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RSSB Computer Instructor Study Material & Question Bank

Rajasthan Staff Selection Board
Basic and Senior
Computer Instructor
Study Material
Question Bank
Chief Editor
Anand Kumar Mahajan
Written by
Shrikant Vishwakarma, Vikash Maurya, Nitesh Mishra,
Pramod Yadav, Shashikant Yadav, Meena Kanaujia
Computer Graphics by
Balkrishna, Charan Singh
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Edited and Published by A.K. Mahajan for YCT Publication Pvt. Ltd.
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Syllabus of RSSB ............................................................................................................................... 3-3
Fundamentals of Computer ............................................................................................................ 4-19
Introduction of Computer Computer Hardware and Devices Input Device Output Device
Memory/Storage Device Representation of Data, Number system Conversion of Numbers
Introduction to Data Processing
Data Processing Files and Types
Important Facts
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
Data Processing.............................................................................................................................. 20-52
Word Processing Microsoft Office Word (MS Word) Microsoft Excel PowerPoint M.S.
Office (Access) Important Facts Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
with Answer Key
Programming Fundamentals...................................................................................................... 53-110
Introduction to C Introduction to C++ Java .Net Artificial Intelligence Machine
Learning Pytho Blockchain, Principles and programming techniques Introduction of object
oriented programming (OOPs)
Integrated Development Environment
Important facts
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
Data structures and Algorithms ............................................................................................... 111-125
Algorithms for Problem Solving Abstract Data Types (ADT) Arrays as Data Structure
Linked list V/S Array for Storage Stack & Stack Operation Queue Basic Operations
General Tree Graph and their representation Sorting & Searching Symbol Table Data
Structure Using C & C++ Important Points Important Questions Asked in Previous Years
Examinations with Answer Key
Computer Organization and Operation System ..................................................................... 126-149
Basic Structure of Computer Computer Arithmetic Operations Central Processing Unit and
Instructions Memory Organization I/O Organization Operating Systems Overview Process
Management Finding & Processing File Important Facts Important Questions Asked in
Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
Communication and Network Concepts ................................................................................. 150-173
Introduction to Computer Network
Networks Layers/Models
Networking Devices
Fundamentals of Mobile Communication Important Facts
Important Questions Asked in
Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
Network Security ....................................................................................................................... 174-184
Network Security Protecting computer systems from viruses and malicious Attacks Firewall
Network attack Ethical Hacking Important Facts Important Questions Asked in Previous
Years Examinations with Answer Key
Database Management System................................................................................................. 185-209
An Overview of the Database Management Architecture of DBMS Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS) Database Design Manipulating Data NoSql database SQL
Important Facts Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
System Analysis and Design ..................................................................................................... 210-241
Requirement Gathering & Feasibility Analysis
Structured Analysis
Structured Design
Object-oriented Modeling using UML
Implementation and Maintenance Software Implementation: Other Software Development
Approaches Important Facts Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations with
Answer Key
Internet of things and its application ....................................................................................... 242-258
Introduction to IoT What is data What is Cloud Virtual Reality Internet Technology
Protocol Search Engines Introduction to online & offline messaging World Wide Web
Web Publishing
Basic Knowledge HTML, XML and Scripts
Creation &
Maintenance of websites HTML Tools Multimedia and Graphics Voice Mail and Video
Conferencing Introduction to e-commerce Important Facts Important Questions Asked in
Previous Years Examination with Answer Key
Major Developments in IT........................................................................................................ 259-261
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations with Answer Key
Pedagogy..................................................................................................................................... 262-272
Aims and Objectives of Teaching Computer Sciences Hardware and Software of Computers
Micro Teaching Instructional Methods Instructional Aids Latest Trends in Information
Technology Evaluation in Computer Science Important Questions Asked in Previous Years
Examinations with Answer Key
Syllabus of RSSB
12. Pedagogy:
UNIT-I: Aims and Objectives of Teaching computer Sciences
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Purpose of Teaching Computer Science
1.4 Aims and Objectives of Teaching Computer Science
1.5 Need for Teaching Computer Science
1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
1.7 Computer Science Teaching at Different Levels in Schools
1.8 The Place of Computer Science in School Curriculum
1.9 Computer Science Teaching in Relation to Other School
UNIT-II: Hardware and Software of Computers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objectives
2.3 Definitions Computers
2.4 History of Computers
2.5 Types of Computers
2.6 Computer Network
2.7 Computer Virus
2.8 The Various Uses of Computers
2.9 Uses of Computers in Schools
UNIT-III: Micro Teaching
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Micro Teaching
3.4 Principles of Micro Teaching
3.5 Phases of Micro-Teaching
3.6 Teaching Skills
UNIT-VI: Instructional Methods
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Objectives
4.3 Unit Plan
4.4 Lesson Plan Writing in Computer Science
4.5 Methods of Teaching Computer Science
UNIT V: Instructional Aids
5.1 Instructional Aids in the Teaching of Computer Science
5.2 Characteristics of Instructional Aids or Audio-Visual Aids
5.3 Instructional Aids Used in Teaching
5.4 Interactive Whiteboard
5.5 PowerPoint Presentation
UNIT VI: Latest Trends In Information Technology
6.1 Multimedia
6.2 Desktop Publishing
6.3 Internet
6.4 E-Learning
6.5 Virtual Learning
6.6 Web-based Learning
6.7 Tele-Conferencing
6.8 Audio Conferencing
6.9 Video Conferencing
UNIT VII: Evaluation In Computer Science
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Purposes of Evaluation
7.3 Types of Evaluation
7.4 New Scheme of Evaluation
7.5 Techniques and Tools of Evaluation
7.6 Achievement Test
7.7 Online Examination
Fundamentals of Computer: Overview of the Computer
System including input-Output devices, pointing devices
and scanner, Representation of Data (Digital versus
Analog, Number System- Decimal, Binary &
Hexadecimal), Introduction to Data Processing, Concepts
of files and its types.
2. Data Processing: Word Processing (MS-Word), Spread Sheet
Software (MS Excel), Presentation Software (MS Power Point),
DBMS software (MS Access).
3. Programming Fundamentals: Introduction to C, C++,
Java, .NET, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning,
Python and Block Chain, Principles and Programming
Techniques, Introduction of Object Oriented Programming
Development Environment" and its advantages.
4. Data structures and Algorithms: Algorithms for Problem
Solving, Abstract data types, Arrays as data structures, linked
list v/s array for storage, stack and stack operations, queues,
binary tress, binary search trees, graphs and their
representations sorting and searching, symbol table. Data
Structure using c & C++.
5. Computer Organization and Operation System: Basic
Structure of Computers, Computer Arithmetic Operations,
Central Processing Unit and Instructions, Memory
Organization, I/O organization, Operating Systems Overview,
Process Management, Finding and processing files.
6. Communication and Network Concepts: Introduction to
Computer Networks, Introduction: Networks layers/
Models, Networking Devices, Fundamentals of Mobile
7. Network Security: Protecting Computer Systems from
viruses & malicious attacks, Introduction to Firewalls and its
utility, Backup & Restoring data, Networking (LAN & WAN),
Security, Ethical Hacking.
8. Database Management System: An Overview of the
Database Management, Architecture of Database System,
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), Database
Design, Manipulating Data, NoSQL Database Technologies,
Selecting Right Database.
9. System Analysis and Design: Introduction, Requirement,
Gathering and Feasibility Analysis, Structured Analysis,
Structured Design, Object-Oriented Modeling Using
UML, Testing, System Implementation and Maintenance,
Other Software Development Approaches.
10. Internet of things and its application: Introduction of
Internet Technology and Protocol, LAN, MAN, WAN,
Search Services/Engines, Introduction to online & offline
messaging, World Wide View Browsers, Web Publishing,
Basic knowledge HTML, XML and Scripts Creation Y
maintenance of Websites, HTML interactivity Tools,
Multimedia and Graphics, Voice Mail and Video
Conferencing, Introduction to e-Commerce.
11. Major developments in the field of Information
2. Input Unit– Input is a unit with the help of which
data or instructions are entered into the computer. It is a
link between the computer and the user.
3. Output Unit– An output unit is a device through
which type processor or CPU displays the result of a
written task in the form of output. These output can be in
the form of softcopy or hardcopy.
Introduction of Computer
The word computer is derived from the Latin Word
'Compute' which means 'to calculate'. Therefore, the
literal meaning of computer is calculator.
A computer is an electronic device that receives data
control through input and displays it as an output by
working on it according to the instructions given.
1.1 Structure of Computer– All types of computers
follow the same basic logical structure. Computers are
made of three basic units.
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
2. Input Unit
3. Output Unit
Types of Computer
(i) Analog Computer– Analog computers are
computers that measure physical units (pressure,
temperature etc.) and convert them into numbers. These
computers measures any quantity on the basis of
comparison. For example- Thermometer, Voltmeter.
Data is used continuously in analog computers.
(ii) Digital Computer– In this category come those
computer, which calculate the marks. Most of the
computers fall under the category of digital computers.
Digital computers convert data and programs into binary
(0's and 1's) and carry them in electronic form.
(iii) Hybrid Computer– Hybrid computers are
made up of a mixture of analog and digital computers,
hybrid computers are capable of performing the
functions of both computers.
Computer Hardware and Devices
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)– Processes the
data or instructions entered by the input unit acts
according to the user assigns the result to the output unit
or stores the given data or instruction in memory. CPU
also known as Microprocessor.
CPU has three main parts.
(a) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
(b) Control Unit
(c) Memory Unit
(a) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)– The execution
of the command given to the computer mathematical and
logical operations are done by this unit.
subtraction, multiplication, division and comparing
selecting, matching data etc.
(b) Control Unit– The control unit is called the
nervous system of the computer. The control unit
controls the operation of all the parts of the computer. It
is responsible for controlling and managing all the units
of the computer and controlling the transfer of data or
instructions between the ALU and the memory.
(c) Memory Unit– Memory unit is a component of
the computer system. It is used to store data, instructions
and information. It is actually a work area of computer
where the CPU stores data and instructions. This is
known as main internal memory.
Fundamental of Computer
Components that can be physically seen or touched
are called Hardware.
Personal Computer–
Personal computer is a multipurpose computer. It is
a type of microcomputer. In 1981 the IBM processor
International Business Machines launched its first
personal computer under the name of IBM PC. Which
was the most popular PC at that time.
Components of personal Computers
• System Unit
• Input Device
• Output Device
• Memory/Storage Device
System Unit– The system unit also known as a
'tower’ or a 'chassis'. It consists of the main components
or internal components of a desktop or personal
computer. It includes the motherboard, processor (CPU),
(vi) VGA Port– Video output using the video
RAM and other components. A system unit is a set of
electronic components of a computer. Inside which there graphics port monitor, projector or TV is used to
are many hardware components memory, Hard disk, connect.
power supply, motherboard etc.
(vii) Expansion Slots– These are additional slots for
adding new cards such as video cards, audio card,
graphics cards to the motherboard.
(viii) Bays– This is a space inside the computer
case, where a hard drive, floppy drive or CD-ROM drive
is kept.
(ix) Parallel Port– Parallel port consists of two
rows of 25 pins which are surrounded by metal casing. It
(i) Processor– Processor is a hardware component. is also known as printer port.
Which is responsible for all the operations performed in
(x) Ethernet LAN Port– This is a port through
a computer system, most computer users refer to it as the
which the computer is connected to the internet/network
brain of the computer and it is placed on the motherboard
by cable.
by slots.
Its two main components–
Input Device
1. Control Unit
The devices through which data in inputted, that is
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
the devices from which words, data or instructions are
Process speed is measured in MHz or Gigahertz. put in memory, are called input devices.
(ii) Motherboard– Motherboard is the main circuit
Following are some of the major input devices.
board that connects all the hardware components of the
Mouse– It is an input device, it is used in the
computer. It is the main circuit board of the
computer to give instructions to the computer with the
microcomputer. Motherboard consists of special chips
help of graphics. It was invented by Douglas Engelbart.
and integrated circuit (IC) processor, RAM etc.
It usually has two or three buttons. It has left button,
right button and scroll wheel in the middle.
Keyboard– Keyboard is the most important device
of any computer. You can enter text or numerical data in
the computer from the keyboard itself. In a keyboard, all
the letters are arranged in the same order as in a
typewriter but it has more buttons than a typewriter.
Trackball– A trackball is a pointing device similar
to a mouse, but if consists of a ball that is controlled by
(iii) Power Supply (SMPS)– SMPS means rotating the fingers to control the movement of the
Switched Mode Power Supply. It is the power supply of pointer. It neither needs a flat surface nor does it need to
the computer, which gives electricity to the electronics be moved around like a mouse.
Scanner– The scanner is used to convert the image
components of the computer according to them.
written or printed on the paper into digital form and store
it in the memory/disc of the computer and for editing.
There are three types of scanners available :
1. Flat Bed Scanner
2. Hand Held Scanner
3. Drum Scanner
Joystick– Joystick is an input device. It is a pointing
1. SMPS converts a higher AC power into a lower
device. It moves in all directions. It is used in flight
voltage DC power.
simulators, computer gaming systems. It consists of a
2. Different electronic components present inside the
computer require different amount of electric power. stick, which rotates on a base and reports its angle and
SMPS provides electricity to each part according to direction to the CPU.
Light Pen– Light pen is an electro-optical pointing
its requirement.
device. Uses a photosensitive detector to select
(iv) Power Connector– Connects the power cable
on the display screen.
to the computer.
Camera– This is a digital camera, which is
(v) USB Port– It allows to connect pen drive, mouse
with the computer. Web camera are used for
or keyboard or other external hardware device to the
conferencing and chatting.
Fundamental of Computer
Digitizer– Digitizer is an input device that converts
analog information into digital form. Digitizer is also
known as graphics tablet. It is specially used for
designing images, animations and graphics. It consists of
a pen and a pad.
Microphone– It is an input device that inputs sound,
which is then stored in digital form.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)–
Examines MICR information in the form of a matrix. It
is used in banks to identify the code number and the
check number printed on the check with a magnetic ink.
Bar Code Reader (BCR)– A bar code reader is an
input device used to read bar codes (data in the form of
light and drak lines) printed on a paper product.
Optical Character Reader (OCR)– OCR is an
input device. Its use converts the image of hand written
and typed or printed text into digital form.
Optical Mark Reader (OMR)– OMR is an input
device which is used for recognize (select one among
some options) symbols made by pen or pencil.
Memory/Storage Device
The function of computer memory/storage device is
to store any instruction, information or result.
Computer memory are two types.
1. Primary or Main Memory
2. Secondary Memory
1. Primary or Main Memory– Primary memory is
the memory that is directly accessed by the CPU. In this
the data can't be stored for a long time as desired by the
user, it is also known as internal memory. It contains the
currently running data or instructions. There are two
types of primary memory.
1. RAM (Random Access Memory)
2. ROM (Read Only Memory)
1. RAM (Random Access Memory)– RAM is a
temporary memory, which means the memory that holds
only those data or instructions for some time on which
the computer is currently working.
Types of RAM Memory
(a) SRAM (Static RAM)
(b) DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
2. ROM (Read Only Memory)– The full name of
ROM is Read Only Memory. Which means that memory
can only be read but no data store. Data in this memory
is only a single store. Again it can not delete or store it.
Types of ROM Memory :
(a) PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
(c) EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only
(a) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory)
2. Secondary Memory– The secondary memory is
also known as external memory or Auxiliary storage. We
can keep the data from the secondary memory to keep it
for a long time. Before closing the computer the data can
be placed permanently in secondary memory.
Magnetic Tape– Magnetic tape is made up of a thin
and long plastic strip. The magnetic layer which is
climbed and the data is saved on that layer. This is a
gradual access memory. Whose data can be read only by
order. In this the data can be stored more than once upon
the data store the old data ends itself.
Magnetic Disk– Magnetic Disk is a secondary
storage device, which is used to store data, Access data.
This is a permanent (non-volatile) and assistant.
Secondary storage device, which stores data and program
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)– Hard disk this magnetic
disk is a main component of the personal computer. It is
known as hand drive or hand disk drive. It is a permanent
(non-volatile) and auxiliary, secondary storage device,
which store data and programs for a long time.
Floppy Disk– Floppy disk is a magnetic storage
used to read and write data in Floppy disk. Earlier it was
used to store the operating system.
Output Device
An output device is a device through which the
result of the work done by the CPU (processor) is
obtained in the form of output such as monitor, printer
Monitor– Monitor is an output device which
displays the result of the input as output on the screen.
(i) CRT Monitor (Cathode Ray Tube)
(ii) Flat Panel Screen Monitor LCD (Liquid Crystal
Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode) & TFT (Thin
Film Transistor)
Printer– Printer is an output device, it uses the
results received from the computer as a output by
printing on a paper.
(i) Impact Printer– This printer paper, ribbon and
character prints data together on all three.
(ii) Non-Impact Printer– This printer is a noise free
printer, it does not hit paper, but leaves the splash of the
ink on paper. They use electrostatic chemicals.
Plotter– This is an output device, which is used in
large drawing or pictures such as construction plant Auto
CAD. To make drawing, the pen, pencil, marker etc. Is
the use of writing tool. It provides output such as graphs
and sketches.
Speakers– This is an output device that is connected
to the computer and tells the sound as the output through
the speaker.
Projector– A projector is an output device that
enables the user to project output into a large surface
such as a large screen or a wall. It is connected to the
computer and uses light and lens to show text, pictures,
videos. It is used for presentation.
Speech Synthesizer– Speech Synthesizer is a output
device, by which text message is converted into voice
massage and received as output.
Fundamental of Computer
Optical Disc– Optical disc is a type of direct access
secondary memory. Optical disc are made of
polycarbonate plastic and they used laser beams to store
or read data. It is usually flat and rounded.
Some example in below.
(i) CD (Compact Disc)
(ii) DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)
(iii) Blue-Ray Disc
Pen Drive– Pen drive is also called thumb drive,
flash drive or USB drive. Pen drive is an example of
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory)
Memory Card– Memory card is a device that
provides a fast and easy way to store and transfer digital
files. It is small card like- electronic memory device of a
thin size, which is used to another modern devices such
as mobile phones digital cameras, PDA, Palmtops,
Smartphone's etc. It is also called multimedia card. Its
use is becoming popular as Removable Storage Device.
Solid State Drive (SSD)– SSD is a type of
secondary storage. It is faster and more expensive than
HDD. Flash Memory has been used in this. With its use,
the speed of the computer increases slightly. Like HDD,
you can also store data in if for a long time as desired.
Memory Units or Measure–
1 Byte = 8 bit = 2 Nibble
1 KB = 1024 Byte = 8192 Bits
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GB
1 PB = 1024 TB
1 EB = 1024 PB
1 ZB = 1024 EB
1 YB = 1024 ZB
(TB = Terrabyte, PB = Petabyte, EB = Exabyte, ZB =
Zettabyte, YB = Yottabyte)
Different between Analog and Digital Signal–
Analog Signal
Digital Signal
1. Analog signals are Digital signals are not
continuous they are
continuous signals.
discrete signals.
2. We
represent We
analog signals in the digital signals in the
form of sign waves.
form of waves.
3. The values of voltage The values of voltage
will be in a continuous will be discontinuous.
4. These signals are used Digital
devices like computers,
in analog devices.
watches etc. use these
5. Any natural sound, Electronic
human voice, data read computer signals, data
by analog devices.
read by digital devices.
Number system
Introduction- Every number system has a set of
unique characters or literals. The count of these literals is
called the radix or base of the number system. Number
systems are also called positional number system
because the value of each symbol (digit and alphabet) in
a number depends upon its position within the number.
Number may also have a fractional part similar to
decimal numbers used by us.
A computer is a digital system that stores and
processes different types of data in the form of 0s and 1s.
The different types of data handled by a computer system
include numbers, alphabets and some special characters.
Therefore, there is a need to change the data entered by
the users into a form that the computer system can
understand and process. different types of codes have
been developed and used to represent the data entered by
the users in the binary format. The binary system represents
each type of data in terms of binary digits, 0s and 1s. Since
these code convert the data into the binary form, the
computer codes are also referred as binary codes.
The different number systems, which come under.
The category of positional number system are as follows.
1. Decimal system
2. Binary system
3. Octal system
4. Hexadecimal system.
1. Decimal System– The decimal system is the most
common number system used by human beings. It is a
positional number system that uses 10 as a base to
represent different values. Therefore, this number system
is also known as base 10 number system. In this system,
10 symbols are available for representing the value.
These symbols include the digits from 0 to 9. The
common operations performed in the decimal system are
addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and
division (/)
Representation of Data
Data representation refers to the form in which data
is stored, processed and transmitted. Information, such as
text, numbers, photo or music into digital data that can
be manipulated by electronic devices.
Digital Signal– A digital signal represents the
original time varying quantity as a sampled sequence of
quantized values. This imposes some bandwidth and
dynamic range constraints on the representation but,
unlike the analog signal, can avoid further electronic
noise and distortion.
Analog Signal– An analog signal is any continuous
signal for which the time varying feature of the signal
represents some other time varying quantity i.e.
analogous to another time varying signal. For examplein an analog audio signal the instantaneous voltage of the
signal varies continuously with the pressure of the sound
Fundamental of Computer
The decimal system can be used to represent both
the integer as well as floating point values. The floating
point values are generally represented in this system by
using a period called decimal point. The decimal point is
used to separate the integer part and the fraction part of
the given floating point number. In the following
example, the value 237 which comes before the decimal
point, is called integer value and the value 25, which
comes after the decimal point, is called fraction value.
1024 GB
Petabyte (PB)
1024 TB
Exabyte (EB)
1024 PB
Zettabyte (ZB) 1024 EB
1024 ZB
3. Octal system– The octal system is the positional
number system that used base-8 to represent different
values. Therefore, this number system is also known as
base-8 system. As this system uses base-8, eight symbols
are a available for representing the value in this system.
These symbols are the digits 0 to 7. In octal system, the
point used to separate the integer and the fraction part of
2. Binary System– Among all the positional number a number is known as octal point. In the following
system, the binary system is the most dominant number example, The octal number 215.43 represents the
system that is employed by almost all the modern digital decimal value 141.5469.
computer system. The binary system uses base-2 to
represent different value. Therefore, the binary system is
also known as base-2 system. As this system used base2, only two symbols are available for representing the
different values in this system. These symbols are 0 and The following lists the octal representation of decimal
1, which are also known as bits in computer terminology. numbers 0 through 15.
Using binary system, the computer systems can store and
Decimal number
Octal representation
process each type of data in terms of 0s and 1s only.
In binary system, the point use to separate the
integer and the fraction part of a number is known as
binary point. In the following example, the binary
number 11001.101 represents the decimal value 25. 625.
⇒ The following are some of the technical terms used in
binary system.
Used in Binary System.
It is the smallest unit of information
used in a computer system.
It can either have the value 0 or 1.
Derived from the words 'Binary
4. Hexadecimal system– The hexadecimal system is a
It is a combination of 4 bits.
positional number system that uses base-16 to represent
It is combination of 8 bits.
different values. Therefore, this number system is known
Derived from words 'by eight'.
as base-16 system. As this system uses base-16, 16
It is a combination of 16 bits.
symbols are available for representing the value in this
system. These symbols are the digits 0-9 and the letters
Double word.
It is a combination of 32 bits.
Kilobyte (KB) It is used to represent the 1024 bytes A, B, C, D, E and F. The digits 0-9 are used to represent
the decimal value 0 through 9 and The letters A, B, C, D,
of information.
E and F are used to represent the decimal value 10
1024 KB
through 15. In hexadecimal system, the point used to
separate the integer and the fraction part of a number is
Gigabyte (GB) 1024 MB
known as hexadecimal point. In the following example,
Fundamental of Computer
the hexadecimal number 4A9.2B represents the decimal the decimal number by 2 till the decimal number
becomes zero and then reading the remainders from last
value 1193.1679.
to first to obtain the binary equivalent of the given
decimal number.
Let us now convert a decimal value to its binary
representation and verify that the binary equivalent of
The following Lists shows decimal and binary equivalent (65)10 is (1000001)2.
of 16 alphanumeric symbols used in hexadecimal
number system.
4-bit Binary
(ii) Decimal to Octal Conversion– The decimal
to octal conversion is performed by repeatedly dividing
the decimal number by 8 till the decimal number
becomes zero and reading the remainders. from last to
first to obtain the octal equivalent of the given decimal
number. The following example illustrate the method of
converting decimal number 98 into its equivalent octal
Conversion of Numbers
The computer systems accept the data in decimal
form, whereas they store and process the data in binary
form. Therefore, it becomes necessary to convert the
number represented in one system into the numbers
represented in another system. The different types of
number system conversions can be divided into the
following major categories.
1. Decimal to Non-decimal
2. Non-decimal to Decimal
3. Binary to Octal
4. Binary to Hexadecimal
5. Octal to Hexadecimal
1. Decimal to Non-decimal– The decimal to nondecimal (binary, octal or hexadecimal), conversions use
the step given below.
Step 1: Divide the given number by the base value
of the number system in which it is to be converted.
Step 2 : Note the remainder.
Step 3: Keep on dividing the quotient by the base
value and note the remainder till the quotient is Zero.
Step 4 : Write the noted remainders in the reverse
order (from bottom to top).
(i) Decimal to Binary conversion– The decimal to
binary conversion is performed by repeatedly dividing
Fundamental of Computer
(iii) Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion– The
decimal to hexadecimal conversion is performed by
repeatedly dividing the decimal number by 16 till the
decimal number becomes zero and reading the
remainders from last to first to obtain the hexadecimal
equivalent of the given decimal number. The following
example illustrate the method of converting decimal
number to its hexadecimal equivalent.
2. Non-decimal to Decimal– The non-decimal to
decimal conversions can be implemented by taking the
concept of place values not consideration we can use the
following steps to convert the given number with base
value to its decimal equivalent, where base value can be
2, 8 and 16 for binary, octal and hexadecimal number
system, respectively.
Step 1 : Write the position number for each
alphanumeric symbol in the given number.
Step 2 : Get positional value for each symbol by
raising its position number to the base value symbol in
the given number.
Step 3 : Multiply each digit with the respective
positional value to get a decimal value.
Step 4 : Add all these decimal values to get the
equivalent decimal number.
(i) Binary Number to Decimal Number
Conversion– A binary number can be converted to
equivalent decimal number by calculating the sum of the
products of each bit multiplied by its corresponding
place value. The following example illustrate the method
of converting binary number (1101)2 to decimal number.
Positional value→ 23
Decimal Number→ 1× 23 + 1×22 + 0×21 + 1× 2º
8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = (13)10
(1101)2 = (13)10
(ii) Octal Number to Decimal Number
Conversion– An octal number can be converted into its
equivalent number in decimal system by calculating the
sum of the products of each digit multiplied by its
corresponding place value. The following example
shows how to compute the decimal equivalent of an octal
number (257)8.
Positional value→ 82 81
Decimal Number→ 2× 82 + 5×81 + 7×80
128 +
40 + 7 = (175)10
Therefore, (257)8 = (175)10
(iii) Hexadecimal Number to Decimal Number
Conversion– A hexadecimal number can be converted
into its equivalent number in decimal system by
calculating the sum of the products of each symbol
multiplied by its corresponding place value. The
following example shows how to compute the decimal
equivalent of an Hexadecimal (3A5)16.
Positional value→
+10×16 + 5×160
Decimal Number→ 3× 16
768 + 160 + 5 = (933)10
(3A5)16 = (933)10
3. Conversion from Binary Number to Octal
Number and Vice-versa–
(i) Binary Number to Octal Number- Given a
binary number, an equivalent octal number
representation by 3 bits is computed by grouping 3 bits
from right to left and replacing each 3-bit group by the
corresponding octal digit. In case number of bits in a
binary number is not multiple of 3, then add required,
Fundamental of Computer
number of 0s on most significant position of the binary
Example – Convert (10101100)2 to octal number.
Make group of 3-bits of the
given binary number (Right to Left) 010 101
Write octal number for each 3- bit group. 2
Therefore, (10101100)2 = (254)8
(ii) Octal Number to Binary Number– Each octal
digit is an encoding for a 3-digit binary number. Octal
number is converted to binary by replacing each octal
digit by a group of three binary digits.
Example– Convert (705)8 to binary number.
Octal digit →
Write 3-bits binary
value for each digit →
111 000
Therefore, (705)8 = (111000101)2
4 Conversion
from Binary Number to
Hexadecimal Number and Vice-versa–
(i) Binary Number to Hexadecimal Number–
Given a binary number, its equivalent hexadecimal
number is computed by making a group of 4 binary
digits from right to left and substituting each 4-bit group
by its corresponding computed by making a group of 4
binary digits from right to left and substituting each 4-bit
group by its corresponding hexadecimal alphanumeric
symbol. If required, add 0 bit on to have number of bit in
a binary number as multiple of 4.
Example– Convert (0110101100)2 to hexadecimal
Make group of 4-bits of
the given binary number (Right to left)
Write hexadecimal symbol for each group
Therefore, (0110101100)2 = (1AC)16
(ii) Hexadecimal Number to Binary Number–
Each hexadecimal symbol is an encoding for a 4-digit
binary number. Hence, the binary equivalent of a
hexadecimal number is obtained by substituting 4-bit
binary equivalent of each hexadecimal digit and
combining them together.
Example. Convert (23D)16 to binary number.
Hexadecimal digits→
Write 4-bit binary for each digit→ 0010 0011 1101
Therefore, (23D)16 = (001000111101)2
Conversion from Octal Number to
Hexadecimal Number– The given octal number can be
converted into its equivalent hexadecimal number in two
different steps. Firstly, We need to convert the given
octal number into its binary equivalent. After obtaining
the binary equivalent, we need to making a group of 4
binary digits from right to left and substituting each 4-bit
group by its corresponding hexadecimal alphanumeric
symbol. In this type of conversion, we need to represent
each digit in the octal number to its equivalent 3-bit
binary number.
Example– Convert the octal number (365)8 into its
hexadecimal number.
Octal digits→
Write 3-bits binary value
for each digit→
Regrouping into 4-bits of
the binary number (Right to Left) →
0000 1111
Write hexadecimal symbol
for each group→
Therefore, (365)8 = (F5)16
(ii) Fractional Part of Decimal Number to Octal
Since the fractional part is 0, the multiplication is
stopped, write the integer part from top to bottom to get
octal number for the fractional part .
Therefore, (0.625)10 = (0.50)8
(iii) Fractional Part of Decimal Number to
Hexadecimal Number.
Example– Convert (0.675)10 to hexadecimal form.
Conversion of a Number with Fractional
Since the fractional part (.800) is repeating, the
multiplication is stopped, Write the integer part from top
to bottom to get hexadecimal equivalent for the
fractional part.
Therefore, (0.675)10 = (0.AC)16
Non-decimal Number with Fractional Part to
Decimal Number System– Computer positional value
of each digit in the given number using its base value,
Add the product for positional value and the digit to get
the equivalent decimal number with fractional part.
(i) Fractional Part of Binary Number to Decimal
Convert (0.111)2 into decimal number.
Fractional value→
+ 1×2
Decimal value→
1×2 + 1×
0.25×2 = 0.50
0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 = 0.875
0.50×2 = 1.00
Therefore, (0.111)2 = (0.875)10
Since the fractional part is 0, the multiplication is
(ii) Fractional Part of Octal Number to Decimal
stopped. Write the integer part from top to bottom to get
binary number for the fractional part.
Convert (0.12)8 into decimal number.
Therefore, (0.25)10 = (0.01)2
Example– Convert (0.675)10 to binary.
Fractional value→
Decimal value→
1×8 + 2×8
0.125 + 0.03125 = 0.15625
Therefore, (0.12)8 = (0.15625)10
(iii) Fractional Part of Hexadecimal Number to
Decimal Number
Convert (0.58)16 into decimal number.
Since the fractional part (400) is the repeating value
Fractional value→
in the calculation, the multiplication is stepped, write the
Decimal value→
integer part from top to bottom to get binary number for
0.03125 =0.34375
the fractional part.
Therefore, (0.675) = (0.1010110)2
Decimal Number with Fractional Part to
Number system– To convert the fractional part of a
decimal number to another number system with base
value, repeatedly multiply the fractional part by the base
value till the fractional part becomes 0. Use integer part
from top to bottom to get equivalent number in that
number system. The fractional part does not become 0 in
successive multiplication, then stop after, 10
multiplications. In some cases, fractional part may start
repeating then stop further calculation.
(i) Fractional Part of Decimal Number to Binary
Example. Convert decimal number (0.25)10 to
Fundamental of Computer
Fractional Binary Number to Octal or
Hexadecimal Number- To convert the fractional binary
number into octal or hexadecimal value, substitute
groups of 3-bit or 4-bit for integer part by the
corresponding digit, similarly, make groups of 3-bit or 4bit for fractional part starting from left to right, and
substitute each group by its equivalent digit or symbol in
octal or hexadecimal number system, Add 0s at the end
of the fractional part to make a perfect group of 3 or 4
Example– Convert (10101100.01011)2 to octal
Make perfect group of 3-bits→
100 . 010
Write octal symbol for each group →
. 2
Therefore, (10101100.01011)2 = (254.26)8
Note– Make 3-bit groups from right to left for the
integer part and left to right for the fractional part.
hexadecimal number.
make perfect group of 4-bits→
1010 1100 . 0101
Write hexadecimal symbol for each group→
Therefore, (10101100.010111)2 = (AC.5C)16
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Systems– The BCD
system is employed by computer systems to encode the
decimal number into its equivalent binary number. This
is generally accomplished by encoding each digit of the
decimal number into its equivalent binary sequence. The
4-bit BCD system is usually employed by the computer
systems to represent and process numerical data only. In
the 4-bit BCD system each digit of the decimal number
is encoded to its corresponding 4-bit binary sequence.
The two most popular 4-bit BCD systems are• Weighted 4-bit BCD code
• Excess -3 (XS - 3 BCD) code
Weighted 4-bit BCD Code– The weighted 4-bit
BCD code is more commonly known as 8421 weighted
code. It is called weighted code because it encodes the
decimal system into binary system by using the concept
of positional weighting into consideration. In this code,
each decimal digit is encoded into its 4-bit binary
number in which the bits from left to right have the
weights 8, 4, 2 and 1 respectively.
Example– Convert the decimal number (87.34)10 to
weighted BCD code.
The given decimal number is 87.34
The corresponding 4-bit 8421 BCD representation of
decimal digit
Fundamental of Computer
Therefore, The 8421 BCD representation of decimal
number (87.34)10 is (1000 0111.0011 0100)2.
Excess-3 BCD Code– The Excess-3 (XS-3) BCD
code does not use the principle of positional weights into
consideration while converting the decimal numbers to
4-bit BCD system. Therefore, we can say that this code
is a non-weighted BCD code. The function of XS-3 code
is to transform the decimal numbers into their
corresponding 4-bit BCD code, In this code, the decimal
number is transformed to the 4-bit BCD code by first
adding 3 to all the digits of the number and then
converting the excess digits, so obtained, into their
corresponding 8421 BCD code. Therefore, we can say
that the XS-3 code is strongly related with 8421 BCD
code in its functioning.
Example– Convert the decimal number 85 to XS-3
BCD code.
⇒ The given decimal number is 85. Now, add 3 to
each digit of the given decimal number as–
8 + 3 = 11
The corresponding 4-bit 8421 BCD representation of
the decimal digit–
Therefore, the XS-3 BCD representation of the
decimal number 85 is 1011 1000.
ASCII Code– ASCII, abbreviated form American
Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a
communication. The ASCII codes represent text in
computers, telecommunications equipment, and other
devices. The ASCII code is pronounced as ASKEE and
is used for the same purpose for which the EBCDIC code
is used. Initially, this code was declared as a 7-bit BCD
code to handle 128 characters but later it was modified to
an 8-bit code we can check the value of any ASCII code
by just holding down the Alt key and Typing the ASCII
code. For example, when we hold down the alt key and
type 66 form the keyboard, then the character B appears
on the screen. This shows that the ASCII decimal code
66 represents the character B.
48 - 57
65 - 73
74 - 79
80 - 90
97 - 105
106 -111
112 - 122
2. Scientific Data Processing– Data processing in
scientific and engineering problems is termed as
scientific data processing. Basically, it is the application
of computer simulation and other forms of computation
to problems in various scientific disciplines. It is
characterized by relatively little input and output but
extensive internal computation. It emphasize on high
speed internal processing but may have limited input and
output capabilities.
Real Time Data Processing– There are many types
of large applications that may require the real time data
processing. In this the result is presented at the same time
when the data enter. We can easily analyze this type of
data processing in the stock market and currency trends.
The technology which mostly used in real time data
processing is stream processing.
Advantages of Data Processing–
• Highly efficient
• Time saving
• High speed
• Reduces errors
Disadvantages of Data Processing–
• Large Power Consumption
• Occupies Large Memory
• The Cost of Installations is High
• Wastage of Memory
30 - 39
41 - 49
4A - 4F
50 - 5A
61 - 69
6A - 6F
70 - 7A
Data Processing Files and Types
Introduction to Data Processing
Data processing means to process the data i.e. to
convert its format. As we all know data is the very useful
and when it is well presented and it becomes informative
useful. Data processing system is also referred as
information system. It is also right to say that data
processing becomes the process of converting
information into data and also vice-versa.
Data → Process → Information
In simple words, data processing can be expressed as.
• Process of conversion of data in the computer
understandable format.
• The sorting or processing of data by a computer.
Types of Data Processing– Data processing is
broadly divides into two categories, Business, Scientific
and Real time data processing. These are explained as
following below.
1. Business Data Processing– The process of data
in the accounting or business management referred as
business or administrative data processing. In this type of
data processing, data is usually in the numeric form. It
refers to the all the computing functions that occur in an
enterprise. The computer that is oriented towards
business data processing will demand for high speed
input and output so that conversion of stored data into
report format can occur easily.
Fundamental of Computer
A data file is a computer file which stores data to be
used by a computer application or system, including
input and output data. A data file usually does not
contain instructions or code to be executed (that is, a
computer program)
There are numerous types of files used for storing
data needed for processing reference or back up. The
main common types of processing files include.
1. Master Files
2. Transaction File
3. Reference
4. Back-up
5. Report
6. Sort File
1. Master Files– A master file is the main that
contains relatively permanent record about particular
items or entries. For example a customer file will contain
details of a customer such as customer id, name and
contact address.
2. Transaction Files– A transaction file is used to
hold data during transaction processing the file is later
used to update the master file and audit daily, weekly or
monthly transactions. For example in a busy
supermarket, daily sales are recorded on a transaction file
and later used to update the stock file.
3. Reference File– A reference file is mainly use for
reference or look-up purposes. Look-up information is
the information that is stored in a separate file but is
required during processing. For example in a point of
sale terminal, the item code entered either manually or
using a barcode reader looks up the item description and
price from a reference file stored on a storage device.
4. Backup Files– A backup files is used to hold
copies of data or information from the computers fixed
storage (Hard disk).Since a file held on the Hard disk
may be corrupted lost or changed accidentally, it is
necessary to keep copies of the recently updated files. In
case of the Hard disk failure, a backup file can be used to
reconstruct the original file.
5. Report Files– Used to store relatively permanent
records extracted from the master file or generated after
processing. For example you may obtain a stock levels
report generated from an inventory system while a copy
of the report will be stored in the report file.
6. Sort File– It stores data which is arranged in a
particular order, used mainly where data is to be
processed sequentially. In sequential processing data or
records are first sorted and held on a magnetic tape
before updating the master file.
Important Facts
The first computer installed in India is, Indian
Statistical Institute Kolkata.
The first Mini Computer was PDP-8.
Cache memory has the shortest access time.
Technology used to provide internet by transmitting
data over wires of telephone network is digital
subscriber line.
Scanner convert a physical image into digital image.
ASCII is a sort form of American Standard Code for
Information Interchange.
Characteristic of the modern digital computer is
High speed, Large storage capacity, Greater
Sequential access storage device is magnetic tape.
Computer understandable language is Binary (0 &
Computer language written in binary code machine
The speech signal is obtained after analog/digital
Telegram signal is digital signal.
DTFT is the representation of Aperiodic Discrete
Time Signals.
Characteristic of the power signal is infinite energy.
Computer speed is measured in Gigahertz (GHz).
The ALU of a computer responds to the commands
coming from control section.
Fundamental of Computer
To produce high quality graphics in color you would
use plotter.
A dumb terminal has a keyboard and screen.
The output quality of a printer is measured by dot
per inch.
Bit manipulation is changing of single bits or small
groups of his within word.
Tracks and sectors organized by Floppy disk.
Secondary storage media, input media, output media
is serve as magnetic tape.
Name of pointing device are Mouse, Touchpad,
Trackball, Pointing sticks, Light pen, Graphics
Tablet and Joystick.
The first super computer is Param 8000 in India.
ROM is permanent memory in computer.
Characteristic of RAM is Faster, Expensive, High
Power Consumption.
Part of the CPU is ALU, CU and Memory Unit.
The console monitors computer processing.
ALU is responsible for performing mathematical
operations in CPU.
Joy stick primarily used for computer gaming.
BCD is sort form of Binary Coded Decimal.
Name of the father of computer Mouse is Douglas
CPU and memory located in Motherboard.
Megabyte is approximately a million bytes.
A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to 680 MB
The common name for the crime stealing password
is spoofing.
Hardware is the part of a computer that one can
touch and feel.
Executing is the process of carrying out commands.
Mini computers are also called midrange computer.
Analog computer works on the supply of continuous
electrical pulses.
Minicomputer was first released in 1960.
Light pen is containing sensors send signals to
computer whenever light changes are detected.
35300 is the 8th complement of an octal number
The first electronic digital computer was built in
university of Pennsylvania USA.
The ASCII code for CR (Carriage Return) in octal is
With respect to the first digital electronic computer
full form of ABC is Atanasoff-Berry computer.
The ASCII code for the LF (Line Feed) in
hexadecimal is 0A.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
The main parts of computer are
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
2. The main purpose of software is to convert data
(a) Website
(b) Information
(c) Program
(d) Object
Which of the following control memory, input
and output devices?
(a) C.P.U.
(b) A.L.U.
(c) C.U.
(d) Memory
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
High power micro processors are
(a) Pantium, Pantium pro
(b) Pantium II and III
(c) Pantium II
(d) all of these
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
5. Where was the first computer in India installed?
(a) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
(b) Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
(c) Compunational Research Laboratory (CRL),
(d) Indian Railway, New Delhi
(UPSSSC Sugarcane Sup.-2016)
First mini computer was
(a) PDP-8
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
What name has been given to the first super
computer made in India?
(a) Akash
(b) Param
(c) Arjun
(d) Siddharh
Name of super computer is
(a) CRAY-2
(b) CRAY XMP-24
(c) Tianhe-2
(d) All of above
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
Example of input devices is
(a) Mouse
(b) Joystick
(c) Trackball
(d) all of these
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
10. Type of keyboard is
(a) Serial keyboard
(b) Parallel keyboard
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
How many keys are there on keyboard for
(a) 24
(b) 25
(d) 27
(c) 26
12. Computer Mouse is this kind of Device?
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Software
(d) Storage
(UPSSSC JE 2015)
Fundamental of Computer
Which of the following devices is used to
recognize a pre-specified type of mark by
pencil or pen?
(a) Bar-Code Reader
(b) OCR
(c) Scanner
(d) OMR
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
Screen or Monitor Devices is
(a) Hard copy
(b) Soft copy
(c) Input devices
(d) Display devices
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
Permanent Memory of a computer is known as(a) RAM
(b) CD-ROM
(c) ROM
(d) CPU
Full name of EPROM is
(a) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
(b) Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) All of these
(UPSSSC JE-2016)
Which of the following memories has the
shortest access time?
(a) Cache Memory
(b) Magnetic Bubble Memory
(c) Magnetic Core Memory
(d) Random Access Memory
Technology used to provide internet by
transmitting data over wires of telephone
network is?
(a) Transmitter
(b) Diodes
(c) Uniform Resource Locator
(d) Digital Subscriber Line
(UPSSSC Revenue Ins. 2016)
ISDN is a telecommunication technology where
(a) Voice, video and data all are transmitted
(b) Only sound is transmitted
(c) Only video is transmitted
(d) Only data is transmitted
(UPSSSC Sugarcane Sup.-2016)
The device that converts a physical image into
a digital one is called:
(a) Scanner
(b) Image Converter
(c) Printer
(d) Recorder
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
Which of the following is an input device?
(a) Mouse
(b) Keyboard
(c) Scanner
(d) All of these
UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016
Which among the following input devices
consists of a stick which pivots on a base and
reports its angle or direction of the CPU?
(a) Microphone
(b) Light pen
(c) Keyboard
(d) Joystick
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
Touchpad is a good alternative to the mouse, it
is an example of ______
(a) Software device
(b) Printing device
(c) Pointing device
(d) Temporary device
UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016
The technology of scanning that recognized
handwritten text and printed text is.
(a) MICR
(b) OMR
(c) OCR
(d) BCR
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
The technology of scanning that reads the
check boxes contained inside a predefined
space is
(a) BCR
(b) OCR
(c) OMR
(d) MICR
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
Which of the following input devices utilizes a
light sensitive detector to select an object on a
display screen?
(a) OMR
(b) Light pen
(c) Scanner
(d) Printer
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
information into digital form and can be used
for doing fine works of drawing and image
(a) Microphone
(b) Bar Code Reader
(c) Digitizer
(d) Graphic Plotter
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
Full form of ASCII is
(a) American Scientific code for Interchange of
(b) American Scientific code for Information
(c) American Standard code for Information
(d) Altruistic Scientific Code For information
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
Which among the following describes ROM?
(a) Read Only Memory
(b) Read Once Memory
(c) Read On Memory
(d) Read Other Memory
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Which of the following is a volatile memory?
(a) RAM
(b) CD-ROM
(c) ROM
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic
of RAM?
(a) Faster
(b) Expensive
(c) High power consumption (d) Smaller
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Which of the following is a characteristic of the
modern digital computer?
(a) High speed
(b) Large storage capacity
(c) Greater accuracy
(d) All of the above
Fundamental of Computer
Which of the following was the first pure
electronic programmable computer developed
in the year 1944/1945?
(a) MARK1
(c) Colossus
Which of the following unit is a part of the
(a) ALU
(b) CU
(c) Memory Unit
(d) All of the above
What is the full form of RAM?
(a) Dynamic Remote Access Memory
(b) Random Access Memory
(c) Remote Access Memory
(d) Remote Access Memory
Which of the following is not considered
(a) Operating system
(b) CPU
(c) Keyboard
(d) Hard disk
Which of the following is exclusively a
sequential access storage device?
(a) Hard disk
(b) Floppy disk
(c) Magnetic tape
(d) DVD
What is the full form of SRAM?
(a) Static Random Access Memory
(b) Static Remote Access Memory
(c) Setup Random Access Memory
(d) Setup Remote Access Memory
Which of the following is not a form data
storage media?
(a) A database
(b) Magnetic tape
(c) Magnetic disk
(d) Optical disc
Which of the following language does the
computer understand?
(a) Computer understands only C language
(b) Computer understands only Assembly
(c) Computer understands only Binary language
(d) Computer understands only BASIC
Which of the following computer language is
written in binary codes only?
(a) Pascal
(b) Machine language
(c) C
(d) C#
Which of the following unit is responsible for
converting the data received from the user into
a computer understandable format?
(a) Output Unit
(b) Input Unit
(c) Memory Unit
(d) Arithmetic & Logic Unit
Convert 89 into binary notation.
(a) 1100110
(b) 101110
(c) 1011011
(d) 1011001
Addition of binary number 10011 and 11101
(a) 11000
(b) 10000
(c) 10001
(d) 110000
The binary representation of 99.25 is.
(a) (1100011.10)2
(b) (1100011.01)2
(c) (1101011.10)2
(d) (1000011.11)2
Convert 101110 into decimal notation.
(a) 44
(b) 56
(c) 72
(d) 46
The decimal representation of the binary
number (101010.011)2 is
(a) 42.25
(b) 24.25
(c) 24.375
(d) 42.375
The 2's complement of the binary number
(11001001)2 is
(a) (000110110)2
(b) (00111111)2
(c) (00110111)2
(d) (10110111)2
Considering 2's complement representation for
negative numbers –128 will be stored into an 8bit memory space as:
(a) 11111111
(b) 10000000
(c) 11111110
(d) 10000001
In octal number system the different symbol
are used is.
(a) 8
(b) 2
(c) 16
(d) 4
The octal representation of 195.25 is
(a) (303.20)8
(b) (303.02)8
(c) (313.120)8
(d) (323.20)8
The 15's complement of the hexadecimal
number (B0210)16 is.
(a) (4FDEF)16
(b) (4FDF0)16
(c) (50EF0)16
(d) (40DE0)16
How many Gigabyte is equal to 1 Petabyte.
(a) 256
(b) 512
(c) 1024
(d) 1024×1024
The interface between an analog signal and a
digital processor is.
(a) D/A converter
(b) A/D converter
(c) Modulator
(d) Remodulator
The speech signal is obtained after.
(a) Analog to digital conversion
(b) Digital to analog conversion
(c) Modulation
(d) Quantization
Telegraph signals are example of
(a) Digital signals
(b) Analog signals
(c) Impulse signals
(d) Pulse train
As compared to the analog systems, the digital
processing of signals allow.
1. Programmable operations
2. Flexibility in the system design
3. Cheaper systems
4. More reliability
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
(d) All the four are correct
DTFT is the representation of.
(a) Periodic Discrete Time Signals
(b) Aperiodic Discrete Time Signals
(c) Aperiodic Continuous Signals
(d) Periodic Continuous Signals
Which of the following is the characteristic of
the power signal?
(a) Power signal is infinite
(b) Power signals are time-limited
Fundamental of Computer
(c) Aperiodic signals are power signals
(d) None of the above
The hardware unit which is used to monitor
computer processing is?
(a) ROM
(b) Mouse
(c) Dot Matrix printer (d) Console
Which of the following data is put into a
formula to produce commonly accepted
(a) Raw
(b) Processed
(c) Synchronized
(d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is equal to a gigabyte?
(a) 1024 bytes
(b) 512 GB
(c) 1024 megabytes
(d) 1024 bits
Which type of program acts as an intermediary
between a user of a computer and the computer
(a) Operating system
(b) User thread
(c) Super user thread
(d) Application program
Which of the following values is the correct
value of the binary code 1011 and 1111?
(a) 11 and 14
(b) 12 and 15
(c) 11 and 15
(d) 12 and 14
Which of the following is not one of the internal
components of a CPU?
(a) Control sequencer (b) M-D-R
(c) M-A-R
(d) Floppy disk
What is the speed of computer measured in?
(a) Nanoseconds
(b) Kilo-seconds
(c) Gigahertz
(d) Megabytes
Pentium is related with which part of the
(a) DVD
(b) Hard disk
(c) Microprocessor
(d) Mouse
What difference does the 5th generation
computer have from other generation
(a) Technological Advancement
(b) Object oriented programming
(c) Scientific Code
(d) All of the above
When a key is pressed an keyboard, which
standard is used for converting the keystroke
into the corresponding bits.
(a) ANSI
(d) ISO
Which device used as the standard pointing
device in a graphical user environment?
(a) keyboard
(b) mouse
(c) joystick
(d) trackball
The section of the CPU that is responsible for
performing mathematical operations.
(a) Memory
(b) Register Unit
(c) Control Unit
(d) ALU
A half byte is called a
(a) Byte
(b) Nibble
(c) Bit
(d) Word size
Analytical engine the first fully automatic
calculating machine was developed by
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) Blaise Pascal
(c) Leibniz
(d) John ron Neuman
Analytical engine invented during the first
generation of computer used which memory
(a) RAM
(b) Counter wheels
(c) Floppies
(d) Cards
Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on
(a) Tracks per inch of surface
(b) Bit per inch of tracks
(c) Disc pack in disc surface
(d) All of above
A storage area used to store data to a
compensate for the difference in speed at which
the different units can handle data is.
(a) Memory
(b) Buffer
(c) Accumulater
(d) Address
CD-ROM is a
(a) Semiconductor memory
(b) Memory register
(c) Magnetic memory
(d) None of the above
The ALU of a computer responds to the
commands coming from.
(a) Primary memory
(b) Control section
(c) External memory
(d) Cache memory
To produce high quality graphics (hard copy)
in color you would want to use a/n.
(a) RGB monitor
(b) Plotter
(c) Inkjet Printer
(d) Laser printer
A dumb terminal has
(a) an embedded microprocessor
(b) extensive memory
(c) independent processing capability
(d) a keyboard and screen
The output quality of a printer is measured by
(a) Dot per square inch
(b) Dot per inch
(c) Dots printed per unit time
(d) All of the above
Any type of storage that is used for holding
information between steps in its processing is
(a) CPU
(b) Primary storage
(c) Intermediate storage
(d) None of the above
The examination and changing of single bits or
small groups of his within a word is called.
(a) Bit
(b) Bit manipulation
(c) Byte
(d) Bit Slice
Which device of computer operation dispenses
with the user of the keyboard?
(a) Joystick
(b) Light pen
(c) None of the above (d) Mouse
What is the binary number for decimal
number 9?
(a) 1100
(b) 0111
(c) 1001
(d) 1011
Fundamental of Computer
The binary equivalent of the decimal number
10 is.
(a) 0010
(b) 10
(c) 1010
(d) 010
Which of the following is the correct definition
of computer?
(a) Computer is a machine or device that can be
programmed to perform arithmetical or logic
operation sequences automatically
(b) Computer understands only binary language
which is written in the form of 0 & 1.
(c) Computer is a programmable electronic
device that stores, retrieves and processes the
(d) All of the mentioned
CPU reads the information from secondary
(a) Directly
(b) First information is transferred to the main
memory and from there the CPU reads it.
(c) Through registers
(d) None of these
A Laser printer uses.
(a) Photo sensitive drum
(b) Camera lens
(c) Heat sensitive paper
(d) None of these
In a Hard disk, the 0 track is
(a) The outermost
(b) The innermost
(c) Totally machine
(d) None of these
Which of the following is not a mouse
technique commonly used in windows?
(a) Lifting
(b) Dragging
(c) Double-clicking
(d) Clicking
A Floppy disk is organized as
(a) Tracks
(b) Sectors
(c) Tracks and Sectors (d) Heads and Sectors
Laser printer resolution is specified in terms of.
(a) CPI
(b) API
(c) DPI
(d) LSI
Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU,
RAM and expansion cards?
(a) Hard disk
(b) Floppy disk
(c) Motherboard
(d) None of the above
Magnetic tape can serve as
(a) Secondary storage media
(b) Input media
(c) Output media
(d) All of these
Which of the following is not an appropriate
criterion for file organisation?
(a) Larger access time (b) Ease of update
(c) Simple maintenance (d) Economy of storage
The user can load and execute a program but
can't copy it. This process is.
(a) Execution
(b) Appending
(c) Reading
(d) Updating
In the Gray code, successive numeric values
differ only by bit.
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 4
In a binary number, the leftmost bit is called
(a) Most significant bit (b) Least significant bit
(c) Carry bit
(d) Extra bit
Which of the following in not a valid Binary
(a) 1010
(b) 1002
(c) 0000
(d) 1111
Gray Code of decimal number 2 is
(a) 0010
(b) 1000
(c) 0011
(d) 0101
The hexadecimal representation of (407)8 is
(a) (107)16
(b) (701)16
(c) (017)16
(d) (710)16
15th complement of hexadecimal number
(A01)16 is
(a) (5F0)16
(b) (6EE)16
(c) (6E0)16
(d) (5FE)16
Which of the given options is the minimum
amount of memory?
(a) Gigabyte
(b) Terabyte
(c) Megabyte
(d) Petabyte
How many KB is equal to GB?
(a) 1024
(b) 256×1024
(c) 1024×1024
(d) 1024×1024×128
The excess-3 code of decimal 2 is.
(a) 1010
(b) 1100
(c) 0101
(d) 0011
The ASCII code for the LF (Line feed) in
hexadecimal is
(a) 0D
(b) 0A
(c) 0C
(d) 0B
What would be the 8th complement of an octal
number 42500?
(a) 35200
(b) 35301
(c) 35300
(d) 35100
Based on their data persistence property,
identify the odd one out from the following
(a) SRAM
(d) PROM
Equal 1 Gigabyte.
(a) 216 byte
(b) 1030 byte
(c) 8 byte
(d) 230 byte
111. Which of the following is a valid number in all
systems taking into account binary, octal,
decimal and hexadecimal.
(a) 8090
(b) A100
(c) 3030
(d) 1010
112. What is the octal (base-8) equivalent of the
binary number 1010101000101?
(a) 50521
(b) 51205
(c) 12505
(d) 5AB1
113. To represent a 31 digit binary number we need
a maximum of digits in the decimal number
(a) 7
(b) 10
(c) 11
(d) 15
114. Which of the following is a toggle key on a
(a) Alt
(b) Shift
(c) Scroll lock
(d) Ctrl
115. The first electronic digital computer was built
(a) Cambridge University, UK
(b) Bern University, Switzerland
(c) University of Pennsylvania, USA
(d) MIT, USA
116. The ASCII code for CR (Carriage Return) in
Octal is.
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 11
(d) 15
117. BIOS is a type of system software which is
stored in _____ located on the motherboard.
(a) Cache memory
(b) SRAM
(c) ROM
(d) DRAM
118. With respect to the first digital electronic
computer, what is the full form of ABC?
(a) Atanasoff Binary Computer
(b) Analog Berry Computer
(c) Atanasoff Berry Computer
(d) Analog Binary Computer
1. (a)
11. (c)
2. (b)
12. (a)
3. (a)
13. (d)
4. (d)
14. (d)
5. (b)
15. (c)
6. (a)
16. (a)
7. (b)
17. (a)
8. (d)
18. (d)
9. (d)
19. (a)
10. (c)
20. (a)
21. (d)
22. (d)
23. (c)
24. (c)
25. (c)
26. (b)
27. (c)
28. (c)
29. (a)
30. (a)
31. (d)
41. (b)
51. (a)
61. (b)
71. (d)
81. (b)
91. (a)
101. (c)
111. (d)
32. (d)
42. (b)
52. (a)
62. (c)
72. (b)
82. (c)
92. (c)
102. (a)
112. (c)
33. (b)
43. (d)
53. (d)
63. (a)
73. (a)
83. (b)
93. (c)
103. (d)
113. (b)
34. (d)
44. (d)
54. (b)
64. (c)
74. (b)
84. (d)
94. (c)
104. (c)
114. (c)
35. (b)
45. (b)
55. (b)
65. (d)
75. (d)
85. (c)
95. (d)
105. (c)
115. (c)
36. (a)
46. (d)
56. (a)
66. (c)
76. (b)
86. (c)
96. (a)
106. (c)
116. (d)
37. (c)
47. (d)
57. (d)
67. (c)
77. (d)
87. (d)
97. (a)
107. (b)
117. (c)
38. (a)
48. (c)
58. (b)
68. (a)
78. (b)
88. (b)
98. (d)
108. (c)
118. (c)
39. (a)
49. (b)
59. (a)
69. (b)
79. (b)
89. (a)
99. (a)
109. (a)
40. (c)
50. (a)
60. (d)
70. (b)
80. (d)
90. (a)
100. (b)
110. (d)
Fundamental of Computer
Word Processing
Word processing is a process of creating, editing,
saving and printing document or text using word
processing software such as MS Word, Word Pad,
Notepad, Open office writer.
A word processor is computer program or device
that provides for input, editing, formatting and output of
text, printing document etc.
Microsoft Office Word (MS Word):
MS Word is an application software that install with
the Microsoft office package, MS word is also known as
word processor software. It is used to create various
document like writing a letter, preparing a resume and
exam paper etc.
MS Word software was added to the first version of
Microsoft office package in the year 1990.
Creating a documents, editing, saving, printing,
moving documents, deleting, creating and editing tables,
all these are done in Microsoft Word.
1.2 Start a MS Word Application:
To start MS Word application, we need to install MS
Office in a computer system. After installing Microsoft
Office software, we can start or open MS Word.
There are two ways to open MS Office–
1. Using the start menu.
2. Using run command.
1. Using the start menu: Following these step, we can
start MS Word:
Start → All program → Microsoft office → Microsoft
Step-1: click the start menu.
Step-2: Click the all program option from the menu
Step-3: Search for Microsoft Office from the submenu
and click it.
Step-4: Select Microsoft Word 2010 from the submenu
of Microsoft office and click it.
After clicking Microsoft Word 2010, you will
see the following GUI window2. Using Run Command:
Step-1: Press windows key+R.
Step-2: Type “winword” inside the run box image
Step-3: Click on the OK option or press the Enter key.
Elements & Interface of MS Word 2019
After starting MS word application , this type of window interface will appear -
Data Processing
Dialog Box launcher- Dialog Box launchers are
small icons that appear in groups. Clicking on it opens a
related task pen or dialog box with several options
related to that group. There is a diagonal arrow on the
right edge of some groups, it appears on the ribbon as a
very small arrow in the lower-right corner of several
Quick Access Toolbar- The Quick Access tool
bar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of
commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon
that is currently display. It gives you quick access to
commonly used commands such as save undo, Redo etc.
Title bar- The top most bar of the opened window
is called the title bar. It displays the title or name of the
currently open document
Status bar- This is a thin bar at the bottom of the
window in the MS Word program and just above the task
bar that displays the number of pages, number of word,
proofing errors, language in the active document.
View toolbar- View toolbar is a group of five
buttons located to the right of status bar and to left of the
zoom control that adjust the view of the document.
(i) Print layout view- It displays the pages exactly
as they would appear when printed.
(ii) Full screen Reading view- Clicking on it makes
the document visible in full screen.
(iii) Web layout view- Clicking on it shows how to
a document appears when viewed by the web.
(iv) Outline view- This allows you to work with
established outlines using word's standard heading styles.
(v) Draft view- When using this view certain
aspects of the document are not visible, for example
headers or footers.
Zoom Control- It is located on the right side of
the view toolbar, where you can slide left or right to
zoom in or zoom out. You can also click on “+” sign
button to zoom-in and “-” sign button to zoom out.
Zoom-in or Zoom-out can be done from 10% to 500% in
Short cut keyCtrl + mouse scroll up → zoom in
Ctrl + mouse scroll down → zoom out
Control button- It is in the form of a group of
three buttons to the right of the title bar or at top-right
hand corner of SMS word window:(i) Minimize button- It hides the window of MS
word from the screen and pin it to the task bar, that
means after minimizing the window appears in the task
(ii) Maximize button- It keeps the window in full
screen mode.
(iii) Close button- It closes the window of
MS word.
Work Area- This is the area where user types the
text in word document ,it is a blank area of a word
Ruler- Ruler is used to change the format of the
document such as alignment of text, tables, graphics etc.
It is located below the Ribbon around the edge of the
document. In the word, there are two ruler.
(i) Horizontal Ruler
(ii) Vertical Ruler
Menu Bar
It is located just below the title bar. In this, it
contains some Tabs such as Home, Insert, Design,
layout, References, Mailings, Review, View, Help, tell
me, share.
1. File Tab→In word 2010, the file tab replaces word 2007's office button. The file tab contains some commands
like Home,New, Open, Save, Save As, Print etc.
2. Home Tab: It is used to changing document setting like font size, font color, adding bullets, adjusting styles.
Data Processing
3. Insert Tab→ It is used to insert pictures icons, shapes, tables etc into the word document.
4. Draw Tab→ It is used to draw different colored inks with pen, pencil and highlighter with different effects.
5. Design Tab→ It is the fourth tab from the left between the insert and the layout tabs. It is includes document
formatting, page background like watermark, page color, page border etc.
6.Layout→ It is use to set margin, control of page orientation and size, add or remove column, line breaks and set
paragraph indentation and lines.
7. References Tab→ It is used to enter document sources citations, bibliography commands etc. in word document.
It is used to create a table of contents and insert caption etc.
Data Processing
8. Mailings Tab→ This tab is often used to create commands related to mass mailing. It consists of create, start mail
merge, write & insert fields, preview results, etc commands.
9. Review→ It consist of spelling & grammar, Thesaurus, speech-Read Aloud, Accessibility Track changes etc
commands. It provides icons for document review-related commands, such as spelling check, translation track
changes, apply changes and toggles the display of the research task pane defaulting the research service to the
10. View→ This tab contains the commands of all the methods of viewing the documents, such asViews: read mode, Print layout, Web Layout, Outline, draft.
Page movement: Vertical, side to side.
Show: ruler, Gridlines, navigation pane, zoom split windows macros etc.
1.4 Create A New Document:
goto File tab→ New → blank document
Press Ctrl + N keys
Data Processing
1.5 Add and Format Text:
1. Place the cursor and type some text.
2. To format, select the text and then select an option: Bold, Italic, Bullets, Numbering, and more.
1.6 Add Pictures,Shapes,SmartArt and more:
Step-1: Select the Insert tab.
Step-2: Select what you want to add:
o Tables - select Table, hover over the size you want, and select it.
o Pictures - select Pictures, browse for pictures from your computer, select a stock image, or even
search Bing.
Note: Older versions of Word may have Online Pictures on the ribbon next to Pictures.
o Shapes - select Shapes, and choose a shape from the drop-down.
o Icons - select Icons, pick the one you want, and select Insert.
o 3D Models - select 3D Models, choose from a file or online source, go to the image you want, and
select Insert.
o SmartArt - select SmartArt, choose a SmartArt Graphic, and select OK.
o Chart - select Chart, select the chart you want, and select OK.
o Screenshot - select Screenshot and select one from the drop-down
1.7 Open an existing word document:
Goto File tab → Open → Browse → select your document → Click open.
Step 1: Click on file tab
Step 2: Click on open and browse or navigate to where the document is store and double click it or select it.
Short Cut key- Press Ctrl + O keys.
Data Processing
1.8 Save The document:
The document should not be closed until we have saved file because the unsaved document remains in the main
memory (RAM) and if the power is turned off, the documents are destroyed(data loss).
Save→ To save the changes in the original document. It just update current file.
Save As→ To save a different copy of the document along with the changes made Save As mean don't update
current file and create new file with different name.
1. Save your document to Hard driveClick on File Tab > save, pick or browse to a folder, type a name for your document in the file name box, and
click save.
2. Save your document to OneDrive- Save your document to one drive so you can get to it from anywhere- at
work, at home or on the go.
One Drive is the Microsoft cloud storage service that connects to all your files.
Go the File tab> Save As (or save a copy) ,Select one Drive, enter a name and select save.
Note→ When your document is stored in one drive ,word will save your changes automatically.
Shortcut Keys→
Ctrl + S → Save
F12 → Save As
Note→ When you save for the first time "save" and "Save As" command are same.
1.9 Print a document:
Before you print, you can preview your document and specify which pages you want to print.
Step-1: Click File > Print.
Press Ctrl + P shortcut keys from keyboard .
Step-2: To preview each page, select the forward and backward arrows at the bottom of the page.
If the text is too small to read, use the zoom slider at the bottom of the page to enlarge it.
Data Processing
Step-3: Choose the number of copies and any other option you want such as print all pages, print current page
orientation and choose printer etc.
1.10 Close a document:
go to file > close
click on the 'X' button provided in the Top-right corner of the file window.
Press the 'CTRL + F4' key (shortcut keys).
If the file is not saved, then a pop-up will arise to either save, don't save cancel.
Data Processing
1.11 Cut ,Copy ,Paste:
1-Copying a text one place to another place:
Copy and Paste:
Copy command makes a copy of only selected text or file and using paste command, the copied text can be placed
anywhere you want.
Step-1: Select a file or text
Step-2: Copy the file or text using some options likeusing right click on mouse
using copy button from ribbon
using crtl+C shortcut keys
Step-3: Paste the copied text or file with the help of paste command.
there are some method for paste command:
- using right click on mouse
- using paste button from ribbon
- using Ctrl+V (shortcut keys).
2-Moving a text one place to another place:
cut and paste:
Step-1: Select the text you want to move.
Step-2: go to the "clipboard section" in the home tab and click on 'cut' option.
press ctrl + X keys from keyboard.
Step-3: Click on "Paste" option from clipboard in the "Home" tab where you want to move text.
Press Ctrl + V Key form keyboard
Shortcut key→
Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V
Data Processing
1.12 Selection Of Text:
The text or item have to be selected to perform some kind of formatting on the text in the document such as to move
format or delete the picture, text or any other items.
Text can be selected either by mouse or keyboardTo select text with mouse, place the cursor at the
beginning of the word or line, hold down the left mouse
button and then drag the pointer over the text that you
want to select to select text with keyboard, place the
cursor at the beginning of the word or line using arrow
keys and press shift + right arrow.
Select all text:
Click anywhere within the document and press Ctrl
+ A on your keyboard
Select a single word:
to select a single word, quickly double-click that
Select a line of text:
Place your cursor at the start of the line and press
shift + down arrow key.
Select a paragraph of document :
Place your cursor at the anywhere of the paragraph
and quickly 3 times click on that paragraph. Place your
cursor at the beginning of the paragraph text and press
Ctrl + Shift + down arrow.
Data Processing
1.13 Undo and Redu:
Undo: The undo command is used to reverse a
immediate changes in document. You can undo changes,
even after you have saved and then save again as long as
you are within the undo limits.
Note- By default office saves the last 100 undoable
To undo an action press Ctrl + Z or click undo on quick
access toolbar.
Redo: Redo is the opposite of undo action. To Redo an
action press Ctrl + Y or click on redo from quick access
Press Ctrl + J or click on justify tool for
distribute your text evenly between the margins.
Note→ Justified text can be difficult to read for people
who have a reading disability, such as dyslexia to
make your document as accessible as possible, choose
a different alignment style.
1.14 Find and Replace:
Find and replace allows you to search a document for a
specific work or phrase, text and replace it with another
word or text.
Go to Home tab → Editing group →Replace
Important Facts
press Ctrl + H keys.
Step-2. Enter the text you want to locate in the 'find
what' box.
Step-3. Enter you new text in the 'Replace' with box.
Step-4. Select 'find next' until you come to the word
you want to update
Step-5. Choose replace to update all instances at once,
choose replace all.
Note→ If you want to find not replace then press ctrl +
F or go to Home → editing group → find.
1.15 Text Alignment:
We can align text in 4 typesi. Align left
ii. Align right
iii. Align center
iv. Justify
Step-1 Select word or paragraph text or line that you
want to align.
Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph.
Press Ctrl + L or click on Align Left tool for
align your context with the left margin.
Press Ctrl+ R or Click on Align Right tool for
Align your content with the right margin.
press Ctrl + E or click on center tool for align
your content. Center of the page.
Data Processing
• Microsoft Word is an example of application software.
• Arial is a Sans Serif Font.
• Microsoft word software used for creating documents
such as letters, brochures, learning activities, tests,
quizzes etc.
• The default zoom level in word is set at 100%.
• Ctrl + R– To right align a text.
• Auto fill is the feature of MS Word that fills up forms
etc automatically with pre-set values.
• Page orientations are portrait and landscape in MS
Word 2010.
• Ctrl + Z– Short key to undo the last action in a
document in MS-Word.
• Smallest font size that can be applied to text in a
Microsoft word document is 1 and maximum is 1638.
• Default font size in MS Word is 8.
• Office programs have a default undo/Redo maximum
of 100 actions.
MS Word Shortcut Keys
Press keys
To do this one
Ctrl + A
Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl + B
Bold selected text.
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text.
Ctrl + D
Open Font dialog box
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P
Open the print window.
Ctrl + E
Aligns the line or selected text to
the center of the screen
Ctrl + F
Open find box.
Ctrl + G
Go to
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + I
Italic selected text.
Ctrl + J
Justify the text
Ctrl + K
Open insert hyperlink window
Ctrl + U
Underline selected text
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Y
Redo the last action performed
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action
Ctrl + L
Aligns the line or selected text to
the left of the screen.
Ctrl + R
Align Selected text to the right of
the screen.
Ctrl + M
Indents the paragraph
Ctrl + N
Create a new document.
Ctrl + Shift + F
Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift + >
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + F12
End key
Home key
Ctrl + ]
Ctrl + Shift + <
Ctrl + [
Ctrl + Shift + *
Ctrl + left arrow
Ctrl + right
arrow key
Ctrl + up arrow
Ctrl + down
Ctrl + Del
Ctrl + Backspace
Ctrl + End
Ctrl + Home
Ctrl + Spacebar
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + 2
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + Alt + 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3
Ctrl + F1
Alt + Ctrl + F2
Ctrl + F2
Alt + P, SP
Shift + F3
Shift + insert
Ctrl + Shift + F6
Data Processing
Increase selected font with 1pts
up to 12pt and then increase font
+with 2pts.
Open a file
launch the open dialog box
Move the cursor to the end of
Move the cursor to the start of
Increase selected font with 1pts.
Decrease selected font with 1pts,
if above 12pts then decreases
font by 2pt.
Decrease selected font with 1pts.
View or hide non printing
Moves cursor one word to the
Moves cursor one word to the
Moves cursor to the beginning of
the paragraph.
Moves cursor to the end of the
Deletes word to right of cursor
Deletes word to left of cursor
Moves the cursor to the end of
the document
Moves the cursor to the home of
the document
Reset selected text to the default
Single space lines
Double space lines
1.5-line spacing
Changes text to heading 1.
Changes text to heading 2.
Changes text to heading 3.
Toggles the display of the
Open help
Open new document
Display the print preview.
To open page setup dialog box
change case
Paste the copying text
Repeat the last action performed
(Word 2000+)
Go To
Opens to another open Microsoft
Word document.
Shift + F7
Shift + F12
Ctrl + Shift +
Alt + Shift + D
Alt + Shift + T
Mouse Action
Click, hold
and drag
Ctrl + Mouse
Spell and grammar
Runs a Thesaurus check on the
word highlighted.
Save As.
Prints the document
Insert the current date
Insert the current time
To do this one
Selects text from where you
To select a word.
To Select the paragraph.
Zooms in and out
Microsoft Excel
General information of Microsoft Excel–
MS Excel is a spreadsheet program which is used to
save and analyse numerical data. It comes under
Microsoft Office package. In spreadsheet program, data
is stored in the form of tables. So it is easy to open,
create, edit, formatting. Calculating, share and print data
in MS Excel spreadsheet.
Each spreadsheet is a set of cells that are organized
in to row and columns.
Elements of electronic spreadsheet–
Some important terminology are following
1. Workbook– Workbook is collection of one or more
spreadsheets. Opening a workbook three worksheets
open by default and we can add maximum 255
worksheet within workbook.
2. Worksheet– Worksheet is a collection of cells
where you keep and manipulate the data. It is use to
create statistical documents.
3. Row– A row runs horizontally in the grid layout of a
worksheet. Maximum number of row can be
1048576 in an MS Excel worksheet.
4. Column– It is a vertical block of cell that runs from
top to bottom along the length of worksheet. In this,
the alphabet is displayed from left to right. A
worksheet has a maximum 16384 columns.
Columns. column start with A, B, C and end with
5. Cells– A cells is the intersection of a row and a
column. Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C)
while rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3) each
cell has its own name or cell address.
Cell Address-C2
Formula– In MS Excel, a formula is an expression
that operates on values in a range of cells. A formula
always start with equal (=) signSUM,
AVERAGE are example of formula.
7. Function– A function is a predefined formula that
performs calculation using specific values in a
particular order. In order to use functions correctly,
you will need to understand the different parts of a
Saving a workbook– There are two command to
save a workbook in MS Excel. The save command is
used to save a workbook and the save as command is
used to save the workbook under a new name.
First time save workbook–
File → Save or Ctrl + S
MS Excel 2010 worksheet is saved using XML
based file format with .xlsx extension.
Auto sum Feature– Using the auto sum feature in
MS Excel, you can quickly add data in a row or column.
It is located standard tool bar in form of special
command. It makes the calculation of row and columns
To use Auto sum in Excel–
• Select the cell in which you want to sum
Home tab → Editing group → Auto sum
or, Formulas tab → Function Library group → Auto
sum button.
To click on the Auto sum drop down arrow, select
the option as shown in the picture below.
or Press Shortcut keys Alt + =
num2 – [optional] the second value to sum
For example– =sum (A2:A5)
AVERAGE function calculate the average value in
the range of cells
= AVERAGE (num1, [num2], .....)
num1 – A number or cell reference that refers to
numeric value [required]
num2 – A number or cell reference that refers to
numeric values.
Example- AVERAGE (A1: A5)
3. Count()– The count function, counts the numbers of
cells in a range of cells. Empty cells and text values are
= COUNT (value1, [value2], ....)
value1 – An item, cell reference, or range.
value2 – An item, cell reference, or range [optional]
=COUNT(1, 2, 3, 4)//Returns 4
=COUNT(1, "a")// Returns 1
Selecting sum in the formulas tab
• Excel automatically receives the column data range
you click and displays a dashed line along the border
line. One pressing the enter button, it displays the sum of
the selected cell range.
Some important function used in MS Excel which are
1. SUM– The sum function adds values you can add
individual values, cell references or ranges or a mix all
sum (num1, [num2], ......)
num1 – The first value to sum [required]
Data Processing
4. COUNTA()– COUNTA function returns the count of
cells that contain numbers, text, logical value, error
values and empty text (" "). COUNTA does not count
empty cells.
= COUNTA (value1, [value2], .....)
= COUNTA (1, 3, 8)//returns 3
= COUNTA (2, 5, "b", 1%)//returns 4
8. TODAY()–
In MS Excel TODAY() functions returns current date.
TODAY()// Current date
TODAY() + 90// 90 days from today
5. ROUND()– The ROUND function rounds a number to
a specific number of digits.
9. NOW()– In MS Excel NOW() functions returns
= ROUND (number, num_digits)
current date and time.
The number that you want to round.
num-digits (Required)
The number of digits to which you want to round the
number argument.
= ROUND (B, B1, 1)// ROUND to 1 decimal
10. DAY()– The DAY() function returns the day value in
a given date as a number between 1 to 31 from a given
= DAY(date)
6. MAX()– The Excel MAX function returns the largest
numeric value in the data provided.
= MAX (number1, [number2], .....)
= MAX (15, 16, 19)// returns 19
11. MONTH()–
This function returns the month of date represented by a
serial number. The month is given as an integer from
1(January) to 12 (December).
MONTH (Serial_Number)
MONTH ("12_NOV")//Returns11
7. MIN()– This function returns the smallest value out of
a set of values.
= MIN (num1, [num2], ....)
MIN (18, 20, 13)//returns13
12. YEAR()–
This function returns the year corresponding to the date,
given as an argument.
YEAR (Serial_Number)
Serial_Number is the date of the year you want to find it.
Year ("11/8/2022") = 2022
Data Processing
Printing a worksheet– To print a worksheet, select the
print option from backstage view or click the print
preview and buttons from the quick access toolbar.
CONCATENATE() use to join two or more text string • In Excel 2010, the user can prints the entire worksheet
or part of it.
into one string.
• Open the worksheet which you want to print
CONCATENATE (text1, [text2], .....)
• File → Print
or Press Ctrl + Shift + F12 or Ctrl + P
• Print back stage view → Print
14. CEILING()– The CEILING function rounds a
number up to its nearest multiple of significance.
=CEILING (Number, significance)
The nearest highest multiple of 3 for 10 is 12.
15. FLOOR()– In MS Excel the FLOOR rounds a
number down to the nearest multiple of significance.
=FLOOR(number, significance)
The nearest lowest multiple of 3 for 10 is 9.
16. DATEDIF()– In MS Excel the DATEDIF function
returns the difference between two date values in years,
month or days.
=DATEDIF(start_dat, end_date,unit)
17. POWER()– The POWER() returns the result of a
number raised to a given number. This function is
alternative of exponent operator.
=POWER(number, power)
Data Processing
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys
Press Keys
Ctrl + Shift + ;
Ctrl + :
Alt+Shift + F1
Shift + F3
Shift + F5
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + K
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + F9
Ctrl + F10
To do this one
Edit the selected cell.
Go to a specific cell. For example
Create chart.
Enter the current time.
Enter the current date.
Insert New Worksheet.
Open the Excel formula window.
Bring up search box.
Select all contents of the
Bold selected text.
Italic selected text.
Insert link.
Underline selected text.
Strikethrough selected text.
Printing dialog box open.
Undo last action.
Minimize current window.
Ctrl + F6
Ctrl + Page up
Ctrl + Page
Ctrl + Tab
Alt + =
Ctrl + '
Ctrl + Shift + !
Ctrl+Shift + $
Switch between open workbooks/
Move between Excel worksheets in
the same Excel document.
Move between Excel worksheets in
the same Excel document.
Move between two or more open
Excel files.
Create a formula to sum all of the
above cells.
Insert the value of the above cell
into cell currently selected.
MS PowerPoint is an electronic presentation
program that helps people to present a speech using a
collection of slides. A PowerPoint presentation is a
collection of slides. The presentation may include slides,
handouts, notes, outline, graphics and animation. In
PowerPoint we can create any presentation of particular
topic and topic may be education, company business etc.
The default file format in PowerPoint version 2007 or
newer is presentation1.pptx.
Format number in comma format.
Format number in currency format.
Ctrl+Shift + #
Ctrl+Shift + %
Ctrl + shift + ^
Format number in date format
Format number in percentage format
Format number in scientific
Ctrl+Shift + @ Format number in time format.
Ctrl+Arrow Key Move cursor to next section to text.
Ctrl + Space
Select entire column.
Shift + Space
Select entire row.
Important Facts
• MS Excel is components of MS Office and it is
mainly used for accounting purpose.
• A file created in Microsoft Excel is called a
• Spreadsheet program are used to create amount based
• In MS Excel By default, the text data is left aligned
and numeric data is right aligned in cell.
• What if analysis command is available under data
section of menu bar in MS Excel 2007.
• Making heading visible even while scrolling in excel
can be done by using freeze pane.
• In an absolute cell address, row number and column
levels are preceded by symbol.
• .xls is extension of MS Excel.
• In MS Excel by default all cell reference are relative
• Line chart is useful for showing trends or changes
over time.
• Pie chart is useful for showing trends or changes over time.
• Filtering features displays only the data in columns
according to specified criteria.
• Ctrl+Shift+L use to enable filtering of the selected cell.
• Data sorting is the process of arranging data in some
logical order. MS Excel allows us to sort data either in
ascending or descending order.
Mouse active cell to the first column of
the current row.
Page Up Move active cell to row 1 column 1
Page UP Move active cell up to one screen.
Data Processing
Basic Element of a slide
(i) Title Bar– This shows the name title current
(ii) Office Button– MS Office button is located on the
upper-left corner of the PowerPoint Window.
(iii) Menu Bar– Contains menu items like Insert,
Design, View etc.
(iv) Formatting Toolbar–It contain tool like Bold,
Italic, Underline, Font shape and Size etc.
(v) Zoom Slider– To zoom in or zoom out your
presentation. Maximum and minimum zoom limit in
slide is 10% to 400% by default PowerPoint zoom
size is 69%.
(vi) Slide Sorter Pane– It allows us to choose which
slides will be shown in which sequence during the
slide show.
(vii) Notes Pane– It allows us to type notes that we may
require later when preparing for the presentation, but
they will not be displayed during the slide show.
Home– The home tab holds the cut and paste features,
Font and Paragraph option and what you need to add
organize slides.
Insert– Click Insert tab to add something to a slide. This View– Views allow you to look at your presentation in
includes Pictures, Shapes, Charts, Links, Text boxes, different ways depending on where you are in the
creation or delivery process.
Video and more.
File– the file tab is used to opening, saving, sharing,
Design– On the design tab, you can add a theme or exporting, printing and managing your presentation.
colour scheme or format the slide background.
Transitions– A slide transition is the visual effect that
occur when you move from one slide to the next during a
presentation. You can control the speed, add sound, and
customize the look of the transition effect.
Set up how your slides change from one to the next
on the transition tab. Find a gallery of the possible
transitions to this slide group.
Click More
at the side of the gallery to see all of them.
Animation– Use the animations tab to apply animation
to a slides and the effect based on animation type.
Quick Access Toolbar– It is located beside the MS
Office button. The quick Access Toolbar is a
Slides Show– On the slide show tab, set up the way that customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands
that are independent of the tab on the ribbon that is
you want to show your presentation to others.
currently display.
Create a Presentation–
1. Open PowerPoint
2. In the left pane, select New.
3. Select an option.
• To create a presentation from scratch, select blank
Review– The review tab lets you add comments, run • To use a prepared design, select one of the template.
spell check.
Add a slide–
1. In the thumbnails on the left pane, select the slide you
want new slide to follow.
2. In the Home tab, in the slides section, select new slide.
3. In the slides section, select layout and then select the
layout you want from the menu.
Data Processing
Slide Show– This view is used to show the final
presentation with the all effect and colour schemes.
Placeholder– In PowerPoint, the dotted areas in an
empty slides are called placeholder. A placeholder is a
pre-formatted container on a slide for content (text,
graphics or video). The pre-set formatting makes it easier
to format slides consistently. To resize a placeholder,
drag one of its corner borders.
Add and Format text
1. Place the cursor inside a text box and then type.
2. Select the text and then select one or more option from
the font section of the Home tab such as Font,
Increase Font Size, decrease Font Size, Bold, Italic,
Underline etc.
3. To create bulleted or numbered lists, select the text
Add, edit or remove a placeholder on a slide
and then select Bullets or Numbering.
layout– You format a placeholder in slide master view.
Then you use the placeholder add content to it in normal
view. The picture slide has two rectangular placeholder.
1. The upper title placeholder prompts the user for text
and formats it in the default Heading, Font, Size and
2. The (lower) content placeholder accepts text or a table
chart smart Art graphic, picture or video as indicated
by the clickable icons at its center.
Add a picture, shape and more
1. Go to the Insert tab
2. To add a picture
• In the Images section, select the pictures.
• In the insert picture from menu, select the source you
• Browse for the picture you want select it and then
select insert.
Type of View used in MS PowerPoint
You can find the different PowerPoint view options
on the view tab.
Normal View– In any presentation by default layout
is normal layout, and normal layout can be divide in
three parts.
Outline view– In this view we can see only the text
of the slides in the presentation.
Slide Sorter View– In this view, slides appear of
thumbnails size and they can be moved or sorted
according to slides can be moved by first clicking then
and dragging them to their desired location.
Data Processing
PowerPoint template– A PowerPoint template is a
pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slide that you save
as a .potx file extension. Templates can contain layouts,
colours, set, effects background styles and even content.
PowerPoint theme– A theme is a predefined set of
colours, Fonts and visual effect that you apply to your
slides for a unified, professional look.
Animation Painter– In PowerPoint you can copy
Add, rearrange, duplicate and delete slides in
animation from one object to another object by using the
animation painter.
Copy an animation–
1. Select the object that has the animation that you want
to copy.
2. On the animations tab of the toolbar ribbon, in the
advance animation group, click animation painter.
Delete Slides
3. On the slides, click the object to which you want to
1. For a single slide– Right click the slide in the
copy the animation.
thumbnail plane on the left, and select delete slide.
Format Painter– Copy formatting form one place
2. For multiple Slides– Press and hold ctrl and in and apply it to another. Double-click this button to apply
the thumbnail plane on the left, select the slides. Release the same formatting to multiple places in the document.
the ctrl key. Then right click selection and choose the
delete slide.
Important Facts
3. For a sequence of slides– Press and hold shift • In a slide show menu of MS PowerPoint 2007,
and thumbnail pane on the left select the first and last
640×480 'resolution option is fastest and 1440×900
slide in the sequence. Release the shift key. Then right
resolution option is slowest.
click the selection and choose delete slide.
• In MS PowerPoint a black slide indicates the end of
Duplicate a slide– In the thumbnail pane on the left
right-click the slide the slides thumbnail that you want to
By default MS PowerPoint presentation name is
duplicate and then click duplicate slide. The duplicate is
inserted immediately after the original.
Rearrange the order of slides– In the pane on the • Slide sorter view gives you a view of your slides in
thumbnail form.
left, click the thumbnail of the slide that you want to
• In PowerPoint, the dotted are in an empty slide are
move and then drag it to the new location.
called place holders.
Page orientation in PowerPoint– PowerPoint
slides are automatically set up in landscape (Horizontal) • Text can not be inserted anywhere on the slide.
layout. But you can change the slide orientation to • A text box can be place anywhere on the slide.
portrait (vertical layout).
• In a PowerPoint show, .jpg, .giv, .wav file format can
Slide master– When you want all image your slides
be added.
to contain the same fonts and images (such as logos). • To select one hyperlink after another during a slide
You can make those changes in one place the slide
presentation press tab key.
master and they all be applied to all your slides. To open • Auto content wizard PowerPoint feature allow any
slide master view on the view tab, select slide master.
user to create presentation quickly.
MS PowerPoint Short Cut Keys
Ctrl + N
Create new presentation
Ctrl + M
Add a new slide
Ctrl + B
Make selected text bold
Ctrl + X
Cut selected text, object or slide
Ctrl + C
Copy selected text, object or slide
Ctrl + V
Paste cut or copied text, object or
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action
Ctrl + S
Save the presentation
Alt + H
Go to the Home tab
Alt + N
Go to the Insert tab
The master slide is top slide in the thumbnail pane F5
Start the slide show
on the left side of the window.
End the slide show
PowerPoint handouts– Handouts are paper copies
Switch between the thumbnail
of your power point presentation. When you can use the
and the outline view pane.
Handout Master tab to edit the appearance of
all object on a slide
presentation handouts, including layout headers and
Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy Formatting only
footers and background.
The maximum number of 9 slides can be printed in Ctrl + K
Insert a hyperlink
one handout.
Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste formatting
To see the handout options, select the view tab and Ctrl + Spacebar
Remove formatting
then select handout master views group.
Add slides–
1. Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.
2. Select Home > New Slide
3. Select a layout.
4. Select the text box and type.
Data Processing
Click the Blank database icon under the New section
to display File New Database dialog box, as shown
in Fig.
M.S. Office (Access)
Microsoft Access system
Microsoft Access (MS Access) is a Relational
Database Management system (RDBMS) that allows the
users to create a database and store the data in the form
of rows and columns i.e. in the form of tables. MS
Access comprises of a database engine known as
Microsoft Jet Database engine and a GUI. It also
supports various tools that help the users in creating and
managing database. MS Access is used by business
organizations and programmers for creating an organized
database system. It can combine data from various files
through creating relationships, and can make data entry
more efficient and accurate.
1. Basic operations performed in MS Access
MS Access is a database management system that
can be used for creating database. We can perform
various operations in MS Access for storing the data in
an efficient manner. The following are some of the key
operations that can be performed in MS Access.
(i) Creating a database
(ii) Creating a database table
(iii) Defining relationships
(iv) Creating a database query.
1.1 Creating a database- we can create a database in
MS Access by performing the following steps1. Open the Microsoft Access window.
2. Select file→ New to display the New file task pane
on the right side of the Microsoft Access window, as
shown in fig.
Select the location from the save in list for saving
the database.
Enter the name of the database such as Database1 in
the File name text box and click the created button
to create the Database1. Figure shows the database1:
Database (Access 2007) window.
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
Ctrl + W
Shift + F5
Ctrl + Backspace
Ctrl + Delete
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Shift + F4
Shift + F3
Data Processing
Open a presentation
Print a presentation
Exit PowerPoint
Close a presentation
Resume slide show
Delete one character to the left
Delete one word to the left
Delete one character to the right.
Delete one word to the right.
Open find dialog box.
Active the menu bar end.
Open the replace dialog box
Repeat the last find action.
Switch between sentence case.
1.2 Creating a database table- We can create a table in
MS Access using any of the following three options
available in the Database1: Database (Access 2007)
• Create table in Design view→ this option allows us
to first create the design of the table, i.e. the fields of
the table along with its data type and then enter data
into it.
• Create table by using wizard→ This option
provides some sample tables to the user. These
sample tables are divided into two categories,
business and personal. After selecting a sample table
and its fields, the users can enter data into the newly
created table.
• Create table by entering data→ This option allows
the user to design the table and enter data in the
table simultaneously. There is no need to specify the
data type for the fields.
• To create a table in design view→ The most
commonly used method the created a table in MS
Access is the create table in design table in MS
Access using the create table in design view option,
we need to perform the following the steps-
Double-click the create table in Design view option In above fig. we can either select the yes or no option
is Datebase1: Database (Access 2007) window to depending upon our requirement of defining a primary key
is a single field or a combination of multiple fields that are
display the table 1: Table page, as shown in fig.
used to uniquely identify a record in the database table.
6. Click the No button to display the Microsoft Access
- [Database1: Database (Access 2007)] window.
1.3 Defining Relationships→ In MS Access,
relationship between two or more tables of a database
help to create a link between the two tables. It links the
two tables with the help of the columns of same types
present in both the tables. The linking of same columns
helps in reducing the duplicacy and inconsistency of
data. These types of relationships can be defined for
databases• One-to-one- One-to-one relationship maps one
record of a table to a single record of another table
in the same database.
Enter the name of the fields in the field Name
One-to-many- One-to-many relationship maps one
column and the data types is the data type column,
record of a table in a database to multiple records of
as shown in fig.
another table in the same database.
• Many-to-many- Many-to-many relationship maps
multiple records of a table to multiple records of
another table in the same database.
• To create a relationship between two tables of a
database, we need to perform the following steps1. Select tools → Relationships to display show table
dialog box containing the names of all the tables
contained in the database, as shown in fig.
Close the Table 1: Table page, Before closing the
table 1: Table page, a message prompt appears, as
shown in fig.
Click the Yes button to display the save As dialog
box, as shown in Fig.
Select a table name and click the Add bottom to add
a relationship to it.
Click the close button to close the show table dialog
box and display the relationship window, as shown
in fig.
Enter the name of the table, say Database1_Details,
in the Table Name text box and click ok. A message
prompt again appears, as shown in fig.
Data Processing
Drag the Employee_id field, which is present in the
tablet to the Employee_id field in the table2 to
display the Edit Relationships dialog box, as shown
Double-click the Create query in Design view option
to display the Show Table window.
Click the Add button to add the tables from which
data is to extracted.
Click the Close button to close the Show Table
window. The Microsoft Access – [Query1: select
Query] window appears, as shown in fig.
Click the Create button to establish a relationship
between the two table. The following figure shows
the relationships window displaying a relation
created between the two tables.
Close the relationships window. A message prompt
appears asking whether to save the changes or not.
7. Click the Yes button to save the relationship.
1.4 Creating a database query
Query is a request through which a record or a set of
records can be accessed conditionally form a database.
On the basis of the query, only the records fulfilling the
specified condition are displayed in the result. There
exists two ways of creating a query, which are as
follows• Create a query in Design view.
• Create a query using wizard.
The most commonly used method for creating a
query in MS Access is by using the create query in
Design view option. For creating a query in MS Access
using the create query in Design view option, we need to
perform the following the steps.
1. Click the Queries button in left pane of the
Microsoft Access – [Database1: Database (Access
2007)] window to display the various query options,
as shown in fig.
Select the field name to be displayed from the Field
list and the table name from the Table list.
Specify the condition on the basis of which data is to
be extracted in the Criteria field, as shown in fig.
Data Processing
Window with field names and specified criteria.
Close the Microsoft Access - [Query 1 : select
Query] window. A message prompt appears asking
whether to save the changes pertaining to the query
or not.
Click the Yes button to save the query. Figure shows
the save as dialog box.
Ctrl + Tab
Shift + Tab
Alt + Down
Enter the name of the query, say query - roll in the
Query Name text box.
10. Click OK to save the query. The Microsoft access Database1: Database (Access 2007) window appears
containing the name of the query.
