1/11/2024 Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics 11/01/2024 117 117 1 Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) Wells’ experiment: crack faces had moved apart prior to fracture; plastic deformation had blunted an initially sharp crack 11/01/2024 118 118 1 1/11/2024 1 Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) CTOD by Irwin in small-scale yielding displacement at the physical crack tip, assuming an effective crack length of a+ ry COD = 2uy CTOD = 2uy (r = ry, = ) 119 11/01/2024 119 1 Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) CTOD by Irwin in small-scale yielding plastic zone CTOD 11/01/2024 120 , 120 2 1/11/2024 2 J integral 121 11/01/2024 121 2 J integral assumes nonlinear elastic behavior may be valid for an elasticplastic material, provided no unloading occurs J as an energy parameter 11/01/2024 122 still acceptable 122 3 1/11/2024 2 J integral assumes nonlinear elastic behavior may be valid for an elasticplastic material, provided no unloading occurs J as a stress intensity parameter Stress-strain curve of a non-linear elastic material can be represented by the Ramberg-Osgood equation 11/01/2024 123 123 2 J integral assumes nonlinear elastic behavior may be valid for an elasticplastic material, provided no unloading occurs J as a stress intensity parameter HRR-solution (Hutchinson, Rice, and Rosengren) 11/01/2024 124 124 4 1/11/2024 2 J integral assumes nonlinear elastic behavior may be valid for an elasticplastic material, provided no unloading occurs J as a stress intensity parameter HRR-solution (Hutchinson, Rice, and Rosengren) Relationship between J and CTOD J YSCTOD 4 125 11/01/2024 125 2 J integral assumes nonlinear elastic behavior may be valid for an elasticplastic material, provided no unloading occurs Definition of J ASTM E813 Standard Practice 11/01/2024 126 126 5 1/11/2024 3 Crack growth criterion In NLFM the CTOD is a measure for the deformation at the crack tip, which can be compared to a critical value in a crack growth criterion CTOD = CTODC Bf f fracture strain In NLFM, where the material behavior is described by the general Ramberg-Osgood relation, the J-integral characterizes the stress at the crack tip. It is thus obvious that it can be used in a crack growth criterion J = Jc 11/01/2024 127 127 3 Crack growth criterion Crack-growth resistance curves For J resistance curves, the slope is usually quantified by a dimensionless tearing modulus 11/01/2024 128 128 6