MBTI 2 Study online at https://quizlet.com/_4c3nng 1. visionaries a person who has clear ideas or dreams about what should happen or be done in the future; OR a person who has a powerful imagination 2. annoying to cause (someone) to feel slightly angry 3. fascinating very interesting or appealing 4. unjust not fair or not deserved 5. merciless having or showing no kindness or forgiveness: very cruel or harsh 6. occur to happen 7. randomly Chosen or done, without a specific plan or pattern 8. initiate to start or begin (something) 9. common sense the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions; basic information people should know 10. fantasy something that is produced by the imagination: the act of imagining something 11. standards a level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered acceptable or desirable; ideas about correct morality and acceptable behavior 12. admirable feeling respect or approval for (someone or something): feeling something is very good 13. adapt to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or situation. 14. definite said or done in a such way that others know exactly what you mean. not likely to change : already set or decided; opposite of open-ended. 1/3 MBTI 2 Study online at https://quizlet.com/_4c3nng 15. routine a regular way of doing things in a particular order. a boring state or situation in which things are always done the same way . something that is said or done the same way very often. 16. stimulate to make (something) more active. to cause or encourage (something) to happen or develop. 17. tax your reserves to require a lot from you by putting demands on you so that your supply of stored energy is used up; makes you feel tired; opposite of stimulate 18. practical tending to make good decisions and to deal with daily life in a sensible and logical way; good at making or repairing things. 19. fanciful coming from the imagination. showing imagination; unusual and interesting with details and more colorful 20. contracted to make an agreement by a promise on a document to work or to pay someone to work. to agree by a promise on a document to pay someone to perform (a job) 21. casual basis happening by chance : not planned or expected; 22. compliment a remark that says something good about someone or something OR an action that shows admiration or approval. Used with manners to say something nice, praise, welcome, or good wishes to someone 23. distribution the act of giving or delivering something to people or delivering something to a store or business. the way that something is divided or spread out 24. sentimental based on, showing, or resulting from feelings or emotions rather than reason or thought. having or showing strong emotional feelings of love, sadness, in a way that may seem foolish or too much 25. unwavering 2/3 MBTI 2 Study online at https://quizlet.com/_4c3nng continuing in a strong and steady way : not changing; same meaning as unalterable 26. devoted having strong love or loyalty for something or someone 27. unalterable not capable of being changed; same as unwavering 28. tentative uncertain and hesitant; not definite or not sure; still able to be changed 29. preliminary coming before the main part or the real part of something 3/3