Microsoft Access : Shortcuts Keys
1. Shortcuts keys for database files.
Ctrl + N
Open a new database.
Ctrl + O
Open an existing database.
Shift + F10
Display a shortcut menu for a selected
Alt + I
Open the look in list.
Ctrl + S
Save a database object.
Open the save as dialog box.
Ctrl + P
Print the current or selected object.
Cancel print preview.
2. Shortcuts keys for the ribbon
Alt + F
Open the file Menu.
Alt + H
Open the Home tab.
Alt + C
Open the create tab.
Alt + T
Open the table tab.
Alt + X
Open the external data tab.
Alt + Y
Open the database tools tab.
Alt + J
Open the fields tab.
Select the active tab of the ribbon.
Shift + Tab
Move the focus to commands on the
Ctrl + F1
Expand or collapse the ribbon.
Move the focus to a different pane of
the window.
Show or hide the Navigation Pane.
Ctrl + F
Go to search box in the Navigation
Ctrl + F6
Switch to the next or previous database
Ctrl + W
Close the active database window.
Alt + F11
Switch between the visual basic editor
and the previous active window.
Ctrl + F10
Maximize or restore a selected window
3. Shortcuts keys for menus, dialog boxers, wizards,
property sheets, text boxes, combo boxes and list
Select the first or last command on the
Open the selected menu.
Shift + F10
Open a shortcut menu.
Ctrl + Home Move to the top or bottom of the
selected gallery list.
Data Processing
Alt + N
Alt + B
Alt + F
Alt + Enter
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + Shift
+ Tab
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + Shift
Ctrl + G
Close the visible menu and submenu at
the same time.
Close the visible menu.
Switch to the next or previous tab in a
dialog box.
Move to the next or previous option or
option group.
Open the selected drop-down list box
Cancel the command and close the
dialog box.
Move to the next page of the wizard.
Move to the previous page of the
Complete the wizard.
Show or hide the property sheet.
Display a property sheet in design view.
Toggle forward between tabs when a
property is selected.
Toggle backward between tabs when a
property is selected.
Select from the insertion point to the
beginning of the text entry.
Change the selection by one word to the
Change the selection by one word to the
Open a combo box.
Rename a selected object.
Display the immediate window in the
Visual Basic Editor.
4. Shortcuts keys for Design, Layout, Datasheet
Switch between edit mode and
Navigation mode in a datasheet.
Exit Navigation mode.
Switch to the form view from the form
design view.
Switch between the upper and lower
portions of a window.
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a
selected property in the property sheet
for a form.
Alt + F11
Switch from the visual basic editor back
to the form or report design view.
Alt + F8
Show or hide the field list pane.
Ctrl + C
Copy the selected control to the
Ctrl + X
Cut the selected control to the
Ctrl + V
Paste the contents of the clipboard in
the upper-left corner of the selected
Ctrl + A
Select all records.
Recalculated the fields in the window.
Open the help window.
Check spelling.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
Which of the following applications belongs to
MS Office?
(a) Word
(b) Photoshop
(c) Gmail
(d) Chrome
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
MS Word is basically used for
(a) creating databases
(b) analyzing the data
(c) preparing the various documents
(d) preparing slides
Which among the following is a sans serif font?
(a) All of these
(b) Arial
(c) Courier
(d) Times
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Microsoft Word is an example of a/an:
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) database
(d) operating system
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
Which is a popular software used primarily for
creating documents such as letters, brochures,
learning activities, tests, quizzes and students'
homework assignments?
(a) Paint
(b) MS Word
(c) MS Access
(d) Calculator
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
The default Zoom level in Word is set at
(a) 0%
(b) 125%
(c) 100%
(d) 1%
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Which of the following is not in–built feature of
MS Word?
(a) Live Stream
(b) Spell Check
(c) Thesaurus
(d) Translate
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
Which of the following is NOT a Section Break
(a) Odd Page
(b) Next page
(c) Column
(d) Even Page
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
Which of the following is NOT a basic text
formatting feature?
(a) Italic
(b) Underline
(c) Capitalize
(d) Bold
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
10. Which among the following method can be
used to right align a text?
(a) Ctrl + I
(b) Ctrl + Z
(c) Ctrl + J
(d) Ctrl + R
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Data Processing
The feature that fills up forms etc
automatically with pre-set values is called:(a) AutoFill
(b) Instant Fill
(c) Filler
(d) FillUp
UPPCL Asst. Accountant Eaxm-09.02.2018
The two types of Page Orientations are
Portrait and _____
(a) Landscape
(b) Paper Size
(c) Print
(d) Paper source
While editing a text document in MS Word, the
combination keys used for copying and pasting
text are respectively :
(a) Ctrl + c, Ctrl + z
(b) Ctrl + c, Ctrl + v
(c) Ctrl + x, Ctrl + v
(d) Ctrl + v, Ctrl + c
RRB NTPC, (Shift -2) Online, 19.03.2016
The shortcut for opening a file is (a) Ctrl + Alt
(b) Shift + O
(c) Alt + O
(d) Ctrl + O
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the
selected text?
(a) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + E
(c) Ctrl + F
(d) Ctrl + H
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
In MS word, You can display the "Find and
Replace" Dialog box by pressing which of the
following Function Keys ?
(a) F5
(b) CTRL + F5
(c) CTRL + F4
(d) F4
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-01)
In Microsoft Word 2013, What is the shortcut
key for print preview?
(a) Ctrl + F4
(b) Ctrl + F2
(c) Ctrl + Alt + F3
(d) Ctrl + F12
An application on desktop can be opened
through shortcut by
(a) Double clicking on its shortcut
(b) Right clicking and choosing "open" option
(c) Selecting the icon and pressing enter
(d) All of these
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
In Microsoft Word, what will be the effect of
CTRL + SPACEBAR on a selected portion of
(a) Moves the cursor to the end of the document
(b) Moves the corsor to the beginning of the
(c) Changes case (upper to lower/lower to upper)
(d) Clears all formatting on the selected text
UPPCL ARO 13-09-2018
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
In MS-Word 2007, the shortcut key used to
italicize a text is _______.
(a) Shift + Alt + I
(b) Shift + I
(c) Alt + I
(d) Ctrl + I
UPPCL APS Exam-18.02.2018
Which shortcut key will undo an action?
(a) Ctrl + L
(b) Ctrl + Z
(c) Ctrl + Y
(d) Ctrl + J
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
In MS Excel 2016, what is the shortcut key
launch the Open dialog box?
(a) Alt + F12
(b) Ctrl + F12
(c) Shift + F12
(d) F12
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
Which of the following options is used as a
short cut for adding a hyperlink in a MS-Word
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + K
(c) Ctrl + H
(d) Ctrl + O
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-02)
Using the end key in Microsoft Word,
processor moves the cursor to the end of
(a) page
(b) file
(c) document
(d) line
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am)
In Microsoft Word 2013, which menu includes
'Table row height' to change the height of the
(a) Page layout
(b) Design
(c) Layout
(d) Insert
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
Which of the following is included in
Paragraph Formatting in a word processor?
(a) subscript
(b) font
(c) underline colour
(d) line spacing
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am)
Using the 'Home Key' in Microsoft word,
processor moves the cursor to the beginning of
the ............
(a) Page
(b) file
(c) document
(d) line
(SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 10:00 am)
To change selected text to All Capital Letters,
you have to click the change case button and
then click
(a) Uppercase
(b) Upper all
(c) Caps lock/
(d) Lock upper
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
In MS Word, which of the following options
under "Change Case" is used to convert the
selected text from upper case to lower case and
vice versa?
Data Processing
(a) Lower case
(c) Toggle case
(b) Sentence case
(d) Upper case
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
Which of the following features are available in
Microsoft Word.
I. Check the document for spelling and
grammar errors
II. Add header, footer and page number
III. Protect the Word document with password
(a) I and III only
(b) II and III only
(c) I and II only
(d) I, II and III
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
What is Macro?
(a) Small add-on programs that are installed
afterwards if you need them
(b) A type of high level programming language
(c) A type of low level programming language
(d) Small programs created in MS–Word to
automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
(UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016)
Which of the following fonts is used as default
font in MS Word 2016?
(a) Arial
(b) Calibri
(c) Times New Roman (d) Verdana
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
Which of the following would you choose to
move selected text from one place to another?
(a) Move and Paste
(b) Copy and Paste
(c) Cut and Paste
(d) Delete and Paste
(UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016)
In MS Word, by pressing which of the
following key combination a page break can be
(a) Ctrl + F1
(b) Shift + Enter
(c) Shift + F1
(d) Ctrl + Enter
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
Saving your current file as a new one without
overwriting the original file can be done via:
(a) New
(b) Save
(c) Save As
(d) Open
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
Which of the following would you choose to
save a document with a new name ?
(a) Press Ctrl +S
(b) Click File,Save
(c) Click Tools, Option, Save
(d) Click File, Save as
(UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016)
Which of the following saves the changes of a
document into a new file?
(a) Print Preview
(b) Print
(c) Save
(d) Save As
(AHC RO-2016)
You need to save an existing word document in 48.
another name. Which of the following options
will you use ?
(a) Insert
(b) Save As
(c) Save
(d) Edit
In MS Word 2016, which of the following
groups has page formatting options like
margins, size and orientation?
(a) Page
(b) Document
(c) Section
(d) Page Setup
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
The keyboard shortcut to "cut" something is:
(a) Shift + X
(b) Shift + Alt
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + X
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
What is the short key for GO–TO menu in
MS–Word ?
(a) Ctrl + Del
(b) Ctrl + G + T
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + G
(UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016)
Which Shortcut key is used in MS Word to
change the font?
(a) Ctrl + F
(b) Ctrl + Shift + F
(c) Shift + Alt + F
(d) Ctrl + Alt + F
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
Shortcut Key "Shift + Tab" is used for .............
(a) Move forward through the Tabs
(b) Move backward through the Tabs
(c) Move forward through the options
(d) Move backward through the options
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
What is the function of Thesaurus in MS-Word?
(a) Change word to its synonyms
(b) Alignment of word
(c) Change in graphics of word
(d) Used in Mail Merge
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
In MS-Word, _____ allows the user to type the
text directly inside it.
(a) Cable
(b) Print
(c) Callouts
(d) Numbers only
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
What is the shortcut key for making the
selected text subscript in MS-Word?
(a) Ctrl+ =
(b) Ctrl+(c) Ctrl+Shift+ =
(d) Ctrl+Shift+(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
In word, you can create bullets with
(a) Numbers
(b) Roman numerals
(c) All of these
(d) Letters
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-01)
Data Processing
We can emphasize text in Word using:
(a) Word Warp
(b) Indentation
(c) Highlight
(d) All of these
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
Which of the following statements is FALSE
about MS Word software?
(a) MS Word software can create, edit, save and
print documents
(b) MS Word software can insert elements from
other software, such as illustrations or
(c) MS Word Software cannot correct spelling
and grammar
(d) MS Word software can format text, such as
font type, make the text bold, underline the
text and italicize the text
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
In Microsoft Word 2013, which of the following
are INCORRECT steps for creating a table?
(a) Click on insert-> Click on Table-> Select
(b) Click on Insert-> Click on Table -> Draw
(c) Click on Insert -> Click on Table -> Insert
(d) Click on Insert -> Click on Table -> Move
the cursor over the grid to select required
number of rows and columns
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
In MS Word 2016, under which of the
following ribbon items is "Header and Footer"
option available?
(a) Insert
(b) Tools
(c) View
(d) Format
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-02)
In Microsoft Word 2013, Which group menu of
the Home tab includes the Format Painter?
(a) Editing
(b) Styles
(c) Clipboard
(d) Paragraph
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
What menu is selected to print?
(a) File
(b) Tools
(c) Special
(d) Edit
In Microsoft Word 2013 which of the following
menus includes the split cells option?
(a) Layout
(b) Design
(c) Page Layout
(d) Insert
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
With the ruler bar in MS Word, you can
(a) Background Color (b) Font
(c) Text Size
(d) Indentation
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
To delete backwards in the case of mistakes,
the ____key is used.
(a) Shift
(b) Backspace
(c) Delete
(d) Tab
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
Which shortcut key is used to move directly to
the bottom of the word document in MS-Word?
(a) Alt+End
(b) End
(c) Shift+End
(d) Ctrl+End
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
Word includes a series of predefined graphics
called _____ that can be inserted into the Word
(a) Captions
(b) Clip Art
(c) Bookmarks
(d) Hyperlinks
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
What is the use of Drop caps feature in a MS
Word document?
(a) To drop all the capital letters
(b) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped
initial capital letter
(c) To automatically begin each paragraph with
capital letter
(d) To automatically begin each paragraph with
small letter
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
Why are Drop Caps used in a document?
(a) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped
initial capital letter.
(b) To begin with a small letter.
(c) To automatically begin each paragraph with a
capital letter.
(d) To drop all the capital letters.
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
…...…..clicking on mouse selects the entire
paragraph by default, while working with text
document is MS Word.
(a) Alt + Single
(b) Triple
(c) Double
(d) Single
RRB NTPC, (Shift -1) Online, 18.03.2016
The selected portion of a text is called _______.
(a) formula
(c) block
(b) function
(d) method
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
In MS Word, the Shortcut key Ctrl + I is used
(a) Inserting a line break
(b) make the selected text bold
(c) Apply italic format to selected text
(d) Increase font size
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
Data Processing
In Microsoft Word, the 'hyphenation' option is
available under______.
(a) View
(b) Insert
(c) Margins (under Page Layout)
(d) Page Layout
UPPCL ARO 13-09-2018
Which of the following options is an image and
graphics solution available in MS Word 2016?
(a) Drop Cap
(b) Hard disk
(c) Clipart
(d) WordArt
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
In MS Word, what is the function of Ctrl +
Right Arrow Key?
(a) Moves to next character
(b) Moves to next page
(c) Moves to next word
(d) Moves to next paragraph
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
What is the second largest font size that can be
selected using the 'font size' drop down list in
MS-word 2016?
(a) 96
(b) 48
(c) 72
(d) 36
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
The maximum number of columns, that can be
inserted in MS-word 2019 through 'Insert
Table' operation is _______ .
(a) 32
(b) 63
(c) 64
(d) 60
UPPCL Assistant Accountant 24/02/2022
Select the appropriate tool for data analysis
from the following option:
(a) MS Word
(b) MS Access
(c) MS Excel
(d) MS PowerPoint
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
Which of the following tabs is activated by
default when Microsoft Excel 2016 is
(a) Data
(b) Formula
(c) Home
(d) View
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (EVENING)
If you enter the formula "=SUM(A1:A4)" in
cell A5, it would:
(a) Throw an error message because text values
cannot be added. Note that the numbers are
left justified instead of right justified
(b) Display the result, but will be of junk value
as it adds the ASCII value instead of the
numerical value
(c) Display the average of all numbers from A1
to A4
(d) Display the correct sum of all numbers from
A1 to A4
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-02)
In Microsoft Excel, the basic function of _____
is to join two or more text strings together.
(d) DSUM
H.C. Ald. (ARO) Exam-2016
The file extension of Excel workbooks is:
(a) .txt
(b) .jpg
(c) .zip
(d) .xls
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
An Excel workbook is a collection of:
(a) worksheets
(b) charts
(c) workbooks
(d) worksheets and charts
UPPCL APS 27-09-2018 (Evening)
What is the shortcut key to enable filtering of
selected cells in MS-Excel?
(a) Ctrl + Shift + L
(b) Ctrl + F
(c) Alt + Click + L
(d) Shift + F
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
CalC, Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro etc. are popular
examples of ________.
(a) Backup Utility
(b) Spreadsheet Packages
(c) Word Processing Software
(d) DBMS
UPPCL APS Exam-18.02.2018
The basic unit of excel spreadsheet where data
entry is done is called:
(a) Tab
(b) Box
(c) Cell
(d) None of above
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist Paper, 2016
Microsoft Excel is part of the ______ suite of
(a) Microsoft Window (b) Open Office
(c) Microsoft Office
(d) Visual Basic
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (EVENING)
The column of a Microsoft Access table is
known as a/an:
(a) Inverted row
(b) vertical cell
(c) record
(d) field
UPPCL ARO 13-09-2018
Data Processing
Which of the following is a spreadsheet
application program?
(a) MS Word
(b) MS Excel
(c) MS Access
(d) MS PowerPoint
The best application to express a large amount
of detailed data would be:
(a) Outlook
(b) Excel
(c) Word
(d) PowerPoint
UPPCL Asst. Accountant Exam-09.02.2018
Which of the following components of MSOffice is mainly used for accounting purpose?
(a) MS-Word
(b) MS-Visio
(c) MS- Excel
(d) MS- Access
AHC RO-2016
Which of the following is not an archive
(a) Tar
(b) Zip
(c) .xlsx
(d) rar
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
“.xlsx” is an extension for
(a) Access
(b) Excel
(c) Word
(d) PowerPoint
UPPCL Asst. Accountant Exam-09.02.2018
Workbook, in a computer application, is
basically related to
(a) MS Excel
(b) Adobe Reader
(c) MS PowerPoint
(d) MS Word
RRB NTPC, (Shift -2) Online, 19.03.2016
A file created in Microsoft Excel is called a
(a) Grid
(b) Database
(c) Worksheet
(d) Workbook
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Morning)
Which programs are used to create amount
based documents?
(a) Word processing
(b) Presentation
(c) Spread sheet
(d) Graphics
SSC CHSL (10+2) 2012
Which of the following is invalid statement?
(a) The width of a row and be specified
manually or fit automatically
(b) Sheet tabs can be colored
(c) some picture can be applied as a background
of a sheet
(d) You can set the column width automatically
fit the amount of text.
RBI (Office Assi-2012)
A Doughnut chart in Excel is similar to:
(a) Bubble chart
(b) Bar chart
(c) Scatter chart
(d) Pie chart
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
Each spreadsheet file is called a workbook
because _____
(a) It consists charts and graphs
(b) It contains text and data
(c) It can be modified
(d) It consists of several sheets containing
worksheet and charts sheets includes
What is the maximum number of worksheets
available in Microsoft Excel?
(a) No limit (restricted by the memory capacity)
(b) 8
(c) 28
(d) 48
UPPCL ARO 13-09-2018
In a spreadsheet ____ columns are available.
(a) 257
(b) 254
(c) 256
(d) 255
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
Which types of software is like an accountant's
(a) Word processing
(b) Database
(c) Spreadsheets
(d) Graphics
Ald. Bank (Clerk) 2009
In which of the following area is spreadsheet
software more useful?
(a) Psychology
(b) Publication
(c) Statistics
(d) Message transmission
S.S.C. CHSL (Tier-I) Exam 2011
Which of the following is a spreadsheet
application program?
(a) MS Word
(b) MS Excel
(c) MS Access
(d) MS PowerPoint
UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016
Microsoft Excel is a windows based _____
(a) spreadsheets
(b) Paint
(c) Style sheet
(d) Presentation
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
In MS Excel, which of the following function is
used to find the highest value within in a list?
(a) Count
(b) Proper
(c) Max
(d) Sum
S.S.C. Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam
(10+2), 2013
In MS Excel 2016, what is the result of the
following formula?
=AVERAGE(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
(a) 30
(b) 150
(c) 50
(d) 10
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
Data Processing
When the following Microsoft excel function is
entered in a cell, what will be the result?
= AVERAGE (3, 12 > 16, 9)
(a) 4
(b) 9
(c) 6
(d) 4.5
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Evening)
Which of the following can be created in Excel?
(a) Line graphs and pie charts
(b) Only line graphs
(c) Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts
(d) Bar charts and line graphs
UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016
What is the intersection of a row and a column
in MS Excel called?
(a) a filed
(b) data
(c) an equation
(d) a cell
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-02)
An active cell has a thick border in Microsoft
excel (Thicker than normal grid lines). It has a
small solid box in the lower right corner. What
is this box called?
(a) Fill handle
(b) Edit handle
(c) Copy handle
(d) File handle
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
By default, how is text horizontally aligned
inside a cell in Excel?
(a) Left aligned
(b) Center aligned
(c) Right aligned
(d) None of these
UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016
In Microsoft Excel 2013, a cell can contain a
total number of _____ characters.
(a) 32,767
(b) 16,384
(c) 409
(d) 255
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
"What-if Analysis" command is available
under _______ section of menu bar in MSExcel 2007.
(a) Review
(b) View
(c) Formulas
(d) Data
UPPCL APS Exam-18.02.2018
The best application to express a large amount
of detailed data would be
(a) Outlook
(b) Excel
(c) Word
(d) PowerPoint
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
Making headings visible even while scrolling in
Excel can be done by using
(a) Freeze Pane
(b) Paradox
(c) Fixed Pane
(d) Carousel
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
By default, numeric data is aligned to
(a) Top
(b) Left
(c) Centre
(d) Right
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Evening)
109. In an absolute cell address, row numbers and
column labels are preceded by……….symbol.
(a) #
(b) $
(c) %
(d) &
(AHC RO-2016)
110. Which of the following is used to move an
active cell to the first column on the current
(a) Home
(b) Page down
(c) Ctrl + Home
(d) Page up
RRB SSE (Shift-III), 03.09.2015
111. Which of the following statement about
Microsoft Excel is incorrect?
(a) Any worksheet can be renamed
(b) The worksheet cannot contain both text and
(c) By default the number is right-aligned
(d) By default, text data is aligned to the left.
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (EVENING)
112. In Excel, you can select the entire row by
(a) Ctrl + Spacebar
(b) F8 + arrow key
(c) Shift + arrow key
(d) Shift + Spacebar
UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016
113. When a Microsoft application is opened, the
default screen that appears is called
(b) Document
(a) Database
(c) Table
(d) Worksheet
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Evening)
114. What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a
chart from the selected cell range in Excel?
(a) F2
(b) F4
(c) F8
(d) F11
UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016
115. To edit any text or formula in Microsoft Excel
you have to select that cell and press ______.
(a) F2
(b) F4
(c) F1
(d) Shift + F3
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
116. What will be the effect of pressing the F2 key
after selecting a cell in Microsoft Excel?
(a) The contents of the cell will become bold.
(b) The cell will switch to edit mode.
(c) The background color of the cell will be
(d) The contents of the cell will be deleted.
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (EVENING)
117. Microsoft PowerPoint is used to create _____
(a) Spread Sheet
(b) Presentation
(c) Web Pages
(d) Browser
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
Data Processing
118. In PowerPoint, the dotted areas in an empty
slide are called
(a) Template
(b) Placards
(c) Placeholders
(d) Themes
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
119. State whether the following statements
pertaining to PowerPoint 2013 are true or
i) Translate option which translates selected
text into different languages is NOT
available in PowerPoint 2013.
ii) Research option in 'proofing' group menu
gives alternative word to selected word.
iii) The Comments pane has three default
buttons: Insert comment. Previous and
(a) i) True, ii) True, iii) True
(b) i) False, ii) True, iii) True
(c) i) True, ii) True, iii) False
(d) i) True, ii) False, iii) True
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
120. What is the maximum number of slides that
can be printed in one hand out?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 9
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
121. To present slides in a presentation is called
(a) Effect
(b) Custom animation
(c) Transition
(d) Animation
(Ald. Bank (Clerk)2011)
122. In Microsoft PowerPoint _____ view is useful
in arranging the slides of the presentation.
(a) Slide Sorter
(b) Reading
(c) Normal
(d) Outline
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (EVENING)
123. You can set to include _______ in every slide.
(a) Date and time
(b) All of these
(c) Footer
(d) Slide number
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
124. MS PowerPoint view that displays only text
(headings and bullets).
(a) Slide Sorter View (b) Slide Show
(c) Notes Page View
(d) Outline View
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
125. Which of the following view is good to use
when you want to delete, copy, paste or move
your slides?
(a) Slide sorter
(b) Notes page
(c) Slide show
(d) Normal
(AHC RO-2016)
126. In order to check spelling of a text in MS–
Power point, we press _________.
(a) F7
(b) Alt + Shift + L
(c) Alt + Click
(d) Shift + F7
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
127. The shortcut to add new slide in Power point is
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + Z
(c) Alt + N
(d) Ctrl + M
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
128. In PowerPoint 2013, which of the following
menus contains the 'Record Slide Show'
(a) Review
(b) Slide show
(c) Animation
(d) Transition
UPPCL (Office Assistant III) 23-09-2018
129. In 'Slide Show' menu of MS PowerPoint 2007,
which 'Resolution' option is said to be the
(a) 640 × 480
(b) 800 × 600
(c) 1366 × 768
(d) 1024 × 768
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
130. To start a slide show from the beginning one
should press ____ and to start a slideshow from
the current slide one should press _____.
(a) F5; Shift + F5
(b) Shift + F4; F4
(c) F4; Shfit + F4
(d) Shift + F5; F5
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Morning)
131. In power point, Themes could be found under–
(a) Transitions tab
(b) Design tab
(c) Insert tab
(d) Animation tab
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
132. A Black Slide indicates:
(a) User-action required
(b) End of presentation
(c) Error in slide
(d) Slide to be loaded
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
133. Which of the following statement is wrong?
The special effects used to present a slides in a
presentation are called?
(a) layouts
(b) custom animations
(c) transitions
(d) present animations
In PowerPoint, you can copy animation from
one object to another by using the ______
(a) animation repeater (b) animation copier
(c) animation selector (d) animation painter
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
Which shortcut key is used to duplicate a slide?
(a) Shift + D
(b) Ctrl + D
(c) Ctrl + N
(d) Ctrl + S
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
The extension of a PowerPoint template is:
(a) potx
(b) temp
(c) pot
(d) pptx
UPPCL Stenographer Exam-18.02.2018
By default MS PowerPoint 2016 saves files with
_____ extension.
(a) .pptp
(b) .pptx
(c) .xppt
(d) .ppt
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (Morning)
What is the default orientation of slides in a
MS PowerPoint presentation?
(a) Portrait
(b) Vertical
(c) Diagonal
(d) Landscape
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Evening)
To choose the screen resolution for slide show,
command is available under ________ section
of menu bar in MS-PowerPoint.
(a) Animations
(b) Insert
(c) Design
(d) Slide Show
UPPCL APS Exam-18.02.2018
In Microsoft PowerPoint which of the following
does not appear in the 'Clipboard' group of the
'Home' tab?
(a) New slide
(b) Format Painter
(c) Paste
(d) Copy
UPPCL TG-II 25-01-2019 (Morning)
Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to
create a simple presentation without having to
spend too much time on it ?
(a) Auto Content Wizard
(b) Animation
(c) Colour schemes
(d) Chart Wizard
UPPCL TG2 Re-exam 16-10-2016
Orientation NOT supported by PowerPoint is:–
(a) Landscape
(b) Portrait
(c) Canvas
(d) None of these
UPPCL Asst. Accountant Exam-09.02.2018
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
(i) In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, the slide 142.
sorter option is placed under the 'Review
(ii) In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, to add
music to your presentation, click the
Insert tab → Media group → Audio
Both (i) and (ii)
Neither (i) and nor (ii)
Only (i)
Only (ii)
UPPCL (TG-II) 24-01-2019 (Morning)
Data Processing
144. A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of
_____ that can be used to create oral
(a) documents
(b) slides
(c) worksheets
(d) graphics
(AHC RO-2016)
145. In MS PowerPoint, which of the following
effect would you use for 'dotted appearance' of
new slide through old slide in slide show?
(a) Cover Left
(b) Box Out
(c) Dissolve
(d) Cover Right
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Evening)
146. The _____ in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 lets
you play a slide show in a PowerPoint windows
without having to switch to full screen.
(a) Reading View
(b) Notes Page
(c) Slide Master
(d) Outline View
UPPCL Office Assistant III 17-10-2018 (Morning)
147. In MS PowerPoint 2016, which of the following
is not a valid slide layout.
(a) Title and Content
(b) Picture with caption
(c) Blank with Title
(d) Comparison
UPPCL Office Assistant III 17-10-2018 (Morning)
148. What will happen if you press ESC key during
PowerPoint slides how ?
(a) End of slide show
(b) Minimizes PowerPoint window
(c) Displays first slide
(d) Displays last slide
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-01)
149. To automatically place the logo in the same
position on each slide, enter it in the ______.
(a) Presentation Master (b) Handout Master
(c) Slide Master
(d) Notes Master
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
150. ______ stores information about the current
topic for a presentation the layout of
placeholders bullet characters and other
formats that affect all slides in a presentation.
(a) Slide Painter
(b) Slide Layer
(c) Slide Bank
(d) Slide Master
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
151. The object on the slide holding the text is
(a) Object holder
(b) Placeholder
(c) Text holder
(d) Image holder
UPPCL Office Assistant III 24-10-2018 (Mor.)
Data Processing
The PowerPoint status bar has a slide bar to
increase/decrease the size of the slide. What is
the range available in the Slide bar, in
(a) 10 to 400
(b) 0 to 1000
(c) -100 to ±100
(d) 0 to 300
UPPCL ARO-15.09.2018
In MS PowerPoint what does motion path
(a) How is an object moving in a slide
(b) How the slide is selected
(c) How will the slide move
(d) Animation between slides.
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
In Microsoft PowerPoint, for the logo of an
organisation to appear automatically in the
same position in all the slides, you must insert
it in the.
(a) Slide Master
(b) Notes Master
(c) Chart Master
(d) Handout Master
UPPCL (Ste.) 28-08-2018 (Morning)
Under which tab page setup appears?
(a) Insert
(b) Review
(c) Design
(d) None of above
Which of the following view is not one of
PowerPoint view?
(a) Sorter view
(b) Slide shown view
(c) Slide view
(d) Slide shorter view
The save as dialog box can be used for?
(a) saving the file for the first time
(b) save the file by some alternative name
(c) saving the file in a format other than word
(d) All of the above
What is the keyboard shortcut to go to the
'Home' tab in MS PowerPoint 2016?
(a) Alt + H
(b) Ctrl + M
(c) Alt + M
(d) Ctrl + H
Which of the following gives you various
options for saving, opening, printing and
sharing your presentations in MS PowerPoint
(a) Normal View
(b) Slide Sorter View
(c) Backstage View
(d) Reading View
In MS PowerPoint slides show, which of the
following is NOT a valid option?
(a) From the current slide
(b) From the beginning
(c) Reverse from the rear
(d) Custom built
Which option is not available to print
presentation slides?
(a) Handout Orientation (b) Slide Size
(c) Slide Master
(d) slide Per page
Which of the following statements regarding 171. How many characters you can type in
maximum while writing the field name?
insertion of text in a slide is incorrect?
(a) 60
(a) text can be inserted through the keyboard
inside the text box
(c) 68
(b) shapes such as squares, circles collect
(d) Any number of character
balloons and block arrows can contain text
172. In MS Access, how can we create relationship
(c) The font size of the text in the text box can be
between two tables in the GUI?
(a) Drag the foreign key of a table into primary
(d) A text box can contain text with only one
key of another table.
font size and font type.
(b) Drag any field from parent table and drop on
163. By default, in which view does MS PowerPoint
child table.
(c) Drag the primary key of a table into foreign
open a presentation slide?
key of another table.
(a) Slide Sorter
(b) Slide Master
(d) Any of these can be done to create
(c) Notes Page
(d) Normal
164. Which of the following statements are correct?
173. What is the shortcut key to switch between the
I. the format painter feature is not supported
field names and properties panels in table
II. to apply a motion effect between exiting a
design view?
slide and entering another slide, the slide
(a) F3 key
(b) F4
transition feature can be used
(c) F5
(d) F6
(a) I and II both
(d) Only I
174. How can we remove a relationship defined
between two tables?
(c) Only II
(d) Neither I nor II
From edit menu (by choosing delete
165. Which one of the following slide views can be
used to view all slide in a single screen in MS
(b) Select the relationship line and press delete
(c) Choose deletes option from relationship menu
(a) Slide sorter view
(b) Slide master view
(d) Choose remove option from relationship
(c) Normal view
(d) Outline view
166. Which option can be used set custom timings 175. Which of the following database object hold
for slides in a presentation?
(a) Forms
(b) Reports
(a) Slide show setup
(b) Slider Timing
(c) Queries
(d) Tables
(c) Rehearsal
(d) Slider Timer
167. Which tab is not available on left panel when 176. Which option allows us to build a new table by
entering data directly into a tabular grid?
your open a presentation?
(a) Datasheet view
(b) Design view
(a) Slides
(b) Outline
(c) Linked table
(d) Grid view
(c) Notes
(d) All of the above
177. How can we create a query in Microsoft
168. What happens if you select first and second
slide and then click on new slide button on
(a) Drag and drop fields
(b) Type the SWL
(a) A new slide is inserted as second slide in
(c) Use query wizard
(d) All of above
(b) A new slide is inserted as first slide in 178. Which of the following is not a type of
relationship that can be applied in Access
(c) A new slide is inserted as third slide in
(a) One to one
(b) One to many
(d) All of above
(d) None of above
Access table are
169. Microsoft Access is a?
also called ............ ?
(a) Rows
(b) Records
(d) None of the above
(c) Fields
(d) Columns
170. The default format for newly created database 180. The upper part of the query design window in
files in Microsoft Access-2010 is?
MS Access has two parts shows .............?
(a) .accdb
(b) .odcbd
(a) Fields name with relationships
(c) .sq1db
(d) All of the above
(b) Fields name with field size
Data Processing
(c) Fields and Criteria
(d) Sorting options.
In the context of Microsoft Access, which of the
following statement is true?
(a) Reports are used to retrieve and calculate data
from tables.
(b) Queries can be printed and presented as the
(c) Queries can include calculated fields that do
not exist in table.
(d) Reports and forms are similar but forms are
use to print but reports to display on screen
What does the show cheek box in query design
window indicate?
(a) It indicates whether the field is to be used or
(b) It indicates whether the field is to be
displayed in query result or not.
(c) It indicates whether the field names to be
displayed in query result or not.
(d) It indicates whether the field is to be used for
grouping result or not.
Which field type will you select of you need to
enter long text in that field?
(a) Memo
(b) Text
(c) Currency
(d) Hyperlink
In which method we don't need to specify the
field type and size while creating a new table?
(a) Design view
(b) While using wizard
(c) Create table by entering date
(d) All of above
Which of the following is not a type of MS
Access database object?
(a) Table
(b) Form
(c) Worksheets
(d) Modules
The complete information about an entity in a
database is called(a) Field
(b) Record
(c) Information
(d) All of the above
In one-to-many relationship the table in 'one'
side is called ................ and an 'many' side is
called .............
(a) Parent, child
(b) Child, parent
(c) Row, column
(d) None of the above
In MS Access "Lookup Wizard" is used to?
(a) to select value from another table
(b) to select value from excel sheet
(c) to select from previous values
(d) none of the above
The ............. is a wild card that represents one
or more character.
(a) Question mark (?)
(b) Asterisk (*)
(c) Exclamation mark (!)
(d) Dollar sign ($)
1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (c)
7. (a)
8. (c)
9. (c)
10. (d)
11. (a)
12. (a)
13. (b)
14. (d)
15. (b)
16. (a)
17. (b)
18. (d)
19. (d)
20. (d)
21. (b)
22. (b)
23. (b)
24. (d)
25. (c)
26. (d)
27. (d)
28. (a)
29. (c)
30. (d)
31. (d)
32. (b)
33. (c)
34. (d)
35. (c)
36. (d)
37. (d)
38. (b)
39. (d)
40. (d)
41. (d)
42. (b)
43. (d)
44. (a)
45. (c)
46. (a)
47. (c)
48. (c)
49. (c)
50. (a)
51. (a)
52. (c)
53. (a)
54. (a)
55. (d)
56. (b)
57. (d)
58. (b)
59. (b)
60. (a)
61. (b)
62. (c)
63. (c)
64. (d)
65. (c)
66. (c)
67. (b)
68. (b)
69. (c)
70. (c)
71. (d)
72. (a)
73. (d)
74. (d)
75. (a)
76. (b)
77. (c)
78. (c)
79. (d)
80. (b)
81. (b)
82. (c)
83. (c)
84. (b)
85. (a)
86. (d)
87. (c)
88. (a)
89. (d)
90. (d)
91. (a)
92. (c)
93. (c)
94. (c)
95. (b)
96. (a)
97. (c)
98. (a)
99. (a)
100. (c)
101. (d)
102. (a)
103. (a)
104. (a)
105. (d)
106. (b)
107. (a)
108. (d)
109. (b)
110. (a)
111. (b)
112. (d)
113. (d)
114. (d)
115. (a)
116. (b)
117. (b)
118. (c)
119. (b)
120. (d)
121. (c)
122. (a)
123. (b)
124. (d)
125. (a)
126. (a)
127. (d)
128. (b)
129. (a)
130. (a)
131. (b)
132. (b)
133. (c)
134. (c)
135. (d)
136. (b)
137. (a)
138. (b)
139. (d)
140. (d)
141. (a)
151. (b)
142. (a)
152. (a)
143. (c)
153. (a)
144. (b)
154. (a)
145. (c)
155. (c)
146. (a)
156. (d)
147. (c)
157. (d)
148. (a)
158. (a)
149. (c)
159. (c)
150. (d)
160. (c)
161. (c)
162. (d)
163. (d)
164. (c)
165. (a)
166. (c)
167. (c)
168. (c)
170. (a)
171. (b)
172. (c)
173. (d)
174. (b)
175. (d)
176. (a)
177. (d)
178. (d)
179. (c)
180. (a)
181. (c)
182. (b)
183. (a)
184. (c)
185. (c)
186. (b)
187. (a)
188. (a)
189. (b)
Data Processing
Introduction to C
(ii) Global Variable– It is defined outside the function
or block. Following example illustrates the declaration of
global variable.
int value = 5; // global variable
void fun()
int a = 10; // local variable
1.4 Data type in C
It specifies the type of data that a variable may have to
For example → the type of data can be integer, float,
double, char etc.
• C is a computer programming language and it is easy
to learn and also called as compiled language.
• It is a procedural programming language which was
initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972.
• It is considered to be the base for other programming
languages therefore, it is also called as mother of all
programming language.
• The knowledge of C language helps a lot in learning
other programming languages such as C++, OOPs
Java, Python etc.
• Most of the compilers such as JVMs, Kernels etc are
written in C language and programming languages
such as C++, Java, C# etc follow the syntax of C
• It provides core concepts of array, functions, strings, (i) Basic: It is based on integer or floating point and the
file handing as well.
memory size of basic data types can be changed 32
to 64 bit as per operating system.
1.1 Features of CIt consists of int, char, floar, double etc.
(ii) Derived: Data types that are derived from
fundamental data types is called as derived types.
For example- arrays, pointers, structures, functions
union etc.
(iii) Enumeration: It is a user defined data type in C that
is mainly used to assign names to integral constants;
the names make a program easy to read and
For example- enum weak day;
(iv) Void data type: Void is an empty data type that has
1. 2 Variable declaration in C
no value.
It is a name of memory location and used to store data.
use void data type in functions when we do not
syntaxwant to return any value to the calling function. For
Type variable_ list;
exampleFor example–
void sum (int x, int y);
int x; , double a;
• The above function will not return any value to the
here x, a are variables and int, double are data type.
calling function.
Note– we can also provide value during the declaration • If we use int in place of void, then the function will
of variables.
return value to the calling function. For example
int sum (int x, int y);
For example–
int x = 5;
double a = 3.8;
output and prints the given statement to the
char b = 'T';
1.3 Types of variables: There are various types of
variable in C.
printf("format string", arg_list);
(i) Local variable: It is declared inside the function or Note:- format string can be
%d → integer 
%c → character 
void fun(){
int a = 10; //local variable declaration
%f → float
Programming Fundamentals
1.6 Scanf() function- It is used for input and reads the
input data from the console.
int main()
scanf("format string", arg_list);
/*Data for print
1.7 Keywords in C language
• Keywords are predefined, reserved words used in
printf("welcome to Yct");
programming which have special meanings to the
• These are part of syntax and they can not be used as Output–
an identifier. There are total 32 reserved keywords
welcome to yct
which are1.10 Operators in C language
In programming language, an operator is a symbol which
is used to perform operations.
default extern
There are many types of operators in Cdouble
(i) Arithmetic operatorfloat
It performs mathematical operations such as addition,
register return
subtraction, multiplication, division etc.
1.8 C Identifiers:
• Identifier refers to name given to entities such as
variables, functions, structures etc.
• They must be unique and are created to provide a
unique name to an entity to indentify it during the
execution of the program.
int yct;
Here, yct refers to identifier.
Note:- Identifier name must be different from keywords.
1.9 Types of comments in C languageThere are two types of comments(i) Single-line commentIt starts with double slash (//) and ends in the same line.
For example
int main()
// define integer var
int age = 10;
// print the age var
printf("Age: % d", age);
Age: 10
(ii) Multi-line comments:
• They are shown by slash asterisk such as
• In this type of comment, the C compiler ignores
everything from /* to */.
for example
Programming Fundamentals
additon / unary plus
subtraction / unary minus
remainder after division
(ii) Relational operators
• These are the operators used to create a relationship
and compare the values of two operands.
• It checks the relationship between two operands. If the
relation is true, it returns 1, If the relation is false, it
returns value 0.
• These are used in decision making and loops
(iii) Equal to (= = )
• It is used to compare both operands and return 1 if
both are equal or same. If both are not equal or same,
then it return 0.
operand 1 = operand 2;
5 = = 4 → returns 0 because they are not equal or same.
3 = = 3 → return 1 because they are same or equal.
(iv)Not equal to (!=)
It compares both operands and returns 1 if both operands
are not the same, otherwise it will return 0.
operand 1! = operand 2;
For example–
5! = 3
Here, both operands 5 & 3 are not equal, therefore it
returns 1.
(v) Greater than (>)
• It checks the value of the left operand is greater than
the right operand.
• If the condition is true, then it said to be greater than
(iii) NOT (!)- It is used to reverse the logical state of its
operand if a condition is true, then logical NOT operate
will make it false.
For example–
5 > 3 → It returns 1 as the condition is true.
!(a & b) → true.
4 > 5 → It returns 0 as the condition is false.
1. 13 Bitwise operator–
(vi) Less than (<)–
• It is used to perform bit-level operations.
It checks whether the value of the left operand is less
• It consists of two digits either 0 or 1 and it is mainly
than the right operand.
used in numerical computations to make the
calculations faster.
a < b;
3 < 4; → it returns 1 as the condition is true.
Bitwise OR
5 < 3; → it returns 0 as the condition is false.
Bitwise exclusive OR
(vii)Greater than or equal to (> =)
Bitwise complement
• It checks whether the left operand's value is greater
than or equal to the right operand.
Shift + left
+ right
x > = y;
1.14 Header file in C:
• It contains the set of predefined standard library
5 > = 3; It returns 1 because the condition is true.
(viii)Less than equal to• The "#include" preprocessing directive is used to
include the header files with '.h' extension in the
It checks whether the value of left operand is less than or
equal to the right operand.
There are some header files in C language which areSyntax–
stdio.h → used for input/output functions.
x < = y;
conio.h → used for console I/O functions.
Example –
stdlib.h → it is used for general utility functions.
4 < = 5;
math.h → used for mathematics functions.
1.11 Assignment operator
It is used to assign a value to a variable. The most float.h → it limits the float types.
1.15 Flowchart in C language–
common assignment operator is (=).
• A Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an
Operator Example Meaning
• It helps in writing programs and explaining the
x+ = y
x =x+y
program to others as well.
used in flowchartx− = y
x =x−y
Flow line- It indicates the flow of logic by connecting
x* = y
x = x*y
x/ = y
x = x/y
x% = y x = x%y
Terminal (stop/start)
1.12 Logical operators in C language
It shows the start and the end of a Flow chart.
• It is commonly used in decision making.
Symbol• It allows the usage of three logical operators, namely,
'AND' (&&), 'OR'(||), 'NOT' (!).
(i) AND (&&)- In logical AND, if both the operands are
non-zero, then condition becomes true.
Input/output- It is used for input and output operation.
For example–
Symbol(a&&b) → false
(ii) OR(||)- In logical OR, if any of the two operands is
non-zero, then the condition becomes true.
For example–
Processing- It is used for arithmetic operations and data(a||b) true.
a > b;
Programming Fundamentals
Decision– It is used for decision making between two or
more alternatives.
Following example illustrates
programming language.
1.16 Literal in C–
Literals are data which is used for representing fixed
values and they can be used directly in the code.
For example- 2, 6.3, 'd' etc.
It can be of many typesInteger- it can be a numeric literal (integer only).
For example'2', '4' etc.
Floating-point literals- It is also a numeric literal that
has either a fractional form or a exponent form.
For example'6.3'
Characters- It is written by enclosing a single character
inside single quotation marks.
For example–
'A', 't' etc.
1.17 Tokens in C• In C programming, each word and punctuation is
called as token.
• They are the smallest building block or smallest unit
of C program.
They can be classified as• Keywords, identifiers, constants, string special
symbols and operators etc.
Programming Fundamentals
1.18 File Handling in C
A file is a container in computer storage devices which is
used for storing output or information permanently in the
form of a sequence of bytes on the disk.
There are various functions in the C libraryfopen() → used for opening new or existing file
fprint() → Iterates data from the file
fscanf() → It reads data from the file
fputc() → It reads character from file
fclose() → choose the file.
fgetc() → It reads a character from file.
fseek() → It sets the file pointer to given position.
fputs() → It is a function declared in stdio.h header file
and used for writing the contents of file.
fgets() → It terminates at the newline character but
appends it at the end of string.
str. The function can also append the terminating null
character at the end of the passed string.
1.19 Control statement in C
It is called as sequential control flow, there are many
types of central statements in CIf statement
• If statement enables the programmer to choose a set of
instructions based on a condition.
• When the condition is evaluated as a true, then a set of
instructions are executed and a different set of
instructions get executed if the condition is false.
if (statement)
code ≡
If-else statement - If the condition is true then the first
expression will execute if the condition is false then else
part of statement will be executed.
if (exp)
Switch statement: A switch case statement is used when
we have multiple options and we need to perform a
different task for each option.
switch (exp)
case constant:
// statement;
case constant:
// statements;
// statements;
Break statement in C–
• It is used to bring the program control out of the loop.
• It can be used either inside loops or switch statement.
syntax– break;
Working of break statement
While (Test exp)
// codes
if (condition to break){
1.20 Looping statement in C
It executes the sequence of statement many times until
the given condition becomes false.
A loop in C statement consists of two partsbody of loop and
control statement
Types of loops
It can be classified into two categories(a) Entry controlled loop→ Here the condition is
checked before executing the body of a loop. It is also
known as pre-checking loop.
(b) Exit controlled loop→ Here,the condition is checked
after executing the body of a loop. It is also called as a
post-checking loop.
Infinite loop- The loop that does not stop executing and
processes the statements number of times is called as an
infinite loop. It is also called as an "Endlessloop".
There are three types of loops in C programmingFor loop
• It is used in the case where we need to execute some
part of the code until the given condition is satisfied.
• It is also known as pre-tested loop.
for (initialization; condition test; increment or
//codes to be executed
While loop
• It is also called as pre-tested loop.
• It allows a part of the code to be executed multiple
times depending upon the given condition.
• It is basically used in case where the number of
iterations is not clear in advance.
While (Condition)
// codes
Programming Fundamentals
Do while loop
• It is a post tested loop.
• It is mainly used in case where we need to execute the
loop at least once.
• It is also similar to while loop with one exception that
it executes the statements inside the body of do-while
before checking the condition.
// codes
} while (condition);
1.21 Type casting in C
It refers to changing a variable of one data type into
There are two types of type casting.
i) implicit type conversion
ii) explicit type conversion
Implicit type conversionWhen the type conversion is done automatically by the
compiler without programmers intervention then it is
called as implicit type conversion or type promotion.
For exampleint a = 5;
float x = 15.5, y;
y = x/a;
Explicit type castingIt is performed by the programmer by posing the data
type of the expression of specific type which is called as
explicit type conversion.
(data type) exp;
Here, expression can be any constant or variable etc.
while data type will be any valid C data type.
for example
int a = 10, b = 3;
float c;
C = (float)a/(float)b;
/* here the value of z would
be 3.33% */
1. 22 Function in C
• A function is a block of code that performs a specific
• We can pass data that is called as parameters, into a
• Functions are used to perform some actions and they
are important for reusing code.
• We can define code once and use it many times. There
are three aspects of C function.
(i) Function declaration
A function is declared globally in a C program to tell the
compiler about function name, function parameters and
return type.
return _ type fun _ name(arg list);
(ii) Function call• It can be called from anywhere in the program.
• The argument list should not be different in function
calling and function declaration.
• We have to pass the same number of functions as it is
declared in the function declaration.
func _ Name (argument _ list)
(iii) Function definition• Function definition contains the actual statements
which are to be executed.
• It is the most important aspect to which control comes
when the function is called.
return _ typef _ name (argument _ list)
function body
A function can be invoked in two ways.
• call by value or
• call by reference
Call by value–
In call by value, values of actual parameters are copied to
function's formal parameters while the parameters
received by function are called parameters.
For example
/*C program to illustrate call by value */
void swap (int x, int y)
int temp;
temp = x;
x = y;
y= temp;
void main(){
int x = 50, y 100;
swap (x, y);
/*passing value to function */
printf ("\n value of x is: %d", x);
printf ("\n value of y is: %d", y);
O/P →
value of x is :100
value of y is : 50
Programming Fundamentals
Call by reference
Here, original value is changed or modified because we
pass address (reference). Address of value is passed in
the function, therefore actual and formal arguments
shares the same address space. Hence, any value changed
inside the function is get reflected in both places inside
and outside the function.
//C program to illustrate call by reference
void swap (int*p, int*q)
int temp;
temp = *p;
*p = *q;
*q = temp;
void main(){
int p = 500, q = 200;
// passing value to function
swap (& p, & q);
printf ("\n value of p: %d, p);
printf ("\n value of q: %d, q);
value of p = 200
value of q = 500
1.23 Recursion in C
Recursion is the process in which a function calls itself
up to n-number of times.
A recursive function call itself directly or indirectly in
the same program.
Syntaxvoid rec()
/* Recursive function calls
itself inside the same function */
int main()
//function calling
In the above syntax, the main function calls the recursion
function only once. But, thereafter recursion function
calls itself till the defined condition and it calls the same
function n-number of time-and so on.
1.24 Array in C
• An array is a variable that can store multiple values.
• It is a collection of similar data items stored at
contiguous memory location.
Elements can be accessed randomly using indices of an
Data type array _ Name[size of array];
following is the memory representation of a string isLet the word be yct.
examplefloat mark [5];
Initialization of an array in C
I) It is initialized at declaration time such asint age [4] = {15, 14, 20, 21};
II) Pictorial representation of array-
Note– '\0' shows null character used to indicate the
termination of string which differs strings from normal
character arrays.
C string functions
There are many string functions defined in "string.h"
1D Array- It contains single row and multiple columns.
Strlen() → It returns the length of string name.
It is a simple collection of elements.
2D Array- It contains multiple row and multiple Strcpy()→ It copies the contents of source string to
destination string.
columns and it is collection of 1D array.
Strcmp() → It is used for comparing the first string with
Syntax- datatype array name [x][y];
second string. If both strings are same then it returns.
Multidimensional array
It is an array of arrays and data in multidimensional Strrev() → It reverse strings.
Strupr() → It returns string characters in uppercase.
arrays are stored in tabular form.
Strwr() → It returns string characters in lowercase.
data type arr_name [size 1 ][size 2] ---[size N];
Introduction to C++ .
Note:- the total number of elements that can be stored in
a multidimensional array is calculated by multiplying the • C++ is an object-oriented programming language and
it is an extension of C programming language.
size of all the dimensions.
• It is case-sensitive, general purpose programming
For examplelanguage that supports object-oriented, procedural and
The arraygeneric programming.
int a[10][30] can store total 10×30 = 300 elements.
encapsulates both high and low level language
Similarly, array a[5][5][10] can store total [5×5×10] =
as well.
250 elements.
1.25 Pointer in C
developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell
• They are special variables that are used to store
over a period starting in 1979.
addresses rather than values.
• Pointers variable can be to type int, char array, • Since C++ is an attempt to add object-oriented
features to C, therefore, earlier it was called as "C
function etc.
with objects." And in 1983, Bjarne stroustrup named
• It is declared by using * (asterisk symbol).
it as C++.
For example
C++ was made available outside Bell Laboratories in
Null Pointer
year 1985.
It is pointer that does not point to any memory location.
first commercial C++ compiler, C front was
It stores the base address of the segment. The null pointer
in 1985.
stores the null value while void is the type of a pointer.
For exampleint * ptr = (int*)0;
int * ptr = NULL;
Void Pointer
It is a generic pointer that points to any data type.
for example→ void*pointer_name;
Note-Malloc() and Calloc() function return the void
pointer therefore, these functions are used to allocate the
memory of any data type.
String in C
They are defined as an array of characters and it is
Advantages of C++
terminated with a special character '\0'.
• It has compiler support and debuggers
• C++ has a large selection of literature.
Char string_name [size];
Programming Fundamentals
• In C++, one class can have more than one base class,
that is referred to as polymorphism.
• Encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction are the
important properties of C++ language.
• It is easy to maintain and modify existing code as new
objects with small difference to existing ones.
Disadvantages of C++
• Use of pointers
• Security issues
• Absence of garbage collector
• Absence of Built-in threads
• Efficiency of program in decreased
• Code redundancy
• When C++ is used for web applications then it is
difficult to debug
Difference between C & C++
structured programming object
programming language
it does not support an it supports inline function
inline function
middle level language
high level language
it uses scanf() and printf() it uses cin>> and cout<<
function for standard for standard input &
input & output
it is saved with .c it is saved with .cpp
Variable in C++
It is a name of memory location and used for storing
Syntaxtype variable_list;
For exampleint a;
float b;
char c;
Here a, b, c are variables and int, float and char shows
data type.
Data types in C++
Data type in C++ in nothing but the type of data that a
variable stores such as integer, float and character etc.
There are four types of data types in C++
Basic Data type– It contains int, char, float double etc.
the memory size of data types can be changed as per 32
or 64 bit operating system.
Derived Data type- It contains array, pointer etc.
Enumeration Data type- It contains enum data type.
User defined Data type- It contains structure data type.
Keywords in C++
It is reserved word and cannot be used as a variable name
or constant name etc.
Programming Fundamentals
32 Keywords in C++
continue default
go to
size of
Identifier in C++
• Identifiers are the basic requirement of any language
and they are used to refer the name of variables,
functions, arrays or other user-defined data types.
• Identifiers must start with letter or underscore (_)
symbol. The rest of the characters should be letters,
digits or underscores.
For exampleX, X1, X_1, _ abc, are valid identifiers.
• Name cannot start with digit, uppercase & lowercase
letters are distinct.
• Keywords cannot be used as a variable name.
Functions in C++
A function provides modularity and code reusability and
it is also called as procedure or sub routine and it can be
called number of times in a program.
Advantages of function
Code reusability- After creating functions, we can call it
many times and don't need to write the same code again.
& again.
Code optimizationWe don't require to write much code and it makes the
code optimized.
Types of functionThere are two types of functionsLibrary function- they are defined in C++ header files
for exampleceil(x), cos(x), exp(x) etc.
User defined function–
These functions are written by any programmer therefore
they can use it multiple times. It minimizes the
complexity of a big program and optimizes the code.
Syntax of function
return-type fun_name (data_type parameter------)
code ≡
Recursion in C++
Calling function within the same function is called as
recursion in C++ and the function that calls the same
function is called as recursive function.
recursion fun()
recursion fun (); /*function call* /
string FN = "Ankur";
Pointer in C++
string LN = "Mahazan";
• It refers to a variable that holds the address of another
string Full_Name = FN + LN;
• In C++, it provides the & (reference) operator that
cout << "Full Name;
returns the address that a variable occupies.
For example- If a is variable then & a returns the address
of a variable.
SyntaxAnkur Mahazan
Datatype * variable _ Name;
Note- we can also concatenate string with the append()
For exampleint * a;
Note- & (reference operator) returns the variable's For example–
address while * (deference operator) gets the value that
int main()
has been stored in a memory location.
Advantages of pointer–
string FN = "Ankur";
• Reduce codes and improves the performance
string LN = "Mahazan";
• Used for retrieving strings, trees
string Full_Name = FN.append (LN);
• Used with function, structures and array
cout<< Full_Name;
• Helps in accessing any memory location
• Searching or sorting large size data is much easier.
Disadvantage of Pointers–
string length()
• If a pointer goes wrong then it becomes very difficult It is used to get the length of a string for that length()
to find the bug in the program.
function is used.
• If it contains a wrong value then it can lead to the For example–
disaster of great magnitude when used.
int main(){
Strings in C++
string text = "iamstudentofMSCITin
Strings are used for storing text and it contains the
collection of characters surrounded by double quotes.
cout<< "The length of the text is:" << text.
For examplelength();
string greet = "wc to yct";
Note- for using string, an additional header file in the
source code is required in <string> library.
For exampleThe length of the text is: 37.
Structure in C++
• It is a collection of different data types and similar to
using name space std;
the class that holds different types of data.
int main()
• They are used to create the instance of a class.
string greeting = "wc to yct";
Syntaxcout << greet;
struct structure_Name
// code
wc to YCT
Linker– It is a computer utility program that takes one
String concatenation–
or more object files generated by a compiler and it
(+) operator is used between strings to add them together combines multiple object code and links them with
to make a new string and this process is known as libraries.
Loader– It is a part of operating system which is
For exampleresponsible for loading programs to memory. It prepares
executable file for running.
Compiler– It is software that transforms computer code
using namespace std,
written in one programming language into another
int main()
programming language. It transforms the source code
into object code.
Programming Fundamentals
Assembler– It is a language processor that converts an
assembly language program into a machine language
Low-level language–
It is a programming language that deals with a
computer's hardware components and constraints. It is
also called as computer's native language. The languages
that come under this category are machine level language
and assembly language.
High level language–
A high level language is a programming language such
as C, FORTRAN, or Pascal that enables a programmer to
write programs that are more or less independent. They
are considered to be high level because of closeness to
human language and further more machine language.
examples of high-level-language are
python, C, Fortran, Java etc.
Simple– Java is very easy to learn, and its syntax is
simple, and easy to understand.
programming language and everything in Java is an
Platform Independent:
● Java is platform independent and it is a write once,
run anywhere language.
● It has two components:(i) Runtime Environment and
(ii) API(Application Programming Interface).
Java code can be executed on multiple platforms, for
example, Windows, Linux etc.
Following diagram illustrates Java being a platform
independent language clearly.
• Java is a high level, robust, object-oriented and secure
programming language.
• It is a programming language and a platform.
What is a platform?
Any hardware or software environment in which a
program runs, is called as a platform. Since Java has a
runtime environment (JRE) and API that is why it is
called a platform.
History of JAVA
• Java was developed in the year 1995 by James
Gosling, who is called as the father of Java. James
Gosling and his team members started the project in
the early '90s.
• Oak was the initial name of Java given by James
Gosling and his team.
• JDK 1.0 was released on January 23, 1996 and in
1995, Time magazine called Java one of the Ten Best
Products of 1995.
• It is owned by Oracle, and more than 3 billion devices
run Java.
• The latest version of Java (Java SE 18 ) is going to be
released by March 2022.
Features of Java
Followings are the features of Java and its features are
also called as java buzzwords:
Programming Fundamentals
Secured– Java is secured because it has no explicit
pointer and Java Programs run inside a virtual machine
sandbox. Java is best known for its security.
• Java is robust as it is capable of handling run-time
errors, supports automatic garbage collection and
exception handling, and avoids explicit pointer
• It helps in eliminating errors as it checks the code
during both compile and runtime.
Architectural Neutral–
• It is based on the ‘Write-once-run-anywhere’
(WORA) or ‘Write-once-run-everywhere’ (WORE)
• Byte-code is not dependent on any machine
architecture and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can
easily translate bytecode into a machine-specific code.
Portable– Java is “portable” and it refers to the SE
(Standard Edition) version. The portability actually
comes from architecture-neutrality.
Java provides high performance with the use of “JIT–
Just In Time compiler”, in which the compiler compiles
the code on demand basis, that is, it compiles only that
method which is being called and this saves time and
makes it more efficient.
This feature in Java provides the advantage of distributed
programming, which is very helpful when we develop
large projects. Java helps us to achieve this by providing
the concept of RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans).
• Multithreaded means handling multiple tasks
simultaneously or executing multiple portions
(functions) of the same program in parallel.
• The code of java is divided into smaller parts and Java
executes them in a sequential and timely manner.
● Java provides the facility of dynamically linking new
class libraries, methods, and objects. It is highly
dynamic as it can adapt to its evolving environment.
● Java even supports functions written in other
languages such as C and C++ to be written in Java
programs. These functions are called “native
methods” and these methods are dynamically linked
at runtime.
Disadvantages of Java–
Java language has also some drawbacks which are as
1. Java is slow and has a poor performance.
2. Java provides not so attractive look and feel of the
3. Java provides no backup facility.
4. Java requires significant memory space.
5. Verbose and Complex codes.
Java Variables–
In Java,variables are containers for storing data values.
Type variable_Name = value;
For example–
int data= 100;
Yere, data is a variable name.
There are three types of variables in Java™
1. Local Variable– A variable declared inside the body
of the method is known as local variable.
2. Instance Variable– A variable declared inside the
class but outside the body of the method, is called an
instance variable.
3. Static variable– A variable that is declared as static is
called a static variable.
Data types in Java– Data types define the different sizes
and values which can be stored in the variable. There are
two types of data types in Java programming language:
Primitive data types– The primitive data types include
Boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float and double.
Non-primitive data types– The non-primitive data types
include Classes, Interfaces, and Arrays.
Programming Fundamentals
Following diagram shows the data types in java:
Keywords in Java– Java has a set of keywords that are
reserved words that cannot be used as variables,
methods, classes, or any other identifiers. Following are
some keywords given below.
Abstract– it is used to declare an abstract class.
Boolean– it is used to declare a variable as a Boolean
type and It can hold true and false values only.
For example–
public class Boolean {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n1=10;
int n2=20;
boolean t1=true;
boolean t2=false;
Break– it is used to break the loop or switch statement.
It breaks the current flow of the program at specified
For examplepublic class Break {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
Catch– Java catch keyword is used to catch the
exceptions generated by try statements. It must be used
after the try block only.
Class– it is used to declare a class.
For examplepublic class Class {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("welcome to yct");
Default– It is used to specify the default block of code in
a switch statement.
Extends– It is used to indicate that a class is derived
from another class or interface.
Import– Java import keyword makes classes and
interfaces available and accessible to the current source
Package– Java package keyword is used to declare a
Java package that includes the classes.
Static– it is used to indicate that a variable or method is
a class method. The static keyword in Java is mainly
used for memory management.
This– this keyword can be used to refer the current
object in a method or constructor.
Throw– it is used to explicitly throw an exception. The
throw keyword is mainly used to throw custom
exceptions. It is followed by an instance.
Throws– The Java throws keyword is used to declare an
exception. Checked exceptions can be propagated with
Volatile– it is used to indicate that a variable may
change asynchronously.
Some parameters used in Java program:
Class– It is used to declare a class in Java.
Public– It is an access modifier that represents visibility.
It is used for classes, attributes, methods and
constructors, making them accessible by any other class.
Static– It is used in memory management and static are
applied with variables, methods, blocks and nested class.
Void– it is return type of method and void doesn't return
Main– it shows the starting point of the program.
String[] args or String args[]– It is used for command
line arguments.
System.out.println()– it is used to print an argument
that is passed to it.
Programming Fundamentals
Packages in Java–
Package in Java is a method to encapsulate a group of
classes, sub packages and interfaces.
These packages help to reserve the class namespace and
create a maintainable code.
The keyword package is used to create a package in
Packages in Java are of two types:
Built-in Packages and
User-defined packages
Built-in Packages–
Built-in packages(or predefined packages) consist of a
large number of classes and they are existing java
packages that come along with the JDK. For example,
java.lang, java.util, java.io, etc.
There are some core packages in Java are:
Java.lang– Java.lang is a package which contains the
classes like System, String, String Buffer etc. This
package does not have to be explicitly imported as they
are imported by default.
Java.io– It provides a set of Input/Output streams that
are used to read and write data to files. A stream
represents a flow of data from one place to another place.
Java util– Here, util stands for utility and It contains a
collection of useful utility classes and related interfaces
that implement data structures such as LinkedList,
Dictionary, HashTable, stack, vector, Calender, data
utility, etc.
Java.net– In java.net, net stands for network and It
contains networking classes and interfaces for
networking operations. The programming related to
client-server is done by using this package.
Java.applet– It is used for creating applets and they are
programs that are executed from the server into the client
machine on a network.
Java.awt– awt stands for abstract window toolkit and
these packages contain the GUI elements such as
buttons, lists, menus, and text areas.
Java.sql– This package is used in a Java program to
connect databases such as Oracle or Sybase and retrieve
the data from them.
User-defined Package–
They are defined by the users therefore, it is called as
user- defined packages and It contains user-defined
classes and following is the general form to create userdefined packages.
package package_ name;
Here, package_name is the name of package and the
package statement must be the first line in a java source
code file followed by one or more classes.
For examplepackage myPackage;
public class A {
The following diagram explains the CLR:
Advantage of using packages in Java–
Name conflict– Packages help to resolve the naming
conflict between the two classes with the same name.
Reusability– We can place the common code in a
common folder so that everybody can check that folder
and use it whenever needed.
Access Protection– A package provides access
protection and it can be used to provide visibility control.
Organized– It also helps in organizing the files within
our project.
Maintenance– Java packages are used for proper
.Net framework
• .Net is a framework which was designed and
developed by Microsoft and it is a framework to
develop software applications.
• It is a software development framework for building
and running applications on Windows.
• The software programs written in .NET are executed
in CLR (Common Language Runtime).
• The .Net Framework supports programming languages
such as C#, F#, VB.NET, J#, VC++, JScript.NET,
APL, COBOL, Perl, Oberon, ML, Pascal, Eiffel,
Smalltalk, Python, etc.
Components of .Net framework–
1. Common Language Runtime (CLR)
• .Net Framework provides a runtime environment
called Common Language Runtime (CLR).
• It provides an environment to run all the .Net
The code which runs under the CLR is called as
Managed Code. Programmers need not to worry on
managing the memory if the programs are running under
the CLR because it provides memory management and
thread management as well.
● Programmatically, when our program needs memory,
CLR allocates the memory for scope and de-allocates
the memory if the scope is completed.
● Programmatically, when our program requires
memory then CLR allocates the memory for scope and
de-allocates the memory if the scope is completed.
● Language Compilers ( for example C#, VB.Net, J#)
will convert the Code to Microsoft Intermediate
Language (MSIL) intern this will be converted to
Native Code by CLR.
Programming Fundamentals
2. .Net Framework Class Library (FCL)
• It is a standard library that is a collection of
thousands of classes and used to build an
application. The BCL (Base Class Library) is the
core of the FCL and provides basic functionalities.
• In short, developers just need to import the BCL
in their language code and use its predefined
methods and properties to implement common and
complex functions like reading and writing to file,
graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML
document manipulation.
3. Common Type System (CTS)–
• The Common Type System (CTS) is a standard
for defining and using data types in the
• CTS defines a collection of data types, which are
used and managed by the run time to facilitate
cross-language integration.
4. Common Language Specification (CLS)
• The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a
fundamental set of language features supported by
the Common Language Runtime (CLR) of the
.NET Framework.
• It is a part of the specifications of the .NET
Framework and was designed to support language
constructs commonly used by developers and to
produce verifiable code, which allows all CLScompliant languages to ensure the type safety of
• CLS includes features common to many objectoriented programming languages. It forms a
subset of the functionality of common type system
(CTS) and has more rules than defined in CTS.
C# –
C# is pronounced as "C-Sharp". It is an object-oriented
programming language provided by Microsoft that runs
on .Net Framework.
History of C#
• The development of the dot net Framework began
about two decades ago in the mid-90s with the
premise being very different from what it is now.
• The idea was built around the concept of a code that is
named “managed code.” It was supposed to be the
kind of code that developers would be able to execute
while it is under a runtime environment.
• This was essential because of how previous coding
processes and platforms were inefficient in providing
more flexible and secure experiences.
• By building the .NET Framework, those issues are
addressed, along with active memory management. It
also dealt with more minor problems involved when
working with C and C++.
• C# was developed in the year 2002 and was introduced
with .Net framework 1.0
• Anders Hejlsberg is known as the founder of C#
Features of C#
• In C# pointers are missing in C#.
• Unsafe operations such as direct memory
manipulation are not allowed.
• In C# there is no usage of "::" or "->" operators.
• Since it's on .NET, it inherits the features of automatic
memory management and garbage collection.
• Varying ranges of the primitive types like Integer,
Floats, etc.
• Integer values of 0 and 1 are no longer accepted as
Boolean values. Boolean values are pure true or false
values in C# so no more errors of "="operator and
• "==" is used for comparison operation and "=" is used
for assignment operation.
C# programming is based upon the current trend and it is
very powerful and simple for building scalable,
interoperable and robust applications.
C# is object oriented programming language and it is a
simple, modern, object oriented language derived from
C++ and Java.C# supports Data Encapsulation,
inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces.
Type safe–
• In C# we cannot perform unsafe casts like convert
double to a Boolean.
• Value types (primitive types) are initialized to zeros
and reference types (objects and classes) are
initialized to null by the compiler automatically.
• Arrays are zero base indexed and are bound checked.
• Overflow of types can be checked.
It enables the C# programs to do almost anything that a
native C++ application can do.
Scalable and Updateable–
• C# is automatic scalable and updateable programming
• For updating our application we delete the old files
and update them with new ones.
Programming Fundamentals
Advantages of Dotnet–
Object Oriented:
• .NET is based on an Object-Oriented Programming
• And it is a development model that involves breaking
down software into easily manageable smaller pieces.
• It compartmentalizes data into data fields and
describes objects behavior through the declaration of
• It eliminates necessary programming and hence less
coding for developers. In addition to this, .NET makes
it possible to reuse components and code, thereby
saving time and cost of development.
Visual Studio IDE–
Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment
by Microsoft which is used for building, debugging and
publishing applications across various platforms,
including Android and iOS.
The key features of the Visual Studio IDE:
It is a single IDE for all .NET applications
• The IDE comprises debugging and integrated
compilation features
• The solution can be used for applications that are
based on code written in different languages.
• It also customizes the environment to match user
Flexible Deployment and Easy Maintenance–
• One of the crucial and most advantageous features of
.NET Core is flexible deployment.
• It can be installed as a part of the application .
• The modular design allows including all the
dependencies that we need. Moreover, the deployment
with .NET is as easy as copying a folder.
• Another benefit is that we can have more than one
.NET Core version running side by side on the same
• Therefore, making it easy to cover different projects
and seamlessly perform a deployment task.
Great Caching System–
• The simplicity of the caching system of .NET makes it
reliable and easy to temporarily store data.
• Moreover, it allows for the cache implementation to
be customized, so developers can improve
performance and scale as needed.
Large Community:• When a framework is used by many businesses and
developers, it means it has such features that attract
• It also proves its stability and high level of trust from
the community, making everyone try the framework.
• Moreover, a large community means that almost any
issue can be solved with the aid of community
• According to the recent survey by Stack Overflow,
ASP.NET took fourth place among the most popular
frameworks, while dotNET and .NET core has ranked
second and third.
• Visual Code Studio by Microsoft has been preferred
by a large number of front-end developers as it is
good, small, extensible and updated.
• When choosing the appropriate technology, one of the
first things that we check is the IDEs and tools that are
mandatory or add to productivity.
• A lot of them are free, but the best ones come with
licensing costs per developer, per, which can sum up
to thousands of dollars.
• No matter whether we are a Startup trying to find our
way into the market or a big company, the money
could be spent in a better way.
Disadvantages of .NET
Limited Object-Relational Support
• As we know, .NET works on the Object-Oriented
Programming approach, which is based on objects
rather than actions and data rather than logic.
• The support of data-oriented software application
development in .NET Framework is provided by the
Entity Framework.
• The entity acts as the bridge between the objectoriented .NET Framework and SQL databases.
• However, some developers believe The Entity
Framework doesn’t offer the required flexibility and
doesn’t support all the available database designs.
Stability Issues for New Releases–
• Finally, whenever the company decides to launch new
features or make new updates, documents and support
can be lacking.
• This can jeopardize the stability of development
Memory Leaks
• .NET is one of those platforms that are frequently
criticized for memory-related and memory leak issues.
• Although .NET possesses a garbage collector for this
Difficulty in the Transition to .NET core–
• The transition to .NET core can be long and difficult.
The applications built with older .NET versions are far
more than that built with .NET core.
• Transiting these applications to the latest versions of
.NET can be a little bumpy.
Licensing Cost–
• Many aspects of the .NET family will cost money in
terms of licensing fees and they can stack up.
• The more demanding the project, the more expensive
it can get. For example, Visual Studio can cost a
whopping $539.00 for one year.
• VB.NET stands for Visual Basic.NET and it is a
computer programming language developed by
Programming Fundamentals
• It was first released in 2002 to replace Visual Basic 6.
VB.NET is an object-oriented programming language.
• This means that it supports the features of objectoriented programming which include encapsulation,
polymorphism, abstraction, and inheritance.
• Visual Basic .ASP NET runs on the .NET framework
that means that it has full access to the .NET libraries.
• It is a very productive tool for rapid creation of a wide
range of Web, Windows, Office, and Mobile
Control Statement in C#
C# IF Statement–
It checks the condition first and if the condition is true
then the statement is executed.
C# IF-else Statement–
In C#, if-else statement also tests the condition. It
executes the if block, if the condition is true otherwise
the else block is executed.
For loop in C#
for(initialization; condition; incr/decr)
While Loop in C#
Do-While Loop in C#
Arrays in C#
• Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines that
perform certain tasks which require the intelligence
• Array in C# is a group of similar types of elements
showcased by humans and animals.
that have contiguous memory locations.
above definition was proposed by Marvin Minsky
• In C#, array is an object of base type System.Array.
McCarthy from 1950s who were also known
Array index starts from 0 in C#.
as the father of the Artificial intelligence.
Array declaration in C#
Types of AI
Following is single array declaration:
There are two ways in which artificial intelligence is
generally classifiedint[ ] array = new int [4 ];
(i) Based on capabilities and
(ii) Based on functionality of AI
this keyword in C#
Following diagram depicts the types of AI
this is a keyword which is used to refer the current meaningfully:
instance of the class.
Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial intelligence is the field of computer science
that is associated with the concept of machines
"thinking like humans" to perform tasks such as
learning, problem-solving, planning, reasoning and
identifying patterns.
• Artificial intelligence is a combination of two words
artificial and intelligence where artificial means 'manmade', and intelligence means 'thinking power',
therefore AI means "a man-made thinking power".
History of Artificial Intelligence
Based on Capabilities
Narrow AI– It is also called as weak AI. It performs a
dedicated task with intelligence. It is the most common
available AI in the world of artificial intelligence.
Examples of Narrow AI are Google search, image
recognition software, Siri, Alexa etc.
General AI– It performs any intellectual task with
efficiency like a human. The worldwide researchers are
now focused on developing machines with General AI.
Strong AI– Strong artificial intelligence is an artificial
intelligence construct that has mental capabilities and
functions that mimic the human brain.
Based on functionality
Reactive machine– Reactive machine are the most basic
type of AI system. This means that they cannot form
memories or use past experiences to influence presentmade decisions. A famous example of reactive machine
is Deep Blue, a chess-playing super computer produced
by IBM in the mid-1980s.
Limited memory–
It is comprised of machine learning models that derive
knowledge from previously-learned information, stored
data or event.
An example of limited memory can be an autonomous
vehicles (self-driving car).
There are three major machine learning models that
utilize limited memory AI.
(i) Reinforcement learning learns to make better
predictions through repeated trial-and-error.
(ii) Long short term memory (LSTM) utilizes past
data to help in predicting the next item in sequence.
(iii) Evolutionary generative adversial networks
(EGAN) E-GAN which evolves over time, growing
to explore slightly modified paths based off of
previous experiences with every new decision. It is
used to predict outcomes throughout its evolutionary
mutation cycle.
Programming Fundamentals
Theory of Mind–
• This type of artificial machine are still not invented
but researchers are making lots of efforts and
improvement for developing such AI machines.
• Theory of mind AI must understand the human
emotions, people, beliefs and must be able to interact
like humans.
Self Awareness–
Self Awareness AI does not exist in reality so far and it
is kind of hypothetical concept. These types of machine
will be smarter than human mind.
Application of AI–
Now-a-days, AI has many applications and it is making
our daily life more comfortable and fast. The application
of AI is widely used in many fields such as-
Advantage of AI–
• Rational decision maker
• Application in medical industry
• Accurate decision making
• Availability
• Reducing human risk
• New invention
• Reduction in human error
• Predictive Maintenance
Disadvantages of AI–
• Lack of qualified professionals
• Loss of jobs
• Privacy concern
• Serious threat to humanity
• Incurs high cost
• Lacks in creativity
• Dependency on Machines
• Potential for misuse
Machine Learning– Machine learning is an application
of artificial intelligence that provides systems the ability
to automatically learn and improve from experience
without being explicitly programmed.
Deep Learning– It is a subfield of machine learning
concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and
function of the brain called artificial neural networks.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)– It is a branch of
AI that enables machines to understand the human
language. The goal of NLP is to build system that can
Programming Fundamentals
make sense of text and automatically perform tasks such
as translation, spellcheck or tropic classification.
Reinforcement Learning– It is defined as machine
learning method which is concerned with how software
agents should take actions in an environment. It is part of
deep learning method that helps in maximize some
portion of the cumulative reward.
• There are three approaches to implement a
reinforcement learning algorithm• Value based
• Policy based
• Model based
Intelligent Agent in AI–
• Intelligent agents can be any entity or object such as
human beings, software and machines etc. that enables
artificial intelligence to be put into action.
• It uses actuators to initiate action in that environment.
• The two main functions of intelligent agents include
perception and action. Perception is done with the
help of sensors while actions are initiated with the
help of actuators.
There are three forms of intelligent agentHuman Agent– Human agent uses eyes, nose, tongue
and other sensory organs as sensors to percept
information from the environment and uses limbs and
vocal-tract as actuators to perform an action based on the
Robotic Agent– It uses cameras and infrared radars as
sensors to record information from the environment; and
uses reflex motors as actuators to deliver output back to
the environment.
Software Agent–
They use keypad strokes, audio commands as input
sensors and shows screens as actuators.
Examples of Intelligent agents are Alexa and Siri.
Condition Action Rule– A condition-action rule is a
rule that maps a state, condition to an action. If the
condition is true, then the action is taken otherwise not.
Utility Based Agent– A utility-based agent is an agent
that acts based on only on what the goal is, but the best
way to reach that goal. In other words, it is the usefulness
of the agent that makes itself distinct from its counter
Pattern Matching– It is a method that is used by an AI
entity to understand a certain string of data to find
sequence of patterns from it. It is a foundational concept
when working with any kind of classification or
recognition operation.
Inference Rules– These are templates for generating
valid arguments. Inference rules are applied to derive
proofs in AI, and the proof is a sequence of the
conclusion that leads to the desired goal.
sophistication of Machine Learning, which enables the
Inference Engine– In the field of Artificial intelligence,
it is a component of the system that applies logical rules
analysis of large chunks of Big Data.
to the knowledge base to deduce new information.
• Resurging interest in machine learning is due to the
Knowledge-Based Agents– They are the agents who
same factors that have made data mining and Bayesian
have capability of maintaining an internal state of
analysis more popular than ever.
knowledge, reason over that knowledge, update their • Things like growing volumes and varieties of
knowledge after observations and take actions.
available data, computational processing that is
Heuristic Approach– they are used in machine learning
cheaper and more powerful, and affordable data
and artificial intelligence when it is impractical to solve a
particular problem with a step by step algorithm.
• Machine Learning has also changed the way data
extraction and interpretation are done by automating
Machine Learning .
generic methods or algorithms, thereby replacing
• Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence
traditional statistical techniques.
(AI) and computer science which focuses on the use Features of Machine Learning–
of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans
Machine learning is unique within the field of artificial
learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
intelligence because it has triggered the largest real-life
• It is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that impacts for business. Followings are the features of
provides systems the ability to automatically learn and machine learning.
improve from experience without being explicitly
• It uses data to detect various patterns in a given
• Machine learning makes computers more intelligent
• Accurate data analysis.
without explicitly teaching them how to behave.
• Business intelligence at its best.
• Machine learning is an important component of the
• The ability to perform automated data visualization.
growing field of data science.
Automation at its best.
• Through the use of statistical methods, algorithms are
trained to make classifications or predictions, • Customer engagement like never before.
uncovering key insights within data mining projects.
• The ability to take efficiency to the next level when
merged with IoT.
• Machine learning algorithms build a model based on
sample data, which is known as training data.
• Machine learning is a data-driven technology.
History of Machine Learning–
• It is much similar to data mining as it also deals with
• Machine learning is one way to use AI. It was defined
the huge amount of the data.
in the 1950s by AI pioneer Arthur Samuel as “the • Machine learning learns from past data and improves
field of study that gives computers the ability to learn
without explicitly being programmed.”
Advantages of Machine Learning
• Arthur Samuel, a pioneer in machine learning, created • Continuous improvement
a program for playing championship-level computer
• Easily identifies trends and pattern
• No human Interventions needed (automation)
• The game used alpha-beta pruning instead of
researching each and every possible path that • Wide range of applications
• Handling multidimensional and multi-variety data
measured the chances of winning.
• Apart from it, he used a minimax algorithm (which is Disadvantages of Machine Learning
still widely used for games today) of finding the • Data Acquisition
optimal move, assuming that the opponent is also • Time and Resources
playing optimally.
• Interpretation of Results
• And he also designed methods for his program to • High Error Susceptibilities
continuously improve, for example, by remembering
Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and
previous checker moves and comparing them with
Machine Learning
chances of winning.
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
• The father of machine learning is Geoffrey Everest
The aim of AI is to Machine
Why machine learning ?
accuracy but is not
not accuracy.
• The rapid evolution in Machine Learning has caused a
concerned with success.
subsequent rise in the use cases, demands, and the
It works as a computer It is a concept machine
sheer importance of ML in modern life.
which works which has the ability
• Big Data has also become a well-used buzzword in the
to learn from data.
last few years and this is, in part, due to the increased
Programming Fundamentals
The goal is for AI to
intelligence required
to solve complex
AI involves decision
AI involves decision
intelligence or wisdom
which can be gained.
containing data points that are neither classified nor
• In other words, unsupervised learning allows the
system to identify patterns within data sets on its own.
• The goal of unsupervised learning is to find the
underlying structure of dataset, group that data
according to similarities, and represent that dataset in
a compressed format.
It is categorised into two types of problems:
The goal is for a
machine to learn from
data on how a task
must be performed to
performance of the
particular task.
selflearning algorithms.
ML will only work to
regardless of whether
it is optimal or not.
ML only leads to
knowledge which can
be gained.
Types of Learning
Supervised Learning–
• Supervised learning, also known as supervised
machine learning, is a subcategory of machine
learning and artificial intelligence.
• It is defined by its use of labeled datasets to train
algorithms that to classify data or predict outcomes
• In the real-world, supervised learning can be used for
Risk Assessment, Image classification, Fraud
Detection, spam filtering, etc.
Supervised learning is further divided into two types of
Advantages of Supervised Learning–
• It allows to collect data and produces data output
from previous experiences.
• It helps to optimize performance criteria with the help
of experience.
• It helps to solve various types of real-world
computation problems.
Disadvantages of Supervised Learning–
• Classifying big data can be challenging.
• Computation time is vast for supervised learning.
• Unwanted data downs efficiency.
• Always in need of updates.
• Anyone can over fit supervised algorithms easily.
Unsupervised Learning
• Unsupervised learning refers to the use of artificial
intelligence algorithms to identify patterns in data sets
Programming Fundamentals
Advantages of Unsupervised Learning–
• Labeling of data demands a lot of manual work and
• It solves the problem by learning the data and
classifying it without any labels.
• This is the perfect tool for data scientists, as
unsupervised learning can help to understand raw
• It is similar to human intelligence in some way as the
model learns slowly and then calculates the result.
Disadvantages of Unsupervised Learning–
• The more the features, the more the complexity
• It does not consider spatial relationships in the data.
• It can take time to interpret the spectral classes.
• It is costlier as it might require human intervention to
understand the patterns and correlate them with the
domain knowledge.
• It is not always certain that the obtained results will be
useful since there is no label or output measure to
confirm its usefulness.
Semi Supervised Learning–
• It is a type of machine learning algorithm that lies
between supervised and unsupervised machine
• To overcome the drawbacks of supervised learning
and unsupervised learning algorithms, the concept of
Semi-supervised learning is introduced.
Advantages of Semi Supervised Learning–
• Simple and easy to understand highly efficient.
• Used to solve drawbacks of Supervised and
Unsupervised Learning algorithms.
• It reduces the amount of annotated data used.
Disadvantages of Semi Supervised Learning–
• Iteration results are not stable.
• It is not applicable to network-level data.
• It has low accuracy.
Reinforcement Learning–
• Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the science of
decision making. It is about learning the optimal
behavior in an environment to obtain maximum
• In general, a reinforcement learning agent is able to
perceive and interpret its environment, take actions
and learn through trial and error.
• Examples of Reinforcement Learning are Robotics,
AlphaGo and Autonomous Driving,etc.
• RL is a separate paradigm of machine learning.
• RL does not require a supervisor or a pre-labelled
dataset; instead, it acquires training data in the form of
experience by interacting with the environment and
observing its response.
Advantages of Reinforcement Learning–
• It focuses on the problem as a whole.
• RL does not need a separate data collection step.
• It works in dynamic and uncertain environments.
Disadvantages of Reinforcement Learning–
• Reinforcement learning agent needs extensive experience.
• Lack of interpretability.
• Delayed rewards.
Algorithms of Machine Learning–
Following are some popular machine learning
Linear Regression–
• Linear Regression Algorithm is a machine learning
algorithm based on supervised learning.
• It is used to estimate real values based on continuous
variable(s). Here, we establish relationship between
independent and dependent variables by fitting a best
line. This best fit line is known as regression line and
represented by a linear equation Y= a *X + b.
In this equation ,here
Y – Dependent Variable
a – Slope
X – Independent variable
b – Intercept
Logistic Regression–
It predicts the probability of occurrence of an event by
fitting data to a logit function. Hence, it is also known as
logit regression. Since, it predicts the probability and its
output values lies between 0 and 1.
Decision Tree–
• It is a type of supervised learning algorithm that is
mostly used for classification problems.
• It works for both categorical and continuous
dependent variables.
• In this algorithm, we split the population into two or
more homogeneous sets and this is done based on
most significant attributes or independent variables to
make as distinct groups as possible.
Programming Fundamentals
Support Vector Machine–
• Support Vector Machine is one of the most popular
Supervised Learning algorithms, which is used for
Classification as well as Regression problems.
However, primarily, it is used for Classification
problems in Machine Learning.
• In this algorithm, we plot each data item as a point in
n-dimensional space (where n is number of features
we have) with the value of each feature being the
value of a particular coordinate.
kNN (k- Nearest Neighbors)–
• K-nearest neighbor, also known as the KNN
algorithm, is a non-parametric algorithm that classifies
data points based on their proximity and association to
other available data.
• This algorithm assumes that similar data points can
be found near each other.
• As a result, it seeks to calculate the distance between
data points, usually through Euclidean distance, and
then it assigns a category based on the most frequent
category or average.
• It is a type of unsupervised algorithm which solves the
clustering problem.
• Its procedure follows a simple and easy way to
classify a given data set through a certain number of
clusters .
• Data points inside a cluster are homogeneous and
heterogeneous to peer groups.
Random Forest–
• Random Forest is a classifier that contains a number
of decision trees on various subsets of the given
dataset and takes the average to improve the predictive
accuracy of that dataset.
• It belongs to the supervised learning technique and It
can be used for both classification and regression
problems in machine learning.
• The "forest" refers to a collection of uncorrelated
decision trees, which are then merged together to
reduce variance and create more accurate data
• It is a widely used and effective machine learning
algorithm based on the idea of bagging.
Anomaly Detection–
Anomaly detection is one of the most common use cases
of machine learning.
Finding and identifying outliers helps to prevent fraud,
adversary attacks, and network intrusions that can
compromise your company’s future.
Pattern Recognition–
• Pattern recognition is the use of computer algorithms
to recognize data regularities and patterns in machine
• And this type of recognition can be done on various
input types, such as biometric recognition, colors,
image recognition, and facial recognition.
Find-S Algorithms–
• It is a basic concept learning algorithm in machine
• The find-S algorithm finds the most specific
hypothesis that fits all the positive examples.
Backpropagation Algorithm–
• Backpropagation algorithm is probably the most
fundamental building block in a neural network.
• It is used to effectively train a neural network through
a method called chain rule.
• The general tasks that are performed with
backpropagation algorithm is pattern mapping,
prediction and function approximation etc.
Bayes Rule–
• Bayes theorem helps to contribute more accurate
• Bayes Theorem is used to estimate the precision of
values and provides a method for calculating the
conditional probability.
The minimum description length (MDL) principle is a
powerful method of inductive inference, the basis of
statistical modeling, pattern recognition, and machine
approximately correct (PAC) learning is a framework for
mathematical analysis of machine learning. It was
proposed in 1984 by Leslie Valiant.
Inductive Logic Programming–
Inductive logic programming is the subfield of machine
learning that uses first-order logic to represent
hypotheses and data.
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is an experience-based
approach to solve new problems by adapting previously
successful solutions to similar problems.
• Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high-level, and
interpreted programming language.
• It supports an Object Oriented programming approach
to develop applications and
• It is used in web development, data science, creating
software prototypes, and so on.
• Fortunately for beginners, Python has simple easy-touse syntax and this makes Python an excellent
language to learn to program for beginners.
Why Python?
• Python is commonly used for developing websites ,
software, task automation, data analysis, and data
• Since it is relatively easy to learn, Python has been
adopted by many non-programmers such as
accountants and scientists, for a variety of everyday
tasks, like organizing finances.
Programming Fundamentals
Python is a great choice for–
• Web and Internet Development
• Scientific and Numeric Computing
• Education
• Software Development
• GUI Development
• Games
• Business Applications
History of Python–
• Python was created by Guido van Rossum, and first
released on February 20, 1991.
• The name of the Python programming language
comes from an old BBC television comedy sketch
series called Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Advantages of Python
Easy to Read, Learn and Write–
• Python is a high-level programming language that has
English-like syntax.
• And that makes it easier to read and understand the
code therefore, a lot of people recommend Python to
• Here, we need fewer lines of code to perform the same
task as compared to other major languages like C/C++
and Java.
Interpreted Language–
• Python being an interpreted language it directly
executes the code line by line. In case of any error, it
stops further execution and reports back the error
which has occurred.
• And it shows only one error even if the program has
multiple errors. This makes the debugging process
Improved Productivity–
• Python is a very productive language. Due to the
simplicity of Python, developers can focus on solving
the problem.
• They don’t need to spend too much time in
understanding the syntax or behavior of the
programming language.
Dynamically Typed–
• Python doesn’t know the type of variable until we run
the code. It automatically assigns the data type during
the execution.
• The programmer doesn’t need to worry about
declaring variables and their data types.
Free and Open-Source–
• Python comes under the OSI approved open-source
license and this makes it free to use and distribute.
• We can download the source code, modify it and even
distribute your version of Python.
• This is useful for organizations that want to modify
some specific behavior and use their version for
• In many languages such as C/C++, we need to change
your code to run the program on different platforms.
• That is not the same with Python. We only write once
and run it anywhere.
Disadvantages of Python–
Not Memory Efficient• For providing simplicity to the developer, Python has
to do a little tradeoff. And the Python programming
language uses a large amount of memory.
• This can be a disadvantage while building applications
when we prefer memory optimization.
Weak in Mobile Computing–
• Python is generally used in server-side programming.
And we don’t get to see Python on the client-side or
mobile applications because of the following reasons.
• Python is not memory efficient and it has slow
processing power as compared to other languages.
Database Access–
• Programming in Python is easy and stress-free. But when
we are interacting with the database, it lacks behind.
• The Python’s database access layer is primitive and
underdeveloped in comparison to the popular
technologies such as JDBC and ODBC.
Runtime Errors–
• Python is a dynamically typed language therefore, the
data type of a variable can be changed anytime.
• A variable containing integer number may hold a
string in the future, which can lead to runtime errors.
• Therefore, Python programmers require testing of the
Slow Speed–
• In python programming, the line by line execution of
code often leads to slow execution.
• The dynamic nature of Python is also responsible for
the slow speed of Python because it has to do the extra
work while executing code.
• Therefore, Python is not used for purposes where
speed is an important aspect of the project.
Keywords in Python programming–
• In Python, keywords are case sensitive and they are
reserved words. That means we cannot use keywords
as a variable or function.
• Keywords are used to define the syntax and structure
of the Python language.
Following are some keywords available in Python
programming language.
None break
continue for
assert del
async elif
Note:- All the keywords except True, False and None are
in lowercase and they must be written as they are.
Programming Fundamentals
Python Identifiers
• An identifier is a name given to entities such as class,
functions, variables, etc.
• It helps to differentiate one entity from another.
Rules for Defining Identifiers–
1. An identifier cannot start with a digit.
For examplea1( valid declaration)
But 1a is not a valid declaration.
2. Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
For exampleassert = 1
3. Special symbols such as !, @, #, $, % etc. cannot be
used as an identifier.
For exampleb$ = 3
Variables in Python–
Defining variables• In Python, variables are containers for storing data
• Variable is a name that is used to refer to memory
location. Variables in python are also known as an
identifier and used to hold value.
For examplea = 10
x = "welcome to yct"
welcome to yct
Casting in Python–
We can specify the data type of a variable by using
For examplex = str (4)
y = float (4)
Output- 4
Get the Type–
We can also get the data type of a variable by declaring
type() function.
For examplex=4
y = "welcome to yct"
<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
Single or Double Quotes–
In python programming language, a string variable can
be declared either by using single or double quotes and it
doesn't make any sense ,both are the same.
For example–
x = "youth competition times"
x = 'youth competition times'
youth competition times
youth competition times
Data Type in Python–
• Every value in Python has a datatype.
• Since everything is an object in Python programming,
data types are actually classes and variables are
instances (object) of these classes.
• Following diagram demonstrates the various types of
data types in python programming language.
Comments in Python–
• Comments in python is an essential tool and generally
used to explain the code.
• They describe what is going on inside a program, so
that a person looking at the source code does not have
a hard time figuring it out.
• We use the hash (#) symbol to start writing a comment
in python.
For example#Proof of comments here is given .
print(" Hello, welcome to yct!")
Hello, welcome to yct!
Multi Line Comments in Python–
• Python does not really have a syntax for multi line
• To add a multiline comment we can insert a # for
each line:
For example–
# youths competition times
# is one of the best publication
# for competitive exams
print("Hello, welcome to yct!")
Type Conversion in Python–
The process of converting the value of one data type
such as (integer, string, float, etc.) to another data type is
known as type conversion. There are two types of type
Implicit Type Conversion–
In Implicit type conversion, Python automatically
converts one data type to another data type.
