. Effective until set aside 2. May be assailed or attacked only in an Action for that purpose 3. Can be Confirmed NOTE: Confirmation is the proper term for curing the defect of a voidable contract. 4. Can be assailed only by the party whose consent was Defective or his heirs or assigns What contracts are voidable: Contracts entered into: (SIM-D3) 1. By Minors (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. By Insane unless he/she acted during a lucid interval (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327 & 1328) By Deaf mute who can’t read or write (CIVIL CODE, art. 1327) By Persons specially Disqualified: civil interdiction (CIVIL CODE, art. 1329 & 38) In state of Drunkenness (CIVIL CODE, art. 1328) In state of hypnotic Spell (CIVIL CODE, art. 1328) Mistake False belief of something which is contrary to the real intention of the parties (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 443 (2009)) Requisites: (CP-SEN) 1. Refers to the Subject of the thing which is the object of the contract 2. Refers to the Nature of the contract 3. Refers to the principal Conditions in an agreement (ERNESTO L. PINEDA, OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS 443 (2009)) 4. Error as to Person – When it is the principal consideration of the contract 5. Error as to legal Effect – When mistake is mutual and frustrates the real purpose of parties (CIVIL CODE, art. 1334) Violence Serious or irresistible force is employed to wrest consent (CIVIL CODE, art. 1335) Intimidation One party is compelled by a reasonable and wellgrounded fear of an imminent and grave danger upon person and property of himself, spouse, ascendants or descendants (moral coercion) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1335) Undue Influence Person takes improper advantage of his power over will of another depriving latter of reasonable freedom of choice (CIVIL CODE, art. 1337) The doctrine on reluctant consent provides that a contract is still valid even if one of the parties entered it against his wishes or even against his better judgment. Contracts are also valid even though they are entered into by one of the parties without hope of advantage or profit. (Martinez v. HSBC, G.R. No. L-5496) Fraud Thru insidious words or machinations of one of the contracting parties, the other is induced to enter into a contract without which he will not enter it (dolo causante). (Samson v. CA, G.R. No. 108245) PAGE 175 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Kinds of Fraud in the Performance of Obligations or Contracts 1. Causal Fraud (dolo causante) 2. Incidental Fraud (dolo incidente) 3. Tolerated Fraud – includes minimizing the defects of the thing, exaggeration of its good qualities and giving it qualities it does not have; lawful misrepresentation (CIVIL CODE, art. 1340) location, can be construed as an implied ratification thereof. NOTE: Expression of an opinion – not fraud unless made by expert and other party relied on the former’s special knowledge (CIVIL CODE, art. 1341) Ratification cleanses the contract of its defects from the moment it was constituted. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1396) Fraud by third person – does not vitiate consent; only action for damages except if there is collusion between one party and the third person, or resulted to substantial mistake, mutual between parties. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1342) Causes of Extinction of the Action to Annul 1. Prescription - Period to bring an action for Annulment (a) Intimidation, violence, undue influence – 4 years from time defect of consent ceases (b) Mistake, fraud – 4 years from time of discovery (c) Incapacity - From time guardianship ceases (CIVIL CODE, art. 1391) Discovery of fraud must be reckoned to have taken place from the time the document was registered in the office of the register of deeds. Registration constitutes constructive notice to the whole world (Carantes v. CA, G.R. No. L-33360). 2. Ratification Requisites: (Wack) 1. Knowledge of reason rendering contract voidable (CIVIL CODE, art. 1393) 2. Such reason must have Ceased (CIVIL CODE, art. 1393). Except in case of ratification effected by the guardian to contracts entered into by an incapacitated (CIVIL CODE, art. 1394) 3. The injured party must have executed an act which expressly or impliedly conveys an intention to Waive his right (CIVIL CODE, art. 1393) Even assuming that petitioner’s misrepresentation consists of fraud which could be a ground for annulling their Contract to Sell, respondent’s act of affixing her signature to the said Contract, after having acquired knowledge of the property's actual Implied ratification may take diverse forms, such as by silence or acquiescence; by acts showing approval or adoption of the contract; or by acceptance and retention of benefits flowing therefrom. (ECE Realty v. Mandap, G.R. No. 196182, Sept. 1, 2014) 3. Loss of the Thing which is the object of the contract through fraud or fault of the person who is entitled to annul the contract. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1401) NOTE: If the object is lost through a fortuitous event, the contract can still be annulled, but the person obliged to return the same can be held liable only for the value of the thing at the time of the loss, but without interest thereon. (4 ARTURO M. TOLENTINO, COMMENTARIES AND JURISPRUDENCE ON THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES 614 (1991)) 7. UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS Definition They are valid but the execution cannot be compelled unless ratified; extrinsic defect; produce legal effects only after ratified. Kinds: (URA) 1. Unauthorized or no sufficient authority – Entered into in the name of another when: (CIVIL CODE, art. 1404) a. No authority conferred (CIVIL CODE, art. 1317) b. In excess of authority conferred (ultra vires) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1317) 2. Curable by Ratification – Both parties incapable of giving consent (2 minor or 2 insane persons) (CIVIL CODE, art. 1407) 3. Curable by Acknowledgment – Failure to comply with Statute of Frauds. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1405) Statute of Frauds 1. Agreement to be performed within a year after making contract 2. Special promise to answer for debt, default or miscarriage of another 3. Agreement made in consideration of promise to marry PAGE 176 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 4. 5. 6. Agreement for sale of goods, chattels or things in action at price not less than 500; exception: auction when recorded sale in sales book Agreement for lease of property for more than one year and sale of real property regardless of price Representation as to credit of another (CIVIL CODE, art. 1403 (2)) Two Ways of Curing Unenforceable Contracts 1. Failure of defendant to object in time, to the presentation of parole evidence in court, the defect of unenforceability is cured 2. Acceptance of benefits under the contract. If there is performance in either part and there is acceptance of performance, it takes it out of unenforceable contracts; also estoppel sets in by accepting performance, the defect is waived. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1405) NOTE: The contracts/agreements under the Statute of Frauds require that the same be evidenced by some note or memorandum or writing, subscribed by the party charged or by his agent, otherwise, the said contracts shall be unenforceable. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1403) The Statute of Frauds applies only to executory contracts, not to those that are partially or completely fulfilled. (Carbonnel v. Poncio, G.R. No. L-11231) A right of first refusal is not by any means a perfected contract of sale of real property. As such, a right of first refusal need not be written to be enforceable and may be proven by oral evidence. (Rosencor Corp v. Inquing, G.R. No. 140479) In proving the fact of partial or total performance, either documentary or oral evidence may be received. (Averia v. Averia, G.R. No. 141877) Statute of Frauds is a personal act made by the parties to the unenforceable contract. Third parties cannot use the Statute of Frauds as defense, or directly attack the unenforceable contract. (Ayson v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-6501 and L-6599). 8. VOID OR INEXISTENT CONTRACTS Definition These contracts have no legal effect (Modina v. CA, G.R. No. 109355) Characteristics: 1. It produces no effect whatsoever either against or in favor of anyone; (Modina v. CA, G.R. No. 109355) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. There is no action for annulment necessary as such is ipso jure. A judicial declaration to that effect is merely a declaration; It cannot be confirmed, ratified or cured; NOTE: Assuming that the nullified ... resolutions may be deemed as contracts, we declared in our [previous ruling] that the infirmity in the nullified ... resolutions did not stem from the absence of consent or authority, which would have made them unenforceable contracts under Article 1401 (1) of the Civil Code. The infirmity comes from the failure of the NPC to comply with the requirements set forth in the EPIRA. On this basis, they cannot be classified as an unenforceable contract under Article 1403 (1) of the Civil Code, but as void contracts under Article 1409 (7) of the Civil Code for being "expressly prohibited or declared void by law." The last paragraph of Article 1409 of the Civil Code expressly provides that void contracts cannot be ratified. (NPC DAMA v. NPC, G.R. No. 156208) If performed, restoration is in order, except if pari delicto will apply; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1411 & 1412) The right to set up the defense of nullity cannot be waived; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1409) Imprescriptible (CIVIL CODE, art. 1410); and Anyone may invoke the nullity of the contract whenever its juridical effects are asserted against him (CIVIL CODE, art. 1421) Kinds of void contract: (CIVIL CODE, art. 1409) 1) Those lacking in essential elements: No consent, no object, no cause (inexistent ones) – essential formalities are not complied with. Example: Donation propter nuptias – Should conform to formalities of a donation to be valid) 2) Those which are absolutely simulated or fictitious – no cause. An absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is void, and the parties may recover from each other what they may have given under the contract. In absolute simulation, there is a colorable contract but it has no substance as the parties have no intention to be bound by it. (Heirs of Dr. Mario S. Intac and Angelina Mendoza-Intac v. CA, G.R. 173211). a) NOTE: In absolute simulation, there is a colorable contract but the parties have no intention to be bound by it. However, if the parties state a false cause in the contract to conceal their real agreement, the contract is relatively simulated and the parties are still bound by their real agreement. (CIVIL PAGE 177 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) CODE, art. 1345; Valerio v. Refresca, G.R. No. 163687) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Those which cause or object did not exist at the time of the transaction – no cause/object. This refers to a contract whose cause or object could not have existed or could not come into existence at the time of the transaction. (BALANE 778 (2020)) Those whose object is outside the commerce of man – no object / illegal / impossible object Those which contemplate an impossible service – no object / illegal / impossible object Those which intention of parties relative to principal object of the contract cannot be ascertained Those expressly prohibited or declared void by law – Contracts w/c violate any legal provision, whether it amounts to a crime or not Examples: No contract may be entered into upon future inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by law. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1347) No contract which practically amounts to involuntary servitude, under any guise whatsoever, shall be valid. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1703) 8) Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. Example: Contract to sell marijuana Other void contracts: 1. Pactum Commissorium (CIVIL CODE, art. 2088, 2130, 1390) Elements: (MAp) a. There should be a property Mortgaged by way of security for the payment of the principal obligation. b. There should be a stipulation for automatic Appropriation by the creditor of the thing mortgaged in case of nonpayment of the principal obligation within the stipulated period. (Development Bank of the Philippines v. CA, G.R. No. 118342) 2. A stipulation forbidding the owner from alienating the immovable mortgaged shall be void. Pactum De Non Alienando (CIVIL CODE, art. 2130) It is a clause in a mortgage giving the mortgagee the right to foreclose by executory process directed solely against the mortgagor and giving him or her the right to seize and sell the mortgaged property, regardless of any subsequent alienations. 3. Pactum Leonina (CIVIL CODE, art. 1799) A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any share in profit or loss is void. ILLEGAL CONTRACTS Pari Delicto Doctrine General Rule: Both parties are guilty, no action against each other; (CIVIL CODE, art. 1412) Those who come in equity must come with clean hands; (Department of Public Works and Highways v. Quiwa, G.R. No. 183444) Applies only to illegal contracts and not to inexistent contracts; Does not apply when a superior public policy intervenes. The Clean Hands Doctrine states that “a litigant may be denied relief by a court of equity on the ground that his conduct has been inequitable, unfair and dishonest, or fraudulent, or deceitful as to the controversy in issue.” Bad faith and fraud are allegations of fact that demand clear and convincing proof. (Department of Public Works and Highways v. Quiwa, G.R. No.183444) Exception: If purpose has not yet been accomplished and if damage has not been caused to any 3rd person. Other exceptions: 1. Payment of usurious interest. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1413) 2. Payment of money or delivery of property for an illegal purpose, where the party who paid or delivered repudiates the contract before the purpose has been accomplished, or before any damage has been caused to a third person. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1414) 3. Payment of money or delivery of property made by an incapacitated person. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1415) PAGE 178 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 4. 5. 6. 7. Agreement or contract which is not illegal per se and the prohibition is designed for the protection of the plaintiff. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1416) Payment of any amount in excess of the maximum price of any article or commodity fixed by law or regulation by competent authority. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1417) Contract whereby a laborer undertakes to work longer than the maximum number of hours fixed by law (CIVIL CODE, art. 1418 & 1419) One who lost in gambling because of fraudulent schemes practiced on him is allowed to recover his losses (REVISED PENAL CODE, art. 313) even if gambling is prohibited. Requisites of Illegal Contracts: 1. Contract is for an illegal purpose; 2. Contract must be repudiated by any of the parties before purpose is accomplished or damage is caused to third parties; and 3. Court believes that public interest will be served by allowing recovery (discretionary upon the court). Based on remorse; Illegality is accomplished when parties entered into contract; Before it takes effect – Party which is remorseful prevents it. Where laws are issued to protect certain sectors: consumer protection, labor, and usury law 1. Consumer Protection – If price of commodity is determined by statute, any person paying an amount in excess of the maximum price allowed may recover such excess. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1417) 2. Labor – If the law sets the minimum wage for laborers, any laborer who agreed to receive less may still be entitled to recover the deficiency; if the law sets max working hours and laborer who undertakes to work longer may demand additional compensation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1418 & 1419) 3. Interest paid in excess of the interest allowed by the usury law may be recovered by debtor with interest from date of payment. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1413) Effects of illegal contracts 1. If one party is incapacitated, courts may allow recovery of money, property delivered by incapacitated person in the interest of justice. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1415) Pari delicto doctrine cannot apply because an incapacitated person does not know what he is CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) entering into and is unable to understand the consequences of his own action. 2. If agreement is not illegal per se but merely prohibited and prohibition is designated for the protection of the plaintiff – may recover what he has paid or delivered by virtue of public policy. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1416) 3. If a subsequent contract results directly because of a previous illegal contract, the subsequent contract is also void and inexistent. “The illegality of the Sub-Contract Agreement necessarily affects the [resulting] Deed of Assignment because the rule is that an illegal agreement cannot give birth to a valid contract. To rule otherwise is to sanction the act of entering into transaction the object of which is expressly prohibited by law and thereafter execute an apparently valid contract to subterfuge the illegality. The legal proscription in such an instance will be easily rendered nugatory and meaningless to the prejudice of the general public.” (Gonzalo v. Tarnate, G.R. No. 160600) Mutual restitution in void contracts General rule: Parties should return to each other what they have given by virtue of the void contract in case Where nullity arose from defect in essential elements: 1. Return object of contract and fruits 2. Return price plus interest Exception: No recovery can be had in cases where nullity of contract arose from illegality of contract where parties are in pari delicto. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1412) Exceptions to the exception: 1. When incapacitated – Not obliged to return what he gave but may recover what he has given 2. Other party is less guilty or not guilty. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1412) C. NATURAL OBLIGATIONS Natural obligations, not being based on positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a right of action to enforce their performance, but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they authorize the retention of what has been delivered or rendered by reason thereof. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1423) PAGE 179 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Examples of natural obligations enumerated under the Civil Code: i. Performance after the civil obligation has prescribed ii. Reimbursement of a third person for a debt that has prescribed iii. Restitution by minor after annulment of contract iv. Delivery by minor of money or fungible thing in fulfillment of obligation v. Performance after action to enforce civil obligation has failed vi. Payment by heir of debt exceeding value of property inherited vii. Payment of legacy after will has been declared void. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1423-1430) D. ESTOPPEL Definition It is a condition or state by virtue of which an admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person making it and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1431) Estoppel is effective only between the parties thereto or their successors in interest. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1439) Kinds: 1. Estoppel in pais (by conduct) (a) Estoppel by silence (b) Estoppel by acceptance of benefits 2. Technical estoppel (a) Estoppel by deed (b) Estoppel by record (c) Estoppel by judgment (d) Estoppel by laches Requisites of estoppel in pais A. As related to the party to be estopped (CIK) 1. Conduct which amounts to a false representation or concealment of material facts, or at least which is calculated to convey the impression that the facts are otherwise than, and inconsistent with those which the party subsequently attempts to assert; CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. Intention or at least the expectation, that such conduct shall be acted upon, or influence, the other party or other persons; 3. Knowledge, actual or constructive, of the real facts B. As related to the party claiming the estoppel (IRA) 1. Ignorance or lack of knowledge and of the means of knowledge of the truth as to the facts in question 2. Reliance in good faith, upon the conduct or statement of the party to be estopped; and 3. Action or inaction based thereon of such a character as to change the position or status of the party claiming the estoppel, to his injury, detriment, or prejudice. (Manila International Airport Authority v. Ding Velayo Sports Center, Inc., G.R. No. 161718, Dec. 14, 2011) Requisites of estoppel by laches (CLID) 1. Conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation of which complaint is made; 2. Delay in asserting the complainant’s right, the complainant having had knowledge or notice of the defendant’s conduct and having been afforded an opportunity to sue; actual knowledge of the commission of the adverse act is not necessary, it being enough that such knowledge may be imputed to the complainant because of circumstances of which he was cognizant; 3. Lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the defendant that the complainant would assert the right on which he bases his suit; and 4. Injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is accorded to the complainant, or the suit is not held to be barred. (Cimafranca v. IAC, G.R. No. L-68687, Jan. 31, 1987) E. TRUSTS Definition A fiduciary relationship between a person who establishes a trust (trustor), one in whom confidence is reposed as regards property for the benefit of another person (trustee), and a person for whose PAGE 180 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 benefit the trust has been created (beneficiary). (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1440) the Code of Commerce, the Rules of Court and special laws applies. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1442) It is a legal relationship between one person who has equitable ownership of the property and another who owns the legal title to the property. (Oco v. Limbaring, G.R. No. 161298) KINDS OF TRUST Characteristics of a Trust 1. It is a relationship; 2. Fiduciary; 3. Created by law or agreement 4. Involves property, not merely personal duties; 5. Where the legal title is held by one, the equitable title or beneficial title is held by another; 6. Involves the existence of equitable duties imposed upon the holder of the title to the property to deal with it for the benefit of another; and 7. Arises as a result of a manifestation of intention to create the relationship. (Morales v. CA, G.R. No. 117228) Parties to a Trust 1. Trustor – The person who establishes the trust. 2. Trustee – The person in whom confidence is reposed as regards property for the benefit of another. 3. Beneficiary – The person for whose benefit the trust has been created. (Penalber v. Ramos, G.R. No. 178645) TRUST (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1441) Arises either by virtue of a contract or by operation of law Either express or implied Continues to exist unless repudiated STIPULATION POUR AUTRUI (Mamaril v. BSP, G.R. No. 179382, Jan. 14, 2013.) Arises only by virtue of a contract Always express Third person must have communicated his acceptance to the obligor before its revocation by the obligee or the original parties Trustees Cannot Donate Property in Trust Trustees cannot donate the property entrusted to them. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 736) NOTE: The principles of the general law of trusts, insofar as they are not in conflict with the Civil Code, 1. EXPRESS TRUST Definition Created by express agreement of the parties, or by intention of trustor. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1441) Express trusts are those which are created by the direct and positive acts of the parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words either expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to create a trust. (Ramos v. Ramos, G.R. No. L-19872) Requisites in Creating an Express Trust a. Clear intent to establish trust; (Art. 1444) b. Direct and positive acts of the parties evidence the intention to create trust by means of: i. Writing; ii. Deed; iii. Will; iv. Words. (Canezo v. Rojas, G.R. No. 148788) NOTE: No particular words are required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1444) Proof Required for Express Trusts Concerning Immovables No express trust concerning an immovable or any interest therein may be proved by parol evidence. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1443) However, when oppositors failed to timely object when the petitioner tried to prove by parol evidence the existence of an express trust over immovable, in the nature of a statute of frauds. (Penalber v. Ramos, G.R. No. 178645). NOTE: To prove an express trust over an immovable or any interest therein, there must always be a showing of some documents proving the same. (Pascual v. Meneses, G.R. No. L-18838) Requisites for Creating a Testamentary Trust a. Sufficient words to raise a trust; b. Definite subject; c. Certain or ascertained object. (Lorenzo v. Posadas, Jr., G.R. No. L-43082) PAGE 181 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 On Declining Trustees General Rule: No trust shall fail because the trustee appointed declines the designation. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1445) NOTE: In case of refusal to accept an express trust, the court will appoint a trustee. Exception: When the contrary appears in the instrument constituting the trust. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1445) Acceptance by Beneficiary Acceptance by the beneficiary is necessary. If he repudiates or declines, the trust does not become effective. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1446) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Implied trusts are remedies against unjust enrichment. Under the general principles on trust, equity converts the holder of property right as trustee for the benefit of another if the circumstances of its acquisition makes the holder ineligible in good conscience to hold and enjoy it. (Juan v. Yap, Sr., G.R. No. 182177). Chapter on Implied Trusts is not an exclusive list The chapter on implied trust does not exclude others established by the general law of trust which do not violate our rules and laws. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1447) NOTE: The beneficiary’s acceptance shall be presumed if the trust imposes no onerous condition upon the beneficiary and if there is no proof to the contrary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1446) When there is no trust A trust will not be created when for the purpose of evading the law prohibiting one from taking or holding real property, one takes conveyance thereof in the name of a third person. (Kiel v. Estate of Sabert, G.R. No. 21639.) On Acquisitive Prescription General Rule: A trustee cannot acquire ownership of property entrusted to him through prescription, as possession of a trustee is not adverse. (Canezo v. Rojas, G.R. No. 148788.) If there is an express intention to create a trust, the trust is express and not implied, even if the situations falls under any of the provisions in this chapter. (Cuaycong v. Cuaycong, G.R. No. L21616.) Exception: (REKA) a. Trustee performed unequivocal acts of Repudiation amounting to an ouster of the cestui que trust; b. Positive acts of repudiation have been made Known to the cestui que trust; c. Evidence is clear and conclusive; and d. Adverse possession of the trustee must be at least 10 years in the concept of an owner. (Canezo v. Rojas, G.R. No. 148788.) NOTE: Above elements must concur. There can be no implied trust created over land in favor of a foreigner that would amount to a violation of the constitution. (Encarnacion v. Johnson, G.R. No. 192285.) Extinguishment of an Express Trust a. Accomplishment of the aims of the trust; b. Expiration of the agreed term; c. Mutual agreement of all parties; d. Happening of a resolutory condition; e. Total loss of the object of the trust; f. Annulment or rescission of the trust; g. Decision of the court declaring termination; h. Merger of the rights of the trustor and the trustee; i. Prescription; and j. Upon the trustee's death (Canezo v. Rojas, G.R. No. 148788.) 2. IMPLIED TRUST Basis of implied trust is equity Resulting Trust vs. Constructive Trust RESULTING TRUSTS CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTS Based on the equitable Created by the doctrine that valuable construction of equity consideration & not in order to satisfy the legal title determines demands of justice & equitable title or prevent unjust interest; presumed to enrichment always have been contemplated by the parties Arise from the nature Arise contrary to or intention against one circumstances of the who, by fraud, duress consideration involved or abuse of confidence, in a transaction obtains or hold the whereby one person legal right to property, thereby becomes which he ought not, in invested with legal title equity, & good but is obligated in conscience, to hold equity to hold his legal title for the benefit of another (O’Laco v. Co Cho Chit, G.R. No. 58010.) PAGE 182 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Constructive Trust Article 1450 is an illustration of an implied trust which is constructive. It presupposes a situation where a person, using his own funds, purchases a certain piece of land in behalf of another who, in the meantime, may not have sufficient funds to purchase the land. The property is then transferred in the name of the trustee, the person who paid for the land, until he is reimbursed by the beneficiary, the person for whom the land is purchased. It is only after the beneficiary reimburses the trustee of the purchase price that the former can compel conveyance of the purchased property from the latter. (Nakpil v. IAC, G.R. No. 74449.) A constructive trust does not arise on every moral wrong in acquiring or holding property or on every abuse of confidence in business or other affairs; such a trust arises & will be declared only on wrongful acquisitions or retentions of property of which equity takes cognizance. It has been broadly ruled that a breach of confidence although in business or social relations, rendering an acquisition or retention of property by one person unconscionable against another, raises a constructive trust. (Policarpio v. CA, G.R. No. 116211.) Resulting Trust Resulting trusts are species of implied trusts that are presumed always to have been intended by the parties (Ossorio Pension Foundation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 162175.) a. Implied Trust When Property is Granted to One/Trustee But Price is Paid by Another for the Interest of Beneficiary CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Burden of proof The burden of proving the existence of a trust is on the party asserting existence of trust, and such proof must be clearly and satisfactorily show the existence of the trust and its elements. (Jarantilla, Jr. v. Jarantilla, G.R. No. 154486.) NOTE: Presumption is that he who pays for a thing intends a beneficial interest for himself. (e.g. where the club share was bought and paid for by A and placed in the name of its officer B, a resulting trust is presumed as a matter of law in favor of A. The burden shifts to show otherwise) (Sime Darby Pilipinas v. Mendoza, G.R. No. 20227.) b. Implied Trust in Donation There is also an implied trust when a donation is made to a person but it appears that although the legal estate is transmitted to the donee, he nevertheless is either to have no beneficial interest or only a part thereof. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1449) c. Implied Trust Property in Sale of If the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid by one person for the benefit of another & the conveyance is made to the lender or payor to secure the payment of the debt, a trust arises by operation of law in favor of the person to whom the money is loaned or for whom it is paid. The latter may redeem the property & compel a conveyance thereof to him. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1450) d. Implied Trust in Co-Ownership There is an implied trust when property is sold, & the legal estate is granted to one party but the price is paid by another for the purpose of having the beneficial interest of the property. The former is the trustee, while the latter is the beneficiary. If two or more persons agree to purchase property & by common consent the legal title is taken in the name of one of them for the benefit of all, a trust is created by force of law in favor of the others in proportion to the interest of each. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1452) However, if the person to whom the title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1448) A resulting trust arises in the situation, because of the intention to create one. Purchasers are coowners of the property. In the absence of any specific agreement to the contrary, their shares are presumed equal. Elements of purchase money resulting trust 1. Actual payment of money, property, or service, or an equivalent valuable consideration; and 2. Such consideration must be furnished by the alleged beneficiary of a resulting trust. (Trinidad v. Imson, G.R. No. 197728.) e. Implied Trust in Succession When land passes by succession to any person and he causes the legal title to be put in the name of another, a trust is established by implication of law PAGE 183 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 for the benefit of the true owner. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1451) This article provides for a resulting trust there being a clear intention to establish a trust. The refers to inherited land. There is no good reason why the principle cannot apply to personal properties. f. Property Conveyed in Reliance upon His Declared Intention to Hold it For Another When property is conveyed to a person in reliance upon his declared intention to hold it for, or transfer it to another or the grantor, there is an implied trust in favor of the person whose benefit is contemplated. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1453) An implied resulting trust is created because of the declared intention of the grantee to hold or transfer the property to the grantor or to another person. g. An Absolute Conveyance to Secure Performance of Obligation If an absolute conveyance of property is made in order to secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of law is established. If the fulfillment of the obligation is offered by the grantor when it becomes due, he may demand the reconveyance of the property to him. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1454) A resulting trust is one that arises by implication of law and presumed always to have been contemplated by the parties, the intention as to which can be found in the nature of their transaction although not expressed in a deed or instrument of conveyance. (Heirs of Yap v. CA, G.R. No. 133047.) There is an intention to create trust, although it was not reflected in the deed of reconveyance, therefore, an implied resulting trust is created. h. Trustee’s Use of Funds Held in Trust When any trustee, guardian or other person holding a fiduciary relationship uses trust funds for the purchase of property & causes the conveyance to be made to him or to a third person, a trust is established by operation of law in favor of the person to whom the funds belong. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1455) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) In order to prevent unjust enrichment on the part of the fiduciary, an implied constructive trust is created in this circumstance. Persons covered Any person holding a fiduciary position such as a trustee, guardian, agent, partner, or a confidential employee, among others. Rationale of rule To prevent fiduciary from temptation of putting his own self-interest above that of his principal whom he is supposed to protect. It also is intended to keep and encourage the fiduciary to remain honest and loyal to his principal. i. Property Acquired Mistake or Fraud Through If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property comes. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1456) This trust is created by law to prevent unjust enrichment on the part of the acquirer to the prejudice of the true owner. The mistake must be committed by a third person. If made by a party, there is no trust. E.g. Conveyance made by seller of a property acquired through pactum commisorium is void, and thus not vest title to the buyer. Such a situation falls squarely under Art. 1456, where the buyer is deemed to have acquired the property by mistake or through ineffectual transfer (Home Guaranty Corp. v. La Savoie Dev. Corp G.R. No. 168616.). Violation of a condition in donation No trust is created if a condition in a valid donation has been breached by the donee. The property remains in ownership of the done subject to proper action for revocation. If the action has prescribed however, the donee will remain as the rightful owner. Oral Evidence An implied trust may be proved by oral evidence. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1457) It is deducible from the nature of the transactions as matters of intent or which are super-induced on the transaction by operation of law, independently of the particular intention of the parties. PAGE 184 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When an immovable or an interest therein is involved in an express trust, parol evidence is not allowed. But, when trust is implied, parol evidence is allowed to prove its existence. Consequently, if property involved in express trust is movable, parol evidence is allowed. Proof needed to prove trust by parol evidence It must be trustworthy and received by the courts with caution, and should not be made to rest on loose, equivocal or indefinite declarations. Trustworthy evidence is required because oral evidence can easily be fabricated. (Herbon v. Palad, G.R. No. 149542.). Further, it must be clear, satisfactory, and convincing, as intent to establish trust cannot rest on vague, uncertain evidence, or on loose, equivocal, or indefinite declaration. (Heirs of Narvasa Sr. v. Imbornal, G.R. 182908.) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. Kinds of quasi-contract 1. Negotiorum Gestio is the voluntary management of the property or affairs of another in times of emergency without the owner’s authority. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2144) Obligation created: Return of the property by the officious manager to the owner once the emergency ceases, and for the owner to reimburse expenses incurred by the officious manager. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2150) 2. Solutio Indebiti is the juridical relation, which is created when something is received when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered through mistake. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2154) Q: What is the applicable prescriptive period for actions for the reconveyance of real property based on implied trust? Obligation created: Recipient to return the property delivered through mistake. A: 10 years, reckoned from the time the cause of action accrues. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1144; Sps. Dico v. Vizcaya Management Corporation, G.R. No. 161211.) In arguing that the action for reconveyance had prescribed, the petitioners claimed that the cause of action of the respondent should be based on the latter's Deed of Sale and thus the respondent's right of action should have accrued from its execution.110 This Court, however, ruled that the right of action accrued from the time the property was registered because registration is the act that signifies that the adverse party repudiates the implied trust: (Sps. Roberto Aboitiz And Maria Cristina Cabarrus v. Sps. Peter Po and Victoria Po, G.R. No. 208450 and 208497) The act must be Unilateral distinguishing it from contract which is based on agreement. (PINEDA 15 (2009)) SOLUTIO INDEBITI NATURAL OBLIGATIONS In solutio indebiti, the payment or delivery is made on the basis of a mistake, hence the recipient has the legal obligation to return. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2154) The person making the payment or delivery knows that he has no legal obligation to pay or to deliver but still voluntarily makes such payment or delivery. For this reason, once payment or delivery has been made, there is no right to ask for the return. (CIVIL CODE, art. 1423) F. QUASI-CONTRACTS Definition Quasi-contracts are juridical relations resulting from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts, which has for its purpose, the payment of indemnity to the end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2142) Distinguished from other Sources (LUV) 1. The act giving rise to a quasi-contract must be Lawful distinguishing it from delict; 2. The act must be Voluntary distinguishing it from a quasi-delict which is based on fault or negligence; and 3. Other cases of quasi-contracts (CIVIL CODE, art. 2164-2175) When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears that he gave it out of piety and without intention of being repaid. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2164) When funeral expenses are borne by a third person, without the knowledge of those PAGE 185 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 relatives who were obliged to give support to the deceased, said relatives shall reimburse the third person, should the latter claim reimbursement. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2165) When the person obliged to support an orphan, or an insane or other indigent person unjustly refuses to give support to the latter, any third person may furnish support to the needy individual, with right of reimbursement from the person obliged to give support. The provisions of this article apply when the father or mother of a child under eighteen years of age unjustly refuses to support him. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2166) When through an accident or other cause a person is injured or becomes seriously ill, and he is treated or helped while he is not in a condition to give consent to a contract, he shall be liable to pay for the services of the physician or other person aiding him, unless the service has been rendered out of pure generosity. (CIVIL CODE, CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) are governed by articles 1236 and 1237. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2173) When in a small community a majority of the inhabitants of age decide upon a measure for protection against lawlessness, fire, flood, storm or other calamity, any one who objects to the plan and refuses to contribute to the expenses but is benefited by the project as executed shall be liable to pay his share of said expenses. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2174) Any person who is constrained to pay the taxes of another shall be entitled to reimbursement from the latter. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2175) The Civil Code provides [the NOTE: abovementioned] enumeration of quasi-contracts, but the list is not exhaustive and merely provides examples. (Metrobank v. AMC, G.R. No. 170498) art. 2167) When during a fire, flood, storm, or other calamity, property is saved from destruction by another person without the knowledge of the owner, the latter is bound to pay the former just compensation. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2168) When the government, upon the failure of any person to comply with health or safety regulations concerning property, undertakes to do the necessary work, even over his objection, he shall be liable to pay the expenses. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2169) When by accident or other fortuitous event, movables separately pertaining to two or more persons are commingled or confused, the rules on co-ownership shall be applicable. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2170) The rights and obligations of the finder of lost personal property shall be governed by articles 719 and 720. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2171) The right of every possessor in good faith to reimbursement for necessary and useful expenses is governed by article 546. (CIVIL CODE, art. 2172) When a third person, without the knowledge of the debtor, pays the debt, the rights of the former PAGE 186 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 187 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 V. SALES TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. NATURE AND FORM 1. Essential requisites a. Elements of a contract of sale b. Requisites of a valid subject matter c. Requisites for a valid price 2. Perfection a. Requirements of a perfection of a sale 3. Contract of sale v. contract to sell B. CAPACITY TO BUY OR SELL 1. Absolute incapacity 2. Relative incapacity C. EFFECTS OF THE CONTRACT WHEN THE THING SOLD HAS BEEN LOST D. OBLIGATIONS OF VENDOR E. OBLIGATIONS OF VENDEE F. BREACH OF CONTRACT 1. Remedies a. Remedies of seller in case of sale of movables b. Remedies of seller in case of sale of immovables c. Remedies of buyer 2. Recto Law and Maceda Law a. Recto Law: Sale of movables on installment (Arts. 1484-1486) b. Maceda Law (R.A. 6552) 3. Other Remedies a. Remedies in double sale b. Remedy of rescission in contracts covering immovables G. EXTINGUISHMENT 1. In general 2. Pacto de retro sale 3. Equitable Mortgage 4. Legal Redemption H. ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS A. NATURE AND FORM Contract of Sale It is a contract where one of the contracting parties (Seller) obligates himself to transfer the ownership and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other party (Buyer) to pay a price certain in money or its equivalent. A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. (Art. 1458) 1. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES a. Elements of a Contract of Sale: (CSP) 1. Consent 2. Determinate or Determinable Subject Matter 3. Price certain in money or its equivalent (Coronel v. CA, G.R. No. 103577, 1996) The absence of any essential elements negates the existence of a perfected contract of sale. (Dizon v. CA, G.R. 122544, 1999) Characteristics of Contract of Sale: (NOCPCBR) 1. Nominate 2. Onerous 3. Consensual 4. Principal 5. Commutative 6. Bilateral 7. Reciprocal In Suntay v. Court of Appeals, SC held that “[t]hough the notarization of the deed of sale in question vests in its favor the presumption of regularity, it is not the intention nor the function of the notary public to validate and make binding an instrument never, in the first place, intended to have any binding legal effect upon the parties thereto. The intention of the parties still and always is the primary consideration in determining the true nature of a contract” and “even an apparently valid notarization of a document does not guarantee its validity”. (Dizon v. Matti, Jr., G.R. No. 215614 (Resolution), March 27, 2019) Article 1354 of the Civil Code provides that there is a presumption that even though the contract did not state a case, a lawful one exists and it is incumbent upon the party impugning the contract to prove the contrary. In the case at hand, since both the DOS (deed of sale) and COS (contract of sale) were public documents, the oral evidence of lack of consideration were not sufficient to overthrow the PAGE 188 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 presumption of the existence of a valid consideration. (Sepe v. Heirs of Kilang, G.R. No. 199766, April 10, 2019) FORMALITIES OF CONTRACT Form not important for validity of sale GR: Contract of sale is consensual, i.e., perfected by mere consent as to price and subject matter (or object of the contract). (Art. 1475) Non-compliance with the formal requirements does not affect the validity of sale. (Fule v. CA, G.R. No. L-40502 & L-42607, 1976) When form is important for validity; exception by specific provision of law; 1. Donations and wills (Arts. 749, 804); 2. Power to sell a piece of land granted to an agent must be in writing– otherwise sale is VOID (Art. 1874); 3. Sale of large cattle; must also be registered with Municipal treasurer – otherwise VOID (Art. 1581; Revised Administrative Code, Sec. 529); 4. Sale of land by non-Christian if not approved by Governor – VOID (Tac-an v. CA, G.R. No. L38736, 1984). Article 1358, which requires the embodiment of certain contracts in a public instrument, is only for convenience, and registration of the instrument only adversely affects third parties. Formal requirements are, therefore, for the benefit of third parties; and non-compliance therewith does not adversely affect the validity of the contract and the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder. (Dalion v. CA, 182 SCRA 872,1990) Statute of Frauds Note that if particular form is required under the statute of frauds and the same is not followed: While the sale is valid, it is UNENFORCEABLE even as to the parties to the contract of sale. When form (should be in writing and not merely verbal) is important for enforceability [Statute of Frauds](Art. 1403 [2]) 1. A contract not to be performed in 1 year: A sale agreement which by its terms is not to be performed within a year from the making thereof; 2. Php 500 and above: An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or things in action, at a price not less than PhP500 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. Sale of land: A sale of real property or of an interest therein. Exceptions to coverage of statute of frauds in sales contracts: 1. Written: When there is a note or memorandum in writing and subscribed to by party or his agent (contains essential terms of the contract) (Art. 1403) 2. Partial execution: When there has been partial performance/execution (seller delivers with intent to transfer title/receives price; or when buyer partially pays the price) (Art. 1405) 3. Failure to object: When there has been failure to object to presentation of evidence (oral) (Art. 1405) 4. E-commerce: When sales are effected through electronic commerce through electronic documents which are the functional equivalent of the written documents for validity, enforceability and evidentiary purposes. (R.A. 8792, Secs. 7 and 12) While a sale of land appearing in a private deed is binding between the parties, it cannot be considered binding on third persons if not embodied in a public instrument and recorded in the Registry of Deeds. (Secuya v. Vda. De Selma, G.R. No. 136021, 2000) Although the execution of a deed of sale is absolutely unnecessary for validity, it is nevertheless important for 1) the enforceability of executory contracts under Article 1403 of the Civil Code, 2) the convenience of the parties under Article 1358 of the same Code, and 3) the eventual registration of the sale with the land registration authority under P.D. 1529. A sale would be perfectly valid even if no deed whatsoever had been executed, subject only to the requirements of the Statute of Frauds. As such, the parties may prove the existence of a perfected or performed contract of sale through any competent evidence available, be it an original deed, a copy thereof, a memorandum, or even testimony on the prior, subsequent, and contemporaneous acts of the parties. (Tamayao v. Lacambra, G.R. No. 244232, November 3, 2020) FORMATION OF THE CONTRACT Three Stages in Life of a Contract of Sale 1. Policitacion/Negotiation Stage – offer floated, acceptance is floated but they do not meet; covers the period when parties indicate their interest but no concurrence of offer and acceptance. PAGE 189 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. 3. Perfection – the “birth” of the contract, concurrence of all requisites; meeting of the minds upon the object and price. Consummation – the “death” of the contract, parties perform their respective undertakings (Arts. 1475, 1479, 1493-1506; Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 118-119, 2016) Rules: 1. Offer is floated 2. Offer floated with a period 3. Offer floated w/ condition 4. Offer floated without period/ without condition 5. Offer is floated and there is counteroffer 6. Offer is floated 7. Offer accepted absolutely Prior to acceptance, may be withdrawn at will by offeror Without acceptance, extinguished when period has ended and may be withdrawn at will by offeror; right to withdraw must not be arbitrary otherwise, liable to damage under Art. 19, 20, 21 of Civil Code Extinguished by happening/non-happening of condition Continue to be valid depending upon circumstances of time, place and person Original offer is destroyed, there is a new offer; cannot go back to original offer No authority of offeror to modify offer Proceed to perfected stage OPTION CONTRACT A contract granting an exclusive right in one person, for which he has paid a separate consideration, to buy a certain object within an agreed period of time. (Art. 1479) (Note: an option can be in an independent/standalone contract or simply embedded as a provision within a contract that gives the option holder the right, but not the obligation, to exercise an option to buy or sell a subject matter.) NOTE: There is no presumption of consideration, it needs to be proven (Sanchez v. Rigos, G.R. No. L25494, 1972) Option - an unaccepted or unexercised contractual offer (Adelfa Properties v. CA, G.R. No. 111238, 1995) Elements of Valid Option Contract: 1. Consent – meeting of the minds CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. Subject matter – an option right to an “unaccepted unilateral offer to buy or sell”, or an “accepted promise to sell, or to buy”: (a) A determinate or determinable object (b) For a price certain (including manner of payment) Prestation – a consideration separate from purchase price for option given, i.e., Option (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 126, 2016) Characteristics of Option Contract: (SPNOCUUP) 1. Not the contract of sale by itself, Separate and distinct 2. Nominate 3. Principal - but can be attached to other principal contracts 4. Onerous 5. Commutative 6. Unilateral – versus contract of sale which is bilateral 7. Preparatory 8. Unaccepted or unexercised contractual offer Consideration in an option contract may be anything of value, unlike in sale where it must be price certain in money. (San Miguel Philippines v. Huang, G.R. No. 137290, 2000) However, when the consideration is not monetary, the consideration must be clearly specified as such in the option contract or clause. When the written agreement itself does not state the consideration for the option contract, the offeree bears the burden of proving the existence of a separate consideration for the option. (PNOC v. Keppel Phils. Holdings, Inc., G.R. No. 202050, 2016) How Exercised: Notice of acceptance should be communicated to offeror even without actual payment of the option money as long as there is delivery of payment in consummation stage. (Nietes v. CA, G.R. No. L-32873, 1972) Situations in an Option Contract: 1. With separate consideration Option contract is valid Offeror cannot withdraw offer until after expiry period Subject to damages for breach of option contract if offeror withdraws during the time stipulated but not to specific performance because an option contract does not create an PAGE 190 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 obligation to give (Tuazon v. Del RosarioSuares, G.R. No. 168325, 2010) 2. Without separate consideration Even if the option without separate consideration constitute a certain offer, still it must still be exercised within the option period and the acceptance must still be absolute. (Tuazon v. Del Rosario-Suares, G.R. No. 168325, 2010) Important rules on options: 1. If the period for the exercise of the option is not supported by a separate consideration, the offeror is still free and has the right to withdraw the offer before its acceptance, or, if an acceptance has been made, before the offeror’s coming to know of such fact, by communicating that withdrawal to the offeree. 2. The right to withdraw, however, must not be exercised whimsically or arbitrarily; otherwise, it could give rise to a damage claim under Article 19 (Abuse of Rights). 3. If the period has a separate consideration, a contract of “option” is deemed perfected, and it would be a breach of contract to withdraw the offer during the agreed period. 