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Play in Education: Groth's TED Talk Analysis & Application

TED assignment
In his Ted Talk, "The Importance of Play in Education", David Groth makes a
compelling case for the value of play in education. He argues that play is essential for
children's development and social-emotional learning. He also discusses the ways in
which play can be used to make teaching important academic concepts in a more
efficient way.
Groth begins by discussing the importance of play in development. He argues that
play is essential for children to learn how to solve problems, work on group projects,
and develop personal development skills. He also discusses the ways in which play
can help children develop social skills, such as cooperation and Listening
The main example he uses in his ted talk is how he taught kids how to juggle. This
was a personal hobby of his and in his class for art and cultural activities he
implemented juggling lessons. First of all These lessons showed a increase in
academic performance due to these so called “juggling breaks” which children were
rewarded with after good work ethic.
Groth then discusses the ways in which play can be used to teach academic
concepts. He argues that play can be used to teach math, literacy, and science
concepts in a fun and engaging way. Pressure in the modern day testing culture
makes it hard for teachers to incorporate the fun stuff in learning because they are so
busy with keeping them selves to a strict learning schedule.
In these classes Kids started setting individual goals and plans to achieving this skill
and becoming really devoted and working hard. A skill which isn’t usually taught
trough regular teaching methods. Confidence in front of audiences in the classroom
improved as well, due to regular performances. Group work also made a change for
the better, they could better share there ideas and listen to on another through
experience of intensive group work.
Teacher children bond improved too and this made the teachers understand the
children more and more which can improve making education more suitable for a
growth mindset
In conclusion, Groth makes a strong case for the value of play in education. He
argues that play is essential for children's cognitive development and socialemotional learning. He also discusses the ways in which play can be used to teach
important academic concepts.
The lesson I learned about this is one we already expected. Making education
interesting improves the thinking mind of children. I do agree with most of the points
he makes in that through play you can teach certain non-academic concepts that are
hardly taught in contemporary teaching methods. However I have to disagree with
the fact that he uses these play breaks as a way of rewarding children for good work
ethic. This creates an external form of motivation instead of an internal one. You
would want to make learning fun in such a way that the learning it self is the reward.
The message David Growth has given us we will try to include into our other
assignment as much as possible, by making the playground not just a playground
made for playing but a place to grow mentally and socially. Incorporating teaching
methods inside the playground through for example the making of educational games
at the playground not only makes this a project bringing fun and joy in the lives of
these children. It will also teach them valuable life lessons.