Programming Fundamentals
For example–
Converting integer to floatN_int = 5
N_float = 5.5
N_new = N_int + N_float
print("datatype of N_int:",type(N_int))
print("datatype of N_float:",type(N_float))
print("Value of N_new:",N_new)
print("datatype of N_new:",type(N_new))
After running the above code we get output as :datatype of N_int: <class 'int'>
datatype of N_float: <class 'float'>
Value of N_new: 10.5
datatype of N_new: <class 'float'>
Explicit Type Conversion–
In explicit type conversion, users convert the data type of
an object to required data type and for that we use the
predefined functions such as int(), float(), str(), etc to
perform explicit type conversion.
For example– To add string and integer data types using
explicit type conversion.
a = 50
b = “100”
result1 = a + b
b = int(b)
result2 = a + b
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and
In the above example, variable a is of the number data
type and variable b is of the string data type. When we
try to add these two integers and store the value in a
variable named result1, a TypeError occurs as displayed
in the output. So, in order to perform this operation, we
have to use explicit type casting. As we can see in the
above code block, we have converted the variable b into
int type and then added variables a and b. The sum is
stored in the variable named result2, and when printed it
displays 150 as output, as we can see in the output block.
Python Namespace–
A namespace is a collection of names and python
implements namespaces as dictionaries.
A namespace allows us to have unique names for each
object If we don’t know, this is just a quick reminder to
tell us that strings, lists, functions, etc. everything in
python is an object.
In other words, we can say that the role of a namespace
is like a surname.
Namespaces are of basically three types:1. Built-in Namespace– It includes functions and
exception names that are built-in in Python.
2. Global Namespace– It includes names from the
modules that are imported in the project. It is created
when we include the module and it lasts until the
script ends.
3. Local Namespace– It is created when the function is
called and the scope ends when the value is returned.
if...else Statement in python–
If statement
if test exp:
if...else Statement
if test exp:
Body of if
Body of else
if test exp:
Body of if
elif test exp:
Body of elif
Body of else
Loop in Python Programming–
For loop– A for loop is used for iterating over a
sequence (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, , or a
for val in sequence:
loop body
Break Statement in Python–
With the help of break statement we can stop the loop
even if the while condition is true.
For example- Exit the loop when i is 4.
while i < 8:
if (i == 4):
i += 1
Pass Statement in Python–
In Python programming, the pass statement is a null
statement. It is generally used as placeholder.
Errors and Exceptions in Python–
Syntax Errors– when error caused by not following the
proper syntax of the language is called syntax error or
parsing error.
Exceptions– when errors occurring at runtime (after
passing the syntax test) are called exceptions or logical
Exception Handling in Python–
• When exceptions occur, the Python interpreter stops
the current process and passes it to the calling process
until it is handled. If not handled, the program will
• These exceptions can be handled using the try
For example–
RegEx in Python–
fruits = ["mango", "banana", "orange"]
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that
for x in fruits:
defines a search pattern. A pattern defined using RegEx
can be used to match against a string.
Iterators in Python–
An iterator is an object that implements the iterator
While Loop– With the help of while loop we can protocol. In other words, an iterator is an object that
execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true. implements the following methods:
• __iter__ - It returns the iterator object itself.
while test_expression:
• __next__ - It returns the next element.
body of while
Generators in Python–
For example–
• Python generators are a simple way of creating
while i < 5:
• A generator is a special type of function which does
not return a single value, instead, it returns an iterator
i += 1
object with a sequence of values.
Programming Fundamentals
• In a generator function, a yield statement is used
rather than a return statement.
File Handling in python–
Python has a number of functions for creating, reading,
updating, and deleting files. The key function for
working with files in Python is the open() function. The
open() function takes two parameters; filename, and
f = open(filename, mode)
There are four different modes for opening a file:"r" - Read - Opens a file for reading
"a" - Append - Opens a file for appending
"w" - Write - Opens a file for writing
"x" - Create - Creates the specified file
• A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared
among the nodes of a computer network.
• As a database, a blockchain stores information
electronically in digital format.
• It is a digital decentralized (no financial institutions
involved) and distributed ledger.
• In layperson’s terms, it is a database that stores
records and transactions on multiple computers
without one controlling party and according to an
agreed policy.
• The data that is stored is a block, and the blocks are
linked (chained) together to form a blockchain.
• The blockchain is distributed across a peer-to-peer
(P2P) network and It is made up of data blocks that
are linked together to form a continuous chain of
immutable records.
• The concept of proof-of-work (PoW) was introduced
to verify computational effort and deter cyber attacks.
• To prevent bad actors from validating bad transactions
or double spends, blockchains are secured by a
consensus mechanism such as proof of work (PoW) or
proof of stake (PoS). And these methods allow for
agreement even when no single node is in charge.
How the Blockchain Technology Works–
• The goal of blockchain is to allow digital information
to be recorded and distributed, but not edited.
• Therefore, a blockchain is the foundation for
immutable ledgers, or records of transactions that
cannot be altered, deleted, or destroyed.
• That is why blockchains are also known as a
distributed ledger technology (DLT).
Followings are the steps in which a Blockchain
technology works:
• Firstly, the users requests for a transaction and then.
• A block representing the transaction is created.
• Thereafter, the block is broadcasted to all the nodes in
the network.
Programming Fundamentals
• Then all the nodes validate the information on the
• After validation, it gets added to the chain.
• And thus , finally the transaction gets verified and
History of Blockchain
• Blockchain technology was first outlined in 1991 by
Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, two researchers
who wanted to implement a system where document
time stamps could not be tampered with.
• Satoshi Nakamoto conceptualized the first blockchain
in 2008 from where the technology has evolved and
found its way into many applications beyond
• Satoshi Nakamoto released the first whitepaper about
the technology in 2009. In the whitepaper, he gave the
details of how the technology was well equipped to
enhance digital trust given the decentralization aspect
that means nobody would ever be in control of
• But Nakamoto's white paper was just the beginning
and In 2009, bitcoin went from concept to reality.
Benefits of Blockchain Technology–
Better Transparency– Blockchain is a type of
distributed ledger and all nodes in the network share a
copy of documentation. The data on the blockchain
ledger is easily accessible for everyone to see. If a
transaction history changes, everyone in the network can
see the change and the updated records. That is why, all
the information about currency exchange is available to
Enhanced Security– The shared documentation of
transactions can only be updated or modified with the
consensus on a blockchain network. The information is
edited only if everyone or majority of nodes agree to
update a record. Moreover, when a transaction is
approved then it is encrypted and connected with the
previous transaction. Therefore, nobody or any third
party has the potential to change a record.
Reduced Costs– As blockchain eliminates the need
for third parties and middlemen and it saves big costs in
business as we can trust the trading partner. We don't
need anyone else to establish the rules and policies of
exchange. The cost and effort spent on the
documentation and its revisions are also saved because
everyone gets to view a single immutable version of the
Improved Speed and Efficiency–
With traditional paperwork processes , completing a
transaction is exhausting as it requires third party
meditation and is prone to human errors. Blockchain can
streamline and discipline these legacy methods and
remove the risk of errors and it makes trading more
efficient and faster and leads to much less clutter.
True traceability– In complex supply chains, it is
difficult to trace products back to their origins. But , with
the help of blockchain, the exchanges of goods are
recorded. Therefore, we get an audit trial to learn from
where a particular asset came and we also get to know
every stop the product made on its journey. This
traceability of products can help in verifying the
authenticity and prevent frauds.
Drawback of Blockchain Technology–
Scalability– Blockchain's application Bitcoin is
massively popular , however, it can only handle 7
transactions per second whereas Hyperledger can handle
10k and Visa 56k transactions per second. The practical
use of blockchain gets a bit hard to believe with the issue
of scalability in view.
Storage– Since Blockchain databases are stored
indefinitely on all network nodes and the issue of storage
surfaces. With the increasing number of transactions, the
size of the database will expand and there is no way
personal computers can store unlimited data and it only
gets appended. To put this in perspective, the Ethereum
blockchain is expanding at the speed of 55 GB per year
as of 2017. It is at 180 GB per year.
Privacy– Data on a public blockchain is encrypted
and anonymous but it lies in the hands of all nodes in the
network. Therefore, everyone in the network has a right
to access this data and there is a possibility that someone
can track down the identity of a person in the network
through transactional data.
Regulation– Regulatory regimes in the financial
field are a challenge for blockchain' s implementation.
Blockchain applications will have to lay down the
process of pinpointing a culprit in case of a fraud
happens and that is a bit of a challenge.Other regulatory
aspects of a blockchain technology will need to be laid
down first for facilitating its wide adoption.
Security– Satoshi Nakamoto highlighted the 51%
attack when he launched Bitcoin. The attack can simply
be put such as - if 51 % of the nodes in a network lie and
it will have to be accepted as truth. So everyone in the
network will have to constantly have a watch on to
perceive any unwanted influence.
Layers of Blockchain Technology–
• Blockchain technology is an amalgamation of various
technologies coming together under one roof to help
the system run smoothly.
• Mathematical computation, cryptography, game
theory, peer-to-peer systems, and validation protocols
essentially join forces to power blockchain operations.
• Blockchains have a layered architecture to facilitate
this unique way of authenticating transactions.
Primarily there are five layers of blockchain technology:
1. Application layer
2. Services layer
3. Semantic layer
Programming Fundamentals
4. Network layer
5. Infrastructure layer
Web3 the New Internet
Artificial Intelligence– it understands information
like humans with natural language processing.
Ubiquity– All the devices would be connected to
the network.
Enhanced Connectivity– it uses semantic metadata
for better connectivity.
Semantic Web– it focuses on web content rather
than keywords.
3D Graphics– it utilizes virtual reality therefore, it
offers more realistic and natural looking graphics.
Peer to peer network:- it is a decentralized network
that gets rid of centralized authority.
Example of Popular Blockchain Platforms–
• It is one of the best blockchain platforms that is used
in almost any kind of sector.
• It offers some of the most lucrative features on the
market –
1. Data availability based on the need to know the
2. Safety protocols that will safeguard our information.
3. Permissioned network that can be used to add
privacy in our network.
Ethereum Enterprise–
• Ethereum is also great for all kinds of industry.
However, as it is public, it might not be suitable for
blockchain technology in banking.
• But its commercial version Ethereum Enterprises
offers a private channel in the architecture. Therefore,
that version is most suitable for blockchain technology
in banking.
R3 Corda–
Corda comes with two different versions – enterprise
Corda and Corda.
In reality, the enterprise Corda is most suited for any
kind of enterprise use cases.
It provides some of the lucrative features such as –
• The monitoring system that allows any user to locate
any disasters and recover them.
• Blockchain application firewall that safeguards the
whole network from any kind of cyber-attack.
• It came when the enterprises were looking for a good
solution that can ensure their full confidentiality.
• Instead of depending on typical power-consuming
ones, it offers a faster and better algorithm.
• It provides private transactions, permissioned
network, node management, high scalability for better
experience and faster settlement to save time.
Types of Blockchain–
There are four types of blockchain structures:
Public Blockchains–
• They are permissionless in nature and allow anyone to
join, and are completely decentralized.
• Public blockchains allow all nodes of the blockchain
to have equal rights to access the blockchain, create
new blocks of data, and validate blocks of data.
• Public blockchains are primarily used for exchanging
and mining cryptocurrency.
Private Blockchains–
• Private blockchains, which is also referred to as
managed blockchains, are permissioned blockchains
controlled by a single organization.
• In a private blockchain, the central authority
determines who can be a node.
• The central authority also does not necessarily grant
each node with equal rights to perform functions.
• Private blockchains are only partially decentralized
because public access to these blockchains is
Consortium Blockchains–
• Consortium blockchains are permissioned blockchains
governed by a group of organizations, rather than one
• Consortium blockchains, therefore, enjoy more
decentralization than private blockchains, resulting in
higher levels of security.
Hybrid blockchains–
• Hybrid blockchains are blockchains that are controlled
by a single organization, but with a level of oversight
performed by the public blockchain that is required to
perform certain transaction validations.
• An example of a hybrid blockchain is IBM Food
Trust, which was developed to improve efficiency
throughout the entire food supply chain.
Blockchain Technology for Government Services–
A blockchain-based government has the potential to
solve legacy pain points and it helps in the following
Legal enforcement– The Government can use
public blockchain data to monitor transactions to
facilitate legal transactions and stop money laundering.
Welfare distribution– Blockchain technology can
help to cut off the system losses which will pave the way
for better welfare distribution.
Healthcare services– Government can improve
healthcare services by using distributed ledgers.
Cyber protection– Government can use blockchain
technology to protect vital government infrastructure
against hacks and cyber attacks.
Security and safety– Government can provide
better social security against online frauds with the help
of blockchain technology.
Programming Fundamentals
Taxation– with the help of a decentralized ledger ,
the Government can bring up better transparency in
solving tax issues.
UTXO- The term UTXO refers to the amount of
digital currency someone has left remaining after
executing a cryptocurrency transaction such as bitcoin.
It stands for unspent transaction output.
Principles and Programming
• Programming principles help an individual to
become a good programmer.
• After learning these coding principles a
programmer or developer becomes more efficient
and able to produce code which is easier to
• It also helps in saving development and
maintenance time as well.
Programming principles–
• Programming is the process of coding, testing,
troubleshooting, debugging and maintaining a system.
• Programming principles help us to write excellent
quality of code and maintain a good coding practice.
Following are certain programming principles that can
help to be a better coder.
KISS(keep it simple, stupid)–
This programming principle is one of the most important
principles. Writing simple code is a good sign of a
programmer. Writing a thick block of advanced and
complicated code does not make any sense. Therefore,
this principle suggests making coding as simple as
Therefore, when you write code your solution or logic
should not be complicated that takes a lot of time and
effort to understand. That is why, always try to simplify
your code using different approaches such as breaking a
complex problem into smaller chunks or taking out some
unnecessary code you have written.
For example:function addNumbers(n1,n2)
return n1 + n2;
In the above simple function , it is very easy to know and
understand what is going on.
Write DRY Code–
• DRY stands for don't repeat yourself. DRY is a
programming principle which focuses on mainly not
repeating the code.
• It avoids duplication of data or logic while writing
• It states that a piece of code should be implemented in
just one place in the source code.
For example– Suppose you want to print 15 lines in a • This means that a class will do only one job, which
program then you write 15 blocks of code. But a good
leads us to conclude it should have only one reason to
programmer will try to use a loop or some logic instead
of writing the duplicate lines.
Following diagram illustrates the single responsibility
Open/ Closed Principle(OCP)–
principle very well.
A module should be open for extension but closed
for modification. This is an important principle when
releasing a library or framework that others will use.
Following diagram demonstrates the open/ closed
principle very well.
Separation of Concerns–
• Separation of concerns is a principle used in
programming to separate an application into units,
with minimal overlapping between the functions of
the individual units.
• The separation of concerns is achieved using
modularization, encapsulation and arrangement in
Composition Over Inheritance–
software layers.
• The Composition Over Inheritance principle is very
useful while writing code by using object- oriented Following diagram demonstrates the separation of
programming .
• It states that objects with complex behaviors should
contain instances of objects with individual behaviors
and they should not inherit a class and add new
• Only relying on inheritance causes two major
problems. First, the inheritance hierarchy can get
messy in a hurry and we also have less flexibility for
defining special-case behaviors.
Following diagram illustrates composition over
You Aren't Going to Need It (YAGNI)–
• YAGNI originally is an acronym that stands for "You
Aren't Going to Need It". It is a mantra from extreme
programming that is often used in agile software
• "YAGNI" is a principle which arose from extreme
programming that states a programmer should not add
functionality until deemed necessary.
• XP co-founder Ron Jeffries has written: "Always
implement things when you actually need them, never
Single Responsibility
when you just foresee that you need them."
• As the name suggests, this principle states that each
class should have one responsibility, one single Following diagram illustrates YAGNI principle in
beautiful waypurpose.
Programming Fundamentals
Introduction of Object Oriented
Programming (OOPs)
• Refactoring is a systematic process of improving code
without creating new functionality.
• Refactoring transforms a mess into clean code and
simple design.
• It is the process of changing a software system in such
a way that it doesn't change the external behavior of
code and yet improves its internal structure.
Interface Segregation Principle–
• It segregates interfaces as per requirements of the
program, rather than one general purpose
• The Interface Segregation Principle was defined by
Robert C. Martin while consulting for Xerox to help
them build the software for their new printer systems.
• He defined it as “Clients should not be forced to
depend upon interfaces that they do not use.”
Following diagram demonstrates the interface
segregation principle-
• The concept of object-oriented programming (OOP)
was coined by Alan Kay at grad school.
• OPP first came into picture in 1970's by Alan and his
team and later it was used by some programming
languages and was implemented successfully.
Smalltalk was first language to use pure OOP
concepts and followed all the rules strictly.
• The concept of object-oriented programming was
brought to remove the flaws encountered in the
procedural approach.
• Object-oriented programming treats data as a critical
element in the program development and it does not
allow it to flow freely around the system.
• OOP ties data more closely to the functions that
operate on it and protects it from accidental
modification from outside functions.
• OOP gives permission for the decomposition of a
problem into a number of entities which is called as
objects and then create data and functions around
these objects.
• Or in other words we can say that the main goal of
OOP is to make complex code simpler and for this the
program is divided into independent blocks which are
known as objects.
• The data of an object can be accessed only by the
function associated with that object, therefore,
function of one object can access the function of other
objects. following is the diagram that illustrates the
organization of data and function in object oriented
Dependency inversion Principle
• The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) states that
high level modules should not depend on low level
modules; both should depend on abstractions.
• Abstractions should not depend on details but details
should depend upon abstractions.
Following diagram illustrates the dependency inversion
Basic Concepts of OOPs–
OOPs refers to languages that aims to implement real
world entities such as inheritance, polymorphism,
dynamic binding and message passing etc.
OOPs includes–
• Objects are the basic-run time entities and they can be
a person, a place, a bank account or a table of data etc
• It may also represent user-defined data like vectors,
time and lists as well.
Programming Fundamentals
• An objects is an instance of a class and when a class is
defined then no memory is allocated but when it is
created then memory allocation is done.
• An object has an identity, state and behavior.
For example.
"Dog" is a real-life object that has certain
characteristics such as color, bark, eats etc.
• Objects are variables of the type class and once a class
is defined then we can create any number of objects
belonging to that class.
• A class is therefore, a collection of objects of similar
type and it represents the set of properties or methods
that are common to all objects of one type.
• A class is like a blue print for an object.
For example– Mango, apple and orange are members
of a class fruit.
Data abstraction– Data abstraction refers to the act
of providing essential features without including the
background details or explanations.
For example- A man who knows to drive a car but
does not know the inner mechanism of car how it runs.
• Attributes are sometime called as data members
because they hold information.
• The functions which operate on these data are
sometime is called as method or member functions.
• In general, encapsulation is a process of wrapping
similar code in one place.
• It involves the bundling of data members and
functions inside a single class.
• Bundling similar data members and functions inside
a class together helps in data hiding as well.
For example
class Rect
int leng;
int brdth;
int getArea()
return long * brdth;
• Inheritance is the process by which objects of one
class acquire the properties of objects of another class.
• It supports the concept of hierarchical classification.
• It allows to create new class (derived class) from an
existing class (base class).
For example
Class Animal {
// eat () → function
// shout () → function
class Dog: public Animal{
// bark () → function
Note– In OOP the concept of inheritance provides the
idea of reusability that means we can add additional
features to an existing class without modifying it.
There are many forms of inheritanceSingle inheritance–
This is a form of inheritance in which a class inherits
only one parent class.
for example
In the above diagram, class y extends only class x and
class x is a super class and class y is a sub-class.
Multiple Inheritance–
Here, one class extends more than one class.
Note-: Java does not support multiple inheritance.
Multilevel Inheritance– Here, one class can inherit
from a derived class; therefore, the derived class
becomes the base class for the new class.
in the above code leng and brdth are data members and
the function get Area () are kept together in Rect class.
Programming Fundamentals
Hierarchical Inheritance– Here, one class is For example
inherited by many sub classes.
Class Text
void display ()
It is clear from the above diagram that class b, class
cout << "Text class";
c and class d inherit the same class.
Hybrid Inheritance–
It is also known as multipath inheritance due to the
Class Derived: public Text
subclass deriving its properties from super class
following the various paths.
void display ()
cout << "Derived class";
Polymorphism– Polymorphism, a Greek term, Now, it is clear from the above example that function
which means the ability to take more than one form. It is display () is overridden in the derived class.
the same entity (function or operator) that behaves Dynamic binding–
differently in different scenarios.
• Dynamic binding means that a block of code executed
For example– (+) operator in C++ programming is
with reference to a procedure (method) call is
used in two waysdetermined at run time.
First as arithmetic operation as addition and second • Dynamic binding is also called as late binding or runas string concatenation or in layman words we can say, a
time binding
lady can perform as a teacher in school and mother at Message passing–
• Objects communicate with one another by sending
Polymorphism is mainly divided into two parts–
and receiving information to each other. A message
• Compile time polymorphism
for an object is a request for execution of a procedure
(method) and that is why it invokes function in the
• Runtime polymorphism
receiving object that generates the desired results.
• Compile time polymorphism–
passing involves specifying the name of
It is achieved by function overloading or operator over
name of the function and the information to
be sent.
Function overloading–
Function overloading refers to the use of the same
• A constructor is a 'special' member function whose task
thing for different purposes that means we can use the
is to initialize the objects of its class.
same function name to create functions that perform a
variety of different tasks. This is also called as function • It is special because its name is the same as the class
polymorphism in OOP. Functions can be overloaded by
change in number of arguments or change in type of • It is invoked whenever an object of its associated class
is created.
is called constructor because it constructs the values
Operator overloading–
of data members of the class
Overloading means assigning different meanings to
an operation, depending on the context. For example, '+' Syntax–
Class integer //class with a constructor
operator is performed as addition in arithmetic operation
and it is also used for concatenate two strings.
int x, y;
• Runtime polymorphism–
Runtime polymorphism is achieved by function
integer(void) // constructor declared
Function overriding– It is a feature that allows to
use a function in the child class that is already present in
its parent class. The child class inherits all the data
integer :: integer(void)
members and the member functions present in the parent
x = 0; y = 0;
Function overriding means creating a newer version
of the parent class function in the child class.
Programming Fundamentals
Destructors– It is used to destroy the object that is
created by a constructor. Same as constructor, the
destructor is a member function whose name is the same
as the class name but it is preceded by a tidle (~).
for example, the destructor for the class text can be
defined as~ class ()
For example
# include<iostream>
using namespace std;
int count = 0,
class birth
count ++;
cout<<"\n number of objects created"<<
~birth (){
cout<<"\n number of objects destroyed"
<< count;
count --;
int main (){
cout<< "\n\ n Enter Main \ n";
birth B1,B2, B3, B4
cout<< "\n\n Enter Block 1\n";
birth B5;
cout<< "\n\ n Enter Block 2 \n";
birth B6;
cout<< "\n\n Re-enter main \n";
return 0;
The output of the program isEnter main
Number of objects created 1
Number of objects created 2
Number of objects created 3
Number of objects created 4
Enter Block 1
Number of objects created 5
Number of objects destroyed 5
Enter Block 2
Programming Fundamentals
Number of objects created 5
Number of objects destroyed 5
Re-enter main
Number of objects destroyed 4
Number of objects destroyed 3
Number of objects destroyed 2
Number of objects destroyed 1
1. A constructors has the same name as that of a class.
2. Constructors are normally used to initialize variables
and to allocate memory.
Features of OOPs–
• Emphasis in on doing things (algorithms)
• Large programs are divided into smaller programs
which is known as functions.
• Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external
• Data move openly around the system from function to
• Employs top-down approach in program design.
Benefits of OOP's–
• With the help of inheritance, we can eliminate
redundant code and extend the use of existing classes.
• The principle of data hiding helps the programmer to
build secure programs that can not be invaded by code
in other parts of the program.
• Software complexity can be easily managed.
• The data centered design approach enables to capture
more details of a model in implementation form.
• Message passing techniques for communication
between objects make the interface descriptions with
external systems much simpler.
• Flexibility through polymorphism.
• Security→ because of concept of data abstraction,
only limited amount of data is shown to user. It allows
the maintenance of security.
Integrated Development Environment
• Integrated development environments (IDE) are
applications that facilitates the development of other
• It provides a central interface with any tools which
appears convenient for developer to use.
• It is a build application that combines common
developer tools into a single graphical user interface
(GUI). An IDE typically may have source code
editor, local build automation and debugger etc.
History of IDE
• Before the development of IDE, programmer used to
write their program in text editor.
• And this involved writing and saving an application in
the text editor before running run the compiler, taking
note of any error messages, and then going back to the
text editor to revise their code.
• During 1983, Borland Ltd. acquired a Pascal compiler
and published it as Turbo Pascal which had for the
first time integrated editor and compiler.
Benefits of Using IDEs–
It improve developers productivity.
Boost the speed of development activities.
• Keeps developers up to date with the latest practices
and threats.
• It saves times and a programmer doesn't need to type
out full character sequences.
• Help developers to organize their workflow and solve
• Syntax highlighting is also common in most IDEs,
which uses visual cues to distinguish grammar in the
text editor.
Multi-Language IDE–
• The multi-language IDE such as Eclipse, Aptana,
Komodo, NetBeans, and Geany support multiple
programming languages.
• Eclipse- It supports C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP,
Java and others. It is managed and directed by the
Eclipse.org Consortium.It is a free and open source
editor for many development frameworks.
• Aptana- It supports HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX
and others through plugins. It is a popular choice for
programmers who do web app development.
• Komodo- It supports Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl,
JavaScript, Ruby etc.
• NetBeans- It supports Java, PHP, JavaScript, C, C++,
Python, Ruby etc. It is also free and open source.
• Geany- It supports C, PHP, Java, HTML, Perl,
Python, Pascal etc.
Visual Studio– It supports VB.NET, Visual C++,
C#, F# and more. Visual Studio is Microsoft's IDE,
designed to create apps for the Microsoft platform.
MonoDevelop– It supports Visual Basic, C/C++,
C#, and additional .NET languages.
Coda– Supports PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript,
AppleScript, and Cocoa API. This IDE is highlighted as
"one-window development" for Mac users.
Espresso: it supports XML, HTML, CSS, PHP, and
JavaScript. Espresso is a tool specifically for Mac web
Why IDE Should be used–
The functionality of IDE saves time and makes
coding easier . Followings are certain points that specify
why to go for IDE.
It is a tool for monitoring and analyzing the
programs and generates the output as specified. The
Komodo IDE contains debugging features such as
breakpoint control, remote debugging, watching
variables, viewing the call stack, etc.
Programming Fundamentals
Unit Testing–
It’s necessary to conduct proper testing for checking
the quality of code in the software. We can do the testing
with different types of testing software such as PHPUnit,
Perl TAP, Python unit test, and Ruby’s rake test to
support frameworks for our language.
Code Refactoring & Profiling–
It allows to change the code globally, which saves time
instead of changing the code manually. Code profiling
quickly recognizes the congestion by analyzing the code
performance based on a function-by-function basis.
Source Code Integration–
An IDE contains necessary commands such as push,
pull/update, commit, history, etc…, that keeps the
application up to date with the team and vice versa
without using another tool. For example, Komodo IDE
supports for Subversion, Mercurial, Git, Perforce,
Bazaar, and CVS.
Development and Release Tool Integration–
The IDE software can easily integrate tools or other
systems and allows accessing them easily. Some features
include spell-checking, track changes and database
integrations with the database explorer.
Important facts
• A static variable retains its value throughout the file of
the program
• A continue statement in a while loop shall transfer
control to test condition of while loop.
• Semantic errors can be detected at both compile time
and run-time only.
• C was primarily developed as a system programming
• One of the disadvantages of pass by reference is that
the called function may inadvertently corrupt the
caller's data and this can be avoided by declaring the
formal parameters constant.
• Register, Extern and Type def are storage class
specifies in C programming language.
• The value range for "short" data type in Java is -215
to +215–1.
• In java, the "DataInputastream" class is defined in
java.io package.
• Earlier name of Java programming language was
• Object oriented inheritance models "is a kind of"
• Prepared statement can execute parameterized queries.
• The keyword used to transfer control from a function
back to the calling function is return.
• Java is a platform free language.
• Bug means a logical error in a program.
• Polymorphism, Data encapsulation and operator over
loading is the property of object oriented
• The header file iostream.h is included in C++ program
to use input/output functions.
• Member function of a class in C++ can be called by an
object of that class using dot operator.
• Relational operator can be overloaded in C++. Virtual
class cannot be instantiated.
• Reusability of code in C++ program is justified with
the inheritance.
• Inheriting the attributes of two or more existing
classes at same level for defining new class is called
as multiple inheritances.
• In C++ '?' is a Ternary operator.
• New keyword is used for memory allocation in C++.
• Destructor destroy the objects when no longer
• In C++ virtual function is defined and declared in base
• Member function with the same name in two different
classes in allowed.
• Variable, Arrays and class objects can be passed to a
function in C++
• "Run time binding" is the term used in C++, its
synonym is polymorphism.
• Object occupies space in memory during C++
program execution.
• C++, Java and small talk are object-oriented
programming language.
• In C++ information hiding is achieved through data
• During program execution in C++, "divide by zero"
error can be handled by exception handling.
• In C++, the operator overloading is an example of
• In (c) language, system level programming can be
done easily because it facilitates bit wise operators.
• 'Union' in 'c' is used to store different members at
same memory location.
• fread(), fseek() and ftell() are common functions that
are used for direct/random access file in 'c'.
• In 'c' language '#' notation is used as preprocessor
• 'call by reference' method uses pointers when
parameters are passed in functions.
• A function of a 'C' program cannot return more than
one value.
• String is 'C' is a set of 'characters'.
• "Continue" keywords in 'C' is used to transfer the
control to the beginning of loop.
• The execution of a 'C' program starts from main()
• In 'C' programming language, dynamic memory is
allocated using pointers.
• A problem whose language is recursion is called
Programming Fundamentals
• Throw able is a super class of all errors and exceptions
in the Java language
• Malloc and Calloc is used for dynamic memory
• Four types of class members in Java script are
instance fields, instance, methods, class fields and
class methods.
• Java provides a monitor like concurrency control for
threads synchronization
• An exception is caused by a runtime error.
• Bit fields can only be declared as a part of structure.
• Unsigned int data type is accepted while declaring bitfields.
• Runtime polymorphism is achieved by virtual
• In java the throw keyword is used to generate
exception programmatically.
• In a multi file program, the default storage class for a
function is External.
• The purpose of abstract class is to provide an
appropriate base class from which other classes can
• Mechanism of deriving a class from another derived
class is called as inheritance.
• The derive class constructor is responsible for passing
the entire test of arguments needed by base class
• Collection of Java is a group of objects.
• Java allows programmers to develop the applets,
applications and servlets.
• Smalltalk is the pure object-oriented language.
• Array is a structured data type in C programming
language and it may be defined as a finite ordered
collection of data items of the same data type.
• In C++, a container is a holder object that stores and
manipulates a collection of objects.
• During a recursive call, all static variables retained
form the last execution.
• The first and second arguments of open are a character
string containing the name of the file and the second
agreement is the mode.
• The order in which recursive functions are executed is
last in first out order.
• If only one memory location is to be reserved for a
class variable, no matter how many objects are
instantiated, then the variable should be declared as
• LISP programming language provides garbage
collection automatically.
• Exception handling is a type of forward error recovery
• Short in 'C' is the qualifier and int is the basic data
• Function overloading is also similar to constructor
• The concept of OOps that allows compiler to insert
arguments in a function call if it is not specified is
default arguments.
• Pure object oriented languages are Java, Simula,
Small talk and Eiffel.
• Friend keyword does not appear in the private section
of a class.
• Function overloading in C++ is a group of function
with the same name.
• In C++, the default storage class of local variable is
• In object-oriented programming using C++ static
variable is also called as class variable.
• The classes such as anonymous class, nested class and
base class are used to create objects.
• A class which can inherit the attributes of two or more
classes is called multiple inheritance.
• The types of constructors are copy constructor, default
constructor and parameterized constructor.
• Bottom-up approach is generally adopted by C++
• Serialization process takes place automatically by
JAVA run time system.
• The 'new' operator in JAVA obtains memory for a
new variable.
• 'This' keyword in JAVA is used to refer to current class
• Primary constant in 'C' are integer, float and character
• scanf() function receives value from the key board.
• ?: is a ternary operator.
• 'go to' keyword should be avoided as for as possible.
• (!) has the highest priority.
• Basic run time entities in an object-oriented system
are objects.
• Examples of OOP language are Ruby, C++ and small
talk etc.
• <stdio.h> may be written as (in C++) <cstdio>.
• In the Java statement import Java.
• Lang.Math; math is class. 'Private' fields enjoy highest
degree of protection in Java.
• A package is a collection of classes and interfaces.
• Basic Java language functions are stored in Java.lang
package. Math is a member of the Java language
• Output stream has a method name flush ().
• A class that allows only one object of it to be created,
is called singleton class.
• The concept of Dynamic binding determines method
to invoke at runtime.
• "Cout" in C++ is an object.
Programming Fundamentals
• The concept of composition facilitates to use the
objects of one class inside another class.
• A constructor class member function automatically
initializes the data members.
• finalize() function is used to perform some action
when the object is to be destroyed.
• The characteristic of a computer system that is capable
of reasoning, learning and problem solving is termed
as artificial intelligence.
• John McCarthy coined the term "artificial
intelligence" and he invented the LISP (list
processing) programming language for artificial
• LISP is expression-based and provides high-level
debugging and a convenient macro system. prolog
language is related to artificial language.
• (.pl) is the extension of prolog source files. SWIprolog is a free implementation of the prolog
programming language.
• In artificial intelligence, utility-based agents describes
high quality behaviors (degree of happiness).
• Another name for lazy learning algorithm is k-Nearest
• In NLP, the conference resolution is defined as the
task of finding all expression that refer to the same
entity in a text.
• In terms of machine learning the correct full form of
ROC curve is receiver operating characteristic curve.
• Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning
• Prediction is the purpose of regression technique in
machine learning.
• For a given current state and an input symbol, if an
automation can only jump to one and only one state
then it is a deterministic automaton.
• A finite-state machine with no output function at all is
known as a semi automation.
• Omega geometric does not have probabilistic
acceptance while geometric, quantum finite and
metric automation do have probabilistic acceptance.
• The field that investigates the mechanics of human
intelligence is cognitive science.
• AI computing focus on knowledge and conventional
computing focus on knowledge and conventional
computing focus on data and information. The
intelligent agents senses through sensors and take
actions through actuators.
• AO* algorithm is also called as And-or algorithm.
• Wumpus world problem is example of reasoning with
• The process of defining a problem is terms of few
steps and then exploring each of the steps further is
known as step-wise refinement.
• In AI, the problem solving using judgmental or
common-sense part is generally known as Heuristic
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
In which year C language was developed?
(a) 1972
(b) 1973
(c) 1970
(d) 1971
The person who developed C language is:(a) Dennis Henry
(b) Dennis Rossum
(c) Dennis Ritchie
(d) Bjarne Stroustrup
The very first JVM compiler was written in(a) Java language
(b) C language
(c) C++ language
(d) C# language
Which of the following is/are feature of c
(a) Memory management (b) Mid- level
(c) Simple
(d) All of the above
Which of the following is not a correct
declaration of variable in C programming
(a) int X= 2
(b) int X;
(c) double = 2.5;
(d) char a = 'yct';
The variable declared outside the function or
block is known as
(a) Local variable
(b) Static variable
(c) Dynamic variable
(d) Global variable
An empty data type which has no value is
(a) Basic
(b) Derived
(c) Void
(d) Enumeration
Which of the following is used for output and
prints the given statement to the console?
(a) scanf()
(b) printed()
(c) printf()
(d) clrscr()
Which of the following is used for input and
reads the input data from the console?
(a) scanf()
(b) printf()
(c) stringf()
(d) getch()
Which of the following is not a c language
(a) auto
(b) case
(c) union
(d) structured
Which of the following header file is used for
console input/output functions?
(a) studio.h
(b) conio.h
(c) stdlib.h
(d) iostream.h
A loop in C statement consists of
(a) two parts
(b) three parts
(c) one parts
(d) four parts
Which loop in C programming language is
called as an " Endlessloop"?
(a) while loop
(b) do- while loop
(c) infinite loop
(d) for loop
Programming Fundamentals
Which of the following statement is true about
for loop?
(i) It is used in the case where we need to
execute some part of the code until the
given condition is satisfied.
(ii) It is also known as pre-tested loop.
(iii) It is also a post- tested loop.
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) (ii) & (iii)
(c) (iii) only
(d) All of the above
Which loop does execute the statements inside
the body before checking the condition?
(a) While loop
(b) Do- while loop
(c) For loop
(d) None of these
Which of the following string function is used
to reverse the string in C language?
(a) Strrev()
(b) Strupr()
(c) Strrev()
(d) strngrv()
Which of the following string function is used
to return the length of string name in C
(a) Strreturn()
(b) Strlen()
(c) Strcmp()
(d) Strwr()
C++ is an extension of ?
(a) C language
(b) Jaava language
(c) OOPs
(d) ADA
Which is not a valid access specifier among the
following ?
(a) protected
(b) public
(c) derived
(d) private
In which year C++ was made available outside
Bell Laboratories?
(a) 1986
(b) 1981
(c) 1982
(d) 1985
Which of the following is disadvantages of
(a) Use of pointers
(b) Security issues
(c) Code redundancy
(d) All of the above
Which of the following is not a disadvantage of
C++ programming language?
(a) Code redundancy
(b) Security issues
(c) Absence of built-in threads
(d) Presence of garbage collector
With reference to C ++ programming
language, which of the following statement
is/are correct?
(i) It
(ii) It supports inline function.
(iii) It is a high level language.
(iv) It is saved with .cpp extension.
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) (i) ,(ii)& (iii)
(c) (i) & (iii) only
(d) All of the above
Which of the following is not a keyword in C++
programming language?
(a) signed
(b) static
(c) return
(d) constant
Which of the following is used for storing text
and it contains the collection of characters
surrounded by double quotes in C++ ?
(a) strings
(b) pointers
(c) Array
(d) None of these
Which of the following is collection of different
datatypes and similar to the class that holds
different types of data in C++?
(a) String
(b) Structure
(c) Pointers
(d) Array
………. is a computer utility program that
takes one or more object files generated by a
compiler and it combines multiple object code
and links them with libraries?
(a) Loader
(b) Linker
(c) Compiler
(d) Assember
Who is known as the father of Java?
(a) James Arthur
(b) James Gosling
(c) Dennis M. Ritchie (d) Bjarne Stroustrup
In which year was java language developed?
(a) 1995
(b) 1996
(c) 1994
(d) 1990
Java is a
(a) Platform- oriented (b) Platform dependent
(c) Platform independent (d) None of these
Which of the following is a feature of java
(a) Object- oriented
(b) Simple
(c) Portable
(d) All of the above
What is full form of JVM?
(a) Java virtual Machine
(b) Java volt machine
(c) Java vehicle machine
(d) Java volatile machine
A variable declared inside the class but outside
the body of the method, is known as
(a) Instance variable
(b) Static variable
(c) Local variable
(d) Global variable
The data type that includes Boolean, char ,
byte, short , int, long float and double is called
(a) Static
(b) Non primitive
(c) Global
(d) Primitive
Programming Fundamentals
Which of the following is non- primitive data
(a) String
(b) Boolean
(c) Char
(d) Byte
Which of the following does represent floating
point data type?
(a) Long
(b) Double
(c) Byte
(d) Integer
In java programming language the keyword
which is used to catch the exceptions generated
by try statements?
(a) Default
(b) Import
(c) Catch
(d) Package
Which of the following keyword is used to
indicate that a class is derived from another
class or interface?
(a) Default
(b) Extends
(c) Import
(d) this
The keyword which is used to explicitly throw
an exception in java is(a) throw- out
(b) throw in
(c) throw
(d) throw for
What is the full form of awt in java?
(a) Allow windows toolkit
(b) Abstract window toolkit
(c) Application window toolkit
(d) None of the these
Which of the following package is used in Java
program to connect databases such as Oracle
or Sysbase and retrieving the data from them?
(a) Java.awt
(b) Java.sql
(c) Java.net
(d) Java.io
Which of the following package does contain
the classes such as System, String or String
(a) Java.lang
(b) Java.io
(c) Java.util
(d) Java.net
Which of the following parameters are used to
print an argument that is passed to it?
(a) String.out.println()
(b) System.out.println()
(c) Strings.out.printf()
(d) Systems.out.println()
Which of the following is not a advantages of
using packages in Java?
(a) Name conflict
(b) Reusability
(c) Access protection
(d) Package destroyer
Which of the following components of the .NET
framework provide an extensible set of classes
which can be used by any .NET compliant
programming language?
(a) .Net class libraries
(b) Common Language Runtime
(c) Common Language Infrastructure
(d) Common Type System
Which of the following constitutes the .NET
1. ASP.NET Applications
2. CLR
3. Framework Class Library
4. WinForm Applications
(a) 1 & 2
(b) 2 & 3
(c) 3 & 4
(d) 2 & 4
Which of the following does execute the actual
.Net code?
(a) CLS
(b) MSIL
(c) CTS
(d) CLR
Common language specification(CLS)
(a) is an execution engine for all .Net application
(b) is similar to JVM as in Java
(c) It defines standard rules for defining .Net
compliant languages
(d) It is a compiler
What is CTS in .NET?
(a) defines rules concerning data types
(b) defines a set of rules for all compilers to
generate manage code for .NET
(c) describes a set of features that different
languages have in common
(d) none of the above
Which of the following is not a .NET
compatible language?
(a) C#
(b) J#
(c) V(b)NET
(d) Java
C# is a ……
(a) Object-oriented programming language
(b) Procedural language
(c) It is similar to java programming
(d) It doesn't run on .Net framework
Who is the founder of C# language?
(a) Anders Hejlsberg
(b) Mark jukerberq
(c) Charles Hawkins
(d) Andrew Thomson
Which of the following is not feature of C#?
(a) Simple
(b) Modern
(c) Type safe
(d) Repetition
Which of the following does enable the C#
programs to do almost anything that a native
C++ application can do?
(a) Object-oriented
(b) Interoperability
(c) Type safe
(d) Modern
VB.Net stands for
(a) Visual Basic.Net
(b) Visualisation Basic.Net
Programming Fundamentals
(c) Volume.Net framework
(d) Versatile Basic .Net
Which of the following is a very productive tool
for rapid creation of a wide range of Web,
Windows, Office, and Mobile applications?
(a) C++
(b) Java
(c) ADA
(d) VB.Net
What is the full form of CLS?
(a) common language specification
(b) common language special
(c) common language specific
(d) common level sense
Which of the following is the field of computer
science that is associated with the concept of
machine "thinking like human" to perform
tasks such as learning, problem solving,
planning, reasoning and identifying patterns?
(a) Human learning
(b) Deep learning
(c) Machine learning
(d) Artificial intelligence
Who is known as the father of artificial
(a) Marvin Minsky
(b) John McCarthy
(c) Charles Hawkins
(d) a & b
How many types are artificial intelligence
based on capabilities?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 6
Which of the following artificial intelligence is
based on capabilities?
(a) Narrow AI
(b) General AI
(c) Strong AI
(d) All of the above
How many types are artificial intelligence
based on functionality?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
Which of the following artificial intelligence is
based on functionality?
(a) Reactive machine
(b) Limited memory
(c) Theory of mind & self awareness
(d) All of the above
Which of the following artificial intelligence is
called as weak artificial intelligence?
(a) Narrow AI
(b) General AI
(c) Strong AI
(d) None of these
............. artificial intelligence is an artificial
intelligence construct that has mental
capabilities and functions that mimic the
human brain.
(a) Theory of mind
(b) Strong
(c) General
(d) Narrow
What is the full form of EGAN?
(a) Evolution general advisory network
(b) Evolutionary genetics advance network
(c) Evolutionary generative adversial networks
(d) Evolution generated advisory networks
Which of the following learns to make better
predictions through repeated trial- and- error?
(a) Reinforcement learning
(b) Deep learning
(c) Machine learning
(d) NLP
Which agent does use cameras and infrared
radars as sensors to record information from
environment and use reflex motors as actuators
to deliver output back to the environment?
(a) Human agent
(b) Robotic agent
(c) Software agent
(d) Utility based agent
Which one of the following is used in machine
learning and artificial intelligence when it is
impractical to solve a particular problem with
a step by step algorithm?
(a) Heuristic approach
(b) Knowledge based agent
(c) Pattern recognition
(d) Condition action rule
……….is a method that is used by an AI entity
to understand a certain string of data to find
sequence of pattern from it.
(a) Inference rule
(b) Pattern matching
(c) Heuristic algorithm
(d) Natural learning process
Which of the following programming
languages is related to AI (Artificial
Intelligence) development?
(a) C language
(b) C++ language
(c) Java language
(d) Prolog language
RPSC Lect. 2011
Another name for lazy learning algorithm is:
(a) K-Nearest Neighbor (b) Regression
(c) Classification
(d) Neural Networks
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which is the correct full form of LISP from
(a) Language Processing
(b) List Processing
(c) Language Inspection
(d) Linguistics Programming
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which among the following options is NOT
true with regard to NLP?
(a) NLP is predictable
Programming Fundamentals
(b) NLP may require more keystrokes
(c) It is very time-efficient
(d) NLP helps computers to communicate with
humans in their languages
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
The characteristic of a computer system that is
capable of reasoning, learning and problem
solving is termed as :
(a) artificial intelligence
(b) human intelligence
(c) virtual intelligence
(d) common intelligence
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
In artificial intelligence, which among the
following agents describes high quality
behaviour (degree of happiness)
(a) goal-based agents
(b) simple reflex agents
(c) utility-based agents
(d) agents that keep track of the world
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Who among the following is known as the
inventor of LISP?
(a) John McCarthy
(b) Alan Turing
(c) John Backus
(d) Marvin Minsky
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
What will be the correct output of the below
line when executed in LISP?
(write-line "Welcome to \ "Park\"")
(a) "Welcome to "Park"
(b) Welcome to "Park"
(c) "Welcome to Park"
(d) Welcome to \"Park\"
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of the following statements is NOT true
about LISP?
(a) It is machine-dependent
(b) It is expression-based
(c) It provides a convenient macro system
(d) It provides high-level debugging
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
What is the extension of Prolog source files?
(a) .pl
(b) .lg
(c) .lsp
(d) .pg
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of the following is a free implementation
of the programming language Prolog?
(b) LNU-Prolog
(c) SWING-Prolog
(d) SWI-Prolog
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
In NLP, the Co-reference resolution is defined
as the:
(a) task anaphora resolution
(b) task of determining a computer's logic
(c) task of machine translation
(d) task of finding all expression that refer to the
same entity in a text
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
In terms of machine learning, the correct full
form of ROC curve is:
(a) Receiver Operating Characteristic curve
(b) Revised Operating Characteristic curve
(c) Recall Operation Characteristic curve
(d) Represent Operating Characteristic curve
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of the following is an unsupervised
machine learning algorithm?
(a) Clustering
(b) Decision Trees
(c) K-Nearest Neighbour
(d) Naive Bayes
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
What is the purpose of regression technique in
machine learning?
(a) Prediction
(b) Classification
(c) Clustering
(d) Reinforcement
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
For a given current state and an input symbol,
if an automaton can only jump to one and only
one state then it is a
(a) Nondeterministic automaton
(b) Deterministic automaton
(c) Alternation
(d) Semi automaton
A finite-state machine with no output function
at all is known as
(a) a null automation
(b) A full automation
(c) a dummy automation
(d) a semi automation
Which of the following does not have
probabilistic acceptance?
(a) omega automation
(b) geometric automation
(c) quantum finite automation
(d) metric automation
Programming Fundamentals
The field that investigates the mechanics of
human intelligence is
(a) Artificial science
(b) Cognitive science
(c) Psychology
(d) Sociology
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
AI computing focus on --------and conventional
computing focus on --------- and
(a) data, information, knowledge
(b) information, data, knowledge
(c) knowledge, data, information
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
The intelligent agents senses through ............
and take actions through
(a) sensors, actuators
(b) remote, signals
(c) sensors, actuators and remote, signals
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
A* Algorithm uses --------- heuristic function to
search any goal node
(a) admissible function
(b) fitness number
(c) evaluation function
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
An algorithm, if it is guaranteed to return an
optimal solution if it exists, is known as
(a) admissible
(b) heuristic
(c) optimistic
(d) cognitive
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
AO* Algorithm is also known as
(a) Admissible optimal algorithm
(b) Accurate optimistic algorithm
(c) And-or algorithm
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Wumpus World problem is example of:
(a) single player game
(b) two player game
(c) reasoning with knowledge
(d) knowledge based game
(e) natural language processing
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
Most commonly used language for Artificial
Intelligence programming is:
(a) C
(b) C++
(c) LISP
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
The process of defining a problem is terms of
few steps and then exploring each of the steps
further is known as
(a) step- wise refinement
(b) modularization
(c) Integration
(d) Divide and Conquer
TSPSC Manager 2015
98. In AI, the problem solving using judgmental or
common-sense part is generally known as ____
(a) Depth-first-search (b) Random
(c) Heuristic
(d) Breadth-first-search
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
99. Who coined the term "artificial intelligence"?
(a) Alan Turing
(b) John McCarthy
(c) Bill Gates
(d) Tim Berners Lee
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
100. Who invented the LISP programming
language for artificial intelligence?
(a) Tim Berners Lee
(b) Dennis Ritchie
(c) Alan Turing
(d) John McCarthy
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
101. Which of the following option is not a type of
(a) supervised learning
(b) unsupervised learning
(c) reinforcement learning
(d) semi unsupervised learning
102. Which of the following is a widely used and
effective machine learning algorithm based on
the idea of bagging?
(a) Regression
(b) Classification
(c) Decision Tree
(d) Random Forest
103. Machine learning algorithms build a model
based on sample data, which is known as (a) Training Data
(b) Transfer Data
(c) Data Training
(d) All of the above
104. Machine learning is a subset of
(a) Artificial intelligence
(b) Non machine learning
(c) deep learning
(d) data bundling
105. A Machine Learning technique which helps in
detecting the outliers in data.
(a) Clustering
(b) Classification
(c) Anamoly Detection (d) All of the above
106. Who is the father of Machine Learning?
(a) John McCarthy
(b) Brown Chaucer
(c) Geoffrey Everest Hinton
(d) None of the above
Programming Fundamentals
107. In language understanding, the levels of
knowledge that does not include?
(a) Empirical
(b) Logical
(c) Phonological
(d) Syntactic
108. What kind of learning algorithm is for “Facial
identities or facial expressions”?
(a) Prediction
(b) Recognition Patterns
(c) Recognition trend
(d) Mind reading
109. FIND-S algorithm ignores
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Both Negative & Positive
(d) None of the above
110. The general tasks that are performed with
back propagation algorithm is(a) Pattern mapping
(b) Prediction
(c) Function approximation
(d) All of the above
111. Bayes rule can be used for:(a) Solving queries
(b) Increasing complexity
(c) Answering probabilistic query
(d) Decreasing complexity
112. What is the full form of MDL?
(a) Minimum Description Length
(b) Maximum Description Length
(c) Minimum Domain Length
(d) None of the above
113. PAC stand for
(a) Probably Approximate Correct
(b) Probably Approx Coding
(c) Probably Approximate Computation
(d) Probably Approx Computation
114. Application of CBR is
(a) Design
(b) Planning
(c) Diagnosis
(d) All of these
115. The full form of ILP is(a) Intriguing Logical programming
(b) Inductive Logic Programming
(c) Introductory Logical Program
(d) Inductive Logic Program
116. For what artificial neural network is used ?
(a) Pattern Recognition
(b) Classification
(c) Clustering
(d) All Answer
117. What is required to make probabilistic systems
feasible in the world?
(a) Reliability
(b) Crucial robustness
(c) Feasibility
(d) None of these
118. Learning symbolic representations of concepts
is called as:
(a) Artificial Intelligence
(b) Machine Learning
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
119. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge
through the use of computer programs is
called(a) Artificial Intelligence
(b) Machine Learning
(c) Deep learning
(d) NLP
120. The field of study that gives computers the
capability to learn without being explicitly
programmed(a) Machine Learning
(b) Artificial Intelligence
(c) Deep Learning
(d) Both a & b
121. What are the types of learning used in
(a) Supervised
(b) Unsupervised
(c) Reinforcement
(d) All of the above
122. A model can learn based on the rewards it
received for its previous action is called as:
(a) Supervised learning
(b) Unsupervised learning
(c) Reinforcement learning
(d) Concept learning
123. Which of the following statement is correct
regarding python programming language?
(a) It is a general purpose, dynamic, high-level
and interpreted language.
(b) It supports an object- oriented programming
(c) It is used in web development and data
science and so on.
(d) All of the above
124. Who
(a) Guido van Rossum
(b) Guido tan Rossum
(c) Guido san Rossum
(d) Guido Henry Rossum
Programming Fundamentals
125. When for the first time python was released
(a) February 24,1991
(b) February 25,1991
(c) February 28,1991
(d) February 27,1991
126. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of
(a) Not memory efficient
(b) Weak in mobile computing
(c) Database Access
(d) Free and open- source
127. Which of the following is keyword in python
programming language?
(a) False
(b) Await
(c) Pass
(d) all of the above
128. Which of the following is not a keyword in
python programming language?
(a) While
(b) As
(c) Short
(d) From
129. In python programming language, a string
variable can be declared either by using
(a) Single quote
(b) Double quotes
(c) Both
(d) None of these
130. In which conversion, python automatically
converts one data type to another datatype?
(a) Implicit
(b) Explicit
(c) Both
(d) None of these
131. How many types are namespaces in java
programming language?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 2
132. Which of the following namespace does include
functions and exception names that are built-in
in python programming?
(a) Global namespace
(b) Built-in namespace
(c) Local namespace
(d) User defined namespaces
133. Which of the following statements is/are
correct in the context of generators in python?
(a) Python generators are a simple way of
creating iterators.
(b) It is a special type of function which does not
return a single value, instead,it returns an
iterator object with a sequence of values.
(c) In a generator function, a yield statement is
used rather than a return statement.
(d) All of the above
134. The blockchain technology was first outlined
(a) 1990
(b) 1991
(c) 1992
(d) 1994
135. Who for the first time outlined the blockchain
(a) Stuart Haber
(b) W.Scott
(c) Both
(d) None of these
136. Blockchain technology is also known as
(a) Distributed ledger technology
(b) Destroyed ledger technology
(c) Distributed longer technology
(d) Doorstep ledger technology
137. Which concept was introduced to verify
computational effort and deter cyberattacks?
(a) Proof -of -work
(b) Proof of woe
(c) Proof of worth
(d) Proof of waste
138. Which of the following mechanism is used to
prevent bad actors from validating bad
(a) Proof-of- work
(b) Proof- of- stake
(c) Both
(d) None of these
139. Which of the following is not a drawback of
blockchain technology?
(a) Scalability
(b) Storage
(c) Privacy
(d) Traceability
140. Which of the following is not a benefit of
blockchain technology?
(a) Enhanced security
(b) Regulation
(c) Reduced cost
(d) True traceability
141. Which of the following is the best blockchain
platforms that is used in almost any kind of
(a) Ethereum
(b) Hyperledger
(c) R3 Corda
(d) Quoram
142. Which type of blockchains are only partially
decentralized because public access to these
blockchains is restricted?
(a) Hybrid
(b) Public
(c) Private
(d) Consortium
143. Which blockchain are permissionless in nature
and allow anyone to join and are completely
(a) Public
(b) Private
(c) Hybrid
(d) Consortium
144. Which of the following is correct option
regarding Blockchain?
(a) A blockchain is a centralized digital ledger
consisting of records called blocks.
b) A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed,
digital ledger consisting of records called blocks.
(c) A blockchain is a digital database consisting
of records called class.
(d) None of the above
Programming Fundamentals
145. Proof of Stake is __________.
(a) A transaction and block verification
(b) A certificate required to use the blockchain
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of the above
146. Which of the following is the part of
asymmetric encryption?
(a) Public key
(b) Private Key
(c) Passphrase
(d) All of the above
147. The full form of UTXO is(a) Unspent Transaction Office
(b) United Transaction Office
(c) United Transaction Output
(d) Unspent Transaction Output
148. The process of creating new bitcoins is called
as(a) Financing
(b) Sourcing
(c) Mining
(d) None of the above
149. The type of ledger present in Blockchain is.
(a) Distributed Ledger
(b) Decentralized Ledger
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of the above
150. How many pillars do a Blockchain technology
have ?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 21
151. Blockchain was invented in (a) 2010
(b) 2007
(c) 2008
(d) 2009
152. The research paper that brought Bitcoin to the
world is called as(a) Black Paper
(b) Green Paper
(c) Blue Paper
(d) White Paper
153. Who created Bitcoin ?
(a) John Mcafee
(b) Satoshi Nakamoto
(c) Elon musk
(c) Mc Garth
154. Blockchain is a type of .,......
(a) View
(b) Table
(c) Entity
(d) Database
155. A hybrid blockchain is a combination of which
(a) Centralized
(b) Decentralized
(c) Both Centralized & Decentralized
(d) None of above
156. What are the four types of Blockchain
A) Public blockchains
B) Private blockchains
(c) Consortium & Hybrid blockchains
(c) All of the Above
157. Who developed the concept of OOP?
(a) Andrea Ferro
(b) Ellon Musk
(c) Alan Kay
(d) Dennis Ritchie
158. Which of the following is not a feature of OOP
in general definitions?
(a) Efficient Code
(b) Code reusability
(c) Modularity
(d) Duplicate data
159. Which was the first purely object oriented
programming language developed?
(a) Python
(b) SmallTalk
(c) Java
(d) C++
160. When did the concept of OPP first came into
(a) 1980’s
(b) 1995
(c) 1970’s
(d) 1990
161. The feature of OOP that indicates code
(a) Data hiding
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Encapsulation
(d) Inheritance
162. Which among the following doesn’t come
under OOP concept?
(a) Data hiding
(b) Message passing
(c) Platform independent
(d) Polymorphism
163. The feature by which one object can interact
with another object is:
(a) Data encryption
(b) Message Passing
(c) Data transmission
(d) Data binding
164. In multilevel inheritance, which of the
following is the most significant feature of OOP
that is used?
(a) Code modularity
(b) Code readability
(c) Flexibility
(d) Code reusability
165. What is an abstraction in object-oriented
(a) to hide the implementation and showing only
the features
(b) hiding the external data
(c) hiding the implementation
(d) Showing the raw data
Programming Fundamentals
166. Which among the following shows the correct
(a) –yctname()
(b) yctname()
(c) ()yctname
(d) ~yctname()
167. Which of the following is not a property of an
(a) Properties
(b) identify
(c) Identity
(d) Attributes
168. Which of the following does support the single
level inheritance?
(a) Redundant data
(b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Compile time
(d) Runtime
169. Which of the following keyword is used to
declare virtual functions?
(a) ~virtual
(b) virtua.text
(c) virtual
(d) virtual_();
170. Where does the memory allocate for the
(a) Cache
(b) ROM
(c) RAM
(d) Hard Disk
171. Which feature of object oriented programming
is exhibited by the function overriding?
(a) Message passing
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Abstraction
(d) Inheritance
172. Which keyword is used to declare static
(a) const
(b) struct
(c) static
(d) enum
173. Which among the following is not a required
condition for constructors?
(a) Its name must be same as that of class
(b) It must not have any return type
(c) It must contain a definition body
(d) It can contain arguments
174. Instance of which type of class can’t be
(a) Parent class
(b) Abstract class
(c) Anonymous class
(d) Nested class
175. Which feature of OOP can be implemented
using encapsulation?
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Overriding
(c) Inheritance
(d) Abstraction
176. Which programming language does restrict
the use of multiple inheritance?
(a) C++
(b) PHP
(d) Java
177. Which of the following principles states that
high level modules should not depend on low
level modules; both should depend on
(a) Dependency Inversion Principle
(b) Interface segregation principle
(c) Refactoring principle
(d) Separation of concerns principle
178. Which one of the following principles arises
from extreme programming that states a
programmer should not add functionality until
deemed necessary?
(a) Open/Closed
(b) Single responsibility
(c) Write DRY code
179. What is the full form of KISS?
(a) Keep it solid, stupid
(b) Keep it simple, stupid
(c) Keep it simple with stupidity
(d) Keep it simple or stupid
180. In write DRY code , what is the meaning of
(a) Don't repeat yourself
(b) Do respect yourself
(c) Do repeat yourself
(d) Don't reveal yourself
181. The principle which state that a module should
be open for extension but closed for
modification is
(a) Interoperability
(b) Open/ Closed
(c) Single immutable
(d) Refactoring
182. Which principle is a systematic process of
improving code without creating new
(a) Single responsibility
(b) Refactoring
(c) Composition over inheritance
(d) KISS
183. It is the process of changing a software system
in such a way that it doesn't change the
external behavior of code and yet improves its
internal structure.
Which principle the
above statement
demonstrates ?
(a) Refactoring
(b) Keep it simple, stupid
(c) Write DRY code
(d) Separation of concerns
Programming Fundamentals
184. XP co-founder Ron Jeffries has written:
"Always implement things when you actually
need them, never when you just foresee that
you need them."
Which programming principle does it indicate?
(a) Write DRY code
(c) KISS
(d) Interface segregation
185. Which of the following statements are correct
in the context of integrated development
(i) Integrated development environment are
development of other applications.
(ii) It provides a central interface with any
tools which appears convenient for
developer to use.
(iii) An IDE typically may not have source code
editor, local build
automation and
(a) (i) & ( ii)
(b) (i) , ( ii) & (iii)
(c) (i) & ( iii)
(d) None of the above
186. Which of the following is not a type of
integrated development environment?
(a) Multi-language
(b) Visual Studio
(c) Mono develop
(d) All of the above
187. The example of multi-language IDE are
(a) Aptana(b) Komodo
(c) NetBeans
(d) All of the above
188. Which of the following language does Espresso
not support?
(a) XML
(b) HTML
(c) CSS
(d) C++
189. An integrated development environment that
contains necessary commands such as push,
pull/update, commit, history is known as
(a) Release tool integration
(b) Code refactoring
(c) Defining errors
(d) Source code integration
190. Which of the following is necessary to conduct
proper testing for checking the quality of code
in the software?
(a) Code refactoring
(b) Debugging
(c) Unit testing
(d) Code testing
191. With reference to benefits of using IDEs , hich
of the following is not correct?
(a) It improve developers productivity
(b) It keeps developers up to date with the latest
practices and threats
(c) It helps developers to organize their workflow
and solve problems.
(d) Syntax highlighting is not common in most
192. A continue statement in a while loop shall
(a) transfer control to statement just before while
(b) transfer control to first statement of while
(c) transfer control to last statement of while loop
(d) transfer control to test condition of while loop
RPSC Lect. 2011
193. Consider following statement
int a, b, c;
b = ∼ a;
c = b ++;
(a) c is 1's complement of a
(b) c is always 0
(c) c is 2's complement of a
(d) c is always 1
RPSC Lect. 2011
194. A static variable
(a) can not be initialized
(b) is initialized once at the commencement of
execution and can not be changed at run time
(c) retains its value throughout the file of the
(d) is same as an automatic variable but is placed
at the end of a program
RPSC Lect. 2011
195. Semantic errors can be detected at
(a) compile time only
(b) run-time only
(c) both compile time and run-time only
(d) none of these
RPSC Lect. 2011
196. Object oriented programmers primarily focus
(a) procedure to be performed
(b) the step by step statements needed to solve a
(c) the physical orientation of objects within a
(d) objects and the tasks that must be performed
with those objects
RPSC Lect. 2011
Programming Fundamentals
197. One of the disadvantages of pass by reference is
that the called function may inadvertently
corrupt the caller’s data. This can be avoided by
(a) passing pointers
(b) declaring the formal parameters constant
(c) declaring the actual parameters constant/
(d) All of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
198. C was primarily devolved as a
(a) system programming language
(b) general purpose language
(c) data processing language
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
199. Which of the following is not a storage class
specifier in C programming language?
(a) Register
(b) Volatile
(c) Extern
(d) Typedef
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
200. What does the following C statement mean?
scanf(“%4s”, str);
(a) Read exactly 4 characters from console
(b) Read maximum 4 characters from console
(c) Read a string in multiples of 4
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
201. What is the meaning of the following
declaration in C programming language?
(a) It will result in compile error because there
should not be any parenthesis, i.e., “int *p[5]”
is valid
(b) p is a pointer to 5 integers
(c) p is a pointer to integer array
(d) p is a pointer to an array of 5 integers
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
202. Which of the following is NOT true about the
'THIS' keyword in Java?
(a) It can be used to refer instance variable of
current class
(b) It can be passed as argument in the
constructor call
(c) It can be passed as an argument in the method
(d) It cannot be used to invoke or initiate current
class constructor
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
203. What is the value range for "short" data type
in Java?
(b) –216 to +216
(a) –215 to +215
(c) –2 to +2 –1
(d) –216 –1 to +216–1
(e) –215 to +215–1
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
204. In Java, which of the following method of a
user-defined "Matrix" class can be overridden
to print the matrix in a proper format (rowcolumn format) after passing an object of the
"matrix" to system.out.print1n( ) method?
(a) string()
(b) toString()
(c) toPrint()
(d) Constructor method
(e) Copy constructor
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
205. In Java, the "DataInputStream" class is
defined in .......... package.
(a) java.lang
(b) java.util
(c) java.in
(d) java.io
(e) java.out
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
206. Earlier name of Java programming language
(a) OAK
(b) D
(c) Netbean
(d) Eclipse
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
207. Give the Output
#include >iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base1 {
∼Base1() { cout << “ Base1’s
destructor” << endl;}
class Base2 {
∼Base2() { cout << “ Base1’s
destructor” << endl;}
Class Derived: public Base 1, public Base2{
∼Derived() {cout << “Derived’s
destructor” <<endl;}
int main()
Derived d;
return 0;
(a) Base1’s destructor
Base2’s destructor
Derived’s destructor
(b) Derived’s destructor
Base2’s destructor
Base1’s destructor
(c) Derived’s destructor
(d) Compiler Dependent
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
Programming Fundamentals
208. Which of the following is/are true about
packages in Java?
1. Every class is part of some package.
2. All classes in a file are part of the same
3. If no package is specified, the classes in the
file go into a special unnamed package.
4. If no package is specified, a new package is
created with folder name of class and the
class is put in this package.
(a) Only 1, 2 and 3
(b) Only 1, 2 and 4
(c) Only 4
(d) Only 1 and 3
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
209. Which of the following is FALSE about
abstract classes in Java?
(a) If we derive an abstract class and do not
implement all the abstract methods, then the
derived class should also be marked as
abstract using ‘abstract’ keyword.
(b) Abstract classes can have constructors.
(c) A class can be made abstract without any
abstract without any abstract method.
(d) A class can inherit from multiple abstract classes.
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
210. Object oriented inheritance models:
(a) "is a kind of" relationship
(b) "has a" relationship
(c) "want to be" relationship
(d) "contains" of relationship
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
211. Which type of Statement can execute
Parameterized queries?
(a) PreparedStatement
(b) ParameterizedStatement
(c) ParameterizeStatement and CallableStatement
(d) All kind of Statements
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
212. An operation can be described as:
(a) Object behavior
(b) Functions
(c) Class behavior
(d) (A),(B)
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
213. The keyword used to transfer control from a
function back to the calling function is:
(a) switch
(b) go to
(c) go back
(d) return
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
214. What is the meaning of following declaration?
(a) p is pointer to function.
(b) p is pointer to such function which return type
is array.
(c) p is array of pointer to function.
(d) p is pointer to array of function.
i = 0;
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
for (j = –3; J <= 3; j++)
Which of the following is a platform free
if ((j >= 0) && (i++))
(a) JAVA
(b) C
count = count + j;
(c) Assembly
(d) Fortran
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
count = count + i;
An object can have which of the following
printf("%d", count);
return 0;
(a) Zero
(b) More than one
(c) One
(d) All of the above
Which one of the following options is correct?
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
(a) The program will not compile successfully.
Given a class named student, which of the
(b) The program will compile successfully and
following is a valid constructor declaration for
output 10 when executed.
the class?
(c) The program will compile successfully and
(a) Student student ( ){ }
output 8 when executed.
(b) Private final student ( ){ }
(d) The program will compile successfully and
(c) Student (student s) { }
output 13 when executed.
(d) Void student ( ){ }
GATE 2021 (Shift-I)
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
222. Consider the following C functions.
Bug means
int fun1(int n) {
int fun2(int n) {
(a) A logical error in a program
static int i = 0;
static int i = 0;
(b) A difficult syntax error in a program
if (n > 0) {
if (n > 0) {
(c) Documenting programs using an efficient
i = i + fun1(n);
documentation tool
(d) All of the above
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (CS)
What will be output if you will compile and
execute the following c code?
The return value of fun2(5) is ________.
void main ( ){
(a) 55 to 35
(b) 50 to 55
(c) 55 to 55
(d) 55 to 56
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 2
(d) 16
GATE 2020
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
#include < stdio.h>
What will be output if you will compile and
execute the following c code?
int main ( ) {
void main ( ) {
int m = 10 ;
char c=125;
int n, n1 ;
n = ++m;
n1 = m++;
(a) 135
(b) 115
– – n1 ;
(c) –121
(d) –8
n – = n1;
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
printf ("%d" , n) ;
Consider the following ANSI C program.
return 0 ;
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
The output of the program is_______.
GATE 2017 (Shift-II)
int i, j, count;
(a) 0
(b) 45.03
count = 0;
(c) 52.40
(d) 81.15
Programming Fundamentals
224. Consider the following C program.
int main ( ) {
char* c = "GATECSIT2017"
char* p = c ;
printf ("%d" , (int) strlen (c+2 [p] –6 [p] – 1)) ;
return 0 ;
The output of the program is_________.
GATE 2017 (Shift-II)
(a) 0
(b) 45.23
(c) 2.04
(d) 2.0 to 2.0
225. Which of the following is the property of object
oriented programming?
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Data encapsulation
(c) Operator overloading
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
226. The header file iostream.h is included in C++
program to use
(a) return()
(b) Input/output functions
(c) main()
(d) Run operation
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
227. In C++, size of character array should be _____
the number of characters in the string
(a) One larger than
(b) One less than
(c) Two larger than
(d) Two less than
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
228. Member function of a class in C++ can be
called by an object of that class using
(a) Dot operator
(b) Ternary operator
(c) Relational operator
(d) Scope resolution operator
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
229. Which of the following is an insertion operator
in C++?
(a) >>
(b) &
(c) <<
(d) !
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
230. What value is displayed in the following C++
Float fees [5] = {32.15, 45.23, 52.43, 82.15,
Cout << fees [2];
(a) 0
(b) 45.23
(c) 52.43
(d) 82.15
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Programming Fundamentals
231. Which of the following operators can be
overloaded in C++
(a) Relational operator
(b) Dot operator
(c) Scope resolution operator
(d) Point to member operator
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
232. ‘In-line’ function may not work when
(a) Function contains static variable
(b) Function is recursive
(c) Function not returning value, if a return exists
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
233. Inheriting the attributes of two or more
existing classes at same level for defining new
class is known as
(a) Multilevel inheritance
(b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Hybrid inheritance
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
234. Reusability of code in C++ programs is
justified with the following feature
(a) Information binding
(b) Data abstraction
(c) Data encapsulation
(d) Inheritance
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
235. Which class cannot be instantiated?
(a) Inherited class
(b) Public class
(c) Private class
(d) Virtual class
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
236. In C++, “?” is a:
(a) Unary operator
(b) Binary operator
(c) Ternary operator
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
237. Which one of the following keywords is used
for memory allocation in C++?
(a) Malloc
(b) Calloc
(c) New
(d) Free
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
238. Which statement is true about destructor in
(a) Destroy the objects when no longer requires
(b) Create and use constant objects
(c) Used in classes to display the class contents
(d) All options correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
239. In C++, virtual function is defined and
declared in
(a) Derived class
(b) Base class
(c) Derived object
(d) Destructor
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
240. In C++, member function with the same name
in two different classes is
(a) Not allowed
(b) Allowed
(c) Only if the two classes have same name
(d) Both (Not allowed) and (Only if the two
classes have same name)
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
241. Which of the following cannot be passed to a
function is C++?
(a) Variable
(b) Arrays
(c) Class objects
(d) Header files
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
242. “Run time binding” is the term used in C++, its
synonym is
(a) Virtual function
(b) Instantiation
(c) Polymorphism
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
243. Which entity occupies space in memory during
C++ program execution?
(a) Class
(b) Virtual class
(c) Public class
(d) Object
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
244. Which language is not an object oriented
programming language?
(a) C++
(b) Java
(c) Small talk
(d) C
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
245. In C++, information hiding is achieved through
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Type Conversion
(c) Data encapsulation
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
246. During Program execution in C++, “divide by
Zero” error can be handled by
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Data encapsulation
(c) Exception handling
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
247. The feature supported by inheritance in C++ is
(a) Characteristics of super class are inherited to
(b) Member functions are inherited at subclass
(c) Member functions can be redefining at subclass
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Programming Fundamentals
248. In C++, the operator overloading is an example
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Inheritance
(c) Encapsulation
(d) Data hiding
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
249. Which of the following is object oriented
programming language?
(a) C
(b) Pascal
(d) C++
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
250. In ‘C’ language, System level programming
can be done easily because it facilitates
(a) Binary operators
(b) Bit wise operators
(c) Logical operators
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
251. union in ‘C’ is
(a) Used to store different members at same
memory location
(b) A primitive data type
(c) A text file
(d) A variable of long integer type
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
252. Commonly used function for direct/random
access file in ‘C’ is
(a) fread()
(b) fseek()
(c) ftell()
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
253. In ‘C’ which notation used as preprocessor
(a) %
(b) ||
(c) #
(d) !
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
254. When parameters are passed in functions of a
‘C’ program, which method uses pointers?
(a) Call by value
(b) Call by reference
(c) Call by return
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
255. A function of a ‘C’ program cannot return
more than
(a) One value
(b) Two values
(c) Three values
(d) Four values
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
256. Which of the following C statement is used to
print the values of a, b and c?
int a = 27
float b = 5.14;
double c = 5.24;
(a) printf(“%d%f%f ”, a, b, c);
(b) printf(“%d%f%lf ”, a, b, c);
(c) printf(“%d%f% d ”, a, b, c);
(d) printf(“%lf%f%f ”, a, b, c);
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
257. String in ‘C’ is a set of_____
(a) Numbers
(b) Characters
(c) Floating point numbers
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
258. “Continue” keywords in ‘C’ is used to transfer
the control to the beginning of
(a) loop
(b) program
(c) if statement
(d) main() function
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
259. Which of the following is the default return
type of a function in ‘C’?
(a) float
(b) int
(c) char
(d) void
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
260. The execution of a ‘C’ program starts from
(a) scanf() function
(b) main() function
(c) library function
(d) do-while loop
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
261. In ‘C’ Programming language, dynamic
memory is allocated using
(a) Structures
(b) Arrays
(c) Pointers
(d) Queues
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
262. Which one of the following is correct about the
statements given below?
I. All function calls are resolved at compiletime is C language.
II. All function calls are resolved at compiletime in C++.
(a) Only II is correct
(b) Both I and II are correct
(c) Only I is correct
(d) Both I and II are incorrect
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
263. What will be output of following program?
Assume that you are running this program in
little- endian processor.
int main ( ) {
short a= 320;
char * ptr;
ptr = (char *)&a;
printf ("%d",*ptr);
return 0;
(a) 1
(b) 320
(c) 64
(d) Compilation Error
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Programming Fundamentals
264. A problem whose language is recursion is
(a) Unified problem
(b) Boolean function
(c) Recursive problem
(d) Decidable
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
265. The feature in object- oriented programming
that allows the same operation to be carried out
differently, depending on the object is
(a) Inheritance
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Over functioning
(d) Overriding
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
266. Which of these is a super class of all errors and
exceptions in the Java language?
(a) Run Time Exceptions
(b) Throwable
(c) Catchable
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
267. We use malloc and calloc for
(a) Dynamic memory allocation
(b) Static memory allocation
(c) Both dynamic and static memory allocation
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
268. Which of the following is associated with
(a) State
(b) Behavior
(c) Identity
(d) All of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
269. The four kinds of class members in Java Script
(a) Instance methods, Instance fields, Static
method, Dynamic method
(b) instance fields, Instance methods, Class
fields, Class methods
(c) Instance field, Non-instance fields, Dynamic
methods, Global methods
(d) Global methods, Local methods, Dynamic
methods, Static methods.
270. What will be output of the program given
sum =0;
for ( I =-10; i<0: i++)
sum = sum + abs (i);
printf ("%d", sum);
(a) 500
(b) -505
(c) 55
(d) -22
RPSC Lect. 2014
271. Java provides a monitor like concurrency
control for ______ synchronization.
(a) Process
(b) TLB
(c) Program
(d) Threads
272. Consider the following program in C language :
# include < stdio.h>
int i;
int * p = & i;
scanf (“%d”, p);
printf (“%d\n”, i + 7);
Which one of the following statement is true?
(a) Compilation fails.
(b) Execution results in a run-time error.
(c) On execution, the value printed is 7 more than
the integer value entered.
(d) On execution, the value printed is 7 more than
the address of variable i.
273. An exception is caused by:
(a) A hardware problem
(b) A problem in the operating system
(c) A syntax error
(d) A runtime error
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
274. Match the following:
(1) Compile time
(A) Function overloading
(2) Runtime
(B) Operator overloading
(C) Virtual function
(D) Late binding
(a) 1–A, B 2–C, D
(b) 1–A, d 2–B, C
(c) 1–A, C 2–B, D
(d) 1–B, C 2–A, D
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
275. Bit fields can only be declared as a part of :
(a) Structure
(b) Array
(c) Files
(d) Pointers
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
276. Which of the following data types are accepted
while declaring bit-fields?
(a) char
(b) float
(c) double
(d) unsigned int
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
277. Runtime polymorphism is achieved by:
(a) Friend function
(b) Virtual function
(c) Operator overloading
(d) Function overloading
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Programming Fundamentals
278. How we can access data members using
(a) object @ datamember
(b) object → datamember
(c) object * datamember
(d) object . datamember
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
279. Which of the following statements is correct
when a class is inherited publicly?
(a) Public members of the base class become
protected members of derived class
(b) Public members of the base class become
private members of derived class
(c) Private members of the base class become
protected members of derived class
(d) Public members of base class become public
members of derived class
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
280. In java, the throw keyword is used:
(a) to generate exception programmatically
(b) to throw exception object
(c) to catch exception object
(d) to remove the errors from the block
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
281. Choose the correct answer :
(I) A function can return only one value to the
calling function
(II) A function can return multiple value to the
calling function
(III) A function can include multiple return
(IV) A function should not include multiple return
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only IV is correct
(c) Both I and III is correct
(d) Both II and III is correct
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
282. In a multi file program, the default storage
class for a function is:
(a) Static
(b) Automatic
(c) External
(d) Register
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
283. What is the output of the following code?
int a = 128, b = 122;
printf ("%d", a+b);
(a) 250
(b) 128
(c) 256
(d) 000
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
284. What is the purpose of abstract class?
(a) to provide help with database connectivity
(b) to provide data input to other class
(c) to provide security to other classes
(d) to provide an appropriate base class from
which other classes can inherit
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Mechanism of deriving a class from another
derived class is known as:
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Encapsulation
(c) Inheritance
(d) Message passing
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Which class is a base class for all exceptions in
(a) String
(b) Error
(c) Throwable
(d) Runtime Exception
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
The derived class constructor:
(a) never passes any values to base class
(b) can pass arguments only to one base class
constructor function
(c) is responsible for passing the entire test of
arguments needed by base class constructors
(d) none of the above
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Collection in java is:
(a) a group of objects
(b) a group of classes
(c) a group of interfaces
(d) a group of packages
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Identify the pure object oriented language
given below:
(a) Small talk
(b) C++
(c) Objective C
(d) Java
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Which operators can not be overloaded?
(a) Binary operator
(b) Ternary operator
(c) Unary operator
(d) All can be overloaded
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
What allows the Java programmer to destroy
an object A?
(a) a. delete ( )
(b) a. finalize ( )
(c) Runtime. GetRuntime ( ) . gc ( )
(d) Only the garbage collection system can
destroy an object
(a) Collection of data items, not necessarily
ordered, but of the same data type
(b) Collection of data items, not necessarily
ordered, but of different data type
(c) Ordered collection of data items of different
data type
(d) Ordered collection of data items of the same
data type
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
293. In C + +, a container is
(a) A data structure composed of objects
(b) A holder object that stores and manipulates a
collection of objects
(c) An objects that contains housekeeping
(d) An interface for binary search tree
implemented as a class
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
294. During a recursive call, all static variables
(a) maintained in a stack
(b) maintained in a queue
(c) initialized during each execution of the
(d) retained from the last execution
295. Methods are specified in the language by:
(a) Syntax
(b) Semantics
(c) Inference
(d) None
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
296. A destructor can be
(a) virtual
(b) volatile
(c) static
(d) None of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
297. Can operator overloading change the operation
performed by an operator?
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Conditionally
(d) With restrictions
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
298. A variable P is called pointer if:
(a) P contains the address of first element in
(b) P can store only DATA value
(c) P contains the address of an element in
(d) P contains the Data and the address of DATA
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
299. The first and second arguments of open are :
(a) A character string containing the name of the
file and the second argument is the mode
292. Array is a structured data type in C
(b) A character string containing the name of the
programming language. It may be defined as, a
finite :
user and the second argument is the mode
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
Programming Fundamentals
(c) A character string containing the pointer and
the second argument is the mode
(d) None of the above
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
300. What is meant by 'a' in the following
fp = fopen ("Random.txt","a");
(a) Attach
(b) Append
(c) Apprehend
(d) Add
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
301. C-character set includes :
(A) Alphabets
(B) Digits
(C) Special Symbols
(D) Constants, variables and key words
Select the code for the correct answer from the
options given below :
(a) A and B only
(b) A, B and C only
(c) D only
(d) A only
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
302. Which statements are true with respect to
(A) A program that links separately compiled
modules into one program.
(B) Combines the functions in the standard Clibrary with the code that you wrote.
(C) The output of linker is an executable
(D) Object code is the input to the linker.
Select the code for the correct answer from the
options given below :
(a) A, B and C only
(b) B and C only
(c) A and D only
(d) All of the above
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
303. The order in which recursive functions are
executed is:
(a) Parallel order
(b) Last in first out order
(c) First in last out order
(d) Iterative order
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
304. If only one memory location is to be reserved
for a class variable, no matter how many
objects are instantiated, then the variable
should be declared as ______.
(a) extern
(b) static
(c) volatile
(d) const
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2014
305. Java allows programmers to develop the
(a) applets, applications and servlets
(b) applets and applications
Programming Fundamentals
(c) applets, applications, servlets, Java beans and
distributed objects
(d) none of the above
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Which of the following programming language
(s) provides garbage collection automatically
(a) Lisp
(b) C++
(c) Fortran
(d) C
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
Exception handling is a type of
(a) forward error recovery mechanism
(b) backward error recovery mechanism
(c) All of the above
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
What is short int in C programming?
(a) The basic data type of C
(b) Qualifier
(c) Short is the qualifier and int is the basic data
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
How structures and classes in C++ differ?
(a) In Structures, members are public by default
whereas, in Classes, they are private by
(b) In Structures, members are private by default
whereas, in Classes, they are public by default
(c) Structures by default hide every member
whereas classes do not
(d) Structures cannot have private members
whereas classes can have
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
How access specifies in Class helps in
(a) They does not help in any way
(b) They allow us to show only required things to
outer world
(c) They help in keeping things together
(d) Abstraction concept is not used in classes
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Which of the following is the correct difference
between cin and scanf()?
(a) Both are the same
(b) cin is a stream object whereas scanf() is
(c) scanf() is a stream object whereas cin is a
(d) cin is used for printing whereas scanf() is
used for reading input
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
312. The number of instance of an abstract class
that can be created is:
(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) 13
(d) 0
(e) 10
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
313. The concept of OOPs that allows compiler to
insert arguments in a function call if it is not
specified is:
(a) Call by value
(b) call by reference
(c) Default arguments (d) call by pointer
(e) Call by input
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
314. What will be the outputs of the following C
program segment?
printf(''%d'' ,printf("Examination)):
(a) Examination,11
(b) 11, Examination
(c) Examination,12
(d) 12, Examination
(e) Examination,0
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
315. Which of the following is not a pure objectoriented language?
(a) Java
(b) Simula
(c) Smalltalk
(d) Ada
(e) Eiffel
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
316. Which of the following is not a valid property
of C++?
(a) Encapsulation
(b) Garbage collection
(c) Multiple inheritance
(d) Polymorphism
(e) Early and late binding
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
317. The operator that cannot be overloaded is
(a) ++
(b) ::
(c) 0
(d) ~
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
318. The keyword friend does not appear in
(a) the class allowing access to another class
(b) the class desiring access to another class
(c) the private section of a class
(d) the public section of a class
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
319. Function overloading in C++ is
(a) A group function with the same name
(b) all have the same numbers and type of
(c) functions with same name and same numbers
and same type of arguments
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Programming Fundamentals
320. In C++, the default storage class of local
variables is:
(a) auto
(b) extern
(c) both auto and register (d) static
(e) register
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
321. The effective and well established technique to
catch inconsistency in programs is called:
(a) Type checking
(b) Error checking
(c) Type casting
(d) Bounds checking
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
322. The category of software maintenance which
fixes errors in the original system design and
implementation is:
(a) Perfective maintenance
(b) Adaptive maintenance
(c) Corrective maintenance
(d) Software maintenance
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
323. In Object-Oriented Programming using C++,
static variable is also known as:
(a) Object variable
(b) Class variable
(c) Stored variable
(d) Global variable
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
324. Which one of the following types of class is not
used to create objects?
(a) Anonymous class
(b) Nested class
(c) Base class
(d) Abstract class
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
325. A class which can inherit the attributes of two
or more classes is called:
(a) Hierarchical Inheritance
(b) Multilevel Inheritance
(c) Multiple Inheritance
(d) Hybrid Inheritance
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
326. Which of the following is NOT a type of
(a) Copy constructor
(b) Friend constructor
(c) Default constructor
(d) Parameterized constructor
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
327. Which of the following approach is generally
adopted by C++ programming.
(a) top-down
(b) Bottom-up
(c) Right-left
(d) left-right
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
328. Which among the following is the correct way
of declaring object of a class
(a) classname objectname;
(b) class classname objectname;
(c) class classname obj objectname;
(d) classname obj objectname
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
How many objects can be created in a single
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) as many as required
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of this process occur automatically by
JAVA run time system?
(a) Serialization
(b) Garbage collection
(c) File Filtering
(d) All the given options
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
The 'new' operator in JAVA
(a) returns a pointer to a variable
(b) creates a variable called new
(c) obtains memory for a new variable
(d) tells how much memory is available
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
'this' keyword in JAVA is used to
(a) refer to current class object
(b) refer to static method of the class
(c) refer to parent class object
(d) refer to static variable of the class
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which is not a primary constant in C ?
(a) Integer
(b) Float
(c) Union
(d) Character
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which is not a keyword in C ?
(a) auto
(b) Stop
(c) break
(d) static
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which function receives value from the key
board ?
(a) getf ( )
(b) scanf ( )
(c) printf ( )
(d) send ( )
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which of the following is a ternary operator ?
(a) &
(b) &&
(c) !
(d) ? :
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
The control statement that allows us to make a
decision from the number of choices, is called
(a) integer
(b) function
(c) switch
(d) variable
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Programming Fundamentals
338. Which keyword should be avoided as far as
possible ?
(a) switch
(b) case
(c) break
(d) goto
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
339. If a C program contains only one function, it
must be
(a) getch ( )
(b) main ( )
(c) exit ( )
(d) void ( )
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
340. Among the operators, which has highest
priority ?
(a) &&
(b) +
(c) =
(d) !
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
341. Basic run-time entities in an object-oriented
system are
(a) classes
(b) functions
(c) objects
(d) methods
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
342. The wrapping up of data and functions into a
single unit is called
(a) polymorphism
(b) Inheritance
(c) Deviation
(d) Encapsulation
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
343. Which of the following is not an object oriented
language ?
(a) Ruby
(c) Smalltalk
(d) C++
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
344. The process by which object of one class
acquire properties of objects of another class is
known as
(a) inheritance
(b) polymorphism
(c) encapsulation
(d) abstraction
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
345. C + + was developed by
(a) Ken Thompson
(b) Denis Richie
(c) Bjarne Stroustrup
(d) Donald Knuth
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
346. Which is the field width operator in C + + ?
(a) endl
(b) set w
(c) new
(d) delete
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
347. In the Java statement import java. Lang.
Math; math is
(a) Object
(b) Package
(c) Class
(d) Method
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
348. java does not support
(a) Hierarchical inheritance
(b) Single inheritance
(c) Multi-level inheritance
356. A class that allows only one object of it to be
created, is called:
(d) Multiple inheritance
(a) Virtual class
(b) Abstract class
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
(c) Singleton class
(d) Friend class
349. Which fields enjoy highest degree of protection
(e) Absolute class
in java ?
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(a) public
(b) Secure
357. Which of the following is not a type of
(c) Private
(d) Ultra
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
(a) Copy constructor
350. Which of the following is not a valid storage
(b) Friend constructor
class in C++?
(c) Default constructor
(a) auto
(b) register
(d) Parameterized constructor
(c) dynamic
(d) static
(e) Paste constructor
(e) extern
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
the function which is not the member
351. The inheritance represented by the following
figure is a category of:
(a) Static function
(b) Friend function
(c) Const function
(d) Virtual function
(e) Dynamic function
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(a) Multiple inheritance
359. Which of the following concepts determines
(b) Multilevel inheritance
method to invoke at runtime?
(c) Single inheritance
(a) Data hiding
(d) Hierarchical inheritance
(b) Dynamic Typing
(e) Hybrid inheritance
(c) Dynamic binding
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(d) Dynamic loading
352. A package is a collection of:
(e) Data encrypting
(a) Classes
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(b) Interfaces
360. In C++, "cout" is a/an _______.
(c) Editing tools
(a) operator
(b) function
(d) Classes and interfaces
(c) object
(d) macro
(e) Editing tools and interfaces
(e) arithmetic function
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
353. Basic Java language functions are stored in
361. Which of the following concepts facilitates to
which of the following java package?
use the objects of one class inside another
(a) java.lang
(b) java.io
(c) java.net
(d) java.util
(a) Encapsulation
(b) Abstraction
(e) java.awt
(c) Composition
(d) Inheritance
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(e) Decapsulation
354. Which of the following is a member of the Java
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
language package?
362. What is the number of polymorphism
(a) List
(b) Queue
categories supported by C++?
(c) Math
(d) Stack
(a) 1
(b) 2
(e) Process
(c) 3
(d) 4
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(e) 5
355. Which of the following has a method name
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
363. Which of the following class member function
(a) Input stream
(b) Output stream
automatically initializes the data members ?
(c) Reader stream
(d) Input reader stream
(a) An operator
(b) A constructor
(e) Input output stream
(c) A cast
(d) The init function
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
Programming Fundamentals
(c) main ( )
364. Which is not a defining characteristic feature
of Object Oriented Languages ?
(a) Reusability
366. Which among the
(b) Inheritance
polymorphism ?
(c) Polymorphism
(a) Overloading
(d) Recursion
(b) Overloading + =
(c) Overloading < <
365. Which function is used to perform some action
Overloading & &
when the object is to be destroyed ?
(a) finalize ( )
(b) delete ( )
(d) destroy ( )
followings can show
1. (a)
11. (b)
21. (d)
31. (d)
41. (b)
51. (a)
61. (d)
71. (d)
81. (d)
91. (a)
101. (d)
111. (c)
121. (d)
131. (c)
141. (b)
151. (c)
161. (d)
171. (b)
181. (b)
191. (d)
201. (d)
211. (a)
221. (b)
231. (a)
241. (d)
251. (a)
261. (c)
271. (d)
281. (c)
291. (d)
301. (b)
311. (b)
321. (a)
331. (c)
341. (c)
351. (d)
361. (c)
2. (c)
12. (a)
22. (d)
32. (a)
42. (a)
52. (a)
62. (b)
72. (a)
82. (d)
92. (a)
102. (d)
112. (a)
122. (c)
132. (b)
142. (c)
152. (d)
162. (c)
172. (c)
182. (b)
192. (d)
202. (d)
212. (d)
222. (c)
232. (d)
242. (c)
252. (d)
262. (d)
272. (c)
282. (c)
292. (d)
302. (d)
312. (d)
322. (c)
332. (a)
342. (d)
352. (d)
362. (b)
3. (b)
13. (c)
23. (d)
33. (a)
43. (b)
53. (d)
63. (d)
73. (b)
83. (a)
93. (a)
103. (a)
113. (a)
123. (d)
133. (d)
143. (a)
153. (b)
163. (b)
173. (c)
183. (a)
193. (a)
203. (e)
213. (d)
223. (a)
233. (b)
243. (d)
253. (c)
263. (c)
273. (d)
283. (a)
293. (b)
303. (b)
313. (c)
323. (b)
333. (c)
343. (b)
353. (a)
363. (b)
Programming Fundamentals
4. (d)
14. (a)
24. (d)
34. (d)
44. (d)
54. (b)
64. (a)
74. (a)
84. (a)
94. (c)
104. (a)
114. (a)
124. (a)
134. (b)
144. (b)
154. (d)
164. (d)
174. (b)
184. (b)
194. (c)
204. (b)
214. (c)
224. (d)
234. (d)
244. (d)
254. (b)
264. (d)
274. (a)
284. (d)
294. (d)
304. (b)
314. (a)
324. (d)
334. (b)
344. (a)
354. (c)
364. (d)
5. (a)
15. (b)
25. (a)
35. (a)
45. (a)
55. (a)
65. (b)
75. (a)
85. (a)
95. (c)
105. (c)
115. (b)
125. (a)
135. (c)
145. (a)
155. (c)
165. (a)
175. (d)
185. (a)
195. (c)
205. (d)
215. (a)
225. (d)
235. (d)
245. (c)
255. (a)
265. (a)
275. (a)
285. (c)
295. (c)
305. (a)
315. (d)
325. (c)
335. (b)
345. (c)
355. (b)
365. (a)
6. (d)
16. (a)
26. (b)
36. (b)
46. (b)
56. (d)
66. (c)
76. (c)
86. (b)
96. (c)
106. (c)
116. (d)
126. (d)
136. (a)
146. (d)
156. (d)
166. (b)
176. (d)
186. (d)
196. (d)
206. (a)
216. (d)
226. (b)
236. (c)
246. (c)
256. (b)
266. (b)
276. (d)
286. (c)
296. (a)
306. (a)
316. (b)
326. (b)
336. (d)
346. (b)
356. (c)
366. (c)
7. (c)
17. (b)
27. (b)
37. (c)
47. (d)
57. (a)
67. (a)
77. (a)
87. (d)
97. (a)
107. (a)
117. (b)
127. (d)
137. (a)
147. (d)
157. (c)
167. (b)
177. (a)
187. (d)
197. (b)
207. (b)
217. (c)
227. (a)
247. (d)
257. (b)
267. (a)
277. (b)
287. (c)
297. (b)
307. (a)
317. (b)
327. (b)
337. (c)
347. (c)
357. (b)
8. (c)
18. (a)
28. (b)
38. (b)
48. (c)
58. (d)
68. (b)
78. (b)
88. (a)
98. (c)
108. (b)
118. (a)
128. (c)
138. (c)
148. (c)
158. (d)
168. (d)
178. (d)
188. (d)
198. (a)
208. (a)
218. (a)
228. (a)
238. (a)
248. (a)
258. (a)
268. (d)
278. (d)
288. (a)
298. (c)
308. (c)
318. (c)
328. (a)
338. (d)
348. (d)
358. (b)
9. (a)
19. (c)
29. (a)
39. (c)
49. (a)
59. (d)
69. (a)
79. (a)
89. (b)
99. (b)
109. (a)
119. (b)
129. (c)
139. (d)
149. (b)
159. (b)
169. (c)
179. (b)
189. (d)
199. (b)
209. (d)
219. (b)
229. (c)
239. (b)
249. (d)
259. (d)
269. (b)
279. (d)
289. (a)
299. (a)
309. (a)
319. (a)
329. (d)
339. (b)
359. (c)
10. (d)
20. (d)
30. (c)
40. (b)
50. (d)
60. (a)
70. (b)
80. (a)
90. (c)
100. (d)
110. (d)
120. (a)
130. (a)
140. (b)
150. (a)
160. (c)
170. (c)
180. (a)
190. (c)
200. (b)
210. (a)
220. (c)
230. (c)
240. (b)
250. (b)
260. (b)
270. (c)
280. (a)
290. (b)
300. (b)
310. (b)
320. (a)
330. (a)
340. (d)
350. (c)
360. (c)
Algorithms for Problem Solving–
An algorithm is a process or set of rules which must
be followed to complete a particular task. This is
basically the step-by-step procedure to complete any
task. All the tasks are followed a particular algorithm,
from making. A cup of tea to make high scalable
software. This is the way to divide a task into several
The algorithm is used for
• To develop a frame-work for instructing computer
• Introduce notation of basic function to perform basic
• For defining & describing a big problem into small
parts, so it is to execute.
