Uploaded by Jesus Barrera

8 27 2021 POLSC 271

What is a paradigm?
A model foundation of a field of research, new discoveries,
Definition A paradigm is a constellation of scientific theories, values, and methods
shared by the members of the scientific community, forging a disciplinary matrix and
excluding any other theory.
What is Science?
Measurable phenomenons, observation of things that we are interested in
What is normal science? And what is scientific revolution?
Normal science is a study that happens in a field in a set Paradigm, scientific revolution
is when a discovery happens that shatters the existing paradigm and restructure
Shapiro was poo poo for saying bacteria emit group behavior
Example 2
New paradigm is taken by the new generation while the old die off, while some get more
obscure in the profession. (professors must adapt to the new paradigm)
Political science in definition is controversial in third world countries
After ww2 the nations that won were meant to be the fixers when the fixers were the
cause of the struggle of third war countries in the first place
Great discoveries are not just new data but rather new relationships in existing data
It's the solutions that are not expected that lead to scientific revolution
The anonymous becomes the expected
Everyone has the standard paradigm the outcome and the methodology so if you got a
new idea/solution PLUS new ideas means redoing tons of experiments/ work in order to
save their professional career