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MDF Room Standards: IT & Communications Infrastructure

Information Technology and Communications Division
MDF Room Standards
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to standardize the basic elements of the IT &
Communications Division MDF (Main Distribution Frame) room in any MNCPPC facility. This standard
has the purpose of creating a consistent application of these basic elements throughout all renovation
projects and new construction.
Design Standard:
MDF (Main Distribution Frame) Room – Primary voice/data network location.
IDF (Intermediate Distribution Frame) Room- Secondary voice/data network location. An IDF
room is required if the installation of station cabling exceeds a distance of 300’ from MDF room.
MDF / IDF Room.
A. Physical Space. Size may vary depending on the amount of equipment to be installed.
a. MDF. Up to 20,000 SQ FT building – Minimum of 100 SQ FT room.
IDF. Minimum of 75 SQ FT room.
b. MDF. Over 20,000 SQ FT building – Minimum of 150 SQ FT room.
IDF. Minimum of 75 SQ FT room.
c. MDF / IDF. Space should not be co-located with electrical equipment due to EMI
generated from main electrical panels.
d. MDF / IDF. Room should not have any water sprinklers.
e. MDF / IDF. Ideally, this space should have a locked, secured access door.
f. MDF. Backboard (4’ by 8’ by3/4”) plywood should be installed on only one wall.
Location to be determined by ITC Division Site Support Technician.
g. MDF. New Construction: a minimum of (3) 4” conduits from outside the building
for public utility access to be stubbed out in MDF room. If building design prevents
this, conduits must be in place from first building entrance of public utilities to this
MDF room in order for utilities to be extended.
B. Electrical.
a. MDF. Standard 110v receptacles should be located in room. (2) Quad electrical
outlets should be available, location to be identified by ITC Division Site Support
IDF. Standard 110v receptacles should be located in room. (1) Quad electrical
outlet should be available.
b. MDF. Recommend outlets to be installed at 6’ from floor for full rack location.
c. MDF. Ground Source Bar. One (1) ground bus bar with a minimum of 3 positions
for solid #6 ground wire. (Acceptable ground sources include; building service
ground, main electrical box, building steel, water pipe.)
a. MDF / IDF space must be climate controlled.
b. MDF / IDF. Room must have adequate lighting to meet building standards.
Placement of lighting fixtures should be considered if horizontal cable trays will be
D. Cable / Wiring.
a. Data station wiring to be CAT-6.
b. Maximum of 300’ station cable run. Any station run determined to be beyond the
maximum distance, requires an IDF room/space.
c. Overhead cable-wiring ladder rack, cable tray if necessary.
E. Equipment Rack / Cabinet.
a. New Construction / Renovations
i. Secured Access Room.
1. Open 2-post rack, 19” wide by 72” or 84” tall (44U-48U)
2. Minimum of 36” of access clearance in front and rear of rack.
3. Equipment rack to be bonded to ground source.
4. Equipment rack to be bolted to floor
ii. Non-Secured Access Room.
1. Data / Networking Enclosure (Cabinet) with locking door. Ideal for
MDF rooms that do not have card-swipe access control.
a. MDF/IDF – Full size data cabinet: 72” h by 24”w by 36”d.
b. MDF/IDF - Half size wall-mount cabinet: 24” h x21.25” w by
24.5” d.
c. Standard full and half size cabinet recommendations
provided by our current cable/wiring vendor (QCI);
GL24WM: wall mount cabinet. http://werackyourworld.com/productlanding-pages/wall-mounts
GL720E-2436P: full size cabinet. http://werackyourworld.com/e-seriesenclosures/gl720e-2436
2. Minimum of 36” of access clearance in front and rear of cabinet.
3. Cabinet to be grounded to ground source.
iii. Switches and patch panels to be installed in rack/cabinet with placement
consideration to minimize patch cord lengths.
iv. Other considerations:
1. Fan Kit (in cabinet)
2. Rack-mount power strips
F. Examples.
a. MDF Room, New Construction; Westphalia Community Center
b. MDF Room, Renovation; Maintenance & Development Division Office
Rev. 4/21/17