The basic steps to make on algorithm.
1. Start
2. Input
3. Condition
4. Output
5. End
Abstract Data Types (ADT)–
An ADT is a mathematical model of a data structure that
specifies the type of data stored, operation supported on
them and types of parameters of the operation. An ADT
specifies what each operation does but not how it does it.
In C++ no object (instance) of ADT is created rather it
describe a foundation of another class.
Arrays as Data Structure–
An array is a data structure for storing more than one
data item that has a similar data type. The items are
organized in adjacent memory locations. Those memory
location are called elements of that array. Total number
of element in an array is called length. The array
elements are accessed through index. Index start from 0,
1, 2 _ _ n-1 of length n.
Three parts will common in all the initialization i.e.,
array name, element and the data types of elements.
In C++, array is defined as followsint account [4] = {100, 300, 500, 120}
data type Array name elements
There are some reason for using arrays in data structure:
• Arrays are best for storing multiple values in a single
• Arrays are better at processing many values easily and
• Sorting and searching the values is easier in arrays.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
In Brief
• An array is a data structure for storing multiple data
type that have a similar data type.
• Identifier, data types, array length, elements and index
are major parts of an array.
• Use the index for processing the values of array
• Arrays are best for processing large number of values
and efficient for sorting and searching.
• All dictionary operation like insert, delete search,
update and traverse.
Linked list V/S Array for Storage–
Array and linked list are two ways of organizing the
data in the memory. An array is collection of elements of
similar data type. A linked list is a collection of object
known as node where nodes consist of two parts i.e. data
and address. Array elements store in a contiguous
memory location. Linked list elements can be stored
anywhere in the memory or randomly stored. Linked list
are less rigid in their storage structure and elements are
usually not stored in contiguous locations, hence they
need to be stored with additional tags giving in a
reference to next element. Arrays store elements in
contiguous memory locations, resulting in easily
calculable addresses of next elements stored and this
permit quicker access to element of specific subscript.
Array length = 6
First index = 0
Last index = 5
Data storage scheme of an array
So linked list provides the following two advantages
over arrays
1. Dynamic-size
2. Easiness of insertion/deletion
Linked lists have the following short coming :
1. In linked list each elements is traversed sequentially
from first node. so here we cannot perform binary
search with linked lists
2. Extra memory space for a pointer is required with
each element of the list
3. Arrays have better cache locality that can make a
pretty big difference in performance
Stack & Stack Operation–
Stack is a data structure in which insertion and
deletion is done from one end only, usually referred to as
TOP. Stock fallows the LIFO Principle using which an
element inserted last will be first one to be out. PUSH &
PoP are two basic operation performed on a stack for
insertion & deletion of elements respectively. Stack is
commonly use data structure to convert an infix
expression into equivalent prefix/postfix notation. While
conversion of infix Notation to its equivalent
Prefix/postfix notation, only operator are pushed onto the
stack when evaluating an expression.
1. PUSH()→ To insert or add, item in stack
Step 1 → First we check the stack is full or not.
Step 2 → If stack is full then error message will be
Step 3 → If stack is not full then we add the top element
and TOP is incremented by one.
2. POP() – To delete on item-from stack.
3. Isempty() – To cheek whether stack is empty.
4. Isfull() – To check whether stack is full.
5. Peep() – It acquire the Top element without deleting.
Queue is a abstract data structure similar to stack. Queue
is open at both end one end is always used to insert data.
(enqueue) and other is used to remove data (dequeue).
Queue follows first-in-first out methodology. A real
world example is ticket window where first person in
waiting Queue is served first in ticket counter and last
person in queue is served at last in queue.
Basic Operations–
We shall try to understand the basic operations
associated with queues.
enqueue() – add (Store) an item to the queue.
dequeue() – remove (access) an item from the queue.
• Few more functions are required to make the above
mentioned queue operation efficient. following are
some function as follows.
Peek() – Gets the element at the front of the queue
without removing it.
Isfull() – Cheeks of the queue is full. It throw overflow
Isempty() – Checks if Queue is empty.
If queue is empty, it throws underflow condition.
• Queue is used for disk scheduling & CPU
scheduling queue is used for buffer in number of
Types of queue
1. Linear Queue– In this Queue, item is inserted from
rear end & deleted from front end.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
Circular Queue– In this queue the last element is
linked to first element.
Dequeue– It's full form is double ended queue. A
dequeue is also a special type of queue. In this queue the
enqueue & dequeue operation take place at both front
rear. That means we can insert an Item at both the ends
and can remove on item from both the ends.
• All the dictionary operation can be performed in
0(n) time.
Priority Queue – A priority queue is a special kind
of queue in which each item has a predefined priority of
service. In this queue the enqueue operation takes place
at rear in the order of arrival of items, while the dequeue
operation takes place at the front based on priority of
item. An item with a high priority will be dequeued
before an item with a low priority.
Tree data structure
Tree is a hierarchical data structure. A tree whose
elements have at most 2 children is called a binary tree.
Since each element in a binary tree can have only 2
children, we typically Name them the left & right child.
A binary tree has following parts
1. Data
2. Pointer to left child
3. Pointer to right child
A node which has one child node is called internal node.
we can do searching & traversing
In easy way a node which has no child node is called leaf
node or terminal node.
Types of tree
1. General Tree– A node which has zero children &
more child team we call it general tree.
2. Binary Tree– A node of tree has almost two children.
Left child is counted as 0 and right child as 1.
Binary Search Tree– Binary search tree is a nodebased binary tree data structure which has the
following feature.
• Left sub tree of a node contains only nodes with keys Example–
lesser than the node's key.
• Right sub tree of a node contains only nodes with keys
greater than the node's key.
• The left and right sub tree each must also be a binary
search tree.
• Strictly Binary Tree– If every non leaf node in a
binary tree has non-empty left and right sub trees. All of
the nodes in a strictly binary tree are of degree zero or
two, never degree one.
In order: 42513
Pre order: 12453
Post order: 45231
AVl Tree–
AVL tree can be defined as height balanced binary
search tree in which each node is associated with a
balance factor which is calculated by subtracting the
height of its right sub tree from that of its left sub tree. If
there are N nodes then height of tree is log 2(N+1).
When a tree is balanced then difference of height between
left sub tree and right sub tree is not more than 1.
Graph and their representation–
Graph is linear or data type, to represent a graph, we
just need the set of vertices and each vertex the
neighbors of vertex. If it is weighted graph, then the
weight will be associated with each edge, there are
different ways to optimally represent a graph, depending
on the density of its edges, type of operations to be
performed and ease of use.
Adjacency Matrix–
• Adjacency matrix is sequential representation
• It is used to represent which nodes are adjacent to
each other.
• In this representation we have to construct nxn matrix
of there is any edge from a vertex i to vertex J then the
corresponding element of A i.e. aiJ = 1 otherwise
aiJ = 0.
Undirected graph representation–
A strictly binary tree with n leaves always 2n-1 nodes.
Complete Binary Tree– A Complete binary tree is
a binary tree in which all the levels are completely filled
except possibly the lowest one which is filled from left.
Tree Traversal
Pre-order Traversal
First visit the root then traverse the left sub tree after
that traverse the right sub tree.
Note- Preorder traversal is used to create a copy of
the tree. Pre order traversal is also used to get prefix
expression on an expression tree.
In Order Traversal- Traverse the left sub tree.
Visit the root & then traverse the right sub tree.
Directed graph representation
Note- In the case of binary search tree in order
traversal gives nodes in non-diseasing order.
Post-order Traversal
First traverse the left sub tree then traverse the right
sub tree after that visit root.
Note- Post order traversal is used to delete the tree.
Post order traversal is also useful to get the post fix
expression of an expression tree.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
In the above figure I represents an edge from row Example–
vertex to column vertex and o represent no edge from
row vertex to column vertex.
Undirected weighted graph representation–
Matrix re presentation takes a lot of time to visit all
the neighbors of a vertex, we have to traverse all the
vertices in the graph, which takes some time.
Incidence Matrix– In this representation the size of
matrix is total number of vertices by total number of
edges. In this representation column represent edges and
row represent vertices. Matrix is filled 0 or 1 or – 1
where• 0 is used to represent row edge which is not connected
to column vertex.
• 1 is used to represent row edge which is connected as
outgoing edge to column vertex.
• –1 is used to represent row edge which is connected as
incoming edge to column vertex.
Example– consider the following directed graph
Adjacency List–
• Adjacency list is linked list representation of every
• In this representation, for each vertex in the graph, we
maintain a list of neighbours.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
• Adjacency list saves a lot of space
• We can easily insert or delete as we use linked list
• It clearly shows the adjacent nodes of a node.
Sorting & Searching–
Searching-Searching means locating a particular
element in a collection of elements. Search result
determines whether that particular element is present in
the collection or not. If it is present, we can also find out
the position of the element in the given collection.
Searching in an important technique in computer science.
In order to design algorithms programmers need to
understand the different ways in which a collection of
data can be searched for retrieval.
There are three types of searching
1. Linear search
2. Binary search
3. Hash based search
Linear Search– In this search check the elements of
a list, one at a time, without skipping any element. It is
useful when we need to search for an item in a small
unsorted list, but it is slow and time consuming. It there
are n element in the list then time complexity of linear
search is θ (n).
Linear search (Array A, Key x)
1. i ← 1
2. If i > n then GoTo step 7
3. For i = 1 to n
4. If A[i] = key then Goto step 6
5. i ← i + 1
6. Print element found at index i and Goto step 8.
7. Print element not found.
8. Exit
Time complexity of Linear Search Best Case →
Average Case & Worst Case – n comparisons are
required so its complexity is O(n).
Binary Search– It takes a sorted/ordered list and
divides it in the middle. It then compares the middle
element with the key to be searched. If the middle
element matches the key the search is declared
successful and program end. If middle element is greater
than key, the search repeats only in first half of the list. If
middle element is lesser than the key, the search repeats
only in the second half of the list. Binary search follow
the divide & conquer approach. In best case, complexity
is θ(1) and worst case time complexity is θ(log n).
Binarysearch (arr, key, low, high)
1. If low > high
2. return false
3. else
low + high
5. If key = arr [mid]
6. return mid
7. else key < arr[mid]
8. return Binarysearch (arr, key low mid)
9. else
10. return Binarysearch (arr, key, mid + 1, high)
Best case → O(1)
Worst Case →
recurrence relation is
4. mid =
T (n) = T   +1
Complexity T(n) = O(log n)
Hash Based Search– Hash based search requires
only one key comparison to discover the presence or
absence of a key. Provided every elements is present at
its designated position decided by a hash function.
Sorting– is process of arranging the element in
increasing or decreasing order. Sorting is an important
area of study in computer science and many sorting
algorithms have been developed and analysed from their
performance point of view. Common sorting algorithms
1. Bubble sort
2. Insertion sort
3. Selection sort
4. Quick sort
5. Merge sort
6. Heap sort
Merge sort and quick sort follow the divide &
conquer approach. The time complexity of quick sort in
worst case is θ (n2). The time complexity of quick sort in
best & average case in θ (n log n). Complexity of merge
DATA Structures and Algorithm
sort is θ (n log n). Insertion sort follows the incremental
approach of designing. Its complexity is θ (n2). Bubble
sort there are two loops. A loop within a loop will have
the complexity as θ (n2). Heap sort uses heap data
structure. Its complexity is θ (n log n).
Merge sort–
AlgorithmMergesort(arr, low, high)
1. If (low < high)
low + high
mid =
3. Mergesort(arr, low, mid–1)
4. merge(arr, mid+1, high)
5. merge(arr, low, mid, high)
Divide step stakes time O(1) & merge procedure takes
O(n) time so combine effort of divide + combine = O(1)
+ O(n) = O(n)
so recurrence relation is.
T(n) = 2T   + O ( n )
 2
It is solution by master method is O(n log n).
Quick sort– Quick sort follows divide & Conquer
approach. Its partition procedure is complex but combine
step is simple total effort is θ(n) + θ(1) = θ(n).
Quicksort(arr[], low, high)
If (low < high)
P = partition(arr, low, high)
quicksort (arr, low, P-1)
quicksort (arr, P+1, high)
Choose the pivot as last element of the queue these
which are less than pivot element they put into left subproblem and those element which are greater than pivot
they are put into right sub-problem.
Complexity– Here divide step is little bit complex
and it is θ(n) time & combine step will not take anytime,
since nature array elements are reshuffled within the
array. Pivot is such that left sub-problem contain. One
element & right sub-problem contain n-1 element.
so worst case complexity is
T(n) = T (1) + T ( n − 1) + θ ( n )
= T(n – 1 + n – 2 + n – 3 ......+ 2 + 1) + θ(n)
 ( n − 1) .n 
= T∑
 + θ(n)
= θ(n2)
Average & Best Case–
T (n) = θ(n log n)
So average & best case complexity is same as merge
sort. Merge sort take the help of other array so. It is not
sort inplace so merge procedure is tough in merge sort
and in quick sort partition is complex and merge
procedure is simple.
Bubble sort–
1. For every element of array
2. If array[i] > arr[i+1]
3. then swap[arr[i], arr[i+1]]
4. end if
5. end For
In first pass largest element reaches to the end of
array. In second pass second largest element reaches to
second position from last element.
Its complexity is θ(n2). Since one is outer loop and
second one is inner loop. So total time is θ(n2).
Insertion sort–Insertion sort follows the
incremental approach of designing.
Void insertionsort (int arr[], int n])
int i, key, J
for (i =1; i<n; i++)
key = arr[i]
J = i–1
while (J > = 0 && arr [J]> key)
arr[J+1] = arr [J]
arr[J+1] =Key;
Complexity of insertion sort–
(i) Best case– Best case occur when element is sorted
order and int his case complexity of insertion sort is
(ii) Average & Worst Case– Average & worst case
occur when array element is reverse sorted order. In
this case complexity is θ(n2).
Stable Sort– Counting sort is stable sort. Stable means if
two or more than two elements are equal then they will
appear in output array in the same order as they appear in
input array.
Single source shortest problem, which is based on
Greedy Algorithm uses the adjacency list representation
of graph whereas all pair shortest path problem based on
dynamic programming technique uses the matrix
representation of graph.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
Symbol Table–
Symbol table is an important data structure created
and maintained by compilers in order to store
information about the occurrence of various entities such
as variable name, function names, objects and classes,
interfaces etc. symbol Table is used by both the analysis
and the synthesis parts of a compiler.
A symbol table may serve the following purposes
depending upon the language in hand.
• To store the name all entities in structured from at one
• To verify a variable has been declared.
• To implement type checking, by verifying
assignments and expressions in the source code are
semantically correct.
• To determine the scope of a name.
A symbol table is simply a Table which can be
either linear or a hash table. It maintains an entry for
each name in the following format.
<symbol name, type, attribute>
For example, if a symbol table has to store
information about the following declaration.
Register int increment,
then it should store entry such as:
<increment, in, register>
Implementation of symbol Table–
If a compiler is to handle a small amount of data
then the symbol table can be implemented as an
unordered list, which is easy to code, but it is only
suitable for small tables only. A symbol table can be
implemented in one of the following ways:
• Linear (sorted or unsorted) list
• Binary Search Tree
• Hash table
Symbol Tables are mostly implemented as hash tables
A symbol is implemented as linear or hash should
provide the following operations.
This operation is used in analysis phase with the
help of insert operation add information is used. In
source code, the unique name occurring will be added in
symbol Table. The insert () function takes the symbol
and its attributes as argument & store the information in
the symbol table.
For example–
int salary;
should be processed by compiler as:
insert (salary int),
lookup operation is used to search a name in the
symbol table to determine
• If symbol present in the table.
• If it is declared before it is being used
• If the name is used in the scope
• If the symbol is initialized
• If the symbol declared multiple times
The basic format of lookup () is as follows
lookup (symbol)
Data Structure Using C & C++
Data structure is a particular way of organizing data
in a computer so that it can be used effectively.
For example, we can store a list of items using the
array data structure.
Main data structure in C & C++ are Array, Linked
list, Stack, Queue, Binary Tree, Binary search tree, Heap,
Hashing, Graph, Advance data structure, description of
above data structure is given in previous pages.
Important Points–
• Binary search is applicable in array and AVL tree.
• Minimum & maximum height of a binary search tree
of n nodes is log2n, n.
• Maximum number of edges in a n-node undirected
graph without self-loops is n(n − 1) 2.
• Pointer head points to first node of a linked list each
node has link to next node then time complexity to
swap values of pth and qth nodes shall be then
O(max(p, q)).
• The best data structure to check whether an arithmetic
expression has balanced parenthesis is a stack.
• Level order traversal of a rooted tree can be done by
starting from the root and performing breadth first
• N-queen problem and M-coloring problem are back
tracking algorithm and back tracking is a general
algorithm for finding solutions to same computational
problems that uses a brute force approach for finding
the desired output. Queue is useful in traversing a
given graph by breadth-first search (BFS).
• Boolean, byte and double are primitive data type.
• At the time of implementing a stack on a register
stack, the stack pointer register is incremented first
during push operation.
• Zero address instructions are implemented with the
help of stack.
• Two labeled trees are isomorphic if graphs of the two
trees are isomorphic and the two trees have same
• A circular list can be used to represent queue.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
• A simple path in a graph G that passes through every
vertex exactly one is called a Hamillon path, and a
simple circuit in a graph G that passes through every
vertex exactly once is called a Hamilton circuit.
• Stack is used for depth first traversal of a graph.
• A dequeue is a linear list in which insertions and
deletions are made to and from either end of the
structure stack data structure is used in recursion.
• Linked lists are best suited for the dynamic allocation
of data. Static queue is implemented using arrays.
• The access of queue element is sequential from front
end of the queue element are deleted.
• A full binary tree with n leaves contains 2n-1 nodes.
• Strings, Arrays, Queue are linear type data structure.
Stack linear data structure allow both insertion and
deletion at only one end.
• A graph in which all nodes are of equal degree is
called as circuit.
• The best data structure to check whether an arithmetic
expression has balanced parenthesis is a stack.
• Selection sort require the minimum number of swap.
• Queue data structure is useful in traversing a given
graph by breadth first search.
• The number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree of
depth d is 2d.
• Link list is preferably suitable for implementation of
insertion sort, radix sort and polynomial manipulation.
• Stack and array are examples of linear data structure.
• Quick sort algorithm is based on divide and conquer.
• As the process enters the system, it is placed in the job
• Examples of binary tree are heap, AVL-tree and
search tree etc.
• The largest element of in array index is called upper
• Depth-first search is similar to minimax search.
• Insertion sort is used by shell sort.
• Linear array data structure uses the index to refer to its
individual items.
• A graph is a collection of nodes called vertices and
line segments called edges that connect pairs of nodes.
• In linked list representation, graph is stored in
adjacency list.
• Heap sort and merge sort perform in least time in the
worst case.
• Feedback queues dispatch tasks according to
execution characteristics.
• Selection sort algorithm design techniques is an
example of greedy methods.
• Heap can be used as priority queue.
• An internal sorting algorithm is an algorithm that uses
main memory during the sort.
• The process of accessing data stored in a serial access
memory is similar to manipulating data on a stack.
• Spatial locality concepts make extensive use of array.
• The physical size in a dynamic array shows the size of
the underlying array at the back-end.
• FIFO (first in first out) property is associated with a
• Effective usage of memory is the need for a circular
queue. An important application of binary tree is
huffan coding.
• The operation of processing each element in the list is
known as traversal.
• The data structure required for breadth first traversal
on a graph is queue.
• The data type created by data abstraction process is
called abstract data type.
• Insertion sorting methods is the best suitable for
sorting a list. A sort which compare adjacent elements
in a list. A sort which compare adjacent elements in a
list and switches where necessary is insertion sort.
• Program counter is updated during instruction
execution to point to the next instruction byte to be
• A model which is used to understand the design of a
data structure to indicate an implementation
independent view of the data structure is abstract data
• In priority queue an element can be added arbitrarily
and from which only either the smallest or largest
element can be removed.
• Postfix notation is also called as reverse polish
• A sorting technique is called stable if relative order of
occurrence of non-district elements is maintained.
• Heap sorting algorithms does in-place sorting with
minimized space overhead. ChiMerge discretisation is
a supervised method which employs the bottom-up
• Cyclomatic complexity provides a quantitative
measure of logical complexity of a program. The
formula to find out cyalomatic complexity (m) is M =
E – N + 2P where E represents number of edges in
graph, N represents number of nodes and P the
number of connected component.
• Spanning tree of a graph with V vertices has (V-1)
• The running time of Quick sort depends on whether
the partitioning is balanced or unbalanced.
DATA Structures and Algorithm
• Graphs are represented by using adjacency linked list.
• Pre order is nothing but depth-first order.
• Stack is one ended data structure.
• A list which displays the relationship of adjacency
between elements is said to be linear.
• Complexity analysis is performed to explain how
algorithm will perform when the input grow larger.
• Array is linear data structure of same data types on the
basis of data type these array is called integer array,
float array, character array etc.
• Linked list is stored in non-contiguous location. In
linear linked list we can traverse in forward direction
but in doubly linked we can traverse in both direction
i.e. forward & backward. In circular linked list we can
delete any node in 0(1) time.
• Stack is data structure in which insertion & deletion is
done from one end only, usually referred at to as Top.
• Stack follows LIFO principle.
• PUSH & POP are two basic operations performed on
a stock.
• Stack is commonly used data structure for converting
an infix expression into equivalent prefix/postfix
• While conversion of an infix notation to its equivalent
prefix/Postfix notation, only operators are pushed into
the stack.
• Queue is on ordered linear data structure, follow FIFO
• Front & rear are used to indicate beginning and end of
• Insertion in a queue happens at the rear end. Deletion
happens at the front.
• Dequeue is version of queue, which allows insertion
& deletion at both ends.
• Binary tree is non-linear data structure.
• All operation performed corresponding to height of
the tree AVL (Adelson-Velsky and Landis) tree is
balanced tree. Complete binary tree is binary tree
filled from Top to bottom and left to right. If there are
n leaves then total number of leaves is 2n – 1. If
complete binary tree has 2n leaves then total number
of nodes in tree is (2n–1)2.2n –1=2n+1 – 1 nodes.
• Graph is a data structure represented by vertices and
edges (set of adjacent vertex) minimum spanning tree
is based on greedy algorithm. Single source shortest
path problem is also based on Greedy algorithm. All
pair shortest path problem is based on Dynamic
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
A binary search tree whose left subtree & right
subtree differ in height by at most 1 unit is
(a) AVL Tree
(b) Red Black Tree
(c) Lemma Tree
(d) None of the above
Stack is also called as
(a) Last in first out
(b) First in last out
(c) Last in last out
(d) First in first out
______ is not the component of data structure
(a) Operators
(b) Storage structure
(c) Algorithms
(d) None of above
Inserting an item into the stack when stack is
not full is called ______ operation and is not
empty is called ____ operation.
(c) Insert, delete
(d) Delete, Insert
______ is a file in which items are added at one
end & remove from other
(a) Stack
(b) Queue
(c) List
(d) Link List
_______ is very useful in situation when data
have to stored and then retrieved in reverse
(a) Stack
(b) Queue
(c) List
(d) Link List
Which of the following data structure can not
store the non-homogeneous data element?
(a) Arrays
(b) Records
(c) Pointers
(d) Stacks
Which of the following is non-linear data
(a) Stack
(b) List
(c) Strings
(d) Trees
Which data structure is used in breath first
search of a graph to hold nodes?
(a) Stack
(b) Queue
(c) Tree
(d) Array
Which of following data structure is non-linear
(a) Strings
(b) Lists
(c) Stacks
(d) Graph
Which of the following data structure is linear
(a) Graph
(b) Trees
(c) Binary tree
(d) Stack
To represent hierarchical relationship between
elements, which data structure is suitable?
(a) Dequeue
(b) Priority
(c) Tree
(d) Graph
Which of the following is a divide and conquer
(a) Bubble sort
(b) Selection sort
(c) Heap sort
(d) Merge sort
DATA Structures and Algorithm
What is maximum number of swaps that can
be performed in selection sort algorithm?
(a) n–1
(b) n
(c) 1
(d) n–2
What is time complexity of binary search
(a) O(n)
(b) O(1)
(c) O(log2n)
(d) O(n2)
Kruskal algorithm for finding the minimum
spanning tree of a graph is a kind of a?
(a) DP Problem
(b) Greedy Algorithm
(c) Ad hoc Problem
(d) None of above
Maps in C++ are implemented using which of
the following data structure?
(a) Red Black Tree
(b) Binary Search Tree
(c) Avl Trees
(d) Hash Table
What is best case time complexity of the binary
search algorithm?
(a) O(1)
(b) O(n)
(c) O(log2n)
(d) O(n2)
What is time complexity to insert an element to
the front of a linked list (head pointer green)?
(a) O(n)
(b) O(1)
(c) O(log n)
(d) O(n log n)
What is time complexity to insert an element to
the rear of a linked list
(a) O(n)
(b) O(1)
(c) O(log n)
(d) O(n log n)
Which of following can be done with linked list
(a) implementation of stacks and queues
(b) implementation of binary trees
(c) implementation of data structure that can
simulate dynamics arrays
(d) All of the above
What is the information, which a linked list
node must store?
(a) the address of the next node of it exists
(b) the value of the current node
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of the above
Worst case time complexity to access an
element in a BFS can be?
(a) O(n)
(b) O(n log n)
(c) O(1)
(d) O(log n)
Which of following represents the post order
traversal to binary tree?
(a) Left-Right Root
(b) Left-Root Right
(c) Right-Left Root
(d) Right-Root Left
In what time complexity can we find the
diameter of binary tree optimally
(a) O(V+E)
(b) O(V)
(c) O(E)
(d) O(V log E)
Which of the following statement is true about
AVL trees
(a) the difference between the height of left and
right nodes can not be more than 1
(b) the height of a AVL tree always remains of
the order of O(log n)
(c) AVL trees are a type of self balancing binary
search trees
(d) All of the above
In a graph of n nodes and n edges how many
edges will be present?
(a) Exactly 1
(b) At must 1
(c) At must 2
(d) Depends on the graph
Which of the following algorithms are used to
find the shortest path from a source node to all
other nodes in a weighted graph
(a) BFS
(b) Dijkstra Algorithm
(c) Prim's Algorithm
(d) Kruskal's Algorithm
Which data structure is mainly used for
implementing the recursive algorithm?
(a) Queue
(b) Stack
(c) Array
(d) List
In circular queue the value of r will be
(a) r = r + 1
(b) r = (r + 1)% [queue size-1]
(c) r = (r + 1)% queue_size
(d) r = (r – 1)% queue_size
Which of the following statement is true?
I. Using singly linked list & circular list, it is
not possible to traverse the list backwards.
II. To find the predecessor, it is required to
transverse the list from the first node in case of
singly list.
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) Both I and II
(d) None of both
The advantage of _______ is that they solve the
problem of sequential storage representation
but disadvantage in that is they are sequential
(a) Lists
(b) Linked Lists
(c) Trees
(d) Queues
What will be the value of top, if there is a size
of stack STACK-SIZE is 5
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) None
_____ is not the operation that can be
performed on a queue.
(a) Insertion
(b) Deletion
(c) Retrieval
(d) Traversal
Which of the following is not the type of queue?
(a) Ordinary queue
(b) Single ended queue
(c) Circular queue
(d) Priority queue
DATA Structures and Algorithm
Linear search is highly in efficient compared to
binary search when dealing with:
(a) Small, unsorted arrays
(b) Small, sorted arrays
(c) Large, unsorted arrays
(d) Large, sorted arrays
Which of the following operation is performed
more efficiently by double linked list than by
single linked list?
(a) Deleting a node whose location is given
(b) Searching of an unsorted list for a given item
(c) Inserting a new node after node whose
location is given
(d) Traversing the list to process each node
One can determine whether a binary tree is a
binary search tree by traversing it in _____
(a) Pre-order
(b) In-order
(c) Post-order
(d) Any of these
Spanning tree of connected graph with 10
vertices contains
(a) 9 edges
(b) 11 edges
(c) 10 edges
(d) 9 vertices
A sorted file contains 16 items. Using binary
search, the maximum number of comparisons
to search for an item in this file is _____
(a) 15
(b) 8
(c) 1
(d) 4
A complete binary tree with n leaf nodes has
(a) n + 1 nodes
(b) 2n – 1 nodes
2n + 1 nodes
n ( n − 1)
Time required to delete a node x from a doubly
linked list having n node is
(a) O(n)
(b) O(log n)
(c) O(1)
(d) O(n log n)
One can convert on infix expression to postfix
expression using a _____
(a) stack
(b) queue
(c) deque
(d) None of these
Which one of below mentioned is linear data
(a) queue
(b) stack
(c) arrays
(d) all of these
Linked list are not suitable data structure for
which one of the following problems?
(a) insertion sort (b) binary search
(c) radix sort
(d) polynomial manipulation
What value does function my function return
when called with a value of 4?
my_function(int number)
if(number <=1)
return 1;
return number* my_function(number1)
(a) 1
(b) 4
(c) 12
(d) 24
For an undirected graph G with n vertices and
e edges, the sum of degrees of each vertices is
(a) (n + 1)e
(b) 2e
(c) 2n
(d) (e + 1)n
If locality is a concern you can use ___ to
traverse the graph
(a) Breadth First Search (b) Depth First Search
(c) Either BFS or DFS (d) None of these
A sorting technique which uses the binary tree
concept such that label of any node is larger
than all the labels in the sub tree is called _____
(a) selection sort
(b) insertion sort
(c) heap sort
(d) quick sort
A full binary tree with n non-leaf nodes
contains _____
(a) log 2n nodes
(b) n + 1 nodes
(c) 2n nodes
(d) 2n + 1 nodes
Recursive procedure are implemented by using
____ data structure.
(a) queue
(b) stacks
(c) linked lists
(d) strings
Quick sort is an example of
(a) divide & conquer
(b) greedy approach
(c) improved binary search
(d) dynamic programming
In C programming, when we remove an item
from bottom of the stack, then:
(a) stack will fall down
(b) stack will rearrange items
(c) it will convert to LIFO
(d) This operation is not allowed
The worst case of quick sort has order _____
(a) O(n2)
(b) O(n)
(c) O(n log2 n)
(d) O(log2 n)
Which one of the following is not an example of
computer language?
You have to sort a list L consisting of a sorted
list followed by a few "random" elements.
Which of the following sorting methods would
be especially suitable for such a task?
(a) Bubble sort
(b) Selection sort
(c) Quick sort
(d) Insertion sort
Linked List Search complexity is
(a) O(1)
(b) O(n)
(c) O(log n)
(d) O(log(log n))
DATA Structures and Algorithm
A technique for direct search is ______
(a) binary search
(b) linear search
(c) tree search
(d) hashing
In a min heap
(a) minimum value of stored
(b) child nodes have less value than parent nodes
(c) parent nodes have less value than child nodes
(d) maximum value is contained by the root node
Minimum number of queues required for
priority queue implementation?
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
Which of the following sorting methods is not
suited for an already sequence?
(a) merge sort
(b) selection sort
(c) bubble sort
(d) insertion sort
RPSC Lect. 2011
Minimum and maximum height of a binary
search tree of n nodes is
(a) 1, log2n
(b) log2n, log2n
(c) log2n, n
(d) n, n2
RPSC Lect. 2011
Binary search is applicable in
(a) Array and AVL tree
(b) Array and Heap tree
(c) Queue and AVL tree
(d) Queue and Heap tree
RPSC Lect. 2011
Pointer head points to first node of a linked list
Each node has link to next node. Time
complexity to swap values of pth and qth nodes
shall be
(a) O(p2+q2)
(b) O(max (p,q))
(c) O(1)
(d) O((p+q)2)
RPSC Lect. 2011
Every node of a tree has exactly 3 children. If
root is at height 1, number of nodes in a full
tree (every level is full except last level that
consists of leaf nodes only) of height h is given
(a) (3h–1)/2
(b) (3h+1–1)/2
(c) (3 –1)/2
(d) (3h–1)
RPSC Lect. 2011
The best data structure to check whether an
arithmetic expression has balanced parentheses
is a/an
(a) stack
(b) priority queue
(c) array
(d) linked list
RPSC Lect. 2011
Maximum number of edges in a n-node
undirected graph without self-loops is
(a) n2
(b) n(n – 1)/2
(c) n(n – 1)
(d) n(n+1)/2
RPSC Lect. 2011
Level order traversal of a rooted tree can be
done by starting from the root and performing
(a) preorder traversal
(b) in-order traversal
(c) depth first search
(d) breadth first search
RPSC Lect. 2011
Which of the following is not a backtracking
(a) Knight tour problem (b) N-queen problem
(c) Towers of Hanoi
(d) M-coloring problem
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following is useful in traversing a
given graph by breadth-first search (BFS)?
(a) Stack
(b) Set
(c) List
(d) Queue
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following is not a primitive data
(a) Boolean
(b) Byte
(c) String
(d) Double
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Zero address instructions are implemented
with the help of
(a) queue
(b) stack
(c) register
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Two labeled trees are isomorphic if ______
(a) graphs of the two trees are isomorphic
(b) the two trees have same label
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) graphs of the two trees are cyclic
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
A path in graph G, which contains every vertex
of G once and only once?
(a) Eular Circuit
(b) Hamiltonian Path
(c) Eular Path
(d) Hamiltonian Circuit
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
What data structure is used for depth first
traversal of a graph?
(a) Queue
(b) Stack
(c) List
(d) None of above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
A ________ is a linear list in which insertions
and deletions are made to from either end of
the structure
(a) Circular queue
(b) Priority queue
(c) Stack
(d) Dequeue
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
Linked lists are best suited
(a) For relatively permanent collection of data
(b) For the dynamic allocation of data
(c) For the insertion of data at one end
(d) When data accesses is done at one end
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
DATA Structures and Algorithm
A Dequeue allows
(a) Insertion at only one end but deletion at both
(b) Insertion at both ends but deletion at one end
(c) Both (insertion at only one end but deletion at
both ends) and (insertion both ends but etion
at one end)
(d) Insertion and deletion in middle but not at
either ends
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Static queue is implemented using
(a) Pointers
(b) Nodes
(c) Arrays
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
From which end of the Queue elements are
(a) Rear
(b) Front
(c) Middle
(d) Any Position
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
The access of queue element is
(a) Sequential
(b) Random
(c) Direct
(d) Indexed
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Liner type data structure is
(a) Strings
(b) Arrays
(c) Queue
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
The best data structure to check whether an
arithmetic expression has balanced parenthesis
is a
(a) Queue
(b) Stack
(c) Tree
(d) List
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
When two n-bit binary numbers are added the
sum will contain at the most
(a) n bits
(b) (n+3) bits
(c) (n+2) bits
(d) (n+1) bits
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which one of the following in-place sorting
algorithms needs the minimum number of
swaps ?
(a) Insertion Sort
(b) Quick Sort
(c) Heap Sort
(d) Selection Sort
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which of the following data structure is useful
in traversing a given graph by breadth first
search ?
(a) Stack
(b) Queue
(c) List
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
The number of leaf nodes in a complete binary
tree of depth d is
(a) 2d
(b) 2d-1+1
(c) 2 +1
(d) 2d +1
Link list is preferably not suitable for
implementation of?
(a) Insertion sort
(b) Binary search
(c) Radix sort
(d) Polynomial manipulation
RPSC Lect. 2014
The linear data structures are
(i) Stack
(ii) Array
(iii) Tree
(iv) Graph
(a) (i) only
(b) (i) & (ii) only
(c) (iii)
(d) (iv)
Quick sort algorithm is based on
(a) Divide and Conquer
(b) Dynamic Programming
(c) Greedy Method
(d) None
.......... contains metadata:
(a) Table
(b) Data dictionary
(c) Data directory
(d) Database
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
The term OSPF is a short form for:
(a) Optimal Shortest Path First
(b) Open Shortest Path First
(c) Open Short Packet First
(d) Optimum Start Path First
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
As the process enters the system, it is placed in
which type of the queue?
(a) Block queue
(b) Ready queue
(c) Job queue
(d) Waiting queue
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of the following is not to a binary tree?
(a) Heap
(b) AVL-Tree
(c) B-Tree
(d) Search tree
Link lists are not suitable for
(a) Polynomial manipulation
(b) Binary search
(c) Radix sort
(d) Insertion sort
Which search is similar to minimax search?
(a) Hill- climbing search (b) Depth- first search
(c) Breadth - first search (d) All of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Which one is informed search?
(a) Depth First Search
(b) Breadth First Search
(c) Bi- Directional Search
(d) Heuristic Search
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
DATA Structures and Algorithm
Shell sort uses:
(a) Insertion sort
(c) Quick sort
(b) Merge sort
(d) Selection sort
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
If all the edge weights of an undirected graph
are positive, then any subset of edges that
connects all the vertices and has minimum total
weight is a:
(a) Hamiltonian cycle (b) Grid
(c) Hypercube
(d) Tree
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
A graph is a collection of nodes called ..........
and line segments called .......... that connect
pairs of nodes.
(a) Vertices, Paths
(b) Paths, Edges
(c) Vertices, Edges
(d) Vertices, Vertices
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
In a linear search :
(a) Search starts at the middle and goes to left or
right depending on the case
(b) Search starts at the beginning of the list and
checks every element in the list until either
the search is successful or the list ends
(c) Computes a hash value and compares
(d) Search is randomly carried out
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
In Tower of Hanoi problem, with n disks, the
number of moves from source to destination is:
(a) 2n – 1
(b) 2n–1
(c) 2 + 1
(d) 2n+1
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
In linked list representation, graph is stored in:
(a) Edge list
(b) Vertex list
(c) Adjacency list
(d) None of the above
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
Consider the following sorting algorithms.
I. Quicksort
II. Heapsort
III. Mergesort
Which of them perform in least time in the
worst case?
(a) I and II only
(b) II and III only
(c) III only
(d) I,II and III
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2014
Feedback queues
(a) are very simple to implement
(b) dispatch tasks according to execution
(c) are used to favour real time tasks
(d) require manual intervention to implement
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
106. Selection sort algorithm design techniques is
an example of
(a) Greedy method
(b) Divide-and -conquer
(c) Dynamic Programming
(d) Backtracking
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
107. A graph with "n" vertices and n-1 edges that is
not a tree, is
(a) Connected
(b) disconnected
(c) Euler
(d) A circuit
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
108. Heap can be used as _____
(a) Priority queue
(b) Stack
(c) A decreasing order array
(d) Normal Array
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
109. A graph with all vertices having equal degree is
known as a ______
(a) Multi Graph
(b) Regular Graph
(c) Simple Graph
(d) Complete Grah
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
110. What is an internal sorting algorithm?
(a) Algorithm that uses tape or disk during the
(b) Algorithm that uses main memory during the
(c) Algorithm that involves swapping
(d) Algorithm that are considered 'in place'
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
111. The process of accessing data stored in a serial
access memory is similar to manipulating data
on a _______
(a) Heap
(b) Binary Tree
(c) Array
(d) Stack
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
112. What is meant by physical size in a dynamic
(a) The size allocated to elements
(b) The size extended to add new elements
(c) The size of the underlying array at the backend
(d) The size visible to users
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
113. Which of the following properties is associated
with a queue?
(a) First In Last Out
(b) First In First Out
(c) Last In First Out
(d) Last In Last Out
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
114. What is the need for a circular queue?
(a) effective usage of memory
(b) easier computations
(c) to delete elements based on priority
DATA Structures and Algorithm
(d) implement LIFO principle in queues
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
An important application of binary tree is ____
(a) Huffman coding
(b) Stack implementation
(c) queue implementation
(d) traverse a cyclic graph
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
The operation of processing each element in the
list is known as
(a) sorting
(b) merging
(c) inserting
(d) traversal
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
A full binary tree with n leaves contains
(a) n nodes
(b) log2 n nodes
(c) 2n–1 nodes
(d) 2n nodes
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
The data structure required for breadth first
traversal on a graph is
(a) queue
(b) stack
(c) array
(d) tree
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
The data type created by data abstraction
process is called
(a) class
(b) structure
(c) abstract data type (d) user defined data type
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Which one of the following register is updated
during instruction execution to point to the
next instruction byte to be fetched?
(a) Stack pointer
(b) Frame pointer
(c) Program counter
(d) Argument pointer
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
A model which is used to understand the design
of a data structure to indicate an
implementation-independent view of the data
structure is:
(a) Linear data type
(b) Non-linear data type
(c) Abstract data type
(d) Primitive data type
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
In a queue an element can be added arbitrarily
and from which only either the smallest or
largest element can be removed, the type of the
queue is:
(a) Circular queue
(b) Priority queue
(c) Deques
(d) Ordinary queue
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
Postfix notation is also known as:
(a) Reverse polish notation
(b) Polish notation
(c) Infix notation
(d) Reverse notation
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
124. A sorting technique is called stable if
(a) If it takes O (n log n) time
(b) It uses divides and conquer technique
(c) Relative order of occurrence of non-district
elements is maintained
(d) It takes O (n) space
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 17.12.2017
125. Which of the following sorting algorithms does
in-place sorting with minimal space overhead?
(a) Merge sort
(b) Radix sort
(c) Heap sort
(d) Address Calculation sort
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
126. What is the cyclomatic complexity of a module
which has seventeen edges and thirteen nodes?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
127. ChiMerge discretisation is a_____method,
which employs the _____ approach.
(a) Supervised, top-down
(b) Unsupervised, top-down
(c) Supervised, bottom-up
(d) Unsupervised, bottom-up
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
128. Which metric provides a quantitative measure
of logical complexity of a program?
(a) Loop complexity
(b) Data complexity
(c) Behaviour complexity
(d) Cyclomatic complexity
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
129. Which type of behavior a stack exhibits ?
(a) First in, first out
(b) Last in , last out
(c) Last in, first out
(d) None of these
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
130. Spanning tree of a graph with V vertices has
(a) v - 1 edges
(b) v edges
(c) v + 1 edges
(d) v + 2 edges
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
131. Graphs are represented using:
(a) Adjacency tree
(b) Adjacency linked list
(c) Adjacency graph
(d) Adjacency queue
(e) Adjacency output
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
132. The running time of ________ depends on
whether the partitioning is balanced or
(a) Insertion sort
(b) Selection sort
(c) Quick sort
(d) Merge sort
(e) Bubble sort
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
133. Preorder is nothing but:
(a) Depth-first order
(b) Breadth-first order
(c) Topological order
(d) Linear order
(e) Reverse order
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
134. A queue in which items are inserted and
removed from any position based on same
property :
(a) deque
(b) property queue
(c) priority queue
(d) preference queue
1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (a)
7. (a)
8. (d)
9. (b)
10. (d)
11. (d)
12. (c)
13. (d)
14. (a)
15. (c)
16. (b)
17. (a)
18. (a)
19. (b)
20. (b)
21. (d)
22. (c)
23. (a)
24. (a)
25. (a)
26. (d)
27. (a)
28. (b)
29. (b)
30. (c)
31. (c)
32. (b)
33. (c)
34. (d)
35. (b)
36. (d)
37. (a)
38. (b)
39. (a)
40. (d)
41. (b)
42. (c)
43. (a)
44. (d)
45. (b)
46. (d)
47. (b)
48. (b)
49. (c)
50. (d)
51. (b)
52. (a)
53. (b)
54. (a)
55. (a)
56. (d)
57. (b)
58. (d)
59. (c)
60. (d)
61. (b)
62. (c)
63. (a)
64. (b)
65. (a)
66. (a)
67. (b)
68. (d)
69. (c)
70. (d)
71. (c)
72. (b)
73. (c)
74. (b)
75. (b)
76. (d)
77. (b)
78. (c)
79. (c)
80. (b)
81. (a)
82. (d)
83. (b)
84. (d)
85. (d)
86. (b)
87. (a)
88. (b)
89. (b)
90. (a)
91. (b)
92. (b)
93. (c)
94. (c)
95. (b)
96. (b)
97. (d)
98. (a)
99. (d)
100. (c)
101. (b)
102. (a)
103. (c)
104. (b)
105. (b)
106. (a)
107. (b)
108. (a) 109. (b)
110. (b)
111. (d)
112. (c)
113. (b)
114. (a)
115. (a)
116. (d)
117. (c)
118. (a) 119. (c)
120. (c)
121. (c)
122. (b)
123. (a)
124. (c)
125. (c)
126. (c)
127. (c)
128. (d) 129. (c)
130. (a)
131. (b)
132. (c)
133. (a)
134. (c)
DATA Structures and Algorithm
Basic Structure of Computer
A Computer is an electronic device which takes some
input, do some arithmetic & logical operation and
produce the desired result.
It has following components
a. Input unit (For accepting data & Instruction)
b. Storing Data (Primary& Secondary memory)
c. Processing Data (CPU)
d. Output unit (displaying result & Printer)
e. Controlling and coordinating all operation inside
computer (Control unit)
Computer is a system, so all the subsystem interact
with each other to achieve the goal of computer
(a) Input– Input device is the main component of
Computer. Through this device data & instruction are
inserted inside the Computer. Main input device is
Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner & Trackball & Light Pen etc.
(b) Storage– Storage is the properties of computer
where data & instructions are stored in computer. Some
storage are volatile and some non-volatile. There are two
types of Storage
I. Primary storage
II. Secondary storage
Primary storage– Primary memory is key fast
memory. It is an electronic device so all content of
memory takes equal time Main memory is also called
Random access memory (RAM). The Program and data
are loaded into the primary memory before processing.
CPU directly interact With the RAM. It is volatile in
nature. Primary memory is very expensive & therefore
Limited in capacity.
Computer Organization and Operating System
Secondary Storage– Secondary memory is made up
of magnetic material. Memory all the instruction & Data
which is not going to be executed is stored in secondary
memory Secondary memory is slower and cheaper than
main memory so Its capacity is large. It is characterized
by low cost, large access time & large storage Capacity.
(c) Processing– Program is made of instruction &
data. The process of performing operation on data as per
the instruction specified by Program is called Processing.
Data Processing is an activity where data is manipulated
so that meaningful information can be achieved. Data
and instruction is taken from main memory & transferred
to ALU (Arithmetic Logic unit), a part of CPU, which
perform every type of calculation. When all the
processing completes, the final result is transferred to
main memory
(d) Output– In output unit result is displayed. result
is given through output devices like monitor, Printer etc
computer process the data in binary format & result of
Processing is also in the binary form. the result can not
be directly given to the user, The output device therefore
convert the result in available in binary form into human
readable language. before displaying it to the user.
(e) Controlling– The function of managing the
controlling of all the component i.e Coordinating all the
operation is done by control unit. Control unit fetch the
instruction, decode the instruction and execute the
Computer Arithmetic Operations– ALU is
mathematical Brain of computer, ALU is digital circuit
that provides arithmetic & logic operations, It is the
fundamental building block of the central processing unit
of a computer most of the operations are performed by
one or more ALU which load data from input register
Registers are small amount of storage available to the
Central Processing Unit and Instructions
CPU Consist of arithmetic logic unit (ALU) control
unit (CU) and Register the Brain of computer is known
as Central Processing Unit. It carries out the actual
Processing, it is known as processor of computer. It is
placed on the circuit Known as integrated circuit,
Integrated circuits are made up of semiconductor
material. Program consist of data & instruction. These
are given to CPU for execution of Program.
CPU fetches the program and data from memory and
perform arithmetic and logic operation as per given
instruction and stores the result back to memory. CPU
has its own memory called Register. Register are part of
CPU chip and they are limited in size and number. These
Register are used for storing data, instruction and
intermediate result.
CPU has two main component–
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit
(CU), ALU perform all kind of calculations such as
arithmetic (Add, subtract, multiply divide), comparison
(Less than, Greater than or Equal to) and other operation
Control unit's main function is to direct and
coordinate the computer operations. It interpret the
instruction and initiates action to execute them. Control
Unit, Control the flow of data through the computer
system & direct the ALU, input-output (I/O) devices and
other units. It is also called central nervous system of the
computer system In addition the CU is responsible for
fetching decoding, executing instructions and storing
Memory Organization
A computer system require to store the data &
instruction for processing, Whenever we talk about the
memory of computer system we usually Talk about the
main or primary memory.
Secondary memory is used to store data, instructions
and result permanently for future use.
Memory Hierarchy– Memory usually refers to
random access memory typically DRAM (Dynamic
RAM) and memory can also refer to other forms of data
Term storage refers to storage Devices that are not
directly accessible by the CPU (Secondary Storage)
Example of secondary storage device are hard disk,
optical disk Drives and other devices that are slower than
RAM but are used to store data permanently.
CPU Register– Register are directly accessible by
CPU. Registers are the fastest of all forms of computer
data storage.
Cache Memory– Cache memory is located between
Register and main memory. It is used to store instruction
& data that are repeatedly require to execute Program.
CPU first checks within the data & instruction is
available in cache memory. When the same piece of data
and instruction is needed, the CPU read it from cache
memory instead of main memory .
Primary Memory – Primary memory (main
memory or Internal memory can be directly accessed by
the CPU. CPU continuously reads instruction stored in
the primary memory and execute them any data that has
to be operated by CPU is also store there, There are two
types of primary memory RAM & ROM. RAM is
usually referred to as main memory & It is faster than
the secondary memory.
ROM is non-volatile, which means Its contents are
not lost even when the power is turned off. It is a small
but faster permanent storage for the contents which are
rarely changed. For Example boot loader that loads the
operating system into primary memory, is stored in
Secondary Memory– Primary memory has limited
storage capacity and is either volatile (RAM) or readonly (ROM) This memory is not directly accessible by
the CPU. Secondary Storage devices hold data even
when the computer is switch off. An example of such a
device is hard-disk.
Computer usually uses its input/output channel to
access the data from secondary storage device to transfer
the data in the main memory. While the CPU can read
the data stored in main memory in nanoseconds, the data
from these days there are secondary storage devices like
SDD which support very fast data Transfer speed as
compared to earlier HDD (Hard disk Drive). Data
transfer between commutes have become easier and
simple due to availability of small-sized and portable
flash or pen drive.
I/O Organization
I/O Subsystem of computer provides an efficient
communication between the central system and outside
environment. It handles all the input output operations of
the computer system.
Computer Organization and Operating System
Peripheral Devices–
Input or output devices that are connected to
computer are called Peripheral devices. For example
Keyboard display units and Printers are common
peripheral devices. There are three types of Peripherals
Input Peripherals–
Allows user input, from the outside world to the
computer. Example : keyboard, mouse etc
Output-Peripherals– Allows information output
from computer to the outside world example: Printer,
Monitor etc.
Input-output Peripherals– Allows both input as
well as, output, Example-Touch screen etc
Interfaces– Interface is a shared boundary between
two separated components to the system for
communication purposes.
There are Two types of interface:
a. CPU Interface
b. I/O Interface
Input-Output Interface– In computer system, there
are special hardware components between the CPU and
peripherals to control or manage the input-output
transfers. These components are called input-output
interface units because they provide communication
links between processor bus and peripherals. They
provide a method for transferring information between
internal system and input-output devices.
Modes of I/O Data Transfer- Data transfer
between the central unit and I/O devices can be handled
in generally there types of modes which are given below.
a. Programmed I/O
b. Interrupt initiated I/O
c. Direct memory access
Programmed I/O→ Programmed I/O instruction
are result of I/O instruction written in computer program.
Each data item transfer is initiated by the instruction in
the Program. Usually the program control data transfer
to and from CPU & peripheral. Transferring data under
Programmed I/O requires constant monitoring of the
peripherals by the CPU.
Interrupt Initiated I/O – In the programmed I/O
method the CPU stays in the program loop until the I/O
unit indicates that it is ready for data transfer. This is
time Consuming process because it keeps the processor
busy needlessly.
This problem can be overcome by interrupt initiated
I/O In this when interface determines that the peripheral
is ready for data transfer, it generates an interrupt. After
receiving the interrupt signal, the CPU stops the task
which it is processing and service the I/O transfer and
there return back to its previous processing task.
Direct Memory Access– Removing the CPU from
the path & letting the peripheral device manage the
Computer Organization and Operating System
memory buses directly would improve the speed of
transfer. This technique is known as DMA.
In this, the interface transfer data to and from the
memory through memory bus. A DMA controller
manages to transfer data between peripherals & memory
Many hardware systems use DMA such as disk
drive controller, graphic cards, network cards. It is also
used for intra chip data transfer in multicore processor.
In DMA, CPU would initiate the transfer, do other
operations while the transfer is in progress and receive an
interrupt from DMA controller when the transfer has
been completed.
Operating Systems Overview
Operating system is software that make the
computer hardware to work. operating system is a system
software that must be loaded before starting any task.
Operating system is an Interface for users to
communicate with the computer. We can say that
operating system is control program of a computer main
function of the operating system include:
• Operates CPU of the computer
• Control input/output devices that provides the
interface between user and the Computer
Handles the working of application programs with the
hardware and other software systems
• Manages the storage and retrieval of information
For hardware functions such as input and output and
memory allocations, the operating system acts as an
intermediary between programs and computer Hardware.
Although the application code is usually executed by the
hardware and frequently makes system calls to on
operating function.
Dominant general purpose personal computer operating
system is Microsoft windows with market share of
around 76.45% mac OS by Apple inc is in second place
(17.72%) and the varieties of Linux are collectively in
third place (1.73%) In the mobile sector (including
Smartphone and Tablet), Android share is up to 72% in
the year 2020. Linux distribution are dominant in the
server and Super computing sectors.
Types of operating system
a. Batch processing
b. Single user single tasking
c. Single user multi tasking
3.1 (a) Advantages of Batch Operating System :
d. Multi Processing
It is very difficult to guess or know the time required
for any job to complete. Processes of the batch system
5. Real time operating system
know how long the job would be when it is in queue.
01. Operating System
Multiple users can share the batch systems.
Operating System acts as an interface between
computer hardware and user. It manages and controls all
The idle time for the batch system is very less.
the hardware and flow of data, instructions and
It is easy to manage large work repeatedly.
information to and within the system. The Operating 3.1 (b) Disadvantages of Batch Operating System :
System takes instructions from the user and directs it to
Lack of interaction between the user and the job.
CPU, which further passes the instructions to the
Batch systems are hard to debug.
The other jobs will have to wait for an unknown time
if any job fails.
3.1 (c) Example of Batch Based Operating System :
Payroll system, Bank statements, etc.
3.2 Time Sharing Operating System :
The user directly gives instructions to an OS, and the
OS executes multiple tasks at a time. The computer
memory stores these programs and they share a single
processor. The tasks switch rapidly from one to another
giving immediate response to the user. These system are
also known as multitasking systems. The task can be
Operating System is one of the core software from a single user or different users also. It uses the
programs that run on hardware and makes is usable. The concept of CPU scheduling and multiprogramming so
user can interact with hardware so that they can send that the time of the CPU is divided equally among the
commands and receive output. An Operating System tasks. This allows all the tasks to work smoothly. As the
provides an interface between user and machine. This interactive I/O is slower as compared to the CPU, this
interface can be graphical user interface (GUI) in which OS also increases CPU utilization as there is always a
users. Click on screen elements to interact with spare job to execute. This OS focuses on decreasing the
Operating System or a command line interface (CLI) to response time of a task. The time taken to execute a
tell the Operating System to do things, it also manages the single task is called quantum. Once this time interval is
computer's resource such as CPU, memory, disk drives and over the OS switches to the next task.
printers. It provides services for application software.
3 Types of Operating System :
An Operating System performs all the basic tasks
like managing files.
Some widely used Operating System are as follows : 3.1 Batch Operating System :
This type of Operating System does not interact with
the computer directly. There is an operator which takes 3.2 (a) Advantages of Time Sharing Operating
System :
similar jobs having the same requirement and group
task receives equal time to use the CPU.
them into batches. It is the responsibility of the operator
Reduces CPU idle time.
to sort jobs with similar needs. The main characteristics
of the batch Operating System is the CPU executes the
Fewer chances of duplication of software.
jobs in the same sequence that they are sent to it by the 3.2 (b) Disadvantages of Time Sharing Operating
operator, which implies. That the task sent to the CPU
System :
first will be executed first, It’s also known as the ‘First
Due to multiple sharing, it is unreliable.
come, First serve’.
One must have to take care of the security and
integrity of user programs and data.
Data communication is difficult.
3. 2 (c) Example of Time Sharing Operating System :
Multics, Unix, Linux, Windows 2000 server,
Windows NT server, etc.
Computer Organization and Operating System
3.3 Distributed Operating System :
In this type of Operating System, multiple CPUs are
used to serve multiple processes and users. All the
computers have their own memory unit and CPU are
interconnected and communicate with each other over a
shared communication network. The processors differ in
size and function and remote access is enabled within the
devices connected to network. The job of data processing
is distributed among various processors which makes the
job more efficient. The major benefit of working with
these types of the Operating System is that it is always
possible that one user can access the files or software
which are not actually present on his system but some
other system connected within this network i.e., remote
access is enabled within the devices connected in that
3.3 (a) Advantages of Distributed Operating System
Failure of one will not affect the other network
communication as all systems are independent from
each other.
Increased data exchange speed and reduced load on
the host computer.
Since resource are being shared computation is highly
fast and durable.
These systems are easily scalable as many system can
be easily added to the network.
3.3 (b) Disadvantages of Distributed Operating
System :
A single system failure might not affect the entire
communication but the failure of the main network
can crash it.
Languages used to establish distributed Operating
Systems are not well established.
It is not readily available as it is very expensive and
3.3 (c) Example of Distributed Operating System :
Mach, OSF/1 etc.
3.4 Network Operating System :
These systems run on a server and provide the
capability to manage data, users, groups, security,
applications and other networking functions. These types
Computer Organization and Operating System
of Operating Systems allow shared access of files,
printers, security, applications and other networking
functions, over a small private network. One more
important aspect of users are well aware of the
underlying configuration of all other users within the
network, their individual connections etc. and that’s why
these computers are popularly known as tightly coupled
3.4 (a) Advantages of Network Operating System :
It has stable and centralized servers that can handle
security concerns well.
Integration of new technologies and hardware upgradation is easier.
Server access is possible remotely from different
locations and types of systems.
3.4 (b) Disadvantages of Network Operating System :
Most operations could only be performed through a
central location.
It repairs regular maintenance and updating.
In this type of Operating System, the failure of any
node in a system affects the whole system.
3.4 (c) Example of Network Operating System :
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows
Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Novell Netware
and BSD, etc.
3.5 Real time Operating System :
A real time Operating System is defined as a data
processing system in which the time interval required to
process and respond to inputs is so small that it controls
the environment. The time taken by the system to
respond to an input and display of required updated
information is termed as the response time. Real time
systems are used when there are time requirements on
the operation of processor or the flow of data and real
time Operating System can be used as a control device in
a dedicated application.
There are two types of Real-time Operating System –
(i) Hard Real-time System : These Operating Systems
are meant for applications where time constraints are
very strict and even the shortest possible delay is not
acceptable. These systems are built for saving life
like automatic parachutes or airbags which are
required to be readily available in case of any
accident. Virtual memory is rarely found in these
(ii) Soft Real-time System : They have a less strict time
constraint and critical tasks are given priority above
others until they are completed and have limited
3.5 (a) Advantages of Real-time Operating System :
It provides more output from all the resources as there
is maximum utilization of systems.
These Operating Systems focus more on running
applications than those in the queue.
It provides the best management of memory
Due to the small size of programs, they can be used in
embedded systems.
3.5 (b) Disadvantages of Real-time Operating System
Very few tasks run at the same time in order to avoid
It needs specific interrupts signals and device drivers
to respond earliest to interrupts.
In such systems we cannot set thread priority as these
systems cannot switch tasks easily.
3.5 (c) Example of Real-time Operating System :
Scientific experiments, medical imaging system,
industrial control systems, weapon systems, Robots, air
traffic control systems, MTOS, Lynx, RTX, etc.
4. Popular Operating System :
To date, many Operating System have been
developed that suit different requirements of the users.
Some of these Operating Systems became quite popular
while others did not do well. The following are some of
the popular Operating System.
4.1 MS-DOS :
MS-DOS was developed and introduced by
Microsoft in 1981. It is a single user and single tasking
Operating System developed for personal computers.
MS-DOS was specifically designed for the family of
Intel 8086 Microprocessors. This Operating System
provides a command line user interface, which means
that a user needs type a command at the command line
for performing a specific task. The CLI (Command Line
Interface) of MS-DOS is more commonly known as
DOS prompt. The user interface of MS-DOS is very
simple to use but not very user friendly because of its.
Non-graphical nature, The command prompt, of MSDOS only allowed the execution of the files with the
extensions .com (Command files), BAT (Batch files) and
.exe (Executable files). The structure of MS-DOS
comprises the following programs :
IO.SYS : It is an important hidden and read only
system file of MS-DOS that is used to start the
computer system. It is also responsible for the
efficient management and allocation of the hardware
resources through the use of appropriate device
Computer Organization and Operating System
MS-DOS.SYS : It is another hidden and read only
system file that is executed immediately after the
execution of IO.SYS file is finished. MS-DOS.SYS
acts as the kernel of MS-DOS. It is responsible for
managing the memory, processors and the
input/output devices of the computer system.
CONFIG.SYS : It is a system file that is used to
configure various hardware components of the
computer system so that they can be used by the
various applications.
COMMAND.COM : It is the command interpreter
that is used to read and interpret the various command
issued by the users.
AUTOEXEC.BAT : It is a batch file consisting of a
list of commands that is executed automatically as the
computer system starts up.
4.1.1 Commands of MS-DOS :
The various commands of MS-DOS can be
categories as :
(i) Internal Commands : Internal commands are
those commands that are stored in the command
interpreter of MS-DOS. These commands get
automatically loaded into the memory when a computer
system is started.
DIR : The DIR command is used to display the
names of files and subdirectories present in a directory
along with their size in bytes and the date and time of
last modification performed.
COPY : The COPY command is used to a file from
one location to another on the computer system.
TYPE : The TYPE command is used to view the
contents of an existing file.
MD : The MD command is used to create a new
directory at the specified location in the computer
system. MD stands for make directory and it is also
known as the MKDIR command.
CD : The CD command is used to move from one
directory to another specified directory on the computer
system. CD stands for change directory and it is also
known as CHDIR command.
RD : The RD command is used to remove an empty
directory from the computer system. RD stands for
remove directory and it is also known as RMDIR
DEL : The DEL command is used to delete one or
more files from the computer system. DEL stands for
delete and it is similar to ERASE command.
DATE : The DATE command is used to display the
current date stored in the computer system.
TIME : The TIME command is used to display the
current time.
CLS : The CLS command is used to clear the screen
of the command prompt Windows.
(ii) External Commands : External commands are
those commands, which are stored an a disk and are not
in the command interpreter. These commands have an
extension of .Com, .Exe or .Bat and are less frequently
used as compared to the internal commands.
ATTRIB : ATTRIB is used to display the attributes
of a file and change these attributes, if required. A file
can have any of the four attributes, i.e. read-only, system,
archive or hidden.
CACLS : The CACLS command is used to display
the Access Control List (ACLs) of the specified file. An
ACL is a list that provides information to a computer
system about the user access rights pertaining to a file.
EDIT : The EDIT command is used to create, open
or edit a particular file. It helps in creating a new file in
the specified directory and also enables us to open and
edit the contents of an existing file.
TREE : The TREE command is used to view the
files and subdirectories of the current directory in the
form of a tree. It helps view the structure of the current
directory in an easier way.
DELTREE : The DELTREE command is used to
delete a directory and all the files present in that
directory permanently from the computer system. It
remove a directory from the computer system along with
its files and subdirectories.
CHKDSK : The CHKDSK command is used to
check the status of hard disk drives on the computer
system for errors. If there are any errors on the disk then
it helps in correcting those errors. We should run this
command frequently in order to detect any errors on the
COMP : The COMP command is used to compare
two existing files.
FIND : The FIND command is used to search and
display a string of characters in the specified file. The
string to be searched is placed inside double quotes.
HELP : The HELP command is used to display
information related to various commands in MS-DOS.
(iii) Batch Commands : Batch commands are used
to execute a sequence of commands in MS-DOS. The
sequence of commands, which could be internal or
external are store in a file called batch file. A batch file is
stored with .Bat extension.
@ : The @ command is used to hide the display of a
batch command on the screen and display only the output
produced by the batch command.
% DIGIT : The % DIGIT command is used to
specify the batch parameters, which can be instantiated
by the user at the time of execution of the batch
command. These parameters are in the form of digits
ranging from 0 to 9 where %0 represents the batch
command itself.
Computer Organization and Operating System
CALL : The CALL command is used to call a batch
program at the command prompt. It is also used to call or
execute one batch program from another in such a
manner that the first batch program is not interrupted.
ECHO : The ECHO command is used to display or
print a message on the command prompt. It is also used
to turn on or off the display of the batch file commands
on the command prompt.
4.2 UNIX :
UNIX is an Operating System that allows several users
to perform a number of tasks simultaneously. The first
version of UNIX was introduced during the 1970’s.
however, since then, it is in constant development phase
for further improving it functionality. UNIX Operating
System provides a GUI that enables its users to work in a
more convenient environment. UNIX is most suitable for
the computers that are connected to a Local Area
Network (LAN) for perfuming scientific and business
related operations. It can also be implemented on
personal computers.
The following are the core components of the UNIX
Operating System.
Kernel : It is the central part of the UNIX Operating
System that manages and controls the communication
between the various hardware and software components
of the computer system. The other major functions
performed by the kernel and are process management,
memory management and device management.
Shell : It is the user interface of the UNIX Operating
System that acts as an intermediary between the user and
the kernel of the Operating System. Shell is the only
program in UNIX Operating System that takes the
commands issued by the users and interprets them in an
efficient manner to produce the desired result.
Files and Processes : The UNIX Operating System
arranges everything in terms of files and process. The
directory in this Operating System is also considered as a
file that is used to house other files within it. The process
is usually a program executed under the UNIX Operating
System. Several processes can be executed
simultaneously in this Operating System and are
identified by a unique Process Identifier (PID) assigned
to them.
The following are some of the significant features of
UNIX Operating System.
It allows multiple users to work simultaneously.
It allows the execution of several program and
processes at the same time to ensure efficient
utilization of the processor.
It implements the concept of virtual memory in an
efficient manner. This feature enables the UNIX
Operating System to execute a program whose size is
larger than the main memory of the computer system.
4.3 LINUX :
Linux is an open-source Operating System like other
Operating Systems such as Microsoft Windows. Apple,
Mac OS, iOS, Google Android etc. An Operating System
is software that enables the communication between
computer hardware and software. The Linux Operating
System was developed by Linux Torvalds in 1991, which
sprouted as an idea to improve the UNIX Operating
System. He suggested improvements but was rejected by
UNIX designers. Therefore, he thought of launching an
Operating System, designed in a way that could be
modified by its users. Linux is a freeware and has many
different versions each with different look and feel e.g
Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Debian etc.
4.4 Windows :
Microsoft has provided many Operating Systems to
cater the needs of different users. Microsoft is a well
known name in the development of Operating System as
well as various software applications. Initially, Microsoft
introduced Windows1.x, Windows2.x and Windows386
Operating Systems. However, these Operating Systems
locked certain desirable features, such as networking and
interactive users interface. Microsoft continued to work
towards developing an Operating System that met the
desirable features of users and come up with a new
Operating System in the year 1993. Which was known as
Windows NT 3.1. This Operating System was specially
designed for the advanced users performing various
business and scientific operations. After the release of
Windows NT 3.1, several other Operating Systems user
introduced by Microsoft in the successive years with
their own unique features.
Computer Organization and Operating System
Name of
Date of
June, 1998
April, 2003
Significant Features
32 Bit File System.
Object Linking and
Embedding (OLE).
Plug and Play.
32 Bit data link
Improved GUI.
through various tools.
express, personal web
publishing wizard.
Windows update.
More reliable against
application failure.
Secure file system
using encryption.
Microsoft management
console (MMC).
Improved maintenance
against failure.
Universal plug and
Automatic updates.
Image preview.
Attractive desktop and
user interface.
System restore.
Windows firewall.
Files and settings
transfer wizard.
Information Service
Enhanced Microsoft
directory support.
Watchdog timer.
Windows 7
Windows 8
July, 2015
Enhanced Windows
media player.
Enhanced Windows
assessment tool.
Libraries to improve
Action center for
system maintenance
backups, and troubles
Improved networking
via home group.
devices faster.
Quick Desktop view
Simplified Desktop for
increased speed.
Start menu has been
Improved security.
Enhanced search bar.
Ribbon and Quick
office 2007.
Windows Reader is a
native PDF reader.
Add start Button to the
Boot directly to the
Allows Snap start
screen apps.
Enhanced automatically
Windows update.
Enhanced New start
Cortana integration.
Microsoft edge web
Multiple desktops and
Computer Organization and Operating System
task view.
Tablet mode.
Universal Apps.
5G supported.
Enhanced Cortana.
Microsoft edge with IE
mode replaces the
internet explorer 1.1.
S mode available.
Wallet is removed.
2. Functions of an Operating System :
Some typical Operating System functions may
include managing memory, files, processes, I/O system
and devices, security etc.
Following are the main functions of Operating
2.1 Memory Management :
Memory management refer to management of
primary memory or Main Memory. Main Memory is a
large array of words or bytes where each word or byte
has its own address.
An Operating System does the following activities
for memory management –
Keeps tracks of primary memory, what part of it is in
use and by which program.
Deciding which process will get how much memory
and when especially in a multiprogramming
Allocating the memory when a process request it to do
de-allocates the memory when a process no longer
needs it or has been terminated.
2.2 Process Management
Process is the execution of a program that performs
the actions specified in that program It can be defined as
an execution unit where a program runs. The operating
system helps you to create, schedule and terminates the
processes which is used by CPU. A process created by
main process is called child process.
Process operations can be easily controlled with the
help of PCB (Process Control Block). You can consider
it as the brain of process which contains all the crucial
information related to processing like Process id,
priority, state, CPU register etc.
Process Architecture–
Here, is an architecture of the
Stack– Stack stores temporary data like function
parameters, return addresses and local variables.
Heap– Allocates memory, which may be processed
during its run time.
Data– It contains the variable
Text– Text section includes the current activity which is
represented by the value of the program counter.
Process Control blocks– (PCB) It is a data
structure that is maintained by the operating system for
every process. PCB should be identified by integer
Process ID (PID). It helps you to store all the information
required to keep track of all the running processes.
It is also accountable for storing the content of processor
registers, they are saved when the process moves from
the running state and then returns back to it. The
information is quickly updated in the PCB by the OS as
soon as process make the state transitions.
Process States–
2.3 File Management :
A file system is made up into directories form for
improving its efficiency and better usage. These types of
directories may contain another sub directories and files.
It monitors all activates related to where all information
is saved, user access setting, all status of each file, and
more. So this type of process is known as ‘file system’.
The Operating System keeps records of the status and
locations of files.
2.4 Device Management :
communication via their respective drivers. It does the
following activities for device management.
Computer Organization and Operating System
• Keeps tracks of all devices. Program responsible for
this task is known as the I/O controller.
• Decides which process gets the device when and for
how much time.
• Allocates and De-allocates the devices.
2.5 Input/Output Management :
What output will come from the input given by the
user, the Operating System runs this program. This
management involves coordinating various input and
output devices. It assigns the functions of those devices
where one or more applications are executed.
2.6 Secondary Storage Management :
System have several levels of storage which
includes primary storage, secondary storage, and cache
storage. Instructions and data must be stored in primary
storage or cache so that a running program can reference
2.7 Security :
The Operating System used password protection to
protect user data and similar other techniques. It also
prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.
Computer security is a very important aspect of any
Operating System. The reliability of an Operating
System is determined by how much better security it
provides us. Modem Operating System use a firewall for
security. A firewall is a security system that monitors
every activity happening in the computer and blocks that
activity in case of any threat.
2.8 Command Interpretation :
Command interpreter is one of the part of Operating
System which reads the commands that use users types
in at a terminal, interprets, them and translate them into a
detailed sets of instructions that the computer hardware
can understands. It varies widely from one OS to other
OS. Every OS must provide command interpreter for its
2.9 Networking :
A distributed system is a group of processors which
do not share memory hardware devices or a clock. The
processors communicate with one another through the
2.10 Communication Management :
Coordination and assignment of compilers,
interpreters and another software resources of the various
users of the computer systems.
2.11 Job Accounting :
Operating System keeps track of time and resources
used by various tasks and users, this information can be
used to track resource usage for a particular user or
group of users.
Process Management
Process Schedulers–Operating system uses
following schedulers for process scheduling.
Long Term Scheduler– This scheduler is known as
job scheduler. It select the process from pool which is
located in secondary memory and keeps them in ready
queue in primary memory. It controls the degree of
multi-programming. The purpose of long scheduler is to
select the mix of CPU bound & Input/Output bound
processes among the job present in the pool.
Short Term Scheduler– Short term schedulers is
also known as CPU scheduler. It chooses one job from
ready queue and dispatch it to CPU for execution. If
selected job require long CPU burst time then other job
in ready queue have to wait for a long time this problem
is known as starvation.
Medium Term Scheduler– Some process needs
Input/Output operation. So they are put into suspended
state or swapped out queue medium term scheduler take
care of swapped out processes. It removes the process
from running state to make room for the other processes.
Such processes are swapped out processes and this
procedure is called swapping. Medium term scheduler is
responsible for suspending & resuming the processes.
Various Time Related to Process–
A program in execution is called a process. In order
to accomplish its task process needs the computer
resources. There may exist more than one process in the
system which may require the same resource at the same
time. Therefore operating system has to manage all the
processes and the resource in a convenient and efficient
way. Some resources may need to executed by one process
at one time to maintain the consistency otherwise the
system can become inconsistent and deadlock may occur.
Operating system has to perform the following
function regarding the process management:
1. Scheduling processes and threads on the CPU
2. Creating and deleting both user and system processes
3. Suspending & Resuming process
4. Providing mechanism for process synchronization
5. Providing mechanism for process communication
Attribute of Process– To create the PCB of process
following attribute of process is required.
1. Process ID
2. Program counter (PC)
3. Process state
4. Priority
5. General purpose registers
6. List of open files
7. List of open devices
8. Accounting information
When execution switch from one process to another
process, this event is known as content switching. All the
information of a process which is stored in PCB will be Completion time – Arrival time = Waiting time + Burst
saved. It is depicted in following figure.
Turnaround time = Completion time – Arrival time
Waiting time = Turnaround time – Burst time
Scheduling and Performance Criteria– There are
various algorithm which are used by operating system to
schedule the processes on the processor in an efficient
way. Purpose of scheduling algorithm is as follows.
I. Maximum CPU Utilization
II. Fare Allocation of CPU
III. Maximum Troughput
IV. Minimum Turnaround Time
V. Minimum Waiting Time
VI. Minimum Response Time
Scheduling Algorithm– Scheduling algorithm can
be divided into two parts:
1. Preemptive Scheduling
2. Non-preemptive Scheduling
In Preemptive scheduling algorithm CPU can be
Process can be categorized as follow–
away, when a priority jobs come in the queue then
1. CPU bound
be taken away. Basically this type of algorithm
2. Input/Output bound
real time operating system.
3. Interactive
Computer Organization and Operating System
In non-preemptive algorithm, CUP cannot be taken
There are following algorithms which can be used to
schedule the jobs.
1. First Come First Serve– It is non-preemptive
scheduling algorithm. Process with minimum arrival
time will get the CPU first. Here component utilization is
low and system throughput is also low. Here shorter jobs
may suffer considerable turnaround delays and waiting
time when CPU has been allocated to longer burst time.
2. Round Robin– There a quantum of 10-100
millisecond is allocated to process. As the time slice get
exhausted, process goes to end of ready queue to await
the next allocation. It is preemptive scheduling.
3. Shortest Job First (SJF)– SJF may be
implemented in non-preemptive or preemptive manner.
When this algorithm works then it searches the shortest
CPU burst time. STF scheduling is an optimal scheduling
algorithm is terms of minimizing average waiting time of
given set of processes.
Consider a situation where shorter jobs comes in
system continuously and system is implementing STF
scheduling algorithm then larger job not getting the CPU
and its waiting time will increase. This situation is
known as starvation.
Priority Bases Scheduling–
Here priority of job will be consider in allocating the
processor. Here priority is assigned to each process and
scheduler always picks the highest priority process from
ready queue. Equal priority process will be treated as
FCFS basis. Here low priority process is blocked by
higher priority process this blockage problem is solved
by aging priority in this the priority of a process is
gradually increases that wait in the system for a long
time finally process will get the CPU for execution.
Multilevel Queue Scheduling– Here processes are
grouped according to their characteristic. For example
interactive process are placed in foreground & batch
processes are placed in background could be considered
as two types of processes, because their response time
requirement is different. Multiqueue scheduling
algorithm partition the queue into separate queues. Each
queue has its separate scheduling algorithm. Interactive
queue might be scheduling by round robin and batch
queue will fallow FCFS.
Interprocess Communication– Concurrent process
executing in the operating system may be independent
process or cooperating process. A process is independent
if it cannot effect or affected by another process
executing in the system. Any process that does not share
any data with any other process is independent. A
Computer Organization and Operating System
process is cooperating if it can affect or be affected by
process is a cooperative process.
Advantage of cooperating process is as fallows:
1. Information Sharing– Several users may be
interested in same piece of information
2. Computation Speed-up– If we want that any
task run faster. We break this task into subtask, each of
which will be executing in parallel with others.
3. Modularity– Dividing the system function into
separate process or threads.
4. Convenience– Even an individual user may have
many task on which to work at one time. Processes can
communicate by passing information to each other via
shared memory or message passing.
In shared memory model they do so by entering &
retrieving data from a single block of physical memory
that designated as shared by all of them each process has
direct access to this block of memory.
In message passing processes communicated by
sending & receiving packets of information called
messages. These messages may be communicated
indirectly or directly. Indirect message passing is done
via a mail box and direct message passing is done via a
link between the two communicating processes. Message
passing is useful for exchanging smaller amount of data.
Process Synchronization–
In order to cooperate several processes must
communicate and synchronize. If several processes
accessing some piece of data and outcome depends on
particular order of execution of processes. This is known
as race condition.
Consider n processes executing in a system and each
process have some piece of code known as critical
section. These code can be accessed by only one process
at any time. If one process in executing in its critical
section, no other process can enter the critical section.
entry section
critical section
exit section
remainder section
Until false
Semaphore– A semaphore is an integer variable that is
accessed only through two standard atomic operation
wait and signal. Operations were originally termed P
(For wait) and V (For signal).
Classical definition of wait is
wait (s)
while (s < = 0)
/* do nothing
s = s–1;
signal (s)
s = s+1;
Example– Critical section for n process shared variables,
semaphore mutex
mutex = 1
process P2
wait (mutex)
critical section
signal (mutex)
remainder section
while (True)
Deadlock– Two or more processes are waiting
indefinitely for an event that can because one of the
waiting processes.
Example– Let two processes P0 & P1 each accessing
two s and q set to value 1:
Suppose that P0 execute wait (s) and then P1 execute
wait (q). It must wait until P1 execute signal (q).
Similarly when P1 execute wait (s). It must wait until P0
execute signal (s) since these signal operation cannot be
executed P0 and P1 are deadlocked.
Types of Algorithm–
1. Divide and Conquer Algorithm
2. Dynamic Programming Algorithm
3. Greedy Algorithm
4. Backtracking Algorithm
5. Randomized Algorithm
6. Brute Force Algorithm
letter as legal file names. Many operating system support
two part file names with the two-port file name with the
two ports separated by a period the first post is called
primary file name and second part is called secondary or
extension file name.
File Structure– File can be structured in any of
several ways. three common possibilities are depicted
• Is an unstructured sequence of bytes
• Record sequence
• Tree structure
First file organization system is implemented by
UNIX operating system. In record sequence model, file
is sequence of fixed length record. It is implemented by
cp/m operating system. In tree structure a file, consist of
tree of records not necessarily all the some length, each
containing a key field in a fixed position in the record.
Directories– Operating system keep the track of
files, file systems normally have directories or folders
which in many system are themselves are files.
Directory Structure–
Single Level Directory System– Simplest form of
directory system is having are directory contain all the
files which is called the root directory. It is used on
personal computer which is used by only one user. But
the problem arises when multiple users create their
directories, where the name of directory may coincide
resulting to problem.
Important aspects of single level directory.
• All files are contained in same directory
• Easy to support and understand
• Have significant limitations in terms of
• Large number of files
• Ability of support different users
Disk Space Management–
The space of disk which is not used by files are
known as free disk space. When a new file is created,
free disk space is searched & allocated the new file.
Deletion of file causes its disk space is added to free
space list. There are two methods to manage the free disk
Linked list
Finding & Processing File
File– File are an abstract mechanism exact rules for
the file naming vary from system to system, but all
current operating system allows string of one to eight
Computer Organization and Operating System
Linked list of free blocks. In this method, link list is
used to denote free block the figure block number IV,
VI, XI, X, XII, XIV, XVI, XXII are free blocks.
Bitmap– Bot map is used to assign the status of
blocks. 0 denotes the free disk space & 1 denote the
Allocated block. Let us take the above example, in the
above figure record IV, VI, IX, X, XII, XV, XVI,
XXVIII denote the free block by bit map vector. It is
denoted as 1110101100101010111111011. It is bit map
of free block.
(A) Two Level Directory– Each user has its own
user file directory. (UFD). The UFD have similar
structure but each list only the files. Created by the single
user when user searches the target file. System master
file directory is searched. Here searching is most
efficient since only one user's directory is searched.
It allows sharing of directories and files several times on
the tree structure. Example Unix.
Disk Allocation Method–
There are three method of disk allocation
1. contiguous
2. linked
3. indexed
each method has some advantages and disadvantages:
Contiguous Allocation– Contiguous allocation
means file will be stored in contiguous location of
secondary storage. As the file size is fit in adjacent
location of free space. File is allocated we have two
strategies for allocation of file.
First Fit– Here we search the free holes. So they are
fit size of file then search steps.
Best Fit– There we search the smallest hole which
satisfy the file request. Here first fit is faster compare to
best fit.
Tree Structured Directory–
These allocation technique suffer from external
fragmentation, when file is allocated to a empty whole
some empty space remain. These empty space are collect
and they form a large space. These techniques-are known
as compaction.
• The directory structure is a
• True with arbitrary height
• Users may create their own subdirectories
• Issues
Acydic Graph Directory
Linked Allocation– Here file is linked allocation of
disk blocks. Disk blocks are scattered the whole disc.
Some memory space is required to point to next location
of block main disadvantage of this technique is that of
one pointer is damaged then file cannot be recovered.
Directory entry contains a pointer to starting and ending
file block. In linked allocation, better utilization of
memory. It does not suffer from external fragmentation,
here free block can be utilized for file block request.
Disadvantage of this method is that it does not support
direct access. Memory is required to store pointers over
heads. It is slower than contiguous allocation.
In tree model one file cannot appear in more than
one directory. This is possible by making directory an
acyclic graph. Two or more directory entries can point to
some sub-directory of file. In the following figure there
is no cycle in structure.
Indexed Allocation– In this scheme, a special block
known as index block contains the pointer to all the
blocks occupied by a file indexed allocation sales the
direct access problem. Here pointers are brought into one
location called as index block.
• Efficient searching, grouping
• Current directory notion/change directory (absolute)
• Directory semantics
Computer Organization and Operating System
disadvantage of this method in terms of memory
utilization. Pointer overhead are greater than linked
allocation. For every small file the indexed allocation
would keep one entire block for pointer.
Operations of File– The context of files are defined
by its content who is creating the file. The various
operation which can be implemented on file such as read,
write, open and close etc are called file operation. These
operation are performed by the user by using the
command provided by the operating system. Common
operation are as below1. Create()
2. Open()
3. Write()
4. Read()
5. Seek()
6. Delete()
7. Truncate()
8. Close()
9. Append()
10. Copy()
11. Move()
Important Facts
• An abacus was also known as counting frame and
become popular among the people in Asia minor
around 5000 years back.
• Napier bones was developed by John Napier in year
1617. This device was specially designed for the
multiplication and quotient of number.
• The idea of using bones to carry out the multiplication
of number was modified by Edmond Gunter in 1620
to produce a device known as Slide Rule.
• Pascal lines was a calculator developed by Blaise
Pascal in 1642. It was also known as a numerical
wheel calculator.
Computer Organization and Operating System
• Charles Babbage, a processor of mathematics of the
Cambridge university made some worthwhile efforts
towards Automatic computing. He is also considered
to be the father of modern computer. In 1922 he
presented a working model of his concept with the
help of an automatic mechanical computing machine.
He named the Automatic mechanical computing
machine as difference engine.
• In 1923, Babbage made it more automatic by
providing the feature of printing the Tabulated result.
Babbage did not stop here and Started working on
developing the analytical engine. The analytical
engine was considered as completely automatic
general Purpose programmable digital computer.
• In 1937, An American mathematician, Howard Aiken
desined MARK1 and completed it in the year 1944.
• The Electronic numerical integrator and calculator
(ENIAC) was another general purpose electronic
digital computer developed at Moore school of
engineering of university at Pennsylvania by John
Ecker, John Mauchly and their Team in year 1946.
1949, another electronic computer that used the
binary number system for representing and processing
values was introduced. This computer was known as
Electronic Discrete variable Automatic computer
(EDVAC). EDVAC was the first computer that
worked on the Principle of stored program. It was
invented by John Eckert and John Mauchly and
considered as successor of ENIAC.
• Electronic Delay storage automatic calculator
(EDSAC) was another early British electronic
computer developed by maurice wilkes and his team
at the university of combridge mathematical
laboratory in 1949.
Generation of Computers– The history of
computer development is often discussed in terms of
different generation of computer.
First Generation Computer– First generation
computers were employed during the period 1940-1956
These computer is used the Vacuum tubes technology for
Calculation as well as for storage & control purposes.
• Some Examples of first generation computers are
• The functioning of these computers depend an the
Machine Language. A Machine Language is a
language in which all values are represented in the
form of 0'S and 1'S. Therefore these computer were not
easy to Program.
• They were generally designed as special purpose
computers. Therefore these computers were not very
Flexible in running different types of application.
Second Generation Computer–
• Second Generation computer were employed during
the period 1956-1963 The main characteristic of these
computer was the use of transistors in place of
vacuum tubes in building the basic logic circuits.
• Some example of second generation computers are
PDP-8, IBM 1401 & BM 7090.
• They were easy to program because of assembly
• They are more reliable as compared to first
Corporation computers and hence did not require
maintenance at regular intervals of time.
Third Generation Computers–
• The third Generation computer were employed during
the period 1964-1975. the major characteristic feature
of third generation computer system was the use of
Integrated circuit (ICs), The IC Technology was also
known as micro electronics Technology. The first IC
was developed by Jock kilby and Robert Noyee in the
year 1958.
• Some examples of third Generation Computer are
NCR 365, B 6500, IBM 370, PDPII and CDC 7600.
• They used high-level languages, A high-level
language is a computer programming language that is
independent of machine details.
• They were able to execute any type of application
such as business and scientific applications. Hence the
third Generation computer were also considered as
general purpose computers.
Fourth Generation–
Fourth Generation computer were employed during
1975-1989. The invention of large scale integration (LSI)
Technology and very large scale integration (VLSI)
Technology led to development of fourth generation
In LSI & VLSI Technologies led to development of
microprocessor which become the major characteristic
feature of the fourth generation computer.
A microprocessor incorporate various component of a
computer-such as CPU memory and input/output (I/O)
controls on to single chip.
Fifth Generation Computer–
Fifth Generation computer are based on ultra large scale
integration (ULSI) Technology that allows almost ten
million electronic components to be fabricated on one
small chip.
This technology enhances the power and speed of the
microprocessor the chips & capacity of primary and
secondary storage Device. Fifth generation computer are
faster, cheaper and more efficient Compared to fourth
Computer Organization and Operating System
Generation Computer. Some of improvement made
during this generation of computers are as follows:
• Development of parallel processor
• Development of optical disk Technology
• Invention of Internet & Its different services
• The User of these computer find it very comfortable to
use them because of several additional multimedia
• They are versatile for Communications & Resource
sharing. In these Generation Artificial intelligence
clove lap new Concepts due to sophisticated.
• MS-DOS is an operating system that uses Command
Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with the end users.
It was developed in 1980 by Microsoft (MS)
Corporation for IBM personal computers.
• Command can be defined as an instruction provided
by a user in order to perform some specific task on the
computer system.
• Linux is a community of open-source Unix like
operating systems that are based on the Linux Kernel.
• Linux was initially released by Linus Torvalds on
September 17, 1991. It is a free and open-source
operating system and the source code can be modified
and distributed to anyone commercially or noncommercially under the GNU General Public License.
• Some of the popular Linux distributions are: MX
Linux, Manjaro, Linux Mint, elementary, Ubuntu,
Debian, Solus, Fedora, Open SusE, Deepin, Red Hat
Enterpirse, Linux.
• The file systems supported by Linux are as follows:
xfs, ramfs, vfat, cranfsm, ext3, ext4, ext2, ext1, ufs,
autofs, devpts, ntfs.
• MS-DOS was a single-user and single tasking
operating system, which meant that only one program
could be run at a time by a single user.
• Kernel is the central part of the UNIX operating
system that manages and controls the communication
between the various hardware and software
• Shell is the user interface of the UNIX operating
system that acts as an intermediary between the user
and the Kernel of the operating system.
• Unix is an operating system that is truly the base of all
operating systems like Ubuntu, Solaris etc. It was
developed in the 1970s by Ken Thompson, Dennis
Ritchie and others in the AT & T Laboratories.
• Different version of Unix are AIS, HP-UX, BSD, Iris
• The file systems supported by UNIX are as follows:
zfs, js, hfx, gps, xfs, vxfs.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
Cache memory is used to transfer the data
(a) Main memory and secondary memory
(b) Processor and input device
(c) Processor and output device
(d) Main memory and Processor
Combination of 16 bits is called?
(a) Word
(b) nibble
(c) Memory Block
(d) byte
The first instructor of bootstrap loader
program of an operating system is stored in?
(a) RAM
(b) Hard disk
(c) BIOS
(d) None
–––––– is the fastest to read from and write to
than the other kind of storage in a computer?
(a) Floppy disk
(b) Hard disk
(c) CD-Rom
(d) RAM
Which of the following is not true about cache
(a) Faster memory than RAM
(b) Volatile memory
(c) Smaller in size than RAM
(d) Sequential access memory
A––––––Stores such instructions that are
required to start a computer?
(a) ROM
(b) RAM
(c) Motherboard
(d) PROM
A Small test file created by a website that is
stored in the user's computer temporarily for
the session is called?
(a) Malware
(b) Bug
(c) Cookie
(d) Cache
The communication between the component in
a microcomputer. Tokes place via the address
and ––––– ?
(a) I/O Bus
(b) Data Bus
(c) Address Bus
(d) Control lines
Computer Organization and Operating System
Which of the following memories must be
refreshed many times per second?
(a) Static RAM
(b) Dynamic RAM
(d) ROM
An 8085 microprocessor based system uses a
4k×8 bit RAM whose Starting address is
AAooH. The Address of last Byte in the is
RAM is?
(a) 0FFFH
(b) 1000H
(c) B9FFH
(d) BA00H
 M + N×0 
In X = 
 , how many one-address
 P×Q 
instruction are required to evaluate it?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10
The errors that can be pointed out by compiler
(a) Syntax errors
(b) Internal errors
(c) Semantic error
(d) Logical error
Principle of locality is used in?
(a) Registers
(b) DMA
(c) Cache memory
(d) Interrupt
The size of display of monitor is measured
(a) Square
(b) Spherical
(c) Diagonally
(d) Virtically
Which of the following is not a variety of monitor
(a) CRT
(b) LED
(c) HDML
(d) LCD
Resolution is a characteristic of?
(a) Input device
(b) Joystick
(c) Display device
(d) Storage Device
Full form of PDP is?
(a) Power on play
(b) Power Digital Paint
(c) Plasma Display panel
(d) Plasma display panel
Which of the following are not weighted codes?
(a) Roman Number System
(b) Decimal Number System
(c) Binary Number System
(d) All of the above
Minimum time delay between the initiations of
two independent dent memory operations is
(a) Access time
(b) Cycle time
(c) Transfer rote
(d) Latency time
Which one is First virus to appear in India?
(a) C-Brain
(b) Mical Anjelo Virus
(c) Columbus
(d) Mac Bug
Famous computer Pakman is made for which
particular Area
(a) Sport
(b) Constriction Area
(c) Banking
(d) Weather forecasting
Which one brought the first laptop computer in
world market?
(a) Hewlett-Packard
(b) Infosys
(c) Lucent
(d) Epson.
In which city first AI based computer was
(a) Bombay
(b) Pune
(c) Jodhpur
(d) Delhi
Which country has Largest number of
(a) Japan
(b) Russia
(c) U.S.A
(d) India
Which are is first bilingual computer
developed in India
(b) Budh
(c) Siddhartha
(d) Mahaveer
In which India city first computerized Railway
Reservation system started
(a) Chennai
(b) Calcutta
(c) Mumbai
(d) New Delhi
Computer Organization and Operating System
What is meaning of cycle IPO in computer
(a) Input Process output
(b) Input Point output
(c) Inline process output
(d) In process out
Which part of CPU coordinate the Task?
(a) control unit
(b) Memory
(c) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(d) None of these
Who which is associated with the development
of Pentium chip
(a) Nandan Nilekani
(b) C. Kumer Patel
(c) Sabeer Bhatia
(d) Vinod Dham
Which of following is page fault?
(a) Page fault occurs when a program accesses a
page of another program
(b) Page fault occur when a program accesses a
page in main memory
(c) Page fault occurs when there is an error in
particular page
(d) Page fault occurs when a program accesses
page which is not present in main memory
Any instruction should have at least?