4. The option is an independent contract in itself, and it is to be distinguished from the proposed sales contract. If the optioner-offeror withdraws the offer before its acceptance by the optioneeofferee, the optionee-offeree may not sue for specific performance on the proposed contract since it has not been perfected; however, the optioner-offeror is liable for damages for breach of the option. 5. In these cases, if the consideration is intended to be part of the consideration for the main contract with a right of withdrawal on the part of the optionee, the main contract could be deemed perfected; a similar instance would be an “earnest money” in sale that can evidence its perfection. (Ang Yu Asuncion v. CA, G.R. No. 109125, 1994) RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL A right of first refusal (“RFR”) covers a situation wherein a promise on the part of the owner of a property is made that if he decides to sell the property in the future, he will first offer the same to the promisee. It creates a promise to enter into a contract of sale in the event the seller decides to sell his/her property CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) and it has no separate consideration. It is not subject to specific performance because there is no contractual relationship here and it is not an obligation to give (not a real contract). New doctrine: May be subject performance in a specific instance. to specific The RFR is only subject to specific performance insofar as it is attached to a valid written principal contract (e.g., lease). RFR becomes one of the considerations in the contract. If RFR is violated, and property sold to another buyer in bad faith, the sale to the 3rd party buyer is rescissible. The price for the 3rd party buyer is to be the basis for the price of the sale back to the one with the RFR. Lessee can exercise the right of first refusal once the sale to the third party is set aside or rescinded. (Equatorial Dev’t v. Mayfair Theater, G.R. No. 106063, 2006) Effect of new doctrine: While valid option contract is not subject to specific performance, right of first refusal, may be subject to specific performance. It recognizes recovery of damages based on abuse of rights doctrine. The consideration for the RFR is technically the consideration for the mother contract as the RFR has value to the party in whose favor it is granted. In practice, the RFR may result in the lease rentals being adjusted downwards to account for the value of the RFR. Only after the optionee fails to exercise his right of first priority under the same terms and within the period contemplated, could the owner validly offer to sell the property to a third person under the same terms as offered to the optionee. (Parañaque Kings v. CA, G.R. No. 111538, 1997) Option Contract Distinguished from Right of First Refusal OPTION CONTRACT RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Principal contract; Accessory; cannot stands on its own stand on its own Needs separate Does not need consideration separate consideration Subject matter and There must be price must be valid subject matter but price not important Not conditional Conditional Not subject to specific Subject to specific performance performance PAGE 191 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Mutual promise to buy and sell (Art. 1479) 1. Promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price certain: reciprocally demandable; 2. Accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell: binding upon the promissor if promise supported by a consideration distinct from the price. EMPTIO REI SPERATAE “The purchase of what we hope” Sale of an expected thing/ future thing Implied renewals do not include the option to buy, as it is not germane to the lessee's continued use of the property. Based on Article 1643, the lessee's main obligation is to allow the lessee to enjoy the use of the thing leased. Other contract stipulations unrelated to this — refusal — cannot be presumed included in the implied contract renewal. The law itself limits the terms that are included in implied renewals. One cannot simply presume that all conditions in the original contract are also revived; after all, a contract is based on the meeting of the minds between parties. (Spouses Manas v Nicolasora, G.R. No. 208845, February 3, 2020). Sale is subject to a suspensive condition—that the thing will exist; if it does not, there is no contract SUBJECT MATTER OF SALE b. Requisites of a valid subject matter (Arts. 1459-1465) 1. 2. 3. 1. Existing and future things Existing, having potential of existence, future, or contingent (Arts. 1347, 1348, 1462) (a) Existing goods – goods owned or possessed by the seller at the time of perfection (b) Future goods – goods to be manufactured, raise, or acquired by the seller after the perfection of the contract (forward contracts) Whether the subject matter is of a type and nature that exists or could be made to exist to allow the seller reasonable certainty of being able to comply with his obligations. Minimum requirement of potential existence: taking into consideration the state of science and technology at the time of perfection of the contract. “Purchase of hope” Sale of a hope or expectancy that the thing will come to existence; sale of the hope itself Sale is effective even if the thing does not come into existence, unless it is a vain hope (Art. 1461 Sale of a vain hope or expectancy is void) Uncertainty is with regard to the existence of the thing Uncertainty is with regard to the quantity and quality of the thing and not the existence of the thing Object is a future Object is a present thing, which must be thing which is the hope determinate or specific or expectancy (not generic) E.g. growing crops E.g., lottery ticket (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 67-68, 2016) 2. Existing and future things Licit Determinate or Determinable If requisite not present, resulting contract is VOID. EMPTIO SPEI Licit Not outside the commerce of man (Art. 1459) If illicit, contract is void Sale declared illegal by law (i.e., narcotics, wild birds and mammals, rare wild plants, etc.) Prohibited: (a) Narcotics (RA 6425); (b) Wild Birds or mammals (R.A. No. 2590); rare wild plants (R.A. No. 3983); poisonous plants or fruits (R.A. No. 1288); dynamited fish (R.A. 428); (c) Gunpowder and explosives (Act No. 2255); and firearms and ammunitions (P.D. No, 9); (d) Sale of land by non-Christians (Sec. 145, Administrative Code of 1987) (e) Animals with contagious diseases (Art. 1575) (f) Sale of animals unfit for the use or service for which they were acquired (Art. 1575) (g) Sale of future inheritance and other rights that are not transmissible (Art. 1347) 3. Determinate or Determinable Determinate: always specific particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class; (Art. 1460) PAGE 192 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Determinable: always generic Thing is capable of being made determinate (Capacity to Segregate Test) Without the necessity of a new or further contract between the parties (No Further Agreement Test). (Art. 1460) NOTE: Subject matter CANNOT be DETERMINED BY a 3rd PARTY. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 102, 2016) When subject matter is a right: It must be transmissible. (Art. 1311) Future inheritance cannot be sold (Art. 1347) Service cannot be sold (Art. 1348) Quantity of subject matter is not essential for perfection, but quantity is essential if it goes into the determinability of the subject matter and the price or consideration in the contract; Determine the nature and quality of subject matter (National Grains Authority v. IAC, G.R. No. 74470, 1989) Generic things may be the object of a sale, but the obligation to deliver the subject matter can only be complied with when the subject matter has been made determinate (either by physical segregation or particular designation) (Yu Tek & Co. v. Gonzales, G.R. No. L-9935, 1915) PRICE Price The sum stipulated as the equivalent of the thing sold and also every incident taken into consideration for the fixing of the price, put to the debit of the vendee and agreed to by him. (Inchausti & Co. v. Cromwell, G.R. No. L-6584, 1991) NOTE: Sale is valid when consideration is partly in money and partly in another thing. (Art. 1468). c. Requisites for a valid price (ReM-C) 1. 2. 3. Real In Money or its equivalent Certain or ascertainable (Francisco v. Desierto, G.R. No. 154117, 2009) 1. Real, not simulated When at the perfection of the contract of sale, there is every intention on the buyer to pay the price, and every expectation on the part of the seller to receive CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) such price as the value of the subject matter he obligates himself to deliver. (Test of intention) (Rongavilla v. CA, G.R No. 83974, 1998) Effect Where Price is Simulated i. The act may be shown to have been in reality a donation, or some other act or contract. (Art. 1471) ii. If not, and neither party had any intention whatsoever that the amount will be paid (absolutely simulated): the sale is void (Rongavilla v. CA, G.R. No. 83974, 1998) iii. If there is a real price but what is stated in the contract is not the one intended to be paid (only relatively simulated or what is called a “False Price”): the ostensible contract of sale is valid but subject to reformation. (Macapagal v. Remorin, G.R. No. 158380, 2005) 2. In money or its equivalent Consideration for a valid contract of sale can be the price and other valuable consideration; at the very least, a true contract of sale must have price, which consist of valuable consideration (i.e., something that can be quantifiable by pesos and centavos) as part of its consideration (Test of value consideration). (Republic v. Phil. Resources Dev., G.R. No. L-10141, 1958) 3. Certain or ascertainable Certain: expressed and agreed in terms of specific pesos and/or centavos (Art. 1469) Ascertainable: i. Set by third persons (Art. 1469) ii. Set by the courts – only in cases where the third person designated to fix the price, fixes the same in bad faith or by mistake (Art. 1469) iii. Set by reference to a definite day, particular exchange or market (Art. 1472) iv. Set by reference to another thing certain (Art. 1472) v. But never by only one party to the contract of sale as it amounts to a potestative condition (unless the price is accepted by the other party) (Art. 1473) NOTE: When the 3rd party is unwilling to set the price, the parties may not ask the court to fix the price because the condition imposed on the contract has not happened yet and thus, no enforceable contract has arisen. (Art. 1474) PAGE 193 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 IF PRICE IS NEITHER CERTAIN NOR ASCERTAINABLE: The contract of sale is inefficacious (Art. 1474). Effect of Non-Payment of Price Non-payment of price does not cancel or avoid the sale, as the sale is still considered perfected. But it is a cause for either: (a) Specific performance or (b) Rescission. (Heirs of Escanlar v. CA, G.R. No. 119777, 1997) HOW PRICE IS DETERMINED Price is determined by the contracting parties. (Art. 1473) INADEQUACY OF PRICE Effect of Gross Inadequacy of Price General Rule: Mere inadequacy of the price does not affect the validity of the sale. (Bautista v. CA, G.R. No. 158015, 2004) Exceptions: 1. When there is fraud, mistake, or undue influence indicative of a defect in consent thereby making the contract voidable. (Art. 1470) NOTE: Art. 1456 of the CIVIL CODE provides that a person acquiring a property through fraud becomes an implied trustee of the property’s true and lawful owner. This case involved constructive trust. The action for reconveyance of the title to the rightful owner prescribes in 10 years from the issuance of the title. This ten-year prescriptive period begins to run from the date the adverse party repudiates the implied trust, which repudiation takes place when the adverse party registers the land. (Spouses Aboitiz v. Spouses Po, G.R. Nos. 208450 & 208497, 2017) 2. 3. When it shows that the parties really intended a donation or some other act or contract thereby making the contract of sale void but may be valid as a contract of donation or some other contract. (Art. 1470) In Judicial Sale, where the inadequacy is shocking to the conscience of man (Pascua v. Heirs of Simeon, G.R. No. L-47717, 1988) and there is showing that, in the event of resale, a CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) better price can be obtained, the contract of sale is void. (Bie v. CA, G.R. No. L-17294, 1965) NOTE: If there was a failure of the contract to set a price but the buyer has already appropriated it, then the buyer must pay a reasonable price. (Art. 1474) MANNER OF PAYMENT MUST BE AGREED UPON The manner of payment must be agreed upon. (Marnelego v. Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, G.R. No. 161524, 2006) It is an essential ingredient before a valid and binding contract of sale can be said to exist, because it is part of the prestation of the contract. (Sps. Navarra v. Planters Development Bank, G.R. No. 172674, 2007) EARNEST v. OPTION MONEY Earnest Money (Art. 1482) Money given as part of purchase price Acceptance is the proof that contract of sale exists Nothing in law prevents parties from treating earnest money differently Absent proof of a clear agreement to the contrary, it is intended to be forfeited if the sale does not happen without the seller's fault. The potential buyer bears the burden of proving that the earnest money was intended other than as part of the purchase price and to be forfeited if the sale does not occur without the fault of the seller. (Racelis v. Spouses Javier, G.R. No. 189609, January 29, 2018). Qualification: if old concept is stipulated – valid Presumption of perfection of contract of sale and such earnest money as part of purchase price is disputable Option Money Distinguished from Earnest Money OPTION MONEY EARNEST MONEY Given as distinct Given as part of the consideration for an purchase price option contract Applies to a sale that is Applies when there is not perfected while the already a sale option is not exercised PAGE 194 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When given, the option When given, buyer is holder is not required bound to pay the to exercise the option balance (either to buy or sell). (Oesmer v. Paraiso Development Corporation, G.R. No. 157493, 2007) 2. PERFECTION OF SALES General Rule: A contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price; consensual contract (Art. 1475) Exception: When the sale is subject to a suspensive condition. (People’s Homesite v. CA, G.R. No. L-61623, 1984) REQUIREMENTS FOR PERFECTION OF A SALE 1. When parties are face to face – when there is absolute acceptance of an offer that is certain 2. When thru correspondence or telegram – when the offeror receives or had knowledge of the acceptance (Art. 1319) 3. When the sale is subject to a suspensive condition – from the moment the condition is fulfilled (People’s Homesite v. CA, G.R. No. L61623, 1984) NOTE: Qualified acceptance is a mere counteroffer which needs to be absolutely accepted to give rise to perfected contract of sale. (Art. 1319; Manila Metal Container v. PNB, G.R. No. 166862, 2006) Business ads are mere invitations to make an offer except when it appears to be otherwise. (Art. 1325) A contract of sale is a consensual contract. Under Article 1475 of the Civil Code, the contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price. Based on the testimony of the heir of Y, there was no meeting of the minds regarding the sale of the property as X did not offer the lot for sale, and the heirs of Y never consented to any such purchase. The heirs were simply summoned and were handed the Deed of Absolute Sale by their grandmother without any agreement as regards the sale of any property. (Uy v. Heirs of Uy-Renales, G.R. No. 227460, December 05, 2019) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Rules Governing Auction Sales Sale is perfected by the fall of the hammer Seller has the right to bid at the auction provided such right was reserved and notice was given to that effect. (Art. 1476) In bidding contracts, the award of the contract to the bidder is an acceptance of the bidder's offer. Its effect is to perfect a contract between the bidder and the contractor upon notice of the award to the bidder. Failure to sign the physical contract does not affect the contract's existence or the obligations arising. (Metro Rail Transit Development Corp v. Gammon Phil, G.R. No. 200401, 2018.) 3. CONTRACT OF SALE V. CONTRACT TO SELL CONTRACT OF CONTRACT TO SELL SALE TRANSFER OF TITLE Title passes to the Ownership is reserved in buyer upon delivery the seller and shall not of the thing sold (Art. pass to the purchaser 1477) until fulfillment of certain conditions, such as full payment of the purchase price. (Art. 1478) OWNERSHIP OF THE SELLER The seller has lost Title remains in the seller and cannot recover if the buyer does not ownership of the comply with the condition thing sold and precedent, which delivered (Arts. payment of the price at 1477, 1496) until the time specified in the and unless the contract. (Tuazon v. contract of sale itself Garilao, G.R. No. is resolved and set 143673, 2001) aside. NOTE: It must be stipulated that ownership in the thing shall not pass to the buyer until full payment of the price. (Art. 1478) PAYMENT OF THE PRICE Non-payment of the Full payment of the price price is a negative is a positive suspensive resolutory condition. condition, the failure of which is not a breach of (Art. 1179) contract but simply an event that prevents the obligation of the seller to convey title to the buyer. (Uy& Sons, Inc. v. PAGE 195 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Valbueco Inc., G.R. No. 179594, 2013) The non-payment of the purchase price renders the contract to sell without force and effect. (Tumibay v. Lopez, G.R. No. 171692, 2013) REMEDIES Specific Specific performance performance or cannot be availed of when rescission under the contract to sell has Articles 1191, 1592, been cancelled due to the and 1593. non-payment of the purchase price. The buyer cannot demand the seller to convey title when such buyer did not pay the price, and the seller cannot demand the buyer to pay the price, since failure to pay resulted in the cancellation of the contract to sell. (Pilipino Telephone Corporation v. Radiomarine Network Phils. Inc., G.R. No. 160322, 2011) Remedy of rescission is not available because the breach contemplated in rescission of contracts is the obligor’s failure to comply with an obligation already extant, not a failure of a condition to render binding that obligation. A non-existent obligation cannot be subject of rescission. (Diego v. Diego, G.R. No. 179965, 2013) (De Leon, Comments and Cases on Sales and Lease, 21-23, 2014) B. CAPACITY TO BUY OR SELL CAPACITY OF PARTIES General rule: All persons who are authorized in this Code to obligate themselves may enter into a contract of sale (Art. 1489); as long as these persons are with civil capacity. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) When one of the parties is incapable of giving consent, the contract of sale is voidable (Art. 1390), subject to annulment or ratification. (Art. 1393) 1. ABSOLUTE INCAPACITY Parties Disqualified to Enter into Sale Contract: 1. Minors (Art. 1327) 2. Insane and Demented Persons (Art. 1327) 3. Deaf-Mutes who do not know how to write (Art. 1327) Also includes state of drunkenness and hypnotic spell (Art. 1328) GR: Status of Contract: Voidable, BUT it is subject to annulment or ratification. Exception: Where necessaries are sold and delivered to minors or other persons without capacity to act, he must still pay a reasonable price therefore, thus, the resulting contract is valid and not voidable. (Art. 1489) 2. RELATIVE INCAPACITY 1. Spouses - A spouse may, without the consent of the other spouse, enter into sales transactions in the regular pursuit of their profession, vocation, or trade. (Family Code, Arts. 73, 96, 124) General Rule: The husband and the wife cannot sell property to each other. The contract is void. There is no transfer of ownership, thus the creditors may go after the property. (Modina v. CA, G.R. No. 109355, 1999) Exceptions: (a) When a separation of property was agreed upon in the marriage settlement (Art. 1490) (b) When there has been a judicial separation of property under Art. 191 (Art. 1490) NOTE: Prohibition likewise applies to commonlaw spouses (Matabuena v. Cervantes, G.R. No. L-28771, 1971) New doctrine: A sale made by a husband without the consent of the wife is merely voidable. It cannot be a void contract since it is not a matter of "lack of PAGE 196 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 consent," which gives rise to a "no contract" situation under Article 1318 of the Civil Code. Neither it is mentioned as a void contract under Article 1409 of the Civil Code. Article 173 reveals the legislative intent to make such contracts as valid until annulled. (Spouses Cueno v. Spouses Bautista, G.R. No. 246445, March 2, 2021) Q: Spouses X and Y, married prior the effectivity of the Family Code, are owners of a pro-indiviso share of a parcel of land. This property belonged to the conjugal partnership. Subsequently, husband X sold his and Y’s share of the lot to their other co-owner K (Y’s father) without his wife’s consent. K in turn sold the subject property to Spouses L and M. After more than 40 years from the sale to K, Spouses X and Y filed a complaint for recovery of the subject property on the ground that the sale to their co-owner K was void since the wife’s consent was lacking. Was the sale of the husband without the wife’s consent of a conjugal property void? A: No. The sale is voidable. Articles 166 in relation to Article 173 of the Civil Code will apply since the subject property belonged to the conjugal partnership of spouses X and Y and was acquired in 1963 during the effectivity of the Civil Code. Article 166 provides that “… the husband cannot alienate or encumber any real property of the conjugal partnership without the wife's consent…” Article 173 on the other hand provides that “the wife may, during the marriage and within ten years from the transaction questioned ask the courts for the annulment of any contract of the husband entered into without her consent…” Previously the Court had conflicting views on the status of a sale made by a husband without the consent of the wife under the Civil Code. Now the Court adopts the view that transactions of such nature are merely voidable. It cannot be a void contract since it is not a matter of "lack of consent," which gives rise to a "no contract" situation under Article 1318 of the Civil Code. Neither it is mentioned as a void contract under Article 1409 of the Civil Code. Article 173 reveals the legislative intent to make such contracts as valid until annulled. A contract is voidable if the consent is vitiated by lack of legal capacity of one of the contracting parties. It may be ratified and may be barred by prescription. Here, the sale was questioned after more than ten years. Therefore, the sale which was initially voidable cannot be questioned. (Spouses Cueno v. Spouses Bautista, G.R. No. 246445, March 2, 2021) 2. Others - Trust Relationships CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Two groups of parties prohibited from acquiring by purchase certain properties: (GAAE - PEJJOL) (Art. 1491) 1. Guardian/Agent/Executors and Administrators Direct or indirect May be “ratified” since only private wrong is involved, i.e., really in the form of entering into a new contract 2. Public Officers and Employees/ Justices and Judges/ Officers of Court/ Lawyers Cannot be ratified since public wrong is involved Requisites for the prohibition to apply to attorneys and their clients’ properties: 1. Existence of attorney client relationship; 2. Property is the subject matter in litigation; 3. While in litigation (from filing of complaint to final judgment) NOTE: Exception to the prohibition against attorneys: contingent fee arrangement where the amount of legal fees is based on a value of property involved in litigation (rationale: the transfer or assignment of the property takes effect only after the finality of a favorable judgment and is always subject to supervision by the court) (Fabillo v. IAC, G.R. No. L-68838, 1991) Legal Status of Contract Void (case law) – guardian/executor/public officers/officers of the court. (Rubias v. Batiller, G.R. No. L-35702, 1973) Unenforceable (civil code) – agent; VALID if with consent (Art. 1491) SPECIAL DISQUALIFICATIONS Any others specially disqualified by law (Art. 1491 [6]) NOTE: These contracts are void for public policy. They cannot be ratified neither can the right to set up the defense of illegality be waived. (Rubias v. Batiller, G.R. No. L-35702, 1973) PAGE 197 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 1. OBJECTS THAT THE VENDOR HAS TO DELIVER: (THI-F-A) C. EFFECTS OF THE CONTRACT WHEN THE THING SOLD HAS BEEN LOST GENERAL RULE Legal consequences from point of perfection are the same in both legal systems: upon perfection of an unconditional contract of sale involving specific or determinate subject matter, the risk of loss deterioration and the benefits of fruits and improvements, were for the account of the buyer. 1. The thing sold (Art. 1495) 2. Fruits, belong to the buyer from the day the contract of sale is perfected (Art. 1537) 3. Accessions and accessories, in the condition in which they were upon the perfection of the sale (Art. 1537) 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR If the subject matter is generic, simply replace item. (Art. 1263) WHO BEARS RISK OF LOSS/ DETERIORATION/ FRUITS BEFORE PERFECTION Res perit domino The seller is the owner, so he bears risk of loss. (Art. 1504) 1. 2. 3. 4. WHO BEARS RISK OF LOSS/ DETERIORATION/FRUITS AT PERFECTION Res perit domino Contract is merely inefficacious because loss of the subject matter does not affect the validity of the sale Seller cannot anymore comply with obligation so buyer cannot anymore be compelled to pay the price. (Arts. 1493, 1494) WHO BEARS RISK OF LOSS/ DETERIORATION/ FRUITS AFTER PERFECTION BUT BEFORE DELIVERY Loss – confused state o Paras: BUYER o Tolentino: SELLER Deterioration and fruits - Buyer bears loss and claims the fruits. (Art. 1538, 1189) AFTER DELIVERY Res perit domino Delivery extinguishes ownership of the seller and creates a new one in favor of the buyer and, therefore, buyer bears risk of loss. (Art. 1504) D. OBLIGATIONS OF VENDOR Obligation of the Vendor The vendor (seller) is bound to transfer the ownership of and deliver, as well as warrant the thing which is the object of the sale. (Art. 1495) Preserve the subject matter – proper diligence of a good father of a family unless law or parties stipulate another standard (Art. 1163) Deliver – transfer ownership and deliver object (Art. 1495) Deliver fruits and accessories existing from the time of perfection (Arts. 1164, 1166, 1537) Warrant subject matter against eviction and hidden defects (Arts. 1546-1581) General Rule: Seller need not be the owner of the subject matter at the time of perfection: sufficient that he is the owner at the time of delivery. (Art. 1459) Exception: Foreclosure sale (mortgagor must be absolute owner) (Art. 2085) NOTE: A perfected contract of sale cannot be challenged on the ground of the seller’s nonownership of the thing sold at the time of the perfection of the contract. It is at delivery that the law requires the seller to have right to transfer ownership of the thing sold. (Cavite Development Bank v. Sps. Lim, G.R. No. 131679, 2000) DELIVERY OF SUBJECT MATTER Delivery- “the absolute giving-up of the control and custody of the property on the part of the vendor, and the assumption of the same by the vendee” (Equatorial Realty Dev. v. Mayfair Theater, G.R. No. 133879, 2001) Two Types of Delivery: 1. Actual - physical delivery 2. Constructive a. Execution of Public Instrument (Art. 1498) only produces the effect of delivery when: i. The thing sold is subject to control of seller at the time of execution of instrument. PAGE 198 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 (Addison v. Felix, G.R. No. L-12342, 1918); and ii. Such control should remain for a reasonable period after execution of the Instrument. (Power Commercial and Industrial Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 119745, 1997) b. Constitutum Possessorium (Art. 1500) – the seller held possession of the subject matter (real property) in the concept of owner, and pursuant to the sale, the seller continues to hold physical possession but no longer in the concept of the owner (owner to lessee) c. Traditio Brevi Manu – the would-be buyer was already in the possession (i.e., as lessee) of the subject matter (real property) and pursuant to the sale, he would now hold possession as owner d. Traditio Longa Manu – delivery by mere consent or agreement. The essential requisites of a contract under Article 1318 of the New Civil Code are: (1) consent of the contracting parties; (2) object certain which is the subject matter of the contract; and (3) cause of the obligation which is established. Thus, contracts, other than real contracts are perfected by mere consent which is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract. Furthermore, under Article 1475 of the Civil Code, from the moment of perfection of the sale, the parties may reciprocally demand performance, even when the parties have not affixed their signatures to the written form of such sale. Consequently, the actual delivery of the subject matter or payment of the price agreed upon are not necessary components to establish the existence of a valid sale; and their non-performance do not also invalidate or render "void" a sale that has begun to exist as a valid contract at perfection. (Selerio v. Bancasan, G.R. No. 222442, June 23, 2020) SALE BY A PERSON NOT THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY (Arts. 1462, 1505, 1459) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. 4. Contrary is provided for in recording laws (Art. 1505; P.D. 1529) Sale is made under statutory power of sale or under order of a court of competent jurisdiction (Art. 1505) Sale is made in a merchant’s store in accordance with code of commerce and special laws. (Art. 1505) 2. Title as to Movable Properties General Rule: Possession is equivalent to title (Art. 559) Requisites:(PG) 1. Possession of movable 2. Made in Good faith (Art. 559) Exceptions: 1. Owner lost movable – owner can recover by reimbursing price, including those acquired in public sale or auction, provided in good faith (not a fencer) (Art. 559) 2. Owner is unlawfully deprived (stolen or delivered without intention of transferring title) – owner can recover w/o reimbursing price (Art. 559) 3. Bought in a merchant store – owner cannot recover even if unlawfully deprived (Art. 1505) Exceptions to the Exceptions: 1. Movable is bought at public sale – owner can only recover after reimbursing price 2. Acquired in good faith and for value from auction SALE BY NON-OWNER OR BY ONE HAVING VOIDABLE TITLE 1. Perfection Stage Sale by owner – VALID Sale by non-owner – VALID (Arts. 1459, 1475) 1. Rules on Legal Effects of Sale by a Non-owner General Rule: If sale is by a non-owner, buyer acquires no better title than seller had. (Art. 1505) Reason why both sales are valid: ownership is necessary only at time of delivery; at perfection stage, no obligation on part of seller to transfer ownership (Villanueva, Law on Sales, 294, 2016) Exceptions: 1. Owner by his conduct is precluded from denying seller’s authority (Estoppel) (Art. 1434) Law on estoppel further bolsters it: title passes by operation of law to grantee when person who is not PAGE 199 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 owner of the goods sold delivers it and later on acquires title thereto (Art. 1434) Since valid, action to annul is improper; there is already a perfected contract. 2. Consummation Stage Contract of sale is valid because it has passed perfected stage, despite seller not being the owner or seller having no authority to sell What is void is the transfer of title -- ownership did not pass Effect: buyer acquired no better right than transferor (Art. 1505) Legal effect: CAVEAT EMPTOR – BUYER BEWARE but Buyer always has cause of action against the Seller SALE OF CO-OWNER OF WHOLE PROPERTY OR DEFINITE PORTION General Rule: 1. Co-owner sells whole property prior to partition – sale of property itself is void but valid as to his spiritual share (Panganiban v. Oamil, G.R. No. 149313, 2008) 2. Co-owner sells definite portion prior to partition – sale is void as to other co-owner but valid as to his spiritual share if the buyer would have still bought such spiritual share had he known that he would not acquire the definite portion sold. (Lopez v. Cuaycong, G.R. No. L46079, 1944) Exceptions to the rule on the effect of sale of a definite portion by a co-owner 1. Subject matter is indivisible in nature or by intent, hence, entire sale is void; (Mindanao Academy, Inc. v. Yap, G.R. No. L-17681, 1965) 2. Sale of a particular portion of a property is with consent of other co-owners, sale of entire property is valid; (Pamplona v. Moreto, G.R. No. L-33187, 1980) 3. Co-owner sells 1 of 2 commonly owned lands and does not turn over ½ of the proceeds, other co-owner, by law and equity, has exclusive claim over remaining land. (Imperial v. CA, G.R. No. 102037, 1996) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) SALE BY SELLER WITH VOIDABLE TITLE IN GOOD FAITH and WITHOUT NOTICE OF THE DEFECT 1. Perfection stage Valid sale – buyer acquires title of goods 2. Consummation stage Valid sale – if title has not yet been avoided, buyer becomes owner of the goods under the condition that the sale: a. was made in good faith b. is for value c. is without notice of seller’s defect of title (Art. 1506) E. OBLIGATIONS OF VENDEE There is real or actual delivery of the thing sold when it is placed in the control and possession of the vendee. (Art. 1497) Obligations of Vendee (Buyer) 1. Pay the price Buyer is obligated to pay the price according to the terms agreed upon regarding time, place and amount (Art. 1582) i. If payment of interest is stipulated – must pay; if amount of interest not mentioned – apply legal rate ii. When buyer defaults – constitutes breach; subject to specific performance/rescission and damages; interest to be paid also from default The full payment of the purchase price is the buyer's prestation. The non-payment of the purchase price by the buyer after the seller has delivered the object of the sale to the buyer constitutes a breach of the buyer's prestation in a contract of sale. The buyer has contravened the very tenor of the contract. (Nuñez et al. v. Moises-Palma, G.R. No. 224466, March 27, 2019) 2. Accept delivery of thing sold Where to accept: (a) at time and place stipulated in the contract (b) if none specified – at the time and place of delivery goods (Art. 1582) PAGE 200 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 There is acceptance when: (a) He intimates to seller that he has accepted (b) When delivered and buyer does any act inconsistent with ownership of seller (c) Retains without intimating to seller that he has rejected (Art. 1585) 3. Sale of Goods on installment Goods must be delivered in full, except when stipulated (Art. 1583) When not examined by buyer – not accepted until examined or at least had reasonable time to examine (Art. 1584) Acceptance of goods in general, absent contrary express stipulation, does not discharge seller from liability in case of breach of warranties (unless no notice or failure to give it within reasonable time) (Art. 1586) When buyer has a right to refuse goods, no need to return; shall be considered as depositary; unless there is stipulation to the contrary (Art. 1587) F. BREACH OF CONTRACT 1. REMEDIES a. Remedies of seller in case of movables General Remedies: 1. Specific Performance with damages; OR 2. Rescission with damages (a) When ownership is transferred to the buyer – the seller may maintain an action against him for the price of the goods, i.e., specific performance (Art. 1595) (b) When there is no transfer of ownership to the buyer i. If the goods can be resold for a reasonable price – seller may resell ii. If the goods cannot be resold – the seller can deliver the goods and if buyer refuses, then the seller may notify the buyer that the same is being held by the seller as bailee for the buyer then CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) maintain an action for the price, i.e., specific performance.(Art. 1595) (c) When price is Payable on Certain Day and Buyer Fails to Pay on the Day Set – the seller can maintain action for the price, i.e., specific performance (Art. 1595) NOTE: Read Articles 1595-1596 of the Civil Code UNPAID SELLER A seller of the goods is deemed to be an unpaid seller either: (a) When the whole of the price has not been paid or tendered; or (b) When the seller received bill of exchange or negotiable instrument as a condition for payment and the condition has been broken by reason of the dishonor of instrument, the insolvency of the buyer, or otherwise. (Art. 1592) Requisites of Unpaid Seller: (PUG) 1. Physical possession is with seller 2. Seller is Unpaid 3. Subject matter – Goods Special remedies of unpaid seller: (PSRR) 1. Possessory lien 2. Stoppage in Transitu 3. Special right of Re-sale 4. Special right to Rescind (Art. 1526) NOTE: Hierarchical Application – only when unpaid seller has exercised possessory lien or stoppage in transitu can the seller proceed with his other special rights of resale or to rescind. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 335, 2016) 1. Possessory lien Seller is not bound to deliver if buyer has not paid him the price. (Art. 1524) Right to retain cannot be availed when seller does not have custody (Art. 1526) Exercisable only in following circumstances:(CCI) (a) Goods sold without stipulation as to Credit (b) Goods sold on Credit but term of credit has expired (c) Buyer becomes Insolvent (Art. 1527) PAGE 201 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When part of goods delivered, may still exercise right on goods undelivered Instances when possessory lien is lost: 1. Seller delivers goods to carrier for transmission to buyer without reserving ownership in goods or right to possess them 2. Buyer or his agent lawfully obtains possession of goods 3. Waiver (Art. 1529) 4. When he parts with goods (still has stoppage in transitu) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Why ‘special’? There are things which seller cannot do in ordinary sale: 1. Ownership is with buyer but seller can sell goods 2. Title accorded to buyer is destroyed even without court intervention (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 342, 2016) NOTE: In ordinary sale, need to go to court to destroy transfer of ownership. 4. Special Right to Rescind NOTE: Notice by seller to buyer not essential 2. Stoppage in transitu Goods are in transit Remedy is available only when buyer is insolvent (Art. 1526) Requisites when goods are in transit (DR) 1. From the time goods are Delivered to carrier for purpose of transmission to buyer 2. Goods Rejected by buyer and carrier continues to possess them (Art. 1531) When goods no longer in transit (a) Reached point of destination; (b) Before reaching destination, buyer or his agent obtains delivery of the goods; (c) Goods are supposed to have been delivered to buyer but carrier refused; (d) Bailee or carrier acknowledges that he is holding the goods for the buyer or his agent. (Art. 1531) How is right exercised 1. Obtain actual possession of goods 2. Give notice of claim to carrier/bailee in possession thereof NOTE: Notice by seller to buyer is not required; notice to carrier is what is essential (Art. 1532) 3. Special Right to Resell the Goods Can be exercised under the following instances: (a) Goods are perishable; (b) Stipulated the right of resale in case buyer defaults in payment; (c) Buyer in default on payment of price for unreasonable time. (Art. 1533) Can be exercised under the following instances: 1. Expressly stipulated 2. Buyer is in default for unreasonable time (Art. 1534) NOTE: Notice needed to be given by seller to buyer. b. Remedies of seller in case of sale of immovables General Remedies 1. Specific Performance with damages; or 2. Rescission with damages Q: What are the remedies of an unpaid seller involving a real property as the subject matter, not covered by the Maceda Law? A: 1. To compel specific performance by filing an action against the buyer for the agreed purchase price; or 2. To rescind or resolve the contract of sale either judicially or by a notarial act; and 3. In either (1) or (2), to recover damages for the breach of the contract. (Nuñez et al. v. Moises-Palma, G.R. No. 224466, March 27, 2019) Anticipatory Breach 1. Seller has reasonable grounds to fear loss of immovable sold and its price, sue for Rescission 2. Non–payment of price, sue for Rescission (Art. 1591) c. Remedies of buyer Suspension of Payment General Rule: Buyer may suspend payment in case: NOTE: Notice by seller to buyer not essential PAGE 202 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 1. 2. He is disturbed in the possession or ownership of the thing acquired; He has reasonable grounds to fear such disturbance. (Art. 1590) Exception: No right to suspension of payment if the seller gives security for the return of the price. (Art. 1590) In case of subdivision or condominium projects, the buyer may rescind the contract or suspend payment if real estate developer fails to comply with obligation according to approved plan. (P.D. 957, Sec. 23) 2. RECTO LAW AND MACEDA LAW CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. Foreclose the chattel mortgage, if one is constituted, should the buyer’s failure to pay cover two or more installments (Art. 1484) NOTE: This also applies to contracts purporting to be leases of personal property with option to buy, when the lessor has deprived the lessee of the possession or enjoyment. (Art. 1485) Sale on installment: Payment by several partial payments (two or more) in small amount (Levy Hermanos, Inc. v. Gervacio, G.R. No. L-46306, 1939) Rationale of the law: Buyer is lulled into thinking that he could afford because of small amounts per installment and at the same time to remedy abuse of commercial houses. (Manila Trading and Supply Co. v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-43263, 1935) a. Recto Law: Sale of movables on installment (Arts. 14841486) Nature of remedies: Alternative, not cumulative (Nonato v. IAC, G.R. No. L-67181, 1985) Coverage: Sale on installment (two or more installments required) and financing transaction (Equitable Savings Bank v. Palces, G.R. No. 214752, 2016) on movable property and contracts of lease of movable property with option to purchase (PCI Leasing and Finance v. Giraffe-X Creative Imaging, G.R. No. 142618, 2007) The fact that the seller did not foreclose the chattel mortgage constituted on the movable purchased on credit, but opted specific performance, with a plea for a writ of replevin, does not amount to a foreclosure of the chattel mortgage to be covered by Art. 1484. (Tajanglangit v. Southern Motors, G.R. No. L-10789, 1957) Contract to sell is not covered. (Visayan Sawmill Co. v. CA, G.R. No. 83851, 1993). REMEDIES are NOT CUMULATIVE but are ALTERNATIVE and EXCLUSIVE Rule on Forfeiture of Partial Payments in a Contract to Sell In a contract to sell, the forfeiture of partial payments may only be valid if there is a stipulation to that effect, subject to payments of reasonable rents. In a contract to sell, failure to fully pay the purchase price results in the cancellation of the contract, and the parties shall stand as if the obligation to sell never existed." (Spouses Godinez v. Spouses Norman, GR No. 225449, February 26, 2020, citing Olivarez Realty Corporation v. Castillo) 1. Specific Performance General Rule: Once chosen, can no longer rescind nor foreclose mortgage. Remedies available under the Recto Law: In a sale of personal property, the price of which is payable in installments, the seller may exercise the following remedies: (REF) 1. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the buyer fail to pay any installment; 2. Rescind the sale, should the buyer’s failure to pay cover two or more installments; Exception: After choosing specific performance but the same becomes impossible, rescission may be pursued subsequently. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 352-353, 2016 2. Rescission When chosen, there is a correlative obligation to restitute. Stipulations that installments paid are forfeited are valid if not unconscionable. Deemed chosen when: 1. Notice of rescission is sent; 2. Takes possession of subject matter of sale; 3. Files action for rescission; PAGE 203 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 4. Barring effect on recovery of balance. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 353-356, 2016) 3. Foreclosure Once there has been foreclosure sale, the seller can no longer claim for remaining balance on the purchase price. (Northern Motors v. Sapinoso, G.R. No. L-28074, 1970) GR: When foreclosure is chosen, seller can no longer claim all amounts due from the sale, including damages and attorney’s fees. (Macondray & Co. v. Eustaquio, G.R. No. 43683, 1937) E: In case of Perverse Buyer-Mortgagor, if mortgagor refuses to deliver property to effect foreclosure, expenses incurred in recovering the property may also be recovered, i.e., attorney’s fees, etc. (Filipinas Investment & Finance Corp. v. Ridad, G.R. No. L-27645, 1969) b. Maceda Law (R.A. 6552) Rationale of the Law Public policy to protect buyers of real estate on installment payments against onerous and oppressive conditions. Covered transactions Applies to all sale of residential real estate on installments including Contracts to Sell and those financed through banking institutions (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) Excluded: 1. Industrial real estate 2. Commercial real estate 3. Sale to tenants under agrarian laws (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) Requisites of Sec. 3 of Maceda Law: (FReT) 1. Failure to pay installments was due to reasons, other than failure of the developer to develop the subdivision or condominium according to the approved plan and to comply with such within the time limit; 2. Only covers Residential lots including condominium units, excluding, sales to tenants; 3. The buyer has paid at least Two years of installments. (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Rights of the Buyer under Maceda Law with at least two (2) years of Installment: (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) 1. To pay, without additional interest, the unpaid installments due within the total grace period earned by him. Said grace period is fixed at the rate of one-month grace period for every one year of installments payments made. Thus, here the buyer has at least two months grace period for he should have paid at least two years of installments to avail of the rights under this section. NOTE: This right can be exercised only once in every five (5) years of the life of the contract and its extensions, if any. 2. To be refunded the cash surrender value of his payments equal to 50% of his total payments if the contract is cancelled. But if he has paid five years or more, he is entitled to an increase of 5% every year and so on but the cash surrender value shall not exceed 90% of his total payments. (McLaughlin v. CA, G.R. No. L57552, 1986) The actual cancellation of the contract referred to above shall take place only: 1. After 30 days from receipt by the buyer of the notarial notice of cancellation or demand for rescission, AND 2. Upon full payment to the buyer of the cash surrender value (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) NOTE: Buyer may update payment during the 30 day waiting period which will render the cancellation ineffective. In the computation of the total number of installment payments the following are included: 1. Down payment and 2. Deposit or option money (R.A. 6552, Sec. 3) Rights of the Buyer under Maceda Law with less than two (2) years of installments: (R.A. 6552, Sec. 4) 1. Still has the right to pay within a grace period of not less than sixty (60) days from the date the installment became due. 2. If the buyer fails to pay the installment due at the expiration of the grace period, i.e. 60 days, the seller may cancel the contract after 30 days from receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation or demand for rescission of the contract by a notarial act. NOTE: Here, the buyer is not entitled to any refund PAGE 204 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Other rights granted under the Maceda Law: (R.A. 6552, Sec. 5 & 6) 1. Sell rights to another; 2. Assign the same to another person; 3. Reinstate contract by updating during grace period and before actual cancellation; 4. Deed of Sale to be done by notarial act; 5. To pay in advance any installment or the full balance of price anytime without interest and have such full payment annotated in certificate of title. Purpose of the law: Protect buyers in installments against oppressive conditions. Applies to contracts even before the law was enacted. (R.A. 6552, Sec. 2; Siska Dev. Corp. v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 93176, 1994) NOTE: Stipulations contrary to the provisions of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 are null and void. (R.A. 6552, Sec. 7) Waiver of the required notice is oppressive. 3. OTHER REMEDIES a. Remedies in double sales General Rule: FIRST IN TIME, PRIORITY IN RIGHT (Art. 1544) When general rule does not apply: when not all requisites embodied in Art. 1544 concur. Requisites for Double Sales to Exist (VOCS) 1. That two (or more) sales transactions in the issue must pertain to exactly the same subject matter, and must be valid sales transactions. 2. That two (or more) buyers at odds over the rightful ownership of the subject matter must each represent conflicting interests; and 3. That two (or more) buyers at odds over the rightful ownership of the subject matter must each have bought from the very same seller. (Spouses German v. Spouses Santuyo, G.R. No. 210845, January 22, 2020) If not all the elements are present for Art. 1544 to apply, the principle of prior tempore, potior jure or simply “he who is first in time is preferred in right” should apply. Indisputably, he is a purchaser in good faith because at the time he bought the real property, there was still no sale to as a second vendee. (Consolidated Rural Bank v. CA, G.R. No. 132161, 2005) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) NOTE: If the two contracts involved are not both contracts of sale, as when one is a contract to sell, and the other one a contract of sale, Art. 1544 does not apply. This follows the principle that in a contract to sell, the seller has no obligation to deliver title until there is full payment of the purchase price. Thus, for as long as the condition of full payment has not been fulfilled, a subsequent sale of the same property will be valid since the seller still has title to the property. With more reason, if the seller in a contract to sell has defaulted, the breach in the condition entitles the seller to sell the same property for full consideration. Even if the buyer in the contract to sell annotates his right in the title, the buyer in the contract of sale is not in bad faith. (Sps. Domingo v. Sps. Manzano, G.R. No. 201883, 2016) Note that the Court applied this in this case even if the buyer in the contract to sell was not in default since the seller accepted payment after due date. Seller however must reimburse payments made to the buyer even if he has only paid less than 2 years of installments because he was not in default. Court distinguished this from earlier case of Abarquez v. CA even if in that case, one also involved a contract to sell – because in Abarquez, the seller already delivered to the buyer who accepted and took possession, and even constructed a house on the land under installment sale. (Sps. Domingo v. Sps. Manzano, G.R. No. 201883, 2016) Double Sales Rules according to Art. 1544: 1. Movable First to possess in good faith shall prevail (Art. 1544) 2. Immovable (a) First to register in good faith shall prevail; (b) In case no registration is made, then first to possess in good faith shall prevail; (c) No registration and no possession in good faith, then the person who presents oldest title in good faith, shall prevail. (Art. 1544) NOTE: The FIRST BUYER is always in good faith and will always prevail if he registers his sale first. His good faith is not destroyed by the subsequent knowledge of the second sale. The reason behind this is that at the time of perfection of his contract of sale, he was the only buyer. (Carbonell v. CA, G.R. No. L-29972, 1976) But the knowledge gained by the 2nd buyer of the first sale defeats his rights even if he is first to register, since such knowledge taints his registration with bad faith. (Ordua v. Fuentebella, G.R. No. 176841, 2010) PAGE 205 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Buyer in Good Faith – one who purchases and pays a fair price for a property without notice that another has an interest or right to it. (Amoguis v. Ballado, G.R. No. 189626, 2018.) If a land is registered and is covered by a certificate of title, any person may rely on the correctness of the certificate of title. However, this does not apply where the party has actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that would impel a reasonably cautious man to make such inquiry or when the purchaser has knowledge of a defect or the lack of title in his vendor or of sufficient facts to induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire into the status of the title of the property in litigation. It is incumbent upon a buyer to prove good faith should he or she assert this status. (Amoguis v. Ballado, G.R. No. 189626, 2018.) Lis pendens – notice that subject matter is in litigation (Sps. Lim v. Vera Cruz, G.R. No. 143646, 2001) is a form of registration accorded priority right. A buyer cannot be considered a transferee in good faith if it was aware of the title’s notices of lis pendens. (Register of Deeds of Negros Occidental v. Anglo, Sr., G.R. No. 171804, 2015) Adverse claim – notice that somebody is claiming better right (Gardner v. CA, G.R. No. L-59952, 1984) is a form of registration accorded priority right. Possession – both actual and constructive (Roman Catholic Church v. Pante, G.R. No. 174118, 2012) Registration – any entry made in the books of the registry, including both registration in its ordinary and strict sense, and cancellation, annotation, and even marginal notes. It is the entry made in the registry which records solemnly and permanently the right of ownership and other real rights. (Cheng v. Genato, G.R. No. 129760, 1998) Registered under Torrens system – 1544 applies Not registered under the Torrens system – 1544 still applies If 2nd sale is a judicial sale (made by way of levy on execution), buyer merely steps into the shoes of the judgment debtor. Outside of such situation – must apply to conflicting sales over the same unregistered parcel of land. If sale 1 occurs when land is not yet registered and sale 2 is done when CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) land is already registered – apply first in time, priority in right. Good faith must concur with registration. To be entitled to priority, the second purchaser must not only establish prior recording of his deed, but must have acted in good faith. (Gabriel v. Mabanta, G.R. No. 142403, 2003) Under the Torrens system, a sale of property that is not registered under the Torrens system is binding only between the buyer and the seller and does not affect innocent third persons. (Evy Construction and Development Corp. v. Valiant Roll Forming Sales Corp., G.R. No. 207938, 2017) As an exception, “knowledge of an unregistered sale is equivalent to registration.” (Evy Construction and Development Corp. v. Valiant Roll Forming Sales Corp., G.R. No. 207938, 2017) Requisite Diligence for Buyer in Good Faith: 1. Diligence in verifying the validity of the title of the property; 2. Diligence in inquiring into the authority of the transacting spouse to sell conjugal property in behalf of the other spouse. (Aggabao v. Parulan, G.R. No. 165803, 2010). b. Remedy of rescission in contracts covering immovables (Arts. 1191 & 1592) General Rule: Judicial Rescission (Art. 1191) Exception: Extrajudicial Rescission allowed but SUBJECT to COURT Confirmation. Allowed if stipulated; burden to sue shifts to party who does not like rescission Court still has final say as to propriety of rescission (Iriñgan v. CA, G.R. No. 129107, 2001) Forfeiture of amounts valid being in nature of penal clause Contract of Sale – Rescission is applicable Contract to Sell – Rescission not applicable (Roque v. Lapuz, G.R. No. L-32811, 1980) Nonpayment of purchase price would automatically cancel even without further action for rescission. PAGE 206 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Exception: If subject matter is residential lots, the law on rescission applies when there is substantial breach as Maceda law applies. G. EXTINGUISHMENT 1. IN GENERAL Causes Grounds (same grounds by which obligations in general are extinguished) (PLCCC - PNARF) 1. Payment or performance 2. Loss of the subject matter 3. Condonation or remission 4. Confusion or merger of rights of creditor and debtor 5. Compensation 6. Novation 7. Annulment 8. Rescission 9. Fulfillment of a resolutory condition 10. Prescription 11. Conventional Redemption 12. Legal Redemption (Art. 1231) 2. PACTO DE RETRO/CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION (SALE WITH RIGHT TO REPURCHASE) There is conventional redemption when the seller reserved for himself the right to repurchase the thing sold, with the obligation to return: 1. The price of the sale; 2. The expenses of contract, 3. Other legitimate payments, 4. The necessary and useful expenses made on the thing sold (Art. 1601) NOTE: This only extinguishes obligations pertaining to contract of sale. It does not extinguish contract itself. The right is exercised only by the seller in whom right is recognized in the contract or by any person to whom right was transferred; It must be in the same contract. