University of Alberta Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders PREREQUISITE COURSES FOR THE MSc-SLP DEGREE INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete and upload this form with your application materials to the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders. If this form is not completed, the application will not be considered. List on the following page all courses taken in fulfillment of prerequisite content areas, including all requested information. The applicant is responsible for completing all information on this form. Incomplete forms (e.g., title of course not provided) may disadvantage your application. Only list one course per prerequisite category. Applicants should have a minimum of one 3-credit (which may be called one term, one half-course, one semester) in each of the areas listed on the following page. A course cannot be used for more than one prerequisite. Consult our website1 for courses from the University of Alberta and Canadian universities that are acceptable for each prerequisite. If a course is not listed but you believe that it fits the description for a particular prerequisite, you must attach the course syllabus to this form. It is strongly advised to request permission to use a course not listed well in advance of application due date by contacting the Department’s academic advisor ( If you have received prior permission to use the course for the prerequisite, attach a copy of the correspondence from the CSD Academic Advisor that indicates that permission is granted to use the course. For each prerequisite, indicate (check off) whether it is listed on our prerequisite list or was approved by email. If a course is in progress when this form is submitted, enter IP for the grade and note “currently” for Term and Year Taken. If a course has not yet been taken, indicate when and where the student plans to take the course, and attach proof of enrollment. Note that all prerequisites must be completed before the student begins the MSc-SLP program. DO NOT WRITE “SEE TRANSCRIPTS” AUGUSTANA CAMPUS AND SASKATCHEWAN COHORT INFORMATION In Fall 2024, Augustana Campus in Camrose, AB will be holding 15 seats along with our 56-seat quota in Edmonton and 20-seat Saskatchewan cohort. If you are one of the 15 Augustana students, you will attend Augustana campus and will join the Edmonton campus remotely for lectures. There will be faculty in place at Augustana to facilitate your program. There will be 20 seats available for Saskatchewan residents. To be considered for the SK cohort, you must provide a SK healthcare card and complete your external placements in Saskatchewan. SK-cohort students will attend classes in Edmonton or Augustana. If you are from Saskatchewan but do not wish to apply to the reserved SK seats, you can apply for consideration within the general applicant pool. Please answer the questions on page two regarding (1) Your interest in studying at the Edmonton and Augustana campuses and (2) whether you wish to be considered within the Saskatchewan cohort: COMPLETE AND RETURN PAGES 2-3. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION AND SIGN THE FORM AUGUSTANA CAMPUS AND SASKATCHEWAN I would like to be considered for the Edmonton campus (circle YES / NO ). If YES, is it your first or second choice? I would like to be considered for the Augustana campus ( YES / NO )? If YES, is it your first or second choice? Please note: Applicants are not guaranteed their first choice of campus. Circling ‘no’ to a campus will reduce the number of seats available to you. Are you applying to the Saskatchewan cohort? YES / NO. If yes, please confirm: I am a Saskatchewan resident and have a SK health card. I acknowledge I will complete my external placements in Saskatchewan. ( YES / NO ) Print: Student Name: ______________________ CASPER test date: ________________________________ I agree that all the information on this form is correct. Student signature: ________________________________ Content Area Course # (e.g., STAT 252) Complete course title Statistics Approval received - ___ On list - ___ Child development Approval received - ___ On list - ___ Cognitive psychology Approval received - ___ On list - ___ University Term and year taken* (e.g., Fall 2020) Grade No. of Credits Neuroanatomy or Approval received - ___ neuropsychology On list - ___ Introductory linguistics Approval received - ___ On list - ___ Articulatory phonetics Approval received - ___ On list - ___ Child language development Approval received - ___ On list - ___ Required upon Indigenous acceptance to the history in program only Canada *If not yet taken, indicate plans to complete course before beginning the MSc-SLP program