(a) 2 Operand
(b) 1 Operand
(c) 3 Operand
(d) None of above
Which of the following is an essential data
transfer technique?
(a) MMA
(b) DMA
(c) CAD
(d) CAM
RISC Stand for
(a) Reduce instruction set computer
(b) Risk instruction sequential compilation
(c) Risk instruction source compiler
(d) None of above
In which of following term the performance of
cache memory is measured?
(a) Chat Ratio
(b) Hit Ratio
(c) Copy Ratio
(d) Data Ratio
Which of the following is the function of
control unit in the CPU
(a) It stores program instruction
(b) It decode program instruction
(c) It performs logic operations
(d) None of Above
CISC stands for
(a) Complex instruction set computer
(b) Complex instruction sequential compilation
(c) Complex instruction sequential compiler
(d) None of the Above
Which of the following computer Register
collects the result of computation
(a) Accumulator
(b) Instruction pointer
(c) Storage Revision
(d) None of Above
Which of following is circuit board on which
chips and processor are placed
(a) Master circuit
(b) Motherboard
(c) Big board
(d) Non of Above
Which of following is a combinational logic
circuit that has 2n input line and a single output
(a) Multiplexer
(b) Demultiplexer
(c) Encoder
(d) Decoder
SIMD represent on organization that–––––?
(a) Refer to computer system capable of
Processing several Programs of the some time
(b) Represent organization of single computer
containing a control unit, processor unit and
(c) Includes many processing units under the
supervision of common control unit
(d) None of the Above
In computer, subtraction is generally carried
out by?
(a) 1's complement
(b) 10'S complement
(c) 2's Complement
(d) 9's complement
Assembly language
(a) Uses alphabetic code in place of binary
number used in machine Language
(b) Is the easiest language to write program
(c) Need not be translated into machine language
(d) None of there
Floating point representation is used to store
(a) Boolean Valens
(b) Whole numbers
(c) Real integers
(d) Integers
Circuit used to store one bit of data is known as
(a) Register
(b) Encoder
(c) Decoder
(d) Flip-flop
Computer Organization and Operating System
The average time required to reach a storage
location in memory & optain its contents is
called the
(a) Seek time
(b) Turn around time
(c) Access time
(d) Transfer time
The idea of cache memory is based
(a) On the property of locality of reference
(b) On the heuristic 90 to 10 rule
(c) On the fact that references generally Tend to
(d) All of the Above
Which of the following is lowest in memory
(a) Cache memory
(b) Secondary memory
(c) Register
(d) RAM
Von Neumann architecture is
(a) SISD
(b) SIMD
(c) MIMD
(d) MISD
Cache memory acts between
(a) CPU & RAM
(b) RAM & ROM
(c) CPU & Hard disk
(d) None & these
Program always deal with
(a) Logical address
(b) Absolute address
(c) Physical address
(d) Relative address
Memory management technique in which
system stores & retrieves data from secondary
storage for the use in main memory is called
(a) Fragmentation
(b) Paging
(c) Mapping
(d) None of the mentioned
Run time mapping from virtual to physical
address is done by
(a) Memory management unit
(b) CPU
(c) PCI
(d) None of mentioned
Which one of the following is the address
generated by the CPU?
(a) Physical address
(b) Absolute adders
(c) Logical address
(d) None of the mentioned
A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed
differential is called
(a) Stack pointer
(b) Cache
(c) Accumulator
(d) disk buffer
When more than one processes are running
concurrently on a system
(a) Batch system
(b) Real time system
(c) Multiprogramming system
(d) Multiprocessing system.
Which memory unit has lowest access time?
(a) Cache
(b) Register
(c) Magnetic Disk
(d) Main memory
Fragmentation is
(a) Dividing the secondary memory into equal
sized fragments
(b) Dividing the main memory into equal size
(c) Fragment of memory words used in page
(d) Fragments of memory words unused in a page
Virtual memory is
(a) An extremely large main memory
(b) An extremely large secondary memory
(c) An illusion of an extremely large memory
(d) A type of memory used in super computer
A time sharing system imply
(a) More than one processor in the system
(b) More than one program in memory
(c) More than one memory in the system
(d) None of Above
What are the peripheral devices?
(a) Those that connect computer to the internet
(b) Those that help in calculation
(c) These devices help in storing and analysing
(d) These are internal or external device that
connect directly to a computer but do not
contribute to the computer's primary functions
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Which one of the following statements is
correct about a computer?
(a) A computer is composed of only software
(b) A computer can organize all information on
its own
(c) A computer is composed of only hardware
(d) An electronic device that stores, retrieves and
processes data
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Computer Organization and Operating System
Modern computers follow a set of instructions
to perform any task. These instructions can be
better known as.
(a) Commands
(b) Programs
(c) Language
(d) Guidelines
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Which of the following not known as
peripheral of computer?
(a) Mouse
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Hard drive
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-2) stage 1st
Operating system of any computer work as a
software interface between system user and
which of the following?
(a) Hardware
(b) Peripheral
(c) Memory
(d) Screen
RRB J.E.(14.12.2014,GREEN PAPER)
Computer follow a simple principal (GIGO),
which mean is(a) Garbage in Garbage out
(b) Garbage input great output
(c) Great input Great output
(d) Great instruction Great output
RRB SSE (21.12.2014)
Who was one of the founders of American
computer Sun Microsystems later acquired by
Oracle ?
(a) Satya Nadella
(b) Sabeer Bhatia
(c) Vinod Khosla
(d) Sunder Pichai
RRB NTPC 20.01.12021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
'Pen Drive' was invented by IBM in the year.....
(a) 1990
(b) 1988
(c) 2003
(d) 1998
RRB NTPC 23.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Who among the following is known as the
'father of Indian Supercomputers'?
(a) Jayant Narlikar
(b) RA Mashelkar
(c) Nandan Nilkeni
(d) Vijay Bhatkar
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Who is remembered for giving the theory of
programmable computer?
(a) Charles Babbage (b) JohnTucker
(c) Bill Gates
(d) Steve Jobs
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage-Ist
Who was the designer of macintosh computer?
(a) McDonalds
(b) Microsoft
(c) Apple
(d) IBM
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage-Ist
What is the context of word “Digitalization”?
(a) For changing analog signal into digital signal
(b) For changing digital signal into analog signal
(c) Uses of analog form of electricity
(d) A form of physical quantities
RRB SSE 21.12.2014 (Set-09) Yellow Paper
Full form of ICR is(a) Intelligent character recognition
(b) Information and communication
(c) Integrated computer research
(d) Institute for cyber research
RRB NTPC 19.01.2017(Shift-I) Stage-Ist
Which of the following device work as an input
as well as output device?
(a) Joystick
(b) Mouse
(c) Modem
(d) Printer
RRB SSE 21.12.2014 (Set-08, Green Paper)
What is the name of the device used to connect
telephone lines?
(a) Hub
(b) Switch
(c) Repeater
(d) Modem
RRB NTPC 27.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage-Ist
The term 'byte' was coined by:
(a) Larry Page
(b) Werner Buchholz
(c) Vint Cerf
(d) Steve Jobs
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Which type of storage device is a Hard Disc?
(a) Off-line storage
(b) Tertiary storage
(c) Primary storage
(d) Secondary storage
RRB NTPC 19.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Google Drive, Sky Drive and Dropbox are
perfect examples of:
(a) Internet computing
(b) Virtual drives
(c) Virtual reality
(d) Cloud storage services
RRB NTPC 22.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
1 Peta Byte is equal to:
(a) 1024 MB
(b) 1024 TB
(c) 1024 GB
(d) 1024 KB
RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
The process of taking out stored results out of
physical memory of computers is known as:
(a) output process
(b) programming
(c) processing
(d) input process
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
ROM is composed of:
(a) Photoelectric cells (b) Magnetic tapes
(c) Semiconductors
(d) Integrated circuits
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Which of the following is NOT a part of
auxiliary memories in a Computer system?
(a) Magnetic tapes
(b) PROM
(c) CD-ROM
(d) Floppy
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
What does WORM stand for?
(a) World open, receive many
(b) Wireless once, receive many
(c) Write others, read me
Computer Organization and Operating System
(d) Write once, read many
RRB NTPC 08.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
10 nibbles are equal to _________ bits.
(a) 60
(b) 80
(c) 20
(d) 40
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
1 EB is equal to (a) 1024 TB
(b) 1024 GB
(c) 1024 MB
(d) 1024 PB
RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Which of the following is an example of non volatile memory?
(a) VLSI
(b) ROM
(c) RAM
(d) LSI
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Full form of MMU is(a) Machine memory unit
(b) Memory management unit
(c) Main memory unit
(d) Machine management unit
RRB NTPC 16.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage-Ist
High speed memory which is used in
supercomputer Known as(a) Cache
(b) RAM
(c) BIOS
(d) Hard disc
Use of cache memory in computer system
increases(a) Available memory space for program
(b) Available memory speed for data
(c) Available speed for increasing memory
(d) Addressing range of CPU
RRB SSE 21.12.2014 (Set-09, Yellow Paper)
Which technology is used in compact disc(a) Electric
(b) Laser
(c) Electromagnetic (d) Aeronautics
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-I) Stage-Ist
RAM is used as short term memory because(a) It is variable
(b) It is more expensive
(c) It has low capacity
(d) It is programmable
RRB J.E. (Set-02, 14.12.2014,Red Paper)
Which one of the written option is not a second
storage device?
(a) RAM
(b) Magnetic App
(c) USB Drives
(d) Floppy Disk
RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage-Ist
What is the full form of RAM related to
storage in computer?
(a) Random Access Memory
(b) Real Access to Memory
(c) Randomly Available Memory
(d) Random Access Memory
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage-Ist
The part of computer where data and
instructions are Stored is known as(a) Register unit
(b) Restrainer
(c) Memory unit
(d) CPU
RRB SSE (21.12.2014. Set-09) Yellow Paper
94. A semiconductor has read only memory is(a) A set of flip flop memory element
(b) A connected logic circuit
(c) A sequential circuit with gates and flip flop
(d) None of the above
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Yellow Paper)
95. By the use of ASCII coding ,the English
alphabet and symbol binary code has been
fixed which determines the code for almost all
languages of the world and also determines one
million symbols what is this new standard
called(a) CCS
(b) Unicode
(c) Standard CCS code
(d) Universal CCS code
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green Paper)
96. Which of the following is not a word shape in
computer manufacturing?
(a) 64 bits
(b) 8 bits
(c) 16 bits
(d) 28 bits
DMRC J.E. 18.02.2017
97. To change the command prompt in UNIX, One
can use
(a) grep
(b) Is
(c) ps1
(d) pwd
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
98. The data blocks of a very large file in UNIX file
system are system are allocated using
(a) contiguous allocation
(b) linked allocation
(c) indexed allocation
(d) an extension of indexed allocation
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
99. In memory management, fragmentation
problem is caused by creation of
(a) large number of processes
(b) large number of small free holes
(c) large number of free holes
(d) large number of waiting processes
BPSC Asstt. Prof. 21.09.2021
100. Suppose two jobs, each of which needs 10 min
of CPU time, start simultaneously. Assume
50% I/O wait time.
How long will it take for both to complete if
they run sequentially?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2015
Computer Organization and Operating System
101. The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled
(a) CPU Scheduler
(b) Long-term Scheduler
(c) Context Switching
(d) Medium term Scheduler
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
102. The maximum combined length of the
command-line arguments including the spaces
between adjacent arguments is:
(a) 128 characters
(b) 256 characters
(c) 67 characters
(d) It may vary from one operating system to
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
103. How many wires are threaded through the
cores in a coincident-current core memory ?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (CS)
104. Which of the following standard C library
functions will always invoke a system call when
executed from a single-threaded process in a
UNIX/Linux operating system?
(a) exit
(b) malloc
(c) sleep
(d) strlen
GATE 2021 (Shift-I)
105. For the real- time operating system, which of
the following is the most suitable scheduling
(a) Round robin
(b) First come first serve
(c) Pre- emptive
(d) Random scheduling
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
106. Which of the following UNIX command allows
scheduling a program to be executed at the
specified time?
(a) cron
(b) nice
(c) date and time
(d) schedule
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
107. If the page size in a 32-bit machine is 4K bytes
then the size of page table is
(a) 1 M bytes
(b) 2 M bytes
(c) 4 M bytes
(d) 4 K bytes
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
108. Which is the correct definition of a valid
process transition in an operating system?
(a) Wake up: ready → running
(b) Dispatch: ready → running
(c) Block: ready → running
(d) Timer runout: → ready → running
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
109. The primary purpose of an operating system is
(a) To make most efficient use of the computer
(b) To allow people to use the computer
(c) To keep systems programmers employed
(d) To make computers easier to use
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
110. The Linux command "mknod myfifo b 4 16"
(a) will create a character device if the user is
(b) Will create a named pipe FIFO if the user is
(c) Will create a block device if the user is root
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
111. Which of the following concurrency control
protocol ensures both conflict serializability
and free from deadlock?
(a) Time stamp ordering (b) 2 Phase locking
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
112. Identify the correct order in which a server
process must invoke the function calls accept,
bind, listen, and recv according to UNIX socket
(a) listen, accept, bind, recv
(b) bind, listen, accept, recv
(c) bind, accept, listen, recv
(d) accept, listen, bind, recv
GATE 2015 (Shift-II)
113. Which of the following statement is False in
operating system?
(a) The shortest job first (SJF) scheduling
algorithm minimizes the average turn around
(b) Thrashing leads to under utilized the
performance of CPU
(c) Internal fragmentation can be eliminated by
segmentation and paging
(d) Semaphore value depends on number of
resources to be shared
RPSC Lect. 2014
114. Linux makes use of .......... page table structure.
(a) Single level
(b) Two level
(c) Three level
(d) Hashed
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
115. Deep kernel modification is required in ...........
(a) Full
(b) Para
(c) Host-based
(d) ISA based
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
116. The purpose of a TLB is:
(a) To cache page translation information
(b) To cache frequently used data
Computer Organization and Operating System
(c) To hold register values while a process is
waiting to be run
(d) To hold the start and length of page table
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
117. Which of these is incorrect in context of real
time operating system?
(a) Permits creation of multiple process within
(b) Permits principles to be assigned to the
(c) Doesn't allow programmer to define interrupts
in interrupt processing routines
(d) Provides fault tolerance and graceful
degradation capabilities
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
118. Which of the following operating systems has
fork () and exec () system calls?
(a) Unix
(b) Windows
(c) Mac-OS
(d) Solaris
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
119. In UNIX operating system chmod 654 stands
(a) rw---r(b) r-r-r-(c) r-rw-r-(d) rw-rw-r-Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
120. The following operating system is used as a
control device in dedicated applications :
(a) Real-time system
(b) Time-sharing system
(c) Multiprogramming system
(d) Handheld system
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
121. Which of the following is a virtual machine
technology now owned by Oracle that can run
various operating systems?
(a) Vmachines
(b) VirtualBox
(c) ThoughtPolice
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
122. Network operating system runs on ______
(a) server
(b) every system in the network
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
123. The technique used for protecting a critical
section in Linux is
(a) Lock Step
(b) Program lock
(c) Spinlock
(d) Setlock
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
124. In Unix. which of the following symbols is used
in command line to run a process in
(a) &
(b) 
(c) *
(d) #
(e) @
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
125. Which of the following is not a valid Unix
system call for files manipulation?
(a) exit ( )
(b) open ( )
(c) read ( )
(d) write ( )
(e) close ( )
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
126. An example of a memory management system
call in UNIX is
(a) fork
(b) mmap
(c) sigaction
(d) execve
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
127. The OS of a computer may periodically collect
all free memory space to form contiguous
blocks of free space. This is called as :
(a) Concatenation
(b) Garbage collection
(c) Collision
(d) Dynamic Memory Allocation
(e) Platform independence
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
128. Which of the following strategy is adopted to
deal with deadlocks that have occurred in
operating system?
(a) Prevention
(b) avoidance
(c) detection and recovery
(d) ignore the problem
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
129. The effect of executing the UNIX command
'sort -t\I +1 file1' is.....
(a) sorts the lines of the file1 in ascending order
and place I as delimiter
(b) sorts the lines of the file1 in descending order
and place I as delimiter
(c) sorts the lines of the file1 in ascending order
after skipping content upto I in each line
(d) sorts the lines of the file1 in descending order
after skipping content upto I in each line
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
In Unix, chmod command is used to_____.
(a) List files
(b) List processes
(c) Change file permissions
(d) Change system password
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Usually which of the following is not done by
an OS ?
(a) Power on Self Test (POST)
(b) Resource management
(c) Error handling
(d) Encryption
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which is not a system call in Unix ?
(a) Sleep( )
(b) Fork( )
(c) Set Timer( )
(d) Chmod( )
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Match the following Operating System entry ?
A. Threads
1. Processor
B. Virtual Address space 2. Interrupt
C. File System
3. Hard Disk Drive
D. Signal
4. Main Memory
(a) 1
3 2
(b) 4
1 2
(c) 2
4 1
(d) 1
4 2
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
1. (d)
2. (a)
3. (c)
4. (d)
5. (d)
6. (a)
7. (c)
8. (b)
9. (b)
10. (c)
11. (c)
12. (a)
13. (c)
14. (c)
15. (c)
16. (c)
17. (c)
18. (a)
19. (b)
20. (a)
21. (a)
22. (d)
23. (c)
24. (c)
25. (c)
26. (d)
27. (a)
28. (a)
29. (d)
30. (d)
31. (b)
32. (b)
33. (a)
34. (b)
35. (b)
36. (a)
37. (a)
38. (b)
39. (a)
40. (c)
41. (c)
42. (a)
43. (c)
44. (d)
45. (c)
46. (a)
47. (d)
48. (a)
49. (a)
50. (a)
51. (b)
52. (a)
53. (c)
54. (b)
55. (c)
56. (b)
57. (b)
58. (c)
59. (b)
60. (d)
61. (d)
62. (b)
63. (d)
64. (a)
65. (a)
66. (c)
67. (d)
68. (d)
69. (a)
70. (c)
71. (a)
72. (a)
73. (c)
74. (d)
75. (b)
76. (d)
77. (d)
78. (b)
79. (a)
80. (d)
81. (b)
82. (d)
83. (d)
84. (d)
85. (b)
86. (b)
87. (a)
88. (c)
89. (b)
90. (a)
91. (a)
92. (a)
93. (c)
94. (b)
95. (b)
96. (d)
97. (c)
98. (d)
99. (c)
100. (d)
101. (b)
102. (d)
103. (a)
104. (a, c) 105. (c)
106. (a)
107. (c)
108. (b) 109. (a)
110. (c)
111. (a)
112. (b)
113. (c)
114. (c)
115. (b)
116. (a)
117. (c)
118. (a) 119. (d)
120. (a)
121. (b)
122. (a)
123. (c)
124. (a)
125. (a)
126. (b)
127. (b)
128. (c)
130. (c)
131. (d)
132. (c)
133. (a)
Computer Organization and Operating System
129. (c)
Switches : It is a networking device that groups all
the devices on the network to transfer the data to
another device. It sends the message to the device to
which it belongs.
Cables and Connectors : Cable is a transmission
media that transmits the communication signals.
There are three types of cable as – Twisted pair
cable, Coaxial cable, Fiber optic cable.
Router : Router is used to connect the LAN to the
internet and connect multiple computers to the
Modem : Modem connects the computer to the
internet over the existing telephone line.
Introduction to Computer Network
Computer network is a group of computers
connected with each other through wires, optical fibers
or optical links so that various devices can interact with
other through a network. The purpose of having
computer network is to send and receive data, stored in
other devices over the network. These devices are often
referred as nodes.
There are five basic components of computer network.
Features of Computer network :
Communication Speed : Network provides us
communication over the network at a fast speed,
where we can do video conferencing, email,
messaging etc.
File Sharing : Computer Network a file sharing is a
major advantage. It is used to share files from one
device to another device through the network.
Backup and Roll-back is Easy : Since the files are
stored in the main server which is centrally located.
Therefore it’s easy to take the backup from the main
Software and Hardware Sharing : We can install
the applications on the main server and access any
where through the network. So we do not need to
install the software on every machine.
Security : Network allows the security by ensuring
that the user has the right to access the certain files
and application.
Message : This is data that is transferred from
one device to another on a computer network.
Sender : Sender is a device that sends data to
another device connected to a network.
Receiver : Receiver is a device that expects data
from other devices on the network.
Transmission Media : To transfer data from one
device to another we need a medium like wire, cable
radio waves etc.
Protocol : A protocol is a set of rules that govern
data communication without a protocol.
Component of Computer Network :
Computer Network Architecture :
NIC (Network Interface Card) Network interface
card is device that helps computer to communicate
with another device. The NIC contains the hardware
addresses, the data-link layer protocol use this
address to indentify the system over the network so
that it transfers the data to correct device address.
Hub : Hub is a central device that divides a network
connection into multiple devices. When a computer
sends a request to the Hub, then hub distributes the
request to all interconnected computers.
Communication & Network Concept
Network architecture generally refers to design of
computer network or communications all of
computers in network.
It is basically defined and described as physical and
logical design of software, hardware, protocols, and
media of data transmission.
The two type of network architectures are used :
Peer-to-Peer Network :
Peer-to-Peer network in all the computer are linked
together with equal privilege and responsibilities for
processing the data. This type of network is useful
for small environments usually up to 10 computers.
Special permissions are assigned to each computer
for sharing the resources, but this can lead to a
problem if the computer with the resource is down.
Here if one computer stop working but other
computer will not stop working because all
computer connected each other.
Client/Server Network : It is consists of two
computers. Client computer and server computer.
The client computer simply sends request to the
server computer, server execute the request and send
response to client computer.
It is also known as the client server architecture.
This architecture is a two tier architecture, which is
divided into two layers.
The first layers located on the clients desktop and
second layer is data base management layer located
on the server machine.
A client/server network has a dedicated server that
improve the overall performance of the whole
system and also increase the speed of the sharing
resources. It requires a dedicated network
administrator to manage all the resources.
Computer Network Types :
A computer network is mainly four types :
Local Area Network (LAN) Local area network is
used in small area such as building, Office, which is
connected to each other. LAN is used for connecting
two or more personal computers through a
communication medium such as twisted pair,
coaxial cable etc. and the data is transferred at an
extremely faster rate in local area network.
Each hosts in a LAN has an identifier, an address
that uniquely defines the hosts in the LAN. A packet
sent by a host to another host carries both the source
host and the destination host address.
In the past, LAN network were connected through a
common cable, which meant that a packet sent from
one host to another was received by all host. But
today, most LAN use a smart connecting switch,
which is able to recognize the destination address of
the packet and guide the packet to its destination
without sending it to all other hosts.
Communication & Network Concept
Personal Area Network (PAN) Personal area
network is a network arranged within an individual
person, typically within a range of 10 meters. This
kind of network is used for connecting the computer
devices of personal use is know as personal area
Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist
to bring the idea of the personal area network.
Personal computer devices that are used to develop
the personal area network are the laptop, mobile
phone, media player and play stations.
There are two type of personal area network –
(i) Wireless personal area network which is used to
wireless connection, low range network example –
wi-fi, Bluetooth.
(ii) Wired personal area network is created by using
the USB.
Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN) A
metropolitan area network is a network that covers a
larger geographic area by interconnecting a different
LAN to form a larger network. The geographical
area covered by MAN is comparatively larger than
LAN but smaller than WAN.
MAN is generally owned by private organizations
and connected with the help of optical fibers, copper
wires etc.
Government agencies use MAN to connect the
citizens and private industries.
MAN is used in communication between the bank in
a city, Air Line Reservation, and also used for
communication in the military. The most common
example of MAN is cable TV network within a city
as show in Figure.
Wide Area Network (WAN): WAN is a group of
computers that are connected in a large area such as
entire country etc., WAN is generally used for
connecting two or more LANs through some
medium such as leased telephone lines, microwaves,
A wide area network provides a large geographical
area. Suppose if the branch of our office is in a
different city then we can connect with them through
WAN. Which we can connect with another branch.
WAN is not limited to single location, but it spans
over a large geographical area through a telephone
line, fiber optic cable or satellite links.
WAN network has more security issues as compared
to LAN and MAN network and WAN network
needs firewall & antivirus for protect from virus.
Network Topology :
Network topology refers to the arrangement of
computers connected in a network through some
physical medium such as cable, optical fiber etc.
Topology defines the structure of the network of
how all the component are interconnected to each
The various types of network topology.
Hierarchical Topology : The hierarchical topology
is also knows as tree topology. Which is divided into
different levels connected with the help of twisted
pair, coaxial cable, or fiber optics. This type of
topology is arranged in form of a tree structure in
which top level contains parent node (root node).
Which is connected with the child nodes in the
second level of hierarchy with the point to point
link. The second level nodes are connected to the
third level nodes. Which in turn are connected to the
fourth level nodes and so on. Except the top-level
node each level node has a parent node.
The number of point-to-point links in the
hierarchical type of topology is generally one less
than the total number of nodes in structure.
The hierarchical topology is symmetrical, having a
fixed branching factor associated with each node.
Tree topology is mainly used to provide broadband
transmission, we can add new device to the existing
network and easily managed and maintained. But
Communication & Network Concept
some disadvantages of hierarchical topology
difficult to troubleshoot the problem, devices
required for broadband transmission are very costly
and failure in main bus cable damage the overall
Bus Topology : Bus topology is all the nodes
connected to the single cable know as a backbone
cable. When a node communicates with the other
nodes in the network, it simply sends a message to
the common bus. It transmits the data from one end
to another in a single direction.
Therefore the initial cost of installation is low
because bus topology nodes are directly connected
to the cable without passing through a hub. Coaxial
or twisted pair cables are mainly used in bus-based
networks that support up to 10 mbps and
configuration of a bus topology is quite simpler as
compared to other topology.
Star Topology : In the star topology all nodes are
connected to a common device known as hub.
Nodes are connected with the help of twisted pair,
coaxial cable or optical fiber.
Star topology is an arrangement of the network in
which every node is connected to the central hub, or
a central computer. The central computer is known
as a server and the peripheral devices attached to the
server know as clients. When a node wants to send
the messages to the intended node. Each node in the
network is connected with a point-to-point link to
the centralized hub.
Star topology is most popular topology in network
implementation and easy error deletion and
correction, if the failure of one computer does not
affect the other computers in the network. It
supports a bandwidth of approx 100 mbps.
Some disadvantages of start topology like – if the
central hub or switch goes down. Then all the
connected node will not be able to communicate
with each other, some time cable routing becomes
difficult, when a significant amount of routing is
Mesh topology is divided into two categories :
(i) Fully connected mesh topology.
(ii) Partially connected mesh topology.
In a fully connected mesh topology each computer is
connected to all the available computer in the
network and partially connected mesh topology, but
certain computers are connected to those. Computers
with which they communicate frequently.
It is very expensive to implement and difficult to
configure and install.
Hybrid Topology : The hybrid topology is the
combination of the multiple topology. The hybrid
topology is created two different network topology
are inter connected.
If two ring topology are connected the resultant
topology is not the hybrid topology but two or more
different-different topology are connected (ring
topology connected to the bus topology) then result
topology is called the hybrid topology.
The hybrid topology is more effective as it uses
multiple topology and contains the best and efficient
features of the combined topology from constructed.
Ring Topology : In the ring topology the node are
connected in the form of a ring with help of twisted
pair. Each node is connected directly to the other
two nodes in the network. Ring topology is like a
bus topology. The node which wants to send a
message first, passes the message to its consecutive
node in the network. Data is transmitted in the
clockwise direction from one node to another.
Each node has an equal to access other nodes in the
network. Addition of new nodes does note degrade
the performance of the network and easy to
configure and install, but it is relatively expensive to
construct the ring topology. It failure of one node in
the ring topology affects the other nodes in the ring.
Mesh Topology :
In mesh topology each computer is connected to
every other computer in point-to-point mode. There
are multiple paths from one computer to another
computer. It does not contain the switch, hub or any
central computer, which acts as a central point of
communication. Mesh topology is mainly used for
‘WAN’ implementations where communication
failures are a critical concern. Mesh topology can be
formed by using the formula Number of cables = (n
*(n – 1))/2, when n is the number of node that
represent the network.
Communication & Network Concept
Network Transmission Modes :
Which data is transmitted from one device to
another device is known as transmission or
communication mode, each communication channel
has a direction associated with it, and transmission
media provide the direction. It is defined in the
physical layer.
There are three types of transmission mode :
(i) Simplex mode
(ii) Half-duplex mode
(iii) Full-duplex mode
(i) Simplex Mode : In simplex mode, the
communication is unidirectional, the data flow in
one direction. A device can only send the data but
cannot receive it or it can receive the data but cannot
send the data.
Keyboards and traditional monitors are example of
simplex device the keyboard can only introduce
input; the monitor can only accept output. Simplex
mode can use the entire capacity of the channel to
send data in one direction.
The simplex mode is used in the business filed as
sales that do not require any corresponding reply.
(ii) Half-duplex Mode : In half-duplex mode, each
station can both transmit and receive but not at the
same time when one device is sending data then
other device only can receive a walkie-talkie is an
example of the half-duplex mode in Walkie-talkie if
one party speaks and another party can listeners.
After a pause the other speaks and first party listen
in half-duplex mode. When one device is sending
the data. Then another has to wait, this cause the
delay in sending the data at the right time.
(iii) Full-duplex Mode : In full-duplex mode (also
called duplex) both stations can transmit and receive
simultaneously. In this mode data flow in both
Full-duplex mode has two simplex channels one
channel has traffic moving in one direction and
another channel has traffic flowing in the opposite
The most common example of full-duplex mode is
telephone network, where to people are
communicating with each other by telephone line,
both can talk and listen at the same time.
Networks Layers/Models
The networking model describes the architecture,
components, and design used to establish
communication between the source and destination
system. Aliases for network models include protocol
stacks. Protocol suites, network stacks, and network
protocols. There are 2 predominant models
(i) Open systems interconnection (OSI) model
(ii) Transmission control protocol/internet protocol
(TCP/IP) model.
Communication & Network Concept
OSI Model : OSI stands for open system
interconnection. It is an open standard for
establishing communication between systems. OSI
is a reference model that describes how information
from a software application in one computer moves
through a physical medium to the software
application in another computer.
OSI model was developed by the international
Organization for standardization (ISO) in 1984, and
it is now considered as an architectural model for the
inter-computer communications.
This model consists of seven layers and each layer
performs a particular network function and each
layer is self-contained. So that task assigned to each
layer can be performed independently.
The model upper layers mainly deals with the
application related issues and they are implemented
only in the software an upper layer refers to the layer
just above another layer and the lower layer of the
OSI model deals with the data transport issues, data
link layer and the physical layer are implemented in
hardware and software.
Application Layer : The application layer provides
an interface. Through, which user can communicate
and transfer data on the network.
Presentation Layers : They presentation layer
ensures the translation of characters from the
original format in the host system to the format of
the receiving system. It also adds encryption and
decryption features. Data compression is handled at
this layer.
Session Layer : The session layer manages the
communication between the computers on the
network. This layer is responsible for notifying the
errors. Which may have occurred in the above
layers. Inclusion of this layer enables maintaining
sessions during browsing and helps with
Synchronization and Dialog control.
Transport Layer : The transport layer is
responsible for the delivery of packets in a proper
sequence, it also provides proper rectification of
error and manages the flow of packets over the
in the OSI model, that is application layer,
network. Transport layer enables the following
presentation layer, and the session layer.
services Reliability, Flow-control, Congestion
control, Multiplexing and De-multiplexing. It also
The application layer is responsible for managing all
ensures that data is properly delivered at the
the user interface requirements. Many of the
destination or not.
protocols such as Telnet, FTP, SMTP, DNS, NFS,
Network Layer : The network layer is responsible
LPD and DHCP work on this layers.
for identifying the ways. Which is data transmitted
Transport Layer : This layer is the same as the
over the network from one device to another device.
one mentioned in the OSI model. Transmission
The network layer directs the packets to the
control protocol (TCP) is used in this model. TCP
destination device based on the IP address of device.
ensures reliability and helps avoids congestion in
It detects the errors, which occur during the
networks. The transport layer is responsible for the
transmission of packets.
delivery of packets or data grams, and it also hides
This layer is also responsible for breaking the large
the packet routing details from the upper layer.
size packets into smaller packets when the device is
The transport layer allows detection and
unable to accepts the packets due to their large size.
correction of errors and helps to achieve end-to-end
communication between devices. The transport layer
Data Link Layer : Data link layer main
connects the application layer to the network layer
responsibility of the ensuring flow the reading of
through two protocols TCP and UDP.
physical addresses. This layer specifies the action.
Which must be performed to maintain the network
Network Layer : The network layer is also known
communication. It collects the packets to form
as internetworking layer or IP layer. It contains three
frames, which are transmitted over the network it
protocols that perform different function.
also finds out and then corrects the errors. Which
(i) Internet Protocol (IP)
occur during the transmission of packets.
(ii) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Physical Layer : The physical layer describe all the
(iii) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
physical requirements for the transmission of data, (i) Internet Protocol (IP): IP is a connectionless
between devices on a network. Physical layer can
protocols that is responsible for the delivery of
specify the layout of pins, hub and cable. Network
topology comes under this layer. This layer defines (ii) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) The
the relation between a single device and the
ICMP protocol is responsible for reporting errors,
transmission medium.
sending, errors messages and controlling the flow of
TCP/IP : TCP/IP stands for transmission control
protocol/internet protocol model. The TCP/IP model
(iii) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) It is
was initially developed by “US” Defence Advanced
responsible for determining the Media Access
Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This model is
Control (MAC) address corresponding to an IP
also known as the internet reference model or DoD
(Department of Defence) model. It consists of four
Physical Layer : The physical layer is responsible
for collecting packets so that the frames, which are
transmitted on the network, can be formed. It
The protocol is define in the IETF (Request for
performs all the functions required to transmit the
comments) EFC 791 and 793 many of the layers that
data on the network and determines the ways for
we see in the OSI model are not available in the
accessing the medium through which data will be
TCP/IP model.
TCP/IP model uses TCP in the transport layer and IP
used in the network layer.
Networking Devices
Application Layer : In the TCP/IP model the
application layer encompasses the first three layers
Communication & Network Concept
This hardware devices which are employed for
establishing a connection of Fax Machines,
Computers, Printers and other electronic equipment
with that of the network are termed as network
These devices can be either intra or interconnected
type. Few of the devices are connected on the
devices such as RJ45 connector and NIC cards,
while few devices are installed on the devices like
switches, gateway, router and others. Lets discuss all
the networking devices in briefly.
Switch : A switch is multiport bridge with buffer
Repeater : A repeater Operates at the physical layer.
Its job is to regenerate the signal over the same
and a design that can boost its efficiency (a large
network before the signal becomes too weak or
number of ports implyless traffic) and performance.
corrupted so as to extend the length to which the
A switch is a data link layer device, that can perform
signal can be transmitted over the same network.
error checking before forwarding data in other
Important point to be noted about repeaters is that
words, the switch divides the collision domain of
they do not amplify the signal. When the signal
hosts, but broadcast domain remains the same.
becomes weak, they copy the signal bit-by-bit and
Routers : Data can be forwarded and filtered based
regenerate it at the original strength.
on a logical address by using a connective device
Hub : Hub is basically a multiport repeater, which
called a router. A router is a device like a IP
connects multiple wires coming from different
addresses. The router is mainly a network layer
branches, for example– the connector in start
device, normally connect LAN’s and WAN’s
topology which connects different stations.
together and have a dynamically updating routing
Hubs cannot filter data, so data packets are sent to
table based on which they make decisions on routing
all connected devices. Also, they do not have the
the data packets.
intelligence to find out the best path for data packets
Gateway : A gateway, as the name suggests, is a
which leads to inefficiencies and wastage.
passage to connect two network together that may
Type of Hub :
work upon different networking models. They
(i) Active Hub : These are the hubs that have their
basically work as the messenger agents it, that take
own power supply and can clean, boosts, and relay
data from one system, interpret it, and transfer it to
the signal along with the network. It serves both as a
another system. Gateway are also called protocol
repeater as well as a wiring center. These are used to
converters and can operate at any network layer.
extend the maximum distance between nodes.
Gateways are generally more complex switches or
(ii) Intelligent Hub : It works like active hubs and
routers. Gateway is also called a protocol converter.
includes remote management capabilities. They also
Brouter : It also known as the bridging router, it is
provide flexible data rates to network devices. It also
a device that combines features of both bridge and
enables an administrator to monitor the traffic
router. It can work either at the data link layer or a
passing through the hub and to configure each port
network layer.
in the hub.
• NIC: NIC stands for network interface card is a
(iii) Passive Hub : These are the hubs that collect
network adapter that is used to connect the computer
wiring from nodes and power supply from the active
to the network. It is installed in the computer to
hub. These hubs relay signals on to the network
establish a LAN.
without cleaning and boosting them and can't be
Fundamentals of Mobile
used to extend the distance between nodes.
Bridge : A bridge, operates at the data link layer. A
bridge is a repeater with add on functionality of
Mobile communication is the use of technology that
filtering content by reading the MAC addresses of
allow us to communicate with others in different
sources and destination. It is also used for
locations without use of any physical connection
interconnecting two LANS working on the same
communication makes our life easier, and it saves
Types of Bridges :
time and effort.
(i) Transparent Bridges : These are the bridges in
A mobile phone (also called mobile cellular
which the stations are completely unaware of the
network, cell phone) is an example of mobile
bridge’s existence i.e. whether or not a bridges is
communication (wireless communication). It is an
added or deleted from the network, reconfiguration
electric device used for full duplex two ways radio
of the stations is unnecessary.
telecommunication over a cellular network of base
These bridges make use of two process i.e. bridge
stations know as cells site.
forwarding and bridge learning.
Generations of Wireless communication :
(ii) Source Routing Bridges : In these bridges routing
A. 1G : This is first generation of wireless telephone
operation is performed by the source station and the
technology, mobile telecommunications, which was
frame specifies which route to follow. The host can
launched in Japan by NTT in 1979. The first cellular
discover the frame by sending a special frame called
systems used analog signals. It used FDD scheme
the discovery frame. Which spreads through the
and typically allocated bandwidth of 25 mhz and it’s
entire network using all possible paths to the
speed is 24kbps. 1G low sound quality with small
Communication & Network Concept
coverage area an no roaming support between
various operator.
2G : This is the second generation of mobile
telecommunication was launched in Finland 1991. It
is analog to digital, the second generation supported
voice and SMS both communication. It supported all
4 sectors of wireless industry namely digital cellular,
mobile data, PCS (Personal Communication
Service), WLAN. The later versions of this
generation which were called 2.5G using GPRS
(General Packet Radio Service) and 2.75G using
EDGE (Enhanced data rates for GSM Evolution)
network. It provides better quality and capacity.
3G : This is the third generation of mobile
telecommunication was introduced in early 2000s.
The transmission of data was increased up to 2
Mbps which allows you to sending or receiving
large email messages.
The main difference between 2G and 3G is the used
of packet switching rather than circuit switching for
data transmission. It allow faster communication,
video conferencing and 3D gaming. But it was
costly and high bandwidth and also need expensive
3G phones.
4G : 4G is the fourth generation of mobile
telecommunication which was appeared in 2010. It
was based on LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE
advanced standards. This communication services
like video calling, real time language translation and
video voice mail.
It was capable of providing 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps
internet speed.
The basic term used to describe 4G technology is
MAGIC where –
- Mobile Multimedia
- Anytime anywhere
- global mobility support
- Integrated wireless solution
- customized personal services
But it use more battery. Implementation and
expensive equipment are required.
5G: 5G is the fifth generation wireless connection
which will be probably implemented by 2020 or
even some years earlier. Machine to machine
communication can be possible in 5G.
5G will be able to performs internet of things (IoT)
for smart home and smart city, connected cars etc.
This generation will be based on lower cost, low
battery consumption and lower latency than 4G
There will be much faster transmission rate of data
to the previous versions. The speed of 5G will be 1
Communication & Network Concept
Features of Mobile Communication :
High Capacity Load Balancing : Each wired or
wireless infrastructure must incorporate high
capacity load balancing means, when one access
point is overloaded the system will actively shift
users from one access point to another depending on
the capacity which is available.
Scalability : The wireless networks have the ability
to start small if necessary but expand in terms of
coverage and capacity as needed. Without having to
overhaul or build an entirely new network.
Network Management System : Hundreds or even
thousands of access points. Firewall, switches,
managed power and various other components. The
wireless networks have a smarter way of managing
the entire network from a centralized point.
Advantages of Mobile Communication :
There are following advantage of mobile
Flexibility : Wireless communication enables the
people to communicate with each other regardless of
Speed : improvements can also be seen in speed, the
network connectivity or the accessibility was much
improved in accuracy and speed.
Cost Effectiveness : In wireless communication
there is no need of any physical infrastructure (wires
or cables) or maintenance practice. Hence the cost is
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global positioning system widely known as GPS
have a great importance since the days of world War
II. A GPS system consists of a network of 24
orbiting satellites called NAVSTAR (Navigation
System with Time and Ranging) and placed in space
in six different orbital paths with four satellites in
each orbital plane and covering the entire earth
under their signal beams.
The first GPS satellite was launched in February
1978. The satellites signals can be received
anywhere and at any time in the world.
The GPS is based on well known concept called the
triangulation technique.
GPS is also helping to save lives many police, fire
and emergency medical service units are using GPS
receivers to determine to the location of a police car,
a fire truck, or an ambulance nearest to an
emergency, enabling the quickest possible response
in death or life situations.
Introduction to Internet
A network is group of one or extra computer
systems which are related through a couple of
channels for the motive of sending and receiving
records or data in a shared environment.
Internet is a group of computer systems related from
all around the world. The internet protocol suite is a
framework defined through the internet standards.
The internet is a global computer network that
connects various devices and sends a lot of
information and media. It uses an internet protocol
(IP) and transport control protocol (TCP) based
packet routing network. TCP and IP work together
to ensure that data transmission across the internet is
consistent and dependable, regardless of the device
or location. Data is delivered across the internet in
the form of messages and packets.
IP is a set of rules that control how data is
transmitted from one computer to another computer
over the internet and TCP is used with IP to ensure
that data is transferred in a secure and reliable
Virtual shops where you may buy anything you
want and need without leaving your house,
Hundreds and thousands of newsgroups and
service that keeps you updated with every tick
of the clock, the internet is a source of the most
recent news.
Disadvantages of the internet :
Spending too much time on the internet is
hazardous for the young generations health and
leads to obesity.
Children who use the internet develop an
addiction, which is quite dangerous.
It is now quite easy to decipher some one’s chat
or email messages thanks to the hacking
Data Communication
Communication is a process or act in which we can
send or receive interconnected collection of
autonomous means no computer can start, stop or
control another computer. Data communication
refers to the transmission of this digital data between
two or more computers and a computer network or
data network is a telecommunications network that
allows computer to exchange data.
Data Communication Channels :
Communication Channels are the medium that
connects two or more workstations. Workstations
can be connected by either wired media or wireless
History of Internet :
media. It is also known as a transmission medium.
The ARPANET (Later renamed the internet)
We can group the communication media into two
established a successful link between the university
of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford
(A) Guided media transmission
Research Institute on October 29, 1969.
(B) Unguided media transmission
In year 1991 a user friendly internet interface
was developed. Delphi was the first national A. Guided Media Transmission : In this transmission
medium, the physical link is created using wires or
commercial online service to offer internet
cables between two or more computers or devices,
connectively in July 1992.
and then the data is transmitted using these cable in
Wi-Fi was first introduced in 1997. The year is
terms of signals. Type of guided media transmission:
1998 and windows 98 is released. Smartphone use is
(i) Twisted Pair Cable : It is used most common
widespread in 2007. The 4G network is launched in
form of wire used in communication in a
2009 now day internet is used by 3 billion people.
twisted pair cable, two identical wires are
By 2030 there are expected to be 7.5 billion internet
wrapped together in a double helix.
users and 500 billion devices linked to the internet.
The twisting of the wire reduces the crosstalk. It
Advantages of the Internet :
is known as the leaking of a signal from one
It is the best source of a wide range of
wire to another due to which signal can corrupt
information. There is no better place to conduct
and can cause network errors.
research than the internet.
twisting protects the wire from internal
Online gaming, talking, browsing, music and
crosstalk as well as external forms of signal
TV are quickly becoming the most popular way
to pass the time.
Communication & Network Concept
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) It is used in
computer and telephones widely as the name
suggest, there is no external shielding so it does not
protect from external interference it is cheaper than
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) It offers greater
protection from crosstalk due to shield. Due
shielding it protects from external interference. It is
heavier and costlier compare to UTP.
(ii) Coaxial Cable : It consists of solid wire core that is
surrounded by one or more foil or wire shields. The
inner core of the coaxial cable carries ground. It is
widely used for television signals and also used by
large corporations in building security systems. data
transmission of this coaxial cable is better but it is
expensive as compared to twisted pair.
(iii) Optical Fibers : Optical fibers is an important
technology. It transmits large amounts of data at
very high speeds due to which it is widely used in
internet cables. It carries data as a light that travels
inside a thin glass fiber. The fiber optic cable is
made up to three pieces.
1. Core : Core is the piece through which light travels.
It is generally created using glass or plastic.
2. Cladding : It is the covering of the core and reflects
the light back to the core.
3. Sheath : It is the protective covering that protects
fiber cable from the environment.
B. Unguided Media Transmission : The
unguided transmission media is a transmission
mode in which the signals are propagated from
one device to another device wirelessly. Signals
can wave through the air. Water, or vacuum. It
is generally used to transmit signals in all
direction unguided media is further divided into
various parts :
Microwave : Microwave offers communication
without the use of cables. Microwave signals
are just like radio and television signals. It is
used in a long-distance communication.
Microwave transmission consists of a
transmitter, receiver and atmosphere. In
microwave communication, there are parabolic
antennas that are mounted on the towers to send
a beam to another antenna. The higher tower,
greater the range.
Radio wave : When communication is carried
out by radio frequencies, then it is termed radio
transmission. It offers mobility. It is consists of
Communication & Network Concept
the transmitter and the receiver, both use
antennas to radiate and capture the radio signal.
Infrared : It is short-distance communication
and can pass through any object. It is generally
used in TV remotes, wireless mouse etc.
Important Facts
● The portion of physical layer that interfaces with the
media access control sublayer is called physical
signaling sublayer.
● In the communication of two processes, an endpoint
for communication is called socket.
● HTTP protocols may be used for accessing world
wide web.
● Web pages are created in a language called HTML.
● Amplitude shift keying technique is used for
transmitting digital signal.
● Resource sharing, improving reliability and
availability and enhancing performance are
advantages of computer networks.
● A network spreading in different geographical
locations is known as WAN.
● The secured socket layer (SSL) is used in
presentation layer.
● SSL protocol is generally used to encrypt data
between web browser and web server.
● The media access control sublayer resides in data
link layer.
● Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) is a
communications protocol standard for securing credit
card transactions over the internet.
● A gateway can forward packets across different
networks that may also use different protocols.
● In symmetric key cryptography, for encrypting and
decrypting the message, the key is same.
● In early ARPANET, distance vector routing method
was used.
● Ethernet encoding ( 8B10B) has the highest
● An Ethernet hub functions as a repeater.
● Cyclic redundancy check techniques is based on
binary division.
● The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits.
● Switch is not a network edge device while PC ,
server and Smartphone are network edge device.
● Application layer protocol defines the types of
message exchanged, rules for when and how
processes send and respond to messages and message
format, syntax and semantics as well.
● The medium is the physical path over a message
● A set of rules that governs the data communication is
known as protocol.
● Bluetooth is an example of personal area network.
● ARP finds the MAC address from IP address.
● The structure of format of data is called syntax.
● ARPANET is the first network.
● HTTP and SMTP protocols can use multiple TCP
connections between the same client and the server.
● E-mail uses SMTP as application layer protocol while
TCP and UDP are two transport layer protocols.
SMTP uses TCP as transport layer protocol because
TCP is reliable.
● In the IPv4 addressing format, the number of
networks allowed under class C address is 2^21.
● The protocol data unit ( PDU) for the application
layer in the Internet stack is message.
● IP address consists of 4 parts separated by dots.
● Domain name matching to IP address is performed by
● 'Internet' is an example of WAN.
● If a computer network cable is broken , then whole
network goes down in ring topology.
● Mesh topology is one of the most reliable topology.
● Hierarchical topology is used to establish a network
which is also known as tree network.
● Twisted pair wire has minimum transmission speed.
● TCP/ IP is an example of communication protocol,
networking protocol and data transfer protocol.
● In a computer network router ,hub switch are
connecting devices.
● Link state is routing algorithm used by OSPF routing
● Block cipher is data encryption standard (DES).
● On packet switching internet works.
● X.21 is a network access standard for connecting
stations to a circuit switch network.
● Token ring is connection free protocol.
● Encryption and decryption provide secrecy, or
confidentiality, but not integrity.
● The term UPnP protocol is a short form for universal
plug and play.
● The noise due to random behavior of charge carriers
is shot noise.
● Ethernet card is responsible for network
communication in a computer system.
Communication & Network Concept
● Error correction can be done by using Hamming
● Multiplexer is a device that combines transmission
from various I/O devices into one line.
● In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are
known to transponders.
● 'Communication protocol' means set of rules to
communicate data from one machine to another
● A network using message switching technique is
called a store and forward network.
● File server is a specialised computer system which is
used to store files received from various client
● Encryption is a technique to provide privacy of data.
● When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect
information from a host that has no authority giving
that information, then it is called DNS spoofing.
● Bit stuffing refers to inserting a '0' in user stream to
differentiate it with a flag.
● Dynamic routing protocol enable routers to
dynamically discover and maintain routes, distribute
routing updates to other routers and reach agreement
with other routers about the network topology.
● Lightweight directory access protocol is used for
● DHCP network protocol allows hosts to dynamically
get a unique IP number on each bootup.
● The IEEE standard for Wi- Max technology is IEEE
● Use of IPSEC in tunnel mode results in IP packet
with same header.
● In networking, UTP stands for unshielded twisted
● SHA-1 is a message digest function.
● Advanced Encryption standard (AES) is based on
symmetric key algorithm.
● Distributed parity is the characteristic of RAID 5.
● IPsec protocol suite designed by IETF to provide
security for a packet at the internet layer.
● Physical topology of FDDI is ring.
● SMTP protocol is used for transferring electronic
mail message from one machine to another machine.
● Security services such as access control,
connectionless integrity and rejection of replayed
packets are provided by IPSec.
● Reflection attack is a method of attacking a
challenge-response authentication system that uses
the same protocol in the both directions.
● An ATM cell has the payload field of 48 bytes.
● Manchester Encoding, the data bit is represented by
both 0 and 1 as transition in the middle of bit period.
● A bridge is used to interconnect two networks at data
link layer.
● In TCP/IP, network layer and transport layer provides
connection- oriented.
● In selective repeat, the error free frames received
following an erroneous frame are buffered and only
the oldest unacknowledged frame is retransmitted by
the sender.
● In point to point protocol (PPP), network layer option
are negotiated using dynamic host control protocol.
● In pure ALOHA, the sender starts transmitting the
data as soon as it has data to send.
● Distance vector routing algorithm suffers from countto- infinity problem.
● In link state routing distance vector routing is
employed to distribute the link state packets.
● BiSYNC is the character oriented protocol.
● nmap is an open source port scanner used to
determine open ports and basic vulnerabilities on the
● 1000Base-T is a four- wire Gigabit Ethernet
● TCP is connection- oriented while UDP is connection
● A RTP packet is encapsulated in a UDP user
● In real - time video conference,data from the server is
multicast to the client site.
● Routers communicate with each other and forward
the packets based on IP address.
● The DES algorithm has a key length of 64 bits.
● Analysis Engine and Alert database are the
components of intrusion detection system.
● DNS uses UDP as the transport protocol.
● The protocol used by TCP for connection
establishment is three way handshake.
● ISDN is an example of circuit switched network.
● SMTP provides a basic electronic mail transport
● Transport layer protocol deals with process to process
● Default gateway is used for handling the request for
route which is not present in routing table.
● Cell Relay is also known as ATM.
Communication & Network Concept
● The secret key between members needs to be created
as a session key when two members contact KDC.
● Network layer firewall works as a packet filter.
● In cryptography, the order of the letters in a message
is rearranged by transpositional ciphers.
● Many packets present in the subnet degrades the
performance which leads to congestion.
● In tunel mode IPSec protects the entire IP packet.
● When a packet is lost in transit, it should be handled
by sequence control.
● In serial communication, start and stop bits are used
for synchronization.
● The DMA transfers are performed by a control circuit
called as DMA controller.
● UDP socket is connection less socket.
● RARP is used to obtain the IP address of a host based
on its physical address.
● In multicasting communication, the destination
address in each packet is the same for all duplicates.
● A router must have at least 2 NICs.
● I/O devices is not a consumable resources.
● In OSI model, network layer is between data link
layer and transport layer.
● SMTP protocols uses port number 25.
● If a packet has arrived with an M bit value of 0,then
this is the last fragment.
● The wireless application protocol (WAP) aims to
ensure interoperability among service providers.
● In a LAN network every system is identified by IP
● The transport layer protocols used for real time
multimedia, files transfer, DNS and Email
respectively are UDP, TCP, UDP and TCP.
● Md5sum can be used for digital fingerprint of a file.
● Hub creates big collision domain and one large
broadcast domain.
● 16 bits are in header checksum of IPv4 datagram
● Pharming attack involves change in DNS entries so
that users are directed to invalid site.
● The encryption and compression are done by
presentation layer.
● WiMax belongs to 802.16 IEEE family.
● HTML is the scripting technologies which is not used
at server site.
● Fibre distribution data interface (FDDI) does not
support transmission media.
● In TCP/IP protocol suite destination port number is
not part of the IP header.
● The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is
called entropy.
● Poll/select line discipline requires address to identify
the packet recipient.
● TCP/IP model doesn't consist of session layer.
● BGP routing protocol is used Dijkstra algorithm
during it's execution.
● Any electronic device on a network is called a node.
● Network interface card installs in a PC and allows the
PC to connect to a network.
● The network area within which data packets originate
and collide is called a collision domain.
● WEP security solutions uses the same key for both
encryption and authentication.
● A communication device that combines transmission
from several I/O devices into one line is a
● TCP/IP application layer corresonds to the OSI
models to three layers.
● NFS applications allows a user to access and change
remote files without actual transfer.
● The data unit in the TCP/IP layer called a frame.
● The full form of PING is Packet Internet Groper.
● Devices on one network can communicate with
devices on another network via a gateway.
● An SSID is used for identifying the WLAN on a
● DNS can obtain the IP address of host if its domain
name is known and vice versa.
● CSMA stands for career sense multiple access.
● A remote batch- processing operation in which data is
solely input to a central computer would require a
simplex lines.
● Application layer of the OSI determines the interface
of the system with the user.
● The slwest transmission speeds are in twisted pair
● The standard suit of protocols used by the internet,
intranets, extranets and some other networks is
TCP/IP protocol.
● Modem is used for modulation and demodulation.
● DHCP server can greatly reduce TCP/IP
configuration problems.
● Transport, session, presentation and application layers
of the OSI reference model are host- to- host layers.
Communication & Network Concept
● The DNS maps the IP addresses to a hierarchy of
domain names.
● SSL is not responsible for error detection &
● Silly window syndrome is related to degrade in TCP
● Application frameworks provide a means for creating
SaaS hosted application using IDE.
● TCP groups a number of bytes together into a packet
called segment.
● Communication offered by TCP is full- duplex.
● The packet sent by node to the source to inform it of
congestion is called choke.
● User datagram protocol is called connection less
because all UDP packets are treated independently by
transport layer.
● Control of users' access to network resources through
charges is the main responsibility of accounting
● Open shortest path first (OSPF) is also called as link
state protocol.
● Frame relay doesn't provide flow or error control,
they must be provided by the upper level protocol.
● The instrument that can be used to find the location of
a cable short is termed as TDR.
● Two network switches that do not support MDI-X
need to be connected via copper cabling. The cabling
method that needs to be used is crossover.
● TPM is an acronym for trusted platform module.
● The method used for transmitting IPv6 traffic over
IPv4 network is tunneling.
● ICANN is the name of internet corporation for
assigned names & numbers to different domains.
● To host a website, web server is required.
● DNS servers translates web addresses or host name to
IP address.
● RS- 232 is a standard that applies to serial port.
● IEEE 802.11 stands for wireless LAN.
● RIP stands for routing information protocol.
● The network layer concerns with packets.
● Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another
LAN via bridges.
● Head- end device terminates VPNs at a primary
● VPN design guide in SDM can be used to assist in
choosing a VPN.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
The portion of physical layer that interfaces
with the media access control sublayer is called
(a) physical signaling sublayer
(b) physical data sublayer
(c) physical address sublayer
(d) physical transport sublayer
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
In the communication of two processes, an
endpoint for communication is called :
(a) Socket
(b) Pipe
(c) Port
(d) Remote procedure call
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
Which of the following protocols may be used
for accessing world wide Web?
(a) HTTP
(b) SMTP
(c) SLIP
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Web pages are created in a language called
(a) SLIP
(b) HTML
(c) HTTP
(d) WWW
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following techniques is used for
transmitting digitial signal?
(a) Amplitude modulation
(b) Frequency modulation
(c) Pulse code modulation
(d) Amplitude shift keying
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following is an advantage of
computer networks?
(a) Resource sharing
(b) Improving reliability and availability
(c) Enhancing performacnce
(d) All of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
A network spreading in different geographical
locations is known as
(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
In which layer of network architecture, the
secured socket layer (SSL) is used?
(a) Physical layer
(b) Session layer
(c) Application layer
(d) Presentation layer
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
The media access control sublayer resides in
which OSI layer?
(a) Transport
(b) Network
(c) Physical
(d) Data link
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Communication & Network Concept
Which of the following is a communications
protocol standard for securing credit card
transactions over the Internet?
(a) Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
(b) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
(c) Post Office Protocol (POP)
(d) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
A______ can forward packets across different
networks that may also use different protocols:
(a) repeater
(b) bridge
(c) router
(d) gate way
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
In symmetric key cryptography, for encrypting
and decrypting the message, the key is
(a) private
(b) public
(c) different
(d) same
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
In early ARPANET, which routing method was
(a) Distance vector routing
(b) Link state routing
(c) Least cost routing
(d) Flooding
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which of the 'following Ethernet encoding has
the highest redundancy'
(a) 1B2B
(b) 4B5B
(c) 5B6B
(d) 8B10B
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
An Ethernet hub
(a) functions as a repeater
(b) connects to a digital PBX
(c) connects to a token- ring network
(d) function as a gateway
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
Which of the following error detection
techniques is based on binary division?
(a) Checksum
(b) Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
(c) Simple parity check
(d) Two- dimensional parity check
UPPCL AE 18.05.2016
The length of an IPv6 address is:
(a) 16 bits
(b) 32 bits
(c) 64 bits
(d) 128 bits
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of this is not a network edge device?
(a) PC
(b) Server
(c) Smartphone
(d) Switch
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
Application layer protocol defines:
(a) types of messages exchanged
(b) rules for when and how processes send and
respond to messages
(c) message format, syntax and semantics
(d) all of above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
The _____ is the physical path over which a
message travels.
(a) Path
(b) Protocol
(c) Route
(d) Medium
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
A set of rules that governs data
(a) Rule
(b) Medium
(c) Link
(d) Protocol
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
Bluetooth is an example of:
(a) local area network
(b) virtual private network
(c) personal area network
(d) none of the mentioned above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Which protocol finds the MAC address from
IP address?
(a) SMTP
(b) ICMP
(c) ARP
(d) RARP
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
The structure of format of data is called:
(a) Syntax
(b) Struct
(c) Semantic
(d) none of the above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
The first Network:
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
In one of the pairs of protocols given below,
both the protocols can use multiple TCP
connections between the same client and the
server. Which one is that?
GATE 2015 (Shift-I)
Which of the following transport layer
protocols is used to support electronic mail?
(a) SMTP
(b) IP
(c) TCP
(d) UDP
GATE 2012
Communication & Network Concept
In the IPv4 addressing format, the number of
networks allowed under class C addresses is
(b) 27
(a) 214
(c) 221
(d) 224
GATE 2012
The protocol data unit (PDU) for the
application layer in the Internet stack is
(a) Segment
(b) Datagram
(c) Message
(d) Frame
GATE 2012
IP address consists of _____ parts separated by
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 1
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Domain name matching to IP address is
performed by
(a) Electronic mail
(b) URL
(c) DNS
(d) FTP
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
‘Internet’ is an example of
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
If a computer network cable is broken whole
network goes down in ____ topology
(a) Star
(b) Ring
(c) Mesh
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Which of the following is a most reliable
(a) Bus
(b) Star
(c) Ring
(d) Mesh
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Hierarchical topology is used to establish a
network which is also known as
(a) Bus network
(b) Star network
(c) Tree network
(d) Mesh network
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
MAN stands for
(a) Machine Area Network
(b) Metropolitan Area Network
(c) Metropolitan Asynchronous Network
(d) Machine asynchronous Network
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Which of the following has minimum
transmission speed?
(a) Twisted pair wire
(b) Fiber optic cable
(c) Coaxial cable
(d) Microwave
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
TCP/IP is an example of
(a) Communication protocol
(b) Networking protocol
(c) Data transfer protocol
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
In a computer network, which of the following
is a connecting device?
(a) Router
(b) Hub
(c) Switch
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
What is routing algorithm used by OSPF
routing protocol?
(a) Distance vector
(b) Flooding
(c) Path vector
(d) Link state
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2014
What is data encryption standard (DES)?
(a) Block cipher
(b) Stream cipher
(c) Bit cipher
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
On what type of switching does internet work?
(a) Circuit
(b) Bit
(c) Packet
(d) Line
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
X.21 is
(a) a method of determining which device has
access to the transmission medium at any
(b) a method access control technique or multiple
access transmission media
(c) very common but oriented at linked protocol
issued to ISO
(d) a network access standard for connecting
stations to a circuit switch network
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following is contention free
protocol ?
(a) Pure Aloha
(b) Ethernet
(c) Non-persistent CSMA (d) token Ring
Encryption and decryption provide secrecy, or
confidentiality, but not
(a) Authentication
(b) Integrity
(c) Frames
(d) All of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
The term UPnP protocol is a short form for:
(a) Uniform Plug and Play
(b) Unit Plug and Play
(c) Useful Plug and Play
(d) Universal Plug and Play
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Communication & Network Concept
The noise due to random behavior of charge
carriers is:
(a) Partition noise
(b) Industrial noise
(c) Shot noise
(d) Flicker noise
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Which of the following component is
responsible for network communication in a
computer system?
(a) UPS
(b) Ethernet card
(c) SVGA card
(d) SMPS
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Error correction can be done by using
(a) Hamming code
(b) CRC
(c) Framing
(d) Two dimensional parity check
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
_____ is a device that combines transmission
from various I/O devices into one line
(a) Modifier
(b) Multiplexer
(c) Concentrator
(d) Gateway
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
In communication satellite, multiple repeaters
are known as
(a) Detector
(b) Modulator
(c) Stations
(d) Transponders
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
‘Communication protocol’ means
(a) Data transformation
(b) Set of rules to communicate data from one
machine to another machine
(c) Transmission signals
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
A network using____ technique is called a
store and forward network
(a) Circuit switching
(b) Message switching
(c) Packet switching
(d) Both (Circuit switching) and (Message
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
File server is a _____ which is used to store
files received from various client machines
(a) Specialized computer system
(b) Modem
(c) Router
(d) Transponder
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Encryption is a technique
(a) To design conceptual schema
(b) To translate global data
(c) To provide privacy of data
(d) To update database
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect
information from a host that has no authority
giving that information, then it is called
(a) DNS lookup
(b) DNS hijacking
(c) DNS spoofing
(d) None of the mentioned
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Bit stuffing refers to
(a) Inserting a '0' in user stream to differentiate it
with a flag
(b) Inserting a '0' in flag stream to avoid
(c) appending a nibble to the flag sequence
(d) Appending a nibble to the user data stream
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Dynamic routing protocol enable routers to:
(a) Dynamically discover and maintain routes
(b) distribute routing updates to other routers
(c) Reach agreement with other routers about the
network topology
(d) All of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is used
(a) Routing the packets
(b) Authentication
(c) Obtaining IP address
(d) Domain name resolving
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
In which layer of network architecture, the
secured socket layer (SSL) is used?
(a) physical layer
(b) session layer
(c) application layer
(d) presentation layer
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
Which network protocol allows hosts to
dynamically get a unique IP number on each
(a) DHCP
(c) RARP
(d) ARP
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
The IEEE standard for Wi-Max technology is
(a) IEEE 802.16
(b) IEEE 802.36
(c) IEEE 812.16
(d) IEEE 806.16
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
The network protocol which is used to get
MAC address of a node by providing IP
address is
(a) SMTP
(b) ARP
(c) RIP
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
Communication & Network Concept
Use of IPSEC in tunnel mode results in
(a) IP packet with same header
(b) IP packet with new header
(c) IP packet without header
(d) No changes in IP packet
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
In networking, UTP stands for
(a) Unshielded T- connector port
(b) Unshielded twisted pair
(c) Unshielded terminating pair
(d) Unshielded transmission process
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
The address resolution protocol (ARP) is used
(a) Finding the IP address from the DNS
(b) Finding the IP address of the default gateway
(c) Finding the IP address that corresponds to a
MAC address
(d) Finding the MAC address that corresponds to
an IP address
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
SHA-1 is a
(a) Encryption algorithm
(b) Decryption algorithm
(c) Key exchange algorithm
(d) Message digest function.
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is based
(a) Asymmetric key algorithm
(b) Symmetric key algorithm
(c) Public key algorithm
(d) Key exchange
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
Which one of these is characteristic of RAID 5?
(a) Dedicated parity
(b) Double parity
(c) Hamming code parity
(d) Distributed parity
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
which protocol suite designed by IETF to
provide security for a packet at the Internet
(a) IPsec
(b) NetSec
(c) PacketSec
(d) SSL
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Physical topology of FDDI is?
(a) Bus
(b) Ring
(c) Star
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
In networking terminology UTP means
(a) Uniquitous Teflon port
(b) Uniformly terminating port
(c) Unshielded twisted pair
(d) Unshielded T-connector port
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
73. Which of the following protocol is used for
transferring electronic mail messages from one
machine to another?
(b) FTP
(c) SNMP
(d) SMTP
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
74. Match with the suitable one:
Multicast group 1. Distance vector
Interior gateway 2. IGMP
gateway protocol
(a) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 (b) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
(c) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 (d) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which security service is not provided by
(a) Access control
(b) Connectionless integrity
(c) Use authentication
(d) Rejection of replayed packets
…………. is a method of attacking a challengeresponse authentication system that uses the
same protocol in both directions.
(a) Replay attack
(b) Denial of Service Attack
(c) Masquerading
(d) Reflection Attack
An ATM cell has the payload field of
(a) 53 bytes
(b) 48 bytes
(c) 64 bytes
(d) 56 bytes
Manchester Encoding, the data bit is
represented by
(a) 0 as high, 1 as low
(b) Both 0 and 1 as transition in the middle of bit
(c) 0 as transition at the beginning of bit period, 1
as no transition
Communication & Network Concept
(d) Both 0 and 1 as No transition in the middle of
bit period
A……… is used to interconnect two networks
at data link layer
(a) Hub
(b) Repeater
(c) Bridge
(d) Router
In TCP/IP, network layer and transport layer
provides……….Services respectively
(a) Only connectionless, Both Connectionless
and Connection Oriented
(b) Both connectionless and Connection
Oriented, Only connectionless
(c) Connectionless, Connection Oriented
(d) Connection Oriented, Connectionless
In…………., the error free frames received
following an erroneous frame are buffered and
only the oldest unacknowledged frame is
retransmitted by the sender.
(a) Go Back N
(b) Selective Repeat
(c) One bit Sliding Window Protocol
(d) All the above
In point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), network layer
option are negotiated using
(a) Link Control Protocol
(b) Dynamic Host Control Protocol
(c) Internet Protocol
(d) Network Control Protocol
In………., the sender starts transmitting the
data as soon as it has data to send.
(a) Pure ALOHA
(b) slotted ALOHA
(c) persistent CSMA
(d) Nopersistent CSMA
………………routing algorithm suffers from
count-to-infinity problem
(a) Link State
(b) Flooding
(c) Distance Vector
(d) Reverse Path Forwarding
In Link State Routing,……………is employed
to distribute the link state packets.
(a) Broadcasting
(b) Hierarchical Routing
(c) Distance Vector Routing
(d) Flooding
Which of the following is the character
oriented protocol
(a) SDLC
(b) HDLC
(c) BiSYNC
(d) LAPB
RPSC Lect. 2014
An open source port scanner used to determine
open ports and basic vulnerabilities on the
network is:
(a) nmap
(b) netfind
(c) nslookup
(d) nbtstat
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which of the following is a four-wire Gigabit
Ethernet implementation?
(a) 1000Base-SX
(b) 1000Base-LX
(c) 1000Base-T
(d) 1000Base-CX
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which protocol is used to configure host
computers automatically for obtaining IP?
(a) DNS
(b) HDLC
(c) ICMP
(d) DHCP
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which statement is true for TCP and UDP
(a) TCP is connection-less and UDP is
connection oriented
(b) TCP is unreliable and UDP is connectionoriented
(c) TCP is unreliable and UDP is reliable
(d) TCP is connection oriented and UDP is
connection less
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which protocol is generally used to encrypt
data between web browser and web servers?
(a) IPSec
(b) SSL
(c) PPTP
(d) Digital Signature
RPSC Lect. 2014
A RTP packet is encapsulated in ______
(a) a UDP user datagram (b) A TCP segment
(c) an IP datagram
(d) None of the above
RPSC Lect. 2014
In a real- time video conference, data from the
server is ____ to the client sites.
(a) Unicast
(b) Multicast
(c) Broadcast
(d) None of the above
RPSC Lect. 2014
Routers communicate with each other and
forward the packets base on _______
(a) MAC
(b) IP Address
(c) Host name
(d) Neighbour table
The DES algorithm has a key length of
(a) 128 bits
(b) 32 bits
(c) 64 bits
(d) 16 bits
Communication & Network Concept
Identify the components of intrusion detection
system :
(a) Analysis Engine
(b) Alert Database
(c) Both (1) and (2)
(d) None
Which of the following uses UDP as the
transport protocol?
(a) HTTP
(b) SMTP
(c) Telnet
(d) DNS
The protocol used by TCP for connection
establishment is
(a) Three way handshake
(b) One way handshake
(c) Two way handshake
(d) None
ISDN is an example of _______ network.
(a) Circuit switched
(b) Packet switched
(c) Electric switch
(d) None
______ provides a basic electronic mail
transport facility.
(b) SNMP
(c) SMTP
(d) UDP
Transport layer protocol deals with
(a) Application to application communication
(b) Process to process communication
(c) Node to Node communication
(d) None of above
Default gateway is used for handling the
request for route which is not present in
(a) Topology table
(b) Routing table
(c) Neighbhour table
(d) Use for finding best path
Cell Relay, also known as
(a) ISDN
(b) X.25
(c) ATM
(d) Frame Relay
The secret key between members needs to be
created as a ______ key when two members
contact KDC.
(a) Public
(b) Session
(c) Complimentary
(d) None of these
105. Network layer firewall works as a
(a) frame filter
(b) packet filter
(c) both frame filter and packet filter
(d) None
106. In cryptography, the order of the letters in a
message is rearranged by
(a) transpositional ciphers
(b) substitution ciphers
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None
RPSC VPITI 2018 (IT) 117.
107. Many packets present in the subnet degrades
the performance which leads to
(a) Congestion
(b) Digestion
(c) Ingestion
(d) None
RPSC VPITI 2018 (IT) 118.
108. In tunel mode IPsec protects the
(a) Entire IP packet
(b) IP header
(c) IP payload
(d) None
109. When a packet is lost in transit, it should be
handled by ________ .
(a) error control
(b) loss control
(c) sequence control
(d) duplication control
110. In serial communication, start and stop bits are
used for
(a) Synchronization
(b) Error detection
(c) Error correction
(d) None
111. The DMA transfers are performed by a
Control Circuit called as
(a) Device interface
(b) DMA controller
(c) Data controller
(d) Overlooker
112. UDP socket is:
(a) Connection oriented socket
(b) Connectionless socket
(c) Multicast socket
(d) Connection oriented and multicast socket
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
113. ______ is used to obtain the IP address of a
host based on its physical address.
(a) RARP
(b) IPV6
(c) TFTP
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
114. In which kind of communication, the
destination address in each packet is the same
for all duplicates?
Communication & Network Concept
(a) Unicasting
(b) Multicasting
(c) Multiple unicasting (d) Broad casting
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
A router must have at least_____ NICs.
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 5
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Which one of the following is not a consumable
(a) Interrupts
(b) Signals
(c) I/O devices
(d) Messages
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Which of the following OSI layers is between
Data link layer and Transport layer?
(a) Network layer
(b) Session layer
(c) Presentation layer
(d) Physical layer
UPPCL AE 18.05.2016
Which of the following protocols uses port
number 25?
(a) HTTP
(b) POP3
(c) FTP
(d) SMTP
UPPCL AE 18.05.2016
A packet has arrived with an M bit value of 0.
Which of the following statements is true?
(a) This is the first fragment
(b) This the last fragment
(c) This is the middle fragment
(d) This is a fragmented packet
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is :
(a) A product of W 3C-World Wide Web
(b) A data link layer of the OSI model
(c) Aims to ensure Interoperability among
service providers
(d) Incurs high overheads of protocol stack
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
The transport layer protocols used for real
time multimedia, file transfer, DNS and E-mail
respectively are
(a) TCP, UCP, UDP and TCP
(b) TCP, UDP, TCP and UDP
(c) UDP, TCP, UDP and TCP
(d) UDP, TCP, TCP and UDP
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
In a LAN network every system is identified by
(a) Name
(b) MAC Address
(c) IP Address
(d) Serial number given by manufacturer
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
123. Which of the following can be used for digital
fingerprint of a file?
(a) Netstart
(b) Cryptcat
(c) Md5sum
(d) All of these
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
124. Which is the most reliable topology
(a) Ring topology
(b) Star topology
(c) Mesh topology
(d) Bus topology
125. Which device creates big collision domain and
one large broadcast domain
(a) Switch
(b) Bridge
(c) Router
(d) Hub
126. How many bits are in Header Checksum of
IPv4 datagram format
(a) 16
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
127. Which attack involves change in DNS entries
so that users are directed to invalid site
(a) Phishing
(b) Masquerade
(c) Worm
(d) Pharming
128. The encryption and compression are done by
which layer
(a) Session Layer
(b) Application layer
(c) Transport Layer
(d) Presentation Layer
129. To which IEEE family does WiMAX belong
(a) 802.14
(b) 802.13
(c) 802.16
(d) 802.11
130. The scripting technologies not used at server
site is
(a) JSP
(b) ASP
(c) HTML
(d) PHP
131. Fibre distribution data interface (FDDI) does
not support which of the following
(a) data encoding/decoding
(b) transmission media
(c) fault tolerant transmission
(d) media access control
132. In the TCP/IP Protocol suite which one of the
following is NOT part of the IP header?
(a) Fragment Offset
(b) Source IP address
(c) Destination IP address
(d) Destination port number
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Communication & Network Concept
133. The amount of uncertainty in a system of
symbol is called:
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Entropy
(c) Loss
(d) Quantum
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
134. Poll/select line discipline requires.............. to
identify the packet recipient?
(a) Timer
(b) Buffer
(c) Address
(d) Dedicated line
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
135. What is the destination address of a frame
containing an ARP request?
(a) A broadcast IP address.
(b) A broadcast MAC address.
(c) The default getaway IP address.
(d) The default getaway MAC address.
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
136. In OSI network architecture, the routing is
performed by:
(a) network layer
(b) data link layer
(c) transport layer
(d) session layer
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
137. TCP-IP Model does not consist of following
(a) Application layer
(b) Physical layer
(c) Session layer
(d) Data link layer
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
138. BGP Routing Protocol is used following
algorithm during it's execution:
(a) Bellman Ford Algorithm
(b) Insertion Sort Algorithm
(c) Dijkstra Algorithm
(d) Kruskal Algorithm
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
139. Any electronic device on a network is called a:
(a) Node.
(b) Hub.
(c) Router.
(d) Cable.
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
140. Which piece of equipment installs in a PC and
allows the PC to connect to a network?
(a) Hub.
(b) Access Router.
(c) Graphic Accelerator Card
(d) Network Interface Card.
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
141. The network area within which data packets
originate and collide is called a ......... ?
(a) Network segment
(b) Collision segment
(c) Network domain
(d) Collision domain
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
142. Which of the following security solutions uses
the same key for both encryption and
(a) wpa
(b) wpa 2
(c) WEP
(d) 802.11i
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
143. A communication device that combines
transmissions from several I/O devices into one
line is a:
(a) Concentrator
(b) Modifier
(c) Multiplexer
(d) Adder
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
144. TCP/IP .......... layer corresponds to the OSI
models to three layers.
(a) Application
(b) Presentation
(c) Session
(d) Transport
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
145. Which of the following applications allows a
user to access and change remote files without
actual transfer?
(a) DNS
(b) FTP
(c) NFS
(d) Telnet
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
146. The data unit in the TCP/IP layer called a
(a) Message
(b) Segment
(c) Datagram
(d) Frame
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
147. What is the full form of PING?
(a) Packet Internet Groper
(b) Protocol Internet Groper
(c) Packet Intranet Gateway
(d) Protocol Internet Gateway
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
148. Which of the following OSI layers correspond
to TCP/IP's application layer?
(a) Application
(b) Presentation
(c) Session
(d) All of the options
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
149. Devices on one network can communicate with
devices on another network via a ......... .
(a) File Server
(b) Router
(c) Printer Server
(d) Gateway
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
150. What is an SSID used for on a WLAN?
(a) To secure the WLAN
(b) To manage the WLAN settings
(c) To identify the WLAN
(d) To configure the WLAN AP
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
Communication & Network Concept
151. DNS can obtain the .......... of host if its domain
name is known and vice versa.
(a) Station address
(b) IP address
(c) Port address
(d) Checksum
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
152. CSMA stands for:
(a) Carrier Sense Multiple Access
(b) Carrier Switch Multiple Access
(c) Carrier Switch Medium Access
(d) Control Sense Multiple Access.
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
153. A remote batch-processing operation in which
data is solely input to a central computer would
require a:
(a) telegraph line
(b) simplex lines
(c) mixedband channel (d) All of the options
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
154. Which of the transport layer protocols is
(a) UDP
(b) TCP
(c) FTP
(d) SMTP
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
155. Which layers of the OSI determines the
interface of the system with the user?
(a) Network
(b) Application
(c) Data link
(d) Session
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
156. The slowest transmission speeds are those of:
(a) twisted-pair wire
(b) coaxial cable
(c) fiber-optic cable
(d) Copper cable
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
157. The standard suit of protocols used by the
Internet, Intranets, extranets and some other
(a) TCP/IP
(b) Protocol
(c) Open system
(d) Internet work processor
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
158. What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration
(a) WINS Server
(b) WINS Proxy
(c) DHCP Server
(d) PDC
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
159. Which of the following is used for modulation
and demodulation?
(a) Modem
(b) Protocols
(c) Gateway
(d) Multiplexer
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
160. Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to
another LAN via the device:
(a) Router
(b) Bridge
(c) Repeater
(d) Switch
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
161. What terminates VPNs at a primary location?
(a) Router
(b) ASA
(c) Head-end device
(d) Software client
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
162. What wizard in SDM can be used to assist in
choosing a VPN?
(a) VPN Design Guide
(b) IPSec Wizard
(c) VPN Recommendation Guide
(d) IPSec Guide
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
163. The network layer concerns with:
(a) bits
(b) frames
(c) packets
(d) none of the options
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
164. Which one of the following is not a function of
network layer?
(a) routing
(b) inter-networking
(c) congestion control (d) none of the options
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
165. RIP stands for:
(a) Routing Information Protocol
(b) Route Internet Protocol
(c) Router Information Protocol
(d) Route Intranet Protocol
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
166. IEEE 802.11 stands for:
(a) Wireless LAN
(b) Wired LAN
(c) Bluetooth technology (d) Wi-MAX
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
167. RS- 232 is a standard that applies to?
(a) Parallel port
(b) Serial port
(c) Game port
(d) All of above
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
168. DNS servers translates web addresses or host
name to:
(a) MAC address
(b) FTP address
(c) IP address
(d) Host Name
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
169. To host a web site which of following is
(a) Web Server
(b) Exchange Server
(c) Mail Server
(d) Database Server
171. IPv6 address is___________ bits long.
(a) 16
(b) 32
(c) 64
(d) 128
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
172. Which layers of the OSI reference model are
host-to host layers?
(a) Transport, session presentation, application
(b) Session, presentation, application
(c) Datalink, transport, presentation, application
(d) Physical, datalink, network, transport
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2015
173. The DNS maps the IP addresses to
(a) A binary address as strings
(b) An alphanumeric address
(c) A hierarchy of domain names
(d) A hexadecimal address
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2015
174. SSL is not responsible for
(a) Mutual authentication of client & server
(b) Secret communication
(c) Data integrity protection
(d) Error detection & correction
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
175. Silly window Syndrome is related to
(a) Error during transmission
(b) File transfer protocol
(c) Degrade in TCP performance
(d) Interface problem
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
176. Application frameworks provide a means for
creating _______ hosted application using iDE.
(a) PaaS
(b) SaaS
(c) CaaS
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
177. TCP groups a number of bytes together into a
packet called ______
(a) Packet
(b) Buffer
(c) Segment
(d) Stack
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
178. Communication offered by TCP is _____
(a) Full-duplex
(b) Half-duplex
(c) Semi-duplex
(d) Byte by byte
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011 179. The packet sent by node to the source to inform
it of congestion is called ______
(a) Name of internet corporation for assigned
(a) Explicit
(b) Discard
names & numbers to different domains
(c) Choke
(d) Backpressure
(b) Organization for setting up rules to operate
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
180. User datagram protocol is called connectionless
(c) Organization to provide security to services
because ______
(d) For making network administration more
(a) All UDP packets are treated independently by
transport layer
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
(b) It sends data as a stream of related packets
Communication & Network Concept
(c) It is received in the same order as sent order
(d) It sends data very quickly
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
181. Control of users' access to network resources
through charges is the main responsibility of
(a) Reactive Fault Management
(b) Reconfigured Fault Management
(c) Accounting Management
(d) Security Management
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
182. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is also called
as _____
(a) Link state protocol
(b) Error-correction protocol
(c) Routing information protocol
(d) Border gateway protocol
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
183. Frame Relay does not provide flow or error
control, they must be provided by the _____
(a) Lower Level Protocol
(b) highest level protocol
(c) Upper Level Protocol
(d) Lowest level protocol
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
184. The instrument that can be used to find the
location of a cable short is termed as
(a) Multimeter
(c) Protocol analyzer
(d) TDR
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
185. Two network switches that do not support
MDI-X need to be connected via copper
cabling. The cabling method that needs to be
used is
(a) Straight
(b) Rollover
(c) Crossover
(d) Loopback
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
186. TPM is an acronym for
(a) Trusted Platform Mode
(b) Trusted Platform Module
(c) Trusted Privacy Module
(d) True Platform Module
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
187. The method used for transmitting IPV6 traffic
over a IPV4 network is
(a) Subnetting
(b) Tunneling
(c) Supernetting
(d) Contracting
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (d)
6. (d)
7. (b)
8. (d)
9. (d)
10. (a)
11. (d)
12. (d)
13. (a)
14. (d)
15. (a)
16. (b)
17. (d)
18. (d)
19. (d)
20. (d)
21. (d)
22. (c)
23. (c)
24. (a)
25. (a)
26. (d)
27. (c)
28. (c)
29. (c)
30. (c)
31. (c)
32. (c)
33. (b)
34. (d)
35. (c)
36. (b)
37. (a)
38. (d)
39. (d)
40. (d)
41. (a)
42. (c)
43. (d)
44. (d)
45. (b)
46. (d)
47. (c)
48. (b)
49. (a)
50. (b)
51. (d)
52. (b)
53. (b)
54. (a)
55. (c)
56. (c)
57. (a)
58. (d)
59. (b)
60. (d)
61. (a)
62. (a)
63. (b)
64. (b)
65. (b)
66. (d)
67. (d)
68. (b)
69. (d)
70. (a)
71. (b)
72. (c)
73. (d)
74. (a)
75. (c)
76. (d)
77. (b)
78. (b)
79. (c)
80. (a)
81. (b)
82. (b)
83. (a)
84. (c)
85. (d)
86. (c)
87. (a)
88. (c)
89. (d)
90. (d)
91. (b)
92. (a)
93. (b)
94. (b)
95. (c)
96. (c)
97. (d)
98. (a)
99. (a)
100. (c)
101. (b)
102. (b)
103. (c)
104. (b)
105. (b)
106. (a)
107. (a)
108. (a)
109. (c)
110. (a)
111. (b)
112. (b)
113. (a)
114. (b)
115. (c)
116. (c)
117. (a)
118. (d)
119. (b)
120. (c)
121. (c)
122. (c)
123. (c)
124. (c)
125. (d)
126. (a)
127. (d)
128. (d)
129. (c)
130. (c)
131. (b)
132. (d)
133. (b)
134. (c)
135. (b)
136. (a)
137. (c)
138. (c)
139. (a)
140. (d)
141. (d)
142. (c)
143. (c)
144. (a)
145. (c)
146. (d)
147. (a)
148. (d)
149. (d)
150. (c)
151. (b)
152. (a)
153. (b)
154. (a)
155. (b)
156. (a)
157. (a)
158. (c)
159. (a)
160. (b)
161. (c)
162. (a)
163. (c)
164. (d)
165. (a)
166. (a)
167. (b)
168. (c)
169. (a)
171. (d)
181. (c)
172. (a)
182. (a)
173. (c)
183. (c)
174. (d)
184. (d)
175. (c)
185. (c)
176. (b)
186. (b)
177. (c)
187. (b)
178. (a)
179. (c)
Communication & Network Concept
Authentication and Authorization:
Network Security
The security provided to the computer and network
to protect against unauthorized access and risk is called
network or computer security. Network or computer can
be kept secure by using some process or software–
(i) Antivirus
(ii) Firewall
(iii) Authentication and Authorization
(iv) Cryptography
Protecting computer systems from viruses
and malicious Attacks–
A malicious attack is an attempt to forcefully access
someone's computer using computer viruses, phishing or
other techniques like spamming, social media etc.
Computer virus is a type of malicious computer
program of software that can damage and destroy
computer files.
Following some security practices can help you
reduce the risks and protect computer systems from
viruses and malicious attacks-
(i) Authentication– Authentication is a process of
verifying or identifying user or information with its help
the identity of the data or user is verified.
There are several methods of authentication:
(i) Username and Password
(ii) Biometrics
(iii) OTP (One time password)
(ii) Authorization– Authorization is to verify the
rights of the user. This process is done after
authentication. In authorization the rights of the user are
Cryptography is a technique through which
information and communication are kept secure. In this,
it is coded in such a way that only the recipient can
understand the data or message.
The word cryptography is derived from the Greek
word Kryptos and Graphene. Krypto means hidden and
Graphene means- writing.
In cryptography, the data or message is converted
into an unreadable secret code called cipher text and this
data can be read only by those who have the secret key to
decrypt it. Decrypted data is called plain text.
Antivirus is a software tool that is used to detect and Cryptography is completed in two process:
remove or prevent malicious software (malware). (i) Encryption
Antivirus software protects your computer from malware (ii) Decryption
and cyber criminals (hackers). It is used to remove and
repair malicious web pages, files, software applications
We can protect our computer system by installing
and using antivirus from malicious software like
(i) Encryption– The process of converting data
malware viruses and hackers etc. Antivirus software plain text into cipher text is called encryption. This is a
prevents, detects & removes malicious software (like technique whose code cannot be easily understood by an
worms, virus) from a side variety of threats, cyber unauthorized person because a key is needed to decrypt
(ii) Decryption– Converting cipher text back to
Some of the main antivirus software are–
plain text is called decryption.
(i) Norton
Types of Cryptography– There are two types of
(ii) McAfee
(iii) AVG
(a) Symmetric Cryptography– In this type of
(iv) Quick Heal
cryptography, the same key is used to encryption
and decryption of data.
(vi) Microsoft Security Essentials
(b) Asymmetric Cryptography– In this cryptography,
(vii) Avast
public key is used for encryption and private key is
used for decryption.
(viii) Avira
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
• Source or destination based blocking of incoming
network traffic firewalls block the incoming traffic by
Install software patches on your computer so
looking into the source of the traffic.
attackers do not take advantages of known
vulnerabilities. Consider enabling automatic updates, • Outgoing network traffic can be blocked based on the
source or destination that means firewalls can also
when available.
filter data between your internal network and internet.
Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi :
Keep Software Updated:
Unsecured Public Wi-Fi may allow an attacker to • Block network traffic based on content.
intercept your device's network traffic and gain access to (ii) Preventing Hacks– Firewalls keep hackers out of
your data, emails, computer system and other
your personal information.
sensitive information.
Backup and Restoring Data :
(iii) Promotes Privacy– Having a firewall keeps the data
Any data that you want to protect against loss or
safe and builds an environment of privacy that is
damage can be unsaved as backup data. The meaning of
trustworthy and a system without a firewall is
backup is to make a copy of lost data. Backup means
accepting every connection into the network from
"You keep a copy of your data or information in a
location other than the original" so that if the data is
Type of Firewall:
deleted or corrupted from the original source the data can
be retrieved (recovered) again from the data kept at that A firewall is usually classified in two types–
(i) Packet Filter Firewall
other location.
Restoring data is the process of copying backup data (ii) Proxy Based Firewall
(i) Packet Filter Firewall– It is used as a packet
from secondary storage and restoring it to its original
It can forward or block packets based on the
location or new location.
information in the network layer and transport layer.
Firewall :
A packet filtering firewall can block particular host
A firewall is a network security device that prevents
from accessing the Network.
unauthorized access to personal data on your computer
These type of firewall monitors network traffic and
from outsiders by filtering network traffic. Along with
filters incoming packets based on configured security
blocking unwanted traffic it also protects your computer
from getting infected by blocking malicious software.
They also monitor outgoing and incoming packets.
This firewall is also known as a static firewall. These
types of firewalls do not prevent web based attacks.
(ii) Proxy Firewall– A proxy firewall sometimes
called an application gateway, which stands between the
two computer. Customer computer and the corporation
computer. A proxy firewall filters or operate at the
application layer.
There are some other firewalls
Firewall also prevents the virus from a system to
another system. It acts as a wall between the computer
and the network/internet or in other word we can say a
firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted
network and untrusted network, such as the internet.
Utility of Firewalls
• Stateful inspection Firewalls
• Next-Generation Firewalls
• Circuit Level Gateways
• Cloud Firewall
Advantages of Network Firewall
(1) Halt Hacking
(i) Monitoring Network Traffic– Monitoring of (2) Stop Viruses
network traffic involves the following security (3) Better Security
(4) Increasing Privacy
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Network attack
Hacker and its Type :
Hacker are those person, who have good knowledge
in the world of computer science. Who are well versed in
computer programming and network. Hacker can control
anyone's computer system through internet even by
sitting remotely, such as access data, stealing data,
deleting data etc.
Types of Hackers–
(1) White Hat Hacker/Ethical Hacker
(2) Black Hat Hackers
(3) Gray Hat Hackers
(4) Red Hat Hackers
1. White Hat Hacker– White Hat Hackers are
known as Ethical Hackers. Ethical Hackers do hacking
only after getting permission by the owner of the system
with good motives. They do completely legal work only.
This type of Hackers are employed by businesses and
government agencies as data security analysts, security
specialists etc.
2. Black Hat Hacker– These type of hacker use
their ability to perform illegal tasks. Such as stealing or
tampering with personal information and data of a
company or person's website or their computer.
These type of hackers are criminals of cyber
crime and they have a malicious motive and goal to
make money by stealing funds from online bank
accounts, stealing secret and data etc.
3. Grey Hat Hacker– Grey hat hackers are a blend
of both black hat and white hat activities.
Often, grey hat hackers will look for vulnerabilities
in a system without the owner's permission or
knowledge. If issues are found they will repeat them to
the owner. However this type of hacking is still
considered illegal because the hacker did not receive
permission from the owner prior to attempting to attack
the system.
4. Red Hat Hacker– These types of hackers work to
prevent government agencies, top secret centers and
cybercrime. These hackers are a combination of both
black and white hat.
Malicious Software : Malware & Virus
Malware– Malware is a malicious software or
program designed to damage computer servers or
networks without the knowledge of a computer user.
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
There are some different type of malware–
(1) Computer Virus
(2) WORM
(3) Trojan Horse
(4) Back Door
(5) Spyware
(6) Adware
1. Computer Virus– A computer virus is a type of
malicious computer program that can damage and
destroy computer files or data.
It is a special type of code or program created by
programmers. Through a computer virus the data of any
computer can be stolen, destroyed and the computer can
be taken under its control. It can reduce the capacity of
the system disc by entering the boot sector. Virus is
transmitted to the computer through internet, pen derive,
storage disc etc.
Computer virus is divided into different type:
(a) Boot Sector Virus– It is a type of virus that
infects the boot sector or the master boot record (MBR)
of the hard disc.
It infects the file that starts the operating system. It
spreads through removable media.
(b) File Infector Virus– This virus is also known as
parasitic virus, it is associated with program files, such as
.com or .exe file. The main source of this virus are the
game, world processor.
(c) Multipartite Virus– This type of virus can
infect both the boot sector and executable file. If this
type of virus attacks your system then your system is at
increased risk of cyber threat, that is data may be lost or
breach and misuse.
(d) Macro Virus– It is associated with an
application such as MS word or excel. This virus starts
running automatically as soon as the application is
2. WORM– Worm is a type of malware, which
spreads from one computer to another by making a copy
of itself and occupies the memory.
3. Trojan Horse– A Trojan horse is a malware
program that looks like other software or programs such
as games etc. but its effects are terrible when run it. It
can be used by a hacker to break the password or access
the data of hard disc.
Trojan horse spreads through downloading software
from website or legimate looking emails and files
attached to emails.
4. Back Door– Back door is a type of malware like (4) Maintaining Access
a Trojan. It is used by the attacker to gain unauthorized (5) Clearing Track
remote access to the PC.
5. Spyware– Spyware is a type of malware program
that steals data by sending it to the user's system without
his knowledge.
It monitors your computer when it is connected to
the internet and your (user) system is completely under
the control of the hacker.
It monitors user's activity on internet and transmits
that information in the background to someone else.
6. Adware– This is a type of advertising malware
software or program, which will suddenly appear in the
1. Reconnaissance– This is the first step of
form of pop-up window (in the form of a text message) Hacking, also known as the footprint or information
or banner and ask you to click, but after clicking this gathering phase. This is the preparatory phase where we
malware starts downloading.
collect as much information as possible about the target.
Before launching an attack, the attacker collects all the
necessary information about the target footprint collects
data from TCP, UDP, IP and Host Network Area.