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 474-475, 2016) Period to redeem: (a) No period agreed upon – 4 years from date of contract CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) (b) Period agreed upon – should not exceed 10 years; if it exceeded, valid only for the first 10 years. (c) When period to redeem has expired and there has been a previous suit on the nature of the contract – seller still has 30 days from final judgment on the basis that contract was a sale with pacto de retro. (Art. 1606) Rationale: No redemption due to erroneous belief that it is equitable mortgage which can be extinguished by paying the loan. This refers to cases involving a transaction where one of the parties contests or denies that the true agreement is one of sale with the right to repurchase; not to cases where the transaction is conclusively a pacto de retro sale. (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 486, 2016) Example: Where a buyer a retro honestly believed that he entered merely into an equitable mortgage, not a pacto de retro transaction, and because of such belief he had not redeemed within the proper period. (Leonardo v. CA, G.R. No. 82457, 1993) NOTE: When period has expired, and seller has allowed the period of redemption to expire – seller is at fault for not having exercised his rights so he should not be granted a new period. Tender of payment is SUFFICIENT to compel redemption but is not in itself a payment that relieves the vendor from his liability to pay the redemption price. (Paez v. Magno, G.R. No. L-793, 1949) Effect When There is No Redemption Made Jurisprudence before the NCC: buyer a retro automatically acquires full ownership Under present Art. 1607: there must be judicial order before ownership of real property is consolidated in the buyer a retro The seller who is given the right to repurchase may exercise his right of redemption by paying the buyer: 1) the price of the sale; 2) the expenses of the contract; 3) legitimate payments made by reason of the sale; and 4) the necessary and useful expenses made on the thing sold. The repurchase was exercised because from the P10M purchase price directly paid to B, he deducted the P2M purchase price, his expenses, interest, and the price of the loan paid to DBP. He returned the remaining amount PAGE 207 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 and one of the tractors. This is a tacit acknowledgment of the A’s exercise of his right to repurchase. (David v. David, G.R. No. 162365, 2014) How is Redemption Effected Seller a retro must first pay the following: (PENT) 1. The Price of the thing sold 2. Expenses of the contract and other legitimate payments made by reason of the sale 3. Necessary and useful expenses made on the thing sold (Art. 1616) 4. Valid Tender of payment is sufficient (Legaspi v. CA, G.R. No. L-45510, 1986) Mere sending of notice without valid tender is insufficient. Failure to pay useful and unnecessary expenses entitles vendee to retain land unless actual reimbursement is made In Case of Multi-Parties (a) When an undivided thing is sold because coowners cannot agree that it be allotted to one of them – vendee a retro may compel the vendor to redeem the whole thing (Art. 1611) (b) When an undivided thing is sold by coowners/co-heirs, vendors a retro may only exercise his right over his respective share; vendee a retro may demand that they must come to an agreement first and may not be compelled to consent to a partial redemption (Art. 1612) (c) When rights of co-owners over an undivided thing is sold as regards to their own share – vendee retro cannot compel one to redeem the whole property (d) Should one of the co-heirs/co-owners succeed in redeeming the property – such vendor a retro shall be considered as trustee with respect to the share of the other co-owners/co-heirs. (De Guzman v. CA, G.R. No. L-47378, 1987) NOTE: A Seller can only sell what he or she owns, or that which he or she does not own but has authority to transfer, and a buyer can only acquire what the seller can legally transfer. Before the property is partitioned, the heirs are co-owners of the property. The heirs cannot alienate the shares that do not belong to them. Any sale by one heir of the rest of the property will not affect the rights of the other heirs who did not consent to the sale. Such sale is void with respect to the shares of the other heirs. Issuance of a certificate of title is not a grant of title over petitioners' undivided portions of the CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) property. Nevertheless, a buyer could acquire valid title over the whole property if the buyer were an innocent purchaser for value. (Heirs of Gregorio Lopez v. Development Bank of the Phils., G.R. No. 193551, 2014.) NOTE: A co-owner has “no right to sell or alienate a concrete, specific or determinate part of the thing owned in common, because his right over the thing is represented by quota or ideal portion without any physical adjudication.” (Cabrera v. Ysaac, G.R. No. 166790, 2014) Fruits What controls is the stipulation between parties as regards the fruits. If none: 1. At time of execution of the sale a retro, there are visible or growing fruits – there shall be no prorating at time of redemption if no indemnity was paid by the vendee a retro. 2. At time of execution sale a retro, there be no fruits but there are fruits at time of redemption – pro-rated between vendor a retro and vendee a retro giving the vendee a retro a part corresponding to the time he possessed the land. (Art. 1617) PRE-EMPTION Arises before sale No rescission because no sale exists yet Action is directed against prospective seller REDEMPTION Arises after sale There can be rescission of the original sale Action is directed against buyer 3. EQUITABLE MORTGAGE One which lacks the proper formalities, form of words, or other requisites prescribed by law for a mortgage, but shows the intention of the parties to make the property subject of the contract as security for a debt and contains nothing impossible contrary to law. (Cachola v. CA, G.R. No. 97822, 1992) Any money, fruits, or other benefit to be received by the vendee as rent or otherwise shall be considered as interest and is subject to usury laws. PAGE 208 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) The essential requisites of an equitable mortgage are: 1. The parties entered into a contract denominated as a contract of sale; and 2. Their intention was to secure an existing debt by way of a mortgage. (Molina vs. CA, G.R. No. 125755, 2003) property in controversy. (Spouses Sy v. De VeraNavarro, G.R. No. 239088, April 3, 2019) A contract with right to repurchase may be deemed to be an equitable mortgage under the following conditions (IPERTI): 1. Price of sale with right to repurchase is unusually Inadequate 2. Seller remains in Possession as lessee or otherwise 3. Upon or after expiration of right to repurchase, another instrument Extending the period of redemption or granting new period is executed 4. Buyer Retains for himself a part of the purchase price 5. Seller binds himself to pay Taxes on thing sold 6. Any other case where the real Intention of parties is to secure the payment of a debt or performance of other obligation (Art. 1602) Remedies available to the vendor: 1. Reformation of contract (Art. 1359) 2. Action for declaration of nullity of deed of sale 3. Action for specific performance (Tolentino v. CA, G.R. No. 128759, 2002); or 4. Foreclosure of the mortgage in equity (BrionesVasquez v. CA, G.R. No. 144882, 2005) NOTE: In case of doubt – in determining whether it is an equitable mortgage or a sale a retro, the sale shall be construed as an equitable mortgage. (Art. 1603). Note that in the realm of securities such as shares of stocks, the parties can enter in to a repurchase agreement which essentially is a collateralized or secured loan structured as a sale. The seller is actually a borrower while the buyer is, in reality, a creditor. The shares of stock “bought” are actually collateral. In case of doubt, a contract purporting to be a sale with right to repurchase shall be considered as an equitable mortgage. The nomenclature given by the parties to the contract is not conclusive of its nature. (Saclolo v. Marquito, G.R. No. 229243, June 26, 2019) Article 1602 of the Civil Code provides circumstances where a contract shall be presumed to be an equitable mortgage. Jurisprudence consistently showed that the presence of even one of these circumstances suffices to convert a purported contract of sale into an equitable mortgage. Furthermore, courts are generally inclined to construe a transaction purporting to be a sale as an equitable mortgage, which involves a lesser transmission of rights and interests over the What to Look for in Determining Nature of Contract 1. Language of the contract 2. Conduct of parties – to reveal real intent Rationale Behind Provision on Equitable Mortgage: 1. Circumvention of usury law 2. Circumvention of prohibition against pactum commissorium – creditor cannot appropriate the things given by way of pledge or mortgage; remedy here is foreclosure. The real intention of parties is that the pretended purchase price is money loaned and to secure payment of the loan, sale with pacto de retro is drawn up. (Heirs of Reyes, Jr. v. Reyes, G.R. No. 158377, 2010) 4. LEGAL REDEMPTION The right to be subrogated upon the same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract, in the place of one who acquires the thing by (1) purchase OR (2) by dation in payment OR (3) by other transaction whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title. (Art. 1619) NOTE: Only applies to contracts of sale. Types of Legal Redemption: 1. Among co-heirs Any of the heirs sells his hereditary rights to a stranger before partition: Any of the co-heirs may be subrogated to the rights of the purchaser by redeeming said hereditary right: reimburse the buyer of the price of the sale Co-heirs have 1 month from receipt of notice in writing (Art. 1088) 2. Among co-owners Any or all of co-owners sell their shares to 3rd person: PAGE 209 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Any co-owner may exercise the right of redemption by paying reasonable price of property to the buyer If 2 or more co-owners desire to exercise right of redemption, they may only do so in proportion to the share they respectively have in thing owned in common (Art. 1620) 3. Among adjoining owners Rural land (a) Where piece of rural land has an area not exceeding 1-hectare, adjoining owner has right to redeem unless grantee does not own a rural land (b) If two or more adjacent lot owners desire to exercise right to redeem, owner of adjoining lot with smaller area shall be preferred (c) If two or more adjacent lot owners desire to exercise right to redeem and both have same lot area, one who first requested shall be granted (Art. 1621) Urban land (a) When piece of land is small and cannot be used for any practical purpose and bought merely for speculation, owner of adjoining land can redeem (b) When 2 or more owners of adjoining lot desire to exercise right to redeem, owner whose intended use is best justified shall be preferred. (Art. 1622) 4. Sale of credit in litigation When a credit or other incorporeal right in litigation is sold, debtor shall have a right to extinguish it by reimbursing the assignee for the price the latter paid therefor plus judicial costs, interest; except when the assignment or sale is made: (a) to a co-heir or coowner of the right assigned; (b) to a creditor in payment of his credit; or (c) to the possessor of a tenement or piece of land which is subject to the right in litigation assigned. (Arts. 1634, 1635) Debtor may exercise right within 30 days from the date assignee demands payment from him (Art. 1634) Other Instances When Right of Legal Redemption is Granted: 1. Redemption of homesteads 2. Public Land Act 3. Land acquired under free patent homestead subject to repurchase by wife, legal heirs within CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 5 years from date of conveyance granted by law, need not be stipulated Redemption in tax sales In case of tax delinquency/failure to pay tax assessments, property shall be foreclosed. Delinquent payer has 1 year from date of sale to redeem by paying to the revenue District Officer the amount of tax delinquencies, and interest or purchase price. (National Internal Revenue Code, Sec. 214) Redemption by judgment debtor: 1 year from date of registration of certificate of sale to redeem by paying purchaser at public auction with interest (Rules of Court, Rule 39, Secs. 27, 28) Redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure: 1 year from date of sale and registration (Act No. 3135, Sec. 6) Redemption in judicial foreclosure of mortgage: right to redeem is granted to debtor mortgagor except when mortgagee is bank of a banking institution 90 days after finality of judgment. (GSIS v. CFI, G.R. No. 45322, 1989) When Period of Redemption Begins to Run: Right of legal pre-emption of redemption shall be exercised within 30 days from notice by the seller. (Art. 1623) How exercised: Tender of payment is not necessary; offer to redeem is enough. (Vda. de Panaligan v. CA, G.R. No. 112611, 1996) NOTE: Written notice under Art. 1623 is mandatory for the right of redemption to commence. (PSC vs. Sps. Valencia, G.R. No. 150060, 2003) General Rule: Actual knowledge notwithstanding, written notice is still required. (Verdad v. CA, G.R. No. 109972, 1996) Exception: When actual knowledge is acquired by co-heirs living in same land with purchaser (Alonzo v. IAC, G.R. No. L-72873, 1987) or co-owner was middleman in sale to 3rd party (Disitro v. CA, G.R. No. 95256, 1991) PAGE 210 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Art. 1623 does not prescribe any distinctive method for notifying the redemptioner. (Etcuban v. CA, G.R. No. L-45164, 1987) H. ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS Transfer of ownership 1. By tradition or delivery and not by perfection; 2. By execution of public instrument because intangibles cannot be physically transferred; 3. Without necessity of delivering the document evidencing the credit. NOTE: This rule does not apply to negotiable documents and documents of title which are governed by special laws. Assignment The owner of a credit transfers to another his rights and actions in consideration of a price certain in money or its equivalent 1. Transfers the right to collect the full value of the credit, even if he paid a price less than such value; 2. Transfers all the accessory rights (e.g. guaranty, mortgage, pledge, preference) (Art. 1427); 3. Debtor can set up against the assignee all the defenses he could have set up against the assignor. Difference from sale Technical term but basically a sale Sale of credits and other incorporeal things (Villanueva, Law on Sales, 524-526, 2016) Effects of assignment Lack of knowledge or consent of debtor not essential for validity but has legal effects (“meeting of minds” in assignment contemplates that between assignor of the credit and his assignee) (Rodriguez v. CA, G.R. No. 84220, 1992) Assignment of rights made w/o knowledge of debtor: Debtor may set up against assignee the compensation which would pertain to him against assignor of all credits prior to assignment and of later ones until he had knowledge of the assignment. Debtor has consented to assignment: Cannot set up against assignee the compensation which would CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) pertain to him against assignor of all credits prior to assignment and of later ones until he had knowledge of the assignment Compensation unless assignor was notified by debtor that he reserved his right to the compensation Debtor has knowledge but no consent: may still set up compensation of debts previous to assignment but not the subsequent ones. (Art. 1285) Effect of payment of debtor after assignment of credits 1. Before Notice of the Assignment – Payment to the original creditor is valid and debtor shall be released from his obligation 2. After Notice – Payment to the original creditor is not valid as against the assignee. He may be made to pay again by the assignee (Art. 1626) Warranties of the assignor 1. NO warranty against hidden defect - N/A because intangibles have no physical existence (Villanueva & Tiansay, Law on Sales, 532, 2016) 2. He warrants the existence and legality of credit – there is warranty except when expressly sold as a doubtful account 3. NO warranty as to the solvency of debtor unless it is expressly stipulated OR unless the insolvency was already existing and of public knowledge at the time of the assignment (Art. 1628) NOTES: Warranty shall last for 1 year only (Art. 1629) One who assigns inheritance right w/o enumerating rights shall be answerable for his character as an heir (Art. 1630) One who sells whole of certain rights for a lump sum, shall be answerable for legitimacy of the whole in general but not for each of the various parts (Art. 1631) Breach of warranty: liabilities of the assignor of credit for violation of his warranties Assignor in good faith – Liability is limited to price received, expenses of the contract and other PAGE 211 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) legitimate payments made by reason of the assessment Assignor in bad faith – Liable ALSO for (expenses of contract and other legitimate payments plus useful and necessary expenses) damages (Art. 1628) ASSIGNMENT OF CREDIT OR INCORPOREAL RIGHT IN LITIGATION Requisites (SPA) 1. There must be a Sale or assignment of credit 2. There must be a Pending litigation 3. The debtor must pay the Assignee: i. Price paid by him AND ii. Judicial costs incurred by him AND iii. Interest on the price from the date of payment (Art. 1634) The right must be exercised by the debtor within 30 days from the date the assignee demands (judicially or extra-judicially) payment from him. (Art. 1634) NOTES: Presumption: buyer’s purpose is speculation and law would rather benefit the debtor of such credits rather than the one who merely speculates for profit. (Villanueva, Law on Sales, 533, 2016) When credit or incorporeal right in litigation is assigned or sold, debtor has a right to extinguish it by reimbursing the assignee for the price the buyer paid plus interest (Art. 1634) Right to redeem by debtor not available in the following instances (not considered speculative (Art. 1635) 1. Assignment of credit/incorporeal right to co-heir or co-owner; the law does not favor coownership 2. Assignment to creditor in payment for his credit o Presumption is that the assignment is above suspicion; assignment is in the form of dacion en pago, thus perfectly legal 3. Assignment to possessor of tenement or piece of land which is subject to the right in litigation assigned o Purpose is to presumably preserve the tenement ————- end of topic ————- PAGE 212 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 213 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 VI. LEASE A. GENERAL PROVISIONS TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Lease of Things 2. Lease of Work and Services B. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS LESSOR AND OF THE LESSEE 1. Obligations of the lessor 2. Obligations of the lessee OF THE Contract of Lease is a contract by which one agrees to give to the other for a fixed time and price the use or profit of a thing, or of his services. (The Employees’ Club, Inc. v. China Banking Corporation, G.R. No. L-40188, 1934) Characteristics of Lease of things (CLONS-PEPTP) (a) Consensual (b) Lessor need not be the owner (c) Onerous (d) Nominate (e) Subject matter must be within the commerce of man (i.e. not belonging to public domain) (f) Principal contract (g) Purpose is to allow enjoyment or use of a thing (h) Purpose to which the thing will be devoted should not be immoral (i) Period is temporary (j) Period may be definite or indefinite NOTE: Persons disqualified to buy under Arts. 1490 and 1491 of the Civil Code are also disqualified to become lessees of the things mentioned therein. (Art. 1646) Kinds of Leases 1. LEASE OF THINGS Concerns movable or immovable property One of the parties binds himself to give to another the enjoyment or use of a thing For a price certain and For a period which may be definite or indefinite NOTE: However, no lease for more than 99 years shall be valid. General Rule: The contract of lease may be made orally. Exception: Lease of real property for more than 1 year (must be in writing to comply with Statute of Frauds). 2. LEASE OF WORK AND SERVICES One of the parties binds himself to execute a piece of work or to render to the other some service for a price certain The relation of principal and agent does not exist between them PAGE 214 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CONTRACT OF LEASE OF SERVICE The object of contract is the service itself and not the result which it generates Lessor’s services must still be paid even if the result intended is not attained. In case of breach, no action for specific performance CONTRACT OF LEASE OF THING The object of contract is a thing Lessor has to deliver the thing leased. In case of breach, there may be an action for specific performance B. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSOR AND OF THE LESSEE 1. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSOR (Art. 1654) (DNM) 1. 2. 3. To Deliver the thing which is the object of the contract in such condition as to render it fit for the use intended. To make on the same during the lease all the Necessary repairs in order to keep it suitable for the use to which it has been devoted unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. To Maintain the lessee in the peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the lease for the entire duration of the contract. This is true only if the contract is valid. Where the contract is void, for having an existent contract of lease, the lessor has no right to lease the same property. (Bercero v. Capitol Development Corporation, G.R. No. 154765, 2007) Nature of the duty of the Lessor to maintain peaceful possession of the premises by the Lessor This is merely a warranty that the lessee shall not be disturbed in his legal, and not physical, possession. (Chua Tee Dee v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 135721, 2004) 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSEE (Art. 1657) (PUP) 1. 2. Pay the price of the lease according to the terms stipulated. Use the thing leased as a diligent father of a family devoting it to the use stipulated, and in the absence of stipulation, to that which may be 3. inferred from the nature of the thing leased, according to the custom of the place. Pay the expenses for the deed of lease. Rights of the Lessee 1. Right to be respected in his possession. 2. Right to be restored to said possession by the means established by law or by the Rules of Court, should he be disturbed therein. Remedies when lessor or lessee does not comply with their obligations (a) Rescission and damages; or (b) Damages while allowing the contract to remain in force. Remedy of lessee if lessor refuses to accept the rentals To make a proper tender of payment and consignation in order to extinguish the debt. Rules on changing the form of the lease The lessor can alter the thing leased provided there is no impairment of the use to which the thing is devoted under the terms of the lease. The lessee can also make alterations so long as the value of the property is not substantially impaired. The lessee can also make alterations so long as the value of the property is not substantially impaired. Rules in case of urgent repairs If the repairs last for not more than 40 days, the lessee is obliged to tolerate the work even though the work may annoy him or he may be deprived of a part of the premises if repairs last for not more than 40 days. If repairs last for 40 days or more, lessee can ask for reduction of the rent in proportion to the time – including the 1st 40 days – and the part of the property of which he is deprived. NOTE: In either case, rescission may be availed of if the main purpose of the lease is to provide a dwelling place and the property becomes uninhabitable. Effects if lessor fails to make urgent repairs The lessee may (ROSS): (a) Ask for Rescission, in case of substantial damage to him. (b) Order repairs at the lessor’s cost; (c) Sue for damages; or (d) Suspend the payment of the rent; PAGE 215 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Effect of destruction of the subject matter with respect to the lease IF TOTALLY DESTROYED Lease is extinguished Lease will be for the said period and it ends on the day fixed without need of a demand. (b) Lease may be without a fixed period IF ONLY PARTIALLY DESTROYED Lessee can choose between reduction of the rent and rescission i. For rural lands (Art. 1682) - It shall be for all time necessary for the gathering of fruits which the whole estate may yield in 1 year, or which it may yield once. ii. For urban lands (Art. 1687) (i) If rent is paid daily, lease is from day to day. (ii) If rent is paid weekly, lease is from week to week. (iii) If rent is paid monthly, lease is from month to month. (iv) If rent is paid yearly, lease is from year to year. Rules upon Termination of Lease governing useful improvements caused by the lessee (OAR) If made in good faith and suitable to the use for which the lease is intended, without altering the form or substance of the property: 1. 2. 3. Lessor may Appropriate the improvements provided he pays the lessee ½ of its value at that time; If lessor does not appropriate, lessee may Remove the improvements even if the principal thing may suffer damage; If improvement is Ornamental, no right of reimbursement, but lessee may remove them provided no damage is caused to the principal thing. NOTE: Lessee has no right of retention of the premises if the lessor does not pay. His only right is right of removal if lessor does opt not to pay and appropriate. The general rule is lease contracts survive the death of the parties and continue to bind the heirs except if the contract states otherwise. (Inocencio vs. Hospicio de San Jose, G.R. No. 201787, 2013) The well-entrenched principle is that a lease from month-to-month is with a definite period and expires at the end of each month upon the demand to vacate by the lessor. (Cebu Bionic Builders Supply, Inc. vs. Development Bank of the Philippines, G.R. No. 154366, 2010) Rules on Extension of the Lease Period 1. Kinds of Trespass in Lease (a) Trespass in fact (perturbacion de mere hecho): Lessor is not liable for the mere fact of a trespass or trespass in fact made by a third person of a leased property. Mere fact or mere act of trespass is when the third person claims no right whatever. Physical enjoyment is reduced. (b) Trespass in law (perturbacion de derecho): A third person claims legal right to enjoy the premises Lessor will be held liable Duration of Lease 2. 3. 4. 5. If a lease contract for a definite term allows lessee to extend the term, there is no necessity for lessee to duly notify lessor of his desire to so extend the term, unless the contrary is stipulated. “May be extended” as stipulation: lessee can extend without lessor’s consent but lessee must notify lessor. “May be extended for 6 years, agreed upon by both parties” as stipulation: this must be interpreted in favor of the lessee. Hence, ordinarily the lessee, at the end of the original period, may either: (a) Leave the premises (b) Remain in possession In co-ownership, assent of co-owner is needed; otherwise, it is void or ineffective as against non-consenting co-owners. Where according to the terms of the contract, the lease can be extended only by the written consent of the parties thereto, no right of extension can rise without such written consent. (a) Lease may be for a determinate time or fixed period PAGE 216 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Implied new lease (Tacita Reconducion) Lease that arises if at the end of the contract the lessee should continue enjoying the thing leased for 15 days with the acquiescence of the lessor, unless a notice to the contrary had previously been given by either party. Period of the implied new lease is not that of the original contract but the time established in Arts.1682 and 1687 (see Duration of Lease above). Other terms of the original contract are revived except option to purchase in case such was in the original contract. NOTE: Terms that are revived are only those which are germane to the enjoyment of possession, but not those with respect to special agreements which are by nature foreign to the right of occupancy or enjoyment inherent in a contract of lease – such as an option to purchase the leased premises. (Dizon v. Magsaysay, G.R. No. 23399, 1974) enjoyment of leasehold rights to the sole and exclusive will of the lessee. Sublease A lessee may sublease the thing leased unless there is an express prohibition to do so. Remedy of lessor if lessee violates prohibition: action for rescission of the lease and damages. If the prohibition to sublease is not express but only implied, the sublease will still be allowed. Duration of sublease cannot be longer than that of the lease to which it is dependent. The prohibition against subleasing may not embrace the taking in of boarders. (Mallare v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 85108, 1989) In a sublease arrangement, there are two distinct leases: the principal lease and the sublease. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE SUBLEASE Lessee remains a party in the contract. Requisites for Implied New Lease (ENC) 1. 2. 3. The term of the original contract has Expired; The lessor has Not given the lessee a notice to vacate; The lessee Continued enjoying the thing leased for at least 15 days with the acquiescence of the lessor; When there is no implied new lease (a) When before or after the expiration of the term, there is a notice to vacate given by either party. (b) When there is no definite fixed period in the original lease contract as in the case of successive renewals. EXTENSION OF LEASE CONTRACT Original contract subsists Creates additional term RENEWAL OF LEASE CONTRACT Original contract ceases to exist Creates a new contract Perpetual Lease A lease contract providing that the lessee can stay in the premises for as long as he wants and for as long as he can pay the rentals and its increases. This is not permissible; it is a purely potestative condition because it leaves the effectivity and Two leases and two distinct juridical relationship (lessorlessee and sublessorsublessee) Sublessee does not have any direct action against the lessor Subleasing is allowed unless there is an express prohibition Lessee is disassociated from the original contract of lease. Only one (lessorassignee who becomes the lessee) because lessee transmits absolutely his rights and his personality disappears Assignee has a direct action against the lessor, there being novation Assignment is not allowed unless the lessor gives his consent NOTE: The sub-lessee is primarily liable to his sublessor and only a court can extinguish or modify this primary liability if the sub-lessor contests the pretermination of the principal lease by the lessor. (Tamio v. Ticson, G.R. No. 154895, 2004) Circumstances when a sub-lessee is made liable to the lessor: i. For all acts which affect the use and preservation of the thing leased in the manner stipulated between the lessor and the lessee. ii. For any rent due to the lessor from the lessee which the latter failed to pay: Sublessee is subsidiarily liable Sublessee shall not be responsible beyond amount of rent due from him, in accordance PAGE 217 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) with the terms of the sublease, at the time of the extrajudicial demand by the lessor Grounds for Ejectment (a) When the period agreed upon or that which is fixed for the duration of leases (Arts.1682 and 1687) has expired (see Duration of Lease). (b) Lack of payment of the price stipulated. In case lessor refuses to accept rentals, lessee should make tender of payment, and consignation otherwise there is no payment. Willingness to pay is not payment. (c) Violation of any of the conditions agreed upon in the contract. (d) When the lessee devotes thing leased to any use or service not stipulated which causes the deterioration thereof, or if he does not observe the requirement in Art. 1657. In a contract of lease, the twin remedies of rescission and judicial ejectment become available after either the failure to pay rent or to comply with the conditions of the lease. Technically, no extrajudicial rescission effectively takes place as a result of the violations until the demand to pay or comply is duly served and is rejected or disregarded by the lessee. The tenant's refusal to heed the demand to vacate, coming after the demand to pay or to comply similarly went unheeded, renders unlawful the continued possession of the leased premises. (Cebu Automatic Motors, Inc. vs. General Milling Corporations, G.R. No. 151168, 2010) The lessor may judicially eject the lessee for any of the following causes: (EPCU) 1. 2. 3. When the period agreed upon, or that which is fixed for the duration of leases under Articles 1682 and 1687, has Expired; Lack of Payment of the price stipulated; Violation of any of the Conditions agreed upon in the contract; Lessee devotes the thing leased to any Use or service not stipulated which causes the deterioration thereof; or if he does not observe the requirement in No. 2 of Article 1657. ————- end of topic————- PAGE 218 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 219 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 VII. PARTNERSHIP TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Definition 2. Elements 3. Characteristics 4. Rules to determine existence 5. Partnership term 6. Partnership by estoppel 7. Partnership as distinguished from joint venture 8. Professional partnership 9. Management B. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERS 1. Rights and obligations of the partnership 2. Obligations of partners among themselves 3. Obligations of partners to third persons C. DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP D. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. DEFINITION Partnership is a contract whereby two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a profession (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1767) 2. ELEMENTS Elements of a Partnership (ACD) 1. Meeting of minds (Agreement) 2. To Contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund; and 3. Intent to Divide profits (and losses) among the contracting parties (Jarantilla, Jr. v. Jarantilla, G.R. No. 154486) Essential Features of Partnership (VaLeCLO) 1. There must be a Valid contract. 2. The parties must have Legal capacity to enter into the contract. 3. There must be a mutual Contribution of money, property or industry to a common fund. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1767) 4. There must be a Lawful object. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1770) 5. The purpose or primary purpose must be to Obtain profits and divide the same among the parties. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1767) Additional Requirement for Juridical Personality 1. It is also required that the articles of partnership must not be kept secret among the members and the partners do not contract in their own name; otherwise, the association shall have no legal personality and shall be governed by the provisions on Co-ownership. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1775) 2. "Kept secret among the members" where secrecy is directed not to third persons but to some of the partners. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1775) 3. This does not mean that there could be no contractual relations amongst the parties; there is only no partnership or association with distinct legal personality. PAGE 220 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics of a Partnership 1. Essentially contractual in nature (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1767, 1784) 2. Separate juridical personality (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1768) 3. Delectus personae (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1804, 1813) 4. Mutual Agency (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1803) 5. Personal liability of partners for partnership debts (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1816, 1817) 4. RULES TO DETERMINE EXISTENCE General Rule Persons who are not partners as between themselves, cannot be partners as to third persons (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1769[1]) Exception Partnership by estoppel (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1825) [see Section (6) below] Other rules to determine whether a partnership exists (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1769) The following, alone, do not establish a partnership: 1. Co-ownership or co-possession; 2. Sharing of gross returns, whether or not the persons sharing them have a joint or common right or interest in any property from which the returns are derived;; 3. Receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is prima facie evidence that he is a partner in the business, unless such were received in payment as: i. Debt by installments or otherwise; ii. Wages or rent; iii. Annuity; iv. Interest on loan (even if the interest is based on the profits of the business); v. Consideration for sale of goodwill of business or other property by installments or otherwise. A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose, and must be established for the common benefit or interest of the partners. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1770) Effects of an Unlawful Partnership (i.e., established for an unlawful object or purpose) 1. Void ab initio such that it never existed in the eyes of the law (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1409[1]) 2. Profits shall be confiscated in favor of the government (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1770) 3. Instruments or tools and proceeds of the crime shall also be forfeited in favor of the government 4. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1770; REVISED PENAL CODE, Art. 45) The contributions of the partners shall not be confiscated unless they fall under (c) (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1411 and 1412) Judicial decree is not necessary to dissolve an unlawful partnership. (De Leon, 2019) That there is no legally constituted partnership does not mean that there are no contractual or legal relations among the parties. Effect of Partial Illegality Where a part of the business of a partnership is legal and a part illegal, an account of that which is legal may be had. Where, without the knowledge or participation of the partners, the firm's profits in a lawful business have been increased by wrongful acts, the innocent partners are not precluded as against the guilty partners from recovering their share of the profits. Formation of Partnership a. How Partnership is Formed General Rule: A partnership may be constituted in any form, except where immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto, in which case a public instrument shall be necessary.. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1771) b. Burden of Proof and Presumption The existence of a partnership must be proven, not presumed. Persons acting as partners are presumed to have entered into a contract of partnership. The burden of proof is shifted to the party denying its existence. An extant partnership is presumed to exist until proven terminated. Use of the term “partner” does not necessarily show existence of partnership. Non-use of the terms “partnership” or “partners” are not conclusive as to non-existence or partnership, but entitled to weight. 5. PARTNERSHIP TERM Partnership at will One in which no fixed term is specified and is not formed for a particular undertaking or venture which may be terminated anytime by mutual agreement. Partnership with a fixed term One in which the partners agree to themselves the term of which the partnership is to subsist. PAGE 221 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Common Types of Partnership 1. Universal v. Particular Partnership a. Universal Partnership i) Universal Partnership of All Present Property (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1779) Comprises the following: o Property which belonged to each of the partners at the time of the constitution of the partnership o Profits which they may acquire from all property contributed ii) Universal Partnership of Profits Comprises all that the partners may acquire by their industry or work during the existence of the partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1780). But persons who are prohibited from giving donations or advantage to each other cannot enter into a universal partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1782). o o o o b. 2. Those made between persons who were guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of the donation; Those made between persons found guilty of the same criminal offense, in consideration thereof; and Those made to a public officer or his wife, descendants and ascendants, by reason of his office. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 739) Those between spouses, direct or indirect, including those persons living together as husband and wife without a valid marriage. (FAMILY CODE, Art. 87) Particular Partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1783)A particular partnership has for its objects: i) Determinate things ii) Their use or fruits iii) Specific undertaking iv) Exercise of profession or vocation General v. Limited Partnership a. General Partnership Consists of general partners who are liable pro rata and subsidiarily and sometimes solidarily with their separate property for partnership debts b. Limited Partnership One formed by two or more persons having as members one or more general partners CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) and one or more limited partners, the latter not being personally liable for the obligations of the partnership. 6. PARTNERSHIP BY ESTOPPEL Definition of Partnership by estoppel Either by words or conduct, a person does any of the following: 1. Directly represents himself to anyone as a partner in an existing partnership or in a nonexisting partnership 2. Indirectly represents himself by consenting to another representing him as a partner in an existing partnership or in a non-existing partnership When a person has been thus represented to be a partner in an existing partnership, or with one or more persons who are not actually partners, he is an agent of the persons consenting to such representation in order to bind them to the same extent and in the same manner as though he were a partner in fact (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1825). Elements to establish liability as a partner on the ground of estoppel: 1. Defendant represented himself as partner or represented by others as such; 2. Not denied or refuted by defendant; and 3. Plaintiff relied on such representation. (De Leon, 2019) LIABILITIES IN ESTOPPEL When all the members of an existing partnership consent to the representation Other cases LIABILITY A partnership act or obligation results, therefore the partnership is liable It is the joint act or obligation of the person acting and persons consenting to the representation. Person who represented himself & all those who made representation liable prorata/ jointly 7. PARTNERSHIP AS DISTINGUISHED FROM JOINT VENTURE The observation that a joint venture is for a single transaction while a partnership entails a continuing PAGE 222 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) business is not entirely accurate in Philippine law. A partnership may be universal or particular and a particular partnership has for its object a specific undertaking (Roque, Jr. v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 188456). When there has been duly registered articles of partnership, and subsequently the original partners accept an industrial partner but do not register a new partnership, and thereafter the industrial partner retires from the business, and the original partners continue under the same set-up as the original partnership, then although the second partnership was dissolved with the withdrawal of the industrial partner, there resulted a reversion back into the original partnership under the terms of the registered articles of partnership. There is not constituted a new partnership at will. (Rojas v. Maglana, G.R. No. 30616) Generally understood to mean an organization formed for some temporary purpose, a joint venture is likened to a particular partnership or one which “has for its object determinate things, their use or fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the exercise of a profession or vocation. (Realubit v. Jaso, G.R. No. 178782) Joint Venture A joint venture is a form of partnership, and thus, to be governed by the laws on partnership. (Marsman Drysdale Land, Inc. v. Philippine Geoanalytics, G.R. No. 183374) As a rule, corporations are prohibited from entering into partnership agreements; consequently, corporations can enter into joint venture agreements with other corporations or partnerships for certain transactions in order to form “pseudo partnerships.” A joint venture agreement between and among corporations may be seen as similar to partnerships since the elements of partnership are present. (Narra Nickel Mining and Dev’t Corp. v. Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp., G.R. No. 195580) b. As to purpose 1. Commercial or trading partnership- one formed for the transaction of business 2. Professional or non-trading partnership- one formed for the exercise of a profession NOTE: Section 35(h) of the Revised Corporation Code now expressly allows corporations to form partnerships with both natural and juridical persons. A verbal agreement to form a joint venture company is valid and binding. The failure to reduce the agreement to writing does not affect its validity or enforceability as there is no law or regulation which provides that an agreement to incorporate must be in writing. (Fong v. Dueñas, G.R. No. 185592) 8. PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP General professional partnership A general professional partnership exists when two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a profession (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1767 [2]). Other Classifications of Partnership a. As to Legality of Existence 1. De jure partnership- one which has complied with all the legal requirements for its establishment 2. De facto- one which has failed to comply with all the legal requirements for its establishment PAGE 223 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 9. MANAGEMENT POWERS OF THE PARTNER/S APPOINTED AS MANAGER Partner is Power of Vote of appointed managing partners manager in partner is representing the Articles irrevocable controlling of without interest is partnership just/lawful necessary to (CIVIL CODE, cause; revoke power Art. 1800) (CIVIL CODE, Revocable only when in Art. 1800) bad faith (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1800) Partner is Power is appointed revocable any time by the manager vote of the after partners (Art. constitution of 1800) partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1800) Two or more Each may In case of persons execute all opposition by entrusted acts of any of the with administration partners, management (CIVIL CODE, decision of of Art. 1801) majority of all the partners partnership shall prevail; without specification of duties/ In case of tie, stipulation decision of that each partners shall not act owning w/o the controlling other's interest shall prevail (CIVIL consent CODE, Art. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1801) 1801) Stipulated Concurrence Absence or that none of of all disability of the managing necessary for any one partners the validity of cannot be shall act w/o acts (CIVIL alleged unless the consent CODE, Art. there is of others 1802) imminent (CIVIL CODE, danger of Art. 1802) grave or irreparable injury to partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1802) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Manner of management not agreed upon (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1803) All partners are agents of the partnership (i.e., any partner can bind the partnership, subject to Art. 1801 above). Unanimous consent required for alteration of immovable property (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1803(1)) If refusal of partner is manifestly prejudicial to interest of partnership, court's intervention may be sought (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1803(2)) B. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERS 1. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP All partners, including industrial ones, shall be liable pro rata with all their property and after all the partnership assets have been exhausted, for the contracts which may be entered into in the name and for the account of the partnership, under its signature and by a person authorized to act for the partnership. However, any partner may enter into a separate obligation to perform a partnership contract. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1816) NOTE: Except limited liability partners Any stipulation against personal liability of partners for partnership debts is void, except as among them. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1817) Partners are liable solidarily with the partnership for everything chargeable to the partnership when caused by the wrongful act or omission of any partner acting in the ordinary course of business of the partnership or with authority from the other partners and for partner's act or misapplication of properties. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1824) Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, a newly admitted partner into an existing partnership is liable for all the obligations of the partnership arising before his admission but out of partnership property shares. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1826) This means that his liability for obligations arising prior to his admission is only to the extent of his partnership share (i.e., he PAGE 224 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) cannot be held personally liable for obligations arising prior to his admission). consideration of share in the profits; hence, as generally, partners are not entitled to charge each other. (Marsh’s Appeal, 69 Pa. St. 30) Partnership creditors are preferred to those of each of the partners as regards the partnership property. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1827) Every partner is bound to work to the extent of his ability for the benefit of the whole, without regard to the services of his copartners, and without comparison of value; for services to the firm cannot, from their very nature, be estimated and equalized by compensation of differences. (Beatty v. Wray, 7 Harris 519) Upon dissolution of the partnership, the partners shall contribute the amounts necessary to satisfy the partnership liabilities. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1839(4), (7)) A partner’s personal obligation for partnership liabilities is subsidiary in nature - they shall only be liable with their property after all partnership properties have been exhausted. (Co-Pitco v. Yulo, G.R. No. L-3146) But: A partner who has agreed to render special service to the partnership, for the performance of which he is qualified, and which is one of the inducements for the other members to enter the partnership, was found liable civilly to account for the value of such service upon a finding that he wrongfully refused to perform such service. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERS AMONG THEMSELVES Obligation to Contribute to the Common Fund 1. What May Be Contributed Contribution must be in equal shares unless otherwise stipulated. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1790) a. But then again: Specific performance not available due to constitutional prohibition against involuntary servitude. Money Failure to contribute promised money makes the promissory-partner liable for the amount promised including the interest due and damages arising from the time he should have complied with his or her undertaking. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1786, Par. 1) A limited partner is not allowed to contribute services, only “cash or other property” (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1845); otherwise, he is considered an “industrial and general partner” and thus, not exempted from personal liability. 2. b. Property May include intangible or incorporeal (e.g., credit). (Lim Tong Lim v. Phil. Fishing Gear, G.R. No. 136448) Liable for fruits from the time property should have been delivered without need of demand; also include obligation to preserve the promised property with the diligence of a good father of a family pending delivery. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1786 [1] and [2]) c. Industry An industrial partner is one who contributes his industry, labor, or services to the partnership. He is considered the owner of his services, which is contribution to the common fund. (Limuco v. Calina, [C.A.] No. 10099-R) May concur with any or both of the first two or in the absence of any one or both of them; manual and/or intellectual in When Immovables or Real Rights Contributed If immovables are not contributed, even if the capital is at least PhP3,000, failure to comply with the requirement of appearance in public instrument and SEC Registration will not affect the liability of the partnership and the members thereof to third persons. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1772, [2]) When immovable property are contributed, (1) the Articles of Partnership must appear in a public instrument, and (2) there must be an inventory of the property contributed signed by the parties and attached to the public instrument. (CIVIL CODE, Arts.1771 and 1773) EFFECT OF ABSENCE OF REQUIREMENTS UNDER ARTICLES 1771 AND 1773 Not in Public Instrument, No Inventory Void In a Public Instrument, No Inventory Void PAGE 225 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Not in Public Instrument, With Inventory Void In a Public Instrument, With Inventory Valid NOTE: Partnerships void under Art.1773, in relation to Art. 1771, may still be considered either de facto or estoppel partnerships vis-à-vis third persons; may even be treated as an ordinary contract from which rights and obligations may validly arise, although not exactly a partnership under the Civil Code. (Torres v. CA, G.R. No. 134559) Failure to prepare an inventory of the immovable property contributed, in spite of Art. 1773 declaring the partnership void would not render the partnership void when: No third party is involved (since Art. 1773 was intended for the protection of 3rd parties); Partners have made a claim on the partnership agreement. 3. Consequence of Failure to Contribute Each partner has the obligation: a. To contribute at the beginning of the partnership or at the stipulated time the money, property or industry which he may have promised to contribute. