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Chapter 13
Real Options and Other
Topics in Capital
Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Sixteenth Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned,
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Valuing Real Options in Projects
• Timing Option
• Abandonment/Shutdown Option
• Growth Option
• Flexibility Option
Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Sixteenth Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned,
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What is real option analysis?
• Real options exist when managers can influence the size and riskiness of a
project’s cash flows by taking different actions during or at the end of a
project’s life.
• Real option analysis incorporates typical NPV capital budgeting analysis with
an analysis of opportunities resulting from managers’ responses to changing
circumstances that can influence a project’s outcome.
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What are some examples of real options?
• Investment timing options
• Abandonment/shutdown options
• Growth/expansion options
• Flexibility options
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Investment Timing Option (1 of 2)
• Project X has an upfront after-tax cost of $100,000. The project is expected to
produce after-tax cash flows of $33,500 at the end of each of the next four
years (t = 1, 2, 3, and 4). The project has a WACC = 10%.
• The project’s NPV is $6,190. Therefore, it appears that the company should go
ahead with the project.
• However, if the company waits a year, they will find out more information about
market conditions and the impact on the project’s expected after-tax cash
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Investment Timing Option (2 of 2)
• If they wait a year:
• There is a 50% chance the market will be strong and the expected after-tax cash flows will
be $43,500 a year for four years.
• There is a 50% chance the market will be weak and the expected after-tax cash flows will be
$23,500 a year for four years.
• The project’s initial after-tax cost will remain $100,000, but it will be incurred at t = 1 only if it
makes sense at that time to proceed with the project.
• Should the company go ahead with the project today or wait for more
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Investment Timing Decision Tree
• At WACC = 10%, the NPV at t = 1 is:
• $37,889, if CFs are $43,500 per year, or
• −$25,508, if CFs are $23,500 per year, in which case the firm would not proceed with the
Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Sixteenth Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned,
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Should we wait or proceed?
• If we proceed today, NPV = $6,190.
• If we wait one year, Expected NPV at t = 1 is 0.5($37,889) + 0.5(0) =
$18,944.57, which is worth $18,944.57/1.10 = $17,222.34 in today’s dollars
(assuming a 10% WACC).
• Therefore, it makes sense to wait.
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Issues to Consider with Investment Timing
• What is the appropriate discount rate?
• Note that increased volatility makes the option to delay more attractive.
• If instead, there was a 50% chance the subsequent after-tax CFs will be $53,500 a year, and
a 50% chance the subsequent after-tax CFs will be $13,500 a year, expected NPV next year
(if we delay) would be:
t = 1: 0.5($69,588) + 0.5(0) = $34,794 > $18,945
t = 0: $34,794/1.10 = $31,631 > $17,222
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Factors to Consider In Decision of When to
• Delaying the project means that cash flows come later rather than sooner.
• It might make sense to proceed today if there are important advantages to
being the first competitor to enter a market.
• Waiting may allow you to take advantage of changing conditions.
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Abandonment/Shutdown Option
• Project Y has an initial, upfront after-tax cost of $200,000, at t = 0. The project
is expected to produce after-tax cash flows of $80,000 for the next three years.
• At a 10% WACC, what is Project Y’s NPV?
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Abandonment Option
• Project Y’s cash flows depend critically upon customer acceptance of the
• There is a 60% probability that the product will be wildly successful and
produce annual after-tax CFs of $150,000, and a 40% chance it will produce
annual after-tax CFs of −$25,000.
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Abandonment Decision Tree
• If the customer uses the product, NPV is $173,027.80.
• If the customer does not use the product, NPV is −$262,171.30.
E(NPV)  0.6($173,027.8)  0.4(  $262,171.3)
 $1,051.84
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Key Assumptions
• The company does not have the option to delay the project.
• The company may abandon the project after a year, if the customer has not
adopted the product.
• If the project is abandoned, there will be no operating costs incurred nor cash
inflows received after the first year.
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NPV with Abandonment Option
• If the customer uses the product, NPV is $173,027.80.
• If the customer does not use the product and it can be abandoned after Year 1,
NPV is −$222,727.27.
E(NPV)  0.6($173,027.8)  0.4(  $222,727.27)
 $14,725.77
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Should an abandonment option affect a
project’s WACC?
• Yes, an abandonment option should have an effect on the WACC.
• The abandonment option reduces risk, and therefore reduces the WACC.
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Growth Option
• Project Z has an initial after-tax cost of $500,000.
• The project is expected to produce after-tax cash flows of $100,000 at the end
of each of the next five years, and has a WACC of 12%. It clearly has a
negative NPV.
• There is a 10% chance the project will lead to subsequent opportunities that
have an NPV of $3,000,000 at t = 5, and a 90% chance of an NPV of $1,000,000 at t = 5.
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NPV with the Growth Option (1 of 3)
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NPV with the Growth Option (2 of 3)
• Since the NPV of first 5 years of after-tax CFs for this outcome has a negative
NPV, then second phase with a negative NPV will not be done.
• At WACC = 12%,
• NPV of top branch (10% prob.) = $1,562,758.19
• NPV of lower branch (90% prob.) = −$139,522.38
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NPV with the Growth Option (3 of 3)
• If the project’s future opportunities have a negative NPV, the company would
choose not to pursue them.
• The bottom branch only has the −$500,000 initial after-tax outlay and the
$100,000 annual after-tax cash flows, which lead to an NPV of −$139,522.
• The expected NPV of this project is:
NPV = 0.1($1,562,758) + 0.9(−$139,522)
= $30,706.
Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Sixteenth Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned,
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Flexibility Options
• Flexibility options exist when it’s worth spending money today, which enables
you to maintain flexibility down the road.
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