Spam :
There are two types of foot printing:
(i) Active
Spam is unsolicited e-mail or message sent through (ii) Passive
the internet. It is difficult to identify the sender of spam
(i) Active– Directly interacting with the target to gather
because it is anonymous. It is mostly used for
information about target directly using Nmap tool to
Hacking :
(ii) Passive–Trying to collect information without
Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorized
directly accessing the target in anyway.
access to computer network security systems for some
2. Scanning– This is the second phase of hacking.
legal or illegal purpose. This process is done by a hacker. In this phase hackers try to find different ways to get
Hackers do some hacking by making or using information of system such as information of user's
software programs like malware, virus, worm and by account, IP address etc.
transmitting it to the user's.
In this phase, three types of scanning are involved:
Ethical Hacking :
(i) Port scanning
Ethical hacking involves hackers who do hack into a
(ii) Vulnerability scanning
system with prior permission to find out vulnerabilities
(iii) Network mapping
so that they can be fixed before a person with malicious
3. Gaining Access– In this phase, Hackers gains
intent find them. This procedure is called ethical access to the system, applications network and escalates
hacking. Ethical hacking is completely legal.
their user privileges to control the system connected to it.
Phases of Ethical Hacking–
In this phase, hacker will connect to the network. This
To find such vulnerabilities, ethical hackers will allow hacker to launch more powerful attacks and
undertake several phases of the ethical hacking get more accurate information.
4. Maintain Access– Once a hacker has gained
access, they want to keep that access for future
These phases are–
exploitation and attacks. Here, the hacker secure access
(1) Reconnaissance
to the organizations Rootkits and Trojans and uses it to
(2) Scanning
launch additional attacks on the network.
(3) Gaining Access
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
5. Clearing Tracks– Once the hacker gains access,
Important Facts
they cover their tracks to escape the security personal.
• Creeper is a first computer virus.
Threat– A cyber security threat is a malicious act • Brain is a first boot sector virus for MS DOS (PC).
that seeks to damage data, steal data etc.
• Malware is a Malicious Software.
Salami Attack– It is financial crimes.
• Phishing is a fraudulent attempts to obtain bank
details such as credit/debit card and password details.
Multipartite Virus– Hybrid of program virus and
• Firewall can be a software program or a hardware
device that filters all data packets coming through the
Plagiarism– Stealing the ideas or creations of
internet network.
• Cross site scripting attack allows attacker's to inject
Polymorphic Virus– It is a form of malware that
boot sector virus.
client side script into web pages.
"Mutates" as it propagates to make is more difficult • The main purpose of the Data Protection Act is to
protect personal privacy.
to detect and block.
Deep Inspection Firewall– It makes filtering • A Malware that secretly collects information about
users without their consent is called spyware.
decisions based on application payload.
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows remote
Trojan-Horse– Legimate programs that allow
workers to have secure access to their organization's
unauthorized access.
network while using a public telecommunication
infrastructure, such as the internet.
Denial-of-Service Attack– An attempt to slow
down or stop a computer system or network by • Possible security threat are information destruction,
information alteration, information release.
flooding the system with requests for information.
• Packet filters firewall works in the network layer of
Piracy– Piracy refers to unauthorized duplication of
OSI Model.
copyrighted content that is the sold at substantially
• State full Firewall and stateless firewall enumerates
lower prices.
the two subcategories of the standard network layer
Public Key– In public key, two keys are used for
• Identity theft is the impersonation by as thief of
encryption and decryption.
someone's identity for purpose of economic/social
Private Key– Same key is used for encryption and
• Firewall is a software or Hardware used to isolate a
Firewall– It is hardware or software used to isolate
private network form a public network.
a private network from public network.
• SHA1 and MD5 are used to generate a message
digest by the network security protocols.
Cybercrime– Crime that involves a computer and
14. Avalanche Effect– A small change in either the
plain text or the key producing a significant change
in the cipher text.
• A packet filtering firewall can block some hosts from
accessing the network.
• IEEE 1394 (FireWire) is an interface standard for a
serial bus for high-speed communications and realtime data transfer.
15. Substitution and Transposition– Generally used for • RSA Algorithm and Diffle-Hellman algorithm are
asymmetric algorithm.
transforming plain text to cipher text.
16. DES– Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption • Click Fraud is a type of cybercrime that occurs in
pay-per-click (PPC) online advertising.
algorithms is based on the Feistel structure.
• DES and public Key algorithm are combined to
17. SSL – Secure Socket Layer
speed up encrypted message transmission and to
18. Brute Force Attack– Try to determine the key by
ensure higher security by using different key for each
attempting all possible keys.
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
First computer virus is
(a) Creeper
(b) Sasser
(c) Blaster
(d) I Love You
The first boot sector virus for MS-DOS (PC)
(a) Creeper
(b) Brain
(c) Blaster
(d) Sasser
McAfee is a example of _____
(a) Quick Heal
(b) Malware
(c) Virus
(d) Antivirus
Malware is a type of _____
(a) Malicious software (b) Antivirus
(c) Beware
(d) Illegal ware
A person who hacks a computer is called?
(a) Hacker
(b) Cracker
(c) Human ware
(d) Spyware
Hackers who help to find bugs and
vulnerabilities in a system with the permission
of the owner of a computer system and do not
intend to cause any harm to the system:
(a) Black Hat Hackers (b) White Hat Hackers
(c) Grey Hat Hackers
(d) Red Hat Hackers
Such hackers who do cyber crime to gain
financial profit are their main motive:
(a) Black Hat Hackers (b) White Hat Hackers
(c) Grey Hat Hackers
(d) Red Hat Hackers
Fraudulent attempts to obtain bank details
such as credit/debit card and password details
(a) phishing
(b) spoofing
(c) Hacking
(d) Cracking
____ is software that helps a computer to detect
and avoid viruses
(a) Malware
(b) Adware
(c) Antivirus
(d) Both (a) and (b)
______ can be a software program or a
hardware device that filters all data packets
coming through the internet network:
(a) Antivirus
(b) Firewall
(c) Cookies
(d) Malware
Process of converting plain text to unreadable
text (cipher text) is:
(a) Decryption
(b) Encryption
(c) Network security
(d) Information Hiding
A program that copies itself:
(a) WORM
(b) Trojan Horse
(c) Virus
(d) BOMB
Which of the following is not a stand-alone
(a) Trojan
(b) WORM
(c) Virus
(d) Spyware
UPPSC Computer Asst. 23.08.2020
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Viruses can enter to computer as an
attachment of
(a) Images
(b) Audio/Video files
(c) Downloads
(d) All of these
What are types of malware?
(a) Caterpillars
(b) WORM
(c) Lions
(d) Horses
UPPSC Computer Asst. 23.08.2020
The technique by which data is converted into
an encrypted form so that is cannot be easily
understood by an unauthorized person is
(a) Encryption
(b) Modulation
(c) Decryption
(d) Demodulation
A malware that secretly collects information
about users without their consent is called:
(a) Spyware
(b) Virus
(c) Boot ware
(d) Adware
UPPCL Accountant 10.02.2018
The deadlock- avoidance schemes like the
banker's algorithm would lead to
(a) Increase overhead
(b) Increase system throughput
(c) More concurrent use of resources
(d) All of these
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which type of virus attaches with exe files and
the resulting infected exe file attacks other exe
files and infects them?
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-2)
(a) Parasitic Virus
(b) Boot Sector Virus
(c) Stealth Virus
(d) Memory Resident Virus
Which mechanism is used by the computer
virus 'WORM' to duplicate itself?
(a) Swap
(b) Increment
(c) Spawn
(d) Swarm
Computer virus affects
(a) Software
(b) Hardware
(c) Computer language (d) None of the above
Computer virus is:
(a) A chemical substance that attacks silicon
(b) A micro-organism that destroys integrated
(c) data that the computer cannot handle
(d) A special type of computer program
SSC Section off. Exam 2007
Computer virus is
(a) a computer program that can copy itself
(b) a virus that the health of humans
(c) both of the above
(d) None of the above
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist Paper 2012
A computer virus is a
(a) Hardware
(b) software
(c) Bacteria
(d) Freeware
RRB JE 2014
Computer virus is
(a) Malicious program (b) Useful program
(c) Firewall
(d) None of these
A type of cybercrime that occurs in pay per
click online advertising when a person,
automated script of computer program
imitates a legitimate user of a web browser
clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating
charge per click without having actual interest
in the targets of the ad's link
(a) Phishing
(b) Zombie
(c) Click fraud
(d) None of these
Which of following is an antivirus?
(a) Code Red
(b) Melissa
(c) Crypto Locker
(d) Dr. Web
What is the other name for crackers, the
malicious hackers who infiltrate secure systems
in order to steal information or cause image?
(a) Black hats
(b) Infliterer
(c) Pirates
(d) Digital rouges
Which of the following is not an antivirus
(a) Avira
(b) Kaspersky
(c) McAfee
(d) Firefox
One of the computer viruses that attracted
widespread public attention was designed to
infect MS DOS on 6 March 1992. The name of
virus is:
(a) Brain
(b) Catch me if you can
(c) Micalangilo
(d) Friday the thirteenth
Which of the following viruses generally found
in the hard disk's root directory, but it keeps
on changing location?
(a) Trj. Reboot
(b) Vienna
(c) Way
(d) Trival.88.D
RRB JE (Shift-I) 02.09.2015
Which of the following viruses spreads via
malicious emails
(a) Trj-Reboot
(b) Vienna
(c) Js. Fortnight
(d) Trivial.88.D
RRB SSE (Shift-II) 02.09.2015
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Viruses that run at the passage of time or on a
particular date are called
(a) boot sector virus
(b) time bomb
(c) worm
(d) none of these
SBI (PO) 2008
The virus usually comes from the floppy disc
left in the floppy disc drive.
(a) Trojan horse
(b) boot sector
(c) script
(d) logic bomb
Which of the following category of viruses does
not replicate themselves?
(a) worms
(b) trojan horses
(c) boot sector viruses (d) macro viruses
RRB JE Bhopal Paper-I (Shift-II), 28.08.2015
Which of the following is not a 'overwrite'
(a) Trj. Reboot
(b) Meve
(c) Way
(d) Trivial.88.D
RRB SSE (Shift-III) 01.09.2015
Which of the following categories of viruses
normally infect executable code, such as .com
and .exe files.
(a) File infector viruses
(b) Boot sector viruses
(c) Master boot record viruses
(d) Macro viruses
RRB JE (Shift-III) 28.08.2015
What is the primary goal of an Ethical Hacker?
(a) Avoiding detection
(b) Testing security controls
(c) Resolving security vulnerabilities
(d) Determining return on investment for security
What is the first phase of hacking?
(a) Maintaining access (b) Gaining access
(c) Reconnaissance
(d) Scanning
Hacking for a cause is called
(a) Hacktivism
(b) Black-hat hacking
(c) Active hacking
(d) Activism
Abuse messaging system to send unsolicited is
(a) Phishing
(b) Firewall
(c) Adware
(d) Spam
What is the system designed to prevent
unauthorized access to or from a private
network called as ___
(a) Firewall
(b) Digital
(c) Biotech
(d) Computer scam
Packet filtering firewalls are vulnerable to ____
(a) Hardware vulnerabilities (b) Phishing
(c) MiTm
(d) Spoofing
_____ firewalls are a combination of other
three types of firewalls.
(a) Stateful multilayer inspection
(b) Circuit level gateway
(c) Packet filtering
(d) Application level gateway
Advantage of stateful multilayer inspection
firewall is
(a) complex internal architecture
(b) large to manage but efficient
(c) costlier but easy to understand
(d) small to manage
Packet filtering firewall are:
(a) First generation firewalls
(b) Second generation firewalls
(c) Third generation firewalls
(d) Fourth generation firewalls
Application layer firewalls are
(a) First generation firewalls
(b) Second generation firewalls
(c) Third generation firewalls
(d) Fourth generation firewalls
Which of the following refers to stealing one's
idea or invention of others and use it for their
own benefits
(a) Piracy
(b) Plagiarism
(c) Intellectual property rights
(d) All of the above
Which of the following is not an example of
(a) Worm
(b) Trajan Horse
(c) Virus
(d) Browser
Which of the following is the cyber security
(a) Protect the confidentiality of data
(b) Promote the availability of data for authorized
(c) Preserve the integrity of data
(d) all above
Which of the following is not a valid category
of computer viruses?
(a) Macro viruses
(b) Trojans
(c) Memory resident viruses
(d) Interrupts
RRB SSE (Shift-II), 01.09.2015
Which of the following malwares is used by an
attacker to get unauthorized remote access to a
PC by exploiting security vulnerabilities?
(a) logic bomb
(b) back door
(c) Poverty
(d) Self-replicating
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Which of the following Malicious Software
creates new processes in an infinite loop?
(a) Boot Sector Virus
(b) Memory Resident Virus
(c) Stealth Virus
(d) Fork Bomb
UPPCL-JE 31-01-2019 (Batch -01)
Anti-virus software must be regularly updated
else(a) New viruses wouldn't be recognized
(b) None of these
(c) Software will become corrupt
(d) Both of these
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
Verification of a login name and password is
known as
(a) Configuration
(b) Accessibility
(c) Authentication
(d) logging in
UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016
Which of the following types of attack allows
attackers to inject client side script into web
(a) Cross Client Scripting
(b) Cross Site Scripting
(c) Cross Server Scripting
(d) Cross Sort Scripting
UPPCL JE 2019 (Batch-01)
We categorise cyber-crimes in two ways, that is
(a) crime committed in i) the real world and ii)
the computer world
(b) crime committed through i) the WWW and
ii) the internet
(c) crime committed in i) cyberspace and ii) the
real world
(d) crime committed where i) a computer is a
target and ii) where a computer is a weapon
UPPCL ARO 13-09-2018
A malware that secretly collects information
about users without their consent is called (a) Spyware
(b) Virus
(c) Bootware
(d) Adware
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
Which of the following allows remote workers to
have secure access to their organization's
network while using a public telecommunication
infrastructure, such as the Internet?
(a) Intrusion detection system
(b) VPN
(c) Wingate
(d) Shoulder surfing
UPP Computer Operator 21-12-2018 (Batch-02)
Which of the following is possible security threat?
(a) Information destruction
(b) Information alteration
(c) Information release
(d) All of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Salami attack is for
(a) website defacement
(b) controlling the website
(c) financial crimes
(d) Internet time theft
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
What is multipartite virus?
(a) Hybrid of macro virus and stealth virus
(b) Hybrid of virus and worms
(c) Hybrid of ActiveX and Java control
(d) Hybrid of program virus and boot sector virus
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
The main purpose of the Data Protection Act is to
(a) protect personal privacy
(b) prevent viruses
(c) increase the security of computer systems
(d) reduce project failures
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following represents stealing the
ideas or stealing the creations of others?
(a) Plagiarism
(b) Intellectual Property Rights
(c) Piracy
(d) All of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
________ monitors user’s activity on Internet
and transmits that information in the
background to someone else.
(a) Malware
(b) Spyware
(c) Adware
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
A portion of the polymorphic virus, generally
called a ______, creates a random encryption
key to encrypt the remainder of the virus.
(a) polymorphic engine (b) multiple engine
(c) mutual engine
(d) mutation engine
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following makes filtering
decisions based on application payload?
(a) Packet filter
(b) deep inspection firewall
(c) reverse proxy
(d) stateful packet inspection firewall
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
Which of the following is not a factor in
choosing a firewall?
(a) The applications that your network uses
(b) Information in your security policy
(c) How much traffic will pass through the firewall
(d) Security audit measures in place
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
Which of the following types of firewall works
in the network layer of the OSI Model?
(a) Packet filters
(b) Application gateways
(c) Circuit level gateways
(d) Both application level and circuit level gateways
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Which of the following options correctly
enumerates the two subcategories of the
standard network layer firewall?
(a) Bit-oriented firewall and byte-oriented
(b) State full firewall and stateless firewall
(c) Frame firewall and packet firewall
(d) Static firewall and dynamic firewall
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Platform security demands data decryption
(b) Platform security demands strict password
(c) Platform security demands fault tolerant
external firewalls
(d) Platform security demands system trust
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Trojan-Horse programs:
(a) Are legitimate programs that allow
unauthorized access
(b) Are hacker programs that do not show up on
the system
(c) Are really do not work usually
(d) Are usually immediately discovered
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
A Trojan horse is a:
(a) Special password that is built into the system
(b) Computer virus that spreads through email
(c) Program that does something beyond its
apparent purpose
(d) Program that shut down if its initial condition
are not met
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Spam is:
(a) antivirus
(b) unsolicited e-mail
(c) Firewall
(d) Hardware device
Identity theft is the
(a) impersonation by a thief of someone with a
large bank account
(b) impersonation by a thief of someone with 83.
computer skills
(c) impersonation by a thief of someone with
good credit
(d) Impersonation by as thief of someone's
identity for purpose of economic/social gain
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
An attempt to slow down or stop a computer
system or network by flooding the system with
requests for information is called a
(a) virus
(b) worm
(c) denial-of-service attack
(d) Trojan horse
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
Which of the following would best fit the
following description - Software in copied and
given to a friend without the permission of the
copyright owner?
(a) freeware
(b) piracy
(c) shareware
(d) public domain
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
The private key in public key encryption is
used for
(a) encryption
(b) hashing
(c) decryption
(d) encryption and hashing
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Public key encryption makes use of
(a) one key
(b) two keys
(c) hash function
(d) All the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
a firewall is
(a) an established network performance reference
(b) software or hardware used to isolate a private
network from a public network
(c) a virus that infects macros
(d) a predefined encryption key used to encrypt
and decrypt data transmissions
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
It is a program of hardware device that filters
the information coming through an internet
connection to a network or computer system.
(a) anti virus
(b) Cookies
(c) Firewall
(d) Cyber safety
A small change in either the plaintext or the
key producing a significant change in the
ciphertext is called:
(a) Feistel effect
(b) Claude Shannon effect
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
(c) Bit independence effect
(d) Avalanche effect
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
Using public key cryptography, X adds a
digital signatures o to a message M, encrypts
Mσ and sends it to Y, where it is decrypted.
Which one of the following sequence of keys is
use for operations?
(a) Encryption: Xs private key followed by Y’s
private key. Decryption: X’s public key
followed by Y’s public key
(b) Encryption: X’s private key followed by Y’s
public key; Decryption: X’s public key
followed by Y’s private key
(c) Encryption: X’s private key followed by Y’s
public key; Decryption: Y’s private key
followed by X’s public key
(d) Encryption: X’s public key followed by Y’s
private key, Decryption: Y’s private key
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 17.12.2017
Which of the following are used to generate a
message digest by the network security
(P) SHA-256
(S) MD5
(a) P and S only
(b) P and Q only
(c) R and S only
(d) P and R only
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 17.12.2017
Which of the following operations are generally
used for transforming plain text to cipher text?
(a) substitution
(b) transposition
(c) substitution and transposition
(d) normalisation
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
A packet filtering firewall can
(a) deny certain users from accessing a service
(b) block worms and viruses from entering the
(c) disallow some files from being accessed
through FTP
(d) block some hosts from accessing the network
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
Which of the following encryption algorithms
is based on the Fiestal structure?
(a) Advanced Encryption Standard
(b) RSA public key cryptographic algorithm
(c) Data Encryption Standard
(d) RCA
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
IEEE 1394 is related to
(a) RS-232
(b) USB
(c) Firewire
(d) PCI
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
With respect to security, SSL stands for:
(a) Secure Service Layer
(b) Synchronous Socket Layer
(c) Secure Socket Layer
(d) Synchronous Service Layer
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
The art and science of concealing the messages
to introduce secrecy in information security is
recognized as :
(a) Scientometrics (b) Cryptography
(c) Biography
(d) Information forensics
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
The encryption process where same keys are
used for encrypting and decrypting the
information is known as _____ encryption.
(a) Symmetric Key
(b) Asymmetric Key
(c) Linear
(d) Tertiary Key
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Which of the following is NOT an example of
symmetric key encryption?
(a) Digital encryption standard (DES)
(b) Triple-DES (3DES)
(c) RSA
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
A process whereby a message is encoded in a
format that cannot be read or understood by
an eavesdropper is called:
(a) Steganography
(b) Encryption
(c) Decryption
(d) Multiplexing
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
In which of the following cases, does the
attacker try to determine the key by attempting
all possible keys?
Dictionary attack
Man in middle attack
Brute force attack
Timing attack
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
What is one advantage of setting up a DMZ
(Demilitarized Zone) with two firewalls?
(a) You can control where traffic goes in the
three networks
(b) You can do stateful packet filtering
(c) You can do load balancing
(d) Improve network performance
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 22.04.2018
Which one of the following algorithm is not
used in asymmetric key cryptography?
(a) RSA Algorithm
(b) Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
(c) Electronic Code Book Algorithm
(d) None of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 22.04.2018
Which of the following is a cybercrime
(a) Hacking
(b) Worm attack
(c) Virus attack
(d) All of them
DES and public key algorithm are combined
(i) to
(ii) to ensure higher security by using different
key for each transmission
(iii) as a combination is always better than
individual system
(iv) As it is required in e-commerce
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (a)
6. (b)
7. (a)
8. (a)
9. (c)
10. (b)
11. (b)
12. (a)
13. (c)
14. (d)
15. (b)
16. (a)
17. (a)
18. (d)
19. (a)
20. (c)
21. (a)
22. (d)
23. (a)
24. (b)
25. (a)
26. (c)
27. (d)
28. (a)
29. (d)
30. (c)
31. (b)
32. (c)
33. (b)
34. (b)
35. (b)
36. (b)
37. (a)
38. (c)
39. (c)
40. (a)
41. (d)
42. (a)
43. (d)
44. (a)
45. (a)
46. (a)
47. (c)
48. (d)
49. (d)
50. (d)
51. (d)
52 (b)
53. (d)
54. (a)
55. (c)
56. (b)
57. (d)
58. (a)
59. (b)
60. (d)
61. (c)
62. (d)
63. (a)
64. (a)
65. (b)
66. (d)
67. (b)
68. (b)
69. (a)
70. (b)
71. (c)
72. (a)
73. (b)
74. (b)
75. (d)
76. (c)
77. (b)
78. (b)
79. (b)
80. (b)
81. (c)
82. (d)
83. (c)
84. (a)
85. (c)
86. (d)
87. (c)
88. (c)
89. (c)
90. (b)
91. (a)
92. (c)
93. (b)
94. (c)
95. (c)
96. (c)
97. (d)
98. (a)
Network Security and Malicious Attacks
An Overview of the Database
A database is a collection of related data organised
in a way that data can be easily accessed, managed and
updated. Any piece of information can be a data. For
example- Name of our college, institutions etc or in other
words, database is a place where related piece of
information is stored and various operations are
performed on it.
• The database is a collection of interrelated data
which is used to retrive, insert and delete the data
more efficiently.
• It is used to organize the data in the form of a table,
schema, views and reports etc.
For example– The college database organizes the
data about the admin, staff, students and faculty etc.
History of DBMS–
• Database management system is software that is
used to manage the database.
• DBMS also provides protection and securing to
database and maintains data consistency in case of
multiple users. Examples of DBMS are SQL server,
MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft Access and IBM
DB2 etc.
• The first general purpose DBMS was developed by
Charles Bachman in early 1960's. Edgar Codd
proposed a new data representation technique known
as relational model.
• DBMS allows users the following tasks–
Data Definition– Used for creation, modification
and removal of definition.
Data Updating– Used for insertion, modification
and deletion of actual data.
Data Retrieval– Used to retrieve the data from the
User Administration– Used for registering and
monitoring users, maintain data integrity, enforcing
data security, performance monitoring, concurrency
control and recovering information corrupted by
unexpected failure.
Components of Database System
It can be divided into four components–
Database Management System
User– DB administrator, System developer & End users.
Database Application– Database application such as
Personal, Departmental, Enterprise and Internal.
DBMS– Software such as MySQL, Oracle etc.
Database– Collection of logical data.
Characteristics of DBMS–
• Uses a digital repository established on a server to
store and manage the information.
• Provides a clear and logical view of the process
• It contains automatic backup and recovery procedures.
• Reduce the complex relationship between data.
• Help in support manipulation and processing of data.
Advantages of DBMS–
• Controlling data redundancy
• Elimination of inconsistency
• Better services to the users
• Better flexibility
• Integrity is improved
• Standards can be enforced
• Security can be improved
• Easy to retrieval of data
• Reduce development time and maintenance need
• Segregation of application program
Disadvantages of DBMS
• Data redundancy and inconsistency
• Difficulty in accessing data
• Data Isolation
• Concurrent data anomalies
• Security problems
• Integrity problems
• Automicity problems
• Complexity & costly
• Large in size
DBMS systems can be used extensively in the
following fields–
Transportation, Banking, Sales, Manufacturing,
Education, Human resources etc.
Architecture of DBMS
Database architecture can be seen as a single tier or
multi-tier. But logically, it is of two types, 2 tier
architecture and 3-tier architecture–
Tier Architecture– Here, the database is directly
available to the user and any changes brought will
directly affect the database itself. Generally it is
used for development of logical application.
2. Tier Architecture– It is same as basic client-server
and applications on the client end can directly
communicate with the database at the server side.
And API's, such a as ODBC, JDBC are used for this
• User interfaces and application programs are run on
the client side and server-side is responsible for
providing functions such as query processing and
transaction management.
• And to communicate with the dbms, client side
application builds a connection with the server side.
• RDBMS is a special system software that is used to
manage the organization, storage, access, security and
integrity of data.
• It is a set of applications and features that allow. IT
professionals and others to develop, edit, administer
and interact with relational database.
• The term "relational database" was invented by E.F.
Codd at IBM in 1970. He introduced the term in his
seminal paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large
Shared Data Banks".
• A relational DBMS stores information in a set of
'tables' and each of which has a unique identifier or
'primary key'.
• RDBMS is the organization of data stored in rows &
columns. Tuples are the rows of the records in the
given table and attributes are the columns headers of
the table.
Table– In RDBMS, a table is a collection of data
elements which is organised in terms of rows and
columns. It is also said to be a convenient representation
of relations.
Field– A table consists of many records (row) and
each record can be broken into several small-small
entities which is known as fields. In the below given
table Roll No., Name, Age, Gender represent Fields.
3-Tier Architecture–
• It contains another layer between the client and server
and her client can't directly interact with the server.
• The application on the client-end communicates with
an application server which further communicates
with the database system. This is generally used in
case of large web application.
• The full form of DBA is database administrator who
designs, implements, administers and monitors data
management systems and also ensures design,
consistency, quality and security.
Record (Tuple)– A single entry in a table is called a
record or row. It represents set of related data in a table.
It is also called as tuple.
For example
Column– A column is a vertical entity in a table that
contains all information associated with a specific field
in a particular table.
For example–
Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS)
• A relational database management system (RDBMS)
is a database management system (dbms) that is based
on the relational model which was introduced by E.F.
Codd of IBM's san Jose Research laboratory.
Database Management System
Null Value– A null value is the term used to
represent a missing value and in a table it appears to be
SQL Constraints– Constraints are basically used to
specify rules for the data in a table. It limits the type of
data in a table and ensures the accuracy and reliability of
data in a table.
• If there occurs any violation between constraints and
data action, then the action get aborted. There are
some integrity constraints which is commonly used in
SQL (Structured query language).
Not Null– It ensures column not be Null value.
Unique– It ensures all the values to be different in a
Primary Key– Primary key is a combination of a
NOT NULL and UNIQUE. It identifies each row in a
Foreign Key– It prevents action that ends links
between the tables.
Check– It ensures that the values in a column
satisfies a specific condition.
Default– This sets a default value for a column if no
value is specified.
Create Index– It is used to create and retrieve data
from the database.
Data Integrity– 'Data Integrity' refers to the
accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database or
Following categories of data integrity are there in
each RDBMS.
Entity Integrity– There must not be duplicate rows
in a table.
Domain Integrity– It enforces valid entries for a
given column by restricting the type, format or the range
of values.
Referential Integrity– It ensures that the rows not
to be deleted which are used by other records.
User-Defined Integrity– It enforces some specific
business rules that do not fall into entity, domain or
referential integrity.
Database Normalization– It is a database schema
design technique by which an existing schema is
modified to minimize redundancy and dependency of
• In database normalization the word normalization and
normal form refers to the structure of a database and
normalization increases clarity in organizing data in
• Database normalization was developed by IBM
researcher E. F. Codd in the 1970s.
• Database normalization is obtained by following a set
of rules called 'forms' in creating the database.
ER Diagram– ER is a graphical representation of
the logical structure of the database. In this model realworld problems are represented in a pictorial form to
make understand the stakeholders.
Database Management System
There are some components of an E-R diagram.
Entities– It is a real-world things which can be a
person place or a concept etc. It is shown by a rectangle.
Each entity has one of its attributes as a primary key
which can define it uniquely and such an entity is known
as strong entity. And entities which cannot be defined
uniquely is known as weak entity.
For examples– In school management system there
can be Teachers, students, courses building, department
which are entities.
Strong Entity type is represented by rectangle
symbol while weak entity is represented by double
Note– Entities along with attributes are called entity type
or schema.
Attributes– Properties of an entity or relationship
type is called as attribute. It is represented by an
For example– The entity car may have some
properties such as car-no, price, color etc.
(i) Simple Attributes– It is divided into two parts. An
attributes composed of simple component with an
independent existence.
For example– Designation of an staff & salary.
Composite Attributes– It is divided into many
An attribute composed of multiple component and
each component has its own independent existence.
For example– Name of a student can be divided
further into First_name, Middle_name and
(ii) Single Valued– It is an attribute that holds a single
value for each occurrence of entity type.
Example– Each branch has single valued attributes
is known as branch_no
Multi Valued Attributes– It is an attributes that
holds multiple values for each occurrence of an
entity type. For example– Each staff members has
multiple mobile numbers
Database Design
In dbms, the database design is a collection of
processes that facilitate the designing, development,
implementation and maintenance of data.
• It helps in maintaining and improving data
• The main objective of database design in DBMS are
to produce logical and physical designs models of
the proposed database system.
Database Development Life Cycle–
(iii) Derived Attributes– The value of this attribute are
derived from some other attributes. This is done
mainly because the value for such attribute keeps on
changing and it is shown by dashed oval.
Example– The value of age attribute is derived from
the DOB (date of birth)
Relationships– It is a set of meaningful relationship
among several entities.
To indicate the diamond symbol for relationships •
among the several entities it is read from left to
For example- Branch has a staff
There are three types of relationships that exit
between two entities.
One to One Relationship– In this relationship each
record of one table is related to only one record of
the other table.
For example– If there are two entities 'person' and
'passport' therefore, each person can have only one
passport and each passport belongs to only one
One to Many Relationship– The following
example showcases this relationship that
It has number of development life cycle which are
followed during the development of database
It is not essential to follow the cycle in order and is
very simple. It does not require many steps.
Requirement Analysis
• Planning– Concerned with planning of entire
database life cycle.
• System Definition– Defines the scope and
boundaries of the proposed database system.
Database Designing
Logical Model– Concerned with developing a database
model as per requirement and the entire design is
done on paper rather physical implementation.
• Data Conversion and Loading– Concerned with
importing and converting data from old system into
the new database.
• Testing– It checks the database against the
requirement specifications and identify errors in
newly implemented system.
Manipulating Data
1 student can opt for many courses but a course can •
only have 1 student, this is how it is.
Many to One Relationship– When more than one
instances of an entity is associated with a single
instance of another entity then it is called many to •
one relationship. For example- Many students can
study in a single college but a student cannot study
in many colleges at the same time.
Manipulation of data is the modification of
information to make it easer to read and more
DML (Data Manipulation Language) is used to
manipulate data and it is a programming language
which helps in modifying data such as adding,
removing and altering databases.
Data manipulation is a key feature for business
operations and optimization. Steps involved in Data
Many to Many Relationship–
Followings are the steps in the data manipulation–
1. There must be some possible data to create a
database which is generated from the data sources.
The above diagram represents that one student can 2. Knowledge of restructuring and reorganization is
required which is done with the manipulation of
enroll for more than one courses and a course can
have more than 1 students enrolled in it.
Database Management System
In this step then we need to import a database and
create it to start working with data.
4. Then we can edit, delete, merge or combine our
information with the help of data manipulation.
5. And at the end, analysis of data becomes easy at the
time of manipulating data.
Why to use data manipulation?
• To improve the growth of any business and
• Helps in organising raw data in a structured way
which boosts productivity, trend analysis, cutting
cost and analyzing customer behaviour etc.
• DML-Data Manipulation Language in SQL
With the help of DML command we can easily
access, store, modify, update and delete the existing
records from the database.
Followings are the DML commands in SQL
(i) SELECT Command– This command shows the
records of the specified table and it also shows the
particular record of a particular column by using the
clause WHERE.
To retrieve the data from all the columns of the
table, following SELECT commands is usedSELECT * FROM table_Name;
INSERT Command– It allows users to insert data in
database tables.
Syntax– INSERT INTO table_name (Col_name1,
Col_name2, .....Col_NameN)
VALUES(Val_1, Val_2, Val_3 ...... Val_N)
UPDATE Command– It allows users to update or
modify the existing data in database tables.
Syntax– UPDATE table_name SET [Col_name1 =
Value_1 .... Col_name N = Value_N] WHERE
DELETE Command– It allows user to remove single or
multiple existing records from the database tables.
DELETE FROM table_Name WHERE conditions
NoSql database
NoSQL Database is nothing but mongoDB. It is
used to refer to a non-SQL or non relational
database.Database doesn't use tables for storing
data. It is generally used to store big data and realtime web applications.
Followings are the advantages of NoSQL database• supports query language.
• provides fast performance.
• provides horizontal scalability
• flexible schemas
Database Management System
• ease of use for developers
• lightning fast queries
Types of NoSQL Databases
Document Databases: it stores data in documents
similar to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects.
Each document contains pairs of fields and values. The
values can typically be a variety of types including things
like strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or objects.
Graph Databases: it stores data in nodes and
edges. Nodes typically store information about people,
places, and things, while edges store information about
the relationships between the nodes.
Wide-column: it stores data in tables, rows, and
dynamic columns.
Key-value Databases: These are a simpler type of
database where each item contains keys and values.
Various Factors to Use NoSQL:● Fast-paced agile development
● Storage of structured and semi-structured data
● Huge volumes of data
● Requirements for scale-out architecture
● Modern application paradigms like microservices
and real-time streaming
Datatypes in MongoDB
String- It is used to store data and it must be UTF 8
valid in mongodb.
Integer- it stores numeric value and It can be 32 bit
or 64 bit depending on the server.
Double- it stores floating point values.
Arrays- it is used to store a list or multiple values
into a single key.
Object- it is used to store a list or multiple values
into a single key.
Null- It is used to store null values.
Date-It stores the current date or time in unix time
MongoDB Compass• It is based on GUI therefore ,it is also called as
mongoDB GUI.
• It allows users to analyze the content of their stored
data without any prior knowledge of MongoDB
query syntax. It is an open source.
Components of the BI System
MongoDB Database: it is used to store data.
BI Connector: It translates the SQLqueries and provides
a relational schema between BI tool and MongoDB.
ODBC Data Source Name (DSN): It holds the
connection and authorization configuration data.
BI Tool: This tool is used for visualization and analysis
of data.
Java MongoDB ConnectivityIt includes the following steps to connect with the
mongoDB database.
1. Create a Maven Project
2. Add dependency to POM file
3. Create Java File
4. Build Dependency to load JAR
5. Enter into Mongo Shell
Php MongoDB Connectivity• Php provides a mongodb driver to connect with the
mongoDB database.
• It performs database operations by using PHP.
It includes the following steps to connect with the
mongoDB database.
1. Installing Driver
2. Edit php.ini File
3. Install mongo-php library
4. Create Php Script
5. Execute Php Script
6. Enter into Mongo Shell
Python MongoDB Connectivity
pymongo driver is installed to create connection between
Python programming language and MongoDB database.
It includes the following steps:
1. Install Driver
2. Create Python File
3. Execute Python Script
4. Enter into Mongo Shell
5. Check Databases
6. Check Collection
7. Access records
MongoDB Query and Projection Operator
It includes comparison, logical, element, evaluation,
larray, bitwise, and comment operators.
MongoDB Comparison Operators
$eq- refers to equality condition
Syntax- { <field> : { $eq: <value> } }
$gt- it selects a document where the value of the field is
greater than the specified value.
Syntax- { field: { $gt: value } }
$gte- It selects the documents where the field value is
greater than or equal to a specified value.
Syntax{ field: { $gte: value } }
$in- Choose the documents where the value of a field
equals any value in the specified array.
Syntax{ filed: { $in: [ <value1>, <value2>, ……] } }
$lt- The $lt operator opt for the documents where the
value of the field is less than the specified value.
Syntax{ field: { $lt: value } }
$lte- It chooses the documents where the field value is
less than or equal to a specified value.
Syntax{ field: { $lte: value } }
Database Management System
MongoDB Logical Operator
$and- It works as a logical AND operation on an array.
The array should be of one or more expressions and
chooses the documents that satisfy all the expressions in
the array.
Syntax{ $and: [ { <exp1> }, { <exp2> }, ....]}
$not- The $not operator works as a logical NOT on the
specified expression and chooses the documents that are
not related to the expression.
Syntax{ field: { $not: { <operator-expression> } } }
$or- It works as a logical OR operation on an array of
two or more expressions and chooses documents that
meet the expectation at least one of the expressions.
Syntax{ $or: [ { <exp_1> }, { <exp_2> }, ... , { <exp_n> } ] }
$type- The type operator chooses documents where the
value of the field is an instance of the specified BSON
Syntax{ field: { $type: <BSON type> } }
$jsonSchema- It matches the documents that satisfy the
specified JSON Schema.
Syntax{ $jsonSchema: <JSON schema object> }
limit() Method in mongoDB–
limit() method is used to limit the fields of document.
skip() method in mongoDB–
It is used to skip the documents and . It is used with
find() and limit() methods.
sort() method– sort() method is used to sort the
documents in the collection.
MongoDB Create Database– mongoDB doesn't have a
create database command.In SQL we used to create a
table and insert value manually but in mongoDB it
creates automatically.
Drop Database– This command is used to drop a
database. It also deletes the associated data files and it
operates on the current database.
7.0 SQL
• SQL is a short-form of the structured query language.
• SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating
and retrieving data in databases.
History of SQL:• A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data
Banks" was a paper which was published by the great
computer scientist "E.F. Codd" in 1970.
• The IBM researchers Raymond Boyce and Donald
Chamberlin developed the SEQUEL (Structured
English Query Language) after learning from the
paper given by E.F. Codd. They both developed the
SQL at the San Jose Research laboratory of IBM
Corporation in 1970.
• SQL became a standard of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
in 1987
SQL SELECT Statement– It is used to select data from
a database.
SyntaxSELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name;
SELECT DISTINCT statement- It is used to return
only distinct values. Inside a table, a column often
contains many duplicate values; and sometimes we only
want to list the distinct values.
SyntaxSELECT DISTINCT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name;
WHERE Clause• It is used to filter records and It is used to extract only
those records that fulfill a specified condition.
• The WHERE clause is not only used in SELECT
statements, it is also used in UPDATE, DELETE, etc
SyntaxSELECT col1, col2,...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
SELECT UNIQUE• There is no difference between DISTINCT and
• SELECT UNIQUE statement is used to retrieve a
unique or distinct element from the table.
SyntaxSELECT UNIQUE column_name
FROM table_name;
SELECT SUM- t is also known as SQL SUM()
function. And It is used in a SQL query to return the
summed value of an expression.
SyntaxSELECT SUM (exp)
FROM tables
WHERE conditions;
NULL Value- A field with a NULL value is a field with
no value. And It is not possible to test for NULL values
with comparison operators, such as =, <, or <>.
Therefore,we will have to use the IS NULL and IS NOT
NULL operators instead.
Database Management System
SELECT column_names
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NULL;
SELECT col_names
FROM table_name
AND, OR and NOT Operators–
• The WHERE clause can be combined with AND, OR,
and NOT operators while the AND and OR operators
are used to filter records based on more than one
• The AND operator shows a record if all the conditions
separated by AND are TRUE.
• The OR operator shows a record if any of the
conditions separated by OR is TRUE.
• The NOT operator shows a record if the condition(s)
SELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3
SELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 OR condition2 OR condition3 ...;
Syntax- NOT
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE NOT condition;
ORDER BY Keyword
• It is used to sort the result-set in ascending or
descending order.
• It sorts the records in ascending order by default. To
sort the records in descending order, use the DESC
SELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1, column2, ... ASC|DESC;
INSERT INTO Statement- It is used to insert new
records in a table.
SyntaxINSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2, col3, ...)
VALUES (val1, val2, val3, ...);
UPDATE Statement• The UPDATE statement is used to modify the existing
records in a table.
• The WHERE clause specifies which record(s) that
should be updated. If we omit the WHERE clause, all
records in the table will be updated.
SyntaxUPDATE table_name
SET col1 = val1, col2 = val2, ...
WHERE condition;
DELETE Statement–
• The DELETE statement is used to delete existing
records in a table.
• The WHERE clause specifies which record(s) should
be deleted. If we omit the WHERE clause, all records
in the table will be deleted.
SyntaxDELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
MIN() function–It returns the smallest value of the
selected column.
SyntaxSELECT MIN(col_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
MAX() Function–It returns the largest value of the
selected column.
SyntaxSELECT MAX(col_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
LIKE Operator–
The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search
for a specified pattern in a column.
SyntaxSELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;
COUNT() Function– It returns the number of rows that
matches a specified criterion.
SyntaxSELECT COUNT(col_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
AVG() Function– The AVG() function returns the
average value of a numeric column.
SyntaxSELECT AVG(col_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
JOIN- It is clause that is used to combine rows ofrom
two or more tables, based on a related column between
There are different types of the JOINs in SQL:Database Management System
• INNER JOIN: it returns records that have matching
values in both tables
• LEFT OUTER JOIN: it returns all records from the
left table, and the matched records from the right table
• RIGHT OUTER JOIN: it returns all records from
the right table, and the matched records from the left
• FULL OUTER JOIN: it returns all records when
there is a match in either left or right table
Cartesian Join or Cross Join–
If cross join is used to combine two different tables, then
we will get the Cartesian product of the sets of rows from
the joined table and when each row of the first table is
combined with each row from the second table, then it is
known as Cartesian join or cross join.
Self Join– It is a regular join, but the table is joined with
SyntaxSELECT col_name(s)
FROM table1 T1, table1 T2
WHERE condition;
• EQUI JOIN performs a JOIN against equality or
matching column(s) values of the associated tables.
An equal sign (=) is used as comparison operator in
the where clause to refer equality.
• We can also perform EQUI JOIN by using JOIN
keyword followed by ON keyword and then
specifying names of the columns along with their
associated tables to check equality.
SyntaxSELECT col_list
FROM t1, t2....
WHERE t1.col_name =
FROM table1
JOIN table2
[ON (join_condition)]
Natural Join– NATURAL JOIN is a type of EQUI
JOIN and is structured in such a way that, columns with
the same name of associated tables will appear once
SyntaxSELECT *
FROM table1
CREATE DATABASE Statement– It is statement
used to create a new SQL database.
SyntaxCREATE DATABASE database_name;
DROP DATABASE- It is statement used to drop an
existing SQL database.
SyntaxDROP DATABASE database_name;
BACKUP– It is used in SQL Server to create a full back
up of an existing SQL database.
SyntaxBACKUP DATABASE database_name
TO DISK = 'filepath';
statement is used to create a new table in a database.
SyntaxCREATE TABLE table_name (
col1 datatype,
col2 datatype,
col3 datatype,
DROP TABLE- It is used to drop an existing table in a
SyntaxDROP TABLE table_name;
ALTER TABLE Statement–
• It is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an
existing table.
• It is also used to add and drop various constraints on
an existing table.
SyntaxALTER TABLE table_name
ADD col_name datatype;
delete a column in a table.
SyntaxALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN col_name;
used to change the data type of a column in a table.
SyntaxALTER TABLE table_name
ALTER COLUMN col_name datatype;
Constraints– It is specified when the table is created
with the CREATE TABLE statement, or after the table is
created with the ALTER TABLE statement.
SyntaxCREATE TABLE table_name (
col1 datatype constraint,
col2 datatype constraint,
col3 datatype constraint,
NOT NULL Constraint– The NOT NULL constraint
enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.By
default, a column can hold NULL values.
Database Management System
uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary keys
must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL
values. A table can have only ONE primary key; and in
the table, this primary key can consist of single or
multiple columns (fields).
FOREIGN KEY Constraint–
• The FOREIGN KEY constraint is used to prevent
actions that would destroy links between tables.
• A FOREIGN KEY is a field in one table, that refers
to the PRIMARY KEY in another table.
• The table with the foreign key is called the child table,
and the table with the primary key is called the
referenced or parent table.
CREATE INDEX Statement– It is used to create
indexes in tables. Indexes are used to retrieve data from
the database more quickly than otherwise.
SyntaxCREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name (col1, col2, ...);
Dense Index– The dense index contains an index record
for every search key value in the data file. It makes
searching faster.In a dense index, the number of records
in the index table is same as the number of records in the
main table. It requires more space to store index record
itself. The index records have the search key and a
pointer to the actual record on the disk.
CREATE VIEW Statement–
A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an
SQL statement. It contains rows and columns, just like a
real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or
more real tables in the database.
SyntaxCREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
Updating a View– A view can be updated with the
SELECT col1, col2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
Dropping a View– A view can be deleted with the
DROP VIEW statement.
SyntaxDROP VIEW view_name;
Facts Table– The fact table is a primary table in the
dimensional model. It also contains measurement, metric
and quantitative information.
Transaction Fact Table– The transaction fact table is a
basic approach to operate the businesses. These fact
tables represent an event that occurs at the primary point.
A line exists in the fact table for the customer or product
when the transaction takes place. Fact tables are
completely normalized.
Triggers in SQL– A trigger is a set of SQL statements
that reside in system memory with unique names. It is a
specialized category of stored procedure that is called
automatically when a database server event occurs. Each
trigger is always associated with a table.
SyntaxCREATE TRIGGER schema.trigger_name
ON table_name
Benefits of Triggers– Generating some derived column
values automatically
• Enforcing referential integrity
• Synchronous replication of tables
• Imposing security authorizations
• Preventing invalid transactions
TRUNCATE– It removes all the values from the table
permanently. This command cannot delete the particular
record because it is not used with the WHERE clause.
SyntaxTRUNCATE TABLE Table_Name;
EXCEPT– The EXCEPT clause in SQL is widely used
to filter records from more than one table.
it retrieves all rows from the first SELECT query while
deleting redundant rows from the second.
SyntaxSELECT col_lists from table_name1
SELECT col_lists from table_name2;
of a diagram which is known as entity relationship
• An E-R model is a design or blue print of a database
that can later be implemented as a database.
• A data model is a collection of conceptual tools for
describing data, data relationship, data semantics and
consistency constraints.
• Data flow is described by means of DFDs as studied
earlier and represented in algebraic form.
• The difference (–) operation removes common tuples
from the first relation that is known as commutative
and associative operation.
• Relational algebra is a procedural language which
takes instances of relations as input and yields
instances of relations as output.
• A recursive relationship is a relationship between an
entity and itself.
• Cardinality in an ER diagram is a relationship between
two entity sets.
• In a dataflow diagram, a circle/bubble represents
• Key constraints states that the value of foreign key
must be unique for each records.
• In dbms, there are three levels of abstractions logical
physical and view level.
• Related fields in a database are grouped to form a data
• If attribute of relation schema R is member of some
candidate key then this type of attributes are classified
• LIKE operator is used to perform the pattern
as prime attribute.
• 'AS' clause is used in SQL for rename operation.
Important Facts
• In RDBMS, different classes of relationship are • A table joined with itself is called as self join.
created using normal forms technique to prevent • In functional dependency between two sets of
modification anomalies and 3NF normal from is
attributes A and B then set of attributes A of database
considered enough for database design.
is classified as left hand side.
• Second Normal form (2NF) disallows partial
• If there is more than one key for relation schema in
functional dependency.
dbms then each key in relation schema classified as
• Fifth normal form (5 NF) is also called as project join
candidate key. The primary key is selected from the
normal form.
candidate key.
• If a relation is in 2NF and 3NF forms, then prime
• Normalization form which is based on transitive
attribute is functionally independent of all non-prime
dependency is classified as third normal form. The
process of analyzing relation schemas to achieve
• In a relational database table a row is called as tuple.
minimal redundancy and insertion or update
• Tables, records and complex logical relationships are
anomalies is classified as normalization of data. SQL
characteristic of relational DBMS.
is developed to support relational database and it
• E-R model is not record based data model and it
provides controlling access to database, facility for
describes the structure of a database with the help of
integrity constraints and query on database files.
Database Management System
• Transaction in a database should be atomic, durable
and consistent.
from the operational environment to the data
• The full form of DDL in SQL is data definition • In second normal form partial dependency get
language. DML commands of SQL allows deletion of
tuples from tables. Create table, Alter and Drop are a • Centralized database is best for security and
DDL command of SQL.
• Natural join operator of relational algebra joins two • A virtual relation composed of columns form one or
tables at a time.
more related relations is called a view. A view of a
• The goal of normalization is to eliminate insertion
anomaly deletion anomaly and update anomaly.
database that appears to an application program is
known as subschema.
• In ACID properties of transaction 'A' stands for • Armstrong's inference rule does not determine mutual
atomicity, 'C' stands for consistency, 'I' stands for
isolation and 'D' stands for durability. These are the • Project operation is used to extract specified columns
four properties in ACID that maintain the integrity of
from a table.
• In case the indices values are larger, index is created
• ER diagram can be transformed to tables.
for these values of the index and this is called
• A database file must ensure data consistency and data
multilevel index.
integrity both.
• Designers use de-normalization to tune the
• If a relation contains atomic values of the attributes,
performance of systems to support time-critical
then the relation.
• A relational database is a set of tuples and a database
• Domain constraints, functional dependency and
always requires secondary storage device.
referential integrity are special forms of assertion.
• A weak entity set is a entity set whose existence
• Mapping ordinations.
depends on another strong entity set.
• Domain constraints, functional dependency and
• Under keyword is used in SQL to achieve inheritance.
referential integrity are special forms of assertion.
• A functional dependency is a relationship between
• Mapping cardinality express the number of entities to
which another entity can be associated via a
• Outer join operator is used to retain the unmatched
relationship set.
rows of relations when they joined.
• Data model view of reports editor depicts the
• Entity types that do have key attributes of their own
structural representation of the data used in report
are called weak entity types.
• Address is an example of a composite attribute.
• Query acts as a data source for the reports definition.
• Logical design describes an abstract or conceptual
• Entity integrity constraint states that no primary key
design of the database.
value can be null.
• ADO is a simple object model that is easier to
• A super key for an entity consist of one or more
understand and use than OLE DB and is frequently
used for database applications.
• Data dictionary contains name, width and data type • A primary key for an entity is a unique attributes.
• Horizontal fragmentation is based on SELECT
operation in relational algebra.
• For a relation the number of tuples is called
• Min-Max normalization is a data transformation
• SQL provides special aggregate functions such as
• A relation in a relational database can have only one
count() min() and sum() etc.
primary key.
• The content of the data dictionary is metadata and it
contains at least the structure of the data, the • BIRCH is balanced item set reducing and clustering
using hierarchies.
algorithms used for summarization and the mapping
Database Management System
• The phenomenon in which a single transaction failure •
leads to a series of transaction rollbacks is called
cascading rollback.
• The database must not contain any unmatched foreign
key values and this property is called as referential •
The load and index is a process to load the data in the
data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes.
Alter table is used to include integrity constraints in an
existing relation.
OLAP stands for online analytical processing. The
data is stored, retrieved and updated in OLTP (online
transactional processing).
• User's view in a database is also called as external
• Visualisation is the technique used for discovering
• Update, insertion and deletion are database anomaly.
patterns in database at the beginning of data mining
• Secondary index is also known as dense index.
• Double lines, double rectangles and dashed ellipses • SELECT is not a DDL statement. Weak entities are
double rectangles which is a correct notation in ER
are valid component of a E-R diagram.
• Set difference, rename and cartesian product are
• Domain is the RDBMS terminology for a set of legal
values that an attribute can have.
• Referential integrity constraint can be enforced by
designing foreign key with respect to primary key of • An entity s a distinct real world item in an application.
fundamental operation in the relational algebra.
• The change made by one transaction are not visible to
others till the commit point, this property is called
• A database can be inconsistent due to redundancy.
• Conceptual design of the database is done with the
• NULL, Check and unique is an integrity constraints.
help of data models.
another table.
• Primary means of searching the records from database • Database schema, which is the logical design of the
database and the database instance which is a snapshot
is called as primary key. Subschema can be created
of the data in the database at a given instant in time.
using create view.
of metadata information is done by
• SQL is a non-procedural query language. And in
logical file system and a locked file can be accessed
dbms, data about data is stored in data dictionary.
only one user.
• A culstering index is defined on the fields which are
• Data mining refers to analyzing large databases to find
useful patterns.
• Trigger is statement that is executed automatically by
the system as a side effect of a modification to the • Conn's rule of high-level update rule states that the
RDBMS support insertion, updation and deletion at a
table level.
• 'Second normal form' is based on the concept of 'Full
• Minimal super key is candidate key.
functional dependency'.
of type non-key and ordering.
• The purpose of 'foreign key' in a table is to ensure null • Authorization is the process by which the user's
privileges are ascertained in database.
and domain integrity.
• If several concurrent transactions are executed over • The values of the attribute should be present in the
domain and a domain is a set of values permitted.
the same data set and the second transaction updates
the database before the first transaction is finished, the • Table in second normal form (2NF) eliminates all
hidden dependency domain constraints, functional
isolation property is violated and the database is no
dependency and referential integrity are special terms
longer consistent.
of assertion.
• Referential integrity constraints is a special type of
integrity constraint that relates two relations & • Selection operations are commutative and natural join
operations are associative.
maintains consistency across the relations.
• The DROP TABLE statement deletes the table • Distinct is the keyword used to eliminate duplicate
rows from the query result.
structure along with the table data.
• Business metadata contains information that gives • The overall logical structure of a database can be
expressed graphically by entity relationship model.
users an easy to understand perspective of the
information stored in the data warehouse.
Database Management System
• The relation schema describes set of field.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
What is DBMS?
(a) any organised piece of information
(b) database
(c) meta data
(d) non-organised data.
DBMS is a type of(a) program
(b) software
(c) spyware
(d) malware
Which is not a fundamental operation in the
relational algebra ?
(a) natural join
(b) cartesian product
(c) set difference
(d) rename
Which of the following is not an example of
(a) SQL server
(b) MySQL
(c) Microsoft outlook
(d) Microsoft Access
UPPCL ARO Official paper I 18/02/2018 Shift-I
What type of database can not be stored in a
database software?
(a) Any form of image, text, audio or video files
(b) Any inaccessible data
(c) Any organised and updated data
(d) Any releted piece of information.
In which of the following forms data can be
stored in the database management system?
(a) Image
(b) Graph
(c) Audio
(d) Table
A data can be stored in the format of(a) Table
(b) Schema
(c) Views and reports (d) All of the above
Which one of the following is a disadvantage of
database management system?
(a) Data redundancy
(b) Elimination of inconsistency
(c) Flexibility
(d) Security improvement
Which of the following is an advantage of
database management system?
(a) Reduce development time
(b) Complexity
(c) Costly
(d) large is size
What does the mean of user administration in
(a) Registering users
(b) Performance monitoring
(c) Maintaining data integrity
(d) All of the above
Database Management System
Who developed the first general purpose
(a) Charles Bachman
(b) Edgar codd
(c) Francis Bacon
(d) William Drebbel
Duplication of data is known as(a) Redundancy
(b) Consistency
(c) Data security
(d) Data integrity
Which of the following is true about database
being an organised collection of?
(a) Data
(b) Attributes
(c) Records
(d) Views
Which of the following is correct full form of
(a) Relational database management system
(b) Relative database management system
(c) Rotational database manageable service
(d) Regional database management system
The term "relational database" was invented
(a) E.F. Codd
(b) Charles Bachman
(c) Steve Woznaik
(d) Ronald Wayne
A relational DBMS stores information in a set
of(a) Table
(b) Key
(c) Row
(d) Horizontal
Which of the following is used to refer for a
(a) Attribute
(b) Tuple
(c) Field
(d) Column
What does attribute mean in a particular
(a) Record
(b) Column
(c) Key
(d) Tuple
An absent value in a particular field
represents(a) Empty value
(b) Absent value
(c) Null value
(d) New value
Which of the following is not an integrity
(d) NULL
Which one of the following does prevent action
that ends links between the tables?
(a) foreign Key
(b) primary Key
(c) check constraint
(d) default
'Data integrity' refers to
(a) accuracy and consistency
(b) prevents users from the changing the data
(c) ensures duplicate records
(d) allow access to data
Primary Key is a combination of(a) NOT NULL & UNIQUE
Which of the following does ensure all the
values to be different in a column?
What is the function of constraints?
(a) Ensuring accuracy and reliability
(b) Ensuring deletion of data
(c) Ensuring creation of data
(d) None of the able
A single entry in a table is called(a) column
(b) null value
(c) attributes
(d) row or record
Database normalization was developed by(a) Charles Bachman
(b) Franeic Bacon
(c) E.F. codd
(d) William Drebbel
Which of the following does enforce valid
entries for a given column?
(a) Entity integrity
(b) user-defined integrity
(c) Domain integrity
(d) Referential integrity
A constraints which ensures, a value in a
column to be satisfied a specific conditions(a) DEAAULT
How many types of database architecture are,
there logically?
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 5
Which of the following enforces valid entry for
a given column by restricting the type, format
or the range of values.
(a) Referential integrity
(b) Data integrity
(c) Domain integrity
(d) Entity integrity
Which is not a valid join in SQL ?
(a) left outer join
(b) partial outer join
(c) full outer join (d) natural full outer join
An attributes composed of simple components
with an independent existence is called(a) Composite attributes (b) Simple attributes
(c) Derived attributes
(d) Single attributes
In which relationship each record of one table
is related to only one record of the other table?
(a) One to many
(b) One to one
(c) Many to one
(d) Many to many
Database Management System
Which of the following model is concerned with
developing a database model as per
requirement and the entire design is completed
on paper rather physical implementation?
(a) Physical model
(b) Logical model
(c) Schematic model
(d) Sigma model
With reference to data manipulation which of
the following statement is correct?
1. To improve the growth of any business and
2. It helps in organising raw data in a
structured way
3. It doesn't help in organising raw data
4. DML is used to manipulate data and it helps
in modifying data.
(a) 1 ,2 & 3
(b) 2 & 4
(c) 1 & 3
(d) 1,2 & 4
Which command does allow users to insert
data in database tables?
(a) Update
(b) Insert
(c) Put data
(d) Delete
Which command does allow a user to remove
single or multiple existing records from
database tables?
(a) Delete
(b) Remove
(c) Destroy
(d) Select & delete
Which of the following is not part of database
development life cycle?
(a) Requirement analysis
(b) Database designing
(c) Implementation
(d) Structured data
Which of the following is used to specify rules
for the data in a table?
(a) Column
(b) Record
(c) Protocol
(d) Constraints
Which of the following is not advantages of
(a) Supports query language
(b) Provides horizontal scalability
(c) Flexible schemas
(d) Ease of use for non-developers
Which of the following is type of NoSQL
(a) Document database (b) Graph database
(c) Key value database (d) All of the above
Which of the following databases store data in
nodes and edges?
(a) Graph
(b) Document
(c) Wide-column
(d) Key-value
In NoSQL, which method is used to sort the
documents in the collection?
(a) Select()
(b) Sort()
(c) Opt()
(d) Skip()
Which of the following command is used to
delete the associated data files and it operates
on the correct database?
(a) Truncate
(b) Drop
(c) Delete
(d) Remove
Which of the following is standard language for
storing, manipulating and retrieving data in
(a) C++
(b) Java
(c) SQL
(d) ADA
"A relational model of data for large shared
data banks" was a paper which was published
by the great computer scientist "E.F. Codd" in(a) 1970
(b) 1972
(c) 1975
(d) 1977
In which laboratory of IBM SQL was
(a) Son Josh research
(b) San Jose research
(c) Brainly research
(d) ANSI
In which year did SQL become a standard of
ANSI and of the ISO ?
(a) 1986&1987
(b) 1988&1999
(c) 2001& 2004
(d) 1986& 1988
Which clause in SQL is used to filter records
and extract only those records that full fil a
specified condition?
(d) NULL
The keywords in SQL which is used to sort the
result-set in ascending or descending order?
(a) Select by
(b) Order by
(c) Order to
(d) Order for
Which of the following statement in SQL is
used to modify the existing records in a table?
(d) RE NEW
Which of the following function in SQL is used
to return the smallest value of the selected
(a) MAX()
(b) MIN()
(c) COUNT()
(d) AVG()
Which of the following function in SQL is used
to return the largest value of the selected
(a) MIN()
(b) MAX()
(c) LARGEST ()
The function in SQL that is used to return the
number of rows that matches a specified
criterion is .
(a) RETURN ()
(b) COUNT()
(c) MAX()
(d) MIN()
Cartesian join is also known as
(a) Self join
(b) Inner join
(c) Cross join
(d) Triplate join
Database Management System
Which of the following is used to perform a
JOIN against equality or matching column(s)
values of the associated table?
(a) Full outer join
(b) Equi join
(c) Self join
(d) Product join
Natural Join is a type of
(a) Equi join
(b) Self join
(c) Inner join
(d) Select join
Which of the following in SQL server is used
to create a full back up of an existing SQL
(c) DROP
Which of the following is a set of SQL statements
that reside in system memory with unique
(a) Triggers
(b) Foreign key
(c) Primary key
(d) Constraints
Which operator perform the pattern
(a) As operator
(b) LIKE Operator
(c) SELECT Operator (d) None of above
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic
of relational DBMS?
(a) tables
(b) tree-like structures
(c) complex logical relationships
(d) records
RPSC Lect. 2011
Which normal form is considered adequate for
database design?
(a) 3NF
(b) 2NF
(c) 1NF
(d) 4NF
RPSC Lect. 2011
In RDBMS, different classes of relations are
created using ______ technique to prevent
modification anomalies.
(a) functional dependencies
(b) data integrity
(c) referential intergrity
(d) normal forms
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Which of the following is not is recordbased
data model?
(a) Relational model
(b) Hierarchical model
(c) E-R model
(d) Network model
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
A data model is a collection of conceptual tools
for describing
(a) data and data relationship
(b) data semantics and consistency constraints
(c) data, data relationship, data semantics and
consistency constraints
(d) None of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
The difference (-) operation removes common
tuples from the first relation. This operation is
(a) commutative and associative
(b) non-commutative and associative
(c) commutative and non-associative
(d) non-commutative and non-associative
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Fifth normal form is also called :(a) Protect-join normal form
(b) Process-join normal form
(c) Project-join normal form
(d) None of these
Second normal form disallows
(a) Full functional dependency
(b) Partial functional dependency
(c) Transitive functional dependency
(d) Non- trivial Multivalued dependency
If a relation is in 2NF and 3NF forms, then
(a) no non-prime attribute is functionally
dependent on other non-prime attributes
(b) no non-prime attribute is functionally
dependent on the prime attributes
(c) all attributes are functionally independent
(d) prime attribute is functionally independent of
all non-prime attributes
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Which normal form is considered adequate for
relational database design?
(a) 2 NF
(b) 3 NF
(c) 4 NF
(d) BCNF
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
A table on the many side of a one to many or
many to many relationship must:
(a) Be in Second Normal Form (2NF)
(b) Be in Third Normal Form (3NF)
(c) Have a single attribute key
(d) Have a composite key
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Which of the following is a procedural
(a) tuple relational calculus
(b) domain relational calculus
(c) relational algebra
(d) None of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Database Management System
A recursive relationship is a relationship
between an entity and...............
(a) itself
(b) a subtype entity
(c) an archetype entity (d) an instance entity
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
Key constraint states that:
(a) the value of primary key can not be Null
(b) the value of foreign key can not be Null
(c) the value of primary key must be unique for
each records
(d) the value of foreign key must be unique for
each records
(e) the value of foreign key can be Null
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
Weight is a in the above ER diagram :
(a) entity
(b) relation
(c) context
(d) attribute
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
In a data flow diagram, a circle/bubble
(a) Data flow
(b) External entity
(c) Data store
(d) Process
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
What is cardinality in an ER diagram ?
(a) Relationship between two data stores.
(b) Relationship between two entity sets.
(c) Relationship between two attributes.
(d) Relationship between two processes.
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
A table joined with itself is called
(a) Join
(b) Self Join
(c) Outer Join
(d) Equi Join
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
Consider the join of a relation R with relation S
If R has m tuples and S has n tuples, then the
maximum size of join is
(a) mn
(b) m+n
(c) (m+n)/2
(d) 2(m+n)
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for
(a) Selection operation (b) Rename operation
(c) Join operation
(d) projection operation
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
Related fields in a database are grouped to
form a
(a) data file
(b) data record
(c) menu
(d) bank
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (IT)
If attribute of relation schema R is member of
some candidate key then this type of attributes
are classified as:
(a) atomic attribute
(b) candidate attribute
(c) nonprime attribute (d) prime attribute
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
In functional dependency between two sets of
attributes A and B then set of attributes A of
database is classified as:
(a) top right side
(b) down left side
(c) left hand side
(d) right hand side
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
The primary key is selected from the:
(a) Composite keys.
(b) Determinants
(c) Candidate keys.
(d) Foreign keys.
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
Normalization form which is based on
transitive dependency is classified as:
(a) first normal form
(b) second normal form
(c) fourth normal form (d) third normal form
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
If there is more than one key for relation
schema in DBMS then each key in relation
schema is classified as:
(a) prime key
(b) super key
(c) candidate key
(d) primary key
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Process of analyzing relation schemas to
achieve minimal redundancy and insertion or
update anomalies is classified as:
(a) normalization of data
(b) denomination of data
(c) isolation of data
(d) de-normalization of data
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
SQL is developed to support
(a) Hierarchical database
(b) Relational database
(c) Network database
(d) A simple data file
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
SQL provides
(a) Controlling access to database
(b) Providing facility for integrity constraints
(c) Query on database files
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Which of the following is not a DDL command
of SQL?
(a) Create table
(b) Alter
(c) Drop
(d) Insert
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Database Management System
DML commands of SQL allows
(a) Deletion of tuples from table(s)
(b) Definition of table(s)
(c) Creation of views
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
93. Transaction in a database should be
(a) Atomic
(b) Durable
(c) Consistent
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
94. Natural join operator of relational Algebra,
joins _____ tables at a time
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Two
(d) Five
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
95. Which of the following is not a Set operator in
(a) Like
(b) Union
(c) Intersection
(d) Minus
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
96. A relation is in 4NF if it is in 3NF and contains
(a) No multi-valued dependency
(b) No non prime attribute is transitively
dependent on the key
(c) Non lossy decomposition
(d) Every non key attributes is fully dependent on
the primary key
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
97. Full form of DDL in SQL is
(a) Data directed language
(b) Data definition language
(c) Data density language
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
98. A database can be inconsistent due to
(a) Atomicity
(b) Redundancy
(c) Efficiency
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
99. In order to have multi-valued dependency on
the table, it must have
(a) Only one attribute
(b) NULL or one attribute
(c) Two or more attributes
(d) Less than two attributes
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
100. The goal of normalization is to eliminate
(a) Insertion anamoly
(b) Deletion anamoly
(c) Update anamoly
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
101. “NOT NULL” keyword in SQL is used
(a) As constraint
(b) When value is unknown
(c) When value is missed during insertion
(d) All options are correct
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
102. A relation contains atomic values of the
attributes, then relation is said to be in
(a) 1 NF
(b) 2NF
(c) 3NF
(d) 4NF
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
103. In ACID properties of transactions processing,
‘C’ stands for
(a) Consistency
(b) Cordinality
(c) Conefirmity
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
104. A database file must ensure following
(a) Data consistency
(b) Data integrity
(c) Both (Data consistency) and (Data integrity)
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
105. A relational database is a
(a) Set of tuples
(b) Set of nodes in tree form
(c) Set of nodes in hierarchical form
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
106. In DBMS, Network model is based on
(a) Linked list
(b) Graph
(c) Tree
(d) Queue
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
107. A database always requires
(a) Secondary storage device
(b) Only primary storage device
(c) DMA controller
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
108. E-R diagram can be transformed to
(a) Objects and classes (b) Tables
(c) Arrays
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
109. A weak entity set is a
(a) Entity set whose existence depends on
another weak entity set
(b) Entity set whose existence depends on
another strong entity set
(c) Entity set whose existence dependency does
not matter
(d) None of these
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
Database Management System
110. Conceptual design of the data base is done with
the help of
(a) Data marts
(b) Data models
(c) DFD
(d) Flowchart
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
111. Primary means of searching the records from
database is called as
(a) Candidate Key
(b) Primary Key
(c) Foreign key
(d) alternate Key
MPPSC State Forest Service Examination 2014
112. Trigger is
(a) Statement that enables to start any DBMS
(b) Statement that is executed by the user when
debugging an application program
(c) the condition that the system tests for the
validity of the database user
(d) Statement that is executed automatically by
the system as a side effect of a modification
to the database
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
113. Which 'Normal Form' is based on the concept
of 'full functional dependency' is
(a) First Normal Form
(b) Second Normal Form
(c) Third Normal Form
(d) Fourth Normal Form
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
114. Purpose of 'Foreign Key' in a table is to ensure
(a) Null integrity
(b) Referential integrity
(c) Domain integrity
(d) Null & Domain integrity
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
115. If several concurrent transactions are executed
over the same data set and the second transaction
updates the database before the first transaction
is finished, the____ property is violated and the
database is no longer consistent.
(a) Atomicity
(b) consistency
(c) isolation
(d) Durability
116. Which of the following protocols ensures
conflict serializability and safety from
(a) Two- phase locking protocol
(b) Time- stamp ordering protocol
(c) Graph based protocol
(d) Both Two- phase locking protocol and Timestamp ordering protorcol
117. If a transaction is performed in a database and
committed, the changes are taken to the
previous state of transaction by
(a) Flashback
(b) Rollback
(c) Both Flashback and Rollback
(d) Cannot be done
118. …….is a special type of integrity constraint
that relates two relations & maintains
consistency across the relations.
(a) Entity Integrity constraints
(b) Referential Integrity Constraints
(c) Domain Integrity Constraints
(d) Key Constraints
119. The DROP TABLE statement:
(a) Deletes the table structure only
(b) Deletes the table structure along with the
table data
(c) works whether or not referential integrity
constraints would be violated
(d) is not an SQL statement
120. The_____ contains information that gives users
an easy-to- understand perspective of the
information stored in the data warehouse.
(a) business metadata. (b) technical metadata .
(c) operational metadata. (d) financial metadata.
121. The load and index is _____.
(a) a process to upgrade the quality of data before
it is moved into a data warehouse.
(b) a process to upgrade the quality of data after
it is moved into a data warehouse.
(c) a process to reject data from the data warehouse
and to create the necessary indexes.
(d) a process to load the data in the data warehouse
and to create the necessary indexes.
122. To include integrity constraint in an existing
relation use:
(a) Create table
(b) Modify table
(c) Alter table
(d) Drop table
123. In the daily running of the business which of
the following information systems are used?
(a) Operational planning systems.
(b) Transaction Processing systems (TPS).
(c) Process control system.
(d) Office automation system (OAS).
124. Which is not a valid component of a E-R
diagram ?
(a) dashed lines
(b) double lines
(c) double rectangles
(d) dashed ellipses
RPSC Lect. 2014
125. The data is stored, retrieved and updated
(a) OLAP
(b) OLTP
(c) Online processing
(d) POP3
RPSC Lect. 2014
Database Management System
126. In order to maintain the consistency during
transactions databases provides
(a) Commit
(b) Atomic
(c) Flashback
(d) Rollback
RPSC Lect. 2014
127. Which is the technique used for discovering
patterns in dataset at the beginning of data
mining processes?
(a) Kohenen map
(b) Visualisation
(c) OLAP
(d) SQL
128. Which one of following is a correct notation in
ER diagrams?
(a) Entities are oval
(b) Relationships are rectangles.
(c) Attributes are diamonds
(d) Weak entities are double rectangles.
129. What is the RDBMS terminology for a set of
legal values that an attribute can have?
(a) Tuple
(b) Relation
(c) Attribute
(d) Domain
130. An entity is:
(a) A collection of items in an application
(b) A distinct real world item in an application
(c) An inanimate object in an application
(d) A data structure in DBMS
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
131. The changes made by one transaction are not
visible to others till the commit point, this
property is called:
(a) Automicity
(b) Consistency
(c) Isolation
(d) Durability
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
132. Which of the following is not a integrity
(a) Not null
(b) Positive
(c) Unique
(d) Check
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
133. Database .........., which is the logical design of
the database and the database ........., which is a
snapshot of the data in the database at a given
instant in time:
(a) Instance, schema
(b) Schema, Relation
(c) Domain, Relation
(d) Schema, Instance
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
134. A locked file can be?
(a) Accessed by only one user
(b) Modified by users with correct password
(c) Is used to hide sensitive information
(d) Both (b) and (c)
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
135. Management of metadata information is done
(a) File-organisation module
(b) Logical file system
(c) Basic file system
(d) Application programs
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
136. Data mining refers to:
(a) Retrieving a record from a large database
(b) Retrieving similar records from a large
(c) To find out whether a particular pattern exists
among the records
(d) Analyzing large databases to find useful
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
137. Minimal super key is:
(a) Candidate key
(b) Primary key
(c) Referential key
(d) Foreign key
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
138. Which of the following conn's rule states that
the RDBMS support insertion, updation and
deletion at a table level:
(a) High-level update rule
(b) Guaranteed access rule
(c) Non-subversion rule
(d) View updating rule
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
139. Which of the following is the process by which
the user's privileges are ascertained in
(a) Authentication
(b) Authorization
(c) Access control
(d) Login
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
140. OLAP stands for:
(a) Online Analysis and processing
(b) Online Analytical Processing
(c) One time Analysis and Processing
(d) One time Analytical Processing
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
141. For each attribute of a relations there is a set of
permitted values, called the .......... that
(a) Domain
(b) Relation
(c) Set
(d) Schema
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
142. Table in second normal form (2NF):
(a) Eliminates all hidden dependencing
(b) Eliminates the possibility of a insertion
(c) Has a composite key
(d) Has all non key field, depends on the whole
primary key
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
143. Domain constraints, functional dependency
and referential integrity are special terms of:
(a) Foreign key
(b) Primary key
Database Management System
(c) Assertion
(d) Referential constraint
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
Selection operations are ......... and natural join
operations are ........ .
(a) Commutative, Associative
(b) Associative, commutative
(c) Associative, associative
(d) Commutative, commutative
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
......... is the keyword used to eliminate
duplicate rows from the query result:
(a) No duplicate
(b) Unique
(c) Distinct
(d) Primary
TNPSC 2016 (Degree) P-II
ALL or NONE refers:
(a) Consistency
(b) Isolation
(c) Durability
(d) Atomicity
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Inheritance achieved by the keyword is SQL is:
(a) of
(b) sub
(c) under
(d) from
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
A functional dependency is a relationship
(a) tables
(b) attributes
(c) rows
(d) relations
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
______ operator is used to retain the
unmatched rows of relations when they joined.
(a) Outer join
(b) Inner join
(c) Natural join
(d) Self Join
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Entity types that do have key attributes of
their own are called:
(a) Identifying relationship
(b) Strong entity types
(c) Identifying owner
(d) Weak entity types
UPPCL AE 18.05.2016
The conceptual organization of the entire
database, as viewed by the database
administrator, relates to
(a) schema
(b) sub-schema
(c) DML
(d) DDL
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
Which of the following options is an example of
a composite attribute?
(a) Address
(b) Age
(c) First name
(d) DOB
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
A minimal (irreducible) super key in a
relational database is:
(a) Candidate key
(b) Primary key
(c) Secondary key
(d) Foreign key
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
164. In which normal form partial dependency
154. Which of he following options describes an
abstract or conceptual design of the database?
(a) First normal form
(a) Modular design
(b) Physical design
Second normal form
(c) Logical design
(d) Mapped design
(c) Third normal form
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
(d) BCNF
155. The simple object model that is frequently used
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
for database applications and which is easier to
understand and use than OLEDB is :
165. Which of the following creates a virtual
relation for storing the query?
(a) ADO
(b) ASP
(a) Function
(b) View
(c) XML
(d) ODBC
(c) Procedure
(d) None of these
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
156. Joining a table with itself is called
166. Which of the join operation do not preserve
(a) Self Join
(b) Equi Join
non matched tuples?
(c) Outer Join
(d) Join
(a) Left Outer join
(b) Right Outer Join
(d) full outer join
157. Data dictionary contains
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
(i) name (ii) width (iii) data type
of a query use:
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) i, ii and iii
None of the above
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
158. Duplicate rows are eliminated using
(a) limits the column data that are returned
limits the row data are returned
Both (a) and (b) are correct
159. For a relation the number of tuples is called
(d) Neither A nor B are correct
(a) Degree
(b) Cardinality
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
(c) Columns
(d) Rows
169. Centralized database:
(a) Is best for security and management.
160. SQL provides a number of special aggregate
Has all or part of the database copied at 2 or
functions. Which of the following is not
more computers.
included in SQL?
(c) Is dispersed among multiple computer
(a) Count
(b) Median
(c) Min
(d) Sum
(d) Has problem of keeping all up to date data.
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Punjab PSC Network Engineer 21.06.2014
161. The data can be stored, retrieved and updated
170. A virtual relation composed of columns from
one or more related relations is called a/an:
(a) OLAP
(b) OLTP
(a) Index
(b) View
(c) SMTP
(d) FTP
(c) Relational map
(d) Base table
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
162. Metadata contains at least:
171. Which process in database design has as a
(a) The structure of the data.
purpose the elimination of data redundancy
(b) the algorithms used for summarization
and the avoidance of update anomalies?
(c) the mapping from the operational
(a) Hierarchical representation
environment to the data warehouse.
(b) Normalization
(d) All of these
(c) Data warehousing
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
(d) Entity relationship modeling
163. The content of the data dictionary is
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
(a) DML Commands
172. A view of a database that appears to an
(b) DDL Commands
application program is known as
(c) Indexes to user data
(a) Schema
(b) Subschema
(d) Metadata
(c) Virtual table
(d) None of these
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Database Management System
173. Armstrong's inference rule doesn't determine
(a) Reflexivity
(b) Augmentation
(c) Transitivity
(d) Mutual dependency
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
174. Which operation is used to extract specified
columns from a table?
(a) Project
(b) Join
(c) Extract
(d) Substitute
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
175. In case the indices values are larger, index is
created for these values of the index. This is
(a) Pointed index
(b) Sequential index
(c) Multilevel index
(d) Multiple index
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
176. Which is a join condition contains an equality
(a) Equijoins
(b) Cartesian
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
177. Which operation is/are allowed in a join view:
(d) Any of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
178. Which of the join operations do not preserve
non matched tuples?
(a) Left outer join
(b) Right outer join
(c) Inner join
(d) Natural join
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
179. In SQL the statement select * from R, S is
equivalent to
(a) Select * from R natural join S
(b) Select * from R cross join S
(c) Select * from R union join S
(d) Select * from R inner join S
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
180. Designers use which of the following to tune the
performance of systems to support time-critical
(a) De-normalization
(b) Redundant optimization
(c) Optimization
(d) Realization
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
181. ______ can help us detect poor E-R design.
(a) Database Design Process
(b) E-R Design Process
(c) Relational scheme
(d) Functional dependencies
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Database Management System
182. Weak entity in the following ER diagram is
Loan payment
Both Loan payment and payment
Domain constraints, functional dependency
and referential integrity are special forms of
(a) Foreign key
(b) Primary key
(c) Assertion
(d) Referential constraints
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
_______ express the number of entities to
which another entity can be associated via a
relationship set.
(a) Mapping Cardinality
(b) Relational Cardinality
(c) Participation Constraints
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
In an enterprise structure, a Legal Entity is
(a) Same as Enterprise
(b) Part of an Enterprise
(c) Refers to Legal Department
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which view of reports editor depicts the
structural representation of the data used in
report definition?
(a) Web source view
(b) Paper design view
(c) Data Model view
(d) Paper parameter view
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which of the following acts as a data source for
the reports definition?
(a) Database columns (b) Parameters
(c) Query
(d) Group
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
The set of permitted values of an attribute is
(a) Tuple
(b) Column
(c) Domain
(d) Table
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
What is true about the INSERT statement in
Oracle SQL?
(a) An INSERT statement can be used only if a
constraint is placed on the table
(b) An INSERT statement can never insert a row
that violates a constraint
(c) An INSERT statement can override any
constraint put on the table
(d) An INSERT statement cannot be used if a
constraint is placed on the table
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Computer table has CompId, Make, Model and
MYear attributes. Which of the following
statement will not execute successfully?
(b) SELECT CompId FROM Computer ORDER
BY Make
(c) SELECT CompId FROM Computer ORDER
BY 2
(d) SELECT * FROM Computer ORDER BY 1
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
In which of the following circumstances a
GROUP BY clause is mandatory?
(a) SELECT query having only one aggregate
(b) SELECT query having two aggregate
(c) SELECT query having one aggregate
function along with other columns
(d) SELECT query having only two columns
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which of the following is true?
(a) Selection, projection union, difference, and
Cartesian product are independent.
(b) Selection, projection, intersection, difference,
and Cartesian product are independent.
(c) Selection, projection, union, division, and
Cartesian product are independent.
(d) Natural Join, selection, projection, Division
are independent.
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Choose the right option for the Query below:
SELECT MAX(AVG(Salary)) FROM Employee
(a) Displays Maximum Average Salary of
(b) Error
(c) Displays Average Salary of Employees
(d) Displays Average and Maximum Salary of
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which Join is equivalent to Cartesian Join?
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which of the following conditions has to be
satisfied for INNER JOIN to work?
(a) Columns used for joining must have same
Database Management System
(b) Columns used for joining can have same or
different name
(c) Columns used for joining must have different
(d) A column is not required for joining
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
Which join is to be used between two tables A
and B when the resultant table needs rows
from A and B that matches the condition and
rows from A that does not match the condition.
GPSC Asstt. Manager 13.12.2020 (IT)
The degree (or arity) of a database relation is
the number of _____ in its relation schema.
(a) attributes
(b) tuples
(c) entities
(d) primary keys
(e) foreign keys
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
Entity integrity constraint states that:
(a) no candidate key value can be null
(b) no foreign key value can be null
(c) Primary key values can't be duplicate
(d) No primary key value can be null
(e) foreign key values can't be duplicate
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
A superkey for an entity consists of
(a) one attribute only
(b) atleast two attributes
(c) at most two attributes
(d) one or more attributes
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Which of the following sets of keywords
constitutes a mapping in SQL?
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
A primary key for an entity is
(a) A candidate key
(b) Any attribute
(c) A unique attribute
(d) A super key
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Aggregate functions in SQL are
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
203. Horizontal fragmentation is based on
_________ operation in relational algebra.
(a) Select
(b) Project
(c) Join
(d) Division
204. Min- Max normalization is a ______ technique
(a) Data cleaning
(b) Data integration
(c) Data transformation
(d) Outlier mining
205. A relation in a relational database can
have_____ primary key (s).
(a) any number of
(b) a maximum of four
(c) only one
(d) at least two
206. BIRCH is:
(a) Balanced Iterative Reducing and
Characterization using Hierarchies
(b) Balanced Iterative Repartitioning and
Clustering using Hierarchies
(c) Balanced Iterative Reducing and
Computation using Hierarchies
(d) Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering
using Hierarchies
(e) Balanced Item set Reducing and Clustering
using Hierarchies
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
207. The phenomenon in which a single transaction
failure leads to a series of transaction rollbacks
is called:
(a) Concurrent rollback (b) Continuous rollback
(c) Cascading rollback (d) Conflict rollback
(e) Control rollback
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
208. An entity set which may not have sufficient
attributes to form a primary key is termed as:
(a) Relationship set
(b) Strong entity set
(c) Redundant set
(d) Trivial entity set
(e) Weak entity set
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
209. Constraint that ensures that a value appearing
in one relation for a given set of attributes also
appears for a certain set of attributes in
another relation is:
(a) Domain constraint
(b) Unique constraint
(c) Key constraint
(d) Referential Integrity constraint
(e) Entity integrity constraint
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
Database Management System
210. Which of the join operations do not preserve
non matched tuples :(a) Left outer join
(b) Right outer join
(c) Inner join
(d) Natural join
211. The entity integrity rule requires that
(a) All primary key entries are unique
(b) A part of the key may be null
(c) Foreign key values do not reference primary
key values
(d) Duplicate object values are allowed
TSPSC Manager 2015
212. The referential integrity rule requires that
(a) Every null foreign key value must reference
an existing primary key value.
(b) It makes it possible for an attribute to have a
corresponding value.
(c) Every non- null foreign key value must
reference and existing primary key value.
(d) It makes it possible to delete a row in one
table whose primary key does not have a
matching foreign key value in another table.
TSPSC Manager 2015
213. Fact tables are which of the following?
(a) Completely denormalized
(b) Partially denormalized
(c) Completely normalized
(d) Partially normalized
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
214. The content of the database cannot be modified
using the operation
(a) Deletion
(b) Insertion
(c) Updating
(d) Selection
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
215. The key chosen by database designer as
principal means of identifying entities within
an entity set, is
(a) Candidate key
(b) Super key
(c) Foreign key
(d) primary key
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
216. The database must not contain any unmatched
foreign key values. This property is known as
(a) Entity integrity
(b) Atomicity
(c) Referential integrity
(d) Consistency
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
217. User's view in a database is also called
(a) External view
(b) Conceptual view
(c) Internal view
(d) Contextual view
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
221. Which one of the following statement is correct
218. Which is not a database anomaly ?
about keys in databases ?
(a) Update anomaly
(a) A super key is also a candidate key.
(b) Create anomaly
A primary key is also a candidate key.
(c) Insertion anomaly
A primary key is also a minimal key.
(d) Deletion anomaly
(d) A minimal super key is a candidate key.
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
219. Which of the following is dense index?
describe user's view of
(a) Primary index
data item types and record types?
(b) Clusters index
(a) schema
(b) view
(c) Secondary index
(c) subschema
(d) instance
(d) Secondary non key index
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 22.04.2018
223. The ______ are used to model a system's
220. Which of the following is not a Unified
behavior in response to internal and external
Modeling Language (UML) diagram ?
(a) Class diagram
(a) Activity diagrams
(b) Deployment diagram
(b) Data flow diagrams
(c) Sequence diagram
(c) E-R diagrams
(d) Star diagram
(d) State diagrams
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (c)
5. (b)
6. (d)
7. (d)
8. (a)
9. (a)
10. (d)
11. (a)
12. (a)
13. (a)
14. (a)
15. (a)
16. (a)
17. (b)
18. (b)
19. (c)
20. (d)
21. (a)
22. (a)
23. (b)
24. (d)
25. (a)
26. (d)
27. (c)
28. (c)
29. (d)
30. (b)
31. (c)
32. (a)
33. (b)
34. (b)
35. (b)
36. (d)
37. (b)
38. (a)
39. (d)
40. (d)
41. (d)
42. (d)
43. (a)
44. (b)
45. (b)
46. (c)
47. (a)
48. (b)
49. (a)
50. (b)
51. (b)
52. (b)
53. (b)
54. (b)
55. (b)
56. (c)
57. (b)
58. (a)
59. (a)
60. (a)
61. (b)
62. (b)
63. (a)
64. (d)
65. (c)
66. (c)
67. (a)
68. (c)
69. (b)
70. (d)
71. (b)
72. (d)
73. (c)
74. (a)
75. (c)
76. (d)
77. (d)
78. (b)
79. (b)
80. (a)
81. (b)
82. (b)
83. (d)
84. (c)
85. (c)
86. (d)
87. (c)
88. (a)
89. (b)
90. (d)
91. (d)
92. (a)
93. (d)
94. (c)
95. (a)
96. (a)
97. (b)
98. (b)
99. (c)
100. (d)
101. (d)
102. (a)
103. (a)
104. (c)
105. (a)
106. (b)
107. (a)
108. (b)
109. (b)
110. (b)
111. (b)
112. (d)
113. (b)
114. (d)
115. (c)
116. (b)
117. (d)
118. (b)
119. (b)
120. (a)
121. (d)
122. (c)
123. (b)
124. (a)
125. (b)
126. (d)
127. (b)
128. (d)
129. (d)
130. (b)
131. (c)
132. (b)
133. (d)
134. (a)
135. (b)
136. (d)
137. (a)
138. (a)
139. (b)
140. (b)
141. (a)
142. (a)
143. (c)
144. (a)
145. (c)
146. (d)
147. (c)
148. (b)
149. (a)
150. (d)
151. (a)
152. (a)
153. (a)
154. (c)
155. (a)
156. (a)
157. (d)
158. (c)
159. (b)
160. (b)
161. (b)
162. (d)
163. (d)
164. (b)
165. (b)
166. (c)
167. (c)
168. (b)
169. (a)
170. (b)
171. (b)
172. (b)
173. (d)
174. (a)
175. (c)
176. (a)
177. (d)
178. (c)
179. (b)
180. (a)
181. (d)
182. (c)
183. (c)
184. (a)
185. (b)
186. (c)
187. (c)
188. (c)
189. (b)
190. (c)
191. (c)
192. (a)
193. (b)
194. (c)
195. (b)
196. (a)
197. (a)
198. (d)
199. (d)
200. (b)
201. (c)
202. (b)
203. (a)
204. (c)
205. (c)
206. (d)
207. (c)
208. (e)
209. (d)
210. (c)
211. (a)
212. (c)
213. (c)
214. (d)
215. (d)
216. (c)
217. (a)
218. (b)
119. (c)
220. (d)
221. (b)
222. (c)
223. (d)
Database Management System
Dynamic System Models– It shows an on-going,
constant changing status of the system.
• The system development life cycle (SDLC) is the
Elements of a System:-The following diagram
process of determining how an information system demonstrates the element of a system.
(IS) can support business needs, designing the system,
building it and delivering it to users.
• System development is a systematic process which
includes phases like planning, analysis, design,
deployment and maintenance
System Analysis–
Input– The information as a input is given to system
• The study of system analysis is conducted to study the
system and identify its objective.
Output– It is the outcome of the processing.
• In other words, we can say, It is a kind of problem
Processor–It is the part of a system which transmits
solving techniques which improves the system and
input into output.
ensures all the components to function efficiently.
Control– It controls the pattern of activities to
System design–
govern input, processing and output
• A system design is the process of defining elements of
Feedback– It provides the control in a dynamic
a system such as module, architecture components,
system and positive feedback is routine in nature that
their interfaces and data for a system based on the
encourages the performances of the system whereas
specified requirements.
negative feedback is informational in nature which
• It is a process of defining, developing and designing provides the controller with information for action.
systems which satisfies the specific needs and
Environment– It ensure how a system must work.
requirements of a business or organization.
Boundaries Interface– A system must have
• It is a process where a planning is done about a new boundaries to ensure its sphere of influence and control.
business system by replacing the old system.
Requirement Gathering and
• It is important to understand the specific requirement
Feasibility Analysis
of users and that is why before planning, we need to
understand the old system thoroughly and find out
Requirement determination– It is an important
how computer can be used in best way to operate features of a new system that includes processing or
capturing of data, controlling the activities of business,
information and supporting the management
• The primary objective of system analysis is to focus
words we can say it is a simply a statement of
on how to accomplish the objective of the system.
must do or what characteristics it
System Model:
requires to have.
• A system model represents of a system and its
• It involves to study the existing system and gathering
information or details to identify what are the
There are some types of system modelrequirements, how it functions and where
Schematic Models- It is a 2-D chart which shows
improvement is necessary.
system elements and their linkages. Here, different types
Following are the major activities in requirement
of arrows are used to display information flow, material determination–
flow and information feedback as well.
Requirement Anticipation- It tells the features of
Flow System Models-It displays the orderly flow of system based on prior experience that include certain
the material, energy and information that hold the system problems or features. It also suggest for the requirement
together. Program evaluation and review technique is of new system if necessary.
used to abstract a real world system model form.
Requirement Investigation– The study of current
Static System Models–The gantt chart provides a system and documentation of its features are conducted
static picture of an activity time relationship and for further analysis. Here, the analysts describe about the
represent one pair of relationship such as activity-time or features of system with the help of prototyping, finding
cost quantity.
techniques and computer assisted tools.
System Analysis and Design
Information gathering techniques
There are many information gathering techniques
information from individuals or groups with the help of
interview conduction. The success of interview can
depend on the skill of analysts. The interview can be
conducted into two waysStructured Interview– It consists of standard
questions where users have to respond either in objective
(Close) or descriptive (open) format.
Unstructured Interview– Here, the system analyst
can conduct normal question- answer session to find out
the basic information about the system.
Benefits of Interviewing–
• To gather qualitative information about system
• Validation of the information by cross-checking
• Becomes easy to find key problems by seeking
• Bridges gaps in misunderstanding and reduce further
Questionnaires– With the help of this method, an
analysts gathers information about the issues found in the
It is also of two types–
Questionnaires– It consists of
questions that can be easily and correctly interpreted.
They find out the problems and lead to a specific
direction of answer.
Closed-ended Questionnaires– It contains the
questions that are used when the system analyst
effectively list all the possible responses.
Benefits of Questionnaires–
• More reliable and provides high confidentiality of
honest responses.
• Effective in surveying interests, attitudes and beliefs
of users
• Useful in determining the overall opinion before
giving any specific direction to the system project.
• By this method, the information is collected by
noticing and observing the people object and events.
• The system analyst go for visit in organization to
observe the working of current system and to get to
know the requirements of the system.
Benefits of Observation–
• Produces more accurate and reliable data
• Produces all the aspect of documentation that are
incomplete and outdated.
Background Reading (Secondary Research)
• In this method the information is gathered by
accessing the gleaned information.
• Previous gathered information is provided to marketer
by any internal or external source.
System Analysis and Design
• Provides valuable information in low cost and less
• Accessible with internet
• Work as forerunner in primary research.
Joint Application Development (JAD)
• It is an information gathering technique that allows
the project team, users and management to work
together to identify the requirements for the system.
• IBM developed the JAD technique in the late 1970s,
and it is often the most useful method for collecting
information from the users.
• JAD is a structured process in which 10 to 20 users
meet under the direction of a facilitator skilled in JAD
• A facilitator is a person who conducts meeting
agenda and guides the discussion, but does not join in
the discussion as a participant.
Feasibility Analysis
Feasibility analysis guides the organization in
determining whether to proceed with the project and it
identifies the important risks associated with the project
that must be managed if the project is approved.
• It is considered as preliminary investigation which
helps the management to take decision about whether
study of system is feasible for development or not.
Economic Feasibility– It is determined by identifying
costs and benefits associated with the system, assigning
values to them, calculating futures cash flows, and
measuring the financial worthiness of the project. As a
result of this analysis, the financial opportunities and
risks of the project can be understood.
Technical Feasibility–
• Technical feasibility analysis is in essence, a technical
risk analysis that strives to answer the question "Can
we build it" Many risks can endanger the successful
completion of the project.
• It helps organizations to determine whether the
technical resources meet capacity and technical team
is capable of converting the ideas into working
• It also involves the evaluation of the hardware,
software and other technical requirements of the
proposed system.