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1786) b. To answer for eviction in case the partnership is deprived of the determinate property contributed (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1786) c. To answer to the partnership for the fruits of the property the contribution of which he delayed, from the date they should have been contributed up to the time of actual delivery (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1786) d. To preserve said property with the diligence of a good father of a family pending delivery to partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1163) e. To indemnify partnership for any damage caused to it by the retention of the same or by the delay in its contribution (CIVIL CODE, Arts.1788, 1170) In the event that there is a failure to contribute property promised: Partners become ipso jure a debtor of the partnership even in the absence of any demand (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1169[1]) Remedy of the other partner is not rescission but specific performance with damages from defaulting partner (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1788) The partner shall be liable as a debtor of the partnership in two instances: when he fails to contribute money, on the date he undertook to do so; when he converts partnership funds for his own use, on the date he does so. In both instances, the partner becomes a partnership debtor and is liable for interest and damages. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1788) A partner who promises to contribute to partnership becomes a promissory debtor of the partnership, including liability for interests and damages caused for failure to pay, and which amounts may be deducted upon dissolution of the partnership from his share in the profits and net assets. (Rojas v. Maglana, G.R. No. 30616) 4. Obligations with respect to Contribution to Partnership Capital Partners must contribute equal shares to the capital of the partnership unless there is stipulation to contrary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1790) Capitalist partners must contribute additional capital in case of imminent loss to the business of the partnership and there is no stipulation otherwise; refusal to do so shall create an obligation on his part to sell his interest to the other partners. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1791) a. Requisites: i) There is an imminent loss of the business of the partnership ii) The majority of the capitalist partners are of the opinion that an additional contribution to the common fund would save the business iii) The capitalist partner refuses deliberately to contribute (not due to financial inability) iv) There is no agreement to the contrary (De Leon, 2019) b. Fiduciary Duty A partnership is a fiduciary relation—one entered into and to be maintained on the basis of trust and confidence. With that, a partner must observe the utmost good faith, fairness, and integrity in his dealings with the others: i) He cannot directly or indirectly use partnership assets for his own benefit; ii) He cannot carry on a business of the partnership for his private advantage; PAGE 226 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 iii) He cannot, in conducting the business of the partnership, take any profit clandestinely; iv) He cannot obtain for himself that which he should have obtained for the partnership (e.g., business opportunity) v) He cannot carry on another business in competition with the partnership; and vi) He cannot avail himself of knowledge or information, which may be properly regarded as the property of the partnership. A. Prohibition Business 1. 2. to Engage in Competitive If an industrial partner engages in any business without the consent of the partnership: i. He can be excluded from the partnership; or ii. The capitalist partners can avail of the benefit he obtained from the business. NOTE: The capitalist partners have the right to file an action for damages against the industrial partner in either case. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1789) If the capitalist partner engages in a business that competes with the business of the partnership i. He may be required to bring to the common fund the profits he derived from the competing business; and ii. He shall personally bear the losses. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1808) iii. He may be ousted form the partnership, especially if there was a warning. (De Leon, 2019) INDUSTRIAL PARTNER Cannot engage in any business unless partnership expressly permits him to do so. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1789) CAPITALIST PARTNER Cannot engage in business (with same kind of business with the partnership) for his own account, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1808) As a rule, an industrial partner may not engage in any business during the existence of the partnership, unless the capitalist partners expressly permit him to do so (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1789). The reason is that his industry must be given only to the partnership. This is true even if the business is not competitive. (Albano Civil Law Reviewer, p. 822, 2008 ed.) When a partner engages in a separate business enterprise that is competitive with that of the partnership, the other partner’s withdrawal becomes thereby justified and for which the latter cannot be held for damages. (Rojas v. Maglana, G.R. No 30616) B. Managing Partner who Collects Debt from Third Party Obligation of a managing partner who collects debt from person who owed him and the partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1792): i. Apply sum collected to the two credits (i.e., amount owed to the managing partner in his personal capacity and amount owed to the partnership) in proportion to their amounts. ii. If he received it for the account of partnership, the whole sum shall be applied to partnership credit. Requisites: 1. There exist at least two debts, one where the collecting partner is creditor and the other, where the partnership is the creditor 2. Both debts are demandable 3. The partner who collects is authorized to manage and actually manages the partnership C. Partner who Receives Share of Partnership Credit Obligation of partner who receives share of partnership credit from a debtor who becomes insolvent: Bring to the partnership capital what he has received even though he may have given receipt for his share only (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1793) Requisites: 1. A partner has received, in whole or in part, his share of the partnership credit 2. The other partners have not collected their shares 3. The partnership debtor has become insolvent BEARING THE RISK OF LOSS OF THINGS CONTRIBUTED (Art. 1795) Specific and Risk is borne by determinate things partner which are not fungible where only the use is contributed PAGE 227 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Specific and determinate things the ownership of which is transferred to the partnership Fungible things (consumable) Risk is borne partnership by Risk is borne partnership by Things contributed to be sold Risk is borne partnership by Things brought and appraised in the inventory Specific and determinate things which are not fungible where only the use is contributed Risk is borne partnership by NOTE: A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any share in the profits and losses is void. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1799) Risk is partner by 5. Other Rights and Obligations of Partners a. Right to associate another person with him in his share without consent of other partners (sub-partnership) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1804) b. Right to inspect and copy partnership books at any reasonable hour (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1805) c. Right to a formal account as to partnership affairs (even during existence of partnership): (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1809) i) If he is wrongfully excluded from partnership business or possession of its property by his copartners ii) If right exists under the terms of any agreement iii) As provided by Art. 1807 iv) Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable d. Duty to render on demand true and full information affecting partnership to any partner or legal representative of any deceased partner or of any partner under legal disability (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1806) e. Duty to account to the partnership as fiduciary (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1807) 6. Responsibility of Partnership to Partners a. To refund the amounts disbursed by partner in behalf of the partnership plus corresponding interest from the time the expenses are made (loans and advances made by a partner to the partnership aside from capital contribution) b. To answer for obligations partner may have contracted in good faith in the interest of the partnership business c. To answer for risks in consequence of its management c. borne their property after all the partnership assets have been exhausted. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1816) Rules for Distribution of Profits and Losses (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1797) PROFITS LOSSES With agreement According agreement to Without agreement Share of capitalist partner is in proportion to his capital contribution Share of industrial partner - as may be just and equitable under the circumstances According agreement to If sharing of profits is stipulated apply to sharing of losses If no profit sharing stipulated losses shall be borne according to capital contribution Purely industrial partner not liable for losses. NOTE: This is only with respect to the obligation of the partners among each other. Insofar as third parties are concerned, all partners, including industrial ones, shall be liable pro rata with all 3. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTNERS TO THIRD PERSONS Every partnership shall operate under a firm name. Persons who include their names in the partnership PAGE 228 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 name even if they are not members shall be liable as a partner. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1815) All partners shall be liable for contractual obligations of the partnership with their property, after all partnership assets have been exhausted: 1. Pro rata 2. Subsidiary (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1816) Admission or representation made by any partner concerning partnership affairs within scope of his authority is evidence against the partnership. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1820) General rule: Notice to partner of any matter relating to partnership affairs operate as notice to partnership. Exception: Except in case of fraud. Cases of Knowledge of a Partner Knowledge of partner acting in the particular matter, acquired while a partner Knowledge of the partner acting in the particular matter then present to his mind Knowledge of any other partner who reasonably could and should have communicated it to the acting partner (CIVIL CODE, Art.1821) Partners and the partnership are solidarily liable to third persons for the partner's tort or breach of trust. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1824) Liability of incoming partner is limited to: 1. For partnership obligations arising before his admission - his share in the partnership property 2. For partnership obligations arising upon his admission - his share in the partnership property and his separate property (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1826) Creditors of partnership preferred in partnership property & may attach partner's share in partnership assets. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1827) Power of Partner as an Agent of the Partnership (Art. 1818) ACTS EFFECT Acts for carrying on in Every partner is an the usual way the agent and may business of the execute acts with partnership binding effect Except: when he has no authority and 3rd person has knowledge of lack of authority Act which is not apparently for the carrying of business in the usual way Acts of strict dominion or ownership: Assign partnership property in trust for creditors Dispose of good-will of business Do an act which would make it impossible to carry on ordinary business of partnership Confess a judgment Enter into compromise concerning a partnership claim or liability Submit partnership claim or liability to arbitration Renounce claim of partnership Acts in contravention of a restriction on authority Does not bind partnership unless authorized by other partners Partnership is not liable to 3rd persons having actual or presumptive knowledge of the restrictions Admission or representation made by any partner concerning partnership affairs within scope of his authority is evidence against the partnership. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1820) Effects of Conveyance of Real Property Belonging to Partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1819) TITLE EFFECT Title in partnership Conveyance passes name, Conveyance in title but partnership can recover if: partnership name Conveyance was not in the usual way of business, or Buyer had knowledge of lack of authority In no case may the partnership recover if title was passed to a third person as a transferee in good faith. (De Leon, 2019) PAGE 229 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Title in partnership name, Conveyance in partner's name Title in name of 1 or more partners, Conveyance in name if partner/partners in whose name title stands Title in name of 1/more/all partners or 3rd person in trust for partnership, Conveyance executed in partnership name if in name of partners Title in name of all partners, Conveyance in name of all partners Conveyance does not pass title but only equitable interest, unless: Conveyance was not in the usual way of business, or Buyer had knowledge of lack of authority Conveyance passes title but partnership can recover if: Conveyance was not in the usual way of business, or Buyer had knowledge of lack of authority Although the parcel of land really belongs to the partnership, it is registered in the name of a partner and the record does not disclose the right of the partnership. In such a case, the title is conveyed if the partner sold the land in his own name to a third person, to the same effect as in paragraph 1. (De Leon, 2019) Conveyance will only pass equitable interest Conveyance will pass title C. DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP Dissolution is the change in the relation of the partners caused by any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on of the business; partnership is not terminated but continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is completed. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1828) Winding up is the process of settling the business or partnership affairs after dissolution, which includes the paying of previous obligations, collecting of assets previously demandable. (Idos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 110782) Termination is that point when all partnership affairs are completely wound up and finally settled. It signifies the end of the partnership life. (Idos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 110782) 1. CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1830) Causes of Dissolution i. Without violation of the agreement between the partners a. By the termination of the definite term/ particular undertaking specified in the agreement b. By the express will of any partner, who must act in good faith, when no definite term or particular undertaking is specified c. By the express will of all the partners who have not assigned their interests to be charged for their separate debts, either before or after the termination of any specified term or particular undertaking d. By the bona fide expulsion of any partner from the business in accordance with power conferred by the agreement ii. In contravention of the agreement between the partners, where the circumstances do not permit a dissolution under any other provision of Article 1830, by the express will of any partner at any time iii. By any event which makes it unlawful for business to be carried on/for the members to carry it on for the partnership iv. Loss of specific thing promised by partner before its delivery v. Death of any partner vi. Insolvency of a partner/partnership vii. Civil interdiction of any partner viii. Decree of court under Art. 1831. If a partnership has no fixed term, then it is a partnership at will and can be dissolved by the will of any partner. However, such partner must be in good faith, otherwise, he will be liable for damages. Among partners, mutual agency arises and the doctrine of delectus personae allows them to have the power, but not necessarily the right, to dissolve the partnership (Ortega v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 109248). Grounds for dissolution by decree of court (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1831): i. Partner declared insane in any judicial proceeding or shown to be of unsound mind PAGE 230 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Incapacity of partner to perform his part of the partnership contract Partner guilty of conduct prejudicial to business of partnership Willful or persistent breach of partnership agreement or conduct which makes it reasonably impracticable to carry on partnership with him Business can only be carried on at a loss Other circumstances which render dissolution equitable Upon application by purchaser of partner's interest: a. After termination of specified term/particular undertaking b. Anytime if partnership at will when interest was assigned/charging order issued 2. EFFECTS OF DISSOLUTION a. Authority of Partner to Bind Partnership General rule: Authority of partners to bind partnership is terminated. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1832) Exceptions: 1. To wind up partnership affairs 2. Complete transactions not finished (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1834) b. Qualifications 1. With respect to Partners (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1833) Authority of partners to bind partnership by new contract is immediately terminated when dissolution is not due to act, death, or insolvency (ADI) of a partner. If due to ADI, partners are liable as if partnership not dissolved, when the following concur: a. If cause is act of partner, acting partner must have knowledge of such dissolution; and b. If cause is death or insolvency, acting partner must have knowledge/ notice. 2. With respect to Persons not Partners (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1834) Partner continues to bind partnership even after dissolution in following cases: a. Transactions in connection to winding up partnership affairs/completing unfinished transactions b. Transactions which would bind partnership if not dissolved, when the other party: CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Situation 1 (1) Had extended credit to partnership prior to dissolution; and (2) Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution Situation 2 (1) Did not extend credit to partnership; (2) Had known partnership prior to dissolution; and (3) Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution/fact of dissolution not advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the place where partnership is regularly carried on c. Post Dissolution (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1834) Partner cannot bind the partnership anymore after dissolution: i. Where dissolution is due to unlawfulness to carry on with business (except: winding up of partnership affairs) ii. Where partner has become insolvent iii. Where partner unauthorized to wind up partnership affairs, except by transaction with one who: Situation 1 i) Had extended credit to partnership prior to dissolution, and ii) Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution; or Situation 2 i) Did not extend credit to partnership prior to dissolution ii) Had known partnership prior to dissolution iii) Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution/fact of dissolution not advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the place where partnership is regularly carried on 3. RIGHTS OF PARTNERS UPON DISSOLUTION General rule: Dissolution does not discharge existing liability of partner Exceptions: Except by agreement between: 1. The partner and himself 2. The person/partnership continuing the business 3. Partnership creditors (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1835) PAGE 231 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) a. Rights of Partner where Dissolution not in Contravention of Agreement (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1837) 1. 2. Apply partnership property to discharge liabilities of partnership Apply surplus, if any, to pay in cash the net amount owed to partners b. Rights of Partner where Dissolution in Contravention of Agreement (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1837) A. Partner who did not cause dissolution wrongfully i. Apply partnership property to discharge liabilities of partnership ii. Apply surplus, if any to pay in cash the net amount owed to partners iii. Indemnity for damages caused by partner guilty of wrongful dissolution iv. Continue business in same name during agreed term v. Possess partnership property if business is continued B. Partner who wrongly caused dissolution i. If business not continued by others a. Apply partnership property to discharge liabilities of partnership b. Receive in cash his share of surplus less damages caused by his wrongful dissolution ii. If business continued by others a. Have the value of his interest at time of dissolution ascertained and paid in cash/secured by bond b. Be released from all existing/future partnership liabilities d. Settlement of between Partners Assets of the partnership 1. Partnership property (including goodwill) 2. Contributions of the partners (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1839 [1]) Order of Application of Assets 1. Partnership creditors 2. Partners as creditors 3. Partners as investors—return of capital contribution 4. Partners as investors—share of profits if any (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1839 [2]) The partners will contribute the amount necessary to satisfy the liabilities based on the rules for distribution of profits and losses in Art. 1797 (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1839 [4]). Even the individual property of a deceased partner shall be liable for such contributions (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1839 [7]). 4. WHEN BUSINESS OF DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP IS CONTINUED Effects: 1. Creditors of old partnership are also creditors of the new partnership, which continues the business of the old one w/o liquidation of the partnership affairs (CIVIL CODE, Art.1840) 2. Creditors have an equitable lien on the consideration paid to the retiring /deceased partner by the purchaser when retiring/deceased partner sold his interest w/o final settlement with creditors (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1840) The retired or deceased partner or his legal representatives may a. Have the value of his interest ascertained as of the date of dissolution b. May receive as ordinary creditor the value of his share in the dissolved partnership with interest or profits attributable to use of his right, at his option (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1841) c. Rights of Injured Partner where Partnership Contract is Rescinded on Ground of Fraud/Misrepresentation by C , Art. 1838) IVIL ODE One Party (C 1. 2. 3. Right to lien on surplus of partnership property after satisfying partnership liabilities Right to subrogation in place of creditors after payment of partnership liabilities Right of indemnification by guilty partner against all partnership debts & liabilities Accounts 5. PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO WIND UP 1. 2. 3. Partners designated by the agreement In absence of agreement, all partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the partnership Legal representative of last surviving partner (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1836) PAGE 232 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Unless otherwise agreed, the partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the partnership or the legal representative of the last surviving partner, not insolvent, has the right to wind up the partnership affairs, provided, however, that any partner, his legal representative or his assignee, upon cause shown, may obtain winding up by the court (Primelink Properties and Development Corp. v. LazatinMagat, G.R. No. 167379). A partner’s share cannot be returned without first dissolving and liquidating the business for the partnership’s outside creditors have preference over the enterprise’s assets. The firm’s property cannot be diminished to their prejudice. (Magdusa v. Albaran, G.R. No. L-17526) Due to its separate juridical personality from the individual partners, it is thus the partnership – having been the recipient of the capital contributions – which must refund the equity of retiring partners. Such duty does not pertain to partners who managed the business. The amount to be refunded consistent with the partnership being a separate and distinct entity, must necessarily be limited to the firm’s total resources. It can only pay out what it has for its total assets. But this is subject to the priority enjoyed by outside creditors. After all the (said) creditors have been paid, whatever is left of the partnership assets becomes available for the payment of partners’ shares. (Villareal v. Ramirez, G.R. No. 144214) D. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP a. b. c. d. e. Formed by compliance with statutory requirements (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1843) One or more general partners control the business (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1843) One or more general partners and one or more limited partners. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1843) Limited partners (i) contribute cash or other property, but not services (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1845); (ii) share in the profits but do not participate in the management of the business (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1848); and (iii) are not personally liable for partnership obligations beyond their capital contributions May ask for the return of their capital contributions under conditions prescribed by law (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1857) Partnership debts are paid out of common fund and the individual properties of general partners (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1857) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. GENERAL PARTNERS V. LIMITED PARTNERS GENERAL Personally liable for partnership obligations (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1816) When manner of management not agreed upon, all have an equal right in the management of the business (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1803) Contribute cash, property or industry (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1767) Proper party to proceedings by/ against partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1866) Interest not assignable w/o consent of other partners (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1804) Name may appear in firm name (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1815) Prohibition against engaging in business (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1789, Art. 1808) Retirement, death, insolvency, insanity dissolves partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1830) LIMITED Liability extends only to his capital contributions (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1843) No participation in management (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1848) Contribute cash or property only, not industry (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1845) Not proper party to proceedings by/ against partnership (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1866) Interest is freely assignable (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1859) Name must not appear in firm name (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1846) No prohibition against engaging in business Does not have same effect; rights transferred to legal representative (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1861) 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMATION OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Certificate/Articles of Limited Partnership, which must be signed and sworn by the parties, must state the following matters: a. Name of partnership plus the word "Limited" (or “Ltd.” – SEC Memorandum Circular 13-2019) b. Character of business c. Location of principal place of business d. Name/place of residence of members e. Term for partnership is to exist f. Amount of cash/value of property contributed by limited partners g. Additional contributions, if any, to be made by limited partner PAGE 233 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 h. i. Time, if agreed upon, to return contribution of limited partner Sharing of profits/other compensation (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1844) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ii. iii. iv. NOTE: If given, the following must also appear in the Certificate/Articles of Limited Partnership: a. Right of limited partner to substitute an assignee as contributor and the terms of substitution b. Right of partners to admit additional limited partners c. Right of one or more limited partners to priority over other limited partners as to contributions and compensation d. Right of remaining partners to continue the business on death, retirement, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of a general partner e. Right of limited partner to demand and receive property other than cash in return for his contribution Certificate must be filed with the SEC. NOTE: To validly form a limited partnership, all that is required is substantial compliance in good faith with all the requirements under Art. 1844 as enumerated above. If no substantial compliance, then the firm becomes a general partnership as far as third persons are concerned (but as amongst the partners, still limited) (Jo Chung Cang v. Pacific Commercial Co., 45 Phil 142) 4. CONSENT/RATIFICATION OF ALL LIMITED PARTNERS NEEDED i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Any act in contravention of the certificate Any act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary business of the partnership Confess judgment against partnership Possess partnership property/assign rights in specific partnership property other than for partnership purposes Admit person as general partner Admit person as limited partner - unless authorized in certificate Continue business with partnership property on death, retirement, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of gen partner unless authorized in certificate (CIVIL CODE, Art.1850) 5. RIGHTS OF LIMITED PARTNERS i. v. vi. vii. Right to inspect/copy books at reasonable hour Right to have on demand true and full info of all things affecting partnership Right to have formal account of partnership affairs whenever circumstances render it just and reasonable Right to ask for dissolution and winding up by decree of court Right to receive share of profits/other compensation by way of income Right to receive return of contributions provided the partnership assets are in excess of all its liabilities (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1851) 6. REQUISITES FOR RETURN OF CONTRIBUTION OF LIMITED PARTNER i. ii. All liabilities of partnership have been paid/if not yet paid, at least sufficient to cover them Consent of all members has been obtained Exception: The return of the contribution may be rightfully demanded. iii. Certificate is cancelled/amended as to set forth withdrawal /reduction of contribution (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1857) 7. LIABILITIES OF A LIMITED PARTNER a. b. To the Partnership 1. For the difference between his contribution as actually made and that stated in the certificate as having been made, and 2. For any unpaid contribution which he agreed in the certificate to make in the future time (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1858) As a Trustee for the Partnership 1. For the specific property stated in the certificate as contributed by him but which he had not contributed; 2. For the specific property of the partnership which had been wrongfully returned to him; and 3. Money or other property wrongfully paid or conveyed to him on account of his contribution. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1858) Right to have partnership books kept at principal place of business PAGE 234 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) j. 8. DISSOLUTION OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Priority in Distribution of Assets a. Those due to creditors, including limited partners b. Those due to limited partners in respect of their share in profits/compensation c. Those due to limited partners of return of capital contributed d. Those due to general partner other than capital and profits e. Those due to general partner in respect to profits f. Those due to general partner for return of capital contributed (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1863) 9. AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PARTNERSHIP Certificate Must Be Cancelled When: a. Partnership is dissolved b. There cease to be limited Partners ( CIVIL CODE, Arts.1864 & 1865) Certificate of Partnership Must Be Amended When: a. There is a change in the name of the partnership or in the amount or character of the contribution of any limited partner; b. A person is substituted as a limited partner; c. An additional limited partner is admitted; d. A person is admitted as a general partner; e. A general partner retires, dies, becomes insolvent or insane, or is sentenced to civil interdiction and the business is continued under Article 1860; f. There is a change in the character of the business of the partnership; g. There is a false or erroneous statement in the certificate; h. There is a change in the time as stated in the certificate for the dissolution of the partnership or for the return of a contribution; i. A time is fixed for the dissolution of the partnership, or the return of a contribution, no time having been specified in the certificate, or The members desire to make a change in any other statement in the certificate in order that it shall accurately represent the agreement among them. .(CIVIL CODE, Art. 1864) The writing to amend a certificate: a. Shall conform to the requirements of Article 1844 as far as necessary to set forth clearly the change in the certificate which it is desired to make; and b. Must be signed and sworn to by all the members including the new members if some are added; in case of substitution, the assigning limited partner must also signed by the assigning limited partner. The cancellation or amendment must be recorded in the SEC.( CIVIL CODE, Art.1864) NOTE: Any person who suffers loss by reliance on false statement in certificate may hold liable for damages any party to the certificate who knew the statement to be false at the time the latter signed the certificate or came to know such falsity subsequently but within sufficient time before reliance to enable such party to cancel or amend the certificate or file the proper petition for such purpose (under Art. 1865). (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1847; Walraven v. Ramsay, 55 N.W.d 853) A general partner’s DIIC (Death, Insolvency, Insanity, or Civil interdiction) dissolves the partnership unless the business is continued by the surviving general partners under a right stated in the certificate or with their common (i.e., all) consent (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1860). Still, even if allowed under the certificate or consented to by all, there must be an amendment further to Arts. 1864 and 1865. Otherwise, limited partners will not be able to avail of the protection of the law as regards liability. The partnership will be considered general. (Lowe v. Arizona Power & Light Co., 427 P. d. 366) A limited partner shall not become liable as a general partner, unless in addition to the exercise of his rights and powers as a limited one, he takes part in the control (and management) of the business (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1848; Holzman v. Escamilla, 195 P. d. 833, 1948) A person may be general and limited at the same time provided it is stated in the certificate. He shall have all the powers, rights, and restrictions of a general partner; but with respect to his capital contribution, his right against the other members of the firm would be that of a limited partner (Art. 1853). PAGE 235 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) General rule: A limited partner may also loan money to and transact other business with the firm. Exceptions: Except that he cannot: 1. Receive or hold as collateral any partnership property; or 2. Receive from a general partner or from the firm any payment, conveyance, release if at that time assets of the firm are not sufficient to discharge liabilities to outside creditors. Any violation would be fraud on such creditors (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1854). Liability of a Limited Partner Whose Surname Appears in the Partnership Name General Rule: A limited partner whose surname appears in the partnership name is liable as a general partner to the partnership creditors who extended credit without actual knowledge that he is not a general partner. Exceptions: 1. If the surname is also the surname of a general partner; or 2. If prior to the time the partner became a limited partner, the business has been carried under such name. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1846) -- end of topic -- PAGE 236 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 237 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 VIII. AGENCY TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. DEFINITION OF AGENCY 1. Characteristics 2. Essential Elements B. NATURE, FORMS AND KINDS OF AGENCY 1. Nature of Relationship 2. Other Classifications 3. Forms of Agency 4. Kinds of Agency 5. How Agency is Revoked C. OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENT 1. General Obligations 2. Effects of Agent’s Acts to Principal’s Liability 3. Appointment of Sub-Agent 4. Responsibility of Two (2) or More Agents Appointed Simultaneously 5. Obligation Rules for Commission Agents D. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL 1. Obligations of the Principal to the Agent 2. Rules on Liability of Two (2) or more Principals 3. Principal’s Liabilities for Expenses 4. Agency by Estoppel 5. Principal's Revocation of the Agency 6. Principal’s Liability for Damages despite Revocation E. MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT 1. How Agency is Extinguished 2. Other Modes 3. Exceptions to Extinguishment by Death CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. DEFINITION OF AGENCY By the Contract of Agency, a person binds himself to render some service or to do something in representation or on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of the latter. (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1868) 1. CHARACTERISTICS a. b. c. d. e. Consensual: perfected by mere consent; (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1869, Art. 1870) The basis for agency is representation; on principal’s part, there must be an intention to appoint, or such intention is naturally inferable from words or actions; on part of the agent, there must be an intent to accept the appointment and act on it; in the absence of either, there is no agency. (Dominion Insurance Corp. v. CA, 376 SCRA 239) Nominate: it has its own name and the rules provided in Title X, Book IV of the Civil Code will find preferential application against the general provisions on Obligations and Contracts; it will be an agency whether or not parties understood the exact nature of the relation. (Doles v. Angeles, G.R. No. 149353) Preparatory: The object of agency is for the agent to enter on behalf of the principal and within the scope of his authority into juridical acts with third parties (Rallos v. Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corp., G.R. No. L-24332) Principal: it does not depend on another contract for its existence and validity; (Doles v. Angeles, G.R. No. 149353) Unilateral/Bilateral and Primarily Onerous: 1. Unilateral: if contract is gratuitous or it creates obligations for only one party (i.e., the agent) (Urban Bank, Inc. v. Peña, G.R. No. 145817, 145822, 162562) 2. Bilateral: if contract is for compensation or gives rise to reciprocal rights and obligations (Urban Bank, Inc. v. Peña, G.R. No. 145817, 145822, 162562) NOTE: Agency is presumed to be for compensation, unless there is proof to the contrary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) PAGE 238 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Basis: Representation The acts of the agent on behalf of the principal within the scope of his authority produce the same legal and binding effects as if they were personally done by the principal. (Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corp., G.R. No. 144805) The distinguishing features of agency are its representative character & its derivative authority. (Rallos v. Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corp., Gr. No. L-24332) Purpose Extend the personality of the principal through the facility of the agent. (Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corp., G.R. No. 144805) Parties to the Contract of Agency 1. Principal i. May be a natural or a juridical person ii. Must be capacitated. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1327) General rule: If a person is capacitated to act in his own right, he can act through an agent. NOTE: The agent is not liable where he was ignorant of the principal’s incapacity. (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1897 & 1899 ) 2. Agent i. Like the principal, the agent may be either a natural or juridical person, and must be capacitated. ii. One who is absolutely incapacitated (e.g., insane persons) cannot be an agent. NOTE: From the time the agent acts or transacts the business for which he has been employed in representation of another, a third party is added to the agency relationship – the party with whom the business is transacted (De Leon, 2010). 2. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS (CROW) a. b. c. d. Consent of the parties to establish the relationship; Object or subject matter of the contract is the execution of a juridical act in relation to third persons; Agent acts as a Representative and not for himself; and Agent acts Within the scope of his authority. (Rallos v. Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corp., Gr. No. L-24332) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) B. NATURE, FORMS, AND KINDS OF AGENCY 1. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP Since it is a contract, there must be a meeting of the minds (i.e., consent) as to object and cause. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1868) Exception to Contractual Nature When the agency is created by operation of law (See Part VIII on “Agency by Operation of Law”) NOTE: An illegal termination of agency does not justify reinstatement of the agent. The agency cannot be compelled by the courts to be reinstated because such relationship can only be given effect with the consent of the principal (Orient Air Services v. CA, G.R. No. 76931). At most, the principal may be held liable for damages. Acts that cannot be done through an agent 1. Personal Acts (making of a will; exercise of right of suffrage; statements required to be made under oath) 2. Criminal Acts or Acts Not Allowed by Law (ownership of private agricultural lands by aliens through an agent; persons prohibited to acquire a property by reason of position or relation to the person cannot do the same through the mediation of another; participation in the commission of a crime – a person cannot escape punishment on the ground that he was merely an agent; attending meetings of board of directors/trustees of a corporation) Nature of Relationship between Principal and Agent Fiduciary – based on trust & confidence i. Agent is estopped from asserting an interest adverse to his principal’s, whether his own or that of an adverse party (Severino v. Severino, G.R. No. 18058; CIVIL CODE, Art. 1435) ii. Agent must not use or disclose secret information (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1889) iii. Agent must give notice of material facts (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1889) NOTE: Theory of Imputed Knowledge General Rule: Knowledge of the agent is imputed to the principal even though the agent never communicated it to his principal (Sunace International Management Services, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 161757) PAGE 239 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Exceptions: 1. Where the interests of the agent are adverse to those of the principal; 2. The agent’s duty is not to disclose the information, as where he is informed by way of confidential information. 3. Agent acts in bad faith or where the person claiming the benefit of the rule colludes with the agent to defraud the principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1898) Distinction between Agency and Guardianship AGENCY Agent represents a capacitated person Agent is appointed by the principal and can be removed by the latter. Agent is subject to the directions of the principal. Agent can make the principal personally liable. GUARDIANSHIP A guardian represents an incapacitated person. Guardian is appointed by the court and stands in loco parentis. Guardian is not subject to the directions of the ward but must act for the benefit of the latter Guardian has no power to impose personal liability on the ward. Distinction between Agency and Judicial Administration AGENCY Agent is appointed by the principal. Agent represents the principal. Agent does not file a bond. Agent is controlled by the principal through the arrangement. JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Judicial administrator is appointed by the court. Judicial administrator not only represents the court but also the heirs and creditors of the estate. Judicial administrator files a bond. Judicial administrator’s acts are subject to specific orders from the court. Distinction between Agency and Lease AGENCY Agent is controlled by the principal. Agency may involve things other than property. Agent can bind the principal. LEASE OF PROPERTY Lessee is not controlled by the lessor. Lease of property involves property. Distinction between Agency to Sell and Sale (Quiroga v. Parsons, G.R. No. 11491; Spouses Viloria v. Continental Airlines, G.R. No. 188288) AGENCY TO SELL Agent receives the goods as the principal’s goods Agent delivers the proceeds of the sale Agent can return the object in case he is unable to sell the same to a third person Agent in dealing with the thing received is bound to act according to the instructions of his principal SALE Buyer receives the goods as owner Buyer pays the price Buyer, as a general rule, cannot return the object sold Buyer can deal with the thing as he pleases, being the owner Distinction between Agency and Contractor (Shell v. Firemen’s Ins. Co., G.R. No. L-8169) AGENT Represents his principal Acts under the principal’s control and instruction Principal is liable for torts committed by the agent within the scope of his authority (Civil Code, Art. 1897, Art. 1899) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Employed by the employer Acts according to his own method Employer not liable for torts committed by the independent contractor. (Rule VIII, Sec. 9(b), Omnibus Implementing Rules of the Labor Code of the Philippines) Distinction between Agency and Partnership AGENCY An agent must submit to the principal’s right to control The agent assumes no personal liability where he acts within the scope of his authority (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897) The agent takes his agreed share of profits not as owner but as an agreed measure of compensation for his services PARTNERSHIP A co-partner is not subject to co-partner’s right to control, unless there is an agreement to that effect The partner binds not only the firm members but himself as well The profits belong to all the partners as common proprietors in agreed proportions Lessee cannot bind the lessor. PAGE 240 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS OF AGENCY a. As to Manner of Creation 1. 2. Express – agent has been explicitly authorized by the principal, either orally or in writing. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1869) Implied – agency is implied from the acts of the principal, from his silence, or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency knowing that another person is acting on his behalf without authority, or from the acts of the agent which carry out the agency. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1869) b. As to Character 1. 2. Gratuitous – agent receives no compensation for his services (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) Onerous – agent receives compensation for his services (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) c. As to Extent of Business of the Principal 1. 2. General – agency comprises all the business of the principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1876) Special – agency comprises one or more specific transactions (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1876) d. As to Authority Conferred 1. 2. Couched in general terms – only acts of administration (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1877) Couched in specific terms – only the performance of a specific act/s (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1876). If a special power of attorney is granted, it will empower the agent to render acts of dominion to the extent granted (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1878_ e. As to Nature and Effects 1. 2. Ostensible or Representative – agent acts in the name and representation of the principal Simple or Commission – agent acts in his own name but for the account of the principal. (De Leon, 2019) 3. FORMS OF AGENCY General Rule: Appointment of an agent may be oral or written; no formal requirement (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1869) Exception: When the law requires a specific form (e.g., sale of a piece of land or any interest therein CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) through an agent – the agent’s authority must be in writing, otherwise the sale is void) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1874) How Agency May be Constituted from Side of Third Parties: 1. Agency is not presumed to exist – persons dealing with an agent must ascertain not only the fact of agency, but also the nature and extent of his authority – he must require the presentation of the power of attorney, or the instructions as regards the agency. (Salvador v. Rabaja , G.R. No. 199990) 2. Agency by Estoppel with Respect to Third Parties – one who clothes another with apparent authority as his agent, and holds him out to the public as such, cannot be permitted to deny the authority of such person to act as his agent, to the prejudice of innocent third parties dealing with such person in good faith and in the following pre-assumptions or deductions, which the law expressly directs to be made from particular facts, are deemed conclusive. (Macke v. Camps, G.R. No. 2962) Compensation General Rule: Agency is presumed to be for compensation, unless there is proof to the contrary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) The agent does not have to prove that the agency is for compensation. Exception: The presumption that the agency is for compensation is prima facie, meaning it may be disproved by contrary evidence. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) Broker Negotiates contracts relative to property in behalf of others and for a compensation/fee. (Litonjua v. Eternit Corp., G.R. No. 144805) Difference from a Broker A broker brings parties together and parties agree to enter into a contract. A broker is not necessarily an agent of either party, and negotiate contracts relative to property in behalf of others and for a compensation/fee. He is described merely as a “gobetween” between the parties in Litonjua v. Eternit Corp. (G.R. No. 144805), and does not have authority to bind the parties. Thus, in Litonjua, the Court said that a real estate broker (not an agent) is one who negotiates the sale of real properties – his authority is to find a buyer (or seller) who wishes to purchase (or sell) a property on terms agreed upon by the parties. He has no PAGE 241 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 authority to bind the parties in the contract of sale. His authority is to find a buyer (or seller) and not to sell the property. Thus, there is no need of a special power of attorney under Art 1878. When Broker Entitled to Compensation: 1. Whenever he brings to his principal a party who is able and willing to take the property, and enter into a valid contract upon the terms named by the principal, although the particulars may be arranged and the matter negotiated and completed between the principal and the purchaser directly (Macondray & Co., Inc. v. Sellner, G.R. No. 9184) 2. A broker is not entitled to commission for unsuccessful efforts. (Guardex Enterprises v. NLRC, G.R. No. 66541) 3. The broker should be paid his commission where he is the efficient procuring cause in bringing the sale. (Prats v. CA, G.R. No. L39822; Manotok Brothers v. CA, G.R. No. 94753) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Requisites for Principal to be bound by act of Agent (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897) 1. The agent must act on behalf of the principal 2. The agent must act within the scope of his authority When Principal is not bound by act of Agent General Rule: The agent acts without or beyond the scope of his authority in the principal’s name (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897, 1910, Art. 1403 (1)) Exceptions: 1. So far as third persons are concerned, an act is deemed to be within the scope of the agent's authority, if such act is within the terms of the power of attorney, as written, even if the agent has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority according to an understanding between the principal and the agent; (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1900) 2. Where the principal has ratified the acts of the agent, expressly or impliedly (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1910) Efficient Procuring Cause When there is a close proximate and causal connection between the efforts and labor of the agent and the principal’s sale of property. (Manotok Brothers v. CA, G.R. No. 94753) If an agent acts in his own name, he (and not the principal) is the one bound to the third person. The principal would not have a right of action in such case, unless the transaction involves things belonging to him (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1883) Q: Will a broker be paid if the transaction was effected after the expiration of his authority? NOTE: The agent is not deemed to have exceeded his authority should he perform the agency in a manner more advantageous to the principal than that indicated by him, since he is authorized to do such acts as may be conducive to the accomplishment of the purpose of the agency. