The C ivil W a r a nd R econstruction Bef ore Civil War Origin of the conf lict N orth & South Nort h ● ● ● I ndustry a nd tra de Urba n(cities with lots of people) F a vored high ta rif f s S outh ● ● ● ● ● Agricultura l(using sla ve la bor) R ura l(f a rms a nd pla ces without a lot of people) Opposed high ta rif f s P rotected sla very S upported southern ex ports of a gricultura l goods Ca uses N ort h & Sout h Sect ional dif f erences P olitica l strif e People t o become more loyal t o t heir region t han t o t he count ry as a whole. Ca uses The Union S outh ( S la ve sta te ) Nort h( Free st at e ) “ St a t es’ Rig ht ” By Sout her ner s S ta tes ha d the right to decide if sla very would be lega l or not. “ Hop es” I ncrea se the number of sla ve sta tes The power of the S outh in Congress Opinions 1. Slavery should be banned in t he new t errit ories, but permit t ed t o cont inue in areas where it was already allowed. 2. Abolit ionist s(the f ederal government t o prohibit t he ownership of people in t he Sout hern st at es) t hought t hat slavery was wrong and should not be allowed in any st at e. How did the conf lict begin Dred Scot t Decision I n 1857, a slave named Dred Scot t sued f or his f reedom when his mast er t ook him int o a f ree t errit ory. The Supreme Court ruled t hat slaves like Scot t were propert y t hat belonged t o t he mast er and had no legal right s. The southern sta tes supported the Dr ed Scot t Decision. But ……….. The N orthern states did not!!! The Dred Scot t case divided t he st at es even f urt her. Abraham L incoln ( 180 9-1865) “ N o restrictions on sla very in the sta tes where it a lrea dy existed, but opposed permitting it to expa nd to new sta tes” —Abraham Lincoln A pict ure is wort h a t housand words The Southern States cla imed This was unf air and reject ed any f urt her at t empt s t o limit slavery. Form & Secede F rom the United Sta tes So….t he sout hern st at es est ablished Confederate States of America J ef f erson Davis of Mississippi (1808-1889) (President of Conf ederat e St at es of America) Beginning of the Civil War I n April 1861, t he Conf ederacy launched the Civil W a r By Firing on Fort Sumter, A federal base in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina The N orth ha d ma ny a dva nta ges over the South! Do you know? Nort h already have an est ablished army! I t also had ● S tronger f ina ncia l institutions ● More industry ● G rea ter na tura l resources ● Ma ny more miles of ra ilroa d However,,, Most ba ttles were f ought in the S outh, where southerners ha d the a dva nta ge of f a milia rity with the loca l terra in. Lincoln’s E ma ncipa tion Procla ma tion( 1862) 180 ,0 0 0 Former slaves joined t he Union army! 4 Years and Cost t he lives of more t he 600,000 men April 9 1865 The war ended! The general of t he Conf ederat e army, Robert E. Lee, surrendered t o t he Union commander, Ulysses S. Grant . Reconstruction Plan That would allow t he sout hern st at es t o rejoin t he Union. But Lincoln was assassinat ed by a sout hern sympat hizer short ly af t er t he war ended…….. Andrew Johnson ( 180 8-1875) Andrew Johnson(17th President of the U.S) I n December 1865, The 13 t h Am end m ent t o t he U.S Const it ut ion – Abolishing S la very . B eca use of this • the ra dica l R epublica ns wa nted the S outh to be punished a s a n enemy • the southern legisla tures ena cted Bla ck Cod es (la w s r est r ict ing t he r ig ht s of Af r ica n Am er ica ns) • the ra dica ls supported the Fr eed m a n’s Bur ea u, which helped the f reed sla ves • L a ws protecting the f reedoms of the f ormer sla ves but P resident J ohnson vetoed some of them. The 14 t h Am end m ent t o t he U.S Const it ut ion – gra nted citizenship to the f ormer sla ves The 15 t h Am end m ent t o t he U.S Const it ut ion – a llowed a ll men to vote, no ma tter their skin colour