Operational Feasibility–
• Operational feasibility involves undertaking a study to
analyze and determine whether and how well the
organization's need can be met by completing the
• It also examines how a project plan satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis
phase of system development.
• It also ensures that the computer resources and
network architecture of candidate system are
workable, or not.
Schedule Feasibility–
Schedule Feasibility is defined as the likelihood of a
project being completed within its scheduled time frame.
If the project has a high likelihood of completion by the
desired due the date, then the schedule feasibility is
considered to be high
• It ensures that a project can be completed before the
project or technology becomes obsolete or
• `Schedule feasibility is also referred to as time
visibility and proper evaluation at this step can also
help to avoid unpredictable or extra costs.
Structured Analysis
Structured Analysis is a development method that
allows the analyst to understand the system and its
activities in a logical way. It is a systematic approach,
which uses graphical tools that analyze and refine the
objectives of an existing system and develop a new
system specification which can be easily understandable
by user.
It has following attributes–
Data Flow Diagram
• A data flow diagram is a conventional visual
representation of information within a system. It can
be manual, automated or a combination of both.
• The primary objective of a DFD is to show the scope
and boundaries of a system as a whole
• The DFD is also known as data flow graph or bubble
Following are the name, function and symbol for a DFD.
Data Flow–
Function– It is used to connect processes to each other
and indicates direction of data flow
Source of Sink (External Entity)
Function– It is a source of system inputs or sink of
system outputs.
Symbol →
Data Store
Function– It is repository of data, the arrow heads
indicate net outputs and net inputs to store.
Types of Data flow diagram–
The data flow diagram is of two typesLogical DFD and
Physical DFD
Logical DFD- It focuses on the system and flow of
data in the system.
Physical DFD It denotes how the data flow is
implemented in the system.
Data Dictionary– It is a file or a set of files that
includes a database's metadata. The data dictionary hold
records about other object in the database such as data
ownership, data relationships to other objects, and other,
• It also contains name, width and data type etc.
• The data dictionary is an essential component of any
relational database
Importance of Data DictionaryIt plays vital role in software development processes
because of the following reasons
1. It provides the analyst with a means to determine the
definition of different data structure in terms of their
component elements.
2. It provides a standard terminology for all relevant data
for use by the engineers working in a project.
Decision Tree
• It is the most powerful and popular tool for
classification and prediction.
• It is a flowchart such as tree structure where each
internal node denotes a test on an attribute, each
branch represents an outcome of the test and each leaf
node (terminal node) holds a class label.
Decision TableIt is a brief visual representation for specifying
Symbol →
actions to perform depending on given conditions.
also known as a cause-effect table because it is a
Function– It performs some transformation of input
way to settle with different combination inputs
data to yield output data
with their corresponding outputs.
• The information represented in decision tables can
also be represented as decision trees and in
Symbol →
programming language it can be used as if-else or
switch case statements as well.
System Analysis and Design
It is an informal way of programming description
that does not require any strict programming language
syntax or underlying technology considerations. It is
used for creating an outline or a rough draft of a
System designers write pseudocode to ensure that
requirements and align code accordingly.
Structured English–
It is similar to a programming language such as
Pascal and it does not have strict syntax rules like
programming language.
Example Customer authentication in the online shopping
Enter Cust_Name
SEEK Cust_Name in Cust_Name_DB file
IF Cust_Name found THEN
PRINT error message
Call procedure NEW_customer_req()
Types of System Design–
Logical Design– It is used to represent the data
flow, input and output of the system.
For example– Entity Relationship diagram (ERD)
Physical Design– In ensures
1. How users add information to the system and how the
system represents information back to user.
2. How the data is modelled and stored within the
3. How data moves through the system and how data is
validated, secured and transformed because it flows
through and out of the system.
Architectural Design–
It is used to describe the views models, behavior
and structure of the system. etc.
Structured Design
Cohesion– It is a measure of the degree to which the
elements of the module are functionally related. It is the
degree to which all elements directed towards
performing a single task are contained in the component.
It is basically internal glue that keeps the module
together. A good software design has high cohesion.
Structure Chart
• A structure chart is used in structured programming to
arrange the program modules in a tree structure and
each module is displayed by a box, which contains the
module name.
• It represents hierarchical structure of module and it
breaks down the entire system into lowest functional
1. Module– Shows the process and it is of three types
Control Module– It branches to more than one sub
Sub Module– It is a part (child) of another module.
Library Module– They are reusable and invokes
from any module.
2. Conditional Call– It shows that control module can
select any of the sub module on the basis of certain
Hoop Module– It shows the repetitive execution of
module by the sub model and a curved arrow
denotes loop in the module.
• Structure design is a systematic methodology to
determine design specification of software
• It is a conceptualization of problem into many well- 4.
organized elements of solution and is concerned with
the solution design.
• It is based on 'divide and conquer' strategy where
problems are broken into many small- small problems
and each small problem is individually solved until
the whole problem get solved.
• It helps designer a lot to identify and concentrate on
the problem more accurately.
Coupling & Cohesion
Coupling–It is the measure of the degree of 6.
interdependence between modules. A good software
design has low coupling arrangements.
System Analysis and Design
Data Flow– It denotes the flow of data between the
modules and it is represented by directed arrow with
empty circle at the end.
Control Flow– It denotes the flow of control
between the module.
Physical Storage– Here, all the information are
Physical storage
Transaction Analysis– Such types of structure
chart are designed for the systems which receives an
input which can be transformed by a sequence of
operations which can be carried out by one module.
Transform Analysis- These types of structure chart
explains a system that processes a number of different
types of transactions.
Program Flow Chart
• Program flow chart helps in defining the problems in a
systematic and logical way.
• A flow chart is a graphical representation of various
logical steps of a program.
• The program flow chart is a data flow that displays the
data flow while writing a program or algorithm.
• Program flow charts improve the condition and
efficiency of work and help in forming a relationship
between various elements to explain the data flow.
Structure Flow Chart
• It is an important technique that helps the analyst
design the program for the new system.
• It shows all the components of the code that must be
included in a program at a high level, arranged in a
hierarchical format that implies sequence, selection
and iteration.
• The components are usually read from top to bottom,
left to right, and they are numbered by a hierarchical
numbering scheme in which lower level have an
additional level of numbering.
• A structure flow chart is composed of modules that
work together to form a program.
• The modules are depicted by a rectangle and
connected by lines which represent the passing of
• A control module is a higher-level components that it
calls and controls are considered subordinate note
Following are the structured flow chart elements–
Module– Every module has a number, numec etc.
Purpose– Denotes a logical piece of the program.
Library module It has a number, name and multiple
instances within a diagram.
Purpose It denotes a logical piece of the program
that is repeated within the structure chart.
Loop– A loop is drawn with a curved arrow and is
placed around lines of one or more modules that are
Purpose– It communicates that a module is get
Symbol →
System Analysis and Design
Conditional line–It is drawn with a diamond and
includes modules that are invoked on the basis of some
Purpose– Communicates that subordinate modules
are invoked by the control module based on some
Symbol →
Data Couple– It contains an arrow and an empty
circle. It can be passed up or down and has a direction
that is denoted by the arrow.
Purpose– It communicates that data are being
passed from one module to another
Control Couple– It contains an arrow and a filledin-circle. It also has a direction that is represented by the
Purpose– Communicates that a message or a system
flag is being passed from one module to another.
An off-page Connector– It is denoted by the
hexagon and has a title. It is used when the diagram is
too large to fit everything on the same page.
Purpose– It identifies when parts of the diagram are
continued on another page of the structure chart.
Symbol →
An-on-page connector– It is represented by the
circle and has a title. It is used when the diagram is too
large to fit everything in the same spot on a page.
Purpose– It identifies when parts of the diagram are
continued somewhere else on the same page of the
structure chart
Symbol →
HIPO Documentation:- The full form of HIPO is
hierarchical input process output. It is a combination of
two organized method to analyze the system and provide
the means of documentations.
• HIPO model was developed by IBM in year 1978. It
represent the hierarchy of modules in the software
• System analyst uses HIPO diagram in order to obtain
high-level view of system functions and it
decomposes functions into sub functions in a
hierarchical manner.
• HIPO diagrams are good for documentation purposes
and their graphical representation makes it easier for
designers and managers to get the pictorial idea of the
system structure.
It also depicts the functions performed by system.
Some fundamental concepts of object-oriented
world are–
Object– It represents an entity and basic building
Class– It is a blue print of an object.
Abstraction– It represents the behavior of an real
world entity.
Inheritance– It is a mechanism to create new
classes from the existing ones.
Encapsulation– It is the process of binding the data
Object-oriented Modeling using UML together
and hiding them from the outside world.
• An object-oriented system is made up of interacting
Polymorphism– Polymorphism is the ability of any
objects that maintain their own local state and provide data to be processed in more than one form. It defines the
operation on that state.
mechanism to exists in different forms
• The representation of the state is private and cannot be
accessed directly from outside the object.
• Object-oriented design processes involve designing Software Testing–
object classes and the relationships between these • Software testing is a process, to evaluate the
functionality of a software application with an intent
• And these classes define the objects in the system and
to find whether the developed software met the
their interaction.
specified requirements or not and to identify the
• And when the design is realized as an executing
defects to ensure that the product is defect-free in
program, the object are created dynamically from
order to produce a quality product.
these class definitions.
• Software testing is a process of software analysis and
• Object-oriented system become easy to change than
defect detecting or we can say in other words "Testing
developed system using functional approaches.
is the process of executing a program with intention of
• Objects can have data and operations to manipulate
finding error".
the data and they may therefore be understood and • It is a process of identifying the correctness of
modified as stand-alone entities.
software by considering its all attributes (such as
To develop a system design from concept to detailed,
reliability, scalability, portability, reusability and
object-oriented design, these are various things that are
usability) and evaluating the execution of software
required to do–
components to get the software bugs or errors or
(i) Understand and define the context and external
interactions with the system.
Types of Software Testing:(ii) Designing the system architecture
There are two types of software testing–
(iii) Identifying the principal objects in the system.
Manual testing & Automation testing
(iv) Developing design models and
(v) Specifying interfaces.
• UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It is a
standard language to specify, visualizing and
documenting the artifacts of software systems.
• Unified modeling language is different from other
common programming languages like C, C++, JAVA
etc. It is a pictorial language that is used to make
software blueprints.
• An unified modeling language is also described as the
successor of object-oriented analysis and design.
• A class explains an object and they form a hierarchy
which can be represented in the form of inheritance
and classes.
• Objects are the real-world entities which exists around
the basic concepts of OOPs such as abstraction ,
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism using
• Therefore, it becomes essential to learn OOPs before
System Analysis and Design
Manual Testing– It is the practice of testing of an
application manually to find defects and bugs. Test cases
are executed manually, by a human without any support
from tools or scripts.
It is further divided into three types of testingWhite Box Testing–
• It is based on knowledge of the internal logic of an
application's code and includes tests such as coverage
of code statement, branches, paths, conditions etc.
• In white box testing, code are visible for the testers
therefore, it is also known as clear box testing, glass
box testing, open box testing, transparent testing and
code-based testing etc.
Black Box Testing–
• Black box testing is a method of software testing that
verifies the functionality of an application without
having specific knowledge of the application's code or
internal code structure.
• Black box testing is based on requirements and
functionality or specifications.
• Black box testing is also called as behavioral testing.
It is of two types–
Functional Testing– It is based on functional
requirements of a system and it is performed by a
software tester.
It consists of several other software testing's such asUnit Testing–
• It is a type of testing where individual units or
components of a software are tested. Here, the purpose
is to validate that each unit of the software code
performs as expected.
• The unit testing is conducted during the development
(coding phase) of an application.
• Unit tests isolate a section of code and verify its
correctness. It can be an individual function, method,
procedure, module or object as well.
Integration Testing–
• It is a type of testing where software modules are
integrated logically and tested as a group
• It focuses on checking data communication amongst
these modules. Therefore, it is also called as 'I & T'
(integration and testing), 'string testing' or thread testing.
System Testing–
• It is a level of testing which validates the complete
and fully integrated software product.
• It is a series of different tests whose sales purpose is to
exercise the full computer based system etc.
• The primary objective of system testing is to evaluate
the end to end system specifications.
User Acceptance Testing–
• It is a type of testing done by the end user or the client
to verify or accept the software system before moving
the software application to the production
System Analysis and Design
• It is the last phase of testing after functional,
integration and system testing is over.
• It is a type of black box testing where two or more
end-users get involved.
• It does not focus on spelling errors, cosmetic errors or
system testing.
Non-functional Testing–
• It is defined to check non-functional, aspects (such as
performance, usability, reliability etc) of a software
• It is basically designed to test the readiness of a
system as per non-functional parameters that cannot
be addressed by functional testing.
• It may have several other software testing such as–
Compatibility Testing–
It is a type of software testing that checks whether
the software is capable of running on different hardware,
operating systems, applications, network environments
or mobile devices etc.
Performance Testing–
It is a software testing process used for testing the
speed, response time, scalability, reliability seat ability
and resource usage of a software application under
particular workload.
• It is a subset of performance engineering and also
called as "Perf Testing"
• The primary objective of performance testing is to
identify and eliminate the performance bottlenecks in
the software application.
Types of performance testing are–
• Load testing
• Stress testing
• Volume testing
• Scalability testing
• Endurance testing
Usability Testing–
• It is also known as user experience testing (UET).
• It is a testing method for measuring how easy and
user-friendly a software application is.
• Usability testing is recommended during the initial
phase of SDLC that provides more visibility on the
expectations of the users.
• Usability testing determines whether an application is
useful, findable, accessible usable and desirable or
• It consists of the following phases–
Scalability Testing
• It is a non-functional testing method that measures
performance of a system or network when the number
of user requests are scaled up or down.
• It ensures that system can handle projected increase in
user traffic, data volume, transaction counts frequency
• The idea behind scalability testing is to measure at
what point the application stops scaling and identify
the reason behind it.
Gray Box Testing–
• It is combination of black box and white box testing
methods- testing a piece of software against its
specification but using some knowledge of its internal
• It is performed by either development or testing
Maintenance Testing– Maintenance testing is a test
that is performed to either identify equipment
problems or to confirm that repair measures have been
Regression Testing
• Regression testing is defined as a type of software
testing to confirm that a recent program or code
changes has not adversely affected the existing
• It ensures that the old code still works once the latest
code changes are done.
2. Automation Testing– Automation Testing is a
software testing technique that performs using special
automated testing software tools to execute a test case
Some Other Important Testing–
Ad-hoc testing–
• It is done randomly and an unplanned activity which
does not follow any documentation and test design
techniques to create test cases.
• It is an informal or unstructured software testing type
that aims to break the testing process to find out
possible defects or bugs at an early stage.
Basic Path Testing–
• Basic path testing is a software box testing method in
which test cases are defined based on flows or logical
paths that can be taken through the program.
• It is a hybrid method of branch testing and path testing
• It helps to determine all the faults lying within a piece
of code.
Big Bang Testing
It integrates individual program modules only when
everything is ready and performed by the testing teams.
Smoke Testing
• Smoke testing is a software testing technique that is
performed post software build to verify that the
critical functionalities of software are working fine.
• It is performed before any detailed functional or
regression tests are executed.
System Analysis and Design
• The main purpose of smoke testing is to reject a
software application with defects so that QA team
may not waste time testing broken software
Gorilla Testing
• It is a software testing technique which focuses on
heavily testing of one particular module
• It is performed by quality assurance teams.
Alpha Testing
• It is a type of software testing that is performed to
identify bugs before releasing the software products to
the real user or public.
• It is also called as acceptance testing and it is done
early on.
Beta Testing
Beta testing is the final testing before releasing
application for commercial purpose. It is generally
performed by end-users or others.
Software Requirement Specification
• SRS is a document that describes what the software
will do and how it will be expected to perform the
• Software requirement specification also depicts the
functionality the product required to fulfill all
stakeholders needs.
• SRS provides a complete picture of the entire project.
• SRS is plan of action and keeps all the teams- from
development to maintenance on the same page.
• Software requirement specification provides dept
details than a system requirements specification.
Followings are the outline that must be during software
requirement specifications–
• Defining the purpose of products.
• Description of product what is going to be built.
• Providing specific requirement in details.
• Deliver for approval.
Software Implementation and
Software Implementation:
• Software implementation is the process of integrating
an application into an organization's flow.
• It is used during the adoption of new application for
project management, supply chain management and
enterprise resource planning.
• Software implementation is also performed when the
development team updates an existing application.
Followings are the Elements of a Successful Software
1. Defining the organization's requirement.
2. Selecting the application
3. Installing the application
4. Configuring features.
5. Customizing features
6. Integrating with existing system
7. Training employees.
Software Maintenance–
• Software maintenance is the general process of
changing a system after it has been delivered.
• The changes made to the software may be changes to
correct coding errors, more extensive changes to
correct design errors, or significant enhancements to
correct specification errors or accommodate new
• Changes are implemented by modifying existing
system components and, where necessary, by adding
new components to the system.
Different types of software maintenance are–
Fault Repairs– Coding errors are usually relatively
cheap to correct, design errors are more expensive
because they may involve rewriting several program
components. Requirement errors are the most expensive
to repair because of the extensive system redesign which
may be necessary.
Environmental Adaptation (Adaptive Maintenance)
• This type of maintenance is required when some
aspect of the system's environmental
such as
hardware, the platform operating system or other
support software changes.
• This application system must be modified to adapt it
to cope with these environmental changes.
Functionality Addition (Perfective Maintenance)
• This type of maintenance is required when the system
requirements change in response to business or
organizational change.
• The scale of the changes required to the software is
often much greater than for the other types of
Other Software Development Approaches
Software development methodologies play a vital
role in developing software system.
• The main goal of it is to provide smooth software
development as per the requirement of project.
• It is a framework that is used to structure, plan and
control the process development of an information
Types of Software Development Approaches.
There are several types of software development
Waterfall Model–
• Waterfall model is the 'Classical' model of system
development which is also known as one-shot or oncethrough model.
• There is a sequence of activities working from top to
• The diagram given below displays some arrows
pointing upwards and backwards which indicates that
a later stage may show the need for some extra work
at an earlier stage, but this can be the exception rather
than the rule.
System Analysis and Design
• It is often referred to as the linear and sequential
model or Stage-gate model for the flow of activities in
this model.
• In this model, the software development activities
move to the next phase only after the activities in the
current phase are over.
• The waterfall model can be expanded into the vprocess model and this expansion is done by
expanding the testing process into different types of
testing which check the executable code against the
products of each of the activities in the project life
cycle leading up to the coding.
Advantages of Waterfall Model–
• Simple and easy to understand and use.
• Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model
• In water fall model, phases are processed and
completed one at a time and it does not overlap.
Disadvantages of Waterfall Model–
In waterfall model, once an application is in the testing
phase, it becomes very difficult to go back and change
something that was not well- thought out in the concept
• High amount of risks and uncertainties.
• It is not a good model for complex and object-oriented
• Not apt for the projects where requirements are at a
moderate to high risk of changing.
Spiral Model–
Spiral model is a risk-driven controlled prototyping
approach that develops prototypes early in the
development process to specifically address risk areas
followed by an assessment of prototyping results and
further determination of risk areas to prototype.
• Areas which are prototyped frequently include user
requirements and algorithm performance
• Prototyping continues until high-risk areas are
resolved and mitigated to an acceptable level.
• In spiral model, during each iteration, the system is • In incremental model, each module passes through the
explored at greater depth and more detail is added.
requirements design, implementation and testing
• Spiral model is appropriate for exploratory projects
that are working in an unfamiliar domain or with
unproven technical approaches
• In spiral model, the iterative nature allows for
knowledge gained during early passes to inform
subsequent passes.
• It requires low up-front commitment.
• Following diagram demonstrates the spiral model
Advantage of Spiral Model–
• The risk management feature is one of the best
development characteristics of the spiral model.
• It is suitable for intricate and extensive projects.
• Replacements and other demands for projects
requirement in the spiral model are docile.
• The early estimation cost of the project can be
computed in the spiral model.
Disadvantage of Spiral Model–
• The spiral model is difficult to use since the volume of
documentation required in its initial stage is vast.
• Developing a spiral model is very expensive and small
projects may find it difficult to use.
• The spiral model depends on risk analysis and without
a highly experienced team developing this project is
• It is not user-friendly especially for projects with an
unambiguous SRS.
Incremental Model–
• It determines the user needs and defines the overall
architecture, but then delivers the system in a series of
increments (software builds).
• In incremental model, multiple development cycles
take place to make the life cycle a "Multi-waterfall"
• The cycles are get divided into smaller and more
easily managed modules.
• It is a type of software development model such as Vmodel, Agile model etc.
System Analysis and Design
• More flexible & less costly to change scope and
• Early to test and debug during iterations.
• Initial delivery cost is minimal.
Disadvantages• It requires clear and completes definition of the entire
system before breaking down and building
• Total cost can be high.
• It requires good planning and design.
Generic Process Model–
• The generic process model is an abstraction of the
software development process and it specifies the
stages and order of a process.
• It establishes the foundation for a complete software
process by identifying a small number of framework
• It also includes a set of umbrella activities that are
applicable across the entire software processes.
• A generic process framework for software
development encompasses five activities which have
been mentioned in the below diagram.
Software Prototyping–
• This is one way in which we can buy knowledge and
reduce uncertainty.
• A prototype is working model of one or more aspects
of the projected system.
is constructed and tested quickly and inexpensively
in order to test out assumptions.
It is classified as–
Throw-away Prototypes
• It tests out some ideas and is then discarded when the
true development of the operational system is
• It can be developed using different software or
hardware environment.
Evolutionary Prototypes–
• It is developed and modified until it is finally in a state
where it can become the operational system.
• In this case, the standards which are used to develop
the software have to be carefully considered.
Rapid Application Development–
• RAD is model which is also sometimes referred to as
the rapid prototyping model.
• RAD has the features of both the prototyping and the
incremental delivery models.
Major Objectives of RAD are–
• To decrease the time taken and the cost incurred to
develop software systems.
• To limit the costs of accommodating change requests
by incorporating them as early as possible before large
investments have been made on development and
Agile Model–
• It is also a type of incremental model and used for
time critical applications.
• Software is developed in incremental, rapid cycles and
this results in small incremental releases with each
release building on previous functionality.
• Each release is here thoroughly tested to ensure that
the quality of software is maintained.
• Face to face communication/conversation
• Close, daily cooperation between business people and
• Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
• Customers satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery
of useful of software.
• Difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning
of the software development life cycle.
• Lack of emphasis on the required designing and
Software Cost Estimation–
• It is a process to predict or estimate the approximate
cost of the software project before the development
gets started.
• It explains the approximate requirements of efforts,
development time and resources to complete the
software project.
• It is very important processes to start development for
software by considering all internal & external cost
COCOMO Model (Algorithmic Model)–
• The full form for COCOMO is constructive cost
• It is mainly used for software cost estimation.
System Analysis and Design
• It predicts the efforts required for the software project.
• It depends on the number of lines of code for software
product development.
• It also estimates or predicts the required number of
man-months (MM) for the full development of
software products.
Software Development Life Cycle–
• It is a process that produces software with the highest
quality and lowest cost in the shortest time possible.
• It provides a well-structured flow of phases that help
an organization to quickly produce high- quality
software that is well-tested and ready for production
SDLC Six Phases– that has been given in the below
Important Facts
• Software project management comprises of a number
of activities that contains project planning, project
estimation and scope management
• Program evaluation review technique (PERT) is a
project management tool that provides a graphical
representation of a project's timeline and it can be
used to track the tasks of a project, when the
estimation of task time is fairly uncertain.
• The extent to which the software can continue to
operate correctly despite the introduction of invalid
inputs is called as robustness.
• In software maintenance tackling the changes in the
hardware or software environment where the software
work, is adaptive maintenance.
• Planning is a life-cycle concern.
• Communication planning becomes increasingly
important in a virtual team environment.
• Top-down design does not require loop in variants.
• Waterfall model is simplest model in software
• A major defect in waterfall model in software
development is that a trial version is available only at
the end of the project.
• Abstraction, generic and information hiding are
software engineering concepts that support Ada
• Stage model prototyping is used to refine and establish
requirements gathering.
• The defect rate for six sigma is 3.4 defects per million
lines of code.
• The chargeback scheme where the IT costs are defined
in measurable events, transactions and functions that
are relevant to the business and outside the IT
organizations are resource or usage based, allocation
based and activity based costing.
• The constructive cost model (COCOMO) model does
not address the area of Mid architecture-state model.
• The rational unified process correct sequence of four
discrete phases in the software process is inception,
elaboration, construction and transition.
• Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is the predicted
elapsed time between inherent failures of a
mechanical or electronic system, during normal
system operation.
• It is calculated as the arithmetic mean time between
failures of a system.
( Down time − Uptime )
( Number of Failures )
• MTTR or Mean time to recovery is a software term
that measures the time period between a service being
detected as "down" to a state of being "available" from
a user's perspective.
Total Maintainance time
Number of repairs
• A simple measure of reliability is MTBF
• The availability of the software with MTBF & MTTR
is given by availability = 
 × 100
• Design specification checking and feasibility study is
not a valid step of requirement definition.
• Software maintenance model are corrective
maintenance, adaptive maintenance and perfective
• If A is the total items consumed per year, P is the
procurement cost per order and C is annual inventory
carrying cost per item, then the most economic
ordering quantity (EOQ) is equal to (2AP/C)1/2.
• File conversion, user training and new changes to the
system belong to implementation phase of SDLC.
• Project risk factor is considered in spiral model. Brain
storming is related to application development
• An approach which is very simple in its philophy
where basically all the modules are constructed and
tested independently of each other and when they are
finished, they are all put together at same time is BigBang strategy.
System Analysis and Design
• Characteristics of software are–
It is developed or engineered and not manufactured in
the classical sense, it can be custom built or custom
built and software does not "wear out".
• RAD software process model stands for Rapid
Application Development
• Functional requirements, non-functional requirements
and goal of implementation are desired in a good
software requirement specification (SRS) document.
• Interoperability is the testing to ensure the WebApp
properly interfaces with other applications or
• Line of code (LOC) of the product comes under direct
• Software requirement specification (SRS) is also
known as specification of black box testing.
• In the context of modular software design, the
combination of high cohesion and low coupling is
• In the spiral model of software development, the
primary determinant in selecting activities in each
iteration is risk.
• Configuration management is concerned with
controlling changes to the source code, controlling
documentation charges and maintaining versions of
• Black Box software testing method focuses on the
functional requirement of the software.
• A context model of a software system can be shown
by drawing a LEVEL-0 DFD.
• Activities which ensure that the software that has been
built is traceable to customer requirement is covered
as part of modeling.
• A testing method, which is normally used as the
acceptance test for a software system, is integration
• Software life cycle model are spiral model,
prototyping model and water fall model. Capability
maturity model (CMM) is a methodology to develop
and refine an organization's software development
• The UML 2.0 diagrams such as use case diagram,
activity diagram and state machine diagram capture
behavioral aspects of a system.
• Dashed ellipse symbol denote derived attributes in ER
• A software requirements specification (SRS)document
should avoid discussing design specification.
• The incremental model is a result of combination of
elements of two models linear model and prototyping
• A key concept of quality control is that all work
products have measurable specification for process
• The correct order of activities corresponding to • The benefits of smoke testing are the quality of the
end product is improved, error diagnosis and
software testing are unit, integration, system and
correction are simplified and integration risk is
• RAD and prototyping models will not be able to give
the desired outcome if user's participation is not • The process of changing the software in such a way
that it does not change external behaviour of the code
but improves the internal structure is called as
• Statistical testing is a software testing process in
which the objective is to measure the reliability of the
• The attribute of software that measures software
quality in terms of its process speed, response time
Specification phase of SDLC statistically, belongs to
and resource consumption is performance.
the maximum percentage of errors.
The purpose of using capability maturity model • Agile methods of software development involve rapid
delivery of software, accept changing requirement and
(CMM) is quality assurance accreditation.
there is a customer involvement.
Maintenance phase of SDLC is most effected during
• In maintenance testing additional new tests may be
costly faults is introduced.
required apart from re-test and regression test and it
Quality costs may be divided into costs associated
needs careful risk and impact analysis as its scope is
with prevention, appraisal and failure.
difficult. The correct order of conducting tests are
Boundary value analysis in done through black box
verification, unit testing, integration testing. System
testing and then acceptance testing.
The linear sequential model is an alternative name for • Condition coverage is white box-testing, boundary
water fall model.
analysis and data equivalence partitioning is black-box
software rather than to discover software faults.
• The Booch Method, the Jacbson method and the
testing while decision coverage is white-box testing.
Rumbaugh method are object-oriented software • The capability maturity model (CMM) level 5 defines
engineering analysis method.
optimizing work processes in software development
• Create virtual machine, delete virtual machine and
migrate virtual machine are function of hypervisor • Block-box testing is also called behavioral testing.
management software.
• Glass box testing is also known as white-box testing
• The value of method inheritance factor provides an
or structural test.
indication of the impact of inheritance on the object- • Graph-based testing, comparison testing and
oriented software.
equivalence partitioning are black-box testing.
• An independently deliverable piece of functionality • Mc call's quality factors are characterised using three
providing access to its services through interface is
aspects name them operation, revision and transition
called software component.
approaches such as PSL/PSA, prototyping and
structural analysis are used in software requirement.
• Efficiency, reliability and stability is a non-functional
• Logical design, conceptual design, planning and
analysis are the steps of design process.
• As per the distribution of maintenance effort,
perfective maintenance has consumed maximum • Debugging is the part of defect analysis, defect
resolution and defect identification.
• Operating system, Database management system and • Construction and transition is applicable for unified
compilers are the example of infrastructure software.
• The use of 4GT without design will cause the • A software requirement specification (SRS) document
difficulties in quality, maintainability and customer
should avoid discussing design specification.
• The final form of testing COTs software is Beta
• The primary objective of formal technical reviews is
to find errors.
• Basic path testing method enables the test case
designer to derive a logical complexity measures.
System Analysis and Design
COCOMO (Constructive cost model) is used to
estimate effort and duration based on the size of the
• The ability of the system to handle incorrect inputs is • The major drawback of using RAD model are highly
specialized & skilled developers/designers are
called as robustness.
required and it increase reusability of components.
• Stress testing, system testing and boundary value
• The disadvantages of spiral model are high amount of
risk analysis, strong approval and documentation
• White Box-testing can be started after installation.
control and additional functionality can be added at a
• Live data items would not come under configuration
later date.
management of software.
testing are validation activities.
• Testing activity which is performed to expose defects • Extreme programming (XP) and Agile unified process
(AUP) are agile software.
in the interfaces and in the interaction between
• A graphical technique for finding if changes and
integrated components is integration level testing.
variation in metrics data are meaningful is called as
• Security testing is a type of functions testing which
control chart.
investigates the function relating to deflection of
• Structural model in system modeling depicts the static
nature of the system.
• A document called work break down structure is
created by decomposing the project scope into • The UML supports event-based modeling using state
chart diagrams.
smaller, more manageable elements.
• The conditions immediately outside the software • Function-related metrics is related to the overall
functionality of the delivered software.
system is called the environment.
threats such as virus from malicious outsiders.
• Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to • Estimation by analogy is application when other
projects in the same analogy application domain have
which a module is connected to other modules and
outside world.
been completed.
• The spiral of software development included project • Model preferred to create client/server application is
risks evaluation during each iteration.
concurrent model.
• Life cycle of a process includes the states such as • Integration testing aims to identify interface errors.
New, Ready, Running, Waiting and terminated.
• Prototyping model allows refining the requirements.
• Alpha and Beta testing are forms of acceptance • The approach of software testing is to design test
cases to analyze the output of the software.
• For a software project, the spiral model was employed • Beta testing is carried out by users.
and it will stop when the software product is retired.
• Regression testing is primarily related to maintenance
• Initial repeatable and optimized are maturity level as
per capability maturity model.
• Acceptance testing is done by customers.
• In UML diagram of a class state is represented as an
• Software configuration management is used to
manage changes in the software.
• Rayleigh model is used for software reliability.
• An incremental process model delivers an operational
• To execute all loops at their boundaries and within
product in each increment.
their operational bounds is an example of while-box
• The change control process starts with a change
• Use case, class diagram and swimlane diagram are
• Use cases define the interactions between user and
UML diagram.
• Early design stage model of COCOMO states that
• Quality metrics on reliability of the software include
once requirements have been stabilized, the basic
mean time between failures.
software architecture has been established.
• FP-Based Estimation and COCOMO use empirically • Beta testing is conducted at one or more customer
sites by the end-user of the software.
derived formulas to predict effort as a function of
• Black-box testing of software testing that examines
the functionality of an application without peering into
• Quick design, prototype refinement and engineer
its internal structures or workings.
product are phases of prototyping model.
LOC or FP.
System Analysis and Design
• A software engineer must design the modules with the • Data flow based testing are used for selection of test
goal of high cohesion and low coupling.
cases during structural testing.
• "Spiral model is an incremental model" and it will • Top-down approach is generally applied for module
continue until the system retires.
design phase while developing new software.
• Enforced disciplined approach is an advantage of •
waterfall modal.
• The early prototyping model, the early design model
and the post-architectural model are COCOMO-I
• Waterfall model is not suitable for accommodating
• Actual programming of software code is done during
the development and documentation step in the SDLC.
Regression testing is primarily related to maintenance
• Exploratory decomposition techniques is used to
decompose problems whose underlying computations
correspond to a search of a space for solutions.
• The period of time within which systems, applications
or functions must be recovered after an outage is
recovery time objective.
• Capability maturity model in software engineering is a
technique which is used to improve the software
Data coupling has the weakest coupling.
Mutation testing methods uses fault simulation
The evolutionary software development model are
incremental model, WINWIN spiral model and
concurrent development model.
• A client/server application should be developed
preferably using incremental model.
• Valid category of software measurement metric are
size-oriented metrics, function-oriented metrics and
extended function point metrics.
• Maintenance is the last phase in waterfall model.
• Functional requirement are I/O format, storage
structure and timing and synchronizations.
• The lower degree of cohesion is kind of coincidental
• Technique used for finding a solution for optimizing
the given objective under certain constraint is called
linear programming.
• A model which enables the developer to apply the
• Productivity, quality, efficiency and portability are a
prototyping at any stage in evolution of the product
process metric.
and which addresses the risks associated with software
• Burn-in, burn-out useful life and wear out are the
development is risk.
phases of "bathtub curve" of hardware reliability.
• Unit testing is essentially a set of path test performed
to examine the many different paths through the
• In software engineering, acceptance testing is also
known as Beta testing.
• Cohesion is a qualitative indications of the degree to
which a module focuses on just one thing.
• Repeatable term is a level name in the capability
maturity model.
• Spiral model begins with customer communication.
• Alpha testing is done at developer's end.
• Unit testing is not a non-functional testing. Nonfunctional testing are load testing, performance testing
Cyclomatic complexity is related to while-box testing
and reliability testing.
• STLC is related to V Model.
Prototyping software development process in not
• The full form of STLC is software testing life cycle. It
necessarily useful for developing software for
is a sequence of specific actions performed during the
automating an existing manual system for a client.
testing process to ensure that the software quality
The characteristics of a good software requirement
objectives are met. The STLC includes both
specification are completeness, verifiability and
verification and validation.
In software development, UML diagrams are used • Risk Exposure (RE) is computed if P and L
corresponds to risk probability and loss respectively
during requirement analysis, system/module design
and it is given by RE = P×L
and system integration.
A recognized software project type under COCOMO • (4n + 1) test cases a boundary value analysis yields for
model are embedded, semidetached and organic.
a function of two various.
System Analysis and Design
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
Which of the following is a kind of problem
solving techniques that improves the system
and ensures all the components to function
(a) System Analysis
(b) System Design
(c) System Model
(d) System testing
Which of the following is a process of defining
elements of a system such as module,
architecture components, their interfaces and
data for a system based on the specified
(a) System Analysis
(b) System Design
(c) System Model
(d) System defining
Which of the following model is a 2D chart that
shows system elements and their linkages?
(a) Schematic model
(b) Flow system model
(c) Static model
(d) Dynamic model
Which of the following is not element of a
(a) Input/output
(b) Processor
(c) Control & Feedback (d) Processing
Which element of system does control the
pattern of activities to govern input, processing
and output?
(a) Processor
(b) Software
(c) Control
(d) Feedback
Which of the following is an information
gathering technique that allows the project
team, users and management to work together
to identify the requirements for the system?
(a) Joint application development
(b) Feasibility study
(c) Operational feasibility
(d) Technical feasibility
Which of the following is the measure of the
degree of interdependence between modules?
(a) Cohesion
(b) Coupling
(c) Both
(d) None of these
Which of the following does denote the flow of
data between the modules and represented by
directed arrow with empty circle at the end?
(a) Control flow
(b) Data flow
(c) Structured flow
(d) All of the above
The full form of HIPO is(a) hierarchical input/output process
(b) hierarchical input process output
System Analysis and Design
(c) hierarchy input processing output
(d) hierarchical input output process
In which year was HIPO model developed?
(a) 1980
(b) 1979
(c) 1978
(d) 1990
Which of the following testing is known as user
experience testing?
(a) Scalability testing
(b) Usability testing
(c) Compatibility testing
(d) Ad-hoc testing
A testing which is done randomly and does not
follow any documentation and test design
techniques to create test cases is called as:
(a) Ad-hoc testing
(b) Basic path testing
(c) Big Bang testing
(d) User acceptance testing
A software testing in which test cases are
defined based on flows or logical paths that can
be taken through program is called
(a) Basic path testing
(a) Big Bang testing
(c) Non- functional testing
(d) Performance testing
Which of the following testing is the final
testing before releasing application for
commercial purposes?
(a) Alpha testing
(b) Beta testing
(c) Regression testing (d) Smoke testing
A software testing techniques which focuses on
heavily testing of one particular module is
known as
(a) Alpha testing
(b) Beta testing
(c) Gorilla testing
(d) Glass testing
Which of the following testing does ensure the
old code still works once the latest code changes
are done?
(a) Alpha testing
(b) Gorilla testing
(c) Smoke testing
(d) Regression testing
Which of the following statement is correct
regarding software requirement specification
(i) SRS is a document that describes what the
software will do and how it will be
expected to perform the task.
(ii) Software requirement specification also
depicts the functionality of the product
required to fulfill all stakeholders needs.
(iii) It doesn't provide complete picture of the
entire project.
(iv) It provides the depth details than a system
requirements specification.
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) (i) (ii) & (iii)
(c) (i) (ii) & (iv)
(d) All of the above
Which of the following is not a type of software
(a) Fault repairs
(b) Adaptive maintenance
(c) Perfective maintenance
(d) Corrective maintenance
Which of the following statement is not true
about Software Development Life Cycle?
(a) It is a process that produces software with the
highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest
time possible.
(b) It provides a well- structured flow of phases
that help an organisation to quickly produce
high quality software.
(c) It is well- tested and ready for production use.
(d) It is a process that produces software with the
highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest
time possible.
Which of the following model is used to
determine the user needs and defines the
overall architecture, but delivers the system in
a series of increment?
(a) Spiral model
(b) Incremental model
(c) Software development model
(d) Waterfall model
The risk management feature is one of the best
development characteristics of the ………….
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Incremental model
(c) Spiral model
(d) Generic Model
Which of the following model is often referred
to as the linear or stage- gate model?
(a) Incremental model
(b) Spiral model
(c) Generic Model
(d) Waterfall model
Which of the following model is a risk- driven
controlled prototyping approach that develops
prototypes early in the development process?
(a) Spiral model
(b) Waterfall model
(c) Joint application development
(d) COCOMO model
System Analysis and Design
Which of the following can not be
disadvantages of waterfall model?
(a) It might have high amount of risks and
(b) It is apt for the projects where requirements
are at a moderate to high risk of changing.
(c) It is not a good model for complex and
object- oriented projects.
(d) Once an application is in the testing phase, it
becomes very difficult to go back and change
In which model at the time of each iteration,
the system is explored at greater depth and
more details is added?
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Spiral model
(c) Generic process model
(d) Integration model
Which of the following is also known as
algorithmic model?
(a) Spiral model
(b) Incremental model
(c) COCOMO model
(d) Waterfall model
Which of the following can be used to track the
tasks of a project, when the estimation of task
time is fairly uncertain?
(a) Decision table
(b) Case tools
(c) DFD
(d) PERT
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Software project management comprises of a
number of activities, which contains:
(a) Project planning
(b) Project estimation
(c) Scope management
(d) All mentioned above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
The extent to which the software can continue
to operate correctly despite the introduction of
invalid inputs is called as
(a) Reliability
(b) Robustness
(c) Fault tolerance
(d) Portability
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
In software maintenance tackling the changes
in the hardware or software environment
where the software works, is
(a) Corrective maintenance
(b) Perfective maintenance
(c) Adaptive maintenance
(d) Preventive maintenance
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which of the following is a life-cycle concern?
(a) Testing
(b) Portability
(c) Programming
(d) Planning
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT) 38.
Which of the following becomes increasingly
important in a virtual team environment ?
(a) Requirements engineering
(b) Communication planning
(c) Formal Procurements Closure
(d) Network diagramming
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
Top-down design does not require
(a) step-wise refinement (b) loop in variants
(c) flow charting
(d) modularity
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Which model is simplest model in software
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Prototyping model
(c) Iterative model
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
A major defect in waterfall model in software
development is that
(a) the documentation is difficult
(b) a blunder at any stage can be disastrous
(c) a trial version is available only at the end of
the project
(d) the maintenance of the software is difficult
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
What is the appropriate pairing of items in the
two columns listing various activities
encountered in a software cycle?
1. Module
development and
2. Domain Analysis
Implementation 3. Structural and
Behavioral Modeling
4. Performance Tuning
(a) P–3, Q–2, R–4, S–1
(b) P–2, Q–3, R–1, S–4
(c) P–3, Q–2, R–1, S–4
(d) P–2, Q–3, R–4, S–1
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Which of the following software engineering
concepts does Ada language support?
(a) Abstraction
(b) Generic
System Analysis and Design
(c) Information hiding
(d) All the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
Stage model Prototyping is used to
(a) test the software as an end product
(b) expand design details
(c) refine and establish requirements gathering
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
What is the availability of the software with
following reliability figures
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is 20
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is 20 hours
(a) 90%
(b) 96%
(c) 24%
(d) 50%
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2020
What is the defect rate for Six sigma?
(a) 1.0 defect per million lines of code
(b) 1.4 defects per million lines of code
(c) 3.0 defect per million lines of code
(d) 3.4 defects per million lines of code
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2020
The chargeback scheme where the IT costs are
defined in measurable events, transactions and
functions that are relevant to the business and
outside the IT organization is:
(a) Resource or usage based
(b) Allocation based
(c) Activity based costing
(d) Product or service based
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO)
model does not address the area of
(a) Application composition model
(b) Early design stage model
(c) Post architecture
(d) Mid architecture-stage model
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
The Rational Unified Process correct sequence
of four discrete phases in the software process
(a) Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition.
(b) Elaboration, Construction, Inception, Transition.
(c) Construction, Inception, Elaboration, Transition.
(d) Construction, Transition, Inception, Elaboration.
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
If A is the total items consumed per year, P is
the procurement cost per order and C is annual
inventory carrying cost per item, then the most
economic ordering quantity (EOQ) is equal to: 51.
( 2A P / C ) 2
(a) (A. P/C)2
(c) 2A P / C
(d) A2 P/C
(e) A. P/C
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
Which is not a valid tool for Software Quality
Assurance (SQA) ?
(a) Inspection
(b) Auditing
(c) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
(d) Technical Review
Which is not a valid step of requirement
definition ?
(a) Requirements gathering (elicitation)
(b) Analyse and model the requirements
(c) Design specification checking and feasibility
(d) Review and validate SRS and get
confirmation from users
Which one is not a software maintenance
model ?
(a) Corrective maintenance
(b) Effective maintenance
(c) Adaptive maintenance
(d) Perfective maintenance
Which of the following activities does not
belong to implementation phase of SDLC?
(a) Program testing
(b) File conversion
(c) User training
(d) New changes to the system
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
Project risk factor is considered in
(a) waterfall model
(b) prototyping model
(c) spiral model
(d) iterative enhancement model
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
What is related to application development
(a) Brainstorming
(b) Technical planning
System Analysis and Design
(c) Writing the creative brief
(d) All of the above
UPPSC LT GRADE 29.07.2018
An approach which is very simple in its
philosophy where basically all the modules are
constructed and tested independently of each
other and when they are finished, they are all
put together at same time is:
(a) Top-Down strategy
(b) Bottom-Up strategy
(c) Big-Bang strategy
(d) Breadth-First strategy
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
What are the characteristics of software?
(a) Software is developed or engineered; it is not
manufactured in the classical sense.
(b) Software can be custom built or custom build.
(c) Software doesn't "wear out"
(d) All mentioned above
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
RAD Software process model sands for:
(a) Rapid Application Development.
(b) Rapid Application Design.
(c) Relative Application Development.
(d) Recent Application Development.
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (CS)
What is the appropriate pairing of items in the
two columns listing various activities
encountered in a software life cycle?
P. Requirements Capture 1. Module
and Integration
Q. Design
2. Domain Analysis
R. Implementation
3. Structural and
S. Maintenance
4. Performance
(a) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 (b) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(c) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4 (d) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
NIELIT Scientists-B 22.07.2017 (CS)
What is the testing to ensure the WebApp
properly interfaces with other applications or
(a) Compatibility
(b) Interoperability
(c) Performance
(d) Security
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is
also known as specification of:
(a) White box testing
(b) Integrated testing
(c) Acceptance testing (d) Black box testing
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Which of the following is not defined in a good
Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
(a) Functional Requirement.
(b) Goals of implementation.
(c) Nonfunctional Requirement.
(d) Algorithm for software implementation
NIELIT Scientists-B 04.12.2016 (IT)
Match the following:
(P) Condition coverage (i) Black-box testing
(Q) Equivalence class
(ii) System testing
(R) Volume testing
(iii) White-box testing
(S) Alpha testing
(iv) Performance testing
(a) P-ii, Q-iii, R-i, S-iv (b) P-iii, Q-iv, R-ii, S-i
(c) P-iii, Q-i, R-iv, S-ii (d) P-iii, Q-i, R-ii, S-iv
GATE 2015 (Shift-I)
In the context of modular software design,
which one of the following combinations is
(a) High cohesion and high coupling
(b) High cohesion and low coupling
(c) Low cohesion and high coupling
(d) Low cohesion and low coupling
GATE 2014 (Shift-III)
In the spiral model of software development,
the primary determinant in selecting activities
in each iteration is
(a) Iteration size
(b) Cost
(c) Adopted process such as Rational Unified
Process of Extreme Programming
(d) Risk
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Which one of the following is a functional
(a) Maintainability (b) Portability
(c) Robustness
(d) None of the mentioned
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Configuration management is not concerned
(a) Controlling changes to the source code
(b) Choice of hardware configuration for an
(c) Controlling documentation charges
(d) Maintaining versions of software
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2016 (July)
Black Box software testing method focuses on the
(a) Boundary condition of the software
(b) Control Structure of the software
System Analysis and Design
(c) Functional Requirement of the software
(d) Independent paths of the software
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
A context model of a software system can be
shown by drawing a
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2011
Activities which ensure that the software that
has been built, is traceable to customer
requirement is covered as part of
(a) Verification
(b) Validation
(c) Maintenance
(d) Modeling
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
A Testing method, which is normally used as
the acceptance test for a software system, is
(a) Regression Testing (b) Integration Testing
(c) Unit Testing
(d) System Testing
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2009
In the context of modular software design,
which one of the following combinations is
(a) High cohesion and high coupling
(b) High cohesion and low coupling
(c) Low cohesion and high coupling
(d) Low cohesion and low coupling
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which of the following is not a life cycle model?
(a) Spiral model
(b) Prototyping model
(c) Waterfall model
(d) Capability maturity model
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a
methodology to
(a) develop and refine an organization's software
development process
(b) develop the software
(c) test the software
(d) all of the above
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Which of the following UML 2.0 diagrams
capture behavioural aspects of a system?
(a) Use Case Diagram, Object Diagram, Activity
Diagram and State Machine Diagram
(b) Use Case diagram, Activity Diagram, and
State Machine Diagram
(c) Object Diagram, Communication Diagram,
Timing Diagram, and Interaction diagram
(d) Object Diagram, Composite Structure Diagram,
Package Diagram, and Deployment Diagram
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
Estimation of software development effort for
organic software in basic COCOMO is
(a) E = 2.0 (KLOC)1.05 PM
(b) E = 3.4 (KLOC)1.06 PM
(c) E = 2.4 (KLOC)1.05 PM
(d) E = 2.4 (KLOC)1.07 PM
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
A software requirements specification (SRS)
document should avoid discussing which one of
the following ?
(a) User interface issues
(b) Non-functional requirements
(c) Design specification
(d) Interfaces with third party software
GATE 2015 (Shift-II)
Which symbol denote derived attributes in ER
(a) Double ellipse
(b) Dashed ellipse
(c) Squared ellipse
(d) Ellipse with attribute name underlined
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2017 (May)
In which testing all the modules of the system
are tested and integrated as complete system
(a) Bottom up testing
(b) Top- down testing
(c) Sandwich testing
(d) Big-Bang testing
…….model couples the iterative nature of the
prototyping with the controlled and systematic
aspects of the linear sequential model.
(a) Spiral
(b) Rapid Application Development (RAD)
(c) Iterative Development
(d) Incremental Development
How Risk Exposure (RE) is computed if P and
L corresponds to risk probability and loss
(a) RE= P/L
(b) RE= P+L
(c) RE= P*L
(d) RE= 2*P*L
How many test cases a boundary value analysis
yields for a function of two variables.
(a) 4n+3
(b) 4n+1
(c) n+4
(d) None of these
System Analysis and Design
The incremental Model is a result of
combination of elements of which two models?
(a) Build & Fix Model and Waterfall Model
(b) Linear Model and RAD Model
(c) Linear Model and Prototyping Model
(d) Waterfall model and RAD Model
Find out the correct order of activities
corresponding to software testing
(a) Unit, integration, system, validation
(b) system, integration, unit, validation
(c) unit, integration, validation, system
(d) none of these
Which two of the following models will not be
able to give the desired outcome if user's
participation is not involved?
(a) Waterfall and spiral
(b) RAD and Spiral
(c) RAD and Waterfall
(d) RAD and Prototyping
Statistical testing is a software testing process
in which the objective is to measure the…….. of
the software rather than to discover software
(a) availability
(b) reliability
(c) reusability
(d) all of these
Which phase of SDLC statistically, belongs to
the maximum percentage of errors
(a) Design
(b) Implementation and Coding
(c) Specification
(d) Testing
RPSC Lect. 2014
The purpose of using Capability Maturity
Model (CMM) is?
(a) Inventory control
(b) Production control
(c) Quality assurance accreditation
(d) None of the above
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which model of software development is best
understandable and defined?
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Prototyping model
(c) Iterative enhancement model
(d) Spring model
RPSC Lect. 2014
What are characteristic required for a good
Software Requirement Specification (SRS)?
(a) Correctness
(b) Completeness
(c) Consistency
(d) All of the above
RPSC Lect. 2014
Which phase of SDLC is most effected during,
Costly faults is introduced?
(a) Analysis
(b) Design
(c) Coding
(d) Maintenance
RPSC Lect. 2014
Quality costs may be divided into costs
associated with prevention, appraisal and
(a) failure
(b) compliant
(c) control
(d) normalization
Boundary value analysis is done through
(a) White box testing
(b) Black box testing
(c) Regression testing (d) Conditional testing
The linear sequential model is an alternative
name for
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Spiral model
(c) Prototype model
(d) RAD model
Which is not an object oriented Software
Engineering Analysis method?
(a) The Booch Method
(b) The Jacbson Method
(c) The Rumbaugh Method
(d) The Rj-jindale Method
Integration testing in the small
(a) Tests the individual components that have
been developed.
(b) Only uses components that form part of the
line system.
(c) Tests interactions between modulus or
(d) Tests interfaces to other systems.
The first step in software development life cycle
(a) Software Requirement Specification
(b) System Design
(c) System Testing
(d) None
Which of the following is not a software
engineering paradigm?
(a) Waterfall model
System Analysis and Design
(b) Spiral model
(c) Incremental process model
(d) Generic model
A key concept of quality control is that all work
(a) are delivered on time and under budget
(b) have complete documentation
(c) have measureable specification for process
(d) are thoroughly tested before delivery to the
Which of the following is not good test
(a) A good test has a high probability of finding
an error.
(b) A good test is redundant.
(c) A good test should be best of breed.
(d) A good test should be neither too simple nor
too complex.
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
The value of ______ provides an indication of
the impact of inheritance on the object oriented
(a) Method inheritance factor
(b) Coupling factor
(c) Cohensive factor
(d) Cpmplexity metrics
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
An Independently deliverable piece of
functionality providing access to its services
through interface is called:
(a) Software measurement
(b) Software composition
(c) Software maintenance
(d) Software component
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
Which one of the following is not a nonfunctional requirement?
(a) efficiency
(b) reliability
(c) product features
(d) stability
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
As per the distribution of maintenance effort,
which type of maintenance has consumed
maximum share?
(a) Adaptive
(b) Corrective
(c) Perfective
(d) Preventive
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
100. Which one of the following is not a
infrastructure software?
(a) Operating system
(b) Database Management System
(c) Compilers
(d) Result Management System
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
101. The use of 4 GT without____ will cause the
difficulties in quality, maintainability and
customer acceptance.
(a) data structure
(b) testing
(c) design
(d) information gathering
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
102. The primary objective of formal technical
reviews is to:
(a) fix errors
(b) find errors
(c) clear errors
(d) modify errors
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
103. _____ testing method enables the test case
designer to derive a logical complexity
(a) Control structure testing
(b) Basic path testing
(c) Orthogonal array testing
(d) Scenario- based testing
TRB Poly. Lect. 2017
104. What is the appropriate pairing of items in the
two columns that list various activities
encountered in a Software life cycle?
1. Module Development
P. Requirement Capture
and Integration
Q. Design
R. Implementation
S. Maintenance
2. Domain Analysis
3. Structural and
4. Performance Tuning
(a) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 (b) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(c) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4 (d) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
105. Which of the following option is NOT a part of
regression suite?
(a) A representative sample of tests that will
exercise all software functions
(b) Additional tests that focus on software functions
that are likely to be affected by the change
(c) Tests that focus on the software components
that have been changed
(d) Only those tests that do not address one or
more classes of errors
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
System Analysis and Design
106. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of
smoke testing?
(a) Integration risk is maximised
(b) The quality of the end product is improved
(c) Error diagnosis and correction are simplified
(d) Progress is easier to assess
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
107. Which of the following is NOT true about the
waterfall model?
(a) It is a classic life cycle model
(b) It is linear model
(c) It is a phased model
(d) It supports backtracking
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
108. CMMI is a short form for which of the
(a) Capability Maturity Model Integration
(b) Code Maturity Model Integration
(c) Custom Maturity Model Integration
(d) Capability Mode Maturity Integration
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
109. The process of changing the software in such a
way that it does not change external behaviour
of the code but improves the internal structure
is known as:
(a) Refactoring
(b) Rechanging
(c) Redesigning
(d) Factoring
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
110. The attribute of software that measures
software quality in terms of its process speed,
response time and resource consumption is:
(a) Performance
(b) Usability
(c) Adaptability
(d) Reliability
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
111. Which of the following is NOT true about agile
methods of software development?
(a) They involve rapid delivery of software
(b) There is a customer involvement
(c) They are complex
(d) They accept changing requirement
APPSC Poly. Lect. 13.03.2020
112. Consider the following test processes :
1. Acceptance testing
2. System testing
3. Verification
4. Unit testing
5. Integration testing
Which is the correct order of conducting, these
(a) 3, 4, 5, 2 and 1
(c) 3, 2, 5, 4 and 1
(b) 4, 3, 5, 2 and 1
(d) 4, 2, 5, 3 and 1
119. Which of the following is not a step of design
(a) Logical design
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
(b) Conceptual design
Consider the following statements :
(c) Planning and analysis
1. Condition coverage is Black-Box testing
(d) Testing
2. Boundary analysis is Black-Box testing
3. Decision coverage is White-Box testing
which of the
4. Data Equivalence partitioning is Black-Box
(a) Defect analysis
(b) Defect resolution
Which of the above statements are correct?
(c) Testing
(d) Defect identification
(a) 2, 3 and 4
(b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 3 and 4
121. Which of the phases is not applicable for the
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
unified process?
The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) level 5
(i) Inspection, (ii) Elaboration
defines :
(iii) Construction (iv) Transition
(a) Initial mature work process in software
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
development organization
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (ii)
(b) Managed work processes in software
development organization
122. A software Requirements Specification (SRS)
(c) Optimizing work processes in software
document should avoid discussing which one
development organization
of the following?
(d) Repeatable work process in software
(a) User Interface issues
development organization
(b) Non- functional requirements
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
(c) Design specification
Black box testing is also called
(d) Interfaces with third party software
(a) Data flow testing
(b) Loop testing
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
(c) Behavioral testing (d) Graph based testing 123. Which one is not right in the reference of Black
UPSC Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II 16.07.2017
Box Testing?
Which of the following is not a black box
(a) Internal workings of an application are not
(a) Glass box testing
(b) Also know as clear box/ structural testing.
(c) This can only be done by trial and error
(b) Equivalence partitioning
(c) Graph-Based testing
(d) Also known as closed box/ data driven
(d) Comparison testing
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Mc Call's quality factors are characterised
of testing COTS soft ware is?
using three aspects name them
(a) Unit
(b) Integration
(a) Processes, revision, transition
(c) Alpha
(d) Beta
(b) Management, Operation, transition
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
(c) Operation, revision, transition
125. Match the following:
(d) Management, Operation, revision
A. Maintainability (i) Must be usable by the
users for which it was
In software requirement which approach is not
used in analysis model.
B. Dependability (ii) Ability to meet the
changing needs of
(b) Prototyping
(c) Analysis patterns
C. Efficiency
(iii) Optimal use of resources
(d) Structural analysis
D. Acceptability (iv) Ability to withstand the
events of system failure
System Analysis and Design
(a) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(b) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(b) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(d) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
The system design process does not include
(a) modularity
(b) cohesion
(c) coupling
(d) None of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is used
to estimate
(a) effort and duration based on the size of the
(b) size and duration based on the effort of the
(c) effort and cost based on the duration of the
(d) size, effort and duration based on the cost of
the software
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
The ability of the system to handle incorrect
inputs is called as
(a) Accuracy
(b) Reliability
(c) Correctness
(d) Robustness
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
Which of the following are validation activities:
(i) Code Review
(ii) Stress Testing
(iii) System Testing
(iv) Document Verification
(v) Boundary Value Testing
(a) (i), (v)
(b) (i), (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii), (v)
(d) All of these
RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 (CS)
The coupling between different modules of a
software is categorized as follows:
I. Content coupling
II. Common coupling
III. Control coupling
IV. Stamp coupling
V. Data coupling
Coupling between modules can be ranked in
the order of strongest (least desirable) to
weakest (most desirable) as follows:
(c) I, III-V-II-IV
Punjab PSC Lect. 2016 (IT)
System Analysis and Design
131. White box testing can be started
(a) After SRS creation
(b) After installation
(c) After Programming
(d) Anytime in SDLC
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
132. Which of the following items would not come
(a) live data
(b) test documentation
(c) operating systems
(d) user requirement document
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
133. Testing activity which is performed to expose
defects in the interfaces and in the interaction
between integrated components is :(a) System Level Testing
(b) Integration Level Testing
(c) Unit Level Testing
(d) Component Testing
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
134. A Type of functional Testing, which investigates
the function relating to deflection of threats, such
as virus from malicious outsiders.
(a) Security Testing
(b) Recovery Testing
(c) Performance Testing
(d) Functionality Testing
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
A document called _____________ is created
by decomposing the project scope into smaller,
more manageable elements.
(a) Scope Statement
(b) Network Logic Diagram
(c) Work Breakdown Structure
(d) Requested Change
Which should be included in a Requirements
management plan?
(a) The document should trace requirements to
project scope/WBS deliverables.
(b) It should describe how requirements activities
will be planned, tracked, and reported.
(c) It should trace high-level requirements to
more detailed requirements.
(d) It should trace requirements to business
needs, opportunities, goals, and objectives.
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
the 144. In UML diagram of a class
(a) state of object cannot be represented
(b) state in irrelevant
(c) state is represented as an attribute
(d) state is represented as a result of an operation
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
models is used for
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
software reliability?
Coupling is a qualitative indication of the
(a) Waterfall
(b) Musa
degree to which a module
(a) Can be written more compactly
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
(b) Is connected to other modules and outside
146. To execute all loops at their boundaries and
within their operational bounds is an example of
(c) Is table to complete its function in a timely
(a) Black Box Testing (b) alpha Testing
(c) Recover testing
(d) white Box testing
(d) Focuses on Just one thing
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
147. Which of the following is not a UML
The spiral model of software development
(a) Ends with delivery of software product
(a) Use Case
(b) Is more chaotic than incremental model
(b) Class Diagram
(c) Includes project risks evaluation during each
(c) Analysis Diagram
Swimlane Diagram
(d) Risky model that rarely produces a
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2007
meaningful product
COCOMO states that once
Punjab State Civil Supplies Corp. Ltd. 13.11.2011
been stabilized, the basic
Life cycle of a process includes the following
software architecture has been established?
(a) Early design stage model
(a) Newborn, Ready, Running, Waiting and
Post-architecture-stage model
(c) Application composition model
(b) Initiated, Ready, Running, Waiting and Halted
(d) All of the above
(c) New, Ready, Running, Blocked and Terminated
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
(d) New, Ready, Running waiting and terminated
149. A 66.6% risk is considered as
Karnataka PSC Comp. Sci. Teacher 16.10.2017
(a) very low
(b) low
Alpha and beta testing are forms of
(c) moderate
(d) high
(a) Acceptance testing (b) Integration testing
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
(c) System testing
(d) Unit testing
150. Which of the following uses empirically derived
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2015
formulas to predict effort as a function of LOC
For a software project, the spiral model was
or FP?
employed. When will the spiral stop?
(a) FP-Based Estimation
(a) When the software product is retired
(b) Process-Based Estimation
(b) When the software product is released after
Beta testing
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(c) When the risk analysis is completed
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
(d) After completing five loops
151. Which one of the following is not a phase of
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2014
Prototyping Model?
Which of the following is not a maturity level
(a) Quick Design
as per Capability Maturity Model?
(b) Coding
(a) Initial
(b) Measurable
(c) Prototype Refinement
(c) Repeatable
(d) Optimized
(d) Engineer Product
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2014
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
137. The conditions immediately
software system is called
(a) the boundary
(b) the graphical user interface
(c) the environment
(d) None of the Above
System Analysis and Design
152. What is the major drawback of using RAD
(a) Highly specialized & skilled developers/
designers are required
(b) Increase reusability of components
(c) Encourages customer/client feedback
(d) Both (a) and (b)
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
153. Identify the disadvantage of Spiral Model.
(a) Doesn't work well for smaller projects
(b) High amount of risk analysis
(c) Strong approval and documentation control
(d) Additional Functionality can be added at a
later date
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
154. Which one of the following is not agile method?
(a) XP
(b) 4GT
(c) AUP
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
155. Which of the following does not apply to agility
to a software process?
(a) Uses incremental product delivery strategy
(b) Only essential work products are produced
(c) Eliminate the use of project planning and
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
156. A graphical technique for finding if changes
and variation in metrics data are meaningful is
known as
(a) DRE (Defect Removal Efficiency)
(b) Function points analysis
(c) Control Chart
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
157. Which model in system modelling depicts the
static nature of the system?
(a) Behavioral Model (b) Context Model
(c) Data Model
(d) Structural Model
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
158. The UML supports event-based modeling using
______ diagrams.
(a) Deployment
(b) Collaboration
(c) State chart
(d) All of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
159. What is related to the overall functionality of
the delivered software?
(a) Function-related metrics
(b) Product-related metrics
System Analysis and Design
(c) Size-related metrics
(d) None of the above
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Which technique is applicable when other
projects in the same analogy application
domain have been completed?
(a) Algorithmic cost modeling
(b) Expert Judgement
(c) Estimation by analogy
(d) Parkinson's law
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Model preferred to create client/server
applications is
(a) WINWIN Spiral Model
(b) Spiral Model
(c) Concurrent Model
(d) Incremental Model
GPSC Asstt. Prof. 30.06.2016
Integration testing aims to identify:
(a) SRS errors
(b) Analysis errors
(c) Interface errors
(d) Design errors
(e) Semantic errors
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
Which of the following software development
models allows refining the requirements?
(a) Waterfall model
(b) Incremental model
(c) spiral model
(d) Prototyping model
(e) Rapid application development model
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
The process of software modifications to match
changes in the ever changing environment is
termed as:
(a) Assertive maintenance
(b) Corrective maintenance
(c) Adaptive maintenance
(d) Perfective maintenance
(e) Preventive maintenance
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (CS)
The approach to software testing is to design
test cases to
(a) break the software
(b) understand the software
(c) analyze the design of sub processes in the
(d) analyze the output of the software
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
166. In a software project, COCOMO (Constructive
Cost Model) is used to estimate
(a) effort, cost and schedule based on the size of
the software
(b) size and duration based on the effort of the
(c) effort and cost based on the duration of the
(d) size, effort and duration based on the cost of
the software
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
167. Beta testing is carried out by
(a) users
(b) developers
(c) managers
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
168. Regression testing is primarily related to
(a) functional testing
(b) data flow testing
(c) development testing
(d) maintenance testing
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
169. Acceptance testing is done by
(a) developers
(b) customers
(c) testers
(d) None of the given options
APPSC Lect. Degree College 07.06.2017 (CS)
170. The COCOMO model is
(a) an analysis model
(b) a design model
(c) a cost model
(d) a testing model
171. Software configuration management is used
(a) to manage different software systems
(b) to manage changes in the software
(c) To manage interactions between software
(d) to manage setting up software
172. An incremental process model
(a) increments the process in each cycle
(b) delivers one completed product
(c) Delivers an operational product in each
(d) increments changes to the model in each cycle
173. The change control process starts with
(a) a test case
(b) a design feature
(c) a specification
(d) a change request
System Analysis and Design
174. Use cases
(a) define the interactions between user and
(b) brings out cases of usage by the system
(c) defines details of the system behavior
(d) defines interactions between modules
175. Quality metrics on reliability of the software
(a) average time taken to execute a function
(b) mean time between failures
(c) number of words in the documentation
(d) number of lines of code
176. Which testing is conducted at one or more
customer sites by the end-user of the software?
(a) Alpha testing
(b) Beta testing
(c) Gamma testing
(d) Delta testing
(e) Sigma testing
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
177. The COCOMO model is a:
(a) Common Cost Estimation Model
(b) Complete Cost Estimation Model
(c) Constructive Cost Estimation Model
(d) Comprehensive Cost Estimation Model
(e) Cash Cost Estimation Model
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
178. Name the method of software testing that
examines the functionality of an application
without peering into its internal structures or
(a) White box testing
(b) Black box testing
(c) Grey box testing
(d) Basic path testing
(e) Code path analysis
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
179. In DFDs, an entity is represented by:
(a) Rectangle
(b) Arrow
(c) Oval
(d) Triangle
(e) Diamond
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
180. A software engineer must design the modules:
(a) with the goal of low cohesion and low coupling
(b) with the goal of high cohesion and high
(c) with the goal of high cohesion and low coupling
(d) with the goal of low cohesion and high coupling
(e) with the goal of no cohesion and low coupling
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (IT)
181. "Spiral model is an incremental model". How
long the spiral will continue?
(a) Until the system (or software) retires
(b) up to β-testing
(c) When rest analysis is completed
(d) None of these
182. What does CASE Tool mean :(a) Tools used for analysis and design only
(b) Any computer based tool for software
planning, development and evolution
(c) Any tool used for case study only
(d) Tools for testing the software
183. Which of the following is an advantage of
waterfall model?
(a) The model assume stage rigidity
(b) Enforced disciplined approach
(c) The model makes no allowance for prototyping
(d) Relegating maintenance is limited to minor
184. Which of the following is not a COCOMO-I
(a) The early prototyping model
(b) The early design model
(c) The early testing model
(d) The post-architectural model
185. Waterfall model is not suitable for :(a) Complex project
(b) Small project
(c) Accommodating project
(d) None of these
186. The following are the two main approaches to
designing black box test cases :(a) Equivalence class partitioning and Coincident
object analysis
(b) Equivalence class partitioning and Boundary
value analysis
(c) Boundary value analysis and partitioning
(d) None of these
187. Consider the following statements with respect
to coding phase: I. Verification: It is the
process of determining whether the output of
one phase of software development conforms to
that of its previous phase II. Velidation: It is
System Analysis and Design
the process of determining whether a fully
developed system conforms to its requirements
specification. Which of the following is correct?
(a) I
(b) II
(c) Both are correct
(d) None of the statement are correct
Actual programming of software code is done
during the_____ step in the SDLC.
(a) Maintenance and evaluation
(b) Design
(c) analysis
(d) Development and Documentation
Identify the correct statement with respect to
Evolutionary development
(a) Evolutionary development usually has two
flavors; exploratory development and throwaway prototyping
(b) Very large projects are usually done using
evolutionary development based approach
(c) It facilitates easy project management, through
the high volume of documentation it generates
(d) Sometimes the construction of a throw-away
prototype is not followed by a re- implementation
of the software system using a more
Regression testing is primarily related to
(a) Functional testing
(b) Development testing
(c) Data flow testing
(d) Maintenance testing
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2020
Which one of the following decomposition
techniques is used to decompose problems
whose underlying computations correspond to
a search of a space for solutions?
(a) Recursive decomposition
(b) Data decomposition
(c) Exploratory decomposition
(d) Speculative decomposition
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
The period of time within which systems,
applications or functions must be recovered
after an outage is:
(a) Mean Time to Recover
(b) Recovery Time Objective
(c) Recovery Point Objective
(d) Mean Time Return Failure
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
193. A model which enables the developer to apply
the prototyping at any stage in evolution of the
product and which addresses the risks
associated with software development is:
(a) Spiral model
(b) Prototype model
(c) Water fall model
(d) V-shape model
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
194. The primary determinant in selecting activities
in each iteration of the spiral model of software
development is:
(a) Cost
(b) Iteration size
(c) Constraints
(d) Risk
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
195. Which one of the following testing is essentially
a set of path test performed to examine the
many different paths through the modules?
(a) Integration testing (b) Unit testing
(c) Function testing
(d) System testing
UPSC Poly Lect. 10.03.2019
196. What is the disadvantage of spiral model?
(a) It is inefficient for smaller projects
(b) High amount of risk analysis
(c) Strong approval and documentation control
(d) Additional functionalities can be added later
TSPSC Manager 2015
197. In software engineering, acceptance testing is
also known as
(a) black-box testing
(b) white box testing
(c) Alpha testing
(d) Beta testing
TSPSC Manager 2015
198. Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the
degree to which a module
(a) can be written more compactly
(b) focuses on just one thing
(c) is able to complete its function in a timely
(d) is connected to other modules and the outside
TSPSC Manager 2015
199. Cyclamatic complexity is related to which of
the following testing method?
(a) White-box
(b) Black-box testing
(c) White- box and black-box testing
(d) Functional-test
TSPSC Manager 2015
System Analysis and Design
200. Consider the following :
A. Condition
p. Black box testing
B. Equivalence Class q. System testing
C. Volume Testing
r. White box texting
D. Beta Testing
s. Performance testing
Matching A, B, C, D in the same order gives.
(a) r, p, s, q
(b) p, r, q, s
(c) s, r, q, p
(d) q, r, s, p
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 17.12.2017
Which of the following software development
process is not necessarily useful for developing
software for automating an existing manual
system for a client?
(a) Prototyping (b) Iterative enhancement
(c) Spiral model (d) Waterfall model
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of the follwing is NOT the characteristic
of a good software Requirement Specification?
(a) Completeness
(b) verifiability
(c) modifiability
(d) short size of code
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of the following is NOT a recognized
software project type under COCOMO model?
(a) embedded
(b) semidetached
(c) detached
(d) organic
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
In software development, UML diagrams are
used during.....
(a) requirements analysis
(b) system/module design
(c) system integration
(d) All the given options
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of the following techniques are used for
selection of test cases during structural testing?
(a) Data flow based testing
(b) equivalence class partitioning
(c) cause-effect graphing
(d) boundary value analysis
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Match the following
P) Waterfall model
(a) Specifications can
be developed
Q) Evolutionary model (b) Requirements
compromises are
R) Component based
(c) Explicitly addressing
the problem of Risk
during development
S) Spiral Model
(d) Inflexible
of the Project into
(a) P-a, Q-b, R-c, S-d
(b) P-d, Q-a, R-b, S-c
(c) P-d, Q-c, R-a, S-b
(d) P-c, Q-a, R-b, S-d
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of the following approaches is generally
applied for module design phase while
developing new software?
(a) top-down approach
(b) Bottom-up approach
(c) centre fringing
(d) depends on the size of software
APPSC Lect. 2017 (Degree College) (CS)
Which of the following type of coupling has the
weakest coupling?
(a) Pathological coupling (b) Control coupling
(c) Data coupling
(d) massage coupling
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
Which of the following testing methods uses
fault simulation technique?
(a) unit testing
(b) beta testing
(c) beta testing
(d) mutation testing
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 2013
Which of the following is NOT an evolutionary
software development model?
(a) Incremental model
(b) WINWIN spiral model
(c) Concurrent development model
(d) RAD model
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
In software engineering, which of the following
is NOT a valid type of change that is
encountered during support phase?
(a) Correction
(b) Adoption
(c) Prevention
(d) Avoidance
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
A client/server application should be developed
preferably using _______ model.
(a) Spiral
(b) WINWIN spiral
(c) Incremental
(d) Concurrent
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Which of the following is NOT a valid category
of software measurement metric?
(a) Size-oriented metrics
(b) Function-oriented metrics
System Analysis and Design
(c) Module-oriented metrics
(d) Extended function point metrics
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Match the following:
(a) White-box testing
(1) Behavioural testing
(b) Black-box testing
(2) Glass-box testing
(c) Basic path testing
(3) Cyclomatic
(a) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3
(b) a - 2, b - 1, c - 3
(c) a - 3, b - 2, c - 1
(d) a - 3, b - 1, c - 2
APPSC Lect. Degree College 16.09.2020
Which is not a type of coupling in software
Engineering ?
(a) Data coupling
(b) Stamp coupling
(c) Context coupling
(d) Content coupling
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which is not a type of testing ?
(a) Proper testing
(b) Unit testing
(c) Integration testing (d) System testing
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which is the last phase in waterfall model ?
(a) Testing
(b) Maintenance
(c) Coding
(d) Design
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
Which is not a functional requirement ?
(a) I/O format
(b) Reliability
(c) Storage structure
(d) Timing and Synchronization
RPSC ACF FRO 23.02.2021 (Comp. App./Sci.)
The lower degree of cohesion is kind of
(a) Logical Cohesion
(b) Coincidental Cohesion
(c) Procedural Cohesion
(d) Communicational Cohesion
ISRO Scientist/Engineer 22.04.2018
Technique used for finding a solution for
optimizing the given objective (such as profit
maximization or cost minimization) under
certain constraints is called(a) Quailing Theory
(b) Waiting Line
(c) Linear Programming (d) Graph Theory
(e) Maxima
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
Which of the following is not a process metric?
(a) Productivity
(b) Functionality
(c) Quality
(d) Efficiency
(e) Portability
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
(b) Unknown requirement
222. Which one is not a phase of "bathtub curve" of
hardware reliability?
(c) Undreamt requirement
(a) Burn-in
(b) Wear-out
(d) Complex requirement
(c) Test-out
(d) Useful life
(e) Functional requirement
(e) Burn-out
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.)
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.) 226. Alpha testing is done at
223. Which one of the following term is a level name
(a) User's end
in the Capability Maturity Model?
(b) Developer's end
(a) Ad hoc
(b) Repeatable
(c) User's and Developer's end
(c) Reusable
(d) Organized
(d) Client's end
(e) Systemized
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.) 227. Which of the following is not a Non-functional
224. Spiral model begins with:
testing ?
(a) Design
(a) Performance testing
(b) Risk analysis
(b) Unit testing
(c) Coding
(c) Load testing
(d) Customer communication
(d) Reliability testing
(e) Analysis
CGPSC Asstt. Prof. 2014 (Comp. App.) 228. STLC is related to which model?
225. Which one of the following is not a valid type of
(a) Waterfall Model
(b) RAD Model
(c) V Model
(d) Spiral Model
(a) Known requirement
1. (a)
11. (b)
21. (c)
31. (d)
41. (d)
51. (c)
61. (d)
71. (c)
81. (b)
91. (c)
101. (c)
111. (c)
121. (a)
131. (b)
141. (a)
151. (b)
161. (c)
171. (b)
181. (a)
191. (c)
201. (a)
211. (d)
221. (b)
2. (b)
12. (a)
22. (d)
32. (b)
42. (d)
52. (d)
62. (b)
72. (c)
82. (c)
92. (a)
102. (b)
112. (a)
122. (c)
132. (a)
142. (a)
152. (d)
162. (c)
172. (c)
182. (b)
192. (b)
202. (d)
212. (d)
222. (c)
3. (a)
13. (a)
23. (a)
33. (b)
43. (a)
53. (a)
63. (c)
73. (b)
83. (c)
93. (d)
103. (b)
113. (a)
123. (b)
133. (b)
143. (b)
153. (a)
163. (d)
173. (d)
183. (b)
193. (a)
203. (c)
213. (c)
223. (b)
System Analysis and Design
4. (d)
14. (b)
24. (b)
34. (a)
44. (b)
54. (b)
64. (a)
74. (d)
84. (a)
94. (c)
104. (b)
114. (c)
124. (d)
134. (a)
144. (c)
154. (b)
164. (c)
174. (a)
184. (c)
194. (d)
204. (d)
214. (b)
224. (d)
5. (c)
15. (c)
25. (b)
35. (c)
45. (c)
55. (b)
65. (d)
75. (a)
85. (d)
95. (b)
105. (d)
115. (c)
125. (b)
135. (c)
145. (d)
155. (c)
165. (d)
175. (b)
185. (c)
195. (b)
205. (a)
215. (c)
225. (d)
6. (a)
16. (d)
26. (c)
36. (b)
46. (c)
56. (d)
66. (b)
76. (c)
86. (d)
96. (a)
106. (a)
116. (a)
126. (d)
136. (b)
146. (d)
156. (c)
166. (a)
176. (b)
186. (b)
196. (a)
206. (b)
216. (a)
226. (b)
7. (b)
17. (c)
27. (d)
37. (d)
47. (b)
57. (d)
67. (b)
77. (b)
87. (a)
97. (d)
107. (d)
117. (c)
127. (a)
137. (c)
147. (c)
157. (d)
167. (a)
177. (c)
187. (c)
197. (d)
207. (a)
217. (b)
227. (b)
8. (b)
18. (d)
28. (d)
38. (c)
48. (a)
58. (d)
68. (d)
78. (c)
88. (b)
98. (c)
108. (a)
118. (c)
128. (d)
138. (b)
148. (a)
158. (c)
168. (d)
178. (b)
188. (d)
198. (b)
208. (c)
218. (b)
228. (c)
9. (b)
19. (d)
29. (b)
39. (b)
49. (c)
59. (b)
69. (a)
79. (a)
89. (a)
99. (c)
109. (a)
119. (d)
129. (c)
139. (c)
149. (d)
159. (a)
169. (b)
179. (a)
189. (a)
199. (a)
209. (d)
219. (b)
10. (c)
20. (b)
30. (c)
40. (d)
50. (a)
60. (d)
70. (b)
80. (d)
90. (d)
100. (d)
110. (a)
120. (c)
130. (a)
140. (d)
150. (d)
160. (c)
170. (c)
180. (c)
190. (d)
200. (a)
210. (d)
220. (c)
Introduction to IoT
The full name of IoT is internet of things. Internet of
things (IoT) is a set of devices that are connected via the
internet. IoT is a network of physical objects available on
the internet that is embedded with sensors, software and
other technologies, so that other devices available on the
internet can be connected, and data can be exchanged.
IoT devices are being used every day in our daily
life such as- smart phones, TV, lights, AC, doors, cars
etc. are used by IoT sensors. Amazon Echo, ring door
bell and nest thermostat were all a part of internet of
things (IoT).
Understanding IoT with an example if a person
wants that the "AC" of his room should be turned on
before reaching his home and he gets his room cold as
soon as he reaches at home then he did so through
internet of things. Same can be done, if your "AC"
remains on while leaving the house, then with the help of
IoT, you can also turn it off.
How internet of things (IoT) works?
Internet of things is a networking technology. To use
it have general knowledge of the internet and computer.
Any person can connect their electronic devices together
with the help of internet in IoT. It can be used only if the
IP address of your mobile and device is the same.
The devices are interconnected via WiFi or
Bluetooth and data is exchanged between them through a
wireless technology. The connected devices send and
receive signals through the binary method (0,1).
Main application of internet of things–
Smart Home– With the help of smart home IoT
application, we can connect home appliances with help
of smart phone or sensor with help of this, we can turn
"ON" and "OFF" the light and "AC" of the house before
coming to the house. The door fan, light etc. of the house
can be managed through IoT.
Wearable devices– All those devices that can be
wear such as smart clothes, smart watch, smart shoes etc
all devices some under the internet of things. It is useful
for fitness health and entertainment.
Example- Samsung, Apple or Google Company's
smart watches.
Agriculture– With the help of internet of things
weather can be predicted. We can also predicted the
availability and requirement of foods, cereals and fruits
through the IoT. Farmers can find out their soil moisture,
acidity level, the presence of nutrients, temperature level
and many more.
Internet of things and its Application
Hospital– The wide importance of internet of things
in the hospital and health sector, along with keeping a
database of hospital equipment and data, as well as a
record of patient symptoms and reports.
Smart City– With the help of internet of things,
everyday problems like- water, electricity supply, traffic,
crime and environment related problems can be solved.
Features of the internet of things–
Connectivity– Connectivity means establishing a
good connection between all the devices from IoT
platform to IoT, which can be server or cloud.
Analyzing– After connecting IoT devices the data
collected in the device is analyzed in real time and used
to build business intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence– IoT technology comes with
a combination of hardware and software that makes IoT
devices state-of-the-art, allowing the devices to output
intelligently in a particular situation.
Advantages of IoT
Easy Access– With the help of IoT we can access
information very easily, like using Google maps, we can
find the location and distance of any place.
Communications– In IoT the equipment
communicates with each other which is called machineto-machine
communication remains transparent, which improves the
quality of the results.
Speed– The data transfer speed of IoT device is very
high, so that any task can be completed at a very fast
Cost Reduction– The use of IoT in business reduces
costs. The IoT world is used for the maintenance of
goods and equipment, which reduces the cost of
equipment maintenance.
Automation– Through the IoT, we can achieve
automation, automating the work in any business
increases the quality of service human presence less.
Disadvantage of IoT–
Security and Privacy– The main disadvantage of
IoT is its security and privacy because all the devices are
connected to the internet, so that these devices can be
hacked. Hackers can steal money by hacking the user's
photo, email, password and even bank account.
Complexity– It is very difficult to design, develop
and maintain any technology in IoT.
Dependency–Nowadays we have become dependent
on IoT for most of the work. Online shopping to online
banking everything is now being done sitting at home.
We can do all the work through mobile, Which has
incrased the dependence of human beings on it. Children
have become addicted to this technology which is very
Job Shortage– With the advent of IoT there has
been a decrease in jobs because the work done by
humans, is now being done by machine, automation has
increased through IoT, which has reduced jobs.
History of IoT– The creation of smart networks by
interconnecting modern equipment was started in 1982 at
Carnegie Mellon University. With this, a coke vending
machine was created in the University which could tell
about the bottles kept inside the machine. Whether it was
cold or not and also able to give stock information. But
the father of the term internet of things is considered to
be the honorable "Kevin Ashton".
Those who worked at Procter and Gambler used the
word IoT in 1999 from this word the internet of things
was formed of this task. He also recommended RFIDRadio Frequency Identification Technology which could
give computers the ability to manage different devices.
What is data
When data is presented to an electronic machine or
to any person in such a way that it is easy to
communicate, interpret, process then those data is called
data. Data is represented with the help of characters for
example- alphabet (a-z, A-Z), number (0, 9) or a special
character (@ , ! , #, $, %, *, +, = ) etc. The quantities,
characters or symbols on which operations are performed
by a computer which may be stored and transmitted in
the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic,
optical or mechanical recording media they are called
What is Big Data– Big data is also a type of data
but with a large size. It is term used to describe a
collection of data, which is large in size and is increasing
over time.
Types of Big Data– There are mainly three type of
Big Data–
Structured– Any data that can be stored,
transmitted and processed in a fixed format an
"Employee" table in a database is example of structured
Employee ID Employee Name Gender
Unstructured– Any data without any order or
structure is know as unstructured data. In addition to
being large unstructured poses a number of challenges in
terms of its processing for example- the results returned
by Google Search.
Semi Structured– Semi-structured data is
information that does not reside in a relational database
Internet of things and its Application
but that, does have some organizational proper files that
make it easier to analyze. Example of Semi-structured
data is a data represented in an XMC file.
<employee> <name> Amit </name> <gender> male
</gender> <salary> 8000 </salary>
</employee> <name>Vivek</name> <gender> male
</gender> <salary> 5500 </salary>
Characteristics of Big Data–
Volume– Volume is the most important feature of
Big Data, because it is named Big Data after it. When the
data is analyzed then its size is the most important,
through this we can know how much size the data is.
Generally the size of Big Data in Terabytes and Petabytes.
Variety– Variation refers to heterogeneous sources
and the nature of data, both structured and un-structured.
Unstructured camp for something. Variety deals with the
storage, mining and analysis of data.
Velocity– The term velocity refers to the speed of
data generation. The speed at which data flows through
business processes, application logs, network and social
media sites, sensor mobile devices etc. The flow of data
is massive and continuous.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Big data
Advantages of Big data–
• Big data analysis helps in understanding and targeting
customers. It helps in optimizing business processes.
• It helps in improving science and research.
• It improves healthcare and public health with
availability of patient records.
• It helps in financial trading, sports, polling
security/law enforcement etc.
• Any one can access vast information via survey and
deliver answer of any query.
Disadvantages of Big Data–
• Traditional storage can cost lot of money to store big
• Lots of big data is unstructured form.
• Big data analysis violates principles of privacy.
• Big data analysis is not useful in short run. It needs to
be analyzed for longer duration to leverage its
• Big data analysis results are misleading sometimes.
Applications of Big Data– Healthcare is a field in
which a lot of data is generated, earlier this data could
not be used in the health sector. But now using this data
to find out the symptoms of a disease, to correct a
disease. Big data has been used to do much more and in
the coming time, big data will also be used to make
medicine for "Corona" virus.
Government– Big data analytics has proved to be
very useful in the government sector. It contributed in
the re-election of Barack Obama in 2012 and it was also
very helpful for the BJP of 2019.
The Government of India used many techniques to
know what voters think about the work of the
government and at the some time uses big data to
improve policies.
Social Media– The data of social media is very
much and any company can be successful by analyzing
its data. Social media provides us important real-time
information and also tells the trends in the market.
People share their information through social media
and by analyzing those information. They can reach their
business and products to the people of needy places.
Cyber Security & Intelligence– The security of
computer networks is being improved by analyzing big
Security agency collects and analyzes data from
social media and satellite. So that their short comings are
discovered and be make better.
Architecture of Big Data– To analyze the data in
big data is mainly divided into 4 layers, their main
function is to analyze the data and divide it into different
Sources Layer– The main function of the big data
source layer is used to find out about the source of the
data and what is the format of the data. Such as- a data
structured or unstructured, and also to find out the
volume and velocity of the source layer. Decision
making for all these tasks is the main function of this
Data Managing and Store Layer– The function of
the data managing and store layer is to preserve the data
in its correct format.
So that it can be analyzed and converted for
example- an image file is being uploading and it has to
be stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS),
then this layer to convert the data according to that file
Analysis Layer– The function of the analysis layer
in big data is use to the information gathered from the
source layer and the store layer to create algorithms and
present the information that can be accessed using
existing tools. This information is used to create
advertising and business intelligent methods.
Consumption Layer– The main function of the
consumption layer is to observe the information provided
by the analysis layer and convert it into business
intelligence report. Which is used by companies to
design and present the product in the market compared to
their competitors.
Big Data Analytics–- Big data analytics defines the
method of analyzing huge amounts of big data. Big data
analytics is a process by which large sets of data are
collected and analyzed to detect hidden patterns and
useful information. Organization use this information to
improve their business. More decision efficient,
operations by big data analytics can lead to higher profits
and happier customers.
Internet of things and its Application
The work of data analysis is not limited to drawing
conclusion to make better decision for the company.
Rather they can also do other tasks like machine
learning, data architect, data modeler etc. in which they
get to explore new algorithms and new aspects, which
are related to data analysis.
Type of big data Analytics– Big data Analytics is
mainly defined in four types–
Descriptive Analytics– It is the first stage of data
processing in which the previous data is extracted from
the raw data and the data is prepared for the next
processing. That is, through this the performance report
of the business last year can be extracted and accordingly
the further strategy can be made.
This type of analytics analyzes incoming data in real
time for insights about future outlook.
Prescriptive Analytics– The most useful analytics
technique is prescriptive analytics suggests the best
solution out of many choices. Prescriptive analytics adds
the task of manipulating the future, providing advice on
the possible results and results that key business metrics
are likely to maximize.
Predictive Analytics– Predictive analytics is most
commonly used. It envisions a situation as to what could
happen in that situation?
It used past data to predict the future so "Predictive
Analytics Visualizes Future Events".
Diagnostic Analytics– This technique is used when
we want to know why something is happening, that it is
involves asking questions, why did it happen?
Diagnostic analytics looks for the root cause of a
problem. It analyzes past performance to determine what
happened and why.
What is Cloud
Cloud is interconnected networks of services
designed to provide computer resources. In this you can
work according to your need, it is a huge network. You
do not even know about how it brings data in front of
you. Cloud computing is a collection of licensed services
that are provided by different vendors.
What is Cloud Computing– Cloud computing is
the technology in which various types of services are
provided using the internet. These services can be
anything such as software or storage space provided on
the server or any other service.
Cloud computing means providing any kind of
computing services on the demand of the user through
the internet. If understood in simple language in this
technology the user is provided with the facility of data
storage on a server of the internet. Buy purchasing space
on the cloud, the user can save his data on it and can
access his data from anywhere in the world through the
Cloud Computing History– The beginning of
cloud computing, a company named Salesforce thanked
to provide the service to the peoples of its website. It was
only after this that it came to know how important it can
prove to be in the coming times. After many years this
field gained momentum and by coming in the 21st
century many giant companies like Amazon, Google and
Microsoft started providing their services in the field of
cloud computing.
Features of Cloud Computing
Resources Pooling– Resource pooling is one of the
essential features of cloud computing. Resource pooling
means that a cloud service provider can share resources
among multiple clients, each providing a different set of
services according to their needs.
It is a multi-client strategy that can applied to data
storage, processing and bandwidth-delivered services.
The administration process of allocating resources in
real-time does not conflict with the client's experience.
On-demand Self-Service– It is one of the important
and essential features of cloud computing. This enables
the client to continuously monitor server uptime,
capabilities and allocated network storage.
This is a fundamental feature of cloud computing
and a customer can also control the computing
capabilities according to their needs.
Easy Maintenances– This is one of the best cloud
features. Servers are easily maintained and downtime is
minimum or sometimes zero.
Cloud computing powered resources often undergo
several updates to optimize their capabilities and
Security– Data security is one of the best features of
cloud computing. cloud services make a copy of the
stored data to prevent any kind of data loss.
If one server loss data by any chance, the copied
version is restored from the other server. This feature
handy when multiple users are working on a particular
file in real-time and file suddenly gets corrupted.
Cost Savings– Using web-based services eliminates
the need for large expenditures on implementing and
maintaining the hardware. Cloud services work on a payas-you-go subscription model.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing–
applications improve collaboration by allowing groups of
people to quickly and easily share information in the
cloud via shared storage.
• On cloud you can provide unlimited storage capacity
which you can customize according to your need can
increase or decrease.
• Data security on the cloud is a huge benefit. Cloud
provides facilities to provide a lot of security for data
security to protect data.
• In cloud computing organization, the maintenance
cost of computer hardware and software is reduced.
Thereby reducing the cost of the organization.
• You can access the cloud from anywhere and can take
facility of all the services that the cloud provides. For
this you just need to have internet.
Internet of things and its Application
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing– When you
use cloud you must have internet connection, so that user
can access his cloud account. Cloud can not be used
without internet.
• The cloud is fully infrastructure and manage by the
cloud provider, so that the cloud provider can
discontinue your services at any time.
• Many cloud provider company's limit the bandwidth.
If you want to increase your bandwidth then you will
have to pay for it separately.
• A high speed internet connection is required to access
the cloud. If you have an internet connection but the
speed is slow then you will not be able to use the
How Cloud Computing Works– In cloud
computing there can be many server i.e. computers on
which a particular type of software is installed, it can be
one or more.
Cloud computing basically works on dual layers
technology to manage the servers. There is a separate
layer called backend and second layer which is used by
client is called frontend.
Similarly the server setup for a complete cloud
computing is done by combining both the backend and
Type of Cloud Computing– Cloud computing is
divided on the basis of two different method.
A. On the basis of deployment.
B. Depending on the service provided by the cloud.
A. Following are the types of cloud computing on
the basis of deployment–
1. Public Cloud– Public cloud available to
everyone and it is managed by the service
provider. Public cloud services are sometimes
free or charged very little for them.
Amazon web services (AWS), Microsoft Azure
ware all example of public cloud computing. In
this type of cloud the infrastructure is hosted by
other service providers and which are later
made public.
2. Private Cloud– Private cloud will provide the
infrastructure to only one organizations or
company, whether managed internally or by a
third party and hosted either internally or
3. Hybrid Cloud– Hybrid cloud is a combination
of public and private cloud, many company use
public cloud for their database as well as use a
private cloud to store sensitive application.
4. Community Cloud– In community cloud
computing, there is sharing of data between
such organization that have similar goals and
who together form a community. Only members
of that community can use this services.
B. There are following types of cloud computing
based on the service provided by the cloud–
1. Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service) – In this
type of service, the computing power, storage,
software, network power and all other control of
the cloud is with the user. This service is
basically used for business. The biggest
example of this is VPS (Virtual Private Server)
in which you get computing power along with
software and network.
2. Pass (Platform as a Service)– In pass the user
gets only one platform which can be either
storage or computing power. In this things do
not control completely only the cloud provider
can control them. Example of this are Gmail,
Yahoo, Rediff etc.
3. Saas (Software as a Service)– In saas you get
only one software hosted on remote server,
which is used for a specific task. These type of
services are mostly used in small business for
example- Google Docs, Website etc.
Uses of Cloud Computing–
File Storage– Generally users use cloud computing
to store, manage and share their files in remotely hosted
system. Examples are Google drive and drop box.
Website Hosting– Cloud hosting is used to host any
websites in addition to hosting your website. Cloud host
provide also provide their own computing resources.
organizations usually backup their data a storage device,
but its not very effective. Such as loss or damage to the
device, that is you can easily back up your data in cloud
base backup, in this way it is also easy to recover data.