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1882) A: The broker should be paid his commission where he is the efficient procuring cause in bringing the sale. He is the efficient procuring cause when there is a close proximate and causal connection between the efforts and labor of the agent and the principal’s sale of property. (Manotok Brothers v. CA, G.R. No. 94753) NOTE: “Procuring cause” refers to a cause originating a series of events which, without break in their continuity, resulting in the accomplishment of the prime objective of the broker’s employment, i.e. to produce a purchaser ready, willing, and able to buy on the owner’s terms. To be regarded as the “procuring cause” to be entitled to a commission, a broker’s efforts must have been the foundation on which the negotiations resulting in a sale began. (Medrano v. CA, G.R. No. 150678) Law on Double Agency If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a common transaction or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to the agent for all the consequences of the agency (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1915). In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, a managing agent (i.e., one entrusted with the care and management of a business) may enter into contracts that he deems reasonably necessary or requisite for the protection of the interests of his principal entrusted to his management. (Eurotech v. Cuizon, G.R. No. 167552) Forms of Acceptance by Agent 1. Express - when it is oral or written (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1870) 2. Implied - when it can be inferred from the acts of the agent which carry out the agency, or from his silence or inaction according to the circumstances (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1870) Between persons who are present – there is implied acceptance if the principal delivers his power of attorney to the agent and the latter receives it without any objection (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1871) PAGE 242 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Between persons who are absent General rule: Acceptance not deemed implied from the silence of the agent. (CIVIL CODE, Art.1872) Exceptions: 1. When the principal transmits his power of attorney to the agent who receives it without any objection 2. When the principal entrusts to him by letter or telegram a power of attorney with respect to the business in which he is habitually engaged as an agent, and he did not reply to the letter or telegram (CIVIL CODE,Art.1872) “Present” Generally, “face to face”, but includes people conversing directly through technology (e.g., over the telephone or through a videoconference). Q: How is implied acceptance manifested as between persons who are present and those who are absent? A: As between persons who are present, the acceptance of the agency may be implied if the principal delivers his power of attorney to the agent and the latter receives it without any objection. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1871). Meanwhile, as to those who are absent, the acceptance of the agency cannot be implied from the silence of the agent, except when the principal delivers his power of attorney to the agent, who receives it without any objection; or when the principal entrusts to him by letter or telegram a power of attorney in which he is habitually engaged as an agent, and he did not reply to the letter or telegram. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1872) 4. KINDS OF AGENCY a. Based on business or transactions encompassed General vs Special Agency BASIS Scope Authority of GENERAL AGENT SPECIAL AGENT All acts connected with the business or employment in which he is engaged (CIVIL CODE,, Art. 1876) Specific acts in pursuance of particular instructions or with restrictions necessarily implied from the act to be done (CIVIL CODE, 1876) Nature of Service Authorized Extent to Which Agent May Bind the Principal Construction of Principal’s Instructions Involves continuity of service May bind his principal by an act within the scope of his authority, although it may not have been the subject of any specific instruction Generally considered as advisory in nature Art. No continuity of service Cannot bind his principal in a manner beyond or outside the specific acts which he is authorized to perform Strictly construed as they limit the agent’s authority NOTE: Universal Agent – one employed to do all acts which the principal may personally do, and which he can lawfully delegate to another the power of doing. (Siasat v. IAC, G. R. No. L-67889) b. Whether it covers legal matters Attorney-at-Law vs. Attorney-in-Fact ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-IN-FACT A practitioner in a “An attorney-in-fact is court of law who is simply an agent legally qualified to whose authority is prosecute and defend strictly limited by the instrument appointing actions in such court. him, though he may do things not mentioned in his appointment necessary to the performance of the duties specifically required of him by the power of attorney appointing him, such authority necessarily being implied (Philippine Legal Encyclopedia, p. 66) NOTE: “His authority is provided in a special power of attorney or general power of attorney or letter of attorney. An attorney-in-fact is not necessarily a lawyer.” (Pineda, Legal Ethics, p. 8) PAGE 243 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 c. Whether it covers acts of administration or acts of dominion – General Power vs. Special Power of Attorney Power of Attorney Instrument in writing by which the principal appoints his agent and confers authority to do specific acts on behalf of the principal. Its primary purpose is to evidence the agent’s authority to third parties with whom the agent deals (Wee v. De Castro, G.R. No. 176405) NOTE: Article 1878 does not state that the authority be in writing. As long as the mandate is express, such authority may either be oral or written. The requirement under Article 1878 refers to the nature of authorization and not to its form (Patrimonio v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 187769). Construction of Power of Attorney (Olaguer v. Purugganan, Jr., G.R. No. 158907) General rule: Strictly construed to grant only those specified powers. Exception: When strict construction will defeat the very purpose of the power Ways of Giving Notice of Agency and its Effect 1. By special information - the person appointed as agent is considered as such with respect to the person to whom it was given. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1873) 2. By public advertisement - the agent is considered as such with regard to any person. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1873) Agency Couched in General Terms Covers only mere acts of administration (not acts of dominion) even if: 1. The principal should state that he withholds no power 2. The agent may execute such acts as he may consider appropriate 3. The agency should authorize a general and unlimited management (CIVIL CODE, Art.1877) How to Construe Contracts of Agency Contracts of agency, as well as general powers of attorney, must be interpreted in accordance with the language used by the parties. The real intention of the parties is primarily determined from the language used and gathered from the whole instrument. In case of doubt, resort must be had to the situation, context, and relations of the parties. The intention of the parties must be sustained, not defeated. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) If the contract is open to two (2) constructions, one of which would uphold the intention while the other would overthrow it, the former is to be chosen. (Liñan v. Puno, G.R. No. L-9608) Cases Where Special Power of Attorney is Necessary 1. To make such Payments as are not usually considered as acts of administration; 2. To Effect novations which put an end to obligations already in existence at the time the agency was constituted; 3. To Compromise, to submit questions to arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal from a judgment, to waive objections to the venue of an action, or to abandon a prescription already acquired; 4. To Waive any obligation gratuitously; 5. To Enter into any contract by which the ownership of an immovable is transmitted or acquired either gratuitously or for a valuable consideration; 6. To Make gifts, except customary ones for charity or those made to employees in the business managed by the agent; 7. To Loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent and indispensable for the preservation of the things which are under administration; 8. To Lease any real property to another person for more than one year; 9. To Bind the principal to render some service without compensation; 10. To Bind the principal in a contract of partnership; 11. To Obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety; 12. To Create or convey real rights over immovable property; 13. To Accept or repudiate an inheritance; 14. To Ratify or recognize obligations contracted before the agency; 15. Any Other act of strict dominion. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1878) NOTE: A Special Power of Attorney is not required to execute a Deed of Partition because partition is a conveyance of real property. (Heirs of Ureta v. Heirs of Ureta, G.R. No. 165748) NOTE: A Special Power of Attorney is strictly construed. Hence, the act under Article 1878 sought to be authorized must be clearly stated. Accordingly, the power of administration does not include acts of disposition or encumbrance, which are acts of strict ownership. Similarly, an authority to PAGE 244 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 sell or dispose does not include the authority to administer. (Aggabao v. Parulan, G.R. No. 165803) NOTE: A Special Power of Attorney must express the powers of the agent in clear and unmistakable language for the principal to confer the right upon an agent (Yoshizaki v. Joy Training Center of Aurora, Inc., G.R. No. 174978) However, Article 1878 does not state that the authority be in writing. As long as the mandate is express, such authority may either be oral or written. The requirement under Article 1878 refers to the nature of authorization and not to its form (Patrimonio v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 187769). The special power of attorney can be included in the general power when it specifies therein the act or transaction for which the special power is required. Q: A borrowed money from C on behalf of B without B’s knowledge. C sought to recover from A, but to no avail. He thereafter sent several demand letters to B asking for the payment. B now contends that he should not be held liable because there was no loan between him and C since he did not give a special power of attorney for the borrowing of money. Is B correct? A: Yes. Art. 1878 of the NCC provides that a special power of attorney is necessary in order to loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent and indispensable for the preservation of the things which are under administration. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Agency by Estoppel There is really no agency at all, but the alleged agent seemed to have apparent or ostensible, although not real, authority to represent another. (Country Bankers Insurance Corporation v. Keppel Cebu Shipyard, et. al., G.R. No. 166044) NOTE: If a person specially informs another or states by public advertisement that he has given a power of attorney to a third person, the latter thereby becomes a duly authorized agent, in the former case with respect to the person who received the special information, and in the latter case with regard to any person (CIVIL CODE, Art.1873). Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had full powers (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1911) Requisites of Agency by Estoppel 1. The principal manifested a representation of the agent’s authority or knowingly allowed the agent to assume such authority; 2. The third person, in good faith, relied upon such representation; and 3. Relying upon such representation, such third person has changed his position to his detriment (Country Bankers Insurance Corporation v. Keppel Cebu Shipyard, et. al., G.R. No. 166044) Powers not included in the power to mortgage 1. To sell (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1879) 2. To execute a second mortgage 3. To mortgage for the agent or any 3rd person’s benefit, unless clearly indicated Powers not included in the power to compromise Submission to arbitration (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1880) Rationale: 1. A principal may authorize his agent to compromise because of his confidence in the latter’s discretion to protect his rights and obtain for him the best deal. 2. If the transaction were left in the hands of an arbitrator, said arbitrator may not enjoy the trust of the principal. 3. The agent must act within the scope of his authority. He may do such acts as may be conducive to the accomplishment of the purpose of the agency. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1881) PAGE 245 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Distinction between Agency by Estoppel and Implied Agency AGENCY BY IMPLIED BASIS ESTOPPEL AGENCY Existence of No agency at There is an actual all actual agency agency Reliance by Can be Such reliance 3rd persons invoked only is not needed, by a 3rd since the person who in agent is a real good faith agent relied on the conduct of the principal in holding the agent out as being authorized Nature of An agent by An agent by Authority estoppel has implied none of the appointment rights of an has all the agent, except rights and where the liabilities of an principal’s agent, i.e., actual conduct is has such that the authority to agent act on behalf of the principal reasonably believed that the principal intended him to act as an agent CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 5. 5. HOW AGENCY IS REVOKED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NOTE: An authority embodied in a letter is sufficient. (Jimenez v. Rabot, G.R. No. 12579) Instances creating an Agency by Operation of Law 1. The agent must finish the business already begun on the death of the principal, should delay entail any danger (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1884, par. 2) 2. In case a person declines an agency, he is bound to observe the diligence of a good father of a family in the custody and preservation of the goods forwarded to him by the owner until the latter should appoint an agent (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1885) 3. The agent, even if he should withdraw from the agency for a valid reason, must continue to act until the principal has had reasonable opportunity to take the necessary steps to meet the situation (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1929). 4. Anything done by the agent, without knowledge of the death of the principal or of any other cause which extinguishes the agency, is valid and shall be fully effective with respect to third persons who may have contracted with him in good faith (CIVIL CODE, , Art. 1931). If the agent dies, the heirs must notify the principal thereof, and in the meantime adopt such measures as the circumstances may demand in the interest of the latter (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1932) 7. 8. Principal may revoke the agency (express or implied) at will and compel agent to return the document evidencing the agency. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1920) Agency has been entrusted for purpose of contracting with specified persons – revocation will not prejudice specified persons if they were not notified. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1921) If the agent had general powers – revocation does not prejudice third persons who acted in good faith and without knowledge of the revocation. Notice of revocation in a newspaper of general circulation is a sufficient warning. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1922) The appointment of a new agent for the same business or transaction revokes the previous agency from the day on which notice was given to the former agent. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1923) Agency is revoked if principal directly manages the business entrusted to the agent, dealing directly with third persons (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1924) When two or more principals have granted a power of attorney for a common transaction, any one of them may revoke the same without the consent of the others. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1925) A general power of attorney is revoked by a special one granted to another agent, as regards the special matter involved in the latter. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1926) The power shall continue to be in full force until the notice is rescinded in the same manner as it was constituted. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1873). However, constitution by Special Information may be revoked by notice in a daily newspaper, provided it can be proven that 3rd persons in question read the revocation (Lustan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 111924) PAGE 246 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 C. OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENT 1. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS General Obligations of the Agent to the Principal (GOC) 1. Act with utmost Good faith & loyalty for the furtherance of principal’s interests 2. Obey principal’s instructions 3. Exercise reasonable Care General Obligation of Agent who accepts the Agency NOTE: The agent is bound by his acceptance to carry out the agency and is liable for the damages which, through his non-performance, the principal may suffer. He must also finish the business already begun on the death of the principal, should delay entail any danger. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1884) Specific Obligations of the Agent (FADI – CALAMARI) 1. Carry out the agency (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1884); 2. Answer for damages which through his nonperformance the principal may suffer; 3. Finish the business already begun on the death of the principal should delay entail any danger (exception to the rule that death extinguishes agency) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1884); 4. Observe the Diligence of a good father of a family in the custody and preservation of the goods forwarded to him by the owner in case he declines an agency, until an agent is appointed (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1885); 5. Advance necessary funds if there be a stipulation to do so (except when the principal is insolvent) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1886); 6. Act in accordance with the Instructions of the principal, and in default thereof, to do all that a good father of a family would do (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1887); Exceptions (to the rule that the agent must not depart from the instructions of principal) (SAI): i. There’s a Sudden emergency ii. If the instructions are Ambiguous iii. If the Departure is so Insubstantial that it does not affect the result and the principal suffers no damage thereby (De Leon, 2010) 7. Not to carry out the agency if it would Manifestly result in loss or damage to the principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1888); 8. Answer for damages if there being a conflict between his & his principal’s interests, he prefers his own (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1889); CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 9. Not to borrow money for himself even if he has been authorized to Loan money on behalf of the principal. NOTE: The agent can loan money to the principal at the current rate of interest if he has been authorized to borrow money for the principal. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1890) 10. Render an Account of his transactions and deliver to the principal whatever he may have received by virtue of the agency (If the agent fails to deliver and instead converts or appropriates for his own use the money or property belonging to his principal, he may be charged with ESTAFA.) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1891) 11. Be Responsible in certain cases for the act of the substitute appointed by him (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1892) 12. Pay Interest on funds he has applied to his own use (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1896) Obligation of Agent who declines Agency In case a person declines an agency, he is bound to observe the diligence of a good father of a family in the custody and preservation of the goods forwarded to him by the owner until the latter should appoint an agent. The owner shall as soon as practicable either appoint an agent or take charge of the goods. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1885) 2. EFFECTS OF AGENT’S ACTS TO PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITY Effects of Agent’s Acts to Principal’s Liability LIABILITY OF ACT OF AGENT PRINCIPAL Mismanagement of Principal still the business by the responsible for the agent acts contracted by the agent with respect to 3rd persons; Principal, however, may seek recourse against the agent Tort committed by the Principal civilly liable agent so long as the tort is committed by the agent while performing his duties in furtherance of the principal’s business Agent in good faith but Principal is liable for prejudices 3rdparties damages Agent in bad faith and prejudices 3rd persons Only the agent is liable for damages PAGE 247 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When Agent has a right to disobey the Principal’s instructions 1. When the instruction calls for the performance of illegal acts 2. Where he is privileged to do so to protect his security in the subject matter of the agency When obligation to account not applicable 1. If the agent acted only as a middleman with the task of merely bringing together the vendor and the vendees. 2. If the agent had informed the principal of the gift/bonus/profit he received from the purchaser and his principal did not object. 3. Where a right of lien exists in favor of the agent. (De Leon, 2019) When Agent may incur Personal Liability 1. When the agent expressly binds himself (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897) 2. When the agent exceeds his authority (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897, 1898) 3. When an agent by his act prevents performance on the part of the principal 4. When a person acts as an agent without authority or without a principal 5. A person who purports to act as agent of an incapacitated principal 3. APPOINTMENT OF SUB-AGENT Appointment of Sub-Agent 1. If the principal has not prohibited the agent from appointing a substitute, the Principal will be liable to 3rd persons for the acts of the subagent within the scope of his authority 2. If there is a prohibition but nevertheless the agent appoints a sub-agent, all the sub-agent’s acts are void as to the principal and the agent will be personally liable as to third parties. 3. If there is authority to appoint and sub-agent is not designated by the principal, the agent will be liable for all the acts of the sub-agent if the subagent is notoriously incompetent or insolvent. 4. If there is authority to appoint and sub-agent is designated by the principal, the agent is released from any liability from the acts of the sub-agent and the principal shall be liable. 5. If the appointment of a sub-agent is not prohibited, it shall be valid if it is beneficial to the principal. But, should the principal incur damage due to such appointment, the agent shall be primarily responsible for the acts of the sub-agent. (De Leon, 2019) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Q: A constituted B as his agent. Can B appoint a substitute? A: Yes. The agent may appoint a substitute or subagent if the principal has not prohibited him from doing so, but he shall be responsible for the acts of the substitute: a. When he was not given the power to appoint one; b. When he was given such power, but without designating the person, and the person appointed was notoriously incompetent or insolvent. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1892) If there is a prohibition, B cannot do so, unless he seeks the consent of the principal. 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF TWO (2) OR MORE AGENTS APPOINTED SIMULTANEOUSLY General rule: Joint liability Exception: When solidarity has been expressly stipulated, in which case, each of the agents becomes solidarily liable for (1) the non-fulfillment of the agency; and for (2) the fault or negligence of his fellow agent(s) (CIVIL CODE, Arts.1894 & 1895) Exception to the Exception: when one of the other agent/s acts beyond the scope of his authority – innocent agent is not liable. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1895) Doctrine of Agency by Necessity An agency can never be created by necessity; what is actually created is additional authority in an agent appointed and authorized before the emergency arose. The existence of emergency or other unusual conditions may operate to invest in an agent authority to meet the emergency, provided (PURE): 1. The agent’s enlarged authority is exercised for the principal’s Protection 2. The agent is Unable to communicate with principal; 3. The means adopted are Reasonable under the circumstances; and 4. The emergency really Exists. Effect where 3rd Person aware of limits of agent’s power If the agent exceeds his authority, it shall not bind the principal unless the principal ratifies it. (Cervantes v. CA, G.R. No. 125138) PAGE 248 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When third persons can repudiate the contract Before actual ratification by the principal, or before the principal has signified his willingness to ratify the agent’s acts. (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1317 & 1901) Effect of the principal receiving the benefits of the transaction He is deemed to have ratified it. A principal may not accept the benefits of a transaction and at the same time repudiate its burdens. Conditions for Ratification 1. The principal must have capacity and power to ratify 2. He must have had knowledge of material facts 3. He must ratify the acts in its entirety 4. The act must be capable of ratification 5. The act must be done on behalf of the principal 6. To be effective, ratification need not be communicated or made known to the agent or the third party. The act or conduct of the principal rather than his communication is the key. But before ratification, the third party is free to revoke the unauthorized contract. Effects of Ratification 1. With respect to agent - relieves the agent from liability to the third party for the unauthorized CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. transaction, and to his principal for acting without authority; may recover compensation With respect to principal - assumes responsibility for the unauthorized act, as if the agent had acted under original authority but not liable for acts outside the authority approved by his ratification With respect to 3rd persons - bound by ratification to the same extent as if the ratified act had been authorized; cannot raise the question of the agent’s authority to do the ratified act NOTE: There is ratification when the principal sues to enforce the contract entered into by the unauthorized agent. However, there is no such ratification if the principal’s action is brought to avert a greater loss rather than to assert a gain. (Robinson Machine Works v. Borse) NOTE: The agent is responsible not only for fraud, but also for negligence, which shall be judged with more or less rigor by the courts, according to whether the agency was or was not for compensation. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1909) PAGE 249 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 ACTS OF THE AGENT On behalf of the principal, within the scope of authority Without or beyond scope of authority Within the scope of authority but in the agent’s name Within the scope of the written power of attorney but agent has actually exceeded his authority according to an understanding between him & the principal With improper motives EFFECT Binds the principal Agent not personally liable (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1881) Contract is unenforceable as against the principal but binds the agent to the third person (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1317, 1403 and 1898) Not binding on the principal. Principal has no cause of action against the 3rd parties and vice versa EXCEPTION(S) Agent liable if he: i. Expressly makes himself liable Binding on the principal when: i. Ratified or ii. The principal allowed the agent to act as though he had full powers When the transaction involves things belonging to the principal: Remedy of the principal - damages for agent’s failure to comply with the agency. Remedies of the third person in case of non-performance: i. If the case falls under the general rule, he can sue the agent. ii. But when the contract involves things belonging to the principal, he can sue the principal. iii. But if it cannot be determined without litigation who is liable, he can sue both. Insofar as 3rd persons are concerned, not required to inquire further than the terms of the written power, agent acted within scope of his authority; Principal is estopped Motive is immaterial; as long as within the scope of authority, valid Third person knew agent was acting for his own benefit: principal is not liable to 3rd person Authorized - principal still liable Beyond the scope of the agent’s authority General Rule: Principal not liable Exception: principal takes advantage of a contract or receives benefits made under false representation of his agent For the agent’s own benefit – principal still liable; agent’s motive immaterial PAGE 250 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 5. OBLIGATION RULES FOR COMMISSION AGENTS Commission Agent - one whose business is to receive and sell goods for a commission and who is entrusted by the principal with the possession of goods to be sold, and usually selling in his own name. Distinction between Commission Agent and Broker COMMISSION BROKER AGENT Engaged in the No custody or purchase and sale for possession of the a principal of personal thing he disposes; property which has to merely a go-between, be placed in his an intermediary possession and between the seller and disposal the buyer Has a relation with Maintains no relation principal, buyer or with the thing which he seller, and property purchases or sells which is the object of the transaction Distinction between Ordinary Agent and Commission Agent COMMISSION ORDINARY AGENT AGENT Acts for and in behalf May act in his own of his principal name or in that of the principal Need not have Must be in possession possession of the of the thing he principal’s goods disposes Obligations of a Commission Agent (RMCB) 1. Responsible for the goods received by him, as described in the consignment, unless upon receiving them he should make a written statement of the damage and deterioration suffered by the same (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1903) 2. If goods are of the same kind and mark but belonging to different owners, make a distinction by counter Marks and designate the merchandise respectively belonging to each principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1904) 3. He cannot, without consent of the principal, sell on Credit; should he do, principal may demand payment in cash, but the commission agent entitled to any interest/benefit which may result from such sale (CIVIL CODE, Art.1905) 4. If an agent receives guarantee commission (a del credere agent), he shall Bear the risk of collection and shall pay the principal the proceeds of the sale on the same terms agreed CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) upon with the purchaser. The agent shall be liable for damages if he does not collect the credits of his principal at the time when they become due and demandable, unless he proves, that he exercised due diligence for that purpose. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1907) D. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL 1. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL TO THE AGENT Obligations of the Principal to the Agent (CARIP) 1. Comply with all the obligations agent contracted in representation of the principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1910) 2. Advance sums necessary for the execution of the agency, when agent so requests; liable for reimbursement regardless of the undertaking’s success whenever agent had advanced & has no fault; includes interest (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1912) 3. Reimburse the agent for all advances made by him provided the agent is free from fault (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1912) 4. Indemnify the agent for all the damages which the execution of the agency may have caused the latter without fault or negligence on his part (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1913) 5. Pay the agent the compensation agreed upon or the reasonable value of the latter’s services (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1875) Liability of 3rd Persons to the Principal 1. In Contract – a 3rd person is liable to the principal upon contracts entered into by his agent, as if the contract has been entered into by the principal. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1897) 2. In Tort – the 3rd person’s tort liability to the principal, insofar as the agent is involved in the tort, arises in 3 situations: i. Where the 3rd person damages or injures property or interest of the principal in the possession of the agent ii. Where the 3rd person colludes with the agent to injure/defraud the principal iii. Where the 3rd person induces the agent to violate his contract with the principal to betray the trust reposed upon him by the principal. PAGE 251 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. RULES ON LIABILITY OF TWO (2) OR MORE PRINCIPALS Requisites for Solidary Liability of Principals 1. There are two (2) or more principals 2. The principals have all concurred in the appointment of the same agent 3. The agent is appointed for a common transaction or undertaking (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1915) NOTE: The rule in Art. 1915 applies even when the appointments were made by the principals in separate acts, provided that they are for the same transaction. The solidarity arises from the common interest of the principals and not from the act of constituting the agency. The principal is not bound by the acts of the authorized agent where the latter failed to indicate in the mortgage that she was acting for and in behalf of her principal, and the REM explicitly shows on its face that it was signed by agent in her own name and personal capacity. The third-party bank has no one to blame but itself. Not only did it act with undue haste when it granted and released the loan, but it also acted negligently in preparing the REM as it failed to indicate that the agent was signing it for and on behalf of the principal. (Bucton v. Rural Bank of El Salvador, Inc., G.R. No. 179625) Rule where two persons contract separately with Agent and Principal Two persons may contract separately with the agent and the principal with regard to the same thing. If the two contracts are incompatible with each other, the one of prior date shall be preferred. This is subject, however, to the rules on Double Sales under Art. 1544 of the Civil Code (i.e., for movables: first in possession, first in right; for immovables: first to register in good faith, first in right; absent any inscription: first in possession or party who presents oldest title acquires ownership). (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1916) Agent’s Right of Retention 1. Specific (only for those goods connected with the agency); and 2. Until the principal effects the reimbursement and pays the indemnity (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1914) NOTE: The right of retention is limited to two instances: (a) reimbursement of sums advanced by the agent; and (b) indemnification of damages for all damages arising from the execution of the agency without fault or negligence. (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1912, 1913, and 1914) 3. PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITIES FOR EXPENSES General rule: Principal is liable for the expenses incurred by the agent. Exceptions (AFUS): 1. If the agent Acted in contravention of the principal's instructions, unless the latter should wish to avail himself of the benefits derived from the contract. 2. When the expenses were due to the Fault of the agent. 3. When the agent incurred them with knowledge that an Unfavorable result would ensue, if the principal was not aware thereof. 4. When it was Stipulated that the expenses would be borne by the agent, or that the latter would be allowed only a certain sum. (CIVIL CODE, Art.1918) 4. AGENCY BY ESTOPPEL Who can be estopped to deny Agency? 1. Estoppel of Agent - one professing to act as agent is estopped to deny his agency both as against his asserted principal and the third persons interested in the transaction in which he is engaged 2. Estoppel by the Principal i. As to agent – one knowing another is acting as his agent and fails to repudiate his acts, or accept the benefits of them, will be estopped to deny the agency as against such other ii. As to third persons – one who knows that another is acting as his agent or permitted another to appear as his agent, to the injury of third persons who have dealt with the apparent agent as such in good faith and in the exercise of reasonable prudence, is estopped to deny the agency (Litonjua, Jr. v. Eternit Corp., G.R. No. 144805) 3. Estoppel of Third Persons – a third person, having dealt with one as an agent may be estopped to deny the agency as against the principal, agent or 3rd persons in interest. 4. Estoppel of the Government - government neither estopped by the mistake/error of its agents; may be estopped through affirmative acts of its officers acting within the scope of their authority. (Heirs of Atty. Jose Reyes v. Philippines, G.R. No. 150862) PAGE 252 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Distinction between Ratification and Estoppel RATIFICATION ESTOPPEL Rests on intention Rests on prejudice Affects the entire transaction from the beginning Substance of ratification is confirmation of an authorized act or conduct after it has been done Affects only relevant parts of the transaction Substance of estoppel is the principal’s inducement to another to act to his prejudice Distinction between Apparent Authority and Authority by Estoppel APPARENT AUTHORITY BY AUTHORITY ESTOPPEL Though not actually Where the principal, granted, principal by his negligence, knowingly permits his agent to permits/holds out the exercise powers not agent as possessing granted to him, even the necessary powers though the principal to act in a certain way may have no notice or knowledge of the conduct of the agent A principal may be held liable under the Doctrine of Apparent Authority when the principal’s liability arises from: (a) his manifestations of the existence of the agency which need not be expressed, but may be general and implied, or acts of the agent which suggest the existence of a principal-agency relationship which are known to the principal and which the principal does not deny; and (b) the reliance of third persons upon the conduct of the principal or agent. (Professional Services, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 126297) 5. PRINCIPAL'S REVOCATION OF THE AGENCY General Rule: The principal may revoke the agency at will, and compel the agent to return the document evidencing the agency. Such revocation may be express or implied. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1920) Exception: Agency coupled with interest 1. When a bilateral contract depends upon the agency. 2. When the agency is the means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted 3. When a partner is appointed as manager of a partnership in the contract of partnership and his removal from the management is unjustifiable. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1927) Implied Revocation of Agency 1. Principal appoints a new agent for the same business or transaction (only if there is incompatibility); effective as between the principal and the agent only if communicated to the agent; does not prejudice rights of third persons acting in good faith without knowledge of the revocation (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1923) 2. Principal directly manages the business entrusted to the agent, or deals directly with 3rd persons (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1924) Effect of Issuance of a Special Power of Attorney The general power is impliedly revoked as to matters covered by the special power because a special power naturally prevails over a general power (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1926) 6. PRINCIPAL’S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES DESPITE REVOCATION Principal’s Liability for Damages despite Revocation 1. If the agency was constituted for a fixed period, the principal shall be liable for damages occasioned by the wrongful discharge of the agent before the expiration of the period fixed 2. Even if there was no time fixed for the continuance of the agency, but the agent can prove that the principal acted in bad faith by revoking the agency in order to avoid the payment of commission about to be earned, the principal can be held liable for damages (Villanueva supra at 209-210 (citing Diolosa v. CA, 130 SCRA 350 & Valenzuela v. CA, 191 SCRA 1)). Necessity of Notice of Revocation 1. As to the agent – notice is always necessary; sufficient notice if the party to be notified actually knows, or has reason to know, a fact indicating that his authority has been terminated or suspended; revocation without notice to the agent will not render invalid an act done in pursuance of the authority 2. As to 3rd persons – notice necessary 3. As to former customers - notice must be given to them because they always assume the continuance of the agency relationship 4. As to other persons - notice by publication is enough (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1922) Effect of Extinguishment without Notice Act of agent deemed valid insofar as third parties acting in good faith and without knowledge of revocation. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1922; Bitte v. Jones, G.R. No. 212256) PAGE 253 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 E. MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT 1. HOW AGENCY IS EXTINGUISHED How Agency is Extinguished (EDWARD) 1. By the Expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted. 2. By the Death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or of the agent; 3. By the Withdrawal of the agent; 4. By the Accomplishment of the object or purpose of the agency; 5. By its Revocation; 6. By the Dissolution of the firm or corporation which entrusted or accepted the agency (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1919) 2. OTHER MODES Other Modes 1. Mutual withdrawal from the relationship by the principal and agent; 2. By the happening of a supervening event that makes illegal or impossible the objective or purpose for which the agency was constituted, like the destruction of the subject matter which is the object of the agency. NOTE: The list is not exclusive; causes are particular only to agency; may be extinguished by the modes of extinguishment of obligations in general whenever they are applicable, like loss of the thing and novation. Presumption of Continuance of Agency When once shown to have existed, an agency relation will be presumed to have continued, in the absence of anything to show its termination. Continuance of Agency Parties must be: 1. Present; 2. Capacitated; and 3. Solvent. Modes of Extinguishing an Agency, Generally (ASO) 1. Agreement 2. Subsequent acts of the parties which may be either: i. By the act of both parties or by mutual consent ii. By the unilateral act of one of them 3. By Operation of Law NOTE: Even if the reason for extinguishing the agency is not true, the agent cannot insist on CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) reinstatement. The agent can only demand damages. (Orient Air Services v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 76931) What happens if the subject matter of the agency is lost or destroyed? General rule: In the absence of any agreement by the parties to the contrary, the loss or destruction of the subject matter of the agency terminates the agent‘s authority to deal with reference to it. Exceptions: 1. If it is possible to substitute other material for that which was destroyed without substantial detriment to either party 2. If the destroyed subject matter was not in fact essential to the contract 3. A partial loss or destruction (agency may continue in existence as to other property not affected). (De Leon, 2019) If the loss is due to a breach or wrongful act of the principal, he liable for damages. Form of Renunciation It is not always necessary for the agent to renounce the agency expressly. He can do so impliedly, such as: 1. Where he has conducted himself in a manner incompatible with his duties as agent 2. When he abandons the object of his agency and acts for himself in committing a fraud upon his principals 3. When he files a complaint against the principal and adopts an antagonistic attitude towards him (De Leon, 2019) 3. EXCEPTIONS TO EXTINGUISHMENT BY DEATH Exceptions to Extinguishment by Death (KID-C) 1. 2. 3. 4. If the act of the agent was executed without the Knowledge of the death of the principal and the third person who contracted with the agent acted in good faith. (Rallos v. Go Chan, G.R. No. L-24332) To avoid Damage upon the agent’s death (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1932) The act of the agent was executed without knowledge of the death of the principal and the third person who contracted with the agent acted in good faith (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1931) If it has been constituted in the Common interest of the principal and of the agent, or in the interest of a third person who has accepted PAGE 254 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) the stipulation in his favor (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1930) Can the heirs continue the agency? General rule: Agency calls for personal services on the part of the agent; rights & obligations are not transmissible Exceptions: 1. Agency by operation of law, or a presumed or tacit agency 2. Agency is coupled with an interest in the subject matter of the agency (e.g. power of sale in a mortgage). (De Leon, 2019) Revocation Termination of the agency by the subsequent act of the principal Renunciation/Withdrawal Termination of the agency by the subsequent act of the agent May the agent withdraw from the agency at will? Agent may do so but subject to the contractual obligations owing to the principal (i.e., fixed period of time for the agency or purpose not yet accomplished). NOTE: The mere fact that the agent violates the principal’s instructions does not amount to renunciation, but that may render him liable for damages. -- end of topic -- PAGE 255 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 256 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 IX. CREDIT TRANSACTIONS CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. LOAN TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS PART I: CREDIT TRANSACTIONS A. LOAN 1. In General 2. Commodatum 3. Simple Loan 4. Interests Loan B. DEPOSIT C. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP D. QUASI-CONTRACTS 1. Negotiorium Gestio 2. Solutio Indebti 1. IN GENERAL Credit Transactions include all transactions involving the purchase or loan of goods, services or money in the present with a promise to pay or deliver in the future (contract of security). 2 Types of Credit Transactions Secured transactions – those supported by a collateral or an encumbrance of property. Unsecured transactions – those supported only by a promise to pay or the personal commitment of another such as a guarantor or surety. Security is something given, deposited or serving as a means to ensure the fulfillment or enforcement of an obligation or of protecting some interest in the property. 2 Types of Security Personal – when an individual becomes a surety or a guarantor Real or Property – when an encumbrance is made on property (e.g. real estate mortgage, chattel mortgage over vessels or aircrafts or security interest over movables) Characteristics of Loans 1. 2. Real Contract – delivery is essential for perfection of the loan (BUT a promise to lend, being consensual, is binding upon the parties) Unilateral Contract - only the borrower has the obligation once the subject matter has been delivered Art. 1933 (06, 04, BAR): If the bailor delivers to the bailee a non-consumable thing so that bailee may use the same for a certain time and return the identical thing, the contract perfected is a contract of commodatum. There is NO TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. In mutuum, the object borrowed must be a consumable thing the OWNERSHIP OF WHICH IS TRANSFERRED to the borrower who incurs the obligation to return the same consumable to the lender in an equal amount, and of the same kind and quality. PAGE 257 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 COMMODATUM MUTUUM As to object Ordinarily involves something not consumable except when the purpose of consumable goods is merely for exhibition. (Art. 1936) The subject matter is money or other consumable thing. 2. COMMODATUM As to cause Essentially gratuitous. (Art. 1933) Otherwise, it ceases to be commodatum. May be gratuitous or onerous (with a stipulation to pay interest). As to purpose Use or temporary possession. Consumption As to subject matter Real or personal property Personal property As to ownership of the thing Retained by the bailor of the term in case of urgent need (Art. 1946), or when the contract is precarium, in which case, the bailor may demand the return of the thing at will. (Art. 1947) Passes to the debtor Bailment - is the delivery of property of one person to another in trust for a specific purpose, with a contract, express or implied, that the trust shall be faithfully executed and the property returned or duly accounted for when a special purpose is accomplished or kept until the bailor reclaims it. Generally, it is contractual, but may also be created by operation of law. Parties in Bailment Bailor– The lender/giver; the party who delivers possession/custody of the thing bailed Bailee – The recipient; the party who receives the possession/custody of the thing delivered Commodatum – bailor delivers to bailee a nonconsumable thing so that the latter may use it for a certain time and return the identical thing Exception to the object: may be a consumable thing if the purpose is merely exhibition. COMMODATUM As to return of the thing Same thing loaned Pay the same amount of the same kind and quality As to risk of loss Bailor since he is the owner Debtor/Bailee (even if the thing is lost through a fortuitous event) As to time of return Upon the lapse of the term agreed upon. Upon the lapse of the term agreed upon. However, Bailor may demand the return of the thing loaned before the expiration Exception: Art. 1198 when the debtor loses every right to make use of the period The bailee only acquires the use of the thing loaned but not its fruits. (Art. 1935) It creates only a purely personal right to use another’s property, and requires a stipulation to enable the bailee to “make use” of the fruits. (Arts. 1939-1940) Real contract; perfected only by delivery of the subject matter thereof. (Art. 1934) USUFRUCT The usufructuary gets the right to the use and to the fruits of the usufruct. (Art. 564) It creates a real right to the fruits of another’s property. (Art. 564) Consensual contract Elements of commodatum 1. Delivery of non-consumable thing; 2. Obligation to return it (Art. 1933). PAGE 258 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Kinds of commodatum (a) Ordinary commodatum – bailee uses the thing for a certain period of time (b) Precarium – bailor may demand the thing loaned at will; exists in cases where: i. There is no stipulation as to the duration of the contract or use of the thing loaned ii. Use of the thing is merely tolerated by the owner(Art. 1947). Principal Obligations of a Bailee in a Commodatum 1. Take good care of the thing with the diligence of a good father of a family. (Art. 1163) 2. Use the thing loaned only for the purpose for which it was loaned and for no other purpose. (Art. 1935) 3. Payment of the ordinary expenses for the use and preservation of the thing loaned. (Art. 1941) 4. Payment of a 50% portion (unless otherwise stipulated) of extraordinary expenses arising from the actual use of the thing, which shall be borne by both the bailor and the bailee, even though the bailee acted without fault, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. (Art. 1949, par. 2) 5. Return and to not retain the thing loaned except for damages mentioned in Art. 1951. When is the bailee in a commodatum liable for the loss of the thing which is the object of the contract, even if such loss is due to a fortuitous event? 1. If he devotes the thing to any purpose different from that for which it has been loaned. 2. If he keeps it longer than the period stipulated, or after the accomplishment of the use which the commodatum has been constituted. 3. If the thing loaned has been delivered with the appraisal of its value, unless there is a stipulation exempting the bailee from responsibility in case of a fortuitous event. 4. If he lends or leases the thing to a third person, who is not a member of his household. 5. If, being able to save either the thing to a third person or his own thing, he chose to save the latter. (Art. 1942) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Art. 1951 (05, BAR): General Rule: Bailee has no right of retention on the ground that the bailor owes him something. Exception: Art. 1951 on hidden defects (Bailor who knows flaws but does not advise bailee is liable to bailee for damages suffered because of flaws). What are the obligations of a bailor in commodatum? 1. Respect the duration of the loan. Bailor cannot demand return until after (a) expiration of period stipulated, or (b) accomplishment of use for which commodatum was constituted. (Art. 1946) a. Exceptions: i. If urgently need thing (may demand return/temporary use); or ii. If the bailor may demand immediate return of the thing if the bailee commits any acts of ingratitude. (Art. 1948) 1. If the bailee should commit some offense against the person, the honor or the property of the bailor, or of his wife or children under his parental authority; 2. If the bailee imputes to the bailor any criminal offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, even though he should prove it, unless the crime or the act has been committed against the bailee himself, his wife or children under his authority; 3. If he unduly refuses him support when the bailee is legally or morally bound to give support to the bailor. 2. Refund to the bailee extraordinary expenses incurred for the preservation of the thing, provided the bailee brings the same to the knowledge of the bailor before incurring them, except when the reply to the notification cannot be awaited without danger. (Art. 1949, par. 1) However, if the extraordinary expenses arise on the occasion of the actual use by the bailee, even though he acted without fault, they shall be borne equally by both the bailor and the bailee, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. (Art. 1949, par. 2) 3. Be liable for damages which the bailee may suffer for failure of the bailor to advise the former of flaws (hidden defects) of the thing loaned which are known to him. (Art. 1951) PAGE 259 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. SIMPLE LOAN Mutuum or Simple Loan - lender delivers to the borrower money or other consumable thing upon the condition that the latter will pay the same amount of the same kind and quality(Art. 1953) Obligations of a borrower in a simple loan or mutuum 1. Pay the creditor an equal amount of the same kind and quality. (Art. 1953) 2. Pay interest, if stipulated in writing. (Art. 1956) Obligation of the Borrower to Pay 1. What? a. Money i. General Rule: Same amount ii. Exception: may change under certain circumstances, such as when there is an extraordinary inflation or deflation of the currency stipulated. b. Fungible thing other than money: another thing of the same kind, quantity and quality. In case it is impossible, its value at the time of perfection of the loan. 2. When? a. If one is provided, the period agreed upon. b. If none is provided, payable immediately; if the parties intended a period but the same was not specified, the court may fix the period. (Art. 1197) c. Payable immediately when the debtor loses the right to make use of the period under Article 1198 i. When after the obligation has been contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he gives a guaranty or security for the debt; ii. When he does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties or securities which he has promised; iii. When by his own acts he has impaired said guaranties or securities after their establishment, and when through a fortuitous event they disappear, unless he immediately gives new ones equally satisfactory; iv. When the debtor violates any undertaking, in consideration of which the creditor agreed to the period; v. When the debtor attempts to abscond. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 4. INTERESTS ON LOAN The two types of interest are the following: 1. Monetary or conventional interest – refers to the compensation set by the parties for the use or forbearance of money; and 2. Compensatory interest – interest that may be imposed by law or by courts as penalty for damages. (Hun Hyung Park v. Eung Won Choi, G.R. No. 220826, March 27, 2019) Note: Compensatory/penalty/indemnity interest refers to damages paid arising from delay in paying a fixed sum of money or delay in assessing and paying damages. (Sps. Abella v. Sps. Abella, G.R. No. 195165, July 08, 2015) Q: Company A contracted Company B to apply a granite wash-out finish on the exterior walls of one of its buildings. However, the finish began peeling off and falling from the walls. Company A got Company B to do minor repairs. Company A also got Company C to redo the entire finish after Company B manifested that it was not in a position to do new finishing work. Although, Company B expressed that it was willing to share part of the cost. The Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) decided that Company B was entitled to recover from Company A representing the cost of repairs done by another contractor. Company A assailed the portion on its liability for construction defects. The SC held that Company A was not liable for the amount claimed by Company B. Company B moved for reconsideration arguing that its liability for interest should commence on the date on which the SC’s decision that granted Company A’s appeal became final and not on when the CIAC decision was issued. What interest compensatory? is involved, monetary or A: The interest is compensatory. Monetary interest under Article 1956 of the Civil Code serves as compensation fixed by the parties for the use or forbearance of money. As can be gleaned from the foregoing provision, payment of monetary interest is allowed only if: (i) there was an express stipulation for the payment of interest; and (ii) the agreement for the payment of interest was reduced in writing. The concurrence of the two conditions is required for the payment of monetary interest. PAGE 260 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Compensatory interest (i.e., interest awarded as damages under Articles 2209 to 2213 of the Civil Code) is that which is "allowed in actions for breach of contract or tort for the unlawful detention of money already due." As the governing provisions indicate, compensatory interest may be imposed by law or by the courts as penalty or indemnity for damages. In the present case, the principal award represents the material cost adjustment incurred by Company A which Company B failed to pay. The award proceeds from Company B's breach of its construction contract with Company A — a contract which does not constitute a loan or forbearance of money. Accordingly, the interest disputed herein constitutes compensatory interest awarded pursuant to Article 2210 of the Civil Code. (Philippine Commercial and International Bank v. William Golangco Construction Corp. G.R. No. 195372, April 10, 2019) When will interest due and unpaid earn interest? Generally, interest due and unpaid shall not earn interest, except: 1. Interest due shall earn legal interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the time it is judicially demanded until fully paid, although the obligation may be silent upon this point. (Art. 2212) 2. If there is agreement to this effect. (Art. 1959) Note: Interest on interest refers to interest due on conventional interest. (Sps. Abella v. Sps. Abella, G.R. No. 195165, July 08, 2015) When will the debtor be liable for interest even in the absence of stipulation to pay interest? Generally, no interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing. (Art. 1956) In the following instances, interest is due even if not expressly stipulated: 1. If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest, which is six per cent per annum (Art. 2209); or 2. Interest due shall earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded, although the obligation may be silent upon this point. (Art. 2212) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) What is the legal interest rate? Beginning July 1, 2013, the rate of interest on the loan or forbearance on money, goods, or credits and the rate allowed in judgments, in the absence of stipulation, shall be 6% per annum (BSP Circular No. 799). However, judgments that became final and executory before July 1, 2013 shall continue to apply the previous legal rate of 12% per annum (NACAR v. Gallery Frames Inc., G.R. No. 189871, 2013). NOTE: The computation of the amount due must take into consideration the legal rate or rates (6% and/or 12% per annum) applicable throughout the duration of the period in which interest runs. (DPWH Secretary vs. Spouses Tecson, G.R. No. 179334, 2015) What are the rules in the computation of legal interest? (Lara’s Gifts & Decors v. Midtown Industrial Sales, G.R. No. 225433, 2019) 1. When the obligation is breached, and it consists in the payment of a sum of money, i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments, the interest due shall be that which is stipulated by the parties in writing, provided it is not excessive and unconscionable, which, in the absence of a stipulated reckoning date, shall be computed from default, i.e., from extrajudicial or judicial demand in accordance with Article 1169 of the Civil Code, UNTIL FULL PAYMENT, without compounding any interest unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by the parties, by law or regulation. a. Interest due on the principal amount accruing as of judicial demand shall SEPARATELY earn legal interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, from the time of judicial demand UNTIL FULL PAYMENT. 2. In the absence of stipulated interest, in a loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments, the rate of interest on the principal amount shall be the prevailing legal interest prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, which shall be computed from default, i.e., from extrajudicial or judicial demand in accordance with Article 1169 of the Civil Code, UNTIL FULL PAYMENT, without PAGE 261 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 3. 4. 5. compounding any interest unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by law or regulation. a. Interest due on the principal amount accruing as of judicial demand shall SEPARATELY earn legal interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, from the time of judicial demand UNTIL FULL PAYMENT. When the obligation, not constituting a loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments, is breached, an interest on the amount of damages awarded may be imposed in the discretion of the court at the prevailing legal interest prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, pursuant to Articles 2210 and 2011 of the Civil Code. No interest, however, shall be adjudged on unliquidated claims or damages until the demand can be established with reasonable certainty. Accordingly, where the amount of the claim or damages is established with reasonable certainty, the prevailing legal interest shall begin to run from the time the claim is made extrajudicially or judicially (Art. 1169, Civil Code) UNTIL FULL PAYMENT, but when such certainty cannot be so reasonably established at the time the demand is made, the interest shall begin to run only from the date of the judgment of the trial court (at which time the quantification of damages may be deemed to have been reasonably ascertained) UNTIL FULL PAYMENT. The actual base for the computation of the interest shall, in any case, be on the principal amount finally adjudged, without compounding any interest unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by law or regulation. Must the manner of compounding the interest also be in writing? In a loan agreement, compounding of interest has to be in writing to be valid. Payment of monetary interest shall be due only if: (1) there was an express stipulation for the payment of interest; and (2) the agreement for such payment was in writing. The first requirement does not only entail reducing in writing the interest rate to be earned but also the manner of earning the same, if it is to be compounded. (Albos v. Embisan, G.R. No. 210831, 2014) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Can the stipulated interest be modified? Any modification of stipulated interest (e.g., allowing the creditor to unilaterally increase or decrease the interest rate at any time) must be mutually agreed upon, otherwise, it has no binding effect. Further, a borrower may not be required to prepay the loan if he is not agreeable to the arbitrary interest rates being imposed. (Spouses Silos v. PNB, G.R. No. 181045, 2014) What is a usury? It may be defined as contracting for or receiving something in excess of the amount allowed by law for the loan or forbearance of money, goods or chattels. (De Leon, citing Tolentino v. Gonzales, 50 Phil. 558 (1927)). When is the Usury Law’s effectivity suspended? The Monetary Board of Central Bank issued CB Circular 905, effective January 1, 1983, removed the ceilings on interest rate on loans or forbearance of money, goods, or credit. The Circular did not repeal nor in any way amend the Usury Law but simply suspended the latter’s effectivity. Interest can now be charged as lender and borrower may agree upon. (Medel v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 131622, November 27, 1998) While it is true that the interest ceilings set by the Usury Law are no longer in force, it has been held that PD 1684 and CB Circular 905 merely allow contracting parties to stipulate freely on any adjustment in the interest rate on a loan by forbearance of money but do not authorize a unilateral increase of the interest rate by one party without the other's consent (PNB v. CA, G.R. No. L26001, 1968). To be valid, therefore, any change of interest must be mutually agreed upon by the parties (Dizon v. Magsaysay, G.R. No. L-23399, 1974) Q: Is the interest payment of 5% per month excessive? A: YES. 5% per month or 60% per annum interest rate is void for being unconscionable, the interest rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for loans or forbearances of money, credits or goods will be the surrogate or substitute rate not only for the one-year interest period agreed upon but for the entire period that the loan of Zenaida remains unpaid. (Bulatao v. Estonactoc, G.R. No. 235020, 2019) What is the consequence of having usurious interest? In usurious loans, the entire obligation does not become void because of an agreement for usurious interest; the unpaid principal debt still stands and remains valid but the stipulation as to the PAGE 262 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 usurious interest is void. Consequently, the debt is to be considered without stipulation as to the interest. (First Metro Investment Corp. v. Este Del Sol Mountain Reserve, Inc., G.R. No. 141811, 2001) The principal debt remaining with stipulation for payment of interest can thus be recovered. In case of judicial or extrajudicial demand, and the debtor incurs in delay, the debt earns legal interest from the date of the demand. Such interest is not due to stipulation, for there was none, the same being void. Rather, it is due to the general provision of law that in obligations to pay money, where the debtor incurs in delay, he has to pay interest by way of damages (Art. 2209, Civil Code) Distinguish escalation clauses from floating rate of interest clauses. (Security Bank Corp. v. Spouses Mercado, 2018) ESCALATION FLOATING RATE OF CLAUSES INTEREST These are stipulations It refers to the variable which allow for the interest rate stated on increase (as well as the a market-based mandatory decrease) of reference rate agreed the original fixed interest upon by the parties. rate. This pertains to the It is the method by which interest rate itself that fixed rates may be is not fixed. increased Q: Petitioner X was granted a loan by Bank A secured by a real estate mortgage. The interest rate agreed upon by the parties was 17% per annum. When X failed to pay some amortizations, Bank A unilaterally escalated the interest rate from 17% to 24% without the knowledge of X or even an explanation as to why the interest rates were increased. X filed a complaint against Bank A. Bank A defended the escalation, saying it was based on a stipulation in the loan agreement that the interest rate would be subjected to escalations. Was the escalation of interest rate made by Bank A valid? A: No. Even though there was a stipulation in the loan agreement that the in the loan agreement that the interest rate would be subjected to escalations, Bank A failed to explain how it arrived to such interest rates. While escalation clauses are not wrong, they must not be solely potestative and should be based on reasonable grounds. Further, the interest rate imposed upon Petitioner X is violative of the principle of mutuality of contracts. Art. 1308 of the Civil Code provides that a contract must bind both parties; its validity or compliance CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) cannot be left to the will of one of them. (Vasquez v. PNB, G.R. Nos. 228355 & 228397, August 28, 2019) B. DEPOSIT Deposit is constituted from the moment a person receives a thing belonging to another, with the obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the same (Art. 1962). NOTE: Safekeeping must be the principal purpose of the contract. Otherwise, it is not a deposit. Characteristics 1. Real - because it is perfected only by the delivery of the subject matter a. BUT: An agreement to constitute a deposit is binding and enforceable, since it is merely consensual 2. Unilateral - if gratuitous 3. Bilateral - if with compensation Creation of deposit (Art. 1964) 1. By virtue of a court order; or 2. By law 3. By the will of the parties Kinds of Deposit 1. Judicial - when an attachment or seizure of property in litigation is ordered 2. Extrajudicial (Art. 1967) a. Voluntary - delivery is made by the will of the depositor or by two or more persons each of whom believes himself entitled to the thing deposited b. Necessary - made in compliance with a legal obligation, or on the occasion of any calamity, or by travelers in hotels and inns or by travelers with common carriers. There is lack of free choice in the depositor. General Rule: A deposit is generally gratuitous (Art. 1965). Exceptions: [JESS] 1. 2. 3. 4. When there is a contrary Stipulation Where depositary is Engaged in the business of storing goods Where property is Saved from destruction without knowledge of the owner Judicial deposit PAGE 263 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 JUDICIAL EXTRAJUDICIAL Creation Will of court Purpose Security or to ensure the right of a party to the property or to recover in case of favorable judgment Movable or immovable property, but generally immovable Always onerous Subject Matter Cause Return thing of In whose behalf it is held the Upon order of the court / end of litigation Person who has a right Will of the contracting parties Custody and safekeeping Movables only May be compensated but generally gratuitous Gratuitous: demand of depositor (Art. 1988) or return by depositary for justifiable reasons (Art. 1989) Compensated: The depositary may retain the thing in pledge until full payment of what may be due him by reason of deposit (Art. 1994) Depositor or 3rd person designated Subject Matter of Deposit (Art. 1966) 1. As to the thing itself a. General rule: Only movable or personal property may be the object of deposit (whether voluntary or necessary); however, deposit does not include incorporeal/intangible property, such as rights and actions, for it follows the 2. owner, wherever he goes and not susceptible of custody b. Exception: In judicial deposit, it may cover both movable and immovable property As to ownership a. General rule: The depositor must be the owner of the thing deposited b. Exceptions: It may belong to another person than the depositor i. When two or more persons claiming to be entitled to a thing may deposit the same with a third person. In such case, the third person assumes the obligation to deliver to the one to whom it belongs. ii. Interpleader – the action to compel the depositors to settle their conflicting claims. Here, one of the depositors is not the owner. Form of Contract of Deposit General rule: A contract of deposit may be entered into (but not perfected) orally or in writing (Art. 1969) However: Delivery of the thing deposited is needed for perfection. DEPOSITARY CAPACITATED, DEPOSITOR INCAPACITATED Depositary is subject to ALL the obligations of a depositary Depositary must return the property either to: a) The legal representative of the incapacitated; OR b) The depositor himself if he should acquire capacity DEPOSITARY INCAPACITATED, DEPOSITOR CAPACITATED Depositary does not incur the obligations of a depositary Depositary, however, is liable to: a) Return the thing deposited while still in his possession; AND the b) Pay depositor the amount by which he may have benefited himself with the thing or its price (subject to the right of any 3rd person who acquires the thing in good faith) PAGE 264 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Conversion of Deposit to Mutuum If the thing deposited is money or other consumable thing, the permission to use it will result in its consumption and converts the contract into a simple loan or mutuum. However, if safekeeping is still the principal purpose of the contract, it is still a deposit but an irregular one; hence, an Irregular Deposit. Example: Bank deposit (De Leon) BASIS IRREGULAR DEPOSIT MUTUUM Demandability Demandable at will of the irregular depositor for whose benefit the deposit has been constituted Lender is bound by the provisions of the contract and cannot seek restitution until the time of payment as provided in the contract has arisen (except under Art. 1198) If with interest, benefit of both parties Benefit Benefit accrues to the depositor Obligations of the Depositary 1. Safekeep the thing deposited 2. Return the thing on the date stipulated or when depositor claims it 3. Not to transfer deposit 4. Not to change the way of deposit 5. To collect on the choses in action deposited 6. Not to commingle things if so stipulated 7. Not to make use of the things so deposited 8. Liability for loss through fortuitous event in certain cases 9. Obligation when the thing is closed and sealed 10. To return products, accessories and accessions 11. To pay interest on sums converted to personal use 12. Cannot require that the depositor prove his ownership over the thing 13. Obligation when third person appears to be the owner 14. Obligation when there are two or more depositors 15. To return to the person to whom return must be made 16. Liability in case of loss by force majeure or government order 17. Liability in case of alienation of depositary’s heir Two primary obligations (Art. 1972) 1. Safekeeping of the object a. Degree of Care – same diligence as he would exercise over his property (ordinary diligence) b. NOTE: The depositary cannot excuse himself from liability, in the event of loss, by claiming that he exercised the same amount of care toward the thing deposited as he would towards his own if such care is less than that required by the circumstances. 2. Return of the thing Obligation not to Transfer deposit (Art. 1973) 1. General rule: The depositary is not allowed to deposit the thing with a third person. a. Reason: A deposit is founded on trust and confidence and it can be supposed that the depositor, in choosing the depositary, has taken into consideration the latter’s qualification 2. Exception: The depositary is authorized by express stipulation Liabilities: Depositary is liable for loss of the thing deposited when: a) He transfers the deposit with a third person without being authorized to do so although there is no negligence on his part and the third person; b) He deposits the thing with a third person who is manifestly careless or unfit although authorized, even in the absence of negligence; or c) The thing is lost through the negligence of his employees whether the latter are manifestly careless or not. Exemption from liability: The thing is lost without the negligence of the third person with whom he was allowed to deposit the thing if such third person is not “manifestly careless or unfit” (e.g., minor). Obligation not to change the way of deposit a) General rule: Depositary may not change the way of the deposit. (Art. 1974) b) Exception: If there are circumstances indicating that the depositor would consent to the change. This is a situation wherein the depositary would reasonably presume that the depositor would agree to the change if he knows of the facts of the situation (Art. 1974) PAGE 265 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Requisites: a) The depositary must notify the depositor of such change; and b) Must wait for the reply of the depositor to such change. NOTE: These requisites may not be dispensed with unless delay would cause danger. Obligation to Collect Interest on the choses in action deposited (Art. 1975) a) If the thing deposited should earn interest, the depositary is under the obligation to: i. Collect the interest as it becomes due. ii. Take such steps as may be necessary to preserve its value and the right corresponding to it. b) The depositary is bound to collect the capital, as well as the interest, when due. NOTE: The obligation to collect in the choses in action does not apply to contracts for the rent of safety deposit boxes. Contract of rent of safety deposit boxes (Art. 1975) A contract for the rent of safety deposit boxes is not an ordinary contract of lease of things, but a special kind of deposit; hence, it is not to be strictly governed by the provisions on deposit. The prevailing rule in the US is that the relation between a bank renting out safety deposit boxes and its customer with respect to the contents of the box is that of bailor and bailee. Obligation not to Commingle things if so stipulated (Art. 1976) General rule: The depositary is permitted to commingle grain or other articles of the same kind and quality Effects: a) The various depositors of the mingled goods shall own the entire mass in common b) Each depositor shall be entitled to such portion of the entire mass as the amount deposited by him bears the whole Exception: When there is a stipulation to the contrary Obligation not to make Use of the things deposited (Art. 1977) General rule: Deposit is for safekeeping of the subject matter and not for its use Exceptions: 1. Expressly authorized by the depositor 2. Such use is necessary for its preservation but limited for the purpose only CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. Effect of unauthorized use: Liability for damages B. Effects of authorized use: (Art. 1978) I. If the thing deposited is non- consumable 1. General rule: The contract loses the character of a deposit and acquires that of a commodatum, despite the fact that the parties may have denominated it as a deposit 2. Exception: Safekeeping is still the principal purpose of the contract II. If the thing deposited is money or other consumable thing: 1. General rule: Converts the contract into a simple loan or mutuum 2. Exception: Safekeeping is still the principal purpose of the contract, but it becomes an irregular deposit. Bank deposits are in the nature of irregular deposits, but they are really loans governed by the law on loans. An instrument acknowledging receipt of a sum of money as a deposit returnable two months after notice with interest is evidence of a contract of loan and not of deposit. (Gavieres v. Pardo de Tavera, G.R. No. 6, [November 14, 1901], 1 PHIL 71-73) Liability for Loss through fortuitous event (Art. 1979) General rule: Depositary is not liable for loss of the thing deposited through a fortuitous event without his fault (Art. 1174) Exceptions: (USDA) a) If it is so Stipulated b) If he Uses the thing without the depositor’s permission c) If he Delays in its return d) If he Allows others to use it, even though he himself may have been authorized to use the same NOTE: Liability for loss without fortuitous event: Depositary presumed at fault since he is in possession (Art. 1265) Relation between bank and depositor (Art. 1980) Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by the provisions concerning simple loan. PAGE 266 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 a) b) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Contract of loan – deposits in banks are really loans because the bank can use the same for its ordinary transactions Relation of creditor and debtor – the relation between a depositor and a bank is that of a creditor and a debtor. [A] bank has a right of set off of the deposit in its hands for the payment of any indebtedness to it on the part of the depositor. (Gullas v. Philippine National Bank, G.R. No. 43191, [November 13, 1935], 62 PHIL 519-523) Obligation when the thing deposited is Closed and Sealed (Art. 1981) The depositary has the obligation to: a) Return the thing deposited when delivered closed and sealed in the same condition. b) Pay for damages should the seal or lock be broken through his fault, which is presumed unless proven otherwise. c) Keep the secret of the deposit when the seal or lock is broken, with or without his fault. When depositary justified in opening closed and sealed subject matter (Art. 1982): a) The depositary is presumed authorized to do so if the key has been delivered to him. b) When the instructions of the depositor as regards the deposit cannot be executed without opening the box or receptacle (Necessity). Where Third person appears to be the owner (Art. 1984) The depositary may be relieved from liability when: a) He advised the true owner of the thing of the deposit b) If the owner, in spite of such information, does not claim it within the period of one month (30 days), and the depositary returns the thing deposited to the depositor. Obligation of the depositary when there are two or more depositors (Art. 1985) 1. Divisible thing and joint depositors – each one of the depositors can demand only his share proportionate thereto a. General rule: Each one of the depositors may do whatever may be useful to the others (Art. 1212) b. Exception: Anything which may be prejudicial to the other depositors 2. Indivisible thing or solidary depositors – rules on active solidarity a. 3. General rule: The depositary may return the thing to any one of the solidary depositors b. Exception: When a demand, judicial or extrajudicial, for its return has been made by one of them in which case delivery should be made to him Return to one of the depositors stipulated a. If by stipulation, the thing should be returned to one of the depositors, the depositary is bound to return it only to the person designated, although he has not made any demand for its return Obligation to Return to the person to whom return must be made (Art. 1986) 1. The depositary is obliged to return the thing deposited, when required, to: a. The depositor; b. To his heirs or successors; or c. To the person who may have been designated in the contract. 2. If the depositor was incapacitated at the time of making the deposit, the property must be returned to: a. His guardian or administrator b. To the depositor himself should he acquire capacity 3. Even if the depositor had capacity at the time of making the deposit, but he subsequently loses his capacity during the deposit, the thing must be returned to his legal representative. Obligation to return at the Place of return General rule: At the place agreed upon by the parties, transportation expenses shall be borne by the depositor (Art. 1987) Exception: In the absence of stipulation, at the place where the thing deposited might be even if it should not be the same place where the original deposit was made NOTE: Same as the general rule of law regarding the place of payment (Art. 1251) Obligation to return upon the Time of return (Art. 1988) General rule: The thing deposited must be returned to the depositor upon demand, even though a specified period of time for such return may have been fixed Exceptions: a) When the thing is judicially attached while in the depositary’s possession PAGE 267 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) When notified of the opposition of a third person to the return or the removal of the thing deposited Right of the depositary to return the Thing deposited (Art. 1989) NOTE: In this case, it is the depositary returning the deposit with or without the demand of the depositor. General rule: The depositary may return the thing deposited, notwithstanding that a period has been fixed for the deposit, if: a) The deposit is gratuitous b) The reason is justifiable Remedy if depositor refuses to receive the thing: The depositary may deposit the thing at the disposal of the judicial authority. pledge. However, after payment of the debt and expenses, the remainder of the price of the sale shall be delivered to the obligor. (Art. 2121) 2. These may be sold only after demand of the amount for which the thing is retained. The public auction shall take place within one month after such demand. If, without just grounds, the creditor does not cause the public sale to be held within such period, the debtor may require the return of the thing. (Art. 2122) Obligations of the Depositor (PLD) 1. Obligation to Pay expenses of preservation (Art. 1992) Applies only when the deposit is gratuitous 2. Exception: When the deposit is for a valuable consideration, the depositary has no right to return the thing before the expiration of the time designated even if he should suffer inconvenience as a consequence. Depositary’s liability in case of Loss by force majeure or government order (Art. 1990) Depositary is not liable in cases of loss by force majeure or by government order. However, he has the duty to deliver to the depositor money or another thing he receives in place of the thing. Liability in case of alienation by the depositary’s Heir (Art. 1991) When alienation is done in good faith: a) Return the value of the thing deposited; or b) Assign the right to collect from the buyer The heir does not need to pay the actual price of the thing deposited. When alienation is done in BAD FAITH: a) Liable for damages; and b) Pay the actual price of the thing deposited Depositary may retain the thing in his possession until the full payment of what may be due him by reason of the deposit (Art. 1994) The thing retained serves as security for the payment of what may be due to the depositary by reason of the deposit (see Arts. 1965, 1992 & 1993). Pledges created by operation of law (Art. 2121) 1. These are governed by the foregoing articles on the possession, care and sale of the thing as well as on the termination of the 3. Obligation to pay Losses incurred due to character of thing deposited (Art. 1993) General rule: The depositary must be reimbursed for loss suffered by him because of the character of the thing deposited. Exceptions: a. Depositor was not aware of the danger. b. Depositor was not expected to know the dangerous character of the thing. c. Depositor notified the depositary of such dangerous character. d. Depositary was aware of the danger without advice from the depositor. Effect of Death of depositor or depositary(Art. 1995) a. Deposit gratuitous – death of either of the depositor or depositary extinguishes the deposit (personal in nature). By the word “extinguished,” the law really means that the depositary is not obliged to continue with the contract of deposit. b. Deposit for compensation – not extinguished by the death of either party Extinguishment of Deposit 1. Upon the loss or deterioration of the thing deposited; 2. Upon the death of the depositary, only in gratuitous deposits; 3. Other provisions in the Civil Code (novation, merger, etc.) Extrajudicial Deposit: Necessary Deposit When deposit is Necessary: (PLCT) 1. It is made in compliance with a Legal obligation 2. It takes place on the occasion of any Calamity, such as fire, storm, flood, pillage, shipwreck, or other similar events PAGE 268 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 a. 3. 4. There must be a causal relation between the calamity and the constitution of the deposit. Made by Passengers with common carriers a. As to baggage the passengers or their agents carry Made by Travelers in hotels or inns (Art. 1998) a. Before keepers of hotels or inns may be held responsible as depositaries with regard to the effects of their guests, the following must concur: Elements: a. They have been previously informed about the effects brought by the guests; and Is notification required before the common carrier becomes liable for lost belongings that remained in the custody of the passenger? NO. Actual delivery of the goods to the innkeepers or their employees is unnecessary before liability could attach to the hotelkeepers in the event of loss of personal belongings of their guests considering that the personal effects were inside the hotel or inn because the hotelkeeper shall remain accountable. Accordingly, actual notification was not necessary to render the petitioner as the common carrier liable for the lost personal belongings of Sesante. By allowing him to board the vessel with his belongings without any protest, the petitioner became sufficiently notified of such belongings. So long as the belongings were brought inside the premises of the vessel, the petitioner was thereby effectively notified and consequently duty-bound to observe the required diligence in ensuring the safety of the belongings during the voyage. Applying Article 2000 of the Civil Code, the petitioner assumed the liability for loss of the belongings caused by the negligence of its officers or crew. In view of our finding that the negligence of the officers and crew of the petitioner was the immediate and proximate cause of the sinking of the M/V Princess of the Orient, its liability for Sesante's lost personal belongings was beyond question. (Sulpicio Lines v. Sesante, 2016) b. The guests have taken the precautions prescribed regarding their safekeeping. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Extent of liability: a) Liability in hotel rooms which come under the term “baggage” or articles such as clothing as are ordinarily used by travelers b) Include those lost or damages in hotel annexes such as vehicles in the hotel’s garage. When the traveler avails of the valet service of hotels. The contract of deposit is perfected from the traveler’s delivery of the keys to the vehicle to the hotel, who has the obligation to safely keep and return it to the owner. Loss of the vehicle on the hotel’s premises or annexes may give rise to a claim of damages (Durban Apartments v. Pioneer Insurance, G.R. No. 179419, 2011). When hotelkeeper liable: (Arts. 2000 – 2002) NOTE: In the following cases, the hotel-keeper is liable regardless of the amount of care exercised: a) The loss or injury to personal property is caused by his servants or employees as well as by strangers (Art. 2000) b) The loss is caused by the act of a thief or robber done without the use of arms or irresistible force (Id., Art. 2001) Reason: Hotelkeeper is apparently negligent. When hotelkeeper not liable: a) The loss or injury is caused by force majeure, like flood, fire, theft or robbery by a stranger (not the hotel-keeper’s servant or employee) with the use of firearms or irresistible force a. Exception: Unless the hotelkeeper is guilty of fault or negligence in failing to provide against the loss or injury from his cause b) The loss is due to the acts of the guests, his family, servants, visitors c) The loss arises from the character of the things brought into the hotel Exemption or diminution of liability: The hotelkeeper cannot free himself from responsibility by posting notices to the effect that he is not liable for the articles brought by the guest (Art. 2003) Effect: Any stipulation between the hotel-keeper and the guest whereby the responsibility of the former (as set forth in Arts. 1998-2001) is suppressed or diminished shall be void. PAGE 269 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Hotel-keeper’s right to retain The hotel-keeper has a right to retain the things in pledge brought into the hotel by the guest, as a security for credits on account of: a) Lodging b) Supplies usually furnished to hotel guests Reason: It is given to hotel-keepers to compensate them for the liabilities imposed upon them by law. The right of retention recognized in this Article is in the nature of a pledge created by operation of law. In compliance with a legal obligation (governed by the law establishing it, and in case of deficiency, the rules on voluntary deposit e.g. Arts. 538, 586 and 2104). Made on the occasion of any calamity (governed by the rules on voluntary deposit and Art. 2168). Hotel-keeper’s right to sell A thing under a pledge by operation of law may be sold only after demand of the amount for which the thing is retained. The public auction shall take place within one month after such demand. If, without just grounds, the creditor does not cause the public sale to be held within such period, the debtor may require the return of the thing. (Art. 2122) Sequestration or judicial deposit When judicial deposit takes place: When an attachment or seizure of property in litigation is ordered by a court. (Art. 2005) Nature: Auxiliary to a case pending in court. Purpose: To maintain the status quo during the pendency of the litigation or to insure the right of the parties to the property in case of a favorable judgment CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BASIS Cause origin or Purpose. Subject Matter Remuneration In whose behalf it is held JUDICIAL DEPOSIT EXTRAJUDICIAL DEPOSIT By will of the courts By will of the parties. Hence, there is a contract Custody; Safekeeping of the thing Security; Secure the right of a party to recover in case of favorable judgment. Either movable or immovable property but generally, immovable Always remunerated (onerous) In behalf of the person who, by the judgment, has a right Only movable property Generally gratuitous, but may be compensated In behalf of the depositor or third person designated Depositary of sequestered property: person appointed by the court. (Art. 2007) Obligations: 1. To take care of the property with the diligence of a good father of the family. (Art. 2008) 2. He may not be relieved of his responsibility until the litigation is ended or the court so orders. (Art. 2007) Applicable law: The law on judicial deposit is remedial or procedural in nature. Hence, the Rules of Court are applicable. (Art. 2009) PAGE 270 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 COMMODATUM Non-consumable (movable or immovable) Object Except: consumable if used for exhibition purposes only Temporary use of the thing Purpose MUTUUM DEPOSIT Fungible consumable (e.g., money) / Consumption Status Ownership Return the thing upon expiration of period or purpose of Ability to demand return Retained by bailor Anytime, if no period or purpose has been agreed upon or if by mere tolerance only (precarium) If there is an urgent necessity Movable / personal property Non-consumable consumable Safekeeping Exchange (sale) or Take care of the thing Take care of the thing with due diligence Obligation BARTER Return a thing of the same kind and quality Do not use the thing deposited unless authorized or is required for its preservation Passes to bailee Retained depositor by the Only after the expiration of the period Exception: when the debtor loses every right to make use of the period (Art. 1198) Anytime Exception: for compensation (depositary has right of retention) Deliver another thing in exchange Passes to the other party (mutual exchange) Cannot demand return because contract is already extinguished Rescission only grounds exist if Acts of ingratitude by the bailee b. It may be entered into even without the intervention of the principal debtor. C. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP NATURE AND EXTENT OF GUARANTY Guaranty – By guaranty, a person called the guarantor, binds himself to the creditor, to fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in case the latter should fail to do so. It is a contract between the guarantor and the creditor. (Art. 2047) Characteristics of the contract 1. Accessory – dependent for its existence upon the principal obligation guaranteed by it hence if principal contract is void, then guaranty is also void 2. Subsidiary and Conditional – takes effect only when the principal debtor fails in his obligation subject to limitation 3. Unilateral – a. It gives rise only to a duty on the part of the guarantor in relation to the creditor and not vice versa 4. Distinct Person – a person cannot be the personal guarantor of himself The liability of a guarantor is only subsidiary, and all the properties of the principal debtor must first be exhausted before the guarantor may be held answerable for the debt. Thus, the creditor may hold the guarantor liable only after judgment has been obtained against the principal debtor and the latter is unable to pay. (Aglibot vs. Santia, G.R. No. 185945, 2012) Cause of Contract of Guaranty 1. Presence of cause which supports principal obligation: Cause of the contract is the same cause which supports the obligation as to the principal debtor. The consideration which supports the obligation as to the principal debtor is a sufficient consideration to support the obligation of a guarantor or surety. PAGE 271 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. Absence of direct consideration or benefit to guarantor: Guaranty or surety agreement is regarded valid despite the absence of any direct consideration received by the guarantor or surety, such consideration need not pass directly to the guarantor or surety; a consideration moving to the principal will suffice. EFFECTS OF GUARANTY Married woman as Guarantor (Art. 2049) General rule: Married woman binds only her separate property Exceptions: 1. With her husband’s consent, binds the community or conjugal partnership property 2. Without husband’s consent, in cases provided by law, such as when the guaranty has redounded to the benefit of the family Guaranty Undertaken Without Knowledge of Debtor (Art. 2050) Rights of third persons who pay: 1. Payment without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor: a. Guarantor can recover only insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the debtor (Art. 1236) b. Guarantor cannot compel the creditor to subrogate him in his rights (Art. 1237) 2. Payment with knowledge or consent of the debtor: Subrogated to all the rights which the creditor had against the debtor (Art. 2067) Double or Sub-Guaranty (Art. 2051(2)) One constituted to guarantee the obligation of a guarantor. It should not be confounded with guaranty wherein several guarantors concur. Guaranty of Voidable, Unenforceable, And Natural Obligations (Art. 2052(2)) A guaranty may secure the performance of: 1. Voidable contract – such contract is binding, unless it is annulled by a proper court action 2. Unenforceable contract – because such contract is not void 3. Natural obligation – the creditor may proceed against the guarantor although he has no right of action against the principal debtor for the reason that the latter’s obligation is not civilly enforceable. When the debtor himself offers a guaranty for his natural obligation, he impliedly recognizes his liability, thereby transforming the obligation from a natural into a civil one. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Guaranty of Future Debts (Art. 2053) Continuing Guaranty or Suretyship: 1. Not limited to a single transaction but which contemplates a future course of dealings, covering a series of transactions generally for an indefinite time or until revoked. 2. It is prospective in its operation and is generally intended to provide security with respect to future transactions. 3. Future debts, even if the amount is not yet known, may be guaranteed but there can be no claim against the guarantor until the amount of the debt is ascertained or fixed and demandable. Examples: a. To secure the payment of a loan at maturity – guarantee of the punctual payment of a loan at maturity and all other obligations of indebtedness b. To secure payment of any debt to be subsequently incurred –construed as continuing when it is evident from the terms that the object is to give a standing credit to the principal debtor to be used from time to time either indefinitely or until a certain period, especially if the right to recall the guaranty is expressly reserved. Guaranty of Conditional Obligations A guaranty may secure all kinds of obligations, be they pure or subject to a suspensive or resolutory condition. 1. Principal obligation subject to a suspensive condition – the guarantor is liable only after the fulfillment of the condition. 2. Principal obligation subject to a resolutory condition – the happening of the condition extinguishes both the principal obligation and the guaranty Guarantor’s Liability Cannot Exceed Principal Obligation (Art. 2054) General rule: Guaranty is a subsidiary and accessory contract – guarantor cannot bind himself for more than the principal debtor, both as regards the amount and the onerous nature of contract If he does, his liability shall be reduced to the limits of that of the debtor. But the guarantor may bind himself for less than that of the principal. Exceptions: 1. Interest, judicial costs, and attorney’s fees as part of damages may be recovered – creditors may recover from the surety as part of their damages the abovementioned fees even PAGE 272 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 without stipulation and even if the surety would thereby become liable to pay more than the total amount stipulated in the bond. Reason: Surety is made to pay, not by reason of the contract, but by reason of his failure to pay when demanded and for having compelled the creditor to resort to the courts to obtain payment. Interest runs from (demand): a. 2. Filing of the complaint (upon judicial demand); or b. The time demand was made upon the surety until the principal obligation is fully paid (upon extra-judicial demand) Penalty may be provided – surety may be held liable for the penalty provided for in a bond for violation of the condition therein. Principal’s Liability May Exceed Guarantor’s Obligations The amount specified in a surety bond as the surety’s obligation does not limit the extent of the damages that may be recovered from the principal, the latter’s liability being governed by the obligations he assumed under his contract. Guaranty Not Presumed (Art. 2055) The assumption of guaranty must be expressed. It cannot extend to more than what is stipulated therein. Guaranty Covered by the Statute of Frauds Guaranty must not only be expressed but must so be reduced into writing. Hence, it shall be unenforceable by action, unless the same or some note or memorandum thereof be in writing, and subscribed by the party charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be received without the writing, or secondary evidence of its contents. (Macondray & Co., Inc. v. Piñon, G.R. No. L-13817, 1961) It need not appear in a public document. Guaranty Strictly Construed Strictly construed against the creditor in favor of the guarantor and is not to be extended beyond its terms or specified limits. Doubt in the terms and conditions of the guaranty or suretyship agreement should be resolved in favor of the guarantor or surety. 1. Liability for obligation stipulated – guarantor is not liable for obligations assumed previous to the execution of the guaranty unless an intent to be so liable is clearly indicated. 2. Liability of surety limited to a fixed period – the surety must only be bound in the manner and to the extent, and under the circumstances CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. which are set forth or which may be inferred from the contract of guaranty or suretyship, and no further. Liability of surety to expire on maturity of principal obligation – such stipulation is unfair and unreasonable for it practically nullifies the nature of the undertaking it had assumed. Remedy of surety: Foreclose the counter-bond put up by the principal debtor (if there is any) Guaranty Distinguished from Suretyship GUARANTY SURETYSHIP Liability depends upon Assumes liability as a an independent regular party to the agreement to pay the undertaking obligation if the principal debtor fails to do so Engagement is a Charged as an original collateral undertaking promisor Secondarily liable – Primarily liable – he contracts to pay if, undertakes directly for by the use of due the payment without diligence, the debt reference to the cannot be paid solvency of the principal, and is so responsible at once the latter makes default, without any demand by the creditor upon the principal whatsoever or any notice of default Only binds himself to Undertakes to pay if pay if the principal the principal does not cannot or is unable to pay, without regard to pay his ability to do so Insurer of the Insurer of the debt solvency of the debtor Does not contract that Pay the creditor the principal will pay, without qualification but simply that he is if the principal debtor does not pay. Hence, able to do so the responsibility or obligation assumed by the surety is greater or more onerous than that of a guarantor Guarantor can avail of Surety cannot avail the the benefit of benefit of excussion excussion and division and division. in case the creditor proceeds against him. Not bound to take Held to know every notice of the non- default of the principal. performance of the principle PAGE 273 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Q: Corp A secured a Performance Bond from Corp B wherein the latter would become the surety of the former, guaranteeing the performance of Corp A’s obligations in favor of a contract with Corp C. However, Corp A showed poor progress, which led to Corp C demanding Corp B to liquidate the Performance Bond, without specifying the exact amount claimed. Subsequently, Corp C terminated the contract with Corp A. When negotiations for amicable settlement fell through, Corp B denied Corp C’s claim. This prompted Corp C to file a complaint with the CIAC to collect a sum of money against Corp A and Corp B. The CIAC dismissed the Complaint because it was not within a reasonable period and such delay had released Corp B from its liability as per Article 2080 of the Civil Code. This was reversed by the CA on the ground that Corp A had long been in default of its obligations even before the first demand of Corp C, which meant that the liability of Corp B as surety had already arisen. Was the CA correct in saying that Corp B was liable? A: Yes. A contract stands as the law between the parties for as long as it is not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. The Performance Bond provides that upon Corp C’s first demand, Corp B as surety shall indemnify the former notwithstanding any dispute with regard to whether the principal has complied with his obligation. The Performance Bond thus stands as a contract of surety contemplated under Article 2047 of the Civil Code which defines a surety wherein a person binds himself solidarily with the principal debtor. As a result, the surety is considered in law as being the same party as the debtor in relation to whatever is adjudged touching upon the obligation of the latter, and their liabilities are interwoven as to be inseparable. While the contract of surety stands secondary to the principal obligation, the surety's liability is direct, primary and absolute, albeit limited to the amount for which the contract of surety is issued. The surety's liability attaches the moment a demand for payment is made by the creditor. Furthermore, Article 2080 does not apply in this case because it is only applicable to the liability of a guarantor. (The Mercantile Insurance Co., Inc., v. DMCI-Laing Construction, Inc., G.R. No. 205007, September 16, 2019.) Qualifications of an Individual Guarantor (Arts.2056-2057) (CSI) 1. He possesses Integrity 2. He has the Capacity to bind himself 3. He has Sufficient property to answer for the obligation which he guarantees CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Exception: When requirements. the creditor waives the Effect of Subsequent Loss of Required Qualifications The qualifications need only be present at the time of the perfection of the contract. The subsequent loss of the qualifications would not extinguish the liability of the guarantor, nor will it extinguish the contract of guaranty. Remedy of creditor: Demand another guarantor with the proper qualifications. Exception: Creditor may waive it if he chooses and hold the guarantor to his bargain. Guarantor Convicted of a Crime Involving Dishonesty or Became Insolvent (Art. 2057): 1. Requires conviction in the first instance of a crime involving dishonesty to have the right to demand another. 2. Judicial declaration of insolvency is not necessary in order for the creditor to have a right to demand another guarantor. The supervening incapacity of a guarantor does not terminate the guaranty for it merely gives the creditor the option to demand another guarantor. He is not bound to substitute the guarantor. (Estate of Hemady v. Luzon Surety, G.R. No. L-8437, 1956) Selection of Guarantor 1. Specified person stipulated as guarantor: Substitution of guarantor may not be demanded Reason: The selection of the guarantor is: a. A term of the agreement; b. As a party, the creditor is, therefore, bound thereby. 2. Guarantor selected by the principal debtor: Debtor answers for the integrity, capacity, and solvency of the guarantor. 3. Guarantor personally designated by the creditor: Responsibility for the selection should fall upon the creditor because he considered the guarantor to have the qualifications for the purpose. Right of Guarantor to Benefit Of Excussion Or Exhaustion (Art. 2058) 1. Guarantor only secondarily liable – guarantor binds himself to pay only in case the principal debtor should fail to do so. If the principal debtor fulfills the obligation guaranteed, the guarantor is discharged from any responsibility. 2. All legal remedies against the debtor to be first exhausted – to warrant recourse against PAGE 274 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) the guarantor for payment, it may not be sufficient that the debtor appears insolvent. Such insolvency may be simulated. NOTE: Art. 2058 is not applicable to a contract of suretyship. i. Right of Creditor to secure Judgment against Guarantor prior to exhaustion General rule: An ordinary personal guarantor (NOT a pledgor or mortgagor who is at the same time a guarantor), may demand exhaustion of all the property of the debtor before he can be compelled to pay. Exception: The creditor may secure a judgment against the guarantor, who shall be entitled to a deferment of the execution of said judgment against him, until after the properties of the principal debtor shall have been exhausted, to satisfy the latter’s obligation. Exceptions to the Benefit of Excussion (Art. 2059) (JAWS-IS-FUN) 1. If the guarantor has expressly Waived it. a. Waiver is valid but it must be made in express terms. 2. If he has bound himself Solidarily with the debtor – liability assumed that of a surety Guarantor becomes primarily liable as a solidary co-debtor. In effect, he renounces in the contract itself the benefit of exhaustion. 3. In case of Insolvency of the debtor – guarantor guarantees the solvency of the debtor If the debtor becomes insolvent, the liability of the guarantor arises as the debtor cannot fulfill his obligation 4. When he (debtor) has Absconded, or cannot be sued within the Philippines – the creditor is not required to go after a debtor who is hiding or cannot be sued in our courts a. Exception: Debtor has left a manager or representative 5. If it may be presumed that a judicial action including execution on the property of the principal debtor would not result in the satisfaction of the obligation – if such is the case, the guarantor can no longer require the creditor to resort to all such remedies against the debtor as the same would be but a Useless formality. It is not necessary that the debtor be judicially declared insolvent. 6. If he does Not comply with Art. 2060: In order that the guarantor may make use of the benefit of excussion, he must: a. Set it up against the creditor upon the latter’s demand for payment from him; b. Point out to the creditor: 7. 8. Available property of the debtor– the guarantor should facilitate the realization of the excussion since he is the most interested in its benefit. ii. Within the Philippine territory – excussion of property located abroad would be a lengthy and extremely difficult proceeding and would not conform with the purpose of the guaranty to provide the creditor with the means of obtaining the fulfillment of the obligation. Sufficient to cover the amount of the debt. If he is a Judicial bondsman and sub-surety (Art. 2084) – because he is solidarily liable. Where he has given a pledge or mortgage as a Special security. NOTE: Article 2062 of the Civil Code provides that in every action by the creditor, which must be against the principal debtor alone, except in the cases mentioned in Article 2059, the former shall ask the court to notify the guarantor of the action. The guarantor may appear so that he may, if he so desire, set up such defenses as are granted him by law. The benefit of excussion mentioned in article 2058 shall always be unimpaired, even if judgment should be rendered against the principal debtor and the guarantor in case of appearance by the latter. Duty of Creditor to Make Prior Demand for Payment From Guarantor (Art. 2060) 1. When demand to be made – only after judgment on the debt for obviously the exhaustion of the principal’s property cannot even begin to take place before judgment has been obtained. 