Test and Development– Cloud computing also play
a good role in the testing and development of any
software and network. Cloud services help to check
whether your software is running smoothly or there is no
error in it.
Example of Cloud Computing–
YouTube– YouTube is famous video sharing
platform, in which millions of videos are uploaded daily
in such a situation. YouTube uses cloud computing to
store so many videos.
Facebook– Facebook is famous social media
platform which on the millions of people profile and lot
of data are available to store it facebook also uses cloud
Emails– All the companies providing email services
such as Gmail, Rediff, Yahoo and all the companies
providing online storage such as drop box, yadex, media
fire mega etc. all uses cloud computing.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality is a computer device used to create
an imaginary world. The world created in virtual reality
makes the user feel the presence of the world that in
which he is. Virtual reality makes the user feel the ability
Internet of things and its Application
to manipulate the objects present in the world and
navigate through it, so that he can feel his presence in
that object and can also do action-reaction. To create
virtual reality special types of glasses are presented on
the glass as well as the user has to wear fiber hand gloves
from which he controls the actions. Like - playing a car
race game on a computer. We get involved in the game
in such a way that we are actually driving the car, but in
reality it does not happen thus virtual reality given an
impression of reality.
Characteristics of Virtual Reality–
Believable– You feel like you're in the virtual world
through what you see and hear.
Full Immersive– As you move your head around
with the VR headset on, what you see changes as well,
just as it world in real life.
Computer-generated– VR world are usually
created with complex 3D computer graphics that change
in real time as we move.
Interactive– You can interact with and move the
different objects in the scene.
Internet Technology– The internet is a network of
global system interconnected with computers that
connect any computer in the world through routers and
servers. In other words, the connection established
between two computers through TCP/IP protocol to
exchange information is called internet. Internet is the
largest network in the world.
History of Internet– The first workable prototype
of the internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of
ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of
defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow
multiple computers to communicate on a single network.
The internet is a vast network that connects computers all
over the world. Through the internet, people can share
information and communicate form anywhere with an
internet connection.
Protocol– A protocol is a set of rule that govern the
process of exchanging information. The standard protocols
used for this purpose are TCP, IP, FTP, UDP etc.
TCP/IP– TCP stands for transmission control
protocol and IP stands for internet protocol. Internet
protocol suite commonly known as TCP/IP. IP handles
datagram routing while TCP handles higher level
functions such as segmentation, reconnection and error
detection. It is a collection of communication protocols.
There are four layers in TCP/IP.
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Interface Layer
(i) Application Layer Protocol– The application layer
serves as the top 3 layer (application, presentation,
session) of the OSI model. It is responsible for nodeto-node communication and user interface.
(ii) Transport Layer Protocol– This is the third layer
from the bottom. It is responsible for all types of
data transfer. It establishes connection oriented and
connectionless communication. In this layer TCP
and UDP protocols are included. TCP is a
connection based and reliable protocol whereas UDP
is connectionless protocol.
(iii) Internet Layer Protocol– This protocol is
responsible for routing. Its purpose is to follow a set
of protocols to deliver data packets to the destination
as per the information contained in the packet
header. The main function of this layer is to send IP
address, routing and avoiding traffic.
(iv) Network Interface Layer Protocol– This is the
bottom layer of the TCP/IP model and contains the
physical and datalink layers of the OSI model. It
recognizes the characteristics of the protocol,
hardware and media used for communication.
FTP–File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard
communication protocol used to transmit files between
computers over the internet. FTP is an application layer
protocol that transfer files between local and remote file
UDP–User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a widely
used transport protocol. It is faster than TCP but it is less
reliable. It is used to transmit small size data packets.
These small sized data packets is known as datagram.
HTTP–HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer
Protocol. HTTP is used to transfer data over the web. It
is an application layer protocol that allows users to
communicate data over the world wide web (www).
LAN (Local Area Network)– A Local Area
Network is a network used within a very small
geographical area (about 1 km) such as a home, school,
computer lab, office building etc. within a group. It is
used to connect network and computer accessories. In
this communication, devices like hubs, switches are
used. The hub, switch and router are connected to an
Ethernet cable via an RJ45 port.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)– MAN is the
extended form of LAN which covers a large
geographical area like city or town. The data transfer rate
in MAN is in Mbps. In MAN, different LANs are
connected to each other through a telephone exchange
line. It can be extended up to 30-40 km. Routers,
Internet of things and its Application
switches and hubs together form a metropolitan area
network. Government agencies use MAN to connect
with citizens and private industries.
WAN (Wide Area Network)– A wide area network
is a type of network that transmits voice, data, image and
video across a geographic area. It is a group of local area
networks. It connects different cities, states or countries.
Example- connects districts and all state headquarters.
Internet is also a type of wide area network, it is spread
all over the world.
Data communication is done with the help of hubs,
switches, fiber optics, modems and routers etc. and
technologies like ATM, ISDN, MPLS, frame relay are
used to transfer data through the internet.
Search Engines– A search engines is a software that
searches the desired information, web pages, images etc.
from the database of the internet and displays the results
to the user on the browser. The search engine searches
any web page on the basis of its title, key words or any
phrase located on that page. The results displayed on a
search are often arranged in a list according to the most
frequently visited pages.
Some of the popular search engines are as follows–
(i) Google
(ii) Yahoo
(iii) Ask.com
(iv) Bing
(v) Duck Duck Go
(i) Google– Google is a famous search engine, which
was created by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, two
Ph.D students of (Stanford University California).
Initially its name was BACKRUB, later in 1997 it
was renamed as Google. Initially it was made for
(ii) Yahoo– Yahoo is a search engine, started in 1994 by
Jerry Yang and David Fillo at Stanford University.
But it was registered in 1995.
(iii) Ask.com– It is a question-answer based e-business
and web search engine. Ask browser toolbar is an
extension that displays as a separate bar on the
browser window. It was created in 1996 in
California by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen.
(iv) Bing– It was launched by Microsoft on 3 June 2009
as a web search engine.
(v) Duck Duck Go– Duck Duck Go (also abbreviated
as DDG) is an internet search engine that
emphasizes on protecting searchers privacy and
avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search
Introduction to online & offline messaging– If a
person is active over a messaging tool and able to accept
the messages, it is termed as online message and if the
person is not available and the message is left to view
when the person is back, it is termed as offline message.
Instant messaging technology is a type of online
message allowing real-time text transmission over the
internet or another computer network. Messages are
typically transmitted between two or more parties, who
are all connected on a common network. Instead of using
mobile or Wi-Fi data like popular messaging apps such
as Whatsapp. The offline messaging apps create a peerto-peer bluetooth mesh network or Wi-Fi direct-based
network on your phone eliminating the need for mobile
data services. The network uses these nodes to transfer
data across devices.
World Wide Web Browsers– The World Wide
Web was the first web browser invented by Team
Berners Lee in 1990. The World Wide Web is known as
the Web. It is a large group of interconnected
information (web pages) through hyper links, which can
be accessed on the internet with the help of a web
browser. The World Wide Web is a system that
interconnects the information gathered in many
computers with the help of hyper text documents and
hyper text transfer protocol (http). It is used to send these
information from one place to another. Which exchanges
data with the help of hyper links.
Web Page– Each page stored on the World Wide
Web (WWW) is called a webpage, which is created
using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Web
pages are stored on web servers and can contain a large
amount of information, including text, graphics, audio,
video and hyperlinks.
Hyperlink– A hyperlink is that part of HTML text
in which the address of another page or webpage is
given. On clicking the hyperlink, the computer shows us
the page or webpage.
Web Publishing– Web publishing is the process of
publishing original content on the internet. The process
includes building and uploading websites, updating the
Internet of things and its Application
associated webpages and posting content to these web
pages online. The content meant for web publishing can
include text, videos, digital images, artwork and other
forms of media. Web publishing comprises of personal,
business and community websites in addition to e-books
and blogs. Publishers must possess a web server, a web
publishing software and an internet connection to carry
out web publishing. Web publishing is also known as
online publishing.
These are the 5 steps to publish your website
1. Prepare your website content– The structure and
layout of a web design converges around content.
The communication of ideas informs everything
from navigation to the arrangement of writing and
visuals. When you don't work with the actual text
and images, your design is only an approximation.
Go over your content are make sure that it's in great
shape before you place a single element in your
design. Optimize your content for SEO and having
SEO in place makes the content you are working
with even more accurate.
2. Design and build your website– This is the biggest
step in this process. There are many way to arrange
your pages with a layout.
• Select appropriate typography
• Create a user experience
• Develop a consistent and usable user interface
3. Find Web Hosting– When looking for hosting you
need to consider the speed, reliability, level of
security as well as the ease of scalability to
accommodate future traffic growth.
4. Do a quality assurance audit– Your website is
done, you found web hosting and you are ready to
put it out into the world. Before you hit the publish
button make sure to do a thorough QA before going
live. The process of creating a website can be a long
one, with many changes and edits that may have
happened along the way.
• Proofread the content
• Check the spelling
• Do a grammar check
• Check all the text
• Optimize images
• Follow proper semantic structure
• Test links and integrations
5. Publish your website with a domain name– A
domain host provides a domain name like
www.yourdomainname.com that visitors can use to
find you. A domain name is an identification string
that defines a realm of administrative autonomy,
authority or control within the internet. Domain
names are used in various networking contexts and
for application specific naming and addressing
visual imagery in order to make the website more
visually appealing and easy to use.
Developing a web page involves designing and
implementing the part that your readers see and interact
with, known as the front end, as well as the programming
and database element of the page, known as the back
end. Web design has numerous components that work
together to create the finished experience of a website,
including graphic design, user experience design,
interface design, search engine optimization (SEO) and
content creation. These elements determine how a
website looks, feels and works on various devices.
Website Maintenance– Website maintenance is the
practice of monitoring your websites overall health and
performance. Keeping a website up-to-date it is crucial to
ensure it's working at full capacity, engaging and
retaining site visitors. There are a number of tasks
required to properly check and maintain a website,
including updating security software and plugins, adding
fresh content, increasing new and returning traffic and
meeting the satisfaction of your site users. Website
maintenance can impact your business first impressions,
SEO strategy, security and sales. Whether you are a
business owner or starting a blog, you will want to make
sure that when people and search engines land on your
site. They will immediately see the benefits of your sites
offerings or risk losing them. This means that your
ability to retain online interest lies primarily in your
website maintenance.
HTML Tools– HTML tools prove to be a great help
when it comes to step up their workflow and perform
repetitive tasks. These tools are blessed with all the
richness and power that help webmasters to augment the
value of their work and improve the usability of their
web designs. They are compelling enough to build
beautiful and responsive website in the quickest possible
manner. The majority of HTML5 tools is available for
free and they are popular because they take less time and
efforts to fabricate a commendable website. Using
HTML5 tools, developers can easily incorporate eyecatching animation effects, video, fonts and graphics to
their websites. You can pick any one of them to manage
and build the code for your website.
1. Font Dragr
2. HTML5 Maker
3. HTML Kickstart
4. Initializer
5. Liveweave
6. Adobe Edge Animate
7. Modernizr
8. CrossWalk
9. Online 3D sketch
10. Patternizer
Creation & Maintenance of websites
1. Font Dragr– Font dragr is all what you need to
Website Creation– Web design is a web
preview custom web fonts in the browser. It's a very
development process for creating a website that focuses
simple tool that comes with a drag and drop
on aesthetic factors like layout, user interface and other
interface allowing you to drop your typeface,
Basic Knowledge HTML, XML and Scripts
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)– Hyper
text markup language (HTML) is the standard markup
language for web page documents to be displayed in web
browsers. Which is used to give the structure of the
webpage and its content. The structure of the web page is
created using paragraphs, lists, images and data tables.
HTML allows creating and structuring sections,
headings, links, paragraphs and more in a webpage using
various tags and elements.
<!DOCTYPE html>– All HTML documents must
start with a <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. The
declaration is not an HTML tag. It is an information to
the browser about what document type to expect.
like– HTML5 declaration <!DOCTYPE html>
<html>– This is the root element of an HTML page
called the start tag. This is the first tag of an HTML
<head>– This element contains the meta data of the
HTML page.
<title>– This element is for the title of the HTML
page which is shown in the title bar of the browser or in
the tab of the web page.
<body>– This is the container for all the visible
content or information that defines the body of the
document. This tag is required for every HTML
document and should only use once in the whole HTML
XML (Extensible Markup Language)– Extensible
Markup Language (XML) is a markup language and a
file format for storing, transmitting and reconstructing
arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding
documents in a format that is both human-readable and
machine-readable. XML is one of the most widely used
formats for sharing structured information, between
programs, between people, between computer and
people, both locally and across networks. If you are
already familiar with HTML, you can see that XML is
very similar.
Scripts– In computer programming, a script is a
program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or
carried out by another program rather than by the
computer processor (as a compiled program). As with
scripts in general, scripting language are mostly used to
automate processes at the application level. At the
command line or through a web server, they are able to
execute programs running on a web server and display
the appropriate results to the users.
Every computer user uses scripts of some kind,
even if they are not aware of it. Scripts are sometimes
used to customize and automate repeated tasks and
control overall computer functions.
Internet of things and its Application
scalable vector graphics and web open fonts on the
web page to test all of them instantly. Use font dragr
to instantly load your font and know whether it's
appropriate or not.
2. HTML5 Maker– Animation make a dynamic visual
impact on the appearance of a website and HTML5
maker is a richly different take on this aspect. Being
the finest online animation tool, HTML5 maker
makes it easy for developers to add interactive
content to their website with the help of HTML,
CSS and Javascript.
3. HTML kickstart– HTML kickstart is a set of
HTML, CSS, JQuery elements and layouts that
together help you to start your HTML5 venture
while saving you a lot of precious time and efforts.
4. Initializer– Initializer is a high-end HTML5 tool
and template generator to help you kick start your
next HTML5 boilerplate project quickly. It's nice
tool for developing impressive and customizable
template to suit your project needs.
5. Liveweave– Liveweave is yet another exemplary
HTML5 tool that comes packed with context
sensitive auto completion for both HTML and CSS.
The tool provides you a playground to play around
different codes and tag elements to structure your
project. Liveweave is a highly sough-after tool
among front-end developers as it helps them
generate HTML and CSS tags automatically.
6. Adobe Edge Animate– Adobe edge animate is a
compelling tool for HTML5 developers for creating
interactive HTML animations. If you are a part of
digital publishing, web or advertisement then adobe
edge animation will surely appease you.
7. Modernizr– Modernizr is an advanced open source
javascript library that allows designers to create
pleasurable website experiences on the basis of
visitors browser. Using this tool, you can easily
detect whether the current browser supports CSS3
and HTML5 features. This way you can make your
website suitable as per the browser.
8. CrossWalk–Create
applications using crosswalk. In its bare bones,
crosswalk is a web runtime tool that comes complete
with outstanding features of a modern browser.
Crosswalk is a tool that deserves your attention for
constructing interactive mobile applications.
9. Online 3D Sketch– Online 3D sketch is a
remarkable tool that makes the process of creating
sketches and drawings absolutely fun and easy. It's a
free online tool that allows developers to create and
share their drawing experiences among their friends
and team members while encouraging their valuable
10. Patternizer– As the name suggests, patternizer is a
tool that enables developers to develop inspiring
patterns for their website. The tool is available for
free and allows you to integrate clean codes to
Internet of things and its Application
generate impressive patterns that are sure to please
your website visitors.
Multimedia and Graphics– Computer graphics are
picture and films created using computers. Multimedia is
content that uses a combination of different content
forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and
interactive content.
Multimedia– The word multi and media are
combined to form the word multimedia. That is many
types of media (hardware/software) used for
communication of information. Multimedia is a
representation of information in an attractive and
interactive manner with the use of a combination of text,
audio, video, graphics and animation. In other words, we
can say that multimedia is a computerized method of
presenting information combining textual data, audio,
video, graphics and animations.
Component of Multimedia
Text– All multimedia productions contain some
amount of text. The text can be in a variety of fonts and
sizes to match the multimedia softwares professional
Graphics– Graphics make the multimedia
application attractive. In many circumstances, people
dislike reading big amounts of material on computers. As
a result, pictures are more frequently used than words to
clarify concepts, offer background information and so
on. Graphics are at the heart of any multimedia
Audio– A multimedia application may require the
use of speech, music and sound effects. These are called
audio or sound element of multimedia. Sound is the most
serious aspect of multimedia, delivering the joy of music,
special effects and other forms of entertainment. Speech
is also a perfect way for teaching. Computer stores the
sound in digital form. Therefore the sound used in
multimedia application is digital audio.
Video– The term video refers to the moving picture,
accompanied by sound such as a picture in television.
Video element of multimedia application gives a lot of
information in small duration of time. Digital video is
useful in multimedia application for showing real life
objects. Digital video files can be stored like any other
files in the computer and the quality of the video can still
be maintained. The digital video clips can be edited
Animation– Animation is a process of making a
static image look like it is moving. An animation is just a
continuous series of still images that are displayed in a
sequence. The animation can be used effectively for
attracting attention. Animation also makes a presentation
light and attractive. Animation is very popular in
multimedia application.
Graphics– A graphic is an image or visual
representation of an object. Therefore, computer graphics
are simple images displayed on a computer screen.
Graphics are often contrasted with text, which is
comprised of characters, such as numbers and letters,
rather than images.
Computer graphics are separated into two different
categories– raster graphics and vector graphics.
Raster Graphics– Raster graphics represents image
by bitmaps stored in computer memory and displayed on
a screen composed of tiny pixels. Each pixel is
represented by one or more memory bits. Also known as
bitmaps and one bit per pixel suffices for black and white
images, while four bits per pixel specify a 16 step gray
scale image.
Vector Graphics– Whereas raster graphics depend
on pixels vector graphics use path made from a
mathematical formula. The formula also known as
vectors, tells the path its shape, color and if there is one
its border. Vector graphics are computer images created
using a sequence of commands or mathematical
statements that place lines and shapes in a twodimensional or three-dimensional space.
Voice Mail and Video Conferencing–
Voice Mail– Voicemail is a computerized system
that allows callers to leave a message. A voicemail is an
electronically stored voice message that is left by a caller
to be retrieved later by the intended recipient. Callers
leave short messages that are stored on digital media. It
is stored on the service providers server, in a space
reserved for the user called a mailbox. Voicemail has the
same characteristics of email, except that the messages
are voices instead of text. Voicemail comes with features
like a user interface to enable selecting, playing and
managing of messages. Voicemail message receive from
many callers at the same time and broadcast voice
messages to send to more than one person at the same
Video Conferencing– Video conferencing is live,
visual connection between two or more remote parties
over the internet that simulates a face to face meeting.
With a strong internet connection, the participants can
see, hear and talk to each other in real time, no matter
where in the world they are. Video conferencing is
important because it joins people who would not
normally be able to form a face to face connection. This
technology is particularly convenient for business users
in different cities or even different countries because it
saves time, expenses and hassles associated with
business travel. Uses of video conferencing include
holding routine meetings, negotiating business deals and
interviewing job candidates.
When a video conference is held for informal
purposes, it is called a video call or video chat.
Components of video conferencing–
• Video Camera or Webcam
• Display device (computer monitor, television,
projector or laptop)
Internet of things and its Application
Microphone, Speakers
A stable internet connection
A computer or conference phone
Video conferencing software
communication simply means communication between
two or many users over the internet or the WWW (World
Wide Web). The communication can be in the form of
texting, sharing information, videos, audios, ideas, video
chatting etc.
Some protocols of video conferencing are–
Video Conferencing Protocol H.323–
• Designed
Telecommunication Union)
• Computer language used is binary
• Provides multimedia communication over a
variety of networks.
• It is quite complex, possibilities of delay.
• Multipoint Control Unit (MCU), gateway,
gatekeeper (optional) and the terminal are some
functioning components.
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)–
• Designed by IETF (Internet Engineering Task
• Computer Language used is ASCII
• Highly Flexible and Simple
• User-Agent and Network server are two major
functioning components.
• Used to establish, modify and terminate
multimedia sessions or calls
• Resembles HTTP protocol
• Works with both IPv4 and IPv6.
Introduction to e-commerce– E-commerce
(electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods
and services or the transmitting of funds or data, over the
internet. E-commerce is also known as electronic
commerce or internet commerce. There are no physical
market places and the entire process of marketing and
selling of goods, takes place online or electronically.
Online stores like Amazon, Flipkart, Shopify, Myntra,
Ebay, Olx are example of e-commerce websites. These
business transactions occur either as business-to-business
(B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-toconsumer (C2C) or consumer-to-business (C2B). The
terms e-commerce and e-business are often used
interchangeably. The term e-tail is also sometimes used
in reference to the transactional process that make up
online retail shopping.
Types of E-commerce Models– Electronic
commerce (e-commerce) can be classified into four main
categories. The basis for this simple classification is the
parties that are involved in the transactions. So the four
basic e-commerce models are as follow.
1. Business-to-Business (B2B)
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
1. Business-to-Business (B2B)– Business to Business
e-commerce refers to the electronic exchange of
products, services or information between
businesses. Here the companies are doing business
with each other. The final consumer is not involved.
So the online transaction only involve the
manufactures, wholesalers, retailers etc.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)– Business to
Consumer is the retail part of e-commerce on the
internet. It is when businesses sell products, services
or information directly to consumers. The consumer
can browse their website and look at products,
pictures, read reviews. Then they place their order
and the company ships the goods directly to them.
Popular examples are Amazon, Flipkart etc.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)– Consumer to
Consumer is a type of e-commerce in which
consumers trade products, services and information
with each other online. These transactions are
generally conducted through a third party that
provides an online platform on which the
transactions are carried out. Consumer to consumer
are direct contact with each other. It helps people
sell their personal good and assets directly to an
interested party. Usually, goods traded are car,
bikes, electronics etc. and the example of this model
is OLX, Quikr etc.
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)– This is the opposite
of the traditional commerce model of B2C.
Consumer to Business is a type of e-commerce in
which consumers make their products and services
available online for companies to bid on and
purchase. A popular example of C2B platform is a
market that sales royalty-free photographs, images,
media and design elements, such as istock.
Important Facts
HTTPS– Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an
extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is used
for secure communication over a computer network and
is widely used on the internet.
IP Address– An Internet Protocol address (IP
address) is a numerical label assigned to each device
connected to a computer network that uses the internet
protocol for communication.
Internet of things and its Application
Intranet– An intranet is a private network that can
only be accessed by authorized users. Some intranet are
limited to a specific local area network (LAN), while
others can be accessed from remote locations over the
Email– The history of modern internet email
services reaches back to early ARPANET, with
standards for encoding email messages published as
early as 1973. Ray Tomlinson is credited as the inventor
of networked email in 1971, he developed the first
system able to send mail between users on different hosts
across the ARPANET, using the @ sign to link the user
name with a destination server. Electronic mail (e-mail
or email) is a method of exchanging messages (mail)
between people using electronic devices. A world wide
e-mail network allows people to exchange e-mail
messages very quickly.
Email Spam– Email spam, also referred to as junk
email or simply spam is unsolicited messages sent in
bulk by email (Spamming).
SMTP– The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
is an internet standard communication protocol for
electronic mail transmission. Mail servers and other
message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive
mail messages.
FTP– The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard
communication protocol used for the transfer of
computer files from a server to a client on a computer
network. FTP is design for sending files to a server on
the internet.
EPS File– EPS (Encapsulated Post Script) is
perhaps the most common vector image format. It is the
standard interchange format in the print industry. EPS
files also contain bitmap data, retaining individual
coding on colour and size. This means the image retains
its resolution regardless of scale.
RGB Model– The main purpose of the RGB colour
model is for the sensing, representation and display of
images in electronic systems, such as televisions and
computers though it has also been used in conventional
B2G– Business-To-Government (B2G), also known
as Business-To-Administration (B2A), refers to trade
between the business sector as a supplier and a
government body as a customer.
ARP– The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a
communication protocol used for discovering the link
layer address, such as a MAC address, associated with a
given internet layer address, typically an IPv4 address.
This mapping is a critical function in the internet
protocol suite.
IPv6– Internet Protocol Version (IPv6) is the most
recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP). All IPv6
addresses are 128 bits long, written as 8 sections of 16
bits each.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
AMQP stands for–
(a) Advanced Mass Query Protocol
(b) Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
(c) Add-on Message Query Protocol
(d) Add-on Message Queuing Protocol
What does IDE stand for?
(a) In Deep Environment
(b) Integrated Development Environment
(c) Internal Deep Escape
(d) IDLE
Which is not a characteristic of TCP/IP Model?
(a) Connection-oriented protocol.
(b) Implements flow control
(c) Support for a flexible architecture
(d) Unreliable
Which of the following things can have an
effect on the development of an individual's
(a) physical and mental capabilities
(b) health and physical appearance
(c) skin color and gender
(d) all of the above
The huge number of devices connected to the
IoT to communicate automatically. It is called–
(a) Bot to Bot (B2B)
(b) Machine to Machine (M2M)
(c) Skynet
(d) InterCloud
IoT security management includes–
(a) Protocol abstraction
(b) Simple and fast installation
(c) Security with hardware
(d) Data storage
IoT data scalability includes _____.
(a) Protocol abstraction
(b) Simple and fast installation
(c) Security with hardware
(d) Data storage
Which protocol is used to link all the devices in
the IoT?
(a) TCP/IP
(b) Network
(c) UDP
(d) HTTP
______ supports low energy radio operation.
(d) Bluetooth
MQTT stands for–
(a) Mass Query Telemetry Transport
(b) Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
(c) Message Query Text Transport
(d) Mass Queuing Text Transport
What is the microcontroller used in Arduino
(a) ATmega328P
(b) ATmega2560
(c) ATmega32114
(d) AT91SAM3x8E
What does GPIO stands for?
(a) General Purpose Inner Outer
(b) General Purpose Input/Output
(c) General Purpose Intersected Old
(d) General Purpose Input Outpur
Internet of things and its Application
Which of the following is not a TCP/IP layer?
(a) Application Layer (b) Transport Layer
(c) Network Layer
(d) Data Link Layer
Which of the following communication medium
supports highest data rate?
(a) Ethernet
(b) Bluetooth
(c) Optical Fibre
(d) Wi-Fi
The IIoT stands for–
(a) Indepth Internet of Things
(b) Innovative Internet of Things
(c) Information Internet of Things
(d) Industrial Internet of Things
What are the challenges in IoT?
(a) Energy Consumption (b) Security
(c) Network Congestion (d) All the above
________ tags, devices, smart phones useful in
(d) IEEE 802.15.4LoWPAN
Which protocol interacts asynchronously over
(a) HMTP
(b) CoAP
(c) MQTT
(d) TCP/IP
WSN stands for _____.
(a) Wired Sensor Network
(b) Wireless Sensor Network
(c) Wired Service Network
(d) Wireless Service Network
Which of the following design is a high level
design without any detail?
(a) Logical Design
(b) Physical Design
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the these
Which one of the technologies is not a
technology of software IoT system?
(a) M2M
(b) Data Collection
(c) Device Integration (d) Real time Analytics
What is a private key?
(a) A key on your key chain
(b) A key not to be given to the public
(c) A key that opens a secret door
(d) A key given to the public
Communication is a non stop _____.
(a) Process
(b) Paper
(d) Plan
Full form of OSI Model.
(a) Option systems Interconnection
(b) Output systems Interconnection
(c) Open system Interconnection
(d) None of these
_______ is an open light-weight easy to
implement messaging protocol for M2M
(a) XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence
(b) MQTT (Message Queuing Telementry
(c) AMQP (Advance Message Queuing Protocol)
(d) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Who is the real creator of Bitcoin?
(a) Santoshi Nakamoto (b) Jeff Bezos
(c) Jerry Yang
(d) Paul Allen
Which is the seventh layer of OSI model?
(a) Physical layer
(b) Presentation layer
(c) Application layer
(d) Data Link layer
Which of the following is not a part of IoT
(a) Smart city
(b) Connected Cars
(c) Home automation
(d) Television
Arduino is a prototype based on an ---- to use?
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Which of the following is not element of IoT?
(a) Data Cloud
(b) System Security
(c) User interface
(d) People
Full form of SIG is _____.
(a) Special Interface Group
(b) Special Interest Group
(c) Standard Interface Group
(d) None of these
To secure your data in IoT devices.
(a) Keep changing your password
(b) Keep updated your device
(c) Reduce your use of Cloud Technology
(d) All of above
Which layer of the OSI model does data
(a) Network
(b) Data link
(c) Physical
(d) Presentation
Which of the following electronic components
stores electric charge?
(a) Resistor
(b) Capacitor
(c) LED
(d) Relay
Li-Fi technology is base on _____ for high
speed data transmission.
(a) VLC (Visible Light Communication)
(b) Wi-Fi
(c) Cellular Network
(d) Twisted Pair Cables
PubNub ……….. publishes and subscribes in
order to send and receive message.
(a) Network
(b) Account
(c) Portal
(d) Keys
Arduino in an _____ plateform.
(a) Open-source
(b) Close source
(c) Adware
(d) All of the above
Which type of cable has glass center core?
(a) UTP
(b) Fiber-optic
(c) STP
(d) Coaxial
The CISC stand for ______.
(a) Computer Instruction Set Compliment
(b) Complete Instruction Set Components
(c) Computer Indexed Set Componets
(d) Complex Instruction Set computer
What is the minimum operating frequency of
the Arduino UNO broad?
Internet of things and its Application
(a) 20 MHz
(b) 16 MHz
(c) 6 MHz
(d) 10 MHz
Which one of the following protocol is mainly
used for home automation?
(a) Bluetooth protocol (b) X-10 protocol
(c) MQTT
(d) Zigbee protocol
Which transport layer protocol is used by
(a) RSVP
(b) TCP
(c) DCCP
(d) UDP
Which of the following is not weakness of IoT?
(a) Communication attacks
(b) Life cycle attack
(c) Physical attack
(d) Cost reduction
End-to-end connection is established by ______
protocol of the TCP/IP suite.
(a) IP
(b) UDP
(c) TCP
(d) All of these
The RISC Stands for ______.
(a) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
(b) Revise Instruction Set Computer
(c) Reduced Instrument Set Computer
(d) Reduced Instrument Setting Computer
A program that is used to view websites is
called a:
(a) Browser
(b) Web viewer
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Word processor
TCP/IP is a:
(a) Network Hardware (b) Network Software
(c) Protocol
(d) None of these
Which IP address is reserved for loop back or
local host:
(d) None of these
The size of the IPv4 is:
(a) 16 bits
(b) 32 bits
(c) 64 bits
(d) 128 bits
Who provide us internet:
(a) TCP
(b) ISP
(c) FTP
(d) HTTP
Which is not the search engine:
(a) Altavista.com
(b) Google.com
(c) Yahoo.com
(d) Facebook.com
What protocol does www use:
(a) HTTP
(b) FTP
(c) WBC
(d) MTP
In computer FTP stands for
(a) file transfer protocol (b) finding telepath
(c) finish tele program (d) file transfer process
Bluetooth is a technology that connected
devices in a small area:
(a) VLAN
(b) Wireless LAN
(c) Wired LAN
(d) None of the above
The Word Wide Web (www) is the largest:
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
(d) All of these
Computer network over a large area such as a
(a) LAN
(b) WLAN
(c) PAN
(d) MAN
What is the acronym MAN stands for:
(a) Magnetic Access Network
(b) Multi-Area Network
(c) Metropolitan Area Network
(d) Multi-Access Net
How many layers are present in the TCP/IP
reference model?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 5
(d) 4
The packets of data that is transported by IP is
(a) datagrams
(b) frames
(c) segments
(d) encapsulate message
Arrange the search engines by there
1. Bing
2. Yahoo
3. Ask 4. Goolge
(a) 4321
(b) 4312
(c) 4231
(d) 4213
SEO stands for:
(a) Search Entry Optimization
(b) Search Engine Optimization
(c) Search Engine Operation
(d) None of the above
Website is a collection of
(a) Webpage
(b) HTML page
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) HTTP page
Which is a client program that acts as an
interface between user and World Wide Web.
(a) Web browser
(b) HTML
(c) URL
(d) OS
A multimedia file
(a) is same as any other regular file
(b) must be accessed at specific rate
(c) stored on remote server cannot be delivered to
(d) none of the mentioned
In which type of streaming multimedia file is
delivered to the client but not shared?
(a) real-time streaming
(b) progressive download
(c) compression
(d) none of the mentioned
The graphics can be
(a) Drawing
(b) Photograph, movies
(c) Simulation
(d) All of these
The component of interactive computer
graphics are:
(a) A light pen
(b) Display unit
(c) Bank of switches
(d) All of these
Several graphics image file formats that are
used by most of graphics system are
(a) GIF
(b) JPEG
(c) TIFF
(d) All of these
The length of on IPv6 address is:
(a) 16 bits
(b) 32 bits
(c) 64 bits
(d) 128 bits
Internet is an example of:
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
(d) None of these
Internet of things and its Application
TCP/IP is an example of
(a) communication protocol
(b) networking protocol
(c) data transfer protocol
(d) all of the above
The network protocol which is used to get
MAC address of a node by providing IP
address is
(a) SMTP
(b) ARP
(c) RIP
The address resolution protocol (ARP) is used
(a) Finding the IP address from the DNS
(b) Finding the IP address of the default gateway
(c) Finding the IP address that corresponds to a
MAC address
(d) Finding the MAC address that corresponds to
a IP address
An example of an internet search engine is
(a) Windows
(b) Linux
(c) Yahoo
(d) MS Word
What is the name of the software that allows us
to browse through web pages called:
(a) Browser
(b) Mail client
(c) FTP client
(d) Messenger
Buying and selling goods over the internet is
(a) Hyper-marketing
(b) E-commerce
(c) Cyber-selling
(d) Euro-conversion
Which of the following e-commerce company
has launched shopsy, an app that allows
Indians to start online shops for free.
(a) Amazon
(b) Snapdeal
(c) Filpkart
(d) Paytm
Which segment do Flipkart, Amazon, eBay etc.
belong to:
(a) B2G
(b) C2C
(c) B2B
(d) B2C
Which of the following is TRUE only for XML
but not for HTML:
(a) It is derived from SGML
(b) It describes content and layout
(c) It allows user defined tags
(d) It is restricted only to be used with web
Which network has the highest speed of data
(a) MAN
(b) WAN
(c) LAN
(d) SAN
Which of the following protocols may be used
for accessing World Wide Web?
(a) HTTP
(b) SMTP
(c) SLIP
(d) None of the above
A network spreading in different geographical
location is known as
(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
A set of rules that governs data
(a) Rule
(b) Medium
(c) Link
(d) Protocol
What is the scope of e-commerce business
platform like Flipkart, Amazon etc.
(a) Virtual
(b) National
(c) Local
(d) Global
Used for video conferencing:
(a) Zoom
(b) Skype
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
____ is used to store the data within the
document on the server.
(a) XML
(c) HTML
(d) CGI
Which language is case sensitive?
(a) HTML
(b) XML
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
What does XML stands for:
(a) Extra Modern Link
(b) Extensible Markup Language
(c) Example Markup Language
(d) X-Markup Language
A proper scripting language is a
(a) High level programming language
(b) Assembly level programming language
(c) Machine level programming language
(d) Low level programming language
Which tag tells browser where the page starts
and stops:
(a) <html>
(b) <body>
(c) <head>
(d) <title>
Types of computer graphics are
(a) scalar and raster
(b) vector and raster
(c) vector and scalar
(d) none of these
The GIF format is much ____ to be
downloaded or uploaded over the www.
(a) slower
(b) faster
(c) medium
(d) none of these
Once a file is saved in JPEG format some data
is lost
(a) Temporarily
(b) Permanently
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None
What is a method of communication between
two persons with personal computers who are
both connected online through the internet?
(a) E-Groups
(b) Audio Visual Conference
(c) Multimedia Conference
(d) Audio-Video Conference
What is an electronic communication network
for the interconnection of computers to access
different websites.
(a) Wi-Fi
(b) Bluetooth
(c) Internet
(d) Broadband
Which one of the following telephonic
conferencing with a radio link is very popular
throughout the world?
(a) TPS
(b) Telepresence
(c) Video conference
(d) Video teletext
Voice Mail is called
(a) Voice sequence
(b) Voice message
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Internet of things and its Application
Graphics programs are those that create
(a) Designs
(b) Pictures
(c) Images
(d) All of the above
99. Video conferencing is used for:
(a) Business
(b) Education
(c) Health
(d) All of the above
100. Vector graphics is composed of
(a) Pixels
(b) Palette
(c) Paths
(d) None of these
101. Raster graphics are composed of
(a) Paths
(b) Pixels
(c) Palette
(d) None of these
102. The quality of an image depends on
(a) No of resolution used by image
(b) No. of pixel used by image
(c) No. of line used by image
(d) None
103. EPS image file format is used for
(a) Vector graphics
(b) Bitmap
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
104. EPS means
(a) Encapsulated Post Script
(b) Entire Post Script
(c) Entire Post Scale
(d) None of these
105. RGB model are used for
(a) Printing
(b) Computer display
(c) Painting
(d) None of these
106. E-mail stands for
(a) Electronic man
(b) Electromagnetic mail
(c) Engine mail
(d) Electronic mail
107. An unsolicited email message sent to many
recipients at once is
(a) Inbox
(b) Virus
(c) Spam
(d) Attack
108. Write the correct sequence of HTML tags to
design a webpage?
(a) HTML, Head, Title, Body
(b) HTML, Title, Body, Head
(c) Title, HTML, Head, Body
(d) Head, Title, HTML, Body
109. The first network that planted the seeds of
internet was
(c) VNET
(d) INET
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
110. ..............is a global system of interconnected
governmental, academic, corporate, public, and
private computer networks.
(a) Intranet
(b) Internet
(c) Extranet
(d) Darknet
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 1.15 pm)
111. Internet, initially started as–
(a) TCP/IP experiment
(b) Network for the defence force of America
(c) Group of research scientists of bell Lab
(d) Contribution was done by all the above
(RRB JE-2014)
112. Which of the following is not a web browser?
124. Flipkart is an example of which type of website?
(a) Chrome
(b) Firefox
(a) Celebrity website
(c) Safari
(d) Linux
(b) Forum Website
(c) E-commerce website
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 10 am)
(d) Social networking website
113. Internet Explorer is a
(UPPCL TG2 11-11-2016)
(a) Web browser
125. What is e-commerce?
(b) Web search engine
(a) Buying and selling of computer products
(c) Hypertext transfer protocol
Buying and selling of products and services
(d) Web data store
not found in stores
(RRB JE (Shift-II), 29.8.2015)
(c) Buying and selling of intermational goods
114. Which of the following options displays the
Buying and selling of products and services
name of the web page in an Internet Explorer
the internet
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
(a) Address bar
(b) Menu bar
126. Which of the following is a tiny digital camera
(c) Status bar
(d) Title bar
generally used in video chats or video
UPPCL JE 31-01-2019 (Batch-02)
115. To view information on the web you must have a
(a) Joystick
(b) Light pen
(a) Cable modem
(b) Web browser
(c) Web camera
(d) MICR
(c) Domain name server (d) Hypertext viewer
(AHC RO-2016)
(UPPCL TG-2 26.06.2016)
116. Client-side scripting generally refers to the 127. HTTP stands for –
(a) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol
class of computer programs on the web that
(b) Hyper Text Transfer Program
are executed client-side by
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(a) web browser
(b) web server
(d) Hyper Text Transmission Program
(c) website
(d) URL
(RRB SSE Secundrabad (Shift-I), 01.09.2015)
128. Which of the following is an application
117. Who invented E-Mail?
(a) Tim Berners-Lee
(b) James Gosling
(a) HTTP
(b) TCP
(c) Vinton Cerf
(d) Ray Tomlinson
(c) IP
(d) UDP
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4.15 pm)
(SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 10am)
118. World Wide Web was invented by……….
129. SMTP in computer science stands for?
(a) John Barber
(b) Tim Berners-Lee
(a) Simple Markup Transfer Protocol
(c) Alan Blumlein
(d) David Brewster
(b) Systems Mail Transfer Protocol
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 4.15 pm)
(c) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
119. The process of publishing original content on
(d) Systems Memory Transfer Protocol
the Internet is called
(a) Community publishing
130. Which Network protocol is used to send email?
(b) Digital publishing
(c) Web publishing
(a) FTP
(b) SSH
(d) Desktop publishing
(c) POP 3
(d) SMTP
UPPCL ARO-18.02.2018
(RRB SSE Bilaspur Yellow paper, 21.12.2014)
120. Links that lead to another webpage are called- 131. Which of the following is not an e–mail
(a) Hyperlinks
(b) HTTP Links
protocol ?
(c) Embedded Links
(d) URL
(a) POP
(b) IMAP
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
(c) SMTP
(d) FTP
121. A program that serves requested HTML files
(RRB JE (Shift-2), 27.8.2015)
and page is
132. In HTTP, P stands for–
(a) Web address
(b) Web page
(a) Pattern
(b) Protocol
(c) Web server
(d) Home page
(c) Program
(d) Policy
RRB NTPC 28.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
122. Files can be safely transferred using Internet 133. The internet works by using a protocol called
TCP/IP. What is the full form of TCP/IP?
through(a) Transmission
(a) FTP
(b) SMTP
(c) TCP/IP
(d) HTTP
(b) Tele Computer Protocol/Internet Protocol
UPPCL Accountant 10-02-2018
123. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera etc.
(c) Temporary
are the example of _______.
(a) Railway services
(b) Web browsers
(d) Transmission Computer Programme/Internet
(c) Search engine
(d) Email services
RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
UPPCL APS Exam-18.02.2018
Internet of things and its Application
134. _______ is a communication protocol.
(a) HTP
(b) CP
(c) TP
(d) HTTP
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
135. Which of the following is an advantage of
LAN? ?
(a) automatic pricing of data
(b) sharing peripherals
(c) saving up data
(d) backing up data
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
136. An organization has a private network for
exclusive use by its employees(a) Internet
(b) Intranet
(c) LAN
(d) Network interface
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 29.04.2016 (Set-II)
137. Which of the following is the largest network in
terms of area?
(a) MAN
(b) WAN
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, 27.04.2016 (Shift-I)
138. Transmission of which of the following
network topologies has the highest speed?
(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) MAN
(d) LAN and WAN have equal transmission
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 29.04.2016 (Shift-II)
139. What is the extension of TCP in relation to
computer system?
(a) Transmission control protocol
(b) Transfer call plan
(c) Transfer control process
(d) Transmission call protocol
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 16.04.2016 (Shift-III)
140. In reference to computers what is the meaning
of LAN?
(a) Largest Area Network
(b) Local Area Network
(c) Legal Area Network
(d) Longest Area Network
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 28.03.2016 (Shift-III)
141. What is the address given to the computer
connected to a network is called?
(a) System address
(b) S.Y.SI.D
(c) Process id
(d) IP address
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green Paper)
142. Which of the following is NOT an internet
(a) Panda
(b) Safari
(c) Firefox
(d) Chrome
RRB NTPC 27.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
143. What is the meaning of letter 's' in 'https'
Protocol ?
(a) Scale
(b) Save
(c) Software
(d) Secure
RRB NTPC 11.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
144. Which is the world’s oldest web browser?
(a) World Wide Web (b) Mosaic
(c) Opera
(d) Netscape
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 12.04.2016 (Shift-I)
145. Whenever we open the internet, we see
ourselves by creating ‘www’. What is the full
form of WWW?
(a) World Wide Web (b) World Wide Word
(c) World Wise Web (d) None of the above
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014,Red Ppaer)
146. Webpages are created using….
(a) HTTP
(b) URL
(c) HTML
(d) FTP
RRB NTPC Stage-Ist, , 31.03.2016 (Shift-III)
1. (b)
11. (a)
21. (a)
31. (b)
41. (b)
51. (d)
61. (b)
71. (d)
81. (a)
91. (b)
101. (b)
111. (b)
121. (b)
131. (d)
2. (b)
12. (b)
22. (b)
32. (d)
42. (d)
52. (a)
62. (a)
72. (b)
82. (b)
92. (b)
102. (b)
112. (d)
122. (a)
132. (b)
142. (a)
3. (d)
13. (d)
23. (a)
33. (d)
43. (d)
53. (a)
63. (a)
73. (d)
83. (d)
93. (b)
103. (c)
113. (a)
123. (b)
133. (a)
143. (d)
4. (d)
14. (c)
24. (c)
34. (b)
44. (c)
54. (b)
64. (b)
74. (c)
84. (d)
94. (d)
104. (a)
114. (d)
124. (c)
134. (d)
144. (a)
Internet of things and its Application
5. (b)
15. (d)
25. (b)
35. (a)
45. (a)
55. (c)
65. (a)
75. (a)
85. (c)
95. (c)
105. (b)
115. (b)
125. (d)
135. (b)
145. (a)
6. (c)
16. (d)
26. (c)
36. (d)
46. (a)
56. (d)
66. (d)
76. (b)
86. (a)
96. (c)
106. (d)
116. (a)
126. (c)
136. (b)
146. (c)
7. (d)
17. (c)
27. (a)
37. (a)
47. (c)
57. (c)
67. (d)
77. (c)
87. (b)
97. (b)
107. (c)
117. (d)
127. (c)
8. (a)
18. (b)
28. (d)
38. (b)
48. (c)
58. (d)
68. (d)
78. (d)
88. (b)
98. (d)
108. (a)
118. (b)
128. (a)
138. (a)
9. (d)
19. (b)
29. (c)
39. (d)
49. (b)
59. (a)
69. (d)
79. (c)
89. (a)
99. (d)
109. (a)
119. (c)
129. (c)
10. (b)
20. (a)
30. (d)
40. (b)
50. (b)
60. (d)
70. (c)
80. (c)
90. (a)
100. (c)
110. (b)
120. (a)
130. (d)
Today's information technology is the fastest
growing industry and its structure with change a lot in
the coming times. It is bringing very quick revolutionary
changes in the various fields like Medical,
Entertainment, Education, Business marketing etc. and it
will be an more booms in the coming years.
What are the current trends in Information
Information technology is growing so fast that in
every coming day it is leaving behind the old one.
Following as some recent developments in the field of
information technology.
1. Automation– Automation is the way of describing
the various technologies that are used to minimize
human intervention in the production of different
types of goods and services. To achieve this various
decision criteria, relationship between the subprocesses and related actions are determined and
then feed into the machine. It improves the speed,
reliability and efficiency of production. It is
estimated that automation will grow more in the
coming years.
2. Cloud Computing– Cloud computing is the ondemand delivery of different types of computing
services over the cloud (i.e. internet) like storage,
software, servers, databases, analytics, networking
and intelligence. Normally this word is used to
express the data centers accessible over the internet
to the users. Cloud storage and sharing is a very in
demand trend that many organizations acquired.
The cloud environments (cloud deployment models)
are three types.
(i) Public Cloud– It is owned by an outsourced cloud
provider and it is accessible to many types of users
(businesses or organizations) by using the internet.
(ii) Private Cloud– This type of cloud is limited to a
single organization or business. It gives a more
controlled environment to access the resources. It
provides higher security to the resources.
(iii) Hybrid Cloud– It is a combination of both public
and private clouds and it is a decent option for the
organization that looking for the advantages of both
types of clouds.
Cloud computing has three types of service models.
(a) Infrastructure as a service
(b) Platform as a service
(c) Software as a service
Major Developments in IT
(a) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)– It is usually the
most famous service model. It provides the
fundamental infrastructure of data storage drives,
virtual servers, operating systems and networks. It is
an ideal option for small and medium size business
(or organizations). It is an outsourced and paid
service. It is accessible as private, public or hybrid.
(b) Platform as a service– In PaaS, the service
providers deploy the infrastructure and the software
framework while the organizations/users/businesses
can develop and execute their applications. The
different types of web application can be created
very fast and very easily by using this service.
(c) Software as a service (SaaS)– In SaaS, the service
providers deploy the software over the internet for
the different users/business that paid for this through
subscription or any other way. It is the best option
for short term projects.
3. Internet of Things– The internet of things means a
network of billions of things (or physical devices)
embedded with various type of technologies like
sensors, software etc. to make them capable of
transferring and receiving the data and instructions
to or from the other devices and system over the
internet. So any physical device (or electronics
device) that can be connected to the internet to send,
receive and controlled information can be used as an
IoT device.
4. Edge Computing– Edge computing is a prototype
of a distributed computing (or distributed
information technology architecture) that makes it
possible to access the data and services at the
locations where it is required so that the response
time can be improved as well as can save bandwidth
also. IN simple words, we can say it as an
architecture that helps in running the little number of
processes in the cloud and then shift them to the
local places like a user's computer an edge server, or
any IoT devices.
5. Artificial Intelligence– Artificial Intelligence is a
broad branch of computer science that is used to
make machines smart (i.e. that can carry out the
tasks that commonly needed human intelligence).
6. Machine Learning– Machine learning is a branch
of computer science and artificial intelligence. It
deals with the use of algorithms and data to emulate
human learning behaviour. These algorithm improve
automatically by using the experience and the data.
There are lots of services that are possible due to
recommendations systems, voice assistants, social
media feeds and many more. Machine learning can
be classified into the following categories.
• Supervised machine learning
• Unsupervised machine learning
• Reinforcement machine learning
Supervised machine learning– The data is labeled
to advise the machine precisely what patterns if
should search for example, when you watch any
video on YouTube. You advise the algorithm to
show you similar video also.
Unsupervised machine learning– There is neither
classified nor labeled data, the machine just searches
for patterns by itself. The machine does not find out
the right output or pattern but if can find out the
hidden patterns or structures by using the labeled
Reinforcement machine learning– It is a trial and
error method of learning by a machine to reach a
specific goal. This permits the machines and the
software agents to find out the ideal behaviour
automatically within a particular condition so the
performance can be maximized.
Deep Learning– Deep learning also known as deep
neural networks or neural learning is a subset of
machine learning i.e, it is also a form of artificial
intelligence as machine learning. In simple word, we
can say that deep learning is an AI function that
imitates the human brain's working to detect objects,
speech recognition, language translation and also is
a decision making.
Virtual Reality– It is the use of computer
technology to generate a simulated environment
(including many senses like vision, touch, hearing
and smell as well) that enables users to interact with
the 3D worlds. By using VR technology we can
experience the virtual world or environment like the
real one. To perceive such as environment, we have
to use a special device known as a virtual reality
headset or helmet.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
Which represents the expression of size and
form of particular thinking?
(a) Data
(b) Information
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Which of the following has the characteristic of
(a) Timelines
(b) Purpose
(c) Mode
(d) All of these
Computing the information is based on
preliminary investigation of.
(a) Shainnan
(b) Weever
(c) Shainnen & Weever (d) None of these
Which of the following is an essential concept
related to cloud?
(a) Reliability
(b) Abstraction
(c) Productivity
(d) All of the mentioned
In which one of the following a strategy record
or document is created respectively to the
events conditions to user may face while
applying cloud computing mode.
(a) Cloud computing value preposition
(b) Cloud computing strategy planning
(c) Planning phase
(d) Business Architecture Development
Which one of the following is related to the
services provided by cloud?
(a) Sourcing
(b) Ownership
Major Developments in IT
(c) Reliability
(d) AaaS
What is edge computing role in cloud
(a) They are the same
(b) Edge computing is the cloud's silver living or
the edge of the cloud
(c) Edge computing could act as an alternative to
cloud computing
(d) They are unrelated
What issue is common is many edge computing
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Latency
(c) Network security
(d) Network traffic
How can software defined networking (SDN)
work with edge computing?
(a) Edge computing only works in a software
defined network.
(b) SDN can streamline how edge computing
processes data.
(c) They don't work well together.
(d) They are the same.
Why should anyone care about edge
(a) It can alleviate latency issues
(b) It can ease network congestion
(c) It can bolster bandwidth for IoT devices
(d) All of the above
Machine learning is a field of AI consisting of
learning algorithms that ____
(a) Executing some task
(b) Over time with experience
(c) Improve their performance
(d) All of the above
Machine learning algorithms build a machine
based on sample data known as _____
(a) Training data
(b) Transfer data
(c) Data training
(d) None of above
What are the three types of machine learning?
(a) Supervised learning
(b) Unsupervised learning
(c) Reinforcement learning
(d) All of the above
Real time decisions Game AI learning tasks,
skill acquisition and Robot Navigation are
application of ___
(a) Reinforcement learning
(b) Supervised learning
(c) Unsupervised learning
(d) None of the above
How many layers deep learning algorithm are
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Which of the following is limitations of deep
(a) Data labeling
(b) Obtain huge training datasets
(c) None of the above
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Which of the following deep learning models
uses back propagation?
(a) Convolutional Neural Network
(b) Multilayer perception Network
(c) Recurrent Neural Network
(d) All of the above
For an image classification task which of the
following deep learning algorithm is best
(a) Recurrent Neural Network
(b) Multi Layer Perception
(c) Convolution Neural Network
(d) None of the these
It is a mediated environment which creates the
sensation in a user of being present in a
(physical) surrounding.
(a) WWW
(b) HMD
(c) VR
(d) GUI
A type of VR environment in which subjects
are visually isolated from the real environment.
(a) Immersive
(b) Semi Immersive
(c) Non immersive
(d) Augmented
Application of machine learning methods to
large database is called
(a) Data Mining
(b) Artificial Intelligence
(c) Big Data Computing
(d) Internet of Things
In what type of learning labelled training data
is used.
(a) unsupervised learning
(b) supervised learning
(c) reinforcement learning
(d) active learning
What characterize unlabelled examples in
machine learning?
(a) there is no prior knowledge
(b) there is no confusing knowledge
(c) there is prior knowledge
(d) there is plenty of confusing knowledge
Compared to humans machines.
(a) Can make more complex decisions based on
unexpected circumstances
(b) Can work in harsher environment
(c) Make fewer errors
(d) (a) and (c)
What is true about machine learning?
(a) machine learning is the field of computer
(b) ML is a type of artificial intelligence that
extract patterns out of raw data by using an
algorithm or method
(c) The main focus of ML is to allow computer
systems learn from experience without being
explicitly programmed or human intervention.
(d) All of the above
1. (b)
2. (d)
3. (c)
4. (b)
5. (b)
6. (a)
7. (c)
8. (d)
9. (b)
10. (d)
11. (d)
12. (a)
13. (d)
14. (a)
15. (b)
16. (d)
17. (c)
18. (c)
19. (c)
20. (a)
21. (a)
22. (b)
23. (d)
24. (d)
25. (d)
Major Developments in IT
"Nano Technology is knocking at our doors. We
should be aware of the trends of technology and nurture
our young minds."
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
UNIT-I : Aims and Objectives of Teaching
Computer Sciences
Pedagogy of Computer Science– Computer science
is an integral part of our lives, shaping virtually
everything from the objects around us to the ways in
which we communicate, travel , work and play.
Purpose of Teaching Computer Science– The
purpose of computer science teaching in school is:
• To enable the student to grasp the basic knowledge
needed from further study of computer science and
the related technology and
• To understand its application.
Aims and Objectives of Teaching Computer Science–
The teaching of computer science should aim to
1. Provide fundamental knowledge to the students.
2. Develop in them the skill of thinking and analyzing.
3. Inculcate proficiency in reasoning and synthesizing.
4. Create interest and scientific attitudes.
5. Develop communicative skills and soft skills.
6. Help the students apply their knowledge in learning
7. Help the students attain the thinking process.
8. Make the student attain the skills of initiatives.
9. Make the students associate the knowledge in real
time application.
10. Build team spirit.
11. Help the students attain the skill of problem-solving.
12. Provide them vocational skills.
13. Inculcate citizenship and love for the society and
14. Promote local and global understanding.
Need for Teaching Computer Science– The use of
computers is inevitable and it has become a necessary
electronic gadget in every individual's life. By
introducing computer science in the school curriculum,
we can confidently challenge that the educational
industries be fixed on to the global standards.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives–
Objectives are the specific and precise behavioural
outcome of teaching a topic. The main objectives of
teaching computer science must ensure a better match
between the industry's requirements and outputs of the
education sector emphasizing the quality needs.
Knowledge acquisition, adaptation and utility are the
prime slogans of the present learning society. Hence
learning computers from the school is the need of the
hour. Whole human processes can be divided into three
levels as follows:
1. Cognitive Domain (Activities related to head)
2. Affective Domain (Activities related to the heart)
3. Psycho-Motor Domain (Activities related to hand)
On the basis of these three Domains, B.S. Bloom
and his associates divided educational objectives and
there were six objectives for each domain.
Computer Science Teaching at Different Levels in
Primary Level
• At primary levels, the computer is being used to
display the lessons in the form of Rhymes, Games and
Browsing and Interactive mode.
• Simple software applications like MS Paint are taught.
Secondary Level
• At the secondary level, computer skills are developed.
• The application software like MS Word, Excel and
Power Point are taught.
Higher Secondary Level
• At a higher secondary level, computer science
teaching is at a high level.
• The programming skill-based curriculum is introduced
at this level.
The languages like C, C++ and Visual Basic and the
web language like HTML are in the higher secondary
The Place of Computer Science in School
Curriculum–The 5 reasons for computer science
courses to be taught at present are:
1. To use electronic gadgets in all fields.
2. To be on part with ever-increasing societal needs
and expectations.
3. To become equipped for new business and industries
4. To be competent for local and global competitions.
5. Working with finance.
Computer Science Teaching in Relation to other
School Subjects
Computer Science and Chemistry–
• Nuclear magnetic resonance, mass, infra-red and ultraviolet spectrometry all depend on computers to control
the sensitive equipment and obtain and record detailed
• It is obvious that computers are important in taking
measurements but they can also be used to predict
• There is some very powerful software available for
predicting the physical properties of compounds.
• Bonds lengths, melting points, vibrational frequencies
and properties such as solubility can be predicted
using dedicated software based on theories known.
• Software like this can help you to 'design' a molecule
to the specific needs of the chemist.
• Without the software, it would take hours of
calculations to predict the properties.
Computer Science and Physics–
• Computers have great influence in the field of physics.
• Starting from atom energy to Astronomy, the
computer has a deep influence.
• Finding weather reports, moments of particles and
their functions can be monitors through computers.
• Research in the field of physics is enhanced and
sophisticated by computer and its applications.
• Computers are used in Mechanical engineering
through CAD, CAM, ANSYS and CATIA as
designing and analyzing software.
Computer Science and Biology–
• The use of computer technology has greatly enhanced
the medical field.
• This is particularly so in hospital environments where
reliability and quality are critical factors.
• Many computer applications, such as patient
information systems, monitoring and control systems
and diagnostic systems have been used to enhance
Computer Science and Social Science– The computer
is used to review the past with documentary evidence.
• The books and all other old documents are being
digitalized using computers.
• Moreover, it helps to develop new dimensions of
maps and it is useful in finding natural resources using
satellites, Receivers and Sensors.
• The computer has great influence in developing
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Computer Science and Language
• Computer science is used to develop software in
• Computer spread languages throughout the world.
UNIT II : Hardware and Software of Computers
What is Computer?
A computer is a device, which can compute. It is an
electronic device, which works under a set of instructions
automatically accepts the supplied data, processes and
analyzes the data and produces the information.
• The first fully electronic computers, introduced in the
1940s' were huge machines that required teams of
people to operate. But now days we have the most
advanced machines which perform a number of
calculations within a fraction of time.
How does computer works?
Computers work through an interaction of Hardware and
Hardware– Hardware refers to the parts of a computer
that we can see and touch, including the case and
everything inside it. The most important piece of
hardware is a ting rectangular chip inside the computer
called the Central Processing Unit (CPU), or
• It is the "brain" of your computer the part that
translates instructions and performs calculations.
• Hardware items such as your monitor, keyboard,
mouse, printer and other components are often called
hardware devices or devices.
• Software refers to the instructions or programs that tell
the hardware what to do.
• A word processing program that we can use to write
letters on your computer is a type of software.
• The operating system is software that manages our
computer and the devices connected to it.
• Two well-known operating systems are Windows and
Macintosh operating systems.
History of Computers– The history of computer
development is often in reference to the different
generations of computing devices. Each of the five
generations of computers is characterized by a major
technological development that fundamentally changed
the way computers operate.
First Generation Computers–
• The first electronic computer came into use at the end
of the II World War.
• It contained approximately 18500 vacuum tubes,
70000 resistors and 10000 capacitors and weighed
about 30 tones.
• It also consumed a large amount of electrical power,
considerable space and a large amount of money.
Second Generation Computers–
• In this generation, the large bulky vacuum tubes were
replaced with the much smaller transistors.
• The transistors were not only smaller in size but also
more reliable and consumed less energy, besides
reducing the size of the computers considerably.
• Also, second generation computers used high level
programming languages.
Third Generation Computers–
• The third generation of computers began in 1960, after
the invention of an integrated circuit or chip.
• This chip was a one quarter inch square piece of
material on which thousands of electronic circuits
(replacements for vacuum tubes, transistors, resistors,
and capacitors) could be implanted.
• This is considered to be the backbone of today's
modern electronic computers.
Fourth Generation Computers–
• This generation of computers was characterized by the
development of a microprocessor or a microchip in
• Approximately 70,000 or more vacuum tube
equivalents or transistors could be embedded in a
single chip of this kind.
• They were very powerful in terms of the speed of
processing and memory.
• They were otherwise known as "computers on a chip".
Fifth Generation Computers–
• The fifth generation computers of the 1990s was much
faster and more powerful.
• Therefore, this generation of computer is
characterized by "Artificial Intelligence."
Because of the rapid growth of technological
advancements in computers, no one can predict what the
future will bring. It is certain that computers will
continue to evolve and will bring about significant
changes in our lives in the future.
Types of Computers–
• Analog
• Digital
• Hybrid Computers
• Super Computers
• Mainframe Computer
• Minicomputer
• Workstation
• Personal Computer
• Notebook Computer
• Laptop Computer
Computer Network– A computer network is an
interconnection of various computer systems located in
different places. In a computer network, two or more
computers are linked together with medium and data
communication devices
for the purpose of
communicating data and sharing resources.
Benefits of Network–
1. File Sharing
2. Printer/Peripheral Sharing
3. Internet Connection Sharing
4. Multi-Player Games
5. Internet Telephone Service
6. Home Entertainment
Types of Networks–
There are many different types of networks. However,
from an end user's point of view there are three basic
1. Local Area Network
2. Wide Area Network
3. Metropolitan Area Network
Computer Virus–
• A computer virus is a program that is able to copy
itself when it is run.
• In addition to copying itself, a computer virus can also
execute instructions that cause harm. For this reason,
computer viruses affect security.
• Computer viruses are created for a cause, sometimes
they are created to spread political messages and they
are also created to hack some system files.
• Computer viruses are spread in many ways. Some of
the types of spreading are email, removable hardware,
downloading and so on.
The Various Uses of Computers–
A computer is used in all human life. The most important
areas have been given as follows.
1. Routine Job Handling
2. Traffic Control
3. Electronic Money
4. Industrial Application
5. Trade
6. Scientific Research
7. Medicine
8. Space Science
9. Publication
10. Communications
11. Education
Uses of Computers in Schools
• Administrative uses– Many educational institutions
computerize nearly all their operations from mailing
labels to staff payroll.
• Office Applications– In the offices, computers are
used in the filing, typing/word processing, preparing
to mail for dispatch and making labels of addresses.
• Library Applications– In the library, computers are
used for retrieval of bibliographic information,
cataloging, circulation, purchasing of books, journals
etc. searching books, and charging fines from
students. Also, databases can be prepared for the
different users of the library.
• Financial Applications– Computers are used for
receivable/payable, general ledger, purchase order
generation, salary schedule analysis and maintenance
of students fees records etc.
• Student Applications– Computers are used to make a
time table for students, report cards, grade
information, maintenance of attendance, students
health and demographic records, result processing, fee
statements, railway concessions cards, bio-data of
students etc.
• Personnel Applications– Computers are used to
prepare payrolls of workers, maintenance personnel
records staff assignments, leave records of teachers,
health records, tax information and reporting, issuing
circular to teaching and non-teaching staffmaintaining bio-data of teachers and non-teaching
• Research and Planning Applications– Computers
are used in various research and planning applications
such as test item analysis, project planning and
evaluation, budget forecasting the feasibility of
opening new courses etc.
UNIT-III : Micro Teaching
Micro-teaching is one of the most important
developments in the field of teaching practice. It is
originated at Stanford University in 1963.
Basically, micro-teaching is a 'scaled-down teaching
encounter' in which a teacher teaches a small unit to a
group of 5 to 10 students for a small period of 5 to 10
minutes and one teaching skill is practiced during the
Micro-teaching is a new training design for pupilsteachers which provide an opportunity to practice one
teaching skill at a time and with information about their
performance immediately after completion of their
"Allen (1966) defines micro-teaching as a 'scaled
down teaching encounter in class size and class time'."
"According to the Encyclopedia of Education (Ed.
Deighton), "Micro-Teaching is a real, constructed, scaled
down teaching encounter which is used for teacher
training, curriculum development and research."
Microteaching is a teacher training technique for
learning teaching skills. It employs a real teaching
situation for developing skills and helps to get deeper
knowledge regarding the art of teaching.
Principles of Micro-Teaching
1. Principle of one Skill at a Time
2. Principle of Limited contents
3. Principle of Practice
4. Principle of experimentation
5. Principle of Immediate Feedback
6. Principle of Evaluation
7. Principle of Continuity
8. Principle of Individualized Training
Phases of Micro-Teaching
1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase
2. Skill Acquisition Phase
3. Transfer Phase of Micro-Teaching
Teaching Skills–
Teaching is considered science as well as art. An
effective teacher employs certain teaching skills to
general calculative learning situations in his classroom.
"A teaching skill is defined as set of teachers
behaviour and activities which are especially effective in
bringing about desirable behavioral changes or skills
among teachers and pupil teachers."
Allen and Ryans (1969), have prepared and
suggested a list of the following fourteen teaching skills.
1. Stimulus variation
2. Set induction
3. Closure
4. Silence and non-verbal cues
5. Reinforcement of student
6. Asking question participation
7. Probing questions
8. Divergent question
9. Attending behavior
10. Illustrating
11. Lecturing
12. Higher-Order Questions
13. Planned repetition
14. Communication completeness
UNIT-IV : Instructional Methods
Unit Plan– A unit plan is basically a list or series of
lesson plans designed around a specific topic, project,
content etc. and among other reasons that apply for
planning in general, it is important for teachers to design
one because a great deal of learning is directly correlated
to teachers' planning and preparation.
Components in a Unit Plan–
1. Unit Title & Subject Area
2. Communicative Competence Components
3. Classroom/Level
4. Unit Rationale
5. Goals
6. Objectives
7. Content
8. Learning Activities
9. List of Sources
10. List of Materials
11. Assessment
12. Explanation of how the unit plan addresses a
particular student profile.
Lesson Plan Writing in Computer Science–
In education, it is necessary to plan a lesson
scientifically. In the teaching of computer science,
writing a lesson plan is very important.
A lesson plan is an instructional outline prepared by
the teacher in order to import systematic and planned
information to the students in the class.
Herbartian Lesson Plan– It is an ancient method of
lesson-plan. This method is used from past times but
today its use is also not less. In most training institutions
Herbartian lesson-plan is used.
Herbartian five-step for Making a Lesson Plan
1. Preparation
2. Presentation
3. Comparison and Abstraction
4. Generalization
5. Application
Methods of Teaching Computer Science– The various
methods of teaching Computer Science are as follows
• Lecture
• Demonstration
• Lecture-demonstration
• Project method
• Analytic method
• Problem-solving
• Scientific method
• Synthetic method
1. Lecture Method– Lecture means teaching a lesson in
the form of speech or talk. The teacher delivers a
lecture on a particular topic and the students keep
listening in an idle manner.
2. Demonstration Method– In this method, the spoken
word is supplemented with a demonstration using
varied aids resulting in auditory and visual learning.
3. Lecture-Demonstration Method–
• This method of teaching is sometimes also referred to
as lecture-cum-Demonstration method.
• This lecture-demonstration method is used by
computer science teachers for imparting computer
science education in the class room.
4. Project Method–
• This method is based on the principle of learning by
doing and learning by living.
• In this method, the school curriculum and contents of
studies are considered from the pupils point of view.
• It also illustrates the problem-solving method.
• It is a pupil-centered method.
• The students work out problems selected by
themselves, investigate them and solve them in groups
or individually
• The teacher act as a guide and instructor.
"A project is a problematic act carried to completion
in its natural setting"
– Stevenson
"It is a unit of activity in which pupils are made
responsible for planning and purposing"
– Parker
5. Analytic Method
• Analysis means breaking up of subject matter.
• It starts from unknown to known facts.
• This method helps to break the complex problem into
simpler ones.
• The students by this method develop the ability to
attack upon the problem and analyze it into a simpler
• The spirit of investigation and critical reasoning is
developed by this method.
• It increases individual thinking
• New facts are discovered by the objective approach of
6. Synthetic Method
• It binds different known facts into unknown facts.
• It leads from known to unknown facts.
7. Scientific Method or Problem Solving Method
• Any method of solving a problem systematically and
scientifically may be called scientific.
• Scientific method refers to a technique for
investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge or
correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
• A scientific method consists of the collection of data
through observation and experimentation and the
formulation and testing of hypotheses.
8. The Inductive Approach
• This method requires the study and careful
examination of particular facts to deduce a general
• Pupils are actively engaged in thinking for themselves
and discovered new rules, generalization etc.
• The students draw generalization from particular
principles from observed rules and from instances.
Steps involved in the inductive method are–
i. Sensing the problem
ii. Analyzing the situation
iii. Organizing information
iv. Framing solution
v. Eliminating
vi. Verification
9. The Deductive Approach
It suggests the verification of general principles, rules,
definitions already learned.
It should be noted that this method has two functions
to perform–
1. Drawing inferences from general principles studied.
2. Explaining particular facts with the help of general
principles, laws etc.
Steps of the Deductive Method–
i. Understanding the problem
ii. Collecting information
iii. Reviewing
iv. Drawing inferences
v. Verification
10. Programmed Learning
• Programmed learning is an educational innovation and
auto instructional device.
• It has been coined from principles of operant learning
by B. F. Skinner.
• It is also named programmed instruction and
instructional technology.
Principles of Programmed Learning
• Principle of small steps
• Principle of active responding
• Principle of immediate confirmation
• Principle of self-pacing
• Principle of evaluation
Computer Assisted Instruction
Computer assisted instruction is a method of using
computer technology in teaching and learning.
Computer-Assisted instruction (CAI) is an
interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is
used to present the instructional material and monitor the
learning that takes place.
Computer-Managed Instruction
Computer-managed instruction is an instructional
strategy whereby the computer is used to provide
learning objectives, learning resources and assessment of
learner performance.
It refers to the use of a computer system to manage
information about learner performance and learning
resources options.
UNIT-V : Instructional Aids
Instructional Aids in the Teaching of Computer
Science– Meaning of the term instructional material or
teaching aid use and importance of instructional material
or teaching aid in Computer-Science-Guiding principles
for the effective use of audio visual aids–
Audio Visual Aids–
Audio visual aids are sensitive tools used in teaching
and as avenues for learning. These are planned
educational materials that appeal to the senses of the
people and quicken learning facilities for clear
According to Kinder S. James– "Audio visual aids
are any device which can be used to make the learning
experience more concrete, more realistic and more
According to K.P. Neeraja– An audio visual aids is
an instructional devices in which the message can be
heard as well as seen."
Characteristics of Instructional Aids or AudioVisual Aids– J.K. Davies has suggested the following
five characteristics of Audio-Visual Aids:
• Audio-Visual Aids help in developing perception.
• It helps in developing understanding.
• It enables the pupils to acquire correct knowledge.
• Audio-Visual Aids help in the transfer of training.
• These are helpful in acquiring knowledge and
providing reinforcement.
• Audio-Visual Aids help in developing retention.
Instructional Aids Used in Teaching– The
Instructional Aids used in teaching can be classified in
the following ways:
• Traditional Aids- Blackboard/Chalkboard, Books,
• Visual Aids- Objects, Picture, Map, Figure, Chart,
Posters, Model, Bulletin Board, Flannel Boards,
Globe, Graph or Any other type of Graphics such as
diagrams, Cut-outs, cartoons etc.
• Audio- Radio, Tape Recorder, Teaching Machine.
• Visual- Projector, Epidiascope, Film Strips, Motion
Picture etc.
Audio-Visual- Films, Television, Video, Cassettes etc.
Visual Material Aids- Use of Charts.
Interactive Whiteboard
• An Interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive screen
that works in conjunction with a computer and a
• It is a presentation device that interfaces with a
• The computer images are displayed on the board by a
digital projector, where they can be seen and
Powerpoint Presentation–
• Powerpoint can be an effective tool to present material
in the classroom and encourages student learning.
• Powerpoint can be used to project visuals which
would otherwise be difficult to bring to class.
UNIT-VI : Latest Trends in Information
Multimedia– The term multimedia by definition
means 'more than are media'.
"According to Hofstetter (2001), Multimedia is the
use of computer to present and combine text, graphics,
audio and video with links and tools that let the user
navigate, interact, create and communicate."
Desktop Publishing– Desktop publishing is the
process of preparing documents for printing via special page
layout software known as desktop publishing software.
communication methods on the world. Sitting at a work
station or a PC, one can get any kind of information one
• The latest technological advances have enabled it to
be used as a business tool as well, with the result that
companies are today spending a considerable amount
of money on internet research.
The internet is a system that lets computers all over
the world to communicate with each other. The internet
is a network of networks that connects computers all
over the world.
• E-learning can encompass a wide variety of online
• E-learning is the use of electronic media (computers,
tablets or phones) to educate or train learners.
Virtual learning–
A virtual learning environment is a set of teaching and
learning tools designed to enhance a students learning
experience by including computers and the internet in the
learning process.
Web-Based Learning–
Web-Based Learning encompasses all educational
interventions that make use of the internet (or a local
internet). There are currently three broad classifications
or configurations within Web-Based Learning: tutorials,
online discussion groups and virtual patients.
• The term teleconferencing refers to electronic meetings
that involve people who are at physically different
• The telecommunication technology system allows
meeting participants to interact with one another
without travelling to the same location.
Audio Conferencing–
Audio conferencing is the use of voice communication
equipments to establish an audio link between
geographically dispersed persons, one that allows them
to conduct a conference.
Video Conferencing–
• Video conferencing is the use of television equipment
to link geographically dispersed conference
• The equipment provides both sound and picture.
• With video conferencing, participants can see and hear
each other.
UNIT-VII : Evaluation in Computer Science
Introduction– Evaluation is integrated with the
whole test of education and its purpose is to improve
instruction and not merely to measure its achievements.
It exercises a great influence on the pupil's study habits,
the teacher's methods of instruction and thus helps not
only to measure educational achievements but also to
improve it.
Purposes of Evaluation–
• To provide for the collection of evidence which will
show the degree to which the pupils are progressing
towards curricular goals.
• To permit teachers and supervisors to evaluate the
effectiveness of curricular experiences, activities and
instructional methods.
• To make provision for guiding the growth of individual
pupils to diagnose their weaknesses and strengths, to
point out areas where remedial measures are desirable.
• To provide a basis for modification of the curriculum
or for the introduction of experiences to meet the
needs of the individuals and groups of pupils.
• To motivate pupils towards better attainment and
Types of Evaluation
Formative Evaluation– A formative test is
constructed to evaluate each unit. Such tests are used to
make teaching-learning more effective and to give
students the opportunity to get mastery over the content
matter. Here, more emphasis is laid on the achievement
rather than objectives.
"Formative evaluation occurs over a period of time and
monitors student progress.
–Wiersma and Jurs"
Summative Evaluation–
A summative test is given to students at the end of
the year to measure the educational attainments and
achievement of and to determine the grade or division or
certificate for the individual learner. It provides a complete
picture of the progress of the learner individually and aims
at the total evaluation of the learner.
"Summative evaluation is done at the conclusion of
instruction and measures the extent to which students
have attained the desired outcomes."
–W. Wiersma & S.G. Gurs
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation–
CCE helps in improving Students performance by
identifying his/her learning difficulties and abilities at
regular time intervals right from the beginning of the
academic session and employing suitable remedial
measures for enhancing their learning performance. CCE
is the modern method of evaluating all the prime
dimensions of a student's personality that of how much
he has been throughout.
New scheme of Evaluation–
As a part of this new system, Students marks will be
replaced by grades which will be evaluated through a
series of curricular and extra-curricular evaluations along
with academics. The aim is to reduce the workload on
students and to improve the overall skill and ability of
the student by means of evaluation of other activities.
Grades are awarded to students based on work
experience skills, dexterity, innovation, steadiness,
teamwork, public speaking, behaviour etc. to evaluate
and present an overall measure of the students ability.
This helps the students who are not good in academics
to show their talent in other fields such as arts,
humanities, sports, music, athletics etc.
Techniques and Tools of Evaluation
• Questionnaire
• Rating scale
• Observation Method
• Interview Method
• Inventory
• Assignment
Achievement Test–
Scholastic achievement tests constitute an important tool
for evaluation. It is necessary for the teacher to know
how far the pupils have attained in a particular subject
area. In the school evaluation program, various forms of
achievement tests are used to measure the
accomplishment of the pupils.
"Any test that measures the attainments or
accomplishments of an individual after a period of
training or learning is called an achievement test."
– Downie
"An achievement test is a test designed to measure a
person's knowledge, skills, understanding etc, in a given
field taught in a school." –Goods' Dictionary
An achievement test is an instrument designed to
measure the accomplishment of the students in a
specified area of learning, after a period of instruction.
Preparation of Achievement Test
The important steps envisaged in the preparation of a
good teacher made test are as under.
1. Planning the test
2. Preparation of a design
3. Designing the test items
4. Reviewing and editing
5. Arranging the items
6. Providing directions
7. Preparing the scoring key and marking scheme
8. Administering the test and scoring
9. Evaluating the test
Online Examinations
• Online examination helps the students for appearing
the exam online.
• Its mission is to offer a quick and easy way to appear
the exam and it also provides the result immediately
after the exam.
• Through partnerships with boards that are conducting
the multiple-choice type examination it can provide
special advantages to the students that can't be found
anywhere else.
Important Questions Asked in Previous Years Examinations
The method & practice especially as an
academic subject or theoretical concept–
(a) Analysis
(b) Subject-expert
(c) Pedagogy
(d) Expertise
_______ prepares students to take the role of a
developer by expanding their knowledge of
programming and in designing of the web page
and applying the same documentaries for uses.
(a) Designing of web
(b) Designing of program
(c) Programming
(d) Computer & Data analysis
Which of the following is not the element of
(a) Email
(b) Chatting
(c) Furniture
(d) Search Engines
Skill that all pupils must learn if they are to be
ready for the work place & able to participate
effectively in the digital worlds
(a) Computer Interaction
(b) Computational Thinking's
(c) Computer Science
(d) Computer Teachers
The components that process data are located
in the?
(a) Input devices
(b) Output devices
(c) System unit
(d) Storage component
The CPU and memory are located on the?
(a) Expansion board
(b) Motherboard
(c) Storage device
(d) Output device
Teaching of computer science is done at
(a) Primary level
(b) Secondary level
(c) Middle level
(d) All of the above
What are the aims of teaching Computer
(a) To provide theoretical knowledge of the
terminologies used in computer science
(b) To make aware the students with the criteria
& methodologies being used in the functional
of the computers.
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Types of general Aims & Objectives
(a) Knowledge
(b) Application
(c) Analysis
(d) All of the above
When Blooms Taxonomy of educational
objectives was proposed?
(a) 1956
(b) 1957
(c) 1955
(d) 1959
Central processing unit has
(a) Memory
(b) ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit)
(c) Control Unit
(d) All of the above
______ are graphical objects used to represent
commonly used application.
(a) GUI
(b) Windows
(c) Application
(d) Icons
Documents converted to _____ can be
published to the web.
(a) Doc file
(b) Http
(c) Machine
(d) HTML
The computer that is not considered as a
portable computer is
(a) Laptop computer
(b) Mini computer
(c) Notebook computer (d) None of these
Part of computer that has a physical structure
is called
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Motherboard
(d) None of these
Output unit
(a) It accepts the results produced by the
(b) It supplies the converted result to the user
(c) It converts these results to human acceptable
(d) all of the above
Which of the following is knowledge is known
as microcomputer.
(a) Desktop
(b) Laptop
(c) Palmtop
(d) All of the above
ALU stands for
(a) Arithmetic & Logic Unit
(b) Allegoristic & Logic Unit
(c) Application & Logic Unit
(d) Analogy & Logic Unit
What is computer?
(a) An electronic device
(b) An information device
(c) An educational device
(d) None of these
Character printers are also called
(a) Serial printers
(b) Line printers
(c) Page printers
(d) Impact printers
DNP stands for
(a) Dot Matrix Printers
(b) Digital Menology Printers
(c) Digital Matrix Printers
(d) Digital Monitoring Printers
Dot matrix and Daisywheel printers are
example of
(a) Non impact printers (b) Dot printers
(c) Impact printers
(d) Noisy printers
What is known as secondary storage media?
(a) OCR
(b) Magnetic Tape
(c) MICR
(d) Magnetic Disc
Most popular processing for tests
(a) OCR
(b) OMR
(c) MICR
(d) BCR
Advantages of magnetic tape
(a) Storage capacity
(b) Cheap
(c) Reusable
(d) All of the above
OCR stands for
(a) Optical Character Reader
(b) Optional Code
(c) Optical Character Recognition
(d) Optical Code Recognition
BCR stands for
(a) Bar Code Reader
(b) Bar Character Reader
(c) Bar Code Recognition
(d) Bar Character Recognition
MICR stands for
(a) Magnetic INK Code Recognition
(b) Magnetic INK Character
(c) Magnetic INK Code Reader
(d) Magnetic INK Character Reader
Barcode reader or scanner is called
(a) Point of sale
(b) Point of scanner
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) None of these
Devices required to store and execute the
software is called?
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Reliability
(d) Instructions
The ability to use learnt material in a new
situation by the child making use of his
previous knowledge to solve the problem is
(a) Analysis
(b) Synthesis
(c) Application
(d) Knowledge
According to Bloom's taxonomy which option
is incorrect for the preparation of objective
based questions?
(a) Analysis
(b) Evaluation
(c) Self actualization
(d) Application
Which of the following is an example of higherorder of cognitive learning outcome?
(a) Learning of facts and their sequences
(b) Learning roles and action sequences
(c) Learning of concepts and abstractions
(d) Learning of awareness and valuing
This domain deals with the emotions, attitudes
and interests of the students
(a) Affective
(b) Cognitive
(c) Psychomotor
(d) Developmental
In cognitive process, constructing meaning
from instructional messages refers to which of
the following?
(a) Understand
(b) Analyse
(c) Remember
(d) Evaluate
Which level of the cognitive domain would the
following question relate to? "Would frequent
washing of hands result in a reduction in the
incidence of diarrhoeal diseases?"
(a) Comprehending
(b) Applying
(c) Analyzing
(d) Evaluation
Pedagogy is concerned with?
(a) Aims
(b) Content
(c) Evaluation
(d) Teaching methods
Which of the following learning strategies are
not developed by B. S. Bloom?
(a) Division of contents into units
(b) Diagnose the learning difficulties
(c) Attain mastery level by teachers
(d) Administering unit test
A teaching approach which attempts to help
students to question and challenge domination
and the beliefs and practices that dominate
(a) Inductive Approach
(b) Heuristic Method
(c) Critical Pedagogy
(d) Deductive Approach
Pedagogy is a Greek word which literally
(a) To understand the child
(b) To guide the child
(c) To educate the child
(d) To lead the child
Which one of the following is not an example of
(a) MS Word
(b) Windows
(c) Monitor
(d) MS Paint
CU stands for ____
(a) Compressed Unit
(b) Computer Unit
(c) Control Unit
(d) None of these
Which part is known as backbone of the
(a) CPU
(b) Hardware
(c) Software
(d) Keyboard
A microprocessor is _____
(a) A combined unit of monitor and keyboard.
(b) A combined unit of ALU and CU.
(c) A combined unit of CPU and UPS
(d) None of these
Which of the following is required to run MS
(a) Application software
(b) System software
(c) Multimedia software
(d) None of these
______ is the brain of the computer.
(a) Monitor
(b) Software
(c) CPU
(d) Keyboard
______ is the set of instructions.
(a) Hardware
(b) Application software
(c) System software (d) Both (b) and (c)
A computer virus is a:
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Bacteria
(d) Freeware
Who is known by the name of crackers in the
context of computer security?
(a) Black Hat Hackers (b) White Hat Hackers
(c) Elite Hackers
(d) Script Kiddie
Which of the following terms is just the
collection of networks that can be joined
(a) Intranet
(b) Extranet
(c) Internet
(d) LAN
Micro-teaching is
(a) Scaled down teaching
(b) Effective teaching
(c) Evaluation teaching
(d) Real teaching
Which step is prominent in the syntax of
teaching model of memory level and
understanding level?
(a) Planning
(b) Exploration
(c) Generalization
(d) Presentation
Morrison has described five steps in his
teaching model at understanding level which
I. Presentation
II. Exploration
III. Organisation
IV. Assimilation
V. Recitation
The correct sequence is
(a) I, II, III, IV, V
(b) II, I, IV, III, V
(c) IV, V, III, I, II
(d) II, I, III, IV, V
Total time taken in Indian Model of Micro
Teaching is
(a) 30 minute
(b) 40 minute
(c) 36 minute
(d) 45 minute
In which of the following skill, testing of
previous knowledge comes?
(a) Skill of demonstration
(b) Skill of introduction
(c) Skill of stimulus variation
(d) Skill of closure
If a teacher finds a problematic child in the
class, what should he does?
(a) send the child back to home immediately
(b) ignore the child
(c) Punish the child
(d) Provide counseling to the child
You have a mixed class of boys and girls.
Which method would you adopt to improve cooperation between them?
(a) Asking parents to discuss equality
(b) Talking about equality in lessons
(c) Setting tasks which have to be done together
(d) Making boys and girls share a bench
_____ is a very detailed and specific plan
consisting of intended learning outcomes,
description of teaching-learning strategies and
activities and actual tool for assessment of
learning outcome.
(a) Unit plan
(b) Yearly plan
(c) Lesson plan
(d) Both (a) and (c)
_____ is a file, folder, pocket, or space allocated
for each child where actual work done by a
child, over a period of time.
(a) Diary
(b) Anecdotal record
(c) Teacher's Handbook (d) Portfolio
Which of the following is not a democratic
teaching strategy?
(a) Problem solving
(b) Project
(c) Discovery
(d) Demonstration
Identify the skills needed by present day
teachers to make classroom teaching more
I. knowledge of technology
II. Use of technology in classroom transactions
III. Knowledge of students needs
IV. Content Mastery
(a) I and III
(b) II and III
(c) II, III and IV
(d) II and IV
Which of the following method provides the
proof of the problem?
(a) Project method
(b) Analytic method
(c) Inductive method
(d) Synthetic method
Which one of the following happenings in the
classroom is an activity?
(a) Children engaged in exploration
(b) Teacher explaining how to do sums
(c) Children reciting counting in form of rhymes
(d) Children copying from blackboard
Which of the following activities is best suited
for the development of spatial understanding
among children?
(a) Drawing the top view of a bottle
(b) Locating cities on a map
(c) Noting the time of moon rise
(d) Representing numbers on a number line
Which one of the following methods is most
suitable for teaching mathematics at upper
primary level?
(a) Demonstration method
(b) Lecture method
(c) Activity-Based learning
(d) Problem-solving method
Out of the following, which of the teaching
methods in mathematics is difficult to use in a
formal classroom situation?
(a) Inductive
(b) Deductive
(c) Project
(d) Analytic
Which of the following is the best method of
teach geometry?
(a) Play method
(b) Drill method
(c) Formula-based method
(d) Display method
Which of the following methods of teaching will
encourage indirect learning?
(a) Lecturing with examples
(b) Team teaching
(c) Demonstration on a subject
(d) Collaborative projects
Match the following methods of teaching with
their meaning.
A. Oral presentation of
1. Brainstorming
information, principles,
concepts, ideas about
a topic
B. Sharing experiences,
2. Project
ideas and attitudes
C. Generating as many
3. Lecture
ideas without judging
D. A whole-hearted
4. Collaboration
purposeful activity
proceeding in a social
5. Discussion
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 5 1 2
(c) 5 4 3 2
(d) 3 4 1 2
Match the elements in list-I with that of List-II
and choose the correct alternative.
A. Lecturing
1. Working in groups
B. Project method
2. Small steps with
C. Heuristic Method 3. Economical and
D. Programmed
4. Prof. Armstrong
(a) 3 1 2 4
(b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 3 4 1
(d) 1 3 2 4
Identify media resources that may be helpful in
the teaching-learning process.
(a) Newspaper
(b) Picture
(c) Exhibitions
(d) All of the above
Which of the following types of learning
materials are in the form of real objects or
ideals that make the concepts very clear?
(a) Visual material
(b) Surrounding environment
(c) Information and Communication Technology
(d) Tactile material
Most effective teaching aid is
(a) non-projected
(b) direct experience
(c) projected
(d) None of these
______ are models used to explain the process
(a) Working models
(b) Replica models
(c) Specimens
(d) Photographs
Which of the following is NOT an audio-visual
aid used by a teacher in classroom for teachinglearning process?
(a) Television
(b) Films
(c) Computer assisted instruction
(d) Graphs
What is most important while writing on
(a) Good writing
(b) Clarity in writing
(c) Writing in big letters
(d) Writing in small letters
The use of teaching aids is justified on the
grounds of:
(a) Attracting students attention in the classroom.
(b) Minimizing indiscipline problems in the
(c) Optimizing learning outcomes of students.
(d) Effective engagement of students in learning
By using audio-visual teaching aids:
(a) Students become active in classroom learning
(b) Teaching becomes active in teaching
(c) Teaching becomes effective
(d) All of the above
The selection of teaching aid depends largely
on the ______
(a) age of students
(b) interests of students
(c) age and motivation of students
(d) educational level and age of students
Which of the following is not a physical facility
provided by the state schools?
(a) Room size
(b) Drinking water
(c) Seating arrangements (d) Smart boards
Learning across multiple contexts through
social and content interactions using personal
electronic devices is called
(a) Co-operative learning (b) Team learning
(c) M-learning
(d) E-learning
The pedagogy which involves productive
learning and finding new solutions to problems,
where manipulation of existing information
and creation of real-world products are
possible with ICT, is called
(a) Collaborative pedagogy
(b) Creative pedagogy
(c) Integrative pedagogy
(d) Evaluative pedagogy
Given below are two statements: One is labeled
as Assertion (A) and the other is labeled as
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : The use of ICT has a great
potential for optimizing learning outcomes.
Reason (R) : ICT promotes scope for variety,
flexibility and attractiveness.
In the light of the above statements, choose the
correct answer from the options given below:
(a) Both A and R true and R is the correct
explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
______ proposed that learning can happen by
observing others.
(a) Gardener
(b) Albert Bandura
(c) Chomasky
(d) Jerome Brunner
Find out correct sequence of technology based
growth of learning pattern.
(a) 'M-learning' – 'U-learning' – 'E-learning'
(b) 'E-learning' – 'M-learning' – 'U-learning'
(c) 'T-learning' – 'E-learning' – 'M-learning'
(d) 'U-learning' – 'M-learning' – 'E-learning'
Which of the following is/are major issues
arising out of the growing reliance on
information technology?
1. Profitability
2. Security threats
3. Privacy concerns
Choose the correct option:
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Information Technology (IT) Act 2000 came
into force on?
(a) 17 October 2000
(b) 9 June 2000
(c) 1 June 2000
(d) 1 October 2000
Which of the following is Doordarshan's
educational television channel?
(a) Gurukul
(b) Gyan Bharati
(c) Gyan Darshan
(d) Vidya
Who is known as the father of modern media
(a) Edger Dale
(b) Flanders
(c) Erikson
(d) Charles Babbage
Method used to transfer information to far off
places instantly is called
(a) Data
(b) Information technology
(c) Language
(d) Tele communication
As per CBSE, the test which is designed to
proved a measure of performance that is
compared with pre-specified level of
accomplishment is known as:
(a) prognostic test
(b) norm reference test
(c) criterion-reference test
(d) standardised test
Continuous, comprehensive and scholastic
evaluation means:
(a) Scholastic evaluation of students
(b) Physical evaluation of students
(c) Evaluation of students through continuous
(d) Evaluation of overall development of students
through continuous evaluation
Which of the following is the least important
function of grading system of evaluation?
(a) It gives information about students academic
(b) It is used for administrative purposes
(c) It provides short term goals
(d) It helps in developing an evaluation system
Evaluation is a continuous process, which
(a) Learner
(b) Curriculum
(c) Teaching objectives (d) All of the above
A college teacher conducts a quiz session with a
view to accelerate the tempo of motivational
participation. This will form part of which type
of evaluation?
(a) Summative evaluation
(b) Criterion based evaluation
(c) Formative evaluation
(d) Diagnostic evaluation
96. Which one of the following assessment
procedures is conducted during an in progress
teaching-learning session?
(a) Summative
(b) Formative
(c) Norm-referenced
(d) Criterion-referenced
97. The purpose of the evaluation is
(a) to label children as slow learner and gifted
(b) to identify children who need remediation
(c) to diagnose learning difficulties and problem
(d) to provide feedback on the extent to which we
have been successful in imparting education
for a productive life.
98. In _____ the role of measurement is to provide
an overview or achievement across a number of
(a) Formative evaluation
(b) Summative evaluation
(c) Diagnostic evaluation
(d) None of the above
99. Which of the following is not the limitation of
an achievement test?
(a) Scores in the achievement test may not be the
exact measure of achievement.
(b) Factors like standard of teaching, completion
of curriculum may not be measured
(c) It is good for critical examination of the
content and the methods of teaching
(d) Achievement scores of students differ in
similar types of achievement tests.
100. The most important step of teaching learning
system which includes observing, testing and
assessing is called
(a) Leading
(b) Evaluating
(c) Planning
(d) Organising
1. (c)
11. (d)
21. (a)
31. (c)
41. (c)
51. (a)
61. (c)
71. (d)
81. (c)
91. (c)
2. (a)
12. (d)
22. (c)
32. (c)
42. (c)
52. (d)
62. (d)
72. (d)
82. (b)
92. (d)
3. (c)
13. (d)
23. (b)
33. (c)
43. (c)
53. (b)
63. (a)
73. (b)
83. (a)
93. (b)
4. (b)
14. (b)
24. (b)
34. (a)
44. (b)
54. (c)
64. (a)
74. (a)
84. (b)
94. (d)
5. (c)
15. (a)
25. (d)
35. (a)
45. (a)
55. (b)
65. (d)
75. (d)
85. (b)
95. (d)
6. (b)
16. (d)
26. (a)
36. (b)
46. (c)
56. (d)
66. (c)
76. (a)
86. (c)
96. (b)
7. (d)
17. (d)
27. (a)
37. (d)
47. (d)
57. (c)
67. (d)
77. (c)
87. (a)
97. (d)
8. (c)
18. (a)
28. (b)
38. (c)
48. (b)
58. (d)
68. (d)
78. (d)
88. (c)
98. (b)
9. (d)
19. (a)
29. (a)
39. (c)
49. (a)
59. (d)
69. (d)
79. (d)
89. (a)
99. (c)
10. (a)
20. (a)
30. (a)
40. (d)
50. (a)
60. (d)
70. (b)
80. (d)
90. (d)
100. (b)