2. Actual demand to be made – joining the guarantor in the suit against the principal debtor is not the demand intended by law. There must be an actual demand and not judicial demand. (Vda. De Syquia v. Jacinto, G.R. No. 41320 (1934). Duty of The Guarantor To Set Up Benefit Of Excussion (Art. 2060) As soon as he is required to pay, guarantor must also point out to the creditor available property (not in litigation or encumbered) of the debtor within the Philippines. If a party in a contract waives his right to excussion, the contract has ceases to be a guaranty and is now a suretyship under Article 2047 of the Civil Code. PAGE 275 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 (Trade and Investment Development Corporation of the Philippines v. Philippine Veterans Bank, G.R. No. 233850, 2019) Duty of The Creditor To Resort To All Legal Remedies (Art. 2061) After the guarantor has fulfilled the conditions required for making use of the benefit of exhaustion, it becomes the duty of the creditor to exhaust all the property of the debtor pointed out by the guarantor If he fails to do so, he shall suffer the loss but only to the extent of the value of the said property, for the insolvency of the debtor. Resort to all legal remedies includes accion pauliana and accion subrogatoria, among others. Joinder of Guarantor and Principal As Parties Defendant General rule: The guarantor, not being a joint contractor with his principal, cannot be sued with his principal. Exception: Where it would serve merely to delay the ultimate accounting of the guarantor or if no different result would be attained if the plaintiff were forced to institute separate actions against the principal and the guarantors. Procedure When Creditor Sues (Art. 2062) 1. Sent against the principal – The guarantor cannot be sued with his principal, much less alone, except in the cases mentioned in Art. 2059 where the guarantor is not entitled to the benefit of excussion. 2. Notice to guarantor of the action – guarantor must be notified so that he may appear, if he so desires, and set up defenses he may want to offer a. Guarantor appears – voluntary appearance does not constitute a renunciation of his right to excussion. b. Guarantor does not appear – i. He cannot set up the defenses which, by appearing are allowed to him by law; and ii. It may no longer be possible for him to question the validity of the judgment rendered against the debtor iii. But he may still invoke the benefit of excussion 3. Hearing before execution can be issued against the guarantor – a guarantor is entitled to be heard before an execution can be issued against him where he is not a party in the case involving his principal. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Effects of Compromise (Art. 2063) Compromise – a contract whereby the parties, by making reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put an end to one already commenced. 1. Compromise between creditor and principal debtor benefits the guarantor but does not prejudice him. 2. Compromise between guarantor and the creditor benefits but does not prejudice the principal debtor. Reason: A compromise binds only the parties thereto and not third persons. Thus, it cannot prejudice the guarantor or debtor who was not party to the compromise. But if it benefits a third person, then the compromise may bind that third person. Sub-Guarantor’s Right To Excussion (Art. 2064) Sub-guarantor enjoys the benefit of excussion with respect to: 1. Principal debtor; and 2. Guarantor Reason: He stands with respect to the guarantor on the same footing as the latter does with respect to the principal debtor. Benefit of Division Among Several Guarantors (Art. 2065) 1. In whose favor applicable - should there be several guarantors of only one debtor and for the same debt, the obligation to answer for the same is divided among all. 2. Cannot be availed of if there are: a. Two or more debtors of one debt, even if they be bound solidarily, each with different guarantors; or b. Two or more guarantors of the same debtor but for different debts c. If any of the circumstances enumerated in Art. 2059 should take place, as would the benefit of exhaustion of the debtor’s property. 3. Extent of liability of several guarantors – joint obligation a. General rule: The obligation to answer for the debt is divided among all of them. The guarantors are not liable to the creditor beyond the shares which they are respectively bound to pay. b. Exception: Solidarity has been expressly stipulated. PAGE 276 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Benefit of Division among Several Guarantors: In order that the guarantor may be entitled to the benefit of division, it is not required that he point out the property of his co-guarantors. Reason: Obligation of the guarantor with respect to his co-guarantors is not subsidiary but direct and does not depend as to its origin on the solvency or insolvency of the latter. No benefit of division when payment is made: (Art. 2073) 1. In virtue of a judicial demand 2. Principal debtor is insolvent Right to Reimbursement: The guarantor who pays for a debtor must be indemnified by the latter. What Comprises the Right of the Guarantor to Demand Indemnity or Reimbursement from the Principal Debtor (Art. 2066) (DELT) 1. Total amount of the debt - The guarantor has no right to demand reimbursement until he has actually paid the debt, unless by the terms of the contract, he is given the right before making payment. 2. Legal interest - It is immaterial that the debt did not earn interest for the creditor, because the guarantor’s right to legal interest is granted by law by virtue of the payment he has made, and is independent of the creditor’s right to claim interest which was necessarily regulated by the stipulations between him and the debtor. 3. Expenses incurred by the guarantor - The expenses referred to are only those that the guarantor has to satisfy in accordance with law as a consequence of the guaranty. These expenses are limited to those incurred by the guarantor after having notified the debtor that payment has been demanded of him by the creditor. a. Exception: The guarantor cannot demand for reimbursement for litigation expenses, when such expenses are due to its failure to fulfill its obligation to pay upon demand. (Tuason v. Machuca, G.R. No. L-22177, 1924) 4. Damages, if they are due. Exceptions to Right to Indemnity or Reimbursement 1. Where the guaranty is constituted without the knowledge or against the will of the principal debtor, the guarantor can recover CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. 3. only insofar as the payment had been beneficial to the debtor Payment by a third person who does not intend to be reimbursed by the debtor is deemed to be a donation, which, however, requires the debtor’s consent. But the payment is in any case valid as to the creditor who has accepted it (Art. 1238) Waiver Guarantor’s Right to Subrogation (Art. 2067) Subrogation transfers to the person subrogated, the credit with all the rights thereto appertaining either against the debtor or against third persons, be they guarantors or possessors of mortgages, subject to stipulation in conventional subrogation. 1. Accrual, basis, and nature of right – right of subrogation is necessary to enable the guarantor to enforce the indemnity given in Art. 2066 a. Arises by operation of law upon payment by the guarantor b. It is not a contractual right c. The guarantor is subrogated, by virtue of the payment, to the right of the creditor, not those of the debtor. 2. When right not available – since subrogation is the means of effectuating the right of the guarantor to be reimbursed, it cannot therefore be invoked in those cases where the guarantor has no right to be reimbursed. Effect of Payment by Guarantor Without Notice to Debtor (Art. 2068) When the guarantor pays the creditor, but the debtor has already paid the latter, then the debtor can set up against the guarantor the defense of previous extinguishments of the obligation by payment. Hence, guarantor must notify the debtor before making payment. Reason: The guarantor cannot be allowed, through his own fault or negligence to prejudice or impair the rights or interests of the debtor. NOTE: In case of an unenforceable contract, if the debtor consents to the guarantor paying, the guarantor can seek reimbursement from the debtor. If the debtor did not consent to the guarantor paying, the guarantor cannot seek reimbursement from the guarantor. Effect of Payment by Guarantor before maturity (Art. 2069) Debtor’s obligation with a period – demandable only when the day fixed comes. PAGE 277 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 1. 2. The guarantor who pays before maturity is not entitled to reimbursement since there is no necessity for accelerating payment. A contract of guaranty being subsidiary in character, the guarantor is not liable for the debt before it becomes due. Exception: The debtor will be liable if the payment was made: a. With his consent; or b. Subsequently ratified (express or implied) by him Effect of Repeat Payment by the Debtor (Art. 2070) a) General rule: Before the guarantor pays the creditor, he must first notify the debtor. a. If he fails to give notice and the debtor repeats payment, the guarantor’s remedy is to collect from the creditor b. No cause of action against the debtor for the return of the amount paid by him. b) Exception: The guarantor may still claim reimbursement from the debtor in spite of lack of notice if the following conditions are present: a. The creditor becomes insolvent b. That guarantor was prevented by a fortuitous event to advise the debtor of the payment c. The guaranty is gratuitous Right of Guarantor to Proceed Against Debtor Before Payment (Art. 2071) General rule: Guarantor has no cause of action against the debtor until after the former has paid the obligation. Exceptions: Art. 2071 enumerates instances when the guarantor may proceed against the debtor even before the payment (ITS-PAID): 1. When he is Sued for the payment; 2. In case of Insolvency of the principal debtor; 3. When the debtor has bound himself to relieve him from the guaranty within a specified period, and this Period has expired; 4. When the debt has become Demandable, by reason of the expiration of the period for payment; 5. After the lapse of Ten (10) years, when the principal obligation has no fixed period for its maturity, unless it be of such nature that it cannot be extinguished except within a period longer than ten years; 6. If there are reasonable grounds to fear that the principal debtor intends to Abscond; CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 7. If the principal debtor is in imminent danger of becoming Insolvent. Purpose: To enable the guarantor to take measures for the protection of his interest in view of the probability that he would be called upon to pay the debt. Remedy to which the Guarantor is Entitled The guarantor cannot demand reimbursement for indemnity when he has not paid the obligation. Remedies Available: 1. To obtain release from the guaranty; or 2. To demand security that shall protect him from: a. Any proceedings by the creditor; and b. Against the insolvency of the debtor. NOTE: Guarantor’s remedies are alternative. He has the right to choose the action to bring. Suit by Guarantor against Creditor Before Payment The guarantor’s or surety’s action for release can only be exercised against the principal debtor and not against the creditor. Reason: The creditor cannot be compelled to release the guarantor before payment of his credit. Release of the guarantor imports an extinction of his obligation to the creditor, connoting remission or a novation by subrogation which requires the creditor’s assent. ART. 2066 (RIGHT OF GUARANTOR TO REIMBURSEMENT AFTER PAYMENT) Provides for the enforcement of the rights of the guarantor against the debtor after he has paid the debt – gives a right of action after payment Substantive right Gives a right of action, which, without the provisions of the other might be worthless ART. 2071 (RIGHT OF GUARANTOR TO PROCEED AGAINST DEBTOR EVEN BEFORE PAYMENT) Provides for the protection before he has paid but after he has become liable – gives a protective remedy before payment Preliminary remedy Remedy given seeks to obtain from the guarantor “release from the guaranty or to demand a security that shall protect him from any proceedings by the creditor and from the danger of insolvency of the debtor.” PAGE 278 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Recovery of Surety against Indemnitor (i.e., principal debtor) Even Before Payment 1. Indemnity agreement is for the benefit of surety – not for the benefit of the creditor 2. Indemnity agreement may be against actual loss as well as potential liability – such agreement is enforceable and not violative of any public policy a. Indemnity against loss – indemnitor will not be liable until the person to be indemnified makes payment or sustains loss b. Indemnity against liability – indemnitor’s liability arises as soon as the liability of the person to be indemnified has arisen without regard to whether or not he has suffered actual loss c. Such agreement valid - A stipulation in an indemnity agreement providing that the indemnitor shall pay the surety as soon as the latter becomes liable to make payment to the creditor under the terms of the bond, regardless of whether the surety has made payment actually or not, is valid and enforceable, and in accordance therewith, the surety may demand from the indemnitor even before the creditor has paid. Where the principal debtors are simultaneously the same persons who executed the indemnity agreement, the position occupied by them is that of a principal debtor and indemnitor at the same, and their liability being joint and several. The liabilities of an insurer under the surety bond are not extinguished when the modifications in the principal contract do not substantially or materially alter the principal's obligations. The surety is jointly and severally liable with its principal when the latter defaults from its obligations under the principal contract. (People's Trans-East Asia Insurance Corporation v. Doctors of New Millennium Holdings, Inc., G.R. No. 172404, 2014) Guarantor of a Third Person at Request of Another (Art. 2072) The guarantor who guarantees the debt of an absentee at the request of another has a right to claim reimbursement, after satisfying the debt from: 1. The person who requested him to be a guarantor; 2. The debtor CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Rights (SICS) 1. 2. 3. 4. of the Guarantor against The Debtor Indemnification Benefit of Subrogation Benefit of Compromise Right to obtain or demand a Security under (Art. 2071) Between Co-Guarantors Right to Contribution of Guarantor Who Pays (Art. 2073) Presumption of joint liability of several guarantors when there are: 1. Two or more guarantors 2. Same debtor 3. Same debt Effect: Each is bound to pay only his proportionate share. Co-Guarantor has Right to Contribution When: 1. One guarantor has paid the debt to the creditor 2. Payment was made a. In virtue of judicial demand (benefit of division has ceased); or b. Because principal debtor is insolvent 3. Guarantor who paid is seeking reimbursement from each of his coguarantors the share which is proportionately owing him. Effect: The co-guarantor who has paid may demand of each of the others the share which is proportionally owing from him. Effect of Insolvency of any Guarantor Follow the rule on solidary obligations: The share of the insolvent guarantor shall be borne by the others including the paying guarantor in the same joint proportion. Accrual and Basis of Right: The right of reimbursement is acquired ipso jure without need of any prior cession from the creditor by the guarantor. Defenses Available to Co-Guarantors (Art. 2074) a) General rule: All defenses which the debtor would have interposed against the creditor (i.e. fraud, prescription, remission, illegality, etc.). b) Exception: Those which cannot be transmitted for being purely personal to the debtor. PAGE 279 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Liability of Sub-Guarantor in case of Insolvency of Guarantor (Art. 2075) Sub-guarantor is liable to the co-guarantors in the same manner as the guarantor whom he guaranteed in case of the insolvency of the guarantor for whom he bound himself as subguarantor. EXTINGUISHMENT OF GUARANTY Causes of Extinguishment of Guaranty (PaNoCoCo-LoCo-FRAP) (Art. 2076) General rule: Guaranty being accessory, it is extinguished when principal obligation is extinguished, the causes of which are: 1. Payment or performance; 2. Loss of the thing due; 3. Condonation or remission of the debt; 4. Confusion or merger of the rights of the creditor and debtor; 5. Compensation; and 6. Novation 7. Other causes: a. Annulment; b. Rescission; c. Fulfillment of a resolutory condition; d. Prescription Exception: The guaranty itself may be directly extinguished although the principal obligation still remains such as in the case of the release of the guarantor made by the creditor. Material Alteration of Principal Contract Any agreement between the creditor and the principal debtor which essentially varies the terms of the principal contract without the consent of the surety, will release the surety from liability. Such material alteration would constitute a novation or change of the principal contract, which is consequently extinguished. Upon such extinguishments, the accessory contract to guaranty is also terminated and the guarantor cannot be held liable on the new contract to which he has not given his consent. When Alteration Material Where such change will have the effect of making the obligation more onerous. 1. Imposes a new obligation or added burden on the party promising; or 2. Takes away some obligation already imposed, changing the legal effect of the original contract and not merely the form thereof. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Release by Conveyance of Property (Art. 2077) General rule: Payment is made in money. Exception: Any substitute paid in lieu of money which is accepted by the creditor extinguishes the obligation and in consequence, the guaranty. If the creditor accepts property in payment of a debt from the debtor, the guarantor is relieved from responsibility. This is also true even in case the creditor is subsequently evicted from the property. In case of eviction: Eviction revives the principal obligation but not the guaranty. Reason: The creditor’s action against the debtor is for eviction and this is different from what the guarantor guaranteed. Release of Guarantor without Consent of Others (Art. 2078) Effect: The release benefits all to the extent of the share of the guarantor released. Reason: A release made by the creditor in favor of one of the guarantors without the consent of the others may prejudice the others should a guarantor become insolvent. Release by Extension of Term Granted by Creditor to Debtor (Art. 2079) Release Without Consent of Guarantor: Creditor grants an extension of time to the debtor without the consent of the guarantor. Effect: Guarantor is discharged from his undertaking. Reason: To avoid prejudice to the guarantor. The debtor may become insolvent during the extension, thus depriving the guarantor of his right to reimbursement. It doesn’t matter if the extension is: a) Prejudicial or not; or b) For a long or short period of time. NOTE: Consent of the Guarantor is a must. Extension must be based on some new agreement between the creditor and the principal debtor by virtue of which the creditor deprives him of his claim. obligation payable in 1. Where installments: Where a guarantor is liable for different payments. a. General rule: An extension of time to one or more will not affect the liability of the surety for the others. b. Exception: When the unpaid balance has become automatically due by virtue of an acceleration PAGE 280 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. clause for failure to pay an installment. i. Effect of exception: The act of the creditor extending the payment of said installment, without the guarantor’s consent, discharges the guarantor. c. Reason: The extension constitutes an extension of the payment of the whole amount of the indebtedness Where consent to an extension is waived in advance by the guarantor or surety: Such waiver is not contrary to law, nor to public policy a. Effect: Amounts to the guarantor’s or surety’s consent to all the extensions granted. NOTE: The mere failure or neglect on the part of the creditor to enforce payment or to bring an action upon a credit, as soon as the same or any part of it matures, does not constitute an extension of the term of the obligation, and therefore, the liability of the guarantor is not extinguished In order to constitute an extension discharging a surety, it should appear that the extension was: (DEW) 1. For a Definite period 2. Pursuant to an Enforceable agreement between the principal and the creditor 3. Made Without the consent of the surety or with a reservation of rights with respect to him. The contract must be one which precludes the creditor from, or at least hinders him in, enforcing the principal contract within the period during which he could otherwise have enforced it, and precludes the surety from paying the debt. The law does not even grant the surety the right to sue the creditor for delay, as protection against the risks of possible insolvency of the debtor; but in view of the efficacy of the action on the contract against the surety, beginning with the date the obligation becomes due, his vigilance must be exercised rather against the principal debtor. That an extension granted to the debtor by the creditor without the consent of the guarantor extinguishes the guaranty, also applies to suretyship. The theory behind Art. 2079 is that an extension of time given to the debtor by the creditor without the surety’s consent would deprive the surety of his right to pay the creditor and to be immediately subrogated to the creditor’s remedies CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) against the debtor upon the maturity date. The surety is entitled to protect himself against the debtor’s insolvency during the extension. However, it must be stressed that Art. 2079 will apply only if the extension is granted by the creditor in favor of the debtor without the guarantor’s/surety’s consent. (TIDC v. APC, 2014) Release when Guarantor cannot be Subrogated (Art. 2080) If there can be no subrogation because of the fault of the creditor, the guarantors are thereby released, even if the guarantors are solidary. If the creditor has acquired a lien upon the property of a principal debtor, the creditor at once becomes charged with the duty of retaining such security, or maintaining such lien in the interest of the surety, and any release or impairment of this security as a primary resource of payment of a debt, will discharge the surety to the extent of the value of the property or lien released for there immediately arises a trust relation between the parties, and the creditor as trustee is bound to account to the surety for the value of the security in his hands. Reason: The act of one cannot prejudice another. It also avoids collusion between the creditor and the debtor or a third person. Defenses Available to Guarantor against Creditor (Art. 2081) General rule: All defenses, which pertain to the principal debtor and are inherent in the debt. Exception: Those which are purely personal to the debtor. D. QUASI-CONTRACTS NEGOTIORIUM GESTIO One who voluntarily takes charge of the agency/management of the business or property of another (without any power from the latter), is obliged to continue such agency or management until: 1. The termination of the affair or its incidents; or 2. He has required the person concerned to substitute him (if the owner is in a position to do so). However, this juridical relation does not arise in the following: 1. When the property or business is NOT neglected or abandoned. 2. If the manager has been impliedly authorized by the owner.(Art. 2144) PAGE 281 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) SOLUTIO INDEBITI The principle of solutio indebiti provides that if something is received when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through mistake, the obligation to return it arises. In such a case, a creditor-debtor relationship is created under a quasi-contract whereby the payor becomes the creditor who then has the right to demand the return of payment made by mistake, and the person who has no right to receive such payment becomes obligated to return the same. The principle of solutio indebiti applies where: 1. A payment is made when there exists no binding relation between the payor, who has no duty to pay, and the person who received the payment; 2. The payment is made through mistake, and not through liberality or some other cause. (SigaAn v. Villanueva, GR 173227, 2009) -------- end of topic -------- PAGE 282 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 283 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 X. TORTS AND DAMAGES TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. TORTS 1. Elements 2. Culpa aquiliana v. culpa contractual v. culpa criminal 3. Vicarious liability 4. Res ipsa loquitur 5. Last clear chance 6. Damnum absque injuria B. PROXIMATE CAUSE C. NEGLIGENCE 1. Standard of care 2. Presumptions D. DAMAGES 1. General provisions 2. Kinds of damages 3. In case of death CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) A. TORTS Definition Acts that give rise to civil liability but are not necessarily the consequences of crimes or contractual obligations. (Paras, Pre-week Handbook in Civil Law, p. 588, 2012) An unlawful violation of a private right, not created by contract, and which gives rise to an action for damages. It is a wrongful act or omission resulting in breach of a private legal duty, as distinguished from a mere breach of contractual duty, and damage from said breach of duty of such a character as to afford a right of redress at law in favor of the injured party against the wrongdoer. (Aquino, Torts and Damages, p.1, 2013) 1. ELEMENTS Based on Article 2176, the following are the essential elements of a quasi-delict: 1. Culpable act or negligence; 2. Damage to another; and 3. Causal relation between the culpable act or negligence and the damage to another. (Vitug, Civil Law: Volume IV, pp. 327-328, 2006) 2. CULPA AQUILIANA v. CULPA CONTRACTUAL v. CULPA CRIMINAL The obligation imposed by Article 2176 of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts is demandable not only for one’s own acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is responsible (Art. 2180). A person is liable not only for his own torts, but also for those committed by others with whom he has a certain relationship, or for whom he is responsible. The basis of liability is pater familias or the failure of the persons mentioned therein to exercise due care and vigilance over the acts of subordinates to prevent the damage. (Filcar Transport Services v. Espinas, G.R. No. 174156, 2012) NOTE: Vicarious liability is not governed by the doctrine of respondeat superior. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, the master is liable in every case and unconditionally; the negligence of the servant is conclusively presumed to be the negligence of the master. PAGE 284 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 However, in vicarious liability, persons are made vicariously liable not because of the negligent or wrongful act of the person for whom they are responsible, but because of their own negligence (i.e. liability is imposed on the employer because he failed to exercise due diligence in the selection and supervision of his employees). Whenever an employee’s negligence causes damage or injury to another, there instantly arises a presumption juristantum that the employer failed to exercise diligentissimi patris families in the selection (culpa in eligiendo) or supervision (culpa in vigilando) of its employees. To avoid liability for a quasi-delict committed by its employee, an employer must overcome the presumption by presenting convincing proof that he exercised the care and diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of his employee. (Delsan Transport v. C&A Construction, G.R. No. 156034, 2003; Light Rail Transit Association v. Navidad, G.R. No. 145804, 2003) Exception The doctrine of respondeat superior is applicable in: 1. Liability of employers under Art. 103 of the Revised Penal Code 2. Liability of a partnership for the tort committed by a partner. Primary Liability Under Article 2180 The Supreme Court held that an employee-driver was neither an indispensable nor a necessary party in an action for damages filed against the employers under Article 2176 in relation to Article 2180 to hold the employer vicariously liable. Thus, it was not necessary for the court to acquire jurisdiction over the employee-driver to hold the employers liable for damages. (Cerezo v. Tuazon, G.R. No. 141538, 2004) 3. VICARIOUS LIABILITY Joint Tortfeasors vs. Persons Vicariously Liable JOINT PERSONS TORTFEASORS VICARIOUSLY LIABLE AS TO LIABILITY Tortfeasor (under Art. 2176) and the person Solidarily liable vicariously liable (Art. 2194) (under Art. 2180) are solidarily liable. AS TO AMOUNT PAID The solidary debtor If the person who pays the injured vicariously liable pays party may recover the injured party, he CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) from the other debtor his corresponding share in the amount paid. (Art.1217) may recover the entire amount he paid from the actual tortfeasor (Art.2182) Persons Vicariously Liable The following are the persons vicariously liable: a. Father/Mother for their minor children. Reason The liability is a necessary consequence of the parental authority they exercise over them. The liability under Article 2180 also extends to other persons exercising parental authority like judicially appointed guardians and adopters (AQUINO, Torts and Damages, 730-31). Adopters The Court does not consider that retroactive effect may be given to the decree of adoption so as to impose a liability under the adopting parents. (Tamago v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 85044, 1992). b. Guardians are liable for the minors and incapacitated persons under their authority. Incompetent includes persons suffering the penalty of civil interdiction or who are hospitalized lepers, prodigals, deaf and dumb who are unable to read and write, those who are of unsound mind, even though they have lucid intervals, and person’s not being of unsound mind by reason of age, disease, weak mind and other similar causes, cannot, without outside aid, take care of themselves and manage their property, becoming thereby an easy prey for deceit and exploitation. (RULES OF COURT, Rule 92, Sec. 2) c. Schools, administrators and teachers, and individuals, entities or institutions engaged in child care having special parental authority over children. Extent of Special Parental Authority It can be exercised only over minors while under their supervision, instruction or custody, including while in authorized activities, whether inside or outside premises of the school, entity or institution. (AQUINO, Torts and Damages, 665) PAGE 285 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Custody The protective and supervisory custody that the school and its heads and teachers exercise over the pupils and students for as long as they are in attendance in school, including recess time. (Palisoc v. Brillantes, G.R. No. L-29025, 1971) As long as it can be shown that the student is in the school premises in pursuance of a legitimate student objective, in the exercise of a legitimate right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student privilege, the responsibility of the school authorities over the student continues. (Amadora v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-47745, 1988) d. Owners/managers of establishment or enterprise for their employees. They are liable for damages caused by their employees in the service of the branches in which they are employed, or on the occasion of their functions. It does not extend to acts of strangers who committed unauthorized acts and in doing so, caused damage to others. (Art. 2180, par. 4) Managers In Article 2180, “managers” is used in the sense of an employer. A managerial employee within the contemplation of the Labor Code is not a manager under Article 2180 because he himself may be regarded as an employee or dependiente of the employer. (Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. v. Phil. American Forwarders, Inc., G.R. No. L-25142, 1975) NOTE: Co-employees are not liable even if they supervise the employee. e. Employers for their employees and household helpers. Although the employer is not the actual tortfeasor, the law makes him vicariously liable on the basis of the civil law principle of pater familias for failure to exercise due care and vigilance over the acts of one’s subordinates to prevent damage to another. (Filcar Transport Service v. Espinas, supra) f. State for their special agents. It is a basic constitutional rule that the State cannot be sued without its consent. Consent of the State to be sued can be manifested through a special law or general law allowing the State to be sued. (AQUINO, Torts and Damages, 718) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Special Agent A special agent is one who receives a definite and fixed order or commission, foreign to the exercise of the duties of his office; task assigned must be foreign from/to his usual government functions. o If agent is not a public official and is commissioned to perform nongovernmental work, state is liable as ordinary employer. o If government commissions a private individual for a special government task, it is acting through a special agent and will be liable for tort under Article 2180. g. Teachers/Heads of establishment of arts and trades for their pupils/ students/apprentices (Art. 2180, NCC). 4. RES IPSA LOQUITUR Definition Where the thing which causes injury is shown to be under the management of the defendant, and the accident is such as in the ordinary course of things does not happen if those who have the management use proper care, it affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of an explanation by the defendant, that the accident arose from want of care. (Layugan v. IAC, G.R. 73998, 1998) Elements of Res Ipsa Loquitur 1. The accident was of a kind which does not ordinarily occur unless someone is negligent; 2. The instrumentality or agency which caused the injury was under the exclusive control of the person charged with negligence; 3. Injury suffered must have not been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the person injured (D.M. Consunji v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 137873, 2001); 4. It must appear that the injured party had no knowledge or means of knowledge as to the cause of the accident, or that the party to be charged with negligence has superior knowledge or opportunity for explanation of the accident. (Malayan Insurance Co. vs. Rodelio Alberto and Enrico Reyes, G.R. No. 194320) PAGE 286 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur finds no application if there is direct proof of absence or presence of negligence. If there is sufficient proof showing the conditions and circumstances under which the injury occurred, then the creative reason for the said doctrine disappears. (Huang v. Philippine Hoteliers Inc., G.R. No. 180440, 2012) Medical Malpractice; Doctrine of Common Knowledge The general rule on the necessity of expert testimony applies only to such matters clearly within the domain of medical science, and not to matters of common knowledge. Ordinarily, only experienced physicians and surgeons are competent to testify on whether a patient has been treated with reasonable care. However, where common knowledge and experience teach that a resulting injury would not have occurred if due care had been exercised (e.g. leaving gauzes inside the body of the patient after an operation, operating on the wrong part of the body, etc.), an inference of negligence may be drawn giving rise to an application of the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur without medical evidence. (Ramos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124354, 1999) Standard of Care required from the Medical Profession Given these safeguards, there is no need to expressly require of doctors the observance of “extraordinary” diligence. As it is now, the practice of medicine is already conditioned upon the highest degree of diligence. The standard contemplated for doctors is simply the reasonable average merit among ordinarily good physicians. That is reasonable diligence for doctors or, the reasonable skill and competence that a physician in the same or similar locality should apply. Liability of Hospital in Cases of Medical Negligence The Court has applied the doctrine of agency by estoppel to hold hospitals liable for the negligent acts of physicians based on: 1. The patient accepts the services of the physician; and 2. The patient believes that the physicians are agents of the hospital. Doctrine of Informed Consent The doctrine of informed consent requires a doctor to inform his patient of the material risks associated with a medical procedure. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Elements of a malpractice claim based on the doctrine of informed consent 1. The physician had a duty to disclose material risks; 2. He failed to disclose or inadequately disclosed those risks; 3. As a direct and proximate result of the failure to disclose, the patient consented to the treatment, which he or she would otherwise not have consented to; and 4. The patient was injured by the proposed treatment. (Li v. Soliman, G.R. No. 165279, 2011) 5. LAST CLEAR CHANCE Also known as the “Doctrine of Discovered Peril.” Even though a person’s own acts may have placed him in a position of peril and an injury results, the injured is entitled to recover if the defendant through the exercise of reasonable care and prudence might have avoided injurious consequences to the plaintiff. Requisites 1. Plaintiff was in a position of danger by his own negligence; 2. Defendant knew of such position of the plaintiff; 3. Defendant had the last clear chance to avoid the accident by exercise of ordinary care but failed to exercise such last clear chance and; 4. Accident occurred as proximate cause of such failure. Who may invoke: Plaintiff When the doctrine is not applicable 1. Joint Tortfeasors; 2. Defendants concurrently negligent; 3. As against third persons; and 4. Contractual breach. 6. DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA There can be damage without injury in those instances in which the loss or harm was not the result of a violation of a legal duty. In such cases, the consequences must be borne by the injured person alone, the law affords no remedy for damages resulting from an act which does not amount to a legal injury or wrong. These situations are often called damnum absque injuria. (BPI Express Card Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 120639) PAGE 287 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Damage v. Damages v. Injury There is a material distinction among damage, damages and injury. Injury is the illegal invasion of a legal right; damage is the loss, hurt or harm which results from the injury; and damages are the recompense or compensation awarded for the damage suffered. (Custodio v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116100, 1996) When Not Applicable The principle of damnum absque injuria does not apply when there is an abuse of a person’s right. (Cebu Country Club, Inc., v. Elizagaque, G.R. No. 160273, 2008) Mistakes by public officers are not actionable in the absence of malice or gross negligence amounting to bad faith. (Farolan v. Solmac Marketing Corporation, G.R. No. 83589) B. PROXIMATE CAUSE Definition That cause which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred. (Vda. de Bataclan v. Medina, G.R. No. L-10126, 1957) The proximate cause of the injury is not necessarily the immediate cause of, or the cause nearest in time to, the injury. It is only when the causes are independent of each other that the nearest is to be charged with the disaster. So long as there is a natural, direct and continuous sequence between the negligent act and the injury that it can reasonably be said that but for the act the injury could not have occurred, such negligent act is the proximate cause of the injury, and whoever is responsible therefore is liable for damages resulting therefrom. (Brinas v. People of the Philippines, G.R. L-30309, 1983) Proximate Cause Inapplicable in Breach of Contract Such doctrine only applies in actions for quasidelicts, not in breach of contract. It is a device for imputing liability to a person where there is no relation between him and another party. (Sps. Guanio v. Makati Shangri-La Hotel, G.R. No. 190601, 2011) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) But note that in the case of Bataclan v. Medina, the court used the doctrine of proximate cause in the case of breach of contract of carriage but only to determine the extent of liability. Bataclan v. Medina (G.R. No. L-10126, 1957) Necessary Link The necessary link or the causal relation between the proximate cause and the injury must be directly shown and established to overcome the burden of proof required, and to determine liability. NOTE: If plaintiff's negligence is only contributory, he is considered partly responsible only. Plaintiff may still recover from the defendant but the award of damages may be reduced by the courts in proportion to his own negligence. (Bank of America NT & SA vs. Philippine Racing Club, G.R. No. 150228, 2009) Efficient Intervening Cause An independent intervening cause as one which is so distinct as to sever the connection of cause and effect between the negligent act and the injury. (Bartels v. City of Williston, 629 F.2d 509, 1980) An intervening cause, to be considered efficient, must be one not produced by a wrongful act or omission, but independent of it, and adequate to bring the injurious results. Any cause intervening between the first wrongful cause and the final injury which might reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated by the original wrongdoer is not such an efficient intervening cause as will relieve the original wrong of its character as the proximate cause of the final injury. (Abrogar v. Cosmos Bottling Co., G.R. No. 164749, March 15, 2017) If an independent cause intervenes, which is of itself sufficient to produce the result, it is regarded as proximate cause, and the originator of the first cause is relieved from liability. (Michael v. U.S., 338 F.2d 219, 1964) Immediate Cause The cause nearest in time to the injury. Intervening Cause If the intervening cause is one which in ordinary human experience is reasonably to be anticipated or one which the defendant has reason to anticipate under the particular circumstances, the defendant may be negligent among other reasons, because of failure to guard against it; or the defendant may be negligent only for that reason. PAGE 288 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 One who sets a fire may be required to foresee that an ordinary, usual and customary wind arising later will spread it beyond the defendant's own property, and therefore to take precautions to prevent that event. The person who leaves the combustible or explosive material exposed in a public place may foresee the risk of fire from some independent source. In all of these cases there is an intervening cause combining with the defendant's conduct to produce the result and in each case the defendant's negligence consists in failure to protect the plaintiff against that very risk. (Phoenix Construction v. IAC, G.R. No. L-65295, 1987). A prior and remote cause cannot be made the basis of an action if such remote cause did nothing more than furnish the condition or give rise to the occasion by which the injury was made possible, if there intervened between such prior or remote cause and the injury a distinct, successive, unrelated, and efficient cause of the injury, even though such injury would not have happened but for such condition or occasion. If no danger existed in the condition except because of the independent cause, such condition was not the proximate cause. And if an independent negligent act or defective condition sets into operation the instances, which result in injury because of the prior defective condition, such subsequent act or condition is the proximate cause. (Manila Electric Co. v. Remoquillo, G.R. No. L-8328, 1956). Remote Cause That cause which some independent force merely took advantage of to accomplish something not the natural effect thereof. It cannot be considered the legal or proximate cause of the damage. (Aquino, Torts and Damages, p. 318, 2013) Concurrent Cause Where several causes producing an injury are concurrent and each is an efficient cause without which the injury would not have happened, the injury may be attributed to all or any of the causes and recovery may be had against any or all of the responsible persons although under the circumstances of the case, it may appear that one of them was more culpable, and that the duty owed by them to the injured person was not the same. No actor's negligence ceases to be a proximate cause merely because it does not exceed the negligence of other actors. Each wrongdoer is responsible for the entire result and is liable as though his acts were the sole cause of the injury. (Ruks Konsult and Construction v. Adworld Sign and Advertising Corp., G.R. No. 204886, 2015) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Legal Cause/Proximate Cause; Test of Foreseeability Where the particular harm was reasonably foreseeable at the time of the defendant’s misconduct, his act or omission is the legal cause thereof. Foreseeability is the fundamental test of the law of negligence. To be negligent, the defendant must have acted or failed to act in such a way that an ordinary reasonable man would have realized that certain interests of certain persons were unreasonably subjected to a general but definite class of risk which made the actor’s conduct negligent, it is obviously the consequence for the actor must be held legally responsible. Otherwise, the legal duty is entirely defeated. Accordingly, the generalization may be formulated that all particular consequences, that is, consequences which occur in a manner which was reasonably foreseeable by the defendant at the time of his misconduct are legally caused by his breach of duty. (Achevara v. Ramos, G.R. No. 175172, 2009) Emergency Rule Doctrine Under the emergency rule, one who suddenly finds himself is a place of danger and is required to act without time to consider the best means that may be adopted to avoid the impending danger is not guilty of negligence even if fails to adopt what subsequently and upon reflection may appear to have been a better method unless the emergency, he finds himself in is brought by his own negligence. (Gan v. Court of Appeals G.R. No. L-44264, 1988) Elements The emergency rule or sudden peril doctrine can be broken down into elements namely: i. Defendant found himself in a place of danger; ii. Defendant had no time to consider the best means to avoid such danger; and iii. Defendant was not negligent. Case Law Has Discredited the Distinction Between Cause and Condition The distinction between cause and condition has now been entirely discredited. In Phoenix Construction v. IAC, the Court ruled: Many courts have sought to distinguish between the active "cause" of the harm and the existing "conditions" upon which that cause operated. If the defendant has created only a passive static condition, which made the damage possible, the defendant is said not to be liable. But so far as the fact of causation is concerned, in the sense of necessary antecedents which have played an important part in producing the result it is quite impossible to distinguish between active forces and PAGE 289 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) passive situations, particularly since, as is invariably the case, the latter are the result of other active forces which have gone before. a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires another standard of care. (Art. 1163) The defendant who spills gasoline about the premises creates a "condition," but the act may be culpable because of the danger of fire. When a spark ignites the gasoline, the condition has done quite as much to bring about the fire as the spark; and since that is the very risk, which the defendant has created, the defendant will not escape responsibility. Even the lapse of a considerable time during which the "condition" remains static will not necessarily affect liability; one who digs a trench in the highway may still be liable to another who fans into it a month afterward. Diligence of a “good father of a family" It is the standard of diligence expected of, among others, usufructuaries, passengers of common carriers, agents, depositaries, pledgees, officious managers, and persons deemed by law as responsible for the acts of others. It requires only that diligence which an ordinary prudent man would exercise with regard to his own property. (Philippine National Bank v. Santos, G.R. No. 208293 & 208295) "Cause" and "condition" still find occasional mention in the decisions; but the distinction is now almost entirely discredited. So far as it has any validity at all, it must refer to the type of case where the forces set in operation by the defendant have come to rest in a position of apparent safety, and some new force intervenes. But even in such cases, it is not the distinction between "cause" and "condition" which is important but the nature of the risk and the character of the intervening cause. (Phoenix Construction v. IAC, G.R. L-65295, 1987) If the law or contract does not state the diligence which is to be observed in the performance, that which is expected of a good father of a family shall be required. (Art. 1173) C. NEGLIGENCE 1. STANDARD OF CARE Intoxication Mere intoxication is not negligence, nor does the mere fact of intoxication establish a want of ordinary care. It is but a circumstance to be considered with the other evidence tending to prove negligence. (Wright v. Manila Electric R.R. & Light Co., G.R. No. 7760) Concept The omission of that degree of diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds to the circumstances of the persons, time and place. (Art. 1173) Lawyers A lawyer is not bound to exercise extraordinary diligence, but only a reasonable degree of care and skill, having reference to the character of the business he undertakes to do. (Adarne v. Aldaba, A.C. No. 801) The test by which to determine the existence of negligence in a particular case may be stated as follows: Did the defendant, in doing the alleged negligent act, use that reasonable care and caution which an ordinarily prudent person would have used in the same situation? If not, then he is guilty of negligence. (Picart v. Smith, 37 Phil. 809) Physicians The physician’s duty to his patient relates to his exercise of the degree of care, skill and diligence which physicians in the same general neighborhood, and in the same general line of practice, ordinarily possess and exercise in like cases. Negligence has been defined as “the failure to observe for the protection of the interests of another person that degree of care, precaution, and vigilance which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other person suffers injury." (Cusi v. Philippine National Railways, G.R. No. L29889) Good father of a family or reasonably prudent person Every person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of Banks Similar to common carriers, banking is a business that is impressed with public interest. Hence, the Court has recognized the fiduciary nature of banks’ functions and attached a special standard of diligence for the exercise of their functions. One who is blind One who is physically disabled is required to use the same degree of care that a reasonably careful person who has the same physical disability would use. Physical handicaps and infirmities, such as blindness or deafness, are treated as part of the PAGE 290 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 circumstances under which a reasonable person must act. Thus, the standard of conduct for a blind person becomes that of a reasonable person who is blind. (Francisco v. Chemical Bulk Carriers, Incorporated, G.R. No. 193577) In possession of dangerous instrumentalities A higher degree of care is required of someone who has in his possession or under his control an instrumentality extremely dangerous in character, such as dangerous weapons or substances. (Pacis v. Morales, G.R. No. 169467) Emergency One who suddenly finds himself in a place of danger and is required to act without time to consider the best means that may be adopted to avoid the impending danger, is not guilty of negligence, if he fails to adopt what subsequently and upon reflection may appear to have been a better method, unless the emergency in which he finds himself is brought about by his own negligence. (Gan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-44264, 1988) An individual will nevertheless be subject to liability if the emergency was brought about by his own negligence. (Valenzuela v. CA, G.R. Nos. 115024 & 117944, 1996) NOTE: Applicable only to situations that are sudden and unexpected such as to deprive the actor of all opportunity for deliberation (absence of foreseeability); the action shall still be judged by the standard of the ordinary prudent man. 2. PRESUMPTIONS General Rule The burden of proof in each action based on quasidelict rests on the plaintiff. Exception There are certain exceptions when the plaintiff need not prove the existence of negligence as an element of quasi-delict i.e. res ipsa loquitur, injury caused by dangerous weapons and substances, violation of traffic rules and regulations, strict liability torts. NOTE: However, the party invoking such presumption must still establish certain preconditions before the presumption can operate. For instance, Article 2185 requires proof that there was a violation of a traffic regulation while Article 2188 requires proof of possession of dangerous weapons or substances, such as firearms and poison. (Aquino, Torts and Damages, p. 137, 2005) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) D. DAMAGES 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Concept Adequate compensation for the value of loss suffered or profits which obligee failed to obtain. Exceptions 1. Law; and 2. Stipulation. Actual damages shall be construed to include all damages that the plaintiff may show he has suffered in respect to his property, business, trade, profession, or occupation, and no other damages whatsoever. Actual damages are compensatory only. They simply make good or replace the loss caused by the wrong. (Algarra v. Sandejas, G.R. No. L-8385, 1914.). Indemnification is meant to compensate for the injury inflicted and not to impose a penalty. A party is entitled to adequate compensation only for such pecuniary loss actually suffered and duly proved. (PNOC Shipping and Transport Corp v. CA, G.R. No. 107518, 1998) 2. KINDS OF DAMAGES a. Actual Damages Classes (I-LAV-IIT) 1. Indemnity for death; 2. Lucrum Cesans (Benefits you would have obtained; 3. Attorney’s fees; 4. Value of loss actually sustained (damnum emergens); 5. Interest; 6. Injury to business standing or commercial credit; and 7. Temporary or permanent loss of earning capacity. Kinds of Actual or Compensatory Damages i. General Damage Natural, necessary and logical consequences of a particular wrongful act which result in injury; need not be specifically pleaded because the law itself implies or presumes that they resulted from the wrongful act PAGE 291 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 ii. Special Damages Damages which are the natural, but not the necessary and inevitable result of the wrongful act. (i.e., attorney’s fees) Requisites 1. Alleged and Proved with Certainty a. Must be pleaded and proved with certainty; and b. Must pray for the relief that claim for loss be granted. 2. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Not Speculative Plaintiff must prove the loss. For damages to be recovered, the best evidence obtainable by the injured party must be presented. Actual or compensatory damages cannot be presumed but must be proved with reasonable degree of certainty. The Court cannot rely on speculation, conjecture or guesswork as to the fact and amount of damages, but must depend upon competent proof that they have been suffered and on evidence of the actual amount. If the proof is flimsy and unsubstantial, no damages will be awarded. (Consolidated Industrial Gases, Inc. vs. Alabang Medical Center, G.R. No. 181983, 2013) The claimant has the burden of proof. He must establish his case by a preponderance of evidence which means that evidence, as a whole, adduced by one side is superior to that of the other. It is not enough that the plaintiff presents an estimated amount. But uncertainty as to the precise amount is not necessarily fatal. Mere difficulty in the assessment of damages is not sufficient reason for refusing to award damages where the right to them has been established. (PNOC Shipping and Transport Corp v. CA, G.R. No. 107518, 1998). When Loss Need Not Be Proved 1. Liquidated damages previously agreed upon; liquidated damages take the place of actual damages except when additional damages are incurred; 2. If damages other than actual are sought; 3. Loss is presumed (ex: loss if a child or spouse); 4. Forfeiture of bonds in favor of the government for the purpose of promoting public interest or policy (ex: bond for temporary stay of alien); and 5. Award of civil indemnity in tort cases or criminal cases where the victim died. This civil indemnity is in addition to any actual or compensatory damages that may be awarded in favor of the victim’s heirs. Value of Loss Means the unrealized profit. Value of Loss Suffered Destruction of things, fines or penalties, medical & hospital bills, attorney's fees, interests, cost of litigation. Loss of Earning Capacity; Variables to Consider 1. Life expectancy: Formula: [2/3 x( 80 – (age at the time of death))] The resulting amount should be used as a multiplier even if the computed life expectancy goes beyond the victim’s retirement age. The presumption is that the victim could have earned income even if he is beyond the retirement age. (Smith Bell Dodwell Shipping Agency Corporation v. Borja, G.R. No. 143008, 2002) 2. Net income/earnings: total of the earnings less expenses necessary for the creation of such earnings and less living or other incidental expenses. 3. Living expenses: In the absence of the specific amount to be deducted from the gross income, the amount of living expenses shall be 50% of the gross income. Examples of living expenses: transportation, clothing, toiletries. 4. Non-working victims: Earning capacity may be impaired even if no actual earning is lost in the meantime. The liability under Article 2206 is for loss of earning capacity rather than loss of actual earnings. The minimum wage can be used in computing the net earnings. 5. Pension: Loss of earning capacity covers pension which the decedent would have received. (De Caliston v. CA, G.R. No. L-63135, 1983). PAGE 292 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Formula for Computation of Loss of Earning Capacity American Expectancy Table of Mortality or the Actuarial of Combined Experience Table of Mortality: [2/3 x (80 – (age at the time of death))] x monthly earnings x 12 = GROSS EARNINGS (GE) GE – Approximate Expenses (50% of GE) = Net Earnings NOTE: In the absence of documentary evidence of expenses, it is reasonable to presume that it is 50% of the gross income. (Philippine Hawk Corporation v. Lee, G.R. No. 166869, 2010) LEC May Be Awarded to Parents of Deceased Child Who Had NO History of Earnings Art. 2206(1) provides that damages for LEC shall be assessed and awarded by the court “unless the deceased on account of permanent physical disability not caused by the defendant, had no earning capacity at the time of his death”. Damages for LEC may be awarded to a minor’s heirs although he had no history of earnings because compensation of this nature is awarded not for loss of time or earnings but for loss of the deceased’s power or ability to earn money. (Spouses Pereña v. Spouses Zarate, G.R. No. 157917, August 29, 2012) How to Compute LEC of Non-Earning Student As a general rule, damages for LEC are computed by applying the following formula: Damages for LEC = 2/3(80-X) multiplied by Net Annual Income o o X – the deceased or permanently incapacitated person’s age at the time of the accident; and Net Annual Income – equivalent to a person’s Gross Annual Income less Necessary and Living Expenses (in the absence of evidence, it is presumed that Necessary and Living Expenses are equal to half of a person’s Gross Annual Income). The Formula May Be Modified When a Minor Who Was Not Yet Earning is Involved: 1. “X” may be fixed at 21, instead of the person’s age at the time of his death or permanent incapacity. Courts may presume that persons graduate from CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. college at the age of 21, and it is only then that they would start earning a livelihood; “Net Annual Income '' may be computed on the basis of the prevailing minimum wage for workers in the non-agricultural sector at the time of the minor’s death or permanent incapacity. (Spouses Pereña v. Spouses Zarate, 2012; and Abrogar v. Cosmos Bottling Co., 2017) General Rule Documentary evidence should be presented to substantiate the claim for damages for loss of earning capacity. Exceptions Damages for loss [or impairment] of earning capacity may be awarded despite the absence of documentary evidence when (1) the deceased [or the injured] was self-employed and earning less than the minimum wage under current labor laws, in which case, judicial notice may be taken of the fact that in the deceased’s line of work no documentary evidence is available; or (2) the deceased was employed as a daily worker earning less than the minimum wage under current labor laws. Loss of Profits (Lucrum Cessans) May be determined by considering the average profit for the preceding years multiplied by the number of years during which the business was affected by the wrongful act or breach The income of similar businesses or activities may be considered. (G.A. Machineries, Inc. v. Yaptinchay, G.R. No. L30965, 1983) Damage to Business Standing/ Commercial Credit In Radio Communications v. CA, compensatory damages were also awarded for injury to respondent's "business reputation or business standing", "loss of goodwill and loss of customers or shippers who shifted their patronage to competitors". The grant thereof is proper under the provisions of Article 2205, which provides that damages may be recovered "for injury to the plaintiff's business standing or commercial credit." And even if not recoverable compensatory damages, they may still be awarded in the concept of temperate or moderate damages. There are cases where from the nature of the case, definite proof of pecuniary loss cannot be offered, although the court is convinced that there has been such loss. For instance, injury to one's commercial credit or to the goodwill of the business firm is often PAGE 293 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 hard to show with certainty in terms of money. The judge should be empowered to calculate moderate damages in such cases, rather than that the plaintiff should suffer, without redress from the defendant's wrongful act. (Radio Communications of the Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-55194, 1981) Attorney’s Fees They are actual damages due to the plaintiff and not to counsel. Plaintiff must allege the basis of his claim for attorney’s fees in the complaint. The basis should be one of the cases under Art. 2208. In its ordinary concept, an attorney’s fee is the reasonable compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for the legal services he has rendered to the latter. The basis of this compensation is the fact of his employment by and his agreement with the client. In its extraordinary concept, an attorney’s fee is an indemnity for damages ordered by the court to be paid by the losing party in litigation. The basis of this is any of the cases provided by law where such award can be made, such as those authorized in Article 2208, Civil Code, and is payable not to the lawyer but to the client, unless they have agreed that the award shall pertain to the lawyer as additional compensation or as part thereof. Attorney's fees are recoverable not as a matter of right. It is the import of Article 2208 that the award of attorney's fees is an exception and that the decision must contain an express finding of fact to bring the case within the exception and justify the grant of attorney's fees. "Just and equitable" under paragraph 11, Article 2208, New Civil Code is not a matter of feelings, but demonstration. The reason for the award of attorney's fees must be stated in the text of the court's decision, otherwise, if it is stated only in the dispositive portion of the decision, the same must be disallowed on appeal. (Abrogar v. IAC, G.R. No. L-67970 January 15, 1988) When Attorney’s Fees are Recoverable; General Rule In the absence of stipulation, attorney's fees and expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs, cannot be recovered. Exceptions: 1. When exemplary damages are awarded; 2. When the defendant's act or omission has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) persons or to incur expenses to protect his interest; 3. In criminal cases of malicious prosecution against the plaintiff; 4. In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or proceeding against the plaintiff; 5. Where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable claim; 6. In actions for legal support; 7. In actions for the recovery of wages of household helpers, laborers and skilled workers; 8. In actions for indemnity under workmen's compensation and employer's liability laws; 9. In a separate civil action to recover civil liability arising from a crime; 10. When at least double judicial costs are awarded. (Art. 2208) Interest Two types of interest: 1. Monetary Interest; and 2. Compensatory Interest. Monetary Interest Compensation for the use of money. NOTE: The legal rate at the time of perfection of the obligation will apply. It will not be affected by a supervening change in the legal rate of interest. Requisites The collection of interest in loans or forbearance of money is allowed only when these two conditions concur: 1. There was an express stipulation for the payment of interest; and 2. The agreement for the payment of the interest was reduced in writing. Absent any of these two conditions, the money debtor cannot be made liable for interest. Evidence must be presented to show that the parties agreed on the payment of interest. BUT SEE: S.C. Megaworld v. Parada (G.R. No. 183804, 2013) and Raymundo v. Galen Realty (G.R. No. 191594, 2013) where the Court awarded interest despite the absence of stipulation. Compensatory interest It is awarded in the concept of damages for delay in the performance of an obligation. It is due and demandable from the time demand is first made, whether judicial or extrajudicial. PAGE 294 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 NOTE: For compensatory interest, the legal rate of interest always applies. This means that compensatory interest is affected by supervening changes in legal rate of interest. Rules in the Computation of Interest in the Concept of Actual or Compensatory Damage (a) In case of loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments, the interest due should be that which is stipulated by the parties in writing, provided that it is not excessive and unconscionable. which may have been stipulated in writing: 1. In the absence of a stipulated reckoning date, the interest shall be computed from default, i.e., from extrajudicial or judicial demand in accordance with Article 1169 of the Civil Code, UNTIL FULL PAYMENT, without compounding any interest. o Unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by the parties, by law or regulation. 2. Interest due on the principal amount accruing as of judicial demand shall separately earn legal interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, from the time of judicial demand until full payment. (b) Obligation other than a loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments 1. The rate of interest on the principal amount shall be the prevailing legal interest prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. 2. It shall be computed from extrajudicial or judicial demand in accordance with Article 1169 of the Civil Code, UNTIL FULL PAYMENT, without compounding any interest. o Unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by the parties, by law or regulation. 3. Interest due on the principal amount accruing as of judicial demand shall separately earn legal interest at the prevailing rate prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, from the time of judicial demand until full payment. (c) When the obligation, not constituting a loan or forbearance of money, goods, credits or judgments, is breached, an interest on the amount of damages awarded may be imposed in the discretion of the court at the prevailing legal interest prescribed by the Bangko Sentral CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ng Pilipinas, pursuant to Articles 2210 and 2011 of the Civil Code, which is 6%. (d) No interest, however, shall be adjudged on unliquidated claims or damages until the demand can be established with reasonable certainty. Accordingly, where the amount of the claim or damages is established with reasonable certainty, the prevailing legal interest shall begin to run from the time the claim is made extrajudicially or judicially (Art. 1169) until full payment, but when such certainty cannot be so reasonably established at the time the demand is made, the interest shall begin to run only from the date of the judgment of the trial court (at which time the quantification of damages may be deemed to have been reasonably ascertained) until full payment. o The actual base for the computation of the interest shall, in any case, be on the principal amount finally adjudged, without compounding any interest unless compounded interest is expressly stipulated by law or regulation. (Lara’s Gifts & Decors, Inc. v. Midtown industrial Sales, Inc., G.R. No. 225433, 2019). NOTE: C.B. Circular No. 799, July 1, 2013, changed the rate of interest in the absence of stipulation in loans or forbearance of money to 6%. When Actual Damages are Mitigated 1. Contributory negligence; 2. In contracts, quasi-contracts, and quasi-delict; (a) Plaintiff has contravened the terms of contract; (b) Plaintiff derived some benefit as result of contract; (c) In case where exemplary damages are to be awarded, that the defendant acted upon the advice of counsel; (d) That the loss would have resulted in any event; and (e) That since the filing of the action, the defendant has done his best to lessen the plaintiff's loss or injury. General Rule Insofar as actual or compensatory damages are concerned, Article 2199 provides, “Except as provided by law or by stipulation, one is entitled to an adequate compensation only for such pecuniary loss suffered by him as he has duly proved. Such compensation is referred to as actual or compensatory damages.” PAGE 295 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 “Conformably with the foregoing provision, the rule is long and well settled that there must be pleading and proof of actual damages suffered for the same to be recovered. In addition to the fact that the amount of loss must be capable of proof, it must also be actually proven with a reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon competent proof or the best evidence obtainable. The burden of proof of the damage suffered is, consequently, imposed on the party claiming the same who should adduce the best evidence available in support thereof, like sales and delivery receipts, cash and check vouchers and other pieces of documentary evidence of the same nature. In the absence of corroborative evidence, it has been held that self-serving statements of account are not sufficient basis for an award of actual damages. Corollary to the principle that a claim for actual damages cannot be predicated on flimsy, remote, speculative, and insubstantial proof, courts are, likewise, required to state the factual bases of the award. (Oceaneering Contractors (Phils.), Inc. v. Barreto, G.R. No. 184215, 2011) Exceptions 1. It should be emphasized however that uncertainty as to the precise amount is not necessarily fatal. (Talisay-Silay Milling, Inc. v. Associacion de Agricultores de Talisay-Silay, Inc., G.R. No. 91852,1995); 2. 3. Mere difficulty in the assessment of damages is not sufficient reason for refusing to award damages where the right to them has been established. (Ball v. Pardy CTJ Construction Co., 63 ALR 139, 108 Conn. 549, 143 A 855); Proof of Actual loss is also not necessary in cases where the law or jurisprudence allows the award of civil indemnity. As in People v. Guanzon, the Court ruled that: Civil indemnity, which is actually in the nature of actual or compensatory damages, is mandatory upon the finding of the fact of rape. (People v. Alex Condez y Guanzon, G.R. No. 187077, 2011) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 1. Damages in Case of Good Faith (a) Natural and probable consequences of breach of obligations; and (b) Parties have foreseen or could have reasonably foreseen at the time the obligation was created. 2. Damages in Case of Bad Faith It is sufficient that damages may be reasonably attributed to the non-performance of the obligation. Two Kinds of Foreseeability 1. Imputed Foreseeability Those consequences which a reasonable person should have foreseen; the test is whether a reasonable person would have foreseen the damages that the purchaser encountered. (Hadley v. Baxendale, cited in Daywalt v. La Corporacion, G.R. No. L-13505, 1919). 2. Actual Foreseeability Actual knowledge (not just imputed) of relevant facts is necessary where the loss in question is of an unusual kind or of an unusually high extent. In Mendoza v. PAL, the defendant cannot be held liable for damages where it could not have foreseen the damages that would be suffered by the plaintiff upon failure to deliver the can of film for reason that the plans of the plaintiff to exhibit that film during the town fiesta and his preparation, specially the announcement of said exhibition by poster and advertisement in the newspapers were not called to the defendant's attention. Unusual or extraordinary damages (beyond the ordinary course of things) must have been brought within the contemplation of the parties as the probable result of breach at the time of or prior to contracting. (Mendoza v. PAL, G.R. No. L-3678, 1952) Extent or Scope of Actual Damages; In Crimes and Quasi-Delicts 1. Defendant is liable for all damages that are natural and probable consequences of the act complained of; and 2. Not necessary that damages have been foreseen or could have been reasonably foreseen. Extent or Scope of Actual Damages; In Contracts and Quasi-Contracts PAGE 296 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 b. Moral Damages Concept Includes (PBMF-MWSSS) 1. Physical suffering 2. Besmirched reputation 3. Mental anguish 4. Fright 5. Moral shock 6. Wounded feelings 7. Social humiliation 8. Serious anxiety 9. Sentimental value of real or personal property may be considered in adjudicating moral damages. (Art. 2217) The social and economic/financial standing of the offender and the offended party should be taken into consideration in the computation of moral damages. (Kierulf v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 99343, 1997) Moral damages is awarded only to enable the injured party to obtain means, diversions or amusements that will serve to alleviate the moral suffering he has undergone, by reason of defendant's culpable action and not intended to enrich a complainant at the expense of defendant. (Mayo v. People, G.R. No. 91201, 1991) When Moral Damages Recoverable 1. Criminal offense resulting in physical injuries 2. Quasi-delicts causing physical injuries 3. Seduction, abduction, rape or other acts of lasciviousness 4. Adultery and concubinage 5. Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest 6. Illegal search 7. Libel, slander or other form of defamation 8. Malicious prosecution 9. Acts mentioned in ART. 309 of the RPC relating to disrespect of the dead and interference with funeral 10. Acts and actions referred to in Arts. 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34 and 35. (Art. 2219) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) In culpa aquiliana, 1. when the act or omission causes physical injuries; or 2. when the defendant is guilty of intentional tort (in this latter case, moral damages may be recovered even in loss of or damage to property). In culpa criminal, when the accused is guilty of physical injuries, lascivious acts, adultery or concubinage, illegal or arbitrary detention, illegal arrest, illegal search, defamation and malicious prosecution. (Expertravel & Tours, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 130030, June 25, 1999) Who May Recover Moral Damages 1. The parents of the female seduced, abducted, raped, or abused may also recover under No. 3; and 2. Spouse, descendants, ascendants and brothers and sisters for acts mentioned in Art. 309 (“Any person who shows disrespect to the dead, or wrongfully interferes with a funeral shall be liable to the family of the deceased for damages, material and moral.”). Siblings Not Entitled to Moral Damages for Death of their Brother / Sister Article 2206 of the Civil Code entitles the descendants, ascendants, illegitimate children, and surviving spouse of the deceased passenger to demand moral damages for mental anguish by reason of the death of the deceased. The omission from Article 2206 (3) of the brothers and sisters of the deceased passenger reveals the legislative intent to exclude them from the recovery of moral damages for mental anguish by reason of the death of the deceased. Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius. (Sulpicio Lines, Inc., v. Curso, G.R. No. 157009, March 17, 2010) NOTE: Art.2219 is not an exclusive enumeration. General Rule The plaintiff must allege and prove the factual basis for moral damages and its causal relation to the defendant’s act Moral damages may also be awarded in cases of willful injury to property or breaches of contract where the defendant acted fraudulently or in bad faith. (Art. 2220) Exception Moral damages may be awarded to the victim in criminal proceedings without the need for pleading proof of the basis hereof. In culpa contractual, only in cases of gross negligence amounting to bad faith or in wanton disregard of his contractual obligation. In a breach of contract of carriage, moral damages may also be recovered in case of death of a passenger. Moral damages are mandatory without need of allegation and proof other than the death of the victim, owing to the fact of the commission of murder or homicide. (Espineli v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 179535, 2014) PAGE 297 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 When Moral Damages Awarded Without Evidence of Injury 1. Rape cases. It is assumed that the victim has suffered moral injuries (People v. Iroy, G.R. No. 187743, 2010); 2. Murder cases. A violent death necessarily brings about emotional pain and anguish on the part of the victim’s family (People v. Rarugal, G.R. No. 188603, 2013); and 3. Where a broadcast is libelous per se, the law implies moral damages (FBNI v. AMEC, G.R. No. 141994, 2005) NOTE: In Filipinas Broadcasting Network v. AMEC, the Supreme Court held: A juridical person is generally not entitled to moral damages because, unlike a natural person, it cannot experience physical suffering or such sentiments as wounded feelings, serious anxiety, mental anguish or moral shock. Nevertheless, AMEC's claim for moral damages falls under item 7 of Article 2219 of the Civil Code. This provision expressly authorizes the recovery of moral damages in cases of libel, slander or any other form of defamation. Article 2219(7) does not qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural or juridical person. Therefore, a juridical person such as a corporation can validly complain for libel or any other form of defamation and claim for moral damages. (Filipinas Broadcasting Network v. AMEC, G.R. No. 141994, 2005) c. Nominal Damages Concept Nominal damages are adjudicated in order that a right of the plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded by the defendant, may be vindicated or recognized, and not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss suffered by him. Elements 1. Plaintiff has a right; 2. Right of plaintiff is violated; and 3. Purpose is not to identify but vindicate or recognize right violated. NOTE: The law presumes damage although actual or compensatory damages are not proven. They are damages in the name only and are allowed simply in recognition of a technical injury based on a violation of a legal right. Nominal damages cannot coexist with actual or compensatory damages. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) d. Temperate Damages Concept More than nominal but less than compensatory where some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its amount can't be proved with certainty due to the nature of the case. Also called “Moderate Damages.” In cases where the resulting injury might be continuing and possible future complications directly arising from the injury, while certain to occur are difficult to predict, temperate damages can and should be awarded on top of actual or compensatory damages; in such cases there is no incompatibility between actual and temperate damages. Requisites 1. Some pecuniary loss 2. Loss is incapable of pecuniary estimation 3. Must be reasonable General Rule Actual Damages cannot be recovered with temperate damages due to the nature of the said damages. Exception When the injury is chronic or recurring such as in loss of earnings. (Ramos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124354, 1999) Temperate damages may also be awarded for injury to the plaintiff’s business standing or commercial credit if amount is not certain (and thus actual damages cannot be granted). e. Liquidated Damages Those agreed upon by the parties to a contract, to be paid in case of breach thereof. When Liquidated Damages May Be Equitably Reduced 1. Iniquitous or unconscionable; 2. Partial or irregular performance. Rules Governing in Case of Breach of Contract Penalty may be imposed by stipulation or agreed upon by the parties in case of breach of contract. Such penalty is in the nature of liquidated damages. f. Exemplary Damages Imposed by way of example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate, PAGE 298 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 liquidated to compensatory damages. Also called “Corrective Damage.” NOTE: Exemplary damages cannot be recovered as a matter of right; the court will decide whether or not they should be adjudicated. When Recovered 1. In Criminal Offenses Exemplary damages as a part of the civil liability may be imposed when the crime was committed with one or more aggravating circumstances. Such damages are separate from fines and shall be paid to the offended party. 2. 3. In Quasi-Delicts Exemplary damages may be granted if the defendant acted with gross negligence. In Contracts and Quasi-Contracts The court may award exemplary damages if the defendant acted in a wanton, fraudulent, Burden of Proof In case liquidated damages have been agreed upon, although no proof of loss is necessary in order that such liquidated damages may be recovered, nevertheless, before the court may consider the question of granting exemplary in addition to the liquidated damages, the plaintiff must show that he would be entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory, damages were it not for the stipulation for liquidated damages. CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. IN CASE OF DEATH In Crimes and Quasi-Delicts Causing Death 1. Medical & Hospital Bills; 2. Civil Indemnity/ Damages for Death under Art. 2206 (Automatically awarded); 3. Loss of earning capacity unless deceased had permanent physical disability not caused by defendant so that deceased had no earning capacity at time of death; 4. Support, if deceased was obliged to give support (for period not more than 5 years); and 5. Moral damages. NOTE: Civil Indemnity for death is mandatory and a matter of course, and without need of proof other than the fact of death as the result of the crime or quasi-delict, and the fact that the accused was responsible therefor. Article 2206 only imposes a minimum amount for awards of civil indemnity, which is 3,000.00. The law did not provide for a ceiling. Thus, although the minimum amount for the award cannot be changed, increasing the amount awarded as civil indemnity can be validly modified and increased when the present circumstance warrants it. (People vs. Jugueta G.R. No. 202124, 2016) Death Caused by Breach of Contract by a Common Carrier 1. Indemnity for death; 2. Indemnity for loss of earning capacity; and 3. Moral Damages. PAGE 299 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) ANNEXES CULPA CONTRACTUAL v. CULPA AQUILIANA v. CULPA CRIMINAL OBLIGATION VINCULUM JURIS / JURIDICAL TIE ESSENTIAL ALLEGATIONS TO ESTABLISH A CAUSE OF ACTION CULPA CONTRACTUAL CULPA AQUILIANA CULPA CRIMINAL Breach of contract Quasi-delict Delict, or an act, or omission punishable by law The contract itself. The fault or negligence of the defendant which is the proximate cause of the damage suffered by the plaintiff. The plaintiff must establish: (a) That a contract exists; and (b) That it was breached by the defendant. The plaintiff must establish: (a) The damage suffered; (b) The fault or negligence of the defendant or some other person for whose acts the defendant must respond; (c) The causal connection between (a) and (b); and (d) That there is no preexisting contract between the parties. General rule: The plaintiff bears the burden of proving the fault or negligence of the defendant. The act or omission that violates a penal law. There is no crime unless there is a law that defines and punishes an act or omission as a crime. The acts or omissions constituting the crime, facts showing the time and/or place where the crime was committed (if these are essential elements of the crime), and the aggravating circumstances, if any. General rule: prosecution bears burden of proving essential elements of crime charged. The the the the BURDEN OF PROVING FAULT OR NEGLIGENCE Fault or negligence is presumed from the breach of a contract. No need to specifically prove that a contract was breached through fault or negligence. QUANTUM OF EVIDENCE REQUIRED Preponderance of evidence Preponderance of evidence Proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt PERSON/S LIABLE The contracting parties, their heirs, and assigns, except where the rights and obligations are intransmissible by their nature, or by stipulation, The actual tortfeasor/s under Art. 2176, and the persons who may be vicariously liable under Article 2180. Criminal liability only attaches to principals, accomplices, accessories, and other persons specifically declared liable for a crime under a penal Exceptions: In cases where the fault or negligence of the defendant may be inferred or presumed (i.e. res ipsa loquitur, negligence per se, vicarious liability, Art. 2188). Exceptions: In cases where fault or negligence, when these are essential elements of the crime charged, may be inferred or presumed (i.e., res ipsa loquitur). PAGE 300 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 AVAILABILITY OF THE DEFENSES OF DUE DILIGENCE IN THE SELECTION AND SUPERVISION OF EMPLOYEES or by provision of law. law. The heir is not liable beyond the value of the property he received from the decedent. Civil liability may attach to the person guilty of a crime, or to persons declared by law to be civilly liable for the crime committed by another (i.e., the parents of a minor who is exempt from criminal responsibility, or the employer engaged in business or industry of an insolvent employee who commits a crime in the discharge of his duties). Not available. Generally not available, except when otherwise provided by the penal law (i.e., the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act and the Anti-Distracted Driving Act allow employers and operators of vehicles to prove that they observed extraordinary diligence in the selection and supervision of their drivers in general, and the offending driver in particular, in order to evade liability). Available. Actual, nominal, temperate, and exemplary (ANTE) damages are recoverable. DAMAGES RECOVERABLE Moral damages generally cannot be recovered in breach of contract cases, except: (a) When the contract is breached through bad faith or gross negligence, or in circumstances amounting to a violation of Art. 21; and (b) When a passenger dies as a result of a ANTE + moral damages are recoverable. Liquidated damages generally not recoverable because an obligation based on quasi-delict cannot arise between parties previously bound by contract. The exception is when contract is breached by tort. a All types of damages are recoverable depending on the circumstances and the crime involved (i.e., when a contract is breached and the breach also constitutes the crime of estafa, then liquidated damages may also be recovered). PAGE 301 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 breach of contract carriage. a of Liquidated damages can only be recovered in cases where a contract is breached as they presuppose the existence of a contract where a provision for liquidated damages is included. POSSIBILITY OF COMPROMISE Possible. Possible. Criminal liability generally cannot be compromised except in cases of private crimes. Civil liability compromised. may be PAGE 302 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 TABLE ON VICARIOUS LIABILITY PERSON VICARIOUSLY LIABLE PARENT/S (JOINT PARENTAL AUTHORITY based on Art. 221, Family Code) FATHER, IN CASE OF DEATH OR INCAPACITY, THE MOTHER (Art. 2180) PERSON FOR WHOM VICARIOUSLY LIABLE Children below 18. (Art. 221, Family Code) REQUIREMENTS FOR VICARIOUS LIABILITY TO ATTACH Child lives in their company; AND is under their parental authority. (Art.2180, in relation to Art.221, Family Code; Tamargo v. CA, G.R. No. 85044, 1992) DEFENSES Diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. (Art. 2180; Exconde v. Capuno, G.R. No. L10134, 1957) NATURE OF LIABILITY Father and mother exercise joint parental authority over their minor children. Their liability is direct and primary, not subsidiary. (Art. 211, Family Code; Libi v. IAC, G.R. No. 70890, 1992) Children 18 to 21. “Child” lives in their company. Direct and primary. (Art. 2180, in relation to Art. 236 ¶ 3, Family Code) (Art.2180, in relation to Art. 236, ¶ 3, Family Code) (Art. 2180 in relation to Art. 236, ¶ 3, Family Code) Principal and solidary. (Art. 219, Family Code) SCHOOLS, ADMINISTRATORS AND TEACHERS, INDIVIDUALS, ENTITIES, OR INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN CHILD CARE HAVING SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY OVER CHILDREN Children below 18. (Arts. 218- 219, Family Code) Child is under their supervision, instruction or custody at the time the tort is committed. Exercised the proper diligence required under the particular circumstances. (Art. 218, Family Code) (Art. 219, Family Code) General Rule: Parents are not liable; child was in school; not in their custody (Cuadra vs. Monfort, G.R. No. L-24101, 1970) Exception: Parents, judicial guardians or persons exercising substitute parental authority shall be subsidiarily liable. (Art. 219, Family Code) GUARDIANS Minors or incapacitated persons. Under their authority and live in their company. Diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. (Art. 2180) (Art. 2180) (Art. 2180) Direct and primary. (Art. 2180) PAGE 303 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) BAR OPERATIONS 2022 Employees in the service of the branches in which they are employed or on the occasion of their functions. (Art. 2180(4)) EMPLOYERS, OWNERS, AND MANAGERS Employees and household helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks even though the employer is not engaged in any business or industry. (Art. 2180(5)) That the employee is liable for a QD; EER exists; and employee was acting within the scope of his assigned tasks when the tort was committed, or that the injurious act was committed at a time the employee was performing his functions. (Dela Llana v. Biong, G.R. No. 182356, 2013; Castilex Industrial Corp. vs. Vasquez, G.R. No. 132266, 1999; Martin v. CA, G.R. No. 82248, 1992; Jayme v. Apostol, G.R. No. 136609, 2008) NOTE: “Acting within the scope of assigned tasks” – includes any act done in the furtherance of the employer’s business. (Filamer Christian Institute v. IAC, G.R. No.75112 1990) (e.g., janitor who drove vehicle for the benefit of the employer). No EER. (Jayme v Apostol, G.R. No. 136609, 2008) – municipality, not the mayor is the employer of the driver). EE acted beyond the scope of authority (i.e. when the EEs are on strike). (Universal Aquarius v. QC Human Resources Management Corporation, G.R. No. 155990, 2007) Diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of employees. Direct and primary. (Art. 2180) NOTE: “Manager” means employer. (Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. v. Philippine American Forwarders, Inc., G.R. No. L-25142, 1975) (Mercury Drug v. Huang, G.R. No. 172122, 2007; Sanitary Steam vs. CA, G.R. No. 119092, 1998) [3 THEORIES] 1. EER (Art.2180) 2. Doctrine of Apparent Authority or Ostensible Agency or “Holding out” Reliance Doctors and hospital employees. HOSPITALS (Ramos v. CA G.R. No. 124354, 1999 and 2002; Nogales v. Capitol Medical Center G.R. No. 142625, 2006; Casumpang v. Cortejo, G.R. No. 171127, 171217, & 17122, 2015) (Nogales vs. Capitol Medical Center, G.R. No. 142625, 2006; Professional Services Inc.v. Agana G.R. No. 126297, 2007; G.R. No. 126467, 2008; G.R. No. 127590, 2010) 3. Doctrine of Corporate Negligence: Hospital is liable 1. 2. Elements of the 3 theories are not present; and Due diligence in the selection and supervision (if EER). (Art. 2180(5); Nogales vs. Capitol Medical Center, G.R. No. 142625, 2006; Professional Services Inc.v. Agana G.R. No. 126297, 2007; G.R. No. 126467, 2008; G.R. No. 127590, 2010) Direct and primary. (Casumpang v. Cortejo, G.R. No. 171127, 171217, & 17122, 2015) PAGE 304 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) for its own negligence; not vicariously for the doctor’s or medical personnel’s negligence. (Professional Services Inc.v. Agana, supra) RULES: Special agent – i.e., one who receives a definite and fixed order or commission, foreign to the exercise of the duties of his office if he is a special official. (Art.2180; Merritt v. GPI, G.R. No. L11154, 1916) STATE Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) – When the government enters into a commercial business, it abandons its sovereign capacity and is to be treated like any other private corporation. (Manila Hotel Employees Association v. Manila Hotel Company, G.R. L48524, 1941) Public officials (PO) performing functions of his office – State is immune from suit. Public official liable under Art.2176. PO specially commissioned to perform a task foreign to his office – State liable; PO is a special agent. Private individual (PI) commissioned by the State to perform nongovernmental functions – State is liable as an employer. PI commissioned to perform a special governmental task (special agent) – State liable. Observed diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage. (Art.2180) Observed diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of employees. Direct and primary. (Art. 2180; Fontanilla v. Maliaman, G.R. Nos. 55963 & 61045, 1991) (Fontanilla v. Maliaman, G.R. No. L55963, 1989) Employees of government offices performing proprietary functions – State liable as an employer. (Fontanilla v. Maliaman, G.R. No. L-55963, 1989) PAGE 305 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) Direct and primary. Adult pupils and students (for teachers). Adult apprentices (for heads of establishments of arts and trades). TEACHERS/ HEADS OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF ARTS AND TRADES (Art.2180; Amadora v. CA, G.R. No. L47745, 1988) If pupil, student or apprentice is a minor, apply Art. 218, Family Code. NOTE: Pupil need not live or board with the teacher. (Palisoc v.Brillates, G.R. No. L-29025, 1971) Student is in the school premises in pursuance of a legitimate student objective, in the exercise of a legitimate student right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student privilege, the responsibility of the school authorities over the student continues. Indeed, even if the student should be doing nothing more than relaxing in the campus in the company of his classmates and friends and enjoying the ambience and atmosphere of the school, he is still within the custody and to the subject discipline of the school authorities under the provisions of Art. 2180. (Amadora v. CA, G.R. No. L-47745, 1988) NOTE: Applies whether the institution is academic or not. (Amadora v. CA, supra) Basis of liability of teacher and head = close supervisory relationship; ability to instill discipline. Teacher was not negligent. NOTE: Art.2180 does not apply when the tort was not committed by a student. (Aquinas School vs. Sps. Inton, G.R. No. 184202, 2011) General Rule: School is not liable. Exception: When it is being held liable as an employer. (Amadora v. CA, supra) School has an implied contractual duty to maintain a safe environment conducive for learning. If it breaches that duty through negligence, it may be held liable under Art. 2176. (PSBA v. CA, G.R. No. 84698, 1992, in relation to Air France vs. Carrascoso, G.R. No. L-21438, 1966). PAGE 306 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) PAGE 307 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 6. 7. a. b. c. PART II: CIVIL LAW II (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) I. PROPERTY TOPIC OUTLINE UNDER THE SYLLABUS A. CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY 1. Immovables 2. Movables B. OWNERSHIP 1. General Provisions a. Bundles of Rights b. Distinction between real and personal rights c. Modes of acquiring ownership d. Limitations of ownership 2. Rules on Accession a. For immovables b. For movables c. Rights of Builder/planter/sower in good faith C. CO-OWNERSHIP 1. Characteristics of co-ownership 2. Sources of co-ownership 3. Rights of co-owners 4. Termination of co-ownership D. POSSESSION 1. Characteristics 2. Kinds of Possession 3. Acquisition of possession (including possession based on tolerance) 4. Effects of possession 5. Loss or unlawful deprivation of a movable E. USUFRUCT 1. Characteristics 2. Classification 3. Rights and obligations of usufructuary 4. Rights of the owner 5. Extinction, termination, and extinguishment F. Legal vs. Voluntary Easement Kinds of Legal Easements Relating to waters Relating to way Light and View G. NUISANCE 1. Nuisance per se 2. Nuisance per accidens 3. Liabilities 4. No prescription 5. Remedies Against a Public Nuisance 6. Remedies Against a Private Nuisance 7. Criminal prosecution 8. Judgment with abatement 9. Extrajudicial abatement 10. Special injury to individual 11. Right of individual to abate a public nuisance 12. Right to damages 13. Defenses to action 14. Who may sue on private nuisance H. MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP 1. Occupation 2. Donations a. Nature b. Persons who may give or receive a donation c. Effects and limitations of donation d. revocation and reduction 3. Prescription a. General provisions b. Prescription of ownership and other real rights c. Prescription of actions I. QUIETING OF TITLE 1. Requisites 2. Distinctions between quieting of title and removing / preventing a cloud 3. Prescription / non-prescription of action J. ACTIONS TO RECOVER PROPERTY 1. Accion interdictal 2. Accion publiciana 3. Accion reinvidicatoria EASEMENTS 1. Characteristics 2. Classification 3. Modes of acquiring easements 4. Rights and obligations of the owners of the dominant and servient estates 5. Modes of extinguishment PAGE 308 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) b) A. CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY What are the Classifications of Property as to Mobility? a) b) Movable Immovable What are the Classifications of Property as to Whether in The Custody Of The Court Or Free? a) b) What are the Classifications of Property as to Ownership? a) b) a) b) Within the commerce of man (or which may be the objects of contracts or judicial transactions) Outside the commerce of man What are the Classifications of Property as to Existence? a) b) Present property (res existents) Future property (res futurae) Note: Both present and future property may be the subject of sale but generally not the subject of donation. What are the Classifications of Property as to Materiality? a) Tangible or corporeal b) Intangible or incorporeal What are the Classifications of Property as to Dependence or Importance? a) b) Principal Accessory What are the Classifications of Property as to Capability of Substitution? a) b) Fungible: Capable of substitution by other things of the same quality and quantity Non-Fungible: Incapable of such substitution, hence, the identical thing must be given or returned What are the Classifications of Property as to Nature or Definiteness? a) Generic – one referring to a group or class In “Custodia Legis” – in the custody of the court “Free” property (Tolentino, supra, p. 7-10) 1. IMMOVABLES Public property Private property What are the Classifications of Property as to Alienability? Specific – one referring to a single, unique object What are the Four Juridical Classifications of Immovable Properties? (NIDA) (Tolentino, supra, p. 8) 1. 2. 3. 4. by Nature by Incorporation by Destination by Analogy What are those that are Immovable by NATURE? – What cannot be moved from place to place? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Land (Art. 415 (1)) Buildings (Art. 415 (1)) Roads (Art. 415 (1)) Constructions of all kinds adhered to soil Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter forms part of the bed (Art. 415 (8)) Waters, either running or stagnant (Art. 415 (8)) Note: A structure, which is merely superimposed on the soil, may be considered movable. Similarly, a shovelful of land is a movable for it is no longer adhered to the soil. Note: When the minerals have been extracted, they become movables. Buildings are always immovable under the Code. The mere fact that the parties to a contract treat the building as separate does not change its character as immovable property. (Punsalan v. Lacsamana, GR No. L-55729, 1983) Once a house is demolished, its character as an immovable ceases. (Bicerra v. Teneza, GR No. L16218, 1962) A mortgage of land necessarily includes buildings, in the absence of stipulation of the improvements thereon. A building by itself may be mortgaged apart from the land on which it has been built. Such would PAGE 309 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 be a real estate mortgage for the building would still be considered immovable property. (Leung Yee v. Strong Machinery, GR No. L-11658, 1918) A valid real estate mortgage can be constituted on the building erected on the land belonging to another. (Prudential Bank v. Panis, GR No. L-50008, 1987) A party to a chattel mortgage is estopped from assailing the deed as void on the ground that the house subject of the mortgage is real property. Parties are bound by their agreement, but not third persons. (Tumalad v. Vicencio, GR No. L-30173, 1971) If contracting parties stipulate that a real property be considered personal, they are consequently estopped from claiming otherwise. However, third persons acting in good faith are not affected by the stipulation characterizing the subject machinery as personal. (Serg’s Products v. PCI Leasing, GR No. 137705, 2000) What are Immovables by INCORPORATION? – What are those that are essentially movables but attached to an immovable in a fixed manner to be an integral part of it? 1. 2. 3. 4. Trees, plants, and growing crops (Art. 415 (2)) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner (Art. 415 (3)) Statues, reliefs, paintings, or other objects for use or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on land (Art. 415 (4)) Animal houses, pigeon houses, beehives, fishponds, or breeding places of similar nature (Art. 415 (6)) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) What are the requisites of the properties that are attached to an Immovable in a Fixed Manner? 1. 2. What are the Schools of Thought in Temporary Separation? May either be: 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Uprooted timber if the land is timber land (timber still forms an integral part thereof); Trees blown by a typhoon (part of the land upon which they rest) Placed by the Owner of the immovable (not the object) or his agent; Intent to attach them Permanently to the tenements. (Art. 415 (4)) What are the requisites of Animal Houses, Pigeon Houses, Beehives, Fishponds, or Breeding Places of Similar Nature? 1. 2. Placed by the Owner of the immovable or his agent; Intent to attach them Permanently to the land. (Art. 415 (6)) Note: Includes the animals found therein. What are considered as Immovable by DESTINATION? – What are properties that are movable placed on immovable for the utility it gives to the activity carried thereon? 2. 3. Note: Once cut or uprooted, they cease to be immovable. What are the Exceptions? Immovable if there is intent to put them back; or Movable because the material fact of incorporation is what determines its condition. What are the requisites of Statues, Reliefs, Painting, or Other Objects for Use or Ornamentation? 1. What are considered as Trees, Plants, and Growing Crops? Trees and plants are immovable by incorporation if they are planted through labor but are immovable by nature if they are spontaneous products of the soil. Intent to attach permanently is essential; In case of separation, the injury, breakage, deterioration must be Substantial. (Art. 415 (3)) Machinery, receptacles, instruments, or implements (Art. 415 (5)) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land (Art. 415 (7)) Docks and structures which, though floating, are intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast (Art. 415 (9)) What are the requisites of Machinery, Receptacles, Instruments or Implements for an Industry or Works? 1. Industry or works must be Carried on inside the building or on the land; PAGE 310 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 2. 3. 4. Placed by the Owner of the building or property or his agent; Machines must be Essential and principal elements in carrying out the industry; Machines must tend Directly to meet the needs of said industry or works (adaptability). (Art. 415 (5)) Note: Incidentals are not included (movables without which the businesses can still continue or carry on their functions) Machinery is immobilized if placed by owner of plant or property; not so if placed by a tenant or usufructuary or any person having any temporary right. (Davao Sawmill Co. v. Castillo, GR No. L40411, 1935) Equipment destined only to repair or service a transportation business may not be deemed real property. (Mindanao Bus v. City Assessor, GR No. L17870, 1962) Note: Attachment or incorporation to the immovable is not essential. Fertilizer Actually Used on a Piece of Land Fertilizers still in the barn or still wrapped inside some newspaper even though already on the ground are still movables. Docks and Floating Structures Docks and structures which, though floating, are intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast are considered immovable. (Art. 415 (9)) Note: A floating house is an immovable if it is tied to a shore or bank post, since it is a movable. Otherwise, it assumes the category of a vessel. Note further: Although personal property, vessels partake, to a certain extent, the nature and conditions of real property because of their value and importance in the world of commerce. Immovable by Analogy or by Law – Contracts for public works and servitudes & other real rights over immovable property (Art. 415 (10)) CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 2. MOVABLES What are considered as Movable? (SIFTOS) 1. Susceptible of appropriation that are not included in enumeration in immovables. (Art. 416 (1)) 2. Immovables that are designated as movables by special provision of law. (Art. 416 (2)) 3. Forces of nature brought under control by science. (Art. 416 (3)) 4. Things which can be transported w/o impairment of real property where they are fixed (Art. 416 (4)) 5. Obligations, which have for their object movables or demandable sums (credits), obligations and actions must be legally demandable demandable sums must be liquidated (Art. 417 (1)) 6. Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial & industrial entities although they may have real estate (Art. 417 (2)) What is an example of “Susceptible of Appropriation”? An interest in business, that is, providing telecommunication and telephone service, is personal property since it is capable of appropriation and not included in the enumeration of real properties. Thus, it could be subject of theft under the RPC. (Laurel v. Abrogar, GR No. 155076, 2009) What is an example of a movable Designated by Special Provision of Law? Growing crops are considered immovable under Art. 415(2) but personal property under Chattel Mortgage Law (Sibal v. Valdez, GR No. L-26278, 1927) House built on leased land may be treated as personal property and be the object of a chattel mortgage, insofar as the parties are concerned. (Navarro v. Reyes, GR No. L-18456, 1963) What are examples of Forces of Nature? Electricity, gas, rays, heat, light, oxygen, atomic energy, water, power etc. Electricity, the same as gas, is an article bought and sold like other personal property and is capable of appropriation by another. (United States v. Carlos, GR No. 6295, 1911) What are the two Classifications of Movables According to Nature? 1. Consumable – cannot be utilized w/o being consumed 2. Non-consumable (Tolentino, supra, p. 10) PAGE 311 OF 466 ATENEO CENTRAL BAR OPERATIONS 2022 What are the two Classifications According to Intention of the Parties/Purpose? (whether it can be substituted by other things of same kind, quality, and quantity) 1. 2. Fungible (res fungibles) – only the equivalent is returned Non-fungible (res nec fungibles) – the identical thing is returned; do not admit of substitution (Tolentino, supra, p. 10) What are the Tests To Determine Whether Property Is Real or Personal? 1. Whether the property can be transported or carried from place to place 2. Whether such change of location can be made without injuring the immovable to which the object may be attached 3. Whether the object does not fall within any of the cases enumerated in Art. 415 B. OWNERSHIP 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS CIVIL LAW (AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 3. Sole Ownership – ownership is vested only in one person 4. Co-Ownership/ Tenancy in Common – ownership is vested in two or more owners; unity of the property, plurality of the subjects; each coowner is the owner of the whole and at the same time, the owner of an undivided part thereof. a. Bundle of rights What are the Seven Rights of Ownership? (PUFADVA) (De leon, Comments and Cases on Property, 77, 1993) 1. Jus Possidendi (right to possess) a. Right to hold the thing and does not necessarily include the right to use (e.g., contract of deposit) 2. Jus Utendi (right to use and enjoy) a. Includes the right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and disposal thereof b. Limitation: use in such a manner as not to injure the rights of a third person What is OWNERSHIP? The independent and general right of a person to the exclusive enjoyment and control of a thing in his possession, enjoyment, disposition, and recovery, subject only to the restrictions or limitations established by law and the rights of others. (Art. 427) 3. Jus Fruendi (right to fruits) a. Right to the fruits b. Kinds of Fruits: (NIC) i. Natural ii. Industrial iii. Civil Possession is an essential attribute of ownership. Whoever owns the property has the right to possess it. Adjudication of ownership includes the delivery of possession if the defeated party has not shown any right to possess the land independently of her rejected claim of ownership. (Pascual vs. Daquioag, GR No. 162063, 2014) 4. Jus Abutendi (right to consume) a. Includes the right to transform or abuse or destroy by its use What is TITLE? That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession or which is the foundation of